Hundred of Humble-Yard: Newton

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1806.

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Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of Humble-Yard: Newton', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5( London, 1806), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'Hundred of Humble-Yard: Newton', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5( London, 1806), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "Hundred of Humble-Yard: Newton". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 5. (London, 1806), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

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Or the New-town, so called to distinguish it from other places of the same name, Newton-Stoneham, or Stony-Newton, but most commonly Newton-Flotman, from the flote or ferry-boat, which used to convey possengers over the river Taüs, which, though a considerable stream in ancient days, is now but a small river, dividing this town from that of Taseburgh, generally fordable, except in high waters, when it is passed over by a very good brick arched bridge, repaired at the expense of the county. At the time of the Conqueror, this was a very inconsiderable village, the old village of Ranthorp, now swallowed up in this, being by much the largest part of it; Tovi then had it, (fn. 1) and it had 15 acres belonged to the manor of Hethil, (fn. 2) which, with another small part, belonged to Roger Bigot, (fn. 3) all which constituted

The Manor of Blundeville's, or Newton-Hall,

Which had its name from its owners, and to which the mediety of the advowson of the church belonged; the first that I find of this name owner here, was Will. de Blundeville, Blomevyle, or Blunnel, (fn. 4) who had it of the gift of Henry de Rhye, with Blomevyle's manor in Depham, (vol. ii. p. 491,) he left it to Richard his son, who was lord in 1226, being nephew to Tho. de Blumville Bishop of Norwich, (vol. iii. p. 483,) he was succeeded by William Blumvyle, and he by Katherine his widow; (fn. 5) and William their son held it of the manor of Hingham, as of the barony of Rhye; and it was after held of the barony of Montchensy at a quarter of a fee; in 1388, Rich. Blumvyle held it, and in 1420, Will. Blumvyle, Esq. who was succeeded by Ric. Blomevyle, Esq. and he by Catherine his wife, (fn. 6) and she by Richard their son, who died in 1503; Ralph his brother succeeded, and died in 1514, whose son Edward was lord, and died in 1568; and in 1569, Thomas his son held a court baron and lete, and had purchased and joined to it three parts of

The manor of Myles, alias Ranthorp, in this town; he held the manor at half a fee of the Lord D'acre's manor of Horsford.

The advowson of Blomevyle's mediety in Newton church, was a rectory valued at nine marks, and had 12 acres of glebe.


1294, John Blumvyle, rector; he was escheator for the King in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgshire, Huntingdonshire, Essex, and Hertfordshire, in 1289. Will. de Blumville, patron.

1317, Master Nic. Blumvyle. Katherine, widow of William de Blumville of Newton.

1334, Ric. Boghay. Eve, daughter of Sir John Clavering, guardian to Will. son and heir of Will. Blumvyle.

1338, Jeffry at Herne of Swainsthorp. John Flynt, guardian to the said William.

1345, Richard Hudde. Will. Blumvyle, res.

1346, Roger Blumvile. Ditto.

1388, Alan Smith of Taseburgh. Ric. Blumvyle, Esq. who presented the four following rectors:

1391, John Mersce.

1406, Stephen Drewe of Burston.

1414, Richard Osteler.

1418, Seaman Ketleburgh.

1420, John Copuldyke. Will. Blomvyle, Esq. who presented the four following rectors:

1421, Robert Grubbe, who changed for Rougham vicarage in Norfolk in

1427, with Benedict Bishop.

1437, Robert Edwards.

1447, John Thompson, united for life to the other mediety; he resigned both, and in

1448, Simon Blake was presented to this mediety by Will. Blomvyle, Esq. Nic. Pokking, John Intewood, and John Storour, his feoffees; and to the other mediety by Nic. Appleyard of Brakene-ash. Esq. and Margaret his wife, Edm. Wichingham; and soon after they were consolidated in the said Simon, and have remained so ever since.


Malherbe's, otherwise called Myles, or Mills manor,

Belonged to Ailwin in the Confessor's time, (fn. 7) and was held by William, of Roger de Ramis, (fn. 8) in the Conqueror's, and another part belonged to Waregius who held it of Roger Bigot: (fn. 9) It after came to the Crown, and continued there till King Hen. II. leased it out to Roger son of Rosceline, and King Ric. I. Ao. 1189, gave it to Oliver Malherbe, who then paid two marks to the King, for the implements of husbandry and stock upon it: (fn. 10) in 1256, William Malherbe had it, and after him Sir Ralf Malherbe, who was lord in 1280, and in 1290, King Edward I. granted him free-warren to all his demeans here, by the name of William de Carliol. It now was divided into four parts; in 1321, a fourth part belonged to John de Ovedale, who held it of John de Clavering by the 4th part of a fee, and had the 4th part of the advowson of the mediety of the church, belonging to it; this continued as a separate manor a long time, and was called D'ovedale's manor, of which Peter de Ovedale of Tacolneston was lord in 1322. In 1316, Sir Ralf Malherbe had another 4th part, and presented here; and in 1319. Godfrey de la Rokele presented in right of another 4th part, which in 1331, was conveyed by Sir Robert son of Robert de la Rokele, Knt. and Reginald de Nerford and Margaret his wife, to Jeffry de la Salle of Norwich; and in 1346, Barth. de Salle (fn. 11) conveyed it to Rich. de Bitering of Norwich, Nic. Kemp of Westwyk, and William Ode junior of Saxthorp; and in 1361, this part of the manor and advowson, was conveyed by Tho. Cole, Will. Asger, Nic. Whitefoot, and John Tilney, citizens of Norwich, to Barth. Appleyard, citizen of Norwich, and Emma his wife, and their heirs, they being feoffees to Barth. de Salle. Sir Ralf Malherbe's part was joined to the other 4th part, which in 1306 was held by John de Reynsthorp, who dwelt here, and took his name from this place, and held it at half a fee of Forncet manor; but he parted with his right in the two 4th turns of the advowson of the mediety of the church; Ric. de Boyland had it after him, and Will. de Rees after him. in 1383, Adam Humfry of Salle had it, and died in 1385, leaving Margaret his daughter and heiress, who was a ward of Barth. Appleyard's, who paid 10 marks to the manor of Forncet for her marriage; and the said Bartholomew, the same year, purchased the right of Thomas de Bumpstede in the advowson, and had it settled in trust on Thomas Spynk, Will. Eaton, and others, and obtained the marriage also of the daughter and heiress of Thomas de Bumpstede; and in 1389, the Countess of Norfolk, granted to Jeffry Massingham, the marriage of Maud, daughter and heiress of Thomas son and heir of Adam Humfry, and Maud his wife, of Refham. In 1432, John Sweynsthorp had it, and Loveney after him. In 1444, Tho. Bumpstede, senior, of Taseburgh, Esq. Master Will. Ludham, chaplain, and Henry Rant, chaplain, his trustees, conveyed his part of it then called Milys's manor, to Nicholas Appleyard, Esq. and Margaret his wife, Sir John Clifton, Knt. Edm. Wichingham, Esq. and Thomas Trute, clerk, their feoffees, which was conveyed to Bumpstede, &c. by John Hare, parson of Saxlingham; and in 1466, Margaret, relict of Nic. Appleyard, Esq. conveyed Miles's manor to John Appleyard, Esq. in tail, remainder to Will. his brother, (fn. 12) remainder to Henry, another brother, remainder to Barth. another brother, with an over remainder to Eliz. and Anne, their sisters, and their heirs; John Appleyard, Esq. inherited, and in 1498, settled it on Sir Rob. Clere, (fn. 13) Sir Phil. Calthorp, Sir Hen. Heydon, Sir John Windham, Knts. and John Grice, Gent. his trustees, to the use of Nicolas his son, who succeeded, and left it to John his son and heir; and in 1515, Thomas Blomevyle, Esq had purchased three parts of it, and joined them to Blomevyle's manor, so that he had all but the 4th part, with the 4th part of the advowson of Malherbe's mediety, which was sold by Nicholas Appleyerd before 1557, to Edward Blomvyle, Esq. who then became sole patron. The 4th part of the manor passed as a single manor in the Appleyerds, and in 1528, Roger Appleyerd, Esq. died seized of it, and John his son and heir inherited after the death of Eliz. his mother. In 1538, Robert Clere had it in trust, and afterwards Sir John Clere, Knt. for John Appleyard. In 1555, John Appleyerd of Brakene-ash, Esq. and Thomas Chapman, Gent. son and heir of Alexander Chapman, Esq. deceased, sold to Will. Bigot of Stratton in Norfolk, Gent. and John Strote of Reepham, clerk, and their heirs, in fee simple, the manor of Myles or Mills. In 1609, Thomas Baxter, Gent. in right of his wife, who was late the wife of Alexander Chapman, and before that, of James Bigot, Gent. (fn. 14) held his manor of Reynesthorp in Newton Flotman, Taseboro and Swainsthorp, at half a fee of the manor of Forncet. In 1676, John Lackford conveyed it to William Lackford, and both joined and settled it on Edmund Rolf; it after belonged to the Bedingfields, and was sold from that family, to Mr. Richard Carter of Norwich, and his widow sold it to Mr. Bateman, of whom it was purchased under a commission of bankruptcy, by Richard Wright of Norwich, whose son Mr. Rich. Wright is the present owner.

The mediety called Malherbe's, in Newton church, was valued at nine marks, and had 12 acres of glebe.


1294, Gilbert Malherbe.

1316, Richard de Bourne of Long-Stratton. Sir Ralf de Malherbe, Knt.

1319, Will. de Estone. Godfrey de Rokele this 4th turn.

1337, Roger Bonde. Rica. de Bradenham for this 4th turn. (fn. 15)

1362, Will. atte Hawe of Hardingham. Will. de Colney and John de Snoryng, for this 4th turn. He resigned in

1379, to John Clark of Gressenhall, in exchange for South Walsham St. Mary. Tho. Bumpstede, citizen.

1390, Thomas Paynot. Mary Haukere of Redenhall.

1401, Rich. Burgoyne. Will. Rees, esquire to the King's body, as guardian to Bumpstede's heirs.

1416, Rich. Osteler, who held it united to the other mediety, and at his death in 1431, Will. Blomevyle gave it to

John Keer of Atleburgh; and in 1447, when Keer resigned,

John Thompson was presented by Nic. Appleyard of Braken-ash, and Will. Blomevyle of Newton, Esqrs. and held it united to the other mediety; and on his resignation,

Simon Blake succeeded, and the two medieties were consolidated, as before.

The consolidated rectory stands by the name of Newton Flotman, in the King's Books; it is valued at 10l. and pays first fruits, and 1l. per annum tenths, and is not capable of augmentation. It paid 14d. Peter-pence, 3d. ob. carvage, 18d. synodals, and 6s. 8d. procurations. The portion of the tithes out of the demeans, belonging to Thetford prior, was 5s.; the portion of tithes belonging to the Prior of St. Faith, was 13s. 4d. (fn. 16) and his temporals 2s. as were the temporals of the Prioress of Carhoe. Here was a gild of St. Peter, which in 1492 had an alderman and many brethren. The terrier hath 22 acres and an half of glebe, and the whole village paid 3l. clear, to each tenth.

Rectors of Newton, After the Consolidation.

1467, John Tolbye. Rich. Blomevyle, Esq.

1490, John Manfield, a friar-minor, commonly called Brother John Carr. Kat. relict of Richard Blomevyle, Esq.; he was deprived in 1504, and

Edward Pennant, a great acquaintance of Sir Edw. Howard, Knt. otherwise called Edward ap Res, clerk, was instituted by lapse.

1509, Thomas Warde. Nic. Appleyard, Esq.

1517, Henry Woodhouse, on Warde's deprivation. John Brooke and Constance his wife. At his death in

1540, Richard Hudson. John Robsart, Esq. in right of the jointure of Elizabeth his wife; at his death in

1557, Will. Knightbridge had it of the gift of Edw. Blomevyle, Esq. who at his death in 1559, gave it to

John Beare, and at his death in

1566, to John Skeet. In 1567, Thomas Blundevile, Esq. settled Blumvyle's manor, &c. on John Blumvyle in trust for the said Thomas, who presented the three following rectors:

1570, John Fenton.

1576, George Reynolds; and at his death in

1596, William Reynolds, who returned answer, that he had 113 communicants in this parish. In 1616, James Goodinge and Richard Deane, Gents conveyed the manor to Lionel Seman, Gent. In 1626, at Reynolds's death,

Thomas Stokes, A. M. was presented by Rowland Meyrick of Taseburgh, Esq. in right of Elizabeth his wife, and held it united to Carleton Rode.

Samuel Stalham, on whose death in

1672, Samuel Snowden, A. M. succeeded, and held it united to Swainsthorp. John Burman of Brakendale for this turn.

1721, The Rev. William Berney, clerk, the present rector, holds it united to the rectory of Frettenham, and curacy of Dunston. He was presented by Mathew Long, Esq. who was succeeded in the advowson and lordship by

Israel Long, Esq. of Dunston, who is the present lord of Newton-hall manor, (fn. 17) with the three parts of Malherbe's, and sole patron of

The church, which is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and was rebuilt in 1385, by the lords of the manors, and the parishioners. Thomas de Bumpstede, citizen of Norwich, gave 50l. towards it. This church is 28 yards long, and 7 broad, but hath no isles; it is leaded, as is the chancel also, the south porch is tiled; it hath a square tower and two bells; there is an inscription on the battlements, which are so high I could not read it, nor make out all the arms carved there; but among them are, 1st, Blundeville impaling five de-lises. Ditto impaling Gurnay. Over the vault (in which many of the Blundeviles are interred) against the north wall is erected an inarched monument, having Noah's ark figured therein, with this, Irtta Ecclesiam non est Salus, and on either side a square pillar vert, the whole supported with four marble pillars, dividing it into three partitions; in the first of which are three men in armour, in a praying posture, with each a reading-desk before them, and over them,
Richardus Blondevyle obiit Ano Dni. 1490, Etatis sue 85 Radulphus Blondevile obiit Ano Dni. 1514, Etatis sue 45 Edwardus Blondevile obiit Dni. 1568, Etatis sue 75 Tho. Blondevyle Posuit 1571.

Here lyes in Grave, nowe thre tymes done, The Grandsire, Father, and the Sone, Theyr Names, theyr Age, and when they dyed, Above their headds is speryfyed, Theyr Sheyld of Arms doth eke declare, The Stocke wyth whom they mached were, They lyved well, and dyed as well, And nowe with God in Heaven they dwell, And thear do prayse hus holn Name, God graunt that we may do the same.

1. Blundeville, quarterly per fess indented or and az. a bend G. impales Inglosse.

2. Ditto impales Gurnay. 3. Ditto impales Godsalve. And on the stone work just under the brass plates, are painted two shields, in the first,

Blundevile quarters Ardesley, arg. a fess fusillé gul. in chief three bulls heads cooped sab. in base Hemenhale. On the 2d, Blundevile quarters Sir Rauf Hemenhal or Hemnal's arms.

In the second partition is the effigies of a man in armour, kneeling at a faldstool, with a book, and his helmet lying thereon, he being bareheaded; over him,
Thomas Blundevile, Filius Edwardi.

And under him are two shields.

1. Blundevile impales Johnson, or, a water-budget, on a chief sab. three bezants.

2. Blundevile impales Puttingham or Puttenham, sab. crusuly, a stork arg. quartering,

Warbleton, or Warburton, lozengé or and B.

In the third partition are four effigies in stone, viz. two wives and two daughters, and over them,
Rosa et Margareta Urores Thome Blundevile cum Fil' suis Elizabetha et Patientia.

Under them, sab. a lion rampant between three croslets crossed arg. impaled with Blundevile, and Blundevile single.

On a small black marble monument,

Here lyeth Patience the wife of Robert King, and daughter of Tho. Blundevyle, who lived vertuously, and died religiously, Jan. 7, 1638.

Disce Mori. Mr. Robert Edwards late of this Parish, died Febr. 3, 1732, 68.

There are stones in the church for Edward Youngs, Nov. 8, 1655, John Youngs 1625; and there was formerly a stone in the chancel for, Thomas Warden, Gent. son of Edward Warden, late alderman of Norwich, ob. 22 March, 1582. Arms, a cross frette.

In 1511, John Bremer, Gent. of Newton, was buried there, and gave Surlingham to Nic. his eldest son, and his house in Newton, &c. and Nether-hall in Saxlingham, to John his 2d son; and his estate in Saxlingham-Thorp, to Edward his youngest son; Olive his wife, Lettice, Anne, and Elizabeth, his daughters, survived him.

In 1552, Cecily Fastolf of Newton gave a legacy to Ric. Blumvyle, Gent. and Edw. Fastolphe, Gent. and Florence his sister, who were her nephews and neice.

The family of the Newtons take their name from this town, where they had a good estate, which was a capital messuage with divers rents belonging to it, that was owned in 1309, by John de Newton, in 1324, by Thomas Newton, in 1475, by Will. de Newton, who sold part of it, and released divers rents to Nic. Appleyard, Esq. and John Appleyard, senior, and their heirs. In 1477, Margaret, widow of John Newton, released Newton's Place here, to Will. of Newton her son, whose son William, in 1503, by the name of Will. Newton of Wreningham, and his feoffees, John Manfield, late of Newton, clerk, and John Wardeyn, rector of Wreningham, conveyed the greatest part of it to Nic. Appleyard of Brakene, Esq. and John his son and heir, and Will. Neve of Betelee, his trustee, and so it was joined to Ranthorp manor.


  • 1. Terra Toui. H. Humiliart. Doms. fo. 279. In Niwetuna ii. liberi homines, xxx. acr. de uno et dim. habuit antecessor Rogeri Bigot comd. T. R. E. et de dimidio antecessor Radulfi de Bellofago, semper v. bor. et i. car. et iiii. acr. prati, et iiii. liberi homines de xii. acr. et dim tunc valuit x. sol. modo xiii. sol et iiii. d.
  • 2. Terra Rogeri Bigoti. H. Humiliart. Doms. fo. 122. In Niwetuna xv. acr. de de dominio de Hethella semper i. car. et i. mol. et val. v.s. (fo. 139.)
  • 3. In Niwetuna i. lib. homo, xv. acr. et. ii. bor. et val. xvi.d.
  • 4. He seems to be son of Robert de Blomevyle, who lived here about 1190.
  • 5. 1360, Bertram de Blunnel released all his right to William, and Katherine his wife.
  • 6. 1495, Katherine Blomevyle died a widow, and Lady Eleanor Jenny administered.
  • 7. Terra Rogeri de Ramis, H. Humiliart. fo. 276. Raniltorp tenuit Ailuuinus, i. lib. homo lx. acr. terre, modo tenet Wills. semper i. car. et vii. acr. prati et ii. mol. et quinta pars mol. et vi. lib. homines vii. acr. semper dim. car. et i. liber homo comd. xxx. acr. tunc ii. villani modo i. semper dim. car. et i. acr. prati, tunc valuit xxx. sol. modo xliii.
  • 8. Carta Willi. filii Milonis de Hastinges, qui tenuit feod. duorum militum de Rogero de Reines, &c. item in com. Norf. Galfridus de Reinesthorp ten. feodum unius militis. Lib. Nig. Scac. Essex. edit. per T. Hearne, A. M. Oxon vol. i. p. 237. By which it should seem, that a part here came to the Reinesthorp or Ranthorp family, very early.
  • 9. Terra Rogeri Bigoti. H. Humiliart. Domsd. fo. 139. In Rainestorp, dim. lib. homo T. R. E. xxx. acr. modo tenet Waregius tunc ii. villani modo i. semper dim. cor. et i. acr. prati, et val. v. sol.
  • 10. Rot. Pip. 1. R. I. Norf. Madox Hist. Exchq. fo. 295.
  • 11. In 1345, Ric. de Bradenham, Jef. de Snoryng, Barth. de Salle, Rob. son of Ralf Bumpstede or Benstede, junior, and Ric. Melton, were lords.
  • 12. In 1481, he gave an annuity of six marks to Elizabeth his wife, out of this manor.
  • 13. 1461, Eliz. Clere held it in trust.
  • 14. James Bigot, Gent. married Anne, sister to John Appleyard.
  • 15. See p. 59.
  • 16. Paid to the King in 1612.
  • 17. Blundevile's manor-house, commonly called Newton-hall, stands on the left hand of the road from Norwich to Newton, about a half a mile north-east of the church, and Ranthorp hall stands as much south-east, between Newton and Flordon.