Blofield Hundred: Plumstede Parva

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 7. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1807.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Blofield Hundred: Plumstede Parva', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 7( London, 1807), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Blofield Hundred: Plumstede Parva', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 7( London, 1807), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "Blofield Hundred: Plumstede Parva". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 7. (London, 1807), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

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Tovi held in Plumstede, which was afterwards (as I take it) the principal lordship in this town, a carucate of land, and one villain, with half a carucate; Tovi was a freeman of Earl Guert; and there were 6 freemen at that time, and the moiety of one who had 20 acres of land, with 2 of meadow, and a carucate; which freeman, Ralph, a captain of the Conqueror's cross bowmen, (who had a grant of this lordship on the Conquest,) laid claim to, as delivered up to him. What belonged to the manor was, in King Edward's time, valued at 5s. at the survey at 10s. and what the freemen held, valued at 5s. It was one leuca long, and half a leuca broad, paid 14d. gelt, whoever is lord. (fn. 1)

The Conqueror was possessed (when Domesday Book was made) of a carucate of land belonging to 2 freemen, and of 50 acres and a half, with one bordarer; 10 socmen held under them 7 acres of meadow, with a carucate, before the conquest; and, at the survey, 4 carucates, with paunage for 6 swine.—The Conqueror had the land late of one freeman, with 10 acres;—also of another, with 5 acres, with the soc; of them Godric was the King's steward

Also part of Plumstede was a beruite to Etton, (Eaton, by Norwich,) and held by Edrick de Laxfield, in King Edward's reign, containing half a carucate of land, with 3 bordarers, one carucate in the whole, and 3 acres of meadow, and valued in Etton; this was also in the Conqueror, and Godric was his steward of it.

Most of, if not all, these tenures were granted by the Conqueror, soon after the survey, to Flaald, or Alan his son, ancestor of the FitzAlans Earls or Arundel, together with the great lordship of Mileham in Norfolk; and, under the lords of that town, several persons possessed the fees and tenures abovementioned, of whom I shall treat according to the series of time.

Richard de Dunham gave an account of 5 marks paid, to have right done him (in his lands held of Mileham manor, by the King's writ) in the first year of Richard I. (fn. 2) About this time, William de Mounteney confirmed to Will. de Plumstede, lands; witnesses, Peter le Constable, Robert Elias and Hugh de Monteny, sans date. Adam de Plumstede, and John his son, held the fourth part of a fee, and exchanged lands with Will. prior of Norwich, in the 5th of King John: this family held the principal part of Tovi's lordship, of the lord of Mileham, and took their name from this town. Everard de Plumstede was living in the 10th of Richard I. it was held by grand serjeanty to find a cross-bow, or balista. William de Plumstede, son of Adam, had an interest here, as by deed sans date.

John de Plumstede had a lordship in the 20th of Henry III. and there appears to be a park here, in the 37th of that King.—William, son of John de Plumstede, held the 4th part of a fee, of the manor of Mileham, in the said reign.

Richard Gernun of Blofield, with the consent of Maud his wife, grants half his turbary at Hayes-Brigg, in Plumstede, to John, son of William de Plumstede:—witnesses, Sir Thomas de St. Omer, Serlo Gernun, &c. sans date. Maud Gernun, and Gerard her son, grants to Sibil, wife of Sir John de Plumstede Parva, and William his son, a turbary, which his father held of them, sans date.

Robert de Mounteney gives to the priory of Norwich, by deed, sans date, his mill belonging to his fee, or lordship, in Plumstede standing on the river Ger, for the health of his own, and his wife's soul, and of all his parents, friends, &c. and in particular for the soul of his father, William de Mounteney, and Roesia his mother, and Siwat, the priest of Plumstede:—witnesses, William Bishop of Norwich, Geff. the Bishop's sewer, Roger de Mounteny, Barth. de Martham, Hump. and Jordan de Plumstede. William, the heir of Siwat the priest, confirmed this grant, and lands to the priory, and William Bishop of Norwich gave Robert for this 100s. (fn. 3) This was in Bishop William Turbe's time.

In the 34th of Henry III. Richard de Witton held lands by serjeanty, in finding a cross-bow in the King's army, or a balista, at his own costs, valued at 5 marks.

Richard, son of William de Plumstede, was found, in the 15th of Edward I. to hold lands valued at 100s. per annum by serjeanty, and finding a balister in the King's army (when he went into Wales) for 40 days, at his own costs. The said King appointed, by writ, William de Barinton, and William de Pakenham, his justices, with others, whom they should associate to themselves to try the cause between William Fitz-John, son of Isolde, of Plumstede Parva, against — Fitz-Alan, lord of Mileham, about 4l. rent, &c. in Plumstede Parva and Magna;—witness, Edmund Earl of Cornwall; dated at Westminster, June 29, Ao. —, Edward I.

In the 16th of Edward I. Isolda de Mounteny impleaded Adam de Creting for the patronage of this church; her plea was, that Ernold de Mounteney, as lord of Sprouston, was patron of this church, and had enfeoffed her; but Adam proving himself to be lord of Sprouston, he recovered it. The Mounteneys held that part of this town which belonged to Edric de Laxfield, and was (as I have observed before) a beruite to Eton. Alice, widow of William de Plumstede, and John their son, was living in the 31st of the said reign. John was lord in the 8th of Edward II. and held a court, then, on the feast of Pentecost.

Sir Arnulf de Monteney, and John de Plumsted, returned to be lords in the 9th of Edward II. and Sir John de Plumstede, living also in the 3d and 6th of Edward III. on whose death it came to Sir Edmund de Illey, by the marriage of Alice his daughter and heir, Sir Edmund de Illey, and Ernulf de Monteney, lords in the 14th of that King. Sir Richard de Illey was son and heir of Sir Edmund, and living in the 37th of Edward III. by his will, dated at Plumsted Parva, October 21, 1366, he bequeaths his soul to the blessed Mary, and All-Saints, and his body to be buried where it shall please God; to the high altar of the Holy Trinity of Norwich, for tithes forgot, 13s. 4d. to that of Plumstede Parva, 13s. 4d. that of Hale, half a mark, and to Alan his brother, if he survived him 2 years, his green bed in his manor-house here, which bed was woven with doves, roses, &c.; his great defzor for the hall, with 2 c - - -, 6 coussons, all the vessels of the kitchen and brewhouse, all carts, ploughs and instruments belonging; one vestment, with a chalice and missal; his new vestment to be delivered to the parishioners of this town; and if Alan should die within the 2 years, then his executors to sell them for his soul's health: to John Lampole of Mersham, 50s. for all things forgotten; to John Cressingham 20s. to John de Hapsburgh, a monk of Norwich, 20s. to Robert Illey, his brother, all his bows, with the arrows, and 100s. to Jeff. Basseson, his servant, a cow, and 10s. and to each of his servants a cow; appoints Sir Edmund Cole, rector of Hale, Robert, his brother, and Jeff. Basseson, residuary legatees; gives to Sir Edmund Cole 40s. for his pains, and died without issue, as Alan his brother did, soon after him.

Sir Robert Illey, his brother, succeeded him, who with Catherine his wife were living in the 43d of the aforesaid King; he died before the 21st of Richard II. Catherine his widow confirming then to her trustees, Sir William Calthorp, John Drew, parson of Harpley, Henry Walpole, Edmund Berry, parson of Sculthorp, &c. her manor of Frenge, in Norfolk.

In the 3d of Henry IV. the heirs of Arnold de Monteney were lords of a manor, held (as was found) of the Earl of Rutland.

Lady Catherine Illey, widow, on the day after the feast of St. Ambrose, the bishop, in 1417, made her will, which was proved on July 9, following, and thereby gives her manor of Frenge, for 10 years, to her executors in trust, for pious uses; (fn. 4) after that to Sibilla, her daughter and heir, provided she behaved herself civilly, and did not disturb her executors, but if she died before the 10 years were ended, then that manor to be sold, and the money to be disposed of in pious uses; and the lady Catherine was buried in the chancel of Plumstede Parva. She is said to be a daughter and heir of — Gymingham; Sybilla her daughter, then the wife of Sir Roger Boys.

Sibilla, daughter and heir of Sir Robert Illey, and the lady Catherine, brought this manor by marriage to Sir Roger Boys; he died in 1421, and was buried in the priory of Ingham; Sibilla his relict was living in the 33d of Henry VI. and Robert Bois, Esq. her son and heir, inherited it; on whose death Sir Edmund Jenney of Knatshall in Suffolk, became lord, in right of Catherine his wife, daughter and heir of Robert Bois.—This came after to Frances Thurkell, who, in 1532, conveyed the manor of Illeys to Miles Hobart, Esq. with the advowson of the church.

The other lordship, called chaplain's, &c. was held, in the 19th of Edward IV. by Robert Lethum; by his will, dated about this time, he devised it to his executor, John Loveday, Esq. in trust, to the use of his will; this manor was to be his son John's, Witton manor to Margaret his wife for life, remainder to Robert his son, a minor, aged 4 years, and in custody of John Ratcliffe, and Lord Fitz Walter, but John the eldest son dying, Chaplain's manor was sold, in the 21st of the said King, by Robert Townsend, Esq. serjeant at law, and Richard Southwell, Esq. feoffees of Robert Lethum, and at the request of John Loveday, to James Hobart, Esq. by deed, dated June 20, for 200l.

He was descended from an ancient family, lords of Tye-Hall, in Essex. John Hobart, Esq. of Tye-Hall, was living there in 1389, and John his grandson in 1426; (fn. 5) his son married —, daughter and heir of Atte church, by whom he had Thomas Hobart of Tye-Hall, who by Eleanor his wife, daughter and heiress of John Tayler, alias Amfrey, was father of James, who was a younger son, born at Monks Illey in Suffolk, student of the law at Lincoln's Inn, and was reader there in Lent term 1447; his first wife was — niece of Walter Lyhert Bishop of Norwich, sister and heir of John Lyhert, she died sans issue about the year 1470. King Henry VII. in 1486, made him his attorney general, was of his privy council, and, on the creation of Henry Prince of Wales, in 1505, was knighted; by Margery, his 3d wife, daughter of Peter Naunton, Esq. of Letheringham in Suffolk, relict of John Dorward, Esq. he had 2 sons, Sir Walter, the eldest, of Hales-hall in Loddon, and Miles, who was lord of this town; also a daughter Catherine. Sir James died at a great age in the 13th year (as I take it) of King Henry VIII. and was buried in the body, or nave of the cathedral church of Norwich, on the north side, between the 9th and 10th pillars, (in a chapel formerly inclosed,) as was Margery his widow, who presented to this church in 1517, as by her will, dated September 13, 1517, proved October 24, 1517. (fn. 6) — His 2d wife was Dorothy, daughter of Sir John Glemham of Suffolk, by whom he had no issue living in the 14th of Edward IV. Cambden says, that he deserved well of the church, the country, and the commonweal; and indeed he merited this excellent character, being a right good man, of great learning, wisdom, bounty, and generosity, as his public benefactions testify, of which I shall speak in the town of Loddon-Hales.

He died lord of many manors; Hales-Hall, and Lalleford's, in Loddon, Shadwell, and Cockerel's, in Morley, Easthall in Depeham, Dogeny's in Norwold, &c.

Miles Hobart, Esq. 2d son of Sir James, possessed his father's lordships in this town, and bought of Franc. Thyrkyll the manors of Illeys and Samchis, with 4 messuages and lands in Plumsted Magna, and Parva, Blofield, &c. Ao. 24th of Henry VIII. as appears by a fine. He married Hellen, daughter and coheir of John Blennerhasset of Frense, in Norfolk, Esq. by his will, dated August 6, 1557, he appoints to be buried in the chapel on the north side of this church: had lordships, lands, and tenements in Plumstede, South Walsham, Ranworth, Panxford, Hemlington, Langley, North Walsham, Edingthorp, and Kirkby, by Norwich; gives to his wife the lordship of Plumstede Parva, Wytton, Brundale, in Norfolk, and the lordship of Heigham, in Melles, in Suffolk, for life; the lordship of Thwayt, in Norfolk, to John his 2d son; appoints his wife executrix, and John Corbet, Esq. supervisor of his will, proved February 22, 1557. (fn. 7) Anne, sister and coheir with Hellen, married Sir Henry Grey, Knt. of Bedfordshire.

Thomas Hobart, Esq. his son and heir, married Audrey, daughter and heir of William Hare, Esq. of Beeston, in Norfolk, by whom he had 2 sons, Miles and Henry.

By an inquisition, he was found to die March 26, 1560; his widow remarried Sir Edward Warner, lieutenant of the Tower of London, who dying November 7, 1565, she married William Blennerhasset, Esq. and in 1572, they presented to this church. Thomas died also lord of Beeston, in Norfolk, and Leigham, in Suffolk; she died in 1581.

Henry, the 2d son, was lord chief justice of the Common Pleas, lord of Blickling in Norfolk, from whom the Right Honourable the Earl of Buckingham descends.

Miles Hobart, Esq. eldest son and heir of Thomas, was a minor at the death of his father; was living and lord in 1576, and 1595, Margaret, his wife, was daughter of Sir Thomas Woodhouse, Knt. of Waxham, in Norfolk.

Sir Thomas, son and heir of Miles, presented in 1613 to this church, and married Willoughby, daughter of Sir Arthur Hopton of Westwood, and Blyburgh in Suffolk.

Sir Miles succeeded his father, Sir Thomas, created Knight of the Bath at the coronation of King Charles I. Margaret his wife was daughter of Edward Lord Dudley; it appears by a fine on his marriage, in the 4th of the said King, that he was then lord of this town, Whitton, Brundale, Skeyton, Cattes-hall, Empolis, Beeston, Leams, Edingthorp, Willoughby's, and Rowthings; she was buried in the church of St. Margaret's Westminster, in 16 - -.

In 1653, Sir Miles mortgaged this lordship to Edward Myleham, Gent. and — Dickson: in 1664, — Winter conveyed it to Roger Smith, an attorney at Norwich; and Thomas Wise of Norwich was lord by the marriage of Smith's daughter.

William Hewar, Esq. of Clapham in Surry, presented, as lord, to the church in 1701; and the lordship, with the patronage, was in Samuel Edgerlye, clerk, &c. in 1716: in 1719, Hewar Edgerley Hewar, Esq. was lord and patron, but in 1745, William Blackbourn, Esq. and Ann Jackson presented.

Ralph de Beaufoe had a little fee, which a bordarer held under Godric, in King Edward's time, 9 acres of land ploughed by 2 oxen, valued in Wroxham. (fn. 8) —This came by the marriage of Agnes, daughter and heir of this Ralph, to Hubert de Rie, Castellan of Norwich, &c. and was after united with the manors aforesaid.

Robert de Holmestede and Alice his wife conveyed by fine, in the 43d of Edward III. to Walter Bron of Norwich, before Robert de Thorp, John Mowbray, William de Fyncham, and William de Wychingham, the King's justices, a messuage, with 140 acres of land, 6 of meadow, 30 of pasture, 30 of heath, and 5s. rent, &c. in this town, Plumstede Magna, and Witton; and paid to Robert and Alice 20 marks of silver for this grant.

The tenths of the town were 1l. 2s.—Deducted 2s.

The Church is a rectory dedicated to St. Gervase, and the ancient valor was 12 marks, present valor 7l. 12s. 6d. and is discharged: it paid Peter-pence 12d. carvage 12d.

Gilbert Gernun of Blofield confirmed to William, parson of the church of Plumstede, and his 2 sons, John and Nicholas, a turbary by Baisbrigg, sans date.


In 1303, William de Hoveden instituted rector, presented by Sir Ernulph de Mounteney, as lord of Sprouston.

1304, William de Wallop, by Sir Anold de Mounteney.

1329, Walter le Claver, by John le Claver.

1340, Walter Peck, by Robert de Hales and Amicia his wife, who recovered the presentation against Maud, wife of Alexander Helbeck of Stokesby, William de Mateshall, and Alice his wife, John de Snoring, and Elena his wife, and Agnes, late wife of John Claver.

1356, Walter de Helbeck, by William Clere.

1360, Thomas Olyver, by John, son of Alexander Helbeck.

In the 16th of Edward III. Robert Sweyne of Hales, and Amicia his wife, conveyed the 4th part of the advowson with lands here, and in Witton, to Maud, widow of Alexander, son of Ralph de Helbeck.

1399, Thomas Salterworse, by the Lady Catherine, relict of Sir Robert Ilney.

1488, Walter Burford, by Sir Henry Inglose, and Sibilla, late wife of Sir Roger Boys, Walter Eton, and Roger Norwich, in right of the manor of Ilneys.

1469, Richard Bonet, by Robert Lestoun, Esq.

1471, Robert Moore. Ditto.

Richard Mere, rector.

1479, Thomas Harneys, by John Lesthun, Esq.

1506, William Clark, by Sir James Hobart.

1514, William Woodroff.

1517, John Knight, by Margery, relict of Sir James Hobart.

1536, Arnold Witton, by Miles Hobart, Esq.

Franc. Garthe, rector.

1559, Adam Barker, by Thomas Hobart, Esq.

1572, Edmund Bishop, by William Blenerhasset, Esq. and the Lady Etheldreda Warner, his wife.

Edward Bentley, rector, about 1600.

Ralph Barlowe, compounded for his first-fruits, February 14, 1613, presented by Sir Thomas Hobart, Knt.

1716, Robert Cubit, on the death of John Cornwall, by Samuel Edgerley, clerk, John Hungerford, Esq. &c.

1719, John Russel, by Hewer Edgley Hewer, Esq.

1745, Norwood Sparrow, by William Blackbourn, Esq. and Ann Jackson.

At the upper end of the chancel is a marble grave-stone, with the portraiture of a knight in complete armour, at his feet a — couchant, in brass.

Sir Edward Warner, Knight, now resteth here, Who lived to full 50 years and fower; His wifes also by armes you see appeare, What needeth then with words to blaze them o're. His virtues rare, would not be letten passe, Ne yet so worthy state in silence synke, But who dares wright his golden gifts in brasse, Or blot his fame with rude and silly inke. In somme therefore, let this be sayd for all, With God and man he liveth and ever shall. Obijt. 7°. die Nov. Ao. Domi. 1565.

And these arms; quarterly, per bend indented, argent and sable— and azure, a lis or, quarterly, in the 1st and 4th quarters, by the name of Warner; in the 2d and 3d quarters, vert, a cross ingrailed, ermin, Whetenhall.—Also Warner and Whetenhall, as before, impaling quarterly, 1st, gules, on a chevron a lion rampant sable, crowned or, Brook Lord Cobham;—2d, gules, on a chevron or, three lioncels rampant sable, Cobham Lord Cobham;—3d, azure, on a fess between three leopards faces or, a crescent sable, Delapole;—4th, argent, seven mascles voided gules, Braybrook. Sir Edward's first wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Lord Brook of Cobham.

Against the north wall of the chancel is a fair raised tomb, with the figure of a man and a woman, without any inscription, or arms.

On a grave-stone by the north wall;—

Orate p. aiâ Dni. Walterj Burford quondam rectoris istius ecclie. qui nova. fabricam istius Cancellj fieri fecit.

On a grave-stone in the north chapel;—

Here lycth Thomas Hubbard, Esq. who departed this life the 26, day of March, in the year 1560, and left issue 2 sonnes and 2 daughters, and the arms of Hubbard, sable, an estoile or, between two flaunches ermine, impaling gules, two bars and a chief indented, or, Hare.

On another adjoining; Hubbard impaling Blenerhasset, without any inscription, this is in memory of

Miles Hobart, Esq. and Hellen his wife, daughter and coheir of John Blenerhasset of Frense, Esq.

On a grave-stone, in the church;—

Here lyeth Alice Wayte, first wife to William Hare, Esq. and after to Robert Rugge, and mother to the lady Etheldred Warner, who dyed here in much vertue and quiet, 72 years, and departed hence to live for ever, the first day of July, Ao. Dni. 1566.

Hobart bore quarterly these arms; in the 1st, Hobart, in the 2d, Atte Church, quarterly argent and sable, in the 3d, Taylor, ermine, three pallets sable, 4th, Lyhert, argent, a bull passant sable, armed and unguled or, in a bordure of the 2d bezanty.

In the gallery of Sir Thomas Hobart's house here, in 1614, were the following arms.

Hobart impaling Lyhert; Hobart impaling Naunton, sable, three martlets, argent; Hobart and Heydon; Hobart and Fitz-Walter; Hobart and Blenerhasset with his quarterings, in the 1st Blenerhasset, gules, a chevron ermin, between three dolphins, embowed argent; in the 2d Loudham, also Kelvedon, Orton, &c.; Hobart and Fineaux, vert, a chevron between three eaglets displayed, or; Samson, gules, a cross argent, billette, sable, and Hobart. Sir Thomas Sampson married Catherine, daughter of Sir James Hobart. Hobart and Hare; Wiseman and Hobart; Blenerhasset and Tyndall, with his quarterings; Felbrigg and Scales; Blenerhasset and Brayham, sable, a cross flory, or; Blenerhasset and Eshingham, azure, fretty argent; Calthorp and Blenerhasset; Warner and Blenerhasset; Grey quartering, Hastings and Valence, impaling Blenerhasset. Warner impaling Marsh, sable, a cross argent, fretty of the first, between four lions heads erased, of the 2d.

On a tablet hanging there;

Audrey daughter of William Hare, His only heir by law, and right, Of Thomas Hobart, a wife very rare, And then to Sir Edward Warner, Knight. And last to William Blenerhasset, Three cozens Germans, by God so assigned, Where - - - - - - and lovely marriage was met, To live all in one, a rare thing to find. Full ty's to them, a wife most true, To these a most good and loveing mother; But by Hobart only her issue grew, The eldest Miles, and Henry his brother. She loved God's word, and lived likewise, She gave to the poore, and welcomed the rich. She exchanged this life July 16, 1581.

Lo here, you ladies, you widows, and wives, A glass for your geer, your selfs to behold, Seek here a sample, and guide for your lifes, Far passing beauty, and borders of gold.

On the top of this tablet; Hobart le Hart, quarterly, impaling Hare; Blenerhasset and Hare; Warner and Hare; Hobart and Woodhouse, quarterly, ermin and azure, a leopard's head in the first quarter, or, and these mottos: Qui perde la foye, a ne plus de perdre. —Go strait and fear not.—Deus providebit.


  • 1. Terre Radul. Arbal.—In Plumstede ten. Tovi. i. lib. ho. Gerti. T. R. E. i. car. tre. sep. i. vills. tc. dim. car. p. nichil. mo. dim. et ii. ac. pti. tc. xi. ov. in isto manerio. manebant vi. lib. hoes. et dim. xx. ac. tre. ii. ac. pti. sep. i. car. hos reclamat ex libatione. hoc qd. c. in dnio. tc. val. vi. sol. mo. x. sol et libi. hoes. v. sol. et ht. i. leug. in longo. et dim lat et de gelt. xiiiid. qiq. ibi. teneat. Terra. Regis qua. Godric. servat.—In Plumestede ii. lib. hoes. T. R. E. i, car. tre. et xxx. ac. et dim. et i. bor. sep. et sub. eis. xviii. soc. et vii. ac. pti. tc. et p. ii. car. mo. iiii. silva. vi. por. In Plumstede i. lib. ho. x. ac. tre. —Plumstede. i. lib. ho. v. ac. tre. Rex. ht. soca. In Plumsteda i. beruita. et ten. Edric. T. R. E. dim. et jacet in Ettuna. sep. iii. bor. semp. i. car. intre. totu. et iii. ac. pti. et est in p'tia. Ettune.
  • 2. Rot. Pip.—Reg. Eccles. Norw. i. fol. 187.
  • 3. Reg. Eccle. Cath. Norw. fol. 187.
  • 4. Reg. Hurning, fol. 31. 2d. Pt.
  • 5. Nicholas Hobart, and his parceners held a quarter of a fee of the manor of Mileham, in Norfolk, sans date, in the reign of Henry III.
  • 6. Reg. Briggs, Norw. p. 35.
  • 7. Reg. Hastings. Norw. p. 60.
  • 8. In Plumsteda, i. bor. ho. Godric. de ix. ac. tre. sep. arat. cum ii. bovib; appretiat, est. in Wroscham.