Oct. 2. Whitehall. |
703. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Craggs. Refer to letter of 3rd July last. We desire to know
H.M. pleasure, whether the Commissions for trying pirates may
not now be sent by the first opportunity, sevl. of H.M. Governors
having informed us they have for some time had in custody pirates
who were taken and are consequently not intituld to H.M.
gracious pardon. [C.O. 324, 10. pp. 207, 208.] |
[Oct. 3.] |
704. Francis Carlile of Antego, Gent., to the Council of Trade
and Plantations. Possessed of a considerable estate in Antigua
and proposing to return thither, he prays to be appointed to the
Council in the room of Col. Wm. Thomas decd. 1 p. [C.O. 152,
12. No. 111.] |
Oct. 4. |
705. Mr. Barrington to Mr. Popple. Asks that John Yeamans
may be appointed to vacancy in Council of Antigua, in accordance
with the "promise" of the Board. (v. 26th June). Signed, J.
Barrington. Endorsed, Recd., (from Edward Byam), Read 9th
Oct., 1718. 2¼ pp. [C.O. 152, 12. No. 112.] |
Oct. 7. Whitehall. |
706. Mr. Popple to Richard West. Encloses letter and papers
from Mr. Bridger, 26th Aug., with his Commission and Instructions
and the Charter of the Massachusets Bay, and H.M. Instruction
to Governor Shute. Continues:—I am to desire you will please
carefully to persue the said papers and particularly to consider
whether Mr. Bridger's Instructions are sufficiently vouched by
the Acts therein mentioned, and whether it were to be wished
that anything were added to the said Act or Acts to make the same
more effectual; whereupon their Lordps., when you shall be
prepared, would be glad to discourse with you. I desire you
will please to return the inclosed book and papers. [C.O. 5, 915.
p. 219.] |
Oct. 7. |
707. Merchants trading to New York to the Council of
Trade and Plantations. Pray that the Act of New York for payment of debts may be taken into consideration, the said act subsisting until H.M. pleasure is known etc. Signed, Charles Lodwick
and 7 others. Endorsed, Recd., Read 8th Oct., 1718. 1 p.
[C.O. 5, 1051. No. 77.] |
Oct. 7. Whitehall. |
708. Mr. Popple to Mr. West. Encloses Act of New York,
1715, for a general naturalization, with Sir E. Northey's report,
and desires a draught of alterations proper to be recommended
to Governor Hunter to be passed into a new law etc. [C.O. 5,
1124. p. 56.] |
Oct. 7. Whitehall. |
709. Council of Trade and Plantations to the King. Recommend repeal of Act of New York, 1714. for shortening law suits,
quoting Sir E. Northey and Governor Hunter. [C.O. 5, 1124.
pp. 57, 58; and (corrected draft) 5, 1079. No. 106.] |
Oct. 9. Whitehall. |
710. Mr. Popple to Mr. Barrington. Reply to 4th Oct.
Quotes letter of 26th June. Concludes:—Their Lordships will
consider this matter at the first convenient opportunity. [C.O.
153, 13. pp. 374, 375.] |
Oct. 9. Treasury Chambers. |
711. Mr. Lowndes to Mr. Popple. My Lords Commrs. of
H.M. Treasury desire that the Lords Commrs. for Trade and
Plantations will consider the enclosed and give their Lordps.
the best informacon they can concerning the said woods and
H.M. right thereunto with their opinion what is fit to be done
therein. Signed, W. Lowndes. Endorsed, Recd., Read 15th
Oct., 1718. Addressed. 1 p. Enclosed, |
711. i. Mr. Bridger to the Lords of the Admiralty. Duplicate
of 26th Aug. [C.O. 5, 867. Nos. 15, 15 i.; and (without
enclosure) 5, 915. p. 220.] |
Oct. 9. Admty. Office. |
712. Mr. Burchett to Mr. Popple. Has written to Capts.
Passenger and Wade to attend the Board of Trade upon Newfoundland matters etc. Signed, J. Burchett. Endorsed, Recd.
9th, Read 10th Oct., 1718. Addressed. ½ p. [C.O. 194, 6.
No. 51.] |
Oct. 10. Jamaica. |
713. Governor Sir N. Lawes to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Acknowledges letter of July 25th with Commission
for pardoning pirates etc. Continues:—I have publish'd a
Proclamation signifying H.M. Royall pleasure in this particular,
and sent coppys thereof to our neighbouring Colonies. H.M.
goodness in extending his mercy even beyond what was promis'd,
I hope will be an inducement for all those who has been anyways
concern'd in pyracy to return to their due obedience and allegiance
to H.M. Your Lordships will please to remember when I had
the honor of attending your Board, I had the asurances given me
that a Commission should be speedily prepared and dispatcht
impowering me to appoint fit persons to try the accessarys of
pyrates which I find very much wanted here. I therefore take
the liberty of reminding your Lordships of it etc. Nothing
material has hapned in our Assembly affaires etc. Signed,
Nicholas Lawes. Endorsed, Recd. 17th, Read 18th Dec., 1718.
2¾ pp. [C.O. 137, 13. No. 20; and 138, 16. pp. 155, 156.] |
Oct. 10. Essex Buildings. |
714. Sir John Bennett to Mr. Popple. Encloses following
etc. Signed, Jo. Bennett. Endorsed, Recd. 10th Oct., 1718.
1 p. Enclosed, |
714. i. Receipt for packet containing Lt. Gov. Bennett's
Commission for pardoning pirates. Signed, Sam. Daffye,
Capt. of the sloop Mary etc. Slip. [C.O. 37, 10. Nos.
11, 11 i.] |
Oct. 10. Whitehall. |
715. Mr. Popple to John Basket. Enquires what progress
he has made in printing the New York Acts, and desires to see
the printed book he has. [C.O. 5, 1124. p. 59.] |
Oct. 11. General Post Office. |
716. Mr. Lloyd to Mr. Popple. Encloses following. Signed,
John Lloyd. Endorsed, Recd. 14th Oct., 1718. 1 p. Enclosed, |
716. i. Receipt for Commission for pardoning pirates at
Barbadoes. Deale. Oct. 7, 1718. Signed, Mary Watte,
on behalf of Capt. Cobb. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 15. Nos.
37, 37 i.] |
Oct. 13. Beckett House. |
717. Mr. Barrington to Mr. Popple. Regrets his mistake.
v. 9th Oct. His nephew has gone to Antigua in the opinion that
the minute was absolutely in his favour etc. Signed, J. Barrington.
Endorsed, Recd., Read 16th Oct., 1718. Sealed. 1¾ pp. [C.O.
152, 12. No. 113.] |
Oct. 13. New York. |
718. Governor Hunter to Mr. Popple. Abstract. The General
Assembly has passed an act remedying clauses in former revenue
acts to which the Board objected. At the same time they
presented enclosed representation to be communicated when he
shall appear before their Lordships. Believes he will be able to
convince them that the people here are not so much in the wrong
as has been suggested. Has no correspondent left, so that he
must come home to recover the old or establish the new. Lays
hold of Mr. Popple's friendship as his main comfort. Set out,
N.Y. Col. Docs. V., p. 518. Signed, Ro. Hunter. Endorsed,
Recd. 15th Dec., 1718. Read 23rd April, 1719. Holograph. 3 pp.
Enclosed, |
718. i. Representation of Assembly of New York to Governor
Hunter, on the Act amending clauses in the Revenue Act.
v. preceding. Signed, Rt. Livingston, Speaker, Lewis
Morris and 21 others. Same endorsement. 12¾ pp.
[C.O. 5, 1051. Nos. 87, 87 i.; and (without enclosure),
5, 1124. p. 87.] |
Oct. 14. Hampton Court. |
719. H.M. Warrant granting licence of absence for twelve
months longer to William Matthew, Lt. Genl. of the Leeward
Islands, and Lt. Governor of St. Christophers. Countersigned,
J. Craggs. [C.O. 324, 33. pp. 188, 189.] |
Oct. 14. Whitehall. |
720. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lt. Governor
Bennett. Acknowledge letters of 3rd and 16th Feb., 29th March
and 31st May. Continue:—We did without loss of time lay
before H.M. your account of the surrender of the pirates, being
glad to find so good an effect from your diligence in sending H.M.
Proclamation to the Isle of Providence. We cou'd have wished
the like success had continu'd but we perceive by your last the
state of that case is very much alter'd. You will have recd.
before this comes to your hands H.M. Commission under the
Great Seal for pardoning such pirates as have surrender'd within
the terms prescrib'd by the Proclamation, and thereby entituled
themselves to mercy, but as for the doubts rais'd by the pirates
concerning their effects and the particular hardships of Cpt.
Fife's case we can at present give you no opinion. But these
matters together with the other informations you have given us
relating to the pirates have been transmitted to Mr. Secry.
Craggs to be laid before H.M., and when we receive his orders
thereupon we shall communicate them to you by the first
opportunity. We have recd. the Acts and public papers wch.
you transmitted 30th July, 1717, and desire you will be punctual
in sending to us all such papers as you are requir'd to transmit
to us by your Instructions by the first opportunity, and particularly such as you will find by the list enclos'd to be wanting.
We have made some observations upon the several Acts pass'd in
Bermuda since H.M. accession to the Throne, which you will
likewise receive herewith for your better government in the form
and method of passing Acts for the future. Annexed, |
720. i. Public papers wanting from Bermuda. (i.) Minutes of
Council and Assembly, 2nd March 1707/8—to 1718.
(ii.) Naval Officers lists wanting for several years
backward. |
720. ii. Observations upon Acts passed in Bermuda in 1715
and 1717. (i.) An additional clause to an Act for the
better observation of the Lords Day commonly called
Sunday. The title is a very odd one and by the preamble
the very title is made a part of the Act. However the
intention of the Act being good it lys by probational.
(ii.) An Act for alteration and amendment of several Acts
of Assembly. The dates or time of passing as well as
the exact titles of every Act alter'd or to which any
addition is made shou'd be recited, which is not done in
this Act, But shou'd be observ'd for the future; This
Act lyes by probational. (iii.) An Act for prolonging the
Act to supply the deficiency of the several funds in these
Islands for and towards the building a new house for the
present and future Governors, pass'd in 1715. The title of
this Act like that of the first is made a part of the Act.
The continuing clause mighty oddly worded. The time of
passing and of the expiration of the Act to supply the
deficiency etc. shou'd have been particularly mention'd.
This Act to lye by probational. (iv.) An Act for
limiting the time the names of such persons as are bound of
these Islands shall be published. To lye by. (v.) An
additional clause to an Act to supply the deficiency of
the several funds in these Islands for and towards the
building a new house for the present and succeeding
Governors, pass'd in 1717. The title lyable to the same
objections as the Act No. 1, and the last clause which
declares this to be part member and parcel of the Act
to which it referrs is something unusual. This Act to
lye by. The Prayer for the enacting part of the Acts
abovemention'd being to the King from the Assembly
only is a mistake by following the stile us'd in, and
peculiar to Acts of Parliament for granting mony, the
stile in other Acts being different. [C.O. 38, 7. pp.
358–362.] |
Oct. 14. |
721. Mr. Baskett to Mr. Popple. I have herewith sent you
the printed book of Plantation Laws, and intend to put 2 or 3
compositors about it, that it may be speedily compleated etc.
Signed, John Baskett. Endorsed, Recd. 14th, Read 22nd Oct.,
1718. ½ p. [C.O. 5, 1051. No. 79.] |
Oct. 14. Antigua. |
722. Governor Hamilton to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Encloses two Acts bearing date the second day of
this instant month of October, the one for laying an additional
duty on liquors, and the other for laying a duty of powder on all
trading vessels. As they are laws that will affect the trade and
shiping of Great Britain when they come to this Island, I have
taken care to get a clause inserted in each of them to prevent their
taking place until they are approved and confirmed by H.M. in
obedience to the Additional Instruction which I received lately
bearing date 27th Sept., 1717. But nevertheless I must beg
leave to acquaint your Lordships, that laws of this nature have
been frequently passed in this and the other Islands belonging to
H.M. in these parts, and indeed are very necessary in order to
supply our forts and fortifications with powder as well as to raise
mony to help defray the incident charges of the Government,
for which reason if your Lordships shall be of opinion that they
are fit to be confirmed, I beg that they may be laid before H.M.
with all possible expedition, to the end they may be returned with
the utmost speed, for until then the publick will loose the benefit
that use to result from Acts of this nature, in regard no collection
can be made of the dutys intended on shipping or liquors until
it shall be known that the said Acts have received the Royal
assent. In the Act for laying a duty on liquors your Lordships
will find a clause declaring that no money raised by virtue of
that Act shall be paid by the Treasurer or his Deputy for the time
being by virtue of any order or authority whatsoever unless by
order in writing signed by the Commander in Chief Governour or
President of the Council with one Member of the Council and the
Speaker of the Assembly, which I know is contrary to my
Instructions but as the Act is not to take place untill it has received
H.M. assent, I am in hopes your Lordships will be of opinion
that my consenting to the said Act with that clause in it can be
no breach of my said Instruction in regard it cannot have any
effect untill it has obtained the Royal assent which if H.M.
shall be pleased to give will be a sufficient dispensation of my
said Instructions. All orders for payment of publick mony have
been issued in that manner ever since the settlement of the Island
as I am informed, which I have signifyed to the Assembly is
contrary to my Instructions from H.M., and that I had reason to
fear it might be a means to obstruct the passing the Act at home;
but nevertheless I could not prevail with them to pass the said
Act without the said clause, which, with what I have already
offered, will I hope be sufficient to excuse me to your Lordships
for assenting to it, and the rather for that if the said Act be
rejected upon that account it will convince those Gentlemen that
H.M. will not admit of his Instructions to be dispensed with on
any terms, the observing whereof has occasioned more than a
little dispute between that House and myself, as your Lordships
may perceive by the Minutes here inclosed. There is also a
clause in the Powder Act, which is reinforced by the present Law,
that enjoins the powder Officer to be nominated by the Governour,
Council and Assembly, as your Lordships may observe by a copy
thereof herewith sent which I take to be an incroachment on
H.M. Prerogative and have accordingly signifyed the same to the
Assembly. However as it has been always usual for that officer
to be appointed in that manner, they prayed I would consent
thereto in hopes that H.M. will be pleased to admit them to enjoy
their former custom in that matter, to which, upon their earnest
request, I thought fit to condescend, well knowing that no
inconveniency could thereby arise to H.M. if he did not see fit to
pass the said law in regard there is a clause in the said new Act to
prevent its taking place untill it is confirmed by H.M. which I
hope will be sufficient to justify what is done therein by May
it please your Lordships your Lordships most obedient and most
dutifull humble servant, Signed, W. Hamilton. Endorsed,
Recd. 11th, Read 16th Dec., 1718. 2½ pp. Enclosed, |
722. i. Minutes of Council and Assembly of Antigua. St.
Johns, 18th Sept., 1718. The Assembly addressed H.E.,
protesting against his literal exposition of his Instructions
to the prejudice of the Colony in prohibiting laws so
fundamental to their Constitution etc. Sept. 23rd.
Parham. Governor Hamilton's reply to the Assembly
and their answer. Same endorsement. Copy. 7½ pp.
[C.O. 152, 12. Nos. 119, 119 i.] |
Oct.15. Whitehall. |
723. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Craggs. Having some time since received accounts of the great
settlements the French are making on the back of ye British
Plantations in America from ye River of St. Lawrence southward
to ye mouth of Missisippi in the Bay of Mexico, and considering
how detrimental the same may prove to the trade of these Kingdoms; we wrote circular letters to H.M. Governors upon that
Continent to send us the fullest informations they could get of
the state of the said new settlements, together with their opinion
concerning the proper measures to be taken by H.M. upon this
occasion and in answer have received letters from Brigr. Hunter
(v. July 7th) and Col. Spotswood. Enclose extracts to be laid
before H.M. for his directions therein. [C.O. 5, 1124. p. 60.] |
Oct. 15. |
724. Mr. Philips to Mr. Popple. Encloses following. Signed,
A. Philips. Endorsed, Recd. 16th Oct., 1718, Read 16th Aug.,
1720. 1 p. Enclosed, |
724. i. Governor Hunter to Mr. Philips. N. York. Aug. 15,
1718. A summ of money has been sent from hence to
procure the disallowance of our money Acts etc. I know
not the objections; but I foresee an inevitable necessity
of my coming home for that very purpose; for it is
impossible to answer as one should at this distance, or
to instruct another. I do affirm, that this is, at present,
the most flourishing Province in trade and creditt. Our
money bills are now, at least, thirty pr. cent. better
than those of New England, on their own Exchange,
and equall to silver all round about us. The trade of
this place is increased most conspicuously, as the
Quarterly accounts sent to the Lords of Trade will shew.
If any of this place have been so wicked, as to employ
any person in the foul work before mentioned, their
resolution must be to leave it, having ruined it etc.
Should this Province be undone, I will make good in
the face of the world, that there are more hearty,
zealous and sincerely dutifull subjects of H.M. undone,
than could be by any generall ruine to the same proportion of people in any other part; and that by the means
of some, who have no manner of pretence to that
character. I earnestly desire, that nothing may be
resolved, till I am brought face to face to answer these
or any other men, as to what I have done in my station.
Extract. Signed, A. Philips. 2¾ pp. |
724. ii. Minute of Council of New York. 2nd July, 1718.
Ordering following Representation to be signed etc. 1 p. |
724. iii. Representation of the Council and Assembly of New
York to the Lords Committee for hearing appeals from
the Plantations. Reply to Mr. Mulford's complaints
and defence of Governor Hunter. Duplicate of No.
603 iii. [C.O. 5, 1052. ff. 38–44.] |
Oct. 15/26. |
725. A. Hollander and others to the Directors of the Dutch
West India Company. Signed, A Hollander and other settlers.
Endorsed, Read 27th April (N.S.), 1719. Dutch. 6 pp. Enclosed, |
725. i. Duplicate of preceding. |
725. ii. Correspondence of same with Commandant Van der
Heyden Rezen etc. Copies. Dutch. 4½ pp. [C.O. 116,
21. Nos. 163, 163 i.–ii.] |
Oct. 16. Whitehall. |
726. Mr. Popple to Mr. Lowndes. Reply to 9th Oct. The
Council of Trade and Plantations have already communicated
the papers on that subject to Mr. West, H.M. Council learned in
the Law appointed to attend the service of the Commission for
Trade. As soon as they shall receive his opinion, their Lordps.
will lay a state of that matter before the Lords of the Treasury.
[C.O. 5, 915. p. 222.] |
Oct. 17. Pensilvania. |
727. Lt. Governor Keith to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Encloses Act of Assembly for H.M. approbation.
Continues:—It generally contains such an amendment of our
criminal law, as will bring the constitution of this Colonie much
nearer to that of Great Britain than formerly it was etc. Signed,
W. Keith. Endorsed, Recd. 4th, Read 5th Feb., 171/1. Addressed.
1 p. [C.O. 5, 1265. No. 114; and 5, 1293. p. 162.] |
Oct. 18. |
728. John Baskett to Mr. Popple. Requests him to send
another book of the Plantation Laws, to be printed etc. Signed,
John Baskett. Endorsed, Recd. 18th, Read 22nd Oct., 1718.
Addressed. ½ p. Mem. The first vol. of Bermuda Laws was
sent. [C.O. 37, 10. No. 12.] |
Oct. 18. Antigua. |
729. (a) Depositions of John Barnard, James Welch, John
Lavicountt, planters of Antigua, and of Ambrose Marchant,
carpenter, relating to the new Church at St. Phillips. 4 pp. |
(b) Deposition of the Church Wardens and major part of the
Vestry of St. Phillips, Antigua. Three quarters of the parishioners were and are against building the new Church, which is
near the boundary. The old Church is in Bridge Town, very
commodious and convenient. There is a commodious chapel of
ease in the division of Belfast. Each capable of containing the
whole of the parishioners etc. Signed, Thomas Elmes, Jos.
Ledeatt, Churchwardens; W. Steele, Benja. Wickham, Henry
Symes, Jno. Lavicountt, senr., John Witts, Jno. Barnard,
Timo. Singin. 1 p. The whole endorsed, Recd., Read 2nd Feb.,
1719/20. [C.O. 152, 13. ff. 8–13.] |
Oct. 21. Charles town, South Carolina. |
730. Governor and Council of South Carolina to the Council
of Trade and Plantations. Lately two pirate vessels, commanded
by one Vane, lay of the barr of this harbour, as they have often
done, and took a ship from Guiney with negros, and two sloops
bound in, and the next day attack't four ships outward bound,
but what success, he had with them wee cou'd not be inform'd,
however their insults, and receiveing advice that wee might
expect the same usage from another, who was careening, and
refilling in Cape Fear River, obliged the Governr. (thô very unable
both for want of men and money) to fitt out a force to go and
attack them, and accordingly two sloops, one commanded by
Capt. Masters and the other by Capt. Hall, with about, 130 men
were gott ready wth. all the dispatch wee cou'd. and Collo.
William Rhett commanded the whole, who sail'd southerly first,
in search of Vane, but not being able to meet with, or gain
intelligence of him, he steered for Cape Feare River, in which he
found a sloop of 8 gunns and 50 men, commanded by a Majr.
Stede Bonett, and two prizes, sloops belonging to New England.
On seeing our vessells enter the River, they endeavoured to gett
out, and in the chase, all the three sloops run aground on some
shoals, But that commanded by Capt. Masters, in which Collo.
Rhett was, lay within musqt. shott of the pirate, and the water
falling away (it being ebb) she keel'd towards him, which exposed
our men very much to their fire, for near six hours, dureing wch.
time they were engaged very warmly, untill the water riseing sett
our sloops afloat, about an hour before the priate, when Collo.
Rhett makeing the signall, and they prepair'd to board him,
which the pirate seeing, sent a white flagg, and after some short
time, surrender'd, on Collo. Rhett's promising he wou'd interceed
for mercy. Wee had killed on board Collo. Rhett eight men and
fourteen wounded, of which four are since dead, and on board
Capt. Hall, two killed and six wounded. The said pirates are now
prisoners here, and wee are prepairing for their tryall. This
undertaking, besides that it has been a considerable expence to
us, will (wee apprehend) very much irretate the pirates who infest
this coast in great numbers. Wee become therefore humble
sutors to your Lordships, that you will be pleased to lay before
H.M. the great danger our trade and Collony are in from them,
they having at some times blocked up our harbour for eight or
ten days together, and taken all that have come in or gone out,
and plundered them, where they have not thought the vessells fitt
for their purpose. In procureing a vessell it will be of the greatest
service to the trade not only of this Collony, but of all these parts
etc. Signed, Robt. Johnson, A. Skene, Nicholas Trott, Tho.
Broughton, Char. Hart, Fra. Yonge. Endorsed, Recd. 29th May,
Read 11th June, 1719. 3 pp. [C.O. 5, 1265. No. 121; and 5,
1293. pp. 173–175.] |
Oct. 22. Whitehall. |
731. Mr. Popple to Nicholas Lechmere, H.M. Attorney
General. Encloses extracts from Lt. Governor Spotswood's
letter etc., 14th Aug. The Council of Trade and Plantations
desire your opinion whether H.M. or the several vestries of the
parishes in Virginia have the right of patronage presentation and
collating to ecclesiastical benefices, or what right either have.
Also whether an Assembly under adjournment or prorogation
may be prorogu'd by proclamation without a meeting according
to such previous adjournmt. or prorogation. N.B. A like letter
was writ to Mr. Sollicitor General and Mr. West. [C.O. 5, 1365.
pp. 170, 171.] |
Oct. 23. Pensylvania. |
732. Lt. Governor Keith to Mr. Popple. I have just received
letters of 15th and 19th March. I shall forthwith apply myself
to obey their Ldships. commands etc. Signed, W. Keith.
Endorsed, Recd. 22nd Dec., 1718, Read 10th Feb., 171.
Addressed. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 1265. No. 115.] |
Oct. 23. London. |
733. Mr. Gordon to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Encloses a sermon, with preface, in answer to Governor Lowther's
reflections upon his character and conduct etc. Signed, W.
Gordon. Endorsed, Recd. 24th, Read 28th Oct., 1718. 2 pp.
[C.O. 28, 15. No. 38; and. 29, 13. pp. 479, 480.] |
Oct. 23. Whitehall. |
734. Mr. Popple to John Basket. Returns book of New York
laws (v. 10th Oct.), and sends book of Bermuda Acts to be printed
as the other. These Bermuda Acts have ye notes in the margin
that are to be upon them. In folio 4, there is nothing but the
title of an Act, which title must be printed, and a blank of a page
or two left, for writing the Act in, when it shall be found, which is
at present mislaid. The Council of Trade and Plantations desire
all the dispatch possible in ye printing these laws. [C.O. 5, 1124.
p. 61.] |
Oct. 24. Portsmouth. |
735. Mr. Bridger to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Here has been a report for some time of my [being] superseeded,
and by the last post from boston I have recd. the surprissing and
unwelcome news that one Mr. Burriston has a Commission for
my post and that the sallary commences from 19th June last;
I humbly pray your Lordps. will not let me suffer who has done
the duty ever since at a 1000 leeagus distant and had no certainty
of it till now, and yet not from any office, my leters informes me
that I was removed by the insinuations and mal[icious] contrivances of Mr. Dummer, whom I know to be a falce and [cum]ning
person, and what further strengthens my oppinion is that he wrot
to the Govr. that my post was represented to be worth 5 or £600
pr. annum wch. is most notorious[ly false], for he could not think
any such thing having as he said the Commission in his hand
which sets forth the salary; In the 2nd place Dummer writes to
the Leivt. Governor of this place [that] I was turned out but he
had no hand in it, and by the talke he made to some of my friends
in London, he was the only person that first moved in it, and the
only person yt. knew [it in] London first, adding that such a day
the King signed the Commission and that the person [was to]
act by a Deputy. If so H.M. Officers here are in very [poor] but
dangerous circumstances, for here my life is threatened if found
on my duty in the woods [and at] home if not agreeable to the
Agent turn'd out, without any fault assigned but what this
Agent shall suggest; and so he turned out the Leivt. Governor
of Boston by the [assistance] of Sr. William Ashurst to whom
Dummer had insinuated that Col. Taylor was a Jacobi[te and]
was turned out imediatly upon it, and I am of oppinion that my
asserting and maintaining H.M. title to the woods, against the
Charter, and people, have disgusted this great [man] and I must
fall a victim to his malice, the rumor of my being turn'd out has
spread [through] the country, the people next the woods threaten
what they will do, and have begun to cut [and] destroy all before
them etc. I have yesterday given £5 to [two] persons to lay in
the woods to make discovery of this destruction [and design to
find it out cost what it will for should] I now leave my post many
thousands [of good] mast trees would be destroyed in one month,
which consideration keeps me on [my duty] and I hope your
Lordps. will not let me suffer for want of my salary, till a person
arrives to take it from me etc. The Governor has promised me
to represent to your Lordps. the necessity of the service etc.,
and the ill consequences that would attend my repairing home at
a time when so much destruction is like to follow it, etc. I have
not directly nor indirectly recd. one shilling since my being here
etc. Emphasises his knowledge of the woods and people. Prays
their Lordships to remember that "I have been here but one year,
and a month, since I renewed my Commission, which cost me
while I was a soliciting it £500, that after 22 years faithful service
in this country, to be turned out and obliged to beg my bread"
etc. Signed, J. Bridger. Endorsed, Recd. 29th Nov., 1718,
Read 4th Feb., 1718/19. Edges torn. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 867. No.
27; and 5, 915. pp. 244–248.] |
Oct. 26. Antigua. |
736. Governor Hamilton to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. On the 13th currant arrived Capt. Gibbons in the
Cadogan, who brought me your Lordship's command's of the 4th
April, and 8th May and 21st June, together with your Lordships'
observations on the severall Acts past since H.M. happy accession
etc., of all which I take particular notice etc. In order to gett
the Minutes of the Councell and Assembly that are wanting
transmitted to your Lordships, I have directions to the severall
officers for transcribing them, and as soon as they are compleated
and delivered to me, they shall be transmitted to your Lordships,
likewise rest assured that the next conveyance from hence will
bring you the Minutes of this Island from the time of my arrivall
to the 31st March last, if not to the 25th of Sept. the greatest
part of them being alreaddy transcribed, and for the future your
Lordships may be assured they shall be quarterly transmitted
you or as opertunity's offer, I having enjoyned the Clerks of the
Assemblys of the severall Islands as well as the Secretarys to
deliver me the saied minutes by the 25th of March next under
paine of being suspended as your Lordship's may perceive by a
copy of the orders herewith sent, which I hope will oblige each
of them not only to let me have the minutes of the other Islands
by that time but to do theire dutys for the future. I also observe
that in the Memoriall which your Lordships have sent of the
papers that are wanting, you mention the Navall Officers List's,
but do not distinguish of what, so that I must beg your Lordship's
by the first to explaine the same in regard I know not what lists
your Lordship's would have unless it be those. relating to the
importation of good's from Madera and the Western Islands,
which if it be, your Lordships will receive them before this can
gett to hand etc. I am inclinable to think the affaire of Coll.
Crooke will give your Lordship's no farther trouble. But if it
should I am reddy to justify what I formerly alledged against him.
Your Lordships directions, 4 of Aprill, to use my best endeavours
to dispose the inhabitants of Spanish Towne and Tortola to waite
patiently where they are untill they can be setled in Saint Christophers will I hope be fully answered by the Proclamations I
formerly issued etc. Nothing on my part shall be wanting
punctually to observe your Lordship commands on this occasion.
I formerly transmitted your Lordship's the answer I had from the
Danish Governour at Saint Thomas's since when I have had no
farther account relating to that affaire, saving that the Danes do
still go forward with theire setlement on the Island of Saint
Johns which againe obliges me to beg that your Lordship's will
be pleased to lett me know what farther methods I am to take
therein, the Gentleman Capt. John Marshall of Coll. Richard
Lucas's Regiment whom I formerly mentioned to your Lordship's
to have sent the message by to the Danish Governr. Com's for
Britaine by this opertunity, to whom I farther refer your Lordship's as to the answer the saied Governour gave then. I am
extreamly pleased to hear that your Lordship's have an account
of some of the pirates at Providence have surrendered themselves
etc. I wish they may all have sence enough to returne to theire
duty. But I cannot help fearing the same, in regard it's but
verry lately that wee have had an account of theire being on the
coast of Carolina, and other part's of the maine, where they have
taken and plundered severall vessell's, of which I am perswaded
your Lordship's will have advice before this can gett to hand.
Therefore I shan't now trouble your Lordship's etc., only to say
that I don't at present hear of any being in these seas. But how
soone we may is uncertaine, the season of the year being at hand,
that will force them from the Northerne Collony's. The paragraph of your Lordship's letter relating to the Act past in this
Island for prohibitting the importation of French and other
forreigne sugar now lyes before me, and in answer to that part
which relates to the Assembly, your Lordships may be assured
that I will communicate the same to them, and when I have theire
answer I shall take care to transmitt it to your Lordship's, untill
when I must beg leave to defer answering the rest of your Lordship's letter relating to that Act. And as to the next paragraph
reminding me of sending my observations upon all the Act's by me
to be transmitted to your Lordships with my reasons for passing
the same, I shall take care to be verry punctuall in for the future,
which I hope will excuse my omission of that kind for the time
past. Your Lordships of the 8th of May last relating to the Act
to quiet present possessors of lands and to limit actions, and
avoid suits in law, shall likewise be laid before the Assembly at
theire next meeting, and I do not doubt, but they will verry
thankfully agree to pass a new act for that purpose according to
your Lordship's directions etc. I remarck the defect which your
Lordships have taken notice of in the private Acts of the Leeward
Islands, for want of a clause saving the right of H.M. his heires
etc. which I shall take care shall be inserted for the future in all
private bill's, as well as punctually to observe severall other
articles of my Instructions relating to the passing and transmitting
my particular observations on them. I hope my conduct in the
suspending of Coll. Thomas Morris will meet your Lordship's
approbation, I having nothing in view in that matter but H.M.
honour, which I look to be much abused by that Gentleman whose
character I am perswaded will not appear very extraordinary
when it com's to be examined into by your Lordship's. I take
notice of the informations that have been given your Lordship's
of the vacancies in the Councill of St. Christophers as well as of
the observations that your Lordships have been pleased to make
upon that occasion. In answer to which I must begg leave to
acquaint your Lordship's that by my letter of 6th Feb., 1716/7 I gave
your Lordship's an acct. of Mr. Helden's refusing to act, and tho'
I have omitted hitherto to give your Lordship's an account of the
death of Coll. Jno. Panton and Majr. Ralph Willett yett there has
alway's been a sufficient number to make a Councill, so that
H.M. affaires have in no respect thereby suffered. However for
the future your Lordships may be assured that I will be verry
exact in that as well as other particulars, and therefore I take
this opertunity to acquaint your Lordship that I had an acct.
from St. Christophers about ten day's ago that John Duport Esq.
a member of the Councill of that Island is lately dead so that
there now remaines but six members at present upon the Island,
the Lieutenant Generall and Lt. Governr. William Mathew Esq.
being absent by leave from H.M., and John Willett Esq. by leave
from myselfe having been gone for England near eight month's
where his stay is uncertaine, for which reason I intend to swear
Coll. William Woodrope Capt. William McDowall and Capt. John
Garnett as members of the Councill of that Island at my next
going thither (which I intend in a few day's) and therefore I beg
leave to recommend them to your Lordship's and to desire that
you will be pleased to afford your offices in recommending them
to H.M. and getting mandamusses for theire confirmation and
continuance they being Gentlemen of undoubted loyalty and
affection to H.M. person and Government, as well as to the
Protestant Succession, and withall of verry good interest's in the
saied Island. As to your Lordship's commands directing that
no more places may be appoynted for collecting the duty of 4½ p.c.
in this Island untill I have given your Lordship's notice and
receive your answer thereto, you may please to be assured that
I shall take care punctually to obey the same. And withall your
Lordship's may depend that I won't omitt observing the last
part of your letter directing me to give you advice of the absence
of Councellours etc. Refers to enclosure i., extending the leave of
Coll. Vall. Morris, "which I hope will meet your Lordship's approbation. He is a Gentleman of unquestionable zeal for H.M. and
the Royall family as also of a distingueshed character as to his
sense and ability and likewise has a considerable fortune amongst
us, and as he has the honour to be Lt. Collonell of H.M. Regiment
of Foot in these Islands, I cannot but take leave to recommend
him to your Lordships and to desire that he may be nominated to
be of the Councill in the severall Island's of this Government. His
going for England was by leave from myself, minuted in the
Councill Book, but not under my hand and seal it not being usuall
heretofore. However I shall conforme thereto for the future.
Coll. William Thomas and Coll. John Frey two other Members
of the Councill of this Island are likewise absent by leave from
me minuted on the Councill Book they are boath in England. But
the liberty granted to the former is long since expired, it being
only for twelve months, and he has been gon upwards of eighteen,
having left this Island in the moneth of Aprill 1717 or thereabouts,
since when I have had no farther application from him for
renewing his licence, so know not, whether he intends to returne
againe to this Island, or not. The latter went hence in the moneth
of May last past, and had liberty to be absent for twelve moneths
of which terme there is yett a pretty deal to come, before the
expiration whereof, I suppose he will either returne, or apply
to have his licence renewed, which if he dos shall be communicated
to your Lordships by" etc., Signed, W. Hamilton. Endorsed,
Recd. 23rd Dec., 1718, Read 21st Jan., 1718/9. Holograph. 3½pp.
Enclosed, |
736. i. Governor Hamilton's licence to Coll. Vallentine Morris,
Member of Council of Antigua, to be absent on leave
for a further 18 months. 15th Oct., 1718. Signed and
endorsed as preceding. Copy. 1 p. |
736. ii. Governor Hamilton's Order to the Secretaries, Deputy
Secretaries and Clerks of Assemblies of the several
Leeward Islands, to deliver to him copies of the Minutes
of Council and Assembly, lacking and required by the
Council of Trade (24th June), by 25th March next,
and to deliver copies of the Minutes of Council and
Assembly quarterly henceforward, on pain of suspension
etc. Signed and endorsed as preceding. 1 p. [C.O. 152,
12. Nos. 124, 124 i., ii.] |
Oct. 31. Nassau on Providence. |
737. Governor Woodes Rogers to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Pursuant to my Instructions I take leave to
acquaint your Lordships, I arriv'd in this port 26th July in
company with the men of warr ordered to assist me. I met with
little opposition in coming in, but found a French ship.(that was
taken by the pirates of 22 guns) burning in the harbour, which we
were told was set on fire to drive out H.M.S. the Rose who got in
too eagerly the evening before me, and cut here cables and run
out in the night for fear of being burnt, by one Charles Vane who
command'd the pirates and at ours and H.M.S. the Milford's near
approach the next morning they finding it impossible to escape
us, he with about 90 men fled away in a sloop wearing the black
flag, and fir'd guns of defiance when they perceiv'd their sloop
out sayl'd the two that I sent to chase them hence. On the 27th
I landed and took possession of the fort, where I read H.M.
Commission in the presence of my officers, soldiers and about
300 of the people found here, who received me under armes
and readily surrendered, shewing then many tokens of joy for
the re-introduction of Governmt. I sent officers ashoar at first
coming in, but by means of our ship and H.M. ship the Milford
running aground I delayed my landing till this day. After I had
made the necessary enquirys after the characters of the inhabitants
who had not been pirates, I got information of a few that were
the least encouragers of trading with them, six of whom I
nominated and sworn with the six I chose out of those brought
with me to compleat H.M. Council here. Their names, vizt.
These came wth. me:—Robert Beauchamp, William Salter,
William Fairfax, William Walker, Wingate Gale, George Hooper.
These are inhabitants:—Nathaniel Taylor, Richd. Thompson
Edwd. Holmes, Thos Barnard, Thos Spencer, Saml. Watkins.
But since their election Messrs. Salter and Watkin are dead into
whose places Christopher Gale and Thos. Walker have been chosen.
I have occation to recommend in a particular manner Messrs.
Beauchamp and Fairfax, Colo. Gale, Capt. Gale and Mr. Hooper
yt. came here with me their firm adhearance to H.M. interest and
diligence here deserve all the regard I can now shew them and
hope H.M. will please to confirm them of his Council here. Those
six I found here are men of the best morals amongst the people,
and I believe are capeable to advise us of anything relating to
lands on the Bahamas, till more fit persons arrive to settle here.
I have appointed by my Commission Robt. Beauchamp Esq.
first Lieut. of my Independant Company under my command to
be Secretary General of these Islands and I do earnestly sollicit
your Lordships to interceed with H.M. that he may have a patent
for that place, because he is very capable and the long fatigues
he has and may yet endure render him deserving of the greatest
rewards I can procure him here. Christopher Gale Esq. I have
made Chief Justice, because he maintain'd an honest and genteel
character during the 13 years he was in that office at No. Carolina
by favour of my Lord Carteret, but being very willing to change
his living on that Colony, beleiving he could do more good in this,
I hope your Lordship will be pleased to offer him to H.M.
pleasure for that office. I have added in the Commission to be
Assistant Justices Wm. Fairfax and Thomas Walker Esqrs. whom
I beleive will do justice and act honourable. Mr. Fairfax is by
Patent Judge of the Admiralty but without an annual salary,
the office is but barely honble. for want of support, I did indeed
receive an order from the Lords of the Treasury to appoint him
Deputy to Mr. Graves Collector in case of that old man's inability
to act, wch. he has not been able to do otherwise then in his
chamber or bed, but is of so petulant a temper that I have been
unwilling to interfere, and Mr. Fairfax not pressing to serve under
such a peevish gentleman without the manner of his acting and
pay, or fees, was settled for wch. I have no direction how to divide
it, and Mr. Graves having no other support but this employ wch.
he has been several years possess'd of. I am very unwilling to
meddle in this affair without its first being settled in England.
But beg leave to propose for H.M. approbation that Mr. Graves
may enjoy his annual sallary of £70, and the fees of Collector will
content Mr. Fairfax during Mr. Graves's life etc. Capt. Gale is
Commander of the ship Delicia which I came in and being one that
I can rely on have taken him into the Council. Mr Hooper is his
chief mate and by the former reasons chose him, and by my
Commission made him Naval Officer, but how long these two last
gentm. will continue here, I know not. The satisfaction that I
proposed at home to myself after my arrival here has been very
much taken away by the mortality of many of my soldiers,
passengers, and seamen. There had been a sickness upon the
Island about a fortnight before we came in imputed to a number
of raw hides put on shoar near the towne, wch. putrified the air,
but as if only fresh European blood could only draw the infection,
the inhabitants and people quickly became free and our poor
attendants on every hand seized so violently that I have had
above 100 sick at one time and not a healthfull officer, till now we
begin to recover. The air being purged I trust in God shall not
see such another season; this last being such an extraordinary
fatality unknown before to persons who have lived here these
forty years past. But they all agree yt. people when they become
sickley in most of the other American Plantations find releif when
they come here. The Island of Providence is at present overgrown with wood but affords an agreeable view of what industry
may make, and I hope for the honour, and good fortune, to see
the Bahamas equall if not exceed the characters given you in my
several Memorials etc. Here we found the ruins of the former
fort which we are employ'd in rebuilding, one bastion fronting the
sea last week fell down having only a crazy crack'd wall in its
foundation. The wages of hired workmen are extravagantly
dear, and I have buried most of those I brought with me. If H.M.
would please to contribute towards the fortifications necessary
to be erected in two more places in the harbour of Nassau when
I have workmen here, the charge would be much less then at any
other place in the West Indies, and I presume not of less consequence, another Independant Company with one years provision
more would be sufficient to garrison it, and I dare be confident
that in little time after our Assembly shall be called, I could find
an expedient to raise a fund for supporting the garrison on their
bare pay. Here is the best stone, lime and timber, everywhere
on this Island, but at present the excessive laziness of the people
and sickly season has been the only cause, I have not put the
place by this time in a better posture of defence. I shall continue
doing all I can for fear of a sudden rupture wth. either France or
Spain, it lying so advantageous to annoy their trade that they
would dread the consequence of this place more then any other
English settlement in America. In dependance that I shall have
numbers of new inhabitants by that time I can have H.M. Orders,
I beg in the next place to recommend the settlement of an
Assembly for these Islands wch. with submission may consist of
15 persons for Providence two for Elutheria two for Harbour
Island one for Abacoa the number may be encreased for each
Island as they shall be settled, for I cannot forme a Council and
Assembly out of those that are now here except I take such as are
not to be rely'd on, and most of them are poor and so addicted to
idleness that they would chuse rathar almost to starve then work.
We have scarce half of those who have been pirates left, for they
soon became weary of living under restraint and are either gone
to several parts of North America, or engaged themselves on
services at sea, wch. I was willing to promote, for they are not the
people I ought to think will make any land improvements, and
I wish they may be faithfull at sea. I shall depend on those I
have invited from several Collonys accustomed to plantations,
particularly the whole inhabitants of Anguilla, who readily
accepted my offer when I called there in my way hither. Anguilla
is a defenceless barren Island amongst the Caribes that has as they
themselves informe me about 1800 whites and blacks on it. The
people are very poor but industrious. I have sent a vessel to
give notice of my being in security here, on which I expect many
of their familys and slaves will come in their own vessels. I am
more covetous of those people because I observed and was told
that they all live in perfect friendship with each other, and are
of modest behaviour, whose conversations will very much reform
the contrary manners of the men and women now with us, which
cannot be suddenly changed. Many others have sent me word
from Bermudas that the inhabitants are too numerous, and at
Carolina where I hear they dread a worse Indian warr then the
last, and dont beleive themselves secure under the Proprietors.
Numbers of those people I depend will be here from the knowledge
they have of the soil being so very productive, that with little
labour almost every root, plant or grain will in small time ripen
to perfection. We may soon expect to rake salt enough, from the
several ponds amongst the windward Bahama Islands, to supply
Newfoundland and all North America, and were it worth while
vast quantitys for Europe, so that we hope to have the same
vessels as now do use Salturtuga come here for salt, as being much
nearer all North America. Here might be very good whale
fisherys promoted. We expect experienc'd men from Bermudas
to begin on it this year. Ambergrease is found in large quantitys
amongst these Islands etc. I have erected a small fort of eight
guns at the eastermost entrance into the harbour where we keep
watch, and have formed the inhabitants and all the rest of the
men on this Island into three companys of Militia, under their
own officers, who by turns keep a guard in the town every night.
I don't fear but they'l all stand by me in case of any attempt
except pirates, but should their old friends have strength enough
to designe to attack me, I much doubt whether I should find one
half to joyn me. This made me keep not only the guardship
according to my proposals to protect the place, but till now two
ships more belonging to the gentm. that has so generously
adventured to make this settlement. I haveing been very ill
almost ever since my arrival here and my Independt. Compa.
and those that came wth. me reduced so low, that sometimes, I
had scarce men to mount the necessary guards this has been
extreamly fateaguing to us here and very expensive to the above
Gentlemen adventurers beyond wt. could be imagined at home.
I have commissioned Edwd. Holmes Esq. one of the Council, to
be Deputy Governour of Elutheria where there is about 50
familys and 70 men formed into a Militia Company and Richard
Thompson Esq. another of the Council Deputy Governour of
Harbour Island where are about 60 familys, and 80 men wch. are
also in another Company of Militia they have fortified themselves
and secured the harbour wch. is very narrow at the enterance
but a ship of 18 foot water may go in and ride very securely, a
draught of this harbour and all ye Bahama Islands are indifferently
well done by one Capt. Cockram and I have sent it home by the
Samuel that brings this, there are severall good men there that
may be relyed on. I have supplyed them wth. powder and shot,
for they have two small forts, one of eight six-pounders and the
other of four nine-pounders that commands the entrance and
harbour. I prevailed wth. Comadore Chamberlain to stay till
the 16th Aug. and wth. some difficulty procured his order to Capt.
Whitney to stay three weeks longer in which time I was in hopes
my men and the fortification would be in a better state for I
wanted to depend on my own strenght without the men of war
if possible, since they often told me they had no orders, and was
very much against staying wth. me when the three weeks was
expired I was yet in a worse posture of defence and sick myself yet
I could not prevaile with Capt. Whitney to stay longer then the
14th Sept. tho' we depended every minute to hear of Vaine wch.
Capt. Whitney and I knew was expected at Abacco every minute,
for on 1st Sepr. three men that came in a boat from Vaine who
was then on the coast of Cuba confess'd they promised to meet
him again about this time there; And the very day after Capt.
Whitney sailed, I had an express sent me that three vessels
supposed to be Vaine and his prizes were at Green Turtle Key
near Abacoa and since I had no strenght to do better, I got a
sloop fitted under the command of Capt. Hornygold to send and
view them and bring me an accot. what they were, in the mean
time I keep a very strick't watch for fear of any surprize, and not
hearing from Capt. Hornigold I was afraid he was either taken by
Vaine or begun his old practice of pirating again, wch. was the
general opinion here in his absence, but to my great satisfaction
he return'd in about three weeks having lain most of that time
concealed and viewing of Vaine the Pirate in order to surprize
him or some of his men that they expected would be near them in
their boats, but tho they failed in this Capt. Hornygold brought
wth. him a sloop of this place, that got leave from me to go out a
turtling but had been trading wth. Vaine who had then wth.
him two ships and a brigantine, his sloop that he escaped hence
in being run away with by another set of new pirates, the two
ships he took coming out of Carolina one of 400 and the other of
200 tons loaded wth. rice, pitch and tarr and skins bound for
London the Neptune Capt. King being the largest he sunk and the
Emperour Capt. Arnold Gowers he left without doing her any
damage except taking away their provisions. I have secured the
mercht. that traded wth. Vaine and having not yet a power to
make an example of them here he remains in irons to be sent home
to England by the next ship. For want of Capt. Whitney's
staying to assist me we have once more missed taking this Pirate.
I beg your Lordships (if H.M. signifies his pleasure of stationing
any ships of war here) that they may be under the direction of the
Governour and Council whilst here or at least one of them, otherwise we expect little benifit by their assistance if the Shark sloop
that came wth. us was appointed or any other such small cruzier
we then could joyne a sloop or two and men from the guarrison
with the best of the people here and soon be out after any pirate
for we may expect to be alarmed by them whilst there are any
in America. This Vaine had the impudence to send me word
that he design's to burn my guardship and visit me very soon to
return the affront, I gave him on my arrival in sending two sloops
after him instead of answering the letter he sent me. He expects
soon to joyne Majr. Bonnet or some other pirate, and then I am
to be attack'd by them. But being now got to the 20th of Octr.,
the heat abates very much and our people all begin to be pretty
well and our fort will be soon in a tollerable posture of defence,
and the guardship is well provided wch. makes me now not
concern'd at his threats. Capt. Hornygold having proved honest,
and disobliged his old friends by seazing this vessel it devides the
people here and makes me stronger then I expected. The 6th
of Sepr. I wrot Governour Hunter at New York of the mallancholly state of our settlement and at that time beg'd that he would
send me 40 of his guarrison and an officer for then I was afraid
that the distemper would run further then it has, and make me
too weak to hold this place. On the 15th Sepr. fearing my letter
to Governour Hunter should miscarry I wrot the same to Sr.
Nichs. Lawes Governour of Jamaica and beg'd 20 or 30 men from
him. But on the 6th of Oct. our people being somewt. recovered
and ye pirates many of them gone hence, I acquainted the Governour of New York yt. if his men were not on their way hither, I
desired the lent but of 25 men till he had more inhabitants and
yt. I would pay the transportation. I again wrote the Governour
of Jamaica yt. I did hope I could do without any of his soldiers,
and desired he'd keep them if not come away thence, because my
people began to be more healthfull. I can now muster in armes
of our own people belonging to the Independant Company, 112;
of passengers and new inhabitants that I can rely on, 30. And
at our last muster of ye merooners and the inhabitants we have
at home to appear in armes, 152. There are about 150 more
that has been pirates who has gone hence since my arrival and
keeps near this place moving out and home mostly amongst
these Islands and coast of Cuba if they all return I will endeavour
to keep them employed, I expect not less then 150 of these sort
of people at home continually, till new inhabitants of better
principalls come to make us stronger. Nov. 4th. Whilst I
was concluding this letter there came in some of those men
before mentioned, but with ye unwelcome news of all our
vessels designing to trade on Cuba being seized on and run away
with by the very sailors that came in on the Act of Grace, and
entered here to navigate them, they still retaining the itching
desire to return to their former vile course of life, made use of
the first oppertunity and finding themselves stronger then the
honest side on a signal given made the other prisoners. But
before they had prepar'd their vessels for piracy they turn'd
four of their men which I recommend'd on shoar by themselves
on a desart island ye Spaniards soon after attack't them in a
small haven amongst these islands and whilst they were preparing
their vessels took advantage of their cowardice and surprized
them. The English renegadoes flying out of their sloops on
shoar, and would not accept of the offer the prisoners made to
assist them against the Spaniards whom they might have taken
being superior in number and strength. This attempt of the
Spaniards tho ill intended had two good consequences to us the
one in breaking the measures concerted by these new villains who
intended to joyne Vaine and attempt this place, and the other in
preventing the Spaniards' design on Elutheria or Harbour
Island as they declared they intended to surprize one of these
places in the night. The French also cast their eyes on these
Islands and I beleive whenever they have an oppertunity they'l
not scruple it for want of title for. A sloop belonging to these
Islands conveyed a letter from me to ye French General of
Hispaniola about a brigantine the pirates has left here ye person
that deliver'd the letter to the General informes me he stampt
wth. his foot and said in a passion that the French king his Master
had right to these Islands and that they would settle here very
soon such are the sentiments of these two Nations and as we find
they think, that they are worth contending for it is ye greater
reason for us to value ye possession for if we loose these Islands,
we shall better judge of the consequence had we kept them by
finding how much they are capable of annoying ye neighbourhood.
I have yet had no tryal of the men I now most depend on but
I hope I have about 200 including my Independant Company,
that may be relyed on against all attacks, and because here are
several amongst them that seems ambitious to convince me, of
their integrity to serve this Settlemt. and as I do not know how
to hold this place without their assistance, I beg your Lordships
would interceed wth. H.M. to procure them the same favours as
Governour Bennet procur'd for those that surrendred to him at
Bermudas wch. will very much endear the reform'd here, and be
their security when they have occation to visit any other Settlement, some of them were amongst others that comitted acts of
piracy since the 5th of Janry. last but seem to be reform'd, this
has been one great reason why I gave them all their certificates in
ye manner I did (copy inclosed) neither have I exerted my power
as Vice Admiral to seize many things that I might have laid my
hands on because I would not quarrel at the time of my mens
great sickness when they might have sent us all back again. My
not then taking an advantage of them has stopt several here that
would have been out a pirating afresh this I hope will redound
to the publick service wch. I have and shall regard before my
own interest. What wth. the pirates robbing us and ye inclination
of many of our people to joyn them, and the Spaniards threatning
to attempt these Islands we are continually obliged to keep on
our guard and our trading vessels in our harbour above 100 men
that accepted H.M. Act of Grace in this place are now out pirating
again and except effectual measures are taken the whole trade of
America must be soon ruin'd etc. Signed, Woodes Rogers.
Endorsed, Recd., Read 17th Dec., 1718. 25 pp. Enclosed, |
737. i. (a) List of soldiers, sailors and passengers deceased
since we arrived at Providence. 86 names. |
(b) List of men entered, discharged and deserted since
we left England. 19 names. Endorsed, Recd. 16th,
Read 17th Dec., 1718. |
737. ii. Copy of proceedings of Governour and Council of the
Bahama Islands, Nassau, Providence, 1st Aug.—28th
Sept., 1718. Endorsed as preceding. 8 pp. |
737. iii. Deposition of Thomas Bowlin, and four others,
Nassau on Providence, 8th Sept., 1718. Deponent
sailed about three months ago from Harbour Island,
on board the sloop Dolphin, to trade with the Spaniards
for live stock at Porto Prince, Cuba. Here the sloop
was seized by one of the Commanders of the Guarda
d'la Coast's, who compelled deponent to sail with him
as pilot for Andros Island in order to look out for English
vessels cutting wood, and thence to Providence, where
he lay viewing the island, in order to take some boat
for intelligence etc. On returning to Porto Prince,
deponent, with four of the Company, was allowed to
depart in a periauger, leaving one of the company as
hostage for the fulfilment of the condition that they
should pay for the same and return with letters from
the Governor here to prove themselves to be honest
men, the Alcalda being of opinion that they were pirates
and that there was no Governor here etc. Signed,
Thomas Bowling, Phillip Cockrem, William Rutherford,
Nathaniell Baran, Josep Hern, alias Middlebourrow.
Endorsed as preceding. 2¾ pp. |
737. iv. Deposition of William Dewick, of Kingston in
Jamaica, mariner, and three others. 15th Sept., 1718.
On 19th July last deponent was on board the sloop
Edward and William at anchor in a lagoon on the coast
of Florida, 10 leagues to the southerd of the northermost Spanish wrecks, in company with 4 other sloops.
Four Spanish vessels showing themselves off the mouth
of the harbour, the English fired several shot to bring
them to, not knowing who they were. The Spaniards
landed about 130 of their people on the north side of the
lagoon, who marched within gunshot of their vessels,
and engaged them from the shore, and at the same time
one of the Spanish vessels plying too and from play'd
upon them with great shot from the mouth of the harbour.
One Englishman was killed and six wounded, and one
Spaniard was found dead on the shoar after the rest
were gone aboard, which they did that evening, and stood
away to sea. On 19th Aug. two Spanish brigantines
came against the mouth of the harbour, one row galley,
six sloops (two of which were English vessels, taken by
the Spaniards in their passage from the Havanna thither,
one of them belonging to New York was commanded by
one Boniett, and the other belonging to the Asciento
Factor at the Havanna commanded by Capt. Marshall
of Jamaica) etc. In reply to a flag of truce, they
proposed that if the English would permit them without
opposition to come into the harbour, they would not
interrupt them in working upon the wrecks, but that
each company should work without doeing any injury
to the other. This was agreed to, and the Spaniards
treacherously surprising the English made them all
prisoners and took what moneys and plate they had
got from the wrecks. Deponent with 20 others was
put on board the Edward and Sarah schooner in order
to be sent to the Havanna under the conduct of five
Spaniards in company with a Spanish sloop, from whom
they were parted by bad weather, whereupon deponents
secured the Spaniards and their armes, and made way
with 'em for this place. Signed, Wm. Dewick and three
others. 1¾ pp. |
737. v. Certificate by Governor Woodes Rogers as to the taking
of preceding deposition. Deponents added that the
report made by the Spaniards of a black flagg being
hoisted against them when they first assalted the English
at anchor in the lagoon is utterly false etc. 15th Sepr.,
1718. Signed, Woodes Rogers. Endorsed, Recd. 16th,
Read 17th Dec., 1718. 1 p. |
737. vi. Estimate of stores of war etc. needed for fortifying
Providence. Nassau, Oct. 31st, 1718. Endorsed as
preceding. 1½ pp. |
737. vii. Deposition of Richard Tayler, of Philadelphia,
Master of the sloop Elizabeth and Mary, of Pennsilvania,
and three others. Nassau, 4th Aug., 1718. Arriving
at Exuma, 5th July, to load salt, he and his sloop were
taken by three Spanish periaugas from Baracoa etc.
They sent away his sloop for Baracoa and from thence
till the 24th, deponent was confined as prisoner with
his mate and two others, cruising about between
Stocking Island, and Exuma, att wch. time they stretch'd
over for Catt Island, and on the 26th landed there in
a creek on the S.W. part of the Island, and took 6 women
and several children, but not one of the men belonging
to the said Island, they all flying to the bushes for
shelter. They carried of thence all the goods they could
find belonging to the inhabitants, even to the meanest
of their houshold utensils. At the same place they met
and took 8 men who had lately belong'd to a pirate
sloop built at Bermudas, commanded by one Cha. Yate
etc. Richard Holland, an Irishman in command of one
of them, told deponent that a new Governor was lately
arrived at the Havana from Spain, with orders to destroy
all the English settlements on the Bahama Islands: and
that they had provided for that purpose, one ship of
50 guns and 700 men, another of 26 guns and 300 men,
and three row gallys full of men, wth. instructions in
case of surrender, to transport the people and their
effects to Carolina, Virginia, or some other of the
Northern Governments, but in case of resistance to send
them to the Havana, for Old Spain. Deponent desired
that he might go with his sloop to defend her upon her
trial, but this was refused, and Holland said the
Alcacaid of Baracoa or Trinidade would for 500 peices
of eight condemn any vessel he carried in, and shewed
him a large commission from the Alcaid of Baracoa for
what he did etc. Signed, Richd. Taylor and three others.
2 pp. |
737. viii. Governor Woodes Roger's certificate as to the taking
of preceding deposition, 4th Aug. Signed, Woodes
Rogers. Endorsed, Recd. 16th, Read 17th Dec., 1718.
¾ p. [C.O. 23, 1. Nos. 10, 10 i.–viii.] |