Hundred of Humble-Yard: Hethill

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1806.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of Humble-Yard: Hethill', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5( London, 1806), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of Humble-Yard: Hethill', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5( London, 1806), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "Hundred of Humble-Yard: Hethill". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5. (London, 1806), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

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Is the next village southward of Carleton, and belonged to Olf, one of the Confessor's thanes, who had two carucates in demean. (fn. 1) The church had then 30 acres of glebe, and belonged to the manor; there was wood sufficient to keep 60 swine, and three breeding mares ran in it; there were 8 socmen, and the manor extended into Keteringham, (fn. 2) Newton, (fn. 3) and Kesewic was a berewic to it; it was then worth 5l. 6s. 6d. a year, after that, was raised to 6l. and at the Conquest to 8l.; it was a league long, and 6 furlongs broad, and paid 6d. 3q. to the geld or tax. but though the manor was now in one, it was after divided into the several manors called Hethill, Jerningham's, Penne's, Goldingham's, Ward's, Twait's, and Nevile's; the five first of which now belong to Miles Branthwait, Esq. and the two last to the city of Norwich; and all of them have been always held of the Norfolk family, and now are, as of the manor of Forncet.

The whole continued in the Bigods till Hugh Bigod, the third Earl of Norfolk of that family, divided it into many parts, and gave the capital manor, called

Hethill, and afterwards Curson's Manor,

To William de Curson of Carleton, and it continually attended the manor of Carleton Cursons, as may be seen at p 101, being held of the manor of Forncet at one fee; and in 1306, it extended into Carleton, Mulbarton, and Swerdeston, and had a lete belonging to it; from the Cursons it passed to the Appleyards of Brakene, and continued with that manor, as you may see at p. 83,4, and was sold with it and Carleton Cursons, to Tho. Townesend, Esq. who in 1569 had license to alien it to Rowland Heyward, John Langley, and Francis Bowyer, and their heirs, as trustees; and about 1601, Tho. Townesend of Brakene, Esq. sold it to Miles Branthwait, Esq. who came and settled here.

Jernegan's, or Jerningham's Manor,

Was sold in 1297, by Ralf de Wedon and Alice his wife, to Will. de Halton; Ralf de Creping held it of Roger Bigot Earl of Norfolk, at the fourth part of a fee. It after belonged to Sir Hugh Jernegan, who settled it on John Leiston, who married Joan his daughter and heiress. In 1345, Henry Jernegan had it, and in 1355, John Jernegan; and it had a lete belonging to it. It was purchased by the Appleyards, and so became united to Hethil manor aforesaid, with which it now remains. In 1609, Miles Branthwait, Esq. held it of Forncet manor at the 8th part of a fee.

Penne's Manor,

Was granted by Hugh Bigod aforesaid, to Eustace Curson of Carleton, commonly called Eustace de Carleton, whose son William was knighted, and was commonly known by the name of Sir William de Hethil, whose son, Sir Bartholomew de Hethil, left two daughters, Alice, the eldest, married to William de la Penne, and Emma the youngest to John de la Penne, the sons of Jeffery de la Penne, who had his life in this manor by their gift; in 1274, they were found lords here, and had a lete belonging to it, and the assize of bread and ale of all their tenants. In 1285, Emma widow of John de la Penne, and Alice her sister, then wife of Ralf le Clerk of Aymondesham, held it at 3 quarters of a fee of the Earl of Norfolk, and it was then found to have liberty of free warren belonging to it; it contained a capital messuage, (now called Hethill-hall,) and 237 acres of land adjoining, 10 acres of meadow, 20 acres of wood, 31s. 1d. ob. quitrents, and 4 capons; and extended into Swerdeston, Dunston, Mulbarton Carleton, Brakene, Wrenningham, Nelonde, and Swainsthorp. In 1306, Jeffery de la Penne, had it, and John de Penne released to him that moiety which Emma wife of Bartholomew, son of William, held in dower: Peter de la Penne had it after him; and in 1338, Adam de la Penne conveyed a quarter of a fee of it to Richard de Bitering and Rich. de Bumpstede. of Norwich. In 1379, Thomas de la Penne sold his 3d part to Barth. Appleyard, citizen of Norwich, and William his brother; and then Adam de la Penne, and Peter de la Penne, and Christian his wife, (fn. 4) sold all their parts in this town only, to Appleyard, in whose family it continued till Philip Appleyard, Esq. (fn. 5) sold it to James Altham, (fn. 6) who kept his first court in 1563, and the next year sold it to Thomas Townesend of Brakene, Esq. who sold it to Miles Branthwait, Esq. who in 1609, held it of Forncet manor at one fee.

Goldingham's Manor

Was granted by Hugh Bigod to Alan de Goldingham, with view of frankpledge, and assize of bread and ale of all the tenants; and in 1285, Alan de Goldingham (his son, I suppose,) brought an action against Edmund de Wimundhale and Maud his wife, (Alan's mother, 1 imagine,) for waste committed in that part of this manor, which the said Maud held in dower, of his inheritance; and in 1315, John de Goldingham owned it, and held part of it of the honour of Eye, and the other part of the Earl of Norfolk. In 1400, Richard de Goldingham had it, who sold it to the Appleyards, and so it became joined to their other manors; in 1609, Miles Branthwait, Esq. held it at one fee of Forncet manor.

Ward's Manor,

Or free tenement, anciently belonged to the Raymonds; and in 1306, the heirs of Thomas Raymond had it; and in 1390, John le Ward, who in 1401, conveyed it to Walter Orlage, who was lord in 1432, and in 1461, John Meke had it, whose son John owned it in 1509, and in 1514, his son John paid his relief for it, being 12d.; he sold it to William Browne, whose son Robert sold it to Miles Branthwait, Esq. who in 1609, held it of Forncet manor by the 100th part of a fee.

Twait's Manor

Was granted by Hugh Bygod to Will. de Thweyt, and after belonged to John de Tweyt and Eglantine his wife, who owned it in 1315; in 1318, John de Tweyt settled it on Andrew le Curson and John de Brakene, who reconveyed it to the said John for life, and John his son, lawfully begotten on Katherine de Bukenham; and for want of his issue, to William his brother, remaindar to Ernald brother of William, and to Jerom brother of Ernald; it then contained 4 messuages, 111 acres of land, and 16s. yearly rents; and extended into Wrenningham Brakene, Malbarton, Swerdeston, Keteringham, and East-Carteton; and in 1321, he purchased of Bertram le Moneye of Gouthorp, many lands and tenements in Hethill and added them to his manor. In 1345, John son of John de Tweyt was lord. In 1461, it belonged to Thomas Tweyt, from whom it came to the Pains, and in 1511, John Chauntrell farmed it of the Duke of Norfolk, during the minority of John Pain; in 1526, Sir Will. Pennington, Knt. had it, and afterwards Robert Andrews; and in 1556, it belonged to Thomas March and Eliz. his wife, and John March and Frances his wife, daughters and coheirs of Robert Andrewes; and after this, it came among their children, and Tho. Norton of Brakene, Rob. Bishop, and Ric. Sewal, sold one moiety, and Ric Catlyn and John Worsley of Norwich, butcher, the other, to John Appleyard, of whom it was purchased by the mayor and commonalty of Norwich, who in 1609 held it of Forncet manor at the 4th part of a fee.

Nevile's Manor.

Hugh Bygot infeoffed Albert de Novilla, or Nevile in it, who seems to have been concerned in the foundation of Alvesbourn priory in Wodebridge in Suffolk, to which he gave this manor, with the advowson of Carleton St. Mary, as at p. 98; and in 1315, that prior was returned lord of it, and let it at six marks a year. In 1391, Robert Brethenham, prior of Alvesbourne, held it of Forncet manor at half a fee, and paid 5l. for a relief, as his predecessors had done, and was taxed at 3l. 5s. 5d. for his temporalities; and this remained with Carleton in Alvesbourne priory till 1424, and then John Duke of Norfolk, Walter Bishop of Norwich, Ralf Shelton, Esq. and John Heydon, counsellor at law, purchased them of John Turnour, prior of St. Mary at Alvesbourne, and the convent there, for the use of John Selot, master of the hospital of St. Giles in Norwich, and his successours, there being then one messuage, 133 acres and one rood of land, one acre and an half of meadow, 10 acres of pasture, 30 acres of wood, and 7s. 6d. quitrents in Hethill, and two messuages, 119 acres of land, 4 acres of meadow, and 4l. quitrents in Carleton, (fn. 7) belonging to this manor of Nevile's, which was by this means joined to the

Manor Of Briton's,

Which John le Bretun, or Briton, held of Roger Bigod Earl of Norfolk, at whose death the said Roger, in the presence of his brothers Sir Hugh and Sir Ralf Bigod, Knts. about the year 1250, conveyed to Walter de Suthfield Bishop of Norwich, the whole tenure late John le Bretun's in the towns of Hail, (or Hethil,) Carleton, and Nelonde; all which, the Bishop, in 1253, settled on St. Giles's hospital, which he founded: (fn. 8) and at this time also, Ric. de Hethill, and Ralf son of Roger de Hethill, and Ralf son of Reginald de Hethil, gave and confirmed to the hospital, a messuage and 47 acres, and three roods, which formerly belonged to John le Briton; (fn. 9) and in 1330, other lands here were added by purchase. (fn. 10) This manor was held of the manor of Forncet, by the 4th part of one fee, and the 20th part of another.

These manors, with all the revenues of the city in Carleton, were tied by the mayor, sheriffs, &c. (who received 200l. as a consideration for so doing, of Archbishop Parker) to pay annually for ever, a clear rent of 10l. 8s. whereof, for three exhibitions to three scholars of Bennet college, to be named by the mayor and majority of aldermen, out of the schools in Norwich or Aylesham, and the other 40s. to be retained yearly by the mayor, to pay to a preacher, yearly to be sent by the college, 6s. 8d. for a sermon at Thetford, 6s. 8d. for another at Wimondham, 6s. 8d. for another at the cathedral, and 10s. for a sermon in St. Clement's church in Norwich, and the other 10s. to be distributed there, as may be seen at p. 313, vol. iii. where there is an exact account of this donation. (fn. 11)

In 1577, I find an agreement between the city and Mr. Thomas Townsend, lord of the other manors, "for the apporcionyng owt Hetheld Grene, betwene the cittie and Mr. Townesend, to be done by Sir Thomas Cornwaleis, Knt. and Mr. Thomas Sotherton, alderman." (fn. 12)

These manors belong now to the mayor, sheriffs, &c. as guardians of St. Giles's hospital; and in that hospital accounts in 1728, among the revenues, I find it entered thus, Manor of East-Carleton cum Hethill 9l. 10s. 2d. ob. per ann. From East-Carleton cum Hethill and Wren's Close there, 80l. per ann. out of which paid Archbishop Parker's yearly annuity to Bennet College in Cambridge 8l. his sermon at St. Clement's in Ascension week, &c. 2l. (fn. 13)

The church of Hayele or Hethill, is dedicated to all the Saints, and had an image of all the saints, and a gild kept before it, of the same dedication. The rector had a house and 50 acres of glebe, when Norwich Domesday was made. The whole without the portion stood at 18 marks, in the most ancient Valor, but was then raised to 20 marks, and it stands in the King's Books thus: 10l. Hethell, alias Hethwold rectory, 1l. yearly tenths; so that it pays first fruits, and is not capable of augmention. It paid 16d. Peter-pence, 4d. ob. carvage, 18d. synodals, 6s. 8d. procurations; the monks of Thetford had a portion of tithes here, valued at 13s. 4d. given them by Roger Bigod, their founder, (fn. 14) out of his demeans; Windham abbey had lands here of the gift of William de Albani, (fn. 15) valued at 40s. per annum; in 1528, Richard Amore of Norwich, priest, gave three acres of grove by the parsonage in Hethill, to be sold to find a light before the image of All-Saints in Hethill and our Lady at Brakene, and one acre in Forthbrigge, to the maintenance of the perke (fn. 16) light for ever. It paid clear to every tenth, 2l. 4s.

The advowson was never aliened from the Norfolk family, but attended the inheritance of it, belonging to their manor of Forncet, till the Earl of Arundel sold it to Thomas Townsend, Esq. who joined it to his manors, with which it still continues.

Hugh Bigod Earl of Norfolk, granted to Hervy the land which Roger de Constantine held of the lay-fee, and the land which Helias his mace-bearer held in Hethill, by the service of being his wheelwright; (fn. 17) witnesses were Henry Bigot his brother, Roger his bastard son, and Hugh his son, William de Nevile his constable, Sulim his sewer, &c.

In 1277 it appears that the manor of Cursons was obliged to find a certain quantity of oil for the lamps in the church, and chapel of the manor-house, and a certain number of loaves to distribute to the poor on the day of the obit of Will. de Curson, which was always held on St. Catherine's day; and also the dole-bred given yearly on the anniversary of Sir William de Carleton, viz. as much as a bushel and half of barley would make.


1312, Arnald Lupi de Tillyo, an Italian, was presented by the King.

1320, Will. de Skothow. Tho. be Brotherton, the King's son, Earl of Norfolk and Earl-Marshal. He changed in 1345, for Estry in Cantberury diocese, with

John Radulphi, or Fitz-Ralf, who was presented by Sir John Segrave, Knt. and in 1347, changed for Rostronthrour in St. David's diocese, with

Thomas de Merston, who in 1357, changed for Great Reyns in London diocese, with

John Jay, who was presented by Sir Walt. de Manny, Knt.

1383, Sir John de Trodesham. Margaret le Marshal Countess of Norfolk. In 1427, he resigned to

Robert Gournay. John Duke of Norfolk. 1439, the Duke, on Gourney's death, gave it to

Richard Hadilsy, and on his resignation in

1444, to John Gosse; and in

1446, to Will. Halyday, in exchange for Charlewode in Canterbury diocese; and he in 1457, changed for South Hanningfield in London diocese, with

Edmund Woodrove, who resigned in 1463, and John Duke of Norfolk gave it to

Robert Coppin, A.M. and on his death in

1469, to Jeffery Hert, a monk, who was licensed by the Pope to hold it, notwithstanding he was a monk; in 1474, having thrown by his habit, on his being outed from this living by reason of it, he obtained another Pope's dispensation from his habit and all monastick rules, and so becoming a secular, he was re-instituted, and resigned in

1482, to Rob. Hawys, alias Wakerly, priest, a canon regular, who was presented by the King; and at his death in 1490, Eliz. Dutchess of Norfolk gave it to

John Rede, who died in 1544, and Thomas Duke of Norfolk, Treasurer of England, presented

Sir Nicholas Reyner, his chaplain, who in 1554, was succeeded by

Henry Cumbreford, S. T. B. who resigned in

1558, to Oliver Hayber, who resigned in 1659, and the Duke gave it to

Sir Robert Sterling, his chaplain, who in 1603, returned answer, that Miles Branthwait, Esq. was patron of his living, and that he had 46 communicants in his parish.

1618, Henry Townley, on whose death in 1619, the Earl of Arundel gave it to

Rob. Witherel, A. M. who was succeeded by

Edmund Allen in 1658, Witherel dying Jan. 30, in that year. Allen is buried in the nave with this inscription:

M.S. Depositi Edmundi Allen, Viri, insigni probitate pariq; modestia, castis, Sanctisq; moribus, ornati, Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ Sacerdotis, non mediocriter Docti, non immerito laudati, Qui Naturæ cessit quinto die Maij A. D. 1683, Æt. suæ 67.

Abi Lector, et ut tu discas vivere, vive tanquam citò moriturus.

1683, Sam. Hancock, A.M. William Branthwait, Esq. On his death in

1697, Richard Branthwait was presented by Will. Branthwait, Esq. his father, in

1737, John Reddington, rector of Rackhythe, and master of Norwich grammar school, was instituted here, and held it by union with Rackhythe; he is buried under a black marble near the font, on which is this,

In hope of a joyfull Resurrection, here lieth the Body of John Reddington A.M. late Rector of this Parish, & Mary his Wife; he died 24 Sept. 1739, aged 57, and she 18 Feb. 1742, aged 63.

and was succeeded by

John Lombe, clerk, late rector and vicar of Scarning, on whose resignation in

1743, the Rev. Mr. Metyer Reynolds, (fn. 18) the present rector, was presented by Miles Branthwait, Esq. the present patron,

Who hath a handsome seat called Hethill-hall, about two furlongs south of the church; and the parsonage, which is very convenient, and was much beautified by Mr. Reddington, stands about one furlong north-east of the church, which is very neat, as the chancel was also made, by Mr. Reddington. It is leaded, and hath a handsome Venetian window at its east end, the windows in both chancel and church being sashes; the church is 33 feet long, and 22 broad; and the chancel 26 feet long and 13 broad; the nave and north isle are leaded, and the north porch tiled; the steeple is square, about 56 feet high, and hath only one bell.

The arms of Thorp of Ashwellthorp quartering Banyard, and also those of Appleyard, and gul. a chevron arg. between three boars heads in a bordure ingrailed of the 2d, were in the windows, but are now lost. There is a stone by the font for Rob. Hammond Gent. Aug. 15, 1678, Rob. his Son, Oct. 14, 1687, 44.

The Branthwaytes are descended from John Branthwayte of Sebber, or Sedber, in Yorkshire, who married a Clere of Stokesby in Norfolk; and their son,

John Branthwayt, settled at Norwich; (fn. 19) he married Elizabeth Turner of Essex, by whom he had four sons,

I, Richard Branthwayte of Lincoln's Inn, serjeant at law, who married Margaret, daughter of John Bull of London; he had a coat of arms granted him by Rob. Cooke, Clarencieux, by patent dated July 21, 1582, viz. or, two bendlets ingrailed S. Crest, a falcon rising from a rock proper; (fn. 20) he was called to be a serjeant by writ dated at Westminster 25 Nov, 1594, 36 Eliz. and was buried in St. Martin's Ludgate, Oct. 7, 1595; he had one son, Richard, who owned land in Wigenhale 18 James I. and four daughters, the eldest married to Sir William Spencer; 2d, Mary, to Henry Gilling, Gent. of Yorkshire. 3d, Margaret, to Robert Marsham of Norfolk. 4th, Elizabeth to Sir Will. Webbe. (fn. 21)

2, Henry Branthwayt, who was feodary for Norfolk in 1603, and died without issue about 1617; he married Mrs. Davy of Elingham, grandmother to the old Lady Potts.

3, Miles Branthwaite, who purchased Hethill, where he lies buried under an elegant marble monument on the north side of the altar, with the crest and arms of Branthwait at top, with a martlet for difference; and Branthwait impaling Southwell, and this inscription:

The inclosed is the Body of Miles Branthwait Esq. whose Place of Birth, was Peter's parish in Norwich; his wife Mary, one of the Daughters of John Southwell of Barham in the County Suffolk Esq; his Place of death, London; his Day of death the 5th of August 1612, his Age 55 Years; his surviving Issue, one Son & two Daughters.

If Death would take an Answer, he was free, From all those sorts of Ills, that he did see; And gave no Measure, that he would not have Given to him, as hardly, as he gave; [Deathe, Then thou Miles Branthwayte, migh'st have answer'd And to be so moral, migh'st bayle Breathe; Thou wast not yet to dye, but be thou blest, From weary Life, thou art gone to quiet rest.

Joy in thy Freedom, from a Prison thou Wast by God's Hand pluckt out, and liest now, Free from the Dust and Cobwebs of this Vaile, And richer art thou, by thy Heavenly Baile, Than he that shut the up; This Heap of Stones, To thy Remembrance, and to Chest thy Bones, Thy Wife doth consecrate, so sleep 'till when All Graves must open, and yield up their Men.

On the altar tomb lie two effigies at their full lengths; he hath his robes on, and one hand under his head; she hath her hands closed in a praying posture, being buried by him; on the front of the tomb are the effigies of their son Arthur, and their two daughters; Margaret, who married to Sir Robert Leigh of Chigwell in Essex, and Elizabeth, who lies buried by them, with this on a brass plate:

Here resteth 'till her Redeemer cometh, the Body of Elizabeth Branthwayte, on of The Daughters of Miles Branthwayte Esq; who departed this Life the first Day of May, 1621, Ætatissuæ 20.

Memoriæ Sacrum.
A modest, humble, chaste, and vertuous Maide, Is by Death's ruder Hand untimely laide. In this cold Bed; a Mother's Piety, Plac'd here this Marble, to her Memory.

Many a sad Tear hath that Mother shed, Since her dear Fruit was here deposited, Only this Comfort doth those Griefs Controul, That Gracious Heaven received her spotless Soul.

4, Will. Branthwait, master of Caius college in Cambridge, died single, in his vice-chancellorship, Feb. 15, 1618; an account of him may be seen vol. iii. p. 302, and in Fuller's Church History, Cent. 17, fo. 46.

Arthur Branthwayte of Hethill, Esq. son of Miles Branthwayte, by Mary (fn. 22) daughter of John Southwell, was married at Besthorp Febr. 20, 1625, to Mrs. Bridget, daughter of Sir Anthony Drury, Knt. (vol. i. p. 500.) It seems as if he died in 1645, for on the 10th of Feb. in that year, there was an inquisition taken at his death, by W. Davy, Gent. feodary for Norfolk; by which it was found, that he died seized of the aforesaid several manors of Hethill, with the royalties thereto belonging. He had three sons, Arthur Branthwait of London, who married Mrs. Pitt, Miles Branthwait, who died single, and

William Branthwait of Hethill, Esq. who is buried under a marble in the chancel, with the arms of Branthwait impaling Berney, and this,

Here lies the Body of William Branthwait Esq; who upon the first Day of Dec. in the Year of our Lord 1657, married Julian the Dr. of Thomas Berney of Swardeston Esq; by her he had 18 Children, viz. 8 Sons and 10 Daughters, 12 of which lived to be Men & Women, two of his Sons & three of his Daughters married in his Lifetime, & he left at his Death, five Sons and five Daughters, (fn. 23) twenty three Grand-children, & two Great Grand-children; he departed this Life, the 28 Day of Febr. in the Year of our Lord 1710, aged 76 Years. Julian Branthwayte aforesaid, died 29 Nov. 1727, Æt. 88, left living at her Death, 7 Children, 19 Grandchildren, & 20 Great Grand-children.

There are memorials here, for the following children of the said William and Julian:

Here lyeth the Body of Thomas Branthwayte Gent. eldest Son of William Branthwayte Esq; & Julian his wife, who was Dr. of Thomas Berney of Swardeston Esq; he departed this Life, in the Life-time of his Father & Mother, the 6 Day of March, in the Year of our Lord 1676, aged 20 Years. This Stone was laid down in Memory of him, by the Will of his Father, under the Character of his Dear & deservedly beloved Son.

John Branthwayte, doctor of physick, son of William Branthwayte, Esq. and Julian his wife, died at London Jan. 27, 1714.

Sacred to the Memory of William Branthwait Esq; Serjeant at Law, eighth Child and fifth son, of William Branthwayte Esq; (fn. 24) of this Parish, and of Julian his wife; he took to wife, Jemima, only Daughter and Heiress of Augustine Brograve Esq; by whom he had one Daughter, who died an Infant; this Gentleman will be remembered for his Eminence in the Law, sweetness in Temper, and readiness in forgiving Injuries. He dep. Nov. 1, 1729, and was here under buried the 8 of the same month. Æt. 62. (He was of Greys Inn.)

This on a mural monument in the chancel, having Branthwayte's crest and arms, and on a coat of pretence, Brograve, arg. three lions passant guardant in pale gul.

Under an altar tomb enclosed with iron palisades, in the churchyard at the east end of the chancel, lies buried Elizabeth Branthwayte, the 10th daughter and 17th child of William Branthwayte Esq. by Julian his wife, daughter of Thomas Berney of Swerdeston Esq. ob. 21 Febr. 1728, Æt. 48.

Arthur Branthwayte, Esq. of Hethill, second son and heir of William and Julian was of Grey's Inn, barrister at law, an eminent councellor, chosen steward of the city of Norwich in 1691, (fn. 25) which he resigned in 1703, died at his house at Norwich, on Sunday 29th Sept. 1717, and was buried at Hethill in the chancel; there is a stone, with his own and wife's arms impaled, and in a very handsome north chancel isle, lately built over a vault, designed for the burian-place of this family, which is entered by a door on the north side out of the churchyard, as the isle is by two sash doors at the east, are the following achievements, hanging against the wall, viz.

Branthwayte, and Bacon, ar. on a fess ingrailed between three inescutcheons gul. three mullets or.

Branthwayte, and Berney. Ditto and Bacon, with an inescutcheon of pretence of Newton, (fn. 26) and this motto, Incipe. Ditto and Brograve. Motto, Mors janva vitæ.

This isle hath a seat in it for the family to sit in during service:

Sacred to the Memory of Arthur Branthwayte Esq; second Son of William Branthwayte Esq; and Julian his wife sometime Chief Justice of the Isle of Ely, (fn. 27) he took to wife Anne, the only Daughter and Heir of Thomas Bacon, Esq; (fn. 28) second son of Sir Francis Bacon, sometime one of the Judges of the King's Bench, by whom he had Six Sons and six Daughters, whereof Elizabeth, Arthur, Julian, Dorothy, Miles, John, Henry, were living at his Death. Elizabeth his eldest Daughter, married to Tho. Sotherton of Taverham Esq; by whom she had Issue Elizabeth and Thomas, both likewise alive at the Time of his Decease; he departed this Life on the 29th Day of Sept. in the Year of our Lord 1717, aged 58 Years; and will be remembered as a faithfull and able Councellour, a just and mercifull Judge. The above mentioned Anne Branthwayte died Nov. 18, 1729, aged 68. Thomas son of Arthur Branthwayte and Elizabeth his wife, died at Norwich Apr. 1, 1714.

Arthur Branthwayte, Esq. of Hethill, the eldest son and heir, succeeded, and lies buried in the altar rails, with the arms of Branthwayte quartering Bacon, and this,

Sacred to the Memory of Arthur Branthwayte, Esq; whose Body is deposited under this Stone, next to that of his most honoured and worthy Father Arthur Branthwayte Esq; some Time Chief Justice of the Isle of Ely, whose Estate as well as eminent Vertues, he inherited, and was particularly distinguished for his Integrity, brotherly Love, extensive Charity, and constancy in Friendship; which Qualities, with great Zeal and readiness, he always exerted, whenever his Brothers, Friends, Relations, or the Poor, stood in need of them; he died at Bristol the 17 of Oct. in the Year of our Lord 1724, much lamented by all that knew him, and was here buried the 31st Day of the same Month, in the 38th Year of his Age. (fn. 29)

Miles Branthwayte, Esq. of Hethill, the present lord and patron, his next brother, succeeded him. He is a barrister at law, high or capital steward to the Bishop of Norwich, steward of all the courts, general receiver of all the farm rents, &c. and supervisor of all the manors belonging to the see. (fn. 30) He married Rebecca, one of the two daughters and coheiressess of Thomas Newton, Esq. late mayor of Norwich, (fn. 31) who is now deceased and buried here, by whom he hath

Mr. Arthur Branthwayte, fellow commoner of Caius college in Cambridge, and one daughter, Elizabeth, both single.


  • 1. Terra Rogeri Bigoti. Humiliart H. Doms. fo. 121. Hethella tenuit Olfus Teinus T. R. E. ii. car. terre et xxxv. acr. tunc xii. villan. post x. modo xii. tunc et post vii. bord. mo xi. semper ii. serv. tunc ii. car. in dominio post i. modo ii. et i. ecclesia xxx. acr. tunc v. car. hom. post et modo iii. xii. acr. prati, silva lx. porc. modo i. mol. tunc ii. runcin. modo v. tunc v. animal. mo viii. et iii. eque silvatice. tunc xviii. porc. modo xxv. tunc i. ov. modo 80. tunc ii. vasa apum et viii. socm. 30 acr. terre tunc et post. i. car. modo dim. et i. acr. prati, et semper i. berewita Chesewic &c. (as at fo. 29,) tunc valuit cvi. sol. et vid. post vi. lib. modo viii. et habet i. leug. in longo, et vi. quar. in lato, et vi.d. et iii. ferdin. de Gelto.
  • 2. Ketrincham, &c. tunc i. mol. modo nichil sed est in Hetella. Et in
  • 3. Niwetuna xv. acr de dominio de Hathella. (fo. 42.)
  • 4. She is called Christian de Bonington, Ao 4 R. II.
  • 5. See p. 84, 5, under Brakene.
  • 6. See vol. ii. p. 502.
  • 7. See vol. iv. p. 388.
  • 8. Ibid. p. 383.
  • 9. Ibid. p. 384.
  • 10. Ibid p. 386.
  • 11. See vol. ii. p. 136, 523; vol. iii. p. 310-16.
  • 12. Cur. 18 Jan. 20 Eliz.
  • 13. See vol. iv. p. 395, 6.
  • 14. See vol. ii. p. 108, where Haella is by errour interpreted Hale, instead Hethill; Hahilla, Haella, or Hethilla, signifies the enclosed hill.
  • 15. See vol. ii. p. 511.
  • 16. The perke was the rood loft, on which the principal crucifix or rood was placed, before which, there was a light always burning in service time.
  • 17. "Faciendo servitium, de esse meus rotarius," are the very words of the deed.
  • 18. 1740, he was presented by Sir Edm. Bacon of Garboldesham, Bart. to the vicarage of Riburgh Parva.
  • 19. James Branthwayte, rector of Snitterton, seems to have been brother to this John, Vol. i. p. 421.
  • 20. Shirley's Book of Cooke's Grants, p. 197.
  • 21. See vol. ii. p. 276.
  • 22. 1652, 14 July, died Mrs. Branthwaite of Hethhill.
  • 23. Dorothy married to Sir Rich. Berney of Kirby-Bedon, Bart. (Baronetage, Vol. 1. p. 381.) Julian to Mundeford Spelman of Narburgh, Esq. Bridget married John Berney of Westwich, Esq. (Ibid. p. 380.)
  • 24. "William Branthwaite of Swarston in the county of Norfolk, is descended from Ric. Branthwaite of Lincoln's Inn serjeant at law, one of the readers thereof in the reign of Queen Elizabeth." Grandeur of the Law, p. 263.
  • 25. See vol. iii. p. 426.
  • 26. See vol. iv. p. 483.
  • 27. Anna, &c. Arthuro Branthwaite, Armigero, Capitale Justiciario nostro ad placita infra insulam Eliensem in Comitatû Cantabrigiensi tenend. assignat. salutem, &c. Ao Reg. 11.
  • 28. See vol. iv. p. 274.
  • 29. The Rev. Mr. John Branthwayte is now rector of Kettlestone in Norfolk.
  • 30. See vol. iv. p. 555.
  • 31. Ibid. p. 483.