Dec. 1. |
699. Mr. Champante to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Presses for the confirmation of an Act of New York
declaring that all persons of forreign birth, heretofore inhabiting
within this Colony, and dying seized of any lands, tenements, or
hereditaments, shall be for ever hereafter deemed, taken, and esteemed
to have been naturalized; and for naturalizing all Protestants of
forreign birth, now inhabiting within this Colony. The Articles
which were made on ye surrender of this Province by the States
General to the Crown of England, the Letters Patent it was granted by to the then Duke of York by King Charles II., the conduct of
the several Governors since to invite, and encourage people to
come, and settle in this Colony, and improve the same, and even
an Act of the General Assembly there past in 1683 for naturalizing
all those of forreign Nations at present inhabiting within this Province,
and professing Christianity, and for encouragement of others to
come, and settle within the same: prove how much the circumstances of this Province differ from those of any other, and have
occasioned great numbers of Protestants of forreign birth both
to continue there upon the surrender, and to come since, and
settle in this Colony, to the great increase of Trade, and Navigation, and to the very considerable improvement of the sd. Province
insomuch that some of the most considerable persons there, and
such as have been of the Council, and of ye Assembly have not
been natural born subjects of the Crown of Great Britain. To
render therefore H.M. subjects secure in the quiet, and peaceable
injoyment of their several estates, rights and properties, which
are for the most part vested in the persons of forreign birth, or
by descents or other mean conveyances come from them to
others; and to settle and quiet the minds of ye loyall inhabitants
of the Colony, by preventing the obstruction of Justice, which is
often delayed by pleas of forreign birth in prejudice to the
priviledges they stand now possessed of, the General Assembly
have pass'd the Act which is now humbly laid before your Lopps.
with ye unanimous and earnest desires of the whole Province
for your Lordships favourable, and speedy recommendation of
it to H.M., to whom they have shown the utmost marks of their
loyalty, and duty, by having given an honourable Revenue, for
five years to come, for the support of the Government there.
Signed, J. Champante. Endorsed, Recd. Read 1st Dec., 1715.
2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1051. No. 16; and 5, 1123. pp. 383–386.] |
Dec. 2. Whitehall. |
700. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Stanhope. In reply to Oct. 8th, enclose Attorney General's
opinion, and statement of case of Lewis William Durepaire de
Nayac. v. 25th Oct. and 28th Nov. Conclude:— We have been
inform'd by Monsr. Durepaire himself, that neither he nor his
wife have been yet naturaliz'd or endenized. Autograph signatures. 2 pp. Enclosed, |
700. i. Copy of No. 655. |
700. ii. Copy of No. 688. [C.O. 239, 1. Nos. 24, 24 i., ii.;
and (without enclosures) 153, 12. pp. 373, 374.] |
Dec. 2. Admty. Office. |
701. Mr. Burchett to Mr. Popple. Reply to Nov. 29. My
Lords Commrs. of the Admiralty have given orders for the
printing of Mr. Gaudy's draughts of the coast and harbours of
Newfoundland, and for his being rewarded for the pains he has
taken therein. Signed, J. Burchett. Endorsed, Recd. 2nd,
Read 6th Dec., 1715. Addressed. 1 p. [C.O. 194, 5. No. 105;
and 195, 6. p. 156.] |
Dec.3. Whitehall. |
702. Circular letter from Mr. Popple to the Mayor of Byddeford, Barnstaple, Exeter, Plymouth, Dartmouth, Weymouth,
Poole, Foway, Bristol. The Council of Trade and Plantations,
having under consideration, several matters, relating to the
trade of Newfoundland, and being desirous to do what in them lies
for the advantage of that trade, desire you to consult with the
merchants of—, and others concern'd therein, and let their Lordps.
know, whether that trade labours under difficulties, and if so,
what they are, with your proposals for a remedy, and whatever
else you may think necessary for the better securing and increasing
thereof. [C.O. 195, 6. pp. 154, 155.] |
Dec. 5. St. James's. |
703. H.M. Warrant to John Taylor to fell trees in New
England, in pursuance of his contract with the Naval Board
to supply two ship loads of masts from New England yearly for
the Navy for five years. Countersigned, James Stanhope. Copy.
Annexed, |
703. i. Copy of John Taylor's contract referred to above. May
2, 1715. [C.O. 5, 190. pp. 321–327.] |
Dec. 5. St. James's. |
704. Order of King in Council. Confirming Act of Antigua
to enable Baptist Looby, etc. (v. Nov. 23). Signed, Christor.
Musgrave. Endorsed, Recd. 3rd, Read 17th Jan., 17 15/16. 1½ pp.
[C.O. 152, 10. No. 81; and 153, 12. pp. 378, 379.] |
Dec. 6. Whitehall. |
705. Mr. Popple to Mr. Attorney General. Encloses, for his
opinion in point of law, an Act of New York, July 5, 1715, declaring that all persons of foreign birth heretofore inhabiting within
that Colony and dying seized, of any lands, tenements and hereditaments, shall be forever hereafter deem'd taken and esteemed
to have been naturalized, and for naturalizing all Protestants of
foreign birth now inhabiting within that Colony. [C.O. 5, 1123.
pp. 386, 387.] |
[Dec. 7.] |
706. John Graves to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Estimate of ordnance required for the fortifications of New
Providence (v. July 5). Drawn up by a Gent. yt. did belong to
the Tower. Total cost,£1,875 16s. Endorsed, Recd. (from Mr.
Graves). 2¼ pp. [C.O. 5, 1265. No. 14; and 5, 1292. pp. 486,
487.] |
Dec.7. |
707. Same to Same. Similar estimate by the Board of Ordnance. Signed, C.Musgrave, Ja. Craggs, Wm. Bridges. Endorsement as preceding. 1p. [C.O. 5, 1265. No. 15.] |
Dec.13. Bideford. |
708. Henry Chope, Mayor of Bideford, to Mr. Popple.
Encloses following, in reply to Dec. 3rd, for which the merchants
here are highly obliged, etc. Signed, Henry Chope. Endorsed,
Recd. 16th Dec., 1715, Read 4th Jan., 17 15/16. Addressed. ¾ p.
Enclosed, |
708. i. Proposals of the merchants and others of Bideford
concerned in the Newfoundland Fishery. (1) The
planters and bye-boat-keepers there since 1688 are
increased to such a number that many have encroached
on ships' rooms, besides they do not furnish themselves
with as many green men as is stipulated by Act of
Parliament (for want of a penalty therein), the first of
which is very pernicious to fishing ships, and the latter
to the increase of sailours. Wherefore we propose a
further Act may be made to prevent the enormous
growing evill of planters and bye-boat-keepers by
restraining masters of ships from carrying over any more
of them to that Colony, otherwise there can be no
prospect that ships can make fishing voyages to
advantage, etc. Many of the bye-boat-keepers att the
end of the season instead of returning to Great Britain,
go over to New England where they settle, by wch.
means that Plantation is enabled to carry on a very
great fishery there destructive to ye Newfoundland and
increase of seamen, and not att all advantagious to this
Kingdom, and allso to secure and monopolize the trade
from Barbadoes and the Charibbee Islands, to the
settlements belonging to the English on all the Continent
of America as well as to the Newfoundland, which last
they furnish with rum etc., and sell it to the crew of our
fishing ships (contrary to the wills of our masters) which
debauch the sailors and render them incapable of
performing their labour and duty in takeing and making
fish to the great detriment and discouragement of the
trade as well as an interruption of the commerce from
Great Britain to the West Indies. All which we propose
may be prevented by an Act of Parliament, that no
planter, bye-boat-keeper or their crew, shall att the
end of the fishing season retire into New England but
return home or reside att Newfoundland, and that
no inhabitant of New England shall trade to the Newfoundland or furnish it with anything save provisions.
Another greivance we labour under is, that for two years
last past the officers of the Customes required duty for
our fishing craft viz. netts hooks and lines, by order of
the Commissioners of the Customs, which we esteem
an innovation and imposition, etc. We further propose
that a man of warr may be ordered to the Southern part
of the land and to be on that station by the middle of
Aprill, and to continue to cruse from Trepassy to St.
Peter's dureing the fishery to protect our trade from the
insults of piratts (who have bin sometimes very destructive
to the fishery ships there to the ruine of severall
merchants and traders) for fear of whome the year past
our ships where hindred from makeing use of the harbours
evacuated by the French to the Southward; and we
desire that att the end of the fishing season in those parts
(which is much sooner than in the northern) the said
man of warr may be ordered to convey our ships, bound
to Lisboa and the Streights. Refer to former proposals,
March, 1715. 1½ large pp. [C.O. 194, 5. Nos. 107,
107 i.] |
Dec.14. Whitehall. |
709. Mr. Popple to Mr. Lowndes. Reply to Nov. 19. The
Council of Trade and Plantations have no objection to Mr.
Byerley, etc. [C.O. 5, 1123. p. 389.] |
Dec.14. Whitehall. |
710. Council of Trade and Plantations to the King. In
obedience to your Majesty's Order in Council of 31st Aug. (wch.
we received 30th Nov.) we have considered the Representation of
the Lords Proprietors of the Bahama Islands in America, praying
your Majesty's approbation of Roger Mostyn, whom they have
nominated to be Governor. Upon this occasion, we must humbly
take leave to represent, that considering the present state of the
said Islands, the long and intire neglect of the Proprietors, and
the proceedings that have formerly been had in relation thereunto,
we cannot but be surpriz'd that the said Lords Proprietors shou'd
again nominate a Governor for your Majesty's approbation;
and therefore that your Majesty may be fully inform'd of that
matter, we take leave to lay before your Majesty an abstract of
the said former proceedings, the state of those Islands, and the
consequence they are or may be of to this Kingdom. Quote
Petition of House of Lords, 1706, and proceedings thereon, v. C.S.P.
1706–1710. The importance of these Islands is such that we
think it our duty to lay an account thereof before your Majesty,
with our humble opinion thereupon. They lye in the Gulph of
Florida, and are so much in the way of all ships that come from
the Havana and the Bay of Mexico, that none can pass but
what may be met with by your Majesty's ships of war or privateers
that may have their stations at Providence; They are therefore
of great consequence not only to our trade, but also for annoying
an enemy. On the other hand, shou'd the French or Spaniards
from their neighbouring Islands make a settlement upon Providence, who since the Peace have fitted out ships in nature of
privateers under Spanish colours, and act more like pirates than
ships of your Majesty's Allies, it wou'd prove very destructive
to our Jamaica and other trades; and it wou'd be much more
cheargeable to dislodge them, than by a timely provision to
prevent such settlement. And it appearing that through the
neglect of the Proprietors, these Islands are in a defenceless
condition, and become a refuge for pirates, we are humbly of
opinion that for preserving the said Islands to Great Britain,
and for incouraging the planters to re-settle on them, the
immediate Government thereof be resum'd into the Crown, and
that your Majesty be pleas'd to appoint them a Governor well
experienced in civil and military affairs, wch. your Majesty may
legally do according to the foremention'd opinions of the House of
Lords, this Board, and of sevl. Attorneys and Sollicitors General.
If these Islands were under your Majesty's immediate Governmt.,
their situation, their conveniency for trade with the Spaniards,
and the commodiousness of the harbour of Providence, are such,
that it is not to be doubted but they wou'd soon be resettled and
improv'd to the advantage of this Kingdom, which is become the
more necessary to be done by reason of the posture of our affairs
in consequence of the late Treatys of Peace, and of the growing
power of the French on Hispaniola, who are now masters of the
greatest part of that Island. [C.O. 5, 1292. pp. 492–503.] |
Dec.15. Whitehall. |
711. Same to Same. Offer for H.M. approbation Act of
Barbados to dock the intail of John Lucie Blackman's estate, etc.
[C.O. 29, 13. p. 320.] |
Dec.25. |
712. Petty expenses of the Board of Trade, stationery,
postage, Michaelmas to Christmas. 4 pp. [C.O. 388, 77. Nos.
9–11.] |
Dec.27. Barnstaple. |
713. John Baker, Mayor of Barnstaple, to the Council of
Trade and Plantations. Our merchants agree with the proposals
of Bidiford (v. Dec. 13). Signed, John Baker. Endorsed, Recd.
30th Dec., 1715, Read 4th Jan., 17 15/16, Addressed. Postmark.
Seal. ½ p. [C.O. 194, 5. No. 108.] |
Dec.29. Whitehall. |
714. Mr. Secretary Stanhope to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. William Broderick Esqr. H.M. Attorney General
in Jamaica having been well recommended to me to be of the
Council in the room of Francis Oldfield who has resigned, I desire
you will represent him to H.M. in Council as a person fitly qualified
for this trust, if you have no objection thereto. Signed, James
Stanhope. Endorsed, Recd. 27th Jan., Read 1st Feb., 17 15/16.
1p. [C.O. 137, 11. No. 1; and 138, 14. p. 348.] |
Dec.30. Barbados. |
715. Governor Lowther to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I did myself the honour to write to your Lordshipes by
Captain Foot on the 25th Oct. last; since which we have had the
news of the French King's death, and of the impious rebellion
that the Roman Catholicks (in conjunction with some false
brethern of the Church of England and Scotland) have raised in
Great Britain. I don't in the least fear but that this wicked
Rebellion will be speedily suppress'd by the great wisdome and
vigilancy of the Ministry, and the extraordinary loyalty and
affection of the Parliament, and that the rebells will soon feel the
dismal effects of their precipitated madness and folly. I'm sorry
I can't tell your Lordshipes that there's no disaffected persons
in this Government, and that I have no grounds to apprehend
any ill from them; for Don Manasses Gillingham, together
with some of our Jure divino Clergy, zealous Romanistes, and
high-flown (indefeasible) Church-men have held a very strict
correspondence of late, and have made more frequent visites to
each other than are agreeable to the rules of common civility,
hospitality, or friendship: I therefore conceive it not only highly
prudent to have a watchfull eye over them, but to dispossess all
such persons of their power in the Government as either are,
or favour men of the aforemention'd principles: to this end, I
intend very speedily to remove Mr. Dottin from his Judgeship,
and to reforme the Commission of Peace by the advice of H.M.
Council here, and then to cause the oathes to be tender'd to
people of all quallities that have a freehold of ten pounds a year.
We use all imaginable endeavours to push on the repair of the
fortifications, but they are so exceedingly out of order, that it will
be impossible to compleat them under eight months. The
inclosed is a copy of my letter to the Governour of the Havana,
but before I acquaint your Lordshipes with the motives that
induced me to write it, I must informe you; that the Spaniards
sends annually a fleet of shipes with an immense sum of mony
from La Vera Cruz to the coast of Caracos to buy cocoa, and the
said Fleet alwayes touches (in their way thither) at the Havana,
where they generally stay about six or seven weeks: from thence
they pass through the Gulf of Florida, and sails a considerable
way to the North of the Bahama Islands, and then steers their
course to make this place in order to go to Martinique, where they
have hitherto stay'd some time under pretence of getting wood and
water, but in reality of purchasing such dry-goods as are proper
to traffick with upon the coast of Caracos: now as the French
have reap'd a most prodigious advantage by this commerce, and
as Barbados lyes more convenient for this trade than Martinique
and can better supply the Spaniards with all sortes of dry-goods
than the French; and as nothing but the fear of the late French
King's policy and exorbitant power could have made the Spaniards
brook the ill usage they have received from the French for 14
years last past: I conceived that the French King's death would
encourage them to take new measures, and dispose them to enter
into a trade with us if proper advances were made them: all
which considerations induced me to write the inclosed letter to
the new Governour of the Havana, and to pass a compliment (in
H.M. name) upon the Spanish nation. Having now laid before
your Lordshipes the drift I had in writing the said letter, I hope
you will be so good as to oblige me with your sentiments of it,
that I may know how to conduct myself if the like occasion should
again offer. The honourable John Pilgrim Esq. one of the
Members of H.M. Council here died the 25th instant: I should
take it as a great favour if your Lordshipes would be pleased to
recommend the honourable William Carter Esq. (Speaker of the
General Assembly) and Chief Judge of one of H.M. Courtes of
Common Pleas) to H.M. to supply Mr. Pilgrim's place in the
Council: being a gentleman of a very good fortune and understanding, and one that hath long served his country with great
reputation in the General Assembly: I may assure your Lordshipes, that if any person merites that honour for his loyalty to
his Sovereign, and his zeal for his country and the Protestant
succession Mr. Carter doth, etc. Signed, Ro. Lowther. Endorsed,
Recd. 12th, Read 20th April, 1716. Holograph. 4pp. Enclosed, |
715. i. Governor Lowther to the Governor of the Havana.
Barbados, Dec. 15, 1715. I cannot omit takeing this
opportunity to congratulate your Excellencie's promotion, etc. Such are the commands I have received from
my Royal Master in relation to my conduct towards
the subjects of his most Catholick Majesty that I can
never repine at any happiness they injoy, but must
exceedingly rejoyce at their prosperity and take all
occasions of giving them marks of His Royal favour as
often as any Spanish ships or vessels shall find it
necessary or convenient to touch att this place either in
their way to Carracas or any port upon the Continent.
I desire your Excellency to return my hearty thanks
to Don Lorenza Des Torres for the many civilities he
shew'd to the several factors which the Hon. Dudley
Woodbridge (Agent to the Royal Assiento Company)
sent down in the service of the said Company, especially
to Mr. William Cleland, who hath given me a very ample
relation thereof, etc. Signed, Rob. Lowther. Same
endorsement. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 14. Nos. 47,
47 i.; and (without enclosure) 29, 13. pp. 321–325.] |
Dec. 30. St. James's. |
716. H.M. Warrant renewing appointment of John Clayton
as Attorney General of Virginia, with a clause obliging him to
residence. Countersigned, James Stanhope. Copy. [C.O. 5,
190. pp. 327, 328.] |