Minute Book: December 1670

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Minute Book: December 1670', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp507-511 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: December 1670', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp507-511.

"Minute Book: December 1670". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp507-511.


December 1670

Dec. 5. [Downing's memoranda.]
A list [is to be prepared] of all warrants charged upon the new farm of the Customs. Done.
Lord Howard's warrant to be made ready. Done.
[Write for] a certificate from Sir R. Long about the Countess of Brentford [viz. that Mrs. Margaret Scot is agent to her]. Done.
Sir Ste. Fox: [warrant for] 6,000l. of the 20,000l. to be now advanced by the new Farmers [of the Customs]. Done.
[Minute Book DCXXV. p. 145.]
[?Dec. 5.] [Downing's memoranda.]
Query: how Mrs. Pamplyn assigned?
Memorandum: Mr. Bowater.
To call on Mr. Griffin.
Capt. Writt: the King will have his 30l. per an. A warrant.
Mr. Hollingshead: his warrant to be on any money in the Exchequer [in place of his present assignment which is] now on the fee farms.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 105.]
Dec. 7. [Downing's memoranda.]
Warrant for Mr. Baker for Greenwich stables: on the new farm of the Customs. Done.
Warrant for 5,000l. for the Privy Purse out of seizures. Done.
Earl of Scarsdale: warrant for three years of his creation money.
Earl of Clare: dormant warrant for his creation money: two years due at Michaelmas last past.
Draft of a warrant to the Excise Commissioners about nonpayment of duties: [ordered] that it be transcribed fair and tendered to my Lords to sign. Done.
Edmond Anguish to be Customer of Great Yarmouth in place of Robert Tracy, lately deceased. Done.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 145, DCXXIV. p. 106.]
Dec. 9. [Downing's memoranda.]
Mr. Noy: warrant: query.
Mr. Sandford, herald, a warrant. The last warrant paid him clear.
Mr. Howard: warrant.
Navy: 14,000l. Wardrobe: 10,000l. Sir Ste. Fox 6,000l. on the 30,000l. [loan] by Alderman Backwell for as much as not yet done.
Capt. Weld: warrant on Sir Tho. Strickland's salt farm after what [is] now charged [thereon] and to know what is paid of what is charged thereon. Done.
Prince Rupert's warrant to be altered [and made] on the Exchequer.
Col. Strowd: process to stay for six weeks.
Mr. Waller: warrant on the Attorney General's report.
Mr. Bathurst: warrant on any money in the Exchequer: on Sir Ro. Crook's certificate.
Mr. Vandall: warrant.
Mr. Bathurst's bonds for the Aids [are] to be delivered up. Warrant to Viscount Fanshaw and Sir W. Doyly.
Mr. Porter: warrant for remitting [the 12 per cent. interest charge].
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 106.]
Earl of Oxford: warrant for his 2,000l. on the loans on the new farm of the Customs. Done.
Warrant for Mr. Hall to have the place of Comptroller of Chester fort. Done.
Duke of Newcastle's creation money: warrant.
Mr. Killigrew: warrant for 800l. on the new farm of the Customs. Done.
Mr. Allen's warrant to be altered. Watcher to be put out and Eckelston to be put in. Done.
[Minute Book DCXXV. p. 146.]
Dec. 12. [Downing's memoranda.]
Prince of Orange: warrant on the Country Excise: as in the Cofferer's paper.
Earl of Carlisle: his pension to be placed on the Viscount Townsend's rent of the coal farm.
Mr. Wadlow: warrant to pay no more money to him, and that his account be hastened.
London Excise: [ordered] "that they [the new farmers of Customs] pay in their advance for the Customs on the Exchequer in general, and have for their repayment a warrant for orders on the London Excise in case their farm go not on: and that the money be paid to Alderman Backwell on his orders on the new farm of the Customs, and that he lend it again on a tally on the Exchequer in general: and a warrant [to issue] to the Navy to have it out."
Mr. Wingfield: a warrant.
Mr. Smith: Fr. Leaver of Old W[indsor], in co. B[ucks.], Esq.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. pp. 106–7.]
To [bear in] mind Sir William Temple's business on Monday next.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 146.]
Dec. 14. [Downing's memoranda.]
Lady Ashley warrant for 1,000l. on the new farm of the Customs and she to quit all her arrears. Done.
Sir C. Harbord's report read about Mr. Arrundell. [Ordered] that the lease be to Mr. Arrundell and the fines to Sir Edw. Walker. Done.
The 1,000l. for Nonsuch to be out of the loans [on the new farm] of the Customs. Done.
Mr. Le Gouse, his 1,100l. warrant to be on the loans on the new farm of the Customs. Done.
The Commissioners of Wine Licences [are] to have the same salaries the Duke [of York] formerly allowed the Commissioners for the said licences. A privy seal for them. Done.
Letter from Monsr. De Ognate about his allowance of wines brought in. To see to what time any allowance for wines have been made to any public ministers. Done.
Duke of Monmouth: [warrant] for his creation money.
[Ibid. p. 147.]
Mr. Barkly: warrant on his patent.
Col. Windham: warrant on his privy seal: [he first] to bring a certificate.
Mr. Danvers to be paid out of the 10,000l. for the Wardrobe as much as his last year's account comes to: [postea] would stay.
Yeoman prickers: warrant accordingly: bring a certificate.
Mr. Packer: [warrant for] 250l. for Lindhurst: to be out of any money on the Tenths.
Mr. Shillingford: new dormant warrant [for] 40l. per an.
Mr. Smith: warrant to Mr. Packer to take up money at interest for Windsor Park. The sum is 300l. by warrant dated 7 Nov. 1670.
Mr. Smith: leave out commission, &c.
Memorandum: heathpoult man.
[Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 107.]
Dec. 19. [Downing's memoranda.]
Privy purse warrants dispatched for 10,000l. to be paid out of the advance of the new farm of the Customs [viz.] 2,000l. out of each 50,000l. [so to be] advanced on the [said] new farm of the Customs.
[The] certificate of the verderers, &c., of New Forest and the letter from Lord St. Johns approving thereof [are] considered. [Ordered] that the former warrant be vacated and a new one made accordingly.
[Ibid. DCXXV. p. 148.]
Major Langhorn: warrant for 500l. on any money in the Exchequer.
Mr. North: warrant [for him] to be receiver of the arrears of taxes in Suffolk loco Mr. Gypps.
Madame de Bord: warrant for 400l. on that patent.
Countess of Guildford: warrant for the arrear of her creation money.
Privy Purse: [warrant for] 1,000l. for healing medals.
Mr. Madox: order to be delivered to him when signed.
Earl of St. Albans' execr.
Mr. Castle's order.
Mr. Harris: docquet.
Memorandum: the two end minutes to query.
[Ibid. DCXXIV. p. 108.]
Dec. 22[sic ? for 23.] [Downing's memoranda.]
The Viscount of Falkland: dormant warrant.
Lady Frazier: warrant to Mr. Griffin to pay those bills: also [warrant to said Griffin] about the 14l. to the porters at the gate.
Sir R. Pigott and [the] Patent [Office] clerks: warrants severally for the King's hand. In the case of the clerks [the warrants] to be as others in Mr. Blany's name.
Mr. Danvers: warrant to place him, all but 400l., on the fee farms.
Mrs. Stepney: [warrant for] 100l. of her pension.
New park: report considered: [warrant for] 350l. for hay [for the deer] as desired, "but for as many deer as the King will have kept above 2,500l., and the coal money [which is] to be paid by the Lady Harby, and so 600l. per an. for the whole. Warrant for a privy seal."
Viscount Mandeville: warrant on the fee farms for all his privy seal.
Mr. Newsham: Sir W. Doyly's report about him considered: warrant accordingly.
Mr. Foly: his petition considered: warrant accordingly.
Sir Edm. Windham: who does the warrant on his petition ?
New York. Memorandum: Mr. Ll[oyd]: what [is] behind [unpaid] of New York warrant money, is to be paid out of the Wine Licence money.
Sir William Armorer: warrant on his privy seal on the wine licences after what for Sir W. Apsley for New York.
Major Langhorn: warrant for 125l. on the wine licences.
Mr. Whittle.
Earl of Middlesex: creation money. Charnock [to draw the warrant for it].
Squib petition.
Memorandum: Mr. Grabu, to query what done for him.
To speak with Mr. Danvers.
To look for George Smith's petition.
[Minute Book DCXXIV. p. 108.]
Dec. 23. [Downing's memoranda.]
Sir William Temple's extraordinaries are to be paid out of the advance on the new farm of the Customs. The warrant for his extraordinaries is to be changed accordingly
Warrant for a privy seal for the remain of the Queen's money. Done.
Sir Dennis Gawden called in. Warrant on his 3,000l. privy seal: [to be] on the advance of the new farm of the Customs. Done.
Mr. Hopton Shuter: warrant on his lease. Done.
Warrant on the Duke of Buckingham's privy seal for 1,000l.: [to be] on the loans on the new farm of the Customs. Done.
The docquet for Sir James Hayes his brother is to be looked out and to pass. Done.
Sir Edmund Wyndham: petition [read]. Warrant [ordered] on Sir C. Harbord's report. Done.
Sir C. Harbord to be sent to about Mr. Dawborne's business. Done.
Sir Bernard Gascoyne's pension of 600l. per an. is to be paid out of Sir William Bucknall's grant of the 5s. per ton on French shipping, by the hands of the farmers thereof: and the remainder of the said farm rent is to be paid into the Exchequer. Done.
[Ibid. DCXXV. pp. 148–9.]