Oct. 1. St. James's. |
57. H.M. Commission to George Hay to be Lieutenant
Governor of Montserrat. Countersigned, James Stanhope. Copy.
[C.O. 5, 190. p. 43.] |
Oct. 1. Carmarthen. |
58. Henry Jonston to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Reply to Sept 7. Recommends George Withiell for making a
survey of Newfoundland, in place of Capt. Taverner, who is not a
mathematician, surveyor, or geographer. All the merchants
traders to Newfoundland and masters of ships negotiateing
that way are much concerned that an imperfect survey may be
made by the latter, etc. Signed, Hen. Jonston. Enclosed, Recd.
4th Oct., 1714, Read 2nd March, 17 14/15 Addressed. ½ p.
[C.O. 194, 5. No. 74.] |
Oct. 2. Barbados. |
59. Richard Carter to George Filson. The young lady Mrs.
Thomas, whose affairs you recommended to my care as a practiser
of the law here, has to do with a gentleman who must be well
purg'd in Chancery; for I find without that nothing can be
done, he pretending that he has no estate of Mr. Thomas's left,
the same being swallow'd up in ye payment of debts, tho' Mr.
Thomas was in his lifetime reputed to be a man of good substance.
I beg leave at this time when all patent officers are applying to
have their patent renew'd under his present Majesty, that you
will shew me friendship, for what is done for me must begin in
your office, etc. Signed, Rich. Carter. 2 pp. [C.O. 28, 43. No.
91.] |
Oct. 2. Edinburgh. |
60. Lord Provost of Edinburgh to Mr. Popple. Reply to
Sept. 7. I found it my duty to advertise severall of our Royall
Burrows before I returned any answer. We are of oppinion
that it is the intrest of Scotland yea even of Brittain that the north
coasts of Scotland [sic] namely the norwest to the highlands are
proper places to be surveyed in respect there's great quantities
of large cod and other fish to be found in those places, and that
at a very small charge, etc. This being the needfull, I am, etc.
Signed, Geo. Warrender, Provost. Endorsed, Recd. 12th Oct.,
1714, Read 2nd March, 17 14/15. 1 p. [C.O. 194, 5. No. 76.] |
Oct. 3. Boston. |
61. Governor Dudley to Mr. Popple. After our universal
and sincere joy in H.M. happy accession to the crown we are
impatiently wayting the news of his majestyes happy arrival and
his royal comands to his Goverments here which will be to our
more joyfull establishment. The enclosed memorial referring to
a bank of credit to be raysed in this province is earnestly caryed
on by a few merchants in this place not of the first value and upon
their attendance of me I have assured them that it must first
be layd before the General Assembly of this province for their
regulation of it and by them humbly offered to their Lordships
at the board of Trade in order to H.M. Royal allowance thereof
which I am not advised they are doing, some of the projectors
are now in England I suppose Col. Byfield is one if their Lordships
please to comand that what projection they are making be layd
before their Lordships, I am humbly of opinion what they shall
please to direct therein will be to the satisfaction of everybody here
but the projectours. I know not how the board of Comissionrs. is
at present setled but I pray you will do my duty there and
assure their Lordships I shall alwayes be obedient to their comands
while I have the honor to serve his Majesty. Signed, J. Dudley.
Endorsed, Recd. 1st Dec., 1714, Read 25th June, 1718. Holograph.
1½ pp. Enclosed, |
61. i. Minute of Council of the Massachusetts Bay, Boston,
20th Aug., 1714. Upon reading a memorial presented
by the Attorney General, setting forth that a certain
number of Gentlemen and merchants are projecting a
Bank of Credit, and design speedily to emit a quantity
of bills to a great value, ordered that they do not
proceed to print the said scheme or put the same on
publick record, make or emit any of their notes or bills
until they have laid their proposals before the General
Assembly etc., and that this order be printed in the
weekly News Letter. Signed, J. Dudley. Endorsed,
Recd. 1st Dec., 1714. ½ p. |
61. ii. Memorial of Paul Dudley, Attorney General, to Governor
Dudley, Boston, 17th Aug., 1714. Referred to in
preceding. Endorsed, Recd. 1st Dec., 1714, Read 25th
June, 1718. Copy. 6¾ pp. [C.O. 5, 866. Nos. 159,
159 i., ii.; and (without enclosures) 5, 915. pp. 140,
141.] |
Oct. 6. Jamaica. |
62. Governor Lord A. Hamilton to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. By the Biddeford man of war the first inst. late at
night I received the orders of the Lords of H. M. Privy Council
notifying the death of our late most gracious sovereign Lady
Queen Anne, and directing the proclaiming here the high and
mighty Prince George, etc., together with your Lopps.' letter of
Aug. 11. In obedience to which early the next morning I call'd
a Council, and imparted the orders I had receiv'd, and laid before
them the form of the Proclamation for this Island, transmitted
to me by the Lords of the Council. A Proclamation being prepared
strictly agreeable thereto, myself being assisted with the Council
of this Island and numbers of the principall planters and inhabitants of the place, unanimously and chearfully sett our hands
to the same, and immediatly after H.M. was proclaim'd with
all the solemnity wee were capable of, and with one voice,
consent and generall acclamations of the people. The Proclamation for continuing persons in office was likewise published
at the same time all was perform'd in the same manner and with
the same zeal at the other usuall places of this Island. The
Council met again in the afternoon where I haveing taken ye
oaths to the Government as directed by law, as alsoe those of
my office, the Council and other officers present did the same. I
have used my uttmost application in causeing the Judges,
Majestrates, Justices of the Peace and all other officers civill
and military to take the oaths according to the direction of the
proclamation of the Lords Justices. It is with the greatest
satisfaction that I can further assure your Lopps. that at this
extraordinary juncture the Island remains in a state of perfect
tranquillity, and nothing shall be omitted effectually to secure
the publick peace on this occasion and to show our zeal and
inviolable fidelity to the present happy establishment. Signed,
A. Hamilton. Endorsed, Recd. 21st Jan., Read 10th March,
17 14/15. 3 pp. [C.O. 137, 10. No. 63; and 138, 14. pp. 179–181.] |
Oct. 7. Jamaica. |
63. Same to Same. Acknowledges letter of June 21st. It is a very
great satisfaction and incouragement to me to find that your Lopps.
approve of my conduct with respect to our late Assembly. In
my letter of 5th May last, I acquainted you with my intentions
of speedily calling a new Assembly, which I have hitherto delay'd,
haveing but lately received Her late Majesty's commands for
reduceing Col. Handaside's Regiment here into two independant
companies, besides I found it necessary to give some time to allay
the ferment that had been raised by the undutyfull and unwarrantable proceedings which had occasion'd the last desolution, and to
undeceive and open the eyes of well meaning people who had been
deluded and led away by the managers in that Assembly. The
greatest and most pressing difficulty the providing for the soldiers
from the 1st of May last has been obviated by myself and the
Council's advanceing a sume of mony for their subsistance till they
can be provided for by a new Law. I shall now loose no time in
calling a new Assembly, and doubt not to find the good effect of
the necessary delay, that has been hitherto in it, and the rather
that I am confirm'd by your Lordships' opinion on the severall
heads of their pretended and mistaken priviledges. But as your
Lopps. have still under your consideration in order to be lay'd
before H.M. what I wrote, in relation to these proceedings, which
may require H.M. orders thereupon, the signification whereof
will effectually remedy such like disorders for the future, and
strengthen the Governmt. here. P.S. Oct. 25. The writts
are out for a new Assembly and it is to meet Dec. 2nd. Signed,
A. Hamilton. Endorsed, Recd. 21st Jan., Read 10th March,
17 14/15. 2¾ pp. [C.O. 137, 10. No. 64; and 138, 14. pp.
181–183.] |
Oct. 12. Admiralty Office. |
64. Mr. Burchett to Mr. Popple. Col. Leake, H.M.S. Newcastle,
being arrived from Newfoundland, I enclose following. Signed,
J. Burchett. Endorsed, Recd. 13th Oct., 1714, Read 10th Feb.,
17 14/15. Addressed. 1 p. Enclosed, |
64. i. Commodore Leake's Replies to Heads of Enquiry relating
to Newfoundland for the year 1713. Newcastle in the
Downs, Sept. 27, 1714. It was Sept. 3, 1713, before I
arriv'd in the Bay of Bulls, and as soon as possible made
all enquiry concerning any irregularities committed
that year. It was so very late before I arriv'd that
two thirds of the ships were sailed before I came, that
there was but one Admirall (and that of Bay of Bulls)
to give me any account of any manner of proceedings.
I had severall complaints from the inhabitants, and
others of other places, of injustice don them by the
Admirlls, Vice-Admiralls etc., of the taking their fish
off the rocks before cured, and other goods for debts
by them contracted, without any law or justice, which
has been a common thing among them so that they
wholy ruine the Fishery, for the Planters have nothing
to work with next year. It has been don by Masters
of ships when the Admiralls have been in harbour
without his order, but my arriving so late was impossible
to prevent it, they being sail'd. By this irregular
proceeding the strongest man getts all and the rest of
the creditors nothing, so that the next year a planter is
forced to hire himself out for a servant. (Article 4).
The sustenance which the inhabitants receive, is chiefly
beef, pork, bread, pease, butter and cheese, which is
brought from Great Brittain, Ireland and a great deal
from New England as cows and sheep, the rest is wholy
the fish they catch after Augt. 20th, which they dry, and
some wet fish. For any sort of skins there is very little
for traffick. Theire liquor is wine of several sorts as
port, French claretts, brandy, rum, which is brought
from the West Indies, New England, France and
Portugall, as English effects, cotton, indigo and fustick,
ginger I co'd learn of none. Theire common drink is
made of molossus and spruce, the molossus is brought
from the West Indies and New England and some
tobacco. (Art. 5). They have their salt for curing
their fish from the Isle of Mayo, Spain, Portugall and
France, and some from Great Brittain, their fishing
tackle is chiefly from Great Brittain and New England
sufficient to supply their wants. (Art. 6). I made
particular enquiry on complaint made of the rending
trees and destroying the woods adjacent, but found
nothing don but what was peculiar necessary, for the
forwarding the said fishery. (Art. 7 and 8). What
complaints was made to me of the inhabitants engrossing
any of the ships rooms, I took care to regulate but
found very little. (Art. 9). As for the by-boat-keepers
carying their number of men green as sho'd do can give
no account, they being all gon home before I arriv'd,
but found not above two men made complaint to me
of their being left behind and that found very frivolous.
(Art. 10 and 11). I found no complaints of defaceing or
cutting out any marks of boats or trainfatts or removall
of any, nor no hindrance or molestation in their trawling
for bait, nor no theft in stealing bait. (Art. 12). I
did not find, that any stages cook rooms or any thing
thereto belonging were defaced or spoyled in any manner,
at any persons going away, that had possessions the
season, and that they were contented with what they
found. (Art. 13, 14, 15). Refers to opening paragraph
supra. As to the Admiral's taking more grounds than
belongs to them I heard nothing of, they being all sail'd
before I came but onely the Admirall of Bay of Bulls,
whose Journall I believe is right. As for the people's
complaining to the Admiralls etc. of any injustice don
them by others, I do not find that any master of a ship
vallues him, but the strongest side takes everything
by force as severall complaints were made to me, but too
late, everybody being gon, but as far as I co'd I decided.
(Art. 16 and 17). I took particular care that what
ships were left to give orders to the masters that no
ballast sho'd be thrown out to annoy the harbours and
the offall of all the harbours is so taken care of that the
tide and sea carries it away that it is no annoyance to
the inhabitants. (Art. 18). I took particular care
for the better keeping the Lord's Day, by issuing an
order on severe penalty, for no publick house to sell
drink, and what person found drunk should be severely
punished. (Art. 19). Upon enquiry I did not find any
foreigner of any nation had come on any account, or
any others but from New England, which brought
rum, molossus, fishing tackle, cloths, nails, deals and
most all sorts of commodities for the inhabitants
building houses and for other uses. (Art. 21). The
fish which this year has been cured by the inhabitants
and others has been cured with good salt well cured
and merchandible, for the places they were bound to.
(Art. 22 and 23). Tis certain that there are great
quantitys of wine, rum brought from New England
as well as other places, and the inhabitants by being
trusted run so far in debt, that they weary of the next
year are forced to hire themselves, for servants, but not
wholy for liquor, but provision and cloaths for their
families. As for any other commodities brought to
vend, I cannot find but what I have mention'd but what
is brought from Great Brittain or Ireland, and wholy
sould to the inhabitants residing there, boatkeepers
and others for carrying on the Fishery; I can find
nothing but sugar brought, and rum, molossus from
Jamaica, Barbadoes, and that but such quantities for
the supply of the inhabitants, etc. (Art. 26 and 27).
I doe not know what price the fish caught in Great
Brittain may bear but this year it was very dear, it
sould from 30 to 40 ryalls per quintall there being
abundance of ships. There was 46 saile of fishing ships
from Great Brittain this year, 162 boats, 736 men, 25,890
quintalls of fish taken, one with another about 5,520
tunns, their charge is impossible for me to tell arriving
so late. (Art. 28). Value of fish as supra, and oyl from
£8 10s. to £10 per tunn. The fish goes to Portugall,
Spain and up the Levant as high as Venice but mostly
for Legorne, and some to the Ile of Mayo Western I'les
etc., but that but small quantities, the oyl is sent to
Great Brittain. (Art. 29). The number of sack ships
this year was about 40 bound for Portugal, Spain, up
the Levant as high as Venice, some loaden, some two
thirds, and some not half, all with dry fish. (Art. 30
etc.) There has been commonly every year severall
men left behind particular handycraftmen and seamen,
which is not so much the masters of ships faults as their
being inticed by great wages from the New England
people who stay till all the men of warr are sailed, they
keeping them in the woods till then. I gave them all
a caution of these proceedings when I came in, but found
no man make his complaint of being left behind. I can
see no way of prevention, but such vessells being obliged
to sail before the convoy or at a particular time so that
they may be searched. (Art. 31). For the inhabitants
etc. of Placentia arriving so late can give no account
having but little time to get ready for sailing; but doe
not doubt by this time you have a full account from
Generall Nicholson or the man of war that went there.
I have taken all the care immaginable to hinder and
prevent all those former proceedings but can find no
other way then above-mention'd. Signed, R. Leake.
9¾ pp. |
64. ii. Scheme of the Fishery of Newfoundland. Fishing ships
46, sack ships 40, ships from America 20. Burthen
of fishing ships 5,520 tons. Number of men belonging
to the ships 736. Fishing ships' boats 162, by-boats
195, inhabitants' boats 288. By-boatmen, masters
167, servants 380. Quintalls of fish made by fishing
ships, 25,890, by-boats 32,370, inhabitants' boats 177.
Total carried to market 78,860. Train made by fishing
ships 51 tons, by-boats 97, inhabitants' boats 177.
Number of stages 387. Men 2,566, women 350, children
400. 1 p. [C.O. 194, 5. Nos. 59, 59 i., ii.; and 195,
5. pp. 424–434.] |
Oct. 16. London. |
65. Thomas Coram to the Earl of Orford, First Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty. Supports the petition of Daniel
Hall etc. (Dec. 6th) and describes the lands desired by them. A
settlement here would be the most useful Plantation of any to
this Kingdom, and a lasting security against the French and
Frenchify'd Indians, and would open a way to Quebeck without
hazarding the Fleet in the St. Lawrence etc., and create a new
nursery of seamen, by bringing a certain supply of Naval Stores
from thence, etc. Signed, Thomas Coram. Endorsed, Recd.
(from Mr. Burt, by order of my Ld. Orford) 31st Dec., 1714, Read
8th Feb., 17 14/15. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 866. No. 29; and 5, 914.
pp. 1–5.] |
Oct. 16. St. James's. |
66. H.M. Warrant revoking the patent of Thomas Hare and
appointing Anthony Cracherode Registrar, Chief Clerk, and
Examiner in Chancery for Barbados. Countersigned, James
Stanhope. Copy. [C.O. 5, 190. p. 1.] |
Oct. 18. New York. |
67. Governor Hunter to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
This being the first vessel bound from hence to England since
H.M. decease, I could not omitt acquainting your Lorps., that
tho' the expresse design'd for us was not arriv'd yet haveing
receiv'd by other conveyances the news of H.M. accession to the
Crown with the origenal Proclamations I thought it my duty to
proclame his Maty. here also by the advice of H.M. Council in
this Province and am this day to proceed to the Jerseys for the
same purpose. The real joy of His Maty's. good subjects here
will best appear by their own homely but hearty Addresses
which we humbly beg your Lorps. to convey to his Royal hands,
not well knowing as yet to whom besides that trouble may
properly belong at present, I shall not at this time disturb the
publick joy with my private grievances, etc. Signed, Ro. Hunter.
Endorsed, Recd. 15th Dec., 1714, Read 21st June, 1715. Holograph. 1½ pp. Enclosed, |
67. i. Address of the Governor and Council of New York to
King George. We humbly beg leave to approach your
Royal feet with this first tender of our firm allegiance
etc., beseeching the Almighty Providence which has in
so signal a manner disappointed the devices of the bad
and dissipated the fears of all good men etc., to protect
your sacred person etc. Signed, Ro. Hunter, Abr.
Depeyster, Sam. Staats, Rip van Dam, R. Walter,
Roger Mompesson, John Barbarie, Adol. Philips, T.
Byerley. Same endorsement. Copy. 2 pp. |
67. ii. Address of the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and
Assistants of the City of New York to the King. Your
happy and peaceful accession (your undoubted right)
has filled our hearts with joy and thankfulness, etc.
We promise to support your Majty. and the Protestant
succession with our lives and fortunes, etc. The City
Hall, Oct. 16, 1714. Signed, John Johnson, Mayor;
David Jamison, Recorder; Joh. Jansen, Jacobs Kip,
Abra. Wendell, John Cruger, Jacobus Bayard, Aldermen;
Fra. Harison, Sheriff; C. D. Peyster, Albert Clook,
Harmanus Vagelder, And. Maerschalck, Johannis Ryckman, Assistants; Sam. Bayard, Chamberlain; Will.
Sharpas, Town Clerk. Same endorsement. Copy. 1¾ pp. |
67. iii. Address of the Grand Jury for the City and County of
New York, to the King, Oct. 13th, 1714. The loss of
so excellent a Queen so filled our hearts with grief that
nothing but the succession to the Crown in your most
illustrious House was able to comfort us, etc. Notwithstanding our remoteness from your Royal person
wee will to the utmost of our power with our lives and
fortunes defend your Majesties undoubted right and
title to the Imperiall Crown of your realms against all
open and secret Pretenders and Conspirators whatsoever,
etc. Signed Richd. Burke, G. Schuyler, Alec. Moore,
Phil. Schuyler, Law. Smith, Gerrard Viele, Abra. Keteltar,
Jon. Rolland, Jon. Auboyucau, Isaac Gouverneur,
Humph. Salusbury, Wm. Provoost, Danl. Crommelin,
Marten Clock, F. Vincent, Louis Carre, Nich. Roosevelt.
Same endorsement. Copy. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1050. Nos. 83,
83 i.–iii.; and (without enclosures) 5, 1123. pp. 287, 288.] |
Oct. 18. N. York. |
68. Governor Hunter to Mr. Popple. The faire prospect
of the publick security transports me beyond all private considerations, etc. The enclosed to their Lorps. will inform you that
the King has been proclaim'd here with a universal transport,
some awkward half-huzzas there were but few, when matters
are setled you must expect more trouble. In the mean time be
assur'd that no man on earth is more heartily then I am your
affect. friend, etc. Signed, Ro. Hunter. Endorsed, Recd. 11th
Dec., 1714, Read 21st June, 1715. Addressed. 1 p. [C.O. 5,
1050. No. 84; and 5, 1123. pp. 288, 289.] |
Oct. 22. Placentia. |
69. Capt. Taverner to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Encloses following. I hope your Lordps. will approve of my
proceedings, etc. Nothing in my opinion can add more to the
Fishery and commerce of those parts than an expeditious survey
thereof. I shall do all that's possible to be done this winter, and
hope your Lopps. will concurr in ordering me a sloop, which I
humbly requested may be sent me timely in the Spring to enable
me to proceed on that service. This coast is very dangerous and
having no true chart thereof, 'tis my humble opinion, that few
of the Brittish ships will come here to fish untill I have compleated
one. The French give me an accot. that there is extraordinary
good fishing on Banck-vert, which with submission I think proper
to be survey'd as soon as possible. I am inform'd there's abundance of salmon on this coast. I shall endeavour to know the truth
thereof. Its certainly the best place of fishing in Newfoundland
as also for furrs and masts. I doubt not but to bring the Indians
in Newfoundland to trade with us, which will be a great advantage
to the Brittish Nation. I inform'd your Lordships the last spring
of the hardships I lay under for want of a supply of money, which
you represented to my Lord Treasurer etc. I was obliged to
come away without receiving a farthing from him, and I hear
nothing of it is paid since. Prays for instructions to be given to
James Campbell, his Agent, etc. Signed, Wm. Taverner. Endorsed, Recd. 26th Nov., 1714, Read 28th Feb., 17 14/15. 1 p.
Enclosed, |
69. i. Capt. Wm. Taverner's Report to the Council of Trade
and Plantations. Placentia, Oct. 22, 1714. Describes
his arrival in Newfoundland, June 27th. Col. Moody
ordered the Capt. of the Tyger galley to follow my orders,
and gave me papers to publish at St. Peters, requesting
me to administer the oath of allegiance to H.M. to all the
French inhabitants who were willing to take it, to use
my utmost endeavours to perswade 'em to continue in
their respective plantations, and if possible to hinder
all French ships from fishing and trading in those parts
which belong to the English. He let me have a corporal
and 11 soldiers for that service, etc. July 17th I
arrived at St. Peters where I put up Col. Moody's order
on the Church door, as also the declaration aforementioned to hinder the French from fishing or selling
goods during my continuance in that harbour. I
administred the oath to the inhabitants. I also
demanded the reason of the Frenche's fishing there. One
of them told me he had a good French pass which he
would stand by, or fight me. After a consultation with
the English masters of ships, I confined him aboard,
and told him I should not be imposed on by any such
passports, as knowing that the French King had nothing
to do with the fishing at that Island or parts adjacent.
He begged pardon, but I obliged him and the master of
the other French fishing vessel in the same harbour
to give £500 security etc. I surveyed the Islands and
harbour of St. Peters with the rock adjacient, which in
my opinion, is the very best place of fishing for a few
English ships in and about Newfoundland, and a
considerable place of trade, especially about Michaelmas,
where all the planters and servants from the Bay de
Espere etc. bring in their furrs and summer's fish, to
sell for purchasing their winters provision and necessarys.
Description of St. Peter's fishing. July 23 I sailed to,
and surveyed the Northermost Bay of Manyclone where
was a French Biscayer a fishing, I also required the
master of her to give security of his good behaviour.
Description of this and of Harbour of Good Hope. There
was here a fine field of barley growing as good as ever
I saw in England. I surveyed the Bay of Hermitage.
Ther's a good beech and place for fishing. Some of the
houses were burnt by the English 4 yeares agoe. The
proprietor now fishes at the Isle de Espere, but designs
to return the next season. I also surveyed the Plantation at Isle Grole, being a good fishing place, etc., and
administred the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants
of those parts. The other branch of the Bay de Espere
called N.E. Bay is accounted the best bay in Newfoundland. In it are abundance of islands which afford plenty
of furrs, and timber, etc. Aug. 4 I sailed for Grand
Bank, etc. At Rancounter I saw a stage and two men
left by a French ship that had fished there this season,
but was run away to Cape Britton fearing I should seize
her according to Col. Moody's order, etc. Aug. 10th I
surveyed the plantations at Grand Bank and Fortune,
etc., and administered the oath of allegiance, and
returned to St. Peters, etc. Aug. 18 M. Costebelle sent
a letter from Placentia the contents whereof hath been
published by the priest in the chappells at St. Peters
and Fortune threatning the French inhabitants of those
places that had taken the oath of allegiance to H.M., in
case they remained there should be all accounted as
rebells to the French King, be hang'd if they went to
France and have all their goods and effects confiscated
there, which frightened them very much. I was obliged
to stay at St. Peters to encourage them, otherwise this
small Colony would have been quite depopulated.
In order to supply them with provisions for the winter,
I was obliged to promise 'em the liberty of having
provisions from M. Gabriel Roger a French mercht.
who gave them credit, which the English masters and
merchts. were not inclinable to do. I humbly desire
your Lordps. will dispence and grant him liberty the
next season to gather in his debts so contracted, this
being the only expedient I could take to prevent the
people going away. Their continuance here tends very
much to H.M. service, they being all acquainted with
the best fishing grounds and places which the English
another season to their great benefit will discover altho'
hitherto they have not frequented these parts, the very
worst of them being better than our former English
settlements to the No'ward. Sept. 22nd I arrived at
Placentia. The ship being very foul, and too large and
expensive and not proper for the survey, Col.
Moody agreed with me in sending her home Oct. 16,
1714. And that H.M. service might not suffer, I have
hired a small vessel for surveying the Bays the ensuing
winter, and am also obliged to build a boat with 6 oars,
etc. Prays for hire to be paid to his Agent. I have also
hired a Canadean for H.M. service who speaks the
Indian language very well, that when I meet with any
Indians I may the better settle a commerce with them,
etc. Repeats request for a good sloop for the survey in
the spring etc. Signed, Wm. Taverner. Endorsed as
preceding. 4½ large pp. |
69. ii. Memorandum of a chart of St. Peters, the Island of
Columba and adjacent rocks, surveyed by Capt.
Taverner, Surveyor of Newfoundland. ½ p. |
69. iii. Copy of passport, for a French ship (No. i. supra) to
trade and fish at St. Pierre. Signed, Louis Alexandre
de Bourbon, Morlaix, April 10, 1714. Same endorsement. 1 p. |
69. iv. Account of ships and inhabitants at St. Peters belonging
to France. Names of 26 inhabitants, 17 of whom took
the oath of allegiance to H.M. Names of 5 French
ships in the harbour. Same endorsement. 1 p. |
69. v. Certificate by Lt. Governor Moody and Capt. Taverner
recommending Capt. Ruston, Tyger galley, to the
Commissioners of Transportation for a month's pay for
his journey home. Placentia, Oct. 10, 1714. Signed,
John Moody, Wm. Taverner. Same endorsement. 1 p.
[C.O. 194, 5. Nos. 68, 68 i.–v.; and (without enclosures)
195, 5. pp. 514, 516; and (enclosure No. i. only)
195, 6. pp. 1–16.] |
Oct. 25. Virginia. |
70. Lt. Governor Spotswood to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Tho I have recieved no intimation from your
Lordships of the death of our late most gracious Queen, I cannot
omitt this first opportunity after the notification of the mournfull
news sent me by my Lord Bolinbroke, to acquaint your Lordps.,
that according to the directions transmitted therewith I
proclaimed King George, with all the solemnitys this country
is capable of, on the 19th instant; the Council and most of the
principal Gentlemen of the country (who were then extraordinarily
assembled at Williamsburgh on occasion of the General Court)
assisting therein; and the night concluded with an entertainment
at my house for all the Gentlemen in Town, where H.M.
health was drank with the fireing of guns, and all suitable demonstrations
of joy for H.M. happy and peaceable accession to the
Throne, whose undoubted and rightfull title, the People of this
Colony do unanimously acknowledge. I have together with the
Council and principal Officers taken the oaths prescribed by the
sixth of Queen Anne; and have issued out orders for proclaiming
H.M., and qualifying the severall Officers throughout the Government.
Having recieved no commands from your Lordps., but
what I have already acknowledged and answered, I shall not till
after the meeting of the Assembly (wch. begins the 16 of next
month) trouble your Lordps. etc., except to acquaint you that I
am but just return'd from a six weeks expedition for settling the
Indians and securing the frontiers, and that the country is at
present in perfect tranquility. Signed, A. Spotswood. Endorsed,
Recd. 10th Dec., 1714, Read 16th May, 1716. 1½ pp. [C.O.
5, 1317. No. 24; and 5, 1364. pp. 303–305.] |
[Oct. 26.] |
71. Memorial presented on behalf of President Sharpe to the
Council of Trade and Plantations. Recounts his services (v. April
24 and July 1st), refers to enclosed, and prays to be recommended
to H.M., etc. Endorsed, Recd. Read 26 Oct., 1714. 1 large p.
Enclosed, |
71. i., ii. Extracts from Lord Sunderland's letters, v. C.S.P.,
1707, Nos. 835, 836. [C.O. 28, 14. Nos. 24, 24 i.,
ii.] |
[Oct. 26.] |
72. Petition of President Sharpe to the King. Recounts
his services as in preceding and prays to be continued in the Government
of Barbados. Endorsed, Recd. Read 26th Oct., 1714. 1
large p. [C.O. 28, 14. No. 25.] |
Oct. 26. Treary. Chambers, Whitehall. |
73. Lords Commissioners of the Treasury to the Lords of the
Council. We do intirely agree with the Lords Commissioners
for Trade as to the settlement of St. Kitts etc. We have no
objection to the restoring the French Protestant Refugees whose
cases have been already examined and reported by the Council
of Trade and Plantations, but as to the five petitions which came
annext (v. Oct. 27) to your Lordps'. order of reference, we return
them back with our opinion that they ought to be examined in
like manner by the said Lords Commissioners, etc. Signed,
Halifax, Ri. Onslow, Wm. St. Quintin, Edwd. Wortley, P.
Methuen. Endorsed, Recd. — Nov., 1714, Read 23rd Feb.,
17 14/15. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 10. No. 40; and 153, 12. pp.
182, 183.] |
Oct. 27. Councill Chamber, Whitehall. |
74. Order of King in Council. Referring following to the
Council of Trade and Plantations for their report. Signed, John
Povey. Endorsed, Recd. 28th Oct., Read 1st Nov., 1714. 1 p.
Enclosed, |
74. i. Petition of Stephen Duport to the King. Prays that
following petitions formerly mislaid may be referred
to the Council of Trade like those of April 5th. 1 p. |
74. ii. Petition of Stephen Duport to the King. Duplicate
of his petition to the Queen, C.S.P. 1714, No. 630 i. |
74. iii. Petition of Stephen Duport, in behalf of the Council
and Assembly of St. Christophers, to the King. Several
Irish and French Papists residing in the English part
of that Island when the first war with France broake
out in 1689, did fly from their habitations into the
French quarter, took up arms and assisted the French
in the reduction of the Island against your Majesty's
subjects, whereof many suffered thereby in their lives
and estates, and at the reconquest of the said Island by
your Majesty's forces retired out of the same into the
French Colonies, where they resided and continued to
act in open rebellion, after which your Majesty's Chief
Governor for the time being and others since, did make
grants of the said rebells' lands and plantations as being
forfeited by their rebellion to such of your Majesty's
faithfull subjects as did distinguish themselves in the
defence and reconquest of the Island; upon which an
Act passed there for the confirming these grants, which
being sent over for your Majesty's confirmation, the
Attorney General gave his opinion that it could not be
confirmed, for want of some formalities mentioned in
his report, which could not be prevented, there being
no civill laws open during the wars, since which, and the
present Peace, many of the said rebells have return'd
to the Island, claimed their former lands and plantations,
and some of them recover'd the same from the late
possessors and behave themselves there in such insulting
dareing manner and threats that your Majesty's faithfull subjects are much disturbed thereat and will
probably occasion some considerable disorder if not
timely prevented. Prays for H.M. speedy relief. 2 pp. |
74. iv. Petition of Mary Maillard to the King. Widow
of Peter Maillard, her father, Francis Meunier, was
forced to fly from his plantation in the French part of
St. Kitts owing to the persecution of Protestants, prays
to be granted one moiety thereof, she and her sister
Arouet Guychard being his only children. 1 p. |
74. v. Petition of Mary Maillard for the King. Prays to be
restored to a plantation in the French quarter of St.
Kitts, possessed by her husband and herself, before they
fled into the English quarter on account of the French
persecution of Protestants. She has lived there since
the English conquered that part. 1 p. |
74. vi. Petition of Francis Guychard, and other children of
Arouet Guychard (v. No. v.). Prays to be granted a
moiety of the plantation referred to (No. iv.). 1 p. |
74. vii. Petition of Francis Guychard and other children of
Francis Guychard to the King. Prays to be restored
to a plantation in the French quarter of St. Kitts,
whence his father fled before the French persecution
of Protestants. Petitioners and their mother have
lived there since the English conquest. 1 p. [C.O.
152, 10. Nos. 33, 33 i.-vii.; and (without enclosures)
153, 12. p. 144.] |
Oct. 27. Whitehal. |
75. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lord Townshend.
Enclose Addresses of the Council and Assembly of Barbados to
Her late Majesty, relating to Mr. Sharpe. Autograph signatures.
1 p. [C.O. 28, 39. No. 1; and 29, 13. p. 126.] |
Oct. 28. Whitehall. |
76. Lord Townshend to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Encloses following for their opinion thereupon. Signed, Townshend. Endorsed, Recd. 29th Oct., Read 1st Nov., 1714. ¾ p.
Enclosed, |
76. i. Monsr. de Pontchartrain to Monsr. D'Iberville. Oct. 17,
1714. The King being fully resolved to put the Treaty
of Peace in execution in every part of it, and particularly
what is contain'd in the 6th Article, relating to the Trade
with the Spanish West Indies, H.M. has not been
satisfied with preventing what is there stipulated by the
prohibitions which he had already made by the Ordinance
of Jan. 18, 1712. In order also to prevent the tricks
and contrivances that the traders of France might make
use of to evade the foresaid prohibition, H.M. has
farther required all those who shall sail out of the ports
of France to trade at Cadiz at the French Colonies and
elsewhere to give security, under the penalty of 100,000
piasters and confiscation in case they be convicted to
have sail'd to the said Spanish West Indies. Since which
H.M. finding with concern, that the avidity of some
particular persons has rendered these precautions too
weak, and suggested to them to equip their ships in
foreign ports; H.M. has therefore issued a new declaration, signed and sealed, in which the foregoing prohibitions are recited, with the addition of the penalty of
being sent to the galleys, and other penaltys capable to
restrain such whose temerity cannot be curb'd by pecuniary mulcts, which is a convincing argument of the
sincerity of H.M. etc. But H.M. fearing that this
Declaration might be evaded by a collusion between his
subjects and those of other countries where they make
their equipments, has thought fit before he publishes
the same to communicate it to the foreign and maritime
powers, that they making on their part the like prohibitions to their subjects, on the same penalties, or others
equivalent, the Articles of the Treaty may be reciprocally
observed with the same exactness, and not be for the
future in danger of being evaded by particular persons
of any other nation. For this reason I did transmit to
you by the King's Order of Nov. 11th last, a copy of this
Declaration informing you by an article of Instructions
which was annexed to it, that H.M. desired you would
communicate it to the Queen of Great Britain, that she
might be pleas'd to enter into the same measures.
H.M. has also given the same directions to Monsr. de
Chateauneuf, for what relates to the States General;
but neither they nor the Queen of Great Britain have as
yet done anything therein; so that their silence is the
reason why the said Declaration has not yet been
register'd in the parliaments and publish'd. H.M.
therefore has commanded me to signify to you his
pleasure, that you apply with vivacity to the King of
England, in order to bring him as soon as may be to
make the like prohibitions to his subjects and under
penalties. This is so much the more reasonable in that
the English continue to carry on a considerable trade
to the Spanish West Indies by Jamaica, importing there
great quantities of goods, and even into the South Sea.
Although the Ministers of England have complained
to the Spanish Court of a trade they pretend the French
carry on there, but it will not be difficult to you to
enervate the said complaints in acquainting the English
with what H.M. has done and the measures he has taken
to prevent his subjects sailing into those parts. 4 pp. |
76. ii. Declaration by the King of France prohibiting all traders
from going or sending ships to the South Sea. Marly,
July 31st, 1713. 2½ pp. |
76. iii., iv. Duplicates of i. and ii. the original French. [C.O.
388, 17. Nos. 76, 76 i.-iv.; and (without Nos. iii. and
iv.) 389, 24. pp. 432–438.] |
Oct. 28. Treary. Chambers. |
77. Mr. Lowndes to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
The persons possessed of debentures towards repairing the
losses sustained in Nevis and St. Christophers having preferred
a peticon for the sum of £18,540 12s. 9¾d. granted by Parliamt.
for three years interest from Xmas 1711–1714, the Lords Commrs.
of the Treasury desire an authentick list of the said debentures,
etc. Signed, Wm. Lowndes. Endorsed, Recd. 29th, Read 30th
Dec., 1714. 1 p. Enclosed, |
77. i. Petition of Joseph Martyn, Ste. Duport and others to
the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. Pray for
payment of interest on debentures as in preceding. Signed,
Joseph Martyn, Ste. Duport and 24 others. 2 pp.
[C.O. 152, 10. Nos. 35, 35 i.; and (without enclosure)
153, 12. p. 147.] |
Oct. 29. St. James's. |
78. H.M. Warrant appointing James Archbould to the Council
of Barbados in place of Henry Low decd. Countersigned,
Townshend. Copy. [C.O. 5, 190. p. 2.] |
Oct. 29. St. James's. |
79. H.M. Warrant appointing Thomas Beake Secretary of
Maryland. Countersigned, Townshend. Copy. [C.O. 5, 190. p.
23.] |