Index: N

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 15, 1540. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1896.

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'Index: N', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 15, 1540, ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1896), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index: N', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 15, 1540. Edited by James Gairdner, R H Brodie( London, 1896), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index: N". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 15, 1540. Ed. James Gairdner, R H Brodie(London, 1896), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.



Naburn, Yorks., g. 733 (35).

Nackington (Natyngdon), Kent, p. 566.

Nafferton (Naffreton), Yorks., p. 566.

Nagden (Negdon) Marsh, Kent, g. 436 (44).

Nalred. See Walred.

Nalyngherst, Hugh, p. 541.

Namur, in Luxembourg, 161.

Nanfan, Sir Ric., deputy of Calais (temp. Hen. VII.) 729.

-, Thos., g. 613 (26)

Nantes, in France, 704 (p. 329).

Nanteuil le Haudouin, in France, 124n.

Nantwich, Chesh., p. 562.

Naples harness, 853 (p. 426).

Napton, Eliz., p. 547.

Naples, kingdom of, 104, 462 (p. 192), 582, 670 (2), 712, 808.

-, viceroy of. See Toledo, Pedro de.

Napoli di Malvasia (Malveseta), in the Morea, 104, 778, 794, 808.

Napoli di Romagna (Romulia, Naples di Romania), in the Morea, 104, 448, 582, 778, 794, 808.

Narburgh, Norf., 1029 (36).

-, vicar of. See Shorthwayte, W.

Narrow Water, co. Down, alias Port O'Neil, 683–4.

Nash (Nasshe), co. Glamorgan, p. 562.

Nash (Nasshe), Wm., g. 613 (37).

Nassau, Henry count of, marquis of Zenete (died in Sept. 1538), father of the Prince of Orange, 876.

Nasshe mill, in Abbots Langley, Herts, g. 733 (53).

Nassington, Ntht., g. 144 (2).

Natton, Wilts, g. 942 (110).

Natures, Dr., 382.

-, Humph., p. 549.

Natyngdon. See Nackington.

Naufbourg. See Neubourg.

Naunton, Wm., Suffolk's treasurer, 190.

-, Wm., g. 942 (44).

Navarre, kingdom of, 40, 320, 332, 457 (p. 189), 508 (p. 227), 543 (pp. 244–5).

Navarre, Henri d'Albret king of (“Mons. de Labrit”), an exile in France, 457 (p. 189), 508 (p. 227), 543 (pp. 244–5), 597, 810, 838, 842, 870, 879–80, 890, 905, 932, 949, 981.

-, -, his daughter. See Albret, Jeanne d'.

Navarre, Queen of. See Margaret of Angoulême.

Navy. See Ships, the King's.

Naylor, John, g. 942 (61).

Neachley (Nechlees), near Tong, Salop, g. 611 (26).

Neapolis or Neapolitane, bp. of. See Draper J.

Neapolitans, individual. See Italians.

Neasham (Nesam, Neshame) nunnery (supp.), D'ham, 305.

-, pension list, p. 552.

-, prioress. See Lawson, J.

Neath (Nethe Burgus, Neth), co. Glam., g. 613 (5).

-, abbey (supp.), of, pp. 561–2, 564.

Nechlees. See Neachley.

Nedchame Market. See Needham.

Nedeham (Nedham), James, clerk and surveyor of the King's works, 1029 (10).

-, Sir Robt., 354:—g. 282 (7).

-, -, letter from, 354.

-, Robt., p. 546.

Nedham. See Nedeham.

Needham (Nedehame) Market, Suff., p. 564.

Neele, John, g. 611 (14).

Neeles, John, 609.

Neelis, John, 610.

Negdon. See Nagden.

Neile (Neyle), Barbara, p. 543.

Nelley, Jas., p. 555.

Nellis, Agnes, p. 551.

Nelson, Marg., p. 545.

Nelyng, Robt., p. 543.

Nelysfen, Norf., g. 942 (18).

Neocomi. See Neuchatel.

Nesam. See Neasham.

Nestelhoo. See Nostell.

Nete, Thos., 608 (3, 4 iii.).

Neth. See Neath.

Nethe. See Neath.

Netherbury, Dors., prebend in Salisbury, g. 942 (114).

Netherclyff, Thos., g. 436 (34).

Nethercolwike. See Colwick.

Netherdale. See Nidderdale.

Nethersall, Robt., 609 (p. 275).

Netherstoke. See Stoke.

Netherthrowghmaston. See Thurveston, Nether-.

Netherton, Wm., p. 551.

Netley (Leteley) abbey (supp.), Hants, 556.

Nette, Ric., p. 545.

Nettlestead (Nettylsted), Suff., letters dated at, 225, 286.

Nettlond, Robt., p. 549.

Nettylsted. See Nettlestead.

Neuburg, in Germany, letter dated at, 854.

Neubourg or Neufbourg (Naufbourg), in Normandy, 651, 949.

-, letters dated at, 572, 903.

Neuchatel (Neocomi), in Switzerland, letter dated at, 534.

Neudyk, Isabel, p. 553.

Neudyke, Kath., prioress of Wykeham, p. 553.

Neuenaar (Nuenare), earl of, comes in the train of Anne of Cleves, 14 (2).

Neuenaar (de Nova Aquila), Wm. a, sent from Granvelle to the Protestants, 589, 666 (p. 316).

Neufbourg. See Neubourg.

Neufchastel, in France, letter dated at, 700.

Neuton. See Newton.

Nevendon (Newenden), Essex, g. 282 (40, 76), 611 (8, p. 285).

Nevenson (Neyvynson), Chr., a member of Convocation, signature of, 861.

Nevers, duchess of (Marg. de Bourbon, daughter of Charles duke of Vendome, wife of Francis duke of Nevers), 740.

Nevers, Francis Duke of, 115.

Nevers, Louis de Cleves, mons. de (not the Duke), 222, 253.

Nevers, count Gui de, 597 (2).

-, count Loys de, 597 (2).

Nevill, lord, 14 (p. 5).

Nevill (Nevell), — (qu. Ric. N., Cranmer's servant?), 1029 (63).

-, (Nevell), Ant., g. 282 (4).

-, (Nevell). Sir Edw., uncle of Henry lord Montague (executed 9 Dec. 1538), 686, 939 (p. 465);—g. 942 (25, 36).

-, (Nevylle), Isabel, p. 543.

-, (Nevell), Sir John, steward of Darcy's lands, 14 (p. 5), 1007:—g. 282 (21).

-, (Nevell), John, g. 144 (16).

-, (Nevell), Mary, 840:—p. 548.

-, Sir Robt., g. 282 (21).

-, T., 14 (p. 6).

-, Sir Thos., p. 561:—g. 1027 (37).

-, -, Eliz., his wife, p. 561.

-, Thos., of Holt, 1029 (2).

-, (Nevell), Thos., 474.

Newall (Newhall), Chesh., p. 562.

Newark, laird of, 634.

Newark priory (supp.), near Ripley, Surr., p. 543:—g. 611 (8), 942 (82, 118).

-, pension list, p. 543.

Newark-upon-Trent, Notts, g. 282 (10), 831 (3).

Newarke, John, p. 549.

Newbattle Abbey, in Scotland, 160.

Newberye, John, 452.

Newbiggin, Dham., g. 831 (64).

Newbold, Derb., g. 1027 (17).

Newbold, Leic., g. 1027 (5).

Newborough, Mary, p. 545.

Newburgh, Yorks., g. 831 (84).

-, priory (supp.) of, pp. 563, 566, 567 bis:—g. 831 (84).

Newbury, Berks, g. 282 (44).

Newbury (Newbery), Little-, Berks, p. 558.

Newcastle-under-Lyne, Staff., g. 611 (5).

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Nthld., 15, 57, 85, 106, 196, 376, 696, 1029 (44).

-, letters dated at, 57, 191.

-, mayor of, 85:—g. 612 (14).

-, St. Bartholomew's nunnery, 15:—p. 551.

-, -, pension list, p. 551.

-, -, prioress. See Lawson, A.

-, -, surrender, 15.

-, Wall Knoll priory (supp.), p. 555.

-, White Friars (supp.), 465 (3).

New Church, Kent, g. 613 (32).

Newcom, —, glazier, 1029 (21).

Newcombe, John, p. 555.

Newdigate, J., 14 (p. 6).

-, John, g. 831 (47b).

-, Sibilla, prioress of Holywell, p. 545.

Newelme. See Ewelme.

Newenden, Essex. See Nevendon.

Newenden, Kent, g. 613 (32).

Newenham. See Newnham.

Newenham, Devon. See Newham.

Newenham (or Newnham) Court, Kent, g. 942 (49).

Newenhame, Jas., 452.

-, Sir Wm., 14 (p. 5).

Newe Porthe. See Nieuport.

Newhall, Herts, g. 733 (57).

Newhall. See Newall.

Newhall Josselyn, Essex, g. 613 (38).

Newham or Newenham abbey (supp.), Devon, near Axminster, p. 545:—g. 733 (17).

-, abbot of. See Gill, Ric.

-, pension list, p. 545.

Newhaven. See Nieuport.

Newington, Kent, g. 942 (49).

Newland, East- (Estnewlande), Essex, g. 611 (8).

Newman, Anne, p. 549.

-, Hen., 61.

-, Joan, 1006 (p. 499), 1011.

-, John, pp. 545, 549.

-, Thos., g. 943 (18).

-, Wm., p. 542.

Newmarket, Camb., 442:—g. 942 (19).

Newminster abbey (supp.), Nthld., beside Morpeth, p. 541.

Newnham, Glouc., 587.

Newnham (Newneham), Herts, g. 733 (42).

Newnham (Newenham, Newnehame) priory, near Bedford, 11:—p. 549:—g. 436 (9, 42).

-, pension list, 11:—p. 549.

-, prior. See Burne, J.

Newneham or Newnhame, John, 81:—p. 551.

-, Thos., p. 547.

Newport, co. Pembroke, g. 282 (74).

Newport, Salop, g. 733 (51).

Newporte, John, g. 282 (61).

-, Ric., 749 (2).

-, Thos., 49, 498 iii. c. 75:—p. 553:—g. 282 (7), 942 (106).

-, Wm., 24:—p. 548.

Newsham (Newsome) abbey (supp.), in Brocklesby, Linc., g. 831 (23).

Newsome. See Newsham.

Newstead priory, 713.

Newstead (Newsted), Linc., beside Stamford, g. 612 (15).

-, priory (supp.) of, g. 612 (15).

-, -, priory of. See Blakett, J.

Newstead (Newstede) priory (supp.), Notts, in Sherwood Forest, p. 546:—g. 733 (66).

-, pension list, p. 546.

-, prior. See Blake, J.

Newstede, Staff., g. 611 (5).

Newtimber (Newe Tymbre), Suss., 806.

Newton. See Kneeton.

Newton hundred, Dors., g. 942 (62).

Newton St. Loe, Soms., 689.

Newton next Ellesmere, Salop, g. 611 (26).

Newton, Long- (Langenewton), Dham., g. 831 (64).

Newton-in-Makerfield, Lanc., g. 282 (46),

Newton-upon-Ouse, Yorks., 922.

Newton, Edw., 609.

-, Hen., 610.

-, Sir John, 14 (p. 6):—g. 282 (9), 942 (13).

-, (Neuton), Marg., p. 543.

-, Miles, 1029 (18).

-, Robt., archd. of Norfolk, 861.

-, Wm., 609 (p. 276):—p. 551.

Newtoun, in Tynedale, 96 (2)

Newtown alias Frankeville, Hants, g. 942 (14).

Newtown Marsh, Hants, g. 942 (14).

Neyvynson. See Nevenson.

New Year's Gifts, 181, 327, 850 (7).

Nicastro, bp. of. See Cervini, Card.

Niccolini (Nyckalyne), —, 1030 (18 p. 529).

Nice, in Savoy, 239:—App. 4.

Nicholas the Courier (Nic. de Pelle), 543 (pp. 245–6), 574.

Nicholas, vintner at Calais, 609 (p. 275).

Nicholas, Isabella, g. 282 (88).

-, John, 609 (p. 275).

-, Robt., p. 553:—g. 436 (40).

-, (Nicolas), Wm., alias Wadhurst, 359 (1, 2).

-, Wm., p. 551.

Nicholl or Nicoll, Edw., g. 942 (37).

-, Geoff., g. 436 (75).

-, Humph., p. 558.

-, John, g. 612 (4), 942 (37).

-, Philip, g. 282 (30),

Nicholls (Nicolles), John, pp. 544, 548:—g. 611 (26).

-, (Nycollys), Wm., g. 733 (10).

Nicholson or Nicolson, Alex., 221.

-, Alice, p. 553.

-, Joan, p. 552.

-, John, p. 552.

-, Marg., pp. 547, 552.

-, Peter, a foreign glasier, 1029 (25).

-, Ric., g. 733 (44).

-, Wm., p. 551.

Nicol. See Nichol.

Nidderdale (Netherdale, Netherdaylle), Yorks., p. 558 bis.

Nieuport (Newe Porthe, Newhaven), in Flanders, 507 (p. 225), 876.

Nimeguen (Nymmeghe, Nymmege), in Gueldres, 309, 482–3.

-, letters dated at, 482–3.

Nimeguen (Novimagium), John of, letter from, 1029 (54).

Nixe, John, p. 553.

Nobelett, Thos., 802.

Noble (Nobyll), Eliz., g. 436 (25).

-, John, p. 543.

-, Thos., p. 549.

Noion. See Noyon.

Noke, Thos., g. 831 (60).

Nokestuble wood, in Croydon, Surr., g. 613 (32).

Nonnecotham. See Nuncotton.

Nonne Ormysby. See Ormsby.

Nonnethorp. See Nunthorpe.

Non-residence, licences of, g. 144 (4), 282 (85), 611 (49), 733 (26).

Nonsuch palace, in Cuddington-beside-Ewell, Surr., 498 (36).

Norberghe. See Nuremberg.

Norbury (Norbery), Surr., g. 144 (5), 942 (94).

Norcott, near Abingdon, Berks, p. 563.

Nores. See Norres.

Norfolk, 558:—g. 282 (6), 1027 (41).

-, feodary in, g. 144 (2).

-, lands in, 69, 211, 393, 498 iii. c. 69.

-, sedition in, 748.

-, sheriff of, 755.

Norfolk, archdeacon of. See Newton, R.

Norfolk, Thomas Howard duke of (1514 to 1524), 498 iii. c. 73, 80.

Norfolk, Thos. Howard duke of, Earl Marshal (envoy to France in Feb. 1540), 1, 14, 18, 22, 145, 202, 207–9, 222–4, 228, 233–5, 239–40, 253, 257–8, 270–1, 285, 289, 304, 320, 329, 334, 344, 370, 388–9, 422, 429, 442, 493, 498 iii. c. 73, 76, 80, 500, 536, 543 (p. 244), 560 (1, 3), 588, 652, 697, 707 i., ii., 720 iv., 756, 767, 773, 785–6, 792 ii., 794, 796, 804 (pp. 377–8), 812, 823–4, 837, 847, 849, 850 (1, 3), 860 (p. 430), 861 (2), 864, 876, 878, 886, 889, 901, 902 (pp. 447–8), 910, 914–16, 926, 932, 948, 859, 966, 970, 986–7, 990, 1008, 1011–12, 1021, 1029 (8):—p. 541:—g. 282 (9, 19–21, 33–5, 52, 61, 68, 96), 612 (14), 733 (63), 831 (34, 47 a, b), 942 (12, 13, 39–41b, 43–4, 75), 1027 (7).

-, -, letters from, 222–4, 239–40, 253, 329, 442.

-, -, letters to, 233, 588, 773, 792 ii., 794, 796, 812, 837, 849, 864, 876, 878, 886, 889, 914, 932, 948, 1012.

-, -, instructions for, 145.

-, -, deposition of, 850 (3), 861 (2, 3).

-, -, his French pension, 329.

-, -, a servant of, at Bruges, 812.

-, -, monastery given to, 370.

Norfolk, Agnes duchess dowager of, stepmother of the Duke, 498 iii. cc. 73, 80.

Norfolk, Elizabeth duchess of, wife of the Duke, daughter of Edward duke of Buckingham, living apart from her husband at Redbourne, 493, 498 (iii. cc. 76, 80), 1029 (8).

-, -, letters from, 493, 1029 (8).

Norgrove, Ric., 111 (2):—p. 551.

Norham, Nthld., p. 564.

Noris. See Norres.

Normabell, Eleanor, sub-prioress of Nun Appleton, p. 554.

Norman, Thos., alias Corton, abbot of Cerne, p. 542:—g. 436 (67).

Normandy, 58, 418 (p. 161), 429, 459, 472, 644, 709, 740, 749, 786, 817, 1022.

-, Admiral's lieutenant in, 740.

-, Seneschal of, 890.

Normandy fen, Norf., g. 942 (18).

Normanton, Notts, g. 733 (66), 831 (22).

Normanton, Yorks., g. 282 (21).

Normecote, Staff., g. 942 (42).

Normeston. See Northmoston.

Norres (Nores), —, 1030 (18).

-, (Noris), Anne, p. 547.

-, Henry (executed 17 May 1536), 1029 (30).

-, (Norreys), Joan, p. 547.

-, (Nores), Sir John, 14 (p. 5).

-, John, gentleman usher, letter from, 135.

-, John, 393 (2), 806.—p. 554.

-, (Norreis), Ric., p. 552.

-, Robt., 806.

-, (Nores), Thos., 1030 (18 p. 529).

-, Wm., 806.

North, the, 515, 1011.

-, Commissioners for suppression of monasteries. See Henley, W.; Legh, Thos.; Bellasis, R.; Watkins, J.

-, -, brief report of, 139 (2).

-, Council of the (“Council at York”), 25, 27, 85, 113, 119–20, 131, 166 ii., 175, 191, 319, 361–2, 428, 465, 502 (2), 633, 765n.

-, -, letters from, 25, 85, 131, 319, 361, 428.

-, -, letters to, 120, 175, 191.

-, -, president of. See Holgate, R.

-, general pardon to, 428.

-, re-edifying towns (Act), 498 (18).

North, Clement, g. 733 (46).

-, Edw., or Sir Edw., treasurer of Augmentations (17 March 1540), 474, 631, 653, 756, 771, 809 (p. 383), 980—p. 558:—g. 942 (61).

-, -, letters from, 653, 771, 980.

-, -, letter to, 756.

-, -, signature of, 474.

-, -, warrant for, 631.

-, Wm., 958.

Northallerton (Northalverton), Yorks., St. James's hospital, 691, 726:—g. 831 (64).

-, -, master. See Morison, R.

-, -, surrender of, 691.

Northam, Sems., near Bristol, g. 831 (21).

Northampton, pp. 563, 565:—g. 942 (99, 109).

-, Austin Friars (supp.) of, g. 942 (99, 109).

-, Castle, g. 144 (20).

-, De la Pray (Delapre) nunnery (supp.), pp. 556–7, 563.

-, Mervelles Mill, p. 565.

-, Quengions Mills, p. 563.

-, Rush Hall holme, g. 942 (99, 109).

-, sanctuary at, 498 (12).

-, St. Andrew's priory (supp.) 650 (3 ii.):—p. 565:—g. 942 (99, 109).

-, St. James's abbey (supp.), g. 436 (52), 611 (8 p. 285), 942 (99 p. 478, 109).

Northampton, archdeacon of, 605. See Smith, G.

Northampton, John, 11:—p. 549.

Northamptonshire, 605, 650, 1029 (37):—g. 282 (55), 1027 (41).

-, lands in, g. 612 (15).

Northawe, Herts, g. 282 (108).

Northbourn or Norborne, Kent, g. 613 (32).

Northbroke, the Devonshire river, g. 436 (46).

Northchurch, Herts, g. 831 (89).

Northcot, near Reading, Berks, g. 436 (34).

Northcote, Devon, g. 831 (28).

Northcote, John, g. 282 (74).

Northehope marsh, in Cliffe, Kent, g. 436 (61).

Northern horsemen, 199.

Northern rebellion (of 1536–7), 280 (2), 405, 498 (59), 502 (2), 515, 830 (p. 398).

North Hill, Cornw., 498 (34).

North Lache, Glouc., g. 733 (65).

Northmondham. See Mundham, North.

Northmoston (Normeston), Devon, g. 282 (11).

Northotrington. See Otterington.

Northre, Kent, g. 613 (32).

Northsture, Superior and Inferior, Kent, g. 613 (32).

Northtawton. See Tawton.

Northumberland, 15, 57, 85.

-, lands in, 44.

-, sheriff of (1539–40). See Ratcliff, Sir C.

Northumberland, archdeacon of. See Davell, R.

Northumberland, Henry Percy sixth earl of (1527–37), and his lands, p. 541.

Northweald (Northwelde), Essex, g. 733 (68).

Northweald Bassett (Northwelbasset), Essex, p. 540.

Northwelbasset. See Northweald Basset.

Northwich, Chesh, p. 564.

Norton, Chesh., p. 556 bis.

-, abbey (supp.) of, p. 556 bis.

Norton, Derb., p. 562:—g. 1027 (17).

Norton, Norf., g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Norton, Notts, g. 942 (70).

Norton, Suff., g. 436 (31).

Norton Brize (Brunesnorton), Oxon, 498 iii. c. 73:—g. 942 (43).

Norton, Cold-, Essex, g. 282 (89).

Norton Dawney, Devon, g. 942 (58).

Norton or King's Norton, Worc., g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Norton next Malton, Yorks., g. 831 (73).

Norton Parva, Derb., g. 1027 (17).

Norton, Geo., g. 942 (92).

-, John, 118, 884:—pp. 541, 550:—g. 282 (5, 21, 27, 77), 612 (14), 831 (47a), 942 (41b).

-, Sampson, 609 (p. 275), 1031 (2).

-, Thos., g. 733 (42).

Norway, 696, 1009–10.

Norwich, g. 144 (2), 831 (72), 1027 (35).

-, letters dated at, 506, 525.

-, mayor of, g. 282 (6).

-, Black Friars (supp.) of, g. 831 (72).

-, Castle, 755:—g. 144 (20).

-, Cathedral, dean of. See Salisbury, J.

-, St. Clement and St. Mary Incombusta, g. 831 (72).

-, St. Giles Hospital, letter from master and fellows, 506.

-, -, master. See Codde, R.

-, sanctuary at, 498 (12).

Norwich, bpric. of, g. 436 (59), 942 (84).

-, -, Act touching, 498 (41).

-, archdeacon of. See Wyndham, G.

-, bp. of. See Repps, W.

Norwich, Ralph, p. 546.

Norwike, in Thetford, Norf., g. 942 (43).

Norwood, Ralph, 14 (p. 6).

Nosse, John, 884.

-, Thos., 884.

Nostell or Nestelhoo (in Wragby, near Pontefract, Yorks.), St. Oswald's priory (supp.), 73:—pp. 547, 566:—g. 436 (62).

-, -, pension list, p. 547.

-, -, prior. See Ferrer, R.

Nosterfield, Camb., 806.

Notley (Notteley) or Nuttley, in Long Crendon, Bucks, 1008.

-, abbey (supp.) of, p. 559:—g. 282 (111), 436 (29), 612 (7), 831 (58).

Notley (Noteley) Alba, Essex, g. 942 (43).

Notte, Walter, p. 567.

Notteley. See Notley.

Nottesforde. See Nutford.

Nottingham, g. 144 (2), 282 (10).

-, mayor of, g. 282 (4).

-, Castle, 196.

-, Gaol, g. 144(20 bis).

Nottingham, archdeacon of. See Marshall, C.

Nottingham, countess of. See Richmond, duchess of.

Nottingham (Notyngham), Geo., p. 543.

-, (Notyngham), Ric., p. 549.

Nottinghamshire, g. 282 (55), 436 (5).

Notyngham. See Nottingham.

Nova Aquila. See Neuenaar.

Novara, in Italy, 591.

Novimagium. See Nimeguen.

Nowell, Sir Thos., g. 831 (476).

Noyon, bp. of (Jean Hangest), 179.

Noyrelet, Jehan Vauchier dit, 1030 (68).

Nuenare. See Neuenaar.

Nuffield (Tuffelde), Oxon, g. 282 (99), 733 (45).

Nugent, Thos., dec., 830 (p. 430).

Nuke, the. See Charlton, R.

Nun Appleton (Nunneapleton) priory (supp.), near Bolton Percy, Yorks., pp. 554, 563.

-, pension list, p. 554.

-, sub-prioress. See Normabell, E.

Nuncotton (Nonnecotham) priory (supp.), in Keelby, Linc., pp. 546, 559:—g. 733 (19).

-, pension list, p. 546.

-, prioress. See Thompson, J.

Nune, Nic, p. 550.

Nuneaton (Nonne Eton), Warw., g. 733 (67).

-, priory (supp.) of, p. 546:—g. 733 (67).

-, -, pension list, p. 546.

-, -, prioress. See Oulton, A.

Nun Keeling (Nunkelynge) nunnery, in Holderness, p. 552.

-, pension list, p. 552.

-, prioress. See Borough, C.

Nunlane, in Meppershall, Herts, g. 282 (18).

Nunthorpe (Nonnethorp), Yorks., Nonnehouse in, p. 559.

Nunthorpe nunnery. See Basedale.

Nuremberg (Norberghe, Noriberga), 272–3, 781 (2), 1003.

-, peace of (23 July 1532), 924 (p. 456).

Nutford (Nottesforde), Dors., g. 613 (33).

Nuttyng, Agnes, p. 545.

Nuttyngs land, in Nuffield, Oxon, g. 282 (99), 733 (45).

Nutymber. See Nytymber.

Nuyke, the. See Charleton, of the Nuyke.

Nyckalyne. See Niccolini.

Nymmeghe. See Nimeguen.

Nytymber (Nutymber), Suss., 498 (37):—g. 1027 (30).