Minute Book: July 1669, 1-9

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Minute Book: July 1669, 1-9', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp98-104 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: July 1669, 1-9', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp98-104.

"Minute Book: July 1669, 1-9". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp98-104.


July 1669, 1-9

July 1.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir John Duncombe [and of the Lords of the Council of Ireland the following] Duke of Ormonde, Earl of Orrery, Lord Arlington, Vice-Treasurer [of Ireland], Mr. Secretary Trevor.
The blank warrant about arrears in Ireland is read. Also the warrant about 70,000l. to be carried into Ireland in gold and foreign specie except 10,000l. in twopences, threepences, fourpences and sixpences, and about having 22s. for each piece of gold. The warrant to be made ready together with a warrant to the ViceTreasurer to have [or receive] them [the gold pieces] at 22s. and pay them out accordingly. This to be debated on Monday morning and His Majesty to be desired to be present then.
[Ibid. p. 135.]
July 2.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir John Duncombe.
A letter to be sent to all the offices [for a return or particular account of] what payments they make for standing salaries, wages, pensions and other particular payments. This letter to be sent to the following officers: Cofferer of the Household, Ordnance, Mr. Pepys for Tangier, Great Wardrobe, Navy, Jewel House.
Warrant for preparation of so many of Sir Denys Gauden's orders for his ordinary as are due. Mr. Pepys's letter is read about provisions delivered to several garrisons by Sir Denys Gauden. Write them both to attend on Wednesday about it.
Letter read from Alderman Bucknall. Send it to the Customs Farmers and ask them to attend my Lords on Monday to shew reason why Bucknall and his partners may not have use of the Customs warehouse.
Warrant for the butlerage money for Eton College and King's College, Cambridge.
Letter read from the Farmers of the duty on exported coals concerning coals for the Plantations. Report to be made to the Privy Council that the duty is so low as not to be abated.
The list of warrants on the Exchequer is to be returned again to Sir R. Long to put out what is paid and to put in any more which are since come to his hands.
Letter read from the Earl of Dorset about Mr. Pight. Ordered that Pight be the Solicitor, but give an account to my Lords every term, and to advise with Mr. Lawrence.
Letter read from the Commissioners of the Navy about the mistakes in the Victualler's contract. Ordered that this letter be entered in Sir G. Downing's books.
The officers of the Mint called in about the Mint indenture, Several alterations are made. Ordered that they attend the Attorney General with the amended indenture.
Write the alum farmers that the King has consented to allow 1,200l. per an. to the Earl of Mulgrave, and that therefore they pay in their money in arrear.
Mr. Shaw, Surveyor of Chester Castle, is to bring to my Lords a copy of his patent on Monday. Auditor Wood and Deputy Auditor Chislet to attend then about 20l. paid him [Chislet].
Warrant to Sir R. Long to enter Lady Villier's patent, though the time is past.
Mr. Billing to be released without fees, on his promise to appear when summoned.
The late Customs Farmers are called in. Ordered that they attend this day week and bring their account. Sir R. Long and Sir C. Harbord to attend then.
Mr. Charles Gifford's proposition to the King is referred to Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord, and Sir G. Downing to consider whether John Kilbye's proposition to Gifford or to my Lords as conveyed in a petition from Kilby to my Lords concerning the debt to the King therein mentioned be the better or not, and that Kilby perform the better one of the two, so that Gifford have the benefit of the better proposition in accordance with His Majesty's gracious intention.
Warrant for Mr. Ogar's business to be dispatched in accordance with Sir C. Harbord's report.
Mr. Gaywood to be inserted with the Excise officers lately reduced.
Warrant for Mr. Stanny.
Alderman Backwell to attend on Monday about [lending the] 1,000l. [warranted] for the Commissioners of Accounts.
Warrant for a privy seal for the Earl of Sandwich for interest money pursuant to the order of Council.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 135–6.]
July 5.
Monday morning.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir John Duncombe. His Majesty came in: and [of the Lords of the Council of Ireland the following] Duke of Ormonde, Earl of Orrery, Lord Arlington, Lord John Berkeley, Vice-Treasurer [of Ireland], Secretary Trevor.
A [draft form of a] warrant about farming the arrears of Ireland is read. Ordered that the Earl of Orrery and the Vice-Treasurer of Ireland draw a new warrant by way of proposals on the debate [just held]. Consideration is had of the order of Council about retrenchments [on the establishments] in Ireland so as to bring the expense within the revenue. The Earl of Orrery produces a new paper of a calculation of the expense and the revenue of Ireland which he read. To be considered next Wednesday.
[Ibid. p. 137.]
July 5.
Monday afternoon.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir John Duncombe.
Lord Vaughan's business [is considered]. Warrant for the King's hand.
Warrant for Sir William Swan on January next of the Customs.
Warrant for Mr. Lightfoot: on the King's warrant.
The like for Sir Robert Viner.
Write Sir R. Long and Sir Philip Warwick to quicken their report about Sir George Benyon's business.
Sir G. Downing to see where he can find out 3,000l. for the Duke of Buckingham. Quere if not on the tin at Ostend after the Earl of Ancrum's 1,000l.
Viscount Mordaunt's money for Windsor, on the Exchequer, is to be paid when Exchequer warrants paid.
Process stayed till Michaelmas against Viscount Fitz-Hardinge on his Dunkirk account.
Sir William Wray's docquet considered. Ordered that he petition the [Treasury] board, and then my Lords will refer it to Sir C. Harbord and the Attorney General, so that my Lords may be informed what they do.
Warrant for stopping payment of the fines on the Greenwax till further order. The warrant when drawn to be shown to the Lord Keeper and the Attorney General. Mr. Lawrence to draw it.
Write the Hearth money Farmers that they ought not to demand the duty for Greenwich House.
Warrant for a privy seal for 3,700l. more for building the Custom House, above the 6,000l. A direction to be inserted in the warrant for interest for the first 1,000l. of the 6,000l. in the last privy seal.
Petition read from the Farmers of imported liquors. To be carried up to the Privy Council.
Write the Lord Keeper to hasten the [form of the articles for lenders on the Crown] land security.
Lord Arlington to be spoken to, and then the King to be moved about the docquet for conveying the patronage of Fakenham from Lord Arlington to the King.
Letter read from the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland about Lady Tint. Report to be made accordingly to the King.
As to Mr. Grabue's warrant, inquiry is to be made as to what secretary passed it: it being out of course, for my Lords ought first to have been acquainted with it.
Sir William Dalston's letter to be sent to Mr. Bostock to reply to.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 137–8.]
July 6.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir John Duncombe.
Sir William Bolton called in. He shall be among the first to be settled with when the Parliament provides money to pay the King's debts.
Write Sir R. Long and Sir W. Doyly to certify what is now in arrear on the taxes.
Lord Gerard and Mr. Newport called in, and Newport's petition is read. Lord Gerard to have a copy of it, and they are to endeavour to agree.
Sir Baynham Throckmorton called in and his paper of proposals is read. The King to be moved in it, but first he is to insert the substance of his proposals in the petition.
Lady Dryden's petition is referred to Sir R. Long and Sir G. Downing to consider what became of the money assigned to pay her.
Mr. Williamson to be acquainted that Mr. Secretary Trevor consents that his salary be, as his office, during pleasure, and that therefore the bill for his patent be altered accordingly.
Mr. Agar called in, and a letter is read from the Commissioners of Dean Forest, by which Mr. Foley demands new articles. Ordered that he proceed against Mr. Foley for performance of the first articles if he will not keep to them as much as concerns the King.
Order of Council read about Charles Goldsmith. Ordered that he and Capt. Acton be heard to-morrow about the competition between them for the Consulship of Algiers.
[Ibid. p. 138.]
July 7.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir John Duncombe.
Paper read from the Barons of the Exchequer about supers set on several Receivers of Hearth-money. My Lords conceiving that the Receivers were by their bonds liable to levy all that was levyable and that they have not made any returns in two years' time do not think fit to make any orders in this business upon so short consideration, but for preventing present inconvenience to the Receivers my Lords will stay process against them till Michaelmas term.
Mr. Morice's petition referred to Sir C. Harbord to see if it interferes not with the Knight Marshal's grant.
[Petition read from] Mr. H. Seymor. The King to be moved in the matter.
Sir Denys Gauden called in. Ordered that he and Mr. Pepys, who should have attended to-day, attend on Monday about provisions delivered by Gauden to garrisons.
Capt. Ivye's petition read. His son shall have the place when it falls [vacant], but no more reversions to be granted.
Petition read from Andr. Lawrence. Warrant for 50l. on the loans on the [Crown] land revenue.
Same from Mr. Smith. Process stayed till Michaelmas term in order that he may get in the arrear of the Eleven months' tax.
Letter read from Lord Norwich about Mrs. Tindall, and she and her Counsel are called in and Mr. Smith [as Counsel] for the Earl of Norwich. My Lords desire Mr. Smith to represent the cryingness of the case to the Earl of Norwich, else it must come before the King. Ordered that his Lordship make answer this day week.
Mr. Acton called in. Says he desires only 2—300l. to set him out—and when he returns he will refer himself to the King. Lord Arlington to be acquainted with it.
Sir Robert Viner et al. called in and their petition read. They must have patience a little, and my Lords doubt not but the Parliament will provide for their debt.
Warrant for Mr. Seager on his account.
Report to be made to the King about the Earl of Chesterfield's and Lord Wotton's pension of 3,000l. [viz. that my Lords advise it] to be bought in at three years' purchase.
Sir C. Harbord's report about Major Babington is read. Warrant ordered for a lease.
Warrant for the second 6,000l. for the Privy Purse to be made ready.
Warrant for Consul Paul on the January Customs.
[Treasury Minute Book III. p. 139.]
July 7.
Wednesday afternoon.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir John Duncombe.
Hen. Nichol's petition is considered. Process stopped till further order.
Report to be made [to the King] that Goldsmith demands money both for equipage and entertainment, that Acton demands but 200l. to set him out, and refers himself to the King for reward on his return.
The following of the Lords of Ireland came in: Duke of Ormonde, Earl of Orrery, Lord Arlington, Vice-Treasurer, and Secretary Trevor. They take into consideration the business of the retrenchments [on the establishments] of Ireland. If the whole retrenchments go on, yet the King will have but 15,887l. in his purse at the end of four years, because the retrenchments will not begin till Xmas next, and so this year will be a greater debt than was accounted upon. Report to be made [to the King in Council] accordingly, and the Earl of Orrery to have a copy of this report to consider.
[Ibid. p. 140.]
July 9.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir John Duncombe.
Alderman Bucknall moves for the docquet to the great seal [concerning the farm of the Irish revenue]. My Lords say they will not waive the privy seal, there being an order of Council that all shall pass the privy seal. The King to be acquainted in Council that a docquet came to my Lords for the Irish revenue [farm] for the great seal without passing the privy seal first, which is contrary to an order of Council.
Mr. Collins to be inserted among the Excise Officers for a moiety of his salary.
Mr. Greenvill moves for 1,000l. for the Master of the Horse. To be provided speedily.
The Excise Commissioners called in concerning Mrs. Wolnaugh's case. Ordered that they take 100l. and her bills, and then my Lords will take care to see her discharged by a privy seal, which is to mention that the remainder [of the debt to His Majesty] is to be set on Mr. King. Ordered that the Excise Commissioners have a warrant to the Auditor to state their account to Midsummer [last].
Mr. Ashburnham moves for another half-year for the Grooms of the Bedchamber. To be considered before the King goes out of town.
The Excise [Commissioners'] report is read about Mr. Williamson. Ordered that they reconsider the business and report the validity or invalidity of their reasons.
Mr. Jaye's and Sir Edm. Pooly's account to be considered on Friday.
The Cofferer moves for money for the entertainment of the Danish Ambassador.
Sir C. Harbord is to return to the Treasury on Monday next the securities he took of such as received the King's rents at Michaelmas, 1660, in order that they may be put in suit [i.e. in the cases of such of the said Receivers as have not duly answered their collection].
Warrant for the suspension of Hanning, searcher of Kent, and for putting Henry Haworth to execute the place.
Warrant to the King's Remembrancer to issue process ad computandum against all constables, &c., for any chimney money in their hands exceeding 5l.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 140–1.]
July 9.
Friday afternoon.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir John Duncombe.
Warrant to Sir R. Long to allow two per cent. gratuity above interest for loans made or to be made on the Customs: in pursuance of the order of Council empowering my Lords to give such reward as they think fit.
Sir R. Long to insert in his weekly certificate what loans are paid into the Exchequer and by whom and on what founds [funds] and how same is issued, and what is remaining thereof and on what funds.
A [letter of] direction ordered for Sir John Bankes's over interest money on his chimney orders. The letter to recite his former warrant.
Warrant for the Cofferer for 700l. on account for entertaining the Danish Ambassador.
Warrant for Sir Stephen Fox for the garrisons.
Warrant for Sir Jonathan Trelawny: on his patent.
The late Farmers of the Customs are called in and present a paper about their late account. Ordered that they bring in [a statement of the defalcations they demand] for debentures in particular and similarly for salaries and charges, and that in 14 days they pay in 20,000l. into the Exchequer, and then my Lords will appoint their Auditor to be here, and pray His Majesty to be present. Ordered that they bring their answer on Monday.
The Earl of St. Albans and Sir Henry Wood called in. Ordered that Sir R. Long and Sir G. Downing examine what money was paid to the Earl of St. Albans upon his late Embassy to France, distinguishing what for his equipage and what for his [ordinary] entertainment.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 141–2.]