Sept. 1. Maryland. |
483. Col. Quary to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
I did not arrive in Virginia till July 28. I lost no time in paying
my duty to H.E. Governor Nott, who was pleased to receive me
very kindly. I deliver'd him the Queen's letter, your Lordships'
packet, and put him in mind that there was an absolute necessity
of hastening away the ffleet, considering the time of year. He
was pleas'd imediatly to summon the Councill to meet, wch.
could not be done in less then 9 days, the first thing done was
to resolve on the proper time for the ffleet sayling, wch. was
resolv'd to be Sept. 1, whither the Greenwich arriv'd or not,
and accordingly notice was given to all the Masters of ships in
that Government, and an express sent away to Maryland, that
all the ships in that Government might have notice to be
ready at the time appointed. The next business was the
Councill's assigning reasons for their advising the Governor
to allow of severall alterations in some bills that had been sent
to yr. Lordships, and had your approbation. I have not time
at present to goe thro' the alteration in the severall Acts, but
will give your Lordships some few instances; they have past a
new Act for settling the revenue, under pretence that this is
more for the Queen's benefit, than the former Act past in my
Lord Culpeper's Government. The advantage they pretend
lyes under these two or three heads, first on the duty of tunnage
on the ships. By the former Act this duty was paid according
to the tunnage mention'd in their respective registers, but this
new Act obliges all ships to pay according to the utmost measure
by the rule, wch. will be a great burden and clogg to Trade,
especially considering how very much trade is already loaden
in that Government, perhaps beyond any place whatever. The
next great improvement of the Queen's Revenue is the taking
from the Masters of ships 4 per cent. of the 10 per cent. allowed
them for giving their own bills of Exchange on their owners,
for the duty of the 2s. per hhd. and all other the duty of tunnage
etc. for their whole lading, and so making themselves answerable
for all, when at the same time they are forced to collect this
duty in driblets from all the respective freighters, and some
times runing the hazard of loosing all, besides anothe end of
allowing the 10l. per ct. was their making a just and honest
report(s) and entry of their lading, but all these considerations
are laid aside, if this Act be confirm'd. The other branch of
advancing the Queen's revenue is the taking away from the
Naval Officers 4l. per cent. of their allowance for collecting and
receiving. This looks like the dogg in the manger, since the
Gentlemen of the Councill cannot have those places themselves,
they would starve those that have them. But these are the
least objections I have against the Act, and will not take up
your Lordships' time on it, but leave the merchants and those
concern'd in Trade to speak for themselves. The Act for settling
the revenue on the Crown was past in my Lord Culpeper's
Governmt. near 20 years ago, this Act was drawn in England,
and past by the Assembly and made a perpetuall Act, if your
Lordships please to observe, this Act is past in a different style,
better worded then any Act since, wch. was the reason that
these topping men were uneasy at it, and waited an opportunity
to have it damn'd, wch. they have now brought to bear, for other
ways had the Assembly only design'd to have augmented and
added to the Queen's revenue, why could they not make an Act
for it without damning and destroying the former Act, and that
your Lordships may see the snake in the grass, please to observe
that the Assembly are pleas'd to appropriat the Queen's revenue
as they think fitt, a thing never pretended to before, and to limitt
and confine H.M. from disposing of her own mony, your Lordships
will find a clause in this Act not so much as mention'd in ye
former, for whereas in the former Act, the Queen was graciously
pleas'd to appropriate 370l. to be divided amongst those of her
Councill that gave their attendance at the Assembly and Generall
Courts, in this Act they have order'd otherwise, and enacted
that no Member of H.M. Councill shall have any part or share
of her bounty, tho' they discharge the duty requir'd, unless
they have been three years resident in the Province, by wch.
they have tyed up the Queen's hands from giving any part of
her Bounty but according to their pleasure, when they ware
reading their reason for severall alterations, I took occasion
to ask them why they had not assign'd a reason for that alteration,
they told me that they did not know or did not mind that clause,
and H.E. was pleas'd to say, that he could not have beleiv'd that
such a clause was in the Act, and that if hee had, it should never
have passed, and those Gentlemen that drew up the reasons
for all the other alterations was resolv'd to pass by this in silence
the better to keep the Governor in the dark; I have not time
at present to inlarge on this subject, but leave it to your Lordships'
consideration. The next thing propos'd was an address from
ye Gentlemen of the Councill requesting H.E. that he would
please to apply to your Lordships that they might be capable
to execute the places of proffit in the Government, on wch. he
laid before them the coppys of two Memorialls formerly given
in to your Lordships, the one by Mr. Blaire, Coll. Hartwell, and
Mr. Edward Chilton, the other by Mr. Benja. Harrison, both
containing many reasons against the Councill executing those
offices. I told H.E. that I thought Mr. Blaire was obliged to
justify the subject matter of the Memoriall wch. he had sign'd,
or else to own that he had abused the Government by an unjust
representation, all the answer he gave to it was, that what he
sign'd was by order or direction from Coll. Nicholson. I desired
to know if Coll. Nicholson was the Governor of the Province,
he answered Noe. I ask'd who was then Governor, he said
it was Sir Edmund Andross, wch. gave me the handle to observe
to H.E. that it seem'd very strange that Mr. Blaire should take
instructions from a person that was noe Governor, to transact
and represent the state of the Governmt.; especiall[y] without
the knowledge or approbation of so worthy a man then Governor
of the Province, Sir Edmund Andros, but this was all past by,
and no further notice taken of those Memorialls, wch. obliged
me to say that doubtless your Lordships had some end or reason
in sending those copys, but they proceeded to sign the Address,
without minding it any further, and were pleas'd to desire yt.
I would sign wth. them, wch. I refused. The short time the
ffleet hath to stay, and the hurry of business wch. I have, prevents
my representing severall other matters to your Lordships, wch.
I must referr to another time, but before I conclude I begg leave
to observe to your Lordships that there are severall in this
Governmt. who have been for many years endeavouring to have
all the power vested in the Councill, in order to effect this, they
have by degrees endeavour'd to lessen the prerogative, and to
render the Queen's Governor little better than a cypher, and in
truth they have in effect gain'd their point, if your Lordships
please to consider that they are the sole Judges of law and
property wch. makes all depend on them, they have the whole
command and regulation of the Militia, formerly they were
Collonells of the Regiments in the respective Countys where
they liv'd, but now they are made Lord Lieuts. of the Countys,
so that now one of these Gentlemen hath the command of three
severall countys, it's true they are not called Lord Lieuts., but
have all the power, and doe appoint Colonells under them, this
new regulation hath made some of the Countys so uneasy that
they cannot get officers to serve, the Governor can make no
justice or any officer in the Government without their advice,
it was a charge against one of the Naval Officers to the Comrs.
of the Customs that he was put in by the Governr. without the
advice of the Councill, tho' the Governor himself is only answerable for him. H.E. did lately appoint a Gentleman quallify'd by
the Law and by the consent of the Councill to be Sheriff of James
City County, but one of the topping Justices of that County,
because the Gentleman would not make a friend of his UnderSheriff, refused to lett the Sheriff be sworn in the Court as the
law directs, but instead of admitting him was pleas'd to publish
a paper on the Court door requiring all the Inhabitants in the
County to give in a charge agt. the sd. Sheriff of all they knew
against him in the course of his life; this was to be brought
in the next Court, wch. was accordingly done. I then happened
to be in the Court to prove a writing wch. I had sign'd in England.
I never heard such confusion in all my life, but after all nothing
could be proved against the Gentleman of any weight, H.E.
the Governor resented this proceeding as an affront to him, and
accordingly was pleased to lay it before the Councill, who generally
excused the matter, and nothing done; this topping Justice
was a hott man in some of their intrist. There goes now home
the greatest ffleet that ever went from the tobacco Plantations,
near 300 sails of ships, so that unless the merchants concern'd
in that trade doe unanimously agree on the proper methods
for supplying the fforeign markets, they will ruin all; the quantity
that now goes is very great, yet considering the scarcity of tobacco
both at home and all our fforeign markets there will be a vent
for all and a very good price if the merchants could have but a
true understanding amongst themselves and not by their heats
and prejudice undermine each other and so ruin the trade and
loose the opportunity now offer'd, there is now as great a crop
on the ground as ever was known, but should it be sent for before
they have sold and vended what goes now in the ffleet, they
will make a drugg of both, ruin the poor planter and the Trade
in generall. I hope your Lordships will take this matter into
your consideration. Signed, Robt. Quary. Endorsed, Recd.
Nov. 26, 1706. Read Feb. 24, 1706/7. 4½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1315.
No. 43; and 5, 1362. pp. 101–108.] |
Sept. 2. Williamsburgh. |
484. Mr. Jenings, President of the Council of Virginia,
to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The last dispatches
and Journals were transmitted your Lordps. by the Marleborough
gally, and ye transactions since are now by H.M.S. Greenwich,
by wch. with ye Council I have acquainted your Lordps. with
ye death of Coll. Nott, as hee left our unfortunate differences
in a great measure reconciled, I hope the present Governmt.
will use their utmost endeavours to perfect. My Lords, the
present post now fallen on mee, makes mee take the liberty to
assure your Lordpps. I shall strugle to prevent what may bee
thought a disservice to or infringemt. on H.M. Prerogative,
and if anything appear to bee carried on or passed in the Council
to the contrary, I beg your Lordps. not to attribute itt to my
inclinations or means. The Council's letters to your Lordps.,
and ye reasons for H.E. passing the laws, gives mee little room
to add, etc. I shall only observe that the body of the laws are
imperfect, for want of the Church, and some few other Bills
that were not agreed too. I shou'd have been glad the reasons
of ye Council wou'd have bin prevalent with ye Burgesses, but
I hope in a proper time they will lay aside prejudice, and bee
convinced of the necessity of agreeing to yt. necessary Bill for
advanceing ye Church and Clergy; besides the reasons of ye
Council for H.E. not passing the County Court Bill, there being
matters of law and proceedings of the Courts which hee was
desirous to have advice in, besides a table of fees were not agreed
on for all offices. The Burgesses had passed a Bill for appointing
some, but diminished the County Clerk's fees soe considerably,
that itt would not have bin a maintenance for any young man,
and thrust in a clause to take away the greatest part of
profitt and perquisites the Secretary time out of mind ever injoyed,
and incroached on the prerogative, wch. caused mee to oppose
itt in the House of Burgesses and Council, where I gott itt layd
aside; itt was intentionly levelled att my present advantage
for haveing attending your Lordpps. with ye Laws according
to comands and my duty. The making the laws take place att
the end of the Session hath delayed the course of Justice, for
want of them; this was desired to have bin prevented, by giveing
time before they took place, but this thought prejudicial and
unpresidentiall. Your Lordps.' comands abt. seating and granting of land hath occasionned the stopping of Patents, wch. gives
uneasyness, and if long continued may great dissatisfaction;
your Lordps.' early resolutions herein will be very acceptable.
The Assembly was prorogued by his late Excellency's Proclamation,
wch. I presume is now dissolved, but there being some amongst
us that doubt itt, I thought fitt to putt the Council in mind of
your Lordps.' directions in this case. H.E. Instructions are
sealed up and not to bee open'd but on emergent occasion. My
Lords, I beg leave to acqt. your Lordps. that on the Death of
his late Excellency I imeadiatly dispatched expresses to the
Gentlemen of ye Council, and at 11 clock next day five of ye
nearest meet, but being not a majority, wee appointed the 27th
following, the resolutions and methods for takeing the Governmt.
are transmitted; this being this first Governor that has dyed
in Virginia, by wch. ye care of ye Governmt. is devolved on the
Council, doubts did arise about ye power of ye Presidt., and how
proclamations should issue; itt was ruled according to the
minutes, in wch I desired to bee passive and waite your Lordps.'
comands, wch. I shall always punctually observe. I can conclude
with assurance to your Lordps. that the country is in peace and
quietness and have noe doubt but will soe continue. My
indeavours shall bee to discharge this honble. post for H.M.
interest and service, yt. I may deservedly merritt the continuence
of your Lordps.' favour to, Signed, E. Jenings. Endorsed,
Recd. 20th, Read 26th, 1706. Holograph. 3 pp. [C.O. 5,
1315. No. 36; and 5, 1362. pp. 82–84.] |
Sept. 2. Williamsburgh. |
485. Mr. Jenings to Mr. Popple, jr. Acknowledges letters
and repeats part of preceding. Encloses defaced seal. Mirtle
wax was not to be had the last year. I hope to gett some this
fall. Byrds are difficult to bee gott or kept alive. I have had
many nursed but could not keep; I hope to send you some
squirrells, but can't procure them, but pray inquire of Mr. Corbin,
if any sent, hee will deliver them, etc. Signed, E. Jenings.
Endorsed as preceding. Holograph. 1½ pp. Enclosed, |
485. i. Copy of Act of Virginia prescribing the method of
appointing County Court Clerkes, and for ascertaining
the fees of the Secretary, County Court Clerks, Sherriffs
and Constables. Endorsed as preceding. 13¾ pp. [C.O.
5, 1315. Nos. 37, 37.i.; and (without enclosure) 5, 1362.
pp. 84–86.] |
Sept. 3. Whitehall. |
486. Mr. Secretary Hedges to Governor Sir B. Granville.
Since my last the Confederate Troops in the Netherlands have
taken Menin, a town tho small yet esteemed to be one of the
strongest in Europe, and we have an account by the way of
Ostende that the Duke of Marlborough has also possest
himself of Dendennonde, that place having capitulated the
5th instant n.s., of which we expect the confirmation by the
next letters from Holland, whence there are two mailes due.
All the Forces the French could draw together on that side with
the Duke of Vandome at their head, who was sent for from Italy
to command them as being the best of their Generalls, have not
been able to give the least hinderance to the Duke of
Marlborough's progresses. We have not yet reaped all the fruit
wee expected from our successes in Spain, the Duke of Anjou
having been encouraged by the absence of the Catholick King
and the weakness of the Portuguese army to return into Castile,
but we have now received advices of his Catholick Majesty's
and the Earl of Peterborow's having joyned the Earl of Gallway
with considerable reinforcements, and such measures are taken
as we have no reason to doubt will soon reduce that whole
Kingdome to the obedience of its lawfull Soveraign. It is hoped
his subjects in America will of themselves declare for him, and
care will be taken to give them all necessary protection and
assistance, which you will take all opportunities to lett them know.
In Italy, the only place whence the enemy possibly might have
drawn succours to maintain themselves in the possession of the
Spanish Monarchy, the Duke of Savoy's extraordinary resolution
and firm adherence to the common cause have given their troops
full employment, and Turin after a long and most vigorous resistance has in all probability been rescued before this time by Prince
Eugene, there being advices of his having gained Stradella, the
only difficult pass in his way to Piedmont. I must not omitt
to tell you that Carthagena has declared for the King of Spain,
and that Alicant is taken by storm. Signed, C. Hedges. |
The like letter was sent to the following Governors:
Lord Cornbury, Col. Dudley, Col. Seymour, Col. Nott, Col.
Handasyd, Col. Parke, with the following additions to Col.
Parke:—The 5 French prizes laden with provisions of which
I gave you notice in mine of July 4, that were brought into
Ireland, and were ordered thence to Nevis and St. Christophers
for relief of the poor sufferers there, have been detained by
contrary winds, but will putt to sea as soon as the wind permitts.
A supply of Ordnance and Stores is to be sent to those Islands
from hence, which is already embarked, as a reinforcement of
300 men that are likewise ordered thither, will be very speedily,
and they are to be furnisht with provisions for 4 months at
whole allowance. The Admiralty have promised a convoy for
these supplys, which will be sent you as soon as possible, but
before they can arrive, I hope you will see a squadron of H.M.
ships in your parts, which is ordered to touch at the Leeward
Islands, and leave there what Ordnance and Stores can be spared
from on board the ships. I enclose a duplicate of my last, and
can only add that it is thought here that Nevis having most
suffered, will require your residence in that place, in order to
resettle and encourage those people. Signed, C. Hedges. [C.O.
324, 30. pp. 106–108.] |
Sept. 5. Whitehall. |
487. Mr. Sec. Hedges to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Requests that copy of Lord Baltimore's Charter be sent
to the Attorney General. Signed, C. Hedges. Endorsed, Recd.
Read Sept. 17, 1706. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 716. No. 16; and 5, 726.
pp. 393, 394.] |
Sept. 10. New York. |
488. Governor Lord Cornbury to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. In your Lordshipps' letter of Feb. 4, 1705/6, you
are pleased to direct me to re-admit Mr. Morris into the Councill
upon his submission, I assure your Lordshipps that he shall noe
sooner doe the one, but I will doe the other, and I shall be very
well satisfied if the Gentlemen who have answered for his behaviour
to your Lordshipps doe not find themselves mistaken; I return
you thanks for the confirmation of the three Gentlemen I
recomended to be of the Councill of New Jersey; as to what
relates to Mr. Peter Sonmans, I must acquaint you that he has
been here some time, and I have not observed anything in him
yet but is very well, he is dilligent and zealous in promoting
the Proprietors' interest, but has always done it with that respect
to H.M. that became him, and indeed I look upon him to be a
very fit person to serve in Councill, there is now living for the
Western Division Mr. Jennings, Mr. Revell, Mr. Davenport,
Mr. Deacon and Mr. Leeds, for the Eastern Division Capt.
Andrew Bowne, Mr. Pinhorne and Mr. Sandford, besides Coll.
Quary, and H.M. having been pleased to add Coll. Coxe, Coll.
Townley and Mr. Mompesson, and your Lordshipps having
directed me to restore Mr. Morriss upon his submission there will
be no vacancy yet, but Mr. Revell, Mr. Daveport and Capt.
Bowne are all three dangerously ill at this time, and I am afraid
of an incurable disease, I mean old age, besides other distempers.
I send you inclosed the names of 12 persons, which I think are
the fittest to serve in Councill, as others drop off. I have perused
Mr. Attorney Generall Northey's opinion, and will take care
that it be observed; As for what your Lordshipps observe
concerning the Acts of Assembly passed in 1704, I will endeavour
to get those alterations you desire made at the next Sessions,
which is to begin at Amboy on Oct. 24 next; your Lordshipps
are pleased to say that a complaint has been made to you that
the elections for the last Assembly were made in such haste
that there was not due and timely notice, if soe the fault may lie
among the Sheriffs, for I have always directed the Secretary
to take care that there be at least 40 days allowed between the
Teste, and the return of the writt. Your Lordshipps likewise
mention a complaint made that three Members were kept out of
the Assembly, etc. Refers for answer to letter of Nov. 27, 1705.
You will find, that as soon as they removed the objections, they
were admitted. As for the complaint made by the Proprietors
of the Western Division, I have this to say, that at my first
taking possession of the Government of the Province of
New Jersey, severall persons complained to me that the
Agent for the Proprietors very often refused to let them
see the Records where their Patents were recorded, and
that they had great reason to believe that their Patents
were not fairly recorded, and desired that the Records might be
lodged in the Secretary's Office, where they might have recourse
to them at all times, which I ordered accordingly, but since your
Lordshipps are of opinion that they ought to be restored to the
Proprietors' Agents, I will take care that it shall be done forthwith. As for the Records of deeds and conveyances being
carry'd out of the Province, I know nothing of it, nor doe I believe
it has been done. The next complaint your Lordshipps mention
to have been made to you is that I have put into the Commission
of the Peace severall mean and contemptible persons, perticularly
one Salter, whom (they say) I know was under prosecution for
felony, and that I have granted Commissions in the Millitia
to other persons who have no estates in the Province; to this
I answer that I have not put one man into the Commission of
the Peace in the Province of New Jersey but such as have been
recommended to me by one or more of the Gentlemen of H.M.
Councill for that Province; as for Salter, he was recommended
to me by Capt. Bowne, and I doe solemnly protest I never heard
that he was under any prosecution at all till I received your
letter, and since that time I have made the stricktest inquiry
I can about that matter, and I doe find that severall years agoe
there was one Salter that was under prosecution in England,
for some crime, but what that crime was I can't learn, but it is
positively affirmed to me that this is not that man, and realy
if he were that man, it would be a pretty extraordinary thing
that the Country should choose such a man to be one of their
Representatives in Generall Assembly, for he is actually soe now
in this Assembly, and I protest I never yet saw anything ill
in the man; As for the Millitia Officers, I have always chosen
them by the recommendation of the Gentlemen of the Councill,
or the Field-Officers of the respective Regiments, and by the
best inquiry that I can make, I can't find that there are such
scandalous persons in Commission, whenever anybody will
inform me of such persons, I shall soon remove them; your
Lordshipps shall have fair transcripts of all the Minutes of Councill
and Assembly with the first opportunity. I have received the
new Seale etc. P.S.—Since I finished this letter some of the
Gentlemen of New Jersey have desired me not to send any list
till the meeting at Amboy, which will be very shortly, I find they
have a mind to recommend some persons, therefore I intreat
your Lordshipps will not be displeased that I doe not now send
the list which I had prepared. Signed, Cornbury. Endorsed,
Recd. from Mr. Sloper, Nov. 28, Read Dec. 6, 1706. Holograph.
3 pp. [C.O. 5, 970. No. 42; and 5, 994. A. pp. 284–289.] |
Sept. 13. St. Johns in Newfoundland. |
489. Major Lloyd to [? Mr. Secretary Hedges]. Acknowledges letter of June 6. By ye man of war yt. will convey ye
shipps for England shall give a satisfactory acct. of ye false
accusations of my enemies, which they have in a great measure
got to be credited by stopping all my letters last year. Prays
that a stop be put to any payment to Lt. Moody, until the
accounts to be sent this year arrive. By my sending of continuall
parties out, ye French have not been able to doe us any injury.
About 9 dayes since, I with 30 soldiers pursued a party of French
of 21, who had plundered several inhabitants of Trinity Bay
and carried ye same to a place called Comby Chance in Plasintia
Bay, where I overtook them, some I killed, tooke 7 of them
prisoners, as also several boats, goods etc. considerable, wch.
I returned to ye inhabitants from whom they were taken.
Signed, Tho. Lloyd. Endorsed, R. Oct. 13. 1 p. [C.O. 194,
22. No. 69.] |
Sept. 14. Newport. |
490. Governor and Company of Rhode Island to the Council
of Trade and Plantations. In obedience to H.M. commands,
Dec. 18, 1705, relating to the petition and complaint of one
Andrew Harris, Thomas Field and Nathaniel Waterman of
Patuxet in New England etc., we have sent our answer, with
the copies of what we find upon record relating the same, to our
Agent, Wm. Wharton, by him to be communicated to your
Lordships, by which we doubt not but your Lordships will be
made sensible that the Government had done their duty according
to the command they received, and that the petitioners had no
ground of complaint against the Government. We therefore
pray a favourable report from your Lordships to Our gratious
Majesty the Queen, and her most noble and learned Council,
relating the same; and that you will be pleased to admit our
said Agent to make such further answer and plea, in behalf of
the Colony and Government, as he shal or may see occasion,
according to his Instructions, also praying your Lordships' further
favour in all cases that may relate this Government, and that
you will extend your charity towards us, so far as to believe
we are H.M. loyal and faithful subjects, and that we are not so
contemtible and remiss as our adversaries have endeavoured
to render us, and we fear doth still endeavour to do; but we
doubt not but God Almighty in his good time will discover their
unjust and prejudicial designs against us. And as we are in
duty bound (as well as to prevent the designs of our adversaries
in their misrepresentations) shal presume to advise your Lordships
of the state and affairs of the Government this present summer,
which through the mercy and blessing of God hath been hitherto
preserved from the assaults of the common ennemy, altho
we have not been without fear and apprehension of danger,
especially from the French fleet and forces that sacked and
plundered St. Christophers and Nevis, the General or Admiral
of said Fleet giving out threatnings against these parts, so that
we have been and are still upon our watch and guard, and have
cast up and raised several breast works, and batteries about the
town of Newport (the metropolis of this H.M. Colony) in order
to prevent the enemy from landing near said town, we having
the greater advantage, if they should land at a distance, to annoy
them, and defend our selves; we have been also this summer
as well as the last obliged to maintain a quota of men at Block
Island, for the defence of said Island and security of H.M. interest
there, besides the continual wards and watches kept upon the
sea coast of this Colony, and the Inland scouts, is no smal charge
to the same, and our often fitting and sending out vessels upon
the discovery, and to secure the coast, according to our strength
and abilities, hath done good service for the adjacent Provinces and
Colonies, as well as for this H.M. Colony. And the readiness
and willingness of our people, upon any expedition for H.M.
service, cannot but be acknowledged by the greatest of our
adversaries. We shal only instance to your Lordships one,
which hapned about two months since, vizt., an express being
sent to the Governor, that a French privateer had taken a trading
sloop, laden with provisions, upon the coast (the evening before
the express came) the Governor immediately caused Proclamation
to be made for volontiers (as our custom is in such cases)
to go against H.M. enemies, and in two hours time had two sloops
(which he had taken up for said service) fitted and man'd with
120 men, who within three hours after, upon the coast of Block
Island, made themselves masters of said French privateer and
the prize she had taken, and brought them into this Port. The
privateer was from Petit Guaves, a sloop man'd with 40 men;
the which expedition gave a general satisfaction to the whole
country, by reason of the suddeness thereof; and that said
privateer was going off with his prize to Port Royal, where they
were in great want of provisions. We do not boast or value
our selves upon what we have done (acknowledging it our duty
at all times to serve H.M. to the utmost of our strength and
abilities) but that H.M. and your Lordships may be rightly
informed of our state, and to prevent fals reports, therefore do
we presume to give your Lordships the trouble of the aforesaid
accounts. This Colony hath been and is at considerable charge
in maintaining and keeping of prisoners that hath been taken
and brought into the same, the charge of keeping the late prisoners
hath already stood the Colony in near 100l., all which we presume
to lay before your Lordships for the reasons aforesaid, and that
H.M. and your Lordships may know that our adversaries hath
asperst us with gross and false representations. We congratulate
H.M. in her great and glorious enterprizes, and success of her
victorious arms (in conjunction with her Allies) against the
common enemy, and supplicate His divine Majesty the King
of Kings, that he will still continue his protecting arm, and make
her arms still more victorious, and that her fame and renown
for the honour and glory of the Nations may extend to the utmost
corners of the Earth; we also pray for H.M. health, and that
it will please God to grant her a long and glorious reign over us;
and that when it shall please the Almighty to call her from her
Earthly Crown, that he will crown her with a Crown of Righteousness and everlasting glory. We also pray for your Lordships'
health and prosperity, and that it may please God to add to
your great wisdoms and understandings, so as you may discern
between the just and unjust, and between the faithful and
unfaithful. We subscribe H.M. loyal and faithful (tho poor
and despised) subjects, and your Lordships' humble and obedient
servants, the Governor and Company of H.M. Colony of Rhode
Island and Providence Plantations in New England. Signed,
per Order, Weston Clarke, Secretary. Endorsed, Recd. 5th,
Read 28th Feb., 1706/7. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1263. No. 140; and
5, 1291. pp. 446–451.] |
Sept. 15. Antegua. |
491. [? Governor Parke] to the Council of Trade and Plantations. This comes by the way of Barbadoes, onely to inform
your Lordships of the unfortunate death of Col. Johnson the
Lt. Governor of Nevis. The day the last packett sayled, was
the day of rejoiceing at St. Christophers for the Duke's victory
at Rammalis; the packett had not been dispatch'd two hours
before Col. Johnson was kill'd by Mr. Pogson, one of the Councill;
the manner of it is differently reported, therefore must refer
that part till after the tryall, when the witnesses are upon their
oathes; 'twas an old quarrell. This I may say, Col. Johnson
dyed Col. Codrington's martyr; Mr. Pogson, it seems, is the
man yt. kept possession of a Plantation in St. Kitts for Mr. Freeman,
which Col. Codrington cou'd not persuade him to quitt therefore
forced out, for which Mr. Freeman complained in the House of
Commons in England. He got possession again in Sir Wm.
Mathew's time, who swore him one of the Councill. After Sir
William's death, Col. Johnson suspended him; by Codrington's
order, for that was his way of useing Johnson, for Codrington,
all Johnson's time, govern'd more absolutely than when he was
Generall himself. In my Instructions your Lordships restored Mr.
Pogson to the Councill and Col. Crisp. Johnson was a bricklayer,
went into ye army, was first a Serjeant; Tiffany made him a Captain
for bringing him good store of black cattle in the Irish warr;
Codrington made him Major, Lieut.-Collonel and Lt. Governor,
he could neither write nor read. When any letters of moment
were to be writt Codrington first writt them and then they were
coppy'd and sent, now he is dead Col. Codrington makes greater
reflections on him than any other, to make people think he had
no hand in Johnson's misgovernment. Pogson will be tryed when
I return to St. Kitts. No signature. Endorsed, Recd. 17th,
Read 18th Dec. 1706. 2 pp. [C.O. 152, 6. No. 69; and
153, 9. pp. 430–432.] |
Sept. 16. |
492. Mr. Dummer to Mr. Popple. Gives sailings of King
William and Frankland packet boats. Out and home 115 and
98 days. Signed, E. Dummer. Endorsed, Recd. Read Sept. 17,
1706. Addressed. 1 p. [C.O. 323, 6. No. 15.] |
Sept. 16. |
493. Governor Handasyd to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. I have had none from your Lops. by this packett.
I am now to return your Lorps. my hearty thanks for your
assistance to me in the procuring my Commission as Brigadier,
and since I am not yet to expect the releif either of my selfe
or Regiment, I hope your Lorps. will so continue your favours
to us as not to suffer us to be forgott in the establishment, when
a peace is concluded. The apprehensions we were under of the
French attempting us are at present at an end, and I am of opinion
the Island was put into so good a posture, that they would have
got nothing from us but broken bones, and must assure your
Lorps. Jamaica should never have been lost while I had lived,
but with the best part of our lives: my Regiment still want
150 men to compleat it, which I hope will be sent over for fear
any attempt should be made by the Enemy the next spring.
I have by this packett received from Sir C. Hedges some newspapers, containing the glorious successes of H.M. arms in Spain,
and the progress King Charles has made towards Madrid, which
I shall cause to be put into Spanish and shall send to the Spanish
Governors by the first tradeing vessell that goes out. Our fleet
under the command of Admirall Whetstone, joyned by Capt.
Kerr, has been off Carthagene, where the Admirall sent a letter
to the Governor, but by a false interpretation of it, made by
some Frenchmen who were with him, it being writt in English,
the answer was not so good as might have been expected, for
which Reason I am getting that letter put into Spanish, and
shall send it to the Governor to shew him how villainous those
have been who have put a false construction on it: (copy
enclosed). Admirall Whetstone is returned into port with the
squadron intended for England, and I beleive will be ready to
sail the last of this month; there will be on board of him at least
200,000l. in boulion, therefore I hope a squadron will be sent
out to meet him in the chops of the Channell. Capt. Kerr is
not yet returned, but continues his cruize on the Spanish coast.
The Assembly is now sitting, and I am of opinion the factious
party is broke, and that they will unanimously proceed on business.
I here inclose to your Lorps. the Minutes of Councill and Assembly
of what they have hitherto done. The English woolen manufactory
is very much wanting on the Spanish coast, the Gallions having
brought little, nor did our last merchant ships bring any quantity.
The Island is now very healthy, but has been afflicted with a
bleeding ffeaver, of which severall have died. Signed, Tho.
Handasyd. Endorsed Recd. Oct. 30, Read Nov. 12, 1706. 2½ pp.
Enclosed, |
493. i. Copy of Sir W. Whetstone's letter to the Governor of
Carthagene, Aug. 15, 1706. Sometime since I had a good
opportunity of writing to your Excellency by 3 Spaniards
I took in a French ship, and you honoured me with
a very obligeing answer. My business then was only
to acquaint you of the great endeavours used by the
most Serene Lady and my great Mistress, the Queen of
Great Brittain etc. to restore the peace of Spain, and
to settle the Crown in the right line of the ancient House
of Austria etc. Refers to enclosed prints giving account
of the Allies' successes. We may hope in a very little
time to see Spain restored to its ancient ffreedom, trade
and libertys. If I am capable to contribute to your
benefitt and happiness in these parts, I shall always be
ready upon the least notice given at any time to
Jamaica; you are assured of the Governor of that
place's readiness at all times to do the same. This
worthy gentleman who is now with me, whom H.M.
has sent out with a good squadron of men-of-war, will
improve all oppertunitys of doing the greatest service
he can for the interest of his Catholick Majesty,
Charles III. etc. Signed, Wm. Whetstone. P.S.—I hope you have had letters lately from Old Spain,
which will give you assurance of much more than these
papers mention, and I highly presume that Cadiz by
this time is in the hands of his Catholick Majesty,
Charles III. Endorsed, Recd. Oct. 30, 1706. 1¼ pp.
[C.O. 137, 7. Nos. 32, 32.i.; and (without enclosure)
138, 12.pp.33–37.] |
Sept. 16. Jamaica. |
494. Governor Handasyd to Mr. Secretary Hedges. Acknowledges letters June 28 and 30, and July 4, etc. Repeats part of
preceding. Signed, Tho. Handasyd. Endorsed, R. Oct. 30.
2½ pp. [C.O. 137, 45. No. 84.] |
Sept. 19. Whitehall. |
495. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Hedges. Enclose extracts of letters from Governor Handasyd
(Aug. 6) and Lt. Gov. Johnson and Governor Parke, relating
to ships of war, etc., and congratulatory addresses from the
Governor and Council of Jamaica to be laid before H.M. Autograph signatures. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 318, 3. No. 31; and 138, 12.
pp. 29, 30.] |
Sept. 19. Barbados. |
496. Col. Sharpe to Mr. Sec. Hedges. I have recd. your
letter by the Antegua Packett directed to Sir Bevill Granville,
who left this Place the 14th instant in H.M.S. Kinsale, with
another of H.M. ships, the Dolphin, and our Trade home. H.M.
subjects here are very sensible of the misfortunes of Nevis, and
have shewn the greatest inclinations to relieve them; But such
is our unhappyness, that our circumstancys (as Sir Bevill can
inform you) will not admitt the doing them any considerable
service at this time. There are of H.M. ships none but the
Maidstone here, the Jersey and Crown haveing sayl'd with
Commodore Kerr: so that neither are they able to countenance
that Place, nor indeed so much as protect our own coast, which
now in a manner is quite naked and unguarded. Her most sacred
Majesty's care of that and the other Islands signified in your
letter must be their only support, as indeed it is the surest any
of us have to depend upon, which H.M. subjects here have often
experienc'd, and of which they express the most dutyfull and
gratefull sense. The Preparations begun by our worthy good
Governour Sr. Bevill Granville for defending this Place, if the
Enemy should attempt it, have been forc't for some time to be left
off, excepting Castle St. Ann, and this, with the guarding our coasts,
lyes so heavy upon the inhabitants, that they seem unable much
longer to sustain it, but yet are at present encourag'd to undergoe
it, in hopes H.M. will be graciously pleased to take their case into
her Royall consideration, and order some Forces here. I shall,
according to your commands, embrace all opportunities of leting
the Spaniards know the happy successes of their lawfull Sovereign,
in order to encourage the shakeing off their yoke of a foreign
Government. Sr., the great and glorious successes of H.M.
armes etc., are received by H.M. faithfull subjects here with
the most humble and zealous acknowledgments of their gracious
Sovereign's stupendous goodness in persevering to protect their
liberties and to secure and promote their Trade. As the eldest
member of H.M. Councill etc., I shall endeavour to discharge
so great a trust with the utmost care and fidelity etc. Signed,
Wm. Sharpe. Endorsed, Recd. Dec. 15. Holograph. 3 pp.
[C.O. 28, 38. No. 52.] |
Sept. 19. Barbados. |
497. Col. Sharpe to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Acknowledges letters of May 30, and 31, etc. Repeats part of preceding.
I have summoned the Councill, and shall appoint a proper and
speedy Day of Thanksgiveing for the wonderfull successes of H.M.
glorious arms etc., which have fill'd the hearts of H.M. subjects
here with joy and gratitude. Signed, Wm. Sharpe. Endorsed,
Recd. 17th, Read 18th Dec., 1706. Holograph. 2 pp. [C.O. 28,
9. No. 83; and 29, 10. pp. 370, 371.] |
Sept. 20. Boston, New England. |
498. Mr. Paige to Mr. Popple. Gov. Dudley lately shewed
me a complaint signed by John Colman and Gallop, wherein
they reflect upon him as having received 50l. of me for the obtainment of the condemnation of a prize taken by the Charles galley,
and 150l. more paid to the Judge of the Admiralty. I always
thought the Governor highly deserved that present, from the
owners of that privateer, I paid it myself, and never yet had
one peny of Colman nor Gallop, as their parts of it, and if they
had thought it amiss, they might have told me so, etc. We
had our men out of the Province by the Governour's leave,
and we made too much hast to get a Commission from Road
Island, which Governor Dudley oftentimes told me he would
grant as soon as the new Instructions came from H.M. for that
end etc. I am sensible Col. Dudley is no gainer by this Government, and think it an honour to H.M. when I can offer him anything to buy a piece of wine etc. Signed, Nicho. Paige. Endorsed,
Recd. Nov. 25, 1706, Read Feb. 28, 1706/7. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5,
864. No. 155.] |
Sept. 22. Antigua. |
499. Governor Parke to the Council of Trade and Plantations. My last to your Lordships at large was by the packett
of Aug. 28. I than gave you an acct. of the state of these Islands;
and hope we shall be thought on and have those stores sent us
we so much want; Our ffleet sailes to-morrow, all their convoy
is the Medway prize, wch. a good privateer will take; I shall
order the Swann (wch. is the only ship we have left to protect us)
to see them off the Islands. I believe the Ministry forgetts this
part of the Queen's Dominions; or they would not suffer us
to be thus insulted by the Queen's enemys; the French have
5 men of warr (two of them of 60 odd gunns) at Martinique,
the Swan is all wee have, and she (tho there is a very good man
in her) is so dull a sayler and of so small fforce that I am affraid
she will be taken every time she goes out; Mr. Secretary Hedges
writ me word the Queen had ordered severall ships from Ireland
wth. provissions for the inhabitants of St. Christophers and Nevis,
I lett them know it, but as yett there are none arrived, God
send the Prize Office has not prevented the Queen's good intentions. I here send your Lopps. the Collector of the Customs acctt.
of the Imports and Exports. I allso send your Lordships two
Acts for a provission for a House at this Island and St. Xphers,
wch. I beg the favour that you will gett confirmed for me; I
desire to sett your Lordships right as to the sums; I am to be
paid but for the time I am at each Island; if I am six months
at St. Xphers. I am paid for the six months, and the same at
Antegua; the reason I desired it in both Islands is becaus
Antegua is unhealthy during the raines that fall for six months,
at wch. time I will live at St. Xphers, and shall vissit Neviss and
Montserrat comeing and goeing; this is no more than Sir Wm.
Matthews had, he had 800l. the year given him, and they paid
it in sugar at 14s. per cwt. I have 1,000l. per annum paid in
sugar at 20s. per cwt., and neither he nor I had by this means
good 400l. the year English, for at this time tho' they take sugar
at 20s. per cwt. in all bargins or in paying debts, yett any one
for Bills of Exchange may buy it for 8s. per cwt., as for money
there is none in all the Island, the Proclamation has carryed
all out; and I dispair of ever seeing any brought in whilst the
Proclamation is to last; I goe in the man of warr to Nevis where
I designe to stay till I see what the French will do abt. the 1,400
negroes they expect from yt. unfortunate Island; If they come
wth. a small fforce I will indeavour to beat them, and if the[y]
come very strong I will indever to put them off wth. good words,
and refer them to England, for they are not able to pay them;
neither is it reasonable they shou'd, for the reasons I gave your
Lordshipps in my last. By a Dane's slupe from St. Thomas's
I have an acctt. that D'Bervill is dead, one of his great shipps
split on a rock near Cuba, and that his squadron is returned
to France, the Spaniard haveing refused to send their galloons
under a French convoy; the Master of the slupe reports he was
on board two French shipps bound home who gave him this
acctt. Wee have had no rane in this Island for six months,
before Sept. 18, water was sold as dear as good bear in London.
Everything else is four times as dear as 'tis in England; when
you were fixing the salleryes, this Government ought to have
had the largest, for there is four times the trouble, and everything
much dearer, there is but 150 leagues between this place and
Barbados, and yett all goods are twice as dear; I can give no
reason for it, but so it is. Signed, Daniel Parke. Endorsed,
Recd. 2nd, Read 4th Dec., 1706. 4 pp. [C.O. 152, 6. No.
65; and 153, 9. pp. 411–417.] |
Sept. 26. Cockpitt. |
500. Mr. Secretary Hedges to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. The Queen having been pleased to appoint
Mr. Mitford Crowe to be Governour of Barbados in the room
of Sir Bevill Granville recalled; it is H.M. pleasure that you
cause a Commission and Instructions to be prepared for him.
Signed, C. Hedges. Endorsed, Recd. Read Oct. 1, 1706. ¾ p.
[C.O. 28, 9. No. 53; and 29, 10. p. 96.] |
Sept. 26. Whitehall. |
501. Mr. Secretary Hedges to Governor Dudley. Every
post affords fresh matter upon which to congratulate with you;
my last gave you an account of the wonderfull progresses of
H.M. arms in Flanders, under the command of the Duke of
Marlborough, who has since caused Aeth to be besieged and in
all probability is in possession of it before this time; I am now
to acquaint you with the signal victory the Duke of Savoy and
Prince Eugene obtained over the united forces of the Duke of
Orleans and La Fueillade near Turin, and the very seasonable
relief of that Place, which the French have attempted twice
in vain, having been before it this last time about 3½ months
at the expense of 25,000 men of their best troops, which this
siege and the battle that attended it have cost them, besides
the loss of their horses, baggage, tents, ammunition and provisions.
Their army consisted of about 45,000 men, the broken remains
of which are retired into Dauphiné, leaving the Duke of Savoy
at liberty to secure his Dominions, and prevent their returning
into Piedmont, and Prince Eugene to reduce the Dutchy of
Milan to the Catholick King's obedience, of which we hope to
receive a good account by our next mailes from Holland. There
wants nothing now but a continuation of good success in Spain,
and that we have all imaginable reason to expect, to make the
arms of H.M. and her Allys compleatly victorious on all sides.
I must begg leave to referr you to the enclosed for the particulars
of our good news. |
An express from Sir John Leake, arrived to-day, gives an
account that the Castle of Alicant is taken. A squadron for
the West Indies is detached from the Fleet, and 'tis hoped they
will be arrived before this comes to hand. |
The like letter was sent to Governor Lord Cornbury, Governor
Seymour, Governor Nott, and Governor Sir B. Granville. |
The like letter was also sent to Governor Handasyd, with the
following additions; The good accounts you give, Aug. 2 and 6,
have been laid before H.M., who is very well satisfyed with your
care and zeal in her service. P.S.—That part of your letter of
Aug. 2, which relates to the recruits, is sent to Mr. St. John,
and an extract of yours of Aug. 6, as far as it concerns the
homeward bound West India fleet, is transmitted to the
Admiralty. |
The like letter as to Col. Dudley was sent to Governor Parke,
with the following addition; I have received yours of July 15.
I do not very well comprehend how you could have saved the
Islands, tho you had had never so great a force with you, unless
you had been there in time, but you say you were in a hurry
and I hope in your next you will send me an account of what
has been recommended to your care in any former letters. [C.O.
324, 30. pp. 108–110.] |
Sept. 26. Whitehall. |
502. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor Sir B.
Granville. Acknowledge letters of July 1 and 10. We are glad
your apprehensions of the French are over, and we doubt not
but the arrival of Commodore Kerr with the squadron under
his command in your parts will prevent any further attempts
of the French. We are in expectation to hear by your next
that you are come to some good agreement with the Planters
and Inhabitants on St. Vincents, and that they have disclaimed
any subjection to the French; But we must observe to you
that the Crown of England has always claimed a right to that
Island, and does not allow the French to have any title thereunto, as you will perceive by that Island's being put under your
Government in your Commission and Instructions; however
we shall be glad to hear that the Inhabitants have thrown off
their dependence on the French. The Act you sent us to supply
the want of cash, etc., being of great importance to trade and
property, we wish you had given us yours and the Councill's
thoughts and opinions of it, and what opposition, if any, it met
with when it passed the Assembly, and whether it was carried
by any great majority; that so we may better know what the
general sense of the Island is concerning it, these things would
have been of use to us in our considering the same, and wch.
indeed ought to be done upon all Acts of so great weight and
momt. We desire you therefore would remember it for ye
future. [C.O. 29, 10. pp. 94, 95.] |
Sept. 26. Whitehall. |
503. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor
Handasyd. Since ours of July 19, we have recieved yours of
June 18, Aug. 2 and 6. We have laid before H.M. the Address
(Aug. 2), as also what you write in relation to the want of recruits
for your regiment, and to a squadron to meet your homeward
bound fleet, and we have further sent what you write about
Glover's letter, together with a copy of the said letter to a
Secretary of State, and shall not fail to give you notice when
any determination shall be had thereupon. We hope you will
have prevailed with the Assembly to pass such an Act for
quartering souldiers as we have oft recommended, that is, to
allow them quarters and not mony in lieu thereof. P.S.—We
take notice of your industry and forewardness in promoting
the Spanish Trade, which will be looked upon here as a very
good piece of service, and you are desired to give all possible
encouragement to it for the future. [C.O. 138, 12. pp. 31, 32.] |
Sept. 26. Whitehall. |
504. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor Parke.
We are glad to find by your letter of July 5 that you are safely
arrived. We hope by your prudent management of affairs you
will be able to persuade the inhabitants to take care more for
their defence than they have hitherto done, and by fortifying
and strengthning places of natural advantage, secure to themselves a safe retreat in case of any sudden attempt from an enemy,
or that shall be superior to them. We have laid what you write
in relation to soldiers, ordnance stores, and to a man of war
to attend the Leeward Islands, before H.M., and shall give you
notice when we are informed of any determination had therein.
We shall expect from you an account of all things relating to
your Government, according to your Instructions, and also
of the transactions of the French on Nevis and St. Christopher's,
and how the first of those Islands came to be taken, especially
seeing you hint that it was by Cowardize. We have received
your letter from Barbados, but your letter from the Maderas
never came to our hand. [C.O. 153, 9. pp. 398, 399.] |
Sept. 29. |
505. Petty expenses of the Board of Trade, June 25—Sept. 29, 25l. 3s. 6d. Stationer's Account, 21l. 6s. 6d. Postage,
7l. 15s. 2d. 4 pp. [C.O. 388, 76. Nos. 11, 13, 15.] |