Oct. 2. |
348. Governor Hunter to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Abstract. Replies to letters of 15th and 22nd March and 30th May
as well as his heavy indisposition will allow. The Province lies under
the deepest obligations of gratitude to the Board for their regard
to their interest and their care in what relates to the Naturalization Act. He warned its projectors that they were rendering it
liable to objection or repeal. The present Assembly, the best
he has seen here, will, he believes, pass another Act not liable
to those objections, etc. Mr. David Jamison is the same person
as that mentioned by Lord Bellomont, who was however grossly
imposed upon as to his character. Gives his history and character.
It is to his art and management that is owed chiefly any legal
establishment they have there for the Church of England, etc.
Can only explain the disappointment from the trees prepared for
tar by supposing that they were pierced contrary to instructions
in the inward rind by an unskilful and unruly multitude. The
country contains pine woods enough to answer the uses of all
navigation by England and the pine-trees are full of turpentine.
But after the disappointments he has met with, he cannot advise
renewing the project until they have persons skilled in the method
of preparing the trees as in the East country etc. Sends as exact
a map and an explanatory index of the country about the Lakes
as he could get made. The place where he proposes a fort is
the great carrying place or Fort Nicholson, because of the easy
communication with the other forts, and the neighbourhood of
the pine woods and mast woods. If necessity require, another
may then be built later at the entry of the Lakes with greater ease.
It will not be easy to carry through a bill for a second resumption
of lands, though many of those resumed by the former Act were
held by less extravagant grants than many which were left. If
the Act for the better settlement and assuring of lands in this Colony,
passed in 1710, were annulled, it would pave the way for the other.
It is apparent that extravagant tracts of land being held by single
persons unimproved is the true cause that this Province does not
increase in numbers of inhabitants in proportion to some of the
neighbouring ones. Encloses Acts passed during the last Session.
Samuel Mullford is embarked for London. He is the only
mutineer at present in the Province and has in all administrations
flown in the face of Government and has ever and alone disputed
with the Crown the right of whale-fishing. Judgment has been
given against him in the Supreme Court. He is now under
prosecution for publishing a false scandalous and malicious libel,
containing false and unjust reflections on the Government, as
it was voted by the House of Representatives, (enclosed). Refers
to Minutes of Council, etc. Accounts of the Revenue will be
sent next week. Printed, N.Y. Col. Docs. V. 477. Signed, Ro.
Hunter. Endorsed, Recd. 10th Dec., 1716, Read 14th Nov., 1717.
9½ pp. Edges rubbed. Enclosed, |
348. i. Samuel Mulford's speech to the Assembly at New York
against settling a duty for the support of the Government, April 2, 1714. Signed, S. Mulford. Endorsed as
preceding. Printed. 7½ pp. |
348. ii. Bishop of London to David Jamison. Fulham, 24th
Oct., 1710. Expresses gratitude for his good services
to the Church, etc. Signed, H. London. Same endorsement. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1051. Nos. 34, 34 i., ii.;
and (without enclosures) 5, 1123. pp. 466–479.] |
Oct. 2. New York. |
349. Governor Hunter to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Abstract. This relates to the affairs of the Jerseys. After Mr. Cox
with his associates was expelled from the House of Representatives, upon information that he and his emissaries were carrying
papers privately round the Provinces for subscriptions, the
Governor and Council ordered their arrest, whereupon they fled
the Province etc. Cox with Bustill, a very mean wretch, but his
chief instrument, is now sailed for England. Suggests that Mr.
Cox and Mr. Sonmans, who have fled from justice, should be sent
back to be tried in the Province, before any complaints are
received from their hands. He himself is ready to answer the
strictest enquiries into his administration. Has issued a Proclamation for the Assembly to meet at Burlington, for since the
removal of that Boute-feu, the Country is quiet. Believes he
will have a good session there. Encloses the only Act passed
last session, to enforce the payment of publick taxes, Mr. Cox and
his associates having ever refused to pay their taxes. His
party have hardly paid one farthing without being distrained.
Has ordered the Treasurer to transmit accounts of the Revenue,
which he will send, etc. Printed, N.J. Archives, 1st Ser. IV. 260.
Signed, Ro. Hunter. Endorsed, Recd. 10th Dec., 1716, Read
27th Nov., 1717. 3 pp. [C.O. 5, 971. No. 27; and 5, 995.
pp. 365–368.] |
Oct. 3. Antigua. |
350. Governor Hamilton to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Acknowledges letters of 30th May and 15th June.
Continues: I shall according to your Lordships' order, direct the
proper officers throughout the severall Islands, that they abstract
all minutes of Councill and Assemblys, as well as the Acts, and
put them in the margents. I am verry much obliged to your
Lordships for so timely recommending the sending of a man of
war, which by Mr. Burchett's letter, I see may be expected verry
soone, till then am still a sort of a prissoner, as for giving your
Lordships a particular accoumpt of pirates, that is hardly
possible, for they are sometimes seen for some days, and then
shift theire stations, the great one that was in these seas, just
before I arrived, was a ship of 36 guns, the Capt. a French man,
the ship's crew (as I was informed) were of most all nations, the
last that was seen, was to the windward part of this Island, when
ever I can learne any particulars, I shall not faile to informe your
Lordships thereof as soone as possible. As to the Virgine
Islands, refers to 14th April etc. When a man of war arrives,
shall soone after visitt those Islands, and then I shall be able to
give a more particular acct. etc. As to the Governours of Anguilla
and Spanish towne, they have no appoyntment at all, and are
always made by the Governour in chiefe out of the best of the
inhabitants and are under the direction of the Governour in
chiefe of these H.M. Islands, from whom they receive theire
Commissions and Instructions, and it is sometimes with dificulty
to gett one that's tolerable fitt amongst them to take the command
upon them, they being but a handfull of people, as your Lordships
may perceive by the inclosed list of the inhabitants and slaves
upon Anguilla, which I beleve has more people and slaves upon
it, then all the rest of the other litle Islands, the acct. of wch. I
have not yett received, but shall send as soone as possible after
it com's up, the produce of these Islands is chiefly in raising of
small stock, and some little quantity of cotton, had these people
incouragement given to them, by giving them small tracts of
land in the former French part of St. Christophers, and ordered to
remove up there, I am of opinion it would prove vastly for H.M.
servis, and the strengtening of all the other chiefe Islands,
for now they are almost useless, and of verry little advantage to
the Crowne, etc. P.S. I herewith send an Act to explaine part
of the Militia Act for St. Christophers etc. Signed, W. Hamilton.
Endorsed, Recd. 24th Nov., 1716, Read 5th April, 1717. 2 pp.
Enclosed, |
350. i., ii. Duplicates of No. 425 iv. |
350. iii. List of inhabitants of Anguilla, Totals:—Men, 89;
women, 103; children, 342; negroes, 820; working
negroes, 514. Endorsed as letter. 4 pp. [C.O. 152,
11. Nos. 56, 56 i.–iii.; and (without enclosures) 153,
13. pp. 13–16.] |
Oct. 3. Placentia. |
351. Lt. Governor Moody to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. The miserable cercomstances which H.M. Garrison
here is in, for want of their cloathing, being allmost quite naked,
and all the fortifications, barracks, and houses, being in a manner
quite open to the attacks of an enymy, and to the injuries of the
severe cold winters, which makes me humbly supplicate your
Lordships' favourable interposition in their behalfe for a speedy
removeall of their miseries, by a proper supply of clothing, pay,
and mony, for to provide them with beer and fire and candle
etc.: and that the fortifications and barracks may be put into
repair, which if they are not speedyly, it will be out of my power
any longer to hinder a total disolution of the garrison, and what
bad effect, that may have upon the trade of Newfoundland, by
giveing the French at Cape Brittoon and Cannada incouragement
to instigate the savages to overrun this country in the winter,
I humbly submitt to your Lordships' better judgment, humbly
acquainting your Lordships that I am pritty assured that the
French and savages at Cannada have such a project in agitation,
for they know how this garrison and fortifications, has been,
and still is, neglected since I oblidged them to quit this Collony,
whilst they spare neither cost, nor trouble to fortifie Cape Brittoon
in three places, etc. Signed, J. Moody. Endorsed, Recd. 29th,
Read 31st Oct., 1716. 1 p. [C.O. 194, 6. No. 18; and 195,
6. pp. 292, 293.] |
Oct. 10. Jamaica. |
352. Peter Heywood, Commander in Chief of Jamaica, to the
Council of Trade and Plantations. I send herewith coppy of the
Minutes of Councill, to the going away of Lord A. Hamilton in
H.M.S. Bedford, Capt. Thomas Lyell, who set sayle from Port
Royall Keys 21st Sept., since which nothing very material has
offered only complaints of masters of vessells that have been
taken coming from H.M. Northern Plantations whose depositions
I have laid before the Assembly and recommended the matter
to their care on the 5th instant. I presume to inclose a letter
sent by one of these poor men that were taken from one of the
most audacious villains that is on board those pyrates, which I
am inform'd are now three and for the most part have hitherto
layn between the east end of the Island and the narrow of the
Windward passage. The Assembly met 17th Sept. and have satt
close to buisness being very unanimous in all their resolutions
and I have no reason to doubt but they will continue so for the
generall good of the Island and the honour of his sacred Majesty
being in generall gentlemen of the best estates in the Island and
truely well-affected to H.M. and his Government. No bill
having yet past, I thought it needless to trouble yr. Lordships
with the Minuits but as I think the session will be but short, so
I hope by the next ship to send coppys of all our proceedings.
Signed, Peter Heywood. Endorsed, Recd. 21st Dec., 1716, Read
9th Jan. 1716/17;. 1 p. Enclosed, |
352. i. Stephen Smith to H.E. Peter Heywood. I was
obliged to leave the Island on the account of the accident
that happened, and now am forced to go a pirateing
for to gett a living which is much against my will.
Could I but have pardon, I would directly come in, and
bring a great many more English men along with me,
etc. Signed, Stephen Smith. Endorsed as preceding.
1 p. [C.O. 137, 12. Nos. 23, 23 i.; and (without
enclosure) 138, 15. pp. 173–175.] |
Oct. 10. Whitehall. |
353. Mr. Secretary Methuen to Governor Hunter. Having
laid before H.R.H. a memorial in your behalf, which was put
into my hands by Mr. Bampfield your Agent, in which it is
desired that you should have leave to be absent for some time
from your Governmt., and to come hither, I am to acquaint you
that though H.M. service in those parts cannot allow of your being
long absent, yet in regard that your presence here seems necessary
for your own private affairs, H.R.H. has been graciously pleased
to condescend to your request and to allow you to be absent for
eight months. H.R.H. has that confidence in your good conduct,
and your zeal for H.M. service, that he does not doubt, but that
you will give the proper directions for the administration of the
Government during your absence, etc. Signed, P. Methuen.
Annexed, |
353. i. Warrant of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Guardian
of the Kingdom, Hampton Court, Oct. 9th, 1716,
granting Governor Hunter leave to come to Great
Britain for eight months, as well for the recovery of his
health as to settle some private affairs of his own, etc.
Countersigned, P. Methuen. Copy. [C.O. 5, 190. pp.
372, 373.] |
Oct. 10. |
354. Mr. Solicitor General to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. I have considered the Act of Barbadoes to dock
the intail limitted on a certain plantation scituate in the parish
of St. Michael, and to enable Thomas Somers to sell the same, etc.,
and am humbly of opinion that the said Tho. Somers being seised
of an estate tail, in the said plantation and negroes, with the
reversion in fee, expectant thereon to himself, the passing of an
Act to dock that intail, and to vest the estate in himself in fee
simple, to pay his debts and to make provision for his family,
is just and reasonable; and no more than what is done constantly
in England by fine and recovery; and Acts of the like nature
have been often pass'd in Barbadoes. Signed, J. Fortescue
Aland. Endorsed, Recd. 15th, Read 31st Oct., 1716. 1 p.
[C.O. 28, 14. No. 56; and 29, 13. pp. 343, 344.] |
Oct. 16. |
355. Mr. Solicitor General to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Reply to 24th May. I have considered of the Act
of Antigua to enable Andrew Murray, etc., and am humbly of
opinion, that Elizabeth Murray, being seized of an estate tail,
in the moiety of a plantation there, by the will of John Drew,
with a remainder over to Jno. Baxter in fee and simple, the
passing of an Act to dock that intail, and to bar the remr., in
order to make the family easy, and to secure fortunes to the
daughters of the said Eliz. Murray by her former husband, and
to preserve the estate of her eldest son, is just and reasonable;
and what might be done in England, if the lands lay there, by
fine and recovery, without being oblig'd (as this Act does) to
secure the £2,000 fortune to the said daughters, which is both
prudent and honourable in her who is to dock this entail. Signed,
J. Fortescue Aland. Endorsed, Recd. 18th, Read 31st Oct.,
1716. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 11. No. 25; and 153, 12. pp. 456,
457.] |
Oct. 16. Whitehall. |
356. Council of Trade and Plantations to H.R.H. George
Prince of Wales, Guardian of the Kingdom etc. and H.M. Lieut.
within the same. Reply to 13th Sept. Having received a good
character of Mr. Keith, we have no objection against your Royal
Highness' approbation of him accordingly; security being first
given for his observing the Acts of Trade and Navigation as in
the like cases; and provided Mr. Penn do renew the declaration
made by him relating to H.M. right to the 3 Lower Counties.
[C.O. 5, 1293. pp. 29, 30.] |
Oct. 16. |
357. (a) Thomas Pitt to Mr. Secretary Methuen (cf. Sept.
24). The disorder and defenceless state of Jamaica may be justly
attributed to (1) the Assembly's disregarding the King's letters
and instructions etc., and in a manner assuming the executive
part of the Government. (2) To the Assembly's not providing
an additional subsistance to the two Independant Companies or
supplying the Revenue with money etc. (3) To their not making
laws for the better encouragement of white people to come and
settle, but framing such as would suspend those of much greater
encouragement than the laws they offer. (4) From some persons
solliciting subscriptions, and thereby raising money and sending
it to England to sollicit, as pretended, the affairs of the Island,
but in reality to support a faction against a Governor and Council.
(5) From the Agents of such persons taking opinions and transmitting them to Jamaica of lawyers on points determin'd already
by the Government here, such as the powers of Assemblys to
adjourn themselves, for what time they please, without leave of
the Govr. and that the Council have no right to mend money
bills etc., which can tend to no other end than to keep up party
and division to distress the Government, and make Govrs. uneasy
at the pleasure of unreasonable men. (6) From the want of a
greater number of white people and ships of war etc. as No.
344, i. For remedy whereof 'its humbly propos'd that the
Govr. be instructed concerning the following points. (1) Upon
the Assembly's declaring they have a power to adjourn themselves
without leave of the Governor for what time they think fit. (2)
Upon their declaring the Council have no right to mend money
bills. (3) Upon their appointing other persons, than the Receivor
Genl. to collect publick moneys. (4) Concerning the better subsistance of the soldiers in case the Assembly do not provide for
them. (5) To recommend to the Assembly concerning any debt
may be owing any persons who have advanc'd money for the
better subsistance of the soldiers. (6) Concerning the other
debts of the Govt. unprovided for. (7) That the Treasury be
duly supply'd with money for the support and honour of the
Government or that a Revenue be setled equal to the annual
expence of the Government, which is computed at £6000 pr.
annum and the present setled Revenue not to amount to £4000.
(8) Concerning the encouragement of white people to come
and settle. (9) That lands and houses may be extended to the
payment of debts. (10) That neither Councillor or Assembly
man be allow'd any protection, unless in his person from suit at
law. (11) Concerning the raising of money by subscriptions in
the Island to manage as it's term'd the affairs of that country
in England. (12) That persons may not be appointed of the
Council without being very well known and recommended. (13)
That ships of war be sent to the Island and to be under the
direction of the Govr. during their stay in those parts, and that
care be taken that they be reliev'd by others when recall'd.
(14) That the Acts pass'd in Jamaica, and not yet confirm'd by
the Crown may be taken into consideration, either confirm'd or
disapprov'd before the departure of the Governor. (15) That the
Govr. be impower'd to appoint the Clerk and other officers
attending the Assembly. Endorsed, Recd. (from Mr. Secy.
Methuen) Read 16th Oct., 1716. 3¾ pp. |
(b) Copy of clauses from Governors' Commissions and Instructions relating to the suspension and appointment of Councillors,
which have been found inconvenient (by Governor Spotswood
etc.) Endorsed as preceding. 2¼ pp. |
(c) Governor Lord A. Hamilton to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.
Jamaica, 12th June, 1716. Duplicate of letter to Council of Trade,
June 12, with additions:— Whatever clamours the partyzans of
this Assembly have endeavour'd to raise, it will demonstratively
appear by the Representation of the Council (v. June 12), that
nothing has been asked or endeavour'd by me but for the security
and wellfare of this Island, in conformity to H.M. Royall Letter
and Instructions, and that no supplys have been offer'd by
the Assembly or any bills prepar'd by them but in direct opposition
to those Instructions, and clog'd in such a manner that it was
impossible to accept them, without giving up that authority
which H.M. has been pleas'd to intrust with His Governor and
Council. And yet these very men who had not themselves shown
the least duty to H.M., and whose very Act the most plausible
for Loyalty, their Schism Bill, as it well may be cal'd, as they had
past it, without the amendments of the Council, plainly discover'd
the same principalls which had lately been made use of by the
enemys of our Constitution to weaken us, had the insolence in
order to provoke me to a desolution of them, to send me a message
by three of their Members, one of them a profest Jacobite, calling
in question my loyalty, which message I treated with that
resentment and contempt I thought it deserv'd. When I
acquaint you, Sir, that the Leaders of those men (whatever their
pretences are now) suffer'd their joy to eclat formerly upon the
change of that Ministry, which had once rais'd, and are now
retrieving the Glory of the British Nation; when you are inform'd
that those men joyn'd with Sr. Hovenden Walker, and Mr. Keith
in their unjustifyable proceedings here; and by their recommandations in opposition to me, mett with so much countinance
from some of the then Board of Trade, that my complaints
against them, but procur'd them favours, whilst it was then made
a crime against me, that I favour'd particular men, who have
allways most remarkably distinguished themselves for the
Protestant Succession; And when the proceedings of this Assembly are consider'd and found of a piece with those I submitt
whether too much cause has not been given, for suspecting
disaffection to His Majesty, but I will be more just to this Country
notwithstanding all the violence of their late Representatives,
then to accuse them in generall of Jacobitism, on the contrary
I hope there are not many amongst us, and I'm sory there shou'd
have been any in that body of men; their leaders however must
be answerable, or assign some other rationall cause of their
proceedings. After what I have said I think it is my duty to
name Mr. Beckford, who is the chief, and allmost absolute Leader,
for who's character I beg leave to referr you to the accots. given
of him by my predecessor Major Genll. Handasyde. This is
the person I complained of to the Queen's late Ministry, but had
no other effect from it, then his obtaining a new place in the
Customs, and copys of my letters were had here, and handed
about the Country long before I had obtain'd any answers to
them; which has enabled them to create me much of the
opposition they have since made. I must acknowledge with
thanks since H.M. happy accession to the Crown I have had a
very different treatment from that Board, and indeed all the
support I desired; two Gentlemen having been at my request
removed from the Council, one of them since Speaker to the late
Assembly, whether their conduct in that Assembly do's not
verify the character I gave of them to that Board, I submitt to
their determination. In short Sir our misfortune here both
with respect to the King's service, and that of the Island which
are indeed but one is, that there are but very few men amongst
us, who discern the tendency of their own proceedings, or are
capable of judging of their own true interest, and yet are much
more positive and violent then in colder climates; and as there
is no one person in an Assembly, who is either an officer of the
Crown, or has any particular dependance upon it, and by their
assuming a right to tax all the King's officers here at pleasure
whereby they draw of in great measure even the officers' service
from the Crown, or at least much abate that zeal that is incumbent
on them to show, it is easy for two or three designing and ambitious
men, to render themselves popular by their opposition to Government, especially in the Article of giving money, and this opposition
must be unavoidably of very ill consequence where not only the
extraordinarys, but even the ordinary support of the Government,
needs their annuall assistance. Endorsed as preceding. Enclosed, |
(d) Copy of Governor Lord A. Hamilton's Commission to the
sloop Eagle, Capt. John Wills, for taking pirates. St. Jago de
la Vega, Nov. 21st, 1715. Signed, A. Hamilton. Enclosed in
preceding. 1½ pp. |
(e) Copy of Instructions for preceding. Same date, signature
and endorsement. 2 pp. |
(f) Copy of form of bonds taken for vessels commissioned as
above. Signed, J. Wills and two others. 1½ pp. |
(g) Copy of letter from the Marquis de Cassa Torres, Governor
of the Havana, to Governor Lord A. Hamilton. Havana, Jan.
3, 1716 (N.S.). Complains of depredations committed by
British subjects. Cf. May 19, Nos. i. and iii. Signed, El Marqs.
de Cassa Torres. Same endorsement. Spanish. Copy. 1¼ pp. |
(h) Governor Lord A. Hamilton to the Governor of the Havana.
Jamaica, 27th Feb., 1716. The matters complained of in your
letter preceding and a Memorial of Capt. D". Juan del Valle (v.
May 19) has been under inquiery before me in a Council of State
of this Island etc. We all declare the uttmost detestation of
the hostilities and depredations said to be committed etc. I
had an oppertunity of giving an early instance of my sincerity and
readiness strictly to observe the Treatys of Peace and Commerce
upon occasion of a descent upon Hispaniola just after the
suspension of arms, and before it was known to the persons
making that descent, for which I caused full satisfaction to be
rendered in two days after complaint etc. I was very much
surprized when upon a like application some little time after to
the severall Governments of Cuba in behalf of one of his Britannic
Majesty's subjects on the north side of this Island who was
robbed and plundered by the subjects of his Catholick Majesty
and noe satisfaction could be obtained which cannot be unknown
to your Excellency, the person aggreived having personally
attended you with letters from myself. So that the Spaniards
being the first aggressors I conceive they should be the first to
give satisfaction, at least it is highly reasonable that the satisfaction to be made should be reciprocall. As to such part of the
Flota ship wreckt on the coast of Florida, as remained in the
possession of the subjects of his most Catholick Majesty, of which
it is pretended they were dispossessed, I do admitt that the
dispossessors are robbers and ought to be treated as such, but
conceive such part of the said Flota (if any) lying derelict from
which the subjects of his Catholick Majesty were not drove and
forced out of possession, belonged to the first occupant. I do
likewise admitt that restitution ought to be made to the subjects
of his Catholick Majesty, for their losses sustained by hostilities
committed on them by the subjects of his Brittanick Majesty
since the first suspense of arms. In answer to the memorial
presented to me by Dn. Juan del Valle, it was offered to his
consideration whether the prosecuting the officers and mariners
belonging to the two vessells complained off, or issuing such
proclamation as is desired in the said Memoriall may not probably
deterr others that are still out, and may have been upon the
wrecks from returning to this Island, and be a means of putting
them upon desperate attempts of more pernitious consequence to
the Crown of Spain, and whether deterring prosecution untill the
return of all or most part of the vessells suspected to have
committed any unlawful act, may not upon that account be most
adviseable, but left him to his own liberty to take such measures
against the subjects of his Britannick Majesty in this Island
for the satisfaction of the King of Spain and his subjects for all
hostilities committed on them as by the laws of Great Brittaine
and this Island are prescribed. Don Juan declined insisting on
any criminall prosecution, alledging that in case of any such
consequences happening, the blame might be imputed to him,
and desired such measures for satisfaction should be taken as
were just and reasonable. But as to the restitution to His
Brittanick Majesty's subjects, he knew noe other way but by
applying to the Court of Spain, etc. I am obliged to represent
to your Excellency, the almost dayly robberys and hostilitys
committed on the subjects of his Brittannick Majesty passing
the seas on their lawfull occasions to and from this Island by
Spanish vessells said to have Commissions for guarding their
coasts from Trinidado to other Spanish ports. I cannot but
expect that your Excellency will give such effectuall orders as
may prevent further irregularitys of that nature, by vessels fitted
out from any ports within the extent of your Government, as on
my part I shall do the like, etc. I cannot but insist with the
most pressing instance I am able, that reciprocall satisfaction
and restitution be made for the damages sustained from hostilitys
committed on either side which on our parts we shall be ready
and willing to enter upon, etc. Signed, A. Hamilton. Same
endorsement. Copy. 2¾ pp. [C.O. 137, 12. Nos. 3–10; and ((a)
and (c) only) 138, 15. pp. 1–26.] |
Oct. 17. |
358. Mr. Solicitor General to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Reply to Sept. 13. I have consider'd of the said
Act of Jamaica, which is for ye confirmation of a family agreemt.,
(stated) and is reasonable to pass into a law etc. Signed, J.
Fortescue Aland. Endorsed, 18th, Read 31st Oct., 1716. 1 p.
[C.O. 137, 12. No. 12; and 138, 15. pp. 16, 17.] |
Oct. 24. |
359. Thomas Onslow to Mr. Popple. Encloses following to
be laid before the Council of Trade and Plantations. Signed,
Tho. Onslow. Endorsed, Recd. 24th Oct., Read 2nd Nov., 1716.
½ p. Enclosed, |
359. i. Extract of letter from Mr. Bowes to Mr. Onslow,
Jamaica, Aug., 1716. The changing of the Council has
been a great check to all business of the Island, and seems
to have been pois'd by a very nice hand; for as they
now stand, there is five to five, in one classe are Messieurs
Chaplin, Blair, Risby, Beckford, Bennet; in the other,
Rose, Barnard, Peeke, Mumby, Broderick; and upon
the question of calling an Assembly, the division was
equal; so that His Excellency the Governor, was put to
determine it, and the writs are out accordingly. This
equality has occasion'd many differences, etc., and keeps
up a spirit of discontent and opposition amongst them.
The enquiry into the late depredations and irregularities
at sea, will be so far from remedying the evil, that it will
rather encrease it, and the attempt of taking up some of
the piratical sailors has so alarm'd the rest that it seems
they are gone off in swarms, whereby what was done
before, by encouragement or accident, will now, 'tis
doubted, be done under an apprehension or pretence of
necessity; on the other hand, the Spaniards and
French continue to make so great and continual
depredations by taking and killing us, that no merchant
ship that puts to sea, but seems to need more than an
insurance. Very lately some of these Capers took four
or five loaded sloops coming from New York and that
way, and carried them into Trinedado, the great
receptacle of these pirates. The Assiento has, inter
alia, rais'd negroes to 35 and £40 pr. head. The goods
carried to New Spain, and the irregularities, hostilities
etc. mutually committed by them and us, have ruin'd
all commerce. Remittances home carry away our heavy
mony, and the trade of indico, cocoa, French wine and
brandy (for want of a better) run away with our light;
so that this Inquisition with the other disadvantages,
will in a good measure finish the fate of the Island. The
most considerable of our planters are daily leaving us,
our merchants and factors that can, are doing the same.
Many of our sailors have been engag'd in things unwarrantable, and most of them, I doubt, are like to do
so, if speedy care be not taken. The Spaniards etc.
watch us so, that there is no stirring in safety out of
the Island; within is this inquirendum; and people
are sent for every day, and committed till they give
security to appear when e're call'd before the Governor
and Council, and to follow, is something, we know not
what;—And this is our wretched condition. If it be as
our merchants affirm, and say, they can make appear,
that the Spaniards have injured us to a much greater
value than we have them, it may be ask'd to what
purpose this inquiry ? which for ought yet appears,
is like to be but on one side. I hear of no inquiry into
our losses etc. Besides, the evil encreases, which three
or four cruizers wou'd have put a much more effectual
stop to, than what is a doing etc. I can see no full and
effectual end of these things, but the restoring some
trade to Jamaica, or gaining some new advantages for
it. Without one or the other, men must either desert
the country (which all will not do) or they will lye under
a strong temptation of taking unwarrantable methods
to get mony. 3⅓ pp. [C.O. 137, 12. Nos. 12, 12 i.;
and 138, 15. pp. 29–34.] |
Oct. 25. |
360. William Penn's declaration concerning H.M. claim to the
Three Lower Counties. I underwriten do by these presents
declare and promise that the King's Royal approbation and
allowance of Wm. Keith Esq. to be deputy Governor of Pensylvania and the three Lower Counties upon de la Ware River,
shall not be construed in any maner to diminish or set aside the
right claim'd by the Crown to the said three Lower Counties in
witness wherof I have herunto set my hand and seal this twenty
fifth of 8br. 1716. Signed, W. Penn. Endorsed, Recd. Read
22nd Nov., 1716. Sealed. ¾ p. [C.O. 5, 1265. No. 42; and
5, 1293. p. 36.] |
Oct. 26. Hampton Court. |
361. Warrant of H.R.H., the Prince of Wales, Guardian of
the Kingdom, appointing Francis Coleman Clerk of the Crown
in Jamaica, in the room of James Woodhouse, decd. [C.O. 5,
190. p. 375.] |
Oct. 31. Whitehall. |
362. Council of Trade and Plantations to H.R.H. The Prince
of Wales, Guardian of the Kingdom. Recommend for the Royal
assent Act of Jamaica to confirm an agreement between Olivia
Read, etc. (v. Sept. 13). [C.O. 138, 15. pp. 28, 29.] |
Oct. 31. Whitehall. |
363. Same to Same. Recommend for the Royal approbation
Act of Barbados for docking intail etc. (v. Oct. 10). [C.O. 29,
13. pp. 344, 345.] |
Oct. 31. Whitehall. |
364. Same to Same. Recommend for the Royal assent
Act of Antigua to enable Andrew Murray etc. (v. Sept. 27). [C.O.
153, 12. pp. 457, 458.] |
Oct. 31. Whitehall. |
365. Mr. Popple to Mr. Attorney General. Encloses, for
his opinion in point of law, two Acts of Nevis (i) 1714, to oblige
all persons to give in a list of their negroes upon oath, etc., and (ii)
1715, for raising and making a fortification on Saddle Hill. [C.O.
153, 12. pp. 458, 459.] |
Oct. 31. Whitehall. |
366. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Methuen. On the 29th June and 7th July, 1715, we writt to Mr.
Secretary Stanhope relating to the ill state and condition which
the Garrisons at Annapolis Royal and Placentia were in at that
time, etc. Enclose copy of Lt. Governor Moody's letter, Oct. 3,
"whereby you will see to what straits the garrison of Placentia
is reduced and the danger of a total desertion if some speedy
directions be not given for their support." [C.O. 195, 6. pp.
291, 292.] |