Index: K

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Index: K', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Index: K', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

"Index: K". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.



Kariakos. See Keriakos.

Kar (Karr). See Carr.

Katcher. See Catcher.

Keat (see Keyte), Mr. (Excise, Cornwall), 336.

Keate, George, 97, 190.

Keene, Edward (Receiver of Hearth money, co. Suffolk), 24, 76, 125, 263, 328, 404, 443, 510, 530, 532; High Collector for Ipswich and Woodbridge divisions, co. Suffolk, 296, 315, 567.

Keite. See Keyte; Keat.

Kelyng (Keeling), Sir John, Lord Chief Justice, 146, 322.

Kemis, Thomas, 81.

Kempthorne, John, hire of ships, 569.
-, -, Rear Admiral, 523.

Kendall, John, 51, 587.

Kendrick, Edward (Piedmont account), 624.
-, -, Katherine, 636.
-, -, Mr., 428.
-, -, Thomas (Excise Office lease), 636.

Kennington, manor of, 292.

Kensey, Richard, Wine Act Commissioner, 581.

Kent, John (Wine Act), 572.

Kent, County, 32, 80, 110, 120, 124, 131, 134, 241, 248, 315, 321, 348, 353, 384, 391, 578, 596, 613, 629, 633.
-, -, -, Customs Searcher, 283.
-, -, -, Excise, 62, 97, 137, 140, 141.
-, -, -, -, Farmers, 58, 64, 65, 68, 88, 98, 153, 358.
-, -, -, -, Farm, 115, 521.
-, -, -, Hearth money, 49, 54, 66, 139, 241, 336.
-, -, -, -, Receivers of, 52, 60, 62, 78, 212, 253, 341, 449, 516, 576, 624.
-, -, -, Receivers of Crown Lands, 171, 198, 204, 279, 290, 580, 600, 606.
-, -, -, Receivers and Commissioners of Aids and Taxes, 6, 15, 21, 34, 49, 56, 60, 62, 64, 75, 150, 227, 230, 240, 311, 313, 331, 385, 448, 458, 460, 467, 471, 505, 508, 510, 518, 539, 565, 624, 626, 627, 637.
-, -, -, Sheriffs, 134.

Keriakos (Kariakos), Hodgea, 539, 540.

Kerseys, 162, 183.

Kesar, Mr. de, 79.

Kesteven (co. Lincoln), Firehearths, Receivers of, 29, 173, 540, 592, 644.

Ketheridge, Mr., 454, 458.

Kettle drummers, 337.

Keyte (Keite, Keight, Keyt, and see Keat), John, (farmer of Hearth money, co. Worcester), 106, 260, 259, 291, 314, 349, 352, 358, 379, 430, 529, 543, 594, 614.

Kidder, Thomas (Coldstreamer), 329, 343, 580.

Kidderminster, Ann, 137, 194 (widow, 238), 588, 592.
-, -, Thomas, 103, 194, 238, 588, 592.

Kidwell, Nicholas, 104.

Kiftsgate (Gloucester), Hundred of, 138.

Kilby, Anthony. See Gilby.
-, -, John, of Aylesbury, Receiver of Hearth money, co. Bucks, 7, 9, 21, 51, 53, 107, 118, 126, 136, 222, 329, 328, 336, 337, 395, 400, 402, 454, 592.
-, -, Thomas, 301.

Killegrew (Killigrew), Dr. (Wardrobe), 227.
-, -, Henry, 26.
-, -, Lady Mary [wife of Sir William], 91, 357, 367, 544, 585, 635.
-, -, Mrs. [Charlotte, wife of Thomas], Queen's dresser, 300, 445.
-, -, Sir Peter, 340.
-, -, Sir Robert, 146.
-, -, Thomas, 233; Groom of the Bedchamber, 395, 396, 399, 429, 475, 481, 544, 585, 602, 614, 617, 632, 639; grant of Powell's debt to, 91, 247, 253, 287, 300, 303, 319, 346, 349, 351, 409, 581; pension, 369, 379, 442; grant of Bacon's debt, 97, 161, 181; discoveries, 42, 46.
-, -, Sir Thomas, 598.
-, -, Sir William, 376.

Kinaston, Mr., 95.

King, Edm., 162.
-, -, Mr., Receiver of Aids, Cambridge, 217.
-, -, Mr. (of Harwich), 62.
-, -, -, (Receiver of Hearth money, co. Suffolk), 66, 80, 346.
-, -, -, victualler, 441.
-, -, Richard, armourer, 383.
-, -, William (loan), 165.

KING, CHARLES I., 7, 43, 143, 225, 238, 278, 284, 318, 385, 440, 444, 474, 585, 592.
-, -, barber to. See Davis, T.
-, -, debts of. See Debts.
-, -, diet of, whilst at Carisbrooke Castle, 437.
-, -, Groom of Bedchamber to. See Kirke, G.
-, -, lands mortgaged by, 246.
-, -, pages of presence to. See Baggott, J.; Martin, E.
-, -, rockers to children of (Jenkins, Ann; Dike, Eleanor; Bickerton, Amy; Carr, Isabel; Rattree Grace), 355, 357, 585, 617.
-, -, shoemaker to, 176.
-, -, squire of the body to, 329.
-, -, trumpeters to, 440.

KING, CHARLES II., 43, 447, 448, 465.
-, -, attending Treasury, 292, 319, 408.
-, -, clothes for, 572.
-, -, correspondence of, during his exile, 80.
-, -, debts of. See Debts.
-, -, for King's share of Treasury matter see Treasury.
-, -, French tutor. See Massonet.
-, -, issues for. See Privy Purse.
-, -, loan of 200,000l. See Civil Government.
-, -, loans to Government of. See Loans.
-, -, pages of honour to. 541, 542.
-, -, Progress of, 428, 433, 446, 449, 452.
-, -, supping at the Duke of Monmouth's lodgings, 153.

King Henry VIII., 356.

King James I, 43, 109, 118, 444, 474, 492, 508, 575, 590, 594.

Kingdon, Richard, Excise Commissioner and Farmer, 567.
-, -, Samuel, Receiver of Poll, co. Cambridge, 579.

KING'S alms, daily and monthly, 604.
-, - apothecaries. See Phelipps, T.; Jones, J.; Chase, J.
-, - arras makers, 558.
-, - barbers, 304; see Lisle, T.; Foliard, R.; Davis, T.
-, - Bench, 9, 111, 123, 312.
-, -, -, Chief Justice, 207.
-, -, -, fines, 433, 502, 541.
-, -, -, prison, 348.
-, -, -, seal, question of, grant of, 146.
-, - bookbinder, 558.
-, - briefs for collections, 382.
-, - chaplain. See Creighton, R.
-, - chemist, 549.
-, - chirurgeons. See Choqueux, A.; Knight, J.; Paynter, H.; Pyle, R.; Whittle, S.; Wiseman, R.; Woodall, T.
-, - College. See Cambridge.
-, - coachman, 341, 577.
-, - cooks, 332.
-, - Counsel, fees to, 201, 233, 234.
-, - -, attendance on the Treasury, 320, 322, 439.
-, - crossbow maker, 558.
-, - cutler. See Younger, Mr., 172.
-, - dancing master. See Gohory, J.
-, - deer, 167.
-, - drummer, 558–9, 606.
-, - embroiderers, 559.
-, - equerries, 80, 251, 252, 278, 297, 325.
-, - falconers, 99, 191, 194, 213, 317, 396; reduction on establishment of, 330, 572; liveries for, 639; and see Berwick, W.; Burchell, J.; Bynan, B.; Carey, J.; Champs, T. de; Collins, T.; Daniell, A.; Eedes, R.; Emerson, M.; Feild, J.; Hore, T.; Howard, John; Juy, W.; Osbaldston, J.; Picarne, C.; Poulton, W.; Roper. J.; Rowley, S.; Sakins, W.; Witchells, J.; Wood, S.; Wright, H.
-, - -, Master of the Hawks. See Apsley, Sir A.
-, - footmen, 128, 211, 269, 329, 342, 391, 398, 603, 604.
-, - furrier, 558.
-, - gentleman usher, 391; see Duppa, T.
-, - goldsmith, 135, see Legouse, J.; Simpson, J. and F.; and for Jewels see Jewel Office.
-, - Grove alias Shackman's Grove. See Waltham Forest.
-, - Harbingers, 204.
-, - harness maker, 181. See Barwell, J.
-, - horses. See Royal stables, Master of the Horse.
-, - houses or palaces, occupants of being obliged to keep their lodgings in repair, 331, 344, 490, 499.
-, - Hunt, Master and Warden of, 212.
-, - huntsmen. See Batchellor, J.; Bell, W.; Bowes, J.; Crackford, J.; Granger, G.; Shillingford, J.
-, - Inns, Dublin, 535.
-, - jeweller. See King's goldsmith.
-, - laces, 42.
-, - letter carrier, 159, 337; and see Stanney, Mr.
-, - library keeper. See Rosse, T.
-, - linen, 104, 324.
-, - littermen, 384.
-, - marshal farrier of hunting horses. See Steven, T.
-, - mercer. See Trussell, E.
-, - musicians, 205, 242, 342, 556, 557, 592–3; retrenching establishment of, 326, 327; and see Banister, J.; Bassano, H.; Bates, T.; Beckett, P.; Blagrave (Blograve), T. and R.; Clayton, W.; Clement, J.; Colman, A. &c., Cooke, H.; Dorny, R.; Evans, C.; Fitz, T.; Gamble, J.; Goodgroom, J.; Grabu, L.; Gregory, W. and H.; Howes, H.; Hopper, S.; Howes, W.; Jenkins, J.; Lanier, N. and C. and T.; Lilly (Lely), J.; Lock, M.; Madge, H.; Marsh, A.; Mason, J.; Mell, T. and D.; Notari, A.; Pursell, H.; Robart (Roberts), A.; Rogers, J.; Singleton, J.; Smith, J.; Strong, S. and E.; Thorndell, G.; Watkins, N.
-, - organ maker. See Farr, J.; Hingston, J.
-, - page of honour. See Godolphin, S.; and see Royal Bedchamber.
-, - physicians. See Baker, Sir J.; Barrow, Dr.; Bates, G.; Clerke, Timothy; Downes, Dr.; Frazier, Sir A.; Quarterman, W.; Waldron, T.; Whittaker, T.
-, - printer, 156, 348. See Newcombe, Mr.
-, - sadler, 195; and see King's harness maker.
-, - servants payable in the Exchequer, lists of and reduction of establishment of, 156, 195, 228, 268, 269, 273, 274, 277, 284, 287, 289, 291, 293, 351, 365, 367, 369, 370, 388, 389, 418, 520, 544, 587, 604. For the list of and establishment of King's servants payable by the Treasurer of the Chamber see Chamber (Treasurer).
-, - stationer, 208.
-, - stenographer. See Hollar, W.
-, - tailor. See Sourceau, C.; Allen, J.
-, - watchmaker, 160.
-, - watermen. See Warner, J. and N.

Kingsland (Hereford), 120, 185.

Kingston, Captain Thomas (dispute), 139, 385, 496, 533, 637.

Kingston-on-Hull. See Hull.

Kingswood Forest, 136, 531.

Kinnoul, Earl of. See Hay, W.

Kinsman, Harold, 564.
-, -, Richard, Exchequer Court Auditor, 564.

Kinward, Thomas, master joiner of the works, 546, 618.

Kipps, Thomas (a Messenger of the Receipt), 167, 235, 521.

Kirby (Kirkby, Kerby), Col. [Col. Kirby's brother], 50, 65, 74, 351, 585, 589, 624, 626, 631; Richard, Receiver of Aids, &c., co. Lancaster, 206, 344.
-, -, Col. William, Receiver of Firehearth, co. Lancaster, 22, 28, 50, 74, 75, 94, 141, 153, 184, 381, 453, 495, 498, 637.

Kirkby, Col., 113 (probably Kirby).
-, -, Mr. (tally), 371.

Kirke (Kirk), George, a groom of the Bedchamber to Charles, I., 128, 540, 615, 617, 625.
-, -, -, keeper of Whitehall, 555, 573, 612, 620.
-, -, John (Paymaster to Gentlemen Pensioners), 242, 264, 306, 425, 429, 563, 572, 643.
-, -, Mrs., 287.

Kirkhoven, Charles Henry, 3rd Lord Wotton (afterwards Earl of Bellomont), 133, 850, 352, 582.

Kite, John (Receiver of Hearth money, co. Worcester), 28.

Knatchbull, Sir Norton, 75.

Knight. See Knype.

Knight (Knights), John, King's chirurgeon, 549, 612.
-, -, -, (stores), 551, 569.
-, -, Sir John, 47, 84, 105, 113, 145, 200, 315.
-, -, Sir Ralph, pension, 254, 479, 482, 526, 536, 541, 633.

Knight Marshal, the, 367, 408; see Windham, Sir E.

Knightley, Sir John, 566.

Knipe (Knight, or Knype), Edward (Receiver of Taxes and Aids, co. Surrey), 7, 22, 47, 52, 148, 250, 252, 379, 387, 426, 495, 496, 513, 527.
-, -, Randolph, 162.

Knivet, John (loan), 183.
-, -, Sir John (loan), 560, 625.

Knolls (Knolles, Knollis, Knowles, Knollys), Mr., Verderer of New Forest, 91, 139.
-, -, Robert (Receiver of Hearth money, co. Oxford), 9, 57, 177, 358, 360, 496, 583, 586, 640.