Minute Book: July 1667, 16-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: July 1667, 16-31 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp37-50 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: July 1667, 16-31 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp37-50.

"Minute Book: July 1667, 16-31 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp37-50.


July 1667

July 16.
Present: The Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Mr. Comptroller, Sir John Duncomb.
Write Sir Edmund Turner that, for avoiding all excuse from the officers of the Customs of the outports of not sending up the money for the coinage, he order them to send up the money by the waggons.
Mr. Johnson, Receiver of the Firehearth money for Northumberland, and Auditor Aldworth called in, and Johnson's petition read concerning abatements to be made to him. Viscount Fanshaw to deliver to him his security. My Lords will move the King for an allowance to him.
Ordered that whatever directions the King gives upon any application of my Lords to him they be entered in a book apart.
Mr. Bowdler's petition read. Ordered to pay in the 500l.
The Duke of Cambridge's docquet to pass. Also Sir Charles Cotterell's docquet.
See the book what order against Veile, the Chimney Farmer, or concerning him, by to-morrow morning, Veile called in, and his petition and offer read. Ordered to pay in 982l. by August 10, and 1,500l. presently, and then to have his liberty.
Note to Lord Ashley to write Sir John Norton signifying how much my Lords are displeased at his not paying in the Aids.
Mr. Daniell's Privy Seal for an instalment now produced. He is to appear to-morrow fortnight.
The Farmers of the London Excise called in. Examinations read of some that have injured some of their officers. Mr. Smith, Justice of the Peace, to attend to-morrow morning about persons affronting the gaugers of Excise. The Farmers to attend Thursday next.
Mr. Laurence, the Solicitor, to be sent for to my Lords to receive instructions for the Attorney General to presecute John Lambe on the petition of Mr. Bradford, of Whittlesea, co. Cambridge.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 69–70.]
July 17.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Secretary Morice to have his salary as secretary, what is unpaid.
The Excise Commissioners called in and their report read concerning what is due from Sir William Blakiston for the farm of Excise of Durham. Report to be drawn to the King pursuant thereto. Their report also read concerning Mr. Brathwaite, farmer of Excise for Westmorland. Ordered that Brathwaite pay the money. Ordered that notice be given to the Excise Commissioners before any stop be put on any process of theirs or relating to the Excise. They also produced a paper of what is to be charged on the Excise, leaving out the Duke of Cambridge's pension.
Sir Stephen Fox called in and the Earl of Bath's gent concerning a settlement for Plymouth. Warrant ordered for two months' pay for Plymouth.
Sir William Doyly and Mr. Scawen to attend to-morrow.
On Thursday week to consider of superfluous Excise officers.
Mr. Williamson called in about his Cumberland Firehearth account. "That he hath paid in 40l. and sitts down by the losse of 270l." Prays an order for any discoveries he can make. My Lords will consider him as anything may fall in those parts. Viscount Fanshaw to deliver his bonds. Mr. Glyde, collector of the Chimney moneys, called in.
Mr. Clutterbuck brought in an account of what is paid in by the nobility on the last Poll Bill and what is behind unpaid. To give in this day week the like account for the former Poll Bill and the Voluntary Present.
Sir Richard Ford and the rest of the Tin Farmers and Mrs. Moone called in concerning what is due to her on her 500l. per an. Three quarters ordered to her to Lady Day last.
"That a day be appointed to heare the Auditors and the Pipe and settle the carryeing all accounts when finished by the Auditors to the Pipe."
"Memorandum. That in the beginning of the next term my Lords meet in the Treasury Chamber at Westminster and dine there with the Barons to settle all matters of order among the officers of the Exchequer and what else may be of import to the King's service."
Mr. John Smith, Justice of the Peace, called in about the injury done to the Excise gaugers. To be considered again Friday morning, when Mr. Smith and his clerk are to attend and give an account whether the binding the gauger to the Sessions be taken off and the four inditements against him.
Petition of Lord Arlington and Lord Berkeley produced for abatements of the [farm of the] Post Office. Sir George Downing to examine the custom what was due to the other farmers of the Post Office; whether they have dormant Privy Seals on which the Lord Treasurer made abatements to them.
John Squibb called in about tearing an order of my Lords and a warrant for Sir Robert Southwell. A warrant signed for his arrest.
Laurence Squibb sent to to attend his duty in the Exchequer.
Viscount Fanshaw's deputy brought in the Imprest Rolls. To be considered to-morrow.
Mr. Colvill's interest money of four per cent. above the six per cent. to be considered to-morrow.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 70–2.]
July 18.
Present: All my Lords.
Mr. Horne, Woodward of Dean Forest, called in. Ordered that the King's officer measure all timber ere it be stirred from the place where it is felled. The King's woodward to let my Lords know from time to time what abuses presented at every three weeks' court: also what copses fit to cut, and to have my Lords' warrant to fell it. Mr. Horne to give the like account of East Bere Forest and Holt Forest. The like order to the woodwards of all other forests.
Sir George Downing to consider what is paid on the Privy Seal to Mr. Barker for 1,020l.
The Earl of Anglesey called in. Offered to give my Lords an account of what money will serve to carry on the business of paying [seamen's] tickets.
Sir William Doyly, senr., and Mr. Lovein called in and are demanded if the Tellers will not undertake to correspond with Receivers for bringing in the money: and further about the business of returning the moneys from the country by exchange and by waggons. Mr. Scawen to attend to-morrow morning. He and the Tellers to be joined in the business of corresponding and bringing in the money. Mr. Scawen to be of the quorum.
Mr. Veile to be discharged.
Sir George Downing to speak with Sir Robert Long how to pay the 270l. to Mr. Barker for the Earl of Cleveland's funeral.
Warrant for the Duke of Cambridge's pension on the Excise.
Write Mr. Colvile to know on whom Mr. Veile's tally for 2,000l. [is struck].
The Farmers of the London Excise called in and demand a defalcation from Novr. 8 last. For one year and six weeks to Dec. 24 last their rent is 157,500l. By the account of Mr. Ashmole they have received 145,220l., that is 13,720l. short of their rent, and from this is to be deducted 1,400l. on imported liquor which pays not to them. Allowed them 8,000l. for charges which is very large in consideration that Surrey and Middlesex are farmed and so cost them nothing. Major Reeves called in and the paper of the Farmers is shown him which was in answer to his against them. The Farmers called in and desired to give in writing the reasons for the defalcations they demand. They answer they can demand no defalcations but upon account of the plague but mention the fire in their petition. Say moreover that their whole charge for one year and six weeks was about 11,170l., besides their great losses by bad debts. Mr. Bucknall confessed that the [Farmers] said they would be contented to lose 10,000l. per annum to purchase their quiet against the former Farmers. My Lords reject certain claims for bad debts, detailed, incurred by the Farmers on account of coffee men, cider men, the Prize Office, and strong water men. As to the loan to the King of 35,000l. at six per cent. the Farmers paid 8l. 9s. 10d. per cent. for this money and so lost by that bargain 1,600l. Other items of defalcation discussed. Major Reeves called in and discussed with as to the reliability of the accounts taken by Mr. Ashmote on the King's behalf out of the brewers' own books. My Lords to represent this matter to the Privy Council.
The Commissioners for Sick and Wounded called in and presented a paper desiring money. Are told that Captain Cock had assignments on the Eleven Months' tax, and that if he can get no money on them he is to deliver in his orders to the Commissioners.
The Farmers of the London Excise against called in and are asked if they had any abatements to demand since Xmas. They answer that first they desired to know what was done on their abatements before Xmas. Are told that my Lords will present to the King their allegations for abatements.
Lord Ashley's state of Sir John Winter's case to be read to-morrow.
The Customs Farmers demand that tallies be struck for the 200,000l. they have lent on their new farm. My Lords will consider this business and their patent as soon as possible.
Mr. Squibb's petition to be read to-morrow.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 72–5.]
July 19.
Present: All my Lords.
Warrant for 10,000l. to Sir Stephen Fox to pay off the new forces to August 3: out of the loans on the Eleven Months' tax.
The Excise Commissioners to attend on Monday with an account of the arrears of the Sub-Commissioners and of the former and present Farmers of Excise.
Write the Cofferer of the Household to know whether his duplicate for the Poll money be returned to the King's Remembrancer: if not that it be speedily done, and that he give an account of his receipts and payments thereon. Also that he return his weekly certificate.
Process to be stopped against Col. Roger Whitley, late Receiver of Hearthmoney for North Wales; Robert Napper, late same for Dorset; and Nicholas Moseley, late same for co. Chester.
Write Alderman Willowby, at the desire of Mr. Coppinger, of Bristol, to pay the 93l. or show cause to the contrary.
Mr. Scawen called in and acquainted with my Lords' intention to make use of him with the Tellers to bring up the money and for the business of exchange. He declared his willingness to accept the employment.
Cadwallader Jones, who is security for the collection of the Chimney money of Devon, to appear here Monday next.
John Squibb's petition read. Warrant to give him his liberty: but that his uncle be told that my Lords will not have him continue in the Exchequer.
The Commissioners for Sick and Wounded called in with Capt. Cock, who is told that he must account before the principal officers of the Navy, and that also he must account in the Exchequer.
Write Sir Robert Long, the Auditor of the Receipt, that on the back of his weekly certificate he certify the receipts and issues of the 1,250,000l. Act and the Poll Act.
Captain Cock produced the order for the 5,000l. on the Eleven Months' tax. Says he hopes in ten days' time to get money on it. My Lords took the order into their hands to try if money can be got on it. Warrant for 1,500l. for the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded. when Capt. Cock can borrow money on the 5,000l. he shall have this warrant out of what money is in the Exchequer on the loan from the London Excise Farmers.
Nothing to be signed about Sir John Wintour's business till the King be put in possession of Mr. Maynard's title. Lord Ashley's state of Wintour's case read. Lord Ashley to report it to the Privy Council as being best acquainted with the business. "Lord Ashley undertakes to give me [Sir G. Downing] a copy of Wintour's case."
My Lords to move the King to consider and settle the allowances to all his public ministers abroad, both the ordinary and extraordinary, which now grow so great.
Sir Thomas Player, Chamberlain of London, called in. Demands tallies for 15,000l. of the 100,000l., lent by the city on the 1,250,000l. Act. Ordered that Sir George Carteret, the Earl of Anglesey, Sir Philip Warwick and Sir Robert Viner with said Player attend my Lords on Thursday next about this business.
"Capt. Cock's order for 5,000l. delivered into my [Downing's] custody to be kept here."
Mr. Smith, Justice of the Peace, and his clerk called in about the gauger's business. My Lords to bring the business before the Privy Council.
Alderman Backwell called in. Write the Customs Farmers to take off the stop on the payment of his tallies. When Backwell brings his auditor he shall have his interest account declared.
A Privy Seal ordered for 40,000l. for issuing the interest of 4l. per cent. to the bankers without putting them to the trouble of particular Privy Seals.
Capt. Wharton's Privy Seal for 958l. 5s. 0d. to be placed by assignment on Sir Stephen Fox's 68,000l. on the Eleven Months' tax.
Thomas Killegrew's paper read about discoveries on Crown Receivers for six years. Ordered that if he bring any discoveries to my Lords which are not in charge in the Exchequer my Lords will give him a fourth part. He produced one roll of his discoveries. The Auditors of the revenue, the Clerk of the Pipe and Sir Robert Long to attend this day week with Killegrew about his discoveries.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 75–8.]
July 22.
Present: All my Lords.
Warrant for Sir Edmd. Pooley to substitute a deputy for his Receivership of Norfolk during his approaching time of attendance in Parliament.
The Customs Farmers appeared about their new patent for the Customs and their striking tallies for 200,000l. [advanced thereon]. My Lords will first read their patent. They complain of great quantities of tobacco planted this year in England. My Lords desire them first to put what they say into writing, and that [then] the business [shall] be represented to the Privy Council.
Referred to Sir Robert Long, Sir Philip Warwick and Sir George Downing to draw up a state of the revenue as charged when my Lords entered upon the Treasury.
Sir Maurice Berkly, Sir John Shaw, and Edward Backwell, move that process stop against them as Paymasters of Dunkirk. Process ordered to stop.
The Customs Farmers' patent delivered to them to be written on paper and margined. and to be presented again this day week, and the day after they shall have an answer as to their tallies.
Every Monday an account is to be laid before my Lords of what moneys ordered out of the Exchequer for the week ending the Saturday previous.
The King is to be moved about Mr. Warren's docquet for a prize ship.
Mr. Fenn to be spoken with about a Privy Seal for Sir George Carteret for the new companies of the maritime regiments, for Mr. Willes, &c.
The Earl of Bath's docquet for 1,000l. for the King's laces is to pass.
Ordered that 2,000l. per week be issued to the Earl of Anglesey to pay [seamen's] tickets, and the officers of the Navy are desired to appoint some person to be present to distinguish seamen's and their relations' tickets from bought tickets, and to see the former paid first.
The petition of Mrs. Estcourt, relict of Mr. Estcourt, late Receiver of the Hearth money of Wiltshire, read. She must pay in the 261l. 10s. 0d. by the 10th of August, and process stop till then.
Major Reeves' book for arrears on Chimneys looked into. To attend to-morrow.
Mrs. Moone called in about her allowance of 500l. per an. in dispute during the Tin Farmers' patent. Mr. Napier and the rest of the [Tin] officers [of the Duchy of Cornwall] to attend this day week.
Mr. Browne's [petition] read about a seizure of nutmegs. Referred to the Customs Farmers.
Mr. Copinger called in. Mr. Rawleigh to pay up [according] to the Great Roll and then he shall be discharged to make up his account by Michaelmas next.
Sir George Downing reports the age of Mr. Eccleston, present receiver of the revenue for Suffolk, to be about 40 years. Mr. Deering to attend on Wednesday.
Warrant for 200l. odd for Mr. Packer on Sir Robert Long's certificate of what is due to him.
Mr. Mellish to attend with Sir Daniell Hervy or Mr. Elyab Hervy when the arrears of Mr. Herveys receipt are paid.
Sir Paul Neil's petition read for several copyhold fines in the Duchy of Cornwall. Sir Charles Harbord to certify all fines on any of the King's lands and revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall since the King's coming in.
Ordered that the Cofferer of the Household's certificate be monthly, and to be brought in the first Monday after every month.
The petition from the Farmers of the London Excise read praying my Lords' assistance in obtaining an Act to avoid frauds in Excise. Ordered that the Farmers draw the heads for such an Act.
Write Sir John Norton's deputy that if he take not care of paying the arrears on the aids he will be taken into custody.
Sir John Winter called in. As soon as the order of Council comes my Lords will settle this business.
Write all the Lords and noblemen's ladies that have not paid their Chimney money to pay it by _ to avoid further trouble. These letters to be given to Major Reeves and he to be spoken to about them.
Write Sir Robert Long, Auditor of the Receipt, to certify what allowance was given to public ministers of all ranks in the times of Q. Elizabeth and Kings James, Charles I. and II.
Write Sir Edward Griffith to know whether he has taken up any money at interest and what interest he has paid.
Mr. Laurence to take the person of Cadwallader Jones by a special bailiff.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 78–80.]
July 23.
Present: All my Lords.
Major Reeves called in about his collection of the Hearth money for London, &c. Ordered that he demand what is in arrear, and that such as are persons of quality be required to appear at the Treasury. For inferior persons, except seamen, Exchequer process to issue forthwith.
Mr. Fenn called in about two docquets, one for additional companies of the Naval and Holland regiments, the other for money for Landguard fort. Ordered that before these docquets pass Fenn produce an account of what has been paid out of the assignments of co. Bucks.
The Auditors of the Imprest called in about the Customs Commission account. Mr. Hodges to give an account what he has received from the outports during the time of the said Customs Commission account. The warrant to be produced for the allowance of wine to foreign ambassadors. Upon the 8th article [in the discharge side of the said accompt, viz. of allowance for payments] upon debentures on foreign goods re-exported, the Attorney General is to be spoken to. Memorandum, that 287,641l. was made of the Customs the first year while the Customs were in Commission. Ordered that Mr. Hedges, at the end of every term, bring in an account of all money recovered by him of the bonds of the Customs.
Francis Dormer, Collector of Hearth money for co. Warwick, called in. Ordered to pay in 200l. in 10 days, and 300l. by the last of August: process to be stayed.
Write Viscount Fanshaw, the King's Remembrancer, to stay process against all Members of Parliament during the session.
Alderman Backwell to be heard about his interest account the first business to-morrow.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 80–1.]
July 24.
Present: All my Lords.
Sir John Denham and the rest of the officers of the Works to attend this day week.
The Bishop of Exeter called in and his paper read about the Tenths of that diocese. Nath. Lugger, the collector of those Tenths, is to be sent for in custody.
Alderman Backwell called in with Auditor Phelips about Backwell's interest account. Backwell must produce a receipt from Sir William Temple of the money paid to him. Ordered that the Auditors must set in the margin of the accounts they pass what objections they find against them. Sir William Temple must pay the interest of what has been advanced him [by Backwell] on his ordinary allowance. The interest on the 5,000l. paid to Viscount Fitzhardinge must also be added to Backwell's Privy Seal for interest.
Write the Cofferer to send on Wednesday next an account of what money he has paid for interest and what he owes for same.
Meredith Lloyd to attend to-morrow.
Write the Lord General to sign a letter to Peniston Whalley.
Write Sir Francis Clerke to attend on Friday morning: "that wee feare the elapse of time."
Mr. Fitch, of Essex, receiver of Firehearth money, to attend this day fortnight or to be proceeded against. The like for William Porter, of Berks, receiver of Firehearths, and the rest of said receivers in the paper before my Lords.
Mr. Scawen called in [and informs my Lords] that he finds not himself in a condition to perform the service of the business of exchange and the waggons [for bringing up the moneys due on the Aids].
Write the several Receivers of the Aids in Mr. Scawen's letter directing them to immediately account. Viscount Fanshaw to issue out process against such of them as are not Parliament men immediately, and against the Parliament men when their privilege is out.
Process to be stopped against Mr. Gauden. Mr. Peter Stowell's case heard as Receiver of Tenths of the Diocese of Rochester. Ordered to pay the remainder of his account by this day fortnight.
Mr. Deering called in. Ordered that Eccleston attend on Friday.
Petition read from Jo. Brattle to be Assay Master of the Mint. Sir George Downing to speak with him, and to write Mr. Slingesbie about it.
Sir George Downing to put Sir John Wintour's business into a way of dispatch.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 82–3.]
July 25.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir John Duncomb.
Sir George Carteret is to produce to my Lords an account how the money due on the Royal Aids from co. Bucks is issued to the Naval regiments.
The Earl of Anglesey, Sir George Carteret and Sir Robert Long to attend to-morrow about settling the 15,000l. for Sir Thomas Player.
Sir William Doyly and Mr. Scawen called in [and told] that Mr. Veele, Receiver of the Aids, has collected 438l. of the 4,000l. stated by him to be in collectors' hands. Veele to be called to an account of what further Mr. Scawen says he is behind.
Write the Commissioners [for the Aids] of Middlesex and Westminster to meet to cause the 30,000l. per month, which is in dispute, to be paid.
Alderman Backwell called in about his vouchers that were wanting, which he produced. To give a note under his hand of what money was allowed to him for interest of 600l. paid to Sir William Temple as part of his allowance above the 500l. for equipage. Same is to be deducted from Temple's next money; and Backwell's interest as allowed him by the Auditor is to be paid him out of the Privy Seal for 40,000l. for interest.
Write the new farmers of the Customs to be here to-morrow.
Write Sir Charles Harbord to prepare a book for my Lords' view of the King's land revenue and fee farms, expressing the several leases on foot, &c.
Sir William Doyley called in again and tendered to have the same proffer made him as was made to Mr. Scawen as to managing the business of the exchanges and the waggons, which he accepted. Sir George Downing to prepare with him what is necessary for the business of exchanges such as letters of notice, &c.
The Farmers of the London Excise to attend to-morrow about their defalcations. Sir William Coventry to have notice hereof. Alderman Bucknall called in and told that as to their salaries of officers, &c., which they put at 11,000l., they must make a list of it.
Mr. Rawley's petition read. Process against him to be stayed till August 3.
The docquet for Mr. Warren for a prize ship to be passed.
The docquet for 5,000l. to the Earl of Sandwich for his allowance for his embassy not to pass because it expresses not at what rate per diem or per mensem, nor what the extraordinary expenses nor whether allowed by any Secretary. He has already received 6,000l. when he went over, then 6,000l., then 5,000l. as Sir Philip Warwick affirms. Sir George Downing to consider what said Earl has had and when he went away.
Write the officers of the Pipe for an account of the revenue [of the Pipe] to be forwarded this day week: taking notice of a former letter to that end from my Lords to them.
Cadwallader Jones to be sent for by a special bailiff. Mr. Laurence to attend to-morrow about it.
Mr. Tudor, Auditor for Wales for Firehearth money, called in, with Meredith Lloyd, Collector for Montgomery, Merioneth and Carnarvon. Lloyd to be arrested, and an immediate extent to be taken out.
Mr. Jay called in. Ordered that before process be stayed he and his securities, named, sign before Sir John Holland at Norwich the paper which is to be prepared by Lord Ashley.
Write Sir Robert Long that when the orders for 68,000l. for Sir Stephen Fox are registered he send them hither, and that 15,000l. out of it be assigned to the Cofferer.
Auditor Tudor and the Agent of Mr. Vaughan, Receiver of the Hearth money for Pembroke, Carmarthen and Cardigan, called in. The account to lie by till Mr. Vaughan come to town. John Lloyd, Receiver of Firehearths for Glamorgan and Brecon, called in with Auditor Tudor. Given till August 30 to perfect his accompts. Process to be stayed against Lloyd and Vaughan.
The business about bringing in the arrears of the Poll money to be the first business to-morrow.
Order for a Privy Seal for 1,500l. for the Sick and Wounded out of any money in the Exchequer.
Process against Mr. Raleigh stayed till August 3 next, he having undertaken to pay what is due to the King for Bristol Chimney money by that time.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 83–5.]
July 26.
Present: All my Lords.
Sir Stephen Fox called in. His order for 4,000l. for secret service read. The King to be moved that he sign nothing for secret service but what really is so. And this particular order is to be offered to the King for his pleasure therein.
Mr. Killegrew called in. His paper of discovery to be delivered to Sir Robert Long, and he and Sir George Downing and the officers of the Pipe are to meet about it Wednesday next.
The officers of the Pipe and the Exchequer Auditors called in. A warrant given them similar to that given formerly by the late Lord Treasurer for an account of the state of that office.
The new Customs Farmers called in. To attend on Tuesday.
The King to be moved about placing the 10,000l. lent by the City for Sheerness on the Eleven Months' tax.
Sir Robert Viner produced a warrant of May 10 last for 12,000l., of which but part paid. Prays security for the rest. Sir Robert Long and Sir Philip Warwick to be spoken to about it.
The Farmers of the London Excise called in about their abatements to Xmas last. Alderman Dashwood, one of them, said that when all gains were accounted and the abatements at Oxford there yet remained only 8,000l. clear profit for their pain and hazard. My Lords declared that they allowed them the 13,000l. their rent fell short and the 11,000l. for charges. As to the 2,000l. demanded for bad debts that they attest this under their hands, including the demand for coffee and cider sellers in this 2,000l. For the strong waters my Lords will abate 3,000l. if the Farmers will undertake to repay it if recovered. This makes the total abatement allowed by my Lords 24,704l. or 27,704l., including the said 3,000l.
Mr. Knipe, late Receiver of the Aids for Surrey, called in. To attend with Mr. Scawen this day week.
The Earl of Anglesey, Sir Robert Long and Sir Robert Vyner to attend on Monday about Sir Thomas Player's 15,000l.
Mr. Coppinger's petition read. To be discharged from the Serjeant's custody.
Mr. Povey and Mr. Pepys called in. The petition about the workhouse at Clerkenwell read. Write the principal officers of the Navy that application having been made by Mr. Poyns, master of that workhouse, about its low estate, and my Lords not having money to help them, desire them as to what Navy bills they [the workhouse] had for canvas that they [the Navy officers] take them in and give them certificates on the Eleven Months' tax. And so if they [the workhouse] have any more canvas to deliver that they [the navy officers] do the like again.
Mr. Williamson called in as Receiver of the Firehearths for Cumberland, and his account declared. To have an order to enable him to collect arrears for which he has accounted. Mr. Dormer, Collector of the Hearth money for Stafford, called in. To pay in 460l. at times fixed. Mr. Horwood called in on behalf of Mr. White, Receiver for Oxfordshire. He is to examine how the King's interest shall be satisfied. Mr. Laurence, solicitor, called in. Ordered that process of immediate extent issue against Cadwallader Jones. Petition read from Samuel Terrick, Receiver of Firehearths for Anglesea.
Mr. Godolphin's docquet to be passed.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 86–8.]
July 29.
Present: all my Lords.
Sir William Bolton, Lord Mayor of London, called in, desiring payment of about 900l. due to one Fleming and assigned to him. My Lords will consider it with the first private business. The Lord Mayor desires that William Avery be the accountant for the 10,000l. lent by the city of London for fortifying Sheerness. Ordered that a Privy Seal pass for him to receive it on account of any moneys in the Exchequer.
Ordered that the 15,000l. for Sir Thomas Player, and the other 15,000l. for Sir Robert Viner be placed on the latter end of the Eleven Months' tax.
Sir John Knight called in about the 93l. in the hands of Mr. Willoughby, of Bristol
The Earl of Anglesey came in and moves for money for the carpenters. Warrant for 300l. to him as Treasurer of the Navy for so much paid to Sir Edward Spragg and Sir Joseph Jordan.
Cadwallader Jones called in about Harris, the Receiver of Devon Hearth money. Says the Receiver is a very honest man and will be here in four or five days. Sir Thomas Player and Sir Robert Long are to certify to-morrow what harris has paid in.
Sir John Norton and Col. Norton called in. Sir John's agent to give an account from time to time where the Hampshire money lies.
The Earl of Essex called in and reports from the Sessions in Herts that "they understand that no house is to pay Chimney money if exempt from church, poor, and other taxes, then worth 20l. per an., which they understand conjunctive [i.e.] unless a man hath three chimneys in his house; and next as to such as receive alms that have greater houses."
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 88–9.]
July 30.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Sir William Doyly called in. Ordered to proceed to get the house fitted in London for settling exchanges of money.
Sir Stephen Fox demands 1,683l. 19s. 4d. for a fortnight's pay for the two maritime regiments.
The Bishop of Bath and Wells called in about the Tenths of his diocese.
The Customs Farmers called in about their Commission account, and are heard in the presence of the Attorney General concerning debentures on foreign goods exported. The Attorney General does not think it just that the King should have to allow repayment on exportation of goods for which he received not the Custom on importation being before the King's coming in: the sum being about 11,000l., on which only about 1,300l. has been paid by the Customs Commissioners. They say they are sued for the rest. My Lords say let it go to trial.
Sir Charles Caesar's report about abatements for Firehearth money for Hertfordshire given to the Attorney General to consider, together with a copy of the letter of the Justices of the Peace about said moneys.
Mr. Pepys called in. Warrant ordered for 5,000l. for Tangier on the Excise.
The new Customs Farmers called in. "Sir John Wolstenholm says they had applyed to the King and have satisfied him. Sir John Shaw says they made a bargain they were [neither] afraid nor ashamed to owne."
Mr. Nash, the alehousekeeper about Deptford, called in. Says he knows of no more parcels of goods in his house. Yet the Customs Commissioners aver they found in it several parcels since his imprisonment.
Mr. Ecleston, son to the present Receiver, called in. Ordered that Mr. Deering have the place.
Alderman Sterling is to attend to-morrow about the account of the Firehearths for Kent. Auditor Aldworth called in about Mr. Christian's account as Receiver of hearth money for Durham. His account passed and he given till Sept. 10th to pay in 200l. Mr. Johnson's account passed as Collector of Firehearths for Northumberland. Mr. Mauger Norton, Receiver of Hearth money for Durham and Northumberland and the Archdeaconry of Richmond, to be arrested by the Serjeant.
Order for a Privy Seal for Lord Berkeley and Lord Arlington for defalcations on the Post Office farm as formerly, "with this alteration, that the defalcations be only certified by the Secretary of State and the allowance and judgement thereof to be in the Lord Treasurer and Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being."
Sir Robert Viner called in: gives an account of the amount, viz. 24,000l. received by the Farmers of the Firehearths for 1666, Lady Day. Ordered that the Collectors to the said Farmers give in an account where the arrears at Lady Day, 1666, do lie out, so that process may issue for their recovery. Write the Farmers for an account for their succeeding half-years. Sir Robert Viner moves for payment of about 9,400l. out of the Chimney money before [repayment of] the City money. Sir Thomas Player to be first heard about it. Write all the Collectors and Farmers of the Chimney money to attend on the first Monday in September with their accounts and balances.
The case of the Spaniards' ship with the Canary wines to be considered Thursday next. The informers to be here then.
The Privy Seal for 10,000l. lent by the City for Sheerness to be carried to Lord Arlington to pass. Also the Privy Seal for over interest money.
Sir George Downing to look over the patent of the new Customs Farmers.
The business of the Poll money to be considered the first item to-morrow.
Warrant for three months' subsistence money for Tynemouth garrison.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 89–91.]
July 31.
Present: All my Lords.
The Auditor for Wiltshire to attend Friday next to inform my Lords what lands in that county are in lease and for what time.
Sir Thomas Clergis (Clarges) moved for his money for his houses. Sir Charles Harbord to report the case.
Sir Stephen Fox called in. A warrant ordered for 10,000l. for him towards disbanding the new forces.
The docquet for 1,700l. for Sir George Carteret to pass. My Lords are sorry for the occasion, and will endeavour to prevent such mischiefs and confusions for the future.
Sir William Doyley called in with Mr. Herlackenden, Receiver for the Aids for Kent. Robert Gilbert, Collector of the Aids for Canterbury, to be sent for by a messenger; also Edward Woodward, of Ashford, Kent, late head Collector for the Aids. Write the Commissioners of Dover to take care of paying the money of Lydd, there being about 1,000l. in arrear.
"Sir William Doyly &c. [are to] accomodate Sir Stephen Fox with money for disbanding the new forces; Sir Stephen first paying the money here."
Memorandum. My Lords to move the Privy Council that the houses infected in Maidstone be shut up.
Mr. Controller reports that he hath made very little of logwood, having but a fifth part: that Sir John Shaw promised that nothing should be required of the King by defalcation for that county [sic ? for account] yet now he finds 500l. per an. required in the new Farmers' patent. Therefore desires to resign his fifth part. Allowed of.
Francis Manley appointed Solicitor for North Wales.
Write Charles Fitch giving him till this day fortnight to pay in, "it being but six weeks to Michaelmas when the uncollected arrears will be lost which were before Lady Day 1666."
Write the Cofferer of the Household to give an account on Friday next of his interest money, and of the duplicates of the poll for the Household.
Sir Robert Long to give an account of all tallies struck on any branch of the revenue from his last certificate to August 1.
Sir John Denham and the officers of the Works called in. Ordered that they have liberty to borrow money on their order for 5,000l. at interest not above 10 per cent.
Write to Berwick to pay their Poll money to the Receiver of the Aids of Northumberland.
Col. Kirby, Receiver of Firehearths for co. Lancs, called in. His brother to be here August 20.
The repairs of Guardhouses, stables and yards to be under the Surveyor of the Works, to be done by him. Consideration to be had of money to do it.
Mr. Christian, Receiver of the Firehearths for Durham, called in. On paying in 200l. his bonds to be delivered to him.
The officers of the Works to have an order to make no alterations except for the King's, Queen's and Duke's apartments other than to keep wind and water tight. What else to be at the party's charge. If they do other it shall not be allowed them on their account.
Mr. Price, Receiver of the Aids for Herefordshire, to attend to-morrow.
Sir John Wintour's new commission to pass.
Mr. Peryn to pay in his 40l. remainder of his account for the Hearth money of Huntingdon.
Sir Robert Long to attend Saturday next.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 91–3.]