Henry VIII: June 1538, 1-10

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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'Henry VIII: June 1538, 1-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1892), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no1/pp416-435 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: June 1538, 1-10', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1892), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no1/pp416-435.

"Henry VIII: June 1538, 1-10". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1892), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol13/no1/pp416-435.


June 1538, 1-10

1 June. R. O. 1121. Edw. Lee, abp. of York, to Cromwell.
Will act on Cromwell's letter in behalf of Antony Hamond, the Archbp.'s, receiver of Shirbourne, for the ferme of the demesnes of Shirburne which one Wodhouse had. Cawod, 1 June 1538. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1 June. R. O. 1122. Lionel Gray.
Depositions taken at Berwick-upon-Tweed, 1 June 30 Hen. VIII., before Sir Wm. Eure, Thos. Musgrave, Thos. Suttell, John Hagerston, and John Bednell, concerning Lionel Grey, porter of Berwick.
i. Edw. Braidforthe deposes that Lionel Grey, when he was "setting" Sir Raynold Carnaby in Scotland, told him if he would do his part he might be" lord of Braidford again, and afterwards Thos. Grey of Newsteed, Lionel's nephew, told him of a plot for killing Sir Thos. Clifford, captain of Berwick, on his way to the meeting at Alnewick for defence against Ryddisdale and Tyndale, but he did not come. (The meeting at Alnwick was fixed by the bp. of Durham and the captain at a previous meeting at Dodyngton.) Thos. Grey then told him of a plot to kill Clifford in Berwick, and keep the town till the King gave them their pardon, for fear of their delivering it to the Scots. Was suspected of going to London with the mayor of Berwick to give evidence. When speaking to Lionel Grey of the failure of his attempts, he said that if the captain and his deputy had met at any clay of truce where Alexander Home was, they would have been dispatched. When Sir Thos. Forster was marshal, heard Lionel Grey and Clement Muschamp, his deputy porter, talking of the murder of Sir John Annesley for displeasing his brother, Sir Roger Grey. (Various details are given in this deposition of the successive plots, in which the Selbys, the lairds of Hebburn, Foulbery, Newton, and Muschamp, with their kin, were to have assisted. The latter part of the deposition corresponds with No. 1061.)
ii. Sir Robt. Ogle, vicar of Lilburn, says he met Lionel and Thos. Grey at Caldstreme Haulgh the day of the meeting at Dodington (where my lord of Durham, Sir Ingram Percy, and Sir Thomas Clyfford were present), and hearing them speak of doing Clifford a displeasure, moved one William Armorer to tell Dr. Clifford of it.
iii. Sir Antony Wallas, clerk, says Thos. Grey of the Newsteed, and Thos. Forster of Edderston, came to Emyldon on Wednesday, 8 May last, and spoke of Edw. Braidford as having gone to London to give information.
iv. Depositions of William Armorer, keeper of Alnewick Park, of Ogle's saying, and of Rauffe Reveley of Beryngton and Edward his son, that Lionel Grey, after the killing of Ralph's brother, Thomas Reveley, said he had never consented to the death of any man but John Annesley.
v. Thos. Hedlee, of Kelleburn, deposes that during the last war he brought a message from the laird of Farnyhirst to the earl of Northumberland that Lionel Grey was a Scotch spy, and gave warning to the earl of Murray, then the king of Scots' lieutenant on the Borders.
vi. Sir Wm. Eure deposes as to a conversation with Edw. Muschamp about resetting Lowry Bele
vii. Gilbert Swynno, of Cornell, says he was told by Braidforthe of the plots to kill Clifford.
viii. Depositions of Alex. Sanderson, soldier of Berwick, concerning raids made by him with Lowry Bell, servant of Alex. Home, a Scotch gentleman; and of John and Edw. Muschamp of Gatherwik, Jerard Snowdon, and Edw. Homyll, porters of St. Mary's Gate in Berwick, Ric. Corbet and George Dazell, porters of the Brige Gate, and John Hunter, of Urde in Elandshire. Clement Muschamp, under porter, concerning Bele. Signed: Wyllm. Eure, —Thomas Sutehyll,—Thomas Musgrave,—John Bednell.
Pp. 20. Endd.
R. O. 2. A note of some leading points in the above depositions.
Lyonel Graye moved Edw. Braydfurthe to kill the captain of Berwick, promising to treat of the matter more largely by Thos. Greye. Braydfurthe said he would do as others did. Thos. Grey then declared to him that the matter should be contrived either by strength of friends or by a busshment of horsemen, promising Braydfurthe 4l. to buy a horse. This first purpose being disappointed, Thos. Gray declared to Braydfurthe that he and his friends were determined to kill the captain with his deputy in Berwick church, and said they would make the King glad to pardon them or yield the town to the Scots. Braydfurthe heard Lyonel Gray rejoice at the murder of one John Aineslee. Sir Antony Wallas, clerk, says that Edw. Braydfurthe said that he knew no such thing as was spoken of touching Lyonel Gray. Radulph Reveley heard Lionel Gray say once, "I was never consenting to any man's death saving the death of John Aineslee." With this Edw. Reveley agrees. Thos. Hedlee records that during the last war with the Scotch he was messenger from my lord of Farnihurst to the lord of Northumberland, to inform him that Lionel Gray was acting as a spy for Scotland. Gilbert Swine (sic), of Cornell, deposes that Braydfurthe said to him, "This day Lyonel Gray and Thos. Gray have appointed to kill Sir Thomas Clyfford, and myself should have been one of the busshment. Alexander, John Hunt, John Muscamp, and Lawryvele (sic) from Scotland, divided the prey of sheep among them." John Muscamp says he was messenger from Lawrevele to the porter of Berwick to provide him a new place, "which he would not do by and by for noise of the country." Clement Muscamp had secret communication with Lawryvele at St. Mary's Gate in Berwick. He also conveyed four score sheep of Lawryvele's and two oxen through Berwick.
Pp. 3. Endd.
3. "Touching Lawry Pel."
R. O. John Musteans says that after Lawry Pele c[ame] to his father's house about Lady Day in harvest last, Lionel [Graye] said he would sue to my lord of Norfolk for his pardon, and prayed him to remain there till the rumour of the country was pas[sed] over. When Lawry departed, the said Lionel Gray offered John Mus[tean] 4l. for a horse to ride into Scotl[and] on.
P. 1. In Wriothesley's hand.
2 June.
Add. MS.
5813, f. 14d.
B. M.
1123. Henry VIII. to the Vice-provost and Fellows of King's College, Cambridge.
Has received their petition to proceed to the election of a provost in place of their late provost, deceased. Presents his chaplain, Mr. Dr. Deye, to them as meet for the office, and dispenses by virtue of his "supreme authority" with the statute of their foundation, which requires that office to be filled by one of their own foundation. St. James', 2 June 30 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, p. 1.
2 June.
R. O.
1124. Thos. Hall, Receiver, to Henry Flemyng, bailiff of the lands belonging to Kirkstead Abbey.
Desires him to pay 10l. to John Wyngfeld or John Porter for repair of sea dikes and walls in Wyldemoore. (fn. n1) Desires that there be felled and made ready "twoo thousand of ij. bandyd kyddes moo and oone acre of alters for staikes," to further the same works. Colby, 2 June 30 Hen, VIII. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
2 June. 1125. Hamo Sutton, Senior and Junior.
R. O. Memorandum that in the Prince's Council Chamber at Westminster, upon the enrolment of a certain charter granted to Hamo Sutton, sen., and Hamo Sutton, jun., by Sir John late lord Hussey, an opinion was given by Thomas lord Cromwell, keeper of the Privy Seal, John Baker, attorney- general, Sir John Daunce, John Hales, baron, and Richard Pollard, Remembrancer of the Exchequer, 2 June 30 Hen. VIII., that the said charter which gave the Suttons an annuity of 40s., together with the office of bailiff of the manor of Braunston, should continue as long as Braunston was in the King's hands. Signed by John Mynne, clerk and general surveyor.
Latin, p. 1. Headed: Allor in Ao xxx ad Audit.
2 June. 1126. Hutton to Wriothesley.
R. O.
St. P. viii. 31
Copy of a letter of the same date to Cromwell sent by the bearer, as follows:—
Received, 31 May his Lordship's letters dated the 26th. The Queen was then with the duchess of Milan in the forest of Soin. On their return to Court repaired thither. Describes his interview with the Queen. Said it was much marvelled at that the Emperor, who had made the first overtures touching the duchess of Milan, had now become so cold, that his ambassadors in England had no instructions to conclude anything, and that he (Hutton) was sorry for it, as he had hoped that such an alliance would revive the old friendship between England and the house of Burgundy. Asked her to use her influence. She said she would write to the Emperor about it, and knew no reason for his slackness unless it were his much business for this meeting. It was then about six o'clock, and the Queen departed to supper, and Hutton to his lodging. Thither came lord Benedik Court, one of the chief about the Duchess, to sup with him, and asked whether Hutton had brought the Queen any good news concerning the Duchess, saying that he prayed God he might live to see her bestowed upon the King, but there was one doubt in the matter. Asked what that was. He said as the Duchess was near kinswoman to the lady Katharine, whom the King had married, the Pope's dispensation was necessary. Replied that he did not know what might be the bishop of Rome's laws, but he was sure the King would do nothing against God's laws. Thanks for his exhortation to spare no expenses, and indeed the custom here is for lords and gentlemen to come to dinner and supper unbidden. Wrote asking his Lordship to write to John de la Dique, a procurar in the Chancery of Brabant, who has certain books and writings of Mr. Hacket's, to deliver them to Hutton; which he promises to do upon Cromwell's letter. They will be very useful to Hutton. Has wasted nothing in gaming or the like, but has spent all that he has spent to the King's honour.
Asks Wriothesley to let him know how the lord Privy Seal takes the above letter, and thanks him for his fatherly goodness. Brussels, 2 June.
Hol. Add. Endd.
3 June. 1127. Chapter of the Garter.
R. O. Form of oath which, in "playne chapiter," holden at the Grey Friars, London, 3 June 30 Hen. VIII., all the officers then present made first to the duke of Norfolk lord Marshal and, in his absence, to Garter "as chief and principal king at arms of all Englishmen."
Parchment, p. 1.
B.M. 2. Modern copy in Harl. MS, 6064, f. 40.
3 June. 1128. Fifteenths and Tenths.
R. O. Mem. of the receipt by the Exchequer of 16,000l. from the collectors of a fifteenth and tenth granted in 26 Hen. VIII. to 3 June 30 Hen. VIII.
There is received of the first payment of the subsidy granted 26 Hen. VIII., besides sums of divers shires not yet accounted, and from the Lords and the Household, 19,000l.
P. 1. Endd.
3 June. 1129. Chas. Duke of Suffolk to Cromwell
Lamb MS.
602, f. 115.
The bishop of Dublin and the deputy of Ireland refuse to comply with Suffolk's and Cromwell's request concerning the restitution of the prebend of Malehedrit (Mullahidart) to the dean of Suffolk's chapel, Christopher Lynam, without the King's letters to the same effect. Asks him, therefore, to obtain the said letters. His servant, Thos. Holmes, the bearer, will give him more information on the subject. From Hoxon, 3 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To the lord Privy Seal. Endd.
3 June. 1130. Sir John Nevyell to Dr. Lee.
R. O. The prior of St. Oswald's is dead and they are determined to keep it secret for three or four days, for what intent God knows, as I have certified my lord's Grace. Chett, Monday, 3 June. Signed.
The prior of Munke Burton is almost at a point to resign his house to the King, and "my good and gracious lord and yours," trusting that he and the brethren will have a pension. Asks him to move my Lord that he (Nevill) may have the house, with the demesnes and the parsonage of Royston. Lee may promise my Lord, in Nevell's name, what reward he thinks fit. The abbot of Royche is come up, so Lee can use him as he thinks best. Lee's lease cannot be sealed till the abbot comes back. Desires credence for the bearer. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
1131. Sir John Nevyell to Cromwell.
R. O. Excuses himself for not attending on the King and Cromwell, having been ill with ague since being with him last. Asks for the preferment of the house of Selbey, or St. Oswaldes or Monkburton if they hereafter come into the King's hands. Supposes they have deserved to come in and submit themselves as well as others. Stepney. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
1132. Sir Thomas Wyatt's Message.
R. O.
St. P. viii. 34
Brief remembrance for your Majesty of the things the Emperor has resolved to conclude with your Highness and awaits your commission to conclude.
First, both he and his counsellors at these last conferences show great desire both to continue and to increase amity with your Majesty, and refer to the overtures and alliances they have offered. They allege, in proof of their sincerity, the long amity between your dominions, even when there seemed a little cloud, which now God has taken away. The excuse that their ambassadors were not instructed of the particulars was that they knew not the particular demands that would be made to them. They had not made to" your ambassadors full answer of these particulars, for they had "not word thereof from their ambassadors here, nor yet had nothing till very now that I came away; for if with your, letters to me thereof they had had word from them they would have made their present resolution long ago. In the treaty of the first alliances concerning the Infant of Portugal and my Lady your daughter, these points are to be noted—(1.) They find the dote too little for a great prince like your Majesty. (2.) The smallness of the dowry shall be amended when they know certainly how liberally you will deal with your daughter, and here they say the dowry is wont not to pass 10 or, at most, 15 per cent. (3.) They have sent to ascertain the Infant's inheritance, but well they wot there is ever honourable provision for the second child of Portugal. They marvel why there was mention of Milan for him in the same conferences: it was before made overture of and nothing said to it, and now all this assembly these treaties and this peace that is now in handling beateth upon that." Although, as he says, he may have a million to give it to the duke of Orleans, and his brother's daughter to be preferred therewith, he will give it to your Majesty's daughter for nothing. For this they would have a liberal dote and spake laughing of 300,000 crs.; but I suppose they would take 200,000 crs. Your Majesty to enter a league with other princes for defence of the same, and in this case to ordain the dote as you think fit. For this the lady Mary for herself and posterity shall renounce all right in your realm, "and be bound to kiss the step of your Majesty's feet for the best father that ever woman had."
In the other alliance between your Majesty and the duchess of Milan, she is to have 100,000 crs. of the first dote the Emperor gave her and 15,000 crs. a year of Milan, for which the Emperor will be bound ; if you conclude both alliances they will take the 100,000 crs. as part of the sum of the lady Mary's dote. The dowry of 15,000 crs. out of Milan also may be valued and taken as part of the sum, providing recompense to the Duchess because the money is hers. The Duchess's dote they seem to leave to your honour. The Emperor has sent to duke Frederic about the title of Denmark, and will do in that as he would for himself or the king of the Romans. He can promise no aid but at your charge of his countries thereabouts; but has sent to the queen of Hungary to know what the Low Countries can give which shall cost you nothing. If your pension out of France be stopped he will make no peace with France till you be satisfied.
These are the chief points they desire for these alliances, and they think you should send absolute authority to finish those things. If these overtures like you, and you will conclude them, nothing more shall be treated for the peace at this meeting or afterwards, but by your consent. He does not desire to have these things treated there for the authority, but says the necessity of the time and things now in hand there make him desire it; so that if they break off for evil, that will be shortly, and then on his return to Spain he will send absolute power to his sister (fn. n3) to do them. On the other side, if he tarries any longer by any framing of the French king towards the peace, yet will he stay till you send clear resolution in these points If you send authority thither to conclude upon the principal he will empower his sister to finish the minor points. Other incidents in these conferences were that if }'ou will hearken to reconciliation with the bp. of Rome he will travail therein, but if not he will still go through with you; and as he is not lettered, will not charge your Majesty for th'argument of the Bishop's state, knowing your wisdom and learning. As to the Council, he says he will perform his promise with the largest, but to write it were dishonourable and would seem to be a treaty against the liberty of the Council. They protest they would never make such overtures but for" their trust in your honour. To show what kind of peace the French have with you, they say that in all those negociations for peace the French have never mentioned your Majesty. To show his frankness he commanded Grandvela to show me his letters to his ambassadors here, and that in my presence they should be read to your (his?) Majesty. These be the notable incidents in these conferences.
Endd. 1538: Mr. Wiatt's articles.
Vi'ell. B. xxi.
B. M.
2. Another copy with a few slight verbal differences.
1133. Wyatt's Instructions.
Harl. MS.
262 f. 68.
B. M.
Nott's Wyatt,
Sir Thos. Wyatt, ambassador with the Emperor, having lately, at the Emperor's special request, repaired to the King with certain overtures from the Emperor and letters of credence in the Emperor's own hand, which the King has duly considered, he is now to return with the King's answer, and remain as resident ambassador according to his former commission. He shall, therefore, proceed, with all haste, to where the Emperor shall lie. On the way, he shall confer with Sir Fras. Brian, showing his instructions, and learning from him the state of affairs with France. If the French king have embraced the overtures lately made to him, Wyatt shall only set forth to the Emperor the first part of this instruction, which explains why the King does not send his commission, as requested, with some general words of friendship; without mentioning the second part, touching the sending hither of a commission for further treaty. If affairs with France be not at a point, he shall open the whole instruction to the Emperor, as follows:—
First, having presented the King's letters of credence and hearty commendations, he shall say that he declared all that he had in charge to the King, who has commanded him to reply that although he takes thankfully all the Emperor's overtures, especially that touching Milan, yet the Emperor's ambassadors here resident have from the first motion of these matters proceeded too coldly and generally. Upon the communication between the King's Council and them in Lent, when the King showed himself so toward that he was content to commune with them although they had no commission to conclude, whereof Wyatt declared the specialties in articles to the Emperor, no certain answer has yet been made. No, not in this last conference, at which Wyatt was present; when, moreover, the ambassadors showed great strangeness, in refusing to read sundry points of their letters to the Privy Council appointed to commune with them. The King would have been glad of a direct answer to the former articles, but they would say nothing in specialty, either touching the bishop of Rome, or the mutual aid, or the renunciation of the lady Mary, or the matters of dote and dower, or the assignment of the Duchess' dower in the Low Countries, or her title to Denmark.
Nevertheless, to descend to the specialties of Wyatt's credence, a great piece of the same consisted in an overture of Milan to be given in marriage with the Infant of Portugal and lady Mary. The King takes this, as is aforesaid, in most thankful part; but (having, heretofore, in his zeal for the unity of Christendom, interponed himself to the mediation of peace), now when there is solemn meeting for an agreement, to take, "without both their consents," the ground of contention into his own hands would only continue debate, and "his Highness, from a maynor of a Christian quiet might be noted, to his dishonor, a disturber of the common unity and an author of war." So, although it appears that the Emperor greatly desires a commission sent thither for the conclusion of that and other purposes, the King foresees "that he cannot accede to that request without inconvenience, both because the conditions joined thereunto are scarcely reasonable, and because he has in those parts at this time no person sufficiently practised in treaties to be entrusted therewith. Frankly, the King's grounds for not sending the commission are:—The condition of aid joined with the overture of Milan extending to all wars, offensive and defensive, the position of the two princes' affairs is quite unequal; the King is at peace with all men, the Emperor is already at war, and his dominions so adjoin France and other powers, or are inhabited by subjects claiming such large title, that he is very like to have continual war either with open enemies or with so-called subjects. Then the conditions of the King's own marriage give cause for longer delay. Marriage is a bargain which must endure for the whole life of man, whereon his pleasure or displeasure depends, and, therefore, it is very necessary for both parties to see each other before being finally affianced; as the King formerly pointed out to the Emperor's ambassadors. Moreover, there appears great difficulty in obtaining the Duchess' inheritance in Denmark, which was at first alleged to the King as an inducement; for, on her marriage with the late duke of Milan, she renounced her right of Denmark to her elder sister, wife to "duke Frederic Count Palatine," so that duke Frederic would first have to be agreed with, and after that nothing could be gained without great charge and risk. Also, if, after the affairs of other princes are composed, the King should enter into war to recover this inheritance, he might be noted, to his dishonor, a new beginner of the wars of Christendom.
These matters requiring more deliberation than the time of Wyatt's demore here will allow, the King cannot at present satisfy the Emperor in this, unless he would send his commission too "rawly" forth and to men too "raw" for such a purpose.
Secondly—this to be expressed if affairs with France do not proceed effectually,—Wyatt shall say that if the Emperor like to commission his orators here frankly to conclude upon this treaty and thereupon authorise the lady Regent of Flanders, or any other, to meet the King at Calais for the ratification of the same, his Grace will be content to confirm it. In making this answer Wyatt shall let the Emperor perceive how much the King tenders his amity, how thankfully he takes his overtures, upon what, reasonable grounds he stays sending the commission, how glad he will be to treat again on the matter, &c. Signed at the head.
Pp. 8. Headed: Instructions given by the King to Sir Thos. Wyot, ambassador with the Emperor.
4 June. 1134. Castillon to Francis I.
Kaulek, 55. [London] 4 June:—Received this morning at 10 the letters [from Lucq (fn. n4) ] of the 25 May, and immediately communicated their substance to the King, who, I promise you, took it very well indeed. He said that three or four hours before, Mr. Hoyet, his ambassador resident with the Emperor, had arrived; and he seemed as usual to speak frankly. Still, sire, beware that he does nothing contrary to his sayings; he made me swear not to write so openly to you, perhaps fearing you would make profit of it with the Emperor. Mais vous avez le premier ma foy et n'en congnoys point d'autre. Still, if you would aid him, make no sign of it; for the Imperialists have ordinarily told him of all the proposals which for some time past have been put forward between you. Now, what he said of the coming of Mr. Hoyet is, that the Emperor sent him with a message that he wished that he could have come himself, but if Henry will agree to the marriage of the Infant of Portugal with lady Mary, he (the Emperor) will give them Milan, provided a league for its defence is made between the Emperor, England, and Portugal. He said something of the Venetians, not that he set so much by them, and scarcely finished this sentence; but that the Emperor promises if he will join this defensive [league?] to invest the Infant with Milan by means of that marriage and to make no peace with you, but that they will make an alliance that shall be to the profit of all three. And to give time to learn his pleasure the Emperor promised Wyatt to conclude nothing for 25 days after his departure, of which he has taken 10 in coming hither. To give this King the more certainty the Emperor has sent his ambassadors here express power to conclude the above and other alliances. Your good brother is troubled, seeing that you are already at your interview, because he knows the Emperor's wish but not yours. He says his own is to remain your friend, as he has declared through Mr. Bryan and me, as you will see by my letters of the last of May; but he does not wish to remain alone and is troubled to see certainty on the part of the Emperer and uncertainty on yours.
I answered that if he had such affection for you he should conclude nothing, but send Hoyet back and let him speak to you before replying to the Emperor, and when they knew your intention was to follow the things I had already put forward on his account, Hoyet and Bryan could conclude with you. He approved this answer and I think will follow it. I prayed him not to doubt your good will, seeing the gracious reply you made to me on the overture made to me by Mr. Russell alone.
I send this bearer express to warn you. To learn the truth you may sound Mr. Brian, to whom Hoyet spoke in coming hither. I shall try and learn more; but if you let Mr. Brian know I have written thus openly I shall lose credit here. I have seen the time when this King was sorry he had told me so much. He seems to go straight to business, but perhaps lie is not yet sure of you. I am not very well satisfied with his offers for the defensive. He does not speak very clearly, but seems not to intend a rupture with the Emperor, nor to aid you with the 4,000 archers unless you declare to the Pope that you will not consent to the Council without his advice, and to the Emperor that you will not make peace unless he is third contrahent. And before all that is well declared between you, you will have done or failed at your interview. I should fear that afterwards we should have to recommence. He is no way inclined to the Emperor. I will try and make him send a power to Mr. Brian to go to work promptly. You may either take or lose him. Without this offer of the Emperor we should have got more from him. Asks whether to continue the marriage last put forward and the overtures.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O.
4 June. 1135. Castillon to Montmorency.
Kaulek, (fn. n5) 57.
[London] 4 June:—Writes what he hears, but Montmorency on the spot can judge better. Suggests that nothing should be concluded until the return of M. Hoyet, and before they know the will of the king of England. To send the portraits of two or three of those Castillon named would serve much. This matter seems so pressing that Castillon has despatched a messenger express. If Montmorency think fit to send him back Castillon is so ill supplied with money he should send him remittances. Thinks the King is still better inclined to Francis than to the Emperor. The Imperialists dare not further object if you please to entertain him. Entertain Bryant, as I have before written. That will be of great use.
After this packet was closed, Norfolk, (fn. n6) who still takes his accustomed part and is altogether yours, sent for my secretaire a cachetter " (fn. n7) and showed him that after my speaking with the King he assembled his Council and showed them our conversation, and my reasons were found so plain, that it was decided to take the King's part, and so I had won against M. Hoyet, who will return as he came, paying me so many compliments that I esteem myself wiser than I thought. He wishes to know the King's intention, assuring me, as indeed I have always found him a true lord, that he never saw his master so well disposed, nor alleging so many reasons that the alliance of France was more suitable than that of Spain, in which all the Council agreed; so that it only lay with the King my master to have England and France united, He was so glad of it that he must inform me. Finally, he said that yesterday he despatched the gentleman who wanted (fn. n8) to go to see Madame de Longueville to Hâvre de Grâce to see Madamoiselle de Guyse; for a Scotchman has come hither who has said he wonders at the king of Scots taking a widow rather than a young girl her sister, the most beautiful creature that ever he saw.
Hoyet will leave on Friday and pass through your Court. If he and Bryan find you reasonable, he is to excuse himself to the Emperor from the marriage of lady Mary and declare to the King the resolution of amity which the King his master seeks with him.
French. From a modern transcript in R. O., pp. 3.
4 June. 1136. Lord Leonard Grey to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P. iii. 15.
Since he last wrote Fergonanym Okarrel has yielded and agreed to pay 12d. a year for every plough land in Ely Okarrell and to assist in hostings, journeys, &c. (articles detailed). Repaired then towards Dun- dalk. At that time, John Kelway, constable of Rathmore, raised certain men and went to parley with Turlough Otole. They quarrelled, and Turlough fled and so drew Kelway and his men into an ambush and attacked them. They took refuge in a small thatched peel, called Three Castles. The peel was set on fire and they surrendered: whereupon Otole cruelly slew Kelway. Has arranged for the release of the prisoners taken with Kelway: Turlough to stand to the order of the Council. Begs licence to repair to the King.
The King wrote to him to allure James Odesmonde to go to England. Has practised with Wm. Wyse for this and to bring the writer's nephew, Grarrat, into the King's hands. James Odesmonde has just made great complaint that the Lord Treasurer and Ric. Butler and their father's retinue have robbed his servant Okalkan and so prevented his (Desmond's) coming to Grey. Will these Whitsun holidays repair to Offale and Ely Okarrell's country and trusts to see Desmond there, this variance with the Lord Treasurer having been meanwhile appeased by the Council. Has not artillery enough for 100 men. Dublin, 4 June. Signed.
[5 June.] 1137. Will. Cowper to Wriothesley.
R. O. One of my servants has been sick for six days—the physicians think, of ague. He was conveyed out of the house the first day. Will not venture, however, to repair to my Lord and you till it is known not to be the plague. I am sorry not to wait upon my Lord before my journey into Nottinghamshire to know if he would command me any service; for the King's surveyors will be there next week, and I am in haste preparing for them for Thurgoton. Will depart today, if agreeable. Let me know by my brother Geo. Carleton, the bearer. Westminster, Wednesday.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Mr. Wrysseley."
5 June. 1138. T. Luttrell to Gerald Aylmer.
R. O.
St. P. iii. 19.
My brother Plunket will show you the news. Eleanor Fitzgerald, late wife to MacCarty Ryagh, has passed through Tomownd and Connaught into Ulster to marry Manus O'Downyll. With her went Gerrot, son to the late earl of Kildare. Fear he will, with the aid of the North and of Scotland, make war. O'Neyl promised to keep peace, and has done so, excepting the prey he took when my lord Chancellor was with him, and which he now promises to restore. Your nephew Ric. Aylmer must pay ransom, for so Tirlagh plainly told Ossory's messenger and my servant Dogherty, who was at Glendelach at the time and durst not come thence till now. All the blame is put on Kelwey by both sides. "Your son Bartholomew scope then hapy, for he was with Aylmer."
The lord Deputy is displeased at the Council's award for the prey of Owghtiryns and the prey made by the Diksons upon Kayr O'Rely to be restored. Pie has imprisoned O'More in spite of the Council's persuasions. Ossory takes this wondrous heavy for he had brought. O'More "to have an end betwixt him and the last O'More's sons." Hatred between Ossory and the lord Deputy. Commendations to Sentleger, Paulet, Moyle, Barners, and the Master of the Rolls. Credence for Plunket concerning Kellyeston. Advises him to speed something for his heirs. Dublin, 5 June.
Hol. Add.: Chief Justice in Ireland. Endd.
[5 June]. 1139. Will. Brabazon to the Chief Justice and Master of the Rolls of Ireland.
Lamb. 602,
f. 128.
St. P. iii. 17.
Your bedfellows are in health. The affairs of this country are nothing so fruitful as they were at your departure. A great part of Uriell is destroyed by them of Ferney, and this Wednesday before Whitsuntide "put to stay and like to be peace between us and them of Ferney aforesaid." When those of Ferney were at war, my lord Chancellor was sent to the Borders beside Dundalk to parley with O'Nell. During the parley O'Nell burned some towns in the English Pale, and he has not yet made restitution, though he says he will keep peace. O'Railey was then busy for the death of Kaer Modder, his brother. On Friday last Mr. Kelwey had parliament with Tirlogh O'Thoyll and Art beside the Three Castles, and having assembled certain husbandmen of Rathmore, Newton, &c., would needs chase them into the mountains, when Tirlogh and Art drove them back to the Three Castles and set lire to the top of the castle, so that they yielded. There were taken Keylwey and your kinsman (Mr. Justice) Richard Aylmer, and others. The kerne slew all the husbandmen to the number of 60 householders. Thomas Lang is let forth. Mr. Kelwey they have killed. My Lord was coming from Ferney. O'More came with Ossory to Dublin that stay might be made between him and the late O'More's sons, but he is arrested and taken to Maynooth. The greater part of the Council is here at Dublin and had hoped to arrange these matters and those between my lord Deputy and Ossory; but the latter, who is here and sick, complained of the wrongs done to the King's subjects and his tenants of Oteryn and Tholoo Phelom by Kedogh O'More and his brethren, and not only has no restitution been made, but Kedogh, who was here, has been sent home. Has never seen such handling. God amend it. Kildare's sister is gone to be married to Manus O'Donell. Young Gerrot, Dalahide and others are gone with her, which I like not. Never despaired of Ireland till now. Wednesday before Whitsunday.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
5 June. 1140. James V. to Christian III.
ger iv. 107.
Asks redress for Andrew Kynloth, merchant of Dundee, whose ship was taken two years ago by Christian's soldiers. Cupar (Ex oppido nostro Cupro) 5 June 1538.
6 June. 1141. Lord Sandys to Wriothesley.
R. O. Sent lately an undiscreet priest accused of evil words spoken towards the King, to my lord Privy Seal, who desired him to commit such persons to ward or take surety for their forthcoming, and send him the depositions. Last Saturday, at Mottesfounte, Ric., brother of John Norton, told him of the sayings of Sir John More, priest, against Sir Peter Bentley, parson of Colmere, Hants, of which lie encloses a schedule. The parson denies the first article, but the second, not much. Has committed him to Winchester gaol. Wishes to know the lord Privy Seal's pleasure about him. Wants his bill for licence of non-residence from Guisnes, signed. Alexander Dynet, of Nether Wallop, whose father and grandfather held a farm from my lord of Rutland, has been deprived of it by an award of the lord Admiral and master Treasurer in favour of Geo. Poulet, who pretends a former lease. My lord of Rutland always said he bad no such lease. Asks Wriothesley to help Dynet. Mottesfounte, 6 June. Signed.
Pp 2. Add. Endd.
R. O. 2. Depositions of Sir John More, priest, against Sir Peter Bentley, parson of Colmere, 3 June 30 Hen. VIII.
When I delivered him the box he opened it and took out the plurality and held it up, saying, "Look, Sir John, what is this?" I said, "It is the King's broad seal which presenteth his own parson." He said again, "Hold thy peace man, I set not by this seal nor by him, twysh! not this much (making a fillip with his two fingers) for I trust to see the day that all this shall be turned nps and down. A man may say what he will in his own house." Also when we were drinking at Priorsdenne, discussing many subjects, especially obedience to God and our Prince, I said, "I will prove that he is a spiritual man and Supreme Head of the Church." He rose up and went away, saying, "If ye mell with that matter, God be with you."
"This confession made by me, Sir John More," in presence of my lord Chamberlain, Sir Richard Sands, Walter Chalkatt, serjeant-at-arms, and Richard Norton. Thomas Lanman has confessed the 2nd article to be true.
P. 1. Endd.
6 June. 1142. Brabazon to Cromwell.
R. O. Recommends bearer, Marten Pelles, for the farm of Rathmore manor, void by the death of John Kelway, lately slain by the Towllis. Dublin, 6 June. Signed.
P 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
6 June. 1143. Anthoine Brusset to Lord Lisle.
R. O. A fortnight or three weeks ago I gave notice to George Kenyx that there was a ditch between your pale and ours which required to be deepened (relevé) because cattle continually strayed, which I wished to be notified to you that we might act together. As I have had no answer from the said George, and the thing required haste, I sent two pioneers to deepen it at our expense, throwing the rejets on our side only. Nevertheless the said George came to the said pioneers with a bended crossbow and drove them away, before the work was finished, so that some cows crossed into your pale, which he took prisoners, which, however, he sent back today. I beg you will give orders that the work be not interrupted. You will remember I wrote a few days ago about a similar affair, relating to another ditch between the Pays de Langle and your pale, on which you said you and the Council would deliberate. Gravelines, 6 June '38. Signed.
Fr., p. l. Add.
6 June. R. O. 1144. Jehan du Bies to Lord Lisle.
Ernoul Guillaume, a French merchant, has sent this morning a messenger to Mons. du Bies hoping to find him in this town, to complain of two bells, which he had bought a year ago, being stopped at Calais, where they have been for a whole year. Mons. Millort Preuisse (?) (Privy Seal) writes to the treasurer to let them pass. He says he has paid the customs. In the absence of my captain allow me to recommend the case. Boulogne, 6 June. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
7 June. 1145. Thomas Abbot of Chester to Cromwell.
R. O. I have received by the bearer your letters for a lease to be made to one Master Edgare of the manor of Huntyngton, or else of the manors of Sutton and Ince for 40 years. I beg you to consider the state of this poor house and my late coming thereto. Before I came to the promotion, upon letters of the King, the late queen Jane, and your Lordship, the chief profits of the manor of Sutton were granted to Wm. Ardern, the King's servant; and the manor of Ince, according to your Lordship's directions both by letter and at my late being with you, is granted to Ric. Coly, late servant to Mr. Hennege and now to the Prince. Nothing remains but the manor of Huntyngton, without which hospitality cannot be kept. Chester, 7 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Privy Seal. Endd.
8 June. 1146. Cromwell to Haynes and Bonner.
R. O. Wiat arrived here 3rd inst., saying that the Emperor had given him but 25 days to return with an answer. The Emperor's ambassadors, lying, the one at Ratcliff and the other at Mortlake, could not make ready to have audience till the 6th, and the matters are of such importance that they require consideration, so that Wyat cannot possibly return by the time fixed. Hears that the Princes there are clearly broken from all further parliament, but lest the Emperor should take any damage by waiting three or four days (for Wyatt can scarcely be there within six or eight days after the time prescribed), the King has ordered Wyat to advertise Grandevela, and orders Haynes and Bonner to advertise the Emperor. They must take with them Mr. Mason, as he knows the tongue. They are to tell the Emperor that the King takes Wiat's charge in good and thankful part, and will despatch him with such answer as shall be to the Emperor's contentatino and the good of Christendom. Wyat will send them a copy of his letter to Grandevela. Oheleshith, 8 June 30 Hen. VIII. Sîgned.
P. 1. Add. Endd. by Wyat: Rec. at Villa Franca and brought by Francis, 15 Junii.
ii. The following memoranda occur in another hand (Mason's?) on the back.—Item, delivered to Thomas Wriothesley the xth. of September. John Mason. Item delivered to Rougecrosse at ij sundry times."
8 June. 1147. Castillon to Montmorency.
Kaulek, 58. [London] 8 June:—The King and his Council are now resolved to withdraw from the French match (de se retirer du party de France),—a thing which looks rather strange,—considering the offers which he says (and which I learn elsewhere to be true) the Emperor makes him. I think he will not agree to any conditions which would put him to great expense in your private quarrels (as he calls them), but only to reasonable conditions; among others, if you will hold the proposed terms (tenir les propoz) to the Pope and Emperor about the Council, and that lie be third contrahent, he will keep his offers made to me. He has said (but see on your side if it can be true) that the Emperor promises that if he will make war in France, he will share the expense, and all that is conquered, except claims of the house of Burgundy, shall be his, and the Italians shall deprive you of all you hold beyond the mountains. He speaks of it with apparent sincerity, and, I promise you, does not like the Emperor's pretending to wish peace when he is making such schemes. Hoyet was detained till Monday, and is charged, if he find the King disposed for the amity of the King his master, to refuse the Emperor's offers, if not to treat with him according to the instructions he carries. (fn. n9) [Norfolk says he renounces France if we refuse this amity. Has no time to write to the King. You can have this King if you wish it: if not, you are wise enough to judge for the best; but consider "qu'il tient un moyen pour ne point demourer seul."]
The ambassadors of the dukes of Saxony, Lunebourg, and the landgrave of Hessel are here to make a defensive alliance only, in case they are attacked for refusing obedience to the Pope. Others are expected in two or three days from Denmark, the Hanse towns, and other German princes. This King says he is asked to request Francis to join the party, and in return they will, if he has any affair against the Emperor, aid him willingly. Forgot to write that the King said he would remain the friend of the King his brother if dealt fairly with; if not, he has the means "de se monstrer tel en son endroit qu'il congnoistra qu'il vouldra estre au sien."
French extract.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O.
8 June. 1148. W. Earl of Southampton to John Scudamore.
Add. MS.
11,042, f. 123.
B. M.
The earl of Shrewsbury and the bishop of Hereford, late King's almoner, having, at my instance, sold their interest in the goods lately belonging to Thos. Minors unto my servants, Ric. Minors and Jas. Rockleye, who has married his widow, as their lordships' several letters now addressed to you will show, I beg you to deliver the same to the said James and to Thos. Burghe, also my servant. London, 8 June. Signed.
P.S.—I marvel I can get no word of the money I should have of the Walshe men. In your matter with Wm. Burghil I will do my best.
Pp. 2. Add.: Mr. Skuddamour—at Urchingfeld.
8 June. 1149. John Deythyke to the Abp. of Dublin.
R. O. I have had right comfortable words divers times of my lord Privy Seal, but the Council is so busy with the ambassadors of France and Spain that I have done nothing yet concerning Irish matters, as my fellow, Sir Francis, can inform you. He has played his part well, and set forth his credence after such sort that my lord Privy Seal gave him high commendations to the Master of the Rolls, Mr. Seylynger and others. I am told he has cut some of the cords, that they shall have him in remembrance. When you write into England, forget not to write to Mr. Seylynger and the Master of the Rolls, for it is they that may do their friends pleasure here. I wonder you have not heard from me since I came, as Sir Francis reports. I have sent by every messenger. I wish you victory over your enemies. London, 8 June. Signs as "Your chaplain and bedeman."
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My lord of Dublin. Endd.: John Dydyck.
8 June. 1150. Mayor and Jurats of Rye to Cromwell.
R. O. According to his command, send him by Alexander Wellys and John Raynolde all books and bills found in Mr. Inolde's (fn. n10) house. Rye, 8 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Seal gone.
R. O. 2. "The presentment of the parochyans of Rye presented to the Chancellor and other visitors of the bp. of Chichester in their last visitation at Winchelsea."
"That the bishop of Rome was not preached down by our curate since the being of the bp. with us." The curate has not preached or read the Gospel or Epistle in English this year past. When the curate reads the Bishops' Book, he readeth "scant a piece of a tytle," and even that may not be understood, "for he cannot rede the rethoryck wordes." That Patrick, a Friar Augustine, does daily service in the church in his friar's apparel. Wm. Potten, a priest of that parish, calls the Bishops' Book the King's Book, and still maintains the worshipping of images and relics, &c. Their vicar has not been with them this four years, has neglected to see them taught, and, therefore, is worthy no tithes. He has failed to fulfil the injunctions of the King's visitors. They keep holydays which have been abrogated, such as St. Mark, Inventio Sanctae Crucis, Sancti Ricardi, Mariae Magdalenae, &c. The curate, as a witch, gave Hamper's child drink three times of the chalice for the "chyne cough." The curate, "being defamed with certain persons, doth daily accompany them abominably, though he have been divers times warned and forbidden the same."
P. 1. Endd.: "The presentment of certain parishioners of Rye."
8 June. 1151. Ralph Broke, Water-bailiff of Calais, to Cromwell.
R. O.
Has delivered his letter and received out of the King's Council Chamber, a copy of a rate concerning his office. As he would gladly receive the rest of his clues in quietness, forbears taking custom of any cattle or victuals coming to England, or any head-money of Englishmen, or of English, French, or Flemish dwelling in Calais, but only of foreigners, as they do at Dover. Sends him a copy of the rate, and begs him to sign it. It is according to his letters patent; and Cromwell has written to the lord Deputy, comptroller and treasurer, to let him enjoy what his predecessors had. Begs his favour. Calais, 8 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: the lord Privy Seal. Endd.
[9 June.] 1152. John Bishop of Bangor to Wriothesley.
R. O. Sends Sampson Thomas, who is reported by all his neighbours in Southampton as a very true man, to show him the truth in the matter of variance between him and Henry Uttofte, both "greete occupyers." " Att my hows of Northesthonhame uppon the Wyttsune day."
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd."
9 June. 1153. Bp, Roland Lee to Cromwell.
R. O. Has received Cromwell's letters, dated 17 May, for the apprehension of certain pirates supposed to have come into South Wales. Has caused the King's letters to be directed to the officers of all the ports for the same. Chester, 9 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal. Endd.
9 June. 1154. Archbp. of York to Cromwell.
R. O. The inhabitants of a chapel within the parish of Halifax have brought him an injunction to hallow their chapel with the clause jure dicte parochialis ecclesie et ipsam pro tempore obtinentium in aliis semper salvo. Asks Cromwell's pleasure. The vicar and the inhabitants of Halifax, and such as repair to the church of Halifax and have no chapel, already reclaim. Thinks that such order may be taken that no prejudice shall follow, and that the poor inhabitants of the chapel shall have ease thereby, but hitherto they are somewhat heady. Cawod, 9 June 1538. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
9 June. 1155. Halesowen Abbey.
Close Roll,
p. 1, No. 15.
Rymer, xiv.
Surrender (by Wm. Taylour, abbot, and the convent) of the monastery and all its possessions in cos. Salop, Worc., and Staff., and elsewhere in England, Wales, and the marches thereof. Sealed and signed in the chapter house of Halesowen, 9 June 1538, 30 Hen. VIII.
Acknowledged same day, before Thos. Legh, LL.D.
9 June. 1156. Francis I. to Castillon.
Raulek, 59. Villeneuve de Tende, 9 June:—Mr. Bryan having pressed for a definite reply touching the Council and the peace with the Emperor, the Chancellor of France and one of the secretaries look it to him last night. Sends the proposals made to M. Bryan for Castillon to conform himself thereto.
ii. Proposals enclosed in the preceding.
Villeneuve de Tende, 9 June:—The King, to put God and reason on his side, at the Pope's persuasion agreed to come hither to settle about the peace. As the Pope seems to prolong the negociation in order to get himself made principal mediator, the King thinks it for his welfare and that of the king of England that they should treat promptly upon the mutual aid they will give each other. And as the sieur de Briant has required the said King to grant that he will not allow the Council without his King's consent, nor make peace with the Emperor unless he be third contrahent, the King answers that he has always desired the amity of his good brother, but always to bear the burden of war alone would be unreasonable. Therefore if he is to grant the said two points, which would involve him in war, the king of England must assist him with not less than 50,000 cr. a month during the six months that war is carried on, and 20,000 cr. a month during the six months in garrison, which would not be a third of what the king of France would spend. 9 June 1538.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript is in R.O. From it we learn that this letter is an answer to Castillon's of 14 and 25 May."
9 June. 1157. Montmorency to Castillon.
Kaulek, 60. [Villeneuve], 9 June:—Send the courier back at once with the reply to the King's letters. Show the King's intention by mouth without giving anything in writing.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O.
10 June.
R. O.
1158. Edward More, Warden of St. Mary's College, Winchester, to Wriothesley.
A full honest widow dwells in one of these farms that ye write to me for and keeps a good household. If I should avoid her it would hinder her much. There are three years to run and the indentures were so made as I never made any in my time, as I have declared to this messenger Anslee. As to the other that the widow dwells in I will explain at my coming to London. Winchester, 10 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
10 June. 1159. The Monks of Peterborough.
R. O. 10 June 30 Hen. VIII.—Accusation of Dan Ambrose Caster, monk of Peterborough, for saying "Domine salvum (sic) fac Ecclesiam," instead of "Domine salvum fac Regem," and for saying in the canon of high mass "pro Papa nostro," though it has been rased out of the books.
The accusation was made by Dan Ric. Depynge to Dan John Walpole, prior, and the parties were examined by the abbot in the presence of Mylys Forest, Chr. Hawgh, Radulphe Elys, servants of the King, John Walpole, prior, Dan William Thorneton, subprior, Dan William Herteforde, receiver, Dan Robert Borne, and Dan John Pounfretethe, cellarers, and Edw. Grenehall and John Nauseglos, auditors. Dan John Crowlande affirmed the first accusation. Caster denied the charge, saying it was pure malice. Dan Richard could produce no witnesses, but the abbot committed Dan Ambrose to ward till the King's pleasure were known.
Pp. 2. Endd.
10 June. 1160. Council of Ireland to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. iii., 23
Immediately after the departure of the King's Commissioners the Deputy made a prey upen certain McMahons in Ferney, in which Jerome Lyn was slain. In return they have spoiled part of the best of Uriell and been at war until 4 June, when a peace was concluded. The Deputy, without the Council's advice, licensed one Chamerlyn, of Athboy, with part of his retinue, to make a prey upon Cair Modder, a brother of O'Reyly, in which Cair was slain. O'Reyly moved war and has with difficulty been 6tayed; until, 4 June, an order was taken for peace with his messengers. War between O'More and the late O'More's sons. Ormond favours the former and the Deputy the latter, and so a displeasure is grown between them that must be appeased by the King's, or Cromwell's, letters. O'More's sons preyed a lordship of Ormond's called Woghtour Inne and led the spoil through Kildare, the gentlemen of which say they durst make no resistance because they saw one Archebold, the Deputy's servant, with the O'Mores. This prey the Deputy and Council have, 4 June, ordered to be restored. The Council, desiring an order between the O'Mores, wrote to Ormond to bring O'More to Dublin and desired the Deputy to have O'More's sons there, and the eldest and best, called Kedagh, was present. The Deputy immediately sent O'More in a hand lock to Maynooth, where he still lies, and let Kedagh depart, although Kedagh and his brethren have made spoils on the King's subjects and O'More has done no hurt since he was made captain of Lexe. John Kelwey, constable of Rathmor, found two of Tirlagh Otoole's servants within the English border eating meat, and immediately hanged them. To appease this Kelway and some gentlemen of Kildare had a meeting with the Tooles on Friday last, but it took no end and the Tooles departed. Kelwey then pursued them, but they set on him, drove him into a peel called Three Castles, set it on fire and forced him to yield. They then cruelly murdered Kelway and detained certain gentlemen of Kildare who were with him, as Aylmer of the Lions, Flatisbury of Johnston, &c. Over three score of the husbandmen of that border were cruelly slain in the conflict. Eleanor Fitzgerald, sister to the late earl of Kildare and late wife of McCarte Riaghe, has gone, accompanied by young Gerald Fitzgerald and two of James Fitzgerald's sons, to marry O'Donyll. A combination of O'Neill and O'Donyll is feared.
O'Kerroll is dead, and one Fernando or Fergonhanym O'Kerroll, his successor, offered to serve the King, pay 12d. for every ploughland, &c, if the King would assist him to recover the castles, &c., his father, once the King's greatest enemy, won. Part of these belonged to the King's subjects and part are now given by the King to Ossory. The Deputy and part of the Council will meet him, James O'Desmond, and others of Munster, on the borders of Elye, where he dwells, but will conclude nothing until their repair to the rest of the Council. The soldiers' wages must be amended. Dublin, 10 June. Signed: John Barnewall, cancelarius (sic) Regis— Georgius Dublin.—Willm, Brabazon—Thomas Luttrell, justice—Richard Delahyd, baron.
Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
10 June. 1161. Edw., Bp. of Meath, to Cromwell.
R. O. Since he wrote last the lord Deputy and Council have ordered the prior of Christ's Church, the chaunter of St. Patrick's, and Nich. Stanhurst to examine and report upon the writer's last sermon at Kilmaynhain. It shall appear that the bp. of Dublin, who maliciously accused him, never more effectually set forth u my Master's cause than he did there. Begs a letter to the Deputy and Council to examine the matter indifferently, 10 June, Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
10 June. 1162. Anthoinette de Saveuses to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I have received your letter and what was necessary to pay for the coifs. I am glad to hear that you are in good health. I see by your letter that you have no more coifs till you send for some. I send two pairs for the damsel whom you sent from Calais to speak to me, because I did not under- stand your language when I was with you. I think her name was Des Marrisals; but she to whom I send the coifs asked for them on seeing those I brought you. I have not been able to keep my promise before, but I have just received a dozen, and will keep them till you send for them. I beg you to accept this little present. I wish the picture (?) (pentoer) and the handkerchiefs were more valuable. Two days ago I heard that Madame do Riou was very well. Dunkirk, 10 June.
All that is in the little coffer is to use at your pleasure
Fr. Hol., p. 1. Add."
10 June. 1163. The Interview at Nice.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 155.
B. M.
Detailed description in the form of a diary of the Emperor's journey to Nice, and the doings of the Emperor, French king, and Pope, commencing with the Emperor's embarcation at Barcelona, 25 April, and finishing with the visit of the French queen to the Emperor, 10 June.
Spanish, pp. 18. Headed: Lo de Niça. Modern copy from the archives of Simancas. [See Spanish Calendar V. ii., No. 206.]
10 June 1164. Cardinal of Ciguença to the Empress.
Add. MS.
28,590, f. 179.
B. M.
Thanks for notice of the business which has passed at Nice. Gives his opinion as required about an invasion of Navarre, and thinks the time is so far spent that the enemy could not now do it until the month of August, when the harvest will be already in, so that there seems no fear of war there for this year. Thanks the Empress for her favour to Juan Vazquez. Ciguença, 10 June.
Spanish, pp. 3. Modern copy from the archives of Simancas, [See Spanish Calendar V. ii. No. 205.]
1165. Mason to Richard Pate, Archdeacon of Lincoln.
Vit. B. xiv.
B. M.
"After . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Jun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . have . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the abs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . occasion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . but he will . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that discontinuing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . had, as you know . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . what cause, on less it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of our two qualities, yet both t . . . . . . . . . . . . him as my natural brother, which ha . . . . . . . of me, amply perceive and shall be . . . . . . . . . [for]tune shall show me occasion. God send [both him] and you reward for your goodness to . . . . . . . ad astra. Servants have few such masters, [and masters] have too few such servants. I ensure you I am [as glad] of his coming forward as I would be of . . . . . . .us once that all together we may a long ty[me have qui]etnes of our travels in time past, which I ensure you I do more desire [than any estima]tione of the worlds, which I think will . . . . . . to you, considering the pains that I take . . . . . . would conjecture should not be without . . . . . . . methink if you consider my two comings . . . . . . . shall perceive little ambition. The fir[st time] . . was with you, God is my judge, . . . . . . . . had I therein better success th . . . . . . . . . was for pure * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . longer to continue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . certum eventum praecipi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [s]hall I have bought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with xxiiij. or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . etye, I shall be hable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hath pleased the King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [amb]assadors here under . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [Chris]temasse to be good and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yll I? I forget myself . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . scribo and had almost pas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . therefore I will return again . . . . . . . . . yne (?) not your godly purpose to return . . . . . . sty study, but having that good favour you have of [my lord]e Privy Seal, my good lord and master, I doubt not [but all] shall be for the best. I have made your commendations [to the Sieur] de Granvela, which I ensure you was right glad [to hear] you did well. We have lain here a great ma[ny day]s in the most doghole I think that be in the world. [A]fter daily meetings of the bishop of Roome with the Emperor [and a]s often with the French king, I think we shall depart [as we] came, whereof the chief occasion is that the French [king] will not break off amity with the Turk. The [French] queen with all her ladies have been here to visit [the Empero]r. All the while of our lying here there was [between] the two Courts such love and entertaining of [each] other that there was great hope . . . . . . esse. What is done no man can yet tell, but . . . . . . . . . we shall know. The Turk is abroad . . . . . . . . . . . by sea and by land against . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . knoweth God, (fn. n11) we have . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . we dep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Savona . . . Iff att . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smyth (?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . most . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . proctors . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hol. Mutilated. Add.: To, &c., Mr. Richard Pate, archdeacon of Lincoln, at his house beside the south door (fn. n12) of Paul's. Endd.: Maister Mason's letter to Maister Pate.
[10 June.] 1166. Melancthon to Joachim Camerarius.
Reform, iii.
* * * Concerning Plautus I have written accurately to a certain English bishop and to our Franciscus, (fn. n13) who, with your old friend Bammelbergius, is sent, into Britain to hear the King's will about religion. Day after Pentecost.* * * *


  • n1. See Vol. XII., Pt. i., No. 998, which is probably of this year.
  • n3. The queen of Hungary.
  • n4. From the transcript in R. O.
  • n5. Some passages are left out by Kaulek.
  • n6. "Name in cypher.
  • n7. En cochettes in the transcript."
  • n8. "voulloit aller, MS. Kaulek reads souloit."
  • n9. Original in cipher.
  • n10. William Inolde or Enold, curate of Kye. See Vol. XII, Pt. ii., No. 505. See also Valo, Eccl. i., 345.
  • n11. A line may be lost here at the foot of the page.
  • n12. Corrected from west door.
  • n13. Franciscus Burgartus.