Henry VIII: December 1535, 11-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 9, August-December 1535. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1886.

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'Henry VIII: December 1535, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 9, August-December 1535, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1886), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol9/pp318-340 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: December 1535, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 9, August-December 1535. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1886), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol9/pp318-340.

"Henry VIII: December 1535, 11-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 9, August-December 1535. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1886), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol9/pp318-340.


December 1535, 11-20

11 Dec.
R. O.
948. Thomas Abbot of Ford to Cromwell.
I send my servant John Chudeley to exhibit the muniments of my house. If I have not used me accordingly I am ready to conform to your pleasure. Forde, 11 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
11 Dec.
R. O.
949. John Lambart to Cromwell.
I have delivered your letters to my lord of Cumberland, and hope his Lordship will take pains in the matter between my freeholders and tenants and me. I send you a hind baken in rye paste. I wish I could get anything in this barren country acceptable to you. Was with my said lord on the borders of Scotland 4 Dec., when my lord and lord Maxwell appointed to meet on Tuesday the morrow of St. Nicholas (7 Dec.), which I hear was prevented by the abundance of waters. The price of corn is daily enhanced. Wheat is at 30s. a qr. in Skipton market, albeit the measure is metely great. Skipton, 11 Dec. 27 Hen. VIII.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Master Crumwell, chief secretary, &c.
11 Dec.
R. O.
950. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
Has received his letter by the bearer. Hopes shortly to get Skel's pardon passed, but it is usual for six persons to be bound in Chancery for his good conduct within a month after it is sealed, otherwise it is void. Wishes instructions about it. This pardon is only for his life, for the King had given my lord Howard the goods before. Lisle should ascertain if he has got them and is satisfied; if so, there is no danger. Recommends him to write and thank Nores for his services about this and Leonard Mell's goods. Mell's widow should be informed the King has no property in his lands. His goods are not worth the asking. Sir Edw. Saymer is discharged, and Godealle has the money of your auditor, now with him, who has paid for your hose. Will take an opportunity to inform my Lord Chancellor before Hastings of Lisle's pleasure; also to speak to Mr. Secretary about Lisle's weir when he can get him in a good mood, but he is now much busied with the monks of the Charter House, and lord Dawbney says he is sickly. As far as I can see, Dawbney has not yet made any sale or entanglement of the lands which shall remain to Mr. Bassett. Some of your friends think it would be worth your while paying a large sum to have them in your possession. Sends spices in Philip Crayer's ship, of which John Davy is master, and with them 4 doz. torches and 4 doz. quaryers. The spices amount to 8l. 18s., the wax at 7d. per lb. to 4l. 12s. 9d., for which he is bound to pay before he leaves. Would not have put himself in their danger but for Lisle's and my Lady's letters. You have made me no answer touching Sir Thos. Wenford. London, 11 Dec.
If Daubeney intends mischief it will be when he comes to the Parliament. Has just received Lisle's letter by Horssey. Will do his best about Skell's pardon, but the sureties must be provided, and nothing can be done without money. Is sorry my Lord and Lady take the matter of the weir so earnestly, but there are but two things to be considered:—if the weir was unlawful, there is no remedy; if it was maliciously done, Lisle can get compensation of the doers.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.: the 11th day of December 1535.
11 Dec.
R. O.
951. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
I received your letter by Goodalle, and your other by Horsey. As to your weir I am sorry it is done, and still more that you and my Lord take it so heavily; for if they did more than the statute warranted you could claim compensation. The hunters' remedy shall be had when the feoffees' names are known. Harrys will be with Mr. Bassett tomorrow, and deliver him the 4l., and the other gear shall be "(ittid" for him and sent him. I have received of Goodall for the making 3s. 9d., and for Tong's bill 27s. 3d., and have delivered to Harrys 3 yds., price 15s., for his livery. The draper is not paid anything. Campyon and Lock can be paid at your pleasure. I send the spices you wrote for in Philip Crayer's ship, John Davy, master; viz., in a sugar chest 12 sugar loaves, a piece of great raisins, a topnet of figs, 4 doz. quarriers, and 4 doz. staff torches. The wax weighs 159 lb. at 7d. per lb. =4l. 12s. 9d. The spices amount to 8l. 18s., according to the prices of the grocer's own hand, enclosed in my Lord's own letter. I am bound to pay before I leave. Sugar is very dear, and likely to be dearer. I shall not forget your kirtle if it is to be got. When Mr. Danaster's wine comes I will see to its conveyance by Mr. Skerne, to whom I will send the skantlyn. Arnaut Gylham was not paid 10l. What he received is on the back of my Lord's bill. The bowls, trays, pestle, and trenchers will come by the next ship. You may send Mr. Skerne some cloth for kerchers or embroidered sleeves. He that showed you Mr. Basset was at London must have dreamed it by the way. He was not here since Bartholomew tide. He would gladly have been, but I would not consent. Some of your spices are powdered, as cinnamon, &c. London, 11 Dec.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
11 Dec.
R. O.
952. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
You will receive of the bearer, Davy, master of Philip Crayer's ship, a chest containing 12 loaves sugar. 41b. cinnamon, 21b. ginger, 31b. "annys," 41b. "sawnders," 31b. liquorice, 21b. currants, and other quantities of nutmegs, mace, cloves, great raisins, almonds, tapnet figs, and quaryers of wax; and in eight separate bundles, four dozen "staft torches." London, 11 Dec.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
11 Dec.
Corpus Reform.x. 149.
953. Melancthon to Bucer.
There is no doubt that the Emperor will summon a council, and our princes must decide what articles should be defended to the utmost, by arms, if necessary. An agreement must also be made about doctrine. Luther has published a correction of Melancthon's articles. Has sent a copy to England, and given away others. Does not approve of Bucer's suggestion to publish a statement of what it is fair to grant them, and in what points they will yield. Are expecting the return of the duke of Saxony in three days. There is hope of pure doctrine being received and propagated in England.
Has not yet saluted the ambassador, who is at Erford. 11 Dec.
12 Dec.
Cleop. E. iv.125.
B. M.
Wright's Suppression of the Monasteries, 47.
954. Richard Layton to Cromwell.
Bishop this day preached, and declared the King's title, to a church full of people. One of the "focares" openly called him false knave: "it was that foolish fellow with the curled head that kneeled in your way when ye came forth of the confessor's chamber." Must set him in prison, to deter others. Learnt yesterday many enormous things against Bishop in examining the lay brethren, —that he had persuaded two of them to have gone away by night along with him, but that they lacked money to buy the secular apparel, —that he tried to induce one of them, a smith, to make a key for the door to receive wenches at night, especially a wife of Uxbridge, dwelling not far from the old lady Derby. He also persuaded a nun, to whom he was confessor, ad libidinem corporum perimplendam, and that she would be forgiven if she confessed immediately after each occasion, and was absolved by him. She wrote him many foolish letters, and would have got his brother, the smith, to have pulled a bar of iron out of that window where Cromwell examined the Lady Abbess, and at which they used to commune by night. He got the sexton also to assist him. Intends to make further search this afternoon both of the brethren and of the sisters, and will certify Cromwell tomorrow morning. Most of the brethren are weary of their habit. Such religion and feigned sanctity God save me from!
"If Mr. Bedyll had been here a friar and of Bishop's council, he would right well have helped him to have brought his matter to pass without breaking up of any grate or yet counterfeiting of keys: such capacity God hath sent him." Sion, Sunday, 12 Dec.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. and endd. at f. 128 b.
12 Dec.
R. O.
955. William Lelegrave to Cromwell.
Received Cromwell's letter dated at the Rolls, 28 Nov.; from it sees that Maister Cheyney wants the lease of his houses in the Black Friars, which he has only for Jasper Fylott's life. Has not the lease with him, but wrote on the 7th Dec. that he would do as Cromwell wished. Asks Cromwell to be "good master" to himself, and his friend, Thos. Broke, of the Exchequer of Calais. Caleis, 12 Dec. Signed.
P. 1.Add.: Secretary. Endd.
12 Dec.
R. O.
St. P. v. 10.
956. Queen Margaret to Henry VIII.
See Vol. VII., No. 1528, which is of the year 1535, as are also the three letters following.
12 Dec.
R. O.
St. P. v. 12.
957. Queen Margaret to Cromwell.
SeeVol. VII., No. 1529.
R. O.
St. P. v. 10.
958. Queen Margaret to the Duke of Norfolk.
SeeVol. VII., No. 1530.
12 Dec.
R. O.
St. P. v. 14.
959. Sir Adam Otterburn to Cromwell.
SeeVol. VII., No. 1531.
12 Dec.
Royal MS. 18 B. vi. 57.
B. M.
960. James V.
Revocation of the commission to Albany to contract marriage with Mary, eldest daughter of the duke of Vendosme; and commission to "J[aco]bum Comitem Moravie, dominum Abirne [thy]" Wm. bishop of Aberdeen, [Treasurer, John lord] Erskyn, Thomas [Erskine, knt.] and Robt. [abbot of Kinloss, prior "de] Bello loco," [to conclude marriage with princess Magdalene]. Stirling, 12 Dec. "anno supra millesimum" (sic).
Lat., mutilated and faded.
12 Dec.
Add. MS. 28,588, f. 83.
B. M.
961. Count of Cifuentes to Charles V.
* * * The Pope told him that he had heard by letter of the 2nd inst. from the French Court that the King was in good health, at a place of the Admiral's, two days' journey from Lyons, whither he would not go till after Christmas. Langes, who, as the Count had heard, had put off his journey to Germany, had gone to a diet there. The King had sent to the duke of Gueldres, to stir up war. He had spoken to the bishop of Vincestre, the English ambassador, who was soliciting a closer alliance, the prevention of a council, and war. There were many practices in the Court. The sister of the Grand Master has been removed from the Queen's service. It is thought the Grand Master will return to his place and favor. By letters of the 4th, hears that all these preparations and practices are only fictitious. Rome, 12 Dec. 1535.
The Pope has told him that the king of England has offered the French king a million and some thousand ducats, and a good force of infantry, to make war on the Emperor. Francis informed the Pope of this offer. He is in alliance with many of the free states of Germany, and will cause a Turkish fleet to attack the Emperor's dominions. The Pope is gone today to Hostia. He will return on Thursday.
Sp., pp. 5. Modern copy.
13 Dec. 962. Henry Norres.
See Grants in December, No. 11.
Proclamations Soc. Antiq. i. 79. 963. Prohibited Books.
Proclamation ordering books containing a certain sermon of John Fisher, late bishop of Rochester, justly attainted and convicted of treason, or other books containing error or slander to the King or to the diminution of his Imperial Crown, or repugnant to the Statutes of the Succession, or for the abolition of the usurped power of the bishop of Rome, to be brought to the Lord Chancellor, or to Thos. Cromwell, Chief Secretary and Master of the Rolls, within 40 days.
Pardoners, who are for the most part confederate with thieves, are to be treated as valiant beggars and vagabonds.
Printed by Berthelet. (fn. 1)
13 Dec.
Vienna Archives.
964. Chapuys to Charles V.
I have lately received your Majesty's letters of 22 October, and previously at divers times those mentioned therein, communicating the good news from time to time to the King. I told him I knew well that they were pleasant and agreeable to him, as I have reported in several of my letters since the date of yours. Yet I must not forget to say that, even since I wrote to your Majesty, the King expressed pleasure at the injury done by Barbarossa to Minorca, and the reconquest he has made of Tunis, until a commander of Rhodes arrived here, who assured him that the said reconquest was a fable, and that he had been in your Majesty's expedition during the conquest of Tunis. On which the King asked him about the campaign; and he magnifying the quality and numbers of the expedition, the King, having nothing else to carp at, said, you would be more unfurnished now, for you had despatched all your men, who had done immense mischief in Italy, especially the Germans, and that it was a great shame. Your Majesty may judge from this of the good will and sincerity of this King. Doctor Adam left this soon after I had written of him to your Majesty. He was in such haste, and so closely watched (tenu de prez) by the English, that he was unable to send any message to me.
If, perchance, he should come hither again, or if I should find the means of writing to him with security before the affairs of Denmark are settled, I will endeavour to discover what foundation there may be in what he proposes to me. As to the new alliance proposed by this King's ministers, I have always done my best to entertain the matter, and it always appears to me that Cromwell "a tenu expense" (qu. excusé?) the answer upon the said affair, considering the great and pressing business of your Majesty. I think the King and Cromwell, seeing so little probability of what they ask for, have no great confidence that your Majesty will grant it; but, like men who have no fixed purpose in this matter, but are blind in obstinacy, being disappointed of the support which they profess to have from France, they seek to gain time, putting their hope in the anchor of the bad paymasters. Cromwell makes no complaint to me whatever of the delay of the said reply, but he incessantly prays me, by a confidential servant whom he has sent to me several times within the last fortnight, to use my best offices, and at least to send one of my servants. He urges them to press this matter upon me, but there is no talk of a new overture; and again within eight days he proposed to me once more en passant the marriage of the prince of Spain with the King's last daughter. Having gone two days ago to see Cromwell, both to solicit payment of the Queen's arrears and to learn news, Cromwell told me he had just despatched a man to inform the King of the Queen's illness, who was very sick.
This was the first news I had heard of it. I asked leave to go and see her. He immediately gave me leave to send one of my servants, and thereupon despatched letters; but as to my going myself he would speak to the King, whose intention he would report at his return from Court: but he has never since spoken of it, nor have I to him, because, thank God, she has recovered, and is now well.
As I was leaving Cromwell I received a letter from the Queen's physician, saying that, with God's help, her illness would be nothing at all, and that if he did not notify to me that she was worse I need not be very urgent for the said licence; which I shall take care not to be. Cromwell informed me that two days before the Secretary of the king of Scots had dined with him, and talked with him at some length, saying that nothing had been concluded about the marriage of the daughter of Vendome. The said Secretary came very ill pleased with the affairs of France, and it might be that the king of Scots, being informed of the death of the duke of Milan, would venture to interrupt or delay the conclusion in hope of having the Duke's widow. Cromwell repeated to me what he had formerly said, that the King his master was informed that the Count Palatine desired to make an expedition against Denmark, which the King and he thought very strange, seeing that he had no title thereto. He told me likewise the King had letters of an imperial diet that was held at Spire to declare invalid the donation that the Emperor Constantine gave to the Apostolic See of Rome, and that the Pope began to perceive that your Majesty was only going to Rome to seize the temporalty of the Church, and that there were great murmurs about it at Rome. The French ambassador reported to me the same news later. Your Majesty will see the pretty inventions with which they feed the people. The bailly of Amboise arrived here 10 days ago, accompanied by his son and a single servant. Old as he is, he came in post; and though he expected to come in secret he had scarcely entered his lodging when the French ambassador was informed of it, who sent to him his brother and others to ask him to come to him; and after long excusing himself that he could not, as he was in haste to see the King at Richmond, and besides had nothing to say to the said ambassador, he at last agreed, as his road to Richmond lay before the lodging of the said ambassador. He accordingly went and informed the ambassador that he was sent hither on the part of [the wife of] Mons. d'Allebrecht, whom they call king of Navarre, that she (elle) would like to come and go a pilgrimage to St. Thomas of Canterbury. The ambassador, supposing that this was a feigned thing, and that if it were so the said lady, who regarded the said ambassador as her special servant, would have informed him, sent next day a servant to Cromwell to warn him that he considered this bailly came on false pretences, and to request that he might be detained till the return of a man whom the ambassador had despatched into France to learn the truth about the said bailly's coming. Cromwell approved of this, and forthwith sent several of his servants to follow the said bailly by several roads. The said bailly had been immediately despatched from Court, and has now returned thither; whence I think he will not remove till the return of a man whom Cromwell has despatched in haste. I will inform your Majesty of what follows. When I last spoke with Cromwell I put forward various things to extract something about the charge of the bishop of Winchester, but I did not succeed. The French ambassador, as I am informed by one of his intimate friends, is in no less trouble than myself to imagine what he has gone for, and when all is discussed thinks that it must be to prevent the celebration of the Council, and to persuade the most Christian king to make himself head of the Church in his kingdom; on which matter the said Bishop has lately made an oration, which I send to Granvelle; and the ambassador of France is of opinion that, as to the first article, the Court of France will listen to the said Bishop, but not as to the second. On the arrival here of the news of the duke of Milan's death, Cromwell sent immediately to inform me, although he supposed that I knew it already; and in conversation the day before yesterday with a man of mine he spoke of it by way of congratulation, speaking very highly of the importance of the territory (de la piece), which he declared to be such that your Majesty ought nowise to be deprived of it. The King, to extinguish everywhere the authority of His Holiness, has commanded all indulgences to be abolished, using the same clemency with the books and writings of the holy martyr the bishop of Rochester, as appears by the copy of the letters patent which go with this printed and translated. London, 13 Dec. 1535.
After closing this letter I received one from the Queen, which I send with this. She has asked me besides to write several things which would move a stone to compassion; but as I have already written of them several times, and know that your great prudence sees better than any one else what is necessary in these matters, and that you have them more at heart than the Queen herself, I forbear to weary you with longer writing.
Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 4.
13 Dec.
Vienna Archives.
965. Chapuys to [Granvelle].
Cromwell and the French ambassador have told him that the Emperor had been ill from annoyance at Andrea Doria's want of success in Africa.
The French ambassador suspects that this bailly of Amboise, of whom Chapuys writes to the Emperor, being infected by these new sects, and formerly a great friend of M. de St. Blancey, is a fugitive from France, and has come to offer his services to the King in Germany, where his son has long dwelt, and that, to gain the King's favor, he has revealed something, probably about a treaty between the Emperor and the French king? (ce roy) to the prejudice of the English (ceulx cy). Thinks he has been sent, as he says, by Madame de Lebret, who is so good a Christian, and so well thought of by the University of Paris and other good people, that she wishes to receive the benediction of the catholic and canonical Pope of this country.
Sends a speech of the bishop of Winchester, which has astonished many people, as he has been hitherto a valiant champion of apostolic authority. Thinks one of the chief points of his charge in France is to inculcate the contents of the speech.
The French will probably give out that he has come to negotiate a new intelligence.
Last year the Venetian merchants were forced to compound with the King for 4,000 ducats for some error in the customs. Lately, as the Venetian secretary reports, Cromwell sent for him and the merchants, and told them the King would remit half, and, besides, offered them a licence to export wools which had been refused the year before. The Secretary says the Signory will not care for the licence, expecting some apostolic provision against the English, when the merchants would leave England, as nearly all the other foreign merchants would do. London, 13 Dec. 1535.
Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 2.
13 Dec.
Vienna Archives.
966. Katharine of Arragon to Charles V.
Although it is but a short time since she wrote to him about the necessity of remedying the affairs of the King her lord, and of herself and daughter, she is forced to write again by what she is daily told will be attempted in this Parliament against the Church and their own persons. Implores him for the remedy, since it can be had with the aid of God and of the Pope and Emperor, for she only solicits it if he be not offended; nor does she wish to speak more particularly, because she is told Charles has received her letter, by which, and by that which she writes to the Pope, he will see all she can say. For the rest, refers to his ambassador. Begs pity, and that the ambassador may be rewarded at her request, that he may not think her ungrateful. Desires the same for Montesa his secretary; they do what they can in this business. Kimbolton, 13 Dec.
Sp., from a modern copy, p. 1. Add. Headed: "La derniere lettre de la main de la feue bonne et saincte royne dengl. escripte a lempereur, laquelle trespassn le lendemain des roys 1536 a mate (?) Dieu ait lame."
13 Dec.
Add. MS. 28,588, f. 86.
B. M.
967. Katharine of Arragon to Dr. Ortiz.
Has received his letter of 13 Nov. Was comforted by what he says about the constancy she ought to show in resisting all danger so as not to offend God, as justice is sure to follow; that what the Pope does and will do is the true remedy for the evils suffered by her and her daughter and other good persons. He ought to use all diligence in urging that something be done quickly. As to what he writes, that slackness there will be to let loose the devil, who, till now, is half tied, cannot and dare not speak more clearly. It is enough that he understands like a wise man. Does not write to the count of Cifuentes, for fear of giving him trouble. Bids Ortiz tell him that she knows, by what he writes to the ambassador, what he is doing, and she expected no less from him or those of his blood. Guimolton, 13 Dec.
Sp., pp. 2, modern copy.
13 Dec.
R. O.
968. Thomas Speke to [Lord Lisle].
I have been in Devonshire and seen your weir at Humberley torn and broken up by command of Sir Will. Courteney, deceased, (fn. 2) and the breaking thereof newly entered by Thos. Clotwurthie, constable of the adjoining hundred. I am informed your weir was not prejudicial to the country, and now the water every day will enlarge the breach to your greater cost. Cobley's weir stands in peace. You should get a new commission to such as are your friends to view it. I beg your favor to the bearer, who has much ado to get a passport. Whitlakyngton, 13 Dec. Signed.
Commend me to my lady, Mr. Greynfeld, and Mr. Porter.
P. 1. Endd.
13 Dec.
R. O.
969. Sir Francis Brian to Cromwell.
In his last letter, dated Rychemont, 7 Dec., and received on the 12th, by Ollyver, my lord of Winchester's servant, Cromwell wishes to know what the bayly of Amboysse is. Refers to "our letter sent in that behalf." Asks favor for his friend Grenway. His commission. being finished he thinks his stay there will be of small effect. "Yff y ware wytt yow I could my thynke dyscryve thys nassyon; howbeyt, in the Kynge's last letteres ye tochyd the quyke." Suer, 13 Dec.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd. Sealed.
ii. Have delivered to John Davyd, the first post, 11l. 5s. current, and to this bearer the same.
Small slip, in the same hand as the address.
13 Dec.
Vatican Archives.
970. Bishop of Faenza to M. Ambrogio.
* * * Understands that they have not the last resolutions which they expected from England. Mons. Brien, who is still here, is about to depart. The old queen of England has been very near death, but now recovered. Understands from the English ambassador here, who is a good man though he serves the King, hostile to all that pleases the new Queen, and a good servant of the old Queen, whose "creatura" his wife is, that she cannot live more than six months or a little longer, which he has heard from her physician, a Spaniard, who has told her in secret of it. Believes it to be true, because it grieves the ambassador to the heart. Conjectures, from what the French king and his lords have said, that her condition is known to them, and they hope that at her death the King will leave his present Queen, return to the obedience of the Church, and marry Francis' eldest daughter, whom they would not give to the Scotch king, nor any other, and that the Dauphin should have the King's legitimate daughter. These, however, are conjectures, and he may be mistaken. Sora, 13 Dec. 1535.
Ital., p. 1,from a modern copy.
There is another modern copy in M.S. Add. 8715, f. 161 b., B.M.
13 Dec.
Add. MS. 8,715, f. 172 b.
B. M.
971. Bishop of Faenza to [M. Ambrogio.]
* * * Hears that Francis told the Imperial ambassador to let his master know that he did not mean to listen to his words any more, and that he did not intend to have any relation or friendship of any kind with his master,—with other despiteful words; to which the ambassador replied that, if he wished him to say this, he must give it him in writing. The English ambassadors say this is true, but the Imperial ambassador has denied it. * * *.
Ital., copy, pp. 4. Headed: Al Signor Protonotario, da Cales (Chalons) in Borgogna, li 13 Decembre.
13 Dec.
Vienna Archives.
972. Charles V. to [Chapuys].
[Chapuys'] man has delivered to the Emperor letters of 13 and 25 Sept. and 13 Oct.; since then, on the 6th inst., has received his letters of the 6th ult., sent by the Queen our sister. Have also heard the messenger's credence. Approves of [Chapuys'] conduct in the affairs of the queen of England. Sends back the messenger to the queen of Hungary and count de Ræulx, in accordance with whose advice [Chapuys] is to act. Is expecting further news from him as to the matters mentioned in his letter of the 6th.
Will remember him at the distribution of vacant benefices. Leaves for Rome on the 15th of next month. Naples, 13 Dec. 1535.
Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 2.
13 Dec.
Vienna Archives.
973. Charles V. to [M. de la Sa], Queen Katharine's physician.
Thanks him for his care of the Queen and Princess. Naples, 13 Dec. 1535.
Fr., from a modern copy, p. 1. In margin:— "Non a copier."
14 Dec.
R. O.
974. Robert Cowley to Cromwell.
Thanks him for obtaining the King's warrant for him to be customer of Dublin for life. Asks him to write to the Lord Chancellor of Ireland to seal his patent. Kilkenny, 14 Dec.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Principal Secretary. Endd.
14 Dec.
Granvelle Papiers d'Etat., II. 414.
975. Charles V. to his Ambassador in France.
* * * Desires him to hear all that the duke of Albany has to say about the investiture of Ireland, and the marriage of the duchess of Milan. Granvelle, when ambassador in France, found that the proposals which Albany then made to him were with the knowledge of the Lady Regent. * * * Naples, 14 Dec. 1535.
15 Dec.
Bucholz's Ferdinand I., ix. 135.
976. Henry VIII. to the Archbishop of Bremen.
Is much distressed to hear that his friend George Wolweber has been stopped on his journey, deprived of his goods, and thrown into chains. Did not expect such a return for his kindness towards the citizens of Bremen. Thinks the archbishop has been misled by malicious reports, and requests him to restore Wolweber to liberty. Richmond, 15 Dec. 1535.
15 Dec.
Cooper's Annals of Cambridge, i. 377.
977. Cromwell to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Bailiffs of Cambridge.
Marvels that thay have refused to accomplish his previous letters about the use of the Tolbooth by the University, &c. The prison is the King's, and he has joined the University with them in the use thereof. Cannot conceive what they mean by denying what he has granted, as their bailiff Ousburn did to the procurators and the Vice-Chancellor's deputy. A sergeant of theirs also took a piece of cloth from the stall of a common minister of the University for non-appearance in their leet, contrary to the commandment given at the time of Sturbridge Fair. They have also refused to make a certain oath before the congregation at St. Mary's church for the conservation of the peace and the presentment to the Vice-Chancellor of vagabonds and others. Being only a counsellor, and, otherwise than justice and peace will, no party, and intending to labour for the quiet of both, desires them to permit the University to have the free use of the Tolbooth, to restore the cloth taken away, to see their leets furnished, and to take such oath and use the existing customs till final direction be taken. If they do any wrong, or do not fulfil what they are bound unto, though he favors their cause he will not fail to advance justice and to see the interrupters thereof punished. Stepney, 15 Dec.
15 Dec.
R. O.
978. Sir Thomas Russhe to Cromwell.
Mr. Hogan and I have been with the abbot of Bury. Hogan has delivered him your old patent. He will enlarge your fee, and join Mr. Gregory with you in a new patent. At Bury we heard much goodness and charity used and done by my lord of Norwich, who was minded to have spent all that he had in alms to the poor, making highways, repairing churches that were in ruin, and relieving many in debt; so that Master Jermyn showed us that 20 marks were sent him to dispose to poor parishes, and the Bishop would have parted with all that he had, except what was necessary to bury him. He has bequeathed you 100l.; for since the coming of my lord of Norfolk into these parts all that matter is quailed, and nothing is done or shall be without the assent of my lord of Norfolk. It would be well, I think, for you or the King to write to my lord of Norwich to execute his gracious mind according to his first intention, rather than that the money should lie in a chest; and if you would send him a letter of comfort, I will be your messenger. I and Mr. Hogan thought that we ought to advertise you of the news in the country, where there is much speaking "of this steeple that is thus restrained." I remit this to you, for if it were known I might incur some displeasure. Mr. Hogan begs you to remember him for the land in Cokylecley which the prior of Ingham sold to Wodhouse. When I return from Norfolk I will advertise you of the matter between Mr. Jenney and Mr. Humph. Wingfield and me. Bury, 15 Dec.
If my lord of Norwich were at liberty to use his goods at his pleasure you would have much honor by it.
Hol, p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
15 Dec.
Corpus Reform., ii. 1,007.
979. The English Ambassadors at Smalcalde.
"Narratio de eo quod legati regis Angliæ cum Pontano et Fr. Burchardo Smalcaldiæ egerint, scripta a Fr. Burchardo, ut duci Sax. Pr. Electori traderetur."
The English ambassadors have shown the following to the Chancellor, Dr. Brucken, and Master Francis [Burchard]. 1. The King, being devoted to the Gospel, is desirous of receiving an embassy from the princes and states of Germany that he may be informed as to the state of religion, and receive advice as to what to reform in England in matters relating to faith and religion. 2. The King is not averse to a Christian and free council, though he does not think it is to be hoped for now. If the princes unite he will join them. The place must be convenient and safe. It must be free and Christian, and things must be decided by God's Word, and not by the canons. The Pope, cardinals, &c. must appear, not as judges, but parties. The articles which we consider Christian and right must be agreed upon beforehand. 3. If the council is held in any other way no good can come from it, and therefore it should be abandoned. The Pope's brief alone is not to compel appearance. 4. The king of England is not disinclined to join the Christian league of the princes. 5. The king of England is determined not to restore to the Pope his authority. 6. That the princes should send an embassy to England upon religious matters. Smalcald, Wednesday after St. Lucy's Day, 1535.
16 Dec.
Vesp. F. xiii. 137.
B. M.
980. Sir Francis Bryan to Cromwell.
Touching Cromwell's last letter sent by Olyver, my lord of Winchester's servant, that the King wished Bryan to inquire "what was he that made himself the bailly of Amboise, and wherefore his coming was thither," trusts that their letters sent to Cromwell by Barnaby have answered it, as well as Bryan's instruction to the queen of Navarre. If he has forgotten anything, it is more for lack of wit than of good will. Cromwell will perceive from their letters the disposition of these men here, which he will tell him at more length when he speaks with him. Thinks he has little to do here. If Cromwell thinks otherwise, wishes to know the King's pleasure. Suer, 16 Dec.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Master Secretary. Endd.
16 Dec.
Vit. B. xiv. 157.
B. M.
981. John Mason to Dr. Starkey.
"My assured friend .................... have heard before ........................... recompense my long silence ....................... ting from you passing the country .................. mont I came to Genes, where hiring of a zabar (?) ....... toward Tunise, pactus 55 ducat' I entered with ....... and notwithstanding that the wind was contra[ry leva]uimus anchoram, trusting that when we should be a .... we should find it more favorable. So having on nigh ... wind, bidui navigatione attigimus Corsicam, more [with] strength of rowers than favor of the air. The n[ext day] the wind blew somewhat with us, but that continui ... so that to Sardinia from Corsica, we made vij. d ..... in manner, except it were some time at night, hav[ing] calm without all manner of wind. From thence de[parting, and] thinking at the furthest within two days after to hav[e] ..... the Goullet, there rose such a tempest that nother patr[on nor] mariners thought any remedy but death, with t ...... storm they labouring to bring us back to Sardinia ..... thereof and drew to the coast of Italy, and in ........ or night were driven as far back as we had g[one] ..... in vij. days before. So at last attaining Pis ....... the fortune of the sea this against us, for ........ by post came to Florence, Rome, and ......................... semitertianam, wherefore not ................. id to hire a vessel and send .............. my letters, the Emperor now being ............. Sicill. I continuing sick not without days ....... the space of xviij. days, as soon as I had anything ..... helth conduco triremem, purposing to Sycyll departed from ..... port of Naples on a fair morning, and with a goodly [w]ind sailed all that day till night very well. At night [fi]rst the weather changed from clear to cloudy, with [s]uche a fervent wind contrary to us, that there was no [r]emedy but back, scant knowing toward what coast we [s]ailed, so dark was the night. In the morning we found ourselves x. miles lower than Naples towards Roomeward, where, being an old haven and a city in time passed called [B]aie, we were glad with all force to make thitherward. The[re] tarried we viij. days before we could have any likely wind to depart again. In the mean season I visited such an[ti]quities as there were. This town in the Romans' time [w]ythout fail was a thing of extreme pleasure, as we [ma]y perceive by buildings costly and ancient, now partly [cast] down and partly devoured with the sea. This [was] the first port that Æneas attained in Italy. There ... [la]cum Averni the habitation of Sibilla. There .... [an]d thermas, theatra and amphitheatra * * * diverse other signs t ........................ of extreme de ............... mare conjunctum pont ................ Now tantum videmus ruinas rerum ........... is Puteoli, now called Puzol, an old th ........... may see much tokens of the Greeks' time .......... this is Cumæ. At the last having a fay[er wind once] more commisimus nos mari, and even so as [we were] served before, so we were served again, [having a fair] day and a foul night; howbeit the wind [was more] sideling than against us, and made us only t ..... of our course towards the coast of Italy m[ore] than we should have done, and so attained [unto] Lipare, nigh unto the which within half ...... is Vulcania, an isle so continually burning that [afar] off we might see the fire thereof, as it had be[en the bur]ning of a great town, the which sight in the .......night was so strange that I never thought m ...... to go to the devil by water. To describe y ..... of Lypare with divers other isles thereabo[ut exceeds] the capacity of a letter, wherefore that [shall be reser]ved to our meeting together. Now wer ........... of Sycyll, but * * * be the dwellingplace of .................. in all my life nother ............... continual wind than in these ........... turned and tossed."
Came at last to Palermo, where the Emperor was, a fair and spacious city, but fuller of strangers than Sicilians. Met Mr. Harvell, who had come to recover money forfeited by a servant of his. Went thence to Siracuse, now called Sarogusa, a poor town, having nothing but a fortress against the Turks. The commerce with Greece is destroyed by rovers. The whole east coast of Sicily, as Agrigentum, suffers from the same cause. Messana is a fair little city, frequented by merchants. It serves Italy with raw silks, "standing so ..... etid toward Calabria that you may sit at ....... and see Calabria and never a sea between ........... quod distinguit Siciliam ab * * * this town is ................... it wont to do ............... tid Master Harvell .............. mendations to you. And shortly ............... that narrow sea quod Itali vocant [Faro and] so arrived in Calabria between thentr ......... and Naples, the space of 300 miles ..... [Never] men passed a fouler way, so full ........ that if the ways had not been purposely ....... the hand of men, it had not been possib[le to have] escaped it. Yet it is a right plentiful c[ountry, full] of oil, wines, cotton, and wood, wherewith ....... furnish Sycyll, being recompensed of them ag[ain in] wheat. And the hills, though they be high and [hard] to climb, yet be they green and full of ....... Much antiquities and many ancient towns s ...... by the way; but lest my letter should be too lo[ng, I] skip them all and come to Naples. The w[hich] city I think in this world peerless. Not b[ut that I] think not but that there be other both ...... and more fairer, but because beside ......... it, it is so furnished with all * * * * dicta sit olim παρθενοπη .............. yle, all manner of victuals .............. at Midsummer the weather .......... somewhat cold. If there be any other [thing] that may delight man, reckon it other to be here or [nus]quam. The dames in the streets and churches [be]en faced more like heavenly things than women ... orn (?) they be shut up. In this only I find fault. Themperor was here received xxv. Novembris with a wonderful pomp. He purposeth at the end of January [to] depart from hence Romam versus and there to continue ... ii. months. Our Holy Father sent his son (fn. 3) to him in post ... Calabria, and from hence is dispatched again; whose minstrells willing to visit us as other great men's [d]id we shut out of doors. Two cardinals, one named [C]esarinus and the other Senensis, cometh hither legati [a] Romano pontifice. From Venice cometh v., of the [whi]che iiii. come to gratulate the Emperor his victory, and the [other] here to be resident. The duke of Ferrara is already [here, and] other princes be daily looked for. Calendis Januarii ...... [be]gynnith his Parliament, whereof the chief cause .......... of all such as were banished at the last ................ Bisertam oppidum Aphricæ.
The duke of Flore[nce] ..................... the Emperor's ........................ is no talking but ..................... and our Holy Father will .................. keep it, and other say it is to (too ?) sw .......... left, except an urgent cause why. The ............ bequeathed him v. hundred thousand duca[ts] ....... gent content, and as much yearly is the duchy ....... I have received your letters written to the Goll[etta] touching the friars. You may be sure as mic[he as my] wit and my learning would serve me I have and do [endeavour] myself therein as it becometh me. Howbeit at the beg[inning when] the matter was fresh they would abide no re[ason] ..... Sed vide dum hæc hortaris ne parum sis verecundus ..... qui foras agis domi satis exercitatum ....... quam fuerit ipse πρεσβευς in hisce deliriis δεισι ...... Quem tamen adeo vici ut jam hostem Papa ad h ..... pitaliorem. Saluta amicos, D. præsertim meum O[by, et] d. decanum sacelli regii. Siquando cum Cromwello ..... familiarius, incidat mei amica mentio ut sciat ...... aliud esse quam cursorem." Naples, 17 cal. Decembris. (fn. 4)
Mutilated. Hol. Add.: To, &c. Dr. Starkey, chaplain to the King's grace, in my lord Montague's place, beside Dowgate, London. Franche.
16 Dec.
R. O.
982. De Helfault to the Deputy of Calais.
Though he has no great acquaintance with the Deputy, writes to ask his assistance for the bearer, Charles de Grave, a merchant, who is much beloved, about some marriage. St. Omer, 16 Dec.
Hol, Fr., p. 1. Add.
16 Dec.
Add. MS. 28,588, f. 87.
B. M.
983. Dr. Ortiz to the Empress.
Wrote last on Nov. 22. Is glad to hear the good news that the Turk has been defeated by the Sophi, with a loss of 40,000 horse (de acaballo) and 40 great pieces of artillery, his army having been 70,000.
In the cause of the queen of England, the Consistory has ordered of itself a monitory to be issued, fixing a space of two months for the King to turn from his heresy and schism and public adultery, and then he will not be declared deprived of his kingdom.
The Imperial ambassador writes that he has not leave to visit or send any person to see the Queen and Princess. Those with the Queen are guards and spies, not servants, for they have sworn in favor of Anne, not to call her highness Queen, nor serve her with royal state. So, not to give them cause to sin, the Queen has not left her chamber for two years; and perhaps if she wished to, it would not be allowed, "y que no manda un ducado," nor has she any of her old servants except her confessor, physician, and apothecary. The King always asks those who wish to join him (se quisieren juntar con el) to renounce obedience to the Apostolic See, and he who formerly appealed to a Council now wishes it not to be held.
The dearth has increased twofold in England. The preachers publicly say that it is the fault of those who obey the Apostolic See. Rome, 16 Dec. 1535.
Sp., pp. 3, modern copy.
[16 Dec.]
Corpus Reform., ii. 1,009.
984. Francis I. and the German Protestants.
"Capita orationis Guilielmi Bellaii Langii, oratoris Regis Gallorum ad ducem Johannem Fridericum Saxoniæ electorem, privatim."
The French king has sent him to congratulate the Prince and his allies assembled at Smalcald. He offers to join the league himself, and wishes the king of England and the duke of Gueldres to do so also. He desires a true council to be held in a free and safe place. After the Duke had thanked the ambassador, and explained that the league was only for the preservation and propagation of the Gospel, the French ambassador requested him to send persons to France to discuss methods of bringing the Church into peace and concord. Though he had received certain articles, he was not altogether satisfied, and it was desirable that learned men should be sent to France, and to appoint a place where learned men from both sides might meet and discuss these matters. He spoke also of the duke of Gueldres, &c.
17 Dec.
R. O.
985. John Bishop of Lincoln to Cromwell.
Have this day received your letters concerning the ferme of the prebend of Lydington for George Swyllington. Have long made labour with the prebendary to have the ferme for a kinsman who trusts in me, and has nothing to live on. Otherwise, I can only aid him in such small things as, on my coming up to London, I will declare to you. Wooborn, 17 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: "Secretary." Endd.
17 Dec.
Cleop. E. iv. 109.
B. M.
Wright's Suppression of the Monasteries, 48.
986. Bedyll to [Cromwell].
Master Layton and I have had much business with this house since your departing hence. The brethren are as obstinate as you left them. Copynger and Lache were sent to my lord of London on Monday. Here were on Tuesday Dr. Butts and the Queen's almoner to convert Wytford and Litell, and on Wednesday Dr. Aldriddge, Dr. Curven, Dr. Bawghe, and Dr. Morgan, sent by the King for that purpose, but they nothing profited. I handled Whitford in the garden both with fair words and foul, and showed him that through his obstinacy he would be held up to shame for his irreligious life and for using bawdy words to ladies at confession, "wherby, I said, he might be the occasion that shrift shall be laid down through England. But he hath a brazen forehead which shameth at nothing." One Matthew, a lay brother, is reformed in hope of liberty. We wish advice what to do with Whitford and Litell, and one Turnyngton, who is very sturdy against the King's title. We have sequestered Whitford and Litell from hearing the ladies' confessions, and think the place where the friars have been wont to hear confessions should be walled up, and the practice abolished, as it has led to much evil and much treason against the King's title and succession. On Wednesday my lord Windsor sent for Master Layton and me, and laboured much for the converting of his sister and some of his kinswomen here. Yesterday my lord of London was here in the chapterhouse of women, and the confessor also, and both took it upon their consciences and the peril of their souls that the ladies ought to consent to the King's title. This comforted them much; "and where we willed all such as consented to the King's title to sit still, and all such as would not consent thereto to depart out of the chapter-house, there was found none among them which departed." I was informed, however, that one Agnes Smith hath laboured divers of her sisters that we should not have their convent seal; but we trust to have it this morning, with the subscription of the abbess for herself and all her sisters. The person you spoke with at the grate desires much to speak with you, as she has things she will utter to no one else. We purpose tomorrow to wait on the King. Master Layton has written certain compertes unto you. The ladies of Sion beg you to be good master to their house, that they all run not in obloquy for the misbehaviour of one. Many of them desired that Bishop and Parker might be discharged. Sion, 17 Dec.
Hol., pp. 2.
18 Dec.
Vienna Archives.
987. Chapuys to Charles V.
Urged by the Queen, your aunt, I went again yesterday to speak to Cromwell about changing the said Queen's lodging, and advancing to her for these feasts the small remainder of her arrears. Cromwell, as usual, gave me good words and good hope. The opportunity was convenient for going to visit him to see if I could learn any news of the practices of this French gentleman who calls himself bailly of Amboise, and of what it was the French ambassador went thither this morning to negociate. Cromwell, although occupied with the Chancellor and several others, sent to ask me to come by the man whom I had sent to him beforehand, saying he would lay aside all business for me; and, having received me with his accustomed kindness, remarked that it was a day of fate for him (que ce jour la este faye pour luy), as the ambassadors of the two greatest princes in the world had come to see him. And having replied to me about the affairs of the Queen, he said they had received very strange news from France, viz., that your Majesty had offered the king of France to conquer this realm and give it to him, if he would only forbear to assist this King, and that it was a very great gift and a still greater enterprise (et plus grande entre princes). On this, smiling and looking at Cromwell, I told him I was not so much surprised at these news as at him who, in reporting such inventions, could refrain from laughing or blaming the authors; and that those who could spread such gross and improbable stories were either blinded with malice or formed a very wrong opinion of the good sense and prudence of the King his master and of all his Council; that the sowers of such tares ought to vend their wares among ignorant people who knew nothing of the merchandise; and that I ventured to affirm, and would venture all I had in the world, that not only your Majesty had never said any such thing, but that you had never even thought of anything to the King's prejudice, but always been most solicitous of the honor and tranquillity of England.
I said your Majesty always hoped that God would not permit affairs to come to extremity, but would inspire the erring to return to the right road; and that it was evident there was no truth in the rumour, because, instead of collecting men and ships, you had discharged them, and I was certain you wished to increase and not diminish the power of the King; and if it were only on account of the injury it would do to the Queen and Princess, you would not wish the King to be expelled, being convinced of the inestimable love they bore him, and that they would be more sorry than himself. After this, and much else, I added that I expected within a few days to make that mystery still more clear, as well as that of the offer which had been reported to the King to have been made last year by your Majesty of the Princess to the duke of Angouleme. Cromwell assented to all I said, and showed himself very glad, both by his looks and words, yet he begged that I would repeat what I had said before the Chancellor, whom he sent for. And when the Chancellor had heard part of it, he declared himself entirely satisfied, blaming greatly the forgers of such scandals, and saying that he believed, in spite of evil tongues, that friendship would endure between your Majesty and his master. There only remained some scruples to remedy, and he begged me to do my best to remove all suspicions. Cromwell thereupon added that there was no subject of difference in the world except the matter of this marriage, and that he and I had discussed it several times together, each, however, remaining on his guard, and trying to draw some overture from the other.
After some short conversations Cromwell said that from the goodness and virtue of your Majesty, and from what he had heard in conversations with me, he had always told the King his master and his Council that your Majesty would not attempt anything against the King unless you were thereto compelled. This I confirmed, declaring that if they thought that your Majesty had solicited anything, especially since the sentence had been given in favor of the Queen, they were quite wrong, and that your Majesty had rather retarded affairs than otherwise, as appears by the non-observance of the executorials; and that if hereafter proceedings should be taken at Rome against the King, they would be understood to have been originated by his Holiness, to whom and to the Sacred College it belonged to take action. This they confessed to me, saying they fully believed that his Holiness, whom matters here seriously affected, would not sleep or forget to solicit the aid of princes. Cromwell desired the Chancellor to be a witness to our conversations, that he might speak of them more freely without being suspected of partiality. I said to Cromwell that these news must have been reported by this bailiff of Amboise. He said, No; and that the English ambassador in France had written what had been said to him by the leading men at Court (du principal de Court). I said he ought to write to their ambassador to communicate about it with your Majesty's; which Cromwell told me he had done, but that he would do so again by the first opportunity.
On going to Cromwell I met the French ambassador coming away, who told me that till now he had believed the man of whom I wrote lately to your Majesty was really bailiff of Amboise, but now he suspected that it was a borrowed name, and that the man was a fugitive from France belonging to this new sect. The ambassador also told me that the arrival of this gentleman had greatly troubled his mind, but that the other had now his share of trouble and anxiety. The ambassador on the first arrival of the said gentleman had said that he feared he had come to disclose some treaty or negociation between your Majesty and the King his master. The said ambassador told me also that your Majesty was hastening on to Rome, and then to Milan, to give order in what was necessary. And, on my asking what order, he said to name a duke in accordance with what had been treated at Bologna, as the Venetian secretary went about here reporting; the observance of which treaty, as he said, the same Venetian ambassador would urge with all his power. And confidentially he told me, thinking it might be reported to me otherwise, that he had several times caused the said secretary to despair, saying, by way of mockery, that your Majesty intended to recover the lands of the said duchy of Milan, occupied by the said Republic, and afterwards the others belonging to the house of Austria. On my telling the said ambassador that the Signory knew by long experience that your Majesty had no wish to use violence towards them or any other, he replied that the opportunity had not yet come on account of the great affairs with which your Majesty was occupied, but that now you were disengaged you would have better means to attempt such a thing. I fear the said ambassador is instilling such things into the mind of the said secretary, and in good earnest. I do not hear that he speaks otherwise of his master's claim to the duchy, than that he will provide himself with men and friends, and take a good opportunity to recover what belongs to him.
I have forgotten to write that on Cromwell lately telling me his news from France, I gave him change for it in nearly the same coin, declaring my own from that quarter, which were that they had tried to persuade Likkerke to come to that Court before the arrival of the bishop of Winchester, with his sleeves full of agreements for a new amity. To which Cromwell, raising his head, replied that it was a fiction, and of the same stamp as the former. London, 18 Dec. 1535.
Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 4.
18 Dec.
Vienna Archives.
988. Chapuys to [Granvelle].
Granvelle will see by his letters to the Emperor that there has been much cry and little wool.
Thinking that the time might come when it would be well for Cromwell to be informed of the right and title which the French might claim in Milan, asked him whether he had ever seen the reply made on the Emperor's behalf to the said claims. On his saying he had not, sent him the book. Could not ascertain yesterday why the French ambassador was with Cromwell. It was the second time he had given him audience, after many refusals, in consequence of which the ambassador had declared that he would go to him no more unless he was ordered by his master.
He said yesterday that he had kept his word, and that he had gone to Cromwell by commission from his master; but Chapuys thinks his reason was that he found he could do nothing here without Cromwell.
The King has written expressly to Reginald Pole, who is at Venice, to send him his opinion in writing de primatu pontificis. Would that the King had done it to hear the simple truth, and not to have a pretext for injuring Pole, who is one of the most virtuous persons in the world, and who will do a great deal when there is any talk of putting affairs here right. London, 18 Dec. 1535.
Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 2.
R. O. 989. J. [Hilsey] Bishop of Rochester to Cromwell.
Please appoint the Charterhouse monks to be at the Cross to hear the sermon there weekly, that their hearts may be lightened by knowledge, their bodies escape such pains as they are worthy to suffer, and their souls escape the judgment of God for such demerits as their ignorant hearts have conceived. Signed.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
18 Dec.
R. O.
990. Thomas Whityng to Cromwell.
I am constrained to declare my reasons for leaving the country. It is from fear of being thrown into prison at the King's suit for non-delivery of certain certificates of corn shipped from the port of Yarmouth. If my lady Clere had performed her promise, which I sent to Mr. Gostwick, the certificate would have appeared, and that I have not offended the King. Rochelle, 18 Dec.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
18 Dec.
R. O.
991. Thomas Broke to Lady Lisle.
I have delivered your token to Mrs. Margery Horsman, who says she knows not the man she sent to your Ladyship, but was desired by a near friend to write in his favor. She says also the Queen sets much store by a pretty dog; "and her Grace delighted so much in little Purkoy, that after he was dead of a fall there durst nobody tell her Grace of it." But she values a dog more than a bitch. Mr. Smythe says it would have been no use speaking of 160l. or 180l., for they would not agree to more than 120l., but preferred that it should go to law. Jas. Roberts is come to London this day, but I cannot meet with him. As soon as I receive the cap I will have it sent to the prioress of Winchester. My bedfellow has been three times at Mr. Judd's, but has failed to find him. London, 18 Dec.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: At Calais.
19 Dec.
R. O.
992. John Smyth, of Paules, to Cromwell.
I have to advertise you of my brethren's presumptuous proposed answer to your letter for the next advowson of the vicarage of St. Giles, Cripplegate, granted unto you by consent of Mr. Withers, late deceased, long before his death, as Mr. Incent affirmed when he and I were with you touching our church. The same Mr. Incent has at his disposal the next avoidance of any benefice in London or the suburbs. Not knowing my fast mind to you for this my said vicarage and the resignation of it, and regardless of your goodness to our church, and his own faithful promise unto you, he intends by dissimulation to disappoint you, and has granted the vicarage to Mr. Reston since the receipt of your letter. He alleges it is my duty to resign it to him in preference to any stranger; which I shall never do unless it is your pleasure. He presumes he stands high in your favor, and, having persuaded the two other residentiaries, intends to be with you to excuse their crafty purpose.
We are at controversy upon this, and in all contentions between the residentiaries and the dean and chapter, the bishop of London with two canons, &c. shall have the full determination.
I am well assured my lord of London, on such declaration as I have made him, will follow your pleasure. London, 19 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
19 Dec.
R. O.
993. James V.
Safe-conduct to Arthur Plantagenet lord Lisle, with two factors, to come and trade in Scotland. Striveling, 19 Dec. 23 James V. Signed and sealed.
P. 1, large paper.
19 Dec.
Corpus Reform., ii. 1012.
994. The French and the League of Smalcalde.
"Capita orationis Vilhelmi Bellaii oratoris Regis Gallorum ad conventum Smalcaldiensem, Dominica quarta Adventus Domini."
Denies that the punishment of Germans for religion has been aimed at the doctrines of the League, which are utterly different. Some have been punished for exciting sedition among the people. The German princes punish seditious men and Anabaptists, and is it not right for Francis to use like severity? They have been warned to beware of foreign embassies, but no one has ever shown himself more prompt to assist the Germans than the French king, and no people are more closely connected than the Germans and French. He is very anxious there should be no dissension. If they will receive him into their League he promises to be a faithful ally and friend. Paul III. often promised the King that he would yield much to the time and for the sake of peace. Francis promises not to assist any enemy of the League. He desires the king of England to join the League; but as the English ambassadors are here, this may be left to them. He will also be much pleased if they will receive the duke of Gueldres.
20 Dec. 995. Lord Thomas Howard.
See Grants in December, No. 13.
20 Dec.
R. O. Cranmer's Letters, 318.
996. Cranmer to Lord Lisle.
I understand that one Thos. King, now abiding in Calais, has left his wife Eleanor Saygrave, and lives with another woman, denying his former marriage. I have therefore sent my commissary to see them both punished, in which I desire your assistance. I hear there is good provision of wines with you. If so, I beg you will help me therein when I send to you. I am much bound to my Lady for her goodness to my chaplains. Ford, 20 Dec. Signed.
Add.: Lord Deputy of Calais.
20 Dec.
R. O.
997. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
Will receive, by Jas. Hawksworth, Skelle's pardon and the writ of allowance. Wishes for money for procuring the same. It has cost nearly 100s. Desires also 3l. 3s. for the ulrons, the spices and wax. Is sorry he will have to lose his wages, as Lisle promised otherwise. God send you a joyful Christmas. London, St. Thomas's Eve. Sends him a saddle with all the appurtenances.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
20 Dec.
R. O.
998. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
You will receive by Jas. Hawkisworth ½ lb. of riband in 18 pieces which cost 8s. 8d. and two dozen gloves which cost 4s., of which I received 10s., so I paid 2s. 8d. more; also two boxes trenchers which cost 20d. As to the spices the grocer says the cinnamon is as good as whole sticks, and the sugar is worth no less than 8d. I received of Bremelcom the silk and linen sleeves for Mrs. Skerne, which I will convey to her with your thanks. I am sorry I must lose my wages, but if so I shall learn hereafter. I can get no house here for your Ladyship by reason of the Parliament, unless you will lie at Barnabe's. Please send 3l. 3s. for the ulrons. I am like to pay for the wax and spices before I leave; and now when I might have been at Calais, I must tarry to sue for my check. London, St. Thomas's Even.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
20 Dec.
R. O.
St. P. vii. 637.
999. Francis da Casale to Gardiner.
Writes by order of the Cavalier Casale. In a consistory eight days ago nothing was talked of but a bull against the King which, when finally expedited, is to be published in places near England, warning the King to appear or send a proctor within two months, or else to suffer deprivation of his kingdom. The grounds are the divorce, and the death of the bishop of Rochester. Cannot send a copy, as it is not yet drawn up. They will make it as terrible as possible, and forbid commerce to other nations. The cardinal of Paris did what he could to postpone it, and as it was not concluded the Pope is angry with him. He says that the Pope will not propose this bull in consistory again, fearing his opposition; and if he expedites it, "da sua posta," the cardinal will argue its nullity by reason of the clause "de consensu fratrum." Has tried cautiously to discover the opinion of other cardinals, who think the Pope will expedite it without proposing it again in consistory. Thinks the Pope, either of himself or at the instigation of others, had accelerated the proceedings against the King, and he would not listen to what Francis showed him about the commission of Sir Gregory,—contrary to his behaviour a few days ago, when he took all in good part. For other news refers to his letter to Wallop. It is not seen here that negotiations are going on between the Pope and Emperor. Rome, 20 Dec. 1535. Signed.
Ital., pp., 2. Add. Endd.
20 Dec.
Add. MS. 8,715, f. 164 b.
B. M.
1000. Bishop of Faenza to Mons. Ambrogio.
Yesterday spoke with the king (Francis I.) about the inconsistency which there appeared to be between what he had already said to the Bishop about English affairs, and what he had sent word to the Pope he had heard from the Admiral. Told him that if he acted differently to the Pope's expectations, he would be playing the Emperor's game, and that the Pope had heard that the bishop of Winchester was trying to induce him to join in opposing the Council, and that his Holiness wished to hear from him more clearly. Francis replied that what he had said about English affairs was true; he would not fail in his duty, and he had spoken to these Englishmen in such a way that perhaps it would be difficult for the Pope to think he had gone so far. He had told them that he was the Most Christian King, and that he could not fail in anything that concerned pope Paul or the Holy See, but, on the other hand, he wished the Pope to know that when the Emperor thought to keep what belonged to his sons, and to lord it over the world, impose upon every one, and make war upon England, only from enmity against the King, and not from regard to the Church, as he says, the Pope must know that he will not allow the king of England to be attacked by arms, as he is his friend, and the Emperor is waiting for an opportunity to attack him also. He said, however, that the Emperor wished to be his good friend. The Pope would find that he had not a more obedient son; he has not failed to show the King of England his errors. He told Gardiner (Vincesta) that a Council was necessary, and he wished it, provided it was held in an honorable and safe place. The Emperor was mistaken if he thought he could hold it in a place under his own control. He had great faith in the Pope, and intends to do what he can for his honor and profit; but he must not trust in the Emperor, who delays his visit to Rome that time may be wasted here, and raises false hopes while pursuing his own ends. He assures the Pope that they must now come to some clear understanding; and if the Emperor does nothing but talk and do as he did when Mons. di Nansau (sic) was here, promising everything till he sees his way, though he would rather die than do anything by force, he will be justified if the greatest war that has been for a long time ensues. He is determined to recover what belongs to his children, and the Emperor, who expresses his willingness to assert the rights of the Church against the king of England, and his great desire for peace and a war against the Infidels, will be the cause of the commotion, by his wish to keep what is not his own. When the Emperor chooses to do what is right, the affairs of Christendom will easily be arranged as the Pope desires, but they cannot stay as they are for many days. He intended to send a gentleman to the Emperor in the name of the Dauphin to demand the State of Milan, but would first send him to the Pope.
The King is better prepared for war than he has been for many years.
The Admiral told him that the Emperor was making a mistake if he thought the French king would desert the king of England; Francis was always ready to do what was reasonable, but he thought the form of the sentence which the Pope intended to pronounce against Henry rather strange, and it was too much to confiscate the temporal possession of a kingdom, which would displease all princes. Replied that he did not know how the sentence would be, but the Pope would do nothing unreasonable or unjustifiable, and if this jurisdiction belonged to him he would not wish to lose it. His Excellency complained of the cardinal of Capua for being imperialist, and spoke of the proposed sentence against Henry as likely to displease all princes. * * *
The friar Pallavicino, who showed letters from England summoning him from there, having previously spoken with many of this Court against that King, and disputed with Gardiner against what Gardiner had written, is going to Italy, and has taken leave of the King and Court, and intends to live and preach as a good man.
Ital., copy, pp. 13. Headed: Al. Signor Mons. Ambrogio, da Sora, li 20 Xmbre. 1535.
2. An extract of the last paragraph of this letter is among the Roman Transcripts in R. O.
20 Dec.
Corpus Reform., ii. 1,014.
1001. Francis I. and the Smalcaldic League.
" Quid Regis Gallorum orator Guilielmus Bellaius, Langæi dominus, cum D. Pontano Cancellario Elect. Sax. et reliquis, feria secunda post Domin. IV. Advent., Smalcadiæ sub diluculum egerit, mdxxxv."
1. About the primacy of the Pope the French king agrees with us that he possesses, it by human not divine law, while the king of England will not even allow it to him by human law.
The Pope has always attempted to place and displace kings at his pleasure, which he is now trying to do to the king of England, though the French king and the cardinals dissuade him.
2. The [French] king is pleased with our opinion about the Eucharist, but his theologians wish to keep Transubstantiation.
Detail further the positions taken by the French king and his divines, about,—3, the mass; 4, images; 5, the merits of saints; 6, free will; 7, purgatory (on which the Ambassador advises one of us to write to the King); 8, good works; 9, monastic vows; 10, priests' marriages.
11. The King practised with pope Clement, and hopes to obtain from the present Pope permission for every one to take the Communion in one or both kinds according to his conscience. He had heard from old men that a hundred and twenty years ago the laity in France communicated in both kinds, but through a pipe and in private chapels, not in the public churches, and the kings of France do so now.
When the former articles were settled the Ambassador spoke also on the following points. That Clement had entrusted the reformation of the hours (orarium) to the Spanish cardinal S. Crucis, and the substitution of psalms for foolish hymns, but for this the Cardinal had been condemned by the French theologians. The theologians of the Sorbonne assume the right to condemn not only us, but cardinals and the Pope himself. The King approved of our treatment of the doctrine of Justification. The King is very anxious for concord in the Church, and the Ambassador has been treating with the dukes of Bavaria, but he finds them much more difficult than the doctors of Sorbonne, though Bonnacursius promises that they will give a better answer. Pflugius promises better things of his Prince, duke George, and the archbishop of Mayence. The King will be much pleased if two or three of our learned men are sent to France to discuss these points. The place for holding a Council must not be agreed upon by our princes and orders without consulting the kings of France and England, who will act likewise. It is not yet settled, even if there is need of a Council, that it should be held now, for the better and sounder party might be crushed by the majority. Formerly the kings of France and Navarre were deprived by the Pope for holding that a Council should be summoned not only by the Pope, but also by the emperor and kings. At this day Navarre is held by the Emperor because Ferdinand drove out the King, who was thus dispossessed. The King wishes the Council to be held in a free and safe place, where every one can express his opinion. It would be a good thing for the princes and orders here to write to the King in favor of restoration of exiles on account of religion.
Ibid. 1022. 2. "Responsio publice data in Conventu Smalcaldiæ oratori Gallico." (Guil. Bellaio).
They acknowledge du Bellay's explanation of the punishment of heretics in France, and the King's expressions of friendship.
It is clear that the Pope, in proposing Italy as the place for the Council, intends to crush true doctrine under the name of a Council. They beg the French king to use his authority to prevent its being held in an unsafe place or under constraint. An answer about sending learned men to France will be given after deliberation. They thank him for promising to assist no one against them, and they give a similar promise to help no one against him in matters which do not concern the Emperor and empire. The princes have replied to the English ambassadors, and the recommendation of Francis has increased their disposition to friendship with him. The princes are bound by affinity and friendship to Charles duke of Gueldres, which they will preserve as far as they can.


  • 1. A copy of this, taken from the printed copy, will be found in MS. Titus, B. i. 525.
  • 2. By several inquisitions taken in 28 Hen. VIII. it appears that Sir William Courteney died on the 24th Nov. 1535.
  • 3. Peter Lewis Farnese.
  • 4. So in MS. But the writer must have intended "17 cal. Januarii," i.e., 16th Decr.