Minute Book: March 1668, 2-13

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: March 1668, 2-13 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp265-278 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: March 1668, 2-13 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp265-278.

"Minute Book: March 1668, 2-13 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp265-278.


March 1668

March 2.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Write the Customs Farmers to pay into the Exchequer what is in arrear of their monthly payments, including the month of February.
A table to be fixed up of all orders charged weekly on the Exchequer in general.
Warrant for 100,000l. for Col. Legg for Sheerness on the first 100,000l. of the Eleven Months' tax after the 1,250,000l. is paid.
Sir G. Downing to make a list of the certain monthly payments assigned on the Customs.
Sir G. Downing to speak with Hinton, Snow, Backwell and Colvill to lend on the seamen's orders. He to go into London about it.
The Clerk of the Closet and the Chirurgeon to certify every healing day into Sir Robert Long's office how many healed.
The Farmers of Post Fines to attend to-morrow about their rent in arrear.
Write the Earl of Anglesey for such weekly certificates as are wanting: the rather for that there is an order or a desire of the House of Commons for paying off some poor seamen's widows.
"A Privy Seal for 15,000l. for the Queen Mother after the Cofferer on the Chimney money: or a warrant on her old Privy Seal. Sir Robert Long to pay the money first on the Customs what they are behind." My Lords acquaint the Earl of St. Albans and Sir H. Wood that order is given for 15,000l. for her on the Chimney money.
"If the wines be for the Greencloth the Cofferer to pay the Customs; if for Mr. Chiffinch he to pay the Customs: for that the King will have the Customs paid for all such wines as are for his use."
Mr. Streeter's petition presented by Sir Robert Howard. To be considered with the first.
The London Excise Farmers to attend to-morrow to be moved to lend money to Sir Ste. Fox.
Sir W. Doyly presents the account of arrears [of taxes] due from several counties of Wales. A letter to be sent from the Privy Council to the Commissioners of those counties to quicken them.
Col. Scriven called in with Auditor Chislet about the account of Salop Hearth money.
Lord Holles to deliver up his warrant on the Chimney money before that on Sir Ste. Fox be signed.
Sir Ste. Fox's certificate of what is assigned on his 68,000l. [68820] is to be perfected to this day.
Mr. Weedon called in with the Excise Commissioners as to demands for defalcations and for beer imported into his county. For this latter he must sue the London Farmers, as in Mr. Bean's case, which is to be the rule in all such cases.
Capt. Brabant presents the names of several refractory persons with depositions. Write some adjoining justices to take care that right be done to the King, else my Lords must send for the parties in custody, which they have yet forborn in order to see what they will do.
Mr. Beeling, the bookseller at Temple Bar, having poisoned himself, the King will reserve the thing to himself.
Sherley of Dublin Hall ravished a gentlewoman. Mr. Chiffinch's name to be in the grant of the forfeiture, but the money to be for Lady Marshall. A report to be made to the King that it is in his gift to dispose of as he pleases.
Sir B. Gascoigne moves for 1,000l. of what is in arrear in the Countess of Chesterfield's hands. Warrant for 500l. to him out of that money.
Ald. Bucknall to attend to-morrow: to let him know what Sir G. Carteret says, viz. that he has no interest in the French tunnage.
Write the Navy Commissioners that the lop [of wood] may be paid to whom the Treasurer of the Navy shall appoint: as an imprest on him.
The Alum Farmers to attend to-morrow about their accounts.
Mr. Darcy to lend his 700l. on the Exchequer in general, and to be paid on Sir Ste. Fox's 68,000l. The Privy Purse to have the money.
The King's hand to be got to the Privy Seal concerning the healing money.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 81–3.]
March 3.
Present: all my Lords.
Mr. Progers called in about money for a gratuity. To be considered as soon as there is money.
Warrant for 300l. to Sir John Trevor.
Sir Rob. Long to prepare the business of the Tin Farmers for Thursday.
The Alum Farmers called in. To attend on Monday with Auditor Chislett.
Lady Temple called in. Lord Arlington to write to Mr. Shaw at Antwerp to pay 260l. to her husband on account out of the remainder of the Münster money in his hands.
Sir W. Doyly to prepare the draft of a letter to the Welsh counties to be sent from the Privy Council to quicken them in the taxes.
Alderman Backwell, Sir Jo. Shaw and Auditor Beale called in about their Dunkirk account, which appears wholly irregular. The account to be reported in Council.
My Lords and the Lord Privy Seal to meet on Thursday afternoon about the Tin Farmers' accounts.
The Earl of Bristol moves about a pretension of his for 2,000l. The King to be acquainted with the state of the Chimney revenue in relation to this and other matters.
Sir G. Downing to make a list of what is charged on the Chimney money, viz. the City debt: the 50,000l. for the Victualler of the Navy: for the Earl of Carlisle: the 16,000l. for the Cofferer: the 15,000l. for the Queen Mother, besides all the pretences of the present farmers.
Alderman Backwell to make up his account with the Auditor of the Imprest of the French crowns received by him of the Dunkirk money which should have a million and a half of crowns.
The Customs Farmers' Privy Seal to be speedily read, and the collateral security for their 200,000l. to be done on Saturday next. So in the morning my Lords to have all notice for Friday morning.
Mr. Harbord says Sir Jo. Wintour is conveying away his iron. Mr. Harbord and Mr. Lawrence to attend to-morrow to consider how to secure same for the King.
Sir John Frederick presents a petition about a ship come into Dartmouth with salt a few days after the time limited. He must apply to the Privy Council.
B. Lloyd called in about his Firehearth account for Somerset: complains of one of his agents being dangerously wounded. The Auditor is to proceed in his account by the rules given to other auditors. Col. Birch to state his account.
For the growing charge of the Navy and the seamen's tickets the Earl of Anglesey is to make use of 10,000l. of the tally money besides the 5,000l. of Colvile's money; and is to reimburse that 10,000l. out of the first money.
My Lords proceed with Auditor Parson's deputy about Mr. Scawen's Cornwall Hearth money account. Scawen is told that there is 360l. for which he pretends certificates, which, however, are not legal and cannot be allowed. He must presently pay in 300l.
The Chimney Farmers called in: give a list of the names of all persons concerned in the farm. My Lords say if they'll stand engaged for the rent they'll be satisfied, and that the Privy Council thinks this necessary. They say they are not behind of their loan.
Sir Rob. Viner moves for his Customs tallies. My Lords say they have only preferred before him what was for the Navy and Ordnance, and then he's first. He also moves that the Piedmont account be declared, he being executor to Sir Thomas Viner. Write Auditor Beale to state said accompt with all speed: and the papers to be returned from Viscount Fanshaw's office.
Send to Mr. Goldsbrough, the Clerk of the House of Commons, for any order relating to Dean Forest.
Sir Charles Harbord and the Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall et al. to attend on Thursday about the tin account.
Lord Colepeper called in, moves for payment of his tallies on the post fines by Mr. Clayton. A warrant to pay them on the next half-year [of the post fines].
Sir John Earnly called in: moves about a lease. Write Mr. Pratt the Steward [of the manor] to know how this matter stands.
Lord Arlington to be spoken to about his docquet for 40s. a day and 200l. for equipage: whereas he has received 600l. by another Privy Seal.
Mr. Mosely called in about his account of Cheshire Hearth money. Write the Clerk of the Peace for the return of the rolls thereof for said county for three half-years ending 1665, Sept. 29. Mosely to pay in what is in his hands or be committed.
Sir Ste. Fox and Alderman Bucknell called in. Bucknell to give an account what money he'll lend Sir Steven Fox.
The Solicitor General sends in the draft of the lease of Norfolk Excise. To be signed.
Auditor Birch to attend on Friday about the accounts of the Farmers of the London Excise.
Sir G. Downing to keep a distinct registry of all such as are on each branch of the revenue. Distinct books hereof to be prepared, and one for the rest of the revenue.
Alderman Bucknell moves for payment of the 2,000l. he furnished to the King by Mr. Elliot to buy the Earl of Thomond's house.
Major Broxholm called in about his Chimney money account for co. Lincoln. Sir Rob. Long to attend to-morrow about it.
Mr. Stevens, the Collector of Rochester, to attend on Tuesday next to answer the London Excise Farmers' complaint concerning brandy, &c.
Capt. Story called in. To put his demands in writing.
Sir Sam Sterling to attend to-morrow about his Chimney account.
Write Auditors Aldworth and Chislet to discount from Sir R. Viner interest for some Cheshire money.
Write the Attorney and Solicitor General to prepare a bill for making such receivers pay interest who keep the King's money and neglect to account.
Warrant for 30,000l. to Sir D. Gauden for the Victualling.
Write the Duke of Ormonde that Sir G. Carteret has renounced the French tonnage, and therefore to permit the present farmers to receive.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 84–7.]
March 4.
Present: all my Lords.
The Cofferer called in about his interest. Auditor Phillips to prepare the account, but to put into it as being ordered thereto by the Privy Council. A Privy Seal to be got to require my Lords to pass this account.
A Privy Seal to re-settle the Earl of St. Albans's 1,000l. per an. on Sir Ste. Fox; and that the garrison of Jersey be paid out of His Majesty's revenue in Jersey.
Sir G. Downing to bring in a list of what is to be paid to the King's and Queen's servants at the Exchequer and at the Treasury of the Chamber.
A warrant for the Duke of Albemarle's creation money.
Process stayed against Mr. Nicholas Moseley, he having undertaken to pay in 350l. in a few days.
Jo. Sharp's petition read. My Lords will reward him.
Mr. Harbord, Mr. Clayton, &c., called in about securing the King's interest in Dean Forest for his [11,000] tons of timber. My Lords press Sir John Winter to pay the money or give security, deducting what the Navy has had: and to give his answer on Friday.
Warrant for the New Year's gifts to the Pages of the Bedchamber, being 10l. each to five of them. But Sir G. Downing to keep this warrant till the Exchequer is not overcharged.
The Attorney General called in about Mr. Beeling, a bookseller, poisoning himself. Mr. Laurence to view the Bishop of London's patent as Lord Almoner to see if he have therein the goods of the felos de se. Also to examine if the City have those goods by their charter.
Mr. Laurence to have 200l. of bonds in the hands of the Attorney General; as for a year's service.
There is 110,000l. of the Poll money yet unpaid besides the interest. This to be added to Sir William Coventry's paper of the King's debts.
The Commissioners of the Navy and the principal officers to attend on Monday to consider how my Lords may come to an insight what is the real debt remaining due to seamen that my Lords may receive satisfaction by what rule or upon what accompt so great a sum is charged in the weekly certificates as yet due to the seamen.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 87–8.]
March 6.
Present: all my Lords.
My Lords to speak with Sir R. Long to see how the branches of the King's revenue are charged: in order to Sir James Thynn's [embassy charges].
Lord Douglas called in: moves for the 330l. disbursed by him. Sir Ste. Fox to pay it.
Mr. Newport and Col. Reymes called in. Ordered to let the footmen have money for their shoes, stockings, &c. Warrant for 2,000l. for the Wardrobe out of Sir Ste. Fox's 68,000l.
Sir Rob. Long to certify what money the Earl of Sandwich has received for the Wardrobe since the King came in.
Dormant warrant on the Exchequer for Col. Windham's wife's patent. But Sir G. Downing to keep the warrant till the Exchequer have money.
The King to be showed the estimate of the new coach for the Queen.
A year's wages ordered to the King's and Queen's servants, viz. [those payable] on the Exchequer, Wardrobe, Treasurer of the Chamber, Works, and Gentlemen of the Bedchamber. The Gentlemen and Women and Grooms of the Bedchamber to be first, and the rest to draw lots for their turns, and such as are most behind to be paid first.
Mr. Thomas Rogers, Receiver of Hearth money for Surrey, called in. Process stayed till Trinity term. In the meantime his land to be sold to pay the King.
Sir J. Wintour, Mr. Clayton and Mr. Harbord called in concerning Wintour's security to the King for the remainder of the money due on the 11,000 tons of timber. Mr. Clayton refuses to join in the security, and will rather stay till the King's debt be satisfied. Wintour prays for any overplus that may remain after satisfaction of this debt. A warrant ordered in that case.
Mr. Clayton makes a proposition about an assignment of Sir John Pretyman's debt.
Mr. Bucknall called in with Col. Birch about the accounts of the London Excise Farm, which were then declared.
Mr. Jefferys to attend on Monday morning.
Sir G. Downing and Sir R. Long to make an estimate of what is now owing on the Chimneys, taking into account the charge, rent and defalcations.
Sir Edward _ called in. My Lords cannot discount his rent to the King for what is due from the King to him.
Windsor Finch's petition read. To be heard next Thursday. Alderman Bucknall to attend then with counsel and witnesses, also Sir John Talbot and the rest of the gentlemen who signed the certificate about imported liquors.
Order concerning the detention of Mr. Stamp, Collector of the Aids for co. Oxford.
Alderman Bucknall's Privy Seal for 2,000l. to be sent to the King to sign.
Mr. Godolphin called in: is told that if his new Privy Seal pass there will be 200l. for his equipage, and the other 400l. will be on his 40s. a day.
Write Sir Andrew Riccard, the Governor of the East India Company, to hasten the Company's answer to the proposition made to it by my Lords concerning the money due to the King for the freight of the "Leopard" and the other of His Majesty's ships made use of by said Company.
Tho. Price's petition read. Lord Arlington to be asked if said Price was sent on purpose with those letters or had some other business of his own.
Mr. B. Loyd, Mr. Smith and Mr. Watts called in: move that the Lord Chief Baron will not let the messengers have fees which they have had for 100 years. On the other hand my Lords think there should be certain days and places for audits, and that the receivers should give notice of them. The Lord Chief Baron and the Auditors of the revenue to attend about this next Tuesday.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 88–90.]
March 7.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir J. Duncomb.
Write the Navy Commissioners to attend on Monday about the business of the tickets, to give what information they can of the value [sum total] of them or how my Lords may come to know their value a little more nearly.
The Customs Farmers to attend on Monday.
Process suspended against Mr. Broxholme as Receiver of Hearth money, co. Lincoln: also against John Peryn, late Collector of same for co. Hunts.
Write Sir George Carteret for an account on Monday of the Münster money, what was paid to the Bishop, what is in his hands and what in the hands of Mr. Shaw of Antwerp or elsewhere.
Lord Ashley reports that the King will have Sir Bernard Gascoigne to have 500l. more. The King to be spoken to again about it and the Lady Brentford's and such other cases to be represented to His Majesty.
Mr. Morice and Major Dean to attend on Thursday about the Irish Customs.
Col. Whitley called in: presents a certificate about the commission he demands. A report to be made about it as he desires.
Sir R. Long and Sir G. Downing to draw a short certificate how each branch of the revenue is charged.
[Treasury Minute Book II. p. 91.]
March 9.
Present: Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Write the Excise Commissioners and the Farmers of the London Excise to certify what tallies that are struck on them are yet unpaid.
A petition of Robert Hawkes read: Col. Reymes and Mr. Newport being present.
Write Auditors Aldworth and Chislett to insert in Mr. Colvile's interest account what is due to him for a loan made by him on an order No. 859 on the Additional Aid: viz. as being lent 1667, June 7, and repaid 1667–8, March 5.
The King called in: declares he will have Sir B. Gascoigne have the whole 1,000l. in the Countess of Chesterfield's executor's hands.
Sir R. Long to send to Sir G. Downing the book (or paper) of constant payments at the Custom House, and Sir Edw. Griffith's books and what other of that kind he had from said Downing. Also to send an account of all the money paid for the Wardrobe to the Earl of Sandwich from 1660.
Warrant for 1,244l. 6s. 2d. of Royal Aid money to be paid to the Cofferer. The 1,000l. of the Custom money remaining in the Exchequer is to be paid to the Treasurer of the Navy in further part of the unsatisfied order for 5,000l.
"Warrant for the King's signing to direct the 1,000l. for Sheerness and 30,000l. for the Victualler on the first (month) of the Eleven Months' tax."
Ordered that what Chimney money comes in is to be applied to pay off the City debt. But for the 3,900l. of the Royal Aid Sir R. Long is to state the matter, and the money is to be applied to pay off the Exchequer debt.
Warrant for charging on Mr. Langhorn's pension the 500l. he received at the Exchequer and the 100l. he received on Sir Ste. Fox.
The King to be spoken to about Viscount Andover's desire.
Sir Phil Musgrave called in. Warrant for his fee as Governor of Carlisle.
Viscount Brouncker and Mr. Pepys called in about the business of tickets: also [concerning the proposal] that the money to be applied for the yards at present be applied to pay off Deptford Yard. The [Navy] Commissioners to speak with the Duke of York about it.
Charnock is to draw out an account what money has been paid at the Custom House of the 16,000l. a month payable into the Exchequer from the Customs since Michaelmas last. An account to be drawn of the whole charge and payment made on the Customs since that date.
Write the Earl of Anglesey to send in his weekly certificate for the time past, and to continue same for the future without fail.
Lord Holles called in. His desire granted. The letter to be transcribed.
Sir W. Doyly called in. Ordered to prepare letters to all the Receivers of the Aids directing them to account. Mr. Mason to attend to inform my Lords why the King's waggon horses may not fetch up the money.
Sir G. Downing to look out against to-morrow what letters have been written to the Earl of Anglesey about the 5,000l. extraordinary for buying hemp.
Warrant to repay Mr. Darcy his 600l. on the Chimney money with interest at 6 per cent. to be paid half-yearly.
Mr. Jefferies to bring Mr. Cotes to my Lords.
Write the Excise Farmers that every Tuesday they pay out entirely the money in their hands to Sir Ste. Fox, the Cofferer and [to Mr. Pepys for] Tangier.
Sir Ste. Fox and Alderman Bucknell called in. Bucknall offers to lend but 20,000l., viz. 10,000l. in May and 10,000l. in August. Sir Ste. Fox says he cannot undertake to go on to pay the forces, for as to the Country Excise 'twill be 18 months ere what he has borrowed already be paid. To declare this in writing under his hand.
Mr. Jefferies called in again about Mr. Terry's account. Terry to be arrested.
Mr. Walford to have liberty on bail to go into the country for three weeks.
Sir Jeffery Shakerley moves for the garrison of Chester. To be considered to-morrow.
Lord Arlington's certificate read concerning Mr. Price, who was sent express from the East India Co. Write Mr. Williamson for Lord Arlington to speak with the King as to what is fit to be paid to said Price.
Sir G. Downing to speak with the Lord Privy Seal to appoint a time for the consideration of the tin business.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 91–3.]
March 10.
Write Sir John Denham et al. the officers of the Works, to recommend some one to the place of Master Carpenter, in the place of Mr. Davenport, deceased.
Warrant to Sir Edm. Pooley to pay Lady Frazer's tally.
Mr. Mason called in about the waggon horses. He is to speak with the Duke of Albemarle to know what horses may be spared.
Mrs. Moone, Mr. Ennis and Mr. Bellot called in about the tin farm, and are demanded why they pay not the 500l. in super on them. They say also they trouble not the [present] lessees. To be considered next Thursday, when the Lord Privy Seal will be here.
Mr. Ball, Receiver of the Excise, called in. Ordered to pay in to the Exchequer weekly all the money out of the Excise Office every Tuesday except small sums over and above any entire tally. He also brings in a list of all tallies unpaid on the Country Excise.
Lord Holles is told that my Lords will pass the warrant about the Earl of Tyrconnell's estate, only according the Order of Council.
Sir Ste. Fox's certificate read intimating how far he is able to go in the payment of the soldiers, and demanding my Lords' assistance in borrowing money. Fox to attend to-morrow.
Lord Gerard called in: says that he is not willing to make Sir Steven Fox the allowance that other troops formerly paid him. This to be proposed when the Lord General is here.
Sir Jeffery Shakerley called in: moves for pay for Chester garrison. To call again before he goes out of town, and my Lords will consider where to place him.
Warrant ordered for the King's signature for the 10,000l. for Sheerness and the 30,000l. for the Victualler.
The Earl of Nottingham called in about his pension: offers Lord Arlington's signification of His Majesty's pleasure for the payment of it.
The Clerk of the Council to send to the Treasury the reductions of the King's servants' wages.
Warrant for the Victualler of the Navy for his 467l. per mensem. But first see what is charged on the month of March.
Alderman Backwell is to be repaid the moneys he lent by my Lords' order; [repayment to be] on [i.e. out of] the money remaining on the foot of the Dunkirk account: the rest elsewhere.
Alderman Bucknall complains of a French ship in Falmouth port claiming exemption from French tunnage duty as not belonging to the subjects of the French King but to the [French] King himself. My Lords say they must proceed according to the law.
Mr. Steevens, Deputy Collector of Rochester, called in about the complaint made against him by Alderman Bucknall. To be heard on Tuesday, and Mr. Young, Attorney in the Exchequer, is to attend then.
Write Mr. Andrew Newport and Col. Reymes, of the Great Wardrobe, to certify what salaries are paid there, and to whom, and how each is in arrear.
The Customs Farmers called in: to attend on Tuesday next, and the auditors to state their interest account for their 200,000l. before my Lords can allow it. Mr. Laurence and Mr. Dickenson to appear on behalf of the King's right in the Custom House before the Judges appointed for the controversies in building London.
Sir W. Doyly to state whether the Veiles of Gloucestershire have paid the money of the Aids which they are due to pay.
Mr. Heath of Staffordshire called in on an affidavit of his having Chimney money in his hands. He is dismissed.
Letters to be offered to the Privy Council to sign to be sent to the Commissioners for the Aids of some Welsh counties [to quicken them].
Order for a Privy Seal for 50,000l. for the Treasurer of the Chamber.
Ordered that one paper be always prepared of [matters which are] for the King's signature, and another for the same of the Privy Council: with the day of the month to each minute.
Write Sir Robert Long for a note of such warrants charged on the monthly payments on the Customs as are unpaid to the end of Feb. last and how far the present month of March is charged.
Write Mr. Packer for paper books to be prepared according to the pattern sent to him a week since.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 94–6.]
March 11.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Petition read from Lord Lovelace. Referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Warrant for 50l. to Sir Edw. Savage.
Lord Arlington's letter for Mr. Price read. Sir Ste. Fox to let him have 100l. to be repaid in the Exchequer by warrant on the dormant Privy Seal for 10,000l.
Lord St. John's warrant referred to Lord Ashley and Sir R. Long.
Petition read from John Spicer. My Lords are unwilling to consent to the selling of places. Mary Whitacre's petition to be considered when the King's servants' wages are paid.
Same read from Capt. Edward Burd concerning the loss of his 20-gun ship "Marget," of Leith, in His Majesty's service. Referred to the Commissioners of the Prizes to report the value of the "Convertine," which said Burd petitions for in place of his own ship.
Viscount Fanshaw called in: moves for his moneys due from the Customs to the King's Remembrancer's Office. Referred to the Customs Farmers to state whether these are accustomed payments.
Sir Ja. Thynn called in for his 2,000l. My Lords will do this business as soon as they can.
Sir Edw. Hungerford called in: desires leave to renew his lease from Lady Newport, which is near out.
Write Sir Jo. Pretyman to attend to-morrow with his final answer whether he is willing and ready to pay the money according to the Order of Council.
Lord Holles moves about the Earl of Tyrconnell's warrant. To be drawn up according to the Order of Council, remitting only the new rent; the old rent to remain as it was before 1641.
"Letters to the receivers not signed by my Lords to be sent to Sir William Doyly."
Write the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland that the Earl of Carlingford is not to have the arrears of his old quit-rents remitted, for that it was not intended. Said Earl's petition (praying the King's title to a discovery he proposes to make of moneys due from a Receiver of Chimney money, co. Wilts, for the year 1663) referred to Sir R. Long and Sir C. Harbord.
Petition read from Tho. Cox. The solicitors' places are disposed of. Same read from Judith Hobson. No money at present.
Warrants on the Country Excise for 11,000l. for the Cofferer.
Write the Attorney General to attend to-morrow with the warrant for seizing Sir John Wintour's stock of iron, coals, &c., in Dean Forest.
Write again to Viscount Mordaunt for a copy of his patent of grant of the duty of 12d. a chaldron on sea coals.
Mr. Controller makes report as to proceedings in the matter of the Queen's jointure.
The Privy Seal signed for the healing gold.
The business of the Earl of Bristol's 2,000l. is deferred, the King not having money at present.
The Queen's coach is not to cost above 800l. in accordance with the King's resolution on the motion of my Lords. This is to be endorsed on the estimate sent to the Wardrobe.
Alderman Bucknall's Privy Seal for 2,000l. signed.
Viscount Andover's desire for what is due to him is to be deferred a while; the King not having money yet.
Col. Legg's warrant for Sheerness signed by the King. Also Sir D. Gawden's warrant for 30,000l.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 96–8.]
March 12.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
The Earl of Carlisle, &c., called in about the business of exchanging money out of the North. They offer to return the money out of the four northern counties at 25s. the 100l. from Newcastle at two months from the time it is received in the country: besides the charge of bringing the Cumberland and Westmorland moneys to Newcastle, for which they ask 10s. per 100l. They and Mr. Strickland to bring their propositions in writing. Sir W. Doyly to send an account next Monday of the charge of bringing in the moneys of the four northern counties and of Lancashire and Yorkshire by waggons.
The Earl of Carlisle proposes 200l. for Sir William Blackiston.
Lord Byron moves about the offal wood of Sherwood Forest. Mr. Corbin, Surveyor of the King's woods on the north side of Trent, to send an account of all wood felled there.
Sir G. Downing to inquire of Sir Rob. Long how much money has been charged in the Exchequer for this current year for the Household and how much yet remains to be charged for same.
The papers concerning what is charged and what to be charged on the Customs are delivered to Sir Rob. Long to consider them with speed.
A paper of objections by Mr. Morice read concerning the Irish Customs; and he desires Major Deane (both being then present) may answer same. Deane denies that they [the Farmers of the Irish Customs] are accountants, yet they'll give an account to any indifferent person, but not as to an auditor. He says also let my Lords give in writing what they desire, and he'll do it. My Lords desire an account of their receipts and contingent charges, or will send somebody into Ireland to peruse their accounts. Mr. Morice called in again says if my Lords will let him the farm for two years from Lady Day he'll pay the King his full rent for these two years and the defalcations for the time past, and reimburse the farmers their lawful charges; they accounting with him for the two last years ending at Xmas last. The farmers are called in, and are asked if they are willing to quit the remainder of their time on Mr. Morice's proposition. They refuse. Wherefore they are ordered to make up their accounts.
Write the Lord Privy Seal to attend on Monday about the tin farm; all the parties thereto having attended to-day, but my Lords not being able to proceed therein for want of his Lordship's company.
Mr. Finch to attend on Tuesday with the eight gentlemen of the Country Excise concerning his son's grant of imported liquors.
Mr. May called in. Warrant for Capt. Richard Rider to be Master Carpenter to the King during pleasure. Lord Ashley to notify this to Lord Arlignton.
Sir Ste. Fox called in. My Lords desire him to let Lord Gerard know that he's ready to pay his troop for the time past.
Mr. Harbord called in. Warrant to seize Sir J. Wintour's stock in the Forest of Dean. The [iron] works to go on.
Sir D. Gawden called in. Says that if he must pay this 30,000l. on the Eleven Months' tax to his creditors on the Poll Bill he cannot go on with victualling the ships. Sir G. Downing to see what is charged on the last 100,000l. for the seamen's wages [due] before Jan.: and the Privy Council to be moved that Gawden have 16,000l. on it. Also ordered to have his 8,000l. for tallow on the Chimney money.
The Privy Council to be moved that directions be given for process against such Commissioners for the Poll Bill as have not acted or made the duplicates [of the rolls], and caused them to be sent to the Receiver or the Exchequer according to the Act.
Write Sir Heneage Finch to draw up a commission and instructions for inquiry into abuses in New Forest.
Mr. Silvius called in. Write the Auditor to know if Mr. Spencer, Receiver for Lancashire, have passed his accounts.
Warrant for Sir Thomas Player's interest money out of the money that shall come into the Exchequer from the Additional Aid.
Paul Baret's docquet read for a place as a water bailiff at Dover. The gentleman that brought it is told that my Lords think the place is in the gift of the Warden of the Cinque Ports.
Mrs. Hobson to have 5l.
Sir R. Long to attend on Monday to consider what accounts my Lords would have sent hither out of Ireland. Sir G. Carteret to be asked if the papers about the Irish retrenchments are yet transcribed, and to be pressed to hasten them.
Sir G. Downing to minute Viscount Mordaunt's coal farm patent in the margin.
Mr. Laurence to look at Walford's affidavit and consider what is to be done upon it.
Write Alderman Backwell to sell the tin at the best price he can.
Order to be drawn according to the King's signification for 1,000l. per an. for secret service.
Mr. Townsend and Mr. Ashley and Capt. Cook to attend to-morrow about Mr. Milbank's tally. The Privy Council to be acquainted with Mr. Townsend's deportment in the matter of Capt. Cook's tallies.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 98–100.]
March 13.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir Jo. Duncombe.
Alderman Backwell is to be requested to meet Sir G. Downing to-morrow about lending the Cofferer 3,000l. on Sir Ste. Fox's 68,820l.
Sir Ch. Harbord to be sent to for the warrant for Lady Castlemaine's children. He is to pay the fees on said warrant.
Cha. Goodman's petition read. For the encouragement of others to hasten in the King's money he and Capt. Story are to have the allowance of the solicitors, they doing the work.
Petition read from Peniston Whalley. He is to forthwith pay in 400l. and then come to my Lords.
The Lord Privy Seal to attend on Monday about the tin business.
The Earl of Nottingham called in. So soon as there is money in the Exchequer he shall have some.
Mr. Townsend, &c., called in about Mr. Milbank's tally. Warrant to the Exchequer to strike a tally for 323l. paid by him and Townsend in pursuance of the late Lord Treasurer's warrant.
Lord Byron and his sister, Mrs. Dorothy Biron called in. She shall be considered when there is money.
Warrant for the [allowance for the Excise on] fishery beer for Yarmouth for a year.
Sir Edw. Carteret's petition referred to the Attorney General. Sir Edw. Palmer's petition referred to Sir Ch. Harbord to report the nature of the office. Sir Ja. Bunce's petition read about a discovery. Lord Richardson and Mr. Fab. Phillips to attend on Monday about their petition relating to the same discovery.
Sir R. Long is to make a list of what is in arrear and due to the King's and Queen's servants particularly payable in the Exchequer. Sir Edw. Griffith, the Great Wardrobe and the Cofferer to do the like.
Lord Vaughan's business to be spoken of to the King and the papers to be sent up.
Ordered that in all leases and acts of bounty there be inserted a clause of resumption at pleasure. The lease to be void when otherwise penned. This to be moved in Council.
The Alum Farmers to attend on Tuesday morning.
The garrisons of Pendennis, Plymouth, Chester, and the Tower to be paid on Sir Ste. Fox's moiety of the London Excise. In the case of Chester the warrant to be in place of the previous one on the Customs.
Warrant for Major Fincher's 80l. per an.
Sir Ste. Fox called in: informed my Lords that he had acquainted the King with the impossibility of borrowing money to pay the troops in regard of the remoteness of the assignments. Ordered to continue the payment of them as long as he can.
Robt. Hill's petition read. Write Mr. North to attend concerning the business of [Cotes or] said Rob. Hill's Hearth money accompt for co. Cambridge.
Mr. Peryn called in about Terry, with Edm. Baker, his security. Process suspended for 14 days.
Mr. Morice presents heads for a warrant for the Irish Customs to [make them subject to] account.
Sir Hugh Windham's petition read for appraisement of some goods in the Exchequer. The King to be moved about it.
Sir W. Doyly's certificate about Mr. Newsham read. My Lords will do nothing in it.
Sir Edw. Kar called in: moves for the Queen's equerries for board wages: says they are two years more in arrear than the King's equerries. Sir R. Long to certify when they were formerly paid and what they were paid for board wages in the late King's time.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 101–3.]