North Erpingham Hundred: Suffield

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 8. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1808.

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Francis Blomefield, 'North Erpingham Hundred: Suffield', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 8( London, 1808), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'North Erpingham Hundred: Suffield', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 8( London, 1808), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "North Erpingham Hundred: Suffield". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 8. (London, 1808), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

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Roger Bigot, ancestor of the Earls of Norfolk, had a grant from the Conqueror of 2 carucates of land, held by four freemen, one of them held of Withri, another of King Edward, the other two of Harold; there were also 10 villains and eleven borderers, with 4 carucates in demean, and 3 among the tenants, &c. 4 acres of meadow, and 2 mills, valued then at 4l. at the survey at 6l. 15s.; it was 8 furlongs long, and 5 broad, and paid 13d. ob. gelt. (fn. 1)

In the Bigots Earls of Norfolk it continued, and Roger Bigot, Earl, dying without issue, it came by his grant to the Crown, and so to Thomas de Brotherton, a son of King Edward I. created Earl of Norfolk; from him to the Mowbrays, and the Howards Dukes of Norfolk. In the 26th of Henry VIII. Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk was lord when the rent of assise was 16l. 10s. 3d. customary works and rents, with hens, capons, &c. 22l 4d. ob. new rents 3l. 9d.; farm of the demean lands, 8l. 13s. 5d. of the paddock, windmill and fishery, 66s. 8d. sale of grain 16l. 6d. &c. On the attainder of the Duke of Norfolk, in 1572, it escheated to the Crown, but King James I. regranted it to the said family, and was sold about 1690, by Henry Duke of Norfolk. Sir William Morden Harbord, Bart. is the present lord.

Alan Earl of Richmond had a grant of half a carucate of land, held by Gun, a freeman of Ralph Storle, in King Edward's reign; to this there belonged 4 borderers, half a carucate in demean, with half a carucate among the tenants, and half an acre of meadow. (fn. 2)

Sir Hugh de Cayly held in the reign of Henry III. a quarter of a fee of the honour of Richmond; and in the 14th of Edward I. a fine was levied between John, son of Hugh de Caleye, querent, Will. de Ormesby and Agnes his wife, tenants, of lands in this town, Gunton, Antingham, Felmingham, &c. granted to John, for the life of Agnes, late wife of Hugh; and in the 10th of Edward II. William de Cailly of Hecham conveyed the manor to Simon Kenyng of Banygham.

John Duke of Bedford, lord of the honour of Richmond, held it in capite, and died possessed of it in the 14th of Henry VI.

Clement Herward of Aldburgh held it in 1426; Robert Herward, Esq. in 1483, and Robert Herward, and Alianore his wife, conveyed it with 4 messuages and lands in Gunton, Antingham, &c. to Robert Symonds, in the first of Edward VI.; Francis Symonds was lord in the reign of Queen Elizabeth.

John Symonds of Suffield sold it to John Wigget of Norwich mer chant, about 1700; Wigget, to John Morden, Esq. of Bradley hall in Suffolk, whose son, William Cropley, Esq. by Catherine his wife, daughter of Sir Charles Harbord, was father of Harbord Cropley, Esq. who took the name of Harbord, Esq. and was lord in 1714, and Sir William Morden Harbord is the present lord.

The tenths were 5l. 2s. deducted 12s.

The Church is a rectory, dedicated to St. Margaret. In the reign of Edward I. Roger Bigot Earl of Norfolk was patron; the rector had a manse and 6 acres of land, valued at 26 marks, and paid Peterpence, 13d. the present valor is 14l.

Rectors. (fn. 3)

In 1306, Robert Miles instituted, presented by Roger le Bigod Earl of Norfolk.

1326, Richard de Burghstede, by Thomas Earl of Norfolk, the King's son.

1328, William Brekiston Ditto.

1333, William Barker. Ditto.

1349, Peter Denne, by Sir John Segrave.

1355, William Cheleston, by the King.

1356, Mr. Peter Denne.

1356, Richard de Evesham, by Walter Lord de Manny.

1364, John de Burton. Ditto.

1368, Richard de Eversham. Ditto.

1380, William Creak by Margaret Countess of Norfolk.

1397, John Hervy. Ditto.

1424, Richard Swandland, by Elizabeth Dutchess of Norfolk.

1447, Mr. Thomas Joy, by John Duke of Norfolk.

1453, John Grimesby. Ditto.

1453, Mr. Gilbert Fayercloth, A. M Ditto.

1471, Mr. William Wybbe. Ditto.

1482, Robert Male, by the King.

Mr. William Bridges, rector.

1519, Thomas Seman, by the Earl of Surry.

1543, Robert Betts, by Thomas Duke of Norfolk.

1562, Nicholas Miller. Ditto.

1580, Andrew Carre, by the Queen

1581, William Bennet, by Philip Earl of Arundel; in 1603, he returned 138 communicants.

1622, John Cayworth, by the Bishop, a lapse.

1637, Thomas Symonds, by Thomas Earl of Arundel.

1684, James Clough, by Henry Meriton, and Matthew Novell, clerks.

1714, Jos. Church, by Harbord Harbord, Esq.

1724, Franc. Green. Ditto.

1738, John Tayleur. Ditto.

In the south isle of the church is a tomb,

Johs. Symond conditur hoc, qui obt. 14 Dec. A. D. 1584, unicam habuit uxorem Mariam filiam Franci. Mundeford armigi. reliquit filios duos, Francisc. et Edwardum; filias quatuor. Brigettum, Margaret. Dionysiam et Annam.

Near the font, a gravestone with a brass plate,

Orate p.a'i'ab; Johans. Symonds et Cecilie uxor. ej. obt. 1453.—Orate p. a'i'a. Johs, Theobald qui obt. 26 Martii, 1468.

Arms in the church: Brotherton Earl of Norfolk, impaling, azure, crusily, a lion rampant, or, Morley, impaling, ditto. Herward impaling Reymes. Herward impaling Gourney.

John Reymes, of Suffield, Gent. buried here in 1553.

The Symonds were an ancient family, and bore azure, three trefoils, slipped, argent.

Richard Symonds of Suffield, was living in the reign of Henry V.; (fn. 4) the will of Margaret his wife is dated July 13, 1426; and John, her son and heir, was her executor; he married Jane, daughter of William Theobald, and was father of Adam Symonds, of Suffield, and of John of Cley. Adam, by Agnes, daughter of—Rugge of Roughton, had Robert his son and heir, who married Margaret, daughter of — Calthorp of Cockthorp, and left John Symonds, and by Mary his wife, daughter of Francis Mundeford, Esq. was father of Francis Symonds, who took to wife Catherine, daughter of James Underwood, and relict of William Hobart of Metton; this Francis was buried in Suffield church, in 1626, and had Francis his son, who (as I take it) married Anna, daughter of Thomas Bedingfeld, Esq. of Ditchingham, and here buried 1659, and was father of John Symonds, Gent. who by Anne, his wife, daughter of William Bladwell of Swanington, had John Symonds, Esq. who married Alice, daughter of Walter Bridges, vicar of Enfield in Middlesex, who sold this lordship, and was much reduced.

Suffields, Sutfelle, or Southfield.

The Suthfields were an ancient family, and lords of this town; Simon de Suthfield was grandson of Peter de Suthfield; John, son of Simon, called Simonds, lived in the time of Henry III.


  • 1. Terra Rogeri Bigoti—In Sutfelle iiii. lib'os ho'es. et i. de istis ten. Withiri et Rex. alt'um et Herald ii. alios ii. car. t're. sep. villi. et xi. bor. tc. et sep. iiii. car. in d'nio. et iii. car. ho'um. silva ad xii. per. iiii. ac. p'ti. tc. et p. ii. mol. mo. iiii. tc. et p. val. iiii. lib. et mo. vi. lib. et xv. sol. et ht. viii. qr. in longo. et v. in lato et xii d. et obolu'. de gelto.
  • 2. T're. Alani Comitis—In Sutfulle ten. Gun. i lib. ho. Rad. Storle T.R.E. dim. car. t're. sep. iii. bord. et dum. car. in d'nio. et dim. hom. et dim. ac. p'ti.
  • 3. See in Gunton.
  • 4. Regist. Hurning,—pt. 2 fol. 141.