Hundred of Henstede: Castor

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1806.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of Henstede: Castor', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5( London, 1806), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of Henstede: Castor', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5( London, 1806), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "Hundred of Henstede: Castor". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5. (London, 1806), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

In this section

CASTOR, (fn. 1)

The ancient Castrum, or one of the chief camps of defence when the Romans possessed this country. I take it, that after Claudius Cæsar entered this land, which was about the 46th year after Christ, and Ostorius, his Proprætor, or lieutenant, had vanquished the Iceni, the old inhabitants of these parts, who openly opposed them, and defended their country to the very utmost of their power, that then they first settled here, raised camps, appointed colonies, and fixed stations, in order to keep the new conquered country in subjection, and to fortify themselves against any future attempts of the natives; that in case of any turn of adverse fortune, they might not be destitute of strong camps, and large fortifications to retire to, till they could either turn the scale themselves, or gain time to send to their allies to come to their assistance; and that in case of necessity, such help might not be hindered (like a wise and warlike people) they always took care so to fix their camps and stations, in all places where the situation and course of rivers would permit, that they might have a free passage by them to the ocean, either to have assistance by men or provisions, whenever they wanted them; or if they could not keep their ground, a safe retreat at least, for their persons and effects; thus landing at the Garienis Ostium, or mouth of the Yare, where Yare-mouth now is, they fixed a strong castle on the south side, placed a garrison of the Stablesian horse there, named it Gariononum (from its situation on the Garienis, or Yare) (fn. 2) and so made it a guard as well as an entry, into that part of the country which is now called Suffolk, the remains of which still are very perfect; the town that belonged to it assuming the Saxon name burgh from this fortification, at this day called Burgh Castle; where abundance of coins, fibulas, and other Roman antiquities are now found: opposite to this, on the northern side of the water, as an inlet into, and guard of, that country which is now called Norfolk, they made another camp, and called it Castrum, and the village in which it was, is now called Castor or Castre. And following the river up into the country till the course of it divided into two streams, they turned with that on the southern side, and at the first streight where it was easy to command the passage over, fixed this Camp, which for its dimensions and strength was named Castrum, or the camp, by way of eminence; and is still called Castor; it was certainly their most considerable fortification in these parts, as appears from its dimensions, which remain very conspicuous to this day: it is a square single vallum and rampart, and hath been enclosed with a strong wall of flints and Roman bricks, still evident in many places; the grand entrance was in the middle of the east part, at each corner of which, there were mounts, or watch-towers; and below on the west part, which was washed by the Taüs, or Tese, was a water-gate with a round tower by it, where the vessels used to unload: the whole site contains about 30 acres, at the south-east corner within the rampart, stands the parish church, placed there, on account of the convenience for the materials of which it is built; for the whole is of flints, and pieces of Roman bricks, taken from the old walls of the camp; (fn. 3) and indeed, most of the houses in the parish, are built of the like materials; at the south-east end of the chancel, in the bottom of the trench, is a small spring or well of water, about five feet deep, which is always full and very cold. I never heard of any urns found, which makes me think, there was no burial-place appointed here, but at the Venta Icenorum; which, though Mr. Cambden and others have thought fit to fix here, I can by no means join with them, for reasons already given in my 2d volume, at the 2d and 3d pages; [see vol. iii. p. 2, 3;] but imagine that place to have been at what we now call North-Elmham, where there is by far a greater number of urns found, than at any place in the counties of Norfolk or Suffolk; (fn. 4) all the several known Roman burial-places, being far less than that: the country people now call it Castor-castle, (fn. 5) and the part of the tower by the water, when it stood higher than it does now, might give rise to its being so called. I take it, when the Romans in general quitted this land, which was about the year 418 after Christ, that this camp, being deserted in a good measure, the remaining Romans and natives joining together, became one people, and the situation where Norwich now is, being much better than that at Castor, as standing on rising and high ground, and on a far better stream, this at Castor declining, as the sand at Yare's-mouth increased, most of them left this place and settled there, as well for the better convenience of fishing, as for carrying their goods higher up into the inland parts of the country, even to Venta, which though then in the decline, yet remained a place of more note than this; till by the fixing of the sand on which Yarmouth now stands, the water so far retired, as to cut off all commerce to it by that element, and then Venta wasted very speedily as Castor had done; out of the ruins of which, the new-founded city of Norwich suddenly sprang up to great maturity; but yet, Castor was a place still regarded, as as fit for defence, and as such always belonged to, and was in the hands of the Saxon, English, and Danish kings, both before, in, and after the Heptarchy; till King Edward the Confessor gave it to the monastery of St. Edmund his kinsman, (fn. 6) with Mildenhale, and the eight hundreds and an half, in Suffolk; and Thurketel, a noble Dane, who had obtained the keeping of this place, with a grant of part of it, gave his part with Thorp, in common, to the monasteries of St. Edmund and St. Bennet at the Holm, (fn. 7) and upon the Abbot of Bury's releasing Thorp wholly to St. Bennet, the Abbot of St Bennet released their part in Castor to St. Edmund and so the whole became vested in Bury abbey, and continued so till the Conquest.

The great number of Roman coins daily found here, (fn. 8) convince us of its having been a place of great repute during the most part of the time, when that great people were concerned in Britain; I have seen above an hundred, found by Mrs. Susanna Long of Dunston, who hath many more found by other people; I have a great number myself, besides several which I gave to the cabinet of coins in the publick library of the city of Norwich, among which, the following inscriptions may be read on the several obverses and reverses.

DIVA. FAVSTINA. Reverse, AVGVSTA. Silver, a Venus holding a torch.

DIVVS ANTONINVS. Reverse, an altar with a sacrifice burning thereon. DIVO PIO. Silver

IMP. CAES. DOMIT. AVG. GERM. COS. XIII. CENSOR. The Reverse is Fortune holding a cornucopia, standing on the rostrum of a ship. S. C. FORTVNAE. AVGVSTI.


sept. avg. caes pont. Silver.

d. n. constant. - - - Reverse, a Roman receiving a British youth. fel temp. reparatio.

imp. c. allectvs. p. avg. Reverse, a ship under sail. laetitiae. avg.

imp. sept. geta. caesar. pont. Reverse, nobilitas.

imp. constantivs. nob. caes. Reverse, gloria. exercitvs.

galienvs avg. Rev. virtvs avg.

d. n. gratianvs. p. e. avg.

Antoninvs pivs avg. Rev. the Emperour represented as Jupiter, with a spear in one hand, and a globe in the other. rector orbis.

imp. licinivs avg. Rev genio pop. rom.

imp. c. victorinvs. p. f. avg.

imp. avg. antoninvs. f. Rev. p. m. t. r. p. IIII. cos. imp. A Hercules.

imp. comsta - - pont. max A woman giving suck to a man. pietas romana.

constantinvs. avg. Rev. beata. tranquilitas. On an altar, vot. xx. s. t. r.

All these in Mrs. Long's collection, besides several others of Commodus, Julia, Claudius, Constantine the Great, Tetricus, Carausius, Faustina, junior, Constantine, junior, &c.

These that follow, are some of my own collection, and others in the cabinet of the publick library.

severvs. pivs. avg. Rev. a Minerva. vict. part. max. imp. licinivs. p. f. avg. Rev. genio. pop. rom. At bottom p. t. r.

constantinvs. p. f. avg. Rev. an Apollo. soli invicto comiti.

imp. m. iul. phillippvs. avg. Rev. fides. militvm. s. c.

m. ivl. phillipvs. caesar. Rev principi. ivvent.

constantinvs. avg. Rev. gloria exercitvs.

imp. c. mavr. sev. alexand. avg. Rev. p. m. tr. pot. vi. cos. ii. p. p.

maximianvs. nob. caes. Rev. sacra. monet, avgg. et. caess. nostr. s. t.

t. caes. imp avg. i. tr. pot. cos. vi. censor. s.c.

ivlia. maesa. - - - -

diva. favstina pia. Rev. an altar, consecratio. s. c. the largest size.

m. d. c. victorinvs. Rev. providentia. avg.

- - - - esv. tetricvs. avg. - - - -

There are great numbers of the denarij, with Romulus and Remus sucking the wolf; and those, with Constantinopolis and the Genius of that city on the reverse; the most common are Constantine's, with the reverses of Gloria Exercitvs, and Militum Reparatio, with a Roman taking a Briton captive; made probably when Constantine appeased the British insurrection, and his soldiers had recovered the credit they had before lost in a battle with them.

Overhall Manor

Belonged to the Abbot of Bury, (fn. 9) was worth 40s. a year at the Confessor's survey, and 5l. at the Conqueror's, when this town was three quarters of a mile long, and half a mile broad, and paid 16d. to the geld. (fn. 10) The church had eleven acres of glebe, and its advowson belonged to this manor; the abbots always presented to it till the Dissolution, and had lete and free-warren allowed them in Eire; the manor and a carucate of land belonging to it, was appropriated to the chamberlains, to find shoes and clothes for the Bury monks; and the chamberlain was taxed for his temporals at 11l. 4s. 9d. q. At the Dissolution it vested in the Crown, and continued there till 1553, and then Queen Mary, in the first year of her reign, granted it to Sir John Godsalve, Knt. for life, and then to her son Thomas Godsalve, Esq. and his heirs male; with the advowson of the church, and court baron, lete, and all other liberties, in Castor, Howe, Poringland, and Ameringhall: this Sir John was second son and heir of Thomas Godsalve, Esq. (fn. 11) register of the consistory court at Norwich, who was the first raiser of the family, and died in 1542, leaving Sir John his eldest son and heir, (fn. 12) who was one of the clerks of the privy seal to King Henry VIII. and was succeeded by Thomas Godsalve, Esq. aforesaid, his son and heir, (fn. 13) who died seized of this manor and advowson in 1587, when he held it by the 40th part of a knight's fee; leaving Roger Godsalve, Esq. his son and heir, then 20 years old; (fn. 14) who in 1606, sold the manor, advowson, and state, to

John Pettus of Rachithe and Norwich, Esq. and his heirs; and it hath continued ever since in that family, an account of which will occur under Rackhithe; Sir Horace Pettus, Bart. is now lord and patron.

Netherhall Manor

Was a part of this and the adjacent village of Merkeshall, (for which see p. 46,) which was given by the Conqueror to Ralf de Beaufo, (fn. 15) as was the Merkeshall part, which belonged to Godwin, and soon after to the Bigods Earls of Norfolk, in which family they continued; and when the settlement was made by Roger Bigod on King Edward I. this manor, with the lete and assise of bread and ale, of all the tenants was excepted, and in 1303, was sold by Roger le Bigod and Alice his wife, with Merkeshall advowson, to Walter de Langton Bishop of Coventry and Litchfield, and his heirs; and in 1306, the Bishop sold it to Giles de Munpynzon, and lady Christian his wife, with the advowson of Merskeshall, which belonged to it, and joined it to Merkeshall manor, as you may see at p. 47, and continued with it till it was purchased by Tho. Pettus, and was joined to Castor-Over-hall, with which it still remains. This town is now in the liberty of the Duke of Norfolk. (See vol. i. p. 237.)

The Chorography of Norfolk says, that the lord of Over-hall hath court baron and lete, weyf, stray, &c. and that the fine is 4s. an acre.

The lord of Nether-hall holdeth court, and the fine is 4s. an acre, but anciently the fine of both these manors was but 2s. an acre.

This church is in Brook deanery and Norfolk archdeaconry; it was valued in the first taxation at 15, and in the second at 19 marks, and pays 2s. 3d. Bishop's procurations, 2s. synodals, and 6s. 8d. archdeacon's procurations; it is laid at 9l. in the King's Books, pays first-fruits, and 18s. yearly tenths, and so is incapable of augmentation; it paid 18d. Peter-pence, and 8d. carvage; and the chamberer of St. Edmund's monastery received ten marks temporals every year, from this town, which paid clear to every tenth 2l. The arms of Bury abbey are in the windows, and the arms of England and France in a bordure bottoné az. and or. The rector hath a house and above 20 acres of glebe.


presented by the abbots of Bury.

1305, John de Elmham.

1334, Robert Arthur.

1349, Edmund de Brundish, buried at Brundish in Suffolk. Thomas Dampusday; he resigned in

1383, to William Fesaunt, who changed for Heveningham in

1384, with John Leef, who in 1393, changed for Sterston with John Gelle, who was succeeded by

Alexander de Westwalton, who changed in 1426 for Southwyk in Chichester diocese, with

John de Wilton, who in 1428, changed for Shelton mediety with

John Cummerton, who in 1450, was succeeded by John Smith, who resigned in

1454, to Master Thomas Fuller, who changed for Ivenho in Lincoln diocese in

1458, with John Maundevyle.

1465, John Usburne, resigned.

1466, John Crosby, resigned.

1466, Brother Thomas Hervy, he died rector.

1477, Thomas Weston, whose successour, John Lawnd, resigned in

1531, to Edward Spirling, who died in

1537, and Nic. Lincoln was the last presented by the Abbot.

He resigned in 1557, and Thomas Godsalve, Gent. presented Thomas Palmer, at whose death in 1559, he gave it to Nic. Parker, who was buried in 1568, being succeeded by George King, on the presentation of Thomas Godsalve, Esq.; he was buried in 1592, and one

Richard Tolwyn, Gent. presented

Timothy Careon; but the grant of that turn being voided,

Thomas Greenwood was instituted at the presentation of Roger Godsalve, Esq. as was

John Weld, A. M. in 1600; he married Anne Toft in 1603, and was buried in 1636. And Thomas Pettus of Rackhithe, Esq. gave it to

Henry Nerford (vol. i. p. 524, 32,) at whose resignation in 1639, he gave it to George Lockwood who was buried in 1655, and Lady Anne Pettus, widow, presented

John Goddard, who was buried in 1695, and Sir John Pettus, Bart. gave it to

Robert Fawcet, at whose institution, the church of Merkeshall (long since in ruins) was consolidated to Castor, as at p. 48; he was buried here, being succeeded by

Thomas Manlove, (see vol. iv. p. 150, 190,) and he by the present rector,

The Rev. Mr. John Freeman, who was presented by Lady Pettus, mother to Sir Horace Pettus, Bart. the present patron; and holds it united to the consolidated rectory of Rackhith-Magna and Parva, in Norfolk.

The church is dedicated to St. Edmund the King and Martyr; its north porch and chancel are tiled; there is a square steeple and three belis; the nave is 28 yards long and 7 broad. In the chancel there are inscriptions for William Brereton of Norwich. Gent. Apr. 25, 1691, 83.

E. H. D. (fn. 16) Petrus Brereton de Trowse, Gulielmi, de Caston, F. Gen. xi. 1° Die Nov. A. D. M. D. C. L. X V.

Crest, a nag's head Brereton impales Clerk, gul. two bars vert, on the uppermost two plates, on the lowermost one

William Brereton late of Caster St. Edmund's Ge nt. Dec. 17 1657, Eliz. his Wife, one of the Daughters of Andrew Clerk late of Wroxham, Gent deceased, she died Sept. 2, 1660.

William Brereton Gent. April 6, 1708, 52, He was a Person of Piety, Justice, Charity, and Sincerity, which made him deservedly esteemed by all that knew him; His loving and sorrowfull Widow have placed this Stone to his Memory. Catherine his Wife died Aug. 8, 1708, 63.

Brereton impales an inescutcheon in an orle of mullets.

Memoriæ Johannis Brereton de Catton, Gulielmi quondam de Caster Gen. Filij, qui obijt iii° Die Dec. A. D. M DCLXXXVI° nec non Rosæ Uxoris Johannis Lynes de Caster Gen. Filiæ, quæ obijt, - - - - - - - - et Johannis eorum Filij, qui obijt - - - - - - -

Frances Wife of Robert Fawcet Rector, eldest Daughter of Sir John Pettus of Rackheath, Bart. died in Childbed Aug. 17, 1700, 29°. Mary their Daughter died Aug. 14, 1700.

Susan Wife of John Inman, Dr. of Peter Brereton late of Trowse, Gent. 1686, 22.

Thomas Fawcet LL. B. eldest son of Robert Fawcet Rector, Aug. 23, 1726, 28.

Hic sepelitur Jacobus Ravenscroft, Filius primogenitus Thomæ Ravenscroft Armigeri, et Magdalenæ Uxoris ejus, qui natus 17 Feb. ob. 27, 1660.

Dormitorium Johannis Lynes qui ob. 1mo Aug. 1650. Superstitem relinquens unicam prolem Rosam Uxorem Johannis Brereton.

Ursula Daughter of Thomas Marshall Gent. 1644.

John Finch 1705. Dorothy his Wife 1700. Thomas their Son 1705.

In the nave lies a stone, now spoiled of its arms and inscription, which was,
Here layeth Elizabeth late the Wife at John Paston, on whose Soule Jesu have Mercy.

On an altar tomb in the churchyard at the east end,

Debemus Morti, nos, nostraque: S. H. M. (fn. 17)

Reconduntur exuviæ Roberti Ward Generosi, qui placide obdormivit in Domino, Jan. 16, Ao æt. lixo. Æræ Xianæ m. dccxxo.

On a table at the upper end of the north isle,

Benefactors to the town of Caister St. Edmund's.

Thomas Neale of this town, by will dated Sept. 21, 1597, and proved in the Archdeacon's Office at Norwich, gave 3s. 4d. a year to the poor, to be distributed every Christmas day; and tied two pieces of land in this town, called Shortlands, of about an acre, for payment thereof.

Thomas Pettus, Esq. (fn. 18) by will dated Oct. 14, 1618, proved in the prerogative court of the Archbishop of Canterbury at London, gave 5l. 10s. a year, for ever, to be distributed by the overseers for the time being, in this church, every Sunday, as equally as may be, to six poor people inhabiting in this town, (fn. 19) and tied all his lands in Shimpling in this county, being about 30l. per annum for payment thereof.

William Middilton of this town, blacksmith, by will dated Jan. 20, 1647, proved in the Archdeacon's Office, gave to the poor 3s. 4d. a year, to be distributed every Christmas day; and tied all his house and ground in this town for payment thereof, which are now in the possession of Benjamin Cogman.

This Table was erected by Thomas Blondel, who at his own expense, recovered the said donations, after they had been buried in oblivion for a time; and do here set them in publick view, to prevent the like for the future.

The font here seems to be made by that good man, Richard de Castor, (fn. 20) whose life you may see at vol. iv. p. 147. On it is carved in stone, the emblems of the Holy Trinity, the four Evangelists, with the instruments of the Passion; the arms of the East-Angles, WestSaxons, and Bury abbey; and round it at bottom is,
Orate pro animab his ici de Castre

From the Register:

1588, The 19th of Nov. was a day of thanksgiving to God, for the great and wonderfull overthrow of the Spanish navy, which came to fight the Pope's battle against this island, for their gospel; at which overthrow, the very enemies were so astonished, that some of them said, Christ was become a Lutheran; and all that saw it did say, that it was the Lord's work: so this day was appointed by our church, to be spente throughout the realme, in preaching, praying, singing of psalms, and giving thanks, for a thankfull memorial of the Lord's mercifull mercies yerelie.

1585, Agnes Wells brought the plague to Ryx his house, and was buried 25 Sept.

1613, Mr. John Smith and Mrs. Jane Herne, married Apr. 14. And the same day Mr. Rob. Davies and Mrs. Anne Fountain. 1666, Rob. son of Rob. Bendish, alderman of Norwich, and Sarah, daughter of Mr. Tho. Johnson, late alderman, married 22 July. 1667, Rob. Connold, clerk, minister of Washbrook in Suffolk, married Mrs. Alice, daughter of Mr. Samuel Stead of Berghapeton, 3 Febr. 1682, Sam. Hancock clerk, of Framlingham-Picot, married Mrs. Anne Berney of Swerdeston, Aug. 15. 1690, Mr. Thomas Havers of FramlinghamEarl, widower, and Mrs. Honour Hammond of Keswick, married 22 Apr. 1692, Charles Kett of Diss, Gent. and Eliz. Beaumont, married Oct. 24. 1626, Anne wife of Mr. John Aldrich buried.


  • 1. Ostorius Scapula prefuit. Ao 15 Claudij.
  • 2. Mr. Cambden says, the Garienis or Yarienis was called by the Britains Guerne, by the English Gerne or Jere, from the dlder-trees (so named in British) with which it was overshadowed; and that it rises at Gerveston or Jereston, near the middle of the county, and so comes by Berford to Erlham, Eaton, &c. making Castor to stand on it; but this is an errour, and so is the whole, as to Norwich standing on Baraden, &c.
  • 3. The Roman bricks are 16 inches and an half long, a foot broad, and an inch and half thick; there are some at the south-west corner of the church, and at the two corners of the chancel.
  • 4. I am told of two urns found at Dunston-hill some time since, which is on the other side of the river, but not a mile from the camp.
  • 5. In 1575, a survey of this town was made upon oath, and the lands belonging to the several manors of Over-hall and Nether-hall in Castor, and of Blackworth-hail, Ameringhall, and Framlingham Pigot, which extended hither, were all described, and among other lands, some are abutted, Ad pedem montis Muri Castelli. And the land within the rampart is thus described, terrainfra pedem Montis Muri Castelli continet cum fossata, &c.
  • 6. Rex Edwardus dedit cognato suo Sancto Edmundo, Mildenhale et Octo et dimid. hundreda illi appendencia et Castre, &c. Consuetud. Abb. Sci. Edmundi, penes Car. Baronem Cornwaleis 1726 fo. 73. And in Register Pinchbek, fo. 181, there are entered 3 carucates of land. 10 villeins, 7 bordars, 4 socmen of 25 acres, given to that abbey by King Edward the Confessor, &c. which is also recited in the Black Register of that abbey at fo. 167. Mon. Ang. vol. i. fo. 292.
  • 7. Thvrketel, Thane, dedit Deo et Sancto Benedicto de Hulmo, in communi, Castre et Torp. Regr. Alb. fo. 19. Pinchbek, fo. 223. His will is recited at large in the Sacrist's Regr. fo. 45. Mon. Ang. tom. i. fo. 294.
  • 8. Browne's Hydriotaphia, qo Lond. 1659, p. 6, 7. Hist. Norf. vol. ii. p. 7, 8, 9.
  • 9. Thomas, son of John de Tifteshale, gave a te ent in Castre to Bury abbey. Regr. Alb o. 29.
  • 10. Heinesteda H. Domesday fo. 178, 9. Sub tit. Terra Abbatis de Sco. Eadmundo. Castrum tenet semper Sanctus Edmundus pio manerio et pro iii. car. terre semper x. villani et septem bordarij et ii. car. in dom. et iiii. car. hominum vi. acr. prati dim. mol. mo. iiii. runc. v. anim. xxx. porc. xl. oves et iiii. soc. de xxv. acr. terre. Concessu Regis cum omni consuetudine, et pertinent in manerio isto teste hundredo. Tunc valuit xl.s. mo c.s. habet vi. quar. in longo, et iiii. in lato, et xvi.d. de Gelto, et plures ibi tenent. Ecclesie xi. acr. val. xvi.d
  • 11. He and Joan his wife were buried in St. Stephen's church in Norwich. See vol. iv. p. 155, 61.
  • 12. He had two sons, John and Thomas, and left a second wife alive, named Elizabeth. Dr. Spencer, last dean of Chapelfield college, and Robert Holditch, were his supervisors. Thomas Blumevile, son of Edw. Blumvile, Esq. and Francis Jenney, were his sons-in-law. Regr. Mingay in Archiv. Norwic. Epi. fo. 41.
  • 13. Omnibus, &c. Thomas Prior Beate Marie de Butley ordinis Sancti Augustini, &c. Thome Godsalve seniori de Norwico armigero, et Johanni Godsalve filio ejusdem, uni clericorum de signeto Domini Regis. Annuitatem 20 solidorum exeuntem de manerio nostro de West-Somerton in Norf. pro termino vite dictorum Thome et Johis; et diutius vientis, &c. 28 H. VIII. Regr. Butley penes P. L. N. Regem Armorum Ao 1712, fo. 70, I.
  • 14. Edmund, son of Mr. Roger Godsalve and Barbara his wife, bapt. Feb. 12, 1599. Anne their daughter 1600. Ric. their son 1602. Bridget wife of Tho. Godsalve, Esq. buried 20 Aug. 1647.
  • 15. Terra Radulfi de Bellofago. H. Heinestede. Doms fo. 215. In Castra v. lib. hom. et dim. Goduuini de xlii. acris terre et dim. et ii. acr. prati semper dim. car. et pertinet in Merkeshalle. In Castra ad huc est i. car. terre in dominio dim. mol. et est in pretio Merkesale.
  • 16. Expectans horam Domini.
  • 17. Sub hoc monumento.
  • 18. Buried Oct. 20, 1618.
  • 19. "Unto six poor people dwelling within the said town of Caistre, weekly upon every Sunday, after divine service, 2 pence apeice in money, and 2 pence apiece in bread, and the yearly overplus to the reparations of the church of Caistre." Probat. 3 Nov. 1618, per Annam Pettus relictam dicti Thome. She remarried to Sir Henry Hungate, Knt. and died in 1627, for then he administered to her.
  • 20. See Pitts de Script. Angl. p. 537, where he is called Castertonus.