1719. Jan. 1. Boston. |
1. Governor Shute to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Refers to letter of 26th June etc. Continues: Capt. Smart after
his arrival [at Canso] had two or three days conference with
the Governour [M. de Brouillan] who had no regard either to
my letter or anything that Capt. Smart could offer upon that
head, whereupon he sailed from Lewisbourgh to Cape Canso
where he lay four days at anchor without making any seizures
not knowing but upon his departure the Governour might
alter his mind and send orders to the French to evacuate that
place and to forbid them fishing any more in that Bay; but
his waiting not having the desired effects he seized a briganteen
and a sloop, took what fish he found on shoar and pulled down
their hutts etc. This fish is the best in America and preferable
to that of Newfoundland. If the French should think fit to
complain all the papers will be transmitted to the Agent by
this ship etc. |
Encloses the laws of New Hampshire that are lately made etc.
This Province is in a miserable condition by reason we have
nothing [? but) paper Bills of Credit stiring amongst us, which
sink daily in their value, and if some proper measures are not
taken to remove this evil the Trade and this Province will be
utterly ruined. Signed, Samll. Shute. Endorsed, Recd. 24th
Feb., Read 4th March, 1718/19. 3 pp. [C.O 5, 867. No. 31;
and 5, 915. pp. 256–258.] |
Jan. 1. Boston. |
2. Same to Same. Encloses following. Signed and endorsed
as preceding. ½ p. Enclosed, |
i, ii. Duplicates of Dec. 27, 1718. Nos. ii., iii. [C.O. 5,
867. Nos. 32, 32 i., ii.; and (without enclosures) 5,
915. p. 259.] |
Jan. 2. Whitehall. |
3. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary Craggs.
Enclose Representation upon Newfoundland and Heads of
proposed Bill (Dec. 19 and 24, 1718), to be laid before H.M. at
the first convenient opportunity. "Because if H.M. should
approve thereof it were to be wished that no time should be
lost in bringing the same into Parliament this present Session."
[C.O. 195, 6. pp. 484, 485.] |
[Jan. 2.] |
4. Petition of James Gohier and Sam. Buck of London
merchts., two of the undertakers for settleing ye Bahama
Islands in behalfe of themselves and others concerned, to the
Council of Trade and Plantations. Petitioners have been at
vast charges in transporting tradesmen, planters and their
familys to the said Islands, in repairing ye old Fort on Providence, building two new forts for defending that harbour, and
repairing two forts on other of ye said Islands. The Spanyards
have already attempted (before ye warr was declared) to destroy
ye present settlement and did actually land upon Catt Island
one of ye sd. Bahamas and murdered all ye men and card. off
ye women, children and negroes. They have since threatened
to come with greater force and land upon ye island of
Providence etc. Pray the Board to represent to H.M. the
absolute necessity of sending another Independant Company
there etc. Signed, James Gohier, Sam. Buck. Endorsed, Recd.
Read 2nd Jan. 1718/19. 1 p. [C.O. 23, 1. No. 11.] |
Jan. 2. |
5. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Craggs. Enclose copy of preceding. Continues: It is our
humble opinion that it is absolutely necessary that those
Islands be secur'd, more especially in the present conjuncture,
least they should become a prey to the Spaniards or pirates who
would thereby be enabled greatly to annoy our trade, whereas
if the said Islands be secur'd in the possession of H.M. subjects
they will be a great check upon the Spanish trade, and serve
as a secure station for H.M. ships in those parts who will
effectually command by that advantage the passage of the
Gulph of Florida. But if it should be thought too late in the
Session to make such provision this year for another independent company, we would humbly propose that for the present
one company of Colo. Philipps's Regiment may be detach'd
from Placentia to the Bahama Islands for the security of a new
Colony, which if duly encourag'd may prove of great advantage
to the trade of these Kingdoms. Autograph signatures.
2 pp. Enclosed, |
5. i. Copy of No. 4 [C.O. 23, 12. Nos. 77, 77.i.; and
(without enclosure) 24, 1. pp. 20, 21.] |
Jan. 2. |
6. Secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel
to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The Society for the
Propagation of the Gospel etc., have received advice from their
Attorney and Manager of their Plantations in Barbadoes,
bequeathed to them by the late General Christopher Codrington,
that there hath been lately passed in that Island, an Act of
Assembly making and declaring the Bay of Conset a publick
Bay. This will occasion great damage to the Society's plantation of Conset. They desire to be heard against the Act before
it be confirmed, etc. Signed, David Humphreys, Secretary.
Endorsed, Recd. Read 15th Jan., 1718/19. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 15.
No. 42; and 29, 13. pp. 497, 498.] |
[Jan. 5.] |
7. Mr. Astell and Mr. Gee to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Proposals in detail for the encouragement to be
given for the importation of iron, masts, timber, boards,
potashes. etc. from H.M. Plantations. Endorsed, Recd. Read
5th Jan., 1718/19. 1 p. [C.O. 323, 7. No. 137; and 324,
10. pp. 225–228.] |
Jan. 7. Custom House, London. |
8. Mr. Carkesse to Mr. Popple. Reply to Dec. 17, 1718.
The Collectors in the Plantations make a demand of the King's
share of fines and forfeitures, and remit the same over here to
the Receiver General of the Customs in pursuance of a standing
article in their Instructions. But they having in some of the
Plantations met with great difficulties from the Governours
in recovering the King's share, the Commissioners did, 16th
June 1716, propose that H.M. pleasure be signify'd to the
Governours for paying H.M. share of all fines and forfeitures
to the respective Collectors of the Customs. Altho' the Collector
of Jamaica has taken credit for a part of the King's share of
forfeitures paid into his hands whereby the advantage to H.M.
may seem to be lessened, yet as he has no direction for such
deduction the same will be disallow'd in his accots. and he will
be obliged to accot. for the whole to H.M. Asks for copy of
Governors' Instructions relating to the King's share of fines or
forfeitures etc. Signed, Cha. Carkesse. Endorsed, Recd. 8th.,
Read 28th Jan., 1718/19. Addressed. 2 pp. Enclosed, |
8. i. Copy of presentment by the Commissioners of Customs,
June 16, 1716, referred to in preceding. 1½ pp. |
8. ii. Several instances where the Governors have received
the ⅓rd. of forfeitures due to the Crown. 1687–1713.
Signed, Robert Paul. Asst. to C. G. 20th June,
1716. ½ p. [C.O. 323, 7. Nos. 144, 144 i., ii.;
and (without enclosures) 324, 10. pp. 230–232.] |
Jan. 8. Whitehall. |
9. Mr. Popple to Mr. Carkesse. Asks for return of imports
of iron and timber 1712–1717, and of duties paid thereon. The
Council of Trade and Plantations desire some of the Commissioners of Customs to attend their Board etc. [C.O. 389,
27. pp. 74, 75.] |
[Jan. 8.] |
10. Account of timber imported from America, 1707–1717.
Endorsed, Copy'd from Sir Matthew Dudley's. Recd. 8th.,
Read 13th Jan. 1718/19. 1 double p. [C.O. 323, 7. No. 138.] |
Jan. 12. Custom House, London. |
11. Mr. Carkesse to Mr. Popple. Encloses account of
iron imports as requested, Jan. 8. [C.O. 389, 27. p. 75.] |
[Jan. 13.] |
12. Mr. Astell's computation of the difference of the prices
and freight of Plantation and Russian tar. Endorsed, Recd.
Read 13th Jan., 1718/19. ¼ p. [C.O. 323, 7. No. 139.] |
[Jan. 13.] |
13. Petition of merchants trading to New England, Virginia
and Carolina to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Petitioners are informed that the Government have it under
their consideration to take off the bounty granted for pitch,
tarr and turpentine. The monopoly would then revert to the
Swedes who would exact excessive prices as before. The
effect has answered the intentions of Parliament, for great
quantities of pitch and tar have been imported and the price
fallen to one quarter part of what it was. It has been a means
of exporting to our plantations large quantities of woollen and
other manufacturies and greatly increasing the Navigation and
nursery of the seamen of this nation. The bounty having been
granted for a term of years, petitioners sent over a number of
artists and utensills etc. for improving these stores whereby
they have been brought to equall any from the East Country
and are used in the King's yards etc. Signed, Micajah Perry
and 38 others. Endorsed, Recd. Read 13th Jan., 1718/19.
1 large p. [C.O. 5, 867. No. 22.] |
Jan. 13. |
14. Mr. Caswall to Mr. Popple. Being inform'd your
Honble. Board has under their consideration ye incourageing
our trade to the plantations, by easeing several species of returns
of the duty payable here, encloses following. Signed, Jno.
Caswall. Endorsed, Recd. 13th, Read 20th Jan., 1718/19.
Addressed. 1 p. Enclosed, |
14. i. Memorial of John Caswall of London merchant to
the Council of Trade and Plantations, in behalfe of
himselfe and many others concern'd in a copper mine in
N. England. New England draws for so great quantities
of all kinds of manufactures from hence and have so
little returns to make, notwithstanding their fishery
(wch. all centers here) that the merchants there are
greatly indebted to the merchants here, which visibly
appears from the rate of the present excha., wch.
from £160 New England money for £100 sterl. not
long since, is now risen to £220. The consequence
of wch. must in a little tyme bee the utter ruin of the
trade between Old Engld. and New, unless there
can bee found out something for returns etc. There
has been lately discover'd a great vein of copper oar
in that country, and in search of which, there has
been already large sums expended, and in consideration of the dearness of labour there, and the difference
of freight between that country and the Baltick,
proposes that it be brought in custom free etc. Signed,
Jno. Caswall. Same endorsement. 1 p. [C.O. 5,
867. Nos. 23, 23. i.] |
Jan. 15. Whitehall. |
15. Mr. Popple to Governor Rogers. The Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations have receiv'd your letter
of 31st Oct. last and are well pleas'd with the accot. you give
them of the state of your Government and desire you would
continue the same by every conveyance; But as this letter of
yours contains many particulars which deserve farther consideration they are not able in this juncture to give you so
particular an answer to it as is necessary etc. In the meantime
I am to acquaint you that they have represented the necessity
of another Independent Company's being sent etc. v. No. 5.
You write that you have sent over a map but none such is
come to their Lordships' hands. Neither do they know where
to enquire for it. There is one thing or two more that I must
mention to you as from myself vizt. You desire that the King
would approve and confirm the several persons you have
appointed to be of the Council, but I believe you have not
consider'd what the expense will be, it will come at least to
£9 15s. a head, which will be in the whole about £117, and as
there is no person here that I know of authoriz'd and enabled
to disburse that money it will be to no purpose to recommend
them to H.M., since the warrants will lie in the Offices for want
of the said fees, which ought indeed to be paid proportionably
by each person put into the Council as in other Plantations.
Besides would it not be better for you that these persons should
not be confirmed untill you have had more experience of them.
The same difficulty lies in obtaining a patent for Mr. Beauchamp
to be Secretary of the Islands for I know of nobody here impower'd to advance the money, but as he writes me that he
intends to come to this Kingdom in about two months after
Capt. Roche I suppose that difficulty will then be obviated.
[C.O. 24, 1. pp. 22, 23.] |
[Jan. 15.] |
16. Mr. Paris to Mr. Popple. Asks for copy of minutes of
Council of New Jersey, 8th Dec., 1713, etc. Signed, Ferd.
John Paris. Endorsed, Recd. Read 15th Jan. 1718/19. ½ p.
[C.O. 5, 971. No. 77.] |
[Jan. 15.] |
17. Petition of Stephen Duport to the Council of Trade
and Plantations. Having lately heard of the death of his son,
who had the management of his plantation in St. Kitts and was
one of the Council there, petitioner is obliged to repair thither.
He was formerly a Councillor, and has acted as Agent of the
Island almost ever since he left it. Prays to be appointed to
the Council. Signed, Ste. Duport. Endorsed, Recd. Read
15th Jan., 1718/19. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 12. No. 122.] |
Jan. 15. |
18. Depty. Governor Keith to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Replies to 5th and 19th March. Tho' quantitys
of pitch and tar brought from the southward in exchange for
provisions is shipp'd off from hence directly for Great Britain,
yet none of that commodity is yet manufactured within this
Government etc. Refers to enclosure. Continues: But I
am of opinion that there is at least one third more wine imported
here as well as in other Colonies above what are enter'd in these
offices, and where the Governments of any two Colonies are
divided by a river as this is from West Jersey, it will be impracticable to prevent the running of goods, because in a few
minutes by night or day they can escape from one side to the
other out of the Officers' reach; And of this I had experience
about four years ago when I was Surveyor General of the
Customes in these parts. I heartily wish your Lordships could
find some remedy to this evil, which otherways will ever give
a handle to evade the due observance of the Acts of Parliament
etc. Signed, W. Keith. Endorsed, Recd. 1st., Read 2nd July,
1719. 2 pp. Enclosed, |
18. i. Account of goods imported from Madeira and the
Western Islands to Philadelphia, Christmas 1715–1718.
Total: 655 pipes 9 hhds. 18 qr. casks Madeira
wine, etc. Signed, J. Moore, Collector. Same
endorsement. 2 large pp. [C.O. 5, 1265. Nos.
123, 123. i.; and (without enclosure) 5, 1293.
pp. 179, 180.] |
Jan. 16. Whitehall. |
19. Mr. Popple to Mr. West. Encloses for his opinion
thereon two parcels of Acts of Pennsylvania passed 1712–13 and
1714–15. [C.O. 5, 1293. p. 161.] |
Jan. 16. |
20. Sir A. Cairnes to Mr. Popple. Prays to be heard before
the Council of Trade and Plantations report on his affair.
(v. Dec. 15, 1718). Signed, Alex. Cairnes. Endorsed, Recd.
16th., Read 27th Jan., 1718/19. Addressed. 1 p. [C.O. 217, 2.
No. 53.] |
Jan. 17. |
21. Richard Drafgate, citizen and girdler of London, to
the Council of Trade and Plantations. In an Act of Pennsylvania, passed in 1717, concerning feme sole traders, are several
matters directly repugnant to the Laws of England, diverse of
H.M. subjects being thereby divested of there possessions.
Drafgate being one of the persons injured, prays to be heard
against the Act when transmitted etc. Signed, Richard Drafgate.
Endorsed, Recd. 17th, Read 28th Jan. 1718/19. 1 p. [C.O.
5, 1265. No. 111.] |
Jan. 19. St. James's |
22. H.M. Warrant to the Governor of Barbados to suspend
Samuel Berwick, Receiver General of the Casual Revenues,
from the Council "He being now in England and called upon
by the Surveyor and Auditor General of Our Revenues in
America, has delivered in a very imperfect and irregular account
of his receipts etc, declaring that he is not able to give a more
satisfactory account, by reason that his vouchers etc. are in
Barbadoes; whereupon proper measures are taken and directions given for examining his accounts upon his arrival there."
He is to be suspended from the Council, "to the end his authority
and influence, by means of that place may be no delay or
obstruction to the obtaining from him a true and fair state of
his accounts" etc. Countersigned, J. Craggs. [C.O. 324, 33.
p. 209.] |
[Jan. 20.] |
23. Heads prepared by Mr Ackworth, Surveyor of the
Navy, for a clause in an Act of Parliament, fixing the standard
of pitch and tar which are to have a præmium. Endorsed,
Recd. Read 20th Jan., 1718/19. ½ p. [C.O. 323, 7. No. 141.] |
Jan. 21. Whitehall. |
24. Mr. Popple to Mr. Humphreys. Reply to 2nd Jan.
The Board will do nothing upon the said Act till the Society
have had an opportunity of being heard. Suggests submission
of their objections in writing etc. [C.O. 29, 13. pp. 498, 499.] |
Jan. 21. |
25. The Case of such Sufferers who sustained losses by the
invasion of the French, in 1705, on Nevis and St. Christophers,
who have settled on one of the said Islands, and have not their
debentures issued forth, thro' some doubtful words in the Acts
made for their relief. Pray that the Council of Trade may be
impowered to issue said debentures to those whose names were
returned in the Commission and prove their re-settlement in
either of the Islands. By the Act of the 9th. Queen Anne,
only such persons were to receive grants as resettled their
plantations in the said Islands, or either of them. By the Act
of 10th Q. Anne resettlement is defined as the residence of a
planter or his agent upon their respective plantations and
improving the same, and the return of other inhabitants to
their former houses etc., and proof of re-settlement was required
before 25th Dec. 1712. Sufferers "which were destroyed
upon one of the Islands, and re-settled on one of them," and
others whose Agents did not enter claims in time, are still
without their debentures etc. Endorsed, Recd. Read 21st
July, 1718/19. Printed. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 12. No. 123.] |
Jan. 23. London. |
26. Edward Bridgen to the Council of Trade and Plantations. On behalf of traders and masters using the Newfoundland trade, enquires whether a ship bound thither on a fishing
voyage, but stopping at Ireland for provisions, or France,
Portugal etc. for salt, thereby loses his privilege of being Admiral
if he first arrive in any port in Newfoundland. The Commodores 1716–1718 have given different rulings, etc. Signed,
Edw. Bridgen. Endorsed, Recd. 23rd Jan., Read 3rd Feb.,
1718/19. Addressed. 1 p. Enclosed, |
26. i. Admirals of Bay Bulls to Commodore Scott. Enquire
as to their status as in preceding. Capt. Robert Avent
of Dartmouth disputes their title, he having come
directly from England etc. Signed, Richd. Withall
and two others. 1 p. |
26. ii. Commodore Scott to the Admirals of the Bay of Bulls
(sic) H.M.S. Dragon. St. Johns, 25 Aug. 1718. Reply
to preceding. Confirms them in their office. Signed,
Tho. Scott. 1 p. [C.O. 194, 6. Nos. 52, 52 i., ii.] |
Jan. 23. Whitehall. |
27. Council of Trade and Plantations to the King. Recommend that Stephen Duport, Charles Pain, Jno. Garnet and Wm.
Mackdowel Esqrs. be appointed to fill the four vacancies in
the Council of St. Christophers etc. [C.O. 153, 13. pp. 386, 387.] |
Jan. 24. Nassau on New Providence. |
28. Governor Rogers to [? Mr. Secretary Craggs]. On
Dec. 27th I had a letter from Commadore Chamberlain dat'd
at sea 20th Dec. in his passage from New York. He had then
a fair wind to come to us and was but 20 leags hence, but thought
fitt to pass me, wth a compliment of being glad to hear I was
well and wisht me a merry Christmas, without giving me hopes
of seeing him or any of the other two yt came wth. us here,
they were then together, bound for Petty Guavas and thence
to Jamaica, whither I immediatly dispatcht a sloop express
to the Governour and him for assistance, ye ships of war's
disregard to this settlement was like to prove of a very ill
consequence, by encouraging the loose people here and even
some of my own soldiers, Palatines and French that came wth.
me they had privately consulted to leave the settlemt, nay
some ring leaders had secretly agreed to seize and destroy me
and my officers, and then deliver up the fort for the use of
the pirates. I having timely notice of it, secur'd three of the
principalls and punisht them with severe whipping but having
no power to hold a Court Martiall and cannot spare the men
to send them hence I shall release them and be the more on my
guard. The people here are very lazy and poor, and provisions
scarce so that I cannot subsist the garrison at the rate it was
undertaken ye last year. I have been already forct to draw
several bills on the Genm. that supported me to begin this
Settlemt. and if I live till March I designe to send by an officer
hence an account of the whole expence of this Colony, that
H.M. and those Gentm. may be rightly apprised of the difficulty
of this undertaking for I hope those honourable Gentlemn.
will not be sufferers by venturing to serve the publick wth. so
little assistance at a juncture when the attempt was and is
so very precarious and cannot for some time be of any advantage
but to the publick. You may perceive Sr. by ye foregoing
letter that I have not had the joint assistance of the inhabitants
but for 14 days, the rest has been done by a few of the best of
them together wth ye negroes and my own men the latter I
have been forct to keep to very hard duty and work ever since
they recover'd ye fatal sickness on our arrival. The soldiers
of Jamaica have handsome allowances from the country for
their support wch. cannot be done here as yet, had one of the
men of war stay'd here to have assisted and protected us, I
don't doubt but we should have had abundance more inhabitants of substance settled here, those at Anguilla and the Virgin
Islands that are of no value to the Crown, I hear are coming to
settle here. Some from Carolina, Bermudas and other parts
will also come as soon as they hear we can make a stand against
the Spaniards. The sickness at our first coming together
wth. ye men of war leaving us very much discourag'd the
beginning of this Settlemt. But there's none doubts this
place being considerable if we are supported at first for a year
or two and then it may support itself as much as any Colony
his Majesty has. I have survey'd another harbour within
a league and half of this that has more water than this and
fitt to receive any of H.M. 50 guns ships wch. was more then
we knew at our arrival. This Harbour of Nassau is not commodious enough for large ships but very fitt for small ones yt.
does not draw above 14 foot water and ther's few trading vessels
in these parts draws so much so that ys. will be very convenient
for trade and the other to receive the King's ships yt. shall
come hither. I have sent a draught of ye other to Jamaica
to Comadore Chamberlen to show yt. any of the King's ships
in ye West Indies may be secure here. I hope I shall have
two of them from Jamaica to my assistance till I can have
support from England, mean time I'll do my utmost to preserve
this Colony. Signed, Woodes Rogers. 6 pp. [C.O. 23, 13.
ff. 25–27 v.; and (duplicate) 31–17.] |
[Jan. 27.] |
29. Rules for raising hemp. Endorsed, Recd. Read Jan.
27, 1718 (9). Printed. 1½ pp. [C.O. 323, 7. No. 143.] |
Jan. 29. London. |
30. Edward Lascelles to Mr. Popple. If any memorial should
be presented to the Council of Trade and Plantations against
Coll. Samuel Barwick of Barbadoes, you are desired to send
notice thereof to, Signed, Edwd. Lascelles. Endorsed, Recd.
29th Jan., Read 5th Feb., 1718/19. ⅓ p. (v. 1st April, 1718).
[C.O. 28, 15. No. 43.] |
Jan. 29. Whitehall. |
31. Mr. Secretary Craggs to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refers following, "that you may propose to H.M. any
further methods, which you shall think proper, besides those
already taken, for the preservation of that settlement, and the
security of our trade in general in those parts. I am to tell
you by way of confirmation, that before Colo. Stanhope left
Madrid, he was made acquainted with a design of the Spaniards
to possess themselves of the Island of Providence." Signed,
J. Craggs. Endorsed, Recd. 30th Jan., Read 3rd Feb., 1718/19.
1 p. Enclosed, |
31. i. Mr. Gale to Col. Thomas Pitt, junr. So. Carolina,
4th Nov. 1718. Confirms and repeats Governor Rogers'
account of the danger of the Bahama Islands from
pirates and the Spaniards. v. Oct. 31st, 1718. Continues: The pirates yet accounted to be out are near
2000 men and of those Vain als. Vaughn Thaitch and
others promise themselves to be repossessed of Providence in a short time etc. The consequences would
be not only a general destruction of the trade to the
West Indies and the main, but the establishing a
nest of pirates, who already esteem themselves a
community, and to have one common interest etc.
Major Bonnet's company taken by Coll. Rhett off
this place, have had their tryalls of which 29 are
convicted, and will this day be condemned, but he
and his master are escaped from the Marshal, for
which he is prisoner and likely to have his tryal etc.
Proposals for ships to be stationed to cruise off
Providence etc. Continues: The next measures
to be taken will be to prevent the trade with [the
pirates] from Rhoad Island, New York, Pensilvania,
etc., for the pirates themselves have often told me
that if they had not been supported by the traders
from thence with ammunition and provisions according to their directions, they could never have become
so formidable, nor arriv'd to that degree that they
have etc. P.S.—Nov. 6th. This morning Coll. Rhett
has retaken Major Bonnet and brought him to town,
where he is to have his tryal Monday next. The
master was killed in taking and thereby avoided as
he thought a more infamous death, but I believe he
would have found mercy. About 9 this morning a
new warlike ship of 280 tun from Boston, and a large
brigg from Rhoad Island were carried off the coast
by a pirate ship, taken as they lay within sight of
the town. A clergyman (who had the good fortune
to come ashoar from the brigg) tells us there is certainly a war with the Spaniards, if so nothing but a
speedy reinforcement of Naval forces from Great
Britain can support the settlement of Providence
unless leave can be had from the Crown to call in the
pirates who cruise the seas, etc. I expect to return
to Providence again, as soon as the business of the
pirates is over, etc. Copy. 3½ pp. [C.O. 23, 1.
Nos. 12, 12, i.] |
Jan. 29. Whitehall. |
32. Mr. Popple to Mr. Carkesse. In reply to Jan. 7th,
encloses copy of Instructions relating to fines and forfeitures,
and the account of the Collector of Jamaica, Sept. 1st. No. v.
[C.O. 138, 16. p. 158.] |
Jan. 30. |
33. Governor Rogers to [? Mr. Secretary Craggs.] Acknowledges receipt of Commission for pardoning pirates to the 18th
Aug. last, wch. I receiv'd but three days ago; immediately
publisht it here. I am sorry to see H.M. goodness has no more
effects on the major part of those villains that are still out,
and doubt unless H.M. own ships in these parts exert themselves more and are station'd under the directions of the
Governour in proper places to destroy the pirates, it will be
very hard to reduce the remainder, and if it is not soon done,
I fear they will again grow more numerous notwithstanding
what has been done at South Carolina, Virginia and here to
deterr them. I have now an account of one Capt. Congon
that commands two pirate ships of 36 guns each, who designs
to come hither, to offer to surrender themselves and embrace
H.M. gracious pardon, and the time being so far elapsed, I
would if I could resist them, but the inhabitants here are so
much their friends that I fear I shall be forced to receive them
at all hazards, if I do I will send an express immediately for
England, and in the mean time manage them as well as I can.
We having no King's ships yet come, nor hopes of succour
should the Spaniards attack us, and if they do with the small
numbers I now have, I shall be in a mean condition to hold out,
so that what to depend on I cannot tell, and should the pirates
come first, it may be best to receive them to defend myself
against the Spaniards, for if I refuse to receive them, most of
those I have now with me will either joyn them or quitt me,
and then they'l possess the place maugre all I can propose to
do against them. I have been at great charge to fit out small
vessels to cruize amongst these Islands to prevent the growth
of pirates, but the last were forct to retire for fear of being
themselves taken. I have paid as much as I could spare towards
the bounty money H.M. has allow'd for apprehending pirates
to Captains Hornigold and Cockrem, and those that were with
them. I hope the whole mony for a Captain, gunner, boatswain
and ten pirates being taken, will be paid the gentlemen concernd
to promote this Colony, and it shall be justly divided here so
as to encourage the like undertakings. P.S. The ship being
lost in which I design'd to have sent the prisoners taken on
suspicion of corresponding with pirates, I have with advice of
my Council been forct to accept of but moderate security for
their good behaviour, our provisions being short and garrison
weak etc. Signed, Woodes Rogers. 4 pp. [C.O. 23, 13.
ff. 28–29v.; and (duplicate) ff. 33 v.—35 v.] |
Jan. 31. Jamaica. |
34. Governor Sir N. Lawes to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. I have not been honor'd with any of your Lordship's commands, since my letter of 10th Oct. By this conveyance I am to give your Lordsps. a particular accot. of the late
proceedings of the Council and Assembly which I shall endeavor
to put in a clear light, with the utmost impartiallity. But I
am really at a loss what excuse to make for the heats and
animositys which have govern'd their passions, and grew at
length to that heighth, that made it absolutely necessary (after
a long forbearance) to put an end to the Sessions, without their
having answered the ends for which they were called together.
Your Lordships will please to observe throughout all the speeches
I made the endeavors I have used to reconcile each House
to the other, and it is matter of great concern to me, that all
the persuasives I have been able to use, has hitherto proved
ineffectual; But as I have discharged my duty with a safe
conscience, and wth. zeal and application for H.M. service;
so I hope the miscarriage of the publick affairs will not in the
least be imputed or lay'd at my door. Herewith I send your
Lordsps. attested under the Broad Seal the Minutes of the Council
and Assembly, and begg leave to point out to your Lordships
the most material passages that have hapned. On the 1st
of August the Assembly mett. Refers to speech on that occasion,
and to p. 14 in Journal of Assembly, where they come to a
resolution and assert their right of adjourning themselves for
a longer time than de die in diem; this resolve indeed presaged
but a bad omen of their future conduct: however I was unwilling at that time to take particular notice of it to prevent
giving them the least handle to obstruct the publick business:
resolving at the same time never to allow them to put in
practice their pretended right, but in such case to have asserted
H.M. prerogative. The next thing material that occur'd is in
page 31, wherein they come to several resolutions on my speech
some of wch. (vizt.). that in relation to the extending the produce
of their real estates towards the payment of their just debts
would not be of advantage to the country, and another in
relation to the not paying the Lord A. Hamilton and others
for the mony by them advanced for the subsistance of the
soldiers, were not agreeable to what might have been expected,
and wch. I had with so much earnestness recommended to
them. The time of the sitting of the Grand Court drew now
near, and I advised with the Council, whether I shou'd adjourn
the Assembly for a month, or put off the Court till the next
term: and they were unanimously of opinion (two former
Courts having been adjourned) rather to give a recess to the
Assembly than to adjourn the Court, which would have been a
discouragement to Trade and a delay to justice. I therefore
on the 23rd Aug. adjourn'd the Assembly till the 24th Sept.
And on the 24th Sept. the Assembly met and on the 26th Mr.
Page presented a petition complaining of a pamphlet writ by
the Lord Archibald Hamilton, wch. petition was refer'd to the
Committee of Grievances, and from that time to the 23rd Oct.
they were chiefly taken up after that inquiry, and in framing a
report, which they then did (p. 58). Having sent to the House
H.M. order in Council recommending to them the payment of
Mr. Knights late Receiver General, they did on 2nd Oct. come
to a resolution p. 42, to recommend him to the Governor and
Council to give him such relief as is consistent with law. This
my Lords was in effect doing nothing, for as they had provided
no relief by law, so they tied myself and the Council down to
give him only such relief as was consistent with law, and even
this Resolution they never did send up to us, so that affair
stands as it did. On the 10th Oct. the Council recd. from the
House two Bills, one intitled An Act to oblige the several inhabitants of this island to provide themselves with a sufficient number
of white people, or pay certain summs of money, in case they shall
be deficient, and applying the same to several uses. The other,
An Act for appointing an Agent in Great Brittain to sollicit the
passing of laws and other the publick affairs of this Island. As
to the first the Council made some scruple to the Receiver
General's oath, and that he shou'd be accountable to this, or
any future Assembly: But I was unwilling (if possible to
avoid it) to bring upon the stage the old dispute of the Council's
right in amending money bills, so I prevail'd with them to
pass this bill without amendment, hoping the Assembly wou'd
take such care in framing their other mony bills, as might not
be liable to objections of that nature, but conformable to H.M.
Instructions, some of which in relation thereto, I thought fit
to communicate to them on yt. occasion. As to the soliciting
bill the Council made several amendments to it, and the house
adhering to their bill and the Council to their amendments, the
bill dropt. The next bill the House sent up was that for
qualifying members to sit in Assemblys and to regulate elections,
to which the Council likewise made some amendments, and
had several conferences thereupon; but that bill did not come to
any maturity, before the prorogation. On the 15th Oct.
began to break out the first divisions that hapned between the
two houses, and that was upon the Council's refusing to allow
Mr. Wood to attend the Committee of Grievances, much time
was taken up by both houses in framing long messages one from
the other on this affair, which had no other tendency as I often
told them, than to create heats and animositys and which
occasion'd my making a speech to them, to which they return'd
an address etc. Refers to Minutes. The 16th Oct. the house
sent up to the Council a bill intitled, An Act for the encouragement of voluntary partys to suppress rebellious and runaway
negroes, which the Council passed; and is one of ym. now transmitted to your Lordships for H.M. Royal assent. And on the
17th they sent up a mony bill intitled, An Act to impose dutys on
several commodities to defray the extraordinary charges of the
Government, and applying the same to several uses, and for the
relief of several persons therein mention'd. I cou'd have asked
that this bill had been so framed and agreable to H.M. Instructions, as the Council might have past it without amendments.
But tho' the Assembly had order'd the mony arrising by that
law into the hand of H.M. Receiver General for the time
being, the Council found as in the Deficiency Law, they had tied
him up by an oath to be accountable to the present or any
future Assemblys. Another objection they had to it, and I
think very justly, was a clause in it, in the nature of a tack't
for the relief of William Norris, and Samuel Clark two of their
own members for several country duties due from them on
prize goods which clause was objected to by the Council, and
if I am rightly inform'd, had the bill pas't wth. that clause in
it, the mony thereby forgiven wou'd have amounted to near
as much as the bill wou'd have rais'd. Besides there was
another clause in relation to Canary wines, which seem'd to
clash with an Act of Parliament. Those and some other
objections to the bill, made the Council on 31st Oct. (p. 68)
desire a Conference with the House on that bill, which induc'd
the Assembly to come to a resolution, that no amendments
proposed by the Council cou'd be received by the house to
any clause which related to the raising and applying mony.
This Resolution being privately signifyed to the Council, they to
avoid disputes about Conferences, sent the bill down to the
house with amendments and they adhering to their bill, and the
Council to their amendments; the bill was lost. The Council
on 25th Oct. sent down to the house a bill to repeal the condemnation of the sloop Kingsington otherways called, Neustra Seignora
de Bellin, which the Assembly return'd wth. amendments
p. 65, which amendments the Council were of opinion wou'd
make the bill a groundless libel against Lord A. Hamilton,
and therefore adher'd to their bill, and the Assembly to their
amendments. We were now come to 1st Nov., and the feuds
between the Council and Assembly encreasing, I thought it
necessary to pass two laws, which had been prepared for my
consent (vizt.) An Act to oblige the inhabitants to provide themselves with white people, etc., and an Act for the encouragement
of voluntary partys to suppress rebellious and runaway negroes.
And I made a speech to them on that occasion p. 75, recommending unanimity, and to lay aside the needless disputes
concerning Mr. Wood, which had taken up so much of their
time in vain. I must indeed do the Council the justice to
acquaint your Lordsps. they did in obedience thereto come to
a resolution to receive no more messages from the house on
that subject. And the Assembly had invited myself and the
Council to an entertainment on the 5th of November. I was
then in great hopes that by the example I had shewn them,
and the endeavours I had used, all former piques and animositys
would have been lay'd aside and forgot; But alas! about an
hour before we were to have gone to dinner, the Assembly
sent up to the Board a long message relating to the same controversie, which so soon as the Council perceived, they told the
two members who brought it, that they had in obedience to
my desire come to a resolution to drop that dispute, and to
receive no more messages on that subject, upon which they
carryed the message back to the house, but in a little time after,
it was return'd by the same Messengers with this addition,
That the house had come to a resolution to receive no more
messages from the Councill till they had accepted of theirs.
And the Messengers who brought it forcing it upon the Council
contrary to their Resolution, the same was some way or other
thrown off the table, and the two Members of the Assembly
returning to their house reported that the same was done and
spurn'd at by Mr. Gregory a Member of the Board, which the
house took as a great indignity and affront. The Board on the
other hand thought the treatment of the house in forcing
upon them a message full of invictives, but a rude way of
proceeding, and finding them not inclined to drop that dispute
they were of opinion no more good was to be expected from them
during that Sessions, and therefore advised me to give them a
short prorogation, that a final end might be put to all those
differences, and whereby they wou'd have another opportunity
of doing their country service if they reallye designed it, and
accordingly on 6th Nov. I prorogued them till ye 10th, and made
a short speech to them on that occasion, page 82. During this
interval I used all imaginable means, and persuasives to reconcile
and unite the members of both houses to one another, earnestly
recommending to them to prefer H.M. service and their countrys
wellfare to any private piques or resentments. But to my
great grief the Assembly began their Sessions with resolutions
in relation to the pretended affront offer'd (as they said) by
Mr. Gregory to their message of last Sessions, and they addressed
me p. 85 on that subject. Your Lordships will see at large the
answer I gave etc. p. 87. The Council finding that little good
was to be expected from them, and that particular and private
piques continued still to govern their passions beyond their
regard for the publick wellfare; unanimously addres't me on
the 12th not to continue them sitting any longer etc. p. 147.
Nevertheless my Lords I was extreamly desirous to try all
possible ways and means to perswade them to pass into laws
the resolutions they had come to p. 91 on my Speech that they
might have an opportunity of doing something for the good
of their country, and answer the ends for which they were called
together, and for that purpose I inclined to continue them sitting
some days longer. But I was astonished when on the 13th I
received a message from the Assembly accusing Mr. Gregory
of disloyalty to H.M. This I emediately communicated to
the Council, and order'd Mr. Gregory to withdraw from the
Board. But I was then and still am of opinion, that the same
was set on foot by the Assembly without sufficient grounds,
and meerly to gratifye the resentments of the house against
him, for a pretended affront to their message, tho' never intended
by him, and disclaim'd by the whole Board: however my duty
obliged me to make as particular enquiry into this matter as
possibly I cou'd, seeing it came from that Body of the Legislature: But your Lordsps. will please to observe, that after
the most strict examination of the witnesses mention'd in the
houses message etc., how little ground the house have had
for exhibiting so heinous a charge against him, and the Council
did after a full examination into that matter come to resolutions,
which I imparted to the Assembly in answer to their Address
on that subject p. 98. On the 15th the Assembly resolv'd to
send their message to the Council by their Clerk, and accordingly
sent him with a bill to the Council, a thing without president
and of the first impression, which the Council resented by not
receiving it, and acquainting the Clerk they wou'd receive no
messages, but in the antient and known practice ever since the
first institution of Assemblys in this Island (vizt.) by members
of the house, and here I must take notice to your Lordsps. of
a very plausable motion and order thereupon which was that
day made in the house, to bring in a bill, for the raising a perpetual Revenue for the support of H.M. Government, and the
contingent charges thereof and asserting the rights and libertys
of the subjects, by inforcing and continuing such Acts as might
be consistant with the wellfare of the Island. The latter part of
this title I apprehend was chiefly to enforce here the Habeas
Corpus Act, and that in relation to frauds and perjuries. But
as the framing of such a bill would be a work of many months
for the best lawyers we have, I cou'd not much depend upon
the sincerity of their intentions at that juncture, especially
when they had sat near three months doing little or nothing;
and had in effect by some of their Resolutions broke off all
communication wth. the Council, and the differences were
come to such a height between both houses, that they knew
it was impossible they cou'd continue sitting much longer.
However had I seen any likelyhood of bringing so desired a
work to a happy conclusion, they shou'd have had their own
time to have framed it in. But that good disposition in them
soon vanisht, for on the 20th when I communicated the resolution of the Council in answer to their Address to suspend Mr.
Gregory p. 98, the house came to the following resolution, "that
untill the Council do H.M. justice by consenting to suspend
Mr. Gregory a person noted for his disaffection to H.M person
from the Council, and until they make the house reparation
from the indignity offer'd to the house, that the house can't
have any farther intercouse with that Board, if they respect
either their duty to H.M. or the trust reposed in them by their
country." This resolution I had privately signifyed to me,
which I thought was intirely shutting the door of communication between both houses: I then saw it was altogether in
vain to continue them sitting any longer. I therefore with the
unanimous advice of the Council, sent the Provost Marshall to
command their attendance, which they not obeying so soon as
in duty they ought, occasion'd my sending the Provost Marshall
a second time to command their emediate attendance, and
so prorogued them by a speech suitable to the occasion
p. 98 to ye 10th of March and thus ended this long and fruitless
session etc. I must intreat your Lordps.' favourable construction on my endeavors (tho' unsuccessfull) for H.M. service;
and the true interest of this Country, which I have so much at
heart: I am apprehensive shou'd I suffer this Assembly to
meet at the time they stand prorogued to, they wou'd still
be for gratifying their resentments preferrable to the service
of their King and Country; I therefore intend with the advice
of the Council to dissolve them by Proclamation setting forth
the reasons for so doing, and shall advise with the Council the
propper time to call a new one, which I hope will pay a more
dutifull regard to H.M. recommendations, and acknowledge
his great goodness and condescension in bestowing his Royal
favours upon this Island. But I must intreat your Lordsp.
directions shou'd the next Assembly meet with a disposition
(as I am in hopes they will) to bring in a bill for the raising
a perpetual Revenue for H.M. etc. which would be of great
advantage to the Governmt. here, especially if the quit rents
were therin put upon a right footing, which in such case I
wou'd take care to see done. H.M. Revenue wou'd not then
lye under the frequent anticipations it now does, and which
makes the Government here in a manner dependant upon the
Assembly for supplyes. I therefore begg your Lordsps. opinion
whether you think H.M. wou'd pass a Law of that nature, that
wou'd inforce here some of the Statute Laws of England, and
give the people of this country the priviledges of English born
subjects, at the same time they granted a perpetual revenue
to H.M. his heirs and successors. Another thing which I think
material to give your Lordships an accot. of is, of an order of
the house of the 10th Nov. to bring in a bill to appropriate
several sums of money raised by former acts in Col. Heywood's
Government, and now remaining in the hands of Commissioners.
In this bill the summ of £5,800 was to have been appropriated
to the reimbursing of the revenue, and the expectation of
receiving this bill from the house was one of the chief motives
that induced me to allow them to sit some time longer, after
the Council had addressed me on that subject. But at last I
found the house look't upon this bill as their sheet anchor,
and wou'd not part with it before the Council had consented
to their unreasonable demands. And I am here to take notice
to your Lordsps. that by an accot. I have had since delivered
to me by some who were upon the Committee of publick accots.
I find the following summs now lying useless in the hands of
Commissioners. Totals in cash and outstanding debts,
£18,349 2s. 5d. Had the Assembly thought fit to have appropriated this money to the service of the Government, and to
the encouraging the bringing over and settling white people
amongst us, they would have had little occasion to have raised
more this year for that service. But their heats and divisions
have hitherto had a sway over their reasons, and has so far
prevailed that they now suffer so large a summ of money to
lye in the hands of private persons, who make advantage of
it whilst H.M. Revenue and the publick are opprest and want
supplyes to defray the just debts of the Government. As to
the state of the Island in general, I look upon it to be in a weak
and defenceless condition, both with respect to the small
number of inhabitants and to the fortifications which want
considerable repair, and tho' there is mony in ye fund allotted
for that service, yet we are at a loss how to dispose of it to the
best advantage for want of an Engineer: I was in great hopes
to have seen such an officer here before this time, having had
assurances given me before I left England that he shou'd soon
follow: I must therefore intreat your Lordsps. recommendations
to H.M. on yt. head, and likewise that we may be supplyed
with the stores and other implemts. of war, which I formerly
sent your Lordsps. a list of. On the 11th Dec. an unlucky
accident hapned to a ship called the Kingston from London
whose cargoe is said to be valued at £20,000. She was unfortunately taken by one Thompson a notorious pyrate within
sight of Port Royal, and none of H.M. ships of war being then
in harbour, the freighters and owners of that ship made application to me, to commission two sloops, which were then lying
in harbour ready to sail, to goe in quest of the said pyrate, they
promising at the same time ⅓ part of whatever was recovered,
as a reward beyond what H.M. had been pleased to promise in
his Royal proclamation, to such who wou'd goe out in the said
sloops on that service; I did thereupon grant two Commissions
to the said vessels to continue in force for the space of two
months, and no longer, and gave the Commanders thereof
propper instructions, and took the usual security on like occasions
for the due observance of them: and they were soon man'd
and sayl'd the 26th Dec. in pursuit of the pyrate. But at the
South West part of this Island they mett wth. two vessels, one
of which upon their approach hoisted a blagg Flag at the topmasthead, and then the engagement began, the other proved
to be a sloop the pyrate had lately taken: one of our vessels
after an obstinate dispute was boarded and overcome by the
pyrate, who threw vast numbers of powder flasks granado shells
and stinkpots into her which killed and wounded several, and
made others jump overboard, seventeen of which our other
vessell took up, who inform'd them of the strength of the pyrate
which so disheartned the men on board ye other vessell, the
pyrate having a superior force, that they made the best of their
way back to Port Royal. The pyrate by information proves
to be a vessell from Trinidado on Cuba with 150 banditti of
all nations; I am just now informed that they have put our
men whome they had taken on shoar at the Caimanoes. several
of them being wounded and about 35 kill'd in the engagement,
the ill success of this expedition has so exasperated our people
that they made fresh application to me (none of H.M. ships of
war being yet in harbour) to commission two other vessels, and
the merchants and traders of both towns being very earnest
for it, I summoned a Council and had their advice to commission two other vessels, wch. was accordingly done, and they
are well man'd and fitted with every thing necessary. I am in
hopes speedily to have a good accot. of them, they having
been out near three weeks, since which time there is arrived
here H.M.S. Ludlow Castle. Diamond, Milford, Rose, Happy and
Shark sloops, and some days agoe the Ludlow Castle and Happy
sloop sail'd to cruize to windward to protect the ships we dayly
expect from England. The Milford and Rose are to cruize
round this Island in search of the pyrates. The Diamond goes
convoy through the windward passage with several mercht.
ships now bound home, and the Shark sloop remains in harbour
refitting. But I must leave it to the Commanders of H.M.
ships to give an account on what service they have been employed ever since my arrival here, all I shall say, is had they
been stationed in guarding our coast and cruizing in propper
places, it might probably have prevented the mischief that has
hapned to us. And here I must instance to your Lordsps.
one particular wch. will clearly demonstrate how necessary a
thing it is, that the direction of H.M. ships shou'd be lodged
in the Governor, for tho' the Commanders thereof, by their
Instructions are directed to advise and consult with myself
and the Council: yet they have no other regard for wt. is
resolved upon, than is consistant with their own private gains,
our coast having been for a considerable time past infested by
vessels said to be fitted out from Trinidado, I did with the
advice of the Council write a letter to ye Alcades of that place,
and gave the same about nine weeks since to Capt. Jacob,
Commander of H.M.S. the Diamond to deliver, and it was then
resolved upon that after he had seen some merchant ships
(which were then under his convoy) through the windward
passage, he shou'd cruize for some time between the north part
of this Island and Cuba, and deliver my letter to the Alcades
of Trinidado. But after seven weeks' cruize, I know not where,
he return'd me my letter, and said, he had not an opportunity
of delivering it, so that your Lordships may plainly observe,
that unless the Commanders of such ships are made accountable
to the Governor for their proceedings, the publick will reap
little advantage from them. I am inform'd by the Factors
of the South Sea Company, who have made their escape from
Porto Bello on board of Capt. Whitworth, that a tartan was
arrived there from Spain with orders to seize the factors and
their effects, and to send their persons and books to the Custome
house at Sevile, and that the like orders had been dispatch't
to all the Spanish Governments in these parts to seize on all
H.M. subjects and their effects, and wherever they meet our
vessels coming to or going from this Island, they are treated
by them as in time of declared war, so that we dayly suffer
great losses, without having any redress: and more particularly
I am to acquaint your Lordsps. that some time since three or
four of our vessels with a considerable number of seafaring
men, and inhabitants of this Island, were in a hostile manner
attack't on the coast of Florida by the Spaniards, and there
taken and carry'd to the Havana, where they are kept in prison
at nights, and obliged in the day time to do the most servile
duty in carrying stores for the fortifications of that place:
application has been made to me by the wives, children and
relations of those people, and several depositions have been
produced, fully makeing out those facts, all which I communicated to the Council who proposed and to which I readily
agreed, emediately to send a vessell with a letter from myself
to ye Governor of the Havana (v. No. i.) The Council likewise
advised me not to allow the Spaniards which are now here to
the number of about seventy to depart this Island till such
time we have an answer from the Havanna wch. I dayly
expect. Signed, Nicholas Lawes. Endorsed, Recd. 15th April,
Read 25th June, 1719. 28 pp. Enclosed, |
34. i. Governor Sir N. Lawes to the Governor of the Havana.
Complains of the dayly hostilitys and outrages committed on H.M. subjects by Spaniards, and demands
restitution of those H.M. subjects and their effects
who were attacked on the coast of Florida about
3 months since, when employed on their lawfull
occasions, carried into the Havanna and used in a
barbarous and inhumane manner, and are there still
most unwarrantably detained, notwithstanding one of
H.M. ships was sent by the Governor of Providence
to His Excellency to demand them etc. He has treated
the captain and crew of a Spanish ship lately cast
away upon the coast of Jamaica with great generosity
and consideration. They will be allowed to proceed
and remit their effects where they please, upon receipt
of H.E.'s reply complying with above request etc.
Signed and endorsed as preceding. 3½ pp. [C.O. 137, 13.
Nos. 29, 29.i.; and (without enclosure) 138, 16. pp.
184–209.] |
Jan. 31. Whitehall. |
35. Mr. Secretary Craggs to the Lt. Governor at Placentia.
Oliver Toulon is permitted to return to the possession of his
house at St. Peters, there to have the quiet enjoyment of his
fishing trade, as one of H.M. subjects, provided that he act
therein as the law and customs of Newfoundland direct, etc.
Signed, J. Craggs. [C.O. 324, 33. p. 211.] |
Jan. 31. St. James's |
36. H.M. Warrant, confirming Christopher Gale in the
office of Chief Justice of the Bahama Islands. Countersigned,
J. Craggs. [C.O. 324, 33. p. 212.] |