Index: F

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Index: F', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Index: F', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024,

"Index: F". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024.



Fabkedy, manor of, Cornwall, 605.

Factorage, allowance for, 341.

Faircliffe, Humphry, 512.

Fairfax, Col., 337, 366, 497.

Falconberg (Fauconberge), Edward, 156, 173 (a Deputy Chamberlain of the Exchequer), 177, 416, 531, 566, 588.

Falconer. See Royal Falconers.

Falmouth, port, 273.
-, -, Countess of. See Berkeley, Mary.
-, -, Earl of. See Berkeley, C.

Fanshawe, Mr., Auditor of the North part of the Duchy of Lancaster, 448.
-, -, Sir Richard, Ambassador to Portugal, 573.
-, -, Sir Simon, 467.
-, -, Lady, 103, 226, 234 (widow), 243, 255, 577, 610.
-, -, Thomas, 2nd Viscount Fanshawe, of Dromore, King's Remembrancer, office of, see Exchequer (Court King's), 11, 35, 37, 38, 39, 44, 62, 65, 68, 72, 75, 81, 91, 97, 118, 119, 121, 138, 154, 156, 169, 179, 184, 185, 187, 188, 194, 206, 209, 212, 224, 229, 248 office, 262, 274, 279, 308, 340, 347, 354, 368, 422, 434, 437, 440, 443.

Farr, James, 557; organ maker, 592.
-, -, Mr., 609.

Farrington Gurney (Somerset), 586, 614.

Farsid, William, Keeper of Arms in the Tower, 545, 593.

Farthings, coining of. See Mint.

Fee Farms. See Crown Lands.

Fees (and gratuities) commuted to salaries, 132, 188, 245.
-, -, of Customs places, 331.
-, -, See Exchequer Fees; Exchequer Court (King's Remembrancer); Exchequer Court (Pipe); Privy Seal; Custom's Fees; Wardrobe.

Feild (Field), John, a King's Falconer, 99, 191, 479, 554, 632.

Feilding, Basil, 2nd Earl of Denbigh, creation money, 205.

Felling wood. see Forests.

Fellowes, William, 184.

Felons' goods, 623.

Felton, Thomas, 182 (a page of Honour to the King), 286, 541, 638.

Fenne (Fenn). Mr. [John, Cashier in the office of the Treasurer of the Navy], 15, 16, 18, 42, 43, 53, 55, 64, 66, 68, 69, 148, 149, 155, 218, 221, 342, 350, 352, 403, 406, 425, 427, 429, 433, 434, 436, 451, 457, 460, 483, 489, 490, 581, 614, 620, 626, 627.

Fenwick, Sir William, 535.

Ferrer, Mr. (of Clifford's Inn), 119.

Field, Fielder, Fielding. See Feild, Feilder, Feilding.

Fillingham, Mr., 59, 78, 96.
-, -, Bartholomew (Cashier to Commissioners for bringing in the Aids), 180, 194, 447, 513, 563, 579, 607, 618, 634, 644.

Fillpott. See Philpot.

Finall (Finell, Finel, Fynell), Thomas, 411, 568, 601.

Finch. See Fitch.
-, -, Francis. Excise Commissioner, 18, 21, 28, 77, 85, 111, 115, 120, 121, 126, 140, 276, 281, 285, 286, 294, 298, 299, 304, 316, 317, 320, 325, 393, 394, 407, 488, 498, 579, 627; (loan), 541, 625; son of, farmer of imported liquors, 320, 550, 552.
-, -, Heneage, 3rd Earl of Winchilsea, Ambassador to Turkey, 327.
-, -, Sir Heneage, Solicitor General, 103, 212, 276, 609.
-, -, Sir John, Resident at Florence, 88, 106, 155, 167, 191, 198, 296; Leghorn, 299, 459, 460, 550, 560, 596.
-, -, Major, 285. See Fincher, Major.
-, -, Windsor, 157, 270.

Fincher, Major, 13, 278: Col. Richard, annuity, 536.

Fines, Henry, 244.

Fines and alienations. See Alienations.

Fines and forfeitures, 452.

Fines, Ireland, question of lease of, 451, 464, 465.

Fines, grants of, 304, 433; and see Post Fines, 431.

Fire (Great), ravages by. See London Fire.

Fire ships, 85.
-, -, engines, 438.

Firebrasse, Henry, 543; loan, 625.

Fire hearth. See Hearth Money, &c.

First Fruits (and Tenths), England, 6, 97, 120, 178, 192, 195, 427, 479, 496, 513, 624, 625.
-, -, -, Auditors, 2.
-, -, -, installing of. See Installing.
-, -, -, issues out of, 242, 259, 306, 504.
-, -, -, office, 186, 437.
-, -, -, question of paying direct into the Exchequer, 232, 426, 437.
-, -, -, Receiver General of. See Prettyman W.; Prettyman, Sir J., 61, 76, 78, 83 and debts of.
-, -, -, Receivership of, 105 (officers, 182).
-, -, Ireland, question of lease of, 451, 464, 465, 478, 479.

Fish, dearness of, 130.
-, -, Irish Act concerning, 414.
-, -, King's share of toll at Yarmouth. 405; see Yarmouth.

Fisher, Captain (daughters of), pension, 220, 249.
-, -, Sir Clement, 203, 553, 631.
-, -, George, handgun maker, 550, 606.
-, -, Lady. See Lane. Mrs.
-, -, Mr.,? Exchequer official, or John, auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall, 304, 358, 425.
-, -, William, 176.

Fisheries, King's dues on, 245.
-, -, private dues on, at Yarmouth. See Yarmouth.

Fishing, allowance of Excise on. See Yarmouth.

Fitch (Finch), Col. Charles (of Essex, Receiver of Hearth money, Essex), 24, 44, 50, 61, 64, 117, 120, 125, 135, 150, 177, 183, 205, 379, 408.

Fitchatt, Wilks, 102, 377, 399, 559; Clerk of the Woodyard, 596; pension, 603, 617.

Fitz, Theophilus, King's music, 568, 592.

Fitz Gerard (Fitz Gerald), Col., 93 (pension), 102, 339, 578.

Fitz-Hardinge, Viscount. See Berkeley, Charles.
-, -, Viscountess. See Berkeley, Penelope.

Fitz Herbert, Founds, Controller of Cardiff port, 632.
-, -, John, 95; Customer of Bristol, 190, 204; loan, 625.
-, -, William, Customer of Bristol, 95, 190, 109, 118, 125, 204.

Fitz-william, Oliver, 2nd Earl of Tyrconnell, 273, 274, 535.

Flanders, 341, 460.
-, -, hemp. See Hemp.
-, -, tin in. See Tin affair (for the Bishop of Münster).
-, -, weights. See Weights.

Fleet. See Navy.
-, -, (The) prison, 123, 154, 281, 292, 300.
-, -, -, prisoners in, 9, 318.
-, -, -, -, from King's Bench, 62, 67, 136.
-, -, Warden of (see Witchcott, Sir J.), 53, 62, 67, 318, 337, 348, 400, 402, 406, 534, 538, 543, 604.
-, -, -, deputy to, 51, 396.

Fleetwood. Justice, in Bucks, 428.
-, -, Sir William, 19, 167, 178.

Fleming, Mr., 47.

Fletcher, Sir John, 139.
-, -, Thomas, stores for the Navy, 162, 187, 193, 570.
-, -, -, Excise Collector of Shropshire, Sub-commissioner of Excise for Hereford and Worcester, 59, 76, 89.

Flint Castle, 537.

Flint, County, 184, 588.
-, -, -, Hearth money, 64.
-, -, -, -, Receivers of, 34, 88.
-, -, -, Receivers of Taxes, 518.

Flint Wood (Flint), 537, 588.

Florence, Resident at. See Finch, Sir J.

Flushing (Zealand), 413.

Foliard, Raphaell or Ralph, King's barber, 389, 555, 599, 604, 639, 640.

Foley, Robert, 14, 147 (Receiver of Aids, &c., Worcester, 206).
-, -, -, Robert, stores for the Navy, 162, 174, 175, 569.

Folke, James, 345.

Foorth. See Forth.

Ford, Sir Richard (a tin coinage farmer), 38, 280, 560; (payments to, for secret service), 63.

Foreign Affairs, Committee for, 457.
-, -, Apposer. See Exchequer Court.
-, -, Plantations. See Trade (and Plantations).
-, -, coin. See Coin.

Forest, John, 184.

Forests (see Alice Holt; Sherwood; Inglewood; Ledbury Chace; Windsor; New; Dean; Whittlewood; Wychwood), wastes and abuses in, 230, 360.
-, -, iters, 599.
-, -, Justice in Eyre of. See Chief Justice in Eyre.
-, -, Lord Warden of, jurisdiction of, 361, 375.
-, -, question of felling wood in, 361.
-, -, Courts and law, 131, 230, 299.
-, -, Commissions out of Chancery, 442, 446.
-, -, verderers, 361.

Forfeited estates, 7, 201, 205.
-, -, intestate bastards, 215.
-, -, -, for rapes, 266.

Forfeitures, 629, 641.

Forster. See Foster.

Fortescue, Sir Peter (discharge of Baronet Fee), 165.

Forth [the brothers], Excise Farmers, Kent, 58, 62, 65, 125.
-, -, John (Excise Farmer, Kent), 68, 72, 97, 98, 120, 137, 140, 141, 145 (153 discharge), 157, 358, 521; farmer of Cambridge Excise, 239–40; London Excise, 113; imported spirits, 115.
-, -, William (Commissioner of Excise), 328, 567, (a Commissioner of Appeals in Excise) 117, 412.

Foster (Forster), Captain, 250, 399.
-, -, Charles (collector of Poulton), 63.
-, -, Martin (Receiver of Benevolence money, Lincoln), 66, 103, 104, 116, 195.
-, -, Mr., 355.
-, -, Nicholas, 191, 197, 551.

Foulke. See Folke.

Foulness ("Ness") Point (Essex), 88.

Fountayne, John (loan), 172.

Four and a half per cent. duty. See Barbados.

Four per cent. reward. See Interest.

Fovoliere, Daniel, 454.

Fowell, Sir Edmond, of Fowelscombe, co. Devon, discharge of Baronet fee, 213.

Fowelscombe (co. Devon), 213.

Fowl, keepers of various, 545–7.

Fowler (Fowle), Robert (of Dover), 33, 36, 171.

Fox, Mr., 480.
-, -, Samuel, of Godmanchester, 205; Hearth money, Huntingdon, 257, 262, 581.
-, -, Somerset (annuity of 300l.), 571, 610.
-, -, Sir Stephen, Paymaster of Guards and garrisons, 3.
-, -, -, accounts, 409.
-, -, -, contingencies. See Army.
-, -, -, interest account, 115.
-, -, -, issues to, for secret service, 46, 126, 132, 167, 208, 245, 251, 317, 319, 339, 470, 481, 488, 495, 506, 508, 527, 562, 577, 579, 588, 622, 627, 631, 632, 642.
-, -, -, -, for the Guards and garrisons. See Army Paymaster.
-, -, -, 68,820l., 164, 231; and accounts, 374, 551.
-, -, -, 68,000l. assignments on, 42, 46, 223, 228, 230, 234, 250, 259, 262, 265, 266, 269, 274, 277, 279, 282, 285, 303, 305, 335, 340, 370, 382, 434, 516, 517, 518, 522, 526, 528, 532, 535, 539, 560.

Fox Hall, Foxhall. See Vauxhall.

France, 72, 169, 170, 196, 211, 223, 234, 382, 404.
-, -, actions, &c. against English shipping, &c., &c., 129.
-, -, Ambassadors to and from. See Ambassadors.
-, -, King of, 273.
-, -, treaty with Spain. See Aix la Chapelle.

Frankland, Sir William, of Thirkleby, co. York, discharge of Baronet fee, 196.

Fraser (Frasier, Frazier, Frazer), Sir Alexander, King's Physician, 250, 410, 528, 608.
-, -, Lady (a Queen's Dresser), 34, 126, 220, 272, 410, 414, 445, 535, 538, 544, 585, 609, 635.

Frauds. See Sixpenny Writs; Writs of Appraisement.
-, -, in accounts, 340.
-, -, on revenues, 364.

Freake, Rad., 535.

Frederick, Sir John (of Dartmouth Works), 62, 99, 101, 178, 179, 267.

Free export of horses, 196, 211, 223, 237.

Freeborne, William, 203.

Freeman, Henry, Collector of Aids for town of Kingsland, co. Hereford, 185.
-, -, William, Governor of Sandown Castle, 547, 610.

French, Paul (loan), 183.
-, -, Major Thomas, 540, 561.

French in Caribbees, 578.
-, -, duty of 5s. per ton on French ships in English ports, 77, 86, 87, 88, 89. 93. 96, 100, 112, 157, 273, 374.
-, -, duty of 5s. per ton in Ireland, 216, 228 (see Bucknall, W.; Carteret, Sir G.; Noel, Sir M.; Perry, M. & J.; Butler, J.; O Neal, D.), 236, 247, 258, 259, 266, 268, 373, 384, 391, 398, 401, 466, 467.
-, -, -, Farmers and farm of (see Huntingdon, R.; Bucknall, W.), 190. 191, 195, 198 (1,800l. per an. for 4 years from 1667, Oct., 20. previously 1,000l. per an. to Carteret and O'Neal), 216, 233, 236, 294, 452, 513.
-, -, goods, smuggling of. 171, 584.
-, -, King, envoys from. royal presents to, 159.
-, -, ships, 273; embargo on in Ireland, 261.
-, -, tutor to the King. See Massonet, P.
-, -, trading with Antigua, 439.
-, -, wines, 171, 262, 363, 518, 521.

Frescheville, John, of Staveley, co. Derby, 1st Baron Frescheville of Staveley, 71.

Frome Selwood, Somerset, 118 (deafforested forest), 212.

Frost, Mr., 68, 71, 72.

Froude, Col., 614.
-, -, Philip (Farmer of the Post Office), 159.

Fryer, Kingston, 283.

Fuller, Mr., 102.
-, -, William, Bishop of Lincoln, 195.

Fullerton, Sir James, 540.

Furniture (old), 600; retained by officers, 245.

Furzes (Furzers), Daniel, H.M. shipwright, 287, 535, 543, 581.

Fynell, Thomas. See Finall.