City of Norwich, chapter 44: Of the revenues and liberties of the Prior and convent and the Dean and Chapter

An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 4, the History of the City and County of Norwich, Part II. Originally published by W Miller, London, 1806.

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Francis Blomefield, 'City of Norwich, chapter 44: Of the revenues and liberties of the Prior and convent and the Dean and Chapter', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 4, the History of the City and County of Norwich, Part II( London, 1806), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

Francis Blomefield, 'City of Norwich, chapter 44: Of the revenues and liberties of the Prior and convent and the Dean and Chapter', in An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 4, the History of the City and County of Norwich, Part II( London, 1806), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

Francis Blomefield. "City of Norwich, chapter 44: Of the revenues and liberties of the Prior and convent and the Dean and Chapter". An Essay Towards A Topographical History of the County of Norfolk: Volume 4, the History of the City and County of Norwich, Part II. (London, 1806), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

In this section

Chapter XLIV.

Of The Revenues And Liberties Of The Prior And Convent, And Now of The Dean And Chapter.

Herbert, the founder, first appointed a prior and monks here, in room of secular priests, which had always hitherto attended the Bishops as their chapter; and settled the following revenues, which heretofore belonged to the see, for their maintenance, and got them confirmed by the Pope, King, and Archbishop, viz. all offerings, mortuaries, and burials, in the cathedral; the fair on Tombland, which Will. Rufus first granted, and Henry I. prolonged, with the tithes of his manors, except those which he had settled on his chaplains; the towns of Lakenham and Ameringhale, (except the land of Osbert the Archdeacon,) and the moiety of Thorp-wood; the liberty of warren and hunting in those towns being reserved to the Bishop. The villages of Hindringham and Hilderston; the mills, lands, and meadows, at Norwich, which formerly belonged to the bishoprick, half Thorp meadows on both sides of the water, the Bishop's house at Helgey, and the marsh and eel-rents which belonged to it; the towns of Martham and Hemesby, St. Nicholas's church at Yarmouth, and all belonging to it; St. Leonard's church and priory on Thorp-hill, which he built, Catton and all belonging to it; Newton by Trowse, which Godefrid or Godric the sewer, and Ingreda his wife gave, and Ralf their son confirmed; they had also whatever Herbert Ros owned in Plumstede and Becham; the church also of Hoxne, and chapel of St. Edmund, which is built, where that martyr was slain; the church at Lyn, and saltpans at Geywood, (except those let with the manor,) to be held as free from all customs, as Bishop Arfast, or any of his predecessors, held them; and his mill that he had begun to build in Geywood Marsh, the church of Helingham, and that of Langham, which was Alan's, and its tithes: and as he was truly sensible of the diminution and damage done to the see by this settlement, he says, to recompense it, he had repaired the palace, (fn. 1) built a palace at South-Elmham in Suffolk, upon that part which he purchased of Will. de Nerverys; redeemed the manor of Eccles from Henry I. at 60l. expense, and settled the manor of Colkirk on the see. This charter is dated Sept. 1101; and it appears that his successours also fleeced the see; for in the charter of confirmation of their revenues by King Henry III. (fn. 2) besides those already mentioned, they had the following revenues, Gnatingdon in Suffolk, Fringe, the soke of Lyn. The park, church, and fair at NorthEtmham, on St. Mary's day; portions of tithes in Geywood, GreatCress ngham, Secheford, Thornage, Blickling, Blofield, Martham, Langham St. Mary, Anderby or Auderby; as Agnes de Beaufo gave them, the churches of St. Sepulchre, St. Nicholas in Brakendale, St. Mary's chapel in the Bishop's court, (fn. 3) St. Giles, St. Stephen, St. John in Conesford, St. John by the castle-gate, the Holy-Cross, St. Bennet, St. Margaret, St. Gregory, St. James, St. Cuthbert, the moieties of St. Mary in the Marsh, and St. Vedast in Norwich; the lands at Becham, Emster, and Colchester, which Bishop Eborard gave, the church and land at Mintling, the church and land of Thurstan the Deacon of Thornham; Hopton in Lothingland, which Will. Rufus gave; and Akwy de Walton's land, which Rich. Fitz-Hermer gave; the hospital and church of St. Paul in Norwich, with soc, sac, toll, theam, and infangenthef, in the hospital croft, and lands belonging to it, and freedom from all scot, geld, landgable, and all other customs, for those that dwell in the said croft; all the churches in Ormesby were confirmed to the hospital, and the tithes of the demeans of the hall there; the land and men at Harpley; the land and tenure of John son of Aslath of Flockthorp, and the mill and land there, given by Jeffrey de Beck, 60 acres in Heilesdune, which Walter Hauteyn gave; Sechford manor, which Bishop William gave, and Trowse mill, which Herbert gave; Thedward's croft, or Newgate in Norwich, with all customs and liberties belonging to them, &c.

King's Books. Real Value.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
Catton, manor, impropriate rectory, and advowson of vicarage 4 3 9 † 29 4 11½
Hindolveston or Hilderston, manor, impropriate rectory, and advowson of the vicarage, 6 1 0½ † 27 0 0
Alderford rectory, (now consolidated to) 4 6 8 † 23 7 8
Attlebridge vicarage; (fn. 4) impropriate rectory 4 6 10½ † 18 6
Worsted manor, impropriate rectory and advowson of vicarage 10 0 0 † 45 0 0
Martham, impropriate rectory, and advowson of vicarage (fn. 5) 6 13 0 † 29 4 8
Wighton, impropriate rectory, and advowson of vicarage (fn. 6) 11 11 8 † 19 1 10
Hemstede or Henstede, impropriate rectory and advowson of vicarage 7 2 6 † 24 16 0
Trowse and Trowse Newton manor, impropriate rectory, and advowson of vicarage 5 0 0 † 65 0 0
Wigenhall St. German's, the impropriate rectory and advowson of the vicarage 6 0 0 † 28 0 0
Sedgeford manor, impropriate rectory and advowson of vicarage 8 0 0 † 25 0 0
Ormesby St. Margaret, impropriate rectory cum Scrowtby, and advowson of the vicarage 5 0 0 † 25 2
Ormesby St. Michael, St. Andrew, and St. Peter, impropriate rectories, and donations of their perpetual curacies.
The impropriate rectory and and adv. of Westhall vicarage &c. in Suffolk 10 2 3½ † 40 0 0
Henley, impropriate rectory, manor, and advowson of vicarage, 10 0 10 † 32 13 8
Hopton in Lothingland, manor, impropriate rectory, and adv. of vic. which is now held as a perpetual curacy
Hoxne impropriate rectory, lands, &c.
In Norwich, the advowson of St. Augustine, see p. 476, a rectory 6 17 8½ † 40 0 0
Of the vicarage of St. Stephen, p. 145 9 0 0 † 40 0 0
St. George of Colgate, a donative, see p. 467 40 0 0
St. Giles, a donative, p. 238 50 0 0
St. Gregory, ditto, p. 272 40 0 0
St. James, a perpetual curacy, p. 423 18 0 0
St. John Sepulchre, ditto, p. 137 30 0 0
St. John Timberhill, ditto, p. 126 15 0 0
St. Martin at Oak, ditto, p. 484 40 0 0
St. Martin at the Plain, a donative, p. 367. 20 0 0
St. Paul, a donative, p. 429 18 0 0
St. Peter per Montergate, a perpetual curacy, p. 91 45 0 0
St. Saviour, ditto, p. 443 30 0 0
St. Luke's chapel, p. 49, in the room of St. Mary at the Marsh rect. p. 50 30 0 0
All-Saints in Fybridge, p. 438 all now demolished.
St. Vedast, p. 105
St. Cuthbert, p. 116
Holy Cross, p. 299
Real Value,
l. s. d.
Eaton manor, impropriate rect. and adv. vic. p. 517 † 30 1 0
Lakenham and Brakendale, impropriate rect. and adv. of vic. p. 520 † 30 1 0
Alby manor, appropr. rect. and donation of the perpetual curacy (fn. 7) † 20 0 0
Ameringhall manor, (fn. 8) appr. rect. and donation of curacy † 15 0 0
Yarmouth priory, manor, impr. rectory and nomination to the perpetual curacy † 100 0 0
Lynn, ditto; with St. Nichola's chapel † 100 0 0

Stoke Holy-Cross, manor, impropriate rectory, and adv. of vicarage.

North Elmham, appropriate rectory, (fn. 9) and manor.

Whitwell impropriate rectory.

Hindringham manor and rectory appropriated by John de Grey.

Hemlington impropriate rectory, and advowson of the vicarage. (fn. 10)

Field Dawling, Wolterton's, and Gibbes manor there.

Geywood, lands and rents beyond the bridge.

Smallburgh manor

Taverham, manor and impropriate tithes of a mediety. (fn. 11)

Dilham manor.

Colkirk manor.

Gately manor.

Bawburgh, impropriate rectory, Hist. Norf. vol. ii. p. 391.

Berford, appropriate rectory of the mediety, and donation of its curacy. Hist. Norf. vol. ii. p. 483.

Plumstede Magna, impropriate rectory and adv. of the vicarage.

Sprowston, impropriate rectory, (fn. 12) and nomination to its perpetual curacy.

Fringe manor, (fn. 13) appropriate rectory, and donation of the perpetual curacy.

Cressingham Magna manor, (fn. 14) and pension from the rector.

Fordham, mediety (fn. 15) of the rectory appropriate, and nom. to its curacy.

Riston cum Roxton, impr. rectories, and nom. to the curacies.

West-Beckham, appropriate rect. and adv. of the vicarage.

Thornham Episcopi, manor, &c.

Kimberly manor. Hist. Norf. vol. ii. p. 538.

Pockthorp manor, the monks grange, and lands and rents there, with Norman's spitel manor.

Many lands, meadows, rents, gardens, houses, and tenements in the city of Norwich, and suburbs thereof.

Trowse mill.

In Well and Up-Well, lands there.

All these, and the following revenues, were confirmed by letters patents of the re-foundation of Edward VI. dated at Westminster, November 9, A°. reg. I. which were confirmed by authority of parliament, viz.

The rectory impropriate, and church of Scawby or Scalby in Yorkshire, lately belonging to Bridlington priory, and advowson of the vicarage. Whetacre-Burgh marsh, in the parish of Burrow All-Saints in Norfolk. Olton marsh in Suffolk. Conisford meadows and cows leasure in Norwich-Thorp; Lumpnour's and Gannock's closes there. Foule-holme marsh by Yarmouth. The ferry close in Thorp by St. Leonard's walls. An annuity of 3l. 6s. 8d. out of Claydon manor. 6l. out out St. Saviour's monastery at Bermondesey in Surrey. An annuity of 5l. 6s. 8d. out of the manors Skampton or Scanton, and Thorp in Lincolnshire, late parcel of Kirkestede monastery in that county.

The portions of tithes in Cringleford, Metingham, Wangford, Wichingham Magna, (fn. 16) Blofield, Boyton, (fn. 17) Filby, (fn. 18) Thornage, (fn. 19) Marston, (fn. 20) Marsham, Hevingham, Sparham, (fn. 21) Shottesham, Hockering, (fn. 22) SouthElmham, Possewick, (fn. 23) Scarning, (fn. 24) Cockthorp, Buxton, (fn. 25) Bishop's Langham, (fn. 26) and those belonging to St. Margaret's chapel in Norwich.

The pensions paid by the vicar of Henley, rector of Witlesham or Witnesham, the rectors of Creke (fn. 27) and Cressingham, the late Prioress of Carrow, rector of Possewick, vicar of Wigenhall, dean and chapter of Christ Church in Canterbury, (fn. 28) vicar of Wighton, late abbots of WestDerham, and Lilleshall, late priors of Pentney, (fn. 29) Westacre, Shuldham, and the Carthusians by London, late prioresses of Blakebergh and Fhxton, (fn. 30) late priors of Castleacre, Bukenham, Walsingham, and Woodbrigge, late master of Tompson college; dean of the chapel in the Fields in Norwich. Abbot of Westminster, master of St. Gues's hospital. Rector of Geywode, late abbots of Sibton and Layston, abbess of Brusierd, vicar of Kessingland. Late master of Wingfield college. Late master of Sudbury chantry. Vicar of Framesden, and every one of them.

And also 4l. 11s. 3d. paid by the sheriff of Norfolk, as the King's alms to Norman's hospital, (fn. 31) and also all messuages, lands, tenements, pastures, meadows, feedings, rents, services, and other hereditaments whatever, in the towns of Thorp by Norwich, Beetly, Howe, EastDerham, Dawling, Bittering, North Elmham, Geywood, Bexwell, Well, Upwell, Sething, Brakendale, Posstwich, Rockland, Alderford, Wichingham, Wood-Dalling, Erlham, Whitwell, Wramplingham, Shottesham, Kesewic, Dunston, Braken, Hobbes, Tharston, Hellesden, Sprowston, Catton, Merston, Langham, Cockthorp, Dersingham, Geist, Norton, Pokethorp, Lyn Regis, Yarmouth and Norwich, lately belonging to the cathedral.

And also all glebes, tithes, oblations, obventions, pensions, portions, courts, &c. in Kimberley, Hardingham, Olton, Whetacre-Burrow, Gibbs, in Field-Dalling, Pokethorp, Conisford, Bitering, Sething, Wramplingham, Shotesham, Scrowtby, Metingham, Wangford,Beighton, Felby, Thornage, Marsham, Hevingham, Sparham, Hockering, SouthElmham, Buxton, Plumstede, Creke, Langham, Wroxham, Wigenhall, Depham, Holkham, Wormegeye, Westhill, Westacre, Massingham, Holm by the Sea, Castor in Flegg, Islyngton, Haverhill, East-Barsham, Shropham, East Bradenham, Flitcham, Lakenham and Riston, Hopton, Claydon, Westleton, Corton, Brosyard, Sutton, Kessingland, Wingfield, Sudbury, Framesden, Woodbridge and Fresingfield in Norfolk and Suffolk, Chalk in Kent, Skampton and Thorp in Lincolnshire, and Skawby in Yorkshire,

To hold to the dean and chapter and their successours in free alms, n as ample a manner as ever the prior and convent held them, with all courts, letes, views of frankpledge, fines, amerciaments, assize, and assay of wine, bread and ale, free-warren, weyfs, strays, felons, and fugitive goods, deodands, and all other rights whatever heretofore enjoyed.

And also the whole site, circuit, and precinct, with all liberties, freecustoms, and privileges, heretofore belonging to it; with all the church, chapels, lead, jewels, lands, (fn. 32) &c. and every thing real and personal, within the precinct walls; and thus it was re-founded, (fn. 33) in honour of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and incorporated by the name of "the DEAN and CHAPTER of the cathedral church of the Holy and undivided Trinity of Norwich, of the foundation of King Edward the Sixth;" and from that time, the church continued in quiet possession of all its revenues till 40 Eliz. and then, one William Downing, and other needy and indigent persons. endeavoured to repair their poor declining estates, by the dissolution of the cathedral church, and of all the possessions of the dean and chapter, under pretence, that they were concealed from the Queen, and that they were (in the Queen's great deceit) under general and obscure words, passed by letters patents of concealment, pretending, that their translation from a prior and convent to a dean and chapter was void; and that their regrant after their surrender to Edw. VI. was void, by reason of a misnomer of the corporation of the dean and chapter; the words (ex fundatione Regis Edw. VI.) being omitted in the regrant; (fn. 34) what attempts these concealors (graceless and wicked men) made, to the subversion of the deanery and chapter, saith Coke in his IVth institute, (fn. 35) I have the rather remembered, both for the establishment of the bishoprick, (fn. 36) as for the repose and quiet of very many farmers, officers, and others, for (favente Deo et auspice Christo) isti helluones non prævaluerunt. And if any question shall hereafter be made, either concerning any of the possessions of this bishoprick, or any other; or of any dean and chapter, or of the colleges in either Universities, &c. by any concealor or other; their possessions are established by the act of parliament of 21 Jac. I. cap. 2, intituied, An Act for the general Quiet of the Subject, against all Pretence of Concealment whatsoever. As to the

Liberties of the Dean and Chapter,

They enjoy those that the prior and convent formerly did, as to their manors, lands, tenements, and tenants, and are the same with the liberties of the manors, lands, tenements, and tenants of the Bishop, mentioned in the preceding chapter; and there is, and from the foundation always was, a peculiar jurisdiction belonging to the prior and convent, and now to the dean and chapter, before the Reformation, governed by a DEAN, called the rural dean, (fn. 37) of the manors of the prior and convent, and now by a commissary, (fn. 38) of the exempt jurisdiction of the dean and chapter, to whom the chapter clerk is register of course; Thomas Fowle, LL. D. succeeded Dr. Tanner, and is the present commissary; and Francis Frank, LL. B. is now chapter clerk and register, appointed by the dean and chapter.

This COMMISSARY hath not episcopal, but archidiaconal power in the following manner, as it was confirmed by the bull of Pope Alex. IV. viz. the archidiaconal visitation of all the churches of those towns and places where they are lords of the manors, over both clergy and laiety; and all institutions made by the Bishop, shall be certified to the dean, and now to the commissary, who shall make out all letters of induction. The commissary hath also, the probate of all wills of the clergy and laiety, and power of holding an ecclesiastical court constantly, in the same manner as the archdeacons do, and to judge and determine all such ecclesiastical causes, as the archdeacons do, and no others, and to grant administrations of the goods of all that die intestate in the following places, which are in the exempt jurisdiction, and in no others, viz. Hecham, Sechesford, Hemesby, Newton cum Trowse, Lakenham, Ameringhall, Eaton, Catton, Hindolveston and Becham; and of all residing in the Precinct, and from St. Martin'sbridge to Bishop's-bridge, on the east side of St. Martin's-bridge and of all residing in the Precinct of Spitelond, which includes St. Paul's and St. James's parishes; and of such only, in the towns of Winterton, Taverham, Martham, Hindringham, Scrowteby, and Plumstede, as are resident and dwell in their manors there.

From the foundation of this church, it appears, (fn. 39) that the Kings of England had power to give an annual pension and corrody to one chaplain and one priest in this convent, and whenever they were presented to any good ecclesiastical benefice, then they were to name others; and accordingly Edw. II. A°. Reg. IV. ordered the prior to provide for John de Tackele, upon which, the convent wrote a letter to John de Lenham, that King's confessor, and alleged, they had granted one corrody, and one pension already, and were obliged to grant no more, till one of them were void; but yet they were continually troubled about such admissions, till King Edw. IV. granted them letters patent of discharge for ever, from both corrody and pension, dated May 14, A°. reg. 22.

As to the government and present constitution of the church, we shall best learn that, from its STATUTES, (fn. 40) which contain 40 chapters; the first of which treats of the number of them that are maintained in the church, viz.

One dean, six prebends, six petty canons, one deacon, reader of the Gospel, one reader of the Epistle, eight lay-clerks, one organist, eight choristers, six poor men to be maintained at the costs of the church, two vergers, two sub-sacrists, one HIGH-STEWARD being a nobleman, one under-steward of courts, one chapter clerk, two cooks, one porter, one butler, one catour, one bailiff of the liberties, one auditor and ingrosser of the accompts, who is also to be surveyour of the lands and woods, one keeper of the ferry, one beadle of the poor men, who shall likewise serve to blow the bellows of the organ; all which shall diligently serve in the church, according to their prescript, and in his order.

The 2d chapter treats of the quality and installation of the Dean, who must be a priest and preacher, and doctor or bachelor of divinity, or master of arts, and not dean of any other cathedral church, and is to be nominated by the King, by letters patents under the great seal of England.

The 3d chapter contains the oath of the Dean, and the 4th his office, which shows that he hath power to appoint and admit all inferiour offices of the church; and upon statutable causes, to correct, depose, remove, and expel them. The 5th chapter allows the Dean to be absent seven months in the year, jointly or severally. The 8th treats of the qualities, election, and installation of the PREBENDS, who are to be nominated by letters patents under the great seal, and must be either doctors or bachelors of divinity, masters of arts, or bachelors of law, and not prebend of any other cathedral church, or of the college of Windsor or Westminster; and the next chapter contains their oath, in which they swear, not to reveal the secrets of the chapter, and not to use the privilege or dispensation of any relaxation whatsover, hereafter conferred or to be conferred, so far forth, as they shall repugn these statutes. The 10th chapter concerns the residency of the PREBENDS, by which 5 months residence was prescribed; but according to the power reserved in the Crown, to add, diminish, or alter the said statutes, King Charles I. in the 5th year of his reign, did alter some; and in 1675, Charles II. reduced it to two months residence, and indispensable attendance, both forenoon and afternoon; (fn. 41) from which time, each prebendary hath been obliged "to two months continuing residence, without interruption every year, to be personally performed by each of them, by attending divine service in the church, both forenoon and afternoon, and not one for another." And they are likewise to attend whenever a congé de elire issues, for the choice of a new Bishop.

The next chapter obliges the prebends to dwell during their residence, severally with their families, in the precinct of the church. The 12th chapter appoints 6 PETTY CANONS, all of them either priests or deacons at the least; one gospeller, one episteller, one organist, and 8 clerks, always to be chosen by the Dean; all of them to "be expert in singing, and apt and fit with voice and art to serve in the quire," but if the Dean be not expert in the said art himself, he must in every vacancy, have "the councell of some of the PETTY CANONS or CLERKS, which are most skillful in the art of singing," as to the choice of the person to fill the vacancy.

The next chapter contains the oath of the CANONS, &c. and the 14th concerns their service in the church, which is twice every day, under 2d. punishment every working day, and 4d. every Sunday, and for double feasts 6d.; and he that comes tardé shall be punished 1d. that is to say, after the Venite in morning prayer, or the end of the last Psalm in evening prayer; and whoever is present at service, and absents himself from sermon, shall be punished 6d. and he that comes not before the first lesson be ended, or that goes from the choir, before the second be ended, without leave, or lawful impediment, is to be esteemed absent. "Furthermore, that the PETTY CANONS or priests of the church, may more diligently attend their ministries, we give each of them liberty to enjoy one ecclesiastical benefice only, with their said service in the church; so it be, that the said benefice be not distant from our city of Norwich above 12 miles, from which benefice we permit them to be absent so long as they shall serve in this cathedral church, notwithstanding any statute to the contrary; and three of the choir, in their turns, may be absent, &c.

Chapter 15th appoints 8 choristers to be chosen by the Dean, who are to be taught singing, &c. and have their diet and education.

The 16th chapter prescribes the manner of performing divine service in the church. (fn. 42)

Chapter 17, appoints the sermons, and wills and beseeches, by the mercy of God, that the dean and all the prebends be diligent in preaching the word of God, both in the country, and especially in the cathedral church, &c.

Chapter 19, fixes the stipends of the DEAN and prebends; the DEAN is to receive 35l. 6s. 8d. yearly, for the corps of his deanery; and every prebendary 7l. 16s. 8d. for the corps of his prebend; and the dean is also to receive for every day 3s. 8d. and every prebend 8d. a day, to be paid quarterly, but all money arising from vacancies, or absence of the dean and prebend, and from punishments, or from the common seal, is to be divided once only every year, among such as have performed full residences, and this shall be called the common dividend.

The Petty Canons (fn. 43) stipends shall, by cap. 20, be paid quarterly, that is to say, to each, 10l. per annum, besides their commons, assigned them by the 18th chapter, (fn. 44) the gospeller 9l.; the episteller 8l. 10s.; the organist 20l.; each lay clerk 8l.; the master of the choristers 8l. for teaching them, besides his wages allowed in right of his place in the choir, but to the choristers, besides their diet and education, we allow no money, but at Easter 2 ells and an half of cloth to the value of 5s. a yard, for their livery or gown. But now the 4 senior choristers receive each 10l. per annum in lien of their commons or diet.

Chapter 21, assigns houses for the DEAN, PREBENDS, and petty canons, and the rest of the officers of the church, within the precinct; and the next chapter fixes the reparation of the church and houses, The following chapters declare, that there must be 3 prebends at least, personally present to make a chapter, and that the absent prebends cannot vote, and appoint two general chapters to be held every year, one the first Tuesday in December, and the other the first Tuesday in June; the chapter clerk is to attend all chapters, keep the evidences, &c. By the 25th chapter they are restrained from granting or letting to farm any courts, leets, timber, woods, underwoods, or advowsons of Rectories or vicarages belonging to the church; and in the dividends of corn rents, &c. the Dean shall receive twice as much as each prebendary, and shall have the manor of Newton, called the Dean's Lodging, and also that manor itself, and the rectory of Trowse, for the corps of his deanery.

Chapter 27, appoints a common treasurer, and after every year's accompts passed there shall be a stock of 100l. kept. Chapter 28, orders the courts to be kept by the dean and receiver, or their deputies, and not by the under-steward alone; and "we exhort the said dean and receiver which shall be for the time to come, and those that supply their places, and beseech them in the Lord, that whilst they are intentive in viewing their courts, and lands, and coming in the time to their appropriate churches, and royalties of the church, especially upon Sundays and Holy-days, they preach the word of God diligently in them, for it is meet, that the Lord's workmen should sow to them heavenly things, of whom they yearly desire to reap earthly things."

The 29th chapter orders about surveying their lands, and keeping their woods, by which the dean is to go personally to keep the courts, the first year after his admission, and every year he, or the vice-dean, or some prebend deputed for that purpose, shall attend the receiver and steward of the courts, and one at least shall go to the distant manors; and they shall yearly survey the state of the woods, manors, edifices, and chancels of the churches appropriate to them, and what reparations they want; which if they are to be amended by the farmers, by covenant, the dean or vice-dean shall admonish them to perform the same by a day, and whatever they think should be repaired at the costs of the church, the treasurer with consent of the chapter, shall provide to have it amended in time.

The 30th chapter orders for the annual appointment of a vice-dean, Receiver, and Treasurer, which must be prebends; and the three following chapters specify their offices, and that every dean before his installation shall pay 10l. and every prebend 5l. into the treasurer's hands, to the use of the church. The next three chapters contain the offices of the precentor, who is to direct the singing, note the absences of the choir, &c. of the sacrist, who is to have the care of the church, holy vessels, bread and wine for the sacrament, and all other church ornaments; to him belongs the office of visiting the sick, administering the sacrament, &c. of the two vergers, who are to take care there be no disturbance in any part of the church, during divine service, and carry the mace before the dean, and before the preacher when he goes into the pulpit; and the two sub-sacrists or sextons shall be under the sacrist, and are to sweep and clean the church twice every week, ring the bells, keep the clock, open and shut the doors, clean the cloister, and dig graves; and these offices may be served by deputies if the dean gives leave.

The 36th chapter orders the dean to choose a porter, to keep the keys of the outward gates of the precinct, a butler to serve the common-hall, a cator, cook, and under-cook, and a keeper of the ferry, who shall at his own cost, be always ready with a boat to set over the water, the dean, prebends, and other ministers of the church, and with oars to carry and recarry the dean to and from Newton; and he is also to keep the water-gates of the church. He shall also appoint a beadle of the poor men, who is also to blow the organs.

The 37th chapter treats of the six poor men (or beads-men) to be nominated by the King's privy seal, who are constantly to attend divine service, obey the dean, vice-dean, and prebends, in those things that belong to the cleaning and adorning the church, and to help the sextons to toll the bell for prayers, and each may be absent only 40 days in a year; and every one of them shall always wear upon their left shoulder, a rose made with red silk, and no man who hath the like place in any other church, shall have any such place in this.

The 38th chapter orders the following stipends to be paid. to the vice-dean 4l.; to the receiver 5l.; to the treasurer 5l.; to the high-steward 6l. 13s. 4d.; to the under-steward 6l.; to the chapter clerk 6l.; to the auditor 6l.; to the precentor 1l; to the sacrist 1l. to the sextons, senior verger, porter, cator, butler, and senior cook, 6l. each; and 6l. to each of the poor men; to the under-cook 3l. 6s. 8d.; to the keeper of the ferry 2l.; to the bailiff of the liberties 2l.; to the beadle 2l.; to the junior verger 2l. yearly and every year; and if other ministers and officers be thought convenient, they may be added by the dean and chapter, and have stipends assigned them.

The 39th chapter concerns the compounding and reconciling all differences, which if the dean and chapter cannot settle friendly, all such strifes are to be finally determined by the Bishop.

The 40th chapter treats of the dignity of the Bishop, and the visitation of the church; by which, the dean, prebends, and all other ministers of the church are commanded to give him due reverence and honour in the church and all other places, not only as their Bishop, but as their visitor, who may visit the said church every seventh year, (fn. 45) either in his proper person, or by his vicar-general, and shall interrogate all that belong to the church, upon every article of the statutes, and compel them by oath to speak the truth; and the dean shall prepare one meal within the precinct, at the costs of the church, for the Bishop or his vicar visiting, and his family, or otherwise pay to the Bishop accustomed procurations.

The interpretation of the statutes and determination thereon, is left to the Bishop, but neither he, nor no other persons, shall make any other new statutes contrary to these, or dispense with these: but there is a reserve for the King and his successours from time to time, to change, correct, enlarge, and reform these statutes, which are to be read distinctly and plainly in the English tongue, in the chapter-house, by the vice-dean, openly, once a year, at 4 times, all the ministers of the church being called together for that purpose. (fn. 46)

The statutes are sealed with the broad seal, and are dated at Gothamburie.

Sept. 19, 1610, King James I. granted by charter, that the dean, vicedean, treasurer, or receiver, (fn. 47) the high-steward, (fn. 48) deputy high-steward, (fn. 49) and principal coroner, (fn. 50) shall be justices of the peace within the precinet or close, and hold sessions of the peace there

At the re-foundation by Queen Elizabeth her charter of endowment reserved a fee-farm rent of 89l. 13s. 4d. ob. which was not paid for many years, till it amounted to near 2000l. and a suit was commenced in the Exchequer for payment of it; upon which they petitioned the Queen, and set forth, that they were not able to pay the arrears, or satisfy the annual rent, by reason of the poverty of their church, 300 marks per annum of their old revenues being taken from them by Edward VI. when he new founded the church, without any compensation for the same; (fn. 51) upon which, the Queen not only pardoned all the arrears, but reduced the fee-farm to 50l. per annum by her charter dated May 7, A° reg. 11°. This charter was obtained by the favour of the Earl of Leicester, to whom the dean and chapter presented a silver gilt cup, weighing above 48 ounces, engraven with historical figures, and of Tho. Ward of Lincoln's-Inn, Gent. who had 500l. for his pains; and by the master of Christ's college in Cambridge, who had 100l. for his pains, which he gave to his college.

At the visitation in 1568, it appeared upon oath, that the church was then endowed with 798l. 6s. 3d. of supposed clear yearly revenues; but by decay of their revenues in Lyn, from 44l. per annum to 20l. and of parsonages and rents in Norwich, with the oblations to the Trinity, legacies, &c. which, though now sunk to nothing, were formerly a considerable part of their revenues, the clear rents did not then exceed 658l. 18s. 8d. and the old stock, which used to be 400 marks, was then reduced to 131l. the rest being fraudulently divided among the residents, or improvidently wasted; the waste in the woods being great, and several of the estates in the church being let by coloured leases, in other men's names, some for the interest of the dean and his wife, some for the interest of Dr. Spencer, one of the prebendaries, &c.

At a visitation in 1428, the temporalities of the priory in the archdeaconries of Norwich and Norfolk, were taxed at 423l. 8s. 6d. ob. and their spirituals at 509l. 10s. and so consequently paid to every tenth 93l. 5s. 10d. q.

The present [1745] minor canons are,

1. John Fox, A M. sacrist and librarian, (fn. 52) see p. 521.

2. Lynne Smear, precentor, see p. 518.

3. William Herne, see p. 425.

4. John Brooks, reader of the early prayers in the cathedral: (fn. 53) see p. 477.

5. Charles Ames, rector of Hankford.

6. Ephraim Megoe, see p. 138, 485.

The gospeller is William Smith, vicar of Westhall in Suffolk, curate of Great Plumstede, and of St. Martin's at the Palace; see p. 368.

The episteller is John Pleasants.

The organist is Mr. Humphry Cotton.

The 8 lay-clerks are, 1. John Becket, master of the choristers.

2. Jacob Votier. 3. Tho. Hill. 4. John Swanton. 5. Tho. Guybon.

6. John Reynolds. 7. Rob. Burgess. 8. Sam. Cook.

The auditor is Mr. Henry Field, who is deputy coroner by patent.

The bailiff of the liberties is William Fenn.

The two sub-sacrists (fn. 54) are, William Smith, who is also porter and under treasurer, and
Will Gell, who is also senior verger, to carry the mace before the dean. The junior verger, who carries a verge before the prebends, is Will. Fenn. The ferry-man is Joseph Jary.

The place of the beadle of the poor men is now void by the death of Francis Stafford, who was also general apparitor to the Bishop, and died Jan. 21, 1744, and is buried in the cloister near the south door, by the Rev. Mr. Will. Stafford, B. A. his son, late of Caius college in Cambridge, who died Aug. 21, 1744.

The six poor men, beads-men, or alms-men, are, 1. Tho. Potter. 2. Tho. Fransham. 3. James Life. 4. Will. Manning. 5. Martin Burrage. 6 Isaac Midlebrook,

And Thomas Bonkin hath a patent for the next avoidance.

The office of sub-steward, or steward of the courts, is a patent place, void by the death of John Jeremy, Esq. and there is said to be a patent preparing for John Fowle, Esq.

I find before the Dissolution, the prior had a portion of 40s. per annum from Swanton Morley. 30s. per annum paid by the Prioress of Carrow, for their portion of the tithes of Wroxham-hall, which the prioress hired. Two marks per annum from Chatgrave, for 2 parts of the corn tithes of the demeans of Rob. son of Tho. de Chatgrave, and Philip de Chatgrave, and in 1307 the prior leased them all at six marks per annum for ever, to the prior of Butley.

10s. per annum portion from Shotisham St. Mary and Butolf, 10s. per annum from Cockthorp, for two parts of the tithes of the demeans of Warine atte Hithe of Cockthorp: for Threxton portion see Hist. Norf. vol. ii. p. 362.


  • 1. "Et ne cui successorum meorum, gravis videatur minoratio episcopalis dominij, restitui illud hoc modo, apud Norwicum, reparavi domum, &c. Mon. Ang. vol. i. fo. 410.
  • 2. Ibid. fo. 412.
  • 3. The Bishop's chapel, which Herbert also built when he built the palace, was served by the monks.
  • 4. Given by Heymer, rector of Felthorp, in 1230.
  • 5. 1197, given by Mathew de Gunton.
  • 6. Given by H. II.
  • 7. Given by Agnes de Bello Fago, or Beaufoe, wife of Rob. de Ria, at the request of Bishop Herbert, who appropriated it, and it was served by the monks resident at their cell here. Reg. Pr. IV. fo. 16.
  • 8. It was appropriated to the chamberlain, by John de Grey, and was a vicarage presentative from 1314.
  • 9. Given by Bishop Herbert.
  • 10. It is now held as a perpetual curacy.
  • 11. See also p. 431.
  • 12. Given by Sir Will. de Wichingham, Knt. and Rob. de Yelverton A°. 1360, appropriated by Bishop Piercy 1361.
  • 13. Given and appropriated by Bishop Bateman. See Pt. I. p. 512.
  • 14. Great Cressingham was given by Godwin the deacon, in Bishop Herbert's time, and in 1270, Bishop Roger appropropriated it to the monks, but by composition they had only four marks and 2s. paid them by the rector out of it, for all their right and jurisdiction there, so that it became a peculiar by itself, under the sole jurisdiction of its own rector, who hath the probation of the wills, and all spiritual jurisdiction whatever in the whole parish, as appeared in 1397, when on a contest the final composition was made,
  • 15. Fordham, the portion late of Rector John, being a mediety of the rectory, the whole of which was then valued at eight marks, and was given with the advowsons of Riston and Roxham, to the monks by John de Insula, or L'isle, to find a chaplain to pray daily for his own soul and the souls of Mary his wife, Rob. de Ufford, Thomas Rosscelyn, &c. By license from Edw. III. A°. reg. 10, and in 1342, they were appropriated to the monks of Norwich, by Anthony, Bishop there, who were to find a chaplain to serve them, and pay his stipend, and lay out all the clear profits of the appropriations, in repairing the cathedral church. Hervey de Stanton, patron of Roxham in 1307, seems to be concerned in the gift; and in the instrument of appropriation, the Bishop declares that he could by his authority oblige them to repair their church, a plain proof that the Bishop as visitor even then had power to oblige the convent to it, and the revenues of these churches ought always to be reserved for that use.
  • 16. Tithes of 53 acres, in 15 pieces, late the demeans of Jeffery son of William de Leames 20s. afterwards reduced.
  • 17. Portion 5s. 8d.
  • 18. This belonged to Norman's hospital, see p. 431, 13s. 4d.
  • 19. 13s. 4d. and the cellerer had formerly 8s. 10d.
  • 20. 13s. 4d. and the cellerer had formerly 8s. 10d.
  • 21. Four marks. 13s. 4d. to the cellerer, for two parts of the tithes of 102 acres of the demeans of Walter de Sparham. 1612, reduced to 5s.
  • 22. Four marks taxed for two parts of the tithes of the cleared lands of John le Marshal, 1612. Pension of 8s.
  • 23. Four marks.
  • 24. 13s. for two parts of the tithes of Roger Fitz-Simons, confirmed about 1260.
  • 25. Five marks, for two parts of the great and small tithes of Hubert de Rhye, in 1449, reduced to 20s. because no one would give more.
  • 26. 3l. 10s. Bishop Herbert gave the tithes Alan received about 1180, Bishop John confirmed them. They had also a portion of the tithes of the Bishop's lands of Langham-Parva, 10s.
  • 27. Portion in North Creke 24s. Cellerer 4s. Almoner 20s. for the predial tithes of the lands of Ralph de Passelew, as perpetually compounded for, with the rector, A°. 1417.
  • 28. Portion in Depham 4s. of which see Hist. Norf. vol. ii. p. 494.
  • 29. In Pentney and Midleton 20s.
  • 30. In Midleton 20s.
  • 31. See p. 431.
  • 32. Mintling manor and appropriation belonged to the cell at St. Margaret's at Lyn, and was appropriated to their use, by Herbert the founder; and Wigenhall St. German's was given also to this cell by Bishop Turb, and was appropriated by John de Grey, to the use of the cellerer there.
  • 33. In the re-foundation, these revenues, which formerly belonged to the prior and convent, were by an exception in the letters patents, taken from the church, and reserved to the King and his successours; the manors of Hemesby, Martham, Lakenham, Plumstede and Wiclewood, and the impropriate rectories, and advowsons of the vicarages of Hemesby Wiclewood, and all lands in Ameringhall and Eaton, belonging to Lakenham manor.
  • 34. The whole case is reported at large, in Coke's IIId part of Reports, p. 73.
  • 35. See the IVth Institute, fo. 257.
  • 36. Act 39 Eliz. cap. 2, and the act, 25 Eliz. which confirms all tithes to cathedral churches, colleges and, &c. as to their possessions.
  • 37. 1421, Master Hugh Acton, clerk, admitted dean of the jurisdiction of the manors of the prior and convent by the Bishop, being presented by the prior and convent. 1269, Henry de Lakenham, monk, dean, on the resignation of Will. de Sidesterne.
  • 38. 1553, Will. White, commissary of the peculiar jurisdiction of the manors of the dean and chapter. 1564, Mr. Godwyn.
  • 39. Rot. in Scacio. Fitz. Herbert's Natura Brevium, edit. 1687, p 515. Lond. Cronicle. printed 12 Hen. VIII.
  • 40. The most ancient statutes were regulated and confirmed by Bishop Tho. Brown, Aug. 23, 1444, an ancient copy, of which on a parchment roll, I have among my own collections; they continued till 1538, and then were altered, and remained in use till Queen Eliz. gave them a complete body of statutes, which were in force till the present statutes were made which were compiled (chiefly from the old statutes) by the Bishop, and Dean Suckling, Aug. 9, 18 Jac. I. 1620, a copy of which, as also of those given by Queen Eliz. I have by me. (Ch. B. fo. 30.)
  • 41. He tied the dean to reside in the precinct, with his family, 122 days in every year, (conjunctim vel divisim,) and settled out of the corn rents on the master of the choristers, 8 combs of wheat, and 3 combs of barley, and 8 pounds on the organist, pro mensâ sive dietâ, and in lieu of the common table, which was not kept, each minor canon, gospeller, episteller, and eight lay clerks, are to receive yearly 10l. for their commons, above their stipends fixed by the 20th chap of the statutes, so that each minor canon now receives 20l. per annum besides a house to dwell in. This King also revoked the 25th chapter of the Statutes, as to the house of the dean, and the manor of Newton, and the impropriate rectory of Trowse, and made them leaseable, and to belong in common with the other revenues to the church, and freed the dean and chapter from holding more than one general CHAPTER in a year, and allowed the under-steward to hold courts, &c. by himself; and least too much should be known, took care that the DEAN, PREBENDS, &c. at the Bishop's visitations, should not be obliged to answer upon oath, to any interrogatory that would accuse themselves. Dated at Westminster 5 May, 15 Car. 1.
  • 42. By Queen Elizabeth's Statutes, the Bishop was to preach by himself or proxy, 4 sermons in a year, in the cathedral, 2 at the two synods or meeting of the clergy, one on Septuagesima Sunday, and one on Trinity Sunday, and the dean 4 sermons in a year, on Christmas day, Sexagesima, Easter day, and Ascension day; the divinity lecturer was to preach 4 sermons, on Quinquagesima, Good Friday, Ascension Even, and Whitsunday; the 4 Archdeacons on the four Sundays in Advent; and the six prebendaries and six preachers 4 sermons each on the 42 Sundays not provided for; and on the feasts of the Circumcision, the Epiphany, St. Thomas the Apostle, the Annunciation of our Lady, St. John Baptist, and St. Michael, under penalty of 13s. 4d. for each sermon, one moiety to the preacher, that supplies the place, and the other to the common dividend; and thus the common preaching place, or cathedral, was supplied at that time, for one part of the day, as it ought to be, by the several persons that belonged to it. But by the 16th cap. of the new statutes, instead of having two sermons every Sunday, by means of the worthy benefactions of Sir John Pettus and Sir John Suckling, Knts. Alderman Hen. Fawcett and Edward Nutting, sometime Sheriff, who out of their godly devotion left legacies to the preachers at the common place, or cathedral; the church took the advantage, and excused themselves from part of their duty by this means; the dean being now obliged, or in his absence the vice-dean, on Christmas day, Easter day, and Whitsunday to celebrate divine service publickly at the high altar; and at all double feasts, the prebend resident is to officiate there; and when the dean officiates at the altar, on those three days, the Bishop is to preach, and on Trinity Sunday, and Sunday after Easter, the dean; the 4 archdeacons, the 4 Sundays in Advent, 1st, the Archdeacon of Norwich, 2d, of Norf. 3d. of Sudbury, 4th, of Suff. and the 6 prebends the six Sundays in Lent, and for the rest of the sermons on the other Sundays," we approve the custom (which must be a very new one) used, viz. that the Bishop, or his vicar-general, every year on Easter synod at Ipswich, shall publish the names of those of the county of Suffolk whom he shall assign to preach at their cathedral from the first Sunday after Trinity inclusive, to the second Sunday after Michaelmas scene, to be holden at Norwich, exclusively; always reserving to the master of Bennet college, his course, (see Pt. I. p. 314,) as appointed by Archbishop Parker; and at Michaelmas synod at Norwich, shall publish the names of those appointed preachers of the county of Norfolk, for the Sundays not before provided for, and if any be not able to preach, they are to certify it 14 days before, that such detect may be supplied. By which means there is now only a morning sermon, in the cathedral; so much of the old service being dropt; whereas had those of the church supplied the morning service as in Queen Elizabeth's time, the combination preachers would have supplied the afternoons, and the benefactors money for that purpose not have been applied to pay for the duty, which before was incumbent on the several ministers of the church.
  • 43. There were 16 minor canons on the old foundation, who had locum et vocem in capitulo, which is not allowed to the six petty canons.
  • 44. We appoint and ordain, that as well the petty canons, as the gospeller, episteller, organist and lay-clerks, with the choristers of the church, shall eat and drink together, in the common hall. For which there shall be established a convenient and honest portion for the sustentation of the common table, at which the sextons, butler, and cator, shall serve both the officers and choristers, at meals, and shall be provided for, for so doing, after dinner and supper, with the cook, &c. But now the common table is totally laid aside, and stipends fixed instead of it.
  • 45. The words of the old statutes before the Reformation, show, that the church was to be visited only when there was a primary or septennial ordinary visitation in the diocese "quando visitatio ordinaria sit Domini Norwicensis Episcopi, de septennio in sepcennium de consuetudine," &c
  • 46. Notwithstanding this reading, few of the members of the church know the statutes they are governed by; when Queen Eliz. statutes (as these, and the statutes of all corporate bodies, ought to be) were publick to all men, for then it was ordered, that there should he 4 copies of the statutes, one of which was always to be in the choir, chained with a chain to the Dean's stall, and another was to be in the chapter-house, the third kept safely among the evidences, and the fourth was to be in the treasurer's custody.
  • 47. The vice-dean, receiver, and treasurer, must be prebendaries, and those offices are annually taken in their turns.
  • 48. 1557, Sir Henry Heydon, Knt. high-steward, Wood's Ath. fo. 278. 1607, Sir Henry Howard Earl of Northampton. The present high-steward is Lord Viscount Townsend, who succeeded his father.
  • 49. He must be a barrister at law, but hath no salary; John Jermy, Esq. was succeeded by Will Baker of the Inner Temple, Esq. by patent dated Dec. 19, 1744; he is also register, &c.
  • 50. John Howes, Esq. is the present principal coroner
  • 51. Besides the manors taken away, which are before mentioned at p. 562, note3, I find that in 1550, the manor of Thurberton, valued at 10l. 10s. and 4d. per annum was sold to Sir Nic. Hare, Knt. by the King's license, and Haielois manor, to A. Thursby, Esq. they being left out of King Edward's charter for that purpose.
  • 52. For which he hath 20s. per annum salary.
  • 53. For which he hath 8l. per annum salary.
  • 54. 6l. salary each, and a house worth about 6l and they let out the galleries and seats in the cathedral, at 12l. which they divide between them.