House of Lords Journal Volume 14: 28 November 1690

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 14, 1685-1691. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 14: 28 November 1690', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 14, 1685-1691( London, 1767-1830), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 14: 28 November 1690', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 14, 1685-1691( London, 1767-1830), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 14: 28 November 1690". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 14, 1685-1691. (London, 1767-1830), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


In this section

DIE Veneris, 28 die Novembris.

Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Epus. Durham.
Epus. St. Asaph.
Epus. Rochester.
Epus. Exeter.
Epus. Chester.
Epus. Worcester.
Epus. Chichester.
Epus. Oxford.
Dux Cumberland.
Dux Norffolke.
Dux South'ton.
Dux Bolton.
Ds. Senescallus.
Comes Oxford.
Comes Derby.
Comes Huntingdon.
Comes Bridgewater.
Comes North'ton.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Mulgrave.
Comes Stamford.
Comes Carnarvon. 2.
Comes Kingston. 1.
Comes Thanet.
Comes Bath.
Comes Craven.
Comes Burlington.
Comes Feversham.
Comes Maclesfeild.
Comes Radnor.
Comes Nottingham.
Comes Rochester.
Comes Portland.
Comes Fauconberge.
Comes Monmouth.
Comes Marleborough.
Comes Warrington.
Comes Scarborough.
Viscount Newport.
Viscount Weymouth.
Viscount Hatton.
Viscount Longueville.
Ds. Willoughby.
Ds. Delawarr.
Ds. Ferrers.
Ds. North.
Ds. Chandos.
Ds. Lovelace.
Ds. Herbert.
Ds. Vaughan.
Ds. Ward.
Ds. Culpeper.
Ds. Clifford.
Ds. Luca'.
Ds. Granvill.
Ds. Cornwallis.
Ds. Crew.
Ds. Keveton.
Ds. Dartmouth.
Ds. Cholmondley.


L. Ferrers & al. versus Ly. Ferrers & al.

The House being this Day moved, "That a Copy of the Minutes of the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal of England, their several Judgements taken by the Registers in Chancery, in the Cause wherein the Honourable Robert Shirley Esquire and his Wife are Plaintiffs, against Dame Elizabeth Ferrers and others Defendants; whereby it appears, That Sir William Rawlinson, One of the said Lords Commissioners, did, on the Re-hearing of the said Cause, deliver his Judgement against the altering of the Decree formerly made, and for confirming thereof:"

It is ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the Registers in Chancery, who took the Minutes whereby their Lordships Judgements do appear in the said Cause, do deliver a Copy of the said Minutes to the Appellants, or their Solicitor, and attend with the said Books wherein they are taken, at the Hearing in this House, on Monday next, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon.

Mynne & al. versus Thomas.

Upon reading the Petition of Rowland Mynne, Bernard Mynne, and Dioneis Davenant; praying, "That a Day may be appointed for hearing of their Cause depending in this House, whereunto Anthony Thomas is Respondent:"

It is ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That this House will hear the said Cause, by Counsel on both Sides, at the Bar, on Friday the Twelfth Day of December next, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon.

Sir T. Putt's Bill.

Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, "An Act to enable the Executors and Trustees of Sir Thomas Putt Baronet, deceased, to lease several Messuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, during the Minority of Sir Tho. Putt Baronet, Son and Heir of the said Sir Thomas Putt, towards the Payment of Five Hundred Pounds apiece Legacies to his Three Sisters, Margarett, Ursula, and Susannah Putt, as also the Debts of the said Sir Tho. Putt the Father."

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill shall pass into a Law?"

It was Resolved in the Negative.

Bray's Bill.

The Lord Viscount Weymouth reported from the Committee, the Bill, intituled, "An Act for the better enabling Jane Bray Widow, Relict and sole Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Reginall Bray Esquire, deceased, for the speedier raising of the Portions already appointed for her Daughters," with some Amendments.

Which were read Twice, and agreed to.

ORDERED, That the said Bill be engrossed, with the said Amendments.

Letters Patents, to vacate: Needwood Forest Bill:

Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, "An Act for making void several Letters Patents therein mentioned."

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill shall pass into a Law?"

It was Resolved in the Affirmative.

Message to H. C. with it.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Miles Cooke and Dr. Edsbury:

To carry down the said Bill; and to desire their Concurrence thereunto.

Marshfeild versus Weston.

Upon Report from the Lords Committees for Petitions, as fit to be received, the Petition of Thomas Marshfeild; being an Appeal from an Order or Decree made in the Court of Chancery the 14th Day of October last, in a Cause wherein the Petitioner was Plaintiff, and Francis Weston Defendant:

It is ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the said Francis Weston may have a Copy of the said Petition; and be, and is hereby, required to put in his Answer thereunto, in Writing, on Thursday the 4th Day of December next, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon; whereof the Petitioner is to cause timely Notice to be given to the Defendant, to the End he answer accordingly.

Sedgewicke versus Hitchcock & al.

Upon special reporting from the Lords Committees for Petitions, the Petition of Obadia Sedgwick was read, being an Appeal from a Decree made in the Court of Chancery on the 23d Day of July last past, by the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal of England, in a Cause there depending between the Petitioner and George Hitchcocke and others, from which the Petitioner appealeth; and humbly prayeth, "That George Hitchcocke and Eliz. his Wife, Anne Fountaine her Sister, and Widow of James Fountaine, Executor to Jn° Slaney deceased, William Bird, Thomas and Charles Mitchell, William Pynder, Richard Manlove and Mary his Wife, Robert Havery, Francis Minchall, Thomas Yates, and Elizabeth Parr, may put in their Answer hereunto; and that, in the mean Time, all Proceedings in the Courts below be stayed:"

It is ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the said Geo. Hitchcocke and Elizabeth his Wife, and the others abovenamed, may have a Copy or Copies of the said Petition; and be, and are hereby, required to put in their Answer or respective Answers thereunto, in Writing, on Tuesday next, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon; whereof the Petitioner is to cause Notice to be given to the Defendants, to the End they answer accordingly.

Hutchinson's House in Place Yard to be searched, and Vaults, &c. near this House.

The House being informed, by a Letter read, directed to the Marquis of Carmarthen, "That there is great Cause to judge that there is a Second Gunpowder Plot, or some other such great Mischief, designed against the King and Parliament, by the frequent and great Resort of notorious Ill-willers, at most private Hours to the House of one Hutchinson in The Old Pallace, Westm.:"

It is ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That Sir Tho. Duppa, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, do (in the Presence of a Constable) forthwith search the said House, and all Vaults or other suspicious Places thereunto belonging; and give the House an Account thereof To-morrow, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon.

Quakers Scruples in swearing, Bill concerning.

ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the House be put into a Committee To-morrow, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon, upon the Bill, intituled, "An Act to prevent Obstructions of Justice, and other Inconveniencies, occasioned by many Protestant Subjects scrupling to swear in the Form and Manner now used."

Indemnity Bill, for Persons who acted in Their Majesties Service.

The House was put into a Committee, to proceed on the Bill, intituled, "An Act for preventing vexatious Suits against such as acted for Their Majesties Service, in Defence of the Kingdom."

The House was resumed.

And the Earl of Warrington reported from the Committee the said Bill, with some Amendments.

Which were read Twice, and agreed to.

ORDERED, That the said Bill be engrossed, with the said Amendments.


Rob'tus Atkins, Miles de Balneo, Capitalis Baro de Scaccario, Orator Procerum, declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque in diem Sabbati, (videlicet,) 29um diem instantis Novembris, hora decima Aurora, Dominis sic decernentibus.