Gallow and Brothercross Hundreds: East-Barsham

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 7. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1807.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Gallow and Brothercross Hundreds: East-Barsham', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 7( London, 1807), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Gallow and Brothercross Hundreds: East-Barsham', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 7( London, 1807), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "Gallow and Brothercross Hundreds: East-Barsham". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 7. (London, 1807), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

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In the same village, (Barsham,) as we are informed from Doomesday book, Reiner held of the Earl Warren a lordship, which belonged to Toke in King Edward's reign, consisting of a carucate of land, 3 villains, 7 bordarers, and 2 servi, and there was one carucate in demean, with one among the men, one carucate, and 3 acres of meadow, 3 mills, with the moiety of another, &c. and 15 socmen had half a carucate of land, with a carucate, and an acre of meadow, and 2 bordarers, with a carucate and one acre of meadow, a church endowed with 8 acres and an half of meadow. (fn. 1)

Wolterton's Manor.

Reiner, who held this lordship under the Earl Warren at the survey, was probably Reiner de Grancourt, who gave to the priory of Castleacre, the patronage of this church, when Herbert was Bishop of Norwich; his descendants either took the name of De Barsham, or a family of that name held it soon after.

Maurice de Barsham, in the 31st of Henry II. was fined 40l. because he gave his daughter in marriage to William de Bellomonte, (fn. 2) and William was also fined 23l. 6s. 2d. because he married against the agreement that he had made to marry the daughter of Ralph de Gedding. This Maurice began his journey or pilgrimage to St. James of Compostella in Spain, on the feast of St. Dunstan, and gave to the priory of Castleacre, for the prosperity of his journey, all his corn in his granges of East Barsham, and West Barsham, 64 sheep in his foldcourse of East, and 16 in that of West Barsham, with all his tenements which he held of them, if he should not return again; he also confirmed to them the gifts of his ancestors in lands, meadows, mills, homages, and gave them the churches of East Barsham, and Taterset, with 2 men in Taterset, his villains; and William de Bellomonte and Joan his wife (daughter, as I take it, of Maurice) confirmed the same. (fn. 3)

William, son of Ralph de Barsham, gave to them all the land which Aylward Barsham held of him, for 28s. paid down.

In the 2d of Richard I. on Sunday after the feast of St. John Port Latine, before William Bishop of Ely, legate of the apostolick see, the Lord Roger, the chancellor, William Mareschall, Roger Fitz Reinfrid, Robert de Whitefeld, Symon de Pateshale, Symon de Runbes, Michael Belet, Mr. Thomas de Husseborn, Hugh Pipard, and Henry de Withington, the King's justices, Hugh, prior of Castleacre, grants to Hugh, by fine, or William de Bellomonte and Joan his wife, the services of two freemen in East Barsham, and they grant a tenement, and East mill here, to the prior, with 3s. rent in Kerdeston, payable by Roger Burgolion. And in the 4th of Henry III. Agnes, widow of Thomas de Barsham, claimed dower of Reginald de Barsham, of lands held here in capite.

After this it was possessed by Roger de Wolterton, who, with Alice his wife, conveyed by fine, in the 4th of Edward I. to John de Albiniaco, and Joan his wife, a messuage, mill, and lands here. Roger sealed with, quarterly, or and azure, a bend gules.

In the 36th of Henry III. it was covenanted between Roger de Wolterton, on one part, John de Byrston and Henry de Berney, on the other; that whereas the said Roger is obliged to them in 60l. they agree, that if Roger would convey to John and Henry, an estate for 8 years, of all lands, tenements, and hereditaments in East Barsham, then in the possession of John de Wolterton, rector of Snoring Parva, they should enjoy it quietly for 8 years, and then the obligation to be void. And in the following year Roger enfeoft John de Briston and Maud his wife, and Henry de Berney, of all his lands, rents, services, &c. in this town, and it was agreed that Roger and his heirs, should have an annuity of 20l. per ann. issuing out of the same, to commence after the date thereof, which was at Wolterton, Saturday after the feast of St. Faith the virgin.

Thomas Gournay, Esq. and John Hunt, son of William Hunt, of East-Barsham, confirmed to John Wode, of Briston, Esq. and his heirs, &c. the manor of East-Barsham, formerly Roger de Wolterton's, with all the lands, foldcourses, rents, &c. which John Hunt, of EastBarsham, grandfather of the said John, and William Hunt, his father, held; except a close called Grene's-yard, then in the tenure of Catherine Hunt, mother of the said John, by deed dated April 10, in the 13th of Henry VI. and John de Bryston, of Bryston, Esq. son and heir of John de Bryston, Esq. deceased, released to John Wode aforesaid, all his right in this manor, April 2, in the 18th of Henry VI. and Catherine, widow of William Hunt, released to him all her right.

This John Wode farmed the hundred of Gallow and Brotherton, of Elizabeth, Queen Consort of King Edward IV. in the 7th of that King; he died in 1470, and was buried in East-Barsham church, according to his will, dated November 12, and proved December 10, following, leaving Margery his widow.

In the 17th of the said King, Robert Wode, brother and heir of John, confirmed to Sir Hugh Hastings, and William Stather, clerk, the manors of Wolterton and Waldgraves in this town, by deed dated August 1; and they by deed dated November 4, in the following year, confirmed them to John Wode, son of Robert and Margaret his wife; and Margery Wode, by her deed dated November 6, in the 19th of Edward IV. grants to John Wode, her son, (fn. 4) (by Robert) of Colton, all her goods, moveable and immoveable; this John seems to have died in the 11th of Henry VII. for in his 14th year William Gurney, junior, and Thomas Sefoule, Esq. had a grant of the custody of the manors of Roger his son, then a minor, and the custody of his person, in the 11th of that King.

Roger Wode, Esq. was son and heir of John Wode, and Margaret, his wife, who being remarried to Henry Fermor, Esq. (afterwards a knight) the said Henry holding by courtesey of England, the manors of Wolterton and Waldgraves, and minding the advancement of the said Roger, confirmed to him November 6, in the 5th of Henry VIII. all the said manors, lands, &c. excepting to him the said Henry, the site of the manor called Wolterton's, wherein he dwelt, with the orchard, barns, yards Berningham's close, a garden ground, liberty of foldage, common for sheep, &c.

Roger Wode, Esq. by his last will dated April 2, 1518, bequeaths the manors of Wolterton, Berningham, East-hall, and Child's, to William Fermor, his brother-in-law, son of Henry, but to remain in the hands of his executors; at this time he went a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and died therein, (as I conceive,) and bequeaths his body to some holy place, either on this side the sea, or beyond, where-ever he should happen to die; to the high altar of East Barsham, 12d. to the reparation of the church 20s. a cowcher to be bought by his executors of the price of 8l. in discharging of John Wode, my uncle's, Margery Wode's, and my father's soul; to every one of his sisters 40s. his executors to keep his obit, as soon as they had notice of his death in England, or beyond sea; and to give then 5 marks, to priests, to sing, &c. and so to keep it for 5 years after, giving 13s. 4d. per annum to priests, &c.; to Henry Farmer and John Fendham, priest, his executors, each 20s. and it was proved at Walsingham Parva, June 15, 1520, before John Bishop — Coludiensi Episc.

Thomas Earl of Surrey, and Thomas Lovell, treasurer of the household to the King, on September 14, in the 11th of Henry VIII. made an award between Sir James Boleyn, Knt. and Elizabeth his wife, one of the sisters and heirs of the aforesaid Roger, and Michael Makerel, of London, broderer, and Alice his wife, another of the sisters and heirs, and Henry Fermor, Gent. concerning the title of the aforesaid manors, and all other the lands, &c. late John or Roger Wode's; whereby Henry was to have all his lands in Norfolk, for ever, with all evidences; they to release to him and his heirs; Henry to pay to Sir James and his wife 35l. and the same sum to Michael and his wife. And in the following year, on August 12, William Whayte, of Titleshale, Gent. and Dorothy his wife, another sister and coheir, for 35l. consideration, released all their right to Henry.

In the 24th of the said King, he was high sheriff of Norfolk, and a knight, and on April 8, in the said year, made his will; bequeathing his body to be buried in the church of All-Saints, of East Barsham, or elsewhere, as his executors shall think fit, to the high altar 13s. 4d. for tithes forgot, 20l. to the reparation of it, to the mother church of Norwich 6s. 8d. to every order of friars in Norwich, Walsingham, Lynn, Blakeney, and Burnham 6s. 8d.; Cokesford and Hempton abbies, each 20s. and to every chanon there 12d.; gives all his manors, lands, &c. in Norforlk, to William his son, and his heirs, remainder to Thomas his son; Dame Winefred his wife, to have an annuity of 40 marks, out of his manors, and her lodging in the east end of the house, during her widowhood, with 20l. towards hanging the same, and trimming the chamber; a bason and ewer of silver, a nest of gilt goblets; a dozen of silver spoons, two goblets, two salts, and a pleane pece for her life, with meat and drink for her self, 2 maids and a man, at the charges of his son William, during her widowhood, and apparel, implements, and stuff of her body, except a chain which his daughter Catherine was to have, the residue of all her cheyns and jewels, after her decease, to Thomas his son; also 4 beds, with all the apparel thereto belonging, a garnish of pewter pots, and pans, candlesticks, &c. convenient for her chamber, or else 20l. sterling, all after to remain to Thomas; to Amy his daughter 400 marks, &c.

The said Sir Henry died (as I take it) in the following year; it appears that he had two wives, Margaret, relict of John Wode, Esq. by whom he had William, his son and heir, and Thomas, also Amy, who married William Yelverton Esq. of Rougham, and Susan, who married — Berney, Esq. of Gunton. He was a person of great worth and dignity, and in the 19th of Henry VII. Feb. 14th, Thomas Earl of Arundel constituted him his feodary in the county of Norfolk; his second wife, Winefride, was relict of Henry Dynne, of Heydon, and daughter of Thomas Cause, alderman of Norwich.

The first mention of the name of Fermor or Frayermore, is in the 18th of Richard II. when William Fermor, vicar of West Barsham, purchased lands in Sculthorp, of John Boys, vicar of Feversham, in Kent, late parson of Sculthorp. Thomas Farmor was witness to a deed of lands in Taterset in the 7th of Henry IV. Henry Fermor of Taterset was living in the 6th of Henry V. and 5th of Henry VI. and Thomas Farmor, of the said town, was living in the reign of Henry VI. and Edward IV. and probably father of Sir Henry abovementioned, to whom John, prior of the house of the blessed Mary, and the convent of Hempton, for the good and wholesome advice given to them, by him, granted by other letters patents, dated in their chapter-house, October 12, Ao. 17th of Henry VII. an annuity of 20s. sterling, issuing out of their manor of Tofts, for his life.

The Lady Winefrede, relict of Sir Henry, in the 26th of Henry VIII. remarried Sir John Tendal of Hockwold in Norfolk.

By an indenture dated November 20, in the 18th of Henry VIII. between Thomas Duke of Norfolk, treasurer, of the one part, and Henry Fermor, of East Barsham, Esq. of the other part, it was agreed that William Fermor, son and heir apparent of Henry, shall, before the feast of All Saints following, marry Catherine Knevet, one of the daughters of Sir Thomas Knevet, deceased; her portion of 200l. to be paid to Henry Fermour, on a settlement made by him. This William was high sheriff in the 32d of Henry VIII. and a knight; by his will dated August 4th, 1557, and proved January 12, 1558, he gives his body to be buried where it shall please God to call him; to the repair of East Barsham church 10l. to that of Pudding Norton 20s. to every house of East Barsham, and Pudding Nroton 11d. to the pore men's boxe, of every town, where I have a flock of shepe going, 10s. Sir William dying without issue, Thomas, his nephew, was found to be his heir, son of Thomas Fermor, Esq. his brother, (fn. 5) and Ann his wife, daughter of Christopher Coote of Blownorton. Catherine, relict of Sir William, was remarried to Nicholas Mynne of East Barsham, Esq.

Thomas Fermor, Esq. son of Thomas, held his first court about Michaelmas, in the 1st of Elizabeth, with the lete; he was living in the 6th of James, and had by Mary his wife, daughter of — Fromond, of Cheame, in Surrey, Esq. a son and heir, William. Nicholas Fermor, Esq. brother of this Thomas, was attainted for treasonable practices in coining in the 19th of Elizabeth he married Elizabeth Waters, (but died without issue,) and was (as is said) soon after drowned in the Thames.

Thomas Fermor, Esq. wasted in a great degree his estate, and sold many lordships.

William Fermor, Esq. son and heir of Thomas, held his first court in the 17th of James I. on March 25, and married Anne, daughter of Robert Brook, alderman of London, and sister of Sir Robert Brook of Blyburgh, in Suffolk, by whom he had a daughter and heiress, Mary, who by marriage, brought the manors abovementioned to James Calthorp, Esq.; about the 3d of King Charles I. by the marriage articles dated then, January 17, it was entailed on the said James and Mary, and their heirs, and for default, on the heirs of James Calthorp.

By the said Mary, he had issue, who died before her; his second wife was Catherine, daughter of Sir Edward Lewkner of Denham, in Suffolk, by whom he had Sir Christopher Calthorp, Knt. of the Bath, lord of this town, who by Dorothy his wife, daughter of Sir William Spring, of Pakenham, in Suffolk, Knt. father of Christopher Calthorp, Esq. who died in 1713, (before his father, who died in 1717/8, February 7,) leaving by Ann Maria, daughter of William de Grey, Esq. of Merton, Christopher Calthorp, who died aged 13 years, in November 1720.

On the death of this youth, his two aunts, Elizabeth and Anne, daughters of Sir Christopher Calthorp, inherited the estate; Ann, being the wife of Sir Thomas le Strange, had a moiety of it in her right, and Elizabeth, who was single, at her death, gave her part to the said Sir Thomas, on whose death it came to Sir Henry le Strange, Knt. of Hunstanton.

The Calthorps of this town, are descended from Sir William Calthorp of Burnham Thorp, &c. by Elizabeth his 2d wife, daughter and coheir of Sir Miles Stapleton of Ingham, in Norfolk, as is here shewn:

[Calthorp pedigree]

Sir William Farmor built on this manor of Wolterton, (as I take it,) a very large and stately manor-house, or hall, of brick, in the reign of king Henry VIII. now very much decayed, and ruinous; some years past, I found these remains of antiquity: over the great gate-house, leading into the court-yard, on the outside, are the King's arms of France and England, quarterly, supported by a lion and a griffin; (fn. 6) on the right side of it, the arms of Fermor;—argent, on a saltire sable, between four lions heads erased, gules, a martlet of the first between four bezants, on a chief azure, an anchor between two pallets, or, impaling argent, three pallets gules— and on the left, Farmer impaling, argent, a lion rampant, sable, Stapleton.

Below these, are two wild men, or giants, in two niches, one on each side of the gate, as janitors, armed with clubs.—Over the door of the porch, leading into the hall, are the arms of France and England, with a griffin and a greyhound supporters, king Henry VIIth's arms, and Farmer, impaling.

In the bow window of the hall, this motto, on several scrolls: —Audaces Fortuna Juvat.— Howard Duke of Norfolk, quartering Brotherton Earl Warren, and Mowbray, in a garter.—Percy Earl of Northumberland, with his quarterings.—Lucy Poyings, Eitzpayne, Bryan, &c. in a garter.—Knevet quartering Cromwell, Tatteshale, Clifton, Basset, &c. also, argent, on a pale sable, a conger's head, or Lucies, or Gascoine; and here is this date in the window, 1538, in which year, it is probable, the house was built. Also barry of six argent and gules.

In the great parlour window.— Fermor impaling, argent, a saltire between four staples, sable, Wood.—The arms of the old lords of this manor;—Farmor impaling Stapleton, Berney impaling Fermor.— Yelverton.—Farmor impaling Knevet with his quarterings on the chimney-piece; (fn. 7) also impaling Coote, &c. and this motto; Fortior est qui se, quàm qui fortissima vincit.—On a piece of oak, in the centre of the cieling, are the Quinque vulnera carved, and round it The passion of God help me.

In a room, called the Nursery, and above stairs, are several antique heads of men and women, in antique dresses, on the wainscoat; under the heads of one man and woman, the arms of Farmor and Wood; under others, Farmor and Knevet, Yelverton and Farmor, and Berney and Farmor.

Rochford's Manor.

In the 28th of Edward III. Sir Jaer de Rochford of Stiveky conveyed, by fine, to Ralph de Rochford, his son, and Maud, his wife, a lordship here, with lands, &c. in Hindringham, Kettleston, Geyst, &c. by a deed, dated at Walsingham Parva, on Tuesday after the feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, in 41st of the said King, Robert Lacock of Walsingham Magna, chaplain, &c. grant to Sir Ralph Rochford, and Maud his wife, all their tenements, messuages, lands, rents, services, homages, wardships, freemen and villains, in East-Barsham; and Alice, daughter of Adam Snethe of Warsham, released to them all her right therein: Sir Ralph occurs lord in the 2d of Richard II. and in the 3d of Henry IV. and the 3d of Henry VI. Sir Henry Rochford.

Sir Ralph Rochford of Walpole confirmed, in the 26th of Henry VI. to Thomas Lord Scales, Edward Clere, lands, &c.

Joan Welby of Moulton, in Lincolnshire, widow, settled it September 10, in the 8th of Edward IV. on Elizabeth, her daughter-in-law, (as a jointure,) and her son, Richard Welby; which Elizabeth was daugh ter of Sir William Calthorp, of Ludham, in Norfolk.

In the 22d of Henry VII. George Kirkham held a court here, on Friday after the feast of St. George, who had the custody of the lands, &c. of Thomas Welby, lord, and under age; and in the 32d of Henry VIII. Richard Welby, and Dorothy his wife, convey it, with Kettleston, Hindringham, &c. to Edmund Fraymyngham; and in the 22d of the said King, John Hall, of Halstede, in Lincolnshire, Gent. probably as guardian to the said Richard, granted a lease of this manor, and that of Kettleston, to John Howlet, for seven years, at 6l. rent per annum payable at Lincoln, with 6s. 6d. allowance; and covenants that Howlet should deliver to him yearly copies of the court rolls, and true rentals of all particular lands, whereout he had received any rent; where the lands lay, and who paid the rents; a method, indeed, worthy of being followed to prevent the loss of copy-holders, and free rents due to the lords of a manor.

Nicholas Mynne, Esq. and Catherine his wife, granted it by fine, in the 4th of Elizabeth, to William Mynne, Gent. quit of the heirs of Catherine; and on May 26th, in the 13th of Elizabeth, Nicholas Mynne of Walsingham Parva released it to Thomas Fermor, Esq. of East-Barsham; so it was joined to Wolterton's manor.

St. Martin's, or East-Hall Manor.

Richard de St. Martin, with the consent of Juliana his wife, and Reginald his son, gave to the monks of Castleacre 4s. rent out of his mill here, called Gielp; (fn. 8) and Reginald, his son, gave the moiety of that mill, with the suit, of his men in East Barsham, with liberty to have the mill-dam, as it was in his father's time.—Witnesses, Richard and Bartholomew, his brothers, and heirs, Peter, dean of Fakenham, &c.

Richard de Snoring, with the consent of Mabil his wife, gave to the said monks a house and lands, which Reginald de St. Martin, confirmed, being held of him. This Reginald held, in the 3d of Henry III. in this town, Waterden and Hempton, a knight's fee of the Earl Warren: Roger de St. Martin was lord in the 3d of Edward I. and had the assise of bread, beer, &c.; and, in the 31st of that King Robert de Burghulion conveyed by fine to Sir Roger de St. Martin, and Alice his wife, several messuages, 181 acres of land, 5 of meadow, &c. 2s. 5d. rent, with that of 7 hens, in East and North Barsham.

In the 14th of Edward III. it was possessed by Sir John de Bardolf, of Maple-Durham, held by him of the Lord Bardolf, and he of the honour of Castleacre, by a quarter of a fee; and the Lady Amicia Bardolf, was infeoft of it in the 3d of Henry V. by Thomas Wollaston, clerk; and on June 3d, in the said year, by a deed dated in her house, in Cosyn-lane, London, made James Lynde, and John Lexham, &c. her attornies, to take seisin: but in the 5th of that King, Edward Long, by deed dated July 13th, confirmed to John Dabridgchecourt, lord of Stratfield, Say (Hamshire) Stephen Lynde, &c. this manor, with lands in Tirington, which he had of the gift of John Cook, of Wykham. After several other conveyances in trust, William Stavcrton, Esq. executor of the testament of James Lynde, a trustee, confirms it also to Sir John Tudenham, Knt. John Heydon, Esq. &c. and they on November 16th, in the 25th of that King, confirm to John Wode, and Margery his wife, this manor, by the name of East-hall; and thus it became united to Wolterton's manor, and passed as is there mentioned.

Besides the lordships above-mentioned, part of this town was a beruite, at the survey to the Conqueror's manor of Fakenham, which was held by Herold the King of England, who was slain in battle; there were here, and in Snoring, 3 freemen, who held amongst them three acres of land, and a carucate, valued and measured together with Fakenham. (fn. 9)

Berningham's Manor; or Knolle's and Waldgrave's

John de Berningham, and Walter his son, were living in the 31st of Edward I. This John was lord of this fee, as I take it.

In the 13th of Edward II. the aforesaid Walter, by his deed, dated at Sculthorp, on Friday after the feast of St. Gregory the Pope, granted to Sir Walter de Norwich, for 6 marks, the homages and services of several who held tenements of him in this town; (fn. 10) and Sir John de Norwich, Knt. and Thomas Waldgrave, who was in the custody of the said Sir John, his guardian, held half a fee in the 20th of Edward III.

Sir Richard Waldgrave, by deed dated at Bures, in Suffolk, on January 1st, in the 11th of Richard II. sold and confirmed it to Augustine Keling, &c. and Augustine, in the following year, May 3d, confirmed to John Hunt, of East-Barsham, his manor here bought of Sir Richard Waldgrave, with a messuage, fifty acres of land, two of meadow, and certain rents. Keling's seal is, a chevron, componied between three cinquefoils.—After this, it was in Sir Robert Knoll's; and on the 24th of January, in the 6th of Henry V. John Hunt enfeoft John Drew and Henry Says, clerks, William Shelton and Edmund Winter, Esqrs. &c. and Edmund Winter, &c. infeoft William Hunt and his heirs, in the 11th of that King; and in the said year, William Hunt, October 30, confirmed it to Sir Thomas Kerdeston, Sir William Oldhall, &c. Hunt sealed with, a bend, between six mullets, pierced. This, in the 6th of Henry IV. had, by the King's license, been conveyed by John Seymour, citizen of London, to William Hunt, of East Barsham, and Catherine his wife, &c. with 24 messuages, 4 tofts, 80 acres of land, 5 of meadow, 15s. and 2d. per ann. rent, and was called sometimes Knoll's manor, as belonging to Sir Robert Knolls, who, in the 3d of Henry IV. held half a fee here of the King in capite; and John Hunt is said to hold it then of Sir Robert.

In the 25th of Henry VI. March 3d, John Hunt of Swaffham, in Norfolk, sells to John Wode the manor of Berningham for 50 marks; and, on the 10th of the said month, Robert Mompynson of Wisbech, and Catherine his wife, late wife of William Hunt of East-Barsham, enfeoft John Wode of Honyngham, and Margery his wife, &c. in 4 messuages, 4 tofts, &c. called Barningham's, in this town, and Snoring, with the reversion of other messuages, held by John Lynge for life; and, at the said time, appointed Thomas Gurnay, Esq. their attorney, to deliver seisin to John Wode and Margery, and to Robert, son of the said John and Margery; and on the 10th of May, in the same year, John Hunt, of Swaffham market, son and heir of William Hunt, released to John Wode, the said premises.

On the 28th of June, in the 30th of the said King, Sir Thomas Kerdeston, &c. enfeoft John Wode, &c. of the manor of Waldgrave; and on the 6th of March, in the 33d of that King, John Latham, master or custos of the hospital of the Holy Trinity of Pontefract, called Knolles alms-house, in Yorkshire, released to John Wode all his right in the manor Berninghams, and thus Berningham's and Waldgrave's manor were united to that of Wolterton.

Child's Manor.

This seems to have been a part of Waldgrave's manor. In the 14th of Richard II. Richard Palmer of Walsingham Magna, and Roger Dye, of Waterden, confirmed to Thomas Chyld of this town, a messuage, and lands, &c. formerly Waldgrave's, and other lands.

On the 27th of September, in the 7th of Henry IV. John Tolle, parson of the church of Thirsford, &c. released to Thomas Leyre, &c. this lordship, with all messuages, lands, and the 3d part of a foldcourse, rents and services of freemen, and villains, &c. and James Walsingham, clerk, released to the said Thomas all his right on the same day. It came, as is said, to Thomas, by descent from Thomas Child, of Walsingham Magna; and Thomas Leyre was lord in the 4th of Henry V. and then settled it on Edmund Oldhall, John Lexham, &c. in trust, and it was released in the 7th of Henry VI. to William Leyre, bastard son of Thomas, who confirmed to Humfrey Duke of Gloucester, and Alianora his wife, and William Perkins, Esq. this lordship, October 6th, in the 11th of Henry VI. and the said William, by his deed, dated October 20th, in the said year, released all his right herein to the said Duke; and sealed with or, a fess dauncette, between eight billets ermin.

Robert Merryman of Hempton, executor of William Layer, grants it to Sir Thomas Tudenham, Sir Miles Stapleton, &c. in the 29th of the said King, and William Jeney, serjeant at law, a feoffee, confirmed it on the last of July, in the 17th of Edward IV. to Margery Wode, widow of John Wode, Esq.; and in the 12th of Henry VIII. William Wayte, and Dorothy his wife, convey, by fine, the third part of the manor of Chylds to Henry Fermor; so that this was also united to that of Wolterton, and passed as is there observed.

William Wake of Holkham confirmed to Richard Wake his brother, and Catherine his wife, all his tenement which he had of the gift of Sir John Daubenys, with the lands, foldages, mills, services, customs of freemen and villains, dated at East Barsham, on Thursday after the feast of St Ambrose the Bishop, in the 13th of Edward II.

The temporalities of Castleacre priory were, in 1428, 18s. 8d.

Those of Coxford priory 5l. 10s. 10d. (these were demised to Henry Fermor in the 7th of Henry VIII.) and those of Walsingham at 14d.

The tenths were 3l. 2s.—Deduct 18s.—Lete fee to the lord of the hundred 2s. 6d. ob.

The Church is dedicated to All-Saints, and was appropriated to the priory of Castleacre, valued at 15 marks by John Bishop of Oxford, to take place on the death of Stephen, then parson of the church, saving an honest livelihood to the vicar, and obedience to the see of Norwich. (fn. 11) This, probably, was only when a pension was settled on the priory, and seems not to be appropriated till the 15th of Richard II. The rector had a manse, and 12 acres of land; the prior of Castleacre had also a portion, valued at 5 marks. Peterpence 2s.

On the appropriation, the vicarage was taxed at 5 marks, and the prior for the appropriated rectory at 10 marks.

The present valor of the vicarage is 6l. 13s. 4d.

On the north side of the church, at the west end, is the steeple, with one bell, dedicated to St. Thomas, the church is covered with lead. Here were formerly several bells, which being taken out of the church, and put on ship board, were lost (as is said) on Hunstanton sands. Against the north wall is a small mural monument:

In memory of Simon Lombe, A. M. for 43 years God's faithful minister of this parish, who died May 4th, 1689; and of Margaret his wife, daughter of Mr. Thomas Seggeswick, merchant of Norwich, both interred in the middle alley of this church. Erected by C. C. M. B.

On the pavement of the chancel are several black marble gravestones.

Barbara Strut, second daughter of Robert Strut, of Hadley, in Suffolk, and Grace his wife, daughter of Christopher Calthorpe, of Cockthorpe, Esq; (fn. 12) died May 14th. 1714. Ao. Ætat. 81.—with the arms of Strut, sable, a chevron between three cross crosslets, fitchée or.

James Calthorpe, Esq; third son of James Calthorpe, Esq; and Catherine his wife died January 19, aged 73, Ao. Dni. 1717.—with the arms of Calthorpe.

Charles Calthorpe, Gent. youngest son of James Calthorpe, Esq; and Catherine his wife, died November 8, 1677. Aged 27.—with Calthorpe's, arms.

Catherine, second daughter of Sir Edward Lewkner, of Denham, in Suffolk, Kt. second wife, and relict of James Calthorpe, of East-Barsham, Esq; who remained a widow 25 years, and died November 17, 1677, aged 61.—with the arms of Calthorp, impaling Lewkner, azure, three chevronells, argent.—Also one,

In memory of James Calthorpe, Esq; late of East-Barsham; here interred, who died April 19, 1652, aged 48.—with the arms of Calthorpe, impaling Fermor, and Calthorp impaling Lewkner.

Against the south wall of the present chancel, which is taken out of the nave of the church, is a very sumptuous monument of alabaster, black marble, &c. with the effigies of a woman in her winding sheet, as raising herself with her left hand out of her coffin, her right hand and eyes elevated in a posture of adoration, and on the coffin, Come Lord Jesu quickly. Over her are two arches, supported by pillars of the Dorick order; in one of them is an angel offering her a crown of glory, and in the other an angel offering her a crown of laurel; and, above these, an angel as sounding the last trumpet. On the cornish of the monument are two effigies, one representing Wisdom or Knowledge, with the sun, the other with a dove, representing Innocency. On the basis of the monument, the arms of Calthorpe, and,

James Calthorpe, Esq; dedicates this monument to the pious memory of Mary his wife, &c. daughter and sole heir of William Fermour, Esq; and of Ann wife, daughter of Robert Brook, late alderman of London, by whom he had issue two sons who died - - - - - - -, 1640.

Died. Aged.
Andrew Fermour, February 1, 1627. 5 years. 18 days.
William Fermour, November 24, 1635.
Fermour Calthorpe, senior, March 2, 1635.
Fermour Calthorp, junior. December 1, 1637.

And the said Mary at the age of 28 years, having lived 12 years and 4 months thereof with the said James, died may 12th 1640.

On the summit of the said monument is Calthorpe quartering, gules on a chief argent two mullets sable, Bacon; argent, three chessrooks sable, Rookwood; and, argent, a lion rampant sable, Stapleton; and on the body of it, Calthorpe impales Fermour, and Calthorpe impales Brook, gules, on a chevron argent, a lion rampant, sable.

This church in some writings is called the Holy Trinity of East Barsham, and here was the gild of Holy Trinity, and that of St. Mary, with their lights, and the light of St. Ann.

Richard Echingham, Esq; buried here, 1461.—Also,

John Jernyngham, senior, Esq. and Elizabeth his wife; and John Southwell, Esq.

Near to the church was the chapel of St. Saviour, or of the greeting of our Lady, to which belonged a mansion, with certain lands; the advowson of it was granted March 26, in the 5th of Henry VIII. to Henry Fermor, by Roger Wode.

Dionyse, relict of Sir Peter de Tye, Knt. wills, in 1375, to be buried at the door of the church of Barsham St. Trinity; gives a legacy to build a church porch over her grave; and money to build or repair the chapel, over the graves of her father and mother, &c.; to Edward Charles, her son, 100s. per ann. out of her manor of Kessingland, and 20s per ann. to her daughter, Margaret de Tye. (Reg. Heydon. Norwich.)

Simon Bishop of Norwich, in 1265, confirmed to the priory of Castleacre the whole tithe of the demeans, late William de Beaumonts, of Philip de Snoring and Reginald de St Martin, and 20s. pensions per ann. (fn. 13)

Reiner de Grancourt gave to the priory of Castleacre, this church, in the time of Herbert Bishop of Norwich.

John 1st bishop of Norwich, instituted Stephen de Martiniaco into all the profits of this church, which Henry Decanus held in the said church, on the presentation of the prior and convent of Norwich, saving a pension of 20s. to the priory. William de Turbe Bishop of Norwich, is said to have appropriated it to that convent, and John de Norwich, Bishop, is said to have granted it to the said priory, on the death of Stephen, the rector aforesaid, on a proper maintenance for a vicar, but not appropriated till 1393, by Henry Bishop of Norwich, who had a pension of 10s. and one of 3s to the cathedral church.

Rectors and Vicars.

1305, Thomas de Holme, rector, presented by the prior and convent of Castleacre.

1316, John Gosselin. Ditto.

1349, Roger Austyn, rector, by John Leche, rector of Eggemere.

1393, John Clerk, presented vicar by the prior, &c.

1402, William Brown. Ditto.

1403, John Goleth. Ditto.

1404, William Ball. Ditto.

1412, Thomas York. Ditto.

Adam Dunton.

1467, Robert Hovell. Ditto.

1474, Henry Fysher, by the Bishop, a lapse.

Richard Palgrave.

1476, William Preston, by the prior, &c.

1484, John Luward. Ditto.

1489, William Preston. Ditto.

1508, Richard Jewhilham. Ditto.

1509, Thomas Butteler. Ditto.

1517, Robert Herryson. Ditto.

1528, John Coppull. Ditto.

1538, Mr. John Howsehold, S. T. B. by Thomas Duke of Norfolk.

1580, Robert Ward, by Thomas Fermour, Esq.; in 1603, he certified that there were 69 communicants.

Simon Lomb died vicar in 1689.

John Shaw, vicar, 16- -.

Thomas Wright, vicar, S. T. B. Sir Christopher Calthorp, lord and patron, by his will in 1718, gives to him, during his life and continuance to perform divine service here, and after his death, or remove, to the vicar of East Barsham, and his successours for ever, that house, out-houses, yards and orchards, in East Barsham, in which the said Mr. Wright now lives, together with the feed, of the churchyard, and vicarage tithes of all my lands in West Barsham, he and they answering to the vicar of West Barsham, 5s. per ann. being, by ancient determinationin Chancery, desired to be by custom the dues to him only for the same.

Christopher Pigg died rector in 1742.

1742, William Pritheroe, rector, presented by Sir Thomas L'Strange, Bart.


  • 1. In ead villa ten. Toka p. man. i. car. tre. t. r. e. Reiner tenet semp. iii. vill. et vii. bord. tc. ii. serv. tc. in. dnio. i. car. et p. nichil modo. i. et semp. hom. i. car. ii. ac. pti. iii. et dim. molin. modo ii. runc. et iiii. an. et viii. porc. lxxxvi. oves. et xv. soc. de dim. car. terre et ii. bord. semp. i. car et i. ac. pti. i ecclia. viii. ac. et dim. ac. pti.
  • 2. Rot. Pip.
  • 3. Regist. Castle. fol. 37, 38.
  • 4. John Wode, Esq. who was chose Speaker of the House of Commons in 1482, was probably this John.
  • 5. This Thomas was killed in Rising Chace, by the Norfolk rebels, in the 2d of Edward VI.
  • 6. The arms of King Henry VIII.
  • 7. Also Farmor impaling Fromond, per chevron —, 3 de-lis counterchanged.
  • 8. Reg. Castleacr. fol. 37.
  • 9. Hund. de Galgou.—Terre Regis, — et in Barsham, et in Snaringa. iii. lib, hoes. et intr. hos hoes. iii. ac. tre. semp. i. car.
  • 10. Regist. Coll. Metingh. fol. 48
  • 11. Regist. Castleacr. fol. 115, &c.
  • 12. Sir Christopher Calthorp, Knt. of the Bath.
  • 13. Regis. Castleac. 129.