March 12. Whitehall. |
1390. W. Popple, jr., to Mr. Solicitor General. Encloses
petition of James Whitchurch etc. [see Jan. 26, 1708] with
copy of an Act of Jamaica, 1698, for confirming and securing
titles to estates (confirmed 1700) and Governor Handasyd's
Instructions touching escheats etc. The Council of Trade
and Plantations desire your opinion, whether the limitation of
five years' possession, mentioned in the foresaid Act, do's bind
the Crown, upon which the petitioners' claim seems to depend.
I also enclose a clause in an Act of Jamaica for the prevention
of Law Suits, which relates to escheats. [C.O. 138, 12. pp. 228,
229.] |
[March 12.] |
1391. Sir John Bennett to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Reply to E. Jones' suggestion that Lt. Governor Bennett
suspended him for the sake of the profits of his offices etc.
Lt. Governor Bennett affirms that he never did call the Secretary
to accompt of the Registers or fees of his Office nor for the land
he holds as Secretary, during Jones' suspension, nor since. Greatbatch was not made Deputy Provost Marshall untill after
the death of Rawlins, who was Jones' Deputy at the time of his
suspension. Greatbatch had all the fees and perquisites of that
office, which are very inconsiderable, and two shares of land
allowed him for keeping a horse and executing that office, and
all he accompted with the Governor was for the rent he had
received of four other shares of land allowed Jones as Sheriff.
Bennett gave this Board an account of that money after Jones'
suspension was taken off, and desired their direction whether
he should pay it to Jones or not, but before he could have an
answer, Jones arrested Greatbatch and filed a declaration against
him, and would not stay for their Lordships' order therein, which
he concludes was the reason he never had their Lordships'
command, and therefore left it to be directed by law. All the
money in his hands of the rent of the Sheriff's land amounts
to about 40l. Captain Jones' offices may be worth about 200l.
per annum, Bermuda money, besides the six shares of land
allowed him, and therefore he hopes this Board cannot think he
suspended Jones with any design of making any advantages
of his offices, especially as he was suspended immediately after
the Governor's arrival, on articles exhibited by the Assembly
for crimes before his arrival. Greatbatch is dead. He was at sea
when that plea was put in for him. The Governor never received
sixpence of any other profits of any of his offices, and knows
nothing of them. As to the allegation, on the hearing, that he
makes Judges and Justices, and thereby might influence the
election of Members of the Assembly, he says that the Assembly
that addressed for [Jones'] suspension were chosen upon his first
arrival before he knew them or any on the Island, and the Council
are made here by the Queen, and he never makes any Judge,
Justice or Officer in the Government but what were first recommended to him by the Council, as his Instructions require. To
shew that he never put in or put out to serve any turne, he never
turn'd any out of their Civill or Military Commission, but one
Capt. Stone, who was Justice of the Peace, for reasons approved
by the Board, he believes, he never hearing to the contrary.
He never did concern himself in any of the elections, nor directed
or insinuated to any of the Justices to put up any persons for the
election. As to Jones' pretences of having petitioned him to have
his witnesses examined, and that no Justice would take affidavits,
he says he does not remember nor beleive any such petition
was delivered to him, etc. Signed, Jo. Bennett. Endorsed,
Recd. Read March 12, 1707/8. 1¼ pp. Enclosed, |
1391. i. Certificate by Charles Minors. Lt. Governor Bennett
never demanded or received the rents or profits of
the Office of Secretary during Mr. Jones' suspension,
etc. Signed, Cha. Minors, Depty. Secry. Sealed. 1 p.
[C.O. 37, 8. Nos. 47, 47.i.; and (without enclosure)
38, 6. pp. 327–332.] |
[March 12.] |
1392. (a) Copy of Governor Crowe's Warrant for the arrest
of William Bushell, Master of the Laurel, for taking out of one
of the boats of H.M.S. Crown, a seaman impressed from his ship
in accordance with the Governor's warrant. Barbados, Aug. 6,
1707. |
(b) Copy of W. Bushell's petition to Governor Crowe. He
had not seen H.E. Order, but went on board the Crown to show
H.R.H. order for the protection of his seamen. Whereupon
the Lieutenant knocked off his wig and ordered him off the ship,
then followed him to his ship and seized him and 4 of his seamen,
etc. |
(c) Copy of Governor Crowe's Warrant for the discharge of
Capt. Bushell. Aug. 8, 1707. Signed, Tho. Wright, D.P.M.
Endorsed, Recd. (from Mr. Johnson, M.P. for Leverpool) 12th,
Read 25th March, 1707/8 3 pp. [C.O. 28, 11. No. 2.] |
March 12. Whitehall. |
1393. W. Popple, jr., to Mr. Burchett. The Council of
Trade and Plantations transmit the usual Heads of Enquiry
with some additional Instructions, humbly submitted by them
to H.R.H., the Lord High Admiral, to be given in charge to the
Commodore of the Newfoundland squadron, unto which their
Lordships pray they may receive answers from the Commodore,
and particularly to such of the Instructions as relate to the
provisions. Annexed, |
1393. i. Heads of Enquiry relating to the Trade and Fishery
of Newfoundland. Nos. 1–30 are the same as those
given to Capt. Underdown and answered by him
Nov. 28, 1707. Nos. 31–34 correspond to Nos. 33, 38,
41 and 42. The others are omitted. The Additional
Instructions are the same, except No. 1, which is
altered to "You are, upon your arrival, to take care
as far as in you lies, that the most effectual methods be
taken for remedying the said irregularities and mischiefs,
as likewise that those others formerly complain'd of, be
not again practised"; and No. 4 concludes:—But whereas
the Commodores for these two last years have not return'd
any such account of the said 8 men's provisions, nor of
the disposal of the rest, but only a bare account of what
provisions were remaining at the time of their surveys,
you will find hereunto annex'd a state of the provisions
drawn from the surveys made by Order of Commodore
Underdown, Sept. 20, 1706 and June 28, 1707. And
you are therefore upon your arrival to inspect the whole
stores and provisions, as well what shal be remaining as
those sent this year, both in regard to their quantity and
quality or goodness, and to return to the Council of Trade
and Plantations a particular account of the disposal
of the stores sent in 1705, 1706, 1707; as also of the
abovesaid 8 gunners' provisions, and of what shal be
remaining at the time of your departure. (5) You are to
inspect the stores of war, and to return an account thereof
to the Council of Trade, as likewise of what further
stores are necessary to be sent. (6) To pass the soldiers
in muster, with the assistance of the Commander in
Chief, etc., and (7) to examine what men have been
inlisted into the company in Newfoundland, and whether
they were men belonging to ships, or inhabitants, and
you are to return an account thereof to the Council of
Trade. Your answer to the state of the Fishery is to be
reduced into a scheme. Annexed, |
1393. ii. State of the Provisions at Newfoundland, as surveyed
by Capt. Underdown. |
1393. iii. Scheme of the Fishery as returned in 1702. [C.O.
195, 5. pp. 1–19.] |
March 12. Admiralty Office. |
1394. Mr. Burchett to Mr. Popple. H.M.S. Warwick and
Valure, now at Spithead, are under orders to proceed forthwith
to Newfoundland, to convoy the trade bound thither. The
Faulkland is intended to be suddenly sent to Lisbone to convoy
the salt ships from thence to Newfoundland, and another fourth
and sixth rate man of warr are to sayle from Spithead May 4th,
with the sack ships. The Looe, now at Milford, is appointed
to convoy the trade from Bristoll Channell to Newfoundland.
Signed, J. Burchett. Endorsed, Recd. 13th, Read 15th March,
1707/8. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 194, 4. No. 60; and 195, 5. p. 20.] |
March 13. Boston. |
1395. Mr. Bridger to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
I have one munite, the wind being out of the way, further to
informe your Lordshipps, that is the exportation hence of Naval
Stores in this fleet vizt.:— |
Tar in barrells |
2190 |
Pitch in do. |
2275 |
Rozin in do. |
68 |
Tirpentine in do. |
1924 |
Total 6457 barrels=2900 less than last year. |
The decrease is owing to (1), The Navy's not paying the premiums
according to the Act of Parliament. That has so discouraged
all people here from buying any of those stores, that they rather
chouse to send other goods, tho to a greater loss when in England
very offten, etc. (2) The planters are entred so far into the making
theire own woollens, that not one in 40 but wares his own carding,
spining, etc. Repeats part of March 9. They are so fond of theire
own ways and thoughts, that nothing can draw them of, but that
which must tend to theire present advantage. My saying that
they may by making tar etc. get money enough to buy 2 coats
in the time they are carding, spining etc. to make one, they will
not believe unless they see it tryed before theire faces. I know
but one or 2 ways to avoide it, one by appointing me a summe,
as March 9. The other is by erecting or incorporating a boody
of people to sett on this affaire heartiely, etc. If the growing
trade of woollens be noway prevented in its growth England
must loose the woollen export to all this part of America. I
have a perfect knowledge of all these parts, and designed to have
been at New Yorke etc. the insuing summer but cannot unless
allowed for travailing expenses etc. New Yorke I know, and upon
Huddson's River there is pitch pine enough to supply England
with tar, etc., ware the inhabitants instructed. And
Connetticutte River I well know where any quantity might
be made, if they ware instructed, and many other places, to farr
of for my charge etc. Since my being in Boston here have come
to me severall contrey people out of the woods, wch. has informed
me that they know of a great many men that are loggers that
has cutt masts and have done so many years, and will make a
very great discovery to me. Prays that the seized masts may
not be released, as March 9. If I am cast in either of the cases
referred to March 9 I am advised to appeall to the next Court
and then to H.M., for nothing else will do it so effectually etc.
Signed, J. Bridger. Endorsed, Recd. 28th, Read 29th June,
1708. 3 pp. [C.O. 5, 864. No. 224; and 5, 912. pp. 130–135.] |
March 13. St. Christophers. |
1396. Governor Parke to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I here send your Ldpps. the Address of Nevis, wch. I
desire your Ldpps. may be delivered to the Queen. Refers to
enclosures. The first list that was sent me from Montserrat the
French took, notwithstanding I gave all the caution I could to
distroy all publick letters; in the Packett all are thrown overboard
in any danger; but by other vessells, the Masters' thoughts
are imployed in defending their vessells or takeing care of what
belongs to themselves. Col. Wm. Buttler desires to be excused
serving as one of the Council of Nevis being old. Mr. Smergin,
another of the Council of Nevis, is dead; I formerly writ to your
Ldpps. that Col. Burt was dead, and Col. Tho. Buttler refused
to take the oathes; there is therefore but barely enough to make a
Council; your Ldpps. has a list of the most eminent freeholders
and inhabitants; tis equall to me who are of the Council, 'tis very
differant in these small Islands to what it is in Barbados, and I
am forced to Court men to be of the Council and to be Justices
of the Peace and Militia Officers. Signed, Daniel Parke.
Endorsed, Recd. May 26, Read June 22, 1708. Holograph.
2 pp. Enclosed, |
1396. i. Address of the Governor, Lt. Governor, Council and
Assembly of Nevis to the Queen. March 11, 1708.
Return thanks to H.M. for commending their plight to
Parliament and for the Commission of Enquiry appointed.
Mr. Christopher Rhodes has discharged his trust with
zeal, etc. The late Hurricane has blown down most of the
few houses left by the enemy and in a manner destroyed
the whole production of the country. If your Majesty
shall vouchsafe us a seasonable releif, we doubt not but
in few years to recover our former state etc. Signed,
Daniel Parke, W. Hamilton, Danl. Smith, Richd. Abbott,
J. Bevon, Lawrce. Brodbelt, James Milliken. Tho. Goare,
Speaker, Michll. Williams, Tho. Bridgwater, Ed. Parris,
Mich. Smith, Rob. Eleis, Josa. Hobson, Samuel Browne,
Ja. Symonds, James Browne, Solomon Izrael, Wm. Kitt.
Endorsed, Recd. May 26, 1708. 2¾ pp. |
1396. ii. List of persons to supply vacancies in the Council
of St. Christophers:—Jedediah Hutchinson, James
Biskitt, Francis Phipps, John Bourryan, John Peteres,
Wm. Woodropp, Clement Crook, Rowland Davis, Joseph
Esteridge, Benjamin Esteridge. Same endorsement.
½ p. |
1396. iii. List of persons to supply vacancies in the Council
of Nevis:—Thomas Goar, Speaker, Lt. Col. Robt. Eleis,
Major Michael Smith, Major Jno. Richardson, Major
Mich. Williams, Capt. Jno. Thornton, Capt. Jos.
Simmonds, James Simmonds, Capt. Tho. Bridgewatter,
Lt. Col. Edward Parrise. Same endorsement. ½ p. |
1396. iv. List of Inhabitants of St. Christophers. Jan. 2nd,
1707/8. Totals: Masters and Mistresses (names and
ages given), 331. White men in their families, 396;
white women, 396; boys, 326; girls, 298. Slaves,
men, 932; women, 1,089; boys, 446; girls, 394. And
see following. Same endorsement. 8 large pp. |
1396. v. List of Inhabitants of Trinity and Palmetto Point
(St. Kitts). Feb. 8, 1707/8. Masters and Mistresses (names
and ages given), 46. White men in their families, 66;
women, 66; boys, 69; girls, 53. Mullatoes, men, 3;
women, 3. Negroes, men, 140; women, 148; boys, 88;
girls, 51. Same endorsement. 1 p. |
1396. vi. List of Inhabitants of Nevis. Masters and Mistresses
(names given):—352. White men in their families,
529; women, 575; Black males, 1,775; females, 1,901.
Same endorsement. 7 large pp. |
1396. vii. Number of Inhabitants of Montseratt, Jan. 29, 1707/8.
White men, 516; women, 422; boys, 324; girls, 283.
Black men, 1,113; women, 1,265; boys, 575; girls,
617. Same endorsement. ½ p. |
1396. viii. Account of ordnance and stores of war in Nevis,
Dec. 15, 1707. Signed, James Milliken. Same
endorsement. 1 p. |
1396. ix. Account of ordnance and stores of war in Montserrat,
Jan. 29, 1707/8. Signed, Antho. Hodges. Same endorsement. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 7. Nos. 47, 47.i.–ix.; and
(without enclosures) 153, 10. pp. 173–178.] |
March 15. Boston. |
1397. Lt. Governor Usher to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Recommends Mr. Mentzis (March 6). As for
N. Hampshire Governmtt., ye Crown 1/5 of all thatt shall be made
as per agremtt. with Mason, besides the greatt waste of trees
fitt for H.M. service, the Towns are divideing all lands in comon
to perticular persons, soe claimeing all as private persons' rightt.
As to Province Main and soe Eastward, all in the Crown, humbly
offer if H.M. should reduce St. John and Port Roiall to Crown,
may be of service, to preserve to H.M. a partt of all cole mines,
wch. may be in time of greatt vallew. Certain setleing Eastern
partts of greatt advantage to ye Crown, and humbly conceive
nothing better then by ye Scotch. As for Mentzis, I have these
15 years been acquainted with him, ever found true and faithful,
do humbly recommend him to your Lordships for information of
state of whole country. Signed, John Usher. Endorsed, Recd.
May 26, Read June 3, 1708. Holograph. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 864.
No. 200; and 5, 912. pp. 403, 404.] |
March 16. |
1398. Merchants trading to Virginia and Maryland to the
Council of Trade and Plantations. By several laws lately made
in Virginia and Maryland, relating to the size of tobacco hogsheads
and tunnage, the ships formerly built are become in a great
measure useless for that trade. By a law of Maryland, 1707,
masters of ships are to give bond of 200l. sterl. not to squeeze,
cutt or crop any hhd. or caske taken upon freight into their ships,
without having any regard in said law to any particular size of
any such hhd. or cask, upon the penalty of 3l. sterl., which we
think very unreasonable, in regard by this Law they may make
their casks what size they please, and the ships be obliged to take
them in upon freight, neither indeed are the hhds. to be brought
with safety home without making use of handscrews or other
engines to squeeze and make the cask fast and stow close, notwithstanding the Laws already for the size of tobacco hhds. in
these Governments are now much larger than should be, whereby
our ships cannot bring home so many hhds. by one fifth of what
they used to do, without any more tobacco therein than formerly,
to the great prejudice of H.M. Revenue and the concerned in
ships for this trade. Pray that these laws may be repealed.
Signed, Micajah Perry, and 13 others. Endorsed, Recd. Read
March 16, 1707/8. Enclosed, |
1398. i. Reasons for altering the excessive size of casks in
Virginia and Maryland, and taking off unreasonable
penalties made by their late law in Maryland. Ships
are made uncapable of carrying by above 1/5th what they
did before. Propose that all hhds. should be stated at
28 in. by the head, and staves 46 in. long. The penalties
to be equal for all parties (the maker of casks, etc.).
Conceding to so great a tunnage, beyond all other trades,
petitioners hope they may have it so regulated. Trade
at present is only carried on in hopes of redress. 1 p.
[C.O. 5, 716. Nos. 47, 47.i.; and 5, 727. pp. 32–37.] |
March 18. Whitehall. |
1399. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of
Sunderland. Upon the petition of M. Plowman, repeat representation of Dec. 21 1704 q.v. [C.O. 5 1121 p. 119.] |
March 19. Whitehall. |
1400. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of
Sunderland. State case of Stephen Duport as Feb. 18 etc. It
appears that he has been a very great sufferer, even to the almost
utter ruin of himself and family. He has been for many years
known to this Board, and as Agent for St. Xtophers has on all
occasions appear'd very zealous for H.M. service and very hearty
and affectionate to H.M. Government. We are therefore of
opinion that he is a fit object of H.M. compassion and favour
in such manner as H.M. shall think fit. [C.O. 153, 10. pp. 135–139.] |