Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 30, 1717-1718. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.
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'Index: C, D, E, F, G', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 30, 1717-1718, ed. Cecil Headlam( London, 1930), British History Online [accessed 2 December 2024].
'Index: C, D, E, F, G', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 30, 1717-1718. Edited by Cecil Headlam( London, 1930), British History Online, accessed December 2, 2024,
"Index: C, D, E, F, G". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 30, 1717-1718. Ed. Cecil Headlam(London, 1930), , British History Online. Web. 2 December 2024.
Cabibel, Peter, petition of, 29.
Cadogan, ship, 736.
Cadogan, William, Earl Cadogan, 373 iv.
Caillard, —, character of, 110.
Cairnes, Sir Alexander, proposal by, for settlement in Nova Scotia, 86.
-, -, -, -, report upon, 105, 106, 432.
-, -, -, -, enquiry concerning, 790.
-, -, document signed by, 286.
Calvert, Charles, Baron Baltimore, claim of, to Three Lower Counties, report upon, 177 i.
Campbell, Hugh, 392 ii.
-, John, Duke of Argyll, 373 iv.
-, -, recommended for Council, Jam., 53.
Campeche Bay, logwood cutting in, depositions concerning, 104 i.
-, -, protest against by Spain, reply to, 104 i.
-, -, right secured by Treaty of Utrecht, 104 i.
-, -, sanctioned by Lords of Committee (1673), 104 i.
-, privateers turn pirates, 660.
-, San Francisco de, Governor of, 104 i.
Canada, communications with Louisiana, 389.
-, -, enquiry concerning, 334, 344, 402, 419, 450, 699, 723.
-, -, -, reply to, 600, 657, 699, 700, 723, 800.
-, expedition against, 317 xi.
-, Fishery, 626 i.
-, Governor of, instructions to, suggested, 185; and see Vaudreuil, Marquis de.
-, Montreal, 657.
-, St. Lawrence R., 261.
-, -, communications with Mississippi, 238.
-, -, French encroachments from, 550.
-, -, islands in mouth of, French claim to, 635 i.
-, trade, illegal, with Nova Scotia, 351 ii.
Canada, R. See Canada, St. Lawrence.
Candler, Capt., R.N., 10, 271.
Cannistogo, Pa., 101 i.
Canso (Cancer). See Nova Scotia.
Cant, Constantine, Capt., document signed by, 173 i.
Canterbury, Archbishop of, 373 iv.
Cape Breton, 550.
-, deserters, return of, requested, 635 i.
-, fishery, 626 i.
-, French at, danger from, to N.E., 700.
-, French encroachments on Nova Scotia from, 351, 351 i, ii, 575.
-, -, protest against, 575; and see Nova Scotia.
-, French inhabitants of Nova Scotia return from, 565.
-, Governor of, instructions to, suggested, 185; and see Brouillan.
-, trade, illegal, with Nova Scotia, 351 ii.
Cape Catoche, 104 i.
Cape Cod, 177 i.
Cape François, trade with, 620 i.
Cape Henlopen (Cape James), 177 i.
Caper Sacantry (Secontie), 261.
Carkesse, Charles, Secretary to Commissioners of Customs, letter from, 277, 341, 382, 452, 495, 664.
-, -, letter to, 162, 245, 407, 555, 562, 648, 795.
Carlile, Francis, petition of, 704.
-, -, receipt by, 746.
-, -, recommended for Council, Antigua, 752, 754, 797.
Carlisle, Earl of. See Hay, James.
Carnagy, James, French ship seized by, 591 ii.
-, -, prosecution of, petition for, 591 ii.
-, -, -, order for, 643.
-, -, -, -, proposed, 606.
Carolina, French encroachments on, 238, 256.
-, -, measures against, 256.
-, Lords Proprietors of, Acts repealed by, 631.
-, -, Act, repeal of, instruction for, proposed, 514.
-, -, aid from, enquiry concerning, 486.
-, -, -, rejected by Assembly, 632.
-, -, boundary with Virginia, proposal referred to, 58.
-, -, Charter of, quoted, 463.
-, -, -, infringement of, enquiry concerning, 463, 489.
-, -, commissions and instructions by, 687, 694–696.
-, -, complaint against, 536 ii, 660.
-, -, grants of lands by, 773; and see Mountgomery, Sir R.
-, -, -, instructions concerning, 632, 694–696.
-, -, letter from, 360 i, 442, 631, 632, 687, 694–696.
-, -, -, referred, 360.
-, -, letter to, 804, 814.
-, -, instruction to, to reprimand Governor, 537.
-, -, to repeal act, proposed, 514.
-, -, memorial by, referred, 424.
-, -, petition to, 631.
-, -, reference to, 399.
-, -, rent-roll required by, 632, 697.
-, -, revenue of, 632.
-, -, surrender of government by, proposed, 493.
-, -, Secretary of. See Shelton, R.
-, -, warrant by, 630.
-, North, boundary with Virginia, proposal for, 58, 63.
-, -, Governor of, seat of, threatened by Indians, 699.
-, -, Indians, attack by, begun, 699.
-, -, pirates, commissions for trying, 405.
-, -, -, surrendered, 657, 800.
-, -, -, danger from, 657.
-, -, -, failure to restrain, 800.
-, South, Act, to appropriate the Yamassee lands etc., repealed, 631.
-, -, -, for better keeping public arms etc., enquiry concerning, 632.
-, -, -, declaring the right of the House of Commons to nominate the Receiver, repealed, 631.
-, -, -, to grant encouragements to Protestant settlers etc., repealed, 631.
-, -, -, to keep inviolate the freedom of elections and appoint who shall be deemed capable of choosing and being chosen members of Assembly, repealed, 631.
-, -, -, -, additional to preceding, repealed, 631.
-, -, -, laying additional duty on negroes, 660.
-, -, -, laying duty on British goods imported, 660.
-, -, -, -, protest against, 452 i.
-, -, -, -, -, referred, 452.
-, -, -, -, report upon, 489, 514.
-, -, -, -, repeal of, 505, 514, 537, 562, 631.
-, -, -, -, instruction concerning, proposed, 514.
-, -, -, making commodities legal tender, proposed, 687.
-, -, -, -, instruction concerning, 687.
-, -, -, concerning powder and magazines, repealed, 632.
-, -, -, for regulating Indian trade, renewed, 660.
-, -, -, -, effect of, feared, 660.
-, -, -, -, petition against, 631.
-, -, -, -, repealed, 631.
-, -, -, for sinking bills of credit, 660.
-, -, -, evasion of, petition against, 687.
-, -, -, -, instruction prohibiting, 687.
-, -, Acts affecting trade, protest against, 452 i.
-, -, -, passed contrary to Charter, enquiry concerning, 463.
-, -, Appalachia, R., settlement on, proposed, 389.
-, -, arms supplied to, account of, required, 632.
-, -, Assembly, 660.
-, -, -, Act appointing who shall be deemed capable of choosing and being chosen members etc. repealed, 631.
-, -, -, -, additional to preceding, repealed, 631.
-, -, -, Address by, for aid from Crown, 423.
-, -, -, -, for resumption to Crown, 399, 536, 536 ii.
-, -, -, aid from Lords Proprietors rejected by, 632.
-, -, -, claim to keep powder and magazines, denied, 632.
-, -, -, claim to nominate Receiver General, Act declaring, 631.
-, -, -, -, -, repealed, 631.
-, -, -, Committee of, letter from, 423.
-, -, -, dissolution ordered by Lords Proprietors, 632.
-, -, -, instruction to, 537.
-, -, -, new, ordered by Lords Proprietors, 632.
-, -, -, payment of members proposed, 632.
-, -, -, refusal of, to tax their estates, 452 i.
-, -, -, Speaker of. See Logan, George.
-, -, Azilia, settlement of, proposed. See Mountgomery, Sir R.
-, -, Barons, Samuel, petition of, 631.
-, -, Cape Fear River, pirates in, engagement with, 730.
-, -, Charter of, 424, 459, 475.
-, -, coins and currency in, Act ascertaining rates of foreign; order for enforcement of, 632, 687.
-, -, -, paper, Act for sinking bills, 660.
-, -, -, -, -, observance of, ordered, 687.
-, -, -, -, issue of, prohibited, 687.
-, -, Councillors, salaries, Proprietors refuse to pay, 632.
-, -, defence of, measures for, enquiry concerning, 486; and see Car., Indians, war with.
-, -, embargo laid in, 384.
-, -, emigration to Bahamas expected from, 423, 737.
-, -, Governor of, reprimand of, ordered, 537; and see Johnson, Robert.
-, -, Governor and Council, letter from, 632, 730, 787.
-, -, -, letter to, 631, 632, 687, 695.
-, -, guardship, request for, 556, 730, 787.
-, -, imports of British goods, 452 i.
-, -, -, duty laid on, protest against, 452 i; and see Act laying duty on etc.
-, -, Indians, Cherokees, French designs against, alleged, 238, 256, 800.
-, -, -, -, invasion by, feared, 384, 486.
-, -, -, -, peace with, 423.
-, -, -, -, peace with Creeks, rumoured, 504 i.
-, -, -, Creeks, murder of Col. Hastens by, 423.
-, -, -, -, peace with, offer of, 483, 504 i, 556.
-, -, -, -, peace with Cherokees, rumoured, 504 i.
-, -, -, Cuttabas, 423.
-, -, -, -, peace with, 79.
-, -, -, -, attacked by Senecas etc., 59, 59 iv (a), 79, 79 iv (a).
-, -, -, enemy, encouraged by French and Spaniards, 423, 525, 556.
-, -, -, Southern, mission to propose peace, 423.
-, -, -, treaties concluded with, 556.
-, -, -, Tuscaroras, attack Cuttabas, 79, 79 iv (a).
-, -, -, war with, aid from Lords Proprietors, enquiry concerning, 486.
-, -, -, -, aid requested for, 423.
-, -, -, -, causes of, alleged, 578 i.
-, -, -, -, -, -, reply to, 578 i.
-, -, -, -, cost of, 423.
-, -, -, -, -, measures for paying, 452 i.
-, -, -, -, expected, 384, 423, 456, 737.
-, -, -, -, hostilities renewed, 536 ii.
-, -, -, Yamassees, etc., entertained by Spaniards, 423.
-, -, -, Yamassee lands, act appropriating, repealed, 631.
-, -, -, -, order of Lords Proprietors concerning grants of, 632.
-, -, -, trade, act regulating, petition against, 631.
-, -, -, -, -, -, repealed, 631.
-, -, -, -, -, renewed, 660.
-, -, -, -, -, -, effect of, feared, 660.
-, -, lands in, grant of, 773; and see Mountgomery, Sir R.
-, -, -, -, permission to make in Carolina, withdrawn, 695.
-, -, -, -, and rent-roll, return of, required, 694–697.
-, -, -, -, -, prepared by Col. Rhett, 697.
-, -, -, Yamassees, act appropriating, repealed, 631.
-, -, -, -, -, order of Lords Proprietors concerning, 632.
-, -, -, surveyed, return of, required, 694.
-, -, legal tender, Act to render commodities, proposed, 687.
-, -, -, instruction concerning, 687.
-, -, letters from, extracts of, 660.
-, -, manufactures in, encouragement of, 452 i.
-, -, Naval Officer, returns of, 290.
-, -, naval stores, exports of, 787.
-, -, negroes, 660.
-, -, -, danger from, 384.
-, -, -, duty on, increased, 660.
-, -, -, runaway, protected by Spaniards, 423, 556.
-, -, pirates, capture of, 730, 787; and see Bonnet; Vane.
-, -, -, Charleston harbour blocked by, 730, 787.
-, -, -, commissions for trying, 405.
-, -, -, depredations by, 556, 660, 677, 730, 736, 737, 787, 797 i.
-, -, -, engagement with, 730, 787.
-, -, -, infest coast, 556, 730, 736, 787, 807.
-, -, -, ship captured by, 556, 660.
-, -, -, surrender of, upon proclamation of pardon, 556.
-, -, -, -, return to piracy, 556.
-, -, Proprietary Government, objection to, 660.
-, -, Receiver General, Assembly's right to nominate, Act declaring, 631.
-, -, -, -, -, repealed, 631.
-, -, resumption of, to Crown, urged, 399, 525, 536, 536 ii, 660.
-, -, Savana Town, 423.
-, -, Secretary of. See Hart, Charles.
-, -, settlers, Act to encourage, repealed, 631.
-, -, state of, account of, 677.
-, -, Spain, war with, declaration of, 804, 814.
-, -, Surveyor of Customs in. See Rhett, William.
-, -, Surveyor General of. See Yonge, Francis.
-, -, trade, Acts affecting, 452 i.
-, -, -, injured by pirates, 730, 787.
-, -, -, with Indians, 660.
-, -, -, with Spaniards, 660.
-, -, -, with French, 660.
Carpenter, General, 548.
-, Nathaniel, letter from, 36.
-, -, petition by, 794.
Carranza, Gonzales, Capt. Domingo, description of Spanish West Indies by, 820.
Cartagena, 131 iv.
Carter, —, Attorney General, L.I., 822.
-, Robert, Councillor, Va., 799.
-, William, Councillor, Barbados, document signed by, 742 xiv.
Carteret, John, Lord, a Lord Proprietor of the Bahamas, document signed for, 176.
-, -, lease to Capt. Rogers signed by, 183.
-, -, surrender of government signed by, 183.
-, -, a Lord Proprietor of Carolina, document signed by, 360 i, 630–632, 687, 694–696.
-, -, Secretary of State, memorial to, 679.
Carver, John, recommended for Council, Jam., 53.
Cary, Samuel, document signed by, 683.
Casada, Antonio, claim against, 679.
Cassatorres, Marquis de, Governor of Havana, decree by, 252 vi.
Castile, Sir James, 272.
Catling, Nathaniel, deposition of, 551 v.
-, -, maltreated by pirates, 551 v.
C.D. See Coxe, Daniel.
Chamberlain, Capt., R.N., 737.
Chammorel, M., memorial by, 579 i, 591 i.
-, -, -, referred, 579.
Chaplin, Charles, recommended for Council, Jam., 53.
-, -, -, removed, 144.
-, John, Receiver, Jam., appointed by Assembly, 89.
Chapman, Richard, deposition of, 359 ix.
Charles I., grants by, 261, 534, 616 ii, iv, 628 i, 744, 798.
-, II, grants by, 177 i, 534, 781.
-, letter from, 8 i, 628 i.
Charnock, Charles, Commission of, 673.
Chester, Edward, document signed by, 413.
-, -, jr., document signed by, 413.
-, Robert, document signed by, 286.
Chetwynd, John, a Lord Commissioner of Trade and Plantations, 233, 602, 625.
-, William, a Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty, document signed by, 619.
Child, Sir Josiah, quoted, 798.
Choppin, John, document signed by, 438, 439.
Christiana, ship, taken by pirates, 797 iv.
Cittadela, 548.
Clarck, Capt., 660.
Clarke, —, Deputy Auditor N.Y., right to audit accounts denied, 650.
-, John, recommended for Council, Jam., 53.
-, Thomas, 445 i.
-, -, document signed by, 445 i.
Clayton, Alexander, letter from, 251.
-, Robert, plantation of, in St. Kitts, grant of, 26 ii.
-, -, -, -, -, warrant confirming, 26 i.
-, -, -, -, proposal to purchase, 26.
Cleeves, William, petition of, 370, 370 i.
-, -, -, report upon, 527.
-, -, conduct of, approved, 64, 527.
Clifton, Benjamin, grant of, continued, 574.
Cobb, Capt., receipt by, 716 i.
Cochran, Archibald, Councillor Antigua, 797.
-, -, document signed by, 411, 412.
-, James, document signed by, 399, 403.
-, John, proposed for Council, Montserrat, 797.
-, Richard, document signed by, 411, 412.
Cockburne, John, a Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty, document signed by, 619.
-, William, Secretary, Jamaica, appointment of, 218 i.
-, -, -, -, dismissal of, 218 i.
-, -, decree against, for repayment of profits, 218 i.
-, -, letter from, 131.
-, -, order by, 225.
-, -, petition of, for permission to appeal, 218 i.
-, -, -, referred, 218, 232.
-, -, -, report upon, 266, 320 i.
-, -, -, report referred, 366.
Cocke, William, Secretary, Va., letter from, 174.
Cockram, Capt. (Bahamas), 737.
-, -, pirate, reformed, 807.
Cockrem, Philip, deposition of, 737 iii.
Codrington, Christopher, General, late Governor of the Leeward Islands, 45.
-, -, grant by, 31, 31 i.
-, -, instruction to, 8 i.
-, -, plantation of. See Codrington, W.
-, William, Councillor, Antigua, absentee, 797.
-, -, executor of preceding petition for grant of plantation in St. Kitts, 60 i, ii, 129.
-, -, -, -, referred, 60.
-, -, -, -, hearing of, 265, 315, 513.
-, -, offer by, to purchase plantations in St. Kitts, 82.
-, -, -, report upon, 156.
Coins and currency in the Plantations, Act for ascertaining rates of foreign, infringement of, enquiry concerning, 402.
-, -, order for enforcing, 402, 632.
-, paper, Car. S., Act for sinking 660, 687.
-, -, -, further issues of, prohibited, 687.
-, -, Mass., depreciation of, 724 i.
-, -, N.E., depreciation of, 193.
-, -, N.Y., success of, 199, 236, 317, 650, 663, 724 i.
-, -, -, Act for issuing, report upon, 663.
-, -, -, -, objections to, 516, 516 i, 663, 663 i; and see N.Y. Act for paying debts.
-, -, -, -, -, reply to, 518, 519.
-, -, Pa., 781.
-, tobacco, quit-rents, payable in, Va., 422.
Colby, Thomas, Commissioner of the Navy, document signed by, 386.
Coleman, Nicholas, contract with, 280, 280 ii, 303, 304.
-, -, complaint by, 280.
-, -, document signed by, 280 ii.
-, -, enquiry concerning, 282.
-, William, plantation of, St. Kitts, proposal to purchasel, 83.
Colledge, —, rooms of, in Whitehall, 484.
Colleton, Sir John, a Lord Proprietor of the Bahamas, document signed by, 176, 183, 360 i, 630–632, 687, 694–696.
-, John, appointed to Council, Barbados, 75, 81.
-, -, recommendation of, 56.
Collins, John, Nfd., instructions to, 751.
-, -, recommended for Commission of the Peace, 751.
Comes, William, letter from, 806 i.
-, -, -, referred, 806.
Commons, House of, Address for papers concerning pirates, 393, 393 i.
-, -, -, reply to, 400.
-, -, order by, concerning St. Kitts, 34.
-, -, order for report on naval stores, 328, 328 i.
-, -, premium on iron from the Plantations applied for, 450.
Congreve, William, Secretary of Jamaica, Deputy of, 449; and see Page, S.
-, -, letter from, 130.
-, -, letter to, 332.
-, -, patent of, 232, 266 ii.
-, -, warrant appointing, 509.
Conkling, Cornelius, document signed by, 603 i.
Connecticut. And see Mulford, S.
-, Governor and Company of, instructions to, concerning acts affecting British trade and shipping, 759.
-, -, -, for prevention of trade with French, 193.
-, -, -, proclaiming war with Spain, 804.
Connecticut, R., 177 i.
Conner, Patrick, document signed by, 298 vii.
Conseillere, de la, Benjamin, document signed by, 399.
Considem, John, 134 iv.
Convicts, transported to the Plantations, unsatisfactory, 681.
-, Act for transporting, 681.
Convoys, Governors' control of, recommended, 144; and see Navy.
Cooke, Sir Charles, a Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations, 233, 625.
-, Elisha, Councillor, Mass., attacks Bridger, 616.
-, -, depositions concerning, 700, 700 i, ii.
-, -, letter from, 616.
-, -, rejected from Council, 616.
-, -, -, suspended, 700.
-, -, Crown rights to woods in Maine denied by, 616, 616 ii, iv, vi, 672.
-, -, -, reply to, 616, 616 i, iii, 744.
-, -, memorial by, 616, 616 ii, iv.
-, -, -, reply to, 616, 616 i, iii, vii, viii.
-, -, representation of, 616, 616 ii.
-, -, -, reply to, 616, 616 iii.
-, -, summons to England, proposed, 617.
Coope, Richard, letter from, 762.
Cooper, James, document signed by, 603 i.
-, Samuel, deposition of, 551 i.
-, Sigismund, certificate by, 43 ii.
Coote, Richard, Earl of Bellomont, late Governor of New York, letter from, 268, 810.
Copper, in the Plantations, 819.
Coram, Capt. Thomas, in France, 396.
-, -, letter from, 268, 383 i, 823.
Corbin, T.(Va.), 799, 800.
Cornbury, Lord, late Governor of New York. See Hyde, Edward.
Cornelius, John, Naval Officer, Barbados, leave of absence for, 646.
Cortlandt, Philip, document signed by, 516 i.
Costa, Fernando da, petition of, 750 i.
-, -, -, referred, 750; and see Nassau, case of.
Coudon, —, pirate, 551.
Council, Privy. See Privy Council.
Cox, Sir Charles, letter from, 698.
-, Daniel, New Jersey, charges by, against Governor Hunter, 600.
-, -, -, -, hearing of, by Committee of Privy Council, 633.
-, -, intrigues of, 194, 195, 373, 373 i–iv, 375, 376.
-, -, -, measures to check, urged, 112, 194.
-, -, letter from, 195, 373, 373 i–iii.
-, -, -, referred, 344, 375, 376.
-, -, -, authenticity of, 344.
-, -, Ministers' support of, alleged, 373, 373 iii, iv, 373, 376.
-, -, reprimand of, 22, 344.
-, -, -, request for, 112.
-, Samuel, Councillor, Barbados, deposition of, 77.
-, -, petition of, 753 i.
-, -, -, referred, 753.
-, -, -, report upon, 767.
-, -, suspension of, caveat against, 698.
Crab Island. See Virgin Islands.
Cracherode, Anthony, Registrar in Chancery, Barbados, petition of, 210, 229, 265.
-, -, -, -, report upon, 259.
-, -, -, -, withdrawn, 269.
Craggs, J., Secretary of State for Southern Affairs, 628 i.
-, -, -, appointment of, 446.
-, -, document signed by, 509, 646, 654, 661, 673, 680, 719, 760, 774, 775, 793, 801, 805.
-, -, letter from, 318, 446, 490, 574, 579, 591, 593, 594, 604, 605, 622, 639, 643–645, 749, 750, 752, 753, 757, 761, 782, 803, 804, 813 i, 816–818.
-, -, letter to, 466, 480, 485, 525, 539, 557, 580, 582, 595, 606, 612, 619, 628, 640, 665–667, 677, 685, 703, 720, 723, 754, 756, 766, 767, 780, 782 i, 789, 807.
-, -, Secretary of. See Tickell, Thomas.
Craigh, —, Capt., 660.
Craven, William, Lord, a Lord Proprietor of the Bahama Islands, a minor, 176.
-, -, document signed for, 176, 360 i, 630–632, 687, 695, 696.
Crisp, Joseph, 134 iv.
Croft, John, document signed by, 399.
-, -, certificate by, 43 ii.
Crooke, Clement, Chief Justice, St. Kitts, 66.
-, -, -, -, dismissal of, 134, 487, 736.
-, -, -, -, charges against, 134, 134 i–ix.
-, -, grant of, continued, 574.
Crowley, ship captured by pirates, 660.
Crozat, M., patent of, 238, 600.
-, -, -, surrendered, 238.
Crump, Nathaniel, Councillor, Antigua, 797.
-, -, document signed by, 411, 412.
Cuba, 131 v.
-, Havana, 298 iii, 310 ii.
-, -, Asiento, Factor at, 737 iv.
-, -, expedition from, 797.
-, -, Governor of, complaint against, 807; and see Cassatorres.
-, -, -, instructions of, to attack Bahamas, 737 vii, viii.
-, -, trade, with Bahamas, 737, 737 iii.
-, -, -, with N.Y., 737 iv.
Cumana, 692 vi–viii.
Cumings, Archibald, Surveyor of Customs, Boston, document signed by, 85 i, 620 i.
-, -, letter from, 85, 256, 330, 620, 621.
-, -, letter to, 418.
-, -, proposals by, referred, 407.
Cunyngham, —, letter to, 425.
Cunynghame, Daniel, son of following, 260.
-, Robert, plantation of, St. Kitts, petition concerning, 260.
-, -, -, -, -, report upon, 325.
-, -, services of, 260.
Curl, Rebecca, pardon for, 179.
Customs, H.M., 104 i.
-, -, accounts, Newfd., 798.
-, -, Commissioners of, 739; and see Carkesse, Charles.
-, -, -, letter from, 277 i, 570.
-, -, -, letter to, 452 i, 495 i; and see Carkesse, C.
-, -, -, Secretary to. See Carkesse, Charles.
-, -, Officers of. See Armstrong, R.; Cumings, A.
-, -, -, hostility to, in Proprietary Governments, 616.
-, -, -, order to, 798.
-, -, Surveyor General of, in America. See Keith, W.
-, -, -, in Barbados and L.I. See Dunbar.
Cuyler, Henry, document signed by, 516 i.
Cyan, trade with, 620 i.
Daffye, Samuel, Capt., receipt by, 714 i.
Daily Courant, The, 24.
-, copy of, 113.
Dalle, Axen, 494 i.
Daly, John, Councillor, Montserrat, 797.
Dam, Rip Van, document signed by, 738 i.
Dane, Capt., 797.
Daniel, Ja., Clerk of Council, Jam., document signed by, 681 iii.
-, Robert, late Lt. Governor, S. Carolina, 423.
Danson, John, a Lord Proprietor of Carolina, document signed by, 360 i, 630–632, 687, 694–696.
-, -, grant of lands to, 773.
Darby, Philip, 761.
-, -, document signed by, 413.
Darcy, Charles, document signed by, 298 vii.
-, Robert, Earl of Holdernesse, President of the Board of Trade, 339, 625.
-, Walter, proposal by, for plantation, St. Kitts, 44.
Dauphin, case of, (Jam.), 591 ii.
-, -, representation on, 606.
-, -, order upon, 643.
David, Capt., pirate, 797.
Davies, Capt., quoted, 798.
Davis, John, Councillor, St. Kitts, 797.
-, -, document signed by, 43 ii.
-, -, grant of, continued, 574.
-, Mrs. Elizabeth, grant of, continued, 574.
-, Thomas, pirate, trial of, 575, 575 i.
Dawes, George, Collector, Jam., account of, 681, 681 v.
Deacon, George, Councillor, N.J., 12, 739.
-, -, -, superceded, 348, 613.
Dehaldy, Capt., 542 (e, f.).
Delafaye, Charles, Secretary to the Lords Justices, letter to, 449.
De Lancey, Stephen, document signed by, 516 i.
Delap, Francis, document signed by, 413.
Delaware, R., 177 i.
-, -, islands in, claims to, report upon, 177 i.
Delicia, ship, 737.
Denbow, Richard, document signed by, 413.
Denmark and the Danes, claim to and settlements on St. Thomas, Crab I. and St. Johns I., 298, 526, 593 i–iv, 736.
-, -, -, enquiry concerning, 610.
-, -, -, observations on, 609.
-, -, -, protest against, 298, 298 x, 494, 494 i, ii, 526, 526 i, ii, v.
-, -, -, -, reply to, 526 iii, iv.
-, -, -, referred, 593.
-, -, -, report upon, 8, 8 i; and see Virgin Islands.
-, Danish West India Company, 593 i.
-, -, exactions by, for runaway slaves etc., protest against, 298 x.
-, Envoy. See Sohlenthal, Baron de.
-, naval stores supplied to French by, 628 i.
-, trade with N.E., 620 i.
Depeyster, Abraham, document signed by, 738 i.
Derby, Earl of. See Staley, James.
Descavado, Don Fernanado, Governor of San Francisco de Campechy, 104 i.
Dewick, Willliam, deposition of, 737 iv.
Diamond, H.M.S., 109 ii, 117, 280 i, 447, 566.
-, sloop, captured by pirates, 551 i, v.
Digges, Cole, formerly Councillor and Depty. Auditor, va., 800.
-, -, son of above, proposed for Council, 588, 699, 799, 800.
Diharce, Peter, letter from, 246, 252.
-, -, letter to, 230.
-, -, petition of, 4 i, ii, 310 i, 541.
-, -, -, referred, 4.
-, -, -, reply to, 482.
-, -, -, report upon, 350.
-, -, -, -, request for, 310; and see Nuestra Senora de Belem.
Deligence, galley, 131 v.
Docminique, Paul, a Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations, 233, 625.
-, -, letter to, 396.
-, -, reference to, 373 iii.
Dodan, 230.
Dolphin, sloop, seized by Spaniards, 737 iii.
Doucett, Capt. John, Lt. Governor of Annapolis Royal, 550.
-, -, Address to, 351 ii.
-, -, -, in favour of, 340 i.
-, -, allegiance Fremch inhabitants required by, 185, 185 i.
-, -, -, reply to, 185 ii.
-, -, arrival of, 392 ii.
-, -, commission of, 185.
-, -, departure of, 185.
-, -, letter from, 185, 340, 351, 352, 371, i, ii, 382 ii, 565, 565 i, iii–v, 635, 789.
-, -, letter to, 185 ii, 351 i, 371 iii, iv, 565 ii, 635 i, 789 i,
-, -, Proclamation by, concerning ships clearing from Annapolis Royal, 392 ii.
Douglas, Dr. James, plantation of, St. Kitts, grant of, 46.
-, John, plantation of, St. Kitts, grant of, 46.
-, -, -, -, order concerning, 816.
-, -, -, -, petition for confirmation of, 46.
-, Walter, late Governor, L.i., grant of lands by, 260, 441.
-, -, lands of, 691.
-, -, -, petition concerning, 60 i, ii.
-, -, -, -, referred, 60.
Douglass, James, proposal by, for settlement in Nova Scotia, 3 i, ii, 86.
-, -, referrd, 3.
Downing, Denis, examintationof, 738 ii.
-, Nathaniel, document signed by, 603 i.
-, Peter, document signed by, 298 v.
Dragon, H.M.S. 394, 751 i, ii, 758 i.
Drake, Jonathan, document signed by, 399, 423.
Drummy, John, deposition of, 373, i, ii.
-, -, -, referred, 375.
Dubrauil, —-, lands of, 789 iv.
Dudley, J., late Governor of N.E., commission of, for trying pirates, 656, 658, 659, 747.
-, -, letter from, 669 i.
-, Sir Matthew, letter to, 810 i.
Dujarz, document signed by, 397.
Duke and Duchess, pirate ship, 797.
Dummer, Jeremiah, Agent for Mass. Bay and New Hamphsire, Commission of, 783.
-, -, -, -, required, 771.
-, -, dismissal of Bridger and Lt. Gov. Taylor procured by, 735.
-, -, letter from, 354, 383 ii, 428, 458, 592, 744.
-, -, letter to, 669 i, 771.
-, -, memorial by, report upon, 261.
-, -, -, reply to, 268.
-, -, petition of, 458 i.
-, -, miscrepresentations by, alleged, 735.
-, -, proposal of, concerning lands adjoining Nova Scotia, 543.
-, -, vote for (N.H.), 458 ii.
Dunbar, Capt., Nevis, 230.
-, ?Charles, Surveyor General of Customs, Barbados and Leeward islands etc., letter from, 495 i.
-, -, -, -, referred, 495.
-, William, document signed by, 413.
Duncan, A., certificate by, 10 v.
Duport, John, Councillor, St. Kitts, death of, 736.
-, Stephen, Agent for Leeward island, document signed by, 200.
-, -, claim of, to grant in aid, 510.
-, -, letter from, 609.
-, -, plantation of, St. Kitts, claim to, 510.
-, -, wife of above, 510.
Durell, Capt., R.N., 357.
Durham, David, document signed by, 399.
Dutch West India Company, Director of, complaint by, 818 i.
-, -, letter to, 316, 443, 444, 455, 690, 693, 702, 725, 725 i, 777, 778, 811, 818 i.
-, Minutes of Court at Essequibo, 693 i; and see Holland.
Eagle, sloop, case of, 131 iv, v, 681 ix, 797 vi.
Earle, Charles, hostage at Martinique, release of, proposed, 230; and see Nevis, invasion by French.
Eden, Charles, Lt. Governor of N. Carolina, letter from, 58.
Edinburgh, lottery, petition for, 671 i.
Edward and Sarah, ship, 737, 737 iv.
Edward and William, ship, seized by Spaniards, 737 iv, v.
Edwards, Capt., taken by pirates, 797 ii.
-, -, pirate, 298 ii.
-, John, 575 i.
-, William, document signed by, 603 i.
Eleis, Robert, document signed by, 438, 439.
Eliot, John, document signed by, 413; and see Antigua, Act to indemnify.
Elizabeth, sloop, capture and re-taking of, 551.
Elmes, Thomas, deposition of, 729 (b).
-, -, document signed by, 192.
Emott, George, document signed by, 516 i.
Emperor, ship, captured by pirates, 737.
England, A. See Sanders.
-, Edward, pirate, 797 ii–vi.
Escoubert, Capt., 591 ii; and see L'aimable Marie, case of.
Esmit, Adolph, Governor of St. Thomas, letter from, 593 i, ii.
Essequibo, Minutes of Court at, 693 i.
Estridge, Benjamin, proposed for Council, St. Kitts, 559.
-, Joseph, Councillor, St. Kitts, 797.
-, -, grant of, continued, 574.
Evans, Capt., R.N., grant of land to, in N.Y., resumed, 650.
Every, Henry. See Bridgman.
Exchequer, Chancellor of. See Aislabie, John.
Exuma I. See Bahama Islands.
Eyles, Sir John, petition of, 822.
Fairfax, William, Councillor, Bahamas, 737.
-, -, commendation of, 737.
-, -, Judge of the Admiralty, 737.
Fallon, James, petition of, 309.
Fanquier, Marquis de, General of French W.I., 753 i.
Fawler, J., Commissioner of the Navy, document signed by, 386.
Félix, Père, letter from, 371 iii, 565 ii.
-, -, letter to, 371 i, 565 iii.
Fenton, Thomas, plantation of, petition concerning, 32.
-, William, plantation of, proposal to purchase, 21.
Fernando, Francesco, Commander of privateer, Jam., case of, 117, 118, 131 iv, v.
-, -, order to, 225; and see Nuestra Senora de Belem.
Fife, Capt., forced to turn pirate, 551.
-, -, retakes ship, 551, 720.
Florida, Spanish wrecks off, fishing on, 737 iv, v; and see Spain.
Floyer, John, recommendation of, as Naval Officer, L.I., 822.
Flying Post, The, 238.
Forbes, Josiah, arrest for piracy, 10 vi.
Forde, —, Nfd., charge against, 626 i.
Forest, George, document signed by, 413.
Forte, Samuel, document signed by, 742 xiv.
Fortune, sloop, captured by pirates, 551 ix.
Foster, Christopher, document signed by, 601 i.
-, Miles, N.J., death of, 739. 4½ p.c. duty, the, 534.
Fowler, Richard, document signed by, 603 i.
Fox, Anthony, Councillor, Montserrat, 797.
France and the French; and see Canada; Cape Breton; Indians; Louisiana; Martinique; Mississippi; Nova Scotia.
-, Bahamas, attack on, feared, 737.
-, -, claimed by, 737.
-, Ambassador of, Secretary to. See Chammorel.
-, British vessels seized by, 54, 64; and see Nova Scotia.
-, -, representation concerning, 64.
-, Compagnie de l'Occident, patent of, 238.
-, designs of, letter concerning, 238.
-, encroachments on Carolina, 238, 256.
-, -, measures against, 256.
-, forts, in bad repair, 700.
-, -, built by, amongst Creeks, 423.
-, -, map showing, 700.
-, Hispaniola, settlements on, 298.
-, Martinique, revolt at. See Martinique.
-, Mississippi, settlements on, 238, 389, 660.
-, -, -, enquiry concerning, 389, 544.
-, -, -, measures to prevent, 389; and see Mississippi.
-, naval stores supplied to, by Danes, 628 i.
-, Nevis, claims under capitulation. See Nevis.
-, pirate taken by English pirate, 797 ii, vi.
-, pirates, ships taken by, 660, 737, 797 ii, 800.
-, plantations of, 103 i.
-, Regent, the, 185.
-, Sta. Lucia, settlement on, representation concerning, 64.
-, sugar, taxation of imported, 103 i, 227; and see Barbados, Act taxing; Antigua, Act to prohibit.
-, trade with, 227, 660.
-, -, prohibition of, 134, 193, 227, 227 i, 317, 534.
-, -, -, difficulty of preventing, 317.
-, -, -, ship condemned for, 134.
-, -, Jamaica, 181.
-, -, Nfd., 798.
-, -, Spaniards in W.I., 389.
-, -, Va., prohibited, 657, 657 ii.
-, War with Spain, declared by, 803, 804, 813 i.
-, Treaty with, 789 i; and see Treaty of Utrecht etc.
-, wool, export to, from N.E., 620, 621.
Freeman, Arthur, Act concerning. See Antigua, Act to enable.
-, Dorothy, wife of above, 564; and see Antigua, Act to enable etc.
-, Edmond, charge against, 751.
-, -, bond of, 751 i.
-, -, document signed by, 411, 412.
Fretwell, Peter, recommended for Council, N.J., 112, 194, 219.
-, -, -, appointed, 234, 347.
Frontenac, Lake, 238.
Frowd, Capt., pirate, 797, 797 v.
Frye (Frey), John, Col., Councillor, Antigua, document signed by, 411, 412.
-, -, leave of absence, 736, 797.
-, William, Councillor, Montserrat, 797.
Fundy, Bay of, 185, 351.
Fyal, trade with, 330.
Galdy, Lewis, owner of privateer, Jam., 131 i–v.
-, -, bond taken from, 131 iii.
-, -, document signed by, 252 iv; and see Nuestra Senora de Belem.
Gale, Christopher, Councillor, Bahamas, 737.
-, -, commendation of, 737.
-, -, Chief Justice, 737.
-, Wingate, Councillor, Bahamas, 737.
-, -, commendation of, 737.
Gamble, James, document signed by, 413.
-, John, Col., Councillor, Antigua, 797.
-, -, appointment of, 358, 583, 661.
-, -, -, proposed, 573.
-, -, document signed by, 411, 412.
-, -, Chief Justice, 358.
-, -, -, services of, 358.
-, -, jr., document signed by, 413.
Gardner, Samuel, document signed by, 438, 439.
Garnett, John, proposed for Council, St. Kitts, 559.
-, -, not admitted by Governor Hamilton, 797.
Gaspard, —, (Jam.), French ship soized by, 591 ii.
-, -, imprisoned, 591 ii.
-, -, prosecution of, petition for, 591 ii.
-, -, -, order for, proposed, 606.
Gee, Joshua, application to Parliament by, 450.
-, -, letter from, 819.
-, -, letter to, 772, 784.
-, -, memorial by, 586.
-, -, petition of, 3 i, ii.
-, -, -, referred, 3.
Gelsherke, H., letter from, 777.
George I, King, allegiance to, oath of, required from French inhabitants of Nova Scotia, 185, 185 i.
-, -, -, -, refused, 185 ii.
-, -, dethronement by Protender rumoured in Nova Scotia, 185.
-, -, in Council, appeals to, 79, 87, 144, 232, 266; and see Privy Council.
-, -, -, procedure in, 266.
-, -, -, orders, commissions, instructions, proclamations, references, warrants by, concerning;—acts affecting trade and shipping, 90 i, 111, 142.
-, -, -, -, Antigua, 337, 368, 573, 583, 584, 647, 661, 769, 775; and see Leeward Islands.
-, -, -, Bahama I., 64, 167, 220 i, ii, 278, 305, 353.
-, -, -, Barbados, 52, 57, 137, 138, 160, 179, 646.
-, -, -, Carolina, 360, 537, 562, 587, 637.
-, -, -, Council of Trade, 625.
-, -, -, Declaration of War with Spain, 780, 803, 804, 813 i, 814.
-, -, -, fees for copies of orders, 408.
-, -, -, fishing upon wrecks, 131 v.
-, -, -, Hudson's Bay, 793.
-, -, -, Jamaica, 38, 64, 97 i, 109 vi, 123, 124, 144 i, 169, 178, 180, 240, 264, 291, 295, 301, 302, 306, 331, 332, 361–367, 509, 638, 641, 642, 680, 768, 774, 792.
-, -, -, Leeward Islands, 64, 72, 75, 81, 136, 583–585, 654, 719, 805; and see Antigua; St. Kitts.
-, -, -, Massachusetts Bay, 544.
-, -, -, Montserrat, 136.
-, -, -, Nevis, 585.
-, -, -, Newfoundland, 20, 39, 64, 527.
-, -, -, New Hampshire, 80, 674.
-, -, -, New Jersey, 234, 346–348, 378, 445, 454, 558, 629.
-, -, -, New York, 172, 377, 600 i.
-, -, -, Nova Scotia, 19, 37, 523, 673.
-, -, -, pirates, pardon and trial of. See under Pirates.
-, -, -, presents for Governors, 64.
-, -, -, reprisals against Spain, 780.
-, -, -, St. Kitts, 60, 61, 66, 203, 336, 369, 574; and see Leeward Islands.
-, -, -, seals for the Plantations, 127, 135.
-, -, - Surveyor and Auditor General, 154.
-, -, -, Virginia, 342, 380.
-, -, addresses, appeals, petitions, representations to, concerning;—Antigua, 158, 191, 217, 277, 312 i, 368 i, 515, 579, 579 i, 611, 745, 802; and see Leeward i.
-, -, -, - Bahamas, 287.
-, -, -, -, Barbados, 2 i, 56, 57 i, 68 i, 79, 87, 143, 148, 159 i, iii, 753 i.
-, -, -, -, Carolina, 360 i, 399, 423, 493, 514, 536, 536 ii, 671 i.
-, -, -, -, failure of scheme for invasion, 35, 340.
-, -, -, -, ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the Plantations, 159 i.
-, -, -, - Jamaica, 4 i, 18 i, 35, 97 i, 109 i, 144, 163 i, 168, 178 i, 218 i, 272, 320 i, 591 i, 681, 681 iii, 748, 750 i, 765.
-, -, -, - Leeward Islands, 158, 237, 412, 413, 439; and see Antigua; Nevis; St. Kitts.
-, -, -, - logwood cutters in Campeche Bay, 104 i.
-, -, -, -, Maryland, 288, 289.
-, -, -, -, Massachusetts Bay, 543.
-, -, -, -, Nevis, 102 i, 540; and see Leeward Islands.
-, -, -, -, New England, 543.
-, -, -, - Newfoundland, 318, 392 i, 527, 550, 798, 808.
-, -, -, -, New Hampshire, 627.
-, -, -, -, New Jersey, 219, 326, 373 iii, 445 i, 597.
-, -, -, -, New York, 113, 161, 333, 499 i, 603 i, ii, 709.
-, -, -, - Nova Scotia, 3 i, 392 i, 543, 550.
-, -, -, -, Pennsylvania (Three Lower Counties), 117 i.
-, -, -, -, pirates, 91, 372, 393 i, 539, 780.
-, -, -, -, pressing of seamen, 471.
-, -, -, -, St. Kitts, 43, 60 i, 61 i, 158, 203 i, 325; and see Leeward Islands.
-, -, -, -, St. Thomas, 8 i.
-, -, -, -, sturgeon, patent for, 149 i, 222, 222 i.
-, -, -, -, Virginia, 342 i, 343, 410, 568 iii–v, 757 i, 800 ii.
-, -, -, -, Virgin Islands, 8 i, 628, 652, 818 i; and see Leeward Islands.
-, -, -, -, War with Spain, 803, 804, 813 i, 814.
George, Prince of Wales, petition to, concerning Jamaica, 65 i–iii.
Gerard, Capt., 618.
German miners in Virginia, 800.
German Protestant Refugees (Palatines), estimate for transporting to the Bahamas, 76.
-, destitution of, 76.
-, character of, 600.
-, indentured servants for Pennsylvania, 76.
-, New York, money advanced by Governor Hunter for, 402, 600.
-, -, account of, 235.
-, -, application to Parliament for, 112, 236, 602.
-, -, report upon, required, 402.
-, -, settlement of, on Hudson River etc., account of, 600, 650 i.
-, -, -, on frontiers, proposed, 600.
-, -, -, Weiser sent to England on behalf of, 600.
Gerrish, John, Councillor, N.H., death of, 283.
-, William, Councillor, Montserrat, leave of absence, 797.
Gibbon, William, document signed by, 399.
Gignilliat, Peter, grant of, continued, 574.
Gillard, Edward, 794.
Gillmon, Nicholas, recommended for Council, N.H., 700.
Giraudel, M., plantation of, St. Kitts, 260.
Gloucester, H.M.S., 593 iv (a).
Glover, Richard, seditious speech by, 359 xi.
-, Robert, character of, 359.
-, -, deposition of, 358 i, 359, 359 i.
Godfrey, —, 317.
-, John, document signed by, 399.
Godin, Stephen, 660.
-, -, petition of, 631.
Godolphin, Sir William, 104 i.
Gomersall, Ezekiel, Councillor, Jam., appointed, 144.
-, -, -, appointment of, 144.
Gordon, James, deposition of, 134 iv.
-, Thomas, Councillor, N.J., 194, 373 iv.
-, -, Receiver General, document signed by, 651.
-, Rev. W., Barbados, attempt by, to erect ecclesiastical Court, protest against, 68 i.
-, -, -, -, -, referred, 68.
-, -, -, -, -, report upon, 159.
-, -, character of, 88, 159.
-, -, charges against, reply to, 88, 733.
-, -, Commission of, 159, 159 v.
-, -, removal of, recommended, 159.
-, -, return by, 763.
Gorges, Sir Ferdinando, grant to, 616 ii, iv, 744.
Gowers, Arnold, Capt., 737.
Grant, Juan Patricio, document signed by, 252.
Graves, —, Collector, Bahamas, 737.
Greathead, John, grant of, continued, 574.
Green, Bartholomew, Printer, Boston, 575 i.
Green Turtle Key, 737.
Gregory, John, proposed for Council, Jam., 116.
-, -, -, appointed, 144.
Grevill, Doddington, guardian of the Duke of Beaufort, document signed by, 176.
Grey, Thomas, affidavit of, 177 i.
Grymes, John, Depty. Auditor, Va., 800.
-, -, document signed by, 406 i, 657 v, vi.
-, -, opposition to Lt. Gov. Spotswood led by, 799.
Guadeloupe, 134 vi.
-, competition of, feared, 534.
-, Papist settlers from Antigua, 309.
-, pirates attack, 298 ii.
-, soil of, enquiry concerning, 652.
-, trade with, prohibition of, recommended, 534.
Guardia, John Bernardo de, letter from, 246, 252.
-, -, letter to, 239.
-, -, petition of, 4 i, ii, 310 i, 541.
-, -, -, referred, 4.
-, -, -, report upon, 350, 482.
-, -, -, -, requested, 310; and see Nuestra Senora de Belem.
Guilford, Guildford, Lord. See North, Francis.
Guinea, trade in negroes, 196.
Gunthorpe, John, document signed by, 411, 412.