Entry Book: October 1670

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Entry Book: October 1670', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp668-680 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: October 1670', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp668-680.

"Entry Book: October 1670". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp668-680.


October 1670

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Oct. 1. The Treasury Lords to Sir William Ducy and other Justices of Gloucestershire; in reply to theirs of the 5th ult., wherein said justices had expressed a readiness to assist the Hearth money officers, but had also raised divers questions relating to the collecting said revenue. In reply hereto inform them that the Hearth money collectors are furnished with well considered instructions: inter al. they cannot refuse to certify to the Clerk of the Peace the hearths formerly omitted or since increased for they are enjoined by said instructions to make and return a new view of the whole, in consequence of the insufficiency of the former rolls occasioned by the efflux of time since the view was taken whereupon they were founded, "and this intire view being prosecuted in the form the law directs and returned into the Exchequer before the officers come to account will fully charge them and they must account for the duty accordingly." The authority for collecting does not depend on those returns; the certificates ordered by the first act of Parliament [for the Hearth money] to be returned are so ordered for the purpose of accounting, not of collecting. The first act fixes the days when the said duty shall, half yearly, become due and directs it to be paid within six days after. Similarly the third act. None of the acts contain any prohibition of collecting till after the [rolls or surveys of the] hearths and stores be returned into the Exchequer and thence given out in charge. As to the sub-collectors we have taken security from their principals, but shall be ever ready to hear any just complaints against them. You seem to be dissatisfied that the certificates of exemption are according to the letter of the statute. As for smiths' forges, where the duty for them is disputed (which is but in few counties) the pretence is that they are blowing houses, which words in the common acceptation mean only smelting houses. We are so satisfied of this that if any smith upon whom distress is taken will bring his action against the officer (for a Replevin lies not against the King) the officer shall appear and a trial be had. We grant that the hearth of the [smith's] furnace itself is not chargeable but otherwise of the hearth of the chimney wherein or adjoining whereunto the furnace stands. As to misdemeanours of officers we shall not defend them, but when such cases come before you you must distinguish between an injurious proceeding and a vigorous one where the obstinacy of such as ought to pay the duty doth necessitate it, which too often falls out. Ibid, XXXVI. pp. 201–3.
Oct. 2 Warrant under the royal sign manual to Sir John Shaw, Sir Ro. Viner, Sir Edmond Turner, Edward Backwell and Francis Millington, Farmers of the Customs, to collect for one year to 1671, June 24. the additional 4l. per tun conditionally granted in the Act of 20 Car. II., for 310,000l. on wines, viz. on the condition that the Commissioners appointed to receive the accounts of the said 310,000l. should certify that the said 310,000l, did not appear to be raised by the 24 of June, 1670, and William Lord Brereton. Sir William Turner, Giles Dunster, George Tompson and John Gregory, the major part of the said Commissioners having certified on the 4th July last that of the said sum of 310,000l. there remained unpaid and unsecured on the said 24th June last the sum of 49,422l. 2s. 1½d., which, together with the interest thereof at the rate of 6 per cent., until the same can be paid or secured, will conceivably amount to 69,422l. 2.s. 1½d. the said Farmers to accompt monthly upon oath to the abovesaid Commissioners to the end that if the said shortage shall be collected before the end of one year from June 24 last, the said additional duty of 4l. per tun may cease thenceforth. Warrants Early XVa. pp. 62–3.
Oct. 3 Treasury order for 3l. 12s. 0d. to John Spicer for reward for loan: out of the Customs. Order Book XXXVII p. 28.
Oct. 4 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Marsh. senr. to attend my Lords on the 14th inst. about William Broxholme's complaint of his refusing to account for his receipts of the assessment moneys. Out Letters General II. p. 378.
Same to Mr. Lawrence about taking out an inquisition against Mr. Swinburne's estate. Ibid.
Oct. 7 Treasury order for 62l. 10s. 0d. to Sir Denny Ashburnham on his allowance of 250l. per an. Order Book XXXVII. p. 259.
For 50l. to John Ball, and 62l. 10s. 0d. each to Mr. Finch and Mr. Wingate.
Same on the Exchequer in General for 60l. to John Rose, keeper of the King's garden in St. James's Park. Ibid. p. 102.
Same on the Exchequer in General for 275l. to the Masters in Chancery. Ibid.
Oct. 8 Same for 750l. to the Duke of York's children. Ibid, p. 259.
For 35l. to John Howland and John Champante, gent.
For 41l. 5s. 0d. to John Dugdale, John Collins and Thomas Gaywood, gent., late officers of Excise.
Same on the Exchequer in General for 5l. to William Parks. Ibid, p. 103.
75l. to Dame Rebecca Williams.
37l. 10s. 0d. to Charles Gifford.
20l. to Robert Swan.
12l. 10s. 0d. to Nicholas Estoll.
Oct. 11 Treasury order on the land revenues for 200l. and 200l. to John Jervis for the court and household of the President of the Marches of Wales. Order Book XXXVII. p. 356.
Same for 525l. for Thomas Turner [out of the new farm of the Customs]. Ibid, p. 70.
Oct. 14 Sir G. Downing to Col. Birch and the rest of the Commissioners of the Wine Act to make a certificate to the Treasury of all moneys paid by them to Mr. Wadlow and the rest of the undertakers upon the accompt of the late Wine Act for the raising of 310,000l. out of the stock that was found in the hands of the merchants and retailing importers on the 24th June last: also of what money has been paid to them upon the Retrospect and the arrears of entries that were secured by bond before that date. Out Letters General II. p. 368.
Same to Mr. Sherwyn and Col. Webb. Sir John Duncombe hoped to have seen at least one of you this morning. He desires you to draft a letter to be sent to each of the present Collectors of the Chimney money concerning the little money they have as yet paid into the Exchequer, and that my Lords expect them to complete a year's payment of that revenue into the Exchequer by the end of the next term on pain of dismissal: "and to present any excuse which may be made of the want of [bills of exchange as a means of] returns, that they do let you know what moneys they have in readiness for which they cannot get timely returns, and my Lords will take care for the getting it hither. Ibid, p. 363.
Money warrant for. 29l. 6s. 4½d. to the Rt. Honble. Sir John Duncombe, late one of the Commissioners of the Ordnance: as for half a year's salary to Lady Day last. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 350.
Same for 467l. to Sir Denys Gawden for the victualling ordinary for the month of Sept. last. (Treasury order hereon, dated Oct. 28.) Ibid. XXVIII. p. 19; Order Book XXXVII. p. 71.
Oct. 15 Same for 2,000l. to Sir Ste. Fox for secret service, in part of the 8,000l. per an. to him for secret service, as by the privy seal of 1668, April 30. (Treasury order hereon, dated Oct. 18.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 15; Order BookXXXVII, p. 69.
Same for 100l. to Lady Katherine Sayers for half a year to June 24 last on her pension. (See infra under date Nov. 24.) Warrants Early XXVII. p. 68.
Treasury order for 601l. 2s. 2½d. and 600l. to Richard Thorowood in repayment of loan: to be registered on the Wine Act. Order Book XXXVII. p. 218.
Oct. 17 Same for 1,130l. to Henry Gregory in repayment of loan: out of the new farm of the Customs. Ibid, p. 70.
Sir G. Downing to the Attorney General. You are acquainted with the draft privy seal for 48,000l. to the Duke of York for two years from June 24 last in full recompense of his revenue arising by wine licences. Pursuant thereto, please prepare a draft commission to be signed by the Duke to enable Sir John Griffith, Sir Philip Froud, Edmund Warcup, and John Downes to be Commissioners for the said revenue for the said time; with clauses for them to pay the money into the Receipt for His Majesty's use, &c. Out Letters General II. p. 364.
Oct. 17 Sir G. Downing to Col. Birch about hastening a charge of the money paid to Mr. Wadlow upon the Retrospect and the Rest in the merchants' hands upon the last Wine Act. Out Letters General II. p. 364.
Same to Sir Dennis Gauden, to attend my Lords on Wednesday Ibid.
Same to Sir Rob. Viner, Alderman Backwell, Alderman Meynell, Mr. Portman and Mr. Snow to attend my Lords on Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock, about Mr. Colvile's concerns to consider what may be done by my Lords on His Majesty's part for assisting you in settling those affairs. Ibid.
Same to George Williamson, at Bridekirk. in Cumberland. In reply to yours of the 17th the weekly news books will inform you that if you desire to farm any part of the Excise, yourself or some one for you must tender a proposition for it at the Treasury Chambers on Monday the last day of this month. Ibid. p. 365.
Same to Sir Edw. Walker, Mr. Arundell and Mr. Clayton, the scrivener, to attend my Lords on Friday morning next about the lease in dispute between you. Ibid.
Same to Humphry Beane to attend my Lords on Monday about your defalcations on your farm of Suffolk. Ibid.
Same to Sir Hen. Wood to hasten an account of his receipts and issues of the late Queen's revenues from Michaelmas, 1669, to Michaelmas, 1670. Ibid.
Same to Sir Bernard Gascoin and Sir William Bucknall to attend my Lords on Wednesday about the new lease of the duty on French tonnage. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Aldworth to attend him on Thursday before eight in the morning about a patent fee demanded by Col. Villers as Governor of Tynemouth. viz. as to whether it is the same that the earl of Northumberland's was. Ibid, p. 366.
Same to Sir R. Long for an accompt of what is anticipated upon each branch of His Majesty's revenue. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Griffin to attend my Lords on Friday about the bill money due to the porters of Whitehall Gate. Ibid.
Same to Col. Vernon and Mr. Fitz Gerard to attend my Lords on Wednesday about the pretences between you. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Trustees for sale of fee farm rents, forwarding for their report thereon Sir John Heath's petition to have the preparing and passing the conveyances of the fee farms to the purchasers. Warrants Early XXXVII p. 424.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to deliver up the bonds of Sir John Robinson, Francis Soan, Richard Westcombe. John Ryves, and John Woder, as late Commissioners and Receivers of Hearth money for Middlesex, London, Westminister and Southwark, for three half years ended at Michaelmas, 1665, they having passed their accounts for same and obtained a quietus on Sept. 20 last. Ibid, XXXVI. p. 201.
Royal sign manual constituting Sir John Heath (Attorney General of the Duchy of Lancaster and one of the King's counsel at law) to have the particular trust and charge of drawing and engrossing, examining and allowing all conveyances of fee farms or other rents relating to the Crown or the Duchy of Cornwall, and of examining and allowing all conveyances of the like rents relating to the Duchy or County Palatine of Lancaster, the preparing and engrossing whereof is appointed to Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Clerk of the said Duchy: said Heath to have for his pains herein for himself and his clerks 10s. for all conveyances of rents of the Crown or the Duchy of Cornwall under the yearly value of 3l., and 20s. for those above 3l.: and for conveyances relating to the Duchy of Lancaster the like fees to be equally divided between said Heath and Gerrard. Ibid, XVa. pp. 50–1
Oct. 17 Privy seal for 4,627l. 8s. 4d. to Edward Backwell for interest and gratuity (viz. 2,776l. 9s. 0d. for 6 per cent. interest and 1,850l. 19s. 4d. for 4 per cent. gratuity) on several sums of money lent for His Majesty s service up to June 24 last amounting in all to 148,022l. 14s. 8d. as appears by his account audited by Auditor Aldworth. and by what depends upon his former account ended 1669, Nov. 29). whereof has been repaid to him at or before the said 24 June last the sum of 66,528l. 10s. 0d., so there remained then unpaid the principal sum of 81,494l. 4s. 8d.: further that the said interest account be entered on record in the Receipt of the Exchequer, together with this privy seal. (Money warrant hereon, dated Oct. 31; Treasury order, dated Nov. 15.) Warrants Early XVa. pp. 56–7; XXVIII. p. 26; Order BookXXXVII. p. 73.
Money warrant for 100l. to Mrs. Mary Erwyn as royal bounty. Warrants Early XXVII. p. 66 (reverse).
Same for 1,000l. to the Earl of Rochester in part of the 1,500l. arrears to him to June 24 last on his annuity of 1,000l. a year. Ibid, XXVIII. p. 16.
Same for 194l. to Sir William Swan for three months' ordinary to Sept. 29 last on his 40s. a day as Resident at Hamburgh. Ibid.
Same for 320l. to Isaac Legouce for a jewel and diamond ring bought from him and given to the Count de Mouroux. Envoy Extraordinary from the Duke of Savoy: according to a certificate of the 14th inst. from the Earl of Manchester. Lord Chamberlain of the Household, in accordance with the privy seal of Aug. 30 last. Ibid, pp. 17–8; Order Book XXXVII. p. 70.
Appending:—Copy of said Lord Chamberlain's certificate. (Treasury order hereon, dated Oct. 24.)
Same for 500l. to Sir John Finch, Resident at Florence, for half a year to Sept. 29 last on his entertainment of 1,000l. per an. (Treasury order hereon, dated Oct. 20.) Warrants Early XXVIII. pp. 24–5; XVa. p. 48; Order Book XXXVII. p. 70.
Same. dormant, for the annuity or pension of 200l. to Sir Samuel Morland and Samuel Morland, his son, as by the letters patent of Sept. 17 last. Warrants Early XXIV. p. 54.
Treasury warrant to the Barons of the Exchequer to receive and swear Robert Wyld as one of the Auditors of Imprests, loco Auditor Wood, deceased, Wyld having a reversionary grant thereof by patent under the Great Seal, dated 1667, June 13. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 148.
Oct. 18 Treasury orders for 100l. to John Watts. gent., in reward for loan: to be paid out of the land revenue.
For 116l., 84l. 12s. 6d., and 100l. to Alderman Backwell in repayment of loan, to be paid out of same.
Order Book XXXVII. p. 199.
Oct. 18 Treasury orders for 13l. 5s. 4d., 20l. 17s. 8d., and 120l. to Isaack Meynell, goldsmith, in reward for loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 28.
Same for 20l. to Theodosia Browne for same Ibid.
Treasury order on the Hearth money for 250l. to the Earl of Sandwich for interest and gratuity on 5,000l. payable to Viscount Hinchinbroke for said Earl's use. Ibid, p. 124.
Oct. 19 Treasury order for 1,000l. to Sir Robt. Vyner in repayment of loan: out of the new farm of the Customs. Ibid, p. 70.
Money warrant for 20l. to Col. Myles Mann as royal bounty. (Treasury order hereon same day.) Warrants Early XVIII. p. 350; Order Book XXXVII. p. 103.
Entry of [Treasury allowance of] Richard Gregory's bill for last Sept. 29 quarter's attendance on the Treasury Lords about His Majesty's special affairs viz. at 3s. 4d. a day. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 351.
Money warrant for 10l. to Anthony Seager for same quarter as Chamber Keeper of the Treasury. (Treasury order hereon. dated Oct. 24.) Ibid; Order Book XXXVII. p. 103.
Same for 2,088l. 6s. 1d. to Lord Arlington for frank letters &c. as certified by three Lords of the Council of Aug. 2last. Warrants Early XXVI. p. 22; Order Book XXXVII. p. 71.
Together with a later leter of direction dated Nov. 7. (Treasury order hereon, dated Nov. 9.)
Entry of the Treasury allowance of the Michaelmas quarter's salary bill, detailed, for the excise of London, Middlesex, and Surrey (total 1,919l. 1s. 6d.). Warrants Early XXIV. pp. 54–5.
Money warrant for 450l. to Anne Golding, widow, for 3¾ years to Sept. 29 on her pension of 120l. per an. (See infra, under date, Oct. 22.) Ibid, XXVIII. p. 17.
The Treasury Lords to Dr. Jenkins. " Being informed that there is an endeavour to procure letters of administration of the goods and chattels of Alderman Colvill, deceased, His Majesty being concerned therein we desire that none may be granted till we or some person that we shall direct to attend you be heard on His Majesty's behalf." Ibid, XXXIII. p. 148.
Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long to attend my Lords this afternoon with an accompt of all anticipations of his Majesty's revenue. Out Letters General II. p. 366.
Same to Auditor Beale to attend my Lords on Friday about Sir Dennys Gawden's accompt. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Prettyman, Mr. Porter, Mr. Scarlet, John Lawrence, and the Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, to attend my Lords on Friday concerning the case between said Prettyman and Scarlet. Ibid, p. 367.
Same to the principal officers of the Navy to attend my Lords on Friday about the certificate of the Navy debts lately returned by you. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Sherwyn to attend him on Friday about reporting as to the necessity of the office of Receiver of First Fruits and Tenths. Ibid.
Oct. 19 Sir G. Downing to Auditor Aldworth forwarding Col. Birch's accompt of moneys received upon both Wine Acts from June 24 last to the 15th inst. for your assistance in making up the account of Mr. Wadlow et al. Out Letters General II. p. 368.
Oct. 20 Treasury order for 6l. 7s. 8d. to Abraham Marcourte's assignes as reward for loan. Order Book XXXVI. p. 70.
Same on the Hearth money for 360l. 0s. 0d., 16l. 0s. 10d., and 100l. to Isaac Meynell in reward for loan. Ibid, XXXVII. p. 124.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to deliver up the bonds of Sir John Norton, Receiver General of the Royal Aids and One and Eleven Months' tax in co. Southampton, he having passed his accounts. Warrants Early XXXV. p. 7.
Oct. 21 Same to the Customs Farmers to pay 16l. 3s. 4d. to Richard Gregory, messenger appointed to attend the Customs; viz. on his fee of 3s. 4d. a day for Sept. 29 quarter last. Out Letters Customs II. p. 141.
Money warrant for 1,650l. to Sir Ste. Fox for His Majesty's secret service. (Treasury order hereon, dated Oct. 27.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 18; Order BookXXXVII. p. 70.
Same for 500l. to Edward Arden for the Commissioners of Accompts. (Treasury order hereon, dated Oct. 24.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 18; Order BookXXXVII. p. 70.
Privy seal for 20,000l. to Philip Packer as imprest for the extraordinaries of the Works. Warrants Early XVa. p. 61.
Sir G. Downing to Col. Fitz Gerard to attend my Lords on Monday about a business between Mr. Fitz Gerard and Col. Vernon. Out Letters General II. p. 368.
Same to Auditor Beale to attend my Lords on Friday about the complaint made by Sir Henry Herbert, Master of the Revels, and others complaining that you have not passed several accounts of theirs in your hands. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long for an accompt of all moneys for which interest is paid of all the branches of the revenue: further, to meet on Monday about the business of the Receivership of First Fruits. Ibid, p. 369.
Same to Mr. Taylor, of Windsor, to attend my Lords on Monday: on pain of further proceedings. Ibid.
Same to the Governor of the East India Co. to attend my Lords on Wednesday about money due to the King from said Company for freight of some of the King's ships made use of by them in the East Indies. Ibid.
Same to Sir Robt. Viner, Alderman Backwell, Mr. Portman, Mr. Meynell, and Mr. Snow to attend my Lords on Monday next without fail. Ibid.
Same to the Lord Chief Baron, the Attorney and Solicitor General, Sir C. Harbord, and Auditor Beale to attend the Treasury on Friday, 28th inst., when His Majesty will hear the business between Mr. Prettyman and Mr. Scarlett about the place of Receiver of First Fruits. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Beale concerning the 1,500l. paid by Mr. Prettyman [for the abovesaid office] as to whether it was his money or the King's. Ibid, p. 370
Oct. 21 Sir G. Downing to the Attorney General to draft articles between the King and the Duke of York for those things which you did not think fit to be inserted in the said Duke's commission for the commissioners of wine licences. Out Letters General II. p. 370.
Oct. 22 Treasury order for 390l. to Ann Golding, widow, in repayment of loan: out of the new farm of the Customs. Order Book XXXVII. p. 70.
Oct. 24 Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay into the Exchequer 1,000l. for [rebuilding] the Custom House: as an advance on their farm for the month of August. 1671. Out Letters Customs II. p. 141.
Money warrant for 250l. to Sir Algernoone May as clerk or keeper of the Records and Rolls in the Tower of London, thereto appointed by letters patent of Feb. 24 last. Warrants Early XXVI. p. 23.
Together with:—A later letter of direction, dated Nov. 4.
[?] Same for 500l. to Sir Peter Wyche, being the sum allowed upon his bill of 650l. for extraordinaries in his several journeys as late Envoy Extraordinary to the Emperor of Russia and to the King of Poland. (Treasury order hereon, dated Nov. 7.) Ibid. XXVI. p. 23; XXVIII. p. 29; Order Book XXXVII. p. 219.
Oct. 24 Money warrant for 467l. to Sir Denys Gawden for the victualling ordinary for the present month. (Treasury order hereon, dated Oct. 28.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 19; Order BookXXXVII. p. 71.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay 2,830l. 16s. 0d. to William Batailhe, clerk and paymaster of the bills of impost upon wines, being the allowance for the year to end at Xmas next at the rate of 42s. per tun for wines allowed to noblemen and others. Warrants Early XXVIII. pp. 19–20.
Money warrant for 1,200l. to Ralph Montague for 12 weeks' ordinary of 100l. a week as Ambassador to France as by the privy seal of 1668, Dec. 18. (Treasury order hereon, dated Oct. 28.) Ibid, p. 20; Order Book XXXVII. p. 70.
Same for 2,000l. to Richard Mason for the use of the Duke of Buckingham, sent by His Majesty to the most Christian King; being in consideration of his equipage and other expenses in that employment. (Treasury order hereon, dated Oct. 27.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 21; Order BookXXXVII. p. 70.
Same for 4,500l. 16s. 0d. to Sir Ste. Fox, viz. 3,920l. for the pay of 200 new raised horse added to His Majesty's three troops of Guards, from the 18th of June last to Sept. 24 following, viz. 98 days at 40l. a day; and 450l. 16s. 0d. due to Sir Charles Wheeler as Lieut. Col., from 1666. Mar. 17. to 1670, Sept. 24, being 1,288 days at 7s. a day; and 130l. due to the Secretary of His Majesty's forces for the land forces from 1669–70, Jan. 7 to Sept. 24 following, viz. 260 days at 10s. a day. (Treasury orders hereon for 3,920l. for Fox, dated Nov. 22 and for 450l. 16s. 0d. for Wheeler, and 129l. for Fox, as Secretary to the Forces, dated Dec. 3.) Warrants Early XXIV. p. 56; Order BookXXXVII. p. 259.
Same for 441l. to same for five months' pay to the Company of foot in the Isle of Wight from 1670, May 7, to Sept. 24, at 88l. 4s. 0d. per month. (Treasury order hereon, dated Oct. 24.) Warrants Early XXIV. p. 56; Order BookXXXVII. p. 259.
Letter of direction on a Treasury order of May 24 last for 200l. to Sir Edmond Bowyer (ut supra p. 566). Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 29.
Oct. 24 Money warrant for 10l. to Henry Thomas as royal bounty. (Treasury order hereon, dated Oct. 27.) Warrants Early XVIII. p. 351; Order BookXXXVII. p. 103.
Same, dormant, for 10l. per an. to Sir William Armorer, His Majesty's Brigandier. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 352.
Privy seal for 4,000l. to Sir Ste. Fox for secret service Ibid. XVa. p. 58.
Royal sign manual for 73l. 4s. 6d. to Edward Progers, esq., keeper of the Middle Park at Hampton Court for hay &c. for the deer in the years 1668 and 1669. (Money warrant hereon, dated Nov. 4.) Ibid, p. 61; XXVIII. p. 28.
Treasury warrant to Lord Hawley and the rest of the Trustees for sale of fee farm rents to observe the royal sign manual of the 17th inst., constituting Sir John Heath to have the particular trust and charge of drawing, engrossing, examining and allowing all conveyances of said fee farms to purchasers for such fees as are set down in said warrant. Ibid, XXXVII. p. 425
Sir G. Downing to Sir Saml. Sterling, Lord Mayor of London, for some of the Aldermen to attend my Lords on Monday about the arrears of assessments on the city. Out Letters General II. p. 370.
Same to Sir Denys Gawden to attend my Lords on Wednesday about the moneys received by you from the several receivers of assessments, and the beer delivered to you by Alderman White of Oxford. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long. Sir R. Viner will pay in 1,000l. to-morrow and Alderman Backwell another 1,000l. into my office for my Lords' salaries. Pray take care that same be issued to Sir Ste Fox. Ibid, p. 371.
Same to the Attorney General to draft a warrant to the Customs Farmers to collect the 4l. per ton on wines for a year to make good what remains uncollected of the 310,000l. Ibid.
Same to Lieut. Col. John Legg to attend my Lords to-morrow. Ibid.
Same to Sir Henry Wood for his accounts of money received till Michaelmas last. Ibid.
Oct. 25 Treasury order for 300l. to Thomas Killegrew on his annuity of 400l. per an.: to be registered on the fee farms. Order Book XXXVII. p. 200.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt for registering in the register of fee farms in the place reserved for it by the Treasury warrant of May 18 last the 3797l. 8s. 7d. due to Sir Edward Griffin as the unpaid balance of the warrant of that date for 6 861l. 3s. 8½d. Ibid. pp. 199–200.
Treasury warrant, dormant, to the Receipt for tallies of assignment to be from time to time levied on the respective collectors of Tenths in the dioceses of Yorks, Exeter, Winchester, Lincoln. and Suum for the annuity or yearly pensions of 2,000l. and 1,000l. granted by letters patent of Sept. 9 last to William, Earl of Bedford, John Russell of Shinsgay, co. Cambridge, and William Russell, second son of said Earl of Bedford, as in trust for George, Earl of Bristol, and Ann, Countess of Bristol respectively. (Followed by a subsequent subscription of date 1673–4, Jan. 22 "Let this order be executed" Latimer.) Warrants Early XXII. p. 10.
Oct. 25 Money warrant for 75l. to Isabell Boynton for three quarters of a year to Sept. 29 last on her pension; for 100l. to Catherine Boynton, for one year to same date on same; for 150l. to Isabell Boynton, widow, for three quarters of a year to same date, and 120l. to Mary Boynton for a year to her in part of 5½ years due to her on her pension. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 21.
[ ? ] Same for 6,000l. to Sir Allen Apsley for the Duke of York for Michaelmas quarter last, in part of 48,000l., as by the privy seal of Sept. 28 last, for the transfer of his interest in the wine licences. (Treasury order hereon, dated Oct. 31.) Ibid, p. 22; Order Book XXXVII. p. 70.
Oct. 25 Same for 200l. to Sir John Trevor for two years to Sept. 29 on his annuity as one of the principal Secretaries of State; thereto appointed by letters patent of 1669–70, Jan. 20. Warrants Early XXVIII. pp. 23–4.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Rutter to attend my Lords to-morrow Out Letters General II. p. 371.
The like to Mr. Meynell, Mr. Portman and Mr. Snow Ibid.
Same to Mr. [Auditor] Aldworth for a certificate of accomptants in his audit who have not passed their accompts since 1660. Ibid, p. 372.
Same to Col. Birch to attend him to-morrow, not having seen you to-day. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Sherwyn and Col. Webb. My Lords desire you to send them every Monday afternoon a certificate of moneys paid into the Exchequer arising from Hearth money, "and that you begin your certificates on Fridays as they do in the Exchequer that so they [your said certificates] may agree with theirs." Ibid.
Oct. 26 Treasury order for 18l. 5s. 0d. to Peter Brent in repayment of loan: to be registered on the fee farms. Order Book XXXVII. p. 200.
Same for 200l. to Symon Bennet in repayment of loan: [out of the new farm of the Customs.] Ibid, p. 71.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for the discharge of the baronetcy fee of 1,095l. due from William Scott, of Kew. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 352.
Money warrant for 343l. 8s. 0d. to Sir William Temple in full of his bill of extraordinaries, 1669, Aug. 31, to 1670, Aug. 31. as Ambassador Extraordinary to the Hague. Ibid, XXVI. p. 24.
Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long for a list of all payments charged on the Customs, Excise, and Chimney money and yet unpaid; and also to attend my Lords this afternoon about the interest money payable at the Exchequer. Out Letters General II. p. 372.
Same to the Attorney General to attend my Lords on Monday about some difficulties which arise in the collection of Chimney money. Ibid, p. 373.
Same to Sir John Bancks, Mr. Jolliffe and Mr. Pepys to attend my Lords on Wednesday about the money due to the King from the East India Company for freight of the "Leopard," &c. Ibid.
Same to Lyonell Walden, Mr. Harlackenden. Mr. Rowse, Mr. Weedon, Mr. Broxholme, Mr. Swynborn, Sir Denys Gawden and Sir Wm. Doily, senr., to attend my Lords on Wednesday about moneys of the Aids in their hands. Ibid.
Oct. 26 Sir G. Downing to the Farmers of the Customs to attend my Lords on Wednesday about your defalcations. Out Letters General II. p. 373.
Same to the late Farmers of the Customs to attend my Lords on Tuesday with the accompt of the last two years of their late farm. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Sir Edward Griffin to take up at interest so much loan money as he can get, on the credit of orders registered and now remaining in his hands: for the supply of His Majesty's service in the office of the Treasurer of the Chamber. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 150.
The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners of Assessments for co. Chester to forthwith levy the 391l. 9s. 11d., part of the arrears which by Treasury letter of April 26 last you were desired to levy, but which Nathaniel Booth, Receiver General of said Assessments, says is not yet assessed. At the hearing of the trial between you and the city [of Chester] we were informed by the persons who were before us from your parts that you were very willing to bear this proportion of the arrears in respect of the poverty of the City [of Chester]. Ibid, XXXV. p. 8.
The like letter to the City of Chester to levy the 787l., like arrears resting on them as above, same not having been yet assessed. Threaten extremest measures in case of failure herein. Ibid, pp. 8–9.
Oct. 27 Treasury order for 1,000l. to Edward Backwell, in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 71.
Money warrant for 485l. to Sir Edward Deering, Sir Thomas Strickland, and Robert Mylward for Sept. 29 quarter as Commissioners for keeping the privy seal. (Treasury order hereon, dated Nov. 9.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 23; Order BookXXXVII. p. 71.
Sir G. Downing to the Treasurers of the Navy, Cofferer of the Household, Sir Ste. Fox, Capt. Wharton, Mr. Packer, Mr. Pepys, Mr. Townsend, Mr. Griffin, Sir Denys Gawden, and the Clerk of the Robes to attend my Lords to-morrow morning and bring an accompt of all the moneys taken up by their respective offices, for which interest is still paid. Out Letters General II. p. 374.
Same to Mr. Harlackenden to attend my Lords on Friday about assessment moneys in your hands. The like to Lyonell Wallden. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Slingsby for an account how much gold and silver has been coined since the Act passed for encouraging of coinage. Ibid.
Same to [? the Customs Farmers] for an account of moneys paid into the Exchequer by way of advance of your rent until Michaelmas, 1671. Ibid.
Same to the late Farmers of the Customs to attend my Lords on Wednesday for the consideration of the account of your last two years' farm. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Townsend to bring to my Lords the accounts of the Wardrobe forthwith. Ibid, p. 375.
Oct 28 Treasury orders on the land revenue for 100l. and 100l. and 100l. to Sir Robert Vynor as reward for loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 356.
Oct. 28 Money warrant for 100l. 7s. 6d. to Roger Harsnet for one year in part of 200l. 15s. 0d. arrears to Sept. 29 last on his salary and board wages as a Sergeant at Arms. Warrants Early XXVIII p. 28.
Same for 920l. to Sir William Godolphin for six months, May 21 last to Nov. 21 next, of his entertainment as Envoy Extraordinary to the Catholic King and Queen Regent of Spain. (Treasury order hereon, dated Nov. 9.) Ibid, p. 24; Order BookXXXVII. p. 72.
Oct 29 Treasury order for 1,000l. to Sir Robt. Vynor in repayment of loan: [out of the new farm of the Customs.] Order Book XXXVII. p. 71.
Sir G. Downing to John West and John Johnson, officers of the Customs of Old Romney, to attend my Lords on the first Tuesday of the term on the matter against you for suffering the transportation of wool. Out Letters General II. p. 375.
Oct. 30 Money warrant for 100l. to Wynifred Wells for half a year to Sept. 29 on her pension. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 31.
Oct. 31 The Treasury Lords to the Customs Farmers to pay the Earl of Dover's creation money, notwithstanding the Treasury letter of 1669, April 20, directing the suspension of payment of any creation money upon any dormant warrant. Out Letters Customs II. p. 142.
Money warrant (erased) for 600l. to Sir Bernard Gascoyne for one year on his annuity in part of 2,100l. arrears due thereon to Sept. 29 last. Warrants Early XXVIII. pp. 26–7.
Same for 525l. to Thomas Turner for three quarters to Sept. 29 last on his yearly allowance of 700l. for His Majesty's secret service: as by the privy seal of 1666, Dec. 22. (See under Nov. 4.) Ibid, p. 27.
Same for 1,198l. to Edward Earl of Sandwich, viz. 500l. for furnishing the yacht to fetch the Prince of Orange; 300l. for furnishing the Cockpit for the said service; 18l. for new covering the Speaker's chair; 100l. for necessaries at Somerset House for the Commissioners for the Union, and 280l. for several things commanded for the Queen's lodgings: all as by an estimate thereof from Bullein Reymes. (Treasury order for 1,198l. hereon, dated Nov. 10.) Ibid, p. 29; Order BookXXXVII. p. 71.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay 50l. to Sir Edward Walker for half a year to Sept. 29 last on his annuity as Garter King of Arms. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 30.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Meynell to attend him to-morrow about the remains of Customs moneys unpaid. Out Letters General II. p. 375.
Same to Sir John Shaw. Please send to my house to-morrow the bill for Plantation trade and against planting tobacco. To-morrow being holiday I shall have leisure to look it over. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long, Mr. Sherwyn, Sir C. Harbord, and the Lord Chief Baron to attend my Lords on Friday next at the hearing of the business between Mr. Scarlett and Mr. Prettyman. Ibid, p. 376.
Same to Sir Henry Wood for a certificate to my Lords how it comes to pass that there is 2,000l. unpaid to Sir Thomas Bond, part of the 5,000l. warranted to him 1669, Sept. 28. Ibid, p. 377.
Oct. 31 Royal sign manual for a privy seal for 3,704l. 3s. 11d. to the victuallers of the Navy to make good to them so much of the victuals already issued and now issuing as will exceed the declaration for the present year of 5,000 men for 365 days. (Privy seal, dated Nov. 9.) Warrants Early XVa. pp. 54. 88–9.
Same for a great seal to grant to Francis, Lord Hawley, Sir C. Harbord, Sir William Howard Sir John Talbott, Sir Robert Stewart. and William Harbord, in trust, the fee farm rents intended to be sold. Ibid, pp. 54–5.
Royal sign manual for 1,500l. to Sir Ste. Fox without accompt to be by him paid for the King's important and immediate service. (Money warrant hereon, dated Nov. 10. "to be by him paid to His Majesty's own royal hands"; Treasury order hereon, Nov. 11.) Ibid, p. 64; Out Letters Customs II. p. 143; Order Book XXXVII. p. 28.
Same for 150l. to Simona Carey as royal bounty to her. (Money warrant, dated Nov. 9.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 64; Out Letters Customs II. p. 143.
Same for 450l. to Frances Ligneer in regard that the like sum is due to her from Sir Paul Pindar and others, late Farmers of the Customs in the time of Charles I. for the payment of whose debts "we had assigned the sum of 200,000l. to be paid to them, but have since directed the sum of 10,000l. part thereof, and for which a tally was struck 29 April, 1665, to be paid into the Receipt of the Exchequer." (Money warrant hereon, dated Nov. 10.) Warrants Early XVa. pp. 65–6; Out Letters Customs II. p. 144,