Oct. 1.
348. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lords Commissioners
of the Treasury. Request payment of petty expences
of the Office, Midsummer to Michaelmas, amounting to 290 1s. 4d.,
and of Officers' salaries, 287 10s. [C.O. 389, 37. pp. 348, 349.]
Oct. 2.
349. John Ashley to Governor Lord Howe. The great
concern your Excellency has shewn for the preservation of this
Colony encourages me to lay before you this small treatise upon a
trade, on which this island intirely depends, and which I am
sensible, is often uppermost in your Lordp's. mind, not only
from your thorough acquaintance therewith, whilst a Member of
the British Parliament, but also from your known inclinations
to do good. The sense the British Legislature now have of the
circumstances of this trade, and the great experience and unweared
endeavours of the Auditor General, together with your Lordp's.
good offices in our behalf, have already produced as a law, that
will soon let us partake of the blessings of our Mother Country.
The readiness, that was shewn, to give this relief, as soon as proper
applications were made, induces me to conclude that when the
whole state of the sugar trade is fairly laid open, and known
to that wise Legislature, we shall soon be put upon an equal
footing with foreign sugar Plantations, etc., etc. Signed, Jno.
Ashley. 2 pp. Enclosed,
349. i. The Sugar Trade with the incumbrances thereon laid open.
By a Barbados Planter. The Preface. The following
piece is intended to shew the incumbrances and charges
that remain on the Sugar Trade, since the passing of
the late act, for the better securing and encouraging the
trade of H.M. Sugar Colonys in America ; and also, to
compare the advantages we may reap by that act, with
those which we yet stand in need of ; and thereby
manifest the necessity there is for some further relief.
The first and most material point aim'd at, is, that of a
direct exportation of our sugars from the Plantations to
foreign ports ; this advantage the French have had
over us these seven years, which has improved their
trade and Plantations to a great degree ; whilst we are
visibly declining for want of a more extensive vent of
our produce : The reasons for this are herein plainly
sett forth ; and it is here also demonstrated that the
French planter gains over and above the English
planter at foreign markets, from 20 to 50 pr. cent, on
his prime cost, by this very single article ; which vast
difference must in a short time leave them masters of
the sugar trade, without some speedy regulation. The
next point is, that of the duty of 3s. 6d. p. cwt. upon
importation into Great Britain, which, upon coarse
sugar, is now becoming a most heavy duty ; since the
want of a direct exportation, together with the great
quantitys imported, have brot. the price down to much
less than it can possibly be made for, without regarding
the interest on the value of the planter's land and stock.
So that that stock and the quantity of sugar made,
together with the British Navigation and power, must
dwindle and abate before a living price can be had,
under such circumstances. Describes contents of following
The Sugar Commerce is now justly look't upon to be
one of the most beneficial branches of trade that belongs
to Great Britain etc. Continues :The late Act of
Parliament will in due time be of great service to the
Sugar Trade ; more especially as it will make it easier
to obtain the liberty of going directly to foreign markets
with our sugar ; and the prohibition of foreign produce
to Ireland, with the high duty's thereon when imported
to our Plantations, will render such a liberty much more
beneficial than it could have been had not that act
pass'd, inasmuch as it lays so considerable a restraint
upon the vent of foreign produce, by way of our own
Plantations. The Kingdom of Ireland and the Northern
Plantations, our sisters, can now be no longer our
adversaries ; since it will be their interest to see the
British Sugar Plantations flourish by an extensive vent
of their produce, as it will occasion them to have so
much the larger demands for the products of those
Northern Countrys. The supplying the Kingdom of
Ireland with our produce (altho' at a round-about rate,
as to sugar) will occasion a much greater vent than we
had before ; and the dutys upon foreign produce
imported into our Plantations, will, no doubt give us
the advantage over foreigners, as to supplying those
British Dominions, notwithstanding the dutys of 18d.
per cwt. and the 4 p. cent. paid by us upon exportation ;
But as to the supplying of foreign markets, that must
still be given up to the French, if we remain under the
restriction of unloading our sugars in Great Britain,
whilst they have the liberty of sending theirs directly to
foreign markets, without either unloading or so much as
touching at any port in France. The bounty of 6s.
p. cwt. on refin'd sugar, and 9d. per cwt. additional
drawback will by no means counteract that advantage ;
for before such hundredweight of refin'd sugar is ship't,
there is above 6s. pr. cwt. paid on the raw sugar from
which it is made, besides other charges ; However,
that no doubt will in some measure encourage an
exportation, at least, of the best sorts of refin'd sugar ;
indeed the 9d. p. cwt. may be a saving to the planter
from 3 to 9 p. cent upon the value of his sugar in the
Plantations, or the neet proceeds in Great Britain,
when sugar sells from 40s. down to 20s. p. cwt. in
London. But by a direct exportation, the planter may
save from 23 to 52 pr. cent. upon sugar worth those
prices in London. A prodigious advantage that the
French have had over us for these last seven years !
Appends tables to show saving of freightage, port
charges, insurance, commission etc. by direct voyage
to the Continent and Streights etc., and the effect of
taking off the 2s. pr. cwt. import duty into Great
Britain. Argues that the result of the present system is
to enable the French, who have had the benefit of
direct exportation since 1726, to undersell us at all
foreign markets, and "is one of the principal causes
why so many of our planters are insensibly run behindhand
and impoverish't," etc. The English would soon
get the better of their encroaching rivals, were they
once put upon an equal footing, and thereby shipping,
seamen and revenue would be increased, and an immense
treasure be brought into Great Britain, besides doubling
the acreage of cane-land of British American soil.
There is no fear of the British markets being left too
bare in the mean time and the price rising to extravagant
rates, as supplies could be purchased from the foreign
Colonies upon payment of 5 pr. cent. duty in our Plantations,
"and then you may carry it where you will,
without paying the 4 p.c. duty, or the 18d. pr. cwt.
enumerated duty etc. Continues :It is to be observ'd,
that our sugar commerce may be thus advanc'd without
draining Great Britain of more hands than she can
spare, since the labour in the Sugar Colonys is chiefly
carryed on by negroes from Africa (bought with British
produce and manufactures and certificate goods) and
carry'd thither by our own shipping. For what reason
therefore should the French be permitted thus to run
away with this trade from us etc.? Why should we
lamely and indolently lose a branch of trade that may
employ so many hundred of shipping and so many
thousands of seamen, and why should not the Englishman,
for God's sake, have as near, and as easy a way to
carry his produce to foreign markets as the Frenchman,
since he can, if permitted, carry them much cheaper,
and receive so much benefit by such a permission?
No one will be a sufferer thereby, except a few Gent.
Factors, Officers of the Customs and brokers etc., who
will be no loosers in the end etc. Wharfage and pilferage,
risque and insurance are dead losses upon this trade,
and the second freight the same etc., and the loss of time
and the first market is often ruinous to many voyages.
If any of our planters should become adventurers, and
send part of their sugar to Cadiz, Leghorn, Genoa,
Naples etc., they must order their returns to Great
Britain, and probably into their factors' hands, whereby
they, as well as the officers of the Customs, brokers etc.
wou'd gain as much as they cou'd possibly lose by such
a direct exportation etc. The refiners at home would
be great gainers, as their coarse refin'd sugar wou'd
then go off in Great Britain and Ireland, instead of such
clay'ds as may be sent directly to those foreign ports,
and thereby increase the refining of sugar, which will
add to the quantity of melasses spirits, to the benefit
of the excise revenue. More muscovada sugar will of
course be imported into Great Britain, which will be a
further addition to the sugar manufactury, and employ
more ships and seamen in this respect also, and increase
the revenue, by adding to the duty on importation, and
lessening the bounty granted upon exportation. We
shall thereby become the carriers of goods from the
Mediterranean to the Northern ports of Europe, as our
sugar ships will then be able to afford to carry as cheap
as the Dutch, who will otherwise have the greatest share
of that branch of trade, especially since they are now
at peace with the Algerines. It is objected that
refinerys may be set up in Italy, and in the Plantations,
and that there is exported every year to Spain and other
ports in the Mediterranean refin'd sugar to the value of
20 to 30,000 sterl., which encreases the ballance of
trade so much in our favour etc. This last part of the
objection, I do not deny ; but still I insist, that if we
have such a liberty of exportation, there will be more
than ten times as much gained upon the ballance of our
trade, which must, otherwise, center in Old France, as
the French have liberty to carry not only their clay'd
sugar, but also their refin'd, directly from their Plantations
to any port to the southward of Cape Finisterre,
at very easy dutys ; and then their best clay'd sugar
will, no doubt, interfere with our worst refin'd, and they
must certainly be great gainers thereby. If it should be
thought worth while to set up refinerys in Italy or the
Streights, it may as easily be done with French sugar
directly imported etc. Refin'd sugar cannot be made
with so much advantage from clay'd sugar, as from
strong grain'd muscovado ; and as the Plantations who
have their sugar at the first hand, and clear of duty
freight and all other charges, do not find it worth their
while to refine, but have their refin'd sugar from Great
Britain ; so it is to be presum'd, that those countrys
will not find it for their advantage to refine ; more
especially as they put but a small value upon spirits that
may be made from the offalls, and that there is so
considerable a bounty now granted upon the exportation
of refin'd sugar from Great Britain. But shou'd the
objection, as to refining in the Plantations prove
immoveable, refin'd sugar may be excepted etc. Considers
the duty of 3s. 6d. pr. cwt. paid in Great Britain upon
importation, which concerns more immediately the
sugar consum'd in Great Britain, as the whole duty by
the new act is now drawn back upon re-exportation etc.
Continues :But the other charges before treated of are
enough to prevent any re-exportation at all, as they enhance
the price of our sugar at foreign markets to a great
degree etc. ; and when there is more sugar imported than
is wanted in Great Britain and Ireland, it will glutt the
markets and bring that commodity down to a lower
price than it can be made for, while those dutys (amounting
to 42 p.c. to the planter, when sugar is worth in
London 20s. pr. cwt.) are paid etc. Suggests, as an
alternative, if these duties cannot be abolished without
an equivalent, that the producer be relieved by d. pr.
pound inland duty on refin'd sugar consum'd in Gt.
Britain instead of 2s. pr. cwt. on all sugars imported.
Continues : The consumer in Great Britain may not, at
first view, like such a duty, as looking somewhat like an
excise ; But let every inhabitant in England, that uses
refin'd sugar, consider only, what such an inland duty
wou'd cost him a year, and what advantages he receives
yearly from the Plantations, and what he wou'd receive
more, were they further encourag'd ; and I dare venture
to affirm, that there is hardly a man in England, owner
of, or that rents an acre of land, or is owner of any part
of a ship, or that trades in woolen, linnen, silk, iron,
copper or any other manufactures, but what is more or
less concern'd in the welfare of our Sugar Plantations.
It is a general notion, I own, that an inland duty or
excise upon the produce of foreign soil, instead of an
equal duty thereon upon importation, is more beneficial
to foreigners, than to the subjects of Great Britain ;
But surely such a duty upon Plantation produce from
British American soil, instead of an equal duty on
importation, must be greatly beneficial to such Plantations,
and consequently to the Nation in general, etc.
The 4 pr. cent. duty is a heavy burthen, as the planters
pay it all, and that too, upon the gross amount of what
they make ; so that when the charges of making their
produce comes to half the gross amount (which very
often happens) they pay 9 p.c. upon their yearly profits ;
and when they pay half those yearly profits for interest
to their creditors, or for annuitys settled by their fore-fathers
when they had better times, then that duty
comes to 18 p.c. etc. It may be easier afforded, and
greatly increased by a direct exportation etc.
I observe further, that the British Parliament has
favour'd us as to our second staple commodity rum,
by imposing a higher duty on all brandys than on that
commodity, which gives us the comfortable hopes that
our worthy patriots at home will be of opinion that the
produce of our Sugar Colonys shou'd be allmost as
tenderly regarded as the produce of Great Britain, and
that rum shou'd be put nearly upon the same foot with
British spirits, and in opposition to French brandy.
A proper encouragement for the importation of rum into
Great Britain and Ireland would be of a very great help
to the Plantations and very much discourage the consumption
of French brandy, a commodity, that is as
pernicious in every degree as rum is beneficial : such an
encouragement wou'd put the Sugar planters upon their
industry and endeavours to make a spirit that might be
wholesomer and consequently more acceptable, than
those foreign spirits for which we are annually at a
great expence of bullion. The produce of rum wou'd
remain in Great Britain, or wou'd be return'd to the
Plantations in British produce and manufactures, and
save so much cash from being sent out of the Nation.
And it is observable, that within these few years this
Island has improv'd in their rum or spirit to a very
great degree ; and it is allow'd to be already not only a
wholesome liquor and what mixes well with British
malt spirits, but a sovereign remedy in many cases.
I shall now conclude with an observation of Sr. Francis
Bacon's, in treating upon Plantations, he says "Let
there be freedom from customs, till the Plantations be of
strength ; and not only freedom from customs, but
freedom to carry their commoditys where they may make
the best of them ; except there be some special cause
of caution." Every one knows our Sugar Plantations
now want strength, or at least some remedy, and I know
of no caution needful, in our case, except that of pursuing
the same methods, as to the Sugar trade ; as are now
used in respect to the rice trade from Carolina, and the
fish trade from New England and Newfoundland ; and
I flatter myself, from the nature and necessity of the
thing, that I may yet live to see sugar an unenumerated
commodity, and no longer inserted in our Plantation
bonds. 19 pp. [C.O. 28, 40. No. 23.]
Oct. 4.
350. Governor Belcher to the Duke of Newcastle. Abstract.
The adjourned Assembly began to sit again yesterday. Cannot
say what they will do respecting supply, but certainly the
Province and Government are now reduced to great extremity ;
the fortifications dropping down, officers and soldiers distressed
for want of nearly three years pay ; the Judges and all other
officers of the Government with multitudes of private persons
unjustly debarred of their dues etc. Has not received a farthing
support for the Province for above 16 months. Although they
have made him grants of money, they will put no money into the
Treasury to pay those grants. They endeavour to treat him with
all possible injustice, and to distress him all the ways they can,
and for no other reason but his fidelity to the King. Has been
living 1 years upon his own fortune and spent 4000, and the
money he is to receive from the Province will have sunk 10 or
15 p.c. from its value when first granted etc. Hopes that if he
cannot be paid by the people, H.M. will pay his faithful servant
out of his Exchequer, rather than to suffer an undutifull Assembly
to threaten to starve him for doing his duty. Has received H.M.
commands for appointing Mr. Pemberton Clerk of the Naval
Office, which is the first instance of its kind. By the Act of
7 and 8 K. Wm. III, the Governour is made entirely accountable
for that office, which is one of the best perquisites of this Government,
which his Commission says he shall hold and enjoy. But
the sight of H.M. order commanded his obedience, and he turned
out his son to put in Mr. Pemberton. Begs his Grace to consider
how hard it is upon him, and that his son may be restored, etc.
Set out, Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. 6th Ser. VI. 384. Signed, J. Belcher.
Endorsed, R. Decr. 6th. 6 small quarto pp. [C.O. 5, 899. ff.
42-44 v., 45 v.]
Oct. 4.
351. Lewis Morris to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Encloses following. Continues : His Excellency is return'd from
Albany, as your Lps. will see by the inclosed New York Gazette,
in which his conduct there is set forth in a very advantagious
light etc., verry far from the truth with respect to the generall
satisfaction of the Indians : for, tho' the presents were as good as
usuall, yet they were so managed in the disposition of them,
that (it's said) the whole nation of River Indians were so much
disobliged, that two of them met the Governour as he was going
to passe a ferry, and used him wth. ill language ; and told him
that he had given them too small a share, and that they would
kill and destroy the people's cattle. This, those present would
not interpret to him etc., being fearefull that such discovery to
one of his ungovernable temper, might be attended with some
dangerous consequences etc. It being usuall to give them lesse
than others, he might be in this innocently mistaken, etc., and
perhaps no ill consequences may attend it. But, there is one
part of his conduct, with regard to the Indians and the people of
Albany (wch. his fulsome director of the New York Gazette has
omitted) that may be attended with ill consequences ; and will
enable your Lps. to forme a judgment of the man, and how
propper it is to continue him in his present station etc. One of
the officers of the Garrison, and some other persons, petitioned
etc. Mr. Montgomerie etc., for a grant in some land in the Mohocks'
country : this land the people of Albany laid claim to, by virtue
of a Charter granted them in 1686 by Govr. Dongan etc., and of a
purchase made from the Indians since that time, at the expence
of between 5 and 600. Mr. Montgomerie had no good opinion
of the legallity of the Charter ; and it was suggested to him,
that the deed from the Indians was fraudulently obtain'd :
but so considerable a body of people as the City of Albany,
laying claim to the land, and having constantly paid to the
Crown the yearly rent of a beaver skin for it, he thought fit to
let the matter rest till the pretences of the claimants might be
legally inquired into : and soon after dyed. Upon Mr. Cosby's
comming, applications were made to him : but, he would not
grant unlesse he had one-third of the land. This made it necessary
to inlarge the quantity ask'd for : which is now (as one of the
persons concern'd told me) 30,000 acres ; of wch. the Governour
is to have one third, and his brother, and his two sons-in-law are
to be sharers, with the other partners, who from the beginning
were resolv'd (as I have been told) to try the validity of the
Albany claim in a legall way : but, the Governour being now
concern'd has fallen upon a much shorter method than the
common formes of law would allow of, for, upon the meeting with
the Indians, (who it seemes had been prevaild on by the parties
concern'd to appeare dissatisfied with their own deed ; there
being nothing more common among them than to sell their lands
two or three times over) the Governour sent the Sherriffe to the
Mayor of the City (in whose keeping the deed was) to order his
attendance wth. the deed, and to let him have a sight of it.
The Mayor attended accordingly, and at his request gave it to him ;
who after he had perus'd it himselfe, caused it to be interpreted
to the Indians then present being about six or seaven in number
he then ask'd the Indians what they would have done with it?
who answered, he might do what he pleas'd with it ; or keep it in
his custody : this the Governour declined : whereupon they
desired it might be returned to the Mayor againe, to remain in his
custody ; and that they desired only a coppy of it : wch. the
Mayor promis'd to let them have ; and they seem'd well contented.
But, the Governour told the Mayor, that he should not
have the deed againe ; but, that it should be destroyd, as being
an unlawfull instrument : or words to that effect. The Mayor
being surpris'd and amaz'd at this treatment, pray'd the
Governour to returne it, being a paper that belonged to the
Corporation, etc., but, the Governour standing up gave it to the
Indians to destroy it etc. To have supposed the supream Magistrate
of a province, and the King's representative, capable of
doing such an act of fraud and violence, would have been blameable
etc. The event shews quo amino the deed was demanded :
and why destroyd is too manifest etc. If fraudulently obtained
or voidable etc., there were legall measures to render it ineffectuall
by competent and indifferent judges etc. The Grand Jury for the
county sitting about that time, eleaven of them (as I am told)
agreed to indict the Governour for this matter. It is said that
people will indict him and are not without hopes that H.M. will
permit him to be brought to justice etc. His action has enhanced
the reputation of the deed, people concluding from its having
been destroyed in this manner that it must have been valid, etc.
This and every instance of his conduct has put the people into
such a ferment as is not easily to be express'd, nor even safe
perhaps to suggest what may be the consequences of it. They
find the offices of the Government venall, some of them put into
the hands of strangers, necessitous and desperate in their fortunes ;
that money, and not merrit, is the inducement to dispose of what
is call'd his favour, and the measure of his justice ; and that he is
incapable to distinguish between right and power. They see
him master of the Secretarie's office, in which are kept all originall
wills and the records of the deeds and evidences of all their
estates ; they see by the instance at Albany and many more,
what he is capable of doing ; and believe (with reason) that a
man who thinks yt. he can do what he will, will do everything he
can, to gratifie his avarice or resentment. Your Lordships may
observe by the first advertisement in the inclosed newspaper, the
complaint of the people of New Jersie for the want of the Acts of
Assembly, wch. were pass'd the last sitting of the Assembly at
Burlington etc. Why they were not sent to be printed, Collo.
Cosby best knows. I send inclosed a coppy of some resolutions
of that Assembly, wch. were resolv'd not to be printed : and
(from the subject of them) I guesse they will not be sent to your
Lps. I shall be well pleas'd if in that point I guesse wrong ;
because those votes will in some measure enable your Lps. to
discover why those acts were not sent to the printer to be made
publick ; and what was the Governour's true inducement to passe
them : and when he sends them over to your Ldps., if he makes
any observations on them, what is the motive of those observations
etc. Your Lps. may observe that 1000 is to be given the
Governour for procuring the Royall assent to four acts there
mentioned ; and, if he saies anything in favour of them, the
reward he is to have is supposed to be the true inducement, and
not the goodnesse of the acts themselves. Had the acts been
printed, I should have been able to have given your Lps. my
thoughts about them etc. The first three are either in the same
words, or of the same nature that the three acts were wch. were
lately repealed by H.M. etc. I remember that when I transacted
the surrender of the government of New Jersie to the Crown in the
last of King William, the Proprietors made it one of their propositions,
to have a triennial Assembly ; but Mr. Popple from the then
board of trade, desired that I would use my endeavours to
influence the Proprietors not to insist on yt. point : for that the
King, tho' he had (against his inclinations) consented to an act
of Parliament of that nature in England, yet, he would never
consent to it in ye Plantations : upon wch. I did prevaile upon
the Proprietors to drop it etc. The act that makes the greatest
noise here, and greatly affects the trade and interest, of the
people of New York as well as of New Jersie, is the act for emitting
40,000 in bills of credit etc. I had during my presidentship in
New Jersie many solicitations to make use of the opportunities
I had to acquire money by the passing such an act : and was I
to be prevail'd on yt. way, could have got as much money for
doing of it as Mr. Cosby, and I believe something more : nor was
I without an example in Mr. Burnet, who had private subscriptions
for 1000 for the act wch. he passed of a like nature, wch. I
disswaded him from doing as much as I could. But Governours,
with regard to their instructions, are something like Divines ;
and by their actions shew, they understand a secret will to be
contained in them, verry different from what is revealed : and by
the successe, men are apt to believe they are in the right in doing
so. I know no place (except this Province of New York) where
paper bills have not fallen verry considerably from their first
vallue : that they have not done so here, is not so much owing to
the fund on which they were raised (that being known to everybody
to be deficient to sink them within the time proposed) as to
the smallnesse of the quantity made, and the willingnesse of the
merchants and trading people here to receive them in payment,
and circulate them : which might have given them a credit without
any fund at all. There is allso some difference between this
Province and New Jersie, with respect to the reasons of making
such a paper credit ; for, here the Province was verry much
indebted to private persons for summs of money, goods and
effects advanced, or services done for the publick : (but, no such
thing is so much as pretended in New Jersie) and those bills was
in the nature of promissory notes from the Province to the severall
creditors ; to whom the summs mentioned in them were justly due,
and no doubt binding upon the Province to pay them, into whose
hands soever they should come. But by a law to make such
prommissory notes a tender to any third person, or, to oblige the
creditors themselves to accept them in full payment of a debt, is
what I do not see, how any law could oblige them to do etc.
Argued. Continues : Were there a debt due from the Province
of New Jersie, the case would be the same there as it is here : but,
there being no such thing ; what they call their publick money,
seems to me one of the most absurd out-of-the-way schemes that
ever entered into the head of the most whimsicall projector etc.
Argues that by that law men of the best estates are laid under a
necessity of becoming answerable for the debts of the most
insolvent. Continues : The true reason of making this fictitious
money, was the clamours of private persons yt. were indebted ;
and who were either unable or unwilling to procure mony to
pay their debts etc. But experience has shown that in the severall
governments where this method has been tryed, it has been farre
from abating the necessities of the people, or lessening their debts ;
it having been allwaies found, that at each time of the repeating the
experimt. of striking paper money, the makers have been in a
worse condition, and the money of a lesse vallue then it was
before. The people of New Jersie send upon their own accounts
(tho' but little) some lumber and provisions to the West Indies ;
and some small quantities of wheat, rye and flower, to Boston
and Rhode Island ; but the bulk of what they produce, is sent
to the merchants of New York and Pensilvania ; by whom they
are supplyed with European commodoties. All the Eastern, and
a good part of the western division of New Jersie, are supplyed
by the merchants of New York ; the trade there being mostly
managed by factors from hence ; to whom the people of New
Jersie are verry much indebted ; and it is to pay these debts
chiefly, that this fictitious money is made, wch. the creditors are to
recieve when tendred on the penalty of loseing their debts : and
that is thought to be one meanes, not only of getting rid of their
debts, but, of laying the merchants of New York under a necessity
(by taking this money or loosing their debts) of circulating it in
their trade ; and by that means giving it a credit wch. it would
not otherwise have acquired : but as the generallity of the people
of New York are hardly to be prevailed on to take it at all ; so
those who are under that necessity, sometimes cannot get rid of
it in a long time ; and when they do, it is at a losse, sometimes
from 12 or 16, to 25 per cent. : and upon the news of a bill being
under consideration in New Jersie, for the striking of 40,000,
the currency of Jersie money was immediately stopped ; and so
continued till the people were inform'd the Act was not to be in
force till H.M. had given the royall assent to it ; and then it
became current againe ; but at 7 per cent lesse than it was
before etc. The first account of the royal assent being had, or
likely to be had, will immediately put a stop to its currency in
New York etc. The New Jersie paper being thus at a discount
etc., the obliging creditors to take it in payment for their debts at
the imposed vallue, is obliging them to take from 12 to 25 p.c.
lesse than is due to them etc. This losse, tho' it falls first on the
factor in New Jersie, and next on the merchant or factor in New
York, yet at last it centers in the Brittish merchant in London ;
who cannot be paid if those that buy of him are rendred unable
to do it : and must in some measure effect the British exportation.
Tho' the trading part of men justly exclaim against this paper
credit, as destructive of their trade ; yet Governours, who find
their account in it, are led by their private views to countenance
and promote such a credit : for the 1000 present, if it goes for
20 p.c. lesse then its denominated vallue, is still 800 ; all wch.
is clear gaines ; and by paying of the soldiers is most of it turn'd
into sterling money without any risque ; which the trading men
cannot do etc. This is one ill effect of Governours taking presents
etc. I doubt not H.E. has, or will transmit to your Lordships an
addresse made to him by the generall assemblie of New Jersie, in
wch. they tell him, that they are of opinion, that the gentlemen
of the Councill, should be men of credit and estates, and constantly
residing in the Province with their families etc. Continues : this
addresse was particularly levell'd at James Alexander and
myselfe, who for the most part reside in the Province of New
York ; and was procured by ye Governour, in order to give him
a handle to suspend us here, or to get us displaced by directions
from England. In answer to which I say, first, yt. neither of us
was summoned to attend yt. Councill ; our room being much
more agreable to him than our company would have been ; he
having been well inform'd, that we were by no meanes propper
persons to promote his private views ; especially with respect
to the paper credit. 2nd. Tho' true it is that I do reside for the
most part in this province of New York ; yet 'tis as true, that I
have a better estate in Jersie, and have layd out more money in it,
than any of the adressors etc. The Governor only with difficulty
obtained the address without mentioning me as a person not
intended by it etc. 3rd. When that Assembly was sitting, the
publick business required my attendance on the circuit Courts
above 200 miles distant from Burlington : so that had I been
summoned, I could not have attended etc. The Speaker is an
inhabitant of Pensilvania ; and (being so) by the laws of N. Jersie
not quallified to be a member of that Assembly. 4th. Having
so great an interest in the Province (few that lives in it having an
equall) etc. I submit that I am as much entitled to have a hand
in making laws as any, since I shall be as much or more affected
by them etc., and also as an agent for the generall Proprietors in
England, who own a great part of New Jersie etc. I believe etc.
that the attendance of those that reside in New York, and not
their absence, is what the Assembly really apprehend danger from.
They are continually machinating and contriving to lessen the
trade of New York with them as much as they can ; when there is
scarce a man in Jersie capable of carrying on any such thing as
trade upon his own bottom : most of the mercantile people there
being factors to merchants in New York and Pensylvania ; or
taking their goods upon credit from them : and they are so
verry opiniatre, with respect to their abillities of managing a trade ;
and forcing the merchants here to come and live among them to
do it, that they think it conducive to that end to prohibit the
exportation of every one thing they raise to New York ; and are
so sanguine on this head that they would (if they could) willingly
hinder even the carrying of firewood and hay to New York : and
as they do not expect that those who have any considerable
interest in New York, as well as Jersie, will give in to their
visionary schemes to cramp the trade of New York, in order to
force the merchants there to leave their habitations to go and settle
in New Jersie ; they must naturally be for excluding all such
from their Councills, that they concieve to be obstacles to their
designes : but whether it is fit that such should be excluded, is
humbly submitted to your Lps'. better judgement etc. Continues :
There is a part (and but a part) of them, that are fond of a
seperate governour from that of New York ; but it is founded on
the views I have mentioned above ; and from an ill grounded
opinion, that in case of procuring such, they will be able to performe
mighty matters in trade etc. I think it would be for the
interest of the people of that Province to have it annexed to this.
I am sure it is for the interest of the generall proprietors of the
soile etc., and if on the annexation, the Assemblies and Courts
were to sit alternately in York and Jersie, it would be (I believe)
to the generall satisfaction of the people : the most sanguine of
them for a seperate Governour, agreeing in this, that they had
better be annexed than under the same governour, wth. a seperate
government etc. Signed, Lewis Morris. Endorsed, Recd. 17th
Janry., Read 13th Aug., 1734. Holograph. 7 pp. Enclosed,
351. i. Duplicate of Aug. 27. Lewis Morris to Council of Trade.
Endorsed as preceding. 6 pp.
351. ii. Copy of the New-York Gazette, No. 414, Sept. 24
Oct. 1, 1733. Under Oct. 1st the return of Governor
Cosby from Albany is chronicled, accompanied by
Mr. Worrel etc., on whom the following manuscript note
is added by Mr. Morris :Mr. Joseph Warrell, Attorney
General of New Jersie made so by Mr. Cosby and known
(as its said) to My Lord Malpas. This Warrell came
into New England by the name of Rigby etc. and after
changed it to that of Warrel not Worrell.
In an advertisement, William Bradford acquaints the
Publick that the Acts of New Jersey passed the last
sitting of the Assembly are not come to his hands, and
therefore their not being printed, which has caused great
complaint among the people in New Jersey, cannot be
his neglect.
In another advertisement, among goods offered for
sale is a negro girl who "has had the small-pox and is
fit for Town or Country" etc. Printed. 2 pp.
351. iii. Resolutions of the Assembly of New Jersie, 10th
Aug., 1733, in Committee upon the Act for appropriating
part of the interest payable into the Treasury etc. That
700 Proclamation money be paid to Richard Smith jr.,
on trust, to pay 200 thereof to Governor Cosby in
case the act for the frequent meeting and calling of the
Generall Assembly shall obtain the royall assent ;
200 to H.E. in case the act for shortning lawsuits etc.
obtain the royal assent ; and 100 in case the royal
assent be obtained to the act for registring of deed. In
case it be not obtained for any of these, to pay into the
Treasury the sum named for each. The 200, the
residue of the aforesaid 700, to be laid out in negotiating
the publick affairs of this Province in Great Britain in
such manner as Mr. Kensey, Mr. Eaton, Mr. Smith and
Mr. Stacey or any two of them shall appoint etc. That
the 500 in the act for appropriating part of the interest
payable etc. on the bill for emitting 40,000 in bills of
credit upon loan passed this session is to be paid only if
it so happen that the royal assent be obtained to the
said bill etc. Resolved that no part of the foregoing
resolutions be printed. Endorsed as preceding covering
letter. Copy. 1 pp.
351. iv. The Arguments of the Council for the Defendant. In
support of a Plea to the Jurisdiction, pleaded to a Bill
filed in a Course of Equity, At the Suit of The Attorney
General, Complainant, against Rip Van Dam, Defendant,
In the Supream Court of New-York. Same endorsement.
Printed by John Peter Zenger, New York, 1733. 51 pp.
351. v. Duplicate of Aug. 27, encl. ii. Opinion and Argument
of the Chief Justice etc. [C.O. 5, 1056. ff. 142-145 v.,
147-187 v.]
Oct. 5.
New York
in America.
352. Mr. Bradley to the Duke of Newcastle. Having lately
receiv'd the joyfull news, of H.M. granting me my salary and
arrears ; payable at the receipt of H.M. Exchequer ; I beg leave
by this first opportunity, to return your Grace my most humble
and hearty thanks etc. May the great God of heaven and earth
reward and bless your Grace and all yours ; with health, long life,
prosperity, and all your heart's desire ; is the most sincere prayer
of, May it please your Grace ! Your Grace's Most obedient,
Thankfull, Faithfull and Dutifull servant, Signed, R. Bradley.
Endorsed, R. 7th March. Holograph. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1093.
ff. 288, 289 v.]
Oct. 5.
No. Carolina.
353. Governor Burrington to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Abstract. Encloses Journals of late Assembly. There
was a fair prospect that business might be done by it, before
Smith returned in June. But by the advices he brought, he so
confused the Lower House, that Moseley and his faction confounded
the other Members, and nothing could be done, they
carried their imprudence so far, that he dissolved them. The
report of their Committee, the work of Moseley, their Speaker,
he did not see till after the dissolution. He will have it examined
in Council and be able to expose it and its author. Smith's letter
to the Assembly is a sequel to his complaints against the Governor,
and shows the inconsiderate villany of the man etc. Mr. Rice's
paper in the Journal will be answered the next Council. It has
been thought by many a way to preferment by opposing him.
The behaviour of some of H.M. officers has been of singular use
to Moseley and his gang in preventing enquiry into his rogueries.
Concludes :The Province is in perfect peace and quietness ;
and this a year of the greatest plenty ever known in North
Carolina ; the summer proved sickly, but very few have dyed.
There will be abundance of new settlers in the approaching winter
come from the Northern Provinces, this intelligence I have
received from many allready come in. Set out, N.C. Col. Rec. III.
528. Signed, Geo Burrington. Endorsed, Recd. 8th Jan., Read
1st Aug., 1734. 2pp. [C.O. 5, 294. ff. 120, 120 v., 123 v.]
Oct. 8.
Boston in
New England.
354. Mr. Pemberton to Charles Delafaye. Abstract. On his
arrival he delivered to the Governor H.M. royal warrant requiring
him forthwith to appoint him Naval Officer of the Province
(v. 4th Oct.), which he absolutely refused to obey, peremptorily
insisting upon his own perquisite, and would give him no other
patent than such as should depend upon his own pleasure, without
any dependence upon the King's order. He reminded H.E. that
the same thing is practised in many other Plantations etc. He
replied that His Majesty had no power to order anything contrary
to an Act of Parliament, and that it was his duty and that of all
Governors to disobey such orders. He said he would not comply,
even if, as proposed, he received a letter from the Duke of
Newcastle as a further confirmation of the King's order etc. At
length he thought it better to accept the patent for the present
on his terms, than to return to England. Does not doubt that
his Grace will interpose to oblige the Governor to a compliance ;
otherwise the King's instructions will lose much of their weight
with the people. Has concealed this affair so far as possible at
this critical juncture of the Sessions of the General Court, lest it
should strengthen them in their disputes with the Governour, upon
his enforcing a complyance with the Royal instructions. That
for supplying the Treasury, there is a great likelihood of their
complying with. He has been very active in endeavouring to
persuade many Members of the Court into it, and not without
success. "This affair of mine has also, hitherto, tended very
much to intimidate them from persisting so strenuously as
formerly, lest His Majesty being displeased should proceed to
take into his own disposall, the other posts which are now dependent
upon the Governour and them." Is informed that the
Governor is making strong applications to his Grace, and others
of the Ministry, particularly Lord Wilmington, in order to get the
King's order revoked etc., and that he pretends that the Naval
Office is the only valuable place in his gift, and that taking it
away tends to undervalue him to the people. He is unwilling to
say anything to dishonour H.M. Representative, or to displease
him, but, if it is required of him, he can easily demonstrate the
reasons for which the Governour is so much slighted by the
people. The Clerkships of the Common Pleas and Sherrifs'
offices, which are in the Governour's gift, are several of them as
valuable as the Naval Office. The Clerkship of the Common
Pleas of the Naval Office is more valuable, and great part of its
profits H.E. gives to a son of the famous Mr. Cook, the New
England Oliver Cromwell. The Naval Office is not worth more
than 120 sterling per annum clear. "What chiefly displeases
the Governour about it is, because he had put a lad, one of his
domesticks, into the office, and allowed him about 25 sterling pr.
annum for that, and other services, and the remainder was given
to one of his relations etc. Has written to Sir Robert and Horatio
Walpole and Lord Wilmington, reminding the latter that he
withdrew from his proposal for the consulship of the Azores and
Madeira, because it would have interfered with his nephew at
Lisbon etc. He relies chiefly, however, upon the continuance of
Mr. Delafaye's assistance etc., to prevail upon his Grace to order
the Governor to a punctual compliance with H.M. warrant.
Otherwise, his next proceeding will be to remove him etc. Signed,
Benja. Pemberton. Endorsed, R. Nov. 22nd. Holograph. 3 large
pp. [C.O. 5, 899. ff. 46-47 v.]
Oct. 10.
355. Mr. Willard to Mr. Popple. Sends by the ship New
Cambridge Acts and Journal of Assembly, for the Sessions of
May and Aug. last, and Minutes of Council for half year ending
Aug. etc. Signed, J. Willard. Endorsed, Recd. 15th Nov., 1733,
Read 18th Sept., 1735. p. [C.O. 5, 878. ff. 26, 31 v.]
Oct. 10.
356. Duke of Newcastle to Governor Mathew. I send you
herewith a Memorial that was put into my hands by Mr.
Fane, setting forth, that Mr. Brown, Chief Judge of the
Island of St. Christophers, who was displaced by you, when
Lieutenant Governor of H.M. Leeward Islands, but was afterwards
restored by a warrant signed by H.M. for that purpose,
has commenced a suit against Mr. Burt, who acted in the mean
time, as Chief Judge, by your appointment, the said Mr. Brown
laying claim to the fees and perquisites received by Mr. Burt,
whilst he officiated in that office ; as this appears to be a very
unreasonable demand, and as it was by no means intended, by
restoring Mr. Brown, to take from Mr. Burt what his services, as
Chief Judge, had entitled him to, I am to acquaint you with H.M.
pleasure, that, as far as may be done according to law, you prevent
and discourage such a vexatious and frivolous prosecution.
Signed, Holles Newcastle. Copy. Enclosed,
356. i. Henry Fane to the Duke of Newcastle. States case
as above and prays for H.M. order for a stay of process
in the Courts of Law in those islands against Mr. Burt,
the demand of Mr. Brown appearing to be founded upon
great injustice and oppression etc. Signed, Hen. Fane.
Copy. [C.O. 324, 36. pp. 425-427.]
Oct. 11.
357. John Sharpe to Mr. Delafaye. Requests him to move
the Duke of Newcastle to have enclosed referred to the Board of
Trade etc. Signed, Jno. Sharpe. 1 p. Enclosed,
357. i. Address of the Commander in Chief, Council and
Assembly of Nevis to the King. The forts and fortifications
are in a very weak and impaired condition and
destitute of arms and all warlike stores. The inhabitants
are not able to purchase the arms and stores needed.
Without H.M. assistance they may become an easy
conquest for the French, the distance between the islands
being so small etc. Pray for a grant of warlike stores
etc. Signed, Mich. Smith ; John Dasent, Speaker.
1 p. [C.O. 152, 43. ff. 306, 308.]
Oct. 13.
358. Governor Hunter to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
With this your Lordships will receive the Acts of Assembly
pass'd here in the former sessions. Of these three only are of a
publick nature or of consequence, viz. : (i) for raising several sums
and applying the same to several uses for subsisting the two Independent
Companys etc., preventing the exportation of several commodities
into the French and Spanish islands, and subjecting the
party men to the rules and articles of war in force in this island in
the time of the last Martial Law ; (ii) for the more speedy and
effectual collecting the publick and parochial outstanding debts ;
(iii) for securing and collecting H.M. quitt-rents, fines, forfeitures
and amerciaments and for regulating the manner of escheats and for
securing the possessors of lands already forfeited and settled and
further discovery of such forfeited lands and encouraging the settling
thereof. Which being conformable to H.M. Instructions and
necessary for the preservation of this island I hope will meet with
your Lordships recommendation for H.M. approbation, some
factors on this side having threatn'd to give what obstruction they
can to their being approv'd at home. But if no money bill is
pass'd but what is agreeable to the humour, interest or views of
all our partys there is an end of all such for the future. Encloses
Minutes and Journals of Council and Assembly, which could not
be got ready sooner. Continues : On the 2nd of this month our
Assembly met, on the 3rd I spoke to them as in the inclos'd copie ;
in a conference with the Council they agree'd to what I had long
ago and now again propos'd as to a defensible barrack or fort
about half way from Port Antonio towards the rebel haunts for
covering the out settlements and facilitating future attempts,
when they determine to act offensively and are in a condition to
do so. I also inclose the additional examination of the negro
spy now in gaol here. Immediately upon the return of the partys
to Port Antonio, the two hundred seamen employ'd in that service
embark'd and came to Port Royal. The partys remaining
consisting of one hundred men of the two Independent Companys
and the same number of a party rais'd by the country have
been kept in motion ever since the late disappointment, a detachment
of sixty march'd from the breast work with eight days
provision in order to cutt down the Great Plantain walk, which
they did effectually and return'd without loss. Another march'd
in pursuit of the rebels to the place called Hobby's but they fled
to the woods and escap'd them. I have order'd inquirys by Courts
Martial to be made into the causes of this shameful miscarriage,
two have been try'd, sentenc'd to death and executed, one for
plundering the baggage, the other, a guide, for perswading the sailors
to run away, but the true cause of this misfortune is justly
ascrib'd by every disinterested man to the departing from the
disposition I had made and the orders I had given, copys of which
are here inclos'd. But the seamen being by the act of Assembly
exempted from the rules and articles of war to which the rest were
subjected, tho' the disorder begun with them I can not proceed
further. When the Legislature hath done or resolv'd on any
thing effectual for the safety of this island, I shall acquaint your
Lordships by the first opportunity. The joynt Committees had
agreed to address H.M. for the assistance of four more Independent
Companys, but the Lower House disagree'd to't, so that is
dropt. By the time the next vessels depart I may be able to give
your Lordships more particular informations of the proceedings
and resolutions of our Legislature. I am with the greatest honor
etc. Signed, Ro. Hunter. Endorsed, Recd. 9th Jan., Read 26th
April, 173. 4 pp. Enclosed,
358. i. Speech of Governor Hunter to the Council and Assembly
of Jamaica. 3rd Oct., 1733. Will lay before them all
papers relating to the miscarriage. Has ordered all
hands to be employed in building a barrack at the
Brest Work etc. Nothing would contribute more to
the reduction of the rebels than the erecting a small
fort a day's march forward from the Brest Work, whither
a path for mules may be easily made and provisions
lodged there, which will take off the necessity of that
great number of baggage negroes hitherto employed at
a great expense and loss, and who have been in some
measure the occasion of the several disappointments etc.
Unless there can be found out some more effectual
method to prevent the abuses in the retail of rum, your
partys will never be of use to you etc. Again reminds
them of the growing disorder in the currency. The
Commissioners for stating the public accounts have
applied themselves with great assiduity, but meet with
such difficulties as will take up more time than was
apprehended. If the Militia is to be of any use, they
must prepare a better law for its regulation. Reminds
them of need of appointing an Agent. Thinks the Act
for the encouragement of the sugar Colonys calls for their
grateful returns, especially when nothing is expected
from them but to take care of the safety, ease and true
interests of H.M. subjects in this island. Endorsed,
Recd. 9th Jan., 173. Copy. 2 pp.
358. ii. Address of the Assembly to Governor Hunter. 15th
Aug., 1733. v. 22nd Aug. encl. i. Endorsed as preceding.
Copy. 1 p.
358. iii. Governor Hunter's Speech to the Assembly, 17th
Aug. Reply to preceding, v. 22nd Aug. encl. i. Copy.
3 pp.
358. iv. Governor Hunter to Lt. James Draper. Spanish
Town. 6th Aug., 1733. Is perfectly satisfied with his
conduct, and is sensible of the trouble he has in that
command, and hopes the Assembly are too. Is
"amazed that the magistrates do not exert themselves
in puting in execution the law against retailers of rum,
that bane of this island, you may borrow the shackles
from the ships of war." Refers to dispatch of seamen
and detachment of Independent Company etc. Sends
copy of Articles of War established by the late act, and
commends his precaution against the spreading of
the small-pox by hutts out of town, which he expects the
magistrates will be assistant in. Other instructions as
to details. Endorsed, Recd. 9th Jan., 173. Copy.
1 pp.
358. v. Same to Lt. Thomas Swanton, officer commanding the
200 seamen. St. Jago de la Vega. 6th Aug. On
arriving at Port Antonio etc. "You are to consult and
advise with the officers commanding the other partys
there etc. as to the time of your marching out from thence
so that the three several partys may fall in upon the
rebels' haunts as near as can be at the same precise point
of time according to my instructions to the Officer
commanding the other partys etc., copy enclosed. Other
instructions. Copy. 1 p.
358. vi. Orders and Instructions to Lt. Thomas Allain, Officer
commanding detachment of the Independent Companies
etc. St. Jago de la Vega. 6th Aug. The three several
parties, including the seamen, are to march out on three
different routs and on three different days so that probably
the partys are not to meet till you shall arrive
at the haunts of the rebels. You are not to interfere in
the command of the seamen etc., but to advise with the
officers commanding them and the country party as to
the time of the three several partys marching off etc.,
that under your command being to march by the rout
called Hobby's, the Country party by the rout of
Carrion Crow Hill and the seamen by the streight way
called the Brest Work, which last will be the shorter by
two days etc., so that you are to adjust the time of your
several marches so as the three partys may fall in upon
the rebells as near to one point of time as possible etc.
Further instructions upon details and subsequent action.
Endorsed, Recd. 9th Jan., 173 3/4. 2 pp.
358. vii. Further examination of [the negro] Sarra alias Ned,
taken by order of H.E. 1st Oct., 1733. The old town
formerly taken by the soldiers goes now by the name of
Nanny Town, where are 300 men all armed with guns
or launces ; they have more fire-arms then they use,
the number of women and children far exceeds that of
the men. The rebels have one head man who orders
everything, and if a man commits any crime he is
instantly shot to death, but there is hardly anything
esteemed a crime with them but the lying with one
another's wives, the women are whip'd for most of the
crimes they commit, and they and such of the men as
are least noted for their courage perform all such work
as is necessary for the raising provisions, making it a
custom to work one day and play the next ; and if the
head man should be guilty of any great crime, his
soldiers (as they are call'd) shoot him, and appoint
another in his place. Their present head man is call'd
Cuffee, and he is distinguish'd by wearing a silver-lac'd
hatt and a small sword, no other daring to wear the like.
The rebels have another town on the top of Carrion Crow
Hill, call'd Gay's or Guy's Town from the name of their
head man etc. There is a great deal of open ground
about it, in which is plenty of coco, sugar canes, plantains,
mellons, yams, corn, hog and poultry. The number of
men is about 200, and a greater number of women. The
men choose to arm themselves with launces and cutlashes
rather than guns, and never go to meet the partys
unless to defend the paths which leads to their own
town, and then they are joyn'd by those of Nanny Town
who are esteem'd the best fighting men, etc. The rebels,
when they were first beat from Nanny's Town, went to
Gay's Town, and remained there till the provisions began
to be scarce, and then they returned and made themselves
masters of their old town again etc. Upon hearing
that there were stronger partys to be sent against them,
sent and search'd the woods for about eight miles round
to see for other settlements, that they might unite their
strength, but could find none. There is no town at
Long Bay, but they have all their salt from thence,
and have made a convenient place for boiling it. They
give encouragement for all sorts of negroes to join them,
and oblige the men to be true to them by an oath which
is held very sacred among the negroes, and those who
refuse to take that oath, whether they go to them of their
own accord or are made prisoners, are instantly put to
death, and they have a grand night and day over the
women who for their defence carry about them each
two or three knives. The name of the wild negro that
goes to Kingston for powder is Cuffee and not Quashee
as mentioned in the previous examination, and by the
description of the place where the Jew lives that sold
the powder it must be Jew Alley and not Church
Street etc. It was Quashee and Cudjo who were the
spys at Port Antonio etc. The Indian carried with him
a large horn of powder and ball in a bagg ; the name
of the Indian's master is Jaco and belongs to some
sloop etc. Quashee and Cudjo were mostly entertained
at Port Antonio by Col. Nedham's negroes, particularly
by one named Sam. Same endorsement. 1 pp. [C.O.
137, 21. ff. 26-27v., 28 v. ; 30-31, 32-33, 34 v.-37,
38-39 v., 40 v., 41 v.-42 v., 47 v.]
Oct. 13.
359. Governor Hunter to the Duke of Newcastle. Duplicate
mutatis mutandis, of concluding sentences of preceding covering
lettter, from "On the 2nd of this month." Signed, Ro. Hunter.
Endorsed, R. 7th Jan. 2 pp. Enclosed,
359. i.-v. Duplicates of encl. i., iii.-vi. preceding. [C.O. 137,
54. ff. 350-353, 354, 354 v., 356, 356 v., 358-359, 360,
360 v.]
Oct. 13.
360. Extract of letter from Mr. Hals to the Earl of Westmorland.
Abstract. Has written full account of the reverse
at Negro Town to his correspondent, Mr. Chamberlain. The
Council and Assembly are now sitting to devise methods to
reduce the rebels, whose strength daily increases. The scheme
at present is building barracks every mile from the Breast-Work
to their town, about 7 miles, where a stock of ammunition and
provisions might be always ready to support the parties who go
against them. The guide, who was the sole cause of the misconduct
of the last affair, is shott by order of a Court Martial, and
it were greatly to be wished the Council and Assembly may make
their bill for mutiny and desertion a little severer. I had but
very small hopes of success from their behaviour at Port Antonio
before they set out, for the soldiers of the country party mutined
and were forced to be reduced to obedience by the sailors, who
were drawn up in a body against them with orders to fire upon
them, if they did not submit, which with much difficulty they
brought them to by perswasion. Endorsed, Recd., Read 19th
Feb., 173 3/4. Copy. 1 pp. [C.O. 137, 21. ff. 2, 2 v., 5 v.]