Hundred of Humble-Yard: Keteringham

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1806.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of Humble-Yard: Keteringham', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5( London, 1806), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of Humble-Yard: Keteringham', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5( London, 1806), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "Hundred of Humble-Yard: Keteringham". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5. (London, 1806), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

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Church is dedicated to St. Peter the Apostle; it hath a low square steeple and five bells, is 17 yards long and eight broad, and is tiled, as is the chancel also: it was re-dedicated and newly hallowed in 1535, (fn. 1) and there was then an ancient Gild of St. Peter held here. It was appropriated to the Prior of Pentneye, who as rector, had a house and 52 acres of glebe, and the vicarage had a house and 28 acres of glebe. It was given by Rob. de Vallibus, or Vaux, the founder of Pentneye, (who came with the Conqueror into England,) and was confirmed by William his son and heir. (fn. 2) The rectory was valued first at 10, after at 15 marks, and the vicarage at five marks, but was not taxed; it now stands at 6l. in the King's Books, pays no first-fruits, and being sworn of the clear yearly value of 27l. 12s. 4d. it is discharged of tenths, and is capable of augmentation. It paid 3s. synodals, 6s. 8d. procurations, 7d. Peter-pence, and 3d. ob. carvage; and the portion of tithes belonging to the monks of Thetford was 4s. per annum, given them by Robert de Vaux; (fn. 3) and it paid 3l. 6s. clear to every tenth.


Presented By The Priors Of Pentneye.

Hubert de Chedestane.

1326, John de Diss.

1349, Nic. Wesgate.

1424, John Caldwell.

1426, Jeffry Skinner, res.

1435, John Elyot.

1438, Simon Fuller, ob.

1465, Brother John Lincoln.

William Ive, buried in the chancel, his effigies in brass, and this, remains:
Orate pro anima Domini Willi: Jbe, Canonici, cuius anime pro picietur Deus. Amen.

1490, Richard Bocher.

1490, John Cooke, he was outed, and Bocher had it again.

1501, Henry Smithson.

1515, Richard Wright; he lies buried in the chancel, with this on a brass plate,
In the Honoure of God that ys moost of Myght, Pray for the Sowle of Sir Richard Wryght. On whose Soule Jesu have Mercy.

1520, Henry Hagger.

1530, Richard Hagger, who was the last presented by the convent.

After the Dissolution, King Henry VIII. in the year 1545, granted the impropriate rectory and the advowson of the vicarage to Robert Rumbold, alias Reynbald, and his heirs, to be held in capite by knight's service; and in 1558, Anne, wife of Ben Reynbald, daughter of the said Robert, and Elizabeth her sister, had livery of it, and in 1562, presented

John Dixy.

1568, Adam Each, lapse. 1576, Andrew Thetford, Gent. presented Henry Webb, on whose resignation in

1584, Rob Grey had it of the gift of And. and Tho. Thetford, Esqrs.

1586, Will. Parry. The Queen by lapse.

1591, Robert Jackler, by Andrew and Thomas aforesaid; he resigned in

1602, to Richard Parker, who returned 67 communicants, and was presented by Thomas Thetford, Esq. who in 1607, sold it to Sir Henry Hobart, Knt. Will. Paston, and other trustees, for the use of Sir John Heveningham, Knt. who in 1611, presented

Richard Johnson, A. M. In 1623, Sir Arthur Heveningham was returned impropriator and patron. In

1652, Robert Pecket had it, of the gift of Will. Heveningham, Esq. ob.

1697, Richard Clark. Henry Heron, Esq. ob.

1707, Nath. Saltier. Ditto. He held it united to Olton, and resigned in

1716, to Tho. Tunstall. Henry Heron, Esq. at whose death in

1728, the Rev. Mr. Samuel Clark, A. M. the present vicar, was presented by Edw. Atkyns, Esq. the present patron, and now holds it united to the vicarage of East-Dearham, with the chapel of Hoe, and sinecure rectory of East-Dearham aforesaid.

The chief manor of this town, belonged to Olf the Dane in the Confessor's time, and to Ralf Fitz-Walter at the Conquest, who then held it of Roger Bigot, and it had a church and-40 acres of glebe, was worth 3l. per annum, being a league long, and half a league broad, and paid 6d. ob. geld. (fn. 4) The other manor belonged to Ketel the Dane, at the Confessor's survey, and was held of Ralf Peverell by Warine, at the Conqueror's; (fn. 5) had a faldcourse, and though it was included in the value or estimation of the chief manor, was of but 7s. per annum less value in yearly rents, to its lord.

The chief manor, called afterwards

Argentein's, or Keteringham-Hall Manor,

Came to Robert de Vallibus, or Vaux, from Ralf Fitz-Walter, and he held it of Roger Bigot. This Robert came in with the Conqueror; he left it to William his son and heir; and in 1197, Aubrey de Vere Earl of Oxford died seized of a manor here, which was the head manor, though one third part of the town remained still in the Vauxes, and was after called Castelyn's manor; in 1239, Hugh de Vere Earl of Oxford had it, and gave it Hugh de Cressi, in frank marriage with Margaret his daughter, and died seized in 1262, when, for want of issue of their bodies, it reverted to the Veres, and Robert de Vere Earl of Oxford gave it in frank marriage with Lora his sister, to Sir Reginald de Argentein Knt. and they held it in 1265; in 1315, Sir John de Argenteyn, Knt. his son, was lord, and held in 1345, of the Earl of Oxford at one fee; he was succeeded by Sir John his son, who in 1381 settled it on Sir Will. his son, and Isabel daughter of Sir Will. de Kerdeston, Knt. his wife, after the death of himself and Margaret his wife, who held it in 1383; and in 1390, it appears that their three daughters and their issue, were heirs; namely Maud, wife of Ivo Fitz-Warine, Alice, wife of Baldwin St. George, and Baldwin their son, then 21 years of age; and Joan, wife of Baith. de Naunton, and Margaret their daughter, 40 years old, which Margaret had this manor, and married to a Bukenham, of whose trustees the manor was purchased by Sir Will. Appleyard of Keteringham, Knt. and with Emma his widow, passed to her husband Sir Henry Grey, Knt who lived at Keteringham, and lies buried in the chancel there, with this inscription,
Dere lyth Syre Denry Brey, the Sonne of Syre Thomas Brey myght, of Peton, t of Jone his wife, that was Syngate to the Duke of Dortfolk, that oped at Uenys, and Cnima the Wyfe of the foresaibe Syr berry brey, the Widom of Sir William Appleyard of the said Country Norfolk Esquer, on whose Sowtes Bob have Wercy.

Their effigies in brass, with their hands conjoined as praying, remain on the stone; he is in complete armour, standing on a lion, and there are the arms, of Brotherton impaling Grey, gul. a lion rampant in a bordure ingrailed arg. and Grey impaling Appleyard, az. a chevron or between three owls arg.

The present chancel was rebuilt by these two, (fn. 6) and their arms remain in the east window the same as on their tombstone, and also the arms of England, and Grey impaling or, a lion rampant double quevee gul. Grey impaling gul. a saltier arg. and these: arg. on a fess between three leopards faces gul. three bells of the field, quarterly, 1st, gul. a lozenge arg. 2d, 2 coats quartered, 1st, per bend A. G. 2d, arg. a bend gul. 3d as 2d. 4th arg. on a chevron ingrailed between three crescents er. two lions passant, their heads towards each other. There are also the arms of Fitz-Walter, and a rebus of a tun, with an oaken branch with acorns fixed in the bunghole. In the middle pane is Sir Henry Grey on his knees in complete armour, with Grey's arms single, and crest, on a wreath vert and gul. a lamb's head arg. and arg. on a cross gul. five escalops or. Crest a demi-lion, on which a mullet of five sab. By his will dated in 1492, he gave his manor of Keteringham-hall after their deaths, to

Thomas Hevenyngham, Esq. son and heir of Sir John Heveningham, Knt. and to Anne his wife, daughter to Dame Jane Grey, wife to the said Sir Henry Grey, and their heirs, with remainder to William Grey of Merton, and his heirs; and thus it became the residence of the ancient family of the

Heveninghams, who had their sirname from the town of that name in Suffolk, and hath been very honourably matched; and if we may credit many accounts, (fn. 7) Jeffery de Heveningham was lord there in Canute's time, Ao 1020; but as the former part of their pedigree does not relate to this town, I shall not begin with the account of the family earlier than

Thomas Heveningham aforesaid, Esq. the great favourite of the Duke of Gloucester, who settled an annuity of 10l. on him for life, out of his manor of Rothing-Berners in Essex. He died in 1499, and is buried in the chancel here, with this inscription,
Orate pro anima Thome Heveningham Armigeri, Fillii et Heredis Johannis Heveningham Militis et Banneretti qui obiit ultimo die Januarii, Anno Domini M. cccclrrrrir. cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

The tomb is on the south side of the altar, built in part into the wall, the brass plates are fixed over it, and the foregoing inscription over his head, and the following over her's:

Orate pro anima Anne nuper Uroris Thome Heveningham, Filie et Heredis Thome Yerde Armigeri, (fn. 8) que obiit die Anno Do- mini Mccccc (viii) cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

They are both in praying postures; behind him are four sons, and behind her are four daughters. There are also the arms of

Heveningham, quarterly or and gul. in a bordure ingrailed sab. nine escalops arg (fn. 9) quartering Redisham.

Courtney, or, three torteauxes, with a label of three az. for difference, impaling or, in a bordure ingrailed gul. three catherinewheels sab.

John Heveningham, son of the said Thomas, (fn. 10) succeeded, and married Alice, daughter of Sir Ralf Shelton the younger of Shelton in Norfolk, Knt. he died in 1530, and is buried in the chancel, with this on a brass plate,
Hic iacet Johannes Debeningham, filius Thome Debeningham Armigeri, cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

Sir Anthony Heveningham, his son and heir, was made a banneret by King Henry VIII. and married first Katherine, daughter and heir of Sir Philip Calthorp, by whom he had Henry, his son and heir, who died without male issue, by Anne his wife, daughter of Eden of Suffolk; as did Amy their daughter, who married to Sir Edmund Windham of Felbrigge, Knt. In 1546, he settled by fine on himself and Mary daughter of Sir John Shelton the elder, of Shelton, Knt. his then wife, the manors of Heveningham, Ubbeston, Cookeley, Walpole, and Sibeton in Suffolk, and on their heirs; and in 1557, he held the manor of Westbarrow-hall, of the honour of Ralegh, and Totham Parva, and Goldhanger in Essex, and died the year following, and according to his will, is buried by his last wife, under a tomb on the north side of the chancel, which hath lost its inscription, but the arms of Heveningham, with helmet, crest, and supporters, and those of Shelton, with a helmet and crest, and two talbots arg. collared and chained gul. for supporters; and the same two coats impaled, lately remained. She remarried to Philip Appleyard, Esq. but died soon after, leaving

Sir Arthur Heveningham, Knt. her son and heir, who about 1570, appears to have been lord of this, with the manors of Fretenham, Gissing, Shropham and South-Walsham in Norfolk, Heveningham, Ubestone, Walpole, Cookeley and Sibton in Suffolk, and Goldhanger in Essex; he married Mary daughter of Hanchet of Hertfordshire, who lies buried in the chancel with this,

Here lyeth buried the Body of the Lady Mary Heveningham, Wife to Sir Arthur Heveningham Knt. (fn. 11) Nov. 9, 1633.

On an adjoining stone is this: Here lyeth buried the body of Sir Arthur Heveningham Knt. who died Oct. 8, 1630. Sir John Heveningham Knt. (fn. 12) his son, inherited at his death; he married first, Katherine, daughter of Lewes Lord Mordaunt, she died 1602, and he married again to Bridget, daughter of Christopher son of Sir William Paston of Paston in Norfolk, Knt.; she lies buried in the chancel, with the arms of Heveningham impaling Paston, and this

Here lies buried the Body of the Lady Bridget late wife to Sir John Heveningham Knt. deceased, and Grandchild to Sir William Paston of Paston in the County of Norfolk Knt. ob. June 9, 1624. On another stone, Here lieth buried the Body of Sir John Heveningham Knt. Son and Heir of Sir Arthur, ob. 17 June 1633.

William Heveningham, Esq. (fn. 13) his son and heir by his second wife, inherited; he was of this town and Hockwold in Norfolk; and married first, Katherine daughter of Sir Henry Walop, of Farley in Hantshire, by whom he had no issue: this man was one of the judges of King Charles I. for which, at the Restoration, he was deservedly tried and convicted, and all his estate forfeited for that unparalleled villainy; but being one of those nineteen regicides that surrendered themselves upon the proclamation of the 6th of June 1660, he had his life saved; and the year following, Mary, daughter of John Earl of Dover, his second wife, obtained a patent from King Charles II. for most, if not all, her husband's estate, particularly that of Heveningham and this manor, which she enjoyed during her life. On the north side of the altar is a handsome monument of black and white marble, with the effigies of a man and woman, each having a child by them, (fn. 14) in a praying posture before a reading-desk, and to the table on which the inscription is wrote, is fixed an angel with his wings expanded, holding an infant in swadling clothes; at the top are the arms of Heveningham impaling Cary, arg. on a bend sab. three roses of the field, with a crescent gul. for difference.

This Monument was erected by the Right Honourable the Lady Mary Heveningham, for her deceased Husband, her Self, and Children, the Daughter and Grandaughter of the Right Honourable Henry and John Carey, Viscounts Rochford, Barons of Hunsdon, and Earls of Dover, and of Abigail Countess of Dover.

Under this Pyramid of Marble lies, Both Root and Branch of noble Progenies, His matchless Lady him secur'd, brought home, In Peace deceas'd, lies umbrag'd in this Tomb. Where undisturbed, may their slumbering Dust, Rest 'till the Resurrection of the Just.

Inclyta magnifici cernis Monumenta Sepulchri Fortè Brevi Spatio, Fata futura Tua.

Reader consider what thou here dost see In a few Moments thine own Fate may be. Anno Domini 1678.

They are both buried in a vault under the altar; the coffin of this traitour and his bones are now wholly broken to pieces, which seems to have been done designedly, for his head or scull is laid upon his wife's coffin, (fn. 15) which is very entire; she died at her house in Jermyn-street, London, in Jan. 1696; in the same vault is a child's coffin.

Sir William Heveningham, their son and heir, was knighted at Whitehall in 1674; he married Barbara, daughter of George Villiers Viscount Grandison of Ireland, by whom he had Abigail, his only heiress, who married to Henry Heron, Esq. and they sold it to

Edward Atkyns, Esq. son and heir of Sir Edward Atkyns, Knt. Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, who is the present lord and patron, and resides at Keteringham-hall, which is a good seat in a pleasant country, about four miles distant from the city of Norwich.

There are monuments in the church for, Barbara the youngest daughter of Sir Arthur Heveningham, Knt. the wife of Tho. Bradley, 17 Sept. 1634. And a brass shows, that William son of Clere Talbot, LL. D. died in this parish Aug. 29, 1635. On the font were the arms of Redisham and Grey, with a label of five points. In the chancel is a brass plate with a small effigies, and this,
Hic iacet Johannes Colbile Fillius Richard Colbile Armigeri cuius anime tc.

There are altar tombs in the churchyard for, Henry, fourth son of Sir Arthur Heveningham, Knt. Aug. 17, 1657, aged 71. Tho. 2d son of Sir Arthur, 11 Sept. 1651, aged 67. Lady Gilbert eldest daughter to Sir Arthur, April 1646.

Tho. Aid 26 July, 1665, 72. Anne his wife, 10 April, 1664, 63.

Here Two in One at rest reposed be, In Expectation of the One in Three.

This man was a wholesale tailor in Norwich, and raised great fortunes there, and was father of John Ayde or Aid of Horsted, Esq. lord of that manor.

On the north side is an altar tomb with the arms of a lion rampant only, and these two verses out of the Psalms:

What Man is he that liveth and shall not see Death? shall he deliver his Sovl from the Grave? Selah.

But God will redeem my Sovl from the Power of the Grave, for he shall receive me? Selah.

Castelyn's Manor

Belonged to Ketel the Dane, after to Warine, of whom it was held at the Conqueror's survey, by Ralf Peverel, (see p. 91,) and passed with Peverel's manor in Great Melton, as at p. 18; and in 1237, Oliver de Vaux, lord of Keteringham, granted a third part of this town to Richard de Rupella, or Rokele, which was added to this manor. In 1385, Nicholas de Castello, or Castelyn, (from whom it took its name,) was lord of it, and had view of frankpledge, assise of bread and ale, and lete in his manor, allowed by the justices in Eire, on condition he paid yearly to the King's hundred of Humbleyard 14d. ob. q. In 1306 it was held by Will. de Ros, Maud his wife, and Petronel de Vaux, of Roger Bigot Earl of Norfolk. In 1345, Will de Bokenham held it at a fourth part and half a quarter of a fee, of Nic. de Castello, who held it of Will. de Rokele, he of the heirs of Roos, they of the Earl-Marshal, and he of the King. In 1364, Sir Thomas de St Omer of Brundale had it, and Alice, daughter of Petronel his wife, after married to Sir Will. de Hoo, Knt. and Eliz. their daughter then 12 years old, and after married to Tho. de Warine, were coheirs, and in the King's custody; and in 1372, Warine and his wife released all his right to Sir Thomas and his wife; see p. 76. In 1402, he released all his right in this manor calle Castelyn's, and all his lands thereto belonging, in Keteringham, Stanfield in Windham, Carleton, Curson, Intwood, Cantelose, and Hethersete, to William Parker and Stephen Spelman, citizens and mercers of London; and in 1404, Sir Thomas Hoe his son confirmed it. In 1495, Sir Henry Grey joined it to Keteringham-Hall manor, with which it now continues.

Kangham's Manor

Very anciently belonged to William de Keteringham, after to Sibil de Keteringham, and then to Peter their son, who granted part of it, by deed without date, to Will. de Curzon of Stanfield, and Robert his son, in the presence of Sir Richard de Curzon (fn. 16) of Stanfield in Windham, and Sir John de Curzon (fn. 17) of Keteringham; and this William (fn. 18) gave in marriage with Alice his daughter, to Will. de Kangham, who released one part of it again to Oliver de Keteringham, on condition the said Oliver paid for the said William, to the church of Keteringham St. Peter, 2s. yearly for wax to be burnt before the cross and altar of St. Mary there. This part was sold in 1342, by Tho. de Keteringham and Sciencia his wife, to John de Houton and Ivetta his wife; but Kangham's part, which was much the largest, was held by Alice de Kangham in 1274, at three parts of a fee, of the Vauzes, which she divided into many parts, selling some to John son of Simon de Hedersete, Nic. de Castello, Will. Carpenter, &c. with consent of William her son, and Clemence her daughter; another part she granted to Andrew her son, who conveyed it to Richard son of Ric. le Curzon, who had all the part that remained unconveyed, by deed from the said Alice de Kangham; and in 1256, this Richard held it with Stanfield-Hall manor in Windham, as at p. 502, vol. ii.; it was then valued at 4l. 13s 2d. rents, and had 27 acres in demean, and it continued with Stanfield, till Henry Heveningham of Keteringham purchased a part of it, which was after joined to Keteringham manor, and the other part still remains with Stanfield.

The Prior of Pentneye had a manor here composed of divers parcels, given by the lords of the other manors, viz. Robert de Vaux, Richard de la Rokele, and Alice de Kangham, who in 1249, granted to Simon Prior of Pentney, 28 acres of land, 8 acres of wood, and 5s. rent, and the whole was held at half a quarter of a fee of the honour of Forncet, and was taxed at 38s. 10d. and at the Dissolution it was granted from the Crown with the impropriate rectory, and with that became united to the other manors.

William Curson (see vol. ii. p. 517) and others, gave lands here to Windham monastery, which at the Dissolution were granted to Sir Edward Clere: the Prior of St. Faith's had 6s. rent here; and in 1314, the Prior of Hauley was found to hold the fourth part of a fee in Keteringham, of John Peverell, which was after released from that priory, and joined to Casteleyn's manor.


  • 1. John Borowe in 1533, was buried at Keteringham, "I give to halowing the said church 20s." Regr. Godsalve, fo. 78.
  • 2. Monast. Ang. Vol. II. fo. 19.
  • 3. Vol. ii. p. 109.
  • 4. Terra Rogeri Bigoti. H. Humiliart, fo. 622, Domsd. Kitrincham tenuit idem Olfus T. R. E. ii. car. terre, modo tenet Ranulfus filius Galteri semper iiii. vill. et xii. bord. tunc iii. serv. mo i. semper ii. car. in dominio et i. car. et dim. hom. viii. acr. prati semper ii. runc. i. ecclesia xl. acr. tunc i. mol. modo nul. sed est in Hetella. tunc i. anim. mo iii. mo xx. porc. et lxxx. ov. et viii. soc. xl. acr. semper i. car. et dim. tunc et post valuit l. sol. modo lx. et habet i. leug. in longo et dimid. in lato, et xvi.d. et obulum de gelto. Quicunque ioi teneat. Sub eodem titulo fo. 137. In KetRincham v. liberi homines dim. commend. tantum sub. antec. Rogeri et dimidia commendatione sub antec. Godrici et habent i. car. terre et xvi. acr. modo tenet Radulfus filius Galteri semper i. bor. tunc et post ii. car. mo i. car. et dim. et iiii. acr. prati et val. x. sol. Rex et Comes de omnibus istis liberis hominibus socam.
  • 5. Sub tit. Terra Rannulfi Peverelli, fo. 261. H. Humiliart. Keterincham tenet idem Garinus qo tenuit Ketel T. R. E. i. car. terre et dim semper iii. bor. et i. car. et dim. in dominio et dim. car. hom. iiii. acr. prati semper i. runc. et vii. porc. mo xl. oves, et iiii. liberi homines soca falde. et commend. tantum xv. acr. et dim. car. et i. acr. prati tunc val. xxx. sol. post xl. modo lx. et liberi homines val. iii. sol. et sunt in eodem pretio. (sc. with the chief manor.)
  • 6. N. B. There is an errour in the print of the foregoing inscription, for Emma wife of Sir Hen. Grey was not widow, but daughter of Will. Appleyard, Esq. and he was not a knight.
  • 7. Weever, fo 854. Atlas of Norfolk, p. 309.
  • 8. The inscription is thus in Weever, and on the stone; but as Mr. LeNeve observes, there seems to be a contradiction between the will of Sir Henry Grey and this inscription, for in the former, this Anne is said to be daughter of Jane, wife of the said Sir Henry Grey, (who is called Emma on the monument,)and here she is said to be daughter of Tho. Yerde, Esq.; he would have this a mistake, for Will Appleyerd, Esq.;but in the pedigree she is called so, and the arms of Yerde, or Yard, arg. a chevron between three water-budgets gul. are placed as belonging to her; the words of Sir Henry's will are, 28 Sept. 1492,"as touching my Maners, Lands, and Tenements hereafter following, first I will that my Lord Edmund of Suffolk, with all other the Feofees of my Maner of Keteringham alias Keteringham-hall, shall stand seized thereof to the Use of me Syr Harry Grey and Jane my Wife, term of our two Lives, and the longest Liver, and after to the Use of the Executor of the longest Liver for Payment of Debts and Performance of our Wills, and after eight Years after the Death of the longest Liver, to remain to Tho. Heveningham Esq. son and heir of John Heveningham Knt. and to Anne his Wife, Daughter to the said Dame Jane Grey, wife to the said Sir Henry Grey, and to the Heirs of their two Bodies lawfully begotten," with remainder, &c. By which it seems to me, that this Anne was the daughter of Jane or Emma, daughter of Will. Appleyard, Esq. by Tho. Yarde, a first husband.
  • 9. The arms of this family seem to be compounded of those of the Veres, as Sir Henry Spelman in his Aspilogia, fo. 49, takes notice, with a bordure sab. bezantè added, as holding their lands of that family; and indeed it doth not appear, that any of this family used these arms before Sir John de Heveningham, Knt. son and heir of Philip, son and heir of Roger, and he sealed with them in 1358.
  • 10. He is called a knight in most evidences, but in reality was not so. In 1615, he was feoffee to Augustine Stratton, for his manor of Weston in Norfolk; and in 1513, he was feoffee for Kirby-Cane manor, and by the name of Sir John Heveningham, Knt. infeoffed his son Anthony.
  • 11. He was knighted by King James I. at White-hall Jan. 2, 1617, high sheriff of Norfolk in 1581, and in 1603.
  • 12. High sheriff of Norfolk in 1615, member for the county 3d Car. I.
  • 13. He repaired the house and chapel at Keteringham in 1648, made the plantation of trees there. High sheriff of Norfolk in 1635.
  • 14. That by him is a boy, and that by her a girl.
  • 15. Theplate on the coffin hath this, The Right Honourable the Lady Mary Heveningham, Dr. and Heiress of John Earl of Dover, died Jan. 19, 1695, 6.
  • 16. He was William's brother, both sons of the Lady Catherine.
  • 17. He gave to the Norwich monks 12d. a year out of this manor.
  • 18. He gave 5 acres to Bungey priory, which Alice, prioress there, and the convent, granted to Herbert Skilman of Hethersete, and his heirs.