Henry VIII: April 1536, 26-30

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1887.

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'Henry VIII: April 1536, 26-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1887), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp310-329 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: April 1536, 26-30', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1887), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp310-329.

"Henry VIII: April 1536, 26-30". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1887), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp310-329.


April 1536, 26-30

26 April. 732. More's House at Chelsea.
See Grants in April 28 Hen. VIII., No. 5.
26 April.
R. O.
733. Sir Arthur Darcy to Cromwell.
The King's tenants of Galtres forest are called to appear before the King for a riot of which they are accused by Sir Thos. Curwen, for riding the perambulations by order of "my lord my father" as justice of the said forest. They say nothing has been done but in maintenance of the King's right. My Lord has appointed a warden court on 13 June to determine the truth. Tempilhirste, 26 April. Signed.
P.S. in his own hand. These poor men are half undone, as barley seedtime is near past, and many have large farms. If Mr. Currwen and Sir Thos. Wharton could have had their way, and but for Cromwell's help last term, above fourscore of the King's tenants would have come up, "and only for the maintenance of a light fellow that is servant to Mr. Corwen."
P. 1. Add.: Master Cromwell, Secretary to the King's Highness. Endd.
26 April.
R. O.
734. Robert Richardine to Cromwell.
I beg pardon for having importuned you at the time of Parliament, at which, as I hear from Dr. Crummeir, you were offended. As I am very anxious to serve you I think you should not be angry. I had one servant here, my cousin, "that brought me the writings to your lordship of Rome on my expenses in Paris." For the Cardinal (fn. 1) desires to know what Cromwell wishes him to do. I am used to study, and desire to be at my books; and I have a great desire to do the King service. If you had sent to me you would have received large information, and would have understood my credit with that great man a teneris annis. I would be glad to speak with you. London, 26 April 1536. Signed: M. Robertus Richardinus.
Pp. 2. Add.
26 April.
R. O.
735. Robert Colens, Priest, to the Abp. of Canterbury [Cranmer].
Excusing a French priest, "being stipendiary of the parish of Ivychurch," who had neglected to erase the name of the Pope from his service books. Canterbury, 26 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Sealed.
27 April.
Close Roll, 28 Hen. VIII. m. 43 d. Rym. xiv. 563.
736. Parliament.
Summons to the archbishop of Canterbury to attend the Parliament which is to meet at Westminster, 8 June; and to warn the prior and chapter of his cathedral and the clergy of his province to be present, the former in person and the latter by two proctors. Westm., 27 April 28 Hen. VIII.
ii. Similar writs to the different bishops, abbots, and lords; to the judges, serjeants-at-law, and the King's attorney, to give counsel; to the sheriffs to elect knights of the shires, citizens, and burgesses; also to the chancellor of the county palatine of Lancaster; to the deputy and council of Calais to elect one burgess, and to the mayor and burgesses to elect another.
27 April.
R. O.
737. [Lord Lisle to Cromwell.]
Sends news he has received from one whom he retains at the French Court. Will not warrant its accuracy; but the man is conversant with many great men, and Lisle gives him 60 cr. yearly. One of the friars of whom he wrote sent to him tonight promising to declare all he knows. Will not fail to communicate it to Cromwell. Begs Cromwell to get him a licence to come over and see the King when he comes to Dover, although he staid but one hour. Whatever has been reported of the death here, the utmost is but eight persons in three houses, of which the inmates come not abroad. This he will justify before the King. Calais, 27 April.
P. 1. Endd.: The copy of Mr. Secretary's letter.
27 April.
R. O.
738. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
The letter delivered to the King by Lyppingcot is not yet read, so that Mr. Page is gone home, and will not return again until his waiting time comes. There is, therefore, no remedy except for you yourself to speak to the King. Through Mr. Norrys I have obtained leave for you to come over. The King granted it willingly, and said he would be glad to see you. When I asked for his licence in writing, he said his word was sufficient. I told Norrys of the wine, and should it not prove excellent I am shamed for ever. The King will be at Dover in eight days, and will begin his journey on the 4th May. I send you 20l. by Lyppingcot. I have paid the woman for your ulrons 3l. 3s., and 52s. for the pewterer. Touching the abbey you wrote about, there is no need to make any stir until they are surveyed, and you can speak in your own behalf when you come over. You do not say whether Whethill has delivered the King's letters.
Should have been in Calais, had you not asked me to wait for an answer to the letter you sent by Rokwood. I shall have to speak with you on a matter of no small weight. Mr. Treasurer of Calais, Mr. Sulyard, and Mr. Danastre thank you for your wine. None of the statutes are yet out. I will send the first that come. Mr. Graynefyld saith you shall have your denizen on payment of the ordinary charge. London, 27 April.
Mr. Treasurer says in regard to Hastings you may act according to the proclamation, and that the town appears to be better victualled than it used to be.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
27 April.
R. O.
739. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
Mr. Basset is merry, and if the plague increase he shall be conveyed to Mr. Danastre's. The latter thanks you for the wine, and so does Mr. Sulyard. They have both seen your book, and two of the most learned men in England besides. I will inform you of their opinions at my coming, which I hope will be within three days. Money must be got to redeem the possession. I send by Mr. Lypingkot 20l., and have paid but 52s. to the pewterer and 3l. 3s. for ulrons that my Lord had. The gentlewoman has mocked me, and will not now come. I cannot get Anth. Huse's wife's cushion with roses. She says anybody may draw it, but she will not give it up. Shall I get a painter to take the pattern? London, 27 April.
My Lord has licence to come over. I hope he will now declare Whethil's pedigree.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
27 April.
R. O. St. P. V. 42.
740. Queen Margaret to Henry VIII.
Has done her best to promote the meeting. Lord William Howard has been very diligent to speed the matter. The Council objected to the meeting, as it was not plainly declared to them till the last convention; but the King and his Council have agreed it shall be. The Lords, however, think it should be at Newcastle at Michaelmas, to give the King time, and for conveyance of victuals by water. Down Mentietht, 27 April.
Hol. Add. Sealed. Endd.
27 April.
R. O.
741. Henry Lord Stafford to Cromwell.
Though I am least able to serve you, yet the comfort you gave me makes me bold to write to you. I beg you will use means with the King that I may have the farm of the abbey of Rantone, if it be dissolved. It is within four miles of my house and reaches my park pale, and I will give as much for it as any man. I heard that the Queen had moved the King to have me in remembrance for it, and he was content, saying it was alms to help me, having so many children on my hands. I heard that Geo. Blunt endeavours to obstruct my suit. By the last act of the Lords Marchers my income will be 20l. a year less. In the matter which I showed you of my lord of Wiltshire's motion, pray make my humble submission to the King. Stafford, 27 April. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Sealed and endd.
R. O. 742. Sir Francis Bigod to Cromwell.
Would have waited on his mastership this morning, but abides to hear certain sermons in London, which he will wait on him against supper to report. Understands that Cromwell rides shortly with the King to Dover, so that he may not have an opportunity of seeing him before he himself goes home to his country; and as the Parliament is dissolved he will have no occasion to return to London for many days. Beseeches him very earnestly to move the King to reward his services in Parliament and in the country in setting forth God's Word, "having there preachers of my own cost, and rode all over the country with them." This was only his duty, but he was rather mocked for his diligence than rewarded, and the bishop of York will discourage him when he finds him slighted. "I will ask nothing, but abide only your gentleness; and specially, afore anything help me to be a priest, that I may preach the Word of God, or else dispense with me, that being no priest I may do it." This is all I ask of his Grace or your mastership, and it will please me better than all the riches of London. Would be loth this letter should be seen by any but his mastership. From London this morning.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
28 April.
R. O. St. P. II. 309.
743. Henry VIII. to the Town of Galway.
Commands them to observe the following articles:—1. No man is to take merchandise or victual into the country within 20 miles of Galway, except to market towns. 2. Upper lips to be shaven, and the hair to be worn over the ears, and English caps to be used. 3. Men not to wear mantles in the street, but English dress. 4. No saffron to be worn in shirts or smocks, and no more cloth than five standard ells. 5. Bows to be provided, and shooting practised on holy days. 6. The inhabitants to endeavour to speak English, and have it taught to their children. 7. Justice to be administered by the mayor and bailiffs with four aldermen, with appeal to the Deputy and Council. 8. The right of sanctuary claimed by the Friars Minors is not to be allowed. 9. No victuals, &c., to be sold to O'Brene, or any other Irishman at war with the Deputy or the city of Limerick. 10. Stranger merchants coming to Limerick are not to be allured to Galway. Greenwich, 28 April 28 Hen. VIII.
Broad sheet. Signed with a stamp. Endd.
R. O. 2. Modern copy of the same.
Lamb. MS. 611, f. 42. 3. Another copy.
Pp. 3.
28 April.
R. O.
744. Thomas Lord Harowdon to Cromwell.
I did not receive your letter dated 18 April till this Friday the 28th, by which I perceive the King is not contented with my being in Kent. My repair hither was not for any grudge between me and my wife, or any dishonest pretence, but only this good time to be in quiet with my friend Mr. Vane. I beg I may come to you before I appear before my Lord Chancellor, who "is not mine indifferent good lord." Without your help I am like to be trodden under foot and to be made a slave. Haddlow, 28 April.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Secretary.
28 April.
Vesp. F. xiii. 110. B. M.
745. Richard [Lord] Latymer and Wm. [Lord] Conyers to Henry VIII.
Received on the 18th the King's letters directed to the Commissioners for the North and West Ridings. Caused them to be published at Rippon on the 28th. The people were well contented to hear them without murmur or grudge. Will have them declared in other places and perform the King's commands, though the people hereabout are obstinate and will hear no reasonable objections, but say that their destruction is intended. The Commissioners cannot meet without the people assembling against them. On the 27th April, when the spiritual officers were appointed to meet at Bedall, the commons supposed that, the Commissioners for the subsidy would be there, and assembled for their destruction, but finding that they did not come they returned home. Will inform the King of anything further. Snape, 28 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
28 April.
R. O.
746. John Vaughan to Cromwell.
I have visited the dioceses of Llandaff and St. David's, where various supplications were presented to me, which I cannot complete without convenient leisure. I have been compelled to appoint certain days for the determination of the same. The people say they had no law ministered to them in the spiritualty these many years. I wish to know whether it is your will that I tarry in Wales until I have finished, or bring up to you an abridgment of my reports. Help me to have one of the abbeys to farm, paying the King as much as any other man may give, so that I may be able to do you more service. Everything is dear in Wales. Brecknock, 28 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
28 April.
R. O.
747. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
Has been with Mr. Secretary, who says I shall be despatched tonight. I showed him you had licence to come over, which he thinks you should do. I think when the King is at Dover Mr. Secretary would like to come over to Calais. You must be prepared to start on the 5th May, so that you may go with him after you have spoken to the King, if there is no great danger of sickness, which is more spoken of here than there. Will bring three yards of green cloth. London, 28 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
28 April.
R. O.
748. Thos. Warley to Lord Lisle.
I thank you for the warrant you sent, whereby I did my friend a singular pleasure, and also for the letter you were good enough to write to Sir Fras. Brian for expedition of my suit. Sir Francis had departed into Buckinghamshire before it arrived. Dr. Bonner came to Court yesterday, and asked heartily after you and my Lady. The Queen expects my Lady to meet her at Dover, as Mrs. Margery Horsman informed me, and on Tuesday next the King and Queen will lie at Rochester. On Monday I intend to leave for Dover or Sandwich, to await the coming of your Lordship and my Lady. The Council has sat every day at Greenwich upon certain letters brought by the French ambassador, who was at Court yesterday and divers other times. On Monday in Easter week, (fn. 2) the Emperor's ambassador was at Court. Many ships laden with wheat have come to London. London, 28 April.
The bearer is Geo. Collins, mercer, of London.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd.
28 April.
R. O.
749. Henry Lord Stafford to the Earl of Westmoreland.
I recommend me to you and my good Lady and sister. So does my bedfellow. We are desirous of your returning into Staffordshire. I thank you for furthering my suit with the Queen.
I should have been at London before this, but I tarried for you and my Lady. George Blounte makes great suit to have the abbey of Rantone, that I sue for. It is within four miles of Stafford, and near my park. He is my lord of Richmond's servant, and has a fair house of his own. Intercede with Mr. Secretary for me. I will give as much as any man living, and do Mr. Secretary a great pleasure besides. If it cannot be had, pray speak for the White Ladies in Staffordshire. It is only 40l. rent by year, and is in great decay. Stafford Castle, 28 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
28 April.
R. O.
750. John Seyntjohn, Sergeant-at-Arms, to Cromwell.
According to the King's command received Tuesday, 25 April, to bring up Humphrey, James, and George Bowcher, on Friday, 2 April, I arrested Humphrey and George at Coventry. George Bowcher is bound in a bond of 1,000l. that Humphrey shall appear before you on Tuesday next. I am going to James, who is keeping possession. They will only deliver the money to you. Coventry, 28 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
28 April.
R. O.
751. Thomas Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, to Cromwell.
I thank you for the great goodness I found in you at my late being in London. I hear that the King will shortly be in Canterbury. If you come with him I beseech you to take a lodging at our house. Canterbury, Friday, 28 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary.
29 April.
Vienna Archives.
752. Chapuys to Charles V.
The day after the courier Gadaluppe left, the King sent for the French ambassador, and there was great consultation in Court. As I am told by one who is in the French ambassador's secrets, the King asked him to go in post to his master on certain affairs, which the ambassador agreed to do, and next day made preparations for leaving, then returned to Court on the day appointed, viz. Tuesday; but the Council, which was assembled in the morning till 9 or 10 at night, could not agree to the dispatch, and the ambassador was put off till Thursday. The day before yesterday, when he was expecting to leave, new matters were proposed to him, quite at variance with those which had been treated, so that he has refused the voyage, and sent yesterday an ordinary courier. I cannot yet make out what the negociation was, but I think that those here are making bargains to hinder, if they can, peace from being concluded between your Majesty and the king of France, for as soon as they had news that there was some hope of it they appeared confounded. I hear from all quarters that the King has ordered the preachers to avoid new opinions touching rites and ceremonies, and preach everywhere according to the old fashion, except as regards the primacy of the Pope, which he will not allow in his kingdom, claiming to be absolute sovereign in spiritual as in temporal matters, by authority of God and of his Parliament. And although the King will admit purgatory as formerly, or at least a third place neither paradise nor hell, and confesses that prayers assist the dead, yet he will not forbear to throw down the monasteries, and impiously usurp the foundations for the redemption of the dead.
The Grand Ecuyer, Mr. Caro, had on St. George's day the Order of the Garter in the place of the deceased M. de Burgain (lord Abergavenny), to the great disappointment of Rochford, who was seeking for it, and all the more because the Concubine has not had sufficient influence to get it for her brother; and it will not be the fault of the said Ecuyer if the Concubine, although his cousin (quelque, qu. quoique? cousine) be not dismounted. He continually counsels Mrs. Semel and other conspirators "pour luy faire une venue," and only four days ago he and some persons of the chamber sent to tell the Princess to be of good cheer, for shortly the opposite party would put water in their wine, for the King was already as sick and tired of the concubine as could be; and the brother of lord Montague told me yesterday at dinner that the day before the bishop of London had been asked if the King could abandon the said concubine, and he would not give any opinion to anyone but the King himself, and before doing so he would like to know the King's own inclination, meaning to intimate that the King might leave the said concubine, but that, knowing his fickleness, he would not put himself in danger. The said Bishop was the principal cause and instrument of the first divorce, of which he heartily repents, and would still more gladly promote this, the said concubine and all her race are such abominable Lutherans. London, 29 April 1536.
Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 2.
29 April.
Vienna Archives.
753. Chapuys to Granvelle.
Has nothing important to write, but, to avoid suspicion of negligence, has written to His Majesty. Has only to add that the Grand Esquire of this King, whom Granvelle knows, has received the Order of the Garter, at the instance of the king of France. Believes, nevertheless, that he continues Imperial. Dr. Sampson, dean of the chapel, has been for the last four days continually with Cromwell. One of his servants has reported that he is to be sent ambassador to the Emperor, which I do not believe, as Cromwell has said nothing about it. London, 29 April 1536.
Fr., from a modern copy, p. 1.
29 April.
R. O.
754. Roland Lee, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to Cromwell.
By my servant Lewis I received your letters. I pray God we may meet this summer, as ye write.
It is said the King intends northwards this summer. Let me know if he will visit any of my poor houses. I am a stranger at home, by reason of my business here. You and his Grace shall be heartily welcome. In these parts of Wales is right good rule. I have been well received by William Vaughan, of Talgarth, who fetched me from Presteyn to his house on Palm Sunday even, where we and other of the Council abode till Monday to his great charge, as our carriage could not come here. No bill has been brought in against him, yet he gives attendance, to his no little cost. I am occupied in the repairs of this castle. Remember my suit for the priory of St. Thomas, (fn. 3) of which not only the King but you shall have a certain sum. If that cannot be, I trust, as the demesnes came from the Mitre, I may have the preferment of the house and demesnes for one of my kinsfolk. I have received the pardon, and sent Mr. Popley his money. Brecknock, 29 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
29 April.
R. O.
755. Sir Ric. Graynffeld to Cromwell.
Has been very ill, but has caused the under-marshal to fulfil all the duties of his office. If God spare him health, will do the King as good service as any marshal ever did, or it shall cost him 500 marks a year. Desires Cromwell to assure him, by letter, of his favor. Cromwell thought Graynffeld would find kindness when he went to Calais; has found the contrary, "and do finde moost in the femenyne person." The bearer will bring Cromwell two dozen dottrels. Calais, 29 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary.
29 April.
R. O.
756. Sir Chr. Mores to Lord Lisle.
The King desires you to send over the fair double cannon, which you praised so much, that he may have a sight of it. London, 29 April. Signed.
"My Lord, as you love the two young men, and would do for them, Robert and John Owen, see that the said piece may be well laden," for I have bid them make 12 rew pieces (fn. 4) for the King, and when his Grace sees them and the double cannon together I doubt not it will be for their preferment.
P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
29 April.
R. O. St. P. ii. 311.
757. Walter Cowley to Robert Cowley.
Ossory desires him to write that Sir John of Desmond "never cessith with the Brenis perusing Mownster," and now is gone upon Cormok Ogg and the McCarthies. As the Parliament begins on Monday, neither Ossory nor the Lord Treasurer can break this banding, but they will be forced to prorogue the Parliament to Limerick. Sir John is one of the worst of the blood, and affirms that he will never submit. He sends daily to Ossory to ask for lady Catharine [Butler] in marriage either for himself or his son. James of Desmond should be sent home with letters in his favour. Ossory is indifferent. Advises that James should be bound to three points,—to appear at Parliament, and, when summoned by the Deputy, to allow the King's officers and precepts to be obeyed in his lands, and that the King should be restored to any lands to which he is legally entitled.
The Deputy should take Ossory's advice about war. Mr. Wm. Seintlo was with Ossory this Easter, and those who offended his men shall suffer. He and his retinue have oft scourged the McMorrowes and Kevanaghes, and are now aiding Wexford. Tells his father to show his matters to Sir John Seintlo, who will further them. Ossory writes to give credence to his letters. Last week Sir John of Dessmond came to Yowghill, but was kept out. Wm. Seintlo and the Lord Treasurer will succour them. Brabason has lately overridden McMorrowe's country.
Asks him to show this letter to Mr. Secretary. At Waterford, bound straight to Dublin, 29 April.
Hol., pp. 4. Add.: To my good father, &c. Endd.
29 April.
Acts of Parl. of Scot. ii. 351.
758. Parliament of Scotland.
Edinburgh, 29 April 1536.
Sir Patrick Hepburn, of Wauchtoun, summoned for treason.
29 April.
Transcript in R. O. Camusat, 14.
759. Francis I.
Instructions to the bishop of Tarbe and the bailly of Troyes.
Since the departure of the Bailly for England, has received a letter, dated the 19th instant, from his ambassador the bishop of Tarbe. These instructions will serve for them both, with regard to what they shall declare to the king of England. From the said letter Francis learns the arrival of the courier sent by the Emperor to Henry, the cause which then moved the Bishop to go to Henry for audience, and the assurance given by the duke of Norfolk, on his arrival at Greenwich, that, notwithstanding any overture from the Emperor, matters will ever remain as they are between his master and Francis. Understands also Henry's conversation with the Bishop touching his regret that the gentleman whom Francis ought to have sent had not arrived, and the Bishop's answer, which Francis approves.
They are to say that Francis has quite understood what the Bishop has stated concerning the letter which the Emperor has lately written to Henry, containing five articles; the first mentioning the day on which the Emperor is to enter Rome; the second respecting the war made by Francis on the duke of Savoy, and requesting Henry to intercede with Francis for the restitution of what has been taken from him; the third stating his fear that Francis will make war on the duchy of Milan, and asking aid should that come to pass; the fourth stating that he desires to forget what has passed between them because of his late aunt, as the cause has now ceased, and praying him for the removal of all suspicions and roots of enmity, to renew the old treaties of friendship and confederation; and the last stating that he thinks of preparing an army against the Turk, and desiring aid. Has been gratified by Henry's wise and prudent answer touching the duke of Savoy, for which, and for communicating the contents of the Emperor's letter, they are to thank him. As to the conversation which Henry has held with the Bishop, concerning the great army which the Emperor is preparing against the French troops in Italy, and his advice that Francis should fortify himself in Savoy and Piedmont, they are to say that Francis is of the same opinion, and had resolved to fortify two or three towns in Picardy, with the intent of garrisoning them with 20,000 men while a large army is being prepared, and by these means put the Emperor on the offensive and to great expense, which he will not long sustain. Had always thought that on the Emperor's arrival at Rome he would make many remonstrances in public before the Pope and the Cardinals, imagining he would thus strengthen his right; and so it has happened. Has therefore despatched the cardinal of Lorraine to Rome to justify his cause before all the world. Sends the duplicate of a letter from the bishop of Mâcon and the sieur de Velly, his ambassadors to the Pope and the Emperor, the contents of which are to be communicated to Henry, who will thereby learn the Emperor's discourse. Asks Henry's advice. Sends also a decipher of a letter from La Forrest, from which Henry will perceive the cruel death of the sieur Abrahin Bacha.
As to Henry's regret at the delay in the arrival of the gentleman whom Francis ought to have sent to him, they shall explain that the cause of the delay is, that Francis had determined to await the arrival of the Emperor at Rome, in order to be able to give Henry an account of what was done there, and that he had sent the Bailly to do so, who has not been able to make as much haste as he desired in consequence of illness. The Pope has determined to send some personage to Francis. Will not fail to advertise Henry of the cause of his coming. Has been informed by his ambassador at Rome that all that the Emperor did was to make formal offers, and speak mild language to the Pope respecting the desire which he has always had for the peace and quiet of Italy; but by his ministers he endeavoured to draw over the Pope, and it appears that they have not separated very illcontent with each other. Thanks the Bishop for the good service which he did with Henry, touching the arrival at the port of Anthonne (Hampton, i.e., Southampton) of the galeace commanded by Captain Bonneboz. Directs the Bailly, now that he has arrived, to do all he can to obtain the aid. Mont Brison, 29 April 1536. Signed and countersigned. (fn. 5)
30 April.
Add. MS. 25, 114, f. 14 b. B. M.
760. Henry VIII. to Gardiner and Wallop.
On St. Mark's Day last the French ambassador here resident came to the King at Greenwich, declared the receipt of certain letters from his master, and made overtures for an acceleration of the proposed league; viz., first, that the French king would bind himself to make no peace with the Emperor without comprehending England, and such articles as Henry should now devise to be inserted in this treaty; secondly, that if it should be proposed by mutual consent to make war in Flanders, he would bear the moiety of the charges on condition that the conquest, if any, should be equally divided; thirdly, that if the Emperor made war against France for the recovery of Savoy, or the French king proceeded in his enterprise for Milan, Henry should contribute with him 50,000 cr. a month for five, six, or seven months, the French king binding himself to defend England in all causes. The King made a general answer, that he had not been accustomed to be comprehended, but had been in every treaty wherein he was named a principal contrahent, and though he hoped neither of them would make peace without comprehension of such articles as should be mutually agreed to, he did not consider it for his honor to be only comprehended; secondly, that he would be pleased with the overture for Flanders if a clause were added that the French king should commence the war in such part thereof as Henry should appoint; thirdly, touching the contribution, "that we did not esteem 50,000 cr. a month for the time expressed towards the friendship of our good brother," but could give no resolute answer, leaving a special reply to be made by his ambassadors in France. The French ambassador strongly urged the settlement of the matter in England, offering, if the King were not satisfied, to ride home, to bring it to an end there. But the King did not think it for his own ambassadors' honor, who had been so long treating of this matter, to conclude without their advice, especially considering the uncertainty of the French proceedings, and the postscripts of his ambassador's last letters touching the rumors of a peace. Considering also the frivolous devices of the French, who alleged sometimes that they had no need to go to war except for Henry's sake, and sometimes pressed Henry to ask them to enter the war by other indirect and unfriendly means, the King said he would inform his ambassadors of those overtures, and his own mind touching them, which would be so reasonable that he doubted not it would be to Francis' satisfaction.
Instructs them, therefore, first, to ascertain by all possible means if any such peace be concluded, and if they find it be, to tell Francis that although they had received such answer to his ambassadors' credence as they believed would satisfy him, yet as they now understand that peace is certainly concluded, the matter is at an end, and it is their business to know of him what the conditions of the said peace are, and whether he has comprehended England. If they have any doubt about the peace being concluded, they shall, according to their former instructions, endeavour to learn it from the French king himself, still telling him that though they had a favorable answer to his overtures, they could not deliver it till they knew the certainty of that peace, but must rather ask him to tell them the conditions of it, and how England was included in it. If he shall earnestly declare that no such thing is done or intended, they shall then, "like men that before thought upon the grounds expressed in our last letters, which ye shall also declare unto him, that the rumor thereof was but feigned and false," proceed to answer according to certain articles sent herewith, but without acknowledging that any such articles were sent them, only stating that they are commanded in answer to what the French should demand, in case of the King making peace with the Emperor, to devise articles again "for their indemnity and comprehension." They shall then request the French to put their demands in writing, that they may consider them maturely, and avoid any inadvertencies such as appeared in one article in their last letters, viz., that Henry should defend the French in their possession of Milan, whenever they should happen to obtain it,—which would have bound the King to a perpetual war. This point was not touched in the ambassadors' overture. If they press it again, Gardiner shall meet them "with such requests for the same on our side," that they may be induced to come to reason. As the French have required in general words a comprehension of their allies in case England make peace, they are to note that the King will not be bound by such generality to comprehend the bishop of Rome. If the peace be not concluded they must keep the more aloof, and insist upon the delays of the French, who have only now made overtures instead of putting their articles into writing, and that the King thinks it derogatory to him to be comprehended. If the French propose indifferent conditions for their party and demand an answer, they shall, as of their own device, acting on the spirit of former instructions, exhibit to them the articles sent herewith. They are to give hopes of the King accepting the overture concerning the expending so much money again in the cause of England, as England shall defray in theirs; at the same time insisting that the present expenditure of the King's money is for them only. Sends copies of the treaty of Cambray, about certain articles in which a question has arisen in the Council whether the King is at liberty thus to contribute with the French king, and break his league with the Emperor. They are to consider this question themselves, and inform the King of their opinion, that if they think it would be a breach of the league with the Emperor to close with the French king's proposal, the King may devise some other way. Finally, as the French king's ambassador, in his request for a contribution, appeared to have some doubt whether it should be a subsidy for the war in which the French have already entered, or for future wars, although the King told him plainly that he would not be answerable for the past, signifies it to the ambassadors that they may not consent to any proposal involving aid to their wars already attempted in Savoy. Further, they are to add in the overture for Flanders, that the King shall be at liberty when the war begins to bear the moiety of the charges either in money or in men. Greenwich, 30 April.
P.S.—Though this packet was made up this morning, and delivered to Thos. Barnaby, it has been delayed on account of the French ambassador signifying a wish for an audience. He has told the King that the French king was sending the bailly of Troyes to England "to open unto us the bottom of his heart," and that he was commanded meanwhile to remove certain sinister opinions entertained of his proceedings; insisting that he had made no peace with the Emperor, and that, as he was informed for certain, that the Emperor and the bishop of Rome had determined upon summoning a General Council at Mantua at Whitsuntide come twelve months, he desired to know Henry's resolution. The King replied that the matter was too weighty to be hastily disposed of, but that he considered, first, that all Christian princes had as good a right and an equal voice in the indiction of a General Council as either the Pope or the Emperor, and that no such council ought to be summoned without the consent of all; secondly, that though Henry thought it very necessary for the quiet of Christendom to have a Christian free General Council, his good brother would agree that Mantua was a most objectionable place, and most unsafe for princes to repair to.
Pp. 19. Signed. In Wriothesley's hand. Add. Endd.
Add. MS. 25,114, f. 293. B. M. 2. "Hereafter ensue the articles which, upon the view and sight of the demands of the Frenchmen, ye shall exhibit for our part, joining to the same such other their reciproques as be contained in this book."
1. The French king shall defend England against the Emperor and all other potentates in all causes.
2. That he shall declare himself, according to treaties already made, displeased with the injuries done to England by the bishop and cardinals of Rome, and that unless all processes in the papal Courts against England be annulled, all amities between France and Rome shall be void.
3. The French king shall make no peace with the Emperor without the King's consent in writing.
4. If the King make war in Flanders or in any of the Emperor's dominions, the French king shall contribute the like sums that England shall now supply to him.
5. That a special article be inserted in the treaty, that Henry and Francis, within three months after the date thereof, shall each, before notaries, and the ambassadors of either, utterly renounce all privileges, dispensations, and other modes of evading it, notwithstanding the canon which makes general renunciation of future benefits void.
6. That the ambassadors shall make the like renunciations.
7. That the French king shall not agree to a General Council without the consent of Henry in writing.
8. That the French king shall make no peace with the Emperor unless the Emperor shall agree to repute all the bishop of Rome's proceedings against England void, and to do what he can to get the said Bishop himself to annul them. Signed by the King.
Pp. 5. Endd.: "Instructions of the last April."
30 April.
Add. MS. 25,114, f. 350. B. M.
761. Cromwell to Gardiner.
He will receive with this the King's letters containing certain overtures made by the French ambassador, with the King's answers, and instructions for Gardiner how to proceed. His servant Massy arrived on Friday with his letters in cipher, which will be answered, if necessary, next post. Sends certain cramp-rings for his friends in France. Stepney, 30 April. Signed.
P. 1. In Wriothesley's hand. Add.: "My lord of Winchester, the King's ambassador in France." Endd. by Gardiner: "Mr. Secretary."
[30 April.]
Cleop. E. iv. 269.* B. M. Wright's Suppression of the Monasteries, 126.
762. John Matthewe, late Prior of Cokesford, to Cromwell.
Begs Cromwell's favor for his poor living and pension, that he may have it without further vexation and trouble. Has no other friend to complain to. Refers him to Mr. Balley of the Francys, the bearer. Dr. Lee will be good to him with Cromwell's help, for he promised the writer at London that he should have 20l. for his pension. Hopes to have that and his chamber with two beds, one for himself and one for his servant. Cokesford, Sunday before the Invention of the Holy Cross.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Mr. Thos. Crumwell. Endd.
30 April.
R. O.
763. Sanctuary for Murder.
The saying of Thomas Wolff, 30 April 28 Hen. VIII., concerning the murder of John Strakeford by Steven Claybroke, in a quarrel about a sword. Claybroke took refuge in the house of Ric. Cokkes, the headborowe, and was taken thence by certain of his neighbours, and delivered to Wm. Cood, the constable, who took him to Sir Rogier Chamley, who sent him to Newgate. On his way, he desired his captors to be good to him, "for why, my book will do me no service for wilful murder, for I have read the King's act in my house." Some of them asked him why he took not Chesewyke church, seeing he was so light of foot, and so far before them. He answered, "What should I have do then, for the church will not serve me for wilful murder?" And yet, when we came to Charing Cross, he looked to Westminster, and said, "I would I were in yonder church;" and then said the constable again, "I would thou haddest gone straight thither before, so that I had not been cumbered."
P. 1. Large paper. Endd.
30 April.
R. O.
764. Roland Lee, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to Cromwell.
You are advertised from this Council that David Vaughan, officer of Kidwelly, in Wales, is accused by your servant, Jankin Lloyd, for assisting the rebellion of James Ap Howell Griffith. I send you the process. I desire credence for the bearer. Brecknock, 30 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
30 April.
R. O.
765. Henry Lord Stafford to Cromwell.
By your letter which I received by Mr. Sergeant, I hear it is the King's pleasure that the matter at variance between lord Barners' son and my cousin Jane for lands in Staffordshire shall be heard before the Council, and further that John Aphowell, late bailiff there, shall gather the rents till the question is decided. This gentleman came to my house on 29 April and brought with him two of the young gentlemen, whom I advertised of such sums of money as they had received to make repayment to Howell. They desired to wait on Sergeant to Chartley the next day, for lord Ferreys (Ferrers) is steward there, and they trusted on their return to give Sergeant such answer as would content him, swearing that most part of the money was not in their possession. Next day they returned with him and desired that repayment might be respited, as on coming before the Council they would make repayment if ordered. To nothing else would they consent. Stafford, 30 April. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
30 April.
R. O.
766. Mary Lady Guldeford to Cromwell.
My brother, (fn. 6) at his coming from Westminster on Wednesday last, showed me you had desired him to speak to me for Markes Auger and Adam Sampson for an end of their suit. I beg you to consider what number of creditors Mr. Guldeford had, what sums of money he owed at his death, besides the debt due to the King, which far exceeded all his goods. And since, through you, the King took off 500l. of the debt, and commanded me to give my cousin Hyll, serjeant of the cellar, 50l. in the sale of the land, releasing the rest to me, by which I am clearly discharged of all other creditors, reserving only a small part to myself, I have agreed with such creditors as will take a composition. When you see what I have done, you will consider that those who raised this clamor are unreasonable. I have left the accounts with my brother Sir Matthew Browne. When they are made up I beg you will examine them. When any suit is made to you by Markes Auger, consider I am a poor widow. London, 30 April. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
30 April.
R. O.
767. Dan Nicholas Clement, Monk of Christchurch, Canterbury, to Lady Lisle.
Desires her favor to a singing child he has sent to my Lord her bedfellow. He comes of an honest stock, and has many good qualities.
Sends along with him a beast, "the creature of God, sometime wild, but now tame, to comfort your heart at such time as you be weary of praying." 30 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: at Calais.
Granvelle, Papiers d'Etat, ii. 445.
768. Charles V. and Francis I.
Memoir by Granvelle, discussing the chances of peace or war with France.
If, he remarks, Francis invaded Piedmont and occupied Turin, he would probably gain the Pope to declare himself on his side; and the Venetians, the duke of Ferrara, and others, might agree with him.
The heretics would not let slip this occasion of overcoming the Catholics, and the king of England would join in the game. If he did not make war with his subjects, he could easily contribute a great sum of money, considering what he has taken and takes from the Church. Discusses also the various ways of invading France.
Corpus Reform. iii. 66.
769. Melancthon to Jerome Baumgartner.
Prays for peace for Nuremberg and all Germany. No one is more opposed to their cause than the French knights (ωςπερ οι φραγκικοι ιππεις). Will decide nothing about English affairs nor about Wirtemberg without speaking with Baumgartner.
Corpus Reform. iii. 63.
770. John Frederick, Duke of Saxony, to Henry VIII.
Writes by the bp. of Hereford and the Archdeacon, who are returning to England; commends their diligence, their learning, and zeal for Christianity. Will use diligence in promoting the matters about which they came. They will relate to the King their discussions with the Germans about doctrine. Thinks the King wishes well to the Church of Christ, and knows what abuses and impious rites have been introduced by the ambition and negligence of the bishop of Rome. Hopes, therefore, that he will undertake the reform of abuses and Papal idolatry (idolomarie). Considers that the care of propagating true doctrine and helping the Church belongs principally to the highest orders.
Desires the King to continue his goodwill.
Corpus Reform. iii. 60.
771. The Duke of Saxony's Reply.
Responsum episcopo Herevordensi legato Regis Angliæ datum per Franciscum Burchardum, vice-cancellarium, nomine ducis Saxoniæ principis electoris.
The duke John Frederick sends his salutation to the bishop of Hereford and the Archdeacon. They will remember that when they showed him at Wittenberg the King's opinion about the articles sent from Smalcald, (fn. 7) he promised either to send for them or return to them there. Now he finds himself so pressed by business that he desires to be excused from meeting them again. The matters referred to concern the other princes and states of the empire, who are allied on account of religion, and he cannot reply apart from them. Desires, therefore, to refer to his allies, which in fact has been partly done already. The confederates' councillors will shortly meet, and he will take care that they either write an answer to the King or declare their mind by an embassy. As to the Ambassador's request, that the Elector will show his mind about the King's reply to the articles of Smalcald to the ambassadors, he cannot conceal from the ambassadors that in these matters he cannot reply apart from the others. Whatever his wishes might be, the other confederates might think differently, so that he would be obliged to alter his opinion. This, however, without prejudice to their joint answer, he does not desire to conceal from the ambassadors that if the King is willing to propagate in his kingdom the true doctrine of Christianity according to the Confession made at Augsburg, and to receive ceremonies in accordance with the Gospel, the Elector will consent to his being entitled Defender of the Evangelical League, as is declared in the articles of Smalcald, and that first an embassy shall be sent to the King with one or two learned men, as his ambassadors have requested.
The Elector promises to further this business if the King will receive what is declared in the articles of Smalcald. He promises also to assist the King in obtaining German troops at his own expense if he wants them. But if the King objects to admit the Gospel according to the Confession of the confederates, which the ambassadors discussed with Luther and Melancthon, or persists in the answer lately made to the Elector at Wittenberg concerning the articles of Smalcald, he does not see what use it will be to make a treaty or send ambassadors. He does not wish the King to take it ill if the confederates cannot burden themselves with inconvenient conditions. This answer of his must not be taken as final, but a reply will be given by common consent of the confederates.
He assures the King that he will promote everything that tends to the praise of God and the spread of the Gospel, and promises to assist in anything that may be to the advantage of the King or his kingdom, not doubting that the King will do the like. He desired the ambassadors to commend him to the King, and promised them his assistance.
Burnet, iv. 145. 2. The judgment of the Lutheran divines, after hearing the arguments of Edward bishop of Hereford, Nich. Archdeacon, and Dr. Barnes, that not only the Levitical but divine and moral law prohibit marriage with a brother's wife, whether the brother be alive or dead, and no dispensation should be given for it, especially before the fact. But they are not at present satisfied that a divorce is justifiable after marriage has taken place.
R. O. 772. Court Expences.
A list of bills, showing the amount in a previous book, the amount now added, and the total, due to—.
Chr. Campyon, 4l. 7s. 5¼d.; John Malte, tailor, 9l. 13s. 7d.; Sharppe, the pynner, 21s. 4d.; John a Ware, clothyar, 11l. 11s. 3d.; Thomas Mydleton, draper, 10l. 7s. 4d.; Phillyppes, the hardwareman, 5l. 19s. 3d.; Mistress Curteis, silkwoman, 5l. 19s. 3½d.; Wm. Hewtson, draper, 3l. 8s. 0½d.; Thomas Fretton, 10s.; Mistress Kelyng, for linen cloth, 22s. 10d.; Robert Everest, 5l. 19s. 4d.: Laurence Carow, for fustians, 28s.; Wm. Grene, 3l. 4d.; Wm. Pecok, 9l. 9s. 5d.; Ric. Silkok, gold drawer, 38l.; Ewelham, inbrotherer (embroiderer), 10l. 4s. 8d.; Thomas Adyngtons, skinner, 29l. 19s. 2d.; Hardy, the hosier, 22s.; Ric. Gresham, 24s.; John Skutt, tailor, 24l. 16s. 1d.; Wm. Ybgrave, inbrotherer, 21l. 2s. 6d.; Mr. Row, draper, 3l. 3s.; Ardnold, the shoemaker, 42s. 6d.; Stephen Humble, inbrotherer, 13l. 14s. 4d.; Simon Lowe, mercer, 4l. 15s. 6d.; Mistress Phillyp, silkwoman, 10s. 8d.; costs of the Queen's Maundy, in 27 Hen. VIII., 31l. 3s. 9½d.; Thomas Fretton, for charges while Robert Everest was sick, 5l.; Mr. Baptyst, 9l. 12s.; Wm. Lok, for a gown of tawny velvet for lady Guildford, 10l. 12s.; and for crimson cloth of gold in Flod's hands, 7l. 20d.
Sum total, 485l. 13s. 8d.
Large paper, pp. 4. Mutilated.
R. O. 773. George Trapper to Sir Ric. Grenfyld, Marshal of Calais.
I recommend me to you and your good lady, begging you to write to Sir Edw. Boughton, residing at Woolwich, in behalf of my honesty and conduct at Calais. I thank Mr. Mayor of his goodness, [who] of his perverse mind and malice put me from my marriage with Mr. Boughton's daughter by defaming my character, stating that the child which one Rose Porter had lately at Calais was mine, though I was not there from Corpus Christi Even until the first week in Lent; also that I made a lawful contract with her, which was only conditional, as her brother-in-law, Anth. Straile, can declare. She has given me a letter of attorney, under the seal of the city of London, to receive her portion, which her brother wishes to keep. I have no friend but you to make my moan unto.
Hol., pp. 2. Add., and dated on the back, 1536.
R. O. 774. Coggeshall. (fn. 8)
Depositions of certain of the Convent against the Abbot.
(1.) For maintaining the power of the Pope contrary to our oath and the statutes. (2.) For secreting jewels and evidences belonging to the place, in anticipation of the King's visitation. (3.) For using unlawful means to know of things to come, by means of a key and a book and a man's name. (4.) For having obtained his office by simony. He says himself it cost him 300 marks, which is a great charge to the house. (5.) He pretends that the house owes him 300 mks., though hospitality was never so ill kept. (6.) He is an ill husband for our commonwealth, having sold all the corn and cattle we had on our farms, and much more than we know of, while divers of the brethren have been like to perish for lack of keeping. He has been heard to say he cares not to go to the devil for money. He has often betrayed confession. Of late, when there was conversation about heretics, in which Luther, Barnes, and others were mentioned, the Abbot said the maintainers of all heretics were Master Cromwell and friar George Browne. "Wherefore help good Master Doctor (fn. 9) for a charitable reformation," and get us a head who will be true to the King's succession. God keep the King, queen Anne, princess Elizabeth, and Mr. Cromwell, general visitor of all religions.
P. 1. Endd.
775. Grants in April 27 Hen. VIII. 1536.
1. Joan Harward. Annuity of 6l. 13s. 4d., she having held along with other women a habitation, &c. in the hospital called the "Sisters of Seynt James in the Fylde," Westminster, which the King has now inclosed and made into a park and manor. Westm., 26 Mar. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 1 April —P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 3. Rym. XIV. 563.
2. Agnes Starkey, widow. Annuity of 6l. 13s. 4d. for life, for the same reason. Westm., 26 Mar. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 1 April —P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 1.
3. Dame Katherine Vampage, widow. Annuity of 6l. 13s. 4d. for the same reason. Westm., 26 Mar. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 1 April —P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 3.
4. Anne Power, widow. Annuity of 6l. 13s. 4d., for the same reason. Westm., 26 Mar. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 1 April—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 4.
5. Sir Walter Devereux, lord Ferrers. Lease of the farm of the demesne lands of the lordship of Beulth Burg, parcel of the principality of S. Wales, now in the tenure of David Ap Hoel Ap Philipp Vauchane; with reservations; for 21 years; at the annual rent of 48s. 4d., and 20d. of increase. Del. Westm., 1 April 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B.b. Pat. p. 1, m. 12.
6. Sir Hen. Parker, grant of the site, &c. of the late monastery of Augustine Canons. Latton, Essex, and all lands, &c. thereto belonging in Essex, Herts, London, and Midd., in the King's hands by the dissolution. Del. Westm., 1 April 27 Hen. VIII.— S.B. Enrolled in 28th year (p. 1, m. 5).
7. Will. Venables. Lease of the farm of the vill of Middlewich (Medii Wici), with the office of chamberlain of the said vill, as formerly enjoyed by Roger Maynewerynge, Thos. Venables, or the said William; with reservations; for 21 years; at the annual rent (payable at the Exchequer of Chester) of 21l., and 12d. of increase; on surrender of patent, 8 Dec. 8 Hen. VIII., granting the same in a different form. Del. Westm., 1 April 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B.b. Pat. p. 1, m. 12.
8. Sir Thos. Dingley, a brother of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Licence to depart the realm, to serve the duties of his religion, with 3 servants, 4 horses, and baggage. Westm., 13 Mar. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 4 April.—P.S.
9. Nic. Alcocks of London, barbersurgeon. Licence to "exercise the arte or science of surgery, with certayne poynts of phisyke wherin he is expert." Also exemption from going upon inquests and juries in London and elsewhere. Westm., 26 Mar. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 4 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 45.
10. Thos. Gyllot, of London, merchant. Licence to export, within two years, 200 barrels of butter and tallow. Westm., 29 Mar. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 4 April.— P.S.
11. Gilbert Wyke, clk. Grant of the canonry and prebend of Auveley (?) or Alveley, in the collegiate church of Brigge North, Salop, upon the death of the last incumbent. Westm., 2 April 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 4 April.—P.S.
12. Sir Chr. Morres. To have the wages of 8d. a day for each of two men under him, with whom he is charged in the office of master of the Ordnance granted to him by patent 8 Feb. 27 Hen. VIII., for the keeping of certain pieces of ordnance and habiliments of war which the King left at Calais on coming home from his "most victorious jorney out of France against the Frenche kyng," and of other pieces of ordnance and habiliments of war remaining in Calais, which came from Tournay after its surrender. Westm., 26 Mar. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 4 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 11.
13. Roger Ratclyff. Grant in reversion of the manor of Blayston, Leic., which was granted, inter alia, by pat. 6 Dec. 1 Hen. VIII. to John earl of Oxford and Elizabeth his wife, for the term of the life of the said Elizabeth. Westm., 29 Mar. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 4 April.—P.S.
Enrolled in the 28th year, p. 1, m. 15.
14. Hen. Parker, page of the Chamber. To have the pension of 6l. 13s. 4d. which the abp. of Dublin is bound to give to a clerk of the King's nomination, by reason of his new creation, until he be promoted to a competent benefice. Westm., 2 April 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 5 April.—P.S.
15. Nichasius Hanon, a native of Terouenne in Belgium ("Gallia Belgica"). Denization. Westm., 4 April 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 5 April—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 4.
16. Geo. Carewe, clk. Presentation to the parish church of Estalington, Exeter dioc., the advowson having been granted hac vice to the King by Ric. [Tr]obylfylde, by right of his wife Joan. Westm., 5 April 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 6 April.—P.S.
17. John lord Scrope of Bolton. Reversion of the offices of bailiff of the franchise and liberty of the fee of Richmond, York, steward of the same, and steward, master forester, and chief warden of the forest in the fee of the said liberty and franchise, and constable of the castles of Richmond and Middelham, York, with fees of 50l. 6s. 4d.; which offices are now held by Sir Will. Fitzwilliam, knight of the Royal Body, and Sir Chr. Conyers, son and heir of Sir Will. Conyers, late lord Conyers, deceased, by virtue of patent 14 April 15 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 April 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 13.
18. Edmund Knevet, serjeant door-ward, To be keeper of the woods of Fermyng, parcel of Rokyngham forest, Northt., vice Geo. Hogekynson, deceased. Del. Westm., 7 April 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 1. ii. Latin draft of patent appended.
19. John Metcalf of Westminster, laborer. Pardon for having, along with John Tayllour, of the same, laborer, on the 5 Feb. 27 Hen. VIII., robbed one Thos. Newman, at Westminster, of 2s. 3d. Del. Westm., 10 April 27 Hen. VIII,—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 1.
20. Rob. Leche of Norwich, worsted maker. Exemption from serving on juries, &c., and from being made justice of the peace or of sewers, mayor, bailiff, provost, escheator, coroner, constable, or other officer. Westm., 3 April 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 10 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 1.
Vacated on surrender by virtue of a writ of dedimus potestatem directed to Will. prior of Norwich, and Thos. Godsalve.
21. Will. Whorwood. To be SolicitorGeneral, with the same fees as enjoyed by Rich. Riche, late solicitor. Del. Westm., 13 April 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 45.
22. Philip Van Wilder. Licence to import 200 tuns of Gascon wine and Toulouse woad, the Act of 22 Hen. VIII. not withstanding. Westm., 7 (fn. 10) —27 Hen. VIII. Del. 14 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 2.
23. Edw. Griffith, Will. Ap Robert Ap Meredith, Edmund Lloid Ap Robert, John Ap Robert Ap Howell, and David Ap Robert Ap Howell. Grant of the next presentation to the parish church or rectory of St. Peter Newburgh or Roser, Anglesea, Bangor dioc. Westm., 10 April 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 14 April. P.S.—Pat. p. 1, m. 1.
24. Sir Richard Carnaby and Dorothy his wife. Licence to alienate the manors of Tyrlyngham, Newenton, Bertram, Rokysley, and Westwod, Kent, Thos. Crumwell, the King's Chief Secretary. Westm., 15 April. Pat. 27 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 46.
25. Chr. Swalowe, vicar of Messyng, Essex. Licence to take to farm the rectory of Messyng, with all messuages, &c. thereto belonging, and other rectories, messuages, &c. in [said] co., to purchase cattle, &c., and to reside where he pleases in England; notwithstanding the statute 21 Hen. VIII. Westm., 18 April. Pat. 27 (fn. 11) Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 29.
26. Edw. Merland. Livery of lands, as son and heir of Nic. Merland, deceased, and Christina, late wife of the said Nicholas, one of the two daughters and heirs of John Went, deceased; in England, Wales, Calais, and the Marches thereof. Westm., 18 April 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 1.
27. Will. Barlow, S. T. P., bp. of St. Asaph's, commendatory of Bisham. Assent to his election as bp. of St. David's vice Ric. Rawlyns, last bishop, deceased.—S.B. undated. [The date of his election, according to Le Neve, was 10 April.]
776. Undated Grants, 27 Hen. VIII.
1. Thos. Crumwell, the King's chief secretary, and John Williams, clerk of the King's jewels. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of master or treasurer of the King's jewels, with the usual fees, the livery of the household, and annual rent of 50l., on surrender of patent 15 (fn. 12) April 23 Hen. VIII., granting the same to the said Thomas alone. —S.B. (undated). Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7.
2. John Cowde, clk., A.M. Presentation to the parish ch. of Estgrenewiche, Rochester dioc., vice Thos. Hall, clk., resigned. Addressed to Thomas archbp. of Canterbury, the see of Rochester being void.—S.B. (undated). Westm. Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22. [The date must be between April and September 1535.]
3. Chr. Jenney, serjeant-at-law. Reversion of the offices of steward of the lordship of Risynge, Norf., constable of the castle there, and master of the hunt or ranger of the chase of Risynge, and the office of two foresters there, called walkers of the said chase; with the usual fees out of the issues of the duchy of Cornwall; which offices, &c. were granted to Roger Radclyff, one of the gentlemen ushers of the Chamber.— S.B. (undated). Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4.
4. Thos. Sharwen, clk. Presentation to the parish church of Aldstok, Linc. dioc., void by death and at the King's disposal by the minority of Geo. Vernon.—S.B. (undated). Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5.
5. Will. Tyldesley. Annuity of 10l. to be paid by the customers of the port of Bristol, and due to the said William as keeper of the King's library at Richmond, granted to him by pat. 11 Mar. 25 Hen. VIII. in reversion on the death of Giles Duwes, who died the 12 April 27 Hen. VIII. Westm. —Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 29.
6. Michael Wentworth, a clerk of the Kitchen. To be steward and bailiff of the lordship or manor of Langton in le Olde, York, vice Edw. Vaulx, deceased.—S.B. (undated).—Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9.
7. Sir Will. Wyndesoure and Margaret his wife. Livery of lands, the said Margaret being daughter and heir of Will. Samborne and Anne his wife, and late wife of Will. Lussher, and grand-daughter and heir of Drugo Samborne, deceased, who held of Hen. VII.; on all the possessions in England and Wales lately belonging to the said Drugo, William and Anne. Westm.—Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 22.
777. Grants in April 28 Hen. VIII. 1536.
1. Kath. wife of Th. Parker of Bristol. Pardon for having knowingly received and entertained David Griffith of Bristol, yeoman, who had stolen a woman's girdle belonging to John Samell, husbandman. Greenwich, 20 April 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 April 28 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 18.
2. Simon Shepparde, clk. To be master of the hospital of St. Mary Magdalene, in Hollewaye, near Bathe, Soms. Greenwich, 23 April 28 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 April.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 18.
3. Henry Clyfford earl of Cumberland. Grant of the lordship of Kymberworth, Yorkshire, on surrender of patent 12 May 2 Hen. VIII., granting the same to Sir Th. Wortley, knight of the body, and the said Henry as Sir Hen. Clifford, jun., in survivorship; and the manors of Bawtrey and Oystre, York, on surrender of patent 21 Mar. 7 Hen. VIII., granting the same to the said Henry as Sir Hen. Clifford, jun. Del. Westm., 25 April 28 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
4. The bishopric of St. David's. Grant of the temporalities from the time they came into the King's hands to Wm. Barlowe, prior of the Augustinian monastery of Holy Trinity, Bestlesham Mountague, who has been elected bishop by the precentor and chapter, and confirmed by Thomas abp. of Canterbury. Greenwich, 20 April 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 April 28 Hen. VIII. —P.S.
5. Sir Wm. Poulett. Custody, during pleasure, of a chief messuage, curtilages, &c. lately belonging to Sir Th. More, deceased, in Chelseheth (Chelsea), Surrey. (fn. 13) Greenwich, 20 April 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 April 28 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 15.
6. Hen. Cheny of London, alias of Bristol, chapman. Pardon for having at Olde Braynford, Midd., robbed some person unknown of a gold cross and a silver cup. Greenwich, 20 April 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 April 28 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 16.
7. John Bromefeld, a yeoman of the Guard. Reversion of the office of clerk of the creeks and passages belonging to the town and port of Bristowe (Bristol), with fees of 10 marks a year, which office and fees were granted to Geoffrey Bromefeld by patent 1 July 27 Hen. VIII. Westm., 12 April 27 Hen. VIII. Del. 26 April 28 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 16.
8. Archangel de Arcani, one of the King's gun-founders. Pension of 16d. a day. Greenwich, 20 April 24 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 April 28 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 18.
9. Rob. Draper and John Halile, yeomen of the Crown jewels. Grant, in survivorship, of the reversion of the custody and occupation of the ferry and passage called "Dachet ferie" alias "the fery bote of Dachett," Bucks and Berks, which was granted by patent 22 Nov. 7 Hen. VIII. to Chr. Rouchester, page of the Chamber, and John Rokys, servant to the dean of the Chapel Royal. Greenwich, 18 April 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 April 28 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 14.
10. Yorkshire E. Riding:—Commission of the peace to Sir Th. Audeley, Chancellor, Thomas duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, C. bishop of Durham, Henry earl of Northumberland, George earl of Shrewsbury, Thomas earl of Rutland, Henry earl of Cumberland, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, Lord Admiral, John lord Scrope of Bolton, Sir Th. Darcy lord Darcy, Sir John Spelman, Chr. Jennye, serjeant-at-law, Brian Hygden, clk., dean of York cathedral, Sir Wm. Percy, Sir Ric. Tempest, Sir Ralph Ewre, Sir Rob. Constable, Sir Ralph Ellerker, jun., Sir Wm. Ewre, Sir John Constable of Holdernes, Sir Ralph Evers, jun., Sir Wm. Constable, Sir Pet. Vavesour, Sir Marmaduke Constable, jun., Wm. Constable of Chubourm, Th. Fayrfax, serjeant-at law, John Aske, Rob. Bowes, Chr. Hylzard, Wm. Babthorp, John Aclone, Edm. Copyndale, Wm. Thwaytes, Th. Wentworth, Ric. Smetheley, Ph. Myffyn, Rob. Clerke of Beverley. [Westm.], 26 April.—Pat. 28 Hen. VIII. p. 5, m. 4d.
11. Th. Wynsham, of London, chaplain. Pardon for having, on the 10 Nov. 26 Hen. VIII., broken and entered the house of John Tyndall, husbandman at Mylesend Grene, in the parish of Stepneth, Midd., and stolen therefrom certain articles of clothing, a carpet, &c., placing one John Tyndall, a servant of the said John, in great danger and fear for his life. Del. Westm., 27 April. —S.B. Pat. 28 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 26.
12. Master John Londonne, D. C. L. Grant of the deanery of the college or free chapel of St. Mary and St. Nicholas, Wallyngford castle, vice master John Underhill, last dean, resigned. Greenwich, 21 April 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 April 28 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 18.
13. John Dunne of London, alias of Turnemyllestrete, Midd., yeoman. Pardon for having taken by force and arms a gelding belonging to Rob. Crove alias Crowe of Ilford, Essex, yeoman, at Westminster, Midd. Del. Westm., 28 April.—S.B. Pat. 28 Hen. VIII. p. 4, m. 4.
14. Yorkshire N. Riding:—Commission of the peace to Sir Th. Audeley, Chancellor, Thomas duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, C. bishop of Durham, Henry earl of Northumberland, George earl of Shrewsbury, Thomas earl of Rutland, Henry earl of Cumberland, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, Lord Admiral, John lord Scrope of Bolton, Sir John Nevell lord Latymer, Christopher lord Conyers, Thomas lord Darcy, Francis lord Talbot. Sir John Spelman, Chr. Jenney, serjeant-at-law, Brian Higdon, clk., dean of York cathedral, Th. Magnus, clk., Sir Ric. Thempest, Sir Th. Tempest, Sir Ralph Evres, Sir Wm. Ewres, Sir Edw. Gower, Sir Wm. Middelton, Sir Marmaduke Constable, Sir John Bulmer, Sir Geo. Lawson, Sir Rog. Cholmeley, sen., Sir Jas. Metecalf, Sir Jas. Strangwayes, Sir Nic. Fairfaux, Sir Geo. Conyers. Th. Fair faux, serjeant-at-law, Rob. Bowes, John Dawney, John Norton, Rog. Lasseles, John Barton, Wm. Rokeby, John Poleyn, Marmaduke Wyvold, Jas. Fox, Rob. Menell, Wm. Danby. [Westm.], 30 April.—Pat 28 Hen. VIII. p. 5, m. 4d.


  • 1. Ghinucci. See Vol. IX., 728, where Ghinucci appears to have called the writer of this letter Richard instead of Robert Ricardyne. See also No. 1021 in same Vol.
  • 2. April 17 in 1536. But from Chapuys's own despatch it appears to have been on Tuesday the 18th. See No.
  • 3. Stafford.
  • 4. See Vol. VIII. 681, which is probably of this year, and not 1535.
  • 5. The greater part of this despatch is also printed by Kaulek in his Correspondance Politique de MM. de Castillon et de Marillac, 1.
  • 6. Sir Matthew Browne.
  • 7. See Vol. IX., No. 1016.
  • 8. See also Nos. 94 and 164.
  • 9. Dr. Thomas Legh.
  • 10. Blank.
  • 11. This grant, though enrolled in 27 Hen. VIII., is dated 26 Hen. VIII.
  • 12. 14 April on Pat. Roll 23 Hen. VIII. See Vol. V., No. 978 (13).
  • 13. Sic.