Index: C

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1887.

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'Index: C', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1887), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index: C', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1887), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index: C". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1887), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.



Cadeleigh (Cadlay), Dev., letter dated at, 821.

Cadiz. See Kaeles.

Cadwallader, David ap, 195, 258 (2).

-, Griffith ap, 195.

-, John Wyn ap, 195, 258 (2).

-, Owen, ap, 195, 258 (2).

Cadybut, Henry, 1257 ii.

Caerlion (Cayerlion), Monm., 252.

Caernarvon, N. Wales, 245.

Calais, 33, 62, 123, 136, 145, 148, 235 (p. 84), 243 (62), 246 (17), 254, 267, 295, 299, 332, 336–7, 341, 348, 351 (p. 132), 356, 406–7, 416, 438, 468, 476, 487–8, 499, 516–19, 525, 533, 544–5, 560, 566, 568, 573, 614, 618, 628, 631, 635, 651, 656, 669, 680–1, 699 (p. 293), 710, 736, 738, 747, 773, 781, 789, 807, 812, 830, 865, 874, 883, 899, 901–2, 925, 936, 954, 992–3, 1020, 1064, 1069 (p. 447), 1072, 1076, 1101, 1145, 1155–9, 1174–5, 1222, 1231, 1270, 1275:—g. 392 (3, 6, 20–1, 26, 31), 597 (28, 44), 775 (12), 1015 (19). See also Kaeles.

-, Ordinances or acts for, 243 (62), 246 (17), 254, 406, 438, 517, 865, 936, 992, 995, 1006, 1076, 1086, 1128.

-, Staple of, g. 597 (28).

-, letters dated at, 21, 111, 134–5, 188, 193, 209, 263, 292, 395, 401, 425, 471, 486, 492, 498, 539, 541, 580, 664, 673, 707–8, 737, 755, 780, 828–9, 925, 1028, 1081, 1086, 1120, 1128, 1157–9, 1172–3, 1201, 1218.

Calais, places in:—
-, Beauchamps (Bechamp's), tower, 807, 899.
-, Boulogne (Bullen) Gate, 807.
-, Castle Hill, 899.
-, Dublin tower, 807.
-, the Dyke, 541.
-, East Calais Castle, constable of. See Randall, —.
-, Exchequer, 1156:—g. 1256 (35).
-, Foxton Street, g. 597 (28).
-, Hareway, 710.
-, Kyrbys tower, 807.
-, Lantern Gate, 117 ii., 395, 476, 519, 807.
-, Leyns Bank and Dyke, 931.
-, Lord Chancellor's house in, 270, 337.
-, Maides tower, 807.
-, Market, 209:—g. 597 (28).
-, Mayne (Maigne) brook. See Wingfields Marsh.
-, Mylke Gate, 807.
-, Newchurch, 710.
-, Our Lady tower, 807.
-, Owderchurche, 710.
-, Oye. See under O.
-, Rysebank, constable of. See Colverhowse, John.
-, St. Peters, 1157.
-, Seyns Bank and Dyke, 1156.
-, Staple Inn, 1222.
-, Wall of, 395, 1231.
-, Watergate, 395, 476, 519, 807.
-, West Brayes, 807.
-, Wingfields Marsh (Marrys), otherwise called the Maynebrook, 919, 931, 952, 994, 1074, 1138, 1155–6.

Calais, officers, &c. in:—
-, Burgesses of, in Parliament, 1156, i.e., Thos. Boyd and Wm. Pryseley.
-, Mr. Carpenter of, 471.
-, Carpenters, warden of 471.
-, Clerk of the King's works. See Shetford, Robt.
-, Commissary. See Butler, John.
-, Commissioners who were with Fitzwilliam, 519, 1005, 1101, 1128.
-, Council of, 188, 221, 292, 519, 874, 899.
-, Council chamber, 519.
-, Denizens of, 936.
-, Deputy of. See Lisle, lord.
-, Executioner ("executor") of, 902, 910–11, 931.
-, Garrison of, 407, 1072.
-, Marshal or high marshal of. See Grenville, Sir Ric.
-, Mason of, 471.
-, Mayor of, 292, 669, 773.
-, Mayor and burgesses of, 188, 1086.
-, Ordnance at, 396, 807, 899, 1231.
-, Porter, chief, or knight porter. See Palmer, Sir Thomas.
-, Receiver of. See Fowler, Thos.
-, Staple at, 568, 812, 1089.
-, Searcher of. See Bartlet, J.
-, Searchers' report, 656.
-, Treasurer (or vice-treasurer) of, 1058, 1128. See Fowler, Rob.
-, Under-marshal. See Sympson, Wm.
-, Vice-treasurer of. See Fowler, Robt.
-, Watch at, 1,000.

Calais pursuivant. See Ratcliff, Ric.

Calcagh, the, in Ireland, 1048.

Calcary, Mr., 1182.

Calder (Kauder) abbey, Cumb., 364 (p. 140), 1238 (Richm.).

Caldicot, Monm., 252.

Caldwell (Caldewell) priory, Beds, 1238.

Calfe, Geoff., alias Mathewe, g. 1256 (40).

Call, Alice, widow, 97.

Calne, Thos. See Morley, T.

Calonges, Mons. de, 581.

Calstock, Corn., 953, 1059.

Calveley, Sir George, 364 (p. 143).

Calverley. See Caverley and Canoree.

Calwich priory, Staff., 857.

-, prior of, 857.

Camarino. See Camerino.

Cambray, treaty of (1529), 575 (p. 227), 684, 688, 699 (p. 291), 760 (p. 320), 1161.

Cambridge, 85, 1201, 1257 ii.

-, letters dated at, 85, 345.

-, Black Friars of, 1201.

-, Grey Friars of, 1201.

Cambridge University, 120, 213, 243 (14), 246 (11), 345.

-, letter from, 345.

-, vice-chancellor of, 345.

Cambridge University:—
-, Christ's College, 371.
-, Clement Hostelle, 85.
-, King's College, 1251.
-, -, provost of. See Foxe, Edw.
-, Michael (Mychel) House, 120.
-, -, master of. See Mallet, Francis.
-, Regent House, 345.

Cambridge, prior of, 259 (?).

Cambridgeshire, g. 1015 (4).

-, monasteries in, 1238 (p. 516).

Camerarius, Joachim, 265, 290, 447 (?), 458 (p. 186? "my host"), 584, 1106.

-, -, letters to, 265, 290, 584, 1106.

-, -, his "English scholar." See Tebold, Thos.

Camerino (Camarino), Duchy of, 223.

Camner, Herts, 328.

Campania, in Italy, 592.

Campe, in Artois, letter dated at, 407.

Campeggio, (Gampeges), Lawrence, cardinal, 670 (p. 271), 986, 1067–8, 1077.

-, -, letter from, 1067–8, 1077.

Campeggio, Mark Anthony, brother of the cardinal, 1067–8, 1077.

-, -, letter to, 1077.

Campensis, John (II Campense), 7, 276, 479.

Campesey. See Campsey.

Campion, —, 608, 953.

- (Campyon), Chr., draper, 772, 914.

Campsey (Campesey) nunnery, Suff., 1238.

Candia (Candy), in the Levant, 148.

Candish. See Cavendish.

Caninus. See Gonzaga, Canigno de.

Cannington (Canyngton) nunnery, Soms., 1238.

Cannon (Canon), Thos., 1104, 1113.

Canonleigh (Canonbye) priory, in Burlescombe, Devon, 388, 1238.

Canons Ashby (Assheby), Ntht., 858, 916–17. See also Ashby.

Canoree (qu. Calverley ?) capt., App. 4.

Canterbury, 571, 852, 856, 963, 985.

-, letters dated at, 13, 735, 751, 929, 1053, 1199.

-, letter from mayor and corporation of, 929.

-, a friar in, 571.

-, mayor of, 852.

-, sheriff of. See Hobbys, John.

-, Christchurch, Thos. Goldwell, prior of, 13, 736, 751, 767, 1053, 1199.

-, -, -, letters from, 13, 751, 1053, 1199.

-, -, warden of the manors of. See Thorendon, Dr.

-, St. Gregory's priory, 1238.

-, Shrine of St. Thomas, 601 (p. 244).

-, St. Sepulchre's nunnery, 1238.

Canterbury, abp. of. See Cranmer, Thomas.

Canterbury, archbishops of, App. 2.

-, diocese of, 724.

-, convocation of, 422, 845, 1053, 1184–5, 1199.

Cantercelly, in Wales, g. 1256 (51).

Cantrell, Anne, 250.

-, Ralph, 250 (bis).

-, Thos., 250.

Canwikes, Essex, g. 1015 (29).

Canyngton. See Cannington.

Capell, Notts., cell at, 1238.

Capell, Sir Giles, letter from, 147.

-, -, his wife, 147.

-, Harry, letter from, 800.

Capito, Fabricius, 847, 1060.

Capon, John, alais Salcot, bp. of Bangor and abbot of Hyde, afterwards bp. of Salisbury, 67, 75, 97.

Car, Wm., 364 (p. 140).

Caracciolo, cardinal, 796, 814 (p. 344).

Caraffa, Gian Pietro, bishop of Chieti (afterwards Pope Paul IV.), 420.

Carbury (Carbrie), in Ireland, 1030 (2).

Cardigan (Cargayne), Wales, cell of, 1238 (p. 516).

Cardiganshire, 453.

Cardinal, the. See Wolsey, Thomas.

Cardinals, 670 (p. 217, 274), 689.

Cardmaker, —, 462 (p. 190).

Care. See Cary.

Carell, Roger, 1166.

Carew, Pembrokesh., 617.

Carew, Sir Nich. (Mr. Caro), K.G. (1536), Master of the Horse, "Grand Esquire," 715, 752–3, 798, 871, 908 (pp. 377, 379), 1127, 1134:—g. 1256 (37).

-, -, letter to, 1127.

Carew, young master, 69.

-, Colin (Collen), 1175.

- (Karew, Carrowe), George, 871, 1171.

-, George, clk., g. 775 (16).

-, Laurence, fustian maker, 914.

-, Sir Wm., g. 392 (28).

-, Wymond, g. 1015 (3), 1256 (53).

Cargayne. See Cardigan.

Carignano, in Piedmont, 906.

Carleton (Notts ?), 868.

Carlisle, 271, 1238 (p. 516).

-, cathedral priory, 364 (p. 140).

-, -, prior of. See Slye, Chr.

Carlisle, John Kite, bp. of, 75, 96, 336, 908 (p. 378).

-, -, letter to, 96.

Carlow (Carlogh, Harloghe), in Ireland, 15, 402, 937 (2), 1210, 1236.

-, castle of, 1236.

Carmarthen (Kaermerdyn, Karmerdyn), 431 (p. 176), 1246.

-, priory of, 1238, 1246.

-, -, prior of, 1246.

Carmarthen, deanery of, 431 (p. 176).

Carmarthen (Karmedy), New, in Wales, "Thomas Lloyd's School" in, g. 226 (13).

Carmynow, —, 630.

-, John, g. 1015 (3).

-, Nic., g. 1015 (3).

Carnaby, Sir Reynold, 86, 864, 1257 xii.

-, Sir Ric., and Dorothy his wife, g. 775 (24).

Carneshewe, Wm., g. 1015 (3).

Carnkye, 69.

Carnyll, 288.

Carow, Laur., 772.

Carowe. See Carew.

Carowe priory, by Norwich, 1238.

Carowne, John, g. 597 (34).

Carpenter, Roger, 693 ii.

Carre. See Kerr; also Cary.

Carrowe. See Carew.

Carsley, Mr., 625.

Carter, John, 1259.

-, Nich., King's servant, 1170.

-, Robt., 1171.

-, Thos., abbot of Holme Cultram, 364 (p. 140).

Carteret, Helyer de, bailiff of Jersey, letter from, 125.

Carthusians in England, 10, 605, 619, 975, 1036.

Cartmell Abbey, Lanc., 364 (p. 140), 1191 (5), 1238.

Cartyngton (Nthld.?), letter dated at, 1154.

Carvanell, John, dean of the college, Warwick, 1259.

-, John, King's chaplain, g. 226 (10).

Cary (Care), John, of the Privy Chamber, g. 1256 (41).

- (Carre), John, 834.

-, Thos., g. 1256 (41).

Casale (Cassali), Sir Gregory da, ("Mr. Gregory"), 70, 82, 123, 200, 297, 426, 500, 534, 546, 619–20, 637, 670 (pp. 269– 71, 273–4), 682–3, 687, 714 iii., iv., 796, 814, 906, 955, 977–8.

-, -, letters from, 297, 546, 620, 637, 682–3, 687, 796, 814, 906, 955, 977–8.

-, -, a servant of (Gurone?), 123.

-, -, his clerk's handwriting, 683.

-, -, his uncle, 670 (p. 271).

Casale, John Baptist da, brother of Sir Gregory, prothonotary, 70, 200, 426, 441, 682 (p. 277?).

Casale, Andrea, 977 (p. 408).

-, Francesco, brother of Sir Gregory, 70, 123.

-, -, letter from, 70.

Case. See Casey.

Casey (Cassy, Casy, Case), Robt., 895, 1102–3, 1112.

Casmetum, 458 (2).

Cassali. See Casale.

Casse, John, 209.

Cassy. See Casey.

Castell, Th., g. 1015 (4).

Castellacre. See Castleacre.

Castelnau, Anthony de, bishop of Tarbes (1534–9), nephew of card. Grammont, French ambassador in England, 25, 76, 141 (p. 54), 199 (p. 70), 257, 282 (p. 103), 308, 410, 494, 581, 601–3, 688, 699 (pp. 294–5), 720, 725, 748, 752, 759, 760–1, 782, 905, 908 (p. 379), 922, 929 iii. ("Frenchmen"), 956, 1069 (pp. 441–3, 445, 447–9), 1070, 1084, 1212, 1265:—g. 392 (6), 597 (24).

- -, letters from, 410, 581, 603, 688, 1265.

-, -, servants of, 257.

Castelnau, Pierre de, brother of the preceding, 463, 494:—g. 597 (24).

Castile, kingdom of, 1268.

Castleacre (Castellacre), priory, Norf., 189, 364 (p. 143).

-, Thomas, prior of. See Malling, Thos.

Castle Froome, Heref., g. 1256 (51).

Castleton, Glamorgansh., g. 392 (16).

Castremarton, in Wales, 431 (p. 175).

Casy. See Casey.

Cateley,. Linc., mon. of, 1238.

Cateryk. See Catterick.

Catesby priory, Ntht., 383, 858, 916, 1166, 1215, 1238.

-, letters dated at, 858, 1215.

-, Joyce, prioress of, 383, 858.

-, -, letter from, 383.

Catesby, John, g. 226 (35).

-, Ric., 29.

Catharne, Hen., 431 vii.

Cathwayte, —, g. 392 (8).

Catlyn, Ric., 97 (bis), 1257 ii.

Catterick (Cateryk), Yorks., 380.

Caundish. See Cavendish.

Cave, Mr., of the Staple at Calais, 568.

-, Sir Ambrose, knight of St. John, 882, 900, 905.

Cavenagh. See Kavanagh.

Cavendish or Candish (Caundish, Kandish), Ric., 24, 53, 240, 303, 304, 313, 342–3, 353, 376, 415, 440, 449, 469, 498, 834.

-, -, letters from, 53, 240, 303, 342–3, 440, 469.

-, -, letter to, 415.

Cavendish (Candisshe), —, 254 (p. 93), 1037.

- (Candysch), Eliz., 1187 (2 ii.)

-, Ric., 1257 v.

-, Wm., letter from, 1188.

Caverley, Sir Walter, 1257 xii.

Cawood (Cawod), Yorks, letters dated at, 17, 18, 93, 99, 172, 413, 521, 716, 841, 941.

-, castle of, 86 iii., iv.

Caxton, Camb., g. 392 (22).

Cayerlion. See Caerlion.

Cecil (Sysill), David, 1191 (p. 499):—g. 392 (38).

-, John, 252.

-, Ric., of the wardrobe, g. 392 (38).

Ceffino, Zanobio, poem by, 844.

Celister, Mr. (qu. Rich solicitor-general?), 154 iii.

Cerne Abbey, Dors., 1242.

Cesarini, Alexander, cardinal, 70 ("these two cardinals," i.e., Cesarini and Sienna), 107 (p. 37), 205 ("the cardinals").

Cesena, in Italy, 872.

Cessford (Sesforth), laird of, 862.

Chabham. See Chobham.

Chacombe (Chacum) priory, Ntht., 858, 916–17, 1238.

Chadder. See Cheddar.

Chaddesley (Chaddysley), Worc., 1259.

Chadlington, Oxon, 870:—g. 1256 (18).

Chadworth, Glouc., woodwardship of, 870:— g. 1256 (18).

Chalford-on-Avon (Worc.?), g. 597 (31).

Chalgrove, Oxon, Bossynges Place alias Langhulles, near, g. 597 (45).

Chaloner. (Chalanour, Challener, Chawlner) Robt., 721 (5), 949:—g. 392 (33, 53).

Chamber, Dr., 878 (p. 365).

-, Mr., 1222.

Chamberlain of England. See Oxford, John earl of.

Chamberlain of the Household. See Sandes, Wm. lord.

Chamberlain, Sir Edward, chamberlain of the household of Katharine of Arragon, 28, 37, 59, 89, 126, 284 (p. 105), 834, 929 iii.

-, -, letters from, 37, 89, 126.

Chambernowne. See Champernown.

Chambery, in Savoy, 446, 458 (2), 479.

Chambre, Wm. a, 1064.

Chambrum. See Champernown.

Chamley, Mr., 152. See also Cholmeley.

Chamond, Sir John, 981:—g. 1256 (53).

-, Th., g. 1015 (3).

Champagne, in France, 1175.

Champernown (Chambrum, Chambernowne), Katharine, 1187 (2 ii., 3).

-, Philip, 296.

- (Champeron), Sir Philip, g. 1256 (53).

Champion, —, Cranmer's chaplain, 577.

Champneys, —, 625.

Chancellor, lord. See Audeley, Sir Thos.

-, -, his clerk, 598.

Chandelar, John, 275.

Chanell, Mrs., 1148.

Chapel Royal, 97.

-, dean of. See Sampson, Ric.

Chapell, Thos., bedmaker, 913–14.

Chapman, John, 1257 ii.

Chapuys, Eustace, Imperial ambassador, letters from, 59, 60, 74, 141–3, 199– 201, 282–3, 307–8, 351–2, 429–30, 494–5, 601–2, 699, 700, 720, 752–3, 782–3, 901, 908–9, 926, 1069–71.

-, -, letters to, 373, 575, 666, 685, 887–9, 907, 1094, 1161, 1227.

-, -, other references to, 10, 28, 72, 76, 167, 212, 284 (p. 106), 341, 374, 478, 528, 541, 582–3, 598, 663, 670 (pp. 270, 272), 682–3, 688, 725–6, 748, 823, 871, 910, 929 iii., 947, 1084, 1120, 1122, 1176, 1228.

-, -, secretary of, 72.

-, -, his post, 598.

-, -, his steward, 28.

Chard, Soms., 69.

Charford South, Hants, g. 1015 (35).

Charles V., emperor, 24 (p. 7), 35, 43–4, 54, 59, 60, 70–2, 82, 107 (p. 37), 123–4, 141–3, 148–9, 167–8, 199–201, 205, 221–2, 229–30, 235, 256, 264, 273, 282–3, 284 (p. 106), 285, 303 (p. 113– 14), 304 ii., 305, 307–8, 315, 319–22, 333, 341–2, 351–2, 358, 367–9, 373–5, 398, 400–1, 403, 410, 425–6, 429–30, 441–2, 446, 450, 457, 458 (pp. 185–8), 469, 479, 486, 492–5, 498, 500, 508, 534–5, 538, 540–1, 546, 561, 565, 575–6, 580, 582–3, 592–3, 600–2, 619–20, 626, 632, 637–8, 652, 658–61, 663, 666, 670, 678, 682–5, 687–9, 691, 698–700, 714, 718, 720, 725–6, 730, 752–3, 759–60, 768, 782–4, 795–6, 814, 823, 831, 860–1, 871, 887–90, 901, 906–9, 922–3, 926, 932, 937 (2), 945–6, 954, 956, 961, 965, 970, 973, 975, 977 (p. 407–8), 978, 999, 1004, 1042, 1069–71, 1077 (p. 456), 1084–5, 1094, 1114, 1120–1, 1130, 1140, 1142 (p. 480), 1157, 1159– 61, 1172, 1174–6, 1212, 1227–8, 1230, 1254–5.

-, letters from, 167, 230, 322, 333, 373, 575, 582–3, 666, 685, 887–8, 907, 1094, 1161, 1227–8.

-, letters to, 44, 59, 123, 141, 168, 199, 229, 282, 307, 351, 429, 494, 535, 601, 752, 782, 908, 973, 1069.

-, pasquinade against, 367.

-, his speech at Rome, 678, 682, 684, 689, 698, 759 (p. 318), 795 (p. 336), 954, 961, 1069 (p. 451), 1070, 1077 (p. 456), 1094.

Charles V., ambassadors with, 1255:—
-, English. See Pate, Ric.
-, French. See Vely, Claude sieur de.
-, Papal nuncio, 955, 977 (p. 408).
-, Portuguese, 322, 333.
-, Venetian, 670 (p. 272), 689, 923.

-, natives of his dominions, denizens in England, g. 226 (1, 8, 11, 14), 392 (12, 30), 597 (6, 29, 34, 49), 1256 (28).

-, his army (the Imperials), 107 (p. 37), 124, 580, 652, 659, 688, 759, 795–6, 814, 860, 906, 945–6, 954, 961, 970, 977 (p. 408), 1042, 1069 (p. 444) 1114, 1142 (p. 480), 1175.

-, his bastard daughter. See Margaret duchess of Florence.

-, his Secretary of State. See Perrenin, Ant.

-, his navy or fleet, 223, 970, 1142 (p. 480).

-, his master of the posts in Italy, 229,

-, his Council, 368 (p. 146), 369.

-, his court, 923.

-, his grand esquire. See Bossue, Sieur de.

Charleton, Thos., 1125.

Charleyton, Chesh., 878 iii.

Charnewood Forest, Leic., 1191 (pp. 496–7).

Charnok, Edm., page of the Robes, 1257 ix.

Chartley, Staff., 765.

Chartley, Lord Ferrers of. See Ferrers.

Chaterton, —, Fitzwilliam's clerk, 519.

Chatteris, Camb., nunnery of 1238.

Chaundler or Chaundeler, John, gunner, g. 392 (4).

-, Walter, 558.

-, Wm., S. T. B., g. 1256 (15).

Chawlner. See Chaloner.

Cheadle (Chedell), Chesh., 878 (p. 365).

Checheley. See Chicheley.

Chechester. See Chichester.

Cheddar (Chadder), Soms., 1148.

Chedell. See Cheadle.

Chekyn, John, 1171.

Chelsea, 732:—g. 777 (5).

Cheltenham, Glouc., g. 226 (37).

Chelton. See Shelton.

Cheny, Hen., chapman, g. 777 (6).

Chepstow, Monm., 259.

-, priory of, 1238.

Cherbourg, in Normandy, St. Mary's abbey, g. 226 (10).

Cherhill (Cheriell), Wilts, g. 392 (2).

Cheriton, John, letter from, 538.

Chertsey, Surrey, g. 226 (17).

-, abbey of, 144, 1231:—g. 226 (17).

Cheseman, Hen., 1125.

-, Robert, 1257.

-, Wm., 1125.

Chesewyke. See Chiswick.

Cheshire, 330, 721 (6), 1041:—g. 1256 (9, 17).

-, monasteries in, 1238.

Cheshunt (Chesthunt), Herts, nunnery of, 1238.

Chester or Westchester, 259 (p. 96), 618, 878 iii.

-, letters dated at, 402, 933, 949, 1113.

-, castle of, 259 (p. 96), 878 (p. 365), 879 (3).

-, St. Mary's nunnery, 1238.

-, St. Werburgh's abbey, John abbot of, 878 (p. 365), 949.

-, -, letter from, 949.

Chester, chamberlain of, 554. See Brereton, Wm.; Maunsell, Sir Rice.

-, chamberlainship of, 860, 878 (p. 365), 879 (3):—g. 1256 (9).

-, comptrollership of, 878 (p. 365).

-, escheatorship of, 878 (p. 365), 879 (3, 6):—g. 1256 (9, 29).

-, receiver general and surveyorship, 879 (3).

-, exchequer of, g. 775 (7).

-, St. John Baptist's college, 364 (p. 142).

-, St. Mary's nunnery, 364 (p. 141).

-, St. Werburg's priory, 364 (p. 141).

Chester, county of. See Cheshire.

Chester, bp. of (or of Coventry and Lichfield). See Lee, Roland.

-, archdeaconry of, 857.

Chester, earldom of, g. 597 (18)

Chester, John, 222.

Chesterfield, Derb., 380.

Chesthunt. See Cheshunt.

Chette, letter dated at, 633.

Chevening, Kent, 113.

Chew (Chiew), Soms., 625.

Cheyney (Cheyne), Sir Thos., warden of the Cinque Ports (17 May 1536), 176, 562, 865, 898, 1019 n., 1078, 1134 (3):—g. 1015 (16), 1256 (11).

Cheyney, Sir Fras., 1257 iii.

-, John, 1257 x., 1262 n.

- See also Cheny.

Chibari, count of, 403.

Chicheley, Ric., B.D., 789.

-, (Checheley), Thos., g. 1015 (4).

Chichester, 722.

-, letter dated at, 277.

Chichester, bpric. of, 277, 1146–7:—g. 1256 (19).

-, -, chancellor of. See Worthiall, John.

Chichester, bishop of, 1088. See Sherburn, Robt.: Sampson Ric.

Chichester (Chechester), —, 454, 1075.

-, John, 416.

-, Robt. or Wm., 1187 (1, 2).

Chidley, Rob., g. 1256 (53).

Chief Justice, lord. See Fitzjames, Sir John.

Chief Justice of Common Pleas. See Baldwin, Sir J.

Chieti, bp. of. See Caraffa, Gian Pietro.

Chiew. See Chew.

Chigwell Hall, Essex, 1231.

Childe, Rob., 1257 ii.

Childerley, Camb., 1268.

Chiltern hundreds, g. 1256 (39).

Chilton Folliat, Wilts, g. 1256 (41).

Chinnor, Oxon, g. 1015 (35).

Chinting, Suss., g. 1256 (37).

Chippenham, Wilts, g. 1256 (6).

-, letter dated at, 702.

Chirke or Chirkeland, in Wales, 195, 258–9, 453.

Chirke castle, in Wales, 258 (2).

Chiswick (Chesewyke), Midd., church of, 763.

Chobham (Chombham), Surr., 1231:—g. 226 (17).

Chocquel, Clais, 525.

Cholmeley (Cholmundeley), Ric., 310, 849.

-, Sir Roger, sen., g. 777 (14).

-, (Chomley, Chamley), Sir Roger, serjeant at law, 721 (5), 763.

Cholmundeley. See Cholmeley.

Chombham. See Chobham.

Chorleton, Chesh., 1256 (8).

Chowgh, Sir John, 364 (p. 138).

Christchurch Twynham priory, Hants, letter dated at, 549.

-, John, prior of, letter from, 549.

Christiern II., king of Denmark, deposed and in prison, 24 (p. 7), 303 (pp. 112, 114), 304, 343, 601 (p. 244), 686.

-, -, his daughters (Dorothy and Christina, q.v.), 601 (p. 244).

Christiern III. (or Christian), king of Denmark, duke of Holstein, and heir of Norway, son of Frederic III., 24, 149, 303, 343, 399, 440, 469, 601 (p. 244), 686 ("this Holsatian"), 1116.

-, -, letter from, 399.

-, -, his chancellor, 303 (pp. 113– 14), 304 ii.

Christina, duchess of Milan (widow of Francis Sforza), daughter of Christiern II., of Denmark, 199 (p. 70), 351 (p. 133), 368 ii., 659, 670 (p. 273), 689 (p. 284), 888 (p. 370), 907.

Christmas (Crystemass), —, 1148.

Christopher the Englishman, 1060.

Christopherson, John, g. 392 (40).

Chudlegh, Rob., g. 392 (40).

Church, the (of Rome), 7, 229, 276, 290, 351, 358, 450, 457, 575, 615, 658, 678, 768, 1254.

Church, States of the, 534.

Churchdown, Glouc., 86.

Chusel, St. Peters. See Winchester, St. Peters Chishull.

Chylde, Ric., 311.

Chyntynge, Suss., g. 1256 (37).

Chywarton, —, 69.

-, -, his son Harry, 69.

Cicillia. See Sicily.

Cieri, Gian Paulo da, son of Renzo, 368 (p. 146).

-, Renzo da, 368 (p. 146).

Cifuentes, Fernando de Silva, count of, Imperial ambassador at Rome, 43 (?), 60, 123, 168, 229, 261.

-, -, letters from, 123, 168, 229.

Cinque Ports, the, 526.

-, warden of. See Boleyn, Geo., also Cheyney, Sir T. (1536).

-, wardenship of, 865, 878, 898.

Cirencester (Circeter, Circetor), Glouc., 878 ii.

-, letter dated at, 842.

-, abbey of, 842.

-, - John, abbot of, letter from, 842.

-, the seven hundreds of, 878 ii.

Cistercian Order, the, 1248.

Civascum, in Italy, 814 (p. 344).

Civile. See Seville.

Civita Vecchia, in Italy, 368 (p. 146).

Claiburgh. See Claybroke.

Claimond. See Claymond.

Clanricarde, in Ireland, 1048.

Clardon, Warw., g. 597 (35).

Clare, in Ireland, 1048.

Clare portion in Tiverton church, g. 597 (19).

Clarencieux, king of arms. See Hawley, Thos. (May 1536).

Clarencieux (Clarencyus), Susan, 1186–7.

Clark, Harry, 337 (p. 128).

- (Clarke), Ric., 693 iii.

Clattercott priory, Oxon, 1238.

Claude, queen, first wife of Francis I., 1036.

Claxton, Mr., bp. of Bath's chaplain, 625.

Claybroke, Steph., 763.

- (Claiburghe), Wm., LL.D. (died 1534), 654.

Claye, Wm., 663.

Claymond (Claimond), John, president of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 151, 867.

-, -, letter from, 867.

Clayore, 1091.

Clayton, Laur., g. 392 (36).

Cledysdale. See Clydesdale.

Clement VII., Pope (1523–34) [Julius de Medicis], 43, 977 (p. 407).

Clement, Dan Nich., letter from, 767.

Clemente, M., 945.

Clementhorpe. See under York.

Clergy, benefit of, 1087 (35).

Clerk, Sir John, 647.

Clerk or Clerke, John. See Bath and Wells, bp. of.

-, John, 364 (p. 144), 1099.

-, Ric., alias Braintree, 164 ii.

-, Rob., g. 777 (10).

-, Thos., 75.

-, Thos., prior of Bredon, 1191 (p. 497).

Clerkenwell. See under London.

Cleves, duchy of, g. 1256 (46).

Clevet, Thos., 1187 (3).

Cley, Norf., 1257 xi.

Clevton. See Clayton.

Clifford priory, Heref., 1238.

Clifford (Clyfford), lady Eleanor, daughter of Charles, duke of Suffolk, and Mary the French queen, wife of Henry, lord Clifford, 141 (p. 53), 243 (8), 248 (p. 106).

Clifford, Anne, 562.

-, John, 1171.

-, Nic., 1257 x.

-, Sir Thomas, vice-captain of Berwick, g. 1015 (32).

Clifton (Clyfton), Chesh., 878 (p. 365).

Clifton, Gervase, jun., 364 (p. 139), 633.

- (Clyfton), John, 711.

-, Wm., 847.

-, -, his wife, 847 (p. 351).

Clinton (Clynton), Edward lord, 834, 876 (6), 929 ii.

Clomell. See Clonmel.

Clon. See Clunn.

Clon, John, 251, 1244.

Clonmel (Clomell), in Ireland, letters dated at, 15, 397.

Clopton, Beds, 1257 x.

Clopton, Eliz., 979:—g. 1256 (1).

-, Fras., 979:—g. 1256 (1).

-, Henry, late abbot of Sawtre, Hunts, 1191 (4).

-, John, 979:—g. 1256 (1).

-, Sir Wm., dec., 979.

-, -, Thomasian Knyvet, late wife of, 979.

-, Wm., 94.

Cloth, 243 (p. 88).

-, dowlas and lokerams, 1087 (38).

Clunn (Clon), castle, Salop, constable of, 259.

Clusa, in Savoy, 458 (2).

Clydesdale (Cledysdale), in Scotland, 536.

Clyfte Bernefelde, 1091.

Clyve abbey, Soms., 388, 1238.

Cnok. See Knock.

Cobbeham. See Cobham.

Cobbes, Ric., 354 (p. 143).

Cobbleyghe (Cobly), Mr., 953, 1202, 1209.

Cobham (Cobbeham), George Brooke lord, 834, 876 (6).

Cobham, Nan, 953.

Cobly, Mr. See Cobbleyghe.

Cobos. See Covos.

Cochlæus, John, 34, 458 (p. 187), 1273.

-, -, letter from, 34.

-, -, letter to, 1273.

-, -, tract by, 34.

Cockerel (Cokerell), Jas., D.D., prior of Gisburn (resigned 1536), 271, 288, 927.

Cocks. See Cox.

Codale at Greenwich, 869.

Codde, Robt., prior of Pentney, 364 (p. 143).

Coddgrave. See Cotgrave.

Coddington, Chesh., marshes in, 878 iii.

Codling, John, 364 (p. 141).

Cofferer, Mr. See Peckham, Edm.

Coffin (Coffen), Mr., 834.

- (Cofyn), Mrs., 793, 797–8, 908–9 (see Notes), 913.

-, Marg., g. 1015 (31).

-, Wm., 1015 (31).

Coggeshall, Essex, 1231:—g. 1015 (33).

-, abbey of, 164, 774.

-, Wm. Love, abbot of, 94, 164, 774.

-, -, articles against, 164, 774.

-, former abbot of. See Sampford, John.

Coggeswell, Nic., g. 597 (46).

Coin, counterfeit, 1170.

Cok, Joachim, 415.

Coke, John, 1241.

-, Robt., 1241.

Cokehyll nunnery, Worc., 1238.

Cokerell, —, 264, 600.

Cokersand abbey, Lanc., 364 (p. 140), 1191 (5), 1238 (Richm.).

Cokesford (Coxford) priory, Norf., 364 (p. 143), 762.

-, John Matthew, prior of, letter from, 762.

Cokkes. See Cox.

Cokowe church, 1259.

Cokrell, James, prior of Gisburn, 364 (p. 139).

Cokyn, Hen., 475.

Colam. See Colham.

Colchester, Essex, 560:—g. 1015 (29).
-, St. Anne's chapel, g. 1015 (29).
-, St. Botolph's church, g, 1015 (29).
-, St. Botolph's priory (dissolved), 1238: —g. 1015 (29).
-, -, prior of. See Turner, Thos.
-, St. James's, g. 1015 (29).
-, St. Martin's, g. 1015 (29).
-, St. Peter's, g. 1015 (29).

Coldherbert in Benfleet, Essex, g. 1015 (37).

Cole, Henry, 320–1, 411, 418–19, 661, 961.

-, -, letter from, 961.

-, -, his master (Knight?), 961.

-, Thos., 1221.

-, Wm., 184.

Colens, Robt., priest, letter from, 735.

Colerne, Wilts, g. 597 (46).

Colham (Colam), Midd., 5, 6.

Coll, Alice, 1257 ii.

Colle, Wm., 918.

Collen. See Cologne, also Carew, Colin.

Collewa. See Colva.

Colley. See Colly.

Collingborne Comitis, Wilts, g. 597 (51).

Collingwood. See Colyngwood.

Collins, George, 748, 789.

Collinson (Colynson), John, g. 392 (46), 1015 (14).

Collona. See Colonna.

Colly or Colley, Ant., Skeffington's son-in-law, 298, 1102–4, 1195–6, 1224.

-, -, letters from, 298, 1102.

-, -, two of his sisters-in-law, 1196.

-, John, 1103, 1196.

Colly Weston, Ntht., 243 (24).

Colne Alba, Essex, g. 1015 (29).

Colne Comitis, Essex, g. 1015 (29).

Colne Engain, Essex, g. 1015 (29).

Colne priory, Essex, 1238.

Colocza, in Hungary, abp. of, 534.

Cologne (Collen, Colleyne), 314, 319, 458 (pp. 184, 186), 493, 540.

-, senate of, 314.

-, merchants of, 319.

Colonna (Collona, Columna), Steph., Imperial Governor of Piedmont, 795 (p. 336), 906, 946, 977 (p. 408).

Colton, —, 1059.

-, Hugh, 952–3, 1028, 1100.

Colva (Collewa), Radnorsh., g. 1256 (51).

Colverhouse, John, constable of Rysebank, 396.

Colvyle, Geoff., g. 1015 (12).

-, Ric., g. 1015 (12).

Colyar, Thos., 788.

Colyn, Chr., 788.

Colyng, Edw., 560.

Colynson. See Collinson.

Colyngwood, Rob., 1260.

Colyns, Launcelot, treasurer of York [cathedral], 18, 84, 92, 163, 172, 271, 288.

-, -, letters from, 84, 163.

Colyns, Robt., vicar of Tenby, letter from, 1182.

Com, François du, App. 4.

Combe in Tynhed, Devon, g. 597 (19).

Combermere (Cumbermere) abbey, 364 (p. 143).

-, abbot of, 1257.

Combewell, Kent, mon. of, 1238.

Combez, Thos., 1191 (4).

-, -, sig. of, 1191 (4).

Comehyre. See Cwm-Hir.

Comendador mayor [of Leon]. See Covos, F. de los.

Common Pleas, Judges of the, 254:—g. 392 (32).

Commons, House of, 336–7, 699 (p. 295).

Commortha, 1178.

Como, in Italy, 659.

"Compendium compertorum," 364.

Compton, Sir Wm., 51:—g. 1256 (18).

Compton Mordok, 1259.

Compton Greenfield, Glouc., g, 1015 (42).

Comptroller, Mr. See Paulet, Sir Wm.

Conchano, the abp. of, 169.

Concubine, the. See Boleyn, Anne.

Conde, Mons. de, Imperial captain, 861.

Condycote, 1091.

Congreve, prebendary of, g. 226 (5).

Coningsby (Konysbie), —, 364 (p. 144).

- (Conyngesby), Edm., 564.

-, Wm., 641, 1008.

-, -, letter from, 641.

Conished (Conyngeshed) priory, Lanc., 364 (p. 140), 1191 (5), 1238 (Richm.).

Conney, Thos., 97 (bis).

Connor (Conor), Thos., 1196.

Consentaiina, count de, 43.

Constable, —, 86.

-, Sir John, of Holderness, g. 777 (10).

-, Marm., letter from, 980.

-, Sir Marmaduke, sen., 364 (p. 141–2), 721 (5), 1249:—g. 777 (14).

-, -, Barbara, wife of, 364 (p. 142).

-, Sir Marm., jun., g. 777 (10).

-, Sir Robert, 1249:—g. 777 (10).

-, Sir Wm., g. 777 (10).

-, Wm., of Chubourm, g 777 (10).

Constance, in Switzerland, 847.

Constantine, George, 222.

Constantinople, 124, 148, 264, 320, 398, 479, 593, 796, 946, 1142 (p. 480).

Contarini, Gaspar, cardinal (1535), 7, 217, 276, 420, 426 ("the Cardinal"), 441, 479, 619, 658, 1093, 1197.

-, - letters to, 7, 217, 276, 420, 1093, 1197.

Controller, Mr. See Paulet, Sir Wm.

Convocation, 896. See also under Canterbury and York.

Conway (Conwey), in Wales, abbey of, 805, 1046, 1238.

-, abbot of, 805. See also Price, Ric.

Conwey, Chr., of Calais, 656.

-, David, prior of Beddgelert, g. 226 (17).

-, John, 1187 (2).

Cony, in Piedmont, 1114.

Cony, Thos., g. 226 (35).

Conyers, Sir Chr. lord, 364 (p. 139 bis), 609, 878 ii., 1249:—g. 775 (17), 777 (14).

-, -, letter from, 609.

Conyers, Wm. lord, letter from, 745 (see Errata):—g. 775 (17).

-, Alice, widow, g. 392 (46).

-, Cuthbert, 364 (p. 142).

-, Sir George, 1257 xii.:—g. 777 (14).

-, Gregory, 49, 679.

-, Jas., 1167.

-, John, of Cotton, dec., g. 226 (24).

-, John, g. 226 (24).

Conyngeshed. See Conished.

Conyngsby. See Coningsby.

Coo, Chr., 1171:—g. 1256 (16).

Cood, Wm., 763.

Cook or Cooke, Anthony, 1264.

-, John, 1257:—g. 392 (32).

-, Thos., 496.

-, Will., 1257 iii.

Coopercioners lands, Essex, g. 597 (26).

Coope, Ant., letter from, 1266.

Coornhause, Ch. de, letter from, 969.

Copenhagen (Koppenhagen, Copnam Haven), 24 (p. 7), 303, 304 ii., 343, 440, 686.

Copford, Essex, g. 1015 (29).

Copinger (Copynger), John, confessor of Sion, 213.

Copland, Cumb., the lords of, 364 (p. 140).

-, Johanna, prioress of Seton, 364 (p. 140).

Copley, Eliz., 364 (p. 139).

-, Sir Roger, 816.

Copnam Haven. See Copenhagen.

Copper, Act touching, 1087 (42).

Coppes, Denis, 914.

Copthall (Coppydhall), Essex, 154, 878 ii., 1231.

Copuldicke (Coppeldike), Sir Thos., knight of St. John, 882:—g. 597 (37).

Copyn, Thos., councillor of Denmark, 303.

Copyndale, Edm., g. 226 (24), 777 (10).

Corbett, —, 1193.

-, John, 251, 1244.

Corbueil, prior of, 905.

Corderey, John, abbot of Chertsey, g. 226 (17).

Cordes, Achostino, 508.

-, Francisco, 508.

Corey (qu. Coren?), Hugh, LL.D., 845.

Corfe, Wm., g. 1256 (3).

Corham. See Coverham.

Cork, bpric. of, 929 iii.

Cormok Oge. See McCarthy, Cormok Oge.

Cornard (Cornerd), Suff., g. 1015 (29).

Cornaro, Andrea, bp. of Brescia, afterwards Cardinal, 670 (p. 272).

Cornbury Park, Oxon, 870, 878 ii.:—g. 1256 (18).

Corneforthe, Wm., 553.

Cornelius the goldsmith, 869.

Corneleson, Wm., g. 226 (11).

Cornewall, Geo., g. 226 (36).

Cornewall, Thos., 1171.

Corneworthye. See Cornworthy.

Cornwall, 243 (57):—g. 1015 (3).

-, monasteries in, 1238.

-, havens in, Act for, 243 (57).

Cornwall, duchy of, g. 597 (13), 776 (3).

Cornwallis (Cornewallys), Edw., g. 1256 (48).

-, George, 191.

-, Sir John, 79, 97.

Cornworthy nunnery, Devon, 551, 1238.

Coron (Crona), in Greece, 148.

Corseley, Wilts, g. 1256 (6).

Corsino, Andrea, 70.

Coryngton, Peter, g. 1015 (3).

Cosham, Wilts, g. 597 (46).

Costowe, Wilts, g. 1256 (6).

Cosyn, James, prior of the Friars Preachers of Winchester, 357, 512–13, 588, 623 (? "lewd friar"), 723.

Cotgrave (Cottgrave, Coddgrave), Robt., 856, 963.

Coton (Staff. ?), 1259.

Coton, —, 56.

-, Ric., 86.

Cotswold wool, 247.

Cottgrave. See Cotgrave.

Cottingham (Yorks?), Salisbury's lands in, 380:—g. 226 (22).

Cotton, Yorks, g. 226 (24).

Cotton, Ant., 1187 (2).

-, Hen., gunner, g. 226 (16).

-, (Cotten), Roger, 668.

Coucy, Jacques de, sieur de Vervins, letters from, 934, 951, 982.

Couely, John, dec., 275.

Coulle, Chesh., 878 (p. 365).

Coulsdon (Culsdon), Surrey, 1257 x.

Council, The King's, 59 (p. 22), 135–6, 166, 199 (p. 70), 248, 286, 351 (p. 132), 410, 573, 601, 606, 635, 655, 699, 700, 748, 752, 760 (p. 320), 765, 782, 789, 793, 797–8, 834, 865, 873, 888, 905, 908 (pp. 377, 380), 956, 1027, 1069 (pp. 144, 451), 1070, 1102, 1107, 1110, 1182, 1203, 1239.

Council, General, proposed, 35, 124, 149, 235 (p. 84), 256, 290, 351 (p. 133), 373, 375 (pp. 151–2), 410 (p. 166), 457, 575 (p. 225), 659, 665, 670 (p. 269), 678, 689, 720, 760 (p. 320), 906, 947, 974 (2), 1069 (p. 448), 1077, 1084–5, 1122, 1227, 1254 (pp. 523–4), 1255.

Couper. See Cowper.

Court, the (Aula), 115, 136, 141 (pp. 48, 50), 177, 181, 199 (p. 70), 201, 282 (p. 103), 308, 314, 351 (p. 134), 376–7, 499, 617 ii., 635, 669, 688 (p. 281), 699, 717, 720, 748, 752, 782, 793, 855, 908, 919, 1059, 1063, 1069, 1074, 1134 (pp. 476–7), 1150, 1233.

-, -, letter dated at, 260.

-, -, expenses of, 772.

Courtenay or Courtney, Mary, widow of Sir Wm., letter from, 821.

-, Peter, 75.

-, Sir Wm. (died Nov. 1535), 4, 254, 821.

-, -, his son and heir, 821.

Covell, Thos., g. 597 (2).

Coventre, John, 475.

Coventry, 99, 857, 1151, 1259.

-, letter dated at, 750.

-, insurrection at, 1151.

-, charterhouse of, 99, 1191 (2), 1238.

-, -, prior of, 1191 (2).

-, prior of, 929 iii.

Coventry and Lichfield (or Chester), bp. of, 1257. See also Lee, Roland.

-, bpric. of, 364.

Coverdale, Miles, letter to, 365.

Coverham (Corham) abbey, Yorks, 364 (p. 142), 380.

-, abbot of. See Rokesby, Chr.

Covos (Cobos) Francis de los, comendador mayor of Leon, 142, 261, 670 (p. 271), 689 (p. 283).

Cowbridge, —, a lunatic, letter from, 1253.

Cowche, —, 353.

Cowde, John, clk., A.M., g. 776 (2).

Cowey pasture, near Walton, 788.

Cowley, Robt., 397, 757, 1048, 1052, 1112.

-, -, letters to, 757, 1048–9.

-, Walter, son of Robt., 757, 1052, 1112, 1168.

-, -, letters from, 757, 1112, 1168.

Cowper (Couper), Ric., 1171.

Cowton South, Yorks, 1226.

Cox (Cocks), John, 562 (p. 220).

- (Cokkes), Ric., 763.

Coxford (Coxworthe, Kockesforth) priory, Norf., 364 (p. 143), 563, 1238.

Coxworthe. See Coxford.

Crabhouse (Crabbehouse) nunnery, 364 (p. 144), 563, 1238.

-, prioress of. See Studefelde, Margery.

Crabtree, Thos., 1187.

Crafford, John, 263.

Craford, Mr., 1264.

Cramefeld (qu. Cranfield?), Beds, g. 226 (21).

Cramys, Peter, g. 392 (12).

Crandon, Thos., 1257 vii.

Crane, —, letter to, 617 ii.

- (Craine), Mrs., 1169.

-, -, her husband, 1169.

-, Hoell, g. 392 (48).

-, Nic., 164 ii.

-, Wm., of the Chapel Royal, 97, 1257 ii.

Cranewell, —, Lisle's servant, 1075.

Cranewise, 1257 ii.

Cranfield (Cranefeld), Beds, g. 226 (21).

Cranmer, Thomas, abp. of Canterbury, 50, 56, 75, 103, 107, 113, 120, 224, 243 (6), 248, 282 (p. 103), 283, 289, 292, 346, 371, 412, 458 (p. 187), 462, 547, 577, 601 (p. 244), 614, 619, 673, 705, 716, 721 (4), 735–6, 792, 860, 864, 890, 896, 902, 909, 912, 922, 1053, 1087 (32), 1126, 1140, 1147 ("two archbishops," i.e. Canterbury and Dublin), 1257:—g. 226 (18), 597 (5. 7, 23, 47), 776 (2), 777 (4).

-, -, letters from, 113, 120, 412, 547, 577, 705, 792.

-, -, letters to, 292, 673, 735.

-, -, brother-in-law of, 547.

-, -, two chaplains of, 614 (i.e. Hore and Nycols).

Cramner, Edmund, archdeacon of Canterbury, brother of the Abp., 371.

Crawfurd Jhon, in Clydesdale, 536.

Creake (Creke), South, Norf., 1257 ii.

Credenhill (Crednell), Heref., 1257 viii.

-, parson of (Mr. Ogle), 1257 viii.

Creke, Rob., 86.

Cremieu, in France, 578.

Cremona, in Italy, 659.

Cressek, Mons. de, 1172.

Cresset, Thos., g. 597 (42).

Cressing, Essex, g. 1015 (29).

Cressingham, Norf., rector of. See Barlow, Wm.

- Parva, Norf., 1257 ii.

Cressonyer, Mons. de, 401.

Crester, —, barber, 869.

Creswell, Berks, g. 392 (14).

Creukehorne, Dr., 462.

Cristioles, in Anglesea, 433.

Croenberg, Hartman a, 860.

Croftes, Sir Edward, receiver of the Marches of Wales, 211.

Crofton, Shropsh. ?, 878 (p. 365).

Crokeham lordship, 249.

Croland. See Crowland.

Crollyer, Ambrose, 639.

Crome (Crowemer) Dr. Edward, parson of St. Mary Aldermarie, in London, 724.

Cromer (Crummeir), Dr., 83, 734.

Cromwell, Gregory, son of Thomas, 129, 480, 507, 563 ("my son," see No. 507), 588.

Cromwell, Richard, nephew of Thomas, 5, 20, 103, 313, 408, 567, 572, 599, 633, 690, 704, 834 (? "Mr. Williams"), 886, 1219, 1234.

-, -, letter from, 886.

-, -, letters to, 20, 704.

Cromwell, Thomas, chief secretary, &c.:—

-, -, letters from, 16, 46, 54, 218, 255, 334, 376–7, 405, 602, 617–18, 649, 761, 873, 1051, 1084, 1110, 1123–4.

-, -, letters to, 1–4, 13–15, 17–19, 28, 30–2, 37, 41, 47, 49–52, 55–57, 61, 66–7, 70, 76, 78–9, 83–5, 89–95, 98, 103–5, 109–11, 120–1, 125–6, 129–30, 132, 134–5, 137–8, 145–7, 152–4, 162–4, 172–6, 178–9, 181–3, 186, 188–9, 191–2, 198, 202–4, 206, 208, 213–16, 220, 224, 227, 231, 233–4, 236–40, 256, 258, 263, 271, 273–5, 277, 286, 288, 291, 293, 295, 298, 302, 306, 311, 316, 317, 319, 323, 330–1, 335, 340–2, 347, 350, 353–5, 362–3, 368, 370, 372, 378, 381–90, 393–5, 397, 402–3, 407, 413–14, 424–5, 435–7, 442, 444, 453, 460–1, 470–3, 475, 478, 480–2, 484, 486, 489, 491, 498, 500–2, 505–12, 514–15, 521–2, 527, 531, 537, 541, 546–7, 549–52, 556–7, 563–4, 567, 572, 577, 580–2, 588–9, 595–6, 599, 603, 605–7, 609–14, 620–1, 624–5, 627, 630, 633–4, 639–41, 643–4, 646–7, 652–4, 660, 663, 665, 673 ii., 676, 679, 683, 690, 693–5, 701–3, 705, 713, 716–18, 724, 729–30, 733–4, 737, 741–2, 744, 746, 750–1, 754–5, 762, 764–6, 778, 786–8, 791, 793, 795–8, 800, 804–5, 811, 814, 817–18, 820–2, 825–6, 829, 835–6, 840–3, 847, 850–2, 857–8, 860, 863–4, 875, 880–1, 884, 888 (2), 890–3, 897, 902–4, 906, 910, 916–17, 921, 929–30, 933, 937–9, 941–2, 944, 946, 948–9, 960, 968, 978, 980, 984–5, 987, 989, 991, 996, 998, 1007, 1010, 1012–13, 1017, 1023–6, 1028, 1030–1, 1037–8, 1045–6, 1048–9, 1053–5, 1062–3, 1065, 1079, 1081–2, 1086, 1097–8, 1102, 1108, 1112–13, 1119–20, 1129–31, 1135, 1144, 1151–3, 1157, 1163, 1166–9, 1172, 1177–8, 1180, 1185–6. 1188, 1195–6, 1198–1200, 1206–7, 1211, 1214–15, 1218–21, 1223–4, 1233–5, 1251, 1261, 1265–7, 1269, 1272, 1276.

-, -, other references to, 5, 20, 25, 33, 48, 59, 86, 88, 96, 101, 115–16, 127, 141, 149 (2), 185, 199 (p. 70), 200, 219, 223, 246 (18), 252, 254, 259, 282, 297, 303, 308, 313–14, 320, 328, 337, 339, 343, 351–2, 356, 365 (his master), 373, 398, 416–18, 429–30, 445, 485, 494, 536, 565, 573, 575, 598, 601, 640, 666, 670 (p. 271), 682, 688, 699, 700, 704, 707, 720, 723, 747, 749, 753, 757, 774, 782–3, 792, 798 (p. 338), 799, 801, 806, 839, 848, 855, 865, 870–1, 879 (6), 886 ("my uncle"), 887–8, 895, 907–8, 919–20, 929, 931, 947 ("Cronvel"), 952, 954, 974, 979, 981, 993–4, 997, 1018, 1039, 1042, 1047, 1052, 1058, 1069–70, 1074, 1087 (32), 1089, 1093–5, 1103, 1134, 1136, 1138, 1145–6, 1155–6, 1161, 1182, 1191 (p. 499), 1212, 1225, 1227, 1231, 1236, 1243, 1247, 1249:—App. 4:—g. 226 (10), 775 (24), 776 (1), 1015 (8), 1256 (1, 11, 26).

-, -, handwriting of, 40ii., 75, 126, 246 (18), 254, 617, 806, 871, 929 ii., iii., 1089, 1231, 1242, 1249, 1268.

-, -, disbursements by, 598.

-, -, his administration, 1231.

-, -, his remembrances. See Remembrances.

-, -, his wife ("my mistress"), 445.

-, -, signature of, 219, 520.

Crona. See Coron.

Cronvel, Maestro. See Cromwell, Thos.

Croskyll, Ant., g. 226 (29).

Cross, —, 1000.

Crove or Crowe, Rob., g. 777 (13).

Crowemer. See Crome.

Crowland (Croland), Linc., 181.

-, abbot of, 181, 284 (p. 105), 1257.

Crown, the, 242, 243 (58).

Croxden abbey, Staff., 1238.

Croxton abbey, Leic., 1191 (p. 497).

Cruciger, Caspar, Reformer, 108, 457 (p. 184)

Crummeir. See Cromer.

Cruse, Laurence, g. 1256 (28).

Cryche, Hen., clerk of the Wardrobe, 913.

Crykeland, stewardship of, 878 (p. 365).

Crystemass. See Christmas.

Culpeper, Mr., 1125.

Culsdon. See Coulsdon.

Cumberland, 721 (6), 1274(2).

Cumberland, Henry Clifford earl of, warden of tke West Marches, 27, 137, 160–1, 364 (pp.138–40, 142), 1249: —g.777 (3,10, 14).

-, -, letters from, 160–1.

-, -, letter to, 27.

Cumbermere. See Combermere.

Cune, Rob., g. 597 (48).

Curates of London, 248.

Curteis (Curtes), Mrs., silkwoman, 772, 914.

Curwen, Sir Thos., 733.

Customs, 254.

Cutlei, Will., 1257 ii.

Cutte, John, s. and h. of Sir John, 1268.

Cuxham, Oxon, 1061.

Cwm-Hir (Comehyr), Wales, mon. of, 1238 (p. 516).