March 4. |
290. J. Thurston to Mr. Popple. I have discoursed several
of the Jama. merchants upon what I had in command from the
Lords Commrs. of Trade, and none of them will undertake to say
what the Island may be inclined to do. But since the country
allows no more than 1,250l. a year (their money) for support of
the whole charge of the fortifications there, they think that the
entertainment of an Engenier and Storekeeper, which will
amount to near half that expence, will scarcely be agreed to, etc.
Signed, J. Thurston. Endorsed, Recd. 4th, Read 31st March,
1713. 1½ pp. [C.O. 137, 9. No. 80; and 138, 13. p. 421.] |
March 5. Jamaica. |
291. Governor Lord A. Hamilton to [? the Earl of Dartmouth].
I am sorry I should have occasion still to trouble your Lordship
with complaints of Sr. Hovenden Walker's conduct here. I
acquainted your Lop. before of his breaking off all correspondence
with me, even upon H.M. service by returning my letters unop'ned,
however I thought it my duty still to persist with giveing him
such notices by letter as I judged were necessary for H.M. service,
the protection of trade and the safety of this Island; and upon
that consideration I wrot to him Jan. 13th acquainting him of the
agreement I had come to with the Comte D' Arquyan (v. Dec. 18),
as also another to Sir Hovenden Walker of Feb. 26th haveing
received a complaint from the Governor of Carthagena with a
letter inclos'd to him, that Capt. Jackson Commander of the St.
Turian [?=Centurion Ed.] the same time he had convoy'd some
tradeing vessels belonging to this Island to that coast, had taken
as prize, while they were in an intercourse of trade with them,
a Spanish vessell laden with cocoa and some money aboard,
of which he complains and demands restitution. But to neither
of these letters I have received any answere from the Admiral,
so that I shall be pretty much at a loss how to give the Governor
of Carthagena the reasonable satisfaction that he might expect.
My Lord we have found the advantage of the agreement and good
correspondence with the French Governor on the coast of St.
Domingo since the Treaty of Cessation, the privateers from Petit
Guavos having usually most infested this coast, whereas there has
not been the least infriengment on the Treaty on either side,
that has not been effectually redres't and adjusted between us.
But on the contrary from other parts the coast of this Island has
been very much infested wth. privateers with Spanish commissions,
and pyrats, or freeboutters, by whom several trading vessels
have been taken and even desents made on the north side of ye
Island by which a gentleman there is intirely ruin'd by the loss of
all his slaves and movables carry'd off by them, without any of
the men of war here or Queen's sloops, as far as I have
been inform'd or can learn giveing them any obstruction or
endeavouring to protect ye coast from such insults. I have not
received any comands from your Lop. since yrs. of Aug. 21st,
nor have I as yet received any publick accot. of a second suspension
of arms. The Nightingale man of war which I have been informed
is arryved at Barbadoss and bound hither, may probably bring me
pacquetts from yr. Lop. and the Lrds. Commissrs. of Trade. I
have been some time since credably inform'd that Monsr. Cassard
was with a squadron of French men of war and privateers gon
to attack Curassow, but have not yet heard the event of that
expedition. I hear that Don Carlos de Suere who was lately
Govr. of Carthagena is arryved at the Havana Governor of that
place, etc. Signed, A. Hamilton. 4 pp. [C.O. 137, 51. No.
69.] |
March 5. Jamaica. |
292. Same to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Repeats
preceding, and adds:—Since my last to your Lopps. there has
been two appeals home from decrees in Chancery here, before I
admitted of them I had recourse to my Instructions on that head,
but do not find any directions in them relateing to appeals from
Chancery, nor can I find any precedent of such appeals having
ever been made from this Island. However the value of both
these suitts exceeding 500l. each, I would not take upon me
not to admitt of them, they giveing the security to prosecute the
said appeals, being highly sensible how lyable I may be to mistakes and errors in such cases. But I cannot but observe to yr.
Lopps. that if such appeals are encouraged let the equity of the
decree given be never so plain, the party looseing will never fail to
appeal home; upon the whole I shall pray yr. Lopps.' directions
on this matter for my future conduct, etc. The crop of sugers here
this year will not be great, however much better then could have
been expected after the late hurrican, the weather since having
been very seasonable. Signed, A. Hamilton. Endorsed, Rec.
18th May, Read 17th July, 1713. 5 pp. [C.O. 137, 10. No. 14;
and 138, 13. pp. 509–513.] |
March 14. N. York. |
293. Governor Hunter to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I have not had ye honour of any of yr. Lordps.' commands
since that the Dunwich man of warr brought me last fall. Sends
duplicates of former letters. I must once more assure your Lordps.
that there remains not ye least glimpse of hopes that an Assembly
there will ever doe anything effectually for support of H.M.
Government amongst them upon any other terms than her giveing
it up entirely to them, for what else would these articles they soe
boldly insist upon amount to, if granted, vizt. raiseing of money
by ways and meanes of their own exclusive of the Councill who
they still affirm (notwithstanding of what your Lordps. commanded to be communicated to them, and the practice of former
Assemblys) have noe right to meddle in money bills. Their
lodgeing of all publick moneys in ye hands of a Treasurer of their
own, who is to dispose of none but by their direction, by that
means makeing a cypher of Governour and Councill, and suspending from ye execution of his office H.M. Receiver Generall soe
constituted by her Royal Letters Patents under ye Broad Seale;
their nameing and appointing such salaries, and to such officers
only as they shall thinke fitt, without any regard to those of H.M.
appointment. Now my Lords, these resolutions and practices
haveing soe aparent a tendency to ye dissolution of ye Government, remote from requisite remedies in such a case, I would
choose any extremity rather than close with them, tho' I had not
that sacred barr, H.M. Instructions soe expressly forbidding me.
I have however with ye advice of ye Councill dissolved this
Assembly, not out of any hopes wee conceive from a new election,
but meerly as a duty incumbent upon me, after ye disrespectfull
behaviour of ye last, for when they have fixt ye name of slavery,
upon the supporting ye Government in ye manner H.M. has been
pleased to direct, and that of liberty, on their rash resolutions
and practices, and have taught the thoughtless people to speake
after them, there remaines but small hope of any change in the
elections, but what may be for ye worse as wee have experimented
in the elections when the dissolution was an act of their own.
Encloses Minutes of Council and Acts passed last Session, "none
of which want any observations only the Negroe Act, which tho'
much mittigated in its severities by ye Councill's amendments, I
am apt to beleive your Lordps. will still think too severe, but after
the late barberous attempt of some of their slaves nothing less
cold please the people. This leads me to acquaint your Lordps.
that by some private letters I am informed that ye Earl of
Clarendon has given himselfe much trouble to obstruct the pardon
of those I had repreived, and that there was a petition signed
by many hands gone from hence for the same purpose. I am
since satisfy'd here that there was such a petition secretly carryed
round by one Bickley a buisy waspish man who acted then as
Attorney Generall; the grand design of that petition was to
confirm some people in the beleife of what hee and his associates
give out that I have neither creditt or favoure at home, the secondary one to give creditt to his own infamous proceeding in that
matter, for there being some pique between him and Mr. Regnier
the master of one of the suspected negroes, after he had been
twice acquitted by two different juries of the most creditable and
substantiall of the inhabitants here, hee had him by some fetch
of law tryed again at the Supream Court, where he found a jury
tracticable to his purpose where he was found guilty; I solemnly
protest to your Lordps. that in what I have done I had noe view
but to save inocent blood, for by all the examinations and
declarations of the evidence and the persons executed, I am
convinced in my conscience that he is as innocent of that fact or
the contrivance of it as ye child unborne. The others are
Spaniards unjustly kept in slavery here many yeares and repreived
by that Bickley's own desire, for it was Clerk who came to desire
the mistress of one of them to beg for a repreive, about the time
of their intended execution, when ye whole town seemed to
acquiesce in their innocence and approve of the repreive; many
who have signed that paper have declared to severall gentlemen
that they knew nothing of the contents thereof, but being told
that it was an Address for a law to punish negroe slaves, they
signed it; I have in this acted according to conscience and shall
waite for the issue from H.M. determination, and only begg leave
to observe upon this occasion that if clandestine representations
projected by an angry and designeing man and handed round
to ye unwary and ignorant for subscriptions should gaine creditt
and countenance at home, the Governour whoever he be, must
have a very uneasy time of it, who knowing nothing of his accusation or accusers and liveing remote from his equall and just judges,
suffers in his reputation and perhaps in his fortunes without a
remedy. The House of Representatives past and sent up a Bill
for the naturalization of all foreigners being protestants, which
also past ye Councill, but an Act of the like nature being soe lately
repealed in England, and their behaviour here intitleing them
to noe such favour from ye Crown at present, I judg'd it adviseable
and for H.M. service to refuse my assent to it at this time. There
haveing been for some yeares past a totall sessation of ye pay of
H.M. quitt-rents I did by advice of the Cheife Justice, and others
learned in the laws issue out writts from the Chancery for that
purpose, which begin to have their just effect for many are since
come in to pay their arreares. It appeared a combination by
their own confession severall haveing owned that they were
resolved never more to pay any relyeing upon the scence and
strength of a country jury, if they should at any time be sued for
the same. But indeed the yearly quitt rent of this soe considerable Province, amounts to soe insignificant a summe, that I
cannot help blaming ye negligence of such as have made out these
soe very large grants with little if any reservation to the Crown;
and in one very hard case upon the Crown I must intreat your
Lordps. opinion. Some who held originally tracts of land
under a certain stated quitt-rent have from succeeding Governours
obtained new grants for the same, or grants of confirmation without any reservation reduceing the old quitt-rent to a summe next
to nothing. Quere whether these subsequent grants be good in
law, and whether the parties be not bound to pay the quitt-rents
specifyed in their originall grant. Others have grants with this
reservation only, paying such quitt-rent as shall hereafter be
established by the laws of this Plantation; and others, such as
shall be establish't by his Royall Highness, his heires and
successors. Now H.M. has by her Instructions establish't half a
crown for every 100 acres at least. Quere whether such are not
obliged to pay that half crowne at least from the date of such
Instruction, or from what other commencement they are obliged
to pay it. In the next place, my Lords: The Palatins remaine
within the province, and for ye most part within ye lands where
I planted them, subsisting as they can and waiteing H.M. resolution. Cold I find any more creditt I would sett them to work
this spring to prepare a succession of trees, but that is long since
exhausted, none of my bills of any kind being paid at home, and
I myselfe reduced to very hard shifts for a bare subsistance.
Neither is it possible to oblige them to work in ye woods without
subsistance, tho' for ye future I beleive the work may be carryed
on by barely subsisting the workers dureing ye times they shall
be imployed with the addition of a small allowance of bread for
their families, soe that the yearely expence may be reduced to
5,000l. sterl., not including the expence of horses waggons and
magazines with their proper officers. Your Lordships understand
me well, that I doe not propose this as a perpetuall expence, but
only untill such time as wee can have returnes of the produce of
their labour, which considering the disapointments in point of
time by their late arrivall in ye first yeare, and the interruption
caused by ye non payment of my bills, and the time necessary
for makeing of tarr, as it is plaine from the practice of ye Eastern
Countries and our own experience, is three yeares, may be
reasonably calculated to be requisite for two yeares forward at
least, which also is to be reckoned as money lent to them seeing
by their contract they are to repay it by their labour. It is some
small comfort to me that I have brought that great undertakeing
to all the perfection that human power or industry cold doe in
that time and under such circumstances, and that wee have a
demonstration of ye success of our labours, the prepared trees
tho' not yet ripe for manufacture yeilding great quantities of
turpentine. I acquainted your Lordps. in my former that the
fort and chappell in ye Mohocks' village was finished. The
Missionary at first had but an indifferent reception by ye means of
one Hendrick who was one of those carryed to England, who had
possessed them with a notion that the Minister was to claime a
tenth of all their lands and goods, but being undeceived they have
received him kindly and have expelled their community one of
his opposers for that and haveing poisoned another." Refers to
enclosed expenses of Assembly. "From which you will perceive
what induces them to sitt and doe noe business, for by that means
they create a nesessity of frequent sessions, and thereby receive
a greater income than for the most part their farms or imployments
yeild them. The account I had from their own clark. I most
humbly recommend myselfe and my sufferings to your Lordships'
consideration and generous patronage." Signed, Ro. Hunter.
Endorsed, Recd. 22nd, Read 23rd April, 1713. 6¾ pp. Enclosed, |
293. i. Account of the charge of the sessions of General
Assembly, Sept. 1, 1710—Dec. 10, 1712. Members'
and officers' salaries and incidentals:—Total,
2,524l. 19s. 6d. ½ p. [C.O. 5, 1050. Nos. 63, 63 i.;
and (without enclosure) 5, 1123. pp. 92–103.] |
Mar[ch 14]. New York. |
294. Governor Hunter to the Earl of Dartmouth. Encloses
following. "I am reduced to worse circumstances than the
worst of my enemies could wish." Signed, Ro. Hunter. 1 p.
Enclosed, |
294. i. Duplicate of No. 296 i. |
294. ii. Duplicate of No. 296. |
294. iii. Duplicate of No. 293. [C.O. 5, 1091. Nos. 83, 83
i.-iii.; and (duplicate of covering letter and Nos. ii. and
iii.) 84, 84 i., ii.] |
March 14. N. York. |
295. Governor Hunter to [? the Earl of Dartmouth]. My
sufferings are known to you and my releif so necessary and just
that I bear them with patience in hopes that the dispatch of more
weighty affairs will speedily afford leisure for that. I must
beg leave once more to put your Lordship in mind of your poor
Cousin Harison who deserves well of mankind, there is no man
better beloved by all or fitter for business and it greives me that I
have it not in my power to prefer him as he deserves. Your
Lordship once laid your commands upon me to send you my
thoughts with relation to the Brittish interest in America. I
think it my duty at this time to acquaint your Lordship that
some new measure lately resolv'd upon in France for planting
and establishing Colonies on the river Messasipe all along the backs
of our settlements has given great umbrage and apprehensions
in these parts least in time these settlements may deprive us
of the trade and dependance of the Natives. My Lord I know
not how the freedom I am goeing to take might be construed
by others, but am persuaded that your Lordship will put no other
construction than the true one upon it, that is a zeal and concern
for H.M. interests in these parts. I humbly conceive you have
been kept in the dark, to say no worse of it, as to the nature of
the Government of the five Indian nations as they are called, which
by experience and the information of all those I have had any
conversation with amongst them I am convinc'd is now and
has in all times been no other than this. Such numbers as for
the conveniencys of hunting and fighting, all the businesse of their
lives, herd together live in a perfect state of nature every man his
own master free from all rules or regulations, or any constraint
from custom itself, only in the two important affairs mentioned
the younger sort are readily advised by such of the elder as have
by the common vogue the reputation of the wisest, neither are
they under any obligation to follow such advice, there being no
coercive power or penalty lodged or so much as supposed to be anywhere amongst them, only they conclude it folly not to be advised
by those who have more sense and experience than themselves
and can have no interest in imposeing upon them, for that reason
these sages call'd by them Ianer, the word Sachim appertaining
only to our river Indians, are commonly the most indigent being
the most ancient unable to hunt themselves and haveing no share
in the produce of their exploits of any kind but such as these
concern'd in takeing the booty think fit voluntarily to leave them,
for at their return from these employments the wise men divide
to each his share saving nothing to themselves, neither are they
or can they be confined to any certain number there being no
other election or nomination of such but the impression that the
experience of their life and behaviour makes on the mind of the
generality. When at their own or my desire I have at any time
met them the whole body hears what I have to propose, after
which they retire and consult together and haveing agreed upon
answers to each individual proposition one of these sages is chosen
by the whole to report them neither is their voice delivered by any
one particular man but sometimes by one, sometimes another,
though most commonly they choose the eldest and most eloquent
amongst them. Their wars are begun and carried on in this
manner, one of them who has got the design in his head makes a
feast and invites his canton to it and in the assembly he dances
explaining in a song his intentions and reasons, such as approve of
it dance one after another and all that eat at his feast are looked
upon as listed for yt. expedition and the proposer is constantly
the leader for that time. This much is sufficient to let your
Lordship into the nature of their no government upon which in
a great measure our security depends, it not being probable that
they should at any time all agree to fall upon us without just
provocation, but if some from mistaken notions or private purposes should endeavour to establish with success any other form
amongst them by applying meanings to words to which they
have no manner of relation and should it be obtruded upon that
people that such and such are Princes because we think so or call
them so and should these Princes assume or acquire an authority
in any measure proportion'd to that of European potentates,
from that minute our quiet and safety must depend upon their
caprice, who haveing little to doe at home and commanding
a people who have less will probably be for makeing war where
they propose to doe it with most ease and profit and may be easily
bribed to disturb us by our enemys when we are so unhappy as
to have any in our neighbohood. Happily indeed for us those
who were carryed to England were men of no consideration or
rather the most obscure amongst them. Hendrick its true had
some credit with the small village of Mohaks called Scoharee,
but he himself a river Indian and a very turbulent subtle fellow,
who since his return has given us more trouble than all the other
Indians beside, and had he had the hundredth part of that power
which was ascribed to him we must have been in actual war with
them at this time. I must acquaint you with one particular.
The people of Scoharee (who held that land by no good tenure
haveing formerly sold it but the grant of it being revok'd by an
act here, the Government here gave the Indians again possession
of it) were prevail'd upon to make a cession of it to the Queen.
Hendrick kept them off a long time from compleating their
act of cession under pretence of the insufficiency of the presents
which I at last considerably augmented which determined them
to accept of them, but Hendrick then their Speaker full of his
imperial power ventured to deliver his sentiments contrary
to what he had in instructions from them upon which the minute
they left me they fell upon him and had torn him to peices
but for the interposition of some soldiers and my servants and
they immediately return'd and resign'd their lands. To shew
your Lordship how apt they are to extend the notion of princely
power when they have receiv'd it, I must triffle once more. One
of the River Indians takeing away a candle from before me was
chid by one who stood by, but he readily replyed, I Sachem, I
King, I doe what I please, tho' at the same time he neither had or
claim'd respect or obedience from his fellow savages. Upon the
foot they now stand they are easily managed, a little art and
industry with their antients carrys most points, but should they
happen to be new modell'd, we shall be at a loss what measures to
take. What I have set down is a rude sketch of their ruder
government, and whether the contrary notion has arisen from
deception or design, or whether those who have imposed upon
others were not first imposed upon themselves I shall not take
upon me to determine, but I am bold to affirm that from that
minute that these notions with relation to their government which
have obtain'd among us prevail among them, we shall enjoy here
but a very precarious security, etc. Signed, Ro. Hunter. Endorsed,
Rd. April 24th, 1713. Holograph. 4½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1085. No.
11.] |
March 14. New York. |
296. Governor Hunter to the Council of Trade and Plantations. This letter relates to the affaires in New Jersey, which
remain still in the same perplexity untill H.M. pleasure be known
touching the alteration of her Council there upon which intirely
the quiet of that Province depends. There has been somehow
handed over hither a copie of a representation said to be given
to your Lordships signed by Jacob Henderson missionary for
Dover Hundreds in Pensilvania aspersing foully several gentlemen
recommended for Councelors, some of the gentlemen concern'd
being so basely attackt in their reputations, thought it necessary
for their justification to appeale to the convocation of the clergy
of both Provinces assembled at New York, who unanimously
agreed upon the resolution of sending to Mr. Henderson a letter
sign'd by them all, a copie of which is here inclos'd, etc. Nothing
but the appeal I have made to H.M. could have kept me from suspending some of these gentlemen of the Council for their turbulent
and undutifull behaviour, and I cannot doubt but that your
Lordps. will do your endeavour to prevent H.M. authority from
being trampled upon in the person of her Governour how inconsiderable soever that may be, whilst she is pleas'd to continue him
in that office. Mr. Sonmans still absconds and continues to
disperse his libels. Mr. Pinhorn has never attended the Council
since the first Assembly and I believe resolves never more to do
so. Mr. Towneley, Mr. Gardner and Mr. Quarry are dead.
Mr. Cox talks still confidently of his going for Engld., so that I
shall hardly be able to make a quorum of Council for buss'nesse,
and even many of them dispos'd and resolv'd to obstruct all
buss'nesse. I formerly wrote to your Lordps. about a Court of
Chancery in that Province. The subject in this finds ease and
reliefe from it, and these in the Jerseys beg and groan for it, but
there is no hopes of opening such a Court with the advice of the
Council as it is now constituted. I desire to be resolv'd by your
Lops. whether the custody of the Seale does not actually
constitute such an officer and court, and if so whether I may not
by Proclamation without the Council's concurrence declare such
a Court to be open'd. It is to no purpose to let the Assembly
meet untill H.M. pleasure relateing to her Council there be
known. Signed, Ro. Hunter. Endorsed, Recd. 22nd, Read 23rd
April, 1713. 2 pp. Enclosed, |
296. i. Convocation of Clergy at New York to Mr. Jacob
Henderson. March 5, 1712/13. Protest against the characters he is said to have given to the Board of Trade
of some gentlemen recommended by the Governor for
Councillors. Signed, Alexander Innes, Æneas McKenzie,
John Barton, Chris. Bridge, Edward Vaughan, John
Charpe, Daniel Bondet, T. Haleday, Henricus Beys.
Copy. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 970. Nos. 163, 164; and
(without enclosure), 5, 995. pp. 170–173.] |
March 17. Whitehall. |
297. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lord High
Treasurer. Your Lordship having been pleased some time
since to order one year and a half salary to this Board, we hope
your Lordship will be so good to direct the payment thereof.
[C.O. 389, 37. p. 56.] |
March 21. St. James's. |
298. H.M. Commission for Capt. John Moody to be Lt.
Governor of Placentia. Countersigned, Bolingbroke. Endorsed,
Recd. 15th June, 1713. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 194, 5. No. 24;
and 195, 5. pp. 312, 313.] |
March 21. |
299. Memorandum of letter from Thomas Harley, Secretary
to the Treasury, to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Slip. ½ p. |
Enclosed, |
299. i. Establishment of the garrison of Annapolis, 1711. Total,
2,162l. 12s. 6d. Endorsed, Feb. 16, 17 12/13. ½ p. |
299. ii. Establishment of the garrison of Annapolis, 1713.
Total, 1,204l. 10s. Same endorsement. ½ p. [C.O.
217, 1. Nos. 9 i., 9 ii.] |
March 21. New Jersey. |
300. Thomas Gordon to [?Mr. Popple]. Encloses following,
to clear his character from Mr. Henderson's unjust aspersions,
etc. Signed, Thomas Gordon. Endorsed, Recd. 30th May, 1713,
Read 23 Nov., 1717. 1 p. Enclosed, |
300. i. Certificate by Alexander Innes in favour of Lt. Col.
John Anderson, recommended for the Council of New
Jersey, and aspersed by a memorial subscribed by Jacob
Henderson, missionary to Dover Hundred in Pensilvania
and presented by him to Lord Winchelsea, president
to the Lds. Commissioners of Trade. 12th March,
1712 (1713). Signed, Alexander Innes, presbiter.
Endorsed as preceding. 1 p. |
300. ii. Certificate by Robert Watts, Factor of the African
Company, in favour of Capt. John Anderson, late
commander of the Unicorn. 20th March, 17 12/13. Signed,
Rot. Watts. Same endorsement. ½ p. |
300. iii. Certificate by Edward Vaughan and T. Halliday as
to the character of Thomas Gordon. "He is learned
in the law, and science mathematical, etc. and not only
catechises and instructs his children, but his slaves
in ye principles of the Christian faith" etc. 16th March,
1712 (1713). Signed, Edward Vaughan, minister of
Elizabeth Town in New Jersey; T. Halliday, minister
of Perth Amboy, etc. Same endorsement. 1 p. |
300. iv. Similar certificate. Signed, Æneas McKenzie, 21st
March, 1712/13. Same endorsement. 1 p. |
300. v. Similar certificate as to the character and good family
of Thomas Gordon. 12th March, 1712/13. Signed, Alexander
Innes, presbiter. Same endorsement. ½ p. [C.O. 5, 971.
Nos. 17, 17 i.–v.; and (without enclosures) 5, 995.
pp. 341–343.] |
March 21. Treasury Chambers. |
301. T. Harley to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The
Lord High Treasurer desires you to take the usual method in
obtaining H.M. hand to Governor Nicholson's instructions (Feb.
25), adding enclosed to those proposed for enquiring into arrears
of prizes, etc. Signed, T. Harley. Endorsed, Recd. 23rd, Read
31st March, 1713. Addressed. 1 p. Enclosed, |
301. i. Mr. Burchett to the Lord High Treasurer. Admiralty
Office, Feb. 27, 1712/13. The Lords Commrs. of the
Admiralty having reason to apprehend the Queen
hath been defrauded of considerable summs in the
Plantations, propose that Mr. James Smith (who was
formerly Agent for Prizes in the Fleets abroad, and now
Judge of the Court of Admiralty in Newfoundland)
may be employed under Genl. Nicholson in inspecting
into the rights and perquisites of the Admiralty, with
an allowance for his pains etc. Signed, J. Burchett.
Addressed. 1 p. |
301. ii. (a) Instructions for Governor Nicholson for recovering
any rights and perquisites of Admiralty in America, since
H.M. accession, which have been either conceal'd or
imbezled, or not properly accounted for. |
301. ii. (b) List of prizes accounted for. The whole, 4 pp.
[C.O. 323, 7. Nos. 24, 24 i., ii.; and (without enclosures)
324, 10. pp. 22, 23.] |
March 27. Craven House. |
302. The Lords Proprietors of Carolina to Governor Craven.
We have herewith sent you the heads of an Act of Assembly
which we think proper to be passed for the better securing our
debts and chief rents to us and for confirming the titles of the
inhabitants to their plantations and estates. We have complyed
with the proposalls that were sent to us by our Chief Justice for
the passing such a law, and have advanced yours and some other
salaries, and have consented to the publick buildings wch. we
think to be for the honour and advantage of our Government.
We being inform'd of Sir Anthony Craven's death, are apprehensive that your affairs, upon that occasion, may require your
coming for England, and in that case have appointed Mr. Robt.
Johnson to succeed you, but we shall not grant him any Commission till we can receive further advice from you. Signed, Beaufort,
Carteret, M. Ashley, J. Colleton, J. Danson. [C.O. 5, 290. p. 65.] |
March 27. Craven House. |
303. Same to Nicholas Trott, Chief Justice of South Carolina.
We received your letters with the heads of an Act of Assembly
for the better securing our chief rents and for the confirming and
settling the titles of the inhabitants of our Province to their
lands; we think it very reasonable that such a law should be
passed, and have therefore sent you back the heads which we
think proper for such an Act wth. very little alteration from those
you sent us; we recommend to you the care of this and what
other Act of Assembly shal be thought proper to be transmitted to
us for our confirmation. Signed as preceding. [C.O. 5, 290. p. 66.] |
[March 28.] |
304. [Relatives of General Parke] to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. The relations of Generall Parke trouble your
Lordships with the inclosed, and hope you'l represent the matter
in its proper collours to H.M. in Generall Councill, where 'tis
thought she will declare her Royall pleasure about it this night.
And they have too much reason to think that she is much imposed
upon as to the whole fact. Endorsed, Recd. 28th, Read 31st
March, 1713. Addressed. 1 p. Enclosed, |
304. i. Truth brought to light; or, murder will out; being a
short, but true, account of the most horrid, barbarous,
and bloody Murther and Rebellion committed at Antego
in the West Indies, against Her Majesty and Her
Government. Designed to show that the murder was
the result of a conspiracy. Printed. 4 pp. |
304. ii. Some instances of the oppression and male administration of Col. Parke, etc., and remarks on preceding.
Printed. 4 pp. [C.O. 152, 9. Nos. 157, 157 i., 158.] |
March 30. |
305. Governor Douglas to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The best account, that I have gained of Monsieur Cassarts'
expedition agt. Curassow is, that he hath lost his 70 gun shipp,
and rather compounded with, then ransomed the place for 150,000
crowns, and in some measure to save his honor, without hurting
the Colony, and tho' we hear the Dutch behaved themselves but
indiferently, yet the French were loosers. In pursuance of the
directions that I received from the Commissioners of Customs, I
have call'd a Court of Exchequer, and have appointed the
Reverend Jonathan Yate Giffard Clerk Chancellor, John Lucas,
Esq., Chief Barron and Abraham Redwood, Samuel Parry and— James, Esqrs. puisny Barrons and the Attorney Generall
has exhibited 119 informacons upon soe many plantation bonds
that doe not appear to be legally discharg'd, great numbers have
been lost and illegally discharged, but these prosecutions extremly
allarm the Collony, and put the planters in great fear of forfeiting
their estates, and well deserves your Lordshipps' consideracon,
how farr it may be convenient to proceed therein, upon which
subject I hope to receive your Lordshipps' directions. Signed,
Walter Douglas. Endorsed, Recd. 26th May, Read 14th July,
1713. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 10. No. 4; and 153, 12. pp. 101, 102.] |
March 30. Barbados. |
306. Governor Lowther to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Your Lordshipes letter of Aug. 27th came not to my
hand till the other day. I must crave leave to remind your
Lordshipes that I sent Mr. Kerby to England upon a letter I
receiv'd from General Douglas dated Jan. 7th, 1711–12, wherein
he not only charg'd him with the murder of Mr. Parke, but did
also assure me that there were sufficient evidences in England
to prove the fact against him. I did conceive that this letter was
not only a good warrant for me to apprehend Mr. Kerby, and to
send him to England, but also that I should have been remiss
and tardy in my duty and service to H.M. if I had not done it,
etc. However, for the future I shall give no credit to any such
letters, etc. Acknowledges letter of Dec. 22 last with H.M. two
orders of repeal "which I shall cause to be publish'd in the usual
manner and enter'd in the Council books." Encloses sessional
papers, etc. Signed, Rob Lowther. Endorsed, Recd. 18th May,
Read July 17th, 1713. Addressed. Holograph. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 28,
14. No. 4; and 29, 13. pp. 62–64.] |
March 31. Jamaica. |
307. Governor Lord A. Hamilton to the Earl of Dartmouth.
Since my last (duplicate enclosed) H.M.S. Nightingale arryved here,
by her received yr. Lop's. of Aug. 21st, which I have strikly
comply'd with, and have likewise given orders to all under my
Government that due respect be had to all such passes as H.M.
has thought fit to grant to French and Spanish ships. How well
H.M. commands has been obey'd in these points by Sir H. Walker
and some of the Comanders of Her ships here yr. Lop. will best
judge by stateing two facts which I think my duty to represent.
Refers to complaint against Capt. Jackson, v. No. 291. I
received an answear from the Admiral the 6th March in the
words following (viz), "I had own'd yr. Lop's. letter and the
Governor of Cartagena's letters sooner, but expecting the bark
in here that Capt. Jackson seiz'd, and that not yet aryving it is
to be presumed she may be return'd to Cartagena and therefore
am at a loss what to determin therein. But being now under
orders to proceed to Great Britain with the squadron I shall leave
all matters relating to that affair to be determined there." The
Admiral takes no notice of the money (6000 ps. of 8 as I am
inform'd) Capn. Jackson took out of that vessel and actually
brought with him to this Island, so that I am no less at a loss how
to answear the Governor of Cartagena's letter, and of what consequence the delay of satisfaction to so reasonable a demand
may be to the trade of this Island, I humbly submit to
yr. Lop.; and we have allready had an instance of the ill
consequence of such a proceeding. The master of a tradeing
vessel belonging to this Island returning some days ago from Porto
Velo assured me that he had not dispos'd of any part of his cargo,
and that the Governor of that place had strikly forbid to trade
with the English, till such time sufficient restitution be made
them for the said bark, and there are now several other vessels
richly laden gon a tradeing on that coast, which we may reasonably
expect will return with the same disapointment. The other
fact that I shall lay before your Lop. is this, upon receipt of
a letter from Mr. Burchett by command of the Lords of the
Admiralty of Oct. 27th last by the Nightingale that arrived here
the 11th instant, I gave notice by letter to Rear Admiral Walker
that I had received dispatches by that ship from the Court of
Madrid to their several Governors in America, and of its being
recomended to me to see the same convey'd as directed with all
possible dispatch, the said packetts containing directions for the
observation of the truce. I thereupon conceiving it for H.M.
service proposed that a frigott or one of the sloops under his
command should be forthwith ordered to proceed to Cartagena
and Port Velo with the packetts for those Governors and such
others as were proper to be forwarded by them; But to this letter
the Admiral has not thought fit to return me any answere, and I
am well inform'd that he had determined to send the Jamaica
sloop with merchts. goods to both those ports before the receipt
of my letter, and the said sloop is accordingly since sail'd without
his having given me the least notice thereof, so that I have been
oblidged to send a gentleman in a sloop belonging to the Island
with the said dispatches. I shall not trouble yr. Lop. with my
reflections on these facts upon what reason they are founded
being beyond my comprehention. By English vessels lately
arived here from Curassow, I am inform'd that Monsr. Cassart
had left that place after haveing oblidg'd the inhabitants to
ransom the towne for 115,000 pieces of eight, haveing made but a
very indifferent defence. The Duke D'Albequerk Vice-roy of
Mexico is aryved at the Havana in his way to Spain, and the
Marquis de Cassatores is aryved Governor of the Havana, and not
the Marquis de Suere as I was inform'd before. There lay at
that port a fleet richly laden bound home. Signed, A. Hamilton.
5½ pp. [C.O. 137, 51. No. 70.] |
March 31. Jamaica. |
308. Same to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Repeats
preceding and adds after "comprehention."—, nor shall I inlarge
on instances of an inferiour nature, as of the hardships and
discouragements put upon all traders in general and masters of
ships and vessels comeing in and goeing out by bringing them
under his stern among The Keys, and dedaining them upon
tryfling and frivolous pretences, threatning to wheep some and
carry home others, and since I began to write this, the master of
a French sloop from Nanz bound to the Havana, who had before
shew'd me the Queen's pass, as also the French King's, and had
desired the liberty of the port to wood and water; now makes his
complaint to me that the Admiral has brought him to an anchor
under his stern, put men on board and there detains him for what
reason or upon what accot. he knows not. I shall only add
that since his arrivall here the disposition of the ships both as to
convoys, cruisers and guarding the coast has been industriously
kept a secret from me, and now I writt this on the common
report of the squadron's saileing in few days, not being acquainted
therewith otherewise then by the abstract of his letter above
incerted. The Island is at present very healthy and the weather
seasonable, so that there is a promising prospect that the nixt
will be a good crop of sugers. Signed, A. Hamilton. Endorsed,
Recd. 25th May, Read 17th July, 1713. 6¾ pp. [C.O. 137, 10.
No. 15; and 138, 14. pp. 1–5.] |
March 31. Whitehall. |
309. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lord High
Treasurer. Reply to Feb. 13th, q.v. The new fort begun at
Barbadoes during Sir B. Granville's government is not yet finish'd,
which as Col. Lilley, the Ingineer, informs us, wou'd be a great
security to that Island were it perfected. It has already cost the
Island about 9,000l. in mony and in negroes labour, and he believ'd
that about 11,000l. more including negroes labour wou'd compleat
the same; but neither he nor the agent of the Island cou'd
give us any assurance that the Assembly wou'd raise any more
mony for that work. We are also inform'd that the Assembly
of Jamaica allows but 1,250l. a year (their money) for the support
of the whole charge of the fortifications, and the persons with
whom we have discours'd here believe, they will scarce be induc'd
to raise mony for the support of the Ingineer and Storekeeper
there. As to New York, we are inform'd that there is a new
fort to be built in the Indian country to secure them against the
incursions of the French Indians, the doing whereof will require
some time. And as the Ingineer at New York, is also Ingineer
at New England, we propose that the recalling of him be deferr'd
till the said fort is finish'd, or till Col. Nicholson shall have been
upon the place and examin'd into the state of that matter, and
made his report to your Lordship thereupon. We have no objection to the Board of Ordnance's proposal in relation to the garrison
at Annapolis. [C.O. 29, 13. pp. 2–5.] |