April 4. Whitehall. |
518. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Methuen. We send you the inclos'd extract of letter from Col.
Heywood, Commander in Chief of Jamaica, Dec. 3rd last, giving
an account of the increase of pirates and the mischief they have
done in those parts, with out humble opinion that some speedy
care shou'd be taken therein, lest our Trade in those seas continue
to be interrupted by them, and they become too powerfull to be
reduc'd without an extraordinary force and expence, wch. you
will please to lay before H.M. for His pleasure thereupon. Autograph signatures. 1 p. Enclosed, |
518. i.–v. Extracts and copies of depositions relating to pirates
v. C.S.P. Dec. 3, 1716. [C.O. 137, 46. Nos. 24, 24
i.–v.; and (without enclosures) 138, 15. pp. 212, 213.] |
April 4. Whitehall. |
519. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Methuen. Col. Heywood having represented to us (Dec. 3)
the ill state of H.M. forces in Jamaica, wth. relation to arms,
cloathing and recruits; we inclose to you an extract thereof,
which you will please to lay before H.M. for his pleasure thereupon.
Autograph signatures. 1 p. Enclosed, |
519. i. Extract from Col. Heywood's letter, v. C.S.P. Dec. 3,
1716. [C.O. 137, 46. Nos. 25, 25 i.; and (without
enclosure) 138, 15. p. 214.] |
April 4. St. James's. |
520. H.M. Warrant appointing Archibald Cochran to the
Council of Antegoa etc. Countersigned, P. Methuen. [C.O. 324,
33. p. 73.] |
April 5. Whitehall. |
521. Mr. Popple to Sir Edward Northey. Encloses Act of
Jamaica, Nov., 1716, to prevent negroes being evidence against
the wife and sons of John Williams, a free negro, for his opinion in
point of law. [C.O. 138, 15. p. 215.] |
April 5. Virginia. |
522. Lt. Governor Spotswood to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Abstract. In reply to letter of 1st June, comments
on enclosed claim of the Council to be sole judges of life and
death etc. As to the right they claim by the constant practice of
the Government, that is not true, for there are sundry instances
of other gentlemen being joined with them in special commissions
of Oyer and Terminer. Explains and criticises the attitude
taken up by some of the Councillors in giving different opinions
in their different capacities, as members of Council and members
of General Assembly etc. Will pursue his measures for the
education of the Indian children, since that design is approved by
the Board. Continues:—I should be sorry if any part of the
regulations established for the better Government of our Tributarys should merit yor. Lordps. censure: and therefore to clear
that particular of restraining the Indians from coming among the
British settlements, I beg leave to informe yor. Lordps. what
manner of people they are with whom our friendly Indians used
chiefly to converse, and what restraint is now laid on them therein.
The inhabitants of our frontiers are generally composed of such
as have been transported hither as servants, and being out of
their time, go out and settle themselves there where is good land
to be taken up and that will produce necessarys of life with little
labour; tis pretty well known what morals such people bring
with them hither, which are not like to be much mended by their
scituation remote from all places of publick worship: they are
so little concerned about Religion, that the children of many of
the inhabitants of these frontier settlements are twenty and some
thirty years of age ere they are baptized and some not at all.
These are the nearest neighbours to the Indians by whose
principles or practices they are not like to be much improved.
But this is not all. For these people knowing the Indians
to be lovers of strong liquor, made no scruple of first making them
drunk, and then cheating them of their skins, and even of beating
them into the bargain. On the other hand, the Indians being
unacquainted with the methods of obtaining reparation by law,
frequently revenged themselves by the murder of the persons who
thus treated them, or (according to their notion of satisfaction)
of the next Englishman they could most easily cutt off, and it
is a very general observation both here, and in the neighbouring
Provinces, that no murders or hostilitys have ever been committed
by the Indians except where the English have given the first
provocation. Hence yor. Lordps. may judge whether a frequent
intercourse and communication between such people and the
Indians be like either to reform their morals or promote a good
understanding with them: and as to gaining a nearer friendship
by intermarriages as the custom of the French is, the inclinations
of our people are not the same with those of that Nation, for
notwithstanding the long intercourse between the inhabitants
of this country and the Indians, and their living among one
another for so many years, I cannot hear of one Englishman that
has an Indian wife, or an Indian marryed to a white woman. As
to the restraint on the Indians from resorting to the British
Plantations, yor. Lordps. will observe in the law for the better
regulation of the Indian trade, that they are not entirely prohibited
coming among the inhabitants; but only enjoined when they
have occasion to repair to the British settlements, to make
known to the person deputed by the Governor for granting passports, the occasion of their journey, the number they intend to
carry in, and the time they desire to stay, and accordingly a
passport is granted. By this means if any disorders should be
committed by them, it can be known by what Nation the same
were done, and whom to call to account for it: whereas heretofore
whatever mischief was committed among the English, it was
impossible to discover the authors, while all Indians whatsoever
had liberty to disperse themselves at pleasure about the country.
Experience has show'd already the benefite of this regulation;
for since it was put in practice there has not been one murther
committed on the frontiers, nor scarce a complaint of any injury
on either side, etc. Has mett with very ill treatment both from
North and South Carolina for the service he did them. No
promises have been observed on their part; and he is forced to
bear the clamours and reproach of the people sent from hence to
the relief of South Carolina for all the ill usage and disappointments they mett with there etc. Is sending a representation
on that affair (v. 30th April). Continues: As I shall ever
resign my own opinion to be govern'd by that of yor. Lordps.
Board, so I readily acquiesce in yr. sentiments of my Speech
to the last House of Burgesses: and whenever I have occasion
to call another Assembly (wch. the Council have now twice
given their opinion not to be immediatly necessary) yor.
Lordps. advice will engage me to treat them with the greater
complaisance, for the sharp expressions used to the other. However I can assure yor. Lordps. nothing in that Speech has had those
dangerous consequences which yor. Lordps. seem to apprehend
from it. The people of best consideration, who knew the characters and behaviour of the late Burgesses are far from being
displeased with my treatment of them, and I doubt not whenever
a new Assembly is called, I shal have interest enough to get good
men chosen, and dexterity to manage them for H.M. service.
The proposal I sent yor. Lordps. for determining the bounds
between Virginia and North Carolina, was such etc. as I conceived
very much for H.M. interest. I sent yor Lordps. also the best
sketch I could obtain of those bounds, but it is impossible without
a very great charge in runing the line to describe the exact limits
to be established according to that proposal. The Governor of
North Carolina tells me he has received the approbation of the
Lords Proprietors thereon, and as soon as yor. Lordps. shal
signify H.M. pleasure, I shal immediatly apply myself to putting
an end to that affair, for I am of opinion that it were much better
for both Governments to lose the land in controversy than to leave
it long undecided it being impossible to restrain people from seating
themselves on that land where they live without either Religion
or Government, and it may be very difficult hereafter when their
numbers encrease, to reduce them again to either, etc., etc.
Will send by next conveyance his own and the Council's remarks
on the merchants' petition and objections agt. the law for the
better regulation of the Indian trade, etc. Continues: It may
not be improper to inform yor. Lordps. (now that you are to have
again under consideration the Council's pretentions to be the
sole judges of the Oyer and Terminer Courts) what influence the
present constitution of that Body have upon the ordinary course
of Justice. The last General Court the King's cause agt. Collo.
Ludwell, could not be tryed for want of Judges, tho' there were
that very day ten on the Bench; but so many of them of Mr.
Ludwell's relations, that there were not five left to go on with the
tryal; and the same obstruction often happens when any of that
family are defendants. And therefore yor. Lordps. may judge
whether it be fitt to lodge still a greater power in the same hands,
and to give them the sole jurisdiction over the lives, as they have
already over the estates of all the subjects of Virginia. Signed,
A. Spotswood. Endorsed, Recd. 11th May, Read 23rd Aug.,
1717. 7½ pp. Printed, Spotswood Papers, II. 224. Enclosed, |
522. i. Council of Virginia to Lt. Governor Spotswood. Praise
his civility, justice and moderation. Represent that
in the last Commission of Oyer and Terminer some other
persons were joined with the Council. The appointment
of any other persons but the Council in that Commission
would much divest the General Court of its jurisdiction,
which is not only founded on the late law, but also upon
the constant usage of this Dominion, no instance being
upon record that any other stated Court of Judicature
hath had cognizance of life and member but the Genll.
Court only etc. It would be hard that men's lives should
be tryed by more inferiour Judges than their fortunes,
of which the last resort in this country is in the General
Court etc. If H.E. shall still be pleased in those Courts
to join other persons with the Council, pray him to
dispence with their attendance on such occasions etc.
Signed, Robert Carter, Phill. Ludwell, Hen. Duke, John
Smith, Jon. Custis, John Lewis, W. Byrd, Will. Fitzhugh.
Endorsed, as preceding. Copy. 3 pp. [C.O. 5, 1318.
Nos. 22, 22 i.; and (without enclosure) 5, 1364. pp.
505–519.] |
April 8. N. York. |
523. Governor Hunter to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Abstract. Sends Minutes of Assembly of N. Jersey and
acts passed last session (enumerated) including an act for repealing
an act for ascertaining the place of the Assembly etc., that act having
been carried by the most notorious tricks ever put in practice
and being unjust in itself and a clog on the administration, and
the pretended grounds for it entirely removed by the encrease
of the people and building at Amboy etc. The act to enforce
the payment of 340 oz. of plate due from the inhabitants of Burlington
county etc., was occasioned by Mr. Hewlings one of the expelled
members of the Assembly and Mr. Cox's chief minister, who being
assessor for that county chose to incur the penalty by a former
act, rather than do his duty in assessing, in order to put a stop to
the payment of taxes etc. The Province enjoys more perfect
tranquility than it has ever known. Cox's very accomplices are
sick of him. Has sent papers relating to him to Mr. Philips.
If such as Cox, Mulford and Sonmans, all notorious criminals
fled from justice, meet with encouragement on that side, the
Board will have more trouble than is reasonable. Sends Talbot's
letter and that of the other gentleman (Feb. 13) to Mr. Philips.
Talbot is unwilling to be an informer, but will not decline giving
evidence. Printed, N. J. Archives, 1st Ser., IV. 291. Signed,
Ro. Hunter. Endorsed, Recd. 21st May, Read 27th Nov., 1717.
2¾ pp. [C.O. 5, 971. No. 29; and 5, 995. pp. 374–379.] |
April 8. Whitehall. |
524. Mr. Secretary Methuen to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. I have laid before the King your letter of 6th Feb. etc.
He looks upon the Treaty of Neutrality etc. to be still in force.
And altho' there should [? not] be any doubt of it, or any room to
think otherwise, yet since the Governors of the French Plantations
in America have orders from their Court as it appears from Mor. du
Quesne's letter to Mr. Lowther that they have not to suffer H.M.
subjects to trade with their Colonies, they ought to be restrain'd
from doing it by H.M. own Governors; and in like manner the
French should not be suffered to trade with H.M. Plantations.
This H.M. thinks fit yt. your Lordships shd. signify as His
pleasure, in such manner as you shall judge proper to Mr. Lowther
and the rest of H.M. Governors in America. Signed, P. Methuen.
Endorsed, Recd. 8th, Read 9th April, 1717. 1 p. [C.O. 28,
15. No. 5; and 29, 13. pp. 373, 374.] |
April 9. |
525. Alex. Valier to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Prays for report upon Mr. Tulon's case. The season being so
far gone, he is in danger of losing the year's fishing, and of his
habitation perishing. (v. Feb. 12). Signed, Alex. Valier. Endorsed, Recd. Read 9th April, 1717. 1 p. [C.O. 194, 6. No. 25.] |
April 12. Whitehall. |
526. Mr. Secretary Stanhope to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. The King having taken into mature consideration
your letter of 19th Dec. last etc., commands me to transmit the
following observations according to which you are to form the
Instructions to be given to Mr. Pitt, appointed H.M. Governor of
Jamaica. As to the 1st point, it seems reasonable that the Governor
should be instructed to support the prerogative of the Crown,
and to insist that the Assemblys have no right to adjourn themselves, otherwise then de die in diem except over Sundays, without
leave of the Governor. As to the 2nd point, it appears to H.M.
that the present Board of Trade, and the last, have given it as
their opinion, that the Councill has a right to amend money-bills
that are sent up to them by the Assembly; which being likewise
warranted by so many precedents, H.M. agrees to the same.
As to the 3rd, the Receiver General of Jamaica being appointed
by patent under the Great Seal of this Kingdom, it is not conceived
how that can well be altered. Besides which the naming the
Receiver by the Assembly may perhaps be attended with many
inconveniencys, and ill consequences. As to the 4th, 5th, 6th
and 7th points, which relate to the past and future subsistance
of the soldiers etc., the Governor is to be instructed to recommend
them very strongly to the Assembly, and to use his best endeavours
that they may be provided for. The Governor may further be
instructed to promise in H.M. name that the two Companys of
soldiers shall be sent from the Island as soon as there are white
people enough established there to defend it against the attempts
of any enemys from without, and the negroe slaves within.
As to the 8th and 9th points what is suggested by your report
seems to be very right. As to the 10th, it ought to be considered,
whether it be not already sufficiently provided for by the Order
of Councill, or whether a clause pursuant to that Order should
not be inserted in the Governor's Instructions. As to the 11th
the Law, upon which the Instructions formerly given to Governors
were superseded, being now expired, it seems reasonable that the
same Instructions should be revived again. As to the 12th,
it must be concerted with the Lords of the Admiralty; but the
present condition of our trade in America, and the great number
of pirates that do at present infest those seas, seem to require
that one or more of H.M. ships should attend on the Island of
Jamaica. As to the 13th concerning the Governor's pretension
of appointing himself, or naming a Clerk to the Assembly, it
appears not to have been the practice for many years, and
seems to be overruled by prescription. Signed, James Stanhope.
Endorsed, Recd. Read 16th April, 1717. 3½ pp. [C.O. 137,
12. No. 43; and 138, 15. pp. 216–219.] |
April 15. Rappa. |
527. Extract of letter from Virginia. Our coast is now infested with pyrates. A Whitehaven man was taken about 20
leagues off the Cape. The pirates boasted they had taken 50
ships. Instead of one man of war to attend us, we ought to have
half a dozen, etc. Endorsed, Recd. (from Micajah Perry), Read
31st May, 1717. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 5, 1318. No. 4.] |
[April 15.] |
528. Disbanded officers and soldiers, petitioners for land
between Nova Scotia and Maine, to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. If H.M. will grant them the said lands (v. March
2nd) with such encouragement as the Board thinks fit, they will
transport themselves at their own expense, etc. Endorsed, Recd.
15th April, Read 15th May, 1717. ½ p. [C.O. 217, 2. No. 23.] |
April 15. Admty. Office. |
529. Mr. Burchett to Mr. Popple. About the beginning of
the next month there will be a fourth rate, and a sixth rate sent
to Newfoundland, and Capt. Wm. Passenger of the Newcastle,
will be Commander in Chief. Desires that the necessary heads
of enquiry be prepared for him. Signed, J. Burchett. Endorsed,
Recd. 17th April, Read 6th May, 1717. Addressed. 1 p. [C.O.
194, 6. No. 30; and 195, 6. pp. 315, 316.] |
April 16. Virginia. |
530. Lt. Governor Spotswood to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Abstract. Acknowledges letter of 17th Aug., and
explains origin and defends provisions of Act for the better regulation of the Indian trade. Refers to Memorial of Indian Company
etc. Signed, A. Spotswood. Endorsed, Recd. 19th, Read 21st June,
1717. 7 pp. Printed, V.H.S.C., Spots. Papers, II. 238. Enclosed, |
530. i. Council of Virginia to the Council of Trade and Plantations. 2nd May, 1717. Reply to 17th Aug., 1716.
The management of the Indian trade by a Company will
prove much more beneficial to the commerce of this
country than the former management of seperate traders
etc. Signed, E. Jenings, Robert Carter, James Blair, Phill.
Ludwell, John Lewis, Wm. Bassett, Edmd. Berkeley.
Endorsed as preceding. 3 pp. [C.O. 5, 1318. Nos. 6,
6 i.; and (without enclosure) 5, 1364. pp. 448–462.] |
April 16. |
531. Mr. Attorney General to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Reply to April 5th. By the annext affidavit it
does appear, that John Williams, his wife, and children have
all been baptized in the Christian faith, etc., and that the reason
of making this law is, for that by a law of Jamaica for the better
order and government of slaves, the evidence of one slave agt.
another that is or has been a slave is admitted, etc., and not
against any other. I have no objection agt. this law, for that it
is reasonable that a slave converted to the Christian Religion being
made free should be admitted to the same priviledges with other
freemen, etc. Signed, Edw. Northey. Endorsed, Recd. 17th
April, Read 6th May, 1717. 1½ pp. Enclosed, |
531. i. Deposition of Francis Oldfield, 11th April, 1717, that
John Williams and his family have been freed, baptised,
and profess the Protestant religion etc. Signed, Fras.
Oldfield. ½ p. [C.O. 137, 12. Nos. 44, 44 i.; and
138, 15. pp. 220–223.] |
April 16. |
532. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Addison. Walter Hamilton, Esqr., H.M. Governor of the
Leeward Islands, is by one of his Instructions restrain'd from
passing any law or act, for any gift or present to him, by any of the
Assemblies of the said Islands; but in consideration, that there
is no house in any of the said Islands for the reception of H.M.
Governor in chief, H.M. is pleas'd to permit the General Assemblics
there, to provide a house or rent for the same, out of their publick
levies; provided the assignment of such house or rent, be made
at the first session of Assembly after his arrival, and for the whole
time of his Government, and provided that the sum so assign'd,
do not exceed £400 pr. annum, to be paid him in proportion to
the number of days he shall actually reside upon each Island
respectively. Upon this occasion, we take leave to observe
some inconveniences, arising from the foregoing Instructions. We
do not conceive in the first place, how the said Assemblies at
their first setting, after a Governor's arrival, can give a sum to be
paid him annually in proportion to the number of days he shall
reside upon each Island, it being impossible to know what exigencies or occasions there may be, to require the continuance of his
residence upon each or any of them. But as Antigoa is the
windermost of the said Islands, and by consequence most
convenient for the Govr. to go to the relief of the others, in case
of need, it is and has always been the place, where the Governor
in Chief has most resided. If therefore the Assembly of Antigoa
should give the Governor a certain sum, the same difficulty of
proportioning the share of the other three Islands, will still
remain, and renders the execution of this Instruction in a great
measure impracticable. The Governor however, having laid
this Instruction before the first Assembly he held at Antigoa,
they immediately pass'd an Act for settling the sum of £1000
current money of that Island pr. annum upon him during his
Government. Tho' this sum exceeds that limitted by the
Instruction, the Governor was necessitated to pass the Act, and
submit it to H.M. pleasure, or else he must have lost the opportunity of getting house rent, being restrain'd to have it done at
the first Assembly after his arrival; but he has writ us, that he
neither has, nor will receive any part of it, till H.M. pleasure be
known. We have consider'd the said Act, and have discours'd
with several Gentlemen concern'd in, and well acquainted with
those Islands; who have assur'd us that the said £1000 being to
be paid in the current money of Antigoa, that is in sugars, and
transmitted to this Kingdom, to be sold here, what with the
freight, duties and other charges, will produce very little more
than £400 sterling. They have further represented to us, that
the rent of houses there, are excessive dear, and that there are
not houses fit for a Governor's habitation, without such alterations
and reparations, as are very chargeable, whereby the Govr. has
been necessitated to be at about £2000 expence in fitting up
the House he now lives in at Antigoa and oblig'd to take a lease
of it for a term of years. These Gentlemen have likewise inform'd
us that the prices of all things, especially provisions, for the
Governor's table are at present and have been for years, so
excessive high and different from what they were at the time when
the said Instruction was first made, that £1200 (which is the
Govr's. salary) would have gone further at that time than £2000
will now. The going from Island to Island tho' there should be
a man of war to transport him, is, notwithstanding, very expensive,
and tho' during the time he may be upon the other Islands,
they shou'd take care to provide him with lodgings, yet he must
still pay the annual rent of the house at Antigoa. We take leave
to make one observation more, from the information we have
had from the said Gentlemen, and that is, that the Islands of
Nevis and Mountserrat, have never yet contributed towards the
house rent for a Govr., since the Instruction was made, and St.
Christophers but once, some years ago. That these three Islands
have pass'd no acts for house rent since the present Governor's
arrival, and that they believ'd there had been Assemblies held
in each of them. If so, they are foreclos'd and cannot pass any,
during his Government, so that he can expect nothing, but by
virtue of the foremention'd Act of Antigoa. Upon consideration
of the reasons aforemention'd, we are humbly of opinion, that
H.M. be graciously pleas'd to permit the said Governor to receive
the foremention'd £1000 pr. ann., during his pleasure, without
confirming the said Act, whereby it will always be in H.M. power
to repeal the same, shou'd any future inconveniences appear to
arise from it. We further humbly submit to H.M. whether it
may not be proper to revoke the foremention'd Instruction, by
substituting another in its place, whereby Govrs. may be
effectually restrain'd gifts or presents, and yet not be liable to
the difficulties and objections aforementioned. Autograph
signatures. 5 pp. [C.O. 152, 39. No. 128; and 153, 13. pp.
17–22.] |
[April 17.] |
533. Merchants trading to Virginia to the Council of Trade
and Plantations. The Acts passed in Virginia, 1713, for preventing
frauds in tobacco payments, and, 1714, for the better regulation of the
Indian Trade are great grievances to the Brittish subjects tradeing
to Virginia and a discouragement to the Navigation of Great
Brittain. Reasons in detail. Signed, Micajah Perry, W. Byrd and 12 others. Endorsed, Recd. 17th April, Read 6th May, 1717.
10 pp. [C.O. 5, 1318. No. 2.] |
[April 17.] |
534. Same to Same. Pray for repeal of an Act of Virginia,
passed in 1663, concerning forreign debts, the purport of which
is, to bar all creditors liveing in Great Britain from recovering
debts justly due to them, from any person that go's over to that
Colony, unless such debtor had carry'd over thither effects to the
value of such debts. This Act is notoriously unjust in itself,
unequall to H.M. subjects of Great Britain, and very infamous
to that Colony, and has been pleaded not long since in the Courts
there in bar of very just actions, etc. Signed and endorsed as
preceding. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1318. No. 3.] |
April 18. Whitehall. |
535. Mr. Secretary Addison to the Lords Proprietors of
Carolina. The King having been pleased upon Mr. Stanhope's
having removed into the Treasury to honour me with the Seals,
and at the same time to assign the affairs of the Southern Province
to my care; I take the first opportunity of acquainting you
therewith, that you may please to transmit to me from time to
time, what you shall judge to be for H.M. service, which I shall
not fail to lay before H.M. in order to receive his directions
thereupon. Signed, J. Addison. [C.O. 324, 33. p. 76.] |
April 18. Whitehall. |
536. Circular letter from Mr. Secretary Addison to the
Governors, etc., of Plantations as 24 th Jan. supra. Begins as
first paragraph in preceding. Continues:—I take the first
opportunity of acquainting you therewith, that you may please
to transmit to me from time to time such occurrences in your parts,
as you shall judge to be for H.M. service, which I shall not fail
to lay before H.M. in order to receive his directions thereupon,
and as to your own particular, I shall be glad of any occasion
that may offer in the course of our correspondence wherein I can
be serviceable to you. Signed, J. Addison. [C.O. 324, 33. pp.
76, 77.] |
April 20./ May 1. Rio Essequebe op't Luys Na By. |
537. Commandant Vanderheyden Rézen to the Directors
of the Dutch West India Company. Signed, Pr. Vanderheyden
Rézen. Endorsed, Read 22nd (N.S.) July, 1717. Dutch. 4 pp.
[C.O. 116, 21. No. 154.] |
April 20. |
538. James Campbell to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following. Col. Moody has sent a full account
of the victualling, pay, etc. of the garrison of Placentia to Mr.
Secretary Stanhope, but complains that he continues under the
same hardships and discouragements as set forth in enclosed
memorial. Col. Moody has been obliged to draw several more
bills last year for necessaries to the garrison, but they are protested as well as the former, amounting in all to £3000 and upwards, etc. He prays to be allowed to return by the men of war
this year in order to settle the affairs of the garrison, which he
finds to be in the utmost confusion, and to vindicate himself
from the calumnies of his enemies, etc. Signed, Ja. Campbell.
Endorsed, Recd. 10th April, Read 8th May, 1717. 1 p. Enclosed, |
538. i. Memorial delivered by Mr. Hodges, Judge Advocate
of Placentia, to the Duke of Marlborough, Mr. Secretary
Stanhope, Mr. Poultney, Secretary at War etc. in Nov.,
1715. Col. Moody represents the sufferings of the
garrison owing to bad clothing and insufficient provisions, and his efforts to keep them from starvation.
Describes his voyage thither in 1713 etc. Prays that
the accounts may be made up and provisions and pay
sent. He sends a pair of the wooden shoes the soldiers
were forced to wear for want of others, etc. Copy.
7½ pp. [C.O. 194, 6. Nos. 31, 31 i.; and 195, 6. pp.
322–341.] |
April 22. Stratford. |
539. Sir John Colleton to Mr. Popple. Mr. Jono. Colleton
of Barbadoes and I have finished all controversies between us
and there being a vacancy now in the Council there, I recommend
him to their Lordships, etc. Signed, J. Colleton. Endorsed,
Recd. 24th April, Read 6th May, 1717. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 15.
No. 6; and 29, 13. p. 374.] |
April 24. Virginia. |
540. Virginia Indian Company to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Answer to petition etc. for the repeal of the Act
of Virginia for the better regulation of the Indian Trade. Cf. April
16. Signed, Nathl. Harrison, Mann Page, Tho. Jones, Cha.
Chiswell, C. Digges, Peter Beverley, Tho. Nelson, Arthur Bickardike. Endorsed, Recd. (from Mr. Carey) 24th, Read 28th June,
1717. 29 pp. Enclosed, |
540. i. Abstract of export of skins and furs from the Upper
district of James River, Virginia, 1712–1715. 3189
buck and 3778 doe skins. 1716, by the Indian Company
2846 and 2224; by separate traders 1408, 1651, etc.
1 p. [C.O. 5, 1318. Nos. 10, 10 i.] |
April 24, 25. |
541. Extract of letters from South Carolina [? to Joseph
Boone] (a) April 25th. The Indian warr is so hard upon us, that
we are not able to bear it etc. Our stocks are almost destroyed
and we starved, corn 15d. a bushell and now none to be got etc.
Taxes are so high that it is hard living etc. |
(b) April 24, 1717. If the King doe not assist, in an eye
of reason the country will be ruind. Small parcells of sculking Indians lye in the out settlemts. and cut off our people as
they goe to git in cattle, so meat has been excessive dear in
Charles Town, for out settlemts. On the other side Pon Pon,
and nearer many have been killed etc. Signed, Joseph Boone.
Endorsed, Recd. Read 26th June, 1717. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 1265.
No. 71.] |
April 25. Charles Town. |
542. Extract from a letter from South Carolina [? to Joseph
Boone]. Our circumstances are yet somewhat doubtfull, for the
last time the Charachee were here, they insulted us to the last
degree, and indeed by their demands (wth. which we were forced
to comply) made us their tributaries. And the only hope we
have to throw of their yoak is, by reason of messengers to us from
the Creeks about a month since, that desir'd that their great men
might have liberty to come to us, and treat of a Peace the wch.
was by the Councill readily granted, and we expect them about
a month hence. I dare not pretend to give any judgmt. of the
effect, because both Nations are very numerous, and mortall
enimies to each other. This makes the matter of great weight
to us, how to hold both as our friends, for some time, and assist
them in cutting one another's throats without offending either.
This is the game we intend to play if possible, the wch. if well
accomplisht will in a little time make us easie, for if we cannot
destroy one nation of Indians by another, our country must be
lost: Because our ordinary fighting men are almost all killed,
and gone out of the country, so that small parties of ye enemie
slily make incursions on the outparts of our settlements; and
have kill'd many of our people; and did kill Mr. Steed a few days
since. About 20 days since we lost a perriaugur with seven men,
who were carr[y]ing provission, ammunition etc. to our garrison
at the Savanna Town. Wherefore must for the future supply that
garrison by land, under a strong guard. Copy, Signed, Joseph
Boone. Endorsed, Recd. Read 26 June, 1717. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 5,
1265. No. 69.] |
April 28. |
543. Governor Hart to Mr. Secretary Methuen. Acknowledges letter of 16th August. In obedience to H.R.H. commands,
I have enclosed you exact lists of all the rebel prisoners, that are
come into this Province, indorsed on the Proclamations I published by ye advice of the Councill here, wch. were formed from
the letters I had the honour to receive from the Right Honble.
Mr. Secretary Stanhope, etc. I was commanded by Mr. Secretary
Stanhope's lettrs. to oblidge the rebel prisoners to enter into
indentures to serve for seaven years, and upon their refusing
to indent, I published the inclosed Proclamations, which had the
effect propos'd, of their being immediately purchased by the
respective persons whose names are likewise sent to you for your
further satisfaction, that H.M. pleasure has been punctually
obey'd. Some of the rebels prisoners have run away from their
service, but on complaint of their masters I have given strict
orders for the apprehending of them wherever they shall be found
in this Province. Professes a most inviolable zeal for H.M.
service etc. Signed, Jo. Hart. Endorsed, Rd. Oct. 16, 1717.
1 ¾ pp. Enclosed, |
543. i. (a) Minutes of Council of Maryland 11th Jan., 1716.
A Proclamation was issued for the arrest of any of the
rebels who should run away from their masters or purchasers, etc. Subscribed, |
(b) List of 55 rebel prisoners imported into Maryland
in the Goodspeed, 18th Oct. 1716, with the names of
their purchasers. 5 pp. |
543. ii. (a) Minutes of Council of Maryland, 28th Aug., 1716.
Proclamation issued as in preceding. Subscribed, |
(b) List of 80 rebels prisoners imported into Maryland
in the Friendship of Belfast, 20th Aug., 1716, with the
names of their purchasers. 7 pp. [C.O. 5, 720. Nos.
24, 24 i., ii.] |
April 30. Whitehall. |
544. Mr. Secretary Addison to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Encloses following, for their opinion "concerning
the methods you shall judge proper for the relief of the said
inhabitants." Signed, J. Addison. Endorsed, Recd. 1st, Read
6th May, 1717. 1 p. Enclosed, |
544. i. Representation of inhabitants of South Carolina to
the King. At the beginning of 1715 the Indians
attacked and destroyed several fine settlements, killed
about 200 persons and inflicted damage to the value of
£116,000. Besides this loss, for its defence, the Colony
has contracted a debt of over £100,000, and must spend
£50,000 per annum, an expenditure which the inhabitants can nowise sustain. They have already done
their utmost to end this cruel war, but will never be
able to reduce their enemies completely without H.M.
aid. Pray H.M., in addition to the arms already sent,
to despatch to their assistance 3 or 400 men. Endorsed
(? by Addison) Recd. from H.M. Ap. 26. French. 1⅓ pp.
[C.O. 5, 1265. Nos. 60, 60 i.; and 5, 1293. pp. 88–90.] |
April 30. Virginia. |
545. Lt. Governor Spotswood to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Abstract. Repeatscomplaint that the Government of
S. Carolina have not observed one article of the agreement made
with relation to the forces sent to their assistance from Virginia,
and gives details. Begs the Board to interpose their "good
offices with H.M. to oblige the Governmt. of So. Carolina to do us
justice in the performance of their publick faith." Continues:—
I cannot conceal from yor. Lordps. the trouble it gives me, after
having preserved for so many years among the people of this
Colony the reputation of honesty and candour, I should now be
suspected of combining to kidnap its inhabitants into the service
of another Province upon imaginary encouragements wch. were
never design'd to be performed. These are the dayly clamours
of abundance of disappointed creditors and masters, whose
debtors and servants remain still in Carolina, and of those who
have returned, and find they hazarded their lives and spent
their time for nothing. If some measures are not taken to oblige
that Government to keep their publick faith, yor. Lordps. may
easily judge what effect it may have, when any future occasion
shall require the assistance of one of H.M. Plantations to another.
Refers the Board to the bearer, Mr. Kennedy, for further information. Continues:—This gentleman has also been imployed
in delivering a letter from me to the Governour of St. Augustin in
behalf of So. Carolina (the answer to which as well as it could be
copyed out here from the original is here inclosed) for both these
services he has recieved no other satisfaction than the bare
thanks of the Governmt. such being the present deficiency
of H.M. Revenue, that even notwithstanding H.M. Bounty out
of the Qtt. Rents, it is not sufficient to defray the ordinary expence
of the Government. Recommends him for some recompence out
of the quit rents etc. Signed, A. Spotswood. Endorsed, Recd.
19th, Read 22nd June, 1717. 4 pp. Printed, Spot. Papers,
II. 245. Enclosed, |
545. i. Governor of St. Augustin to Lt. Governor Spotswood.
St. Augustin, 30th May (N.S.), 1716. Reply to his letter
in behalf of South Carolina. The Carolina merchants
have given you a wrong impression, etc. I assure you
on the word of a Gentleman that it is not permitted to
give or sell arms or ammunition to their rebel Indians,
etc. I will pay special heed that, in pursuance of the
Treaty of Utercht, such prohibition is continued. The
destruction wrought by the Indians is due to their ill
treatment by the Carolinians, etc. I can by no means
agree to your proposal that we should not protect or
trade with the Indians who fly for protection to Florida
and return to their old allegiance to the Catholic King
etc. I must call upon you to punish the Carolinian
merchants, so that they do not penetrate within the
limits of this Government, and murder and rob as they
did two months ago, slaying men and women etc., who
in six canoes came to submit themselves to my royal
master etc. I shall punish such aggressors in the future,
etc. Signed, Don Franco. de Corcoles y Martinez. Endorsed as preceding. Copy. Spanish. 2 pp. [C.O. 5,
1318. Nos. 9, 9 i.; and (without enclosure) 5, 1364.
pp. 465–473.] |
April 30. Whitehall. |
546. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Addison. Enclose copies of papers received from Governor
Hamilton relating to pirates, and the driving away our logwood
cutters in the Bay of Campechy, for H.M. pleasure thereupon.
Autograph signatures. 1 p. Enclosed, |
546. i.–vii. Copies of Nos. 486, 486 ii., iii., v., vii., ix., x.
[C.O. 152, 39. Nos. 127, 127 i.–vii.; and (without
enclosures) 153, 13. p. 28.] |
April 30. St. James's. |
547. Commission and Instructions from the Lords Proprietors
of Carolina to Robert Johnson to be Governor of South Carolina.
Signed, Carteret, Palatin, Ja. Bertie for D. of Beaufort, Fulwar
Skipwith for Ld. Craven, M. Ashley, J. Colleton, J. Danson.
Copy. [C.O. 5, 290. pp. 103–113.] |