March 1. |
1363. Governor Dudley's Warrant appointing George
Vaughan Agent for New Hampshire, according to the desire
of the Assembly, Portsmouth, Feb. 19. Signed, J. Dudley.
Endorsed, Recd. Read July 13, 1708. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 5,
864. No. 226.] |
March 1. Barbados. |
1364. Governor Crowe to the Council of Trade and Plantations. This pacquett honors me with a few lines from your
Lordships, under the 30th of Dec. H.M. letter about the
abscenting Councillors shall be duly read and entred to-morrow
in Councill. My last (copy enclosed) was wrote in such a hurrey
that I had not then time to answer your Lordsps.' of Oct. 30,
of which I have reced. a duplicate per this conveyance. The
apprehentions that we were then under soon after vanish't by
the advices we reced. from the Leward Islands, by the sloops
I imployed for that purpose (of the enemy's saileing from
Martinique directly for New Spain). My Lords, I have learn't
soe much experience from that expected invasion that I realy
dread a reall attempt, for neither our horse or foot know any
discipline, and composed of such ignorant creatures as your
Lordsps. cannot emagine, altho you consider most of them
poor bought servants officer'd with gentlemen that never saw
any action; By cantoning some days they were brought into
better discipline, but the horse which our strength consists
most in, are soe ill mounted that upon every charge or wheel it's
impossible to keep ym. in any order. I have given directions
for a due observance of their monthly exercise, and shall keep
ev'rything in such order as may prevent a surprize, but beg your
Lordships would be pleased to lay before H.M. the great danger
this place is in for want of some regular fforces. Upon the
expiration of last Assembly (which was on Jan. 20), I immediatly
order'd the calling of a new one, in which ev'ry old Member is
again chosen, only with the alteration of three new ones in the
room of Mr. Cole, Webb and Adames, that for recovery of their
health were gone off the Island, the inclosed is what I thought
convenient to recomend to them, but have little hopes of any great
advances for the publick good or safety, and the country's credit
is sunk to that degree none will trust it, in soe much that the
prisoners in the comon goal would starve if I did not particularly
engadge for their daily allowance, soe that if there is not some
money raised in a little time, all the Batterys will be deserted.
Their pretentions of chooseing agents without the consent or
approbation of the Councill (as usuall) nottwithstanding the
conferences they have had about it, still hinders the passing
of the Excise Bill which, if any wines comes in before agre'd
on betwixt them, will be 4l. 10s. 0d. per pipe loss to the country,
and that's the fund that goes to the defraying the most urgent
occasions. I shall continue to perswade them to lay aside all
private peaks and to proceed on what is necessary for their owne
safety, but I can hardly belive they will raise any fund for
ffnishing St. Anns or repaireing the old fforts whilst the
Mattrosses are starveing. Some of them have now three years'
pay due. I have allways decreed everything in Error or Chancery
by the majority of votes in Councill. Mr. Barrwick has gott a
patent as Receiver of the Casuall Revenue, Col. John Wiltshire
(whose accounts are still to be adjusted) had the last, it's in my
Lord High Treasurer's gift, and they are only accountable to
his Lordship. The Clarke of the Markett's place is not worth
above 60l. per annum. I appointed one James Stewart to officiate
it untill your Lordsps. advise me the Queen's pleasure therein.
The Councill and Assembly have not yett agreed about a new
bill for settleing the publick acctts., but there is still an Act in
force to that purpose and on Sept. 2d last (as your Lordsps.
will perceive by the inclosed Minutes), I appointed a Comittee
of the Councill, but the Assembly never cou'd be persuaded
to nominate any on their part, but allways insisted on haveing
a new Bill. I know not how your Lordsps. may apprehend that
part of my Instructions in relation to the four Councilors. But
my Lord Sunderland understood it was H.M. pleasure to have
them removed as an example, and settled with me, at his Lordship's office, the Gentlemen, as by the inclosed list. But afterwards it was resolved that I should first examine into the truth
of that matter, and deliver'd me the inclosed heads of complaints,
which the Generall Assembly (as well as the Gentlemen's owne
confession) made appear they were guilty of, and in that case
H.M. by her Instructions, gave possitive orders for their
removeall, which was done (as I shall ever act soe long as I have
the honor to continue in H.M. service), without partiality or
prospect of private intrest, nor had I any veiw in placeing the
other gent. in their rooms, but the good and quiet of the country.
Soe I hope what I did in this affaire will be approved of. Col.
Holder was immediatly, according to H.M. Order, dismiss't
from all employs here. I hope Mr. Cox's inclosed letter will fully
sattisfie your Lordsps. as to what I did in relation to the Naval
Office, which after your Lordsps. has deliberatly perused the
Act and my second Instruction as to Trade, I doubt not but your
Lordships will beleive the Laws as well as H.M. had been gratiously
pleased that that place shou'd be at the Governor's disposall,
which indeed is the only perquesitt of this Government. I
affirme to your Lordsps. that the sallary barely suports ye dignity
thereof, and I shall never take those pernitious, unjust methodes
some of my predecessors have done to advance my private
interest. I know not how the affaire of Mr. Samford was represented to your Lordsps., but the last Grand Jurey found it
ignoramus, he being turned out of his Judge's place only on
acct. of that pretended riot, both he and Judge Brewster were
reinstated by advice of the Councill, as your Lordsps. will perceive
by the inclosed minutes of June 9 and 13; he is a very ingenious
man, and has given a generall satisfaction to all, but seeing your
Lordsps. seem'd to be displeased at his holding that place, he has
voluntarly relinquished it; and I have put Col. Richard Downse,
the present Speaker of the Assembly, into that post, who has been
taken soe ill with the gout that hath not been able to sitt these
two Courts. The Attorney Generall wanting some assistance,
I have at his request sworne Mr. Carter as the Queen's Councill
at Law. H.M.S. Reserve, Capt. Tate, from New England, and
the Lowstaffe, Capt. Fane, from New Yorke, arrived here five
weekes agoe with severall small vessells under their convoy,
who will be ready to returne again in 20 days. The Queen's
ships that attend this Island have been (with the two above)
for these thirty days cruizeing, but mett nothing. The Greenwich
and Lynn are still before Martinique. Capt. James Jesson,
the Commodore, after 4 months' sickness, died last night. There
has been soe great neglect and delay in all offices relating to the
publick, that they cannot have an immediate (without a rigorous)
cure, which would cause a generall complaint at home, as yett
I have made noe removeall of any person from his post, save
those your Lordships have been advised of. I slipp noe
oppertunity of reminding both the Councill and Assembly of their
duty, as your Lordships will perceive, when you are pleased
to give yourselves the trouble of peruseing the inclosed Minutes,
and other papers, to which I humbly crave referance. Signed,
M. Crowe. Endorsed, Recd. May 27, Read June 21, 1708. 8 pp.
Enclosed, |
1364. i. S. Cox to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I
was much concern'd to hear of a complaint made to
your Lordships against H.E. Mitford Crowe about the
Naval Office here, the true state of which is that he
was of oppinion that as Governor he was entitled to it,
by law and H.M. Instructions, and told me he intended
to take it into his custody, but that if I had a mind to
dispute the title with him, I should have a fair tryall. I
submissively answered that if he did not think H.M.
Pattent sufficient, I would not contend with him, since
it was in his Instructions, only desired him to let me
officiate for him, to which he consented, and it was agreed
thatt I should sign a bond of 1,000l. with condition
to pay him 300l. per annum dureing his governmt.
for the income thereof. But since ye arrivall of ye
last packett, H.E. has given me up my bond and
admitted me to the ffree enjoyment of my office etc.
Signed, Samuell Cox. Barbados, Jan. 10, 1707/8.
Endorsed, Recd. May 27, Read June 10, 21, 1708. 1 p. |
1364. ii. Copy of clause in Governor Crowe's Instructions
relating to Naval Officers. Endorsed, Recd. May 27,
1708. ½ p. |
1364. iii. Governor Crowe's Speech to the Assembly. I highly
approve your choice of a Speaker, and see so little
alteration in the people on their new election that shall
only recommend unanimity and dispatch as the best
method to save this sinking Isld. etc. Endorsed, Recd.
May 27, Read June 21, 1708. ½ p. |
1364. iv. Minutes of Council of Barbados, Nov. 20, 1707.
Resolutions, supporting Governor Crowe, in reply to
those of the Assembly, Nov. 3. Signed, Pat. Mein,
Thos. Alleyne, J. Colleton, Timothy Salter. Endorsed
as preceding. 2¼ pp. |
1364. v. The Council's Reasons in the case of Col. Holder.
Duplicate of No. 1176.i. Endorsed as preceding.
2 pp. |
1364. vi. Address of the Assembly of Barbados to the Queen.
Return thanks for the removal of Cols. Cleland and
Holder from the Council etc. Endorsed, Recd. May 27,
1708. Copy. 1 p. |
1364. vii. List of Councellors of Barbados with heads of
complaints against them etc. Duplicate of No. 1298.
Endorsed as preceding. 2 pp. |
1364. viii. Councillors agreed upon with Lord Sunderland etc.
1 p. |
1364. ix. Order of Commissioners of Fortifications of
St. Michael's, St. George's and St. John's, that no more
work be done thereon. Dec. 19, 1707. Signed, John
Hallett, Samuell Berisford, Jos. Salmon, John Frere,
Richd. Downes, John Merring, Wm. Carter, Tho. Beckles,
William Roberts, Dudley Woodbridge, Allx. Conningham,
Thomas Neale. Endorsed, Recd. May 27, 1708. Copy. 1 p. |
1364. x. Minutes of Council of Barbados, Sept. 2, 1707,
appointing Patrick Meine, Wm. Cleland and Thomas
Alleyne Commissioners for examining the public accounts,
in the room of Wm. Sharpe, Robert Johnston, and James
Colleton, etc. Endorsed as preceding. ¾ p. |
1364. xi. Minutes of Council of Barbados, June 9 and 13, 1707,
for restoring Richd. Brewster and John Sandford to their
office of Judge, etc. Same endorsement. 2 pp. [C.O.
28, 11. Nos. 8, 8.i.–xi.; and (with enclosure iv. and
v. only) 29, 11. pp. 234–256.] |
March 1. Barbados. |
1365. Governor Crowe to the Earl of Sunderland. Haveing
not the honour of receiveing any commands from your Lordship
by this pacquett, I shall only trouble your Lordship with a coppy
of my last and preceding etc. Refers to copy of the Governor
of Martinique's letter and his reply. If the four Councillors
should be reinstated it would creat new differances and representations, I am sure much to their disadvantage, and such as
noe man in Government ought to be guilty of, etc. No signature
or endorsement. 1¼ pp. Enclosed, |
1365. i. Copies, in some cases fuller, of Nos. i., iii.–xi. in preceding. [C.O. 28, 38. Nos. 68, 68.i.–iii.] |
March 3. Whitehall. |
1366. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lords
Proprietors of North Carolina. Enclose Order of Council repealing
Act to incourage the settlement of the Country, etc. [C.O. 5, 1292.
p. 33.] |
March 3. Whitehall. |
1367. W. Popple, jr., to William Penn. The Council of
Trade and Plantations, being pressed for their report, and not
having had any answer to my letter of Feb. 20, unless they hear
from you in very short time, will be obliged to make their report
upon the boundaries of Maryland and Pensilvania. [C.O. 5,
1292. pp. 32, 33.] |
March 3. |
1368. Mr. Burchett to Mr. Sec. Boyle. In answer to a
Memorial from the Envoys of the States General, relating to a
Dutch ship taken by the Guernsey and sold at Jamaica, I have
written to the Judge of the High Court of Admiralty to give
an acct. of what he knows of that matter, and allsoe to the
Governor of Jamaica, and Mr. Wager, who commands the
squadron there etc. Signed, J. Burchett. Addressed. 1 p.
[S.P. Naval, 7. Under date.] |
March 3. |
1369. Wm. Penn to Wm. Popple. I do assure thee I shall
not faile to waite upon the Lords as soon as I am able, about ye
partition between Maryland and Pennsilvania etc., wherin, I
am so vaine as to think, I am not the least capable of setting
that matter in a true light to the Lords. And indeed I have
been so farr from shuing [=? shunning] of it, that in 1700, I went
to Maryland, being then in America, to settle yt. matter, in
persuance of the order of the Bord then given me to fix it, beleiveing the Lord Baltemore had sent his to his Agents to joyn with
me in finishing it; But Col. Darnell assured me he had no such
direction from his Lord, and refused to enter upon it. I own
'tis not ye very best of seasons for me, and it highly imports me
to be very nice in an affaire of that consequence to me, ye
inhabitants and my posterity; but beging their favour for a little
time, I shall submit to their resolution, after I have offer'd to
their consideration wt. I have to say upon yt. affair. I shall add
no more here, but that I am, with great respect to the Lords,
and esteem for thyselfe, very sincerely, thy assured ffrind,
Signed, Wm. Penn. Endorsed, Recd. Read March 4, 1707/8.
Holograph. 2¾ pp. [C.O. 5, 1264. No. 29; and 5, 1292. p. 34.] |
March 4. Falkland, in ye Downs. |
1370. Capt. Underdown to W. Popple, jr. Soon after my
arrival, I gave Major Lloyd an order in compliance with their
Lordships', but he return'd me no account, and I humbly conceive
I had no other power to call him to it, etc. Signed, Jo. Underdown.
Endorsed, Recd. Read March 9, 1707/8. Addressed. ¾ p.
Enclosed, |
1370. i. Copy of Capt. Underdown's letter to Major Lloyd
communicating the Order of the Council of Trade and
Plantations directing an inspection and account of the
provisions at Newfoundland. May 9, 1707. 1 p.
[C.O. 194, 4. Nos. 59, 59.i.] |
March 4. |
1371. Mr. Jones to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Prays the Board to hasten the hearing of the charges against him.
Signed, E. Jones. Endorsed, Recd. Read March 4, 1707/8. 1 p.
[C.O. 37, 8. No. 46; and 38, 6. pp. 325–327.] |
March 4. Whitehall. |
1372. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of
Sunderland. Enclose following to be laid before H.M. in Council. |
1372. i. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen.
Propose repeal of Act of Barbados for house-rent for
Governor Crowe. Pilgrim House already provided by
the Assembly is a very suitable residence etc. Set out,
Acts of Privy Council, II. pp. 829, 830. [C.O. 29, 11.
pp. 204–209.] |
[March 4.] |
1373. S. Duport to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
In the estimate of my losses given in 1698 I omitted the sugar-canes
etc. growing upon my plantations, when the warr broke out,
amounting to above 1,500l. Endorsed, Recd. Read March 4,
1707/8. ¼ p. [C.O. 152, 7. No. 39.A.] |
March 5. London. |
1374. Same to Same. Quotes an extract in French from a
letter by Capt. John Bourryan, St. Christophers, May 18, 1693,
to show that he was not in possession of the plantations in
question [Feb. 18], then, or for some years after. Signed,
Ste. Duport. ¾ p. [C.O. 152, 7. No. 37.] |
March 5. Kensington. |
1375. Order of Queen in Council. Repealing Act of
Barbados [March 4]. Governor Crowe is not to pass any such
Act for the future. Signed, Chris. Musgrave. Endorsed, Recd.
Read March 18, 1707/8. 3 pp. [C.O. 28, 11. No. 4; and 29, 11.
pp. 217–223.] |
March 5. |
1376. R. Stephens to Mr. Thurston. The Commissioners
of ye Victualling have recd. an Order from ye Navy Board, Feb. 2,
to send to Newfoundland one year's provisions for the garrison
at St. John's, etc. as last year. Signed, Rob. Stephens. Endorsed,
Recd. Read March 9, 1707/8. Addressed. ¾ p. [C.O. 194, 4. No. 58.] |
[March 5.] |
1377. Messrs. Taverner and others, inhabitants of Newfoundland, to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refer to
Capt. Moody's defence of Fort William, 1704. To their unspeakable surprize and grief Capt. Moody was recalled, and Major
Lloyd, whome former irregularities had rendred odious, was sent
in his stead, honoured with such an increase of power as set him
above the comptrol of the Commodores, whose former authority
was the only curb to an exorbitant Commander. Since his return,
the people are worse us'd than before. They are compell'd
like slaves to go into the woods on Sundays to cut timber for
his service; are spit upon, kickt, beaten, wounded, overladen
with unequal quartering of soldiers, and are dispossess'd and
disseised of their properties and inheritances. Taxes are made
without law, raised with partiality, and apply'd to his own use,
and who ever dare complain, are immediatly either miserably
abus'd in their persons, or opprest in their trade, and merchandize,
nor are the soldiers themselves exempt from his tyranny, being
let out to hire, and rob'd of their wages when earn'd. Many
(to escape from the pressures of these calamitys) have been forced
secretly to escape and desert their plantations, especially in the
winter season, when the Commodores are absent, at whose return
some come back again. In order to be thought a man of
moderation and justice in England (where he boasts his power
and interest is rooted), he threatens and insults some, and bribes
and allures others to subscribe a good character of himself and
an accusation of Capt. Moody. The subscribers dare not return
to their families, if this Representation is known. Signed, Wm.
Taverner, Abram. Taverner, Mary Benger, Tho. Menshew.
Endorsed, Recd. from Mr. Campbell, Read March 5, 1707/8. 1 p.
[C.O. 194, 4. No. 56; and 195, 4. pp. 441–443.] |
[March 5.] |
1378. Depositions etc. in support of preceding. |
(a) Deposition of T. Menshew of St. Johns. As an instance
of Major Lloyd's tyranny, he dispossessed James Benger of his
plantation in Ferryland, because he would not sign a paper
reflecting on Capt. Moody. Deponent saw him disable a fisherman
with his sword, for asking a soldier to help him push his barrow
of fish up a hill. He knocked down and kicked the surgeon
Adams, on hearing that he had joined in a petition against his
cruelty. His servant-maid died from the hardship he exposed
her to. The soldiers are necessitated frequently to beg amongst
the inhabitants, their allowance from Major Lloyd being so small
that they could not subsist thereon. He lets them out for hire
and takes 3 parts in four of their wages. They dare not complain
for fear of his cruelty. He went with 40 soldiers to plunder to
the northward. In August last he entertained one M. Bellater,
a French officer from Placentia, who two years ago had plundered
St. Johns, and feasted him in the fort and public-houses in the
harbour, for several days, thereby giving him an opportunity
to view the place. He has imposed a tax of 3 quintalls of fish
upon every fishing boat for the two last seasons, which cannot
bring in to him less than 1,500l. per annum. He contrives
certificates in his own favour and compels the inhabitants to
sign them. Two of his favourites, Lang and Sheppard, recently
disabled John Adams for life, and no redress can be obtained.
He beat Thomas Burt of Bell Isle unmercifully when he asked
that he might have no more soldiers quartered upon him, his
house being full. He threatened to whip deponent's wife in his
absence without just cause, and threatened to beat him for asking
for ten guineas he owed him for a cow and a calf. He complained
to Capt. Underdown, who said it was not in his power to relieve
him, adding that Lloyd had attacked him himself, knocked off
his hat with his sword, and beaten him about the garden when
he was unarmed. Signed, Tho. Menshew. 2 pp. |
(b) Deposition of A. Taverner. Corroborates parts of preceding.
He was forced to leave his habitation for not subscribing against
Capt. Moody and Dr. Jackson. The names of some who never
saw him were put to the paper against Moody, etc. Signed,
Abrm. Taverner. 1¾ pp. |
(c) Deposition of W. Taverner. Gives instances of Lloyd's
oppression of those who refused to sign the accusation against
Moody, and his attempts to compel himself. Signed, Wm.
Taverner. 1 p. |
(d) Deposition of Mary Benger. Confirms part of preceding.
Signed, Mary Benger. 1½ pp. |
(e) Account by Michael Clarke, Clerk to Major Lloyd, of his
cruelty towards him. 2½ pp. |
(f) Deposition of Wm. Healle, St. John's, Aug. 14, 1707. Poole
Plantation in Ferryland, now possessed by James Benger and
Mary his wife, belonged to Sr. David Kirke, and passed through
his son David, her first husband, to Mary Benger, etc. See
April 1st and 15th, 1708. Signed, Wm. Healle. 1 p. |
(g) (h) Similar depositions by Anthony Gay, Alexander
Penprayse, William Shortt, and John Flatchar. 2 pp. |
(i) Commodore Leake to George Tarrant. Sept. 19, 1699.
Whereas I am credible inform'd that Phillip Cade of Ferryland,
late pretender to a plantation of David Kirk's, decd., has repossest
himself in contempt of my order, you are to continue your
possestion for the use of Mrs. Mary Kirk and her children. Signed,
Andrw. Leake. 1 p. |
(j) Commodore Leake to Mr. Burchett. St. Johns, July 29
and Sept. 11, 1699. Refers, inter alia, to a piratical raid on
Capelin Bay, and to his rebuilding the barracks which had been
burnt, and gives a list of the provisions burned in the Fort.
Signed, Andrw. Leake. Addressed. Postmark. 2 pp. |
(k) Order of the Court at St. John's, Oct. 5, 1704, that Capt.
Kade [Cade], relinquish his pretence to Poole Plantation, belonging
to the children of Mary Benger. Capt. Brooks, who has, upon
that pretended right, fished upon that Plantation, is ordered to
pay to Mrs. Benger 16l. sterl. in fish etc. Signed, T. Bridge,
David Roberts, Henry Hayman. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. from
Mr. Campbell and Mr. Woodford, March 5, Read March 10, 1707/8.
1 p. |
(l) Abstracts of preceding affidavits, etc. [C.O. 194, 4. Nos.
44–55.] |
March 5. |
1379. Mr. Dummer to W. Popple. Encloses following.
Signed, E. Dummer. Enclosed, Recd. 8th, Read 9th March, 1707/8.
Addressed. ½ p. Enclosed, |
1379. i. Capt. Button, Master of the King William packetboat, to Mr. Dummer. We found the inhabitants of
Barbados under arms upon alarm of the enemy, but
sloops sent to Tobago and Martinique reported that there
was no man of war at either place. They seem very
zelious to defend their Island, as appears by their care
in dissapline and dilligence in fortifieing it where
accessable. Their whole body consists of 11,000 men,
of which 3,000 are dissaplined negroes, there are at yt.
Island only 3 men of warr, with some few mercht. shipps.
Antego affords us a more perfect accot. of the French
squadrons being gon to leeward. General Parke has
taken all proper measures for defending that Island.
Repeats news given elsewhere. H.M.S. Marget was lost on
Poynt Canno to windward of Carthagene in chaseing a
French sloope. A trader from the Maine reported at
Jamaica that a French man of warr was arrived
at Porteabell who saide he parted with 18 saile at
St. Domingo on Hispaniola under M. Du Cass. And
they ffurther tell us that there has been a letter intercepted
from M. Du Cass to ye Governor of ye Havanah on
Cuba wherein he saith he must not expect him there
till Aprill, when he will attend ye gallions to convoy
them home, but that time will not permit him to be
there before, haveing an enterprize of great importance.
The truth of this wanted confirmation. It is generally
beleived their design is on Jamaica, where they
vigellantly prepare to receive them, the men of warr
lying all in line of battell within ye fforts and a strict
embargo clapt on all merchant shipps. The Islands
are all healthfull etc. Signed, Wm. Button. 2¾ pp.
[C.O. 323, 6. Nos. 54, 54.i.] |
March 6. Antigua. |
1380. Governor Parke to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
By this packett I send your Lordships the Jurnalls of the Council
and Assembly of Nevis and Montserratt, with the list of the
inhabitants, negroes, etc. of this Island and Montserratt, etc.
By the last I sent the remaining part of the Jurnall of Antigua,
so that when I have sent the list of the inhabitants of Nevis,
I have sent everything I had your Lordshipps' orders for; the
Deputary Secretary's places are of so little vallue that they
look uppon it as a great hardship uppon them to write out coppys
of the Jurnalls. Your Ldpps. will see in the Antigua Jurnall
what pains myselfe and Council took to have a Law made to
regulate the Courts as directed from your Ldpps. at my first
comeing, the Courts at present are kept by an old Law confirmed
at home; by wch. after a man has obtained a judgement, 'twill
be two years before he can have an execution to do him any service,
and 'tis so very chargeable that one had better loose a considerable
debt then go abt. to recover it; a poor man is in a miserable condetion, for he cannot arrest any ffreeholder, they haveing greater
previleges then a Duke in England; every rich man amongst
his neighbours is more absolute then a Bashaw, he may beat,
may murder him, and not fear any punishment; I gave you an
acctt. how Johnson's murderer came off, and your sending an
Order of Council to putt him out of the Council was made a jest
off. I will give you two instances more of two other murders;
a rich Planter beat his servant maid so cruelly that she went
from him and in few hours dyed; bruised blood came from her
when dead, wch. the Inquest brought in to be liquid lodinum,
and that she had poisoned herselfe; an Other was a merchant
yt. threw a full tankard and struck a man under the ear, the next
day he died, the wound apeared, and yet the Coroner's Inquest
brought it in that he dyed of fitts; a poor man cant so much as
procure a warrant for a rich man; except I grant it myselfe. I
have done severall, and had them bound over, but at the Sessions
nobody punished; A friend of mine told me yt. if I look'd into
these things, notwithstanding the Law they would give me nothing
for my House Rent, and truly I have found him a good prophet,
for I have not received the vallue of 400l. tho I have been allmost
two years wth. them; therefore yr. Ldpps. nead not fear they
should give me more than by my Instructions I am allowed
to take, I am allowed to take 500l. sterl. as Sir W. Matthews had,
and should they keep their Law to give me 1,000l., the real vallue
would not be above 400l. sterl.; this year I believe they designe
to pay nobody, they would do nothing but pick quarrills. I
desired them that if they thought they had anything to complain
off, they would order their Agent to lay it before yr. Ldpps.,
and if they would lett me know what it was, to save time I would
by the same packett send home to your Ldpps. my reasons, and
that whatever your Ldpps. directed must determine me. I have
done nothing of myselfe, I put everything to the vote in Council,
and it has been determined by them without so much as comeing
to my vote; they have advised me to dissolve the Assembly,
wch. I have, and to call an Other abt. 2 months hence; there
is one Edward Perry, who is Commissioner of the Customs and
Col. Codrington's creature yt. is the incendiary, his place gives
him both intrest and opertunity to do mischief, cou'd he be
removed, I believe they would be more moderate; for my part,
whilst I have the honour to be in the post, I shall do my duty
and follow my Instructions, and whilst I do that I hope I shall
be protected; one reason of their making me uneasy is Col.
Codrington threatens what he will do to his friends and enemies,
when he is Generall, wch. he does not doubt but to obtain. I
hope your Ldpps. will do me so much Justice to hear me before
I am condemn'd; if I have ill-behaved myselfe, I deserve to be
ill-used, but I shall have very hard ffortune to be censured without
being heard; I am confident there can no just complaint come
against me, this I am sure; I had hard ffortune to come to a
Government, the one halfe of wch. was distroyed before I came,
and the other out of humour, and yet I have been near two years
without haveing anything laid to my charge. Col. Codrington
had not been here 3 month before there was a very just complaint
sent against him, and hardly any three months past without a
complaint; I have undergone much sickness and great fateague,
and am now poorer than when I came; I should be glad to stay
now I am here and seasoned, in hopes to gett something hereafter,
and I hope we shall not have Hurricanes every year. I was in
hopes to have had some consolation for what I had undergone, and
my loss sustained by the Hurricane, that H.M. would have given
me a better Government, or the Regiment here, and not be thus
allarm'd without any cause. Your Lordshipps are the Patrons
of all the Governours, therefore I have no doubt I shall have
Justice done me. When I brought the Queen the good
news I had her Royal word that she would take care of my
ffortune; I think H.M. cannot do it worse, if she does it at all.
Signed, Daniel Parke. Endorsed, Recd. May 26, Read June 22,
1708. Holograph. 6 pp. Enclosed, |
1380. i. Copy of Governor Parke's Order dissolving the
Assembly of Antigua. March 5, 1707/8. Endorsed, Recd.
May 26, 1708. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 7. Nos. 45, 45.i.;
and (without enclosure) 153, 10. pp. 151–156.] |
March 6. Boston. |
1381. Lt.-Governor Usher to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Since mine in Febru. am informed an Actt in
Sept. lastt pastt for mony, for to presentt an Adress to H.M.;
in Febru., when neither the Governor or Lt. Governor in Province;
Councill and Assembly metes, Assembly pas a voate for George
Vaughan to goe Agent, to lay before H.M. the circumstances and
poverty of the place. Vaughan goes by this conveiance to
representt ye country, neither Governor or Councill concern'd
therein, as per accott. I have reced., copy of wh. here inclose.
if such procedeings tend nott to Comonwealth Govermt., am to
seak, if Vaughan apears with Adress as Agent, hope he will shew
his power, and ordered to attend. I humbly conceive there
hath bin some omission as to Instructions. The Treasuror
kepes noe faire Bookes of accotts. distinctt for H.M. revenue,
though greatt waste of trees fitt for H.M. service, noe Law,
nor care to preventt the same. Noe Laws for punishing mutinies,
desertion orfalce musters in time of peace, a new Sherriff noe security
for his place, Navall Officer, though a trador, nott under oath
for his place, as have bin informed, in all wch. the Crown is
concern'd. Haveing rendered accott. how by an Actt in Parlimtt.
H.M. Governors and Officers may be suported without charge
to ye Crown, humbly offer to your Ldspps.' consideration. An
Actt may be made for security of H.M. Governors' persons,
with a punishmtt. or penalty for any to ceize a Governor etc.,
and withall a protection of H.M. subjectts' libertys and propertys,
for N. Engld. is running upon a levelling spiritt to much, and if nott
timely prevented, power and honour of H.M. in Govermtts. will
be lostt. Am informed one Mr. Mentzis goes by this conveiance.
I know of none ever wentt outt of this Country can give a more
ample and true accott. of same, as to Govermtts. and soile, a person
of loialty, and esteam him a person of truth and sincerity; I
humbly recomend him to your Lordships for accott. of all affaires
in these partts, knowing he may be of service for the Crown.
My Lords, I write nott in a way of complaintt, butt information,
haveing always manifested a principle acted (?) by of loialty
and truth. Signed, John Usher. Endorsed, Recd. 26th May,
Read June 3, 1708. Holograph. 1¾ pp. Enclosed, |
1381. i. C. Storey to [? Lt. Gov. Usher]. The House [of]
Representatives pastt a vote for Mr. Vaughan to goe Agent,
etc. as preceding. Signed, Charles Storey. Copy. 1 p.
[C.O. 5, 864. Nos. 199, 199.i.; and (without enclosure)
5, 912. pp. 400–402.] |
[March 8.] |
1382. Matthew Plowman to the Queen. Repeats petition
for relief. See C.S.P. Dec. 21, 1704. Subscribed, |
1382. i. H.M. refers this petition to the Council of Trade and
Plantations for their report. Signed, Sunderland.
Endorsed, Recd. 10th, Read 11th March. 1 p. [C.O.
5, 1049. Nos. 46, 46.i.; and 5, 1121. pp. 117, 118.] |
March 8. Antigua. |
1383. Governor Parke to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Acknowledges H.M. Order relating to the Council. Refers
to enclosures, "the packet staying for my letters. I must entreat
your Ldpps. that I may not be forgot in my post in the Army,
yt. is that I may be made a Brigadeer Gen.: for Col. Crowther
and severall younger Cols. then myselfe were made Brigadeers
last May; the Duke promised me I should have a Commission
the first promotion," etc. Signed, Daniel Parke. Endorsed,
Recd. May 26, Read June 22, 1708. Holograph. 2 pp.
Enclosed, |
1383. i. Governor Parke's Speech to the Assembly of Antigua
and Account of the State of that Island. (a) After
approving the Representatives' choice of Nathaniel
Crump as Speaker, H.E. acquainted them that ye publick
credit was so very low that no person would trust ye
country without makeing ye persons who had occation
to take up anything upon it pay much greater advance
than any private person, and yt. ye country was so
much in debt, yt. people have offered to take 40 p.c.
less then what ye real debt was, and particularly Masters
of ships who have supply'd ye publick wth. beef and
other provissions, wch. was a very great scandal to ye
Island, and if timely provission be not made to prevent ye
same for ye future, it will prove of fatall consequence in a
short time. He therefore earnestly desired they would take
ye same into consideration and not only think of raiseing
a sufficient tax to defray ye necessary charges of ye
ensueing year, but allso endeavour such other measures
as might retreeve ye credit of ye Iland. He also
acquainted them yt. ye proceedings of ye Court of
Common Pleas by virtue of ye Act for regulateing the
same was so very dilatory yt. no person can gett his
mony in less then two years after he has obtain'd a
judgment etc. as in preceding. He therefore commended
to them ye makeing another Law whereby Justice may
be duely administered, and persons enabled to recover
their debts without such delays, wch. will encourage
trade and make this a flourishing Iland, and desired
they would incert a clause to enable all poor men to
recover any sum under 20l. by a summary way of
proceeding. He recommended ye carrying on the
fortification on Monk's Hill, and acquainted them that
whatever they did in ye affaires wch. he has now recommended must be done this week, for yt. ye man of warr
being now return'd from Jamaica, he must be oblig'd
to go and visitt ye other Ilands., If they had any just
complaints to offer, he was willing to hear and redress
them. He hoped they would seriously consider wt.
might be for ye publick service and their own good
and security, and yt. they would not be swayed by any
particular heats or passions, for that as he had done nothing butt what he was sufficiently warranted to doe
by his Instructions, and ye Laws of ye Iland, soe he
would not for ye future. And therefore desired they
would not fish for imaginary greavances and thereby
retard ye publick affaires, wch. att this time, he assur'd
them, was very well worth the most serious thoughts.
He could justly say with ye prophet he had taken no
man's ox or ass from him, nor had he enquir'd into ye
title of any man's land, nor ever design'd to do. He
was now a poorer man than when he landed, which he
believed was obvious to all, notwithstanding some
malicious persons (amongst other villanys) has write
home he has got 20,000l. by seizing ships etc. They
were witnesses that he had seized no ships etc.
etc. |
(b) I was in hopes they would have proceeded to do
what they were call'd togeather for, butt first they
quarrel'd about ye writs. The Council told them they
were the usual writs, the Secretary produced the writs,
which formerly went out, which were the same word for
word. But they were willing to have Mr. Edward
Perry, and the writ says they shall chuse a freeholder,
wch. he is not, besides he is ye Commissioner of ye
Customs, wch. are excluded by law. Besides ye Council
and I told them ye House of Commons tho they were
judges of their own members, never suffered any man
to sitt yt. never was return'd or petition'd yt. he ought
to be return'd; and then they appointed a day for a
tryall; they did not call men out of the street, or such
yt. are not quallified as judges, Commissioners of ye
Customes etc. Wee told them yt. if they proceeded
after yt. manner there was no occation for writs. We
offered to make a Law such as they have in Barbadoes
to regulate all this matter; butt till such a Law they
ought to pretend to no more then former Assemblys
used to do; nor more then ye House of Commons does,
for they do not pretend to any of ye executive power,
wch. you do, for no man can be imploy'd or paid butt
yr. Speaker must sett his hand to it, nay when ye French
squadron was att Martinecoe and expected every hour,
you would not pay for ye negroes and cart hire yt. I
propos'd to bring ye great guns and shot from Willowby
Bay (where they were of no use) to St. Johns to defend
ye town; because ye Assembly did not order it, tho'
it was probable ye enemy might have landed before an
Assembly could have mett. I desired they would draw
up what it was they pretended to, either putt it into a
Law and send it home to be confirmed, or lay them
before yr. Lordshipps, and whatever orders yr. Lordsps.
should send me I would obey; but that untill I had
orders so to do, I durst not give away any of ye Queen's
perogative. The Lt. Governour and Councill have
promis'd me to draw up ye whole matter and send it
to yr. Lordsps., butt ye Packett comeing in whilest
they were setting, it could not be done this packett,
and finding ye Assembly would do nothing, they
unanimously advis'd me to dissolve them, and about
two months hence to send up writs to call a new one,
in ye mean time they would endeavour to talke them
into reason or lett ye people know who are ye Incendiarys
yt. they might not be chose, and that they did not doubt
off success. There is none of these disputes wth. me
in any of ye other Islands, for ye Assemblys of Nevis,
St. Kitts and Mountseratt are for giveing me more power
or two turbulent people for wch. reason ye Councill
there desired me to dissolve them, wch. I did, these people
were left out in ye new Assemblys, and now there is no
dispute. I hope to have ye same success here especially
now Coll. Codrinton is att Barbadoes, for I am of
opinion 'tis his liveing here is ye cause of all this, and
when he was Generall he acted like a madman, and
there was not a week passed, but he did some irregular
thing or other, and had I done one in all my time he
would have took care you should have heard of it, they
all hate ye very name of him except this Mr. Ed. Perry
and two or three more that were his Emprous and
Dudlys when he was Generall, for wch. he got Perry
to be made Commr. of ye Customes, wch. is an unnecessary place, ye Collector and Naval Officer doing all ye
buisness for their accounts are pass'd before me, and
att home there is an officer yt. examines them, yt. yr.
Commr. here has 150l. the year for doing nothing; he
was ye man yt. seized Mr. Baron's ship so unjustly;
and Codrinton after she was cleared by ye judg
condemn'd her him self; and this Mr. Perry tho' not
return'd and consequenly not sworn, and tho' a Comr.
of ye Customs of ye Iland, sat in ye Assembly and voted.
I was advis'd by some to suspend him from being
Commissioner of ye Customes, butt I would not, butt
chose rather to represent ye whole matter to yr. Lpps.,
and att ye same time humbly desireing you would gett
him removed, for in ye first place 'tis an unnecessary
office, tis takeing 150l. a year from ye Queen for nothing;
My Lord Weymouth first coyn'd this office for his couzen
Thym; by vertue of wch. he suspended Mr. Buckeridge
ye Collector, and receiv'd ye 4½ p.c. himself,
Mr. Buckerige went home and was restored, by yt.
time he came back Mr. Thym died, and never accounted
to ye Queen, and owes to this day 5 or 600l., he left an
estate wch. Col. Codrinton and this Mr. Perry putt into
ye possession of a notorious woman yt. liv'd wth.
Mr. Thym; had I or Mrs. Buckerige any directions, ye
debt might be recover'd yett; after Mr. Buckeridge
came over, he design'd to meddle in it. Butt Col.
Codrinton having got Perry made Comr. in ye room
of Mr. Thyn, this Mr. Perry suspended Mr. Buckeridge
once more, wch. gave him an other voyage to England
and he is once more come back Collector, wth. orders
to Perry to suspend him no more; Mr. Blathwyte has
made this Perry his Deputy Auditor, wch. is just nothing,
for ye Queen has no Revenue here butt ye 4½ p.c., ye
Queen has no Quitt-Rents, nor has there been any fines
since I came or any other Revenue. Mr. Perry is also
incapable by Law to be a Comr. of ye Customs, for he
is a tradeing man, and one of ye greatest merchts.
in ye Iland, he had near 3,000l. cargo last year from
England, wch. he sells by retail, etc. He has a brother
yt. is Marshall of all ye Ilands, he got his first Commission
from Coll. Codrinton and then confirm'd in England,
he had leave for 6 months, butt he has been gone near
3 year, and is offering to sell his Comssn. for 150l. I
have putt in one Mr. Mich. Ayon for this Iland, wch.
I desire may be confirmed, ye place itself is not worth
much, and of great fateague, for he is ye only ministerial
officer of ye Iland; there ought to be for each Iland a
Marshal, for tis a place of great trust, tho' little profitt,
and each ought to give security in ye Iland, where he
is Marshall; Mr. Ayon has given good security for this
Iland. I desire nothing butt what is truly for H.M.
service and ye good of ye Islands. Coll. Codrinton,
wth. his two Perrys, and some other of his creatures,
who were his father's assistants in getting his great
estate by carrying on a clandestine trade both wth.
ye French and Dutch, tho' sworn to ye Acts of Trade,
so plagued and teaz'd Sir Wm. Mathews yt. they broke
his heart in 3 months' time. I expected to live well
wth. him because he and I were great freinds in England,
butt tho he loved Coll. Park, he hated ye Governour
of ye Leeward Ilands; I thank God I have so behaved
myself that he can find no matter for a just complaint,
and all yt. he and his emissorys can do is to cause
notorious lyes to be spread about and writ home; one
is yt. I had got 20,000l. by seizing of ships, whereof
there has not been any sort of vessell seiz'd since I come;
an other is yt. I had seiz'd on Coll. Johnson ['s] estate;
when Coll. Johnson was kill'd, I gave ye administration
for ye use of ye widdow to Major Gore, who is Major of
ye Regt., who according to ye practice of ye army is
to take care of any officers' effects yt. dyes. Accordingly
he took possession (Coll. Johnson in his time seiz'd 7
ships, tho I have seiz'd none) and by order of ye Queen's
Council I was to have half ye perquisitts during my
absence. His being kill'd so soon after my comeing,
I had not time to adjust wth. him, nor did I know till
afterwards what he had receiv'd, butt I appointed
in behalf of ye widdow 4 of ye principle men to appraise
ye estate to ye administrator, wch. they did, and I think
to more then ye value. What I had I bought of Major
Gore, ye administrator, as other men might do, and
did. When I came to take an account of wt. my part
came to of the ships yt. were seiz'd (wch. accounts I had
from ye Records, and can admitt no dispute), I found
that Coll. Johnson owed me more then what I bought
of ye administrator came to, and if ye widdow thinks
ye appraisment was to her disadvantage, I have still by
me every thing butt some of ye plate, and will return
all I had, and lett her make ye most of it, and lett her
were ten times greater then ever I shall make them now
I am here; for though I take all manner of advantages
of ye ships as Coll. Codrinton, and as by his advise
Johnson did, I might gett mony, butt I must have ruin'd
ye Ilands as well as ye owners. I shall always be of
opinion yt. laws were made to prevent illegall tradeing
and not to ruin honest men yt. had no design to cheat
ye Queen because some words were amiss in his Register,
or one of his seamen had a peice of lynnen in his chest
not entred, or perhaps ye master had lost his Register
in his voyage, tho' att ye same time offers his oath that
he brought out one, and offers security to produce a
certificate within 9 months; Mr. Baron's ship was
seiz'd for having a few pantyles that had been reported
in England, tho not landed, he may recover of Coll.
Codrinton if he getts him in England, butt he will find
it dificult to do it here, except he getts an Order of ye
Queen and Council to repeal their Law for Courts;
tis not in my power to help him. I think this worth
yr. Ldsps.' consideration, for 'twill be to no purpose
for me or any other Generall to endeavour to repeal
this Law, some yt. will always be chose of ye Assembly
are so much in debt and have such ill titles to their
estates, they will always fly in any Generall's face yt.
shall go about it; Mr. Dummer can inform you as well
as Mr. Baron and many others how dificult it is to gett
their cause so much as heard; no Inhabitant will
accept of a power to prosecute his fellow planter, except
'tis with design to do him no good, and it ought to be
of very great consequence to send over any one on
purpose, if they do, it must be a lawyer, for no lawyer
will take a ffee against an Ilander, if you offer him a
ffee he tells you yr. adversary has given him a generall
retaining ffee; Mr. Dummer sent over a lawyer, and tho
I used my authority to do him justice, it came to nothing.
As to criminall matters one would think ye inhabitants
of this Iland could be guilty of no crime, for except
soldiers, sailors or strangers, no inhabitant has ever
been punish'd since I came, and yett this town of
St. Johns is ye most wicked town I ever was in, no justice
of peace ever punishes anybody or binds them over
to ye sessions. I have bound some over, 'tis true, butt
all were brought in not guilty, these are ye reasons no
strangers will settle among them, except he can att once
buy an estate. Ye rich oppress ye poor to yt. degree
that should there come a peace for seven years, noby
would be here butt negroes and their masters or overseers;
in Barbadoes they have provided by a law yt. every
man for every ten blacks shall keep a white or else for
such a quantity of land. I have often desir'd ye same
here, butt to no purpose. I now desire yr. Lordps.
dirctions how to remedy all these disorders. I have
indeavour'd it, so did Sir Wm. Mathews, butt in vain,
and have brought a wasps' nest about my ears for my
pains. If I would yett take no notice of all these abuses,
in a little time I should have Addresses of thanks from
them. The Council, to do them justice, have joyn'd
with me very heartily to gett this pernicious Law
repeal'd, and to see yt. Justice be administr'd, butt
their joining will do no good without ye Assembly
joynes also. This is ye true state of this Iland, and
in some measure of ye rest, etc. Signed, Daniel Parke.
Endorsed, Recd. May 26, Read June 22, 23, 1708.
11 pp. |
1383. ii. Inhabitants of Antigua, March 5, 1707(8). Men,
1,001. Women, 805. Boys, 514. Girls, 524. Superannuated men, 48. Free negros and malattos, 17.
Negroes, 12,943. Endorsed, Recd. May 26, 1708. ¾ p.
[C.O. 152, 7. Nos. 46, 46.i., ii.; and (without enclosure ii.),
153, 10. pp. 156–173.] |
March 9. Boston. |
1384. Mr. Bridger to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Since my last, there has been great distruction made in H.M.
woods, chiefly by Mr. John Plaisted of New Hampshire,
Counciller, Judge and Justice. The preservation of H.M. woods
is of the greatest consequence and is the only intrest that H.M.
has reserved, wch. is principally and first to be taken care of in
these parts; no other produceing such masts etc. Refers to
the contract of Francis Collins etc. They loaded two large
masts also, for which they had no contract. These were old
masts cut many years before by Plaisted, and sold by him
to Collins. The ship Prince being loaded, I cancelled the
bond etc. Not long after, Mr. Plaisted tells me he would cut
great masts. I repeatedly forbid him, but he persisted, and sett
his workmen into the woods to cut the bigest masts the land
would produce. I wrote to the Governor who at length put out
proclamations, and forbid all cutting any masts, according to
the clause in the New England Charter. But Plaisted said
that was no law, neither was the Charter. I toke a guard into
the woods and tried to stop him, but the more I spoke the more
he cutt, upheld by John Mico, and produced a licence from Queen
Mary in 1691. I then toke up the workmen, bound them over to
appear at the next Court, which obliged me to go for Boston to
take advice from the lawyers, this was in the extreamest cold
weather as ever I knew. I froze my face and neck many times
this winter. The snow and cold caused me to miss the Court
at York by two hours, but the case was continued till April. I
pray your Lordshipps' order for receiving the fines. One Court
is for 6 masts fallen 13 miles in the woods, the other is for 10 cutt
by those that gott loggs at Exeter. Those tryalls will cost me
a great sum by reason of their distance, and no lawyers but at
Boston, makes me pray your Lordshipps to lay enclosed Bills
before my Lord High Treasurer. My travelling expenses etc.
are very heavy and I have drawn bills for my own and Deputy's
salaries, etc. Prays to be allowed a clerk. I have to the best of
my abillity defended H.M. woods against the whole Country,
who are all against me. If this insolence be suffered, H.M.
intrest must fall, the damage done by Plaisted is not to be valued,
for he has sett that door open that never was before, yett his
employer Mico, when I told him of his falling great masts, said
he would defend him. The country people complained to me
that unless he was stopped, the country was ruin'd. Finding
nothing would stop Plaisted's proceeding, I at length obtained
from the Governor warrants to seize all masts, and have seized
all that was hawled out of the woods; the rest I shall seize as
soon as they are hawled out. Plaisted sett so many people to fall
masts, that he could not give any accot. of the number he had
fallen, neither was he ever with those that he imployed, but
twice. On my complaint, the Governor writes to him to give
an accot. on oath. Refers to enclosures. When they have so many
masts by them here, 'tis most certaine there is a great many
thrown away. Yet he says he wants 100 more. By his own
confession he has not sav'd above one in four, the reason is verry
plaine, for the country people says he employs such as do not
understand it, and thereby destroys more then he getts.
This insolence is no more to be suffered then murder, and like
it's nature, for H.M. woods if once destroyed, will be for ever
the same. If those masts under seizure should be released,
all would cutt where and when they please, Mico would then support
Plaisted to a worse degree of mischiefe, if 'twere possible. They
have not followed the contract at all: there are 58 above contract
in those I have seized, and no doubt there are many more, and
therefore pray H.M. may have them all. Prays for directions
as to fines and masts. Proposals for preventing waste of woods:
(1) Licences to be explicit as to numbers and dimensions of trees
and for one year only. (2) Cases of cutting without licence to
be tried forthwith by special Courts. H.M. Surveyor of Woods
to be Surveyor of Lands too, and no grants of lands to be made
until surveyed by him. (3) The Act of Parliament for the
encouragement of Naval Stores to be amended by an addition
preserving white pine or mast trees of 24 in. diameter at 12 inches
from the earth, as in the Charter of N. England. |
As to the tarr and pitch, I fear the discouragement that the
merchants mett with the last year about their receiving the
premium has done that trade a verry great injury. I last summer
got the Governmt. to print directions, and have been in most
parts that make tarr in this Province, and have instructed and
incouraged them to making of tarr etc. But they want an example,
saying let us see you do what you have directed, and if we see
that answers, then we will proceed. This I have no fund for,
nor money, which if your Lordshipps please to order my friend
Mr. George Willcocks, if it were but 100l., I would be accountable
on oath, and H.M. should have the produce. I have comply'd
with all my Instructions, except in one Article, which is to proceed
to New Yorke, but the present circumstances of H.M. Woods
have keep me these seven months at the Eastward etc. Signed,
J. Bridger. Autograph additions:—This Mr. Mico has told me
before a great many people that all the leters that I wrott to the
Governor was shewn him [? by] the Governor. Refers to enclosed
bills of exchange, and prays that a copy of above letter may be
laid before the Lord High Admiral. Endorsed, Recd. May 19,
Read June 14, 1708. 8 pp. Enclosed, |
1384. i. Abstract of preceding with Memoranda for reply to
and proceedings upon above. 5 pp. |
1384. ii. Extract from Mr. Collins' contract, with Mr. Bridger's
comments, showing that he has no licence to cut trees
above 26 in. diameter. Mr. Mico threatens to turn
me out. I pray your Lordships to here me first etc.
March 6, 1707. Signed, J. Bridger. 2 pp. |
1384. iii. (a) John Plaisted to Governor Dudley. Boston,
Feb. 25, 1707. Letter and deposition as to 160 trees felled
by him since Oct., for Messrs. Mico and Lechmere, Agents
for Mr. Collins, in the township of York etc., of 20–26 in.
diameter. Signed, Jno. Plaisted. (b) Mr. Bridger's
comments thereon, with his permit for the trees to be
brought down to Piscataqua River, etc. Signed, J.
Bridger. Endorsed, Recd. May 19, Read June 14, 1707/8.
4 pp. |
1384. iv. Deposition of Capt. Robert Eason and Capt. Nathal.
Austin that Mr. Bridger forbade Arthur Reames, Master
of the Prince, from taking two 35 in. masts on board.
Feb. 13, 1707(8). Same endorsement. 1 p. |
1384. v. (a) Number of mast-trees marked and reserved
for H.M. service by Mr. Bridger's Deputies, Ichabod
Plaisted, Ezeckell Wentworth, Capt. Robert Coffin on
the Piscataqua, Che-Checoo, Lamperlele and Exeter
River districts. Total:—290. Mr. Jno. Plaisted says
by his oath he has cutt 266. He has cutt more than
I shall be able to preserve unless he is restrained, etc.
Signed, J. Bridger. (b) Account of trees cut by Jno.
Plaisted, without H.M. licence, and seized by order
of Mr. Bridger, Feb. 16, 1707. 58 above the dimensions
of the contract, etc. Signed and endorsed as No. 1384.iii.
2 pp. |
1384. vi. Certificate as to the ordinary price of horse-hire etc.
Boston, March 10, 1707. Horse-hire per day 2s. 6d.
Horse-meal when travailing, 2s. Horse and man over
Winisimett Ferry, 15d. Signed, Addington Davenport,
Henry Francklyn, [—?] Roberts, Tho. Newton, Stephen
North, George Turfrey, Richard Conyers. Same endorsement. 1 p. |
1384. vii. Dimensions of masts which Mr. Plaisted ordered
to be cut for him at Exeter, Sept. 25, 1707, with prices.
Ranging from 20 in. diam. at 3l. to 38 in. at 100l. Signed,
Robt. Coffin. Same endorsement. 1 p. |
1384. viii. Copy of Mr. John Mico's Bond in 2,000l., and
Mr. Bridger's deposition as to his intention in taking it.
Oct. 1, 1707. Cancelled, DEc. 31. same endorsement. 2 pp. |
1384. ix. John Plaisted to Governor Dudley. The number
of trees which are fell I cannot give an exact account,
not one in four proving sound, but am morally
possitive that I want 80 or 90 to compleat my contract
with Mr. Collins. They are from 26 inches to 20 which
are fell off any propriety, but not above 10 or 12 in
number. The remainder, upwards of 100 are all cut
upon perticoler men's rights which I pay them for,
are from 20 inches even to the bigest wee can gett, which
I supose may be 34 inches, but not above one of that
dimentions. Those are bought off Capt. Peprill,
Mr. Layton, Timothy Wentworth, and of my own grants.
I had sum men upon Merimack a falling. I cannot
say what they have done, but ordered them to desist
so soon as I receaved your Excellency's commands etc.
Signed, John Plaisted. Portsmouth, Jan. 29, 1707/8.
With Bridger's comments subscribed. Same endorsement. 1 p. |
1384. x. Copy of preceding, sent to Mr. Bridger by Mr. Plaisted.
Omits mention of the bigger trees. Signed, Jno. Plaisted.
Portsmouth, Jan. 28, 1707/8. 1 p. Mr. Bridger's
comments subscribed;—He has one grant in the world.
Confesses in this what he denies upon oath etc. Same
endorsement. 1 p. |
1384. xi. Deposition of J. Bridger. All the mast trees cut
for 5 months past by J. Plaisted were felled without
the Royal licence and contrary to my orders etc. Signed,
J. Bridger. Same endorsement. 1 p. |
1384. xii.–xxi. Accounts and copies of the Bills of Exchange
drawn by Mr. Bridger. Boston, March 7, 1707(8), with
receipts from his Deputy etc. Signed, Richard Gerrish
and Ichabod Plaisted. Same endorsement. 10 pp.
[C.O. 5, 864. Nos. 201, 201.i., 202, 202.i.–220; and
(without enclosures) 5, 912. pp. 404–424.] |
[March 9.] |
1385. Depositions of Thomas Tucker, of St. Jago de la Vega,
and James Whitchurch in support of petition of Jan. 26, 1707/8,
q.v. Endorsed, Recd. Read March 9, 1707/8. 2½ pp. [C.O. 137, 7.
Nos. 76.A, 76.B.] |
[March 9.] |
1386. Copy of Writ of Escheat and Inquisition thereupon,
Jamaica, Nov. 25, 1706, referred to in preceding. Signed, Richard
Rigby, Prov. Marsh., Henry Willis, Rich. Parrock, Samuel Knight,
Henry James, Alexander Brooks, John Jones, Stephen Redwood,
George Fletcher, John Spencer, Thomas French, Samuel Barratt,
James Westaway. Endorsed as preceding. 2 pp. [C.O. 137,
7. No. 76.c.] |
March 9. |
1387. Deposition of Simon Tristand, Dec. 2, 1693. To
his knowledge, Col. Codrington disposed of some negros belonging
to Mr. Duport on his estate in St. Kitts, etc. Copy. 1½ pp.
[See Feb. 18.] [C.O. 152, 7. No. 38.] |
March 9. Antigua. |
1388. Col. Jones to Mr. Secretary Harley. I have some
reasons to suspect that my letters are stopt, for the letter I recd.
from my cousin informing me of your Honour's great favour in
obtaining H.M. lycense for comeing for England was not delivered
till two daies after the arrivall of the pacquett, etc. My life att
present is a burthen to me, when I see Gentlemen Officers and
soldiers soe us'd, and that 'tis not in my power to relieve them,
strangers made officers over the heads of Gent. that had serv'd
for many yeares, our men sent in private sloops, to trade, without
my knowledge or consent, and [the] poore souls treated like dogs.
In short, Sr., here's nothing but confusion, the Assembly of this
Island upon three daies sitting dissolv'd, and for noe other reason
but for adressing in the behalfe of a poore woman, who had
soldiers put into her house to take possession of the same, without
law or reason, and threatening to take her goodes and negroes
without cause or colour whatsoever, etc. Signed, Ja. Jones.
Endorsed, Recd. June 29. 2 pp. [C.O. 152, 42. No. 8.] |
March 10. Petty France. |
1389. J. Chamberlayne to Lord Herbert. Encloses following to be laid before the Board. "If you want any further
éclairscissement, Mr. Ludolf will attend," etc. Signed, John
Chamberlayne. Endorsed, Recd. Read March 11, 1707/8. 1 p.
Enclosed, |
1389. i. H. Ludolf to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Above 25 years agoe several Germans arrived with
Mr. Pen in Pensylvania and several others followed
afterwards upon Mr. Pen's assuring them that they
shou'd be naturalized or at least be made free Denizons.
In order whereunto he made a Law to that effect in the
Assembly of Pensylvania, but that Law was rejected
by the Queen's Attorney General and the Council of
Trade and Plantations. The abovesaid Germans are
threatned that upon Mr. Pen's loosing the Governmt.
of Pensylvania, an Office of escheat is to be set up,
and all houses and lands taken away from aliens in
Pensylvania, which wou'd ruin several families who
have toyled so many years to make the said lands of
some use, and have besides been very usefull to that
Countrey by introducing the Linnen manufactory
there. Pray H.M. to give the necessary orders for
continuing them in their possessions etc. Signed, Henry
William Ludolf. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 5, 1264. Nos. 30, 30.i.] |