Minute Book: February 1669

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Minute Book: February 1669', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp17-30 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: February 1669', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp17-30.

"Minute Book: February 1669". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp17-30.


February 1669

Feb. 1.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Treasurer of the Household, Sir J. Duncombe.
Secretary Trevor is to be placed on the first vacant month of the Customs for part of his 8,000l.
Warrant for a year's wages for the Grooms and Pages of the Bedchamber.
Auditor Beale to state Mr. Povey's Jamaica account.
Sir Ste. Fox's Staffordshire tally what it falls short is to be paid out of the money of the Royal Aid.
Warrant for Sir Jo. Cotton's perpetuity.
Major General Powell's order of Council is to be carried back to the Council, it being imperfect.
Warrant for 2,000l. for the Ordnance on the January Customs.
Warrant for Mr. Woodward's discharge on Sir W. Doyley's certificate.
Sir W. Doyly to send a waggon for the money at Portsmouth. Write the Lord Privy Seal to despatch the privy seal for the Office of Exchanges in [Great] St. Hellens.
Sir G. Carteret's privy seal for 15,000l. is to pass.
Sir Robt. Viner moves for 40,000l. due on his Jewel House privy seal. Ordered to have 5,000l. on August come twelvemonth on the Customs and then 5,000l. successively till the whole is paid and 10,000l. on the Victualler's 30,000l. orders on the Additional Aid.
Mr. Harris's affidavits read. He is to swear the particular sums in the hands of each collector of Hearthmoney, co. Devon, and of what hundreds or division each man was collector.
The Customs Farmers called in with Dacket and Burstall, &c. Dacket confesses that Procter May told him that there was bacon in the Tilt boat. To be further considered on Friday and Mr. Cupide (church warden of Lambeth), Mr. Vanderpuse (sugar-baker) and Mr. Booken to attend then.
The Customs Farmers agree to the export of iron guns for 12 months at [the customs duty of] 5l. per ton. The Privy Council to be moved for an order to authorise it.
The Earl of Sandwich presents his account for his Spanish embassy and a letter from Lord Arlington and an order of Council for allowing interest till paid. To be considered on Wednesday.
Warrant for the itinerant preachers in Lancashire.
The Earl of Bath, the Attorney and Solicitor General, Serjeant Maynard, Sir C. Harbord, Mr. William Harbord, Mr. Napier and Mr. Ward to attend on Friday fortnight about the pre-emption of tin.
The Privy Council to be moved that the fines on leases may be employed to pay off the debt on the Exchequer.
Mr. Madden presents instructions for the Commissioners about the spoils in Brockbrow Park, &c. Mr. Warcup to be added to the commission for Dean Forest at Mr. Madden's desire.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 24–5.]
Feb. 3.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Deane to attend on Friday about paying in his 15,000l. for the Customs of Ireland. The Vice-Chamberlain to be here then.
Mr. Prettiman to attend on Friday to let my Lords know to what time he has passed his accounts of his receipts [of First Fruits] and to bring his accounts since that time.
Warrant to Sir Gilbert Talbot to issue the New Year's gifts to the Privy Purse according to the late order of Council.
Mr. Guy called in and his papers read. Sir G. Downing to send Sir Tho. Gower the affidavit of Andrew Harding out of respect to said Gower "although the usual way in these cases is presently to present them to His Majesty in Council." Gower to return his answer thereon as soon as possible.
" That for Leeds Mr. Lawrence to attend the Solicitor General about it for his opinion."
Mrs. Pley's petition referred to Sir R. Long and Sir W. Doyly.
The business of the pay of the soldiers of Dover is to be considered when the Lord General comes to town.
Sir R. Long to certify in each [weekly] certificate [from the Exchequer] what is paid of the Eleven Months' tax.
The Grooms of the Chamber to have half-a-year on the Customs: and as much for Mr. Chiffinch.
Sir Winston Churchill and the rest of the Commissioners for Ireland present a parchment of what they have done. To be considered when the Lords of Ireland are first here.
Mr. Lawrence called in and his certificate read. Write Sir Thomas Ingram, Chancellor of the Duchy [of Lancashire], that my Lords understand that Mr. Carr's house is seized by [virtue of] an extent out of the Duchy Court. As the said Carr is a debtor to the King for money received by him of Mr. White, late Receiver of Aids for co. Oxford, my Lords desire to know whether the said house was extended upon any debt to the Duchy or upon a private debt, and how far the said debt is discharged. Lawrence to take care that Carre be brought to the Exchequer Bar to charge the King's debt on him; and further take care to charge Carre's house with an extent for the King.
Sir W. Doyly to give an account on Friday how Mr. Veale's accompt as late Receiver of Aids for co. Gloucester stands.
Mr. Lawrence's certificate [of the state of law businesses in his hands] to be brought in once a month.
Warrant to the Auditor of [the Duchy of] Cornwall to give a constat of Mr. Chudley's estate [sic for accompts] as Receiver of the benevolence money for co. Devon: also to certify whether Robert Wiseman, Assaymaster of tin in Cornwall and Devon, be living or not; and to forward a copy of his patent if entered with said Auditor.
Sir G. Downing to treat with a merchant about getting up the tin at Ostend.
Letter read from the Mayor, &c., of Bristol about abuses [by the officers] of the Chimney money. Copies to be sent to the Chimney Farmers to answer.
Mr. Raban to certify what proof he has that Mr. Hutchinson has money in his hands on Mr. Mellish's account.
Warrant for the Earl of Carbery's stable money [as President of the Council in Wales].
Mr. Pile, the King's Chirurgeon, to send to my Lords his patent to see why he has two fees as chirurgeons: my Lords finding orders brought hither from the Exchequer for two several salaries, which they make difficulty in signing till they see the said patent.
Mr. Kilby's proposal read. Ordered to pay in 200l. and then my Lords will treat with him.
Letter read from the Mayor of Salisbury with complaints from some brewers of that place against Excise officers. Mr. Warcup to have a copy of it and to attend my Lords on Friday to answer it.
Mr. Catcher's letter to be considered on Friday the 19th.
The Auditor's return about the collectors of the Chimney money is to be considered on Friday.
The Earl of Sandwich called in and my Lords except at Lord Arlington's not having underwritten both papers. Besides no interest has been paid to any on such an account: but there must be a privy seal ere my Lords can meddle in it.
Mr. Calvert to be heard on Friday about the Excise of Westminster: and Mr. Slingsby about the Mint.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 26–7.]
Feb. 5. Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
The Queen's Council present a letter, dated the 25th ult., asserting that there are several decayed and ill rents among those lands that are already settled upon the Queen Consort in jointure. The Auditors of the revenue are to send an account what she hath and what more [is] fit to make up her jointure to the value of 30,000l. a year. The Queen's Counsel to certify the bad rents.
The Customs Farmers and the Officers of the Works to attend about the business of providing money for the rebuilding of the Custom House.
Mr. Progers presents a report from Sir R. Long. A warrant to the Receiver and Auditor of Surrey to take off the stop of his fees.
Auditor Wood to certify on Monday what is the stop in stating Mr. Pepys's account for Tangier. Process [against Pepys] to stay till then.
Process to stay against Col. Stroude for 14 days on his Chimney money account, "he being sent into the country by his Royal Highness" [the Duke of York].
Mr. Elliot moves about his 300l. for Newmarket House and for future payment of 200l. per an. for keeping that house and repairing it. A warrant for Elliot as Master of the Harriers.
Sir W. Doyly called in about Mr. Veale's account of the Aids. Auditor Parsons to attend with it on Monday. Veale to have ten days' liberty on bail.
Mr. Eustace Seymor to be taken into custody for having the King's money in his hands. Doyly to write to the Commissioners [of Aids] for Lincolnshire to get in that money.
The Vice-Chamberlain and Mr. Dean called in [concerning the Irish Customs Farmers' rent]. Ordered that Dean pay 15,000l. within 14 days after Lady Day next, and to have Irish interest if it appear that the said money is not due to the King or for so much as is not due. Mr. Dean and Mr. Morice, of Westminster, to attend on Monday about the defalcations [on the Irish Customs farm].
Mr. Calvert gives his answer to the complaints from the Justices of Peace of Westmorland that the gaugers of Excise do not leave with the brewers and retailers certificates of the respective gauges. He is to attend on Monday with the Commissioners of Excise and Col. Birch.
Mr. Walsall to have a warrant on the fragments of the Royal Aid as Mr. Hinton, &c., [had].
The Chimney Farmers and Auditor Aldworth to attend on Monday about the farmers' defalcations.
Write Mr. Meynell to dispatch his account.
Warrant ordered on Mr. Tomlinson's privy seal.
Sir Robert Viner's privy seal for his Jewel House account is to be presented to the King in Council.
Warrant for the issue of process against all Chimney money Receivers that have not furnished their accounts: same to be grounded on the Auditor's certificates.
Col. Napier to be heard on Friday week about his patent for toll fish at Yarmouth.
Mr. Warcup's answer to the Salisbury brewers' complaint is read. They are to have a copy of it.
Dacquet's business heard. He remembers not that he had put the broad arrow on the bacon in May's house.
Mr. Prettiman called in: [says] he has accounted [for the First Fruits account] before the Barons of the Exchequer for 1666 and can't account for 1667 because of the great tally [charged thereon] which is not yet clear. He is to bring to the Treasury his account for 1667.
The Customs Farmers are to attend on the 19th with Mr. Dewy and the register of seizures to consider of the way of preventing the frauds of premier seizers, and that the seizer be bound to presently make entry thereof in the Custom House, and within a certain time in the Exchequer.
Proctor May to be discharged, he having made an ingenious confession.
The Customs Farmers to attend on Wednesday about the business of their lending back the 8,000l. per month, which they retain in their hands towards the payment of their 200,000l. loan.
Mr. Dunkar's petition to be read on Tuesday next.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 29–30.]
Feb. 8.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Sir R. Long to send the form of an acquittance for Mr. Ralph Montague to sign for quitting his claim of 100l. per week as Ambassador into France from Jan. 1 to the day of his departure.
Mr. Slingsby called in about the indenture of the Mint. He is to prepare a draft for a new one and send a copy of the old one this day week. Write the Lord Privy Seal to pass Mr. Brattle's privy seal as Assaymaster of the Mint, Brattle being resolved to forthwith surrender his place as Assaymaster for the Goldsmiths' Company. Mr. Slingsby's account as Master of the Mint is referred to Auditor Beale. Warrant for 6,000l. more for the Mint.
The alum account to be considered next Monday. The Solicitor General and Sir Hugh Cholmley to attend then about the Alum Farmers' demand for defalcations.
The Bishop of Chester and Mr. Duppa called in about his [said Duppa's] account as Receiver of the Tenths [as a deputy to said Bishop] about the 12 per cent. demanded by the Auditor on moneys not paid in by him in time. The Bishop of Hereford called in about the same business. Auditors Wood and Beale to state the case and to have an order thereupon this term in the Exchequer Court.
The clause for paying only a twelvemonth is to be left out of the creation money warrants of the Earl of Scarsdale, the Earl of Leicester and the Duke of Richmond, as it has been left out of the Marquess of Dorchester's.
A privy seal [ordered] for 6,000l. to the Master of the Works for rebuilding the Custom House: to be on the Customs of August and Sept. come 12 month. The docquet for the 2,000l. privy seal for the Works for what is done to the present place for the Custom House is also to pass.
Process stayed against Sir Herbert Periot (Perrott), late Receiver of the 18 months' assessment, for co. Hereford, for moneys of the King detained in his hands.
Mr. Hayes, Sir Edmond Sawyer, &c., called in about the business of the payments at Windsor. They produce several accounts. Sawyer says that in those accounts the Auditor questions not what is vouched by the Comptroller as to bills and day works but as to the officers' allowances that the Lord Treasurer was wont to settle what they should have. Ordered that the Auditor fill up the 2s. a day to them and then my Lords will make an allowance to them. A list of the constant payments made at Windsor is to be brought to my Lords and no work done there but by the Prince's [Rupert's] warrant: and the officers of the Works to have the supervising of the Work. Sir E. Sawyer to attend next Monday about these Windsor accounts.
Warrant signed for Sir Gilbert Talbot to pay into the Exchequer the New Year's gift money of the nobility to be thence issued out to the Privy Purse. Inform Sir R. Long of this that the money may not be issued for any other purpose.
Sir Robert Viner's 40,000l. warrant is to be offered [for signature] when the Lord General is here because of the order that the Customs be not charged but at a full board.
Report to be made to the King in writing about the Earl of Sandwich's accounts. Mr. Fen to attend to-morrow morning to inform my Lords whether said Earl was not paid 6,000l. by Sir Geo. Carteret on the account of his embassy to Spain. Lord Ashley to give an account on Wednesday whether said Earl received any money out of prize money towards his said embassy.
Mr. Adderlye's commission to be to pay the money into the Exchequer or in the Hanaper.
The Commissioners of Excise called in with Col. Birch and Mr. Calvert about leaving duplicates of the [Excise gaugers'] gauges with the retailers. They [the Commissioners] say they [the brewers or the officers] must first enter their brewings, else much may be lost by the gaugers' omission of times and quantities, and this was so settled in the late Lord Treasurer's time. The London Excise Farmers and the King's Counsel to attend hereon on Wednesday.
Sir Robert Vyner and Auditor Aldworth called in about the interest on the Chimney Farmers' advance money. Ordered that the Auditor state the interest of four per cent. from the respective times each sum was lent to the time it ought to be paid, counting in also the time of receiving the 105,000l. of the Royal Aid, and allowing 7,000l. per an. for the burning of London. Vyner to give my Lords a list of all tallies struck on the Hearth money which are yet unpaid, and whether the King pays interest for any of them.
Mr. Madden called in: says he was not in [Alice] Holt Forest since the sickness, but a purveyor was there at the last felling. Presents a draft commission for Dean Forest and a draft warrant. He is to see whether that warrant agree with the Act. Letter read from the Earl of Oxford about felling trees in Whittlewood. To be considered to-morrow.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 31–3.]
Feb. 9.
Present: Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Lawrence to carry to the Attorney General for his opinion the paper from Sir Thomas Ingram about making an extent on Mr. Carre's house for the debt due from Mr. White of Oxford.
Letter read from Sir Thomas Ingram about payments in the Duchy [of Lancaster].
Warrant for Sir John Bennet's defalcations on the 30,000l. in the Victualler of the Navy's name on the Additional Aid.
Sir Solomon Swayle's deeds read. My Lords say some things must be rectified. (1) The deeds are dated before the privy seal: (2) the King is to have 100l. per an. for the first 20 years only and yet the payment is not to begin till Sir Solomon has received his 2,000l. Also the covenants from the Lords are to be jointly and severally. Mr. Laurence to attend the Attorney General to set it right.
Sir Francis Clarke's petition read. Process stayed against him till Midsummer term that he may have time to pay his in super.
Col. Trevanion's proposition read. It is to be sent to Mr. Trevanion to answer.
Sir Walter Moyle's petition referred to Sir R. Long, and Sir W. Doyly to state and report what is fit to be done to reimburse him, and that the 12 per cent. be taken off.
Dru Drury's petition read. Sir G. Downing to look out a former reference for Lady Cornwallis.
Petition read from Sir Francis Dodington and Mr. Norrice. His Majesty's pleasure to be known on whom he will bestow the place.
Same read from the sub-farmers of exported coals. Ordered that they offer an improvement of rent, and then my Lords will consider their petition.
Same read from the watermen. Ordered that Sir Edward Griffin pay this year's bills to them.
Same read from Cadwallader Jones. Write the Justices set in the margin of Harris's affidavit to examine the fact and to report the ability of the persons.
Same from Mr. Harding read. Referred to the Attorney General, who is to see the whole case and the cancelled deeds.
Same from Mr. Breams. Referred to Mr. Lawrence.
Mr. Cardonell to have liberty to be absent six months.
Petition read from Col. Eubank. He is to make out his discovery, and my Lords will consider him.
Same from Mrs. Burges. Nothing can be done.
Same from Mr. Dunker. To be considered to-morrow, when Lord Ashley is present.
Same from John Rivet. My Lords can do nothing.
Same from George Kirke. Referred to Sir C. Harbord to report the King's title, &c.
Same from Capt. Brabant. Ordered to take his course at law as to his Excise defalcations. As to his demands for bringing the money of the Aids to York, Sir W. Doyly is to certify how many cases there are of that nature.
Same from Thomas Boreman. If he be on the establishment as gamekeeper he is to be paid.
Same from Mr. Sayer. Warrant for him to be paid.
Sir Ste. Fox to have a fund on the Excise for 300l. per an. to pay Sir Edw. Scot. Said Scot to bring an attested copy of his privy seal from Sir R. Long and then a warrant shall issue.
Mr. Fen says the Earl of Sandwich had no money from Sir Geo. Carteret but had 6,000l. from Sir Robert Viner on a tally on the Chimney money but thinks the Earl paid the interest of it. [The Earl of Sandwich] to attend hereon to-morrow and Sir R. Viner. Write Lord Ashley to attend then.
Write the King's Counsel to report their opinion of Viscount Mordaunt's patent of the 12d. per chaldron on sea coals.
The acquittance for Mr. Montague to sign is to be sent him in a letter from my Lords.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 33–5.]
Feb. 10.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Harding called in. When he shall bring the Attorney General hither my Lords will hear him to be informed whether no prejudice may come either to the King or to any particular persons by granting him a new conveyance.
Letter read from the Excise officer at Dover. Alderman Bucknell to shew this to Mr. Wren with the order of Council and bring his answer.
Warrant on the order of Council about the tin account.
Warrant for the poor of St. Martin's [in the Fields].
Drury's forfeiture is already granted to Lady Cornwallis.
Mr. Dean and Mr. Morice called in. Dean moves to know in writing what course will be taken about their [the Irish revenue farmers'] defalcations, also that he may have liberty to name two men: which is denied.
Process against Mr. Pepys to be stopped till sealing day.
The Earl of Sandwich's account is considered. Sir R. Viner is called in. Viner to give an account on Friday what money he has paid to the said Earl. Said Earl called in, says he cannot tell whether he has had 6,000l. from Sir Geo. Carteret or not, but that the account must be had from Mr. Fen. My Lords tell him about 4,000 pieces of eight which were paid him at Cadiz, which his Lordship acknowledges. A letter from Mr. Fen about the 6,000l. paid to the Earl of Sandwich is read.
Write the Navy Office for a copy of the rules [for payments] in course [in the Navy] made by the Duke of York in 1665: and likewise a copy of the rules for the returns from the Treasurer of the Navy of his receipts and payments every week: and likewise for a particular account how the 250,000l. advanced by the Chimney farmers has been issued. Write Sir Geo. Carteret for an accompt how it [i.e. to whom each part of the said 250,000l.] was issued.
Sir Robert Viner and Auditor Aldworth called in about the paper of over interest for the money advanced by the Chimney money farmers. Ordered that the paper be carried up to Council. Write said Aldworth to bring said farmers' account of interest money for my Lords to attend His Majesty thereupon then.
The King to be spoken to about Lord Arlington's letter for 250l. for Mr. Moulin.
Warrant for 2,100l. for the Privy Purse out of the New Year's gifts: pursuant to the order of Council.
Mr. Meynell called in with Auditor Aldworth about said Meynell's interest account. Auditor Philips to certify to what day interest was paid for any of these sums upon any account prepared by him to 1665, June 1, and then Auditor Aldworth will certify from his time. Aldworth to send a draft of such a warrant as he desires in relation to Meynell's account.
The report to the King about the Earl of Sandwich is to be signed.
My Lords will not determine to give Viscount Brouncker a dormant warrant for his defalcations. A warrant for this term. He is to have a copy of the Chancellor of the Duchy's return intimating that 14,900l. has been lately paid out of the revenue [of said duchy] to the Treasurers of the Navy.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 35–6.]
Feb. 12.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Warrant to the Auditor that the Receiver of co. Berks has not paid the 12 per cent. set upon him for the 300l. paid to Mr. Wharton.
Sir Godfrey Lloyd's petition referred to Sir R. Long and Sir W. Doyly.
Write Mr. Brattle to resign his place at Goldsmith's Hall, as the Lord Privy Seal cannot pass his grant till that office is surrendered.
The New Year's gifts to be paid to the Privy Purse on a warrant to the Jewel House, but there must be a privy seal first.
The King to be moved in the [matter of the] warrant for 250l. to Judge Rainsford.
The affidavits of Nicholas Sheffield to be sent to the Farmers of Durham Excise to answer on Monday week: meantime Sheffield to have liberty.
The King to be moved in the [matter of the] warrant for the Serjeant to enter Somerset House.
The answer of the Salisbury brewers to be sent to Mr. Warcup to reply to.
The articles of Mr. White, of Oxford, are to be sent to Sir W. Doyly to be by him sent to Mr. North to prepare for my Lords.
The Earl of Lauderdale says there is some alteration made as to the payments on the land revenue since his warrant for 3,000l. Prays a settlement.
Alderman Backwell's interest account referred to Auditor Aldworth.
Mr. Pepper's petition referred to Sir W. Doyly.
The King to be moved in the [matter of the] 4,000l. paid by the Earl of Anglesey to other uses but which should have been for buying stores: that another fund may be appointed for it.
Lord Byron's warrant to be given to him.
Warrant for 200l. for the Council of Trade: to be on the Customs of August, 1670.
Warrant to the Attorney General to draw a bill for Lord Richardson's business.
Mr. Seager's grant to be made during pleasure and then my Lords will pass it.
The officers of the Works and some of the Customs Farmers are to attend on Monday about the draft of the order for rebuilding the Custom House.
The answer of the Justices of Cumberland is to be sent to the Farmer of Excise [of said county] to answer.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 37–8.]
Feb. 22.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Write the Navy Commissioners to know what timber it is which was lately seized at Chertsey on the Thames by their order.
Another order for 2,000l. for the Ordnance on the next month of the Customs if it will bear it. The Privy Council to be moved to revoke the order for the eight per cent. interest.
Sir R. Long and Sir G. Downing to consider and certify the payments at the Custom House.
Warrant on Mr. Burnet's certificate to repay the money on the general dormant [privy seal] and to the Pipe to pass the account.
Warrant for the [pay of the] officers of the Alienation Office.
Mr. Progers called in. Sir G. Downing to see where the stick [or delay] in his account is.
The Privy Council to be moved about altering the reference about the alum account and the Duke of Richmond's business; in regard the Lord Keeper is sick.
Mr. Tregunnell called in. The Treasurer of the Household reports that the King will keep his [Tregunnell's] ground. A warrant ordered for his rent.
The Spanish Ambassador's docquet for 30 tons of wine is contrary to an order of Council.
Sir Thomas Gower and Mr. Guy to attend on Friday.
The King to be moved that the Lord Privy Seal be added to the Committee for Irish affairs.
Warrant for Capt. Dayes.
Mr. Street called in: presents a petition that salaries of the Welsh Judges may be paid by the Receivers [of Wales]. They must have a privy seal for it if they will have their salaries so paid. A warrant for a new privy seal.
Warrant for the bonds of Mr. Eakins, Receiver of Hearth money for co. Yorks, to be delivered up to him. The like for Mr. Trethewy's bonds for the Aids and Poll.
The East India Company to attend on Tuesday next about the account of the ships.
The breviat of the articles for letting the Irish revenue is to be sent to the Lord Privy Seal to peruse, and when his lordship is added to the Committee for the Irish affairs then a time is to be appointed to consider these covenants.
Sir Edm. Sawyer and Mr. Tayleur called in about said Tayleur's account and a decree of the Exchequer is read about his accounts being declared. Ordered that the Barons first declare them [said accounts] in regard that matter hath been so much before them and my Lords will give their warrant for the allowances for passing the privy seals and if necessary my Lords will sign the accounts after, but will allow no travelling expenses.
Write Viscount Fanshaw to hasten hither the imprest roll so that it may be signed and despatched.
[Nicholas] Sheffield's business to be considered to-morrow.
The Attorney General came in with Mr. Harding about his [said Harding's] petition. My Lords grant his request and will sign the docquet when it comes.
Write the hearthmoney farmers to hasten their account for 1661, Lady Day.
Sir Solomon Swayle's deeds to be signed to-morrow.
Sir Robert Southwell's order for 600l. to be moved to-morrow.
Warrant for 200l. to Mr. Lawrence for this year: but to be considered out of what money to pay it.
The rebuilding the Custom House to be considered to-morrow.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 38–9.]
Feb. 23. Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Report to be drawn that the Scots insist that they ought not to pay the 18d. per head on Scotch cattle for that the same words were in the Acts when they paid not. On the other hand the farmers insist to have it, and desire to be left to the law or else to have defalcations.
Write Sir R. Long to pay Alderman Backwell his 10,000l. on the land revenue as it comes in.
The officers of the Works called in about the warrant for rebuilding the Custom House. Ordered that they give an account quarterly of their disbursements in it and that the 6,000l. which the Customs Farmers advance be [re] paid on [the Customs of] August and September come 12 month.
The orders for 4,000l. and 5,000l. on the chimneys for the Ordnance are to be made ready. Sir John Griffith to have part of this sum.
Send Sir R. Long the paper concerning what is due to sea officers for him to certify on Tuesday next what is fit to be done for paying them the interest due thereon.
The King to be moved about the Earl of St. Alban's docquet.
Write Mr. Booth, the Receiver of the Aids of Cheshire, to collect what money he can from the county and city of Chester. As for the rest it must be disputed at the Exchequer and decided by law.
Mr. Pley's petition read with the report thereon from Sir R. Long and Sir W. Doyley. A warrant accordingly to strike tallies on those several Receivers.
Sir C. Harbord's report about Col. Norton's land read. [Ordered] that when the King can have security the money will be paid; and a place is reserved for the money on the Chimney money.
Mr. Portland called in with Mr. Chislet's deputy about his interest account. Ordered that the Auditor compare it with Sir G. Carteret's interest account so that the King may not pay it twice.
Mr. Moseley called in with his firehearth account for Cheshire.
Ordered that the Auditor must bring no states of accounts for allowances till the accountant has sworn to them.
Mr. Perin's bonds for his firehearth account to be delivered up but he must first shew the order of the Court.
Sir Edm. Sawyer called in with Mr. Knollys's firehearth account for co. Oxford. Ordered that the tallies must first be struck. Sir R. Long to look for the order and process meanwhile to stop, the money being paid though no tallies are yet struck.
The Duke of Richmond called in with Mr. Herlackenden. My Lords say they cannot give him [Herlackenden] time.
The letter from the Navy Commissioners about the Earl of Anglesey having diverted 4,000l. to pay for stores is to be offered to the King in Council.
Mr. Slingsby to attend on Monday and bring the new indenture for the Mint which my Lords expected on Monday last.
Draft of an order of Council about the Chimney defalcations is read. Sir Robert Viner says they only pretend to 6 per cent. from the time that the money is due by covenant. Sir R. Viner delivers a list of the Chimney tallies.
Viscount Grandison's petition is referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Sir R. Long, Mr. Sherwin, Auditor Aldworth and Mr. Chislet to attend on Monday about considering the best way of methodising interest accounts.
Sir Robert Viner's interest account [for money lent] to the Treasury [of the] Chamber is referred to Auditor Aldworth.
Warrant to reimburse Mr. Smith his 73l. 14s. 0¾d. overpaid.
Mr. Warcup delivers his answer to the Excise complaint against him. To be considered on Monday.
Mr. Glanvill's business to be recommended to Lord Arlington to recommend to Sir Marke Ognati.
Write the Earl of Anglesey to know what money is in his hands to make good [the] interest money [for moneys advanced by the Vintners] upon the Wine Act; Mr. Wadlow having applied to my Lords for said interest.
Sir R. Long and Sir C. Harbord to attend on Monday about considering of an additional security for borrowing money on the Customs.
Mr. Sheffield's business to be considered on Friday.
Petition read from John Parry, &c., with an affidavit made against Mr. Hoblin [sic] in the business of the Excise. Send a copy hereof to said Hoblon to answer by Monday week, or else to be proceeded against.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 40–2.]
Feb. 26.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Breams called in with Mr. Preston. A warrant to all the deputies to pay quarterly to Mr. Breams what they receive of Mr. Jones's [moneys].
Sir Tho. Gower and Mr. Guy called in and the affidavits read. Mr. Guy moves that a way be settled that the revenue may be collected. Sir Tho. says he will do his best to assist him and to prevail with Mr. Gibson. Write Mr. Gibson, taking notice of the affidavits, and desiring him to assist His Majesty's officers. Sir Tho. Gower to send the letter. Mr. Guy promises that Robins shall be removed. The affidavit about Leeds, with the Solicitor General's opinion, is to be offered in Council.
Mr. Progers prays that his money may be paid by a warrant on the 10,000l. dormant. Warrant ordered for the King to sign.
Mr. Dunker called in. A warrant to pay him among the tallies in the course according to the date the tally bears. My Lords to be moved on Monday for direction to list the Chimney tallies.
The King to be moved as to Capt. Cox's docquet.
The report about Sir Thomas Hanmore is referred to Sir C. Harbord.
The Earl of Bath, the Solicitor General, Sergeant Maynard, Sir C. Harbord, Mr. Napier, Mr. Harbord, Mr. Courtney, and Mr. Ward called in about the business of the pre-emption of tin. Ordered that the King drown the pre-emption and get what he can at the Coinage Hall: [the arrangement] to be confirmed by Act of Parliament. A commission in the mean time [to be issued] and a convocation [of tinners] to be assembled. The commission to be executed in August next to treat with the Convocation; and Sergeant Maynard and Sir C. Harbord to be of the said Commission. In the first place a letter to be sent to the Council of Trade that a question arises whether it may be good for the kingdom that the pre-emption be drowned and turned into a greater coinage duty.
Mr. Napier called in about his patent for his toll fish at Yarmouth, Sergeant Maynard and the Solicitor General being present. The Solicitor General offers that the Greencloth put the King in possession and then that Mr. Napier offer his patent. Mr. Napier says the Greencloth for four years neglected it and that he has been at charge about it. Write the Greencloth to take the King's right and to give reasonable compensation to Mr. Napier.
On the Earl of Bath's desire Sir C. Harbord is to be heard when consideration is had of the business of allowance for land taken in to enlarge the fort at Plymouth.
The Excise Commissioners, the Farmers of the London Excise, Col. Birch et al. called in about the business of the gaugers' leaving certificates of their gauges with the retailers.
Mr. Sheffield to be heard.
Warrant for [felling] 1,000 trees in Whittlewood Forest for the Navy: in accordance with the Earl of Oxford's letter.
Sir R. Long and Alderman Backwell to attend about the paper Sir C. Long took away relating to the Customs, wherein was [an item of] 6,000l. paid to Alderman Backwell on the Customs.
The report about Scotch cattle is to be ready on Monday.
Mr. Wadlow called in, says that my Lords ordered him to have 30,000l. ready to pay in three weeks from the middle of January, and that he expects interest accordingly. Ordered that he bring his interest account demanded from the Earl of Anglesey, and my Lords will consider it. Sir R. Long to certify on Monday what money has been paid on the Wine Act.
Lord Ashley reports from the King that Mr. Elliot [is to] have 200l. per an. for repair of the House at Newmarket. Quere by what privy seal?
Warrant for Mr. Broxholme to clear him of the 12 per cent. according to his oath so far as that discharges him.
Lord Ashley reports [from the Privy Council the King's pleasure] that the fines on leases be employed to pay off the debt on the Exchequer.
[Treasury Minute Book III. pp. 42–4.]