Minute Book: April 1669

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Minute Book: April 1669', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp47-61 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: April 1669', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp47-61.

"Minute Book: April 1669". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp47-61.


April 1669

April 2.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
The Secretaries of State to be spoken to about a settlement as to presents to foreign ministers at their departure.
To speak with Sir Ste. Fox about a fund [out of which] to pay Sir Edw. Scot his 300l. per an.
Warrant for the Earl of Northampton's creation money.
Warrant to the Solicitor General to put an information into the Exchequer against Mr. Madden and Mr. Dacket.
Warrant for 100l. to Sir Edm. Bowyer on discovering [an unpaid arrear of] 200l. on the Poll Bill of the year 1660.
Warrant for 200l. to the Earl of Bristol on his former warrant on the Customs.
This day three weeks my Lord will consider the collection of the Chimney money.
Lady Fanshawe's money for [her late husband's ambassadorial] plate is to be disposed of as follows: viz. to Mr. Lawrence, 200l.:
half-a-year to Mr. Newport and Col. Reymes, and the remainder to the Duke of York's children, as in part of their late privy seal on the Exchequer and on the Additional Aid.
The business of modelling interest accounts is to be considered on the 21st inst.
Warrant for Baron Spelman's arrears in the Wardrobe.
Sir Edm. Sawyer called about Mr. Trout's account, which is declared.
Auditor Wood and Mr. White, purchasers of Mr. Molineux's lands, are to attend about a rent due to the King.
[Warrant for] 1,000l. for a jewel for the Spanish Ambassador on the Lord Chamberlain's letter. To be on the Customs for January.
Mr. Veale to have three weeks' time to go into the country on bail.
Mr. Palmer called in about his proposition concerning farthings. Lord Howard and Mr. Hayes also called in. The matter to be considered on Wednesday next. Send Palmer's proposals to the officers of the Mint, and bid them attend then.
Warrants for the arrears due to Abell Daniell and Philip Berenbrooke, falconers: on the surrender of their patents.
Lord Howard, Col. Reymes and Mr. Newport called in. Ordered that 4,000l. be paid to the Wardrobe for the present [to Muley Raschid] of Tafilet: to be issued to such person as Lord Howard shall appoint to serve the things into the Wardrobe. Warrant for a privy seal for this 4,000l. to the Wardrobe.
Col. Atkins called in and Lord Hatton's son's letter is read. Ordered to attend on Monday with Sir Ste. Fox and the Solicitor General to consider how the money for the poor people of Guernsey, which is in said Fox's hands, may be issued and disposed of to the use it was designed.
Mr. White's articles brought in by Sir W. Doyly and read. Ordered that the 1,000l. which is to be paid in by said White is to be [issued] for the Office of Exchanges at St. Helens.
Sir George Carteret's petition referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Mr. Wadlow called in about his interest account. Referred to Sir R. Long and Mr. Sherwyn.
The Spanish Ambassador's docquet [is read] and the King's warrant upon it. The King to be moved in it.
Mr. Dormer called in. After Easter my Lords will consider the settling the whole arrear in the Chimney Farmers' hands and what my Lords will remit [by way of defalcations].
Warrant to Viscount Fanshaw and Mr. Lawrence to prosecute all such Receivers whose accounts are stopped in point of privilege on account of their privileges [as in some cases Members] of Parliament and other privileges.
Lady Stuckelye's bonds to be delivered up: on Mr. Lawrence's certificate.
Warrant for a privy seal for Mr. Lawrence to issue what is due to him upon account, and for the future to issue money to him as by former precedent done.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 66–8.]
April 5.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Warrant for Sir John Finch.
Warrant to Sir Ste. Fox to advance Sir Ed. Scot's pension: and for Fox to be allowed for it as for the forces.
Bevis Lloyd's account declared as Receiver of South Wales. Also Mr. Wynne's account as Receiver of North Wales and his account for Cheshire. The Auditor to have a copy of the order of Jan. 8 last about the manor of Ruthin to see it executed.
Sir John Cuttler's account for Notts and Derby declared. Ordered that no money be paid to the Earl of Norwich till the 206l. 6s. 8d. due from him to the King for the manor of—, in Derbyshire, be paid. Charnock to take care of it.
Mr. Green's account declared as Receiver of Warwick and Leicester.
The papers about the Irish defalcations [sic for revenue farm] (viz. the draft of the grant of the revenue of Ireland, with the paper of alterations to be made therein): are to be sent to the Solicitor General for him to draw and engross therefrom the said grant.
Lady Fanshaw offers to pay in all the money for her plate except what [she wishes to be allowed her for her expenditure] for carriage and wearing.
Sir Edm. Bowyer to have the 200l. on the poll of the year 1660. Warrant for same.
The Earl of Bristol's 400l. to be on the Salt Farm and not on the Customs.
Warrant for Sir William Killigrew.
Same for Sir William Walter: according to Sir R. Long's report.
Mr. Lancashire's account considered.
Mr. Taylor's account for Beds and Bucks is declared.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 68–9.]
April 6.
Present: ut supra.
Write Mr. Slingsby, Mr. Hayes and Mr. Palmer to send each 21b. weight of their farthings to my Lords.
The case of Buts and Stockton is referred to the Excise Commissioners.
Warrant for Mr. Hylyard as Steward of St. Mary's, near York.
Mr. Needham to have his 200l. out of the money of the Customs uncharged.
The King to be moved about the 200l. for Sir Edmund Bowyer [being moneys resting] in the hands of a Receiver of the 1660 Poll money.
Auditors Aldworth and Philips are to attend Lord Ashley with the Cofferer's last interest account, and with that which is now depending.
The Earl of Bath called in. The King to be moved that his payments in the Wardrobe and Jewel House may be placed on the Exchequer.
Sir John Bennet called in with Auditor Philips with his cavalier [relief or bounty fund] account. Letters to be written as in the said account directed.
The Earl of Ailesbury called in with Sir Charles Harbord about the stewardship of Ampthill, &c. He desires only the 20l. fee for all in his new grant for inheritance, and [will] quit the 24l. per an. which the King now gives to execute those places. [My Lords decide that] this will be an ill precedent to grant away the inheritance of money. So his Lordship [agrees that he] will quit the [demand for the inheritance of] the 20l. per an. present if he may have the inheritance of the offices. The King to be moved herein.
Lady Herbert's petition read. Though the matters therein desired be of difficulty, yet in consideration of her merit my Lords will move the King in it.
The King to be moved for 200l. for Mr. Godolphin for his journey to France.
Warrant for the King's hand for 300l. for repair of Lyndhurst: to be on the 10,000l. dormant, and to be paid to Capt. Ryder.
Warrant for 4,000l. more for the Wardrobe. To be on the Customs, and in further part of the Wardrobe's 16,000l.
Alderman Backwell proposes John Clarke, of Middlesex, to fish up the tin at Ostend.
Sir Den. Gauden moves for the 28,000l. for his extraordinary [victualling] and also for the ordinary for this year's victualling. Write Sir Thomas Littleton and Mr. Pepys to attend to-morrow. Mr. Pepys to bring with him the paper of the disposition [or] distributions of the Customs, and to show my Lords how he subdivided to the Victualler the assignments for the Navy.
The money for Guernsey in Sir Ste. Fox's hands is to be issued by the Lord General's warrant as the rest has been.
The Master of the Robes called in about his interest account. A warrant to Auditor Beale to insert the particulars of this interest money in the said account, as was done last year, if the said Auditor finds the particulars to be as therein alleged.
Sir Herbert Perrot to have extension of time till Easter term.
Sir Edw. Savage's petition read. Report to be made to the King that it's a fit thing to gratify him in if His Majesty so think fit.
Mr. Hill called in and Mr. Nico. Coats' petition is shown him. They are both to attend to-morrow, and Coats is then to show what money he has paid to Hill and what into the Exchequer. Warrant to the Keeper of the King's Bench [Prison] to produce Coats to-morrow. Hill to have liberty on bail till Trinity term to go into the country to discover more land belonging to Coats.
Warrant for the persons whose lands the King has taken into St. James's Park: in pursuance of the King's warrant. Warrant to the Attorney General to pass grants to the King of their lands and of the King's rents in the Exchequer to the heirs of Davyes. Mr. Lawrence to see all this done.
Warrant for Mrs. Jacobson's lease.
Lord Arlington to be spoken to about Consul Tucker.
Consideration to be had to-morrow about providing 4–500l. for the [repair of the] Queen's lodgings.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 69–71.]
April 7.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
The littermen's additional salary of 10l. is to be paid with the [salaries of the] rest of the King's servants.
Walter Gouge to have 5l. on the old dormant.
Mr. Fanshaw's petition read. Dormant warrant for 20l. a year to him.
Jacob Lucye's petition read. The Customs Farmers and petitioner are to attend the first Wednesday after Easter.
The order of Council about Mrs. Gunter read. Report to be made to the King that she may have 200l. per an.
As to the assessment of the coal farm at Newcastle, Sir W. Doyly is to prepare such an effectual letter in the case (for speeding in the assessment and for freeing His Majesty's duty on coal from such assessment) as was done in the late Lord Treasurer's time.
Warrant for 10l. for Henry Thomas: to be on the old general dormant.
Mrs. Southwell's petition read. My Lords have nothing to say against it, but conceive it most proper for the Lord [Lieutenant] and Council of Ireland.
Petition read from the officers of the Tally Court. Warrant for 50l. on the old dormant.
Warrant for 168l. 14s. 10d. for Francis Bowman: to be on the remains of the Additional Aid.
Lord Gerard's petition referred to Sir C. Harbord.
William Smith's petition read. Sir Edward Griffin to certify how he comes to be so much behind.
[Petition from] Mary Lee. Warrant for 10l. to her, and that she have no more.
Same from Sir Richard Oatley. Report to be made [to the King in Council] that he may have a moiety of what he can so discover: but that he first come to my Lords to say what he can discover.
Capt. Brabant's petition read. Process to be stopped till the end of Easter term.
Report read from Sir G. Downing and Mr. Sherwyn about Mr. Gorsuch. Referred back to them to see the acquittance and report. Write Lord Lovelace that my Lords will allow no more of those repairs [about the King's houses], but that such as live in them [must] keep them in repair.
Affidavit of the Berkshire Excise men read. Write the justices [of said county] that my Lords are unwilling to complain to the Privy Council, but will be forced to do it if they take no better care.
Sir Philip Palmer's petition referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Christopher Cock's petition read. An order to be sent to the Duchy of Cornwall according to the note in the said petition.
John Ward's petition referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Mr. Cockshut's petition read. Sir W. Doyley to certify why the money is not paid.
Petition read from the King's joiner. Ordered that he have part of the 5,000l. warranted for the Treasury [Treasurer] of the Chamber.
The answer of the Hearth money Farmers to the Bristol complaint is to be sent to Bristol.
Mr. Grabue to have part of Sir Edw. Griffin's 5,000l. for bills.
Report read from the Commissioners of Excise upon Mr. Warner's petition about a difference between him and the SubCommissioners of Excise for Wilts. Ordered that the SubCommissioners give security to pay the money in dispute to such indifferent person as shall be agreed on by Mr. Warcup et al. [Farmers of Excise for said county].
Clara Bolton to have half as much as the last year with the rest of the pensioners.
Petition read from the Windsor officers. Warrant for their payment.
Sir R. Long's report read about Sir Godfrey Lloyd. Warrant for him to have orders instead of his tallies.
Petition read from Sir Edw. Graves (Greaves). My Lords will do nothing in it, he being physician extraordinary.
Warrant for three years' [wages] for the keepers of Waltham Forest.
Petition read from the Serjeant and Yeomen of the Buckhounds. Ordered that they apply to the Wardrobe.
Mr. Catcher's letter read and Mr. Ward called in. Ordered that the [tin] blowers be paid for the time past, and that Mr. Ward take care that this charge do not go on after Lady [Day] coinage [of tin] without new directions.
Petition from Lydia Clements. Referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Same from Thomas Honely. To be left to the Wardrobe.
Same from George Littlefield et al. Sir Edw. Griffin to certify how [it is] they are so much in arrear.
Mr. Warren and the Customs Farmers to be heard about his pretence of 1,500l.
Mary Bastian to have part of the [Treasurer of the Household's] 5,000l. for bills.
Petition read from Samuel Mearne. No money. Same from Richard Joyce. Referred to the Excise Commissioners.
Bridget Rumny to have part of the [Treasurer of the Household's] 5,000l. for bills.
Petition read from Sir Hugh Tynt. My Lords do not agree with Sir C. Harbord's report.
Same from Robert Spencer. Warrant ordered.
Alderman Backwell to be treated with about Mr. Clarke's fishing for the tin. Give Alderman Backwell notice of it.
Warrant for stay of process against John White, late Receiver of Royal Aids for co. Oxford, he being at the present moment engaged in endeavouring to make satisfaction to His Majesty for moneys of the said Aid not yet answered by him.
Petition from Will. Pitchard. My Lords will do nothing in it.
John Winyard to be considered with [or among the] Treasurer of the Chamber's bills.
Mr. Moselye's Hearth money account is declared.
Mr. Clutterbuck called with the state of his account. Ordered that he be allowed 12d. in the £ on his account.
A letter to be written to all the nobility that are in arrear with their Poll money, and their [creation money and other] warrants are to be stopped till they have paid: particularly the Earl of Peterborough on Tangier; the Earl of Rochester's pension to be stopped, and the last warrants for Lord St. Albans, the Earl of Bath, the Earl of Sandwich and Viscount Mordaunt. Lord Gerard not to have his warrant till his Poll money is paid. The Earl of Carbery's stable money and the Lord Chamberlain's creation money to be stopped. Mr. Clutterbuck to speak with them and see the list, that none be prosecuted that have paid.
Warrant for the Southwell school perpetuity.
Same for 20l. to Margaret Hooker.
Write the Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall that as to the money of his receipt lately paid into the Exchequer he make distinction of the money he has received for the coinage of tin and other monies: for that the money arising from the [said tin] revenue is to be issued separately or particularly, and that he observe this rule for the future.
Write the Alum Farmers to forthwith pay in what is due on their rent.
Sir Denys Gauden called in with Sir Thomas Littleton and Mr. Pepys about his [Gauden's victualling] assignments. Ordered that care be taken to pay him his tallow money. When the Navy privy seal is passed the Treasurers of the Navy are to have the 30,000l. on the Wine Act: also a warrant for 6,000l. out of the ready money of the Customs in the Exchequer.
Petition from Robert Preston, anchor smith. He must apply to the Navy [Office].
Lord Henry Howard, the officers of the Mint, Mr. Hayes and Mr. Palmer called in about his [proposition for the coining of] farthings. He offers to give 10,000l. for the pre-emption of tin if his farthings be made current, and he to have a commission to agree with the country [Cornwall and Devon, for the tin] at a certain price: that by colour and weight his farthings shall be known from counterfeits better than silver, tin being the lightest of all metals. Ordered that Mr. Palmer send a lb. weight of his farthings, and his engine to weigh them with is to be sent to the officers of the Mint to see if they can counterfeit them.
The business of the order of Council about additional security [out of the King's lands and fee farms] for money to be borrowed on the Customs is to be considered the second Wednesday after Easter. Write Sir R. Long to attend then.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 71–4.]
April 19.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
The new commission, dated the 7th inst., to four of my Lords as Treasury Commissioners (two thereof to form a quorum) is read.
Write Sir R. Long to hasten the state of the account of the present Commissioners of Excise and to consider on what fund 3,000l. may be best borrrowed for payment of another half-year to the Grooms of the Bedchamber.
Warrant for 200l. for the Master of the Horse: to be on the ready money of the Customs in the Exchequer.
Warrant for 300l. to Lord St. John on the Exchequer for repair of Lindhurst.
Warrant for the King's signature for 200l. to Mr. Godolphin: to be on the Customs of January next.
Warrant for 4,000l. for the present to [the Sultan of] Tafilet: to be on the January Customs.
Warrant for 6000l. for rebuilding the Customs House. To be repaid on [the Customs of] Aug. and Sept. come twelvemonth.
A paper read relating to the Duke of Ormonde concerning a bargain to be made with him for compounding a debt due to him [from the King]. My Lords think the bargain a fair one for the King but as to the form do not charge themselves therewith. The paper to be sent up to the Privy Council.
Letter read from the Commissioners [of Aids] for Herefordshire. Warrant for the arrest of George Carver, as the Commissioners charge him with money in his hands. Meantime write them to seize his estate and to prosecute his security.
Mr. Wadlow presents Sir R. Long's and Mr. Sherwin's certificate about his interest account.
Warrant for a privy seal for 150.000l. for the Navy on account.
Warrant for an immediate extent against Mr. Price, Mr. Herlackenden, and Mr. Jay.
Warrant to the King's Remembrancer to make a certiorari to the Clerk of the Assizes of Suffolk to certify into the Exchequer the record whereby Sir Robert Drury was convicted, at the last Assizes, of felony and manslaughter.
Mrs. Gunter called in. The King to be moved that she desires that her 200l. per an. be for a certain term of years in regard of her many children.
Write Mr. Whitfield, deputy searcher for Kent, who seized some goods belonging to the French Ambassador, to attend my Lords on Friday.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 74–5.]
April 20.
The King to be moved concerning Sir Bernard de Gumm's petition.
Warrant to Sir Robert Long to take loans [viz.] 10,000l. on [the Customs of] January next, and the Lord Keeper's 4,000l. on the Customs of Aug. and Sept. come twelvemonth.
Warrant to the Customs to pay no more money upon my Lords' warrants [signed before the date of the new Treasury Commission] but by new orders which they shall speedily have.
Ordered that the 15,200l. odd, the remain of the Wine Act, be made [payable] to Sir Denys Gauden, by him to be assigned to such as my Lords shall appoint in part of the 30,000l. of Cock's orders assigned to him for the victualling of the fleet for 1668.
Warrant for what is due to Lord Windsor on his privy seal except for the Poll on which orders are registered.
The warrant for the money of the remains of several years due to the office of the Works is to be again offered to the Privy Council.
Sir Ste. Fox to pay for building the Horse Guardhouse out of the [army] contingencies.
The alum farmers' petition read. Write the Earl of Mulgrave that my Lords desire to speak with him, or anybody from him, on Friday, and the alum farmers to be here then.
Col. Norton called in about the land taken in at Portsmouth. Order for a privy seal for an order to be registered on the Customs in his name as trustee for the persons interested upon his letter of attorney from them.
The Earl of Bath to have his assignment in two days for his 2,000l. on the Customs.
Mr. May presents a warrant from the King to the Works for 300l. a year to him. Ordered that he carry it to the Office of the Works.
Mr. Nicholas Coates desires that he may have liberty to sell the land of his that is extended in order to pay the King. Ordered that he have liberty for a fortnight to attend the Auditor with his keeper [the keeper of the King's Bench prison].
Mr. Wadlow called in. Ordered that as to the 10,000l. he deduct 5,000l. a year, but as to the 13,000l. that he forthwith pay it in: and that he bring in his articles [of covenant] presently.
Mr. Ogar's petition referred to Sir C. Harbord to report the value.
Lord Vaughan called in and Sir C. Harbord's report on his petition is read. Ordered that the business proceed accordingly.
Mr. Killigrew to have what is due of his pension on the chimney money, for his creditors. Warrant for same.
The petition from the Earl of Bath, Lord Gerard, et al., is referred to Sir C. Harbord, who is to inform himself by the gentry of the county, Sir Roger Moston, Sir Thomas Hanmore, Sir — Glinac, &c., and Mr. Secretary Trevor.
Letter read from the Duke of York desiring direction for felling timber in New Forest for a second-rate ship. Write to the Navy Office to know how many tons of timber they will have for that work.
Sir G. Downing to see when Sir Denys Gauden is to have his orders by his contract. In the meantime to keep the orders.
Mr. Madden to attend to-morrow to give reason why he has not paid the 200l. in his hands for offal wood, &c. The Solicitor General to prosecute him. Ordered that he be not employed in Dean Forest but Mr. Bathurst, Mr. May and Sir George Charnocke. A warrant accordingly.
Write again to Mr. Wardour, Clerk of the Pells, to hasten a particular account of what is in arrear on the Additional Aid from each county and place.
Lewis Arnold's petition read. Ordered that he apply to the Treasurers of the Navy.
The King's barbers to be paid a year's wages on Sir Denys Gauden's orders on the Additional Aid.
[Petition read from] George Littlefield et al. They are to be paid out of the 5,000l. for bills for the Treasury of the Chamber.
Same from Mr. Plunkett. Nothing can be done in it.
Letter read from Lord Arlington with an account of the second part of the Queen's portion. Sir G. Downing to look over the papers and Sir Robert Southwell's instructions and consider what is fit to be done or written as to it by my Lords.
Petition read from the armourers of Greenwich. Nothing can be done in it.
Same from Mr. Prinne. He shall have a year as others [are to have].
Same from Mr. Elliot. A letter [to be sent] from my Lords to the Deputy and Council of Ireland [for them] to examine and report.
Same from John Williamson. He shall have part of [or be paid out of] the 5,000l. for [the Treasurer of the Chamber's] bills.
Mr. Wadlow called in with his articles. Says he will pay in the 13,000l. if he may have a forward security on the Customs. My Lords offer him November come twelvemonth.
Petition from Ann Woolnough. Referred to the Commissioners of Excise.
Warrant for stay of process against Mr. Hyde.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 76–8.]
April 21.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Process against Mr. Booth to be stopped till after Trinity term.
Letter read from Sir Courtney Poole, et al. John Sowden to be arrested on Mr. Jones's affidavit, which is first to be sent to my Lords.
Same from Mr. Hill. Ordered that [Nicholas] Coates have his liberty on the condition mentioned in Hill's letter.
Same from the Commissioners [of Aids] for Basingstoke. Write them that 20 days liberty is given to raise the money as desired.
The warrant for [George] Carver is not to be sent. The letter is to be altered, taking notice of his being in gaol, otherwise he would have been sent for in custody.
Warrant for 225l. for Secretary Trevor. To be on the 10,000l. dormant.
Warrant on Lord Howard's privy seal.
Warrant for 200l. for Consul Tucker on his privy seal and as by the order of Council: [to be] on January next on the Customs.
The Duke of York came in with the Commissioners of the Navy and Sir Denys Gauden about his 28,000l. orders. He [Gauden, the Victualler] says he desires no orders, but that he may have his money according to his contract, which my Lords say he shall. Write the Customs Farmers and Mr. Meynell to attend on Friday next about lending money for the Victualler. Mr. Pepys opens the present occasions of the Navy for money. The Duke of York says the principal officers shall send to my Lords a letter of the particulars by which there will be necessary above 220,000l. more than the 200,000l. appointed for the Navy for this year: of which 117,000l. [will be] for finishing the ships on the stocks, and [for] the fleet to go to the Straits and other necessary extraordinaries for docks and other charges in harbour, which yet needs not to be all ready money: and the remaining 103,000l. for other matters to be provided as occasion arise. Warrant ordered for 500l. for the Treasurer of the Navy on the ready money of the Customs. This money to be for payment of old tickets. Write Sir T. Littleton to get the order drawn early to-morrow morning by Sir R. Long. The Duke of York also moves that the Navy officers be encouraged to go on with repairing the ships burned, &c. My Lords said they would make the best provision they could.
The Customs Farmers called in about the ship from Jamaica, together with Mr. Lucy and other proprietors. The case is to be represented to the King in Council.
The Chimney Farmers called in about paying the arrear of their rent. They offer to pay 15,000l. a month, beginning at the last of this month till the whole debt of the two years and the third year be paid. On affidavits of their sub-collectors being indebted to them my Lords will take the said sub-collectors into custody.
Warrant for Sir Robert Viner on his privy seal according to the former minute.
Sir Denys Gauden called in with Auditor Beale. His Victualling account for 1665, is declared. Also his 9li. account. Warrant for this 9l. on his privy seal.
Sir Thomas Morgan called in with an order of Council for some repairs at Jersey. My Lords will speak with the clerks of the Council to mend the order and that he bring his account for those things.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 78–9.]
April 26.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Money to be borrowed for the Duke of York's children rather than [that they should] not be paid.
The New York letter to be considered to-morrow.
A great seal [to be got] for the Earl of Bath's fees in the Wardrobe and Jewel House.
Warrant for the King to sign for 300 guineas to Mr. Verjns. To be on the 10,000l. dormant on the January Customs. Sir Ste. Fox to advance the money and keep his [Verjns's] acquittance.
Lady Fanshaw called in about the money for her plate. My Lords desire her to pay in 1,500l. in part of what is due. Otherwise my Lords must take what course they can to get the money.
The King to be moved in the matter of Mr. Smith's docquet. The like for Mr. Samborne's docquet.
The Dover warrant to be made to Mr. Golder according to the King's warrant.
Warrant for a year for Sir Edw. Walker as King-at-Arms: to be on the Customs.
A letter [to be written] for the brewers of Norwich as desired.
Write the Earls of Manchester and Bridgewater to know what time will suit them after the [end of the present] term for the hearing of the alnage business, which was not heard this day before my Lords by reason of some of the Judges being out of town.
The Cofferer called in with his interest account. The King to be moved in Council concerning it.
Letter read from the Commissioners of Accounts. Warrant ordered [for them] on the ready money on the Customs.
Sir Edw. Griffen presents a list of bills. To be considered on Wednesday.
Mr. Guy's petition read. Warrant to the Grand Commissioners of Excise to put out Robins and continue the rest of the sub-commissioners [for the county of—.]
[Order for] a privy seal for 11,200l. for the Victualler of the Navy in pursuance of the late order of Council.
Mr. Morice makes a new proposition about farming the revenue of Ireland. Ordered to give it in in writing to Sir G. Downing.
Warrant for 121l. 13s. 4d. for Sir Charles Cotterell and for his bills to be paid by Sir Edw. Griffin as desired.
The Solicitor General called in, and his queries and answers thereupon are read upon the Irish [revenue farm] articles. Ordered that he draw up a breviat and bring it hither again to be considered. Write the Judges of Ireland to quicken them to a determination about the quit rents from the innocent papists.
Warrant for Mr. Packer on his privy seal.
Lady Fanshaw will pay in 1,000l. this week and 500l. the beginning of the next.
Sir Robert Viner to have the whole 12,456l. 10s. 9d. on his privy seal on Sir Denys Gauden's 30,000l. at the end of the Additional Aid.
Letter read from Mr. Hutchinson. The time is granted him, but he must take care there be no further delay.
Mr. Pemberton called in from the Earl of Mulgrave about the alum business. My Lords desire to know whether the Earl of Mulgrave will confirm the present lease. Says not, but shall be willing to harken to a new agreement, and does not desire to break wholly with His Majesty. Sir John Monson and Sir Hugh Cholmely called in. My Lords say if the Earl of Mulgrave will not agree he must refund the 200l. per an. he has received during his minority, and the King will do what he can against him if he will not confirm the lease. But if he think fit he may petition the King.
Alderman Backwell's warrant to be made on his interest privy seal according to his memorandum. Said Backwell is called in about the business of imported corn. The Solicitor General being present says let the corn be seized and then the King will maintain his proclamation when a writ of delivery [is sued].
Write Sir Philip Warwick that my Lords are content he be examined [in reference] to Capt. Brabant's case. Inform Sir Philip Warwick at the same time that my Lords have agreed to pay the salaries to the King's officers of the Customs.
Mr. Whitfield [the deputy searcher for Kent] who seized the French Ambassador's goods, is to be sent for in custody for not appearing.
Warrant for 700l. to Col. Legg for carrying goods to Tangier: to be on Sir Denys Gauden's 30,000l. on the Additional Aid and before Sir Robert Viner.
The King to be moved what rent is to be reserved on Lady Castlemaine's docquet for Oatlands.
Warrant for a privy seal for Mr. Gorsuch, on Sir G. Downing's and Mr. Sherwin's report. The Earl of Lindsey to be also inserted therein for Havering House.
Warrant for half a year for Mr. Pepys for Tangier according to the appointment for distributing the months.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 80–2.]
April 27.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Finch moves that Sir G. Downing and Mr. Whitfield may be examined about the business of Hanning.
Ordered that a commission be awarded to the person offered by Sir C. Harbord's report on Mr. Ogar's petition.
Mr. Whitfield called in about the box of the French Ambassador seized at Rochester, and Lord Arlington's letter is read. Whitfield says the goods were prohibited, and therefore he seized them, that they were not directed to the French Ambassador nor knew he that they belonged to him.
Sir W. Doyly called in, and a letter read from the Commissioners of [Aids for] Norfolk. Ordered that the Receiver have liberty till the end of July to make up his account.
Alderman Backwell and Mr. Millington called in. They say that as Farmers of the Customs what they have lent and shall lend to the King they expect only six per cent. for, though they pay ten per cent. and must do so: that the 11,108l., &c., which they are to lend to supply Feb., March, and April [they desire to have] repaid to them on the [Customs of] July, Aug., &c. come twelvemonth, and likewise Alderman Backwell's interest money.
Warrant to Sir R. Long that the Customs Farmers will lend 11,108l., &c., into the Exchequer on July, Aug., &c. to make up what falls short on [the Customs of] Feb. and March last, and that it be accordingly applied to those uses.
Sir Denys Gauden and Mr. Meynell called in: Gauden says that of the 28,000l. he is to have one-third in hand and the rest by ten monthly payments. Ordered that he have orders proportionably for what may be due by his contract, and that the whole 28,000l. orders be delivered only to Mr. Meynell. And if the Commissioners of the Navy certify that the Victualler has delivered more victuals that then more orders shall be delivered presently to Mr. Meynell. Gauden says he will pay interest to Meynell for what he has paid before his time, and afterwards my Lords are to pay the interest.
Paper read about the Duke of York's charge in the New Netherlands, being a memorial concerning the usefulness of a number of soldiers to be maintained in New York and the Plantations thereabout. Write Col. Nicholls to attend on Friday, to speak with my Lords concerning this matter.
Col. Randolph Egerton's petition read concerning Mr. Thomas Loxdale's refusing to pay Excise due from him in the town of Wolverhampton. Write said Loxdale (under cover to Mr. Gaywood) to attend this day three weeks.
Warrant for 115l. to Alderman Backwell for what was paid by him as a present to the Portuguese Envoy.
The proposition from Mr. Blake, et al. read concerning a further term in the coal farm on an advance of rent. My Lords will consider it.
Sir Philip Warwick to have a warrant apart for his son's salary as of the Customs.
Sir R. Long and Sir G. Downing are to consider of giving the best satisfaction and ease they can to lenders of money and then my Lords will consider of it and have all the officers of the Exchequer present: and [my Lords propose] to have a dormant warrant to Sir R. Long for payment of 4 per cent. gratuity and [for the officers of the Exchequer to exact] noe fees for tallies for loans.
Petition read from John Perry with Mr. Hoblin's answer thereto. To be shewn to Mr. Bostock.
Warrant for a year to Mr. Kirke as of the Bedchamber; to be placed on the 3,000l. of some such month as will bear it.
Write Sir Samuel Barnardiston, Governor of the East India Co., to send a copy of their charter: my Lords having often occasion to look into it.
Col. Atkins to give a state of the revenue of Guernsey and what is paid out of it. He presents an order of Council for repairs, but is first to bring the said state.
Warrant for Sir Thomas Morgan on his order of Council.
Order of Council read about 6,000l. for the Wardrobe. Warrant for same: to be on the Customs of November and December come twelvemonth.
Warrant for 300l. to Mr. Moulin for the Council of Trade: so much having been advanced by Alderman Backwell.
Warrant to pay Alderman Backwell 300 guineas paid to Sir Marke Ogniate: to be on the 10,000l. dormant.
Lord Henry Howard, Mr. Hayes, and Mr. Palmer are called in about the farthing business, and the answer of the officers of the Mint is read. Ordered that Palmer make his reply in writing.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 82–4.]
April 28.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Process to be issued against all receivers of the revenue who have not accounted.
Mr. Morice's proposition is ordered to be reported to the King.
A letter of thanks to be sent to Sir Courtney Poole et al. for their care in Mr. Jones's business.
The Lord [Bishop of] Durham called in about the school at Durham. He moved that the money be paid to the Bishop's schoolmaster, and the Dean to complain to the Exchequer if he see fit: which not being thought convenient, his Lordship said he would endeavour to compose the matter with the Dean and Chapter.
Sir Geo. Carteret called in: says the Chimney money lies uncollected in Ireland for want of some persons to collect same, by means whereof the Army will be unpaid. Write the Solicitor General to hasten the perfecting of the Articles [of covenant for farm of said duty and of other parts of His Majesty's revenue there].
Warrant to Sir R. Long to pay the interest on the Chimney orders out of the money of that revenue. Mr. Cotes to have an order to inspect the Chimney Rolls in Auditor Philip's hands.
Warrant for the whole remain [of money uncharged or unassigned] of the Wine Act to be paid to the Treasurer of the Navy.
Mr. Gorsuch is to be paid out of the 10,000l. dormant. Also the Earl of Lindsey.
Warrant for Sir Thomas Morgan.
Lord Townshend to be spoken to by Sir J. Duncombe about the complaint of the Excise men of Norwich.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 84–5.]