North Greehow Hundred: Dalling, or Field-Dalling

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 9. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1808.

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Francis Blomefield, 'North Greehow Hundred: Dalling, or Field-Dalling', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 9( London, 1808), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'North Greehow Hundred: Dalling, or Field-Dalling', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 9( London, 1808), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "North Greehow Hundred: Dalling, or Field-Dalling". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 9. (London, 1808), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

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Called Dalinga in the grand survey, from its site in a watery vale, or dale. At the survey it was held by the Conqueror, and was a beruite to the lordship of Holt. Unspac was lord of it in King Edward's reign, and deprived; it then contained eleven borderers, and 2 servi; a carucate of land, and 6 acres of meadow, one carucate in demean, 2 among the tenants, 8 socmen held 24 acres of land, 4 of meadow, and a carucate, with one horse, 3 cows, &c. valued formerly at 10s. at the survey at 4l. per ann. it was half a leuca long, and half a one broad, and paid 2s. gelt. (fn. 1)

Robert de Verlei had also a lordship at the survey, of which G—, the uncle of Ralph, who possessed it before the conquest, was deprived; 11 freemen with one carucate of land belonged to it; Robert alleged that he held by an exchange of other lands at Rochings, and that one carucate and 3 acres of meadow belonged to it, always valued at 20s. and calls on Robert Blund to vouch the livery of it. (fn. 2)

The King's manor abovementioned was granted from the Crown to the Earls of Warren, of whom it was held by the family of De Bacon.

Hardewin Bacon presented Richard de Saxlingham to the rectory of this church, about the reign of King Henry II. (fn. 3) and granted two parts of the tithe of his demeans to the priory of Castleacre, which grant was confirmed by his grandson, Richard Bacon, by his deed sans date, for the health of his own soul, and his wife's and children.

The manor of Verli, of which Ralph (probably Earl of Norfolk, who rebelled against the Conqueror) was deprived, was held of the family of De Dalling: and in the 10th of King John, an assise was arraigned for the presentation of the church of St. Andrew, of FieldDalling, between Roger Bacon, and Philip de Dalling.

Thomas Bacon, about the 30th of Henry III. was found to hold a quarter of a fee of Virleys, and Peter son of Philip de Dalling and his parceners half a fee: and in the 14th of Edward I. Roger Bacon conveyed it by fine to Peter Rosceline; and Peter son of Philip de Dalling, held it of Rosceline, and called him to warrant the advowson of this church; and in the 6th of Edward II. Eustace de Dalling aliened to the rector of this church 2 messuages and 30 acres of land.

In the 2d of Edward III. Eustace, son of Peter de Dalling, conveyed by fine to Robert Gibbs and Emma, his wife, 8 messuages, with lands, and the said Robert, and Nicholas Parmenter were found to hold half a fee, (which Peter de Dalling formery held,) in the 20th of the said reign, of the Earl Warren, and John Wolterton, also held half a fee, late Peter de Dalling's, and John Storyne, of Winston, a quarter of a fee of the heirs of Robert de Verley, which Thomas Bacon formerly held.

Roger de Wolterton presented to the church, as lord, in 1348, as did Simon Babyngle, in 1369; William Walsham in 1384, and William in the fen in the said year: about the end of this year, William Walsham, and others, aliened this rectory to the college of St. Mary in the fields, at Norwich, and Henry, then Bishop appropriated it on March 11, reserving to himself a pension of 40s. and of 3s. 6d. to the prior and convent of Norwich per ann. and on this a vicarage was settled.

In the 3d of Henry IV. the Lord Bardolf held it of the Earl Warren, and in the 5th of Henry VI. Thomas Beaufort Duke of Exeter was found to die seized of it, and John Rokewode held it of him.

William Sutton and Joan his wife conveyed by fine, in the 2d of Henry VII. to John Wyndham, a moiety of Field-Dalling manor, and in the 23d of that King, the manor of Gybbs, in this town, was conveyed to him.

After this it was in the Heydons: William Heydon, Esq. was lord in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and Sir Christopher Heydon died lord of Field Dalling, Wolterton, and Gibbs manors, in 1579, held by lease of the dean and chapter of Norwich.

After this Nicholas Styleman, Esq. held it, and so came to the Harbords of Gunton, and Sir William Harbord, Bart. is lord.

Alan, Earl of Richmond had, on the expulsion of a socman of King Harold, a small fee, one carucate of land, 6 borderers, with 2 acres of meadow, and half a carucate, valued at 7s. and Geffrey held it under Alan. (fn. 4)

In the 34th of Henry III. Thomas de Hindringham held here, and in Batheley, the 4th part of a fee of the honour of Richmond, and Thomas, son of Gilbert de Hindringham, in the 10th of Edward I. the moiety of a fee; and paid castle-guard to Richmond 5s. per ann. his tenure being valued at 4 marks per. ann.

John Wilby possessed it in the 3d of Henry IV. it was then in the King's hand on account of the minority of the Duke of Britain. Edmund Earl of Richmond held in capite, and died seized of it in the 35th of Henry VI. held by William Wilby; and Thomas Wilby died possessed of it in the 6th of Henry VIII. and William was his son, and heir; and in the 22d of that King, John Hall of Halsted, in Lincolnshire, was lord, and Nicholas Mynns, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth; in her 24th year, William Heydon, Esq. and so was conveyed, as is above observed, and is now in Sir William Harbord, Bart.

In 1616, this lordship paid a rent of 5s. per ann. (Richmond fee) to the lord of Swaffham.

Roger Bigot, ancestor to the Earls of Norfolk, had a fee here, of which Ælsi and Lefstan, freemen, were deprived; and R- - - -, the sheriff, held it of Bigot, containing 2 carucates of land: Bigot claimed it, as an exchange for land that the King gave to Isaac: there was one villain, and 3 borderers, 6 socmen, who held 18 acres of land, and 7 of meadow, in the whole, 3 carucates, valued at 30s. at the survey at 40s. (fn. 5)

In the 35th of Edward I. William de Swillington and Joan Bonyle had an interest in part of a fee, held of Bygod.

Thomas Gibbs and Margaret his wife, conveyed lands by fine to John Cosyn, parson of Fulmodeston, and William Gibbs, in the 3d of Henry IV. held with his parceners half a fee of the heirs of Carbonel, and Walter de Wolterton, and his parceners half a fee, of the said heirs, and they of the Lord Mowbray.

This came to John Windham, Esq. so to the Heydons, and to the Harbords.


Maud de Harscove, in the reign of King Henry II. gave to the abbey of Savigny, in Normandy, a manor in this town, whereupon there came over some Cistertian monks of that place, of which this is sometimes mentioned as a cell, or priory of itself, and sometimes as parcel of Long Benington priory, in Lincolnshire. (fn. 6) Upon the dissolution of alien priories, it was given first to Epworth, then to the Spittle on the Street, (Lincolnshire,) after that to the Carthusians near Coventry, by King Richard II. and afterwards to the priory of Mountgrace, in Yorkshire, and as parcel of this last priory was granted in the 2d and 3d of Philip and Mary, to Martyn Hastyngs and James Bourn.

On April 3d, in the 12th of Elizabeth, James Bourn was found to die November 20th past, seized of this lordship, 300 acres of land, and pasture, of the rectory, and advowson of the vicarage, leaving it to his nephew James Bourn.

In the 16th of Elizabeth, Martin Hastings, by license, alienated his right to Charles Stutvyle: and in the 18th Stutvyle passed 2 parts of the capital messuage called Savigny, or Mountgrace's, to Giles Mabbs, who with John How, convey the same to Gregory Pagrave; soon after it came to William Heydon, Esq. and so united to the lordships above.

The tenths were 6l. 7s.—Deducted 13s. 4d.—The temporalities of Walsingham priory 3s.

The Church is dedicated to St. Andrew, and is a vicarage valued at 5l. 8s. 1d. ob.

It was formerly a rectory valued at 40 marks, the priory of Castleacre: had a portion of tithe (valued at 6s. 8d. in 1428) confirmed to them in 1265, by Simon, Bishop of Norwich; and abbey of Savigny, a portion valued at 20s. per ann. Peter-pence 2s. 1d.

The church consists of 2 isles, and a chancel, and has 3 bells.

On a grave-stone in the south isle, with a brass plate,

Hic jacet Joh. Nicholas et Margareta uxor ejus qui dederunt crucem argenteam huic eccles. qui quid. Joh. ob. 22, Januar, 1485.


Richard de Saxlingham was rector about the reign of Henry II presented by Hardewine Bacun.

William Roscelyn occurs in rector in the 14th and 20th of Edward I.

William de Dalling in 1333.

1348, Alexander de Wolterton, presented by Roger de Wolterton.

1369, Adam de Cringelford, by Simon Babingle.

1374, Thomas More by William Walsham.

1384, Thomas in the Fen, by William in the Fen.

In the fourth year of Richard II. William Walsham, &c. aliened this rectory to the college of St. Mary in the fields, at Norwich, and Henry Bishop of Norwich appropriated it, on March 11, in the said year, reserving to himself a pension of 40s. and 3s. 6d. to the priory of Norwich, and a vicarage was settled.


1385, Roger Wychingham instituted vicar, presented by the dean, &c. of that college.

1395, John Ball.

1422, Robert Bolus, nominated by the Bishop, presented by the dean, &c.

1459, John Whipp.

1460, William Worstede.

1493, Mr. William Riches, by the dean, &c.

1508, Edmund Fulsier.

1522, Thomas Webster.

1523, Mr Robert Horne.

Thomas Nicholas, vicar.

1552, Robert Key by John Bourn.

On May 22, Ao 37 Henry VIII. the rectory was granted by the King to Dr. Miles Spencer, the last dean of the college, who sold it to Bourne, with the patronage of the vicarage.

1559, Henry Tudenham, Ditto.

1568, John Bucke, by John Bourne.

1610, James Pearson, by the assignees of Lady Anne Heydon.

1668, Thomas Colby, by Simon Britiffe, Esq.

1679, Edward Peartree, by John Harbord, Esq.

1745, Allen Aldhouse, by Robert Winn, guardian of John Winn.

1748, Joseph Lane, by John Winn.

1758, Matthew Lane, by Alice Winn, a minor.

1763, Repps Brown, M. A. by ditto.

In the church were the guilds of St. Mary, and St. John Baptist. the Plough-light, St. Nicholas, and All-Saints.


  • 1. Terra Regis—In Dalinga ten. Unspac i car. tre. T.R.E. et e. beruita in Holt. xi bor. sep. ii ser. vi. ac. pti. sep. i car. in d'nio er sep. ii car. hou. viii soc. de xxiiii ac. tre. iiii ac. pti. sep. i car. tc. et p'. i eq. sep. iii animalia et viii por. xx ov. tc. val. x sol. mo. iiii lib. et ht. dim. leug. in longo et dim in latit. et de gelt. 11d. ob.
  • 2. Terre Rob. de Verlei—In Dallinga ten. G. avunculus Radulfi, T. R. E. xi lib. hoesi car. tre. mo. ten. R. de Verlei dicens qd. eam ten. p. mutuo de Rochings alterius tre. tc. ii car. mo. 1 et iii ac. pti sep. val xx sol et inde revocat Rob. Blund. liberatorem.
  • 3. Regist. Cast.
  • 4. Terre Alani Comitis—In Dallinga ten. Alan. Comes i sochem. de d. car. tre. et hic fuit ho. Heraldi T. R. E. sep. vi bord. ii ac pti. sep. dim. car. sep. val. vii sol. ide' ten. (viz. Gausfrid.)
  • 5. Terra Rogeri Bigoti—Dalliga ten. Ælsi et Lefstan i lib. ho. T. R. E. mo. R. Vicecom. ii car. tre. et hanc revocat i'pe Roger. p. mutuo illi' terre q. rex dedit Isaac. i vill. et iii bord. vi soc. xviii ac. tre vii ac. pti. i 'toto semp. iii car. et tc. val. xxx sol. mo. XL. sol.
  • 6. Tanner's Notit. Mon. p. 352.