Blofield Hundred: Strumpshaw

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 7. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1807.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Blofield Hundred: Strumpshaw', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 7( London, 1807), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Blofield Hundred: Strumpshaw', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 7( London, 1807), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "Blofield Hundred: Strumpshaw". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 7. (London, 1807), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

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At the survey Godric, as steward for the Conqueror, had the care of a lordship, of which 2 freemen were deprived, who held it under Robert Stalre, consisting of 82 acres of land, &c. 4 bordarers: and there was a carucate among them and the tenants; also another freeman of Stalre had 30 acres of land, with 8 of meadow, valued at 8s. the soc and sac of the 2 freemen was in Ralph, and the soc of the other was in the King. (fn. 1)

The ancient family of De Danmartin were early enfeoffed of this lordship, by a grant from the Crown.—Odo de Danmartin held it in the reign of Henry II. Basilia, wife of Odo, gave, in the first year of that King, an account of 60 marks of silver to have her dower: and Odo, son of Odo, paid 100 marks for his father's lands at Mendlesham in Suffolk, &c. (fn. 2) It was a numerous family. In the said reign flourished Aubrey, Manasser, William, and Odo de Danmartin; and, in the 12th of King John, Odo held one fee in this town.

In the book of inquisitions, called Testa de Nevill, in the custody of the King's remembrancer, Odo held the same by one fee, said to be the King's demean, and given to Odo, his ancestor, by King Henry I. A mandate was granted, in the 9th of Henry III. to the sheriff of Norfolk, to deliver to Sir John de Wanton all the land belonging to his wife Alice, sister and heir of Odo de Danmartin, deceased; the King having received his homage; and a mandate also to the sheriff of Suffolk and Surry. Alice, after the death of Sir John, about the 16th of the said King, remarried Roger de Clare; on his death, she gave 200 marks to have the custody of his lands, and the marriage of his heir.

Galiena de Danmartin granted, by fine, in the 41st of Henry III. to Hugh de Maundevill the manor of Mendlesham; and Hugh, at the request of Galiena, granted it to Nicholas Leuknore, he paying 30s. per ann. for life, in exchange for lands in Braghing in Hertfordshire, and Taxted in Essex, granted to Hugh.

In the said year, Gerard Evermere, and Felicia his wife, released to Stephen de Strumshaw all their right in a marsh, called Destholm, quit of the heirs of Felicia. This Stephen had also an interest in this lordship, which seems to be divided about this time; and, in the 3d of Edward I. Stephen was found to have the lete, the assise, &c. of his tenants; and, in the following year, Sir Stephen de Strumshaw, and Margery his wife, conveyed the manor of Strumshaw, with lands in Redham and Tunstal, and the advowson of St. Peter's church of North Birlingham (reserving to Sir Stephen and his wife their lives therein) to William Lord Bardolf, and Julian his wife.

Nicholas Wancy, and Alice Danmartin his wife, were charged, in the 15th of the said King, with 130l. of the goods of Elias Bishop of the Jews. (fn. 3)

The family of Danmartin had still an interest in the lordship of Strumshaw; Hugh, son of Otto de Danmartin, had a lordship here and in Mendlesham, and a patent for a fair at Mendlesham; with a mercate, in the 9th of Edward I. he was master of the King's mint, and died sans issue.

Sir John de Botetourt, on the death of Hugh, had livery of this lordship, and of Mendlesham, in the 30th of Edward I. in right of Maud, sister and heir of Otto, father of Hugh: (fn. 4) Sir John was admiral of the Norfolk coast, in the 23d of that King, with whom he was in high favour; and was appointed, with Maud his wife, to attend at Ipswich on the King's daughter Elizabeth, with John Earl of Holland, on Monday the feast of the Epiphany. In the 29th of that King, he was one of those great lords, who sent to the Pope a letter, asserting that the kingdom of Scotland was not of his fee, and denied him all jurisdiction in temporal matters; and, in the 33d, as one of the King's counsellors, gave answer to the Bishop of Byblis, in partibus infidelium, that the preferring him to the priory of Goldingham in Scotland, by the Pope's bull of provision, would be to the prejudice of the King's crown and dignity, and therefore not grantable to him. In the said year he was a justice of Trayl Baston in several counties.

In the 4th of Edward II. the office of engraver of the dies for coin was in this family, and sold by Sir John to William Latimer. About this time the manor came to the Lords Bardolf, and so was united to his lordship above-mentioned.

In the 14th of Edward I. William, Lord Bardolf, and Julian his wife, called to warrant his right herein; James de Nicole, and Margery his wife, Eufemia, late wife of William de Billocby, Simon Payteyn, and Alice his wife, and Stephen, son of Christiana, (who was a minor,) they being the daughters and coheirs of Sir Stephen, their parts being conveyed to the Lords Bardolfs, (as in Wirmegay,) and so came to the Beaumonts, &c. and to Sir William Arundel Lord Matravers, and Anne his wife. Henry Earl of Arundel conveyed it to Queen Mary, &c. on January 2d, Ao. 2d and 3d of Philip and Mary: the Queen granted it to Sir Nicholas Hare: his will is dated September 26, 1557, and died in Chancery-lane, London, October 3d following, seized of it, and of the abbey of Brusyerd in Suffolk, leaving Catherine his lady, who died soon after, on Nov. 22d; also three sons, Michael, aged 28, Robert, 2d son, William the 3d, and Ann a daughter, married to Thomas Rouse, Esq. In the 4th of Elizabeth, Robert Hare, Esq. was lord, and clerk of the pells, and died s. p.

In the 5th of James I. April 1, Sir Ralph Hare aliened it to Sir Thomas Berney of Reedham, in which family it remained, till sold with Reedham, &c. to Sir James Edwards, and after to Sir Lambert Blackwell, and now Carteret Leathes, Esq. is lord.

The Bishop of Norwich's lordship of Bradeston extended into this town, and was held by the Breidestons of that see, from whom it came to the Catestons, or Castons, the Carbonels and Berneys, as in Bradeston, and so conveyed to Sir James Edwards, Bart. (as in Reedham and Bradeston) by chancery, about 1700, on the sale of the estate of Richard Berney, Esq. In 1740, Sir Lambert Blackwell's heirs possessed the whole town, and were patrons; and in 1735, Carteret Leathes, Esq.

In this manor was the right of patronage of the church.

The tenths were 5l. 2s.—Deducted 12s.

The Church is a rectory, dedicated to St. Peter; was valued at 10 marks;—Peter-pence 13d.—Carvage 2d. ob. the present valor is 3l. and is discharged.


William, rector of this church, by his deed, sans date, gave to Agnes his friend (amice mee) all his tenement that he held in Strumpshaw by lay fee; and afterwards, William, son of Agnes de Strumpshaw, granted it to the monks of Norwich, with the advowson of the church.

John de Thorp was rector in 1258.

John occurs rector in 1286.

1312, William de Caston instituted, presented by the Lady Joan, relict of Sir Robert de Caston.

1325, William de Nerford, by Sir John de Caston.

1333, John de Northstreet. Ditto.

Ralph de Caston, rector.

1348, William de Bergh, by Sir John de Caston.

1349, William de Denston. Ditto.

1349, Ralph Tulet. Ditto.

1349, Nicholas Atte Gap de Blofield. Ditto.

1361, Simon de Dallyngham. Ditto.

1391, Robert Tulby, by Catherine, relict of Sir John Caston.

1399, William Atte Church de Felthorpe, by the Bishop, on the minority of the heir of Sir Robert Carbonel.

1417, Nicholas Fuller, by William Westacre, archdeacon of Norwich, William Argentein, &c.

1417, John Walshe, by Sir John Carbonel, Knt. and Margery his wife.

1420, John Richeman. Ditto.

1459, John Pemberton, by the Bishop, a lapse.

1459, Robert Syre, by Osb. Mundeford, Esq.

1479, Edmund Dobbys, by Richard Suthwell, Esq. guardian of John, son and heir of John Berney, Esq. late of Reedham.

1482, John Hays, by John Berney.

Thomas Nodd, by John Berney, Esq.

1547, Edmund Dockyng, by John Berney, Esq.

1555, John Sewell. Ditto.

1562, Thomas Warwick, by Henry Berney, Esq.

1566, Thomas Moore. Ditto.

1576, Thomas Jackson. Ditto.

1618, Thomas Mould compounded for first fruits.

1724, Gilbert Pickering, by John Pitts, clerk.

1735, Joseph Clerk, by Carteret Leathes, Esq.

1758, George Dowdeswell. Ditto.

1764, Rev. Mr. Nelson. Ditto.

William, son of Agnes de Strumsawe, daughter of Thorald de Finching field, gave to the use of the almoner of the Holy Trinity church of Norwich, his whole messuage and lands, and homages, with the advowson of Strumpsawe church, paying yearly to John de Cateston, and to Egidia, the wife of the said William, 4s. per ann. (fn. 5) This was in or about the 24th of Henry III.

Sir John de Caston, and Catherine his wife, grants, in the 7th of Edward III. to the prior of Norwich, a free fold-course for 120 sheep, in the fields and commons here, for ever: dated at Breydeston.

The temporalities of the priory, valued in 1428, at 6d.

A legacy granted to the building of the tower, in 1487.—Here was the guild of St. Peter.


  • 1. Terra Regis qua. Godricus servat. —In Stromessaga ii. lib. hoes. R. Stralre cu. soca. et saca de lxxxii. ac. tre. silv iiii. por. et semp. iiii. bor. semp. i. car. intr. se et hoes. et in eade. ali. lib. ho. R. Stalre ad soca.—Regis xxx. ac. tre. et viii. ac. pti. sep. val. viii. sol.
  • 2. Rot. Pip. Lib. Rub. Sccij.
  • 3. Rot. Pip.
  • 4. Some say, Maud was daughter and heir of Hugh.
  • 5. Reg 2d. Eccles. Cath. Norw. fol. 76.—88.