Entry Book: August 1669

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Entry Book: August 1669', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp259-277 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: August 1669', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp259-277.

"Entry Book: August 1669". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp259-277.


August 1669

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Aug. 2 Money warrant for 20l. to Richard Dorny, one of the King's violins, or Margaret Dorny, widow, his mother and assignee. Warrants Early XVIII. pp. 230, 235.
For 18l. 5s. 0d. to John Stone, for one year's fee as master mason to the King at Windsor.
For 12l. 3s. 4d. to Arthur Haughton for same as purveyor of the Works.
For 18l. 5s. 0d. to John Grove for same as master plaisterer.
For 66l. 13s. 4d. to William Dicconson for same as clerk of His Majesty's Works.
For 18l. 5s. 0d. for same to Isaac Corner for same as [master] bricklayer.
For 18l. 5s. 0d. and 1l. 4s. 0d. to Thomas Bagley as the King's glazier.
For 52l. 12s. 6d. to Thomas Kinward as the King's joiner.
Same for 90l. 11s. 8d. to Henry Norris, the King's joiner of the privy lodgings. Ibid, pp. 239, 240, 243, 245.
For 18l. 5s. 0d. to Alexander White for same as the King's plumber at Windsor.
For 18l. 5s. 0d. to Richard Ryder for same as the King's master carpenter.
For 27l. 7s. 6d. to Henry Philips for same as the King's master carver on wood.
For 18l. 5s. 0d. to Edward Marshall for same as the King's master mason.
For 27l. 7s. 6d. to Hugh May for same as Comptroller of the Works.
For 36l. 10s. 0d. to Philip Packer for same as Paymaster of the Works.
Same for 50l. to Richard Willson, gent., for discovering clippers and coiners in the Northern circuits according to Baron Rainsford's certificate. Ibid, pp. 218, 219.
10l. to Thomas Segar on his fee of 20l. per an. as Bluemantle Pursuivant.
746l. 13s. 4d. to Sir Dennis Gauden for victuals for the month of August for 2,000 men over and above the 5,000 men.
Aug. 2 Treasury orders for 500l. to Edmond Warcup in repayment of 500l. loan with interest: for 200l. to Philip Packer towards repair of Godshouse at Portsmouth: for 168l. 16s. 3d. to the Earl of Lindsey for the keepers of Waltham Forest. Order Book XXXVII. pp. 87, 88.
Declaration of account of John Lloyd, Receiver of Hearth money for Glamorgan and Brecon, viz. for 18 months to Michaelmas, 1665. Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 138.
Money warrant for 450l. to Rebeck wife of Henry Brouncker, one of the Queen Mother's dressers, for 1½ years on her annuity. Out Letters Customs I. p. 179.
Treasury warrant to William Thrower, messenger in ordinary to the King, attending the Receiver of Crown revenues in Suffolk. Norfolk, Cambridge, and Huntingdon, to distrain as soon as any discovery shall be made for the rents called the chauntry of Donnington, being 2l. 0s. 11¼ d. per an., and the feodary of Suffolk and Norfolk being 9l. 3s. 4d. per an., both of which have been unpaid since the Restoration: and further to distrain on Ralph Apsley, gent., of Norfolk, for several sums due to the King. Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 253.
Same to Auditor Sir Joseph Seymour to allow John Clutterbuck. Receiver of Poll money charged on the nobility. 12d. per £ on the 5,683l. 2s. 8d. by him paid into the Receipt out of the 5,982l. 4s. 8d. ly him received on that account: being the like allowance formerly made to him for receiving the Benevolence money as appears by the certificate of John Payne, one of the Attorneys of the King's Remembrancer's Office. Ibid, XXXIV. pp. 189–90.
Same to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Sarah Escourt. relict of John Estcourt. late Receiver of Aids for co. Wilts: she charging some of the moneys of her late husband's receipt to be now in the hands of John Colvile. Ibid, p. 191.
Sir G. Downing to the Solicitor General and Sir R. Long. You were wanted here this morning when the King was here about farming the arrears of Ireland. The King will be here again to-morrow: pray attend then. Out Letters General II. pp. 99. 100.
Same to Mr. Elliott. I wish to speak with you to-morrow about some business of yours I am not yet satisfied in. Ibid, p. 100.
Same to Auditor Parsons to bring with all speed the state of Sir John Norton's account as Receiver of Aids for co. Southampton; my Lords being about to consider same in order to remit the 12 per cent. interest charge thereon. Ibid
Treasury orders for 9,000l., 500l., and 1,500l. to the Navy Treasurers; and 273l. to Sir Gabriel Sylvius. Envoy to the Elector of Brandenburg. Order Book XXXVII. pp. 1, 2.
Sign manual for a privy seal for 200l. per an. pension to Capt. Lawrence van Heemskirke for good and acceptable services. Warrants Early XV. p. 328.
[?] Same for same for 4,000l. to the Earl of St. Albans for equipage for his embassy to France. Ibid, p. 329.
Aug. 3 Letter of direction on the money warrant of June 25 last for 324l. 14s. 2½d. to Philip Packer for the Works. Ibid, XXII. p. 7.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for 9,904l. 19s. 0d. to Mrs. Constance Pley, representing the value of assignments to her and to George Pley, Thomas Gould, merchant, Edmond Hinton. goldsmith, Lawrence Day and Constance Walsall, respectively creditors of the Navy, whose said assignments on Sir Thomas Player, Chamberlain of London, have not been met by reason of the falling short of those moneys owing to the fire of London. (Privy seal dated Aug. 9.) Ibid, XV. pp. 329, 334–5.
Aug. 3 Treasury order for 200l. for Roger Charnock. gent.: for 50l. to Richard Willson as royal bounty: for 20l. each to Edward Fanconberge and John Lowe, Under-Chamberlains of the Receipt. Order Book XXXVII. p. 87.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Col. John Strowd, late Collector of Hearth money for the Cinque Ports. Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 138.
Sir G. Downing to Alderman Bucknall. My Lords moved the King this morning about your 70,000l. which is to be carried into Ireland. The King was pleased to declare that he will take the care at his own charge to send over such money as is to be sent into Ireland and that he only expects you to pay it into the Exchequer here, in such proportions and at such times as you were to pay it in Ireland. Out Letters General II p. 100
The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Sir Dennis Gauden on his accounts for 1668 as Victualler of the Navy, the said accounts being now before the Navy Commissioners and near a conclusion. Warrants Early XXXIII p. 118.
Treasury order for 3,000l. to the Duke of Buckingham in part of his arrear of 8,083l. 6s. 8d. Order Book XXXVII. p. 1.
Aug. 4 Treasury order for 36l. 10s. 0d. each to Thomas Wetherden and to the administratrix of Bartholomew Lucar and John Robinson and Henry Carter on their entertainment as Grooms of the Chamber to the Queen Consort. Ibid, pp. 87, 88.
500l. to Thomas Ellyott, Master of the Harriers, for one year on his fee.
40l. to the administratrix of Nicasio Le Febure, as late apothecary to the King.
90l. to the King's littermen.
25l. 8s. 4d. to William Ward, Clerk of the Pells as reward.
100l. to the Grooms and Pages of the King's Chamber.
Treasury order for 25,000l. to the Navy Treasurers Ibid, p. 321.
Same for 5,000l. and 2,604l. to the Navy Treasurers: and 920l. to Sir William Temple on his ordinary as Ambassador to the States General. Ibid, p. 2.
Aug. 5 Same for 1,000l. for Henry Gregory in repayment of loan on the Customs. Ibid, pp. 2, 88.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Beale and Mr. Wood or Mr. Pack to attend my Lords to-morrow before eight in the morning with a state of the account of the late Farmers of the Customs for the first three years of their farm. Out Letters General II. p. 101.
[?] Same to the Lord Keeper et al., detailed, to attend the King on Saturday, the 7th inst, at the Treasury Chamber for consideration of [the matter of the farm of] the arrears of Ireland. Ibid, p. 102.
Aug. 6 Money warrant for 40l. to Dr. James Hyde, Physic Reader in the University of Oxford. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 246.
Aug. 6 Money warrant for 188l. to Capt. Henry Cook in part of 245l. arrears due on his various fees, detailed, as Master of the Children and Composer of the King's private music. Warrants Early XVIII pp. 233, 236–7.
For 40l. to Nathaniel Watkins for one year as one of the King's musicians.
For 46l. 10s. 0d. to William Howes for same as same.
For 40l. to Mathew Lock for same as same.
For 30l. 8s. 8d. to John Mason for same as same.
For 40l. to Alphonso Marsh for same as same.
For 66l. 2s. 6d. to John Mason and Henry Gregory for same as same.
For 46l. 10s. 10d. to Henry Howes for same as same.
For 46l. 10s. 10d. to John Gamble for same as same.
For 40l. to John Jenkins for same as same.
For 60l. 2s. 6d. to Philip Becket for a same as same.
For 110l. to John Bannister for same as same.
For 58l. 14s. 2d. to Robert Blagrave for same as same.
For 67l. 9s. 2d. to Thomas Laneir for same as same.
For 60l. to Charles Coleman for same as same.
For 46l. 10s. 10d. to John Singleton for same as same.
For 40l. to John Clement for same as same.
For 40l. to John Lilly for same as same.
For 20l. to James Farr for same as same.
For 90l. to Mr. Bate for same as same.
For 60l. to John Goodgroome for same as same.
For 20l. to Dr. Willson for same as same.
For 46l. 10s. 10d. to Robert Strong for same as same.
Same for 40l. to Dr. Francis Glisson, Reader in Physic in Cambridge University, for one year on his fee. Ibid, p. 241.
Sign manual for 100l to Hester Castle, relict of Thomas Castle, as royal bounty. Ibid, XV. p. 333.
Same for 40l. to Gregory Thornhill for one year as one of the King's musicians: 40l. to John Harding for same as same: 8l. 2s. 6d. to John May for his expenses in executing a commission, dated 1668–9, Mar. 12, for seizing Sir John Wintour's iron, wood, and coal in Dean Forest: and 2l. 10s. 0d. more to him for a horse for one Thomas Griffin, which was spoiled at the time when said Griffin came to said forest, and was a great instrument in putting a stop to the firing of the wood there. Ibid, XVIII. pp. 222, 223.
The Treasury Lords to William Cooke and the rest of the verderers of Dean Forest concerning the great spoils and destruction of young sprouts of oak and beech heretofore made by sheep, hogs, and other uncommonable cattle put into the waste of the forest contrary to the laws of the forest; which have frustrated the King's intention of preserving a nursery of trees there. Order them to proceed effectually against the like offenders in future. Ibid, XXXVII. pp. 253–4.
Treasury warrant to John May to take special care of the woods in said forest, and in particular in the 11,000 acres reserved there by the King for a nursery, and further to keep out cattle and to forbid all miners and colliers to cut wood in said forest. Ibid, pp. 254–5
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Hodges to attend him to-morrow about settling the business of Sir John Wolstenholme's 1,000l., [which is] to be paid out of money upon old Custom bonds. Out Letters General II. p. 102.
Aug. 5 Sir G. Downing to Alderman Backwell to attend my Lords on Monday about the difference between you and Mr. Booth, Receiver of Royal Aid for co. Chester, which delays the passing of said Booth's account and keeps him in town. Out Letters General II. p. 102.
Same to Auditors Beale and Wood to attend him concerning drawing up the warrants relating to the accounts of the late Farmers of the Customs. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Auditor Morice to allow 204l. in account to Nathaniel Booth, Receiver General of Aids for co. Chester: being his charges in returning 40,800l. of the moneys of his receipt into the Exchequer at the rate of ½ per cent. Warrants Early XXXIV. p. 191.
Same to Sir W. Doyly to deliver to the King's Remembrancer Thomas Weedon's bonds as Receiver of the Eleven Months' tax for Bucks in order to their being prosecuted for the recovery of his arrears. Ibid p. 199.
Same to the King's Remembrancer as to same Ibid, p. 200.
The like letters respectively concerning Dudley Rouse's bonds as Receiver of the Additional Aid and Eleven Months' tax for co. Oxford. Ibid, pp. 200–1.
Aug. 7 Sign manual for 200l. to Sidney Godolphin for his voyage to Paris, whither he is sent on the despatch of some of the King's affairs there. Ibid, XV. p. 343.
Aug. 8 Treasury order for 36l. 10s. 0d. to John Maxwell. a Groom of the Chamber to the Queen Consort. Order Book XXXVII. p. 88.
Aug. 9 Money warrant for 70l. to Patrick Crow, Clerk of the Peace for Northumberland, for engrossing duplicates concerning the firehearths and stoves in said county and making four several returns thereof according to the Act of Parliament: he having received for same only the allowance of a penny in the £ granted by the Act "and it further appeareth by certificate of William Richards, one of the Attorneys in the King's Remembrancer's office, dated 1668, May 2, that upon return of a commission issued under the Exchequer Seal in Hilary Term, 1661, for enquiry of accounts and debtors to His Majesty exempted from pardon by the late Act [of Indemnity, viz.], within the said county and upon view of the records and books in the Exchequer there were found 180 persons certified by the Commissioners of that county to be in arrear to the King" in which service said Crow was at much expense. Warrants Early XVIII. pp. 243–4.
Royal warrant for 100l. to John Howard, late ensign of the company of Guards now reformed [or dismissed]: as royal bounty. (Money warrant hereon dated August 11, Auditor's order dated August 12.) Ibid, XV. p. 332; XXIV. p. 92; Order Book XXXVII. p. 249.
Money warrant for 700l. remaining due to the Earl of Newburgh for the building of a house, stable and coach-house in the Mews on a privy seal dated 1662. June 19: and 600l. due to Henry Woolaston for repairing His Majesty's stables at Greenwich by privy seal dated 1662, Sept. 26: and 410l. remaining due to Capt. John Goulding on the privy seal of 1661–2. Mar. 12, for money lent by him to the King at Antwerp: and 290l. due to George Kirke, senr.. on his several allowances in the Receipt: all which moneys were furnished in July, 1665, by the late Alderman Francis Meynell, deceased, as part of 20,000l. by said Meynell furnished to Sir George Carteret, then Treasurer of the Navy: for the satisfaction of which loan said Carteret did deliver to said Meynell tallies to the Royal Aid to that amount, whereby the said Carteret stands charged with the abovesaid several sums which he never received. Warrants Early XVIII. pp. 225–6.
Aug. 9 Treasury orders for 746l. 13s. 4d. to Sir Dennis Gauden in part of 11 200l., for victuals for 2,000 men. Order Book XXXVII. p. 321.
The Treasury Lords to the Clerk of the Patents to hasten the engrossing of grant of the fee farm rents. Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 256.
The Treasury Lords to Sir Richard Brooke. Sir William Stanley, Sir Foulke Lucy, Sir John Booth, et al.. Commissioners for Assessments for co. Chester; forwarding a copy of a petition received from the inhabitants of Chester city, and fixing a hearing of the business between said city and said Commissioners for Sept. 27 next. Ibid, XXXIV. p. 192.
The like to the Mayor of Chester and the rest of the Commissioners for Assessments in that city. Ibid.
Same to Edward Seymour, late Receiver for co. Devon, to give an account to Sir W. Doily of the 1,346l. 18s. 0d. arrears of the Royal Aid still standing on Exeter, and the 255l. 0s. 5d. arrears of the Additional Aid standing on Exeter and Devon. Ibid, pp. 192–3.
Same to the Commissioners of Assessments for co. Hereford to take order for the collection of the arrear of 3,923l. 2s. 11d. of the Royal Aid, and 14,504l. 6s. 8d. of the Eleven Months tax still standing in arrear on said county. Ibid, p. 193.
Same to Thomas Sikes, Receiver of Berks, to forthwith pay in the 1,938l. 4s. 8d. of the Eleven Months' tax standing out on said county. Ibid, p. 194.
The like to the following Receivers, viz. to Mr. Northcott concerning the 11,748l. 13s. 0d. arrears of the Eleven Months tax co Devon: to Lewis Harding concerning the 2,982l. 11s. 9d. arrears of same co. Beds: to Mr. Swynburne concerning the arrrears of 789l. 13s. 3d. of the Royal Aid, 541l. 2s. 0d of the Additional Aid, and 6,280l. 17s. 9d. of the Eleven Months' tax co. Durbam: to Mr. Trethewy concerning the arrears of 7,556l. 0s. 7d. of the Eleven Months' tax on co. Somerset, and 1,049l. same on Bristol: to Lionell Walden concerning the 7,588l. 12s. 10d. of same on co. Huntingdon: to Mr. Cooper concerning the arrears of 315l. 18s. 5d. of the Royal Aid, 499l. 12s. 10d. of the Additional Aid, and 7,310l. 13s. 4d. of the Eleven Months' tax on co. Nottingham: to Walter Strickland concerning the arrears of 5l. 14s. 10d of the Royal Aid, 29l. 11s. 7d. of the Additional Aid, and 11,322l. 18s. 3d. of the Eleven Months' tax on co. York: to John Randall concerning the arrears of 28l. 16s. 3d. of the Royal Aid, 522l. 19s. 1d. of the Additional Aid, and 3,365l. 3s. 11d. of the Eleven Months' tax on co. Dorset: to Sir Walter Moyle concerning the arrears of 2,055l. of the Additional Aid, and 8,760l. of the Eleven Months' tax on co. Cornwall: to Robert Folie, Receiver for the county and city of Worcester, concerning the arrears of 506l. 8s. 5d. of the Royal Aid, 514l. 3s. 6d. of the Additional Aid, and 12,083l. 1s. 10d. of the Eleven Months' tax on said county and city: to Mr. Hosier concerning the arrears of 548l. 11s. 10d. of the Royal Aid, 18l. 18s. 6d. of the Additional Aid, and 6,170l. 4s. 0d. of the Eleven Months' tax on co. Salop. Ibid, pp. 194–5
Aug. 9 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Williamson to insert in his next Thursday's Gazette and for three Thursdays successively the following notice "and for more authenticqnesse that you print my name at the bottom thereof."
These are to give notice to all whom it may concern that the Treasury Lords will be ready on the 11th of Oct., 1669, at three in the afternoon, to receive propositions from any person or persons for the farming or collecting the duty arising by Hearths and Stoves in England. Wales and Berwick on Tweed, either in one farm or collection, or by several counties and places.
Out Letters General II p. 103.
Same to Mr. Lawrence to get the opinion of the Attorney or Solicitor General as to whether process may not be issued out against any baronets who have not yet paid their 1,095l. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Vyner and Sir Ste. Fox to attend my Lords to-morrow about borrowing some money on the land revenue. Ibid, p. 104.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the proposition of Prince Rupert and Lord Henry Howard for making a general farthing in obedience to the order of reference from the King of Jan. 13 last. We have the proposals of Eliah Palmer for making such a farthing and have had the [opinion of the] officers of the Mint upon both and finding it to be a matter too great for our determination humbly submit same to your Majesty. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 118.
Treasury order for 192l. 13s. 1d. (?) to Sir Thomas Higgons, Envoy Extraordinary to the Elector of Saxe: for 5,000l. to John Hervey for the Queen Consort: and order (erased) for Sir Dennis Gauden. Order Book XXXVII. p. 2.
Aug. 10 Money warrant for 20l. to William Gouldsborough for two years on his fee as under clerk of the Parliament. Warrants Early XVIII. pp. 245–6.
Same for 1,500l. to the Earl of Bath remaining unpaid on his dormant warrant of 1668, April 27, for 3,500l. Ibid, p. 226.
Treasury order for 5,000l. to Sir R. Vyner in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 322.
Treasury fiat for a commission to persons detailed, to inquire as to the assessionable manors, lands, stannaries, tolls, wastes, decays, &c., &c., of the Duchy of Cornwall. Warrants Early XXXVII p. 257.
Treasury warrant to Auditor Aldworth to remit the 47l. 11s. 6d. charged in the account of Henry Brabant, late Receiver of Aids for Northumberland, &c., being 12 per cent. charge on an arrear of 366l. 12s. 8½d. Ibid, XXXIV. p 196.
Sir G. Downing to Serjeant Stevens for a list of prisoners in his custody. Out Letters General II. p. 105.
Aug. 11 Money warrants for 500l. to Philip Packer for the charge of the wall to enclose part of St. James's Park. Warrants Early XV. pp. 226, 228, 229; Order Book XXXVII.pp. 88, 321.
For 200l. to Col. Henry Stanihurst and Col. Laurence Dempsey as royal bounty to be divided between them equally (appending royal warrant for same).
For 657l. 14s. 4½d. to Lady Elizabeth Dryden in full of 3,000l. as by the privy seal of 1666, June 25.
For 450l. to John, Joseph and Philip Roetiers as gravers to the Mint.
Aug. 11 Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to allow to Anthony Eyres and William Stanhope, Farmers of Excise for co. Notts, interest for their advance money for Xmas and Lady Day quarters last. Warrants Early XXIV. p. 92.
Treasury order for 6,000l. to Baptist May for the Privy Purse Order Book XXXVII. p. 379.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for 400l. odd to Sir W. Doyly Warrants Early XV. p. 329.
Same for 100l. to Col. Titus, Groom of the Bedchamber, as royal bounty. Ibid.
Sign manual for a privy seal for 9,000l. to Philip Earl of Chesterfield and Charles Henry Lord Wotton in full discharge of the annuity of 3,000l. per an., granted for 21 years to Katherine Countess of Chesterfield in return for the surrender by her of the contract made 1664, Dec. 5, with the Crown by Daniel O Neile. one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber, for the sole making of gunpowder, said Countess being the relict and executrix of said O'Neile, and she having by her will, dated 1666. Dec. 15, devised the said annuity to William Lord Arlington and Anthony Samuel in trust for her two sons, Philip Earl of Chesterfield and Charles Henry Lord Wootton. who have agreed to surrender said patent in return for said 9,000l. (Privy seal, dated Aug. 25.) Ibid, pp. 330–1, 396–7.
Same for same for 2,377l. to Mr. Child and Mr. Bowles for a rich pavilion and 22 tents and things thereto belonging. (Privy seal, dated Aug. 23.) Ibid, pp. 331, 385.
Same for same for the allowance of interest money to the Earl of Sandwich on his late embassy to Spain and Portugal. Ibid, p. 331.
Same for same for 1,000l. to Dudley Rowse for the repairs of Windsor Castle, houses and buildings. (Privy seal hereon, dated Aug. 27.) Ibid, pp. 336, 396
Sign manual for 300l. to Richard Lightfoot, Keeper of Bushey Park, for repair of the posts, rails, &c., of said park. (Money warrant, dated Aug. 13, with a letter of direction, dated Nov. 4.) Ibid. p. 340; XXI. pp. 17–18; XXII. p. 54.
Same for 250l. to Charles Lord St. John of Basing for repair of the King's house at Lyndhurst. co. Southampton. (Money warrant hereon, dated Aug. 17.) Ibid, XV. p. 341; XVIII. p. 234.
Same for 3l. 13s. 4d. to Peter Lely for interest to 1668, April 30, on a loan of 500l. paid into the Exchequer 1667–8, Feb. 14 ("which said interest money he could not yet receive by reason that the general letters of privy seal for payment of such interest bears a later date, viz. April 30, than that of the tally of loan" (viz. Feb. 14). (Money warrant, dated Aug. 13.) Ibid, XV. p. 344; XVIII. p. 241.
The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners of the Poll for Northumberland. No assessment has been made upon several parishes in said county in pursuance of the Act for the Pol, although you have been often called by the Receiver General to put the said Act into execution. We request you to put same into speedy execution in all places in your county. Ibid, XXXIV. p. 197
Sir G. Downing to Lord Carlingford. The order of Council refers it to my Lords and the Lords of Ireland to consider your petition and examine how much your partners are in arrear to the King on the farm of Wine Licences [in Ireland]. To enable me to make out what such arrears are pray give me an account thereof. Out Letters General II. p. 105.
Aug. 11 Sir G. Downing to Joseph Deane for the like account of the abovesaid arrears on the farm of wine licences in Ireland to Michaelmas last. Out Letters General II. p. 106.
The Treasury Lords to the Earl of Ossory, Lord Deputy of Ireland, to permit the Farmers of the Customs of Ireland to have a copy of a return of a commission, issued by said Lord Deputy, for examination of their demands of defalcations. Out Letters Ireland I. p. 7.
Same to same. The application of the [members of the] abovesaid commission for a reward, as having now made a return of their commission, is to be made to the Lord Lieutenant on his arrival in Ireland. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to Timothy Whittingham. It appears by the report of several Justices of Peace, of Northumberland, that 130l. is remaining in your hands of the money which was raised in 1657 and 1658 by virtue of an Act of Parliament for the relief of the poor protestants in Piedmont; which money not having been applied to that use ought to have been answered to His Majesty. To avoid trouble request him to pay same forthwith into the Exchequer. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 119.
Treasury order for 1.000l. to John Peters in repayment of loan on the Customs: for 500l. to Edmond Woodroffe in repayment of same. Order Book XXXVII. p. 2.
Aug. 12 Same for 200l. to the Earl of Carbery on his allowance of 400l. per an. Ibid, p. 89.
Treasury warrant to the Commissioners at St. Helens, London. By order of Council, of July 2 last, licence was granted to Alderman Bucknall, et al., the present farmers of His Majesty's revenue in Ireland, to transport thither in specie 70,000l. which they were obliged to advance on their farm for the present supply of the Army in that Kingdom, 10,000l. thereof to be in foreign coin and the rest in current coins of this kingdom. You are to have waggons ready on Monday next, Aug. 16, at the Excise Office in Aldersgate Street, whence the said money is to be received and conveyed to Chester or Holyhead or such other place as the present Lord Lieutenant intends to take shipping from. Out Letters Ireland I. p. 6.
Treasury order for 5,000l. to Sir Robt. Vynor in repayment of loan on the land revenue. Order Book XXXVII. p. 323.
Same for 700l. to William Ashburnham Cofferer of the Household for the entertainment of the Prince of Denmark: and for 20,000l. to same for interest. Ibid, pp. 249, 250.
Same for 66l. 13s. 4d. to the Groom and Pages of the Chamber to the Queen Consort. Ibid, p. 88.
Sir G. Downing to the Earl of Sandwich, for a certificate of the charge of 100 liveries and badges for tho Yeomen of the Guard, as they are now making after His Majesty's new fashion of them: also for a certificate of the charge of the old liveries and badges. Out Letters General II. p. 106.
Money warrant, for 1,902l. 5s. 4d. to Sir John Robinson. Lieutenant of the Tower of London, in full of 4,570l. 17s. 2d. for fees and wages to himself, the Gentlemen Porters and Yeoman Warders, for 1¾ years to 1668, Sept. 29. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 226.
Aug. 13 Money warrant for 250l. to Sir Alexander Hume for half a year on his annuity. Warrants Early XVIII. pp. 228, 230, 231, 234, 237.
For 5l. to Henry Thomas as royal bounty.
For 5l. 11s. 8d. to James Marriott, housekeeper and keeper of the Privy Lodgings at Hampton Court for one year on his two fees.
For 10l. to Elizabeth Burgesse, widow, as royal bounty.
For 8,220l. 3s. 7d. to Sir Edward Griffin. Treasurer of the Chamber. for wages and other expenses of the Household: to be paid to persons, detailed, in a list [wanting].
For 40l. to Edward Coleman for one year as one of the King's musicians and in part of 210l. arrears thereon.
For 10l. to Elizabeth Lanier as royal bounty in consideration of her late husband's services as Master of the King's music.
For 40l. to Anthony Roberts for one year as one of the King's musicians.
Same for 100l. to Col. Silius Titus, one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber, as royal bounty. (Order dated Sept. 24.) Ibid, p. 244; Order Book XXXVII. p. 90.
Same for 37l. 10s. 0d. to the sub-chanter and the rest of the vicars chorals of the Cathedral Church of Lichfield for 2½ years on their perpetuity of 15l. Warrants Early XVIII. pp. 246–7. 303.
Same for 20l. and 40l. to the Duke of Norfolk for one year's creation moneys as Earl and Duke. Ibid, p. 247.
Treasury warrant to Auditor Godolphin to allow in account to Bevis Lloyd John Vaughan John Lloyd, and Richard Gwynne, Receivers of assessments in South Wales, one £ per cent. in addition to the 1d. per £ on their passing their accounts. Ibid, XXIII. p. 25.
Warrant for a privy seal for 4,000l. to Viscount Grandison for four years as Capt. of the Yeomen of the Guard. (Privy seal, dated Aug. 25.) Ibid, XV. pp. 337, 350.
Royal warrant for 586l. 19s. 0d. to John Coquus, silver smith, for a twelvebranched candlestick made for the Queen. and now hanging in Her Majesty's drawing room. (Money warrant hereon, of same date.) Ibid, pp. 355–6; XVIII. p. 240.
Same for 100l. to Peter Watson, one of the Gentlemen Ushers Quarter Waiters in ordinary, in part of 490l. arrears on his salary and allowance. Ibid, XV. p. 357.
Sign manual for 200l. to Lieut. Richard Aston for equipage as Consul at Algiers, whereupon he is now going forth. (Money warrant hereon, dated Aug. 19; Auditor's order hereon, dated Sept. 24.) Ibid, p. 342; XVIII. p. 238; Order Book XXXVII. pp. 4, 322.
Treasury order for 36l. 10s. 0d. each to Hobart Coleby and John Hall, Grooms of the Chamber to the Queen Consort. Order Book XXXVII. p. 88.
Treasury warrant to the Attorney General et al. to cease proceedings against Francis Dackett and to re-admit him to his office of a King's waiter, London port: he having hitherto been only found guilty of being privy to the importing of some prohibited bacon, of which he did not make a timely discovery. and he having acknowledged his fault and promised to be more careful in future. Out Letters Customs I. pp. 180–1.
Aug. 13 Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Lands to sell to John Ward the [wood in] the coppice wood called Ido alias Wood, belonging to the manor of Climsland: leaving 12 trees on every acre for time to come. Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 258.
Same to same for a particular of Shaw farm in Berks petitioned for by Richard Bagnall. one of the King's Gentleman Ushers Quarter Waiters in ordinary. Ibid, pp. 258–9.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe and to the sheriffs of Worcester city for the past and present year to pay to the children of Meredith Vaughan the arrears to Sept. 29 next of the fee farm rent of 30l. per an. due from said city and lately granted by the King to Sir Daniell Tyas. Ibid, p. 265.
The Treasury Lords to [the Commissioners for the Poll for co. Northumberland]. recommending to them Richard Lancaster, gent, as a fit person to be employed in discovering and getting in the arrears mentioned supra p. 267. Ibid, XXXIV. pp. 196–7.
Treasury warrant to Auditor Sir W. Godo'phin to allow in account to Roger Whitley, Receiver General of Aids for the six counties of North Wales 1l. per cent. (besides the 1d. in the £ given by the Act) for his extraordinary charge and pains in that service. Ibid, p. 198.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to deliver up the bonds of William Kirkby, Receiver of Hearth money for co. Lancaster, and to supersede process against him. Ibid, XXXVI. p. 139.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Fleming concerning some linings on board the "Employment" hoy, which were endeavoured to be conveyed without paying custom. Out Letters General II. p. 106.
Same to Alderman Bucknell for a fairly written copy of the grant of the farm of the revenue in Ireland signed by Mr. Hynton. secretary to the farmers thereof, to be sent to the Treasury. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Williamson to insert in next Monday's Gazette a revised advertisement concerning the letting the Hearth money to farm on Oct. 11 next by adding to it the words 'the intention of my Lords is not thereby to disturb or interrupt the late farmers of that duty and the collection of any arrears due upon their farm to March 25 last inclusive.' and farther that the time from which the new farm is to be let is Sept. 29 next. Ibid, p. 107.
Same to the Duke of York. Prince Rupert, the Lord Keeper et al., detailed, to attend the King on Sunday next, Aug. 15, at 3 p.m.. in the Treasury Chambers. Whitehall. Ibid.
Same to Sir C. Harbord and Mr. Sherwyn, making an appointment. Ibid, p. 108.
Same to Mr. Hodges concerning the fund out of which is to be paid the 1,000l. granted to Sir John Wolstenholme by the privy seal of 1667, March 13. Ibid.
Aug. 14 Privy seal for 450l. to Sir William Doyly, junr., for his expenses in the repair of the house in St. Stephen's Court, Westminster, belonging to his office as one of the Tellers of the Exchequer. Warrants Early XV. p. 356.
Aug. 14 Treasury order for 782l. 16s. 0d. to George Pley, in satisfaction of money which should have been issued to him on a tally assigned to him by Sir George Carteret: for 1,803l. to Mrs. Constance Pley for money which should have been paid on a tally assigned to her by said Carteret: for 78l. 9s. 0d. to Mrs. Constance (Pley) Walsall, in satisfaction of the like: for 5l. to Henry Thomes as royal bounty: for 100l. to Hester Castle for same: for 70l. to Patrick Crow, Clerk of the Peace for Northumberland, for his service about returns of the Hearth money. Order Book XXXVII. pp. 88, 89.
The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Paul Cobb and Sarah Paradine, administratrix of Lewis Paradine, sureties for Lewis Harding, Receiver of the Eleven Months' tax for co. Beds. Warrants Early XXXIV. p. 206.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to supersede the process of distringas awarded against Thomas Povey to render accounts of imprests for Tangier: the Duke of York and the Lord's Commissioners for Tangier having signified by Mr. Creed their Secretary. that Mr. Povey's accounts are put into a way of being despatched. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 119.
Treasury order for 325l. to Sir Peter Wyche Order Book XXXVII. p. 3.
Aug. 15 Copy of part of the Treasury minute at supra p. 138 " that an instruction be given that nothing be paid of the arrears till the arrear of the Army and Civil list be paid, and Mr. ViceTreasurer of Ireland to have notice hereof." Out Letters Ireland I. p. 9.
Aug. 16 Privy seal to the Treasury to instruct the respective auditors and receivers of the fee farm rents. &c. (as under the terms of the letters patent under the Great Seal, dated July 29 last, vesting said fee farms, &c., in the hands of trustees for purposes therein detailed) to levy and collect them as formerly. but to keep the same upon a distinct accompt and accordingly to pay the moneys arising thereby from time to time into the Receipt to be thence issued in discharge of interest at 6 per cent. and principal so far as it extends thereto: and in case of the sale of such lands then to issue the proceeds in discharge of such loans thereon. and further to cause the Auditor of the Receipt to keep a book of registry in his office for all orders signed on the said revenue [for repayment of said loans]. and to take care that the said orders be entered in course according to their respective dates. and paid in such course accordingly, and to ascertain and certify the said orders by the numbering of them, and endorsing the sum after which each order is payable, so as that every man may the more readily know his time and course of payment. Warrants Early XV. pp. 350–3.
Treasury order for 5,000l. to Sir Robt. Vynor in payment of loan on the land revenue. Order Book XXXVII. p. 323.
Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long, to pay presently 500l. for carrying on the walls of St. James's park. Out Letters General II. p. 109.
Same to Alderman Bucknall for a copy of the grant of the Irish revenue. Ibid.
Aug. 17 Treasury warrant to Auditor Joseph Seymour et al. to discharge the super of 327l. 17s. 1d. set on the account of William Bowdler, late Receiver of Hearth money for co. Hereford. Warrants Early XXI. p. 18.
Aug. 17 Money warrant for 40l. to the Earl of Marlborough for two years' creation money. Warrants Early XVIII. pp. 233, 234.
For 200l. to Sir John Shaw and Joseph Ash, Surveyors of the Navigation Act. for two years' fee to Lady Day last.
Same for 1.825l. 13l. 6d. to Lord Arlington. Postmaster General, for defalcations on the Post Office, 1668, Dec. 31, to 1669. June 30 (viz. for services done and damage by him sustained from time to time by carrying letters and packets without being paid for them, such defalcations having been allowed by the privy seal of 1667, Oct. 19, during such time only as the said Arlington shall continue a principal Secretary of State: Arlington's demands herein having been examined and certified by the Earl of Manchester, Lord Chamberlain of the Household, the Earl of Sandwich and Secretary Trevor, being three of the Privy Council, and being supported by the affidavits of the several clerks, accomptants in the Outland Inland, Kentish and Irish offices). Ibid pp. 238–6.
Warrant for a privy seal for 4,650l. 16s. 8d. to Edward Backwell for 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. charge for furnishing and advancing several principal sums of 157, 683l. 4s. 10d. and 960l.: whereof was repaid to him up to June 24 last 86 688l. 9s. 2d. principal money, leaving 70,994l. 15s. 8d. and 960l. unpaid to him. (Privy seal hereon, Aug. 25.) Ibid. XV. pp. 336, 362–3.
Treasury order for 10l. to Eliz. Burgess as royal bounty Order Book XXXVII. p 88.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Sir Daniell Tyas, of Worcester, kt., of the fee farm rent of 30l. due from the town of Worcester. Warrants Early XXXVII. pp. 259–60.
Prefixing:—Particular and ratal of the premises and entry of demise.
The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to issue immediate process of extent against Manger Norton, Receiver General of Crown revenues for cos. Northumberland and Durham. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Auditor Aldworth to take care that no more money of the abovesaid receipt be paid to said Norton. Ibid, p. 261.
The Treasury Lords to Lord Arundell, of Trerice. in Cornwall. to pay to the Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall the arrear of rent for the tenement called Cranow. parcel of said Duchy, granted to Henry Seymour but by him assigned to said Lord Arundell. Ibid.
Same to Serj. Stevens to arrest John Hayne, tenant of the manor of Tintagel, Cornwall, for rescuing a distress made by William Melorne. late Receiver of said manor for an arrear of rent due from Thomas Wood for land by him held of said manor. Ibid, p. 262.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands to rate a particular of land in Gravel Lane. St. Saviour's. Southwark. vested in the Crown during the interest thereon of Steven van Wesendunck, a deceased alien, in order to a lease thereof to Edmond Ogar Ibid, pp 262–3.
Same to same for same of the scite of the late manor or mansion house of Oatlands, and of the park called Oatlands Park and all lands, tenements, meadows, pastures and hereditaments thereto belonging in order to a lease thereof to George Viscount Grandison and Edward Villers for 31 years from the decease of the Queen Mother. Ibid, p. 263.
[? Aug. 17] Demise by lease under the Exchequer seal to Sir John Lort, kt. and bart., of divers messuages in the parish of Llandilofawr. co. Carmarthen, part of the lands of Roland Gwyn, outlaw. Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 263.
Aug. 17 Treasury warrant to William Harbord. Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall, and to Robert Napper, Receiver General of same, Eustace Bridgell and John Ward to compound and agree with the copyhold tenants of the Duchy of Cornwall for their compounding for the discharge of those increased or improved rents reserved on the several grants made by copy of court roll since the Restoration: taking for the same 12 years purchase for a three live estate in possession, with widows estates incident; 11 years' purchase for same where there are no widows' estates; 10 years purchase for two live estates in possession; 7 years' purchase for a one life estate, with a widow's estate incident; 6 years' purchase for a three lives estate in reversion after widows' estate; 4 years' purchase for a two live estate in reversion of one life, with a widow's estate incident; 3 years' purchase for a one life estate in reversion of a widow's estate or of one life without a widow's estate incident: 2½ years' purchase for a one life estate in reversion of one life in possession, with a widow's estate incident; 2 years' purchase for a one life estate in reversion of two lives in possession. But in the manor of Bradninch, where the custom bears a longer estate than for three lives in reversion of a widow's estate in possession, there the fine for such longer estate to be apportioned by the Deputy Steward of the manor at his discretion: and in all cases where the life or lives in possession are old or sickly there to increase the rent by discretion. Ibid, pp. 264–5.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Lawrence pressing to know when the instrument for borrowing on the Crown land revenue will be dispatched. Pray also get a copy of the grant of the Irish revenue to Alderman Bucknall et al. " My Lords will defray the charge of writing it." Out Letters General II. p. 110.
[?] Same to [Auditor Morice] forwarding an affidavit of Nathaniel Booth, and for his opinion as to the fitness of remitting the 12 per cent. on said Booth's account of the Aids for Cheshire. Ibid.
Aug. 17 Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the case of Theobald Earl of Carlingford concerning the late grant to him et al. of the licences for retailing wine and strong waters in Ireland at 4 000l. per an. for seven years from 1666. May I and concerning the 3,000l. arrear on the rent thereof for the two years same was held by the said farmers, as appears by Joseph Dean's certificate of the 15th inst. The Earl of Carlingford acknowledges himself liable for the arrear of rent grown due from Michaelmas last to Xmas last, and offers to clear said quarter's rent, provided the King would allow him. during the remainder of the term formerly granted, the sum of 1,000l. per an., " which your Majesty by your late grant to Mr. Muschampe and others is to gain over and above the 4,000l. yearly rent of the said first mentioned grant; his Lordship giving full satisfaction to the executors of Sir Chichester Wray according to the contract between them." Out Letters Ireland I. p. 8.
Aug. 17 Treasury order for 8,000l. and 5,000l. to John Wadlow et al., undertakers for collecting the wine duty: for, in all, 13,625l. to Samuel Pepys for Tangier: and for 50l. to Charles Goldsmith. Order Book XXXVII. p. 3.
Aug. 18 Royal warrant for 40l. as royal bounty to Capt. Robert Challoner, late Receiver of Hearth money for Somerset. Warrants Early XV. p. 392.
Treasury order for 5,475l. 3s. 2d. to Thomas Gould in payment of an unpaid consignment on a tally made to him by Sir G. Carteret: and for 1,715l. 11s. 0d. to Edmond Hynton and Mr. Day. Order Book XXXVII p. 89.
Same for 3,000l. to Richard Reeve in repayment of loan Ibid. p. 322.
Treasury warrant to Auditor Morice to forbear to charge 12 per cent. on Nathaniell Booth in his account as Receiver General for co. Chester: he having returned his moneys regularly by the waggons and not having detained any in his hands. Warrants Early XXXIV. p. 198.
Same to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against said Booth. Ibid. p. 199.
Treasury order for 12 000l. to the Navy Treasurers Order Book XXXVII. p. 2.
Aug. 19 Same for 200l. to Lord St. John for Lyndhurst Ibid, p. 89.
Sir G. Downing to the Excise Commissioners. My Lords intended that the 100l. lately paid into the Treasury of the Excise by Richard Brathwaithe, late Farmer of Excise of Westmorland, should have been paid into the Receipt of the Exchequer for a service designed upon it by royal warrant to my Lords, but find since that same is paid into your office, by which the King's warrant and my Lords' warrant thereon are likely to be defeated: therefore my Lords desire you to pay the like sum into the Exchequer in the name of said Brathwaithe in lieu thereof. Out Letters General II. p. 114.
Treasury order for 8,220 3s. 7d. to Sir Edward Griffin. Subscribed Aug. 28, "Let 1,502l. 7s. 10¾d. of this order be presently paid to the Treasurer of the Chamber for payment of the Huntsmen according to His Majesty's command." Order Book XXXVII. p. 321.
Same for 5,000l. to John Watts, gent., in repayment of loan. Ibid, p. 323.
Sir G. Downing to Sir W. Doyly. In consequence of my Lords adjourning to Sept. 27 next, the difference between the city and county of Chester about the assessments cannot be heard till Oct. 4. Out Letters General II. p. 110.
Aug. 20 Same to the Farmers of the duty on exported coals. My Lords have received an answer from Sir Jonathan Atkins, Governor of Guernsey, about what coals are yearly exported to those Islands, and they will hear that business on Oct. 1 next. Meanwhile do not obstruct any vessels that are and will be lading coals for those islands. Ibid, p. 111.
Sign manual for a privy seal for 1,200l. to the Duke of Buckingham for horses to be given to the Dukes of Lüneburg and Neuburg as presents from the King. (Privy seal dated Aug. 27.; money warrant dated Aug. 30; Auditor's order dated Aug. 30.) Warrants Early XV. pp. 343, 349; XVIII. p. 253; Order Book XXXVII. p. 321.
Aug. 22 Treasury order for 250l. to the Earl of Anglesey for wages for officers and seamen (followed by an order of date 1670, Dec. 16, for the execution of this order, certified to have been lost). Order Book XXXVI. p. 78.
Aug. 23 Privy seal for the Earl of Sandwich's interest moneys, as follows, in connexion with his embassy to Spain and Portugal. By order of Council of Nov. 23 last, the Treasury Lords were ordered to take care that the assignments to the said Earl for the principal and interest of the moneys expended by him in his said embassy should satisfy the entire interest as well as the principal, notwithstanding the same is not included in the project made by the Treasury Lords and approved in Council for the assigning and settling the expenses upon the several branches of the revenue. By privy seal of Oct. 11 last 6,313l. 13s. 11d. was ordered him in settlement to that date, which was the date of his returning into the King's presence, but the said sum was not paid till July 20 last, and the interest and gratuity on that sum for that period comes to 486l. 17s. 1d. Further, the privy seal of 1666, Nov. 29, ordered him 6,000l., but this sum was only paid as follows, 1,000l. on April 30 last, 2,000l. May 18 last, and 3,000l. May 19 last: and the interest and gratuity hereon from the said Oct. 11 last to the said several dates of payment come to 357l. 6s. 1d. Further, the privy seal of 1667 8. Feb. 20, ordered him 5,000l. on his said embassy, which sum is not yet paid. The payment of the two interest sums of 486l. 17s. 1d. and 357l. 6s. 1d. is hereby authorised, as also any interest due or that shall grow due at the rate of 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. reward on the aforesaid 5,000l., until such time as that sum shall be actually paid to the Earl of Sandwich. Warrants Early XV. pp. 379–80.
Treasury order for 5,000l. to John Wise, gent., in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 323.
Aug. 24 Same for 7,000l. to John Colville in repayment of loan Ibid, p. 322.
Same for 200l. to Col. Staninhurst and Col. Dempsey Ibid, p. 89.
Aug. 25 [?Two] Treasury orders for 300l. [? each] to Lord Buckhurst for his journey into France: out of loans on the Customs. Ibid, p. 3.
Aug. 27 Money warrant for 1,502l. 7s. 10¾d. to Sir Edward Griffin, of which 752l. 7s. 10¾d. is to be paid over to the King's huntsmen as in a list, detailed, and the remaining 750l. to William Pitman, serjeant of the King's buckhounds, for three years' arrears. Warrants Early XVIII. pp. 248–9.
Appending:—List sent to Sir Edward Griffin with the warrant: viz. (1) huntsmen that have already had half a year and are to have half a year more; (2) other huntsmen to be paid half a year's wages now.
Same for 40l. to James Bowles, for one year as one of the yeomen prickers of the King's privy harriers: for 36l. 10s. 0d. to John Batchelor for same as keeper of the King's setting dogs: for 66l. 13s. 4d. to Thomas Henshaw for same as the King's secretary for the French tongue and in part of 466l. 13s. 4d. arrears thereon. Ibid. p. 251.
Same for 1,000l. to Viscount Grandison for four years' fee or salary as Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard. Ibid, p. 242.
Warrant for a privy seal to grant to Mr. Foley, for a debt due to him from the King, the 4,335l. due from Mr. Jay to the King. Ibid, XV. p. 348
Treasury order for 500l. to Mary Hodgson in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 323.
Aug. 27 The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Bartholomew Fillingham on his accounts as deputy to Sir W. Doyly and the rest of the Commissioners at St. Helens, London. Warrants Early XXXIV. p. 202.
Aug. 28 Treasury warrant to the Receipt in accordance with the letters patent of July 24 last to discharge the baronet fee of 1,095l. due from Sir Edward Honywood, of Evington [in Elmsted], Kent: he having received a discharge from said fee in 1660, but having lost it and thereupon suffered process of extent against him. Ibid, XVIII. pp. 250, 254.
Money warrant for 30l. to John Warner for one year on his fee as master of the King's barge. Ibid. p. 252.
Same for 24l. 8s. 0d. to the churchwardens of St. Michael's, Cornhill, for two years on the perpetuity for the poor of that parish. Ibid, p. 253.
Treasury order for 36l. 10s. 0d. to William Lowe, one of the Grooms of the Chamber to the Queen Consort. Order Book XXXVII. p. 89.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to supersede process against Christopher Jay, late Receiver of Hearth money, co. Norfolk. Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 140.
Treasury fiat for royal letters patent to constitute Thomas Sherwood tronor and weigher of tronage and peisage in Newcastle in place of William Sherwood, his brother, deceased. Out Letters Customs I. p. 180.
Sir J. Duncombe to Sir Richard Pigott. The King is much dissatisfied that the security for [borrowing] on the [Crown] land revenue is not yet perfected. Out Letters General II. p. 111.
The Treasury Lords to Sir Edward Griffin to pay to the Sergeant and Huntsmen of His Majesty's Buckhounds the 1,502l. 7s. 10¾d. warranted to said Griffin this morning; same being in part of 8,220l. 3s. 7d. for bills [on the Treasurer of the Chamber], " and we will in due time supply the money again for the [Chamber] bills." Warrants Early XXXIII p. 120.
Aug. 29 Sign manual for 200l. to George, Earl of Bristol as royal bounty. (Money warrant dated Aug. 30. Auditor's order dated Aug. 30.) Ibid. XV. p. 348; XVIII. p. 252; Order Book XXXVII. p. 321.
Aug. 30 Treasury order for 5,000l. to Edward Backwell in repayment of loan on the [Crown] land revenue. Order Book XXXVII. p. 322.
Sir G. Downing to Sir William Temple. I have acquainted my Lords with the contents of yours to me, that you had appointed Mr. Cary to take care of His Majesty's part of the tin [to be fished for at Ostend] until further order. My Lords have now appointed Major Andros for that business and have this day signed a commission for him, and he intends hence with the packett boat this week. Out Letters General II. p. 111.
Same to Mr. Custis, of Zeland, to the like effect Ibid, p. 112.
Same to Sir Thomas Morgan, Governor of Jersey. One moiety of the money designed for your repairs will be received by the person whom you have appointed and Sir Jonathan Atkins hath no more [than a similar moiety] at present. I will try to get you the remainder when my Lords meet again at Michaelmas. Ibid.
Aug. 30 Sir G. Downing ("your very affectionate brother") to Sir Jonathan Atkins, Governor of Guernsey, to the like effect as above. The moiety of money for your repairs will be forthwith received by Major Barcroft and Sir Thomas Morgan. Out Letters General II. p. 112.
Treasury warrant constituting Edmond Andros to go on board the fishing vessels at Ostend employed by Edmond Custice for fishing for the tin: and to receive into his custody the King's moiety thereof and lodge same in some convenient warehouse for His Majesty's use. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 120.
Aug. 31 Privy seal for 1,500l. to the Earl of Essex for equipage as Ambassador Extraordinary to Denmark and 10l. a day as ordinary, payable quarterly in advance. Ibid, XV. p. 355.
Treasury order for 1,903l. to Sir John Robinson in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 323.
Sir G. Downing to Lord Ashley. I came to town last Friday, where I found the Lord General and Sir John Duncombe. Alderman Backwell has promised to pay into the Exchequer to-day 8,222l. on the credit of the Customs for discharge of the Treasury of the Chamber bills. but for the 10,000l. which he had promised Sir John Duncombe to lend upon the land revenue he positively refused to lend one penny of it, notwithstanding his promise. But at last I did prevail with him to lend 5,000l., and it is yesterday paid into the Exchequer, and this is all I could do with him, but he says he would lend 10,000l. or 20,000l. more on the Customs though never so remote. So that there is yet wanting the sum of [to meet the sums] charged to be paid on the loans on the land revenue. On Sunday night the King gave order for 200l. for the Earl of Bristol as of his free gift, and the day before he gave orders with earnestness for so much pay to the huntsmen and serjeant of the Buckhounds as came to 1,502l., whereby the list is charged with 1,702l. more, and no more new warrants have been signed.
Upon Saturday night last a docquet was brought me appointing eight commissioners to manage the revenue of Ireland for the farmers thereof, and each of them to have 500l. per an. out of the King's revenue: a copy whereof for your further satisfaction I herewith send you. The next morning I acquainted the Lord General and Sir John Duncombe therewith, who presently attended His Majesty and received his direction that it shall be considered in the afternoon, whilst he [the King] should be at the Committee for Foreign Affairs: which was done, and upon debate His Majesty ordered the stopping of the docquet, but [conceded] that they [the farmers] might have a commission for what Commissioners and as many as they pleased, they paying them themselves. This is all of moment that hath passed. I intend to-morrow for Cambridgeshire, but to be here again on Monday week in order to any business that may occur by that time.
Out Letters General II pp. 113–4.
Appending:—Copy of the aforesaid docquet, dated Aug. 27, as follows:— "A warrant containing your Majesty's commission to John Stone, John Clerke, John Richardson, Richard Bucknall. Thomas Breedon, Henry Person, Francis Moore, and Robert Gorges to put in execution all the laws and statutes concerning the several branches of your Majesty's revenue in Ireland lately demised to John Forth, William Bucknall, and others your Majesty's farmers thereof, and to continue during the several term of years to them granted: and your Majesty hereby grants them the yearly salary of 500l. apiece to be paid by your farmers out of the rents by their lease reserved: with power to constitute Sub-Commissioners and other officers and to keep an office and give accounts to the Farmers and to pay over all such moneys as they receive to the said Farmers with such other powers as are usual in commissions of this nature."
Aug. 31 The like letter and docquet sent to Sir Thomas Clifford Out Letters General II. p. 114.
Aug. — Warrant for a great seal for a grant of the office of Remembrancer of First Fruits and Tenths to William Prettyman with successive reversions to Charles Porter and John Fenn in as full manner, &c., as Thomas Godfry. Thomas Argoll. Sir Christopher Hatton, Henry Ewer, James Rogers, Richard Verney and John Verney or any other who formerly held the said office: all on the surrender by Richard Verney and John Verney of their rights therein as by the letters patent of 1662. June 17. Warrants Early XV. pp. 345–6.