Henry VIII: October 1542, 6-10

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1900.

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'Henry VIII: October 1542, 6-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542, ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp521-534 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: October 1542, 6-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Edited by James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1900), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp521-534.

"Henry VIII: October 1542, 6-10". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 17, 1542. Ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie(London, 1900), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol17/pp521-534.


October 1542, 6-10

6 Oct.
Dasent's A.P.C., 42.
909. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Greenwich, 5 Oct. Present : Canterbury, Chancellor, Hertford, Winchester, Gage, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler, Dacres. No business recorded.
At Greenwich, 6 Oct. Present : as above. Business :Robt. Cowley, sometime master of the Rolls in Ireland, committed to the Fleet.
[*** The entry, Greenwich, 7 Oct., records neither attendance nor business, and the next date is 9 Oct.]
6 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 23. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 198.
910. Commissioners at York to the Council.
Have written to the King their conferences with the Scottish ambassadors, and intend to set forward and keep the 15th inst. at Newcastle, taking the ambassadors (who have eftsoons addressed their herald into Scotland) with them as far as Berwick, so that if they have news from their master they may show it. As the writers must now go forward notwithstanding any offers, they desire ample instructions what to accept, in case the Scots make offers between this and Berwick, or even within Scotland. Enclose a letter from Lawson showing that all the ships that came with John Cary from London are arrived; but nothing is heard of such as should bring the 850 tun of beer. Touching the putting ships to sea to help John Care and stopping ships from passing beyond sea, the King's pleasure is accomplished.
P.S.This letter was written and ready to be signed this morning when the ambassadors came with a request that Layrmonthe might repair to speak with the King his master, thinking his presence would do more good than letters. Answered that as their commission was to them three conjointly, the others could do nothing in his absence, whereas if it had been as large as that of the writers the other two might have acted in his absence. He then desired access to the King; and to this the writers condescended, thinking that it might let the Scots from giving the first buffet, and that the King might protract the time with him until the army was ready.
Have instructed Suffolk to advance and, having more men than they need, leave at home for him all Westmoreland and Cumberland (in margin, Kendale), and most of Northumberland and Fournes. Of the Bishopric, they take only the earl of Westmoreland's band and 500 tenants of the bp. and church of Durham, who are now in garrison upon the Border. Sir Thos. Wharton desires to know how to use Dunlanricke, whose friends wish him back. It were well to let him know what entertainment he shall have if the King will use his service. Seeing that so many of the men of these parts are left for Suffolk, they refer it to the Council whether he need bring with him the 3,000 men determined upon. Desire instruction in what sort the customary defiance shall be made before their entry into Scotland. York, 6 Oct., 10 a.m. Signed by Norfolk, Southampton, Durham and Browne.
Pp. 5. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo,
6 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 27. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 199.
911. Norfolk to Winchester and Wriothesley.
This morning the ambassadors of Scotland came to me, and, besides the communications mentioned in our common letter, Leremonth said to me in presence of my lord of Durham and his own fellows, how sorry they were that we did not conclude; for their King would have met me at Caldstreme and there determined to come upon the thieves of Lidersdale while I came upon those of Tindale and Ridsdale, and so subdued them for ever. Before this I wrote to you that I thought he would so do. Protests the eagerness of all here for the journey. York, 6 Oct., 10 a.m.
Asks how my lord of Sussex does, who, they hear, is in great danger.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Sealed. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo
6 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 29. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 200.
912. Southampton to Wriothesley.
We trust to make Scotland repent that they followed so much the counsel of the earl of Morray and his kirkmen. Our letters to the King and the Lords show the state of all things. My lord of Norfolk and my fellows thank you for your news. Recommend me to Buttes and thank him for his pills. "I would not have foregone them at this time for all the good I have." York, 6 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo,
6 Oct.
Add. MS. 19,401 f. 51. B. M.
913. Orkney, Erskine and Leirmonth to James V.
Received his writings and commission this Thursday, (fn. 1) at 8 a.m., by bearer, Ros herald; and thereupon met the King his uncle's commissioners, who, after the commissions were read, desired to have the meeting at Londoun, Wyndishoir or Hamptoun Court. Refused that, but offered to conclude the meeting to be at Zork, according to James's writings, but they would not oblige their master to come to Zork. Offered that if the appointment was made for Zork and James heard that his dearest uncle was "on gaitwart towarts Zork for keping of ye day appoinctit and may not cum to Zork wichout hurt of his persoun," he would condescend to come to some other convenient place. This they refused, because the writers commission did not authorise it, and asked for answer anent the delivering of the prisoners. Replied that, the meeting appointed and the armies scaled, James would send them ransom free according to the credence he sent his uncle by Ros herald. In answer they showed their King's instructions to desire to have the said prisoners delivered with horse and goods as they were taken. Said that their horse and gear could not be gotten, for no one knew who had them. So the matter stands "upoun thir twa poinctes," the place of meeting and the delivering of the prisoners. Have given the said Commissioners a writing of what they would condescend to, copy enclosed, which is sent to their master.
The said Lieutenant and Commissioners depart on Sunday next towards Newcastle, "and force it is us to pass with them, and causes their army here to follow them." There they have ordained us to have your Grace's utter mind and have promised us their master's mind. In the mean time the duke of Norfolk has taken upon him to stay the army and Borders, and we have promised the like to be done in Scotland, and have written so to my lord of Huntlie. We beg you to write sharply to your lieutenant and wardens to keep good rule and to send us your utter mind with diligence. "And gife we agre nocht at ye returnyng of ye said berar, lippin, Schir, na vyer (fn. 2) bot all extremite and weir incontinent." Zork, 6 Oct. Signed : Ro. bischop of Orknay : Erskin : J. Lermontht.
Pp. 2. Add. : The King's Highness of Scotland. Sealed.
6 Oct.
R. O.
914. H. Lord Mawtravers to the Council.
Encloses the letter of the captain of Dieppe sent by the greffier of that town, with a packet of letters to Mons. de Bevers and the burgomasters of Dunkirk, Newport, Ostend and Flisshing, exhorting them to truce during the fishing season. By advice of the Council here, sent the packet into Flanders, by Calais pursuivant. The thing is customary in times of war between France and Flanders and very profitable to Calais. The greffier waits here for answer, who in the last wars was sent hither for the like. Charged Calais pursuivant to "require" the conclusion of Mons. de Bevers. Calais, 6 Oct. 1542, at (fn. 3) 9 a.m., within an hour after "his" (fn. 4) arrival, who had been on the sea since 4 a.m. yesterday. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Sealed. Endd.
6 Oct.
R. O.
915. Oudart Du Bies to Wallop.
I received your letter lately, showing that you have forgotten the good acquaintance you have long had with me, in giving more faith to a wicked and false reporter than to my writing. As to our fortunes lately in Luxembourg and before Perpignan, I know nothing that has happened to our prejudice. In Luxembourg we have lost no place which we wished to keep, and we still keep one which will cost dear to recover. If they attack it they will do as little as they did these 15 days past, when they were repulsed from an unfortified chteau belonging to Mons. de Rougnac. As to Perpignan, the King never intended to take it, but to induce the Emperor to fight his army under Mons. le Daulphin, who still remains near it. Where you say that you know more of the secrets of our affairs than I think, you will find that those who informed you that the assembly which I made was for an inroad on your country are wicked liars.
Complaint is made to me that passage is given to the Burgundians through your lands, especially that, in returning, your people buy their booty of them. Considering the amity between our masters, the deputy of Calais and you should not suffer the Burgundians thus to prepare their enterprises and sell their booty. Writes this before informing the King his master, and the ambassador in England, and begs Wallop to show it to the Deputy. Boullougne, 6 Oct. 1542.
Did not receive his letter until returning hither, or would have replied sooner. Signed.
French, pp. 2. Add. : Cappitaine du chasteau et terre de Guynes. Sealed.
7 Oct.
R. O.
916. The Privy Council to Wallop.
Are sorry to perceive what has chanced between him and Mr. Palmer and that such light occasions should breed such inconvenience. Are informed that Wallop said he "had matter enough to lay to his charge." If he has any matter of weight it is to be signified to the Council; and if not they must be reconciled in such sort that all who heard the business may see that it "is clearly forgotten and discharged out of both your stomachs." The King will suffer no man to give unsitting language to his meanest groom, and has planted Mr. Palmer in a gentleman's room, who is a gentleman born, although a younger brother, as Wallop himself once was. Have written also to Mr. Palmer to conform himself.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 3. Endd. : "Minute to Mr. Wallop, vijo Octob., ao xxxiiijo."

R. O. [Spanish Calendar, VI. II., No. 73.]
917. The Queen Of Hungary to Chapuys.
Has received his letters of the 13, 24, and 27 ult., and of the 2nd inst. Is to thank the King for his good will in promising that the Germans who were to be sent to Spain should be well received in his realm; but, as the French have withdrawn from Perpignan and the season is so far advanced that they could not arrive there in time to do service, she has sent them to Luxembourg, which the French have anew invaded. In a letter received some days ago through a merchant, (fn. 5) Chapuys asked leave [for him] to export to England from this country certain pieces of armour. This she has refused, as harness is now difficult to procure, and the price has risen more than one-third. Chapuys must not lightly agree to write for it, but rather make the above excuses, unless it should be expressly for the King; for the English have already taken a great quantity of it.
French. Modern transcript from Vienna, pp. 2.
7 Oct.
R. O. [Spanish Calendar, VI. II., No. 67.]
918. Chapuys to the Queen Of Hungary.
The day before yesterday, after dinner, the Council sent word that the bp. of Westminster had landed at Plymouth, having had to cast himself, with two of his men and his despatch, into a fishing-boat, because the great ship in which he and the Sieur de Corrierez came could not enter the port. De Courrierez, being worn (travaill) by the sea, and the wind increasing, could not get into the boat, but was forced again to take the sea, and is thought to have landed the same Tuesday, at Falmouth, seven leagues thence. One of the Council has sent Chapuys word that the bp. brought good despatch, and that the Emperor was well, and determined next year to make a terrible meeting to the Frenchmen, and assail them both in Guienne and Languedoc, notwithstanding all that the Portuguese cardinal (fn. 6) could preach or say. This King has sent Mr. Huyet and others to receive De Corrierez. Has yet no news from De Corrierez, and is astonished that he has not sent some one.
Three days ago the King caused most of the ships here to be arrested, that he might make use of them, or at least of the mariners, as he heard that in Dieppe there was some diligent arming, and that some of the men of war who were in Picardy had come down thither. The King suspects that the said army is preparing for the help of the Scots, with whom he still continues the practice of peace, which Chapuys thinks that the Scots prolong in order to gain time, expecting either help from France or that winter may end the season for war, and afterwards will turn the matter into a jest (se gaudiront de la compagnie). Wishes that there was some good and sure peace between them, that the King might make the greater effort against the French. Presumes that she knows of the preparation of the said army at Dieppe, and has provided against its harming the Low Countries. London, 7 Oct. 1542.
French. Modern transcript from Vienna, pp. 2.
[7 Oct.]
Shrewsb. Letters. A. f. 77. Heralds' Coll.
919. Norfolk to Shrewsbury.
"The Scots and we cannot agree, and yet our sticking is for a small matter. Wherefore one of them is ridden to the King, trusting to get more at his hand than they can at ours, for we may not pass our instructions. On Monday all we of the Council woll towards Newcastle, and our company shall come after us; and all the army shall be there to-morrow sevennight, which is the 15th day of this month. And so we intend to set forwards if they come not to our demands, which I believe they woll do." Saturday morning.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
7 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 31. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 201.
920. Commissioners at York to the Council.
Enclose letters showing the pleasant news that all of the rest of the ships with victual and beer are arrived at Newcastle. Will send them at once to Holy Elande and Berwick, where, they pray God, they may find the provision ready to serve. Enclose also a letter from Wharton, showing an exploit lately done by Englishmen in Scotland. York, 7 Oct., 11 a.m. Signed by Norfolk, Southampton, Durham, and Browne.
P. 1. Add. Sealed. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
7 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 35. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 202.
921. Southampton to Wriothesley.
Thank God! the victual and provision sent from London is all safely arrived at Newcastle, so that if they of Berwick do their part, I trust this journey shall serve the King well; for I never saw men "so desirous to give the setting on." York, 7 Oct. Signed.
Has been very ill at ease ever since he came hither, but this good news has made him whole.
P. 1. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
7 Oct.
Add. MS. 5,754 f. 4. B. M.
922. War Preparations.
Norfolk's warrants to Sir John Herryngton, treasurer of the wars.
1. To pay John Aderton, of Lancashire, 13l. 12s., for conduct money of himself and 50 men from Aderton to Newcastle, 116 miles, himself at 2d. a mile and his men at d. York, 7 Oct. 34 Hen. VIII. Signed.
ii. Receipt, same date. Signed : "per me Wylleam Keneon (?)."
Ib. f. 8. B. M. 2. To pay Sir John Byron 93l. 6s. 8d. for coats of 560 men, and 84l. for conduct money of himself, 2 captains, 3 petty captains, and 300 soldiers from Kolwicke, Notts., to Newcastle, 120 miles. York, 7 Oct. 34 Hen. VIII. Signed.
ii. Receipt, same day. Not signed.
iii. Note that this is entered in two particular sums in the book. Signed : per me Will'm Teburow (?).
P. 1.
Ib. f. 14. B. M. 3. To pay Sir Wm. Mullenux 26l. 12s. for conduct money of 102 men from Sefton, Lanc., to Newcastle, 114 miles, viz., the captain at 4d., petty captain at 2d., and men at d. the mile. York, 7 Oct. 34 Hen. VIII. Signed.
ii. Receipt, same day. Signed with a mark.
P. 1.
7 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 104. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 225 (1).
923. Brian Layton to the Bishop Of Durham.
Has done his best to find forth the traitor that is about to deceive this house. Has examined his servants, upon oath to keep it secret, and encloses the examination. All save John Coke, whom Durham knows, agree in one tale. Coke was a great thief in Scotland, and a rider nightly, before Layton took him to service. He has great acquaintance in the Marce, especially with Andrew Home, who "is a forward man and a man of great acquaintance in the Court of Scotland." Has no other ground for suspicion of Coke, and has not attached him. Begs instructions. From your castle of Norham, 7 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
ii. 7 Oct. :"The examination of my servants by a book oath to know" what they thought was the weakest place of this house. In taking this I sware each man to keep close what I would examine him of.
Sir Roland Prate, Geo. Selbe, and 28 others (named) all agree that the utter ward is not sure, but the inner ward is unwinnable. John Coke says the utter ward may be stolen by a company of men coming up from the water side by the Monk's well and the east end of the dungeon to a "howlle den that is without the wall betwixt the dungeon and Sanders Tower, from which they might with ladders come over the wall into the stackyard, and then with ladders come over Clapam's Tower into the inner ward, because the watch was kept on the other side of the house. (But that is not true, for one stands nightly on Clapam's Tower, except he walk thence at times to the Hall leads.) He also says that men might come up from the water side to the kitchen sink hole, break it wider and come in; but there is no danger to the inner ward except by these two means.
In Layton's hand, pp. 3.
8 Oct.
R. O. St. P., III. 427.
924. Henry VIII. to the Deputy and Council Of Ireland. (fn. 7)
Answers their sundry letters as follows :1. Approves their proceedings. 2. As they write that with money to furnish the army for one whole year beforehand much could be done, they shall send an estimate of what is required, over and besides the revenue there, and provision shall be made against the beginning of the year. Marvels that heretofore no such instance for money has been made. 3. As an act is passed here for the continency of priests, a reasonable book must be devised and sent hither for a like act there. As to Meath and the Annaly, they may proceed as appears convenient. The Act for the confirmation of farms let there by the Commissioners was not certified hither, and is therefore out of order and must be revoked. 4. Have created Oneyll earl of Tyrone, and his son Matthew (and his successors, heirs apparent to the earldom) baron of Duncanon. Gave him a chain of 60l. odd, paid for his robes and charges of creation 65l. 10s. 2d., and gave him 100l. in money. For the rest that came with him; made McGuinez knight, to be called Sir Dol Guinez, and gave him 100 marks, but refers the granting his lands to their certificate. Made Arthur Guinez knight, gave him 50l., and granted his suit to have the cell of Newry converted to a college. Desires them to favour the earl and take order with him touching the lands of Ulster. Took the submission of the bp. of Clogher, and caused the Council to receive his bulls and oath. Gave him a new grant and 40l. in money. Granted Parson Doudall 20l. pension and the reversion of the bpric. of Armacon. To each of the said temporal persons, gave certain apparel. 5. Ordnance and munition shall be sent by Mannering, servant to John Travers. 6. Has taken order that his Irish subjects shall be as free in the Inns of Court as English. 7. Gives directions to them to appoint the master of Any to the bpric. of Emolye. Odonell's chaplain (fn. 8) is to have the bpric. in the north, but for lack of the true name thereof expedition is deferred. 8. The Deputy shall appoint ten men in wages to Wm. St. Cloo, but bind him to attend hostings. 9. Sends herewith the bills for Sir Thos. Butler and James Garland. 10. Is pleased that Obrien, Odonel, the baron of Upper Ossorie, lord Fitzwilliam, and the rest of the Irishmen shall come hither in the beginning of next year.
Draft, corrected by Wriothesley, pp. 23. Endd. : "Minute to the Deputy and Council in Ireland, viijo Octob. ao xxxiiijo."
8 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 38. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 204.
925. The Privy Council to the Commissioners at York.
In their letters of the 5th inst. the King notes the accustomed dissimulation of the Scottish ambassadors; and he much allows the Commissioners' determination to proceed, not doubting but this journey shall cause the King of Scots to be displeased with those who hindered his acceptation of the offers of peace. In spite of the King's natural inclination to avoid war with his nephew, considering the preparations and the necessity for some notable exploit to purge the dishonour which the Scots bruit of this realm (viz., that Bowes and his men, being far greater in number, durst not abide to encounter the Scots), will have them accept no conditions until they have done some such exploit. After that, if the Scots make offers greater than those to which the King has written that he would condescend, and the Commissioners think that the enterprise cannot with advantage be pushed to extremity, they may embrace them. at their discretion. Two points the King insists upon :(1) that they hearken to no conditions until a notable exploit is done, and (2) that they admit no less conditions than already required, but rather better, such as pledges of more reputation or the bringing back, with the pledges, of Bowes and the rest with horse and gear. Wish them success. Greenwich, 8 Oct.
P.S.Considering that the war is, by incourses on the Scots' side, open, and that the prisoners in Scotland are not put to ransom, and that the communication with the ambassadors has "supplied the nature of an indiction," the King thinks a formal indiction unnecessary; and yet, for declaration of the matter to the world, a proclamation shall be here devised. As for lord Donlanrick, the King would know, by George Douglas or otherwise, what he expects.
Draft, pp. 4. Endd. : Minute to my 1. of Norff., my 1. P.S., the b. of Duresme and Sir Anthony Browne, viijo Octobr. ao xxxiiijo.
Harl. MS. 6,989 f. 106. B. M. 2. Original letter of which the foregoing is the draft. Dated Greenwich, 8 Oct. Signed by Cranmer, Audeley, Hertford, Russell, Winchester, Gage, Wriothesley, Sadler, Riche, and Baker.
In Gardiner's hand, pp. 4. Fly leaf with address gone.
8 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 36. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 203.
926. Commissioners at York to the Council.
This bearer, Killygrave, has received the money of Sir Thos. Butler, and also an obligation for the costs. Purpose to depart for Newcastle to-morrow and be there on Wednesday, to make ready for the arrival of the army. York, 8 Oct. Signed by Norfolk, Southampton, Durham and Browne.
P. 1. Add. Sealed. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
8 Oct.
Add. MS. 5,754 f. 10. B. M.
927. War Preparations.
Norfolk's warrant to Sir John Harryngton, treasurer of wars.
1. To pay John lord Conyers 217l. for coats and conduct money of 714 men from Hornbye to Newcastle, 60 miles, with their 7 captains and 7 petty captains. York, 8 Oct. 34 Hen. VIII. Signed.
ii. Receipt, 7 (sic) Oct. Signed by Henry Wetherele and George Cateryk.
P. 1.
Ib. f. 16. B. M. 2. To pay Wm. lord Parre 17l. for coats of 102 soldiers, and 14l. for conduct money of captain, petty captain, and 100 soldiers from Dente to Newcastle, 60 miles. York, 8 Oct. 34 Hen. VIII. Signed.
ii. Receipt, same day. Signed : per me Marmaducum Clerionettes,
P. 1. Signed as examined by Ric. Hochonsun.
Ib. f. 24. B. M. 3. To pay Edm. Wryght 17l. for coats of 102 men, 18l. 13s. 4d. for conduct money of himself, a petty captain and 100 soldiers at 4d., 2d., and d. the mile, respectively, for 80 miles, from Gremounde to Newcastel. York, 8 Oct. 34 Hen. VIII. Signed.
ii. Receipt, same day, signed by Edm. Wryght. Certified as examined by Ric. Hochonson.
P. 1.
8 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 42. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 205 (1).
928. Sir Arthur Darcy to Norfolk.
By advice of the Master Gunner and of Best, master gunner of Berwick, have proved all the bassys and find but one whole. "The forlowkes breakys and pynes evyn bye the chambyrs, so as noon off them wyll serve." Cornelys, the King's smith, was to blame for making them, and the Master of the Ordnance for not assaying them. Will set joiners to the 400 ordnance spears to make them round and light after this country sort. All the other ordnance shall be ready shortly. The ships he gave half freight to at London, by Mr. Secretary's command, demand the other half now, and he has no commission nor money to pay it. The Mary Flower, that carried the great ordnance, fell in a leak and at Yarmouth transferred her load to another ship, which demands money for freight. 8 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add. To my lord Lieutenant's grace.
8 Oct.
R. O.
929. The War.
Licence by "Jehan de Sevycourt, chevalier, seigneur de Sainsseval, conseillier maistre d'hostel ordinaire du Roy nre. Sire, gouverneur et cappitaine de sa ville d'Ardre et compte de Guisnnes et de mille hommes de pied de la legion de Picardie," to Nic. Chabe, soldier under him, to go to Guisnes and obtain permission of Captain Vlesven (?) (fn. 9) to sell cattle, as cows, white cattle, swine (? pousiaus, for porceaux?) and other booty there. Ardre, 8 Oct. 1542. Signed : J. de Sevicourt.
French, p. 1.
8 Oct.
Add. MS. 28,593 f. 145. B. M. Lanz, II. 378. [Spanish Calendar, VI. II. No. 65.]
930. Charles V. to Paul III. (fn. 10)
Received his letters and message by the Card, of Viseu, his Legate, whose journey hither might have been spared if His Holiness had received the Emperor's answer to the Nuncio about the sending of legates or letters to the same effect. Need not, after his letters of 25 Aug. last make a long reply. These letters gave the causes of the war, and the Pope knows how the Emperor has done his office for the peace of Christendom. Describes how he was attacked while engaged with his forces against the Turk. Begs him to observe his promise to proceed against such as infringe the truce and adhere to the Turk, which is the true means of pacifying Christendom; and that that may be done the sooner, has despatched the legate without delay. Monzon, 8 Oct. 1542.
Lat. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 6.
9 Oct.
Dasent's A.P.C., 42.
931. The Privy Council.
Meeting at Westm., 9 Oct. Present : Canterbury, Chancellor, Hertford, Russell, Winchester, Westminster, Gage, Wingfield, Wriothesley, Sadler. Business :Letters written to mayor and customers of Bristol to follow their voyage into Spain, notwithstanding the general restraint; and like letters to the mayor, customers, &c., of Southampton.
[*** Next entry is 15 Oct.]
10 Oct.
R. O. [Spanish Calendar, VI. II. No. 68.]
932. Chapuys to the Queen Of Hungary.
In favour of Wm. d'Amizelle, whom the King sends to provide and bring hither a thousand of fir wood to make lances.
French. Modern note from a Vienna MS. Headed : 10 Octobre 1542.
10 Oct.
Add. MS. 32,648 f. 41. B. M. Hamilton Papers, No. 205.
933. Commissioners in the North to the Council.
Enclose a letter from Sir Arthur Darcy, showing how indiscreetly Sir Chr. Morres has handled himself in sending basses to Berwick without assaying them. For all the army he has sent only one barrel of bowstrings containing 10 gross. The lack of these shall not let their journey, but they will keep their day at Berwick and make shift for them. Harlesay beside North Alderton, 10 Oct. Signed by Norfolk, Southampton, and Browne.
P.S. in Norfolk's hand.Will be at Newcastle to-morrow by noon.
P. 1. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
10 Oct.
R. O.
934. Wallop to the Council.
The Frenchmen are aggrieved that we receive and buy booty taken by the Burgundians. My lord Deputy of Calais and I have answered them that if Flanders lay for their purpose as Boullonoyes does for the Burgundians, we should use them likewise, and, to prove it, they should make a course to Bourbroughe or Gravelinges. Sent that answer to De Beez, who wrote to him yesterday, and seems not pleased with a letter of his, mentioning the Dolphin's loss before Perpignan, and that Orleans had lost in eight days what cost him three months to take, and touching his own assembly made to overrun the Pale. Encloses his letter, received on Sunday afternoon. The same morning, Mons. St. Chevall sent one with a passport desiring to know whether they might bring a booty taken in Bredenard hither to sell. Replied that they might "with right good will," and sent horsemen to the border of the Pale to escort it; but after a little delay answer came that the booty was sold within Arde. Reckons here was no booty, but that the matter was only to prove what he would do. Points out that in the passport St. Chevall "writeth a great style," touching the county of Guisnes, in comparison with the style which De Beez always gives Wallop.
Heard, the same afternoon, that a general muster of the footmen of the Boullonoies should be taken next day at Marguyson. Sent out espials, who report that the muster was only to set order in the country; that 700 men were there with weapons and 300 without, to whom De Beez gave order to be ready to wait upon such captains as he would appoint, to make turnpikes in every village, to provide each man hose of his captain's colours, and each village to send a sufficient personage this week for further instructions. Sent also two of his horsemen to De Beez to complain of evil treatment by his men two days past, one of them having been put in danger of life, and the other's wife beaten in her own house. De Beez prayed them to tarry till he had taken the musters, and meanwhile see if they could find any of the offenders. They found one, who was sent prisoner to Bullen. De Beez, with his commendations, sent word by the horsemen that, in future, if the Burgundians came to take booty they should be pursued as far as the gates of this town or Newnham Bridge. Asks whether to resist them if they attempt such a thing; and meanwhile, if they come so nigh, will salute them with ordnance; but he does not think they will venture.
Of the Imperial part knows nothing worth writing. The Great Master is not yet returned from Court. Of the prince of Orrenge and Mons. de Bure is little speaking, except that they have retired, as Vandosme likewise has done.
Wrote before of the lack of a provost marshal here, and that Mr. Awdeley, who exercised the room very well, would retire unless commanded by a letter from the King or Council to continue, and suggesting a little augmentation of his wages. Begs, at least, a letter for his continuance. Guysnes, 10 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 4. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
10 Oct.
R. O. St. P. IX., 192.
935. Paget to Henry VIII.
Having received from the Council a letter, dated Havering, instructing him to proceed with the Admiral upon the words used to his clerk, touching the arrest of their ships, took occasion of access to the Admiral. Describes the conversation; which he began by saying that in his affection for the continuance of the amity, he had sent into England to enquire of the matter, and say that the Admiral thought the usage of their subjects strange; and so declared word for word as prescribed in the said letter. The Admiral replied that he was sure of Henry's affection for his master, in spite of the bruits in Flanders and Spain that he had joined the Emperor, concluding marriage and lending him money and being his host; for himself, he honoured Henry next to his own master as their best ally, and the most gentle and bounteous prince he ever knew; as to the ships, it was right that pirates should be punished, and he himself had arrested certain Normans, whose process should be made; when he first heard (from merchants rather than from the ambassador, who wrote least of it) that their ships were unjustly detained, he had indeed spoken somewhat roundly; but these were trifles, and he was always ready to do what he could to increase the amity, by alliance, "sang" or otherwise; they were as ready to treat as ever, and, although sorry to hear of business between Henry and the Scots, they would not meddle. Paget answered that their affection was well employed, for the world knew how Henry had declared his affection for them, and now, if it was less regarded, their approved friends might feel uncertain, as well as their new confederates, like Denmark and Sweden; in his affection for the Admiral, as a friend of his master, he was apprehensive, seeing this Court divided,the Queen of Navarre, Mons. d'Orleans, Madame d'Estampes and he against the Queen, Dolphin, Constable and almost all the Cardinals : here was Sadolete come to practise, and if his practise went forward, as men hoped, the Queen of Navarre and Mons. d'Orleans must "hold in," and, as for Madame d'Estampes and him, what would be the end? Even now men were saying his sickness was due to perplexity. The Admiral, rousing himself and thanking Paget very heartily, said men in his position must have enemies, but if a man meant well the end must be good, and as for the Cardinals, he "set not by them a point" (and here he dispraised the bp. of Rome); they were "desired to peace with some appearance of honest conditions." Paget replied, that was not the first offer, and he prayed God that the broker between them might not make both to lose and take the gain himself. "Par le corps Dieu, il est ung fin compaignon," said the Admiral, laughing, and so dismissed him.
Would not reply to what the Admiral said about the amity, alliance, "sang," and readiness to treat; but mentioned Sadolet in order to cast a bone in his way. Begs pardon if he committed faults which a wiser man might have avoided.
Wrote by Hammes that the army was retired to Clarac and the duke of Alva before the Pertuise, and that the French boasted that they would give battle if the Emperor would abide it. Describes how the army is now dispersed into garrisons, and the Dolphin expected here, what trouble has been with the Swiss mercenaries (who refuse to do more than defend), the King's review of their numbers and the withdrawal of the workmen from Clarac to the fortification of Narbona. The sudden departing of the camp is said to be for fear of inundation, but is rather because of scarcity, which is increased by the disaffection of the people, who are rather Catalonish than French. The King lays all blame upon himself. He went not to the camp but to Narbona, where he stayed two days and then came here, where he has been a se'nnight. He has sent to Lyons for the card. of Turnon and the new Chancellor, and will tarry hereabouts until he sees what way the Emperor will take; and will then go to Lyons if the Emperor go to Italy, or, if the Emperor go towards Bayone, he will go into Gascoyn, and so by Xaintonge, Limousin, and Brittayn to Picardy. Describes how the French boast that if that way had been taken this year they would have mastered all the Low Country, and how the King has boasted at supper that he would chastise the Emperor and send Orleans to make war in Tuscany, and that he had sent Sor John Paulo and other captains into Italy to levy men. He has given Sadolet the bpric. of Mcon, and travails with the Bishop of Rome both to win him and appease the Venetians; so that, by the Legate's appointment, the Venetian ambassador, the Legate and the Admiral have had a long conference. For the Bishop's share the King offers the realm of Naples. Sor John Paulo went to Italy long before the camp was raised, and men think he will never recover from his sickness, "il mal Franchese." The bands of Italians and Gascons have quarrelled over a booty, and 80 of the latter are slain. While the camp was at Clarac 3,500 foot and 400 horse entered Perpignan, passing within an English mile of Mons. de Thermes, captain general of the horsemen in Piedmont, who had been sent with 1,000 horse to intercept them. It is supposed that De Thermes and his men were asleep. Since the camp departed, 2,000 more have entered, and the townsmen return to their mysteries. The French say the Emperor will retire for want of victual. A courier from the Legate in Spain brought word yesterday that the Emperor's navy of 52 galleys waits at Maillorque for the Emperor, who returns into Italy and goes thence to Almain to borrow "sould" for 20,000 men; and so come to Flanders, to marry Henry's daughter and join him against France. Knows that Francis expects Henry to make war on him next year, and that he has said that if matters go well with the Emperor, he will let Henry know next year that he has "not well done this year." To-day he despatched one to Denmark and Sweden, to put them in readiness against England next year, and one to Almain, to provide lanceknights.
Guasto has at last caused Mons. de Langey "to cry creeke," and is master of the campaign, having taken Susa and Gase on the Pau, within five miles of Turin, put Turin itself in danger, and overrun the country almost to Grenoble. The Venetians have executed "a great sort of gentlemen," among them one of their secretaries, Augustinus de Bonda and one Sor Valery, who had an abbey by Sens in Bourgoyn, and is here much lamented. Wrote before that Turchetto was in hold; but the ambassador of Ferrare, who came hither yesterday, for certain practises, says Turchetto has escaped to Mirandula, and that the secretary who escaped (as Paget wrote) was in hold at a town of the Bishop of Rome's called Folini. Learns secretly that the duke of Ferrare is French in heart, and has sent munitions to Maran, and that the Venetians suspect him. Encloses a letter from Melvil, that the King may "see a beginning." Frater Dionysius, (fn. 11) generalis ordinis Servorum, and cardinal de Sancto Marcello, whom Henry knew by writing (for he was on his side in his great cause at Rome), is dead, and his brother, Frater Bernardinus, a cordelier, esteemed above all in Rome for learning, virtue and preaching, is fled to Germany and professes himself "one of theirs." "These two legates" (fn. 12) have as yet only felt the inclination of "these princes," of whom the Emperor is said to be the etiffer. The Admiral is very sickly and not like to live long. This day when talking with the King he fell in a swoon.
Thanks Henry for the gift bestowed upon him, as he perceives from the lords of the Council. Montpeslier, 10 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 12. Add. Endd. : ao xxxiiijo.
Caius College MS. 597, p. 189. 2. Letter-book copy of the preceding, in the hand of Paget's clerk.
Pp. 11.
10 Oct.
R. O.
936. Edmond Harvel to Henry VIII.
Wrote 27 Sept. Letters from Constantinople certify that the Turk was come to Andrinopoli, anxious for the things of Hungary, hearing of the great host of Christian men converted to the oppugnation of Buda and of Pest, which is not abandoned, as was reported, but defended by 10,000 Turks. Soliman, bassa of Egypt, is sent towards Hungary with 20,000 horse and 4,000 janissaries; and there is great preparation to contend with the Almains and much diligence about the naval works. There is always mention that the Turk demands the duke of Orleans for hostage of his navy. Polin, the French ambassador, is well entertained by the Turk. Doria is gone from Geane with 40 galleys, against Provence. The Imperials have put 3,000 footmen in Parpignan, although the French have often divulged the taking of it. Guasto has taken many towns, and is largely superior in the field. The Imperial ambassador has required passage for 10,000 men, of whom 4,000 are on the way to Milan. This argues that the Emperor will make some great "esforse" in Italy.
Here is continual mention of the General Council to be kept at Trent. The Bishop of Rome has deputed three cardinals (fn. 13) and two bps. to make preparation there, and Ferdinando has written to the Signory for victuals for the Council; "whereat the Signory could not abstain laughing of such vain matters with th' Imperial orator who delivered the said letters to the Signory concerning the request of the victuals." The Almains have protested that if the Council be not kept at Trent at the time appointed they will make a Council provincial. The secretary Cavatza is now in Rome, by the Bishop's command, and so out of these men's peril. Mafio Leon, who was banished for the late crime, is dead in Bononye. No others are yet discovered, but divers of the great are suspected, and the investigation proceeds rigorously, as is necessary in so corrupt a city as this was. Venice, 10 Oct. 1542.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Sealed. Endd.

Egerton MS. 2,711. B. M.
937. Sir Thos. Wyatt. (fn. 14)
A volume containing the originals of Wyatt's poems, printed by Nott, some of them in his own hand, others corrected in his own hand. For further description see Catalogue of the Egerton MSS. acquired by the British Museum in 1888.


  • 1. The date at the end, which is quite distinct, "vi. day of October," was a Friday; but it almost seems as if the letter was written the day before.
  • 2. "Lippin na vyer" (i.e., uther, or other) expect nothing else.
  • 3. These concluding words are in Maltravers' own hand.
  • 4. See No. 902.
  • 5. Godfrey van Halisson. See No. 781.
  • 6. Michael da Silva, Cardinal, bishop of Viseu.
  • 7. Enrolled on the Irish Pat. Roll, 32-33 Hen. VIII., m. 9. See Morrin's Calendar, p. 78.
  • 8. Conaught O'Siagail, afterwards bishop of Elphin. See Vol. XVI., Nos. 1127n, 1194.
  • 9. The name has been so altered that it is impossible to say what letters are intended to remain, but in any case it is very unlike "Wallop." See No. 934.
  • 10. An undated draft of this letter, in French, will be found printed in Granvelle, Papiers d'Etat, II. 645. It varies from this by giving the date of the letters brought by the Legate, viz., 26 Aug., and the date of the Emperor's previous letter as "28," not "25," Aug.
  • 11. Dionisio Laureri.
  • 12. Sadolet in France and the card. of Viseu in Spain.
  • 13. Cardinals Parisi, Morone, and Pole.
  • 14. Wyatt died on the 11 Oct., 1542. See Inq., p. m. 34 Hen. VIII., No. 90, and Nott's Wyatt, lxxiv.