Dec. 19. Whitehall. |
798. Council of Trade and Plantations to the King. The
Fishery at Newfoundland having been obstructed and discouraged
for many years past, not only by the late wars but by the irregularities of the inhabitants, traders and fishermen who reside in and
resort to that Island, We have in obedience to your Majesty's
Commission, whereby we are directed to enquire into the several
obstructions of trade, and the means of removing the same
considered the past and present state of the aforesaid Fishery,
etc., and thereupon crave leave to represent, That the Fishery
in Newfoundland was at first settled by merchants and other
Adventurers, inhabiting the Western parts of this Kingdom, and
successfully carry'd on for many years, under the restriction of
such customs and laws as were agreed upon by the fishermen
among themselves. Altho the harbours and fishing places were
for some time left open and free (Purchase Pilgrim fol. 1877) to
all Nations (without prejudice however to the Sovereignty of
your Majesty's Royal Predecessors) nevertheless great numbers
of ships and seamen were annually employ'd by the sd. Adventurers, some in fishing and others in supplying them with salt
from France and Portugal, and in carrying their fish to foreign
markets, which ships being furnished with provisions and all
other necessaries of English production and manufacture, for ye
whole voyage, it was not only a particular advantage to the
Western Counties, but likewise to the Nation in general, by
encreasing the factories in foreign Countries and by promoting
the consumption of our manufactures. And forasmuch as the
fishing ships required more hands than were barely necessary
to navigate them, the masters and owners constantly bred up
(Wade, 2.) many servants and others unacquainted with the sea,
by which method the charge of the voyage was lessen'd, and the
number of seamen for the service of the Crown and Kingdom
was wonderfully encreased, and to excite their industry, as well
as to reward their labour (Wade, 1) instead of allowing them
wages by the month or voyage, according to ye present practise
of ye fishing towns, every one had a certain share or shares in the
fish and oyle that was taken and made during the voyage and
upon their return ye whole cargo was sold, and the proceed
divided, 2/3 to the owners and ⅓ to the ship's Compa., in such
proportions as were agreed on, which made it their intrest, to
attend diligently to their employment, and raised an emulation
among them to outvy one another. The first account of this
Fishery we have met with is from Mr. Antho. Parkhurst (Hackluyt, 3 vol. 132.) who relates, that in 1574, thirty English ships
were employ'd in fishing at Newfoundland, and in 1578, fifty.
The succeeding war with Spain checked the increase of the Fishery
for some years, but after the peace, 1604, it flourish'd exceedingly.
(Purchase, 4 vol., 1886). Which encouraged the merchants of
London and Bristol in 1610 to solicit a grant which they obtained
from King James I for a considerable part of Newfoundland,
(Purchase, Pilgrim 1876, 1877. Vol. 1. Cap. 12.) in order to
settle Colonies that by their assistance they might be enabled
to share the advantages of the Fishery with the Western Adventurers. But after they had expended large sums to no purpose,
they quitted their design, being convinced, that the country was
not capable of subsisting English Colonies and if it had, that the
charge of supporting and governing them, was too great to be born
by a Fishery. Afterwards in 1615 Cap. Richard Whitburn, who
was sent to Newfoundland with a Commission from the Court
of Admiralty to enquire into ye disorders and abuses committed
on that coast reported that 250 ships belonging to this Kingdom,
were engaged in the Fishery, which he computed one with another
at 60 tons and 20 mariners, and that each ship had taken 120,000
fish, and made 5 tons of train oyle etc. However as some of the
looser sort, both of the planters and mariners remained in the
country, because they vainly immagined, that they could not
be impeached there for such injuries and wrongs as they had
committed and were supply'd with rum, strong liquors and
tobacco from New England and other parts. They retailed
them contrary to ye rules of the Fishery among the seamen;
whereupon idleness and debauchery soon prevailed and increased
to that degree, that at last the masters and owners of ye ships
were obliged to petition King Charles I to restrain by His Royal
authority those disorders which evidently tended to the ruin of
the Fishery. H.M., to prevent these irregularities and excesses
for the future, upon granting the Propriety of Newfoundland to
several noblemen and others, ordain'd that no person should
plant or inhabit within six miles of the sea shore, between Cape
Race and Cape Bonavista. (13th Nov., 1637. Vol. 1. c. 12.)
And that nothing might be wanting to encourage the Adventurers dilligently to attend to, and vigorously to prosecute the
aforesaid fishery, the Star Chamber in Jan. 1633(4), adjusted and
settled several orders for the regulation and government thereof,
and on 20th Feb. following H.M. was graciously pleased to grant
a Charter to all his subjects, trading to Newfoundland, according
to the tenor of the said Orders, which was commonly called the
Western Charter. Provisions of the Charter enumerated. The
ancient customs and constitutions of the Fishery, being in this
manner confirm'd, and the Magistrates in the Western Counties
impower'd to put the aforesaid laws in execution the fishing
trade was again revived, and at length by the frugal management
and industrious application of the Adventurers (notwithstanding
they were frequently obstructed and injured by the Governor
and inhabitants contrary to the conditions of the grant in 1628
by virtue of which they had settled there) most of their foreign
competitors were constrained to abandon the said fishery, and
the European markets were plentifully supply'd with dry fish,
by the subjects of this Kingdom at such moderate rates, as
promoted and secured its consumption, to the vast encouragement and encrease both of Navigation and Trade. The best and
exactest account of the Fishery under this regulation, that is to
be found in our Office, is a Representation of the merchants etc.
of the Western Ports (v. C.S.P. 1674, No. 362 i.) wherein it is
asserted that about 1644 at least 270 fishing ships were annually
employ'd in the Newfoundland Fishery, besides those that
supply'd them with salt etc., and that carry'd their fish to market.
The burthen of these 270 sail may be computed 21,600 tons, and
for every 100 tons 50 men and at least 10 boats. To each boat
they generally allow'd 5 men, and usually made 200 to 300
quintals of fish pr. boat, which was then sold in ye country at
14 to 16 rials, or from 7s. to 8s. pr. quintal etc. But the course
of this success was soon after interrupted by that unnatural war,
which broke out in this Kingdom; by the measures that were
concerted and taken by the Governmt. in 1650 and 1655 for
settling a Governor and Colonies in Newfoundland, by the many
losses sustained by the Adventurers during ye wars, first with
Holland and then with Spain, especially in the latter, and by a
pernicious practice lately introduced by the masters and owners
of the fishing ships, of carrying to Newfoundland by-boat keepers
and their crews, and servants to assist the inhabitants in their
fishing. So that at the time of ye Restauration of K. Charles
II, the Fishery was very inconsiderable. In order therefore to
retrieve and recover the fishing trade, H.M. was graciously pleased,
upon the humble petition by the Western Adventurers, by Letters
Patents bearing date 26th Jan., 1660, to confirm the aforesd.
Charter, with an additional clause to prevent ye transporting of
by-boat keepers and servants (quoted). But this prohibition not
being inforced by proper penalties (which were now become more
necessary than formerly) it was evaded and opposed by some of
the masters and owners of fishing ships, who chose rather to
quit part of their annual fishery, by lessening the complements
of their men and boats, than to lose the advantage they made by
carrying of passengers, and by disposing of their trifling adventures
to ye inhabitants, from whence several unhappy consequences
ensued, vizt. That the number of the fishing ships and seamen
employ'd in Newfoundland, was considerably reduced, and that
ye breeding up of young men for that service was generally
neglected. That the price of fish in Newfoundland was enhanced
from 14 or 16 ryals pr. quintal to about 24, whereby the consumption thereof was lessen'd in all foreign ports (Sir Josia Child, fol.
206). That the merchants of London were induced to set up a
fishery in New England, which has been ever since carry'd on to
ye great discouragement. of the Adventurers; and tho it may
possibly be a question, whether this unlucky management did
not first prompt and encourage the French to settle at Placentia
in 1662, yet 'tis not to be doubted, but that it contributed to the
establishment of their Fishery, and enabled them to supply not
only their own markets, but to rival us in Portugal, Spain and
Italy. However these innovations by the remissness of some
and by the contrivance of others, were not restrained, nor does
it appear, that any notice was taken of the complaints, exhibited
against those that had violated the aforesaid law and constitution,
until the latter end of 1663, when by H.M. command, circular
letters were wrote by the Lords of the Council to the Mayors
and Magistrates of the Western Corporations, requiring them to
be careful that the said law should be punctually observed and
duly executed, and at the same time the Officers of ye Customs
were directed to charge all masters of ships to observe and keep
the said rule: But this Order being likewise eluded in Feb. 1669
H.M. in Council again enjoyn'd the observance thereof, and
commanded that a return should be made of the names of offenders
and in the mean time to stop their proceeding on ye voyage.
And whereas the Western Adventurers had been for some time
past opposing the placing of Govr. in Newfoundland, which was
proposed, as absolutely necessary to check the encroachments
of the French, H.M. on the 4th Feb., upon the report of the Lords
of the Council for Foreign Plantations rejected the said proposal
and thereby removed the fears and jealousies, that the Adventurers had entertained to the great discouragement of the fishing
trade. Nevertheless the Fishery was so severely effected by the
aforesaid disorders and disputes that the merchants, owners and
masters of ships and inhabitants of the Western parts of this
Kingdom adventuring to Newfoundland were obliged in Dec.
1670 to petition H.M.; That the said Fishery might be maintained by fishing ships, according to its ancient custom, that
encroachments thereupon might be removed, and that the
Mayors mentioned in their Patent might be impowered to depute
from time to time persons to execute the laws and constitution
of the Fishery etc. Refer to procedure summarised C.S.P.
1670. Nos. 362 iii.–v. The Council of Foreign Plantations made
their report on the 2nd of March following, (C.S.P. 1670. No. 362
iv.) and offer'd that several new regulations be added to the
Charter, and on the 10th March, after the said new regulations
had been seriously considered by H.M. in Council, those that
related to the Adventurers, were all approved, except one,
whereby it was proposed: That encouragement might be given
to the inhabitants to transport themselves and their families to
Jamaica, St. Christophers, or some others of H.M. Plantations,
etc. But when the Adventurers found, that the removal of the
inhabitants from Newfoundland could not be obtained, they
seemed to be very indifferent, about renewing of ye Charter, so
the Trade was left to take its course, and in 1671 Cap. Davies
affirmed that "the said trade was not then by two third parts so
good as he remembered it" etc., with which acct. the memorials
of the Adventurers agree. In 1674, the solicitations for a
Governor were again renewed. Quote Report of the Committee
for Foreign Plantations on the progress of the French and New
England fisheries, and the decay of the Newfoundland fisheries,
approving of rules settled in Council 10th March 1670, but proposing the discouragement of any settling there, and if no Colony,
no Governor etc. (v. C.S.P. 1675. No. 550). Continue:—On 5th
May following H.M. in Council thought fit for the several considerations in the said Report mentioned, to order ye Commander
of his convoy bound to Newfoundland to admonish the inhabitants either to return home or betake themselves to others of his
Plantations etc. (v. C.S.P. 1675. No. 550). And on 27th Jan.
1675 H.M. passed the New Charter, which recited and confirmed
all the old laws, and several others were added for the better
Government of the Fishery, which if they had been as steadily
supported and executed, as they were carefully concerted, in all
probability the subjects of France and the people of New England,
had reaped very little benefit by their fisheries, and this valuable
branch of the British trade had been firmly re-established and
secured. Quote the Additional Regulations of the New Charter.
Continue:—Upon these encouragements and assurances the
Western Adventurers immediately returned to the Fishery and
employed in 1675, 105 fishing ships; in 1676, 126; in 1677, 109,
etc. (v. C.S.P. No. 1175 etc.), and in the same years the numbers
of inhabitants, besides women and children, was planters, 140,
138, 152, and servants, 1250, 943, 1355. For notwithstanding
H.M. orders as aforesaid they still remained in the country.
However the Adventurers being encouraged by the Lords of the
Committee to put the laws of the Charter in executions they
began in 1676 to restrain the disorders of the Planters and to
prevent ye transportation of their servants but upon the petition
of the said planters in Novr. following and the solicitation of those,
who were either excited by the hopes of procuring advantages
for themselves or influenced by ye French, whose fishery must
have been soon render'd precarious if the Charter had been
observed, an Order was obtained on 18th May, 1677 that the
planters be continued in possession of their houses etc. (v. C.S.P.
1677. No. 256). The said inhabitants being flushed with this
success, the old schemes for establishing the Colony and settling
a Govr. were again revived, and the necessity thereof strenuously
asserted by some and opposed by others. Quote adverse report of
Commrs. of Customs, 26th March, 1680. Continue:—These
arguments had not their due effect and on 18th April, 1680 it
was ordered, that H.M. intentions to settle a Govr. and erect a
Fort in Newfoundland for the preservation of his sovereignty
and good of the fishery, should be signify'd unto the Magistrates
of such towns in the West of England, as were chiefly concerned
in that trade etc. The Western Corporations represented the
hardships and difficulties they had formerly strugled with under
a Govr. in Newfoundland and that they apprehended the fishing
trade wou'd be greatly discouraged and prejudiced if a Govr.
was settled there and therefore pray that H.M. Sovereignty may
be maintained by ships of war to be sent annually thither and
that the Charter be enforced etc. These representations had so
much weight, that the proposals relating to a Govr. were laid
aside, but the regulations and laws of the Charter being enervated
by these disputes, the fishing trade very sensibly declined from
the time that the Order for removing the planters was revoked.
And in 1682 it was reduced to 32 fishing ships, 1012 seamen and
183 boats and in 1684 to 43, 1489 and 294, tho' the inhabitants
employed in the same years 299 and 304 boats. But this decay
of the fishing trade was not the only loss this Kingdom sustained
on this occasion, for as Cap. Jones one of the Commanders of the
Convoy in 1682 hath affirmed, the traders from New England to
Newfoundland yearly made voyages for the sake of spiriting
away the fishermen; so that the Newfoundland Fishery, which
was formerly the great nursery for breeding up stout and able
mariners, was now become a meer drain that carry'd off very
many of the best and most useful of all the British sailors, and
it is too notorious, that this practise has prevailed ever since.
Quote Sir Francis Wheler's report (C.S.P. 1684. No. 1907) as to
the high wages paid by planters, their sale of liquor, and its effect
in driving away the Western Adventurers from the Fishery.
Continue:—Nor doth it appear to us, that the fishing trade was
afterwards, during ye reign of K. James II upon a better foot, or
that the least care was taken to remove the aforesaid obstructions,
(Note in margin: No accots. of the Fishery in this reign) much
less to retrieve trade, but on the contrary, notwithstanding the
French fishery was prodigiously encreased both at Placentia and
to the northward of Cape Bonavista, and that the value of the
fish taken by the English Adventurers after 1682 fell short of
the value of what was taken in 1676, at least £100,000 pr. annum,
nevertheless the subjects of this Kingdom were restrained by the
Treaty of 1686 from fishing in such places as were held or possessed
by His Most Christian Majty. in America, which seems derogatory
to the Charter, and to the Statute of 15 Car. II. c. 16, whereby
several regulations are prescribed and ordained to be observed
in any of the harbours in Newfoundland. Moreover the war in
1689 still added to ye misfortunes of the said trade, not only as it
was thereby rendered impracticable to pursue such measures, as
were necessary to reform ye aforesaid disorders and mismanagement, but from the difficulties and hazards that unavoidably
attended the Adventurers in prosecuting the same, however they
employ'd every year some ships, more or less, as they could obtain
protection for their men, and the inhabitants maintain'd (as
formerly) about 300 boats pr. annum until the French in 1696,
without any regard to what was stipulated by the 18th Article
in the Treaty of 1686, ravaged several of the harbours in Newfoundland and destroy'd all that appertained to ye fishermen; Whereupon his late Majesty King William the 3rd erected a fort at St.
Johns, for the better security and protection of his subjects and
their trade. But upon the conclusion of the Peace at Ryswick,
the Adventurers, either forgetting the difficulties their predecessors
were not able to surmount, or imagining that the inhabitants by
reason of the severe losses they had lately suffered were rendered
incapable of carrying on the Fishery, or else very probably
adhering (for their own private ends) to the practise of those
refractory masters of ships, who could not be restrained from
transporting passengers, they reassumed and returned to their
old trade with fresh vigour. And in 1698 there were imploy'd
by the Adventurers 143 fishing ships and 532 boats, and by the
inhabitants and by boat keepers 397 boats. In all 929 boats who
took 265,198 quintals of fish. The Fishery at Newfoundd.
being thus revived, etc. the Act to encourage the Trade to Newfoundland was passed. Abstract given. Upon which, and the success
of the Fishery in the last year the Adventurers, by-boat keepers
and inhabitants apply'd themselves very earnestly to the Fishery,
and there was imploy'd by the Adventurers in 1699, fishing ships,
168, boats 669, and in 1700 fishing ships 171, boats, 800; and by
by-boat keepers, in 1699, 115 boats, in 1700, 90 boats; and by the
inhabitants, in 1699, 457 boats, in 1700, 674 boats. But as this
Act had not that good effect which the Adventurers expected,
they were from this time forwards constrained to give place to
the inhabitants, for in 1701, the fishery of the Adventurers was
reduced to 75 fishing ships and 338 boats. Whereas there was
then kept by the by-boatmen 97 boats, and by the inhabitants
558 boats. Quote figures during the war, 1702–1712, shewing
average of 41 ships per annum and 1713–1716, an average of 86
ships and 324 boats, and 177 by-boats and 381 inhabitants' boats
(v. C.S.P. 1702–1716). According to the preceding accounts of
the Fishery it may be asserted:—that the Western Adventurers
in 1615 whilst the trade was open and free to all strangers employ'd
1250 fishing ships' boats. About 1694, when ye Colony was in a
manner deserted, and the foreigners fairly driven out of the
trade, at least, 2160. Before 1660, and for several years after,
it was generally agreed that ye Fishery was reduced by divers
misfortunes and evil practises, to less than one third part, or
720. Upon restraining the transportation of passengers by the
New Charter, and enjoyning the planters to remove by a special
order, the trade began to revive again in 1676, and maintain'd
894 fishing ships' boats, 206 by-boats and inhabitants' boats.
Upon the revocation of the said Order and the design to settle a
Governor, a full stop was put to the increase of the Trade, and
in 1684 it sunk to 294 and 304 respectively. And it is computed
that it continued (communibus annis) near upon the same foot,
from that time to the conclusion of the Peace at Ryswick in 1697.
In the three following years there was annually employ'd in a
medium 677 fishing ships' boats, 577 by-boats and inhabitants'
boats. But in 1701,. the Adventurers being discouraged, the
trade fell off, to 338 and 655 respectively. Afterwards during
the war 1701–1712, it was carryed on, communibus annis, by no
more than 120 and 300 respectively. And on a medium of four
years from the conclusion of the Peace, by 324 and 558 respectively. So that the difference between the Fishery in 1644 and
since the present Peace may be computed as follows:—In 1644
the Adventurers employ'd 2160 boats, and by the great industry
of the fishermen, there was seldom less taken than 250 quintals
of fish pr. boat. In all quintals 540,000 pr. annum which produced about 3375 tons of train oyle, at one hhd. for 40 quintals;
And since the Peace the Adventurers, by-boatmen and inhabitants
have employ'd comm. annis 882 boats; and have taken 95,424
quintals of fish, that is 108 quintals pr. boat and 365½ tons of
train oyle at one hhd. pr. 64 quintals. Consequently therefore
the quantity of fish taken in 1644, and about that time exceeded
what has been taken since ye Peace 444,576 quintals pr. annum,
which at 8s. pr. quintal amounts to £177,830 0s. 0d., and of train
oyle 3009½ tons, which at £12 pr. ton amounts to £36,114. Freight
for said fish to Europe = £100,029. Lost annually to England
by the decay of the trade, £313,973. Not including in this account
what was gained by the merchants upon the sale thereof in foreign
markets, nor what was paid for provision, strong liquors etc. to
New England and other places. It is therefore very apparent,
that the Fishery at Newfoundland from its first establishment
has either flourished or languished, according as the inhabitants
have been discouraged or incouraged. That the principal
obstructions which have attended that trade since the reign of
King Charles I, when it was at the greatest height (exclusive of
those that proceeded from the wars this Kingdom has been
engaged in) are intirely owing to the project for carrying on the
said trade by a Colony of fishermen, in opposition to the fishing
ships belonging to the Adventurers. That the first immediate
cause of the decay of the fishing trade and of the disorders that
have depressed it ever since, was from the encouragement that was
given to the transportation of passengers, by appointing a
Governor in 1650, and by granting a patent to Sir David Kirk
etc. in 1655. That the pernicious consequences, which evidently
ensued upon the diverting the course of the Fishery into this new
Channel, were the only motives that induced K. Charles II (after
every circumstance, relating to the Trade had been strictly
examined and seriously considered) to order the Commander of
the convoy in 1675 to admonish the planters to return home,
and to grant in the same year a New Charter, which provided
and guarded against every inconveniency and abuse that had
interrupted the Adventurers in the prosecution of their fishing
trade. That when these regulations were settled there was a
fair prospect of retrieving and reviving the trade, but that the
indulgence shewn to the planters in 1677, by permitting them to
remain in the country, rendred the Charter ineffectual, reduced
the Fishery to the lowest ebb and favoured both the French and
New Englanders in carrying on their fishing trade. And that
the unhappy state of the trade from that time to this (which is
upwards of 40 years) is an undeniable argument, that it cannot
flourish under the present regulations, which will be farther
demonstrated by examining and comparing the rules and methods
that were formerly observed by the Western Adventurers, with
the extravagant and irregular measures and practises that of late
years have been introduced, and pursued in the management of
the Fishery. For instance, Before the fishing ships became transports to the planters and by-boat-keepers, the usual complement
of a ship containing 100 tons fitted out for a fishing voyage, was
50 men and 10 boats, and this practise was continued until 1677,
in which year according to Sir Wm. Poole's accounts, there were
employed in the fishery 109 fishing ships containing 9035 tons
and 4475 men, which amounted to upwards of 49 men for every
100 tons, but upon a medium of 4 years, since the Peace of
Utrecht, the 86 fishing ships annually employ'd contained 9010
tons and but 1839 men, which is little more than 20 men for
every 100 tons; The present Adventurers have therefore annually
wanted 2666 men to compleat the number their predecessors
maintained formerly on the same tonnage; and had their ships
been fully manned the aforesaid 2666 men would have taken to
the value of at least £20 each, that is in the whole £53,320 pr.
annum over and above what they have now gained, and whatsoever, is taken by the Fishing ships entirely belongs to, and is
a certain addition to the stock of your Majesty's subjects residing
in this Kingdom. Whereas all the advantages that the inhabitants enjoy at present by the Fishery (unless the season proves
exceeding favourable) never answers their charge; for as they are
in general very idle, indigent and necessitous, they are always
indebted and enslav'd to the traders from New England, and
other parts, by whom they are supply'd with provisions for their
subsistance, and with vast quantities of strong liquors, molosses
and tobacco for sale, and many of them not having wherewithal
to satisfy their said creditors; they are in course stript of all
they have taken, before the Fishery is well over and the rest,
when their debts are discharged have seldom enough left to secure
a sufficient stock for their own and their servants support and
debaucheries in the winter; so that New England reaps all ye
fruit of their labour, except what is paid for the passage of their
servants, and for the goods, that are exported from Great Britain
for their consumption. How much the transportation of their
servants out and home, may amount to, is uncertain: but since
few return from thence, we compute it cannot exceed £4,500.
And the value of the goods exported thither, according to the
Custom House Accots., upon a medium of three years, after the
present Peace, was £8133. Another instance of the prejudice
that Great Britain receives by the inhabitants of Newfoundland,
is from their abuse of that liberty which is given them to transport servants to assist them in carrying on their fishery. For
in 1677 and 1701 the number of the inhabitants and their men
servants amounted to 1507 and 2159, and they maintained 337
and 558 boats. Which in the first year falls short of men 4½, and
in the last year of 4 men to each boat. But in 1715 and 1716 the
number of inhabitants was 3153 and 2611, and they maintained,
only 464 and 408 boats. Which being after the rate of 63/5 men
to every boat it necessarily follows, they were supply'd in 1715
and 1716 with 920 men pr. annum more than they would have
employ'd in the same number of boats, according to their management in 1677; and since the fishing ships in proportion to their
men, have taken a greater quantity of fish, than was taken at
the same time by the inhabitants, and that in 1716 servants were
so scarce in Newfoundland, that they were forced to give £18 to
£20 pr. man for the fishing season; it can never be pretended that
the said 920 Supernumeraries were employed in the fishery;
But it manifestly confirms the truth of all those complaints, that
have been made for upwards of 40 years past, that the New
Englanders by ye assistance of the planters of Newfoundland
have carried away every year from thence as many of the English
fishermen, as they could perswade or seduce to proceed with them;
By which means they have established a very considerable
Navigation, and gained a fishery on their own coast, which at
present is probably superiour to that at Newfoundland; moreover
it will serve to justify and support what Capn. Passenger has
advised us (v. 1st Oct.). From hence therefore it plainly appears,
that the Navigation of this Kingdom has suffered exceedingly
ever since the transportation of passengers to Newfoundland has
been connived at, and there can be no doubt but that it has been
one of the principal causes of the want of seamen for your
Majesty's service. The next irregular and pernicious practise
of the inhabitants, that must be taken notice of, is, their retaling
of rum and other strong liquors among the fishermen. That the
Fishery was severely affected by the unhappy consequences of
this practise soon after the first planters were settled in Newfoundland, is apparent from the Charter of K. Charles I, whereby it is
ordained in the 10th Article "That no person shall set up any
tavern for selling of wine, beer etc. to entertain the fishermen,
etc." And it is certain that ye flourishing state of the fishing
trade, during the aforesd. reign, was in a great measure owing to
this wholesome prohibition; For as long as it was maintained, so
long the trade prospered, and it was no sooner dispensed with,
but the trade sensibly declined, and altho' the planters were
afterwards kept in awe for some time by the Charters, that were
granted by K. Charles II which confirmed the said prohibition,
nevertheless when that difficulty was surmounted, and they were
at liberty to pursue their own measures, the Fishery immediately
languished, nor has it render'd to this Kingdom, from that time,
above one third part of the profit, that was formerly enjoy'd
thereby, excepting only after the conclusion of the Peace at
Ryswick, when for three years the fishing trade was vigourously
carried on in hopes that the said Peace would have favoured the
consumption of their fish in foreign parts, and that the settling
of the trade by an Act of Parliament, would have effectually
prevented all abuses and disorders, and restored good order and
government in the Fishery; But the said Act having only
restrained the inhabitants, who keep public houses from selling
upon the Lord's Day or Sunday, any liquors whatsoever, and
without imposing any penalty upon the transgressors, even upon
that day; Newfoundland is now become a perfect scene of
drunkeness and debauchery; nor can it be otherwise, whilst
such vast quantities of rum and strong liquors, tobacco and other
stores are annually imported from New England, the Leeward
Islands and other places, and that the inhabitants who carry
on their fishing trade at a much greater charge than the fishing
ships, and are under the necessity of selling their fish at the same
price, have no other way to reduce the price thereof, but by what
they gain upon the sale of their said liquors to the poor fishermen,
who being always too prone to drink, are easily drawn into
debaucheries and excesses, until they have profusely expended
and consumed, all or at least a large part of their wages, to the
great prejudice of their families; and as this has been always
justly resented, as an intollerable abuse and burthen, so the
disorders, that naturally arise from the said debaucheries have
obstructed the trade by discouraging the masters and owners
of the fishing ships from engaging in these voyages, it being
evident, that the fishermen are become negligent and careless in
their employment, that they are hereby render'd unfit for their
labour, that they are often refractory and ungovernable, and
that to support their extravagancies, they are guilty of many
embezlements and thefts, which are difficulties that are insuperable in a fishing voyage, the success whereof absolutely depends
upon the utmost care and frugality of the master, and the
diligence and hard labour of the fishermen, especially when they
are to contend with a foreign rival, who cherishes industry and
crushes every irregularity, that increases the charge of their
Fishery. Neither are these the only hardships under which the
fishing ships labour, for upon their fitting out, the best and
ablest fishermen generally decline serving in them, until the
boat-keepers have their full compliments, the boat-keepers crews
being exempted from working on board ship in their passage and
in Newfoundland, when bad weather hinders their attendance on
the Fishery. And whereas the said by-boat-keepers always
take their passage on the earliest ships and best sailers, the Fishing
Admirals under the pretence of their being freighters of ships put
them in possession of the best and most convenient places by the
waterside, to the great prejudice and discouragement of the later
ships, whose masters have been frequently constrained to hire
both stages and room from the said boat-keepers and obliged to
carry their fish so far backward, that they could not avoid
allowing one man extraordinary to each boat. Moreover since
it is now customary for many of the by-boat-keepers to remain
every winter in the country, to secure their stages and rooms
against the next fishing season, and that the aforesaid Act of
10th and 11th William III has provided, "That all such persons
as since 25th March 1685 have built etc. or hereafter shall build
any houses, stages etc. for fishing there etc., may peacefully enjoy
the same etc." It is found by experience, that the fishing shipping,
which was employ'd in the Fishery, about the time K. Charles II,
granted his second Charter, cannot be now accommodated as
formerly, in the principal harbours where the planters generally
remain. For the number of those ships being reduced some
years before 1685, to one third part or thereabouts of the number
that was annually imploy'd in 1675, 1676 and 1677, and the trade
continuing near upon the same foot from 1685 to the time the
said Act was under consideration, the said ships neither did, nor
could occupy in that interval more than one third part of the
stages and rooms, which had been in the possession of the fishing
ships in the aforesaid three years; and without doubt the rest
were either decay'd or destroy'd in their absence. But the
inhabitants having built, cut out and made since 1685, several
houses, stages, trainfats etc. in the same places where the other
two third parts of the fishing ships' rooms and stages were
formerly erected and fix'd; the fishing ships are deprived by ye
Act, of the right they had to ye said places: Wheresoever therefore they shall to again encouraged to return to the Fishery, they
will be obliged to hire their conveniencies of the planters in the same
manner as in 1698, in which year according to the accounts
transmitted by Sir John Norris they paid from 5 to £15 pr. boat,
which must be assigned for one of the reasons why they quited
the fishing trade so soon after the Act passed, and why they have
declined it ever since. Nevertheless as the said Act has directed
by a preceding clause, that those who had detained after 1685,
any beach or other places for curing, drying or husbanding of
fish, which before that time belonged to the fishing ships, should
relinquish the same, to the publick use of the fishing ships arriving
there, it cannot be imagined, that the aforesaid proviso was
intended to abridge them of so great and necessary a privilege,
much less to permit the planters to possess more flakes and beach,
than they actually want for curing and drying their fish in
proportion to the number of boats they imploy, or to extend their
flakes and huts by the waterside or behind those of the fishing
ships, contrary to ye ancient custom of the fishery. It must be
remarked, that notwithstanding Placentia and several other
places lately possessed by the French in Newfoundland, were
surrendred to Great Britain in compliance with the Treaty of
Utrecht, the fishing ships enjoy no other advantage thereby,
than by fishing at the Island of St. Peters, the stages, beaches,
etc. at Placentia and in those parts, being engrossed by some of
your Majesty's subjects inhabiting there. For altho' the French
by the 14th Article of the said Treaty, were only allowed to
remove with their movable effects; yet her late Majesty by her
letter of 23rd June, 1713, to Col. Nicholson, having permitted
them to dispose of their houses, beaches and other immoveables,
they were bought up by particular persons in hopes of letting them
out annually to the fishermen, which has effectually discouraged
the fishing trade in that part of the country. To which may be
added, that the importation of wine and all other necessaries
(except salt) for the fishery by the ships, which proceed to Newfoundland, from Portugal, Spain and other foreign parts, is a
discouragement to the Adventurers in general, whose ships are
victualed and stores provided in this Kingdom. Nor can we
conclude, without taking notice, that we have lately received
letters from your Majesty's Consuls, and the merchants residing
in Spain, Portugal and Italy, that the fish brought to those markets
from Newfoundland, for some years past, has been for the most
part so very ill cured, that the consumption thereof is greatly
abated, and that the trade is in danger of being thereby lost.
Upon the whole therefore, We most humbely crave leave to offer
it as our opinion to your Majesty, that this important Fishery
can never be revived or restored to its former flourishing state
and condition until it be again wholly carried on by fishing ships,
according to its ancient custom, and regulated by laws agreeable
thereunto. And that the most effectual method to remove all
the aforementioned obstructions, and to restrain the irregularities
and disorders of the fishermen as well as to encourage ye Adventurers to return to their employmt. would be to remove the
inhabitants or planters to Nova Scotia, or to some other of your
Majesty's Plantations in America. Nevertheless, least this
should be esteemed a hardship on such of the inhabitants as have
erected houses or made any other conveniencies for their fishing
in Newfoundland under ye encouragemt. which seems to have
been given them by the Act of the 10th and 11th Gul. III, we
shall shortly beg leave to offer to your Majesty some heads of a
Bill for remedying the difficulties and abuses the said fishing
trade doth at present labour under, to the great prejudice of your
Majesty's British Dominions. [C.O. 195, 6. pp. 416–464.] |