Minute Book: March 1668, 16-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: March 1668, 16-31 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp278-287 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: March 1668, 16-31 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp278-287.

"Minute Book: March 1668, 16-31 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp278-287.


March 1668

March 16.
Present: Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Write the Customs Farmers to bring in their moneys every 14 days.
Write Sir R. Long to certify what payments were anciently made for the Garters.
Mr. Clutterbuck to certify what the peers are in arrear for the Poll money.
Sir G. Carteret to certify concerning the money paid to the Bishop of Münster.
The Earl of Anglesey to send an account of what money has been borrowed on his orders.
The Privy Seal to pass to settle the payment of the judges' salary in the Exchequer.
Mr. Jefferies to attend to-morrow.
The Cofferer with Mr. Lightfoot called in, and his interest account delivered. Warrant for the interest money to be registered on the Hearth money after Sir G. Talbott's. The Privy Seal for this interest money to be prepared for the King's signature.
B. Lloyd to keep 400l. for a week longer in his hands on the Earl of Carbery's account.
Sir Edm. Pooley and Mr. Lightfoot called in about Mr. Jaye's patent as Receiver of the King's rents in Norfolk. His sureties to be sued. Sir Edm. Pooley's account to be respited till Easter term.
Lady Portland moves for more money due at Lady Day. The King to be moved about it.
The tin business to be moved on Thursday; the Lord Privy Seal and all parties to attend then.
Warrant from the King to pay Lord Douglas the money demanded, and for my Lords to direct Sir Ste. Fox to pay it.
Sir W. Doyly, &c., deliver their certificates.
Lord Richardson and Sir James Bunce called in about a discovery. My Lords desire them to agree together.
Mr. Payne called in about Viscount Fanshaw's demands for parchment. My Lords ask if there be a set rate or if he's paid at a set rate as the Customs Farmers certify. He is to make it appear that he is paid as the price goes.
Sir W. Doyly to prepare letters to all the solicitors to give constant accounts of the receipts.
The garrisons of Chester, the Tower, Pendennis and Plymouth are to be paid on Sir Ste. Fox's moiety of the Excise and to have the allowance said Fox hath.
Mr. Bridgeman called in. Resolved that Mr. Lely, lending 500l. into the Exchequer, shall be repaid on Sir Ste. Fox's 68,000l.
Write the principal officers of the Navy to give them notice what money is charged per mensem up to Michaelmas, which is ordered to be registered, and so will be punctually paid. They to make the best use of it they can [as an inducement to people to lend money].
Write the Excise Commissioners that their weekly certificates end always the day after their weekly payment: and further to certify in it what tally is next to be paid and for whom it is.
Warrant to the Attorney General to take Sir Edward Hungerford's security for his lease of Sir John Pretyman's estate.
Alderman Backwell and Mr. Cresset to attend to-morrow.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 103–5.]
March 18.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Write the principal officers of the Navy to attend at the Privy Council this afternoon about their certificates on the 1,250,000l. Act [Additional Aid] and the 1st month of the Eleven Months' tax. The Attorney and Solicitor General to attend then as to same.
The Auditors and Receivers of all accounts to attend on Thursday fortnight. Memorandum: that Mr. B. Lloyd was here this day ready with his account; as also Mr. Morice Gwyne, Receiver of North Wales and Cheshire, and John Trout, Receiver of Kent, Surrey and Sussex, and Mark Cottle, Receiver of Oxford and Berks, and Mr. Watts, [same] for London, Middlesex and Herts, and Mr. Green for Warwick and Leicester, and Sir George Benyon for Northampton and Rutland.
Memorandum. The warrants brought in by Sir Robert Long for charging certain sums on the 1,250,000l. Act [Additional Aid] are to be sent up for the King to sign.
Fr. Dormer, Receiver of Hearth money for co. Warwick, is to attend with the other receivers on Thursday fortnight.
The papers [were] begun to be signed to be sent to the Lords of the Privy Council to sign. The King to be moved about Lady Cornwallis's petition, which is to be sent up.
[Ibid. p. 105.]
March 19.
Present: Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Lord Lovelace called in. Sir C. Harbord's report to be sent to the Attorney General for his opinion how far the Earl of Clarendon's grant for life grates on Lord Lovelace's desire.
Mr. Stevens of Rochester to attend next Thursday with Alderman Bucknell.
Endorsement to be made on Lady Cornwallis's petition that Drury is but tenant for life and the estate but about 200l. per an. Afterwards my Lords took the petition again to move the King in it.
He that follows the business of the abatement of the Excise for Yarmouth fishery is to be asked if they have paid the King the cod, ling and herring they were to pay him for it.
The King is to be spoken to about Mr. Godolphin's docquet.
Battail's and Tress's warrant to be offered when Lord Ashley is present.
The tin business is taken into consideration in the presence of Sir Rich. Ford and the rest of the Tin Farmers and the Lord Privy Seal and the King's officers. My Lords to report to the King "that they find no order of Council for the surrender; only an order of the late Lord Treasurer which seems to hint it: that they [the Tin Farmers] proffer an account in which they make themselves 18,000l. loosers besides growing interest. But by what the farmers furnished the King they are gainers 31,000l. besides what Sir Rob. Viner sold to the King: that in their account they take no notice of the 8lb. of tin per cwt. they have overweight: that my Lords understand the King pays them by tallies: the King allowed 10l. per cent. profit on them which they say Sir Rob. Viner &c. had. Also they demand 8l. per cent. for what money they did advance to the King for which they produce an affidavit and certificate of Mr. Ashburnham. The coinage duty came to at least 3,800l. per an. at the quantity they digged." Mrs. Moone with Mr. Ennis and Mr. Bellott and the Tin Farmers called in. Mr. Ennis says they contracted with the Tin Farmers for three years at 500l. per an., but paid them but for two years, and that yet they actually received for nine coinages and paid but for eight; which the Tin Farmers do acknowledge, but say they paid Mrs. Moone at first a quarter, which makes up the last. Besides they say they hope the King will remit this last quarter. But if my Lords will have this 125l. for this quarter they must pay it. Ordered that Mrs. Moone must have this 125l. and three-quarters of a year from Mr. Napier, the King's Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall; provided she surrender her right, which she scruples to do, demanding the interim profits from the time the farmers surrendered their lease. She demands what security she shall have for her 500l. per an. from Xmas, and my Lords say the Barons of the Exchequer are to take care of the security that it be good.
Alderman Backwell called in: moves to have his odd accounts settled, and either to have interest for his tallies on the Customs for the Queen Mother or else present money for those tallies. "The King to be moved herein, and [Backwell promised] that if all his odd remainders which in all come to 30,000l. [be thus provided for] he'll lend 30,000l. more; so as to be [i.e. on condition of being] paid the whole 60,000l. on the Customs."
Sir Andrew Ricart called in: says that the East India Company conceive themselves not obliged to pay any money on the score of the freight of the "Leopard," &c.: moves that a commission may be issued out to examine that matter in India. Also the Company had the States General's resolution for satisfaction for the damages by this ship. As to the "Convertine" the Company is ready to adjust the account.
Mr. Finch's business to be heard on Tuesday week.
Sir Hugh Windham's petition read again. Mr. Dewé (Duy) to attend on Thursday about it.
Write Alderman Backwell to come to-morrow to Sir Jo. Duncombe's.
Edith Cary's petition read. Referred to Sir R. Long.
A clause to be put into the Gazette about such tallies as are not in the list registered [: viz. to require the owners] to bring them to Sir G. Downing to have them registered in course after those already listed.
Mr. Ball called in: presents the warrant for the Excise Officers' fees. To be prepared for my Lords to sign, and my Lords will consider of Mr. Ball's teller.
Mr. Duppa called in. His petition for his board wages is to be considered when the list is made for wages.
Sir Robert Southwell called in: presents a paper of his extraordinaries as Envoy to Portugal. To be considered.
Write Auditor Chislet to hasten the Chimney accounts.
Mr. Hartlib moves that the Chimney Farmers may know in time what is resolved by the Chimney Committee. Sir G. Downing is to get from Mr, Crouch, through Sir R. Long, a copy of the the Chimney bill in said Crouch's hand, and the Committee's amendments thereupon, and to deliver same to Hartlib, whereby the Chimney Farmers may be enabled to consider same, and my Lords be prepared what to say thereupon in the House.
Mr. P. Whalley to have liberty to go into the country on bail: and to have assistance against those who have acted under him and who still retain the King's money.
Major Tolhurst's proposition (petition) to discover a duty of 12d. a chaldron on coals exported out of Sunderland to be due to the King as well as [i.e. in the same way in which it is due] from Newcastle is to be referred to the Attorney General et al., together with Viscount Mordaunt's patent for the coal duty.
Warrant to remove Sir Tho. Hanson to the Fleet from the custody of Sergeant Francis Stevens, where he now remains on a warrant of 1667–8, Feb. 6., in pursuance of a writ of rebellion out of the Exchequer.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 106–8.]
March 20.
Present: Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Ordered that Alderman Backwell pass a Privy Seal for the sum of money he advanced by Sir George Ascue. Backwell further to lend 30,000l., whereof 24,000l. on the seamen's orders in course and 6,000l. on the Customs: to be repaid, together with 30,000l. on other accounts by 6,000l. a month from Oct. The consideration [or purpose] of the last 30,000l. is:—
£ s. d.
For interest by Privy Seal already passed 9,699 5 5
By Privy Seal for coinage already passed 1,166 3 10
Money borrowed for Tangier, disbursed by my Lords' orders, and to be charged on the Treasurer for Tangier 4,000 0 0
For exchange on Mr. Price's tallies 1,960 0 0
To Sir George Askew by His Majesty's verbal order 1,100 0 0
£17,925 9 3
Upon exchange of tallies on the Customs due 1665, Lady Day, viz. the Queen Mother, Sir Edw. Griffin and Lord Falmouth 12000 0 0
The remainder to be paid in money. The interest on these loans to be paid on the same branch.
Memorandum. Sir Steven Fox's tallies for 6,000l. are to be delivered and assigned for the King's service.
Memorandum. All the notes above about Alderman Backwell are but [Sir G. Downing's] private notes.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 108–9.]
March 26.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry.
Write Mr. Coppinger concerning the complaint made by Lord Holles as to his proceedings in the collection of the Excise in the town of Dorchester in particular in seizing the utensils of one John Cole, a brewer there: and to forbear the sale of them till the end of the Justices' quarter sessions, which will be March 31.
Mr. May called in. Order to the officers of Windsor Works not to go on with the repairs there till return of a survey to the Treasury.
The officers of the Works to pay Mrs. Davenport her due.
Mr. Boreman and Mr. Gardner at Greenwich are within 14 days to make up the fences where they pulled down His Majesty's house at Greenwich.
Sir Jeffery Shakerly called in. My Lords cannot pay Chester garrison out of the Customs, but he shall have 8 per cent. from the King and what Sir Ste. Fox hath from the soldiers, and shall be placed on the Excise as Sir Ste. Fox is: and have a warrant on the Country Excise up to March 14, the muster next before Lady Day.
G. Potter's petition read. Potter to have George Sheers here next Monday.
The orders on the Customs for the Navy to Michaelmas next to be drawn and registered so as to be a foundation of credit for supply of Navy stores.
Mr. North called in about Mr. Cotes.
Mr. Duy [Dewey] called in about Sir H. Windham's petition about a Customs seizure at Bristol. The money from the seizure has gone to the Privy Purse: so a grant of it must be regular, viz. by warrant on the Privy Purse.
The petition from John Taylor and Kingston Fryer is referred to the Attorney General to see what can be done for them whilst preserving what is due to the King from the town of Southampton on account of that assessment. Henry Clifford's petition referred to same and to Sir C. Harbord.
Letter read from the Dean and Canons of Windsor claiming exemption from payment of Chimney money for their houses within Windsor Castle. The Chimney Farmers to attend hereon on Monday.
Mr. Napier called in about the tin business with the rest of the gentlemen, late farmers of the [tin] coinage duty. On behalf of Mrs. Moone they offer to submit all their differences to my Lords. Their proposals referred to Mr. Napier and Mr. Harbord, Auditor of the Duchy.
Mr. Controller and Sir W. Coventry to meet at the Treasury next Saturday about Lady harby's business. Abbott to attend them then.
Petition read from John Catcher, supervisor of the tin blowing houses. Mr. Ennis says that if they had the coinage they would have employed no such officer, but only have had a correspondent in the port towns. Referred to Sir R. Long and Sir C. Harbord to consider whether it is the cheaper way for the King to employ such a supervisor or to have a correspondence in the coinage towns.
Petition read from the Persian factors. The Customs Farmers to report what prejudice there is in letting these goods be shipped immediately into one of the East India ships.
Mr. Stevens called in with Alderman Bucknall about settling the Excise of some brandies imported into Rochester. Mr. Young, clerk in the youngest attorney's office in Viscount Fanshaw's (the King's Remembrancer's) Office was the person in whose hands Mr. Dawes lodged an information about the brandies. Mr. Hannings, Searcher of Kent, to be advised not to employ Stevens as his deputy any longer. Write the Customs Farmers, who have dismissed Capt. Pyne from Rochester, that there is no evidence against him in this affair.
Sir John Talbott called in with Major General Edgerton. Pray to have their leases of Excise. To have a copy of the Norfolk lease, and return their objections to it. Mr. Edgerton moves for confirmation of an abatement made by the late Lord Treasurer to Thomas Needham of Dutton, Farmer of the Cheshire Excise. The Excise Commissioners to bring Treasurer Southampton's order herein next Monday.
Sir Jeffery Shakerly to be placed [for Chester garrison] on the Country Excise, with the [garrisons of the] Tower, Pendennis and Plymouth.
Sir Ste. Fox moves to have more orders on the London Excise for 36,000l. that so the Cofferer may go on in registering: which 36,000l. he says will pay the Guards to Sept. 25 next. Warrant for said orders to be signed accordingly.
Petition read from Gabriell Walter. Referred to Sir R. Long, &c.
Alderman Backwell called in. The King to be acquainted with his desire to be allowed interest for his loan on the Customs from the time the money was ready and in the Exchequer: which is 600l. more than if from the time allowed.
Alderman Bucknell called in. The Farmers of the London Excise to certify on Tuesday next how this debt from the King to them will stand at Midsummer next. He moves for a new commission for them, their's ending at Midsummer next; and at present it's only for London and Middlesex. To be considered this day week if Lord Ashley is then in town.
Sir Ste. Fox to have a fund to make the three companies in Jersey and the two in Guernsey up to 100 men each.
Sir D. Gauden says he cannot go on in victualling the 25 sail now to go out without some ready money. He also presses for his 30,000l. orders on the first month of the Eleven Months' tax, as also for his months on the Customs which are not yet settled: as also for his Poll orders which are yet unpaid.
Sir Ste. Fox's 68,000l. not to be filled up to 500l. Abbott to take care hereof.
Warrant to be prepared for the allowance of the salary bill of the Excise Office.
Sir Jo. Wintour and Mr. Clayton called in. To agree together to pay the King what is due to him for the timber, and my Lords will take off the seizure. Mr. Clayton says his iron is seized, which was not in the vote of the House of Commons. This to be considered next Tuesday if Lord Ashley is here.
Alderman Backwell desires to know at what rate he shall be allowed for the pieces of eight he is to pay for Tangier. He is to state his demands in writing.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 109–112.]
March 27.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry.
Write Mr. Colvile to lend the Wardrobe money on their orders on the Eleven Months' tax.
"A warrant of my Lords and the King's warrant about the 96,060l. for Sir G. Carteret."
The report from Sir C. Harbord about several fee farm rents mortgaged by the late King, to be considered next Thursday if Lord Ashley is present.
Paper read about the Poll money in 1660 and 1661. Referred to the Attorney and Solicitor General as to what may be done for calling these accomptants to accompt, and getting in the unpaid arrears.
The King's and Queen's servants to be considered next Wednesday.
Mr. Johnson called in about the dues on the Yarmouth fishery payable to Col. Napier by his patent. He is further asked if there is no fish duty to be paid by Yarmouth to the King. He says the King has 100lb. of cod out of every ship with cod and 50 lings out of every ship with ling. But this was purveyance, and no agreement of late for any such thing. Mr. Bishop and Mr. Johnson to attend hereon next Tuesday.
Petition read from Elizabeth Burges. Order for 10l. for her.
Sir Rob. Viner, &c., to accompt for the money for Piedmont by the first day of next term: otherwise process to issue. Auditor Beale to give them notice hereof.
Petition read from Elizabeth, relict of Major Thomas Johnson, concerning her receipt of the profits of the manor of Liskeard, co. Cornwall. Referred to Sir C. Harbord. Same read from Winifred Wells. Referred to Lord St. John to examine, with the assistance of the Verderers of New Forest, the value of the copies petitioned for.
The order of Council concerning the Consul of Tripoli read.
Every Monday certificates to be made out of the books in the Treasury of what warrants are granted on the Exchequer and elsewhere to the preceding Friday of each week.
Mr. Controller reports that the King has been moved about Lady Portland: and the business is to be a while deferred as to her having more money.
Ordered that procedure be made in the inquiry about the forfeiture of Sir Robert Drury's estate: and then Lady Cornwallis's petition to be granted for her to have the benefit of the forfeiture.
Mr. Godolphin to have 500l. instead of 600l. in his docquet.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 113–4.]
March 30.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Write the Lord Mayor, &c., of London to appoint some person to give an account on Monday next how the 10,000l. for Sheerness is disbursed, and to hasten in the One Month's and the Eleven Months' tax, complaint being made that same are not well answered to His Majesty.
Petition read from Major Finch. Warrant ordered.
Sir R. Long called in: will amend the report about tin and bring it in.
Ordered that the 6,000l. brought into the Exchequer by Alderman Backwell be applied to pay off Sir Ste. Fox's tallies and those tallies to be taken in for the King's use.
Commission to the brother of Col. Whitley as Solicitor of aids for North Wales.
Letter read from Mr. Bowdler about the arrears from co. Hereford of the monthly assessments. Sir W. Doyly to speak with Col. Birch hereon and attend to-morrow.
Mr. Morice called in about the Irish Customs. He and Major Deane to attend hereon torrow.
Order to Mr. May to send to Portsmouth for a view of the repairs necessary.
Mr. Finch and the rest of the Excise Commissioners called in. Say they had only a verbal order from the late Lord Treasurer about the business of Mr. Needham's abatements. Warrant ordered. The Excise Commissioners to attend hereon to-morrow.
Warrant for Baron Spillman's salary.
Warrant for the goods of the Persian King's factor to pass Customs free.
[Treasury Minute Book II. p. 114.]
March 31.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Sir Ste. Fox called in. A Privy Seal ordered for the pay of some additional soldiers for Jersey garrison, and to insert therein the Earl of St. Albans' 1,000l. per an. for his government of that island. Fox also proposes payment of a proportion of the soldiers' pay and part of the officers': which the Lord General approves.The King to be moved herein.
Auditor Chislett called in: says the Chimney Farmers have yet given him no other ground for defalcations but the fire of London. The Farmers to attend on Thursday.
Warrant for 250l. to the Duke of Albemarle for horses for the King and Queen.
Mr. Arundell, Mr. Felton, Mr. Roper and Mr. Godolphin, four Pages of Honour, to have three-quarter's of a year's allowance on the Exchequer in general. The Dressers and Maids of Honour to have each 100l. on the Exchequer.
Viscount Montagu to take care that his servant despatch his Chimney accompt without delay.
Warrant to Alderman Backwell to export 15,000l. in English coin according to the order of Council: he having given bond to coin as much in [blank] time.
Warrant on the Country Excise for two months' pay for Plymouth garrison. Same for 100l. for Mr. Waterhouse, the Secondary.
On Monday morning next Sir G. Carteret, Alderman Backwell, Sir R. Long and Mr. Glanvile are to attend about the Münster money and the in Flanders.
Lady Temple called in. Sir G. Downing to signify to Lord Arlington my Lords' pleasure for the payment of what is already paid to Sir W. Temple, and now for 3,000 gilders more. Lady Temple to bring the letters from Lord Arlington to be signed.
Sir W. Doyly called in: moves about some arrears in Surrey. To attend this day week, and also to prepare a letter about the Herefordshire arrears. The Solicitor is to make oath in whose hands the money is, and then my Lords will send for them.
Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord and Sir G. Downing to consider and report on the business of the post coinages of tin.
Mr. Finch and his son to attend on Thursday week concerning said Finch junior's claim to the farm of imported liquors. Sir John Talbott, Mr. Egerton and Col. Whitley to attend then.
A report to be made next Wednesday at the Privy Council about the paper concerning pulling down houses about the Tower.
Alderman Backwell's interest account to be reported in the Privy Council.
Mr. Crow's papers, as Clerk of the Peace, produced.
Mr. Sheers about the discovery of plate, says a woman, one Morgan, about Blackfriars, knows not certainly where she is: says the woman told him Mr. Killegrew persuaded her to come no more to him. One Ben Holland in Rose (or Dawson's) Alley in St. Martin's Lane may be enquired of. Sheers to attend again this day week with a further account.
Write Sir R. Long to deliver to the Earl of Anglesey seamen's orders for 20,000l. to be charged as imprest on him.
Mr. Harbord called in, presents a letter from John May and Daniel Furzes (Furzers) about seizing iron, &c., in Dean Forest. Referred to the Attorney General.
Sir R. Long to speak with the Tellers that the old tallies on the Customs may be lodged in the hands of some one of the Tellers for the ease of the parties.
Sir Robert Southwell called in: demands what he shall admit of in Portugal as to any receipts which may be produced to him there of part of the Queen's portion; which is now part of his business. This business to be heard and stated to-morrow.
Write Sir W. Doyly to confirm from what time the last Solicitor [of Taxes] was paid in Cambridgeshire and from what time Capt. Story may have a commission for his brother to be solicitor.
Sir Robert Paston to be heard next Tuesday as to his defalcation on his Wood Farm.
Sir R. Long to send to the Treasury the order for the monthly payments of the Navy on the Customs.
[Treasury Minute Book II. Pp. 115–6.]