Feb. 2. |
1318. Draught of a Bill for enforcing obedience to H.M.
Proclamation for settling the rates of foreign coins in the Plantations. [C.O. 324, 9. pp. 160–163.] |
Feb. 2. |
1319. Mr. Solicitor Generall to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. By all I have seen and heard of Mr. Percival
(Jan. 23, 28) I do think he is a person fit to be recomended etc.
Signed, Ja. Mountague. Endorsed, Recd. 2nd, Read 10th Feb.,
1707/8. 1 p. Enclosed, |
1319. i., ii. Duplicates of Nos. 1301, 1311. [C.O. 137, 7.
Nos. 75, 75.i., ii.; and (without enclosures) 138, 12.
pp. 218, 219.] |
Feb. 3. Whitehall. |
1320. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of
Sunderland. Enclose draught of additional Instruction to
Governor Parke concerning House-rent, for H.M. signature, as
ordered Jan. 8, q.v. Instruction annexed. [C.O. 153, 10.
pp. 115–119.] |
Feb. 4. |
1321. List of papers received by Mr. Budge out of the Office
of the Board of Trade. Signed, Richard Budge. 1½ pp. [C.O.
5, 1049. No. 40.A.] |
Feb. 5. |
1322. A short Account of what passed between the Lord
Baltemore and Capt. William Markham in relation to the bounds
of Maryland and Pensylvania. [See C.S.P. 1682, No. 847.]
Signed, C. Baltemore. Endorsed, Recd. (from the Lord
Baltemore) Read Feb. 5, 1707/8. 1¾ pp. Enclosed, |
1322. i. Wm. Penn to Lord Baltemore, Governor and Proprietor
of Maryland. Westminster, 10th 2mo. Aprill, 1681.
Introduces Capt. Markham and proposes a friendly
correspondence upon the occasion of the King's letter.
See C.S.P. 1681–2, Nos. 62, 847. Signed, Wm. Penn.
Copy. 1 p. Endorsed, "wch. sheweth how pressing
ye sd. Penn was to have those commands of the King's
complyed with when it was thought the degree of
40 would be as low as Poole's Island." [C.O. 5, 716.
Nos. 40, 40.i.; and (duplicate of enclosure, endorsed,
Recd. Read April 26, 1708) No. 51.] |
Feb. 6. |
1323. Charles Cox to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Extracts of letters from Barbados:—The Governor a favorer
of Cleland and others enemies to ye peace of ye Island—The
inhabitants threatned with a turn of affairs by Cleland and others
upon Governor Crow's arrival—Cleland rules, Governor Crow has
only the title—Repeats case of Cox etc.—The Courts of Law and
Equity are in a manner shut up, the practice of seeking redress being
by petition to the Governor, upon which he issues out orders,
a non-complyance to which is punish'd with imprisonment, as
in the case of Charles Buckworth, Judge of ye Admiralty, and
others. By the oppressions of Governor Crow a great number of
ye Inhabitants are going off the Island. Signed, Charles Cox.
Endorsed, Recd. Read Feb. 6, 1707/8. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 10. No.
62.] |
Feb. 6. Whitehall. |
1324. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of
Sunderland. Enclose following for H.M. signature. |
1324. i. The Queen to Col. Jenings. Instructions to move
the Assembly of Virginia to pass a new law touching
the admeasurement of ships, with reasons for the Repeal
of the Act of Revenue, 1705. (See Jan. 5 and 25.)
It is our Will and Pleasure that you do not give your
consent to any new Law wherein shall be contain'd
any of the clauses relating to Naval Officers' Fees,
the qualification of Councillors and their salaries.
Countersigned, Sunderland. Kensington, Feb. 14, 1707/8.
[C.O. 5, 1362. pp. 282–286.] |
Feb.9. New Yorke, 1707. |
1325. Lewis Morris to [? the Earl of Sunderland]. I was
intrusted by the Assembly of New Jersie to transmit you a letter
from the Speaker, a petition from that House to the Queene, a
Remonstrance made to H.E. my Lord Cornbury, and some
affidavits taken before them. All wch. I sent by severall
conveyances, and they allso come with this with an adition of
what has been done since, which is a reply made by that House
to an answer of his Lordship's to them. I did not transmit
his Lordship's answer because I had no directions from the
Assembly to do it, and because I did supose he would take
that care, being what he vallued himselfe verry much upon,
but I believe consideration has abated that good opinion he
had of it when the transports of his passion were recent, and
perhaps has been a meanes of hindring its coming to your hands
or of making those alterations without which he could not but
know he would before so competent a Judge verry much arraigne
himselfe in his assertions about the powers of the House of
Commons or (pardon the expression when 'tis us'd comparatively)
of the Generall Assembly of New Jersie. I therefore send it as
he caused it to be printed at New Yorke, and would advise that
the severall Assemblys of the Plantations be directed from time
to time to send coppies of their Journalls to one of H.M. Principall
Secretaries of State directly from themselves, and if some such
methods were taken with the severall councills I am verry much
deciev'd if the accotts. you recieve were not much more to be
depended on than now they are. How just my Lord has been
in his representations of men and things he best can tell, but if
from what has been seen of them here an estimate may be made
of what has not, truth or indeed a good judgment is what is least
to be expected in them, and a character whose veracity is not
to be depended on is not the fittest to command Provinces. Such
persons ought to be strangers to mean complyances, but when
they prostitute their reputation and fall victims to an avaritious
temper, stooping to sordid measures for gaine, become the
merchandize of factions and prise of the highest bidder, what
are the ills not to be expected under such an administration,
or rather, what is the good to be hop't either to H.M. or her
subjects; but to leave this which however true looks too much
like resentment; to give some light to the papers before you,
I shall give your Honour ye state of that Province when my
Lord arrived and what 'tis now. When he arrived there he
found it divided into two parties, the one called Hamilton's
and the other Basse's partie, not to trouble your Honour from
whence they rose, Hamilton's partie in that now called the
Easterne division of New Jersie, formerly East New Jersie,
consisted of the Gentlemen of the best figure and fortune and
majority of the people, Basse being formerly an Anababtist
minister, those of that religion, some quakers and a misclanious
mob where of his partie. In the Westerne division ye Quakers
and by very much the greater part of the people where of that
called Hamilton's partie. When my Lord's Commission was
publisht it was the endeavours of both these parties to be
uppermost, that of Basse's haveing, dureing the unsetled state of
that Province, been guilty of severall irregular actions, endeavoured his Lordship's countenance, in order to procure an Act
of Indempnity in their favour; and many of the other partie
where not for obligeing them in that point. When the time
came for the choice of Assembly men, ye writs (according to
H.M. directions) appointing the qualification of the Eleced to be
1,000 acres of land, and of the Electors to be 100, verry much
disobliged a great number of persons, and ye mob in generall,
because the choice was taken out of their hands, and that made
the majority of the Easterne division consist of that called Basse's
partie; but notwithstanding, by an artifice of the other partie,
they lost the feild in the Election. In the Westerne
division Hamilton's partie carried it to a man, so that the first
Assembly consisted of that partie called Hamilton's. There
was in that Province a third partie, or rather a partie within a
partie, who had designs of their owne, abstract from government,
and these were Proprietors, these, haveing uppon the surrender
of their government obteined a certaine form of Instructions
to be given to ye Governours, which should from time to time
be sent into New Jersie, thought themselves secure in the
Governour's obedience of them, and were incouraged by my
Lord's promises, to think they might safely depend, he would
not faile in the performance of what was so much his duty and
intrest to do; but after some time, being better acquainted with his
character and considering that if he should breake them; that
such was the vast distance from England, the difficulty that
attends applications in controverced cases, the possibility (after
all) of their being thought in the wrong, and of being misrepresented; that, should they meet with success, yet it would be
so long a time first, that the mischiefs they might suffer would
be irrepairable; they chose to make more sencible applications
to my Lord, then bare words. And accordingly Dr. Johnstone
waited on him with 200l. at twice as is exprest in his affidavit.
That partie of Basse's haveing mist of being in ye Assembly
and haveing made some endeavours to procure an Act of
Indempnity which proved ineffectuall; had recourse to other
measures; and it haveing got wind that his Lordship reced.
money of Dr. Johnstone, and guessing the sum much bigger
then realy 'twas, began to entertaine some hopes, very justly
conceiving that he that was not proofe against one sum, would
not withstand another; and, since he was to be purchas'd,
resolved to bid for him; and being encouraged by his confident
Dr. Bridges, Chiefe Justice of New Yorke, since dead, they raised
the severall sums mentioned in the affidavits and many more
that we cant yet get accounts of, as we judge to ye value of about
1,500l. This money was paid to one Richard Salter (who had
been presented by a Grand Jury for fellony under the former
Administration), and to one Capt. John Bowne, both which
persons travail'd through the Province, and by untrue insinuations perswaded the raising of this money. They are both
protected and honoured by my Lord, and what places he can
well bestow given them. Bowne was a Member of the Assembly
and by them expell'd for refuseing to tell what he did with the
money. Salter kept out of the way and could not be got; but
while he kept out of the Serjeant's way, my Lord admitted him
to his company, and sent for a boat and had him shipt over into
Pensilvania Government. By all which your Honour may
perceive, what it is yt. hinders it from being fixt on my Lord;
and that it cannot be well knowne how these persons dispos'd
of that money, except H.M. thinke fit to order them to be sent
to England, and examined there, or till an honester man be
sent in my Lord's roome. It can be proved (without Bowne
and t'other) that 'twas given to Dr. Bridges in my Lord's house,
and there is all the reason in ye world to believe his Lordship
had it. But the effects yt. it has had and the service or rather
diservice it has done H.M., I shall endeavour to show. My Lord
proposed to this first Assembly to raise a revenue for the suport
of H.M. Government; I was then of H.M. Councill, and I
privately askt him, what sum he thought would do; he told me
1,500l. a yeare. I had some influence over the most leading men
of that Assembly, to whom I proposed it; but all I could say
did not prevaile with them to come up to that sum. 1,000l. a
yeare for 3 years they would give (and indeed it's a wonder they
ever came so farr at once, the greatest tax that had ever been
raised being 675l., and at that the people were ready to run mad
and would never pay it), that not pleasing, they were adjourned
till a further time. In the intrim this money I have been
speaking of was paid; and the contributors did oppenly boast
of their assurance of haveing that Assembly disolved, whether
the fears of ye partie that was then uppermost of haveing that
Assembly disolv'd, or what it was that wrought upon them,
I can't tell; but they thought it adviseable to come up to my
Lord's proposall of 1,500l. per annum for 3 years. Whether
they had past a vote or not my memory won't serve me; but
I think they past a vote for it; and no sooner was my Lord
assured of that but he dissolv'd them. It was now no longer
a doubt he had been promist more, besides other prevailing
arguments ready downe; and an assurance they could carry the
majority of the Assembly; but it was something surpriseing
that any man in his right witts should part with a certaine 1,500l.
a yeare for an uncertainty, and depend upon promises wch.
any man that could see an inch before his nose might be morrally
assur'd was not in their power to performe. A new Assembly
was chosen, which demonstrated the vanity of their promises,
and the folly of depending on them. However, the best was
to be made of a bad market, and the buisiness was to be done
per fas aut nefas, and the way they tooke was as follows. The
majority of the Assembly, consi[s]ting of those who were enemies
to yt. faction, who by bribery had procured their disolution, and it
being impossible to obtein the end, the contributors had promis'd,
without getting some of them out of the House, when therefore
the Assembly came to be sworne (which is done before the
Governour in Councill), Thomas Revell and Danll. Leeds Esqs.,
two of H.M. Councill, objected against three of the Members
chosen to serve as being unquallified, upon which my Lord
refused to sware them, by this means they got the majority
by one. Some little time after ye same Gentlemen present
to that faction of a House the following which they call'd
a Petition [see No. 1325.i.]. This 14 daies they askt they
thought to be time enough to accomplish their designs, but that
not doeing, the hearing of them was defered from one time to
another till they had done what they intended. At last the matter
came to a hearing, but neither Revell nor Leeds ever so much
as appeared to justifie their allegations, ye end being answered
for which they did it. Well, the Assembly even that faction
of ym. when they had examined the matter were sattisfied they
were qualified, and sent two of their Members to desire my Lord
to sware ym., wch. he refused to do, pretending he was the Judge
of their quallifications, and that upon his determination they
were to be admitted or refused, and so he kept them out about
eleaven months. Perhaps of ye kind there has hardly been a
greater complication of villany. Among other Acts they past
then there was one to raise a Revenue of 2,000l. a yeare for 2 years,
and in that he consented to lay taxes upon uncultivated lands,
which was directly contrary to his Instructions, another Act
for laying out high waies, and another to setle the Militia, all
wch. had the following effects. In the Militia Act the Quakers
that could not for conscience, forsooth, beare armes was to pay
a certaine sum yearly, and forfeitures were laid upon other
Defaulters, but there was no provission made to returne ye superplusse of ye distresses, if any such thing should be. My Lord
had made a set of Officers sutable to his turne, to say no more
of them, these were punctuall in makeing distresses, and generally
above ten times the value, wch., when they came to expose to
sale, nobody would buy, so that there is or lately was a house
at Burlington, fill'd with demonstrations of ye obstinacy of the
Quakers, there was boots, hats, shooes, cloaths, dishes, plowes,
knives, earthenware, with many other things and these distresses
amounts, as is said, to above 1,000l. a yeare, almost enough to
defray the charges of ye Government without any other way.
The layers-out of the high way were appointed by the Act, and
such as were ye most inveterate party men, and such as
were resolved to be no more wanting in their part of
mischief, then ye Militia Officers were in theirs, and as fit for the
turne of such a faction of an Assembly as the other were for
such a Governour; they pull'd downe their enemies' inclosures,
laid waies through their orchards, gardens and improvements.;
there was one Gentleman at whom they had an extraordinary
pique, and they laid a way over a millpond to necessitate him
to pull downe dam and mills that could not be erected for 1,000l.,
or to pull it down themselves, though the Gentleman offer'd
to build a bridge over the streame at his owne charge, ¼ of mile
distant, which would have been ¾ nearer, and better way. To
be short, they were truely industrious and fully answered the
end of their makers, never omitted an ill turne they could do,
and allwaies went out of their way to do it. The Revenue Act,
though the money was to serve two years, yet it oblig'd the payment of it in one. It was a vast sum for that Province and the
makers who by laying of a tax upon land, thought it would fall
easie upon their owne partie, who had but small tracts, found
the success did by no means answer the expectation: for though
it fell heaviest upon ye men that had great tracts of land, yet
they were better able to beare it, and their numbers were
inconsiderable compared wth. ye whole, the poore it undid, for,
haveing to purchase the oppertunity of plagueing their neighbours, and of giveing so much money (for that was all they got
except the putting of a percell of scabs in office), paid all ye
money they had or by their credit could get, and the bonds
they had given becomeing now due, and the tax and that to be
both paid and they haveing no money, and their credit pawn'd
for above the value; it's not to be exprest ye confusion and
perplexity they were in. The whole Province was fill'd with
murmurs and complaints; but neither that nor ye hearty curses
they liberally bestow'd upon the vilains that were ye authers
of their sufferings avail'd anything, they were forced to get money,
some by takeing it up at 10, 20, 30 and more per cent. intrest, those
whose credit would not go, even on ye most desperate tearms, was
forc't to sell wt. they had yt. was vendible to raise the money,
and very many there was yt. sold good milch cowes to raise
6s., by this means yt. tax was paid and that comeing upon ye
neck of the money raised to give his Lordship, and ye extravagant
distresses from ye Quakers has so impoverisht New Jersie that
they are not only unwilling to raise a support for a wretch, who,
by the whole conduct of his life (here) has evinct yt. he has no
regard to honour or vertue; but they are also unable to raise
such a suport as he saies H.M. demands, which is 1,500l. per annum
for 20 years. There has no occasion offer'd but H.M. has exprest
abundance of tenderness for that People, and they have no other
inducement to beleive this demand is realy H.M.'s, as 'tis said
to be, but that there is a kind consideration of ye inabilities
of ye People, who were not able to give 2,000l., and therefore
H.M. abates 500l. per annum. Had they not been dreined by
their private and publick taxes they had been able to do it, but
now they are not. 1,000l. is the utmost they can do, and whoever acquaints the Queen they are capable of doeing more does not
understand that Province and abuses H.M. I beleive in few years
they may be able to raise above 1,500l.; and whatever they are
able to do they will be willing, under the administration of any
person yt. does not invade their liberties, and equally administers
ye laws; but they think no consideration obliges them to suport
oppression. As to ye raising a Revenue for a certaine time,
especially so long a time, its what they are utterly averse to,
for ye instances of ye misaplication of ye Revenue, in the neighbouring Government of New Yorke are so many, and the
extravagancie of its aplication in New Jersie soe great, that
its in my opinion impracticable to perswade an Assembly in this
part of America to trust a Governour after my Lord Cornbury.
When I spoke of the extravagant aplication of ye Revenue of
New Jersie, I forgot to add the difficulty of knowing how 'tis
applyed; for though H.M. directs that ye Assembly examine
ye accots. of ye disposall of money raised by them, yet ye Governour
eludes ye ends of that Instruction, and protects one Peter
Fauconier, a Frenchman, Receiver Generall in that Province,
from giving the Assembly the sattisfaction they ought to have,
the fact is thus. The Assembly order'd Fauconier to lay the
accots. before them, he did, and severall articles there were, wch.
they thought very extravagant, they directed him to bring his
vouchers, the answer he returns is (if I remember), he is accountable to ye Auditor Generall, and without my Lord's direction he
cannot do it, wch. he has not had, nor is not like to get, and there
it sticks. If this and what's inclosed lets your Honour see ye
state of New Jersie, I have my end. I ad that it's ye imprudent
conduct of ye Governours, to call it no worse, that has been
ye great prejudice of H.M. service in America, the various kinds
of injustice and opression, ye sordid and mercenary measures
they have taken, the mean things they have stoop't to, the trash
of mankind that has been their favorites and tooles, and by
them raised to posts of honour and proffit, as rewards for
accomplishing ye worst ends, has stunted the growth of these
otherwise thriving plantations, and you may easily judge what
effects are ye unavoidable consequences of such causes except
mankind can be brought to love such things as by ye principalls
of Human nature they must necessarly hate. 'Tis this has
fill'd ye Charter Governments with people and makes them
fond of suporting an Administration in wch. they can call theyr
governour to account and punish them for male administration
without ye uncertaine and tedious success of application to
courts, and were it not for ye stingeness and narrowness of their
principles (pardon this disagreeable truth), the Governments
under H.M. more imediate administration had long ere this
been thin'd of inhabitants and when a way is found that
governours may not do acts of injustice with impunity ye Charter
Governments wont long subsist. All the apologie I shall make
for ye length of this is that I mean it for H.M. service, and hope
ye goodness of ye intent will induce a pardon for ye meanesse
of ye performance, and, did I not fear tyring your Honour, would
enter into ye state of ye Province of New York, but I hope some
abler hand has done this Province and my Lord Cornbury so
much justice as to lay before you an Administration no where
so exactly parralel'd as in that of Gessius Florus, Governour of
Judea, and has told you that H.M. Revenue here is nigh expiring,
and will certainly fall if some elce ben't sent in my Lord's stead.
We are told Sir Gilbert Heathcote has made some intrest for his
brother Col. Caleb Heathcote, he will be a man to ye generall
sattisfaction of ye People, and at this juncture to obteine a
resetlement of H.M. Revenue no man fitter. I know no man
understands ye Province or People better, or is more capable
of doeing H.M. reall service, he is an honest man and the reverse
of my Lord Cornbury, of whom I must say something wch.
perhaps no boddy will think worth their while to tell, and that
is his dressing publiqly in woman's cloaths every day, and putting
a stop to all bublique buisiness while he is pleaseing himselfe
wth. yt. peculiar but detestable magot. It is not good manners
perhaps to pray from a Secry. of State a line in answer, but I
have soe much reason to feare ye intercepting of my letters that
I would intreat some notice of ye receipt of this, and that for
your owne sake as well as mine, to prevent your being troubled
with a second Edition, with additions presuming you like long
letters except where it cant be helpt as little as does—. Much
honrd. Sir, I was here concluding, but the ill performance of
my amanuensis makes it necessary to entreat your excuse for
it, he had been us'd to write in mercantile affaires, wch. I suppose
has made him use figures so much, and should I transcribe it
I should miss this post and possibly the conveyance by the mast
fleet. Signed, Lewis Morris. 10 pp. Enclosed, |
1325. i. Petition of Tho. Revell and Daniell Leeds, desiring
14 days time further more fully to inform the House
as to their charge against the three Representatives, etc.
Copy. 1 p. |
1325. ii. Assembly of New Jersey to [? the Earl of Sunderland].
We send you some evidences taken before ye House
of Representatives concerning ye private raising of
severall considerable summs of money, 200l. of wch.
is proved to be given to my Lord Cornbury and wee
have great reason to believe ye rest was also given to
him, or rather to Dr. Bridges, since dead, and by him
to my Lord Cornbury. It is certain ye contributers
did designe it for him, and nobody could gratifie them
in the things they desired but his Lordship. Richard
Salter, ye person yt. went about to perswade ye raising
of money for these ends, keeps out of ye way, and John
Bowne, to whom ye money was payd, and in whose name
the Bills were taken refuses to swear how he disposed of
ye money payd to him, etc. Signed, By order of
the House of Representatives, Saml. Jenings, Speaker.
May 5, 1707. 1 p. |
1325. iii. Reply of the House of Representatives of New
Jersey, Oct. 24, 1707, to H.E.'s Answer (No. v.). Printed.
12 pp. |
1325. iv. Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Eastern Division
of New Jersey to the General Assembly. The Public
Records of East New Jersey, formerly kept in the
Secretary's Office, are now in the custody of Peter
Sonmans, an absconding bankrupt from England,
who calls himself Agent to the Proprietors of the Eastern
Division, and is not known to have any certain abode.
These records have been carried out of the Eastern
Division, but where and how disposed petitioners
cannot learn. Pray that they may be committed
to some person of visible estate and good reputation
within the Eastern Division. Signed, Saml. Dennes,
Saml. Hale, John Blomfield, Ephraim Andrews (mark),
John Pike. 1 p. |
1325. v. Remonstrance of the Assembly of New Jersey and
Governor Lord Cornbury's Reply, May 8 and 12, 1707.
See Nov. 29, 1707. Printed. 8 pp. |
1325. vi. General Assembly of New Jersey to the Queen.
May 5, 1707. Petitioners lay at H.M. feet an account
of the hardships they indure under the administration
of Lord Cornbury. Repeat charge that he was bribed
to dissolve the first Assembly and to refuse to swear
the 3 Members in the second, upon the groundless
suggestion of Revell and Leeds, who when the Assembly
appointed a day of hearing never appeared to justifie
their allegations. The Assembly found them duly
qualified, but H.E. kept them out nigh 11 months,
pretending he had a right to judge of their qualifications,
a great violation of the rights and liberties of your
Majesty's loyall subjects here and an assuming to
himself a negative voyce to the Freeholders' election
of their Representatives, and by which means he
procured the passing of severall Laws, which have and
do greatly oppress your Majestie's loyall subjects, and
have so farr impoverished them that they are incapable
of raising such a Revenue for the support of your
Majestie's Goverment here as is desired of them, or as
otherwayes they would be inclin'd to do. Pray to be
relieved from the arbitrarie and illegall practices of
H.E., and that H.M. will appoint a Governour that
is not Governour also of New York, since their low
circumstances are such that they are not able to pay
the salary of a Governour and the extraordinary charges
of his travelling from New York and back again, etc. etc.
Signed, By Order of the House of Representatives,
Saml. Jenings, Speaker. Divers of the Members of
this Assembly being of the People called Quakers do
all assent to the matter and substance of the abovewritten, but make some exception to the stile. 1 p. |
1325. vii. Depositions made before the Committee of Assembly
of New Jersey, April, May, 1707, as to the collection of
money by Richard Salter, and paid to Capt. John Bowne,
to obtain an Election of Assemblymen, to appoint officers
to the good liking of the people, and to be freed of quitrents, etc. Deponents' names:—Joseph Fitzrando,
Wm. Lucar, Saml. Dennes, Isack Whitehead, Benjamin
Ogden, Jonas Wood, John Woodraff, John Pike, George
Drake, Benjamin Hull, John Langstaff, John Johnstone,
Anthony Woodward, Safty Grover, George Allen, Asher
Clayton, John Clayton, Wm. Lawrance, John Royce,
Elisha Parker, Edmond Dunham, John Drake, John
Woolly. The depositions contain the names of many
other subscribers. 8 closely written pp. [C.O. 5, 1091.
Nos. 13. 13.i.-vii.] |
[Feb. 10.] |
1326. Sir T. Laurence to the Council of Trade and Plantations. In pursuance of Order of Jan. 22, prays that, in order
that it may be known whether the value of what has been taken
from him amounts to 600l. as alledged, the next Assembly of
Maryland may be directed to return an account of Ordinary
Keepers 1703–1707, and of the sums paid by them etc. This
cannot be obtained till the end of 1709. Signed, Thomas
Laurence. Endorsed, Recd. 10th, Read 12th Feb., 1707/8. 1 p.
[C.O. 5, 716. No. 41; and 5, 727. pp. 19, 20.] |
Feb. 10. Whitehall. |
1327. W. Popple, jr., to Major Pilgrim. The Council of
Trade and Plantations desires to speak with you upon your
Memorial of Jan. 26, etc. [C.O. 29, 11. pp. 200, 201.] |
[Feb. 10.] |
1328. Sir John Colleton to the Council of Trade and Plantations. James Colleton is lately dead, and his son John now
endeavours to get himself appointed one of the Council, in order
to delay his suit. Enters a caveat against his appointment.
Endorsed, Recd. Read Feb. 10, 1707/8. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 10.
No. 63.] |
Feb. 10. New York. |
1329. Governor Lord Cornbury to the Council of Trade
and Plantations. Encloses following. I received it some few
hours agoe. I shall not pretend to add anything to what they
have said, nor to diminish from it, they are most of them much
better acquainted with the people of that Province then I can
pretend to be, and consequently are better able to represent
the true interest of the Country then I can, though I think
I may without vanity say that I am not a stranger neither,
to the Countrey nor the People, their interests, nor inclinations
etc. Signed, Cornbury. Endorsed, Recd. May 19, Read
June 2, 1708. Holograph. 1 p. Enclosed, |
1329. i. Lt.-Governor and Council of New Jersey to the Council
of Trade and Plantations. Enclose following, and
beg their Lordships' good offices in forwarding it to
H.M. etc. Signed, Rich. Ingoldesby, Robt. Quary,
Tho. Revell, Daniel Leeds, Dan Coxe, Ric. Townley,
Wm. Sandford, Wm. Pinhorne, R. Mompesson.
Endorsed as preceding. 1 p. |
1329. ii. Lt.-Governor and Council of New Jersey to the
Queen. We having seriously and deliberately taken
into our consideration the proceedings of the present
Assembly, thought ourselves bound both in duty and
conscience to testify to your Majesty our dislike and
abhorrence of the same, being very sensible that the
unaccountable Humours, and pernicious Designs of
some particular men have put them upon so many
irregularitys with intention only to occasion diversions
and distractions to the disturbance of the great and
weighty affairs, which both your Majesty's Honour and
Dignity as well as the Peace and Wellfare of the Country
required. Their high incroachments on your Majesty's
Prerogative Royall, notorious violations of the rights
and libertys of the subjects, manifest interruption
of Justice, and most unmannerly treatment of H.E.
the Lord Cornbury, would have induced us sooner
to have discharged our duty to your Majesty, in giving
a full representation of the unhappy circumstances
of this your Majesty's Province and Government, had
we not been in hopes that H.E. Lord Cornbury's full
and ample Answer to a most scandalous Libell, called
a Remonstrance of the Assembly, which was delivered
to the Governour by the Assembly at Burlington in
May last, would have opened the eyes of the Assembly
and brought them back to their reason and duty. But
finding that those few turbulent and uneasy spiritts
in that Assembly have still been able to influence and
amuse the judgment of many well meaning men in that
Body, as appears by another late scandalous and
infamous Libell, called the Reply of the House of
Representatives [dated Oct. 24, 1707. See June 18,
1708], we are now obliged humbly to represent to your
Majesty the true cause, and what we conceive may be
the remedy, of these confusions; The first is wholly
owing to the turbulent, factious, uneasy and disloyal
principles of two men in that Assembly, Mr. Lewis
Morris and Mr. Samuel Jennings, a Quaker, men
notoriously known to be uneasy under all Government,
men never known to be consistent with themselves,
men to whom all the factions and confusions in the
Government of New Jersey and Pennsylvania for many
years are wholly owing, men that have had the
confidence to declare in open Councill, that your
Majesty's Instructions to your Governours in these
Provinces shall not oblige or bind them, nor will they
be concluded by them further than they are warranted
by Law, of which they will also be the Judges; and
this is done by them, as we have all the reason in the
world to believe, to incourage not only this Government,
but also the rest of your Majesty's Governments in
America, to throw off your Majesty's Royal Prerogative,
and consequently to involve all your Dominions in
this part of the world, and the honest good and wellmeaning people in them in confusion, hoping thereby
to obtain their wicked purposes. The remedy for all
these evils is, that your Majesty will most graciously
please to discountenance these wicked designing men,
and show some dislike of this Assembly's proceedings,
who are resolved neither to support this your Majesty's
Government by a Revenue, nor take care to defend
it by settling a Militia. This last Libell, called the
Reply, came out so suddenly that as yet wee have
not had time to answer it in all its particulars, but do
assure vour Majesty that it is for the most part false
in fact, and that part of it which carrys any face of
truth, they have been malitious and unjust in not
mentioning the whole Truth, which would have fully
justified my Lord Cornbury's just conduct. We begg
leave to assure your Majesty, that whenever we shall
see the People of this Province labour under anything
like a grievance, we shall according to our duty
immediately apply to the Governour with our best
advice for the redress of it; and wee have no reason yet
to doubt of a ready complyance in him. Wee shall
not be particular in, but crave leave to referr H.E.'s
Representation of them to the Lords Commissioners
for Trade and Plantations. The strenuous asserting
of your Majesty's Prerogative Royall, and vindicating
the honour of your Governour, the Lord Cornbury,
will in our humble opinion be so absolutely necessary
at this juncture, that without so doing your Majesty
will find yourself deceived, either in your expectation
of a Revenue for the support of the Government, or a
Militia for its defence. In hopes your Majesty will take
these important things into your consideration, and H.E.
the Lord Cornbury with the Members of your Majesty's
Councill into your Royal Favour and Protection, Wee
shall conclude with our most fervent prayers to the
most High to lengthen your days, etc. etc. Signed
and endorsed as preceding. Copy. 4½ pp. [C.O. 5,
970. Nos. 55, 55.i., ii.; and (without enclosure ii.) 5,
994.A. pp. 413–415.] |
Feb. 10. Bermuda. |
1330. Lt.-Governor Bennett to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Your Lorps.' of May 9 I received on Aug. 25,
and answer'd it by the way of Virginia, Sept. 22 last, haveing
had repeated accounts that that Fleet would sail for England
in October, but I now understand it will be the spring first. I
am very much concern'd I did not send my packt. into the
West Indies in order for the packt. boat, least I may suffer in
your Lordps.' opinions as neglecting my duty in not writeing.
As for what your Lordps. require of me in the first paragraph of
your letter, I shall be very punctual in performing the same.
According to your Lordps.' commands, I enclose a list of the present
Council, and also of such persons as I would recomend etc. Your
Lordps. likewise require to be informed what number of inhabitants
there are etc. The reasons those demands in my Instructions have
not been complyed with, were least they should have fallen into
the hands of the enemy, which might have been of evil consequence,
and therefore doe pray leave to defer sending such accounts, and
what else is here not answered, untill Col. Anthony White and
one Capt. George Tucker embarke for England, which will be
in about 6 weeks, either in a ship that's now in the harbour, or
by the way of the West Indies, and take passage in the packet-boat, and they shall be soe instructed as to be capable to satisfy
your Lordps. in every particular. Their business home is to
sollicite the affairs of this Country (being appointed for that
purpose by Act of Assembly), but more especially in all things
relateing to Mr. Jones, the inhabitants in general thinking themselves very much injured by him; and I have been desired by
the Council and Assembly to pray your Lordps. that the hearing
any further matters wherein he is concern'd may be suspended
till the afore-mentioned gentlemen arrive. As for comodities
exported from hence to England, there are none that's of the
growth of the Country, excepting platt ware (which is made
of palmetta leafs) and of that but very inconsiderable parcells
not worth mentioning. That which is chiefly exported is whale
oyl, platt ware, onions and cabages, which are carryed either to
Barbados, the Leeward Islands or Jamaica, and with the produce
thereof they purchase such dry goods as supplys the inhabitants
with necessary clothing, rum, sugar and the like. What vessells
goes to Jamaica generally in their return take in salt att the
Bahama Islands, which is carryed att the fall of the leaf to New
England, Virginia, Pensilvania, New York and other places
along the Continent, and there turn it into beef, pork, corn,
bread, etc., as the owners think fitt to order, which is either
brought directly hither, or they take in ffreight for the Southward
to make up a ffull load, and this is the usual way of trade the
inhabitants of these Islands follow; and from the aforesaid
places are furnished with such supplys and manufactures as
were wont to be brought from England in the Company's time
(excepting what goods are sent by Mr. Charles Noden, Agent
to H.M. Independent Company of ffoot, as a fund for subsistance).
There hath been also within these two years three sloops that
belongs to this Country went to Newfoundland, and loaded with
ffish, and soe return'd to the Southward, but whether that trade
will be followed I cannot say; also onions and cabages are carryed
from hence to Curacao, and in their return take in a load of salt
and then to the Northward as aforesaid, likewise several vessells
have taken in ffreight from the Northward to St. Thomases,
but when they come in here from either of the said ports, more
particular care (if possible) is taken to have them thorowly
searched. The present methods that are used to prevent illegal
trade is, that all vessells arriveing here doe come to an anchor
in the Castle or Town Harbour (unless by extremity of weather
they are forced to goe in att the West end of these Islands to
secure themselves) where imediately a searcher goes on board
and makes what possible enquiry he can, and reports the same
to the Collector, who, after entering with him and Naval Officer,
he gives a permit for unloading, which all vessells doe in one of
the aforementioned harbours, and are obliged to load in the same.
The number of ships as are belonging to these Islands a list thereof
is inclosed. Also therein is an account what number and what
sort have been built here since the Act of registering vessells
was made, which is as far back as I can goe with any certainty
to informe myself. And as for the number of seafaring men,
I desire to refer to Col. White. All the manufactures settled
here since tobacco failed, are building of cedar vessells, making
of platt ware, nests of tubs and pailes, chairs, stools and such
like. The quantity of whale oyl made here one year with another,
since my arrival, has been about 6,000 gallons, one third whereof
comes clear to me free of all charges, which to be sold here would
not reimburse me the 100l. sterling which is deducted out of my
salary for the benifit of that ffishery, soe that I am obliged to
run the hazard of sending it abroad for a markett. As for any
other ffishery, there's none but what is for the supply of the
inhabitants. My case is equally as hard in relation to the land
I hold, which is called 12 shares, but upon a survey there could
be but 9 found, for which I pay 60l. a year sterl., and for the
three last years I did not make that summe this country mony,
and I affirm that all the rent I recd. for the last half year was
but 19l. 12s. 0d., the land being soe impoverished that the
tennants are continually aquitting. The Act of Union was
published here on Sept. 1, in a most solemn manner. As for
Mr. Baron renewing his complaints, I admire att it, haveing
been advised that my Lord Bishop of London, as a person
concern'd, had acquainted yr. Honble. Board that his Lordship
was satisfyed, and on course concluded that matter was over;
but I presume before this can arrive, my brother has been with
your Lordps., and given full satisfaction how groundless his
demands have been on me. He has taken a great deal of pains
to prove himself ungreatfull, and to provoke me to expose him.
In his last application to your Lordps. he has made an addition
by saying I have received the rents of the glebe lands and other
matters, by which I know not what he means, but desire he
may explain himself; and further goes on that I have procured
severall affidavits from persons of ill reputation, highly reflecting
on his gown. The examinations taken were by a Committy of
Assembly, which, when they were sent to me in Council from
the House, I was astonished to hear such proofs of his lewdness,
which, as he says, highly reflects on the Gown. My meaning
for refering his former petition to the Assembly was that he
might have justice done him according to your Honble. Board's
Order, for if he had mony due to him, it must have been from
the Country, not me, and as for the certificate he depends on,
he knows the Council in general refused to signe it, and those
four that did was through my desire, but I did not then know
his vitious practices. H.M. Additional Instruction relateing
to the devolution of Govermt. upon my death or absence has
been read in Council and entred on the Council Books. I have
received also your Lordps.' of June 26, and shall take all possible
care that what powder I lend out of H.M. stores (which has
happened but very seldome) shall be repaid by better, that being
the chief inducemt. for my soe doeing. As for the letter your
Lordps. are in expectation of in my own vindication, it was
inclosed in my aforementioned packet sent via Virginia, dated
Sept. 22nd, which I then thought was the most expeditious
way: the reason I could not perfect it sooner was that the first
return the Assembly made in answer to those of Mr. Jones his
articles which related to their House, was not soe full as I thought
the allegations required, therefore was forced to delay it till an
other sitting. But it is now herewith sent, and I hope will
demonstrate my innocency, and convince your Lordps. of the
barbarous treatment I have mett with, to my very great and
constant fatiegue, and expence, in defending myself agt. the
calumnies and inventions of Mr. Jones and his party, who[m]
have been continually indeavouring my ruine, and to disturb
and unhinge this Govermt. And as for my answer to Mr. Nelson's
scandalous and rediculous accounts of passages etc., June 13,
1706, I hope noe other is expected than what is incerted in mine
Feb. 27, 1706/7. I shall have regard to Sir E. Northey's opinion,
relateing to the probate of wills. Your Lordps. remind me of
that Clause in my Instructions, which requires me to transmitt
the Minutes of Councill, etc., etc. Which paragraph, with
submission, I think implys, I have wilfully neglected my duty,
to which I answer that the Minutes of Council have not been
transmitted (saveing as being sent in my aforementioned packt.
via Virginia) but are now herewith inclosed, and as for Journalls
of the Assembly, they have twice, but if miscarryed, I can't help
that, and hope such accidents are not imputable to me. But
I believe they are not lost, for my brother recd. them from me,
comenceing from the begining of my Govermt. to Sept. 13, 1706.
Also att the same time the Navall Officer's lists of vessells entred
and cleared to Sept. 19, 1705, which I desired he would deliver
into Mr. Popple's Office, but perhaps by mistake my brother
laid them among others papers, and forgot it. I have wrote to
him abt. them. And as for the accts. of the Revenue, they have
long since been examined and past by the Comittee of Assembly,
nominated by an Act for raising a publick Revenue, to enquire
into the same (as I have repeatedly mentioned to your Honble.
Board), and they were then sent to Mr. Spofforth, the appointed
Deputy Auditor, by the Honble. Mr. Blathwayte, to inspect
them, but he, being a gentleman often out of order, neglected
it, altho often sent to to dispatch them, but they remain'd
with him till he died, or near that time, of which I acquainted
Mr. Blathwayte, and then I had orders to audit those accts.
before me in Council; soon after which Mr. Jones returned here
to his posts again, and then the Council refused to sitt or doe
any business, nor did till H.M. was pleased to order him home.
After his departure, business, which had slept near 17 months,
began to revive again, and people were continually pressing
and petitioning me and Councel, which took up our whole time
to bring the Govermt. into it's due regulation; and now we are
upon the publick accts., which will be examined and past for
transmission by Col. White and Capt. Tucker, as also the Naval
Officer's accts. since his last date, and the Journalls of Assembly
to this time, if possible to be done. And as I am under danger
of being complain'd of to H.M. for what was not in my power
to performe, I desire your Lordps. would please to consider that
what part of my Instructions have not been complyed with and
regularly transmitted can not be intirely my fault, ffor I can
but require of the Secretary and other Officers to prepare me
such accts., and when compleated to transmit them. But I am
very well satisfyed that more could not be done than has, for
the constant disputes and disturbances that have been created
by the male-contents, together with the necessary dispatch
of daily business of the Govermt., has taken up the whole time of
the Secretary, and such help as he could get (myself frequently
assisting, after my own letters were compleated), in prepareing
transmitts for justification of me and Govermt., and if your
Lordps. would be pleased to order your Secretary to report the
bulk of papers in the Bermuda press's, your Lordps. will be
convinced we have not been idle. Besides, your Lordps. can
have but one third of what has been sent, allowing duplicates
are preserved, for the same generally goes to the Secretary of
State, and also to my brother; soe that there's six copys from
the rough draught, and sometimes triplicates have been sent,
when miscarriages or interceptions happened, of which the latter
has been more frequent than the former. For by Mr. Dummer's
course of packet-boats (which he frequently sends me) I have
observed that those vessells have arrived safe, that my letters
(by advice from Barbados) have been sent in. My Lords, I have
had soe much experience of the inveterate malice of my enemys,
that they have nor will not leave anything uninvented nor
unpracticed, if possible thereby to gain their ends: and further,
I have with pleasure been an unwearied slave to H.M. service
by my attendance in all weathers, till the ffortifications were
compleated, and by teaching and instructing the Militia, my
care and pains in which has been soe observable that the Council
have prayed and sollicited me to have more regard to my health.
But now all those fatigues are over, for the fforts are in such
order as to be capable of doeing good service in case of an
attempt; and the Militia under that regulation as to have the
character of being as good as any in the West Indies. The
apprehension (and the consequences) of being represented to
H.M. as haveing neglected my duty, obliges me to repeat these
things, for it would be heartbreaking to me to be recalled in
disgrace, after serveing the Crown both in the fleet and army
these 17 years, and was never reproached nor disputed till I was
prefer'd to this Govermt., but my enemys' machinations were
allways found malitious and self-interested, as I doubt not but
they will now be, for those that are my persecutors designe to
advance their fortunes by my fall, to prove which two letters
have lately arrived here to the male-contents, one I am satisfyed
was signed by Mr. Jones, if not both, but the bodys of them were
written by Mr. Nitchell his clerk. The contents are to advise
them to be of good heart, for that he doubted not but to turn
out the Devil, and that Belswager was zealous for the cause,
and Jack-in-a-box lay by for the vacancy. The key to this
cant was explain'd by one of the party to be thus. The Devil
is meant me, Belswager, Parson Baron, Jack-in-a-box
Mr. Castleman, who is to succeed me, and they are soe very sure
of effecting their designe, that in one of these letters is incerted
the names of two persons of great interest and quality, who[m]
have promised (as 'tis said) to assist Mr. Castleman therein.
But I know those gentlemen soe well that they scorne a
dishonorable action. My Lords, I entreat you'l consider how
unfair and unpresidented managemt. this is, and then, I hope
it will not be thought reasonable such men's allegations should
be credited, ffor I defie them justly to accuse me of anything
that can reflect on my reputation, either relateing to the trust
H.M. has reposed in me, or by being guilty of any loose or vitious
behaviour, evil example or doeing anything that was lessning
myself in my post, or acting otherwise than became a man and
a Christian. I am concern'd I could not answer Mr. Jones his
scandalous articulateing letter to your Lordps. in fewer lines
then I have. But I pray your Lordps.' patience in enquireing
into it, by which I am sure you'l be convinced how monstrous
his contrivances have been att any rate to destroy me. I have
here inclosed a certificate from Mr. Minors, who was appointed
Secretary the whole time of Mr. Jones his suspension, which
shows I had no benifit from that office, therefore hope I shall not
be made accomptable for the rents, issues and profitts of the
same; and I aver Mr. Jones never did demand or desire of me
any acct. whatsoever relateing to the Secretary's Office, for he
very well knew I had no advantage by it, but Mr. Minors has
often told me he threatned to ruine him, which was another
motive to me to desire your Honble. Board to direct what should
be done therein. Also is inclosed a copy of Greatbatch, his
supposed plea to Mr. Jones his declaration, which I hear makes
great impression. But I possitively declare, that's not what
I ordered to be put in, for I could not be soe great a blockhead
to make myself accomptable for what I never recd., for all that
I took care of was, to preserve the rent of the land (or as much
as I could get of it) that was appropriated to Mr. Jones as Sheriff
and Provost Marshall, and to pay it as your Lordps. should order,
and for the issues, profitts and perquisites, Greatbatch had them
to himself for officiateing and little enough; and to convince your
Lordps. that ther's more management in this matter than I
can certainly say or find out, inclosed is the affidavit of one
Mr. Greatbatch, father to him I put in to be Provost Marshall,
whose name is to the plea, but he deposes it is none of his handwriteing, neither did he ever see or know anything of that plea,
soe that there must be forgery and villainy somewhere, and how
it came into the Office and when, Mr. Jones best knows, for he was
Secretary att that time, and the time of entring a plea is always
most carefully sett down, but there's none on this, and my reason
why this cannot be thought to be a copy of the original plea is,
that if issue had been joyned thereon, and the cause had come
to a hearing, the action must have abated upon Mr. Greatbatch
his denying he knew anything of that plea, and on course Mr. Jones
must have given an account to the Court, how that plea came
into the office. This business has occasioned reflections from
the people, they saying it lies in the power of the Secretary to
ruine them, he having the keeping of the Records, and may
shift them att pleasure. Haveing made further enquiry
concerning the two aforementioned letters written by Mr. Nitchell,
I am certainly informed they were both signed by Mr. Jones;
the persons who saw them being well acquainted with Mr. Nitchell's
and his hand: But Capt. Newnam (to whom one of them is
directed) says the word Divil was not in, but that the expression
was, he doubted not but to turn out the Duke. Inclosed are
the proceedings of ye Governor and Council here, relateing to
the sloop Rose, that was seized comeing from Virginia by
Mr. Wilcocks, Lieut. of H.M.S. Trident's Prize, for clandestine
tradeing, and was carrying her to New York according to his
Capt., Capt. Davis his orders: But by the means of one Capt.
Jewell, part owner of that sloop and on board, she was brought
into this Port against the Lieut.'s will. Att p. 37 begins the
observations and remarks of the Committee of Council and others,
relateing to the behaviour of Lieut. Wilcocks, att the severall
sittings, which I pray (as I have by this opportunity to H.R.H.
the Lord High Admiral and to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of
Sunderland), may be considered, or the Sea Officers that are of
his temper will not only make H.M. Governors of the Plantations
very uneasy, but render them contemptible among the people;
I also entreat that the Lieut.'s usage of Mr. Thomas Burton,
H.M. Attorney Generall, which is noted in the Minutes of the
Committee of Sept. 2, may likewise be considered. These
proceedings were inclosed in my packett sent to Virginia. Also
are now sent two Acts of Assembly (viz.) one for quieting men's
estates; the other for impowering Justices of the Peace to hear
and determine any debt or difference not exceeding the value
of 40s., and are two of the four Acts which Mr. Sollicitor General
gives his opinion, in order to get rectified. The other two are
now under consideration by the Assembly, and shall be transmitted when past. I have from time to time reminded the House
of those Acts and gave them Mr. Sollicitor's opinion, and if
nothing would be done therein, I conclude I am not to be blamed.
Inclosed is a list of all Acts passed in my time, which I desire
may be compared with what has been recd., that I may supply
what has miscarryed, and then I hope your Lordps. will have
a collection of all Acts in fforce here. Inclosed is a Bill for
encouraging the building a house att the Ferry, which passed
the Assembly, but stopt when it came to me in Council, because
thereby is granted away two shares of Crown land for 31 years,
which I concieve is not in my power to consent to, therefore
I send it for your Lordps.' considerations. But I believe noe
convenient Ferry-house will be built without the encouragemt.
therein specified. Also are inclosed proposalls concerning the
same. The inclosed applycation from the Assembly, on behalf
of Capt. Jewell, was presented to me in Council by a Committee
of the House, with the request of being transmitted with the
proceedings. By the publick accts. I find some of the Provost
Marshall's and Sheriff's rents of land, appropriated to those
offices, were received by the Treasurer of these Islands, and by
him given credit for to the Crown: soe that I hope it may be a
further demonstration when those accts. arrive (which will come
by Col. White and Capt. Tucker) that I had noe thoughts of
making any benefit to myself when I suspended Mr. Jones. Signed,
Ben. Bennett. Endorsed, Recd. May 27, Read June 15,
1708. Holograph. 15 ppv. Enclosed, |
1330. i. List of vessels built in Bermuda of cedar since
March 25, 1698. 3 ships, 17 brigantines, 217 sloops.
Endorsed, Recd. May 27, Read June 16, 1708. 3 pp. |
1330. ii. Certificate that Col. Bennett never received any
of the profits of the Secretary's Office. Nov. 20, 1707.
Signed, Cha. Minors. Endorsed as preceding. Sealed.
1 p. |
1330. iii. Deposition of Rowland Greatbeatch, father of
D. Greatbeatch, decd. The following plea was put
in without his consent or privity, and his name is not
in his handwriting. Daniel at that time was at sea.
Signed, Rowland Greatbeatch. Dec. 4, 1707. 1 p. |
1330. iv. Copy of the plea of Daniel Greatbeatch to the complaint
of E. Jones, referred to in preceding. He was never
Receiver for plaintiff, but, commissionated by Lt.Governor Bennett in 1703 as Provost Marshall in his
place, he paid and accounted for the profits of that
office to H.E. Signed, Rowland Greatbeatch. Endorsed,
Recd. May 27, Read June 16, 1708. 1 p. |
1330. v.–vi. Copy of a Bill to encourage the building a House
at the Ferry, with proposals offerred to H.E. in Council
by Thomas Attwood concerning the same, Feb. 18,
1706/7. Endorsed as preceding. 2¼ pp. |
1330. vii. List of Acts of Bermuda passed during Col. Bennett's
Government. Endorsed as preceding. 1 p. |
1330. viii. Copy of proceedings of the Council of Bermuda
relating to the sloop Rose seized for illegal trade (see
supra) and brought by Capt. William Joel [Jewell]
to Bermuda against the will of Lt. Wilcocks, after
disarming him and his men. Aug. 7, ff., 1707. (a) Lt.-Governor Bennett's Warrant of Search to Daniel
Ubanks, Provost Marshal of the Court of Admiralty.
(b) Deposition of John Bow, Nath. Shaw and Charles
Lucas as to the seizure of the Rose and Capt. Joel's
action, as supra. (c) Lt. Wilcocks desired liberty to
carry the sloop to New York, according to Capt. Davis'
original directions. The Board decided that, the season
being hurricane time and the cargo perishable, the
sloop and cargo should be valued and delivered to their
owners, who should give security in double the value
thereof to answer H.M. pleasure therein. The owners
to provide passages to New York for Lt. Wilcocks
and his men. Capt. Joell to be taken into custody
till H.M. pleasure be known. (Aug. 14.) (d) Appraisement of the cargo. (e) The bond of the owners,
Wm. Joell, Jno. Trimingham, Nat. Butterfield. (f)
Aug. 20. Lt. Wilcocks appeared before the Council
and " in a very forward manner " moved that the three
mariners (b) should be re-examined, and imperiously
demanded whether Capt. Joell's men were taken up,
and prevented from leaving the country, according to
his message to the Lt.-Governor through Mr. Minors,
the Secretary. The Lt.-Governor and Secretary denied
that any such message had been received. Lt. Wilcocks
swore profanely and refused to apologize. His
deposition and those of the said mariners were taken
after much obstruction, alteration, and vexatious
behaviour on his part. He owned that at his first
coming he prayed the Governor to grant a Court of
Admiralty, if he would not permit the sloop to go to
New York. Capt. Joel declared that he agreed with
Lt. Wilcocks for 40l. to call a Court of Admiralty
for trying the Rose in these Islands. Mr. Burton,
the Attorney General, complained of Lt. Wilcocks'
violent and abusive language towards him in public,
and of his falsely accusing him of opening his letters.
(g) Observations by Anthony White, Michael Burrows
and Thomas Brooke, of the Council, Wm. Outerbridge,
Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, and Thomas
Burton, Attorney. They suggest that Wilcocks wished
to avoid taking the sloop Rose to New York, where he
knew he would get nothing by her condemnation, but
wished to extract more than 40l. from the owners as
a consideration for having her tried at Bermuda. The
resolution of the Council disappointed him of either
carrying her to New York or trying her here, till H.M.
pleasure should be known. He then endeavoured
to involve H.E. in the affair, and throw the blame on
him. Sept. 12, 1707. (h) Deposition of Walter Mitchel
that on Aug. 8 Lt. Wilcocks desired the Governor to
call a Court of Admiralty. (i, j, k) Depositions of
Thomas Burton, Charles Minors, and the crew of the
Rose etc. The whole endorsed, Recd. May 27, Read
June 17, 1708. 55 pp. |
1330. ix. Address of the Assembly of Bermuda to Lt.-Governor
Bennett. In favour of Capt. Joel. 29 signatures.
Endorsed as preceding. 1 large p. elegantly inscribed.
[C.O. 37, 8. Nos. 53, 53.i.-ix.; and (without enclosures)
38, 6. pp. 338–365.] |
Feb. 10. |
1331. Mayor and Magistrates of Dartmouth to the Council
of Trade and Plantations. Repeat complaint as to late sailings
of convoys for Newfoundland the last two years, and pray that
the fishing convoy sail by March 1st, and the convoy for the
sacks by May 31st, from Plymouth direct to Newfoundland.
Signed, Thomas Floud, Mayor, and 9 others. Endorsed, Recd.
Read Feb. 10, 1707/8. 1 p. [C.O. 194, 4. No. 56.] |
Feb. 10. Bermuda. |
1332. Lt.-Governor Bennett to W. Popple, jr. Refers
to enclosures and enquires whether letter of June 25 was
received, etc. Signed, B. Bennett. Endorsed, Recd. May 27,
Read June 21, 1708. Addressed. Holograph. 2 pp. [C.O.
37, 8. No. 55; and 38, 6. pp. 376–378.] |
Feb. 10. New York. |
1333. Governor Lord Cornbury to the Council of Trade
and Plantations. I trouble your Lordshipps with these few
lines to acquaint you that, in hopes of yet reaching the mast
fleet, I send herewith a duplicate of all the Journalls of the
Assembly of New York, since I came into the Province, and the
Journall of the Assembly of New Jersey for the two last Sessions.
In the last there is the Assembly's Reply to my Answer to their
Remonstrance, the Clerk has sent it to me soe lately that I have
not had time to make the proper reflections upon it, but I will
doe it by the next opportunity, however, I thought it my
duty to send the Journall to your Lordshipps as soon as I could,
I hope you will not give any credit to their assertions till I can
send you my observations upon it, which shall be by the first
opportunity. I likewise send your Lordshipps duplicates of
severall of my letters, which I have not yet heard whether you
have received or not. I have nothing new to acquaint you with,
only that a most barbarous murder has been committed upon
the family of one Hallet, by an Indian man slave and a negro
woman, who have murdred their master, mistress and five
children, the slaves were taken, and I immediately issued a
spetiall commission for the tryall of them, which was done, and
the man sentenced to be hanged and the woman burnt, and they
have been executed, they discovered two other negros, their
accomplices, who have been try'd, condemned and executed.
Signed, Cornbury. Endorsed, Recd. July 30, Read Aug. 17,
1708. Holograph. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1049. No. 91; and 5, 1121.
pp. 317, 318.] |
[Feb. 10.] |
1334. Jamaica Merchants to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Certificate in favour of Dixey Percival. See
following. Signed, Bartho. Gracedieu, Benj. Way, and 17 others.
Endorsed, Recd. Read Feb. 10, 1707/8. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 7.
No. 75.A.] |
Feb. 10. Whitehall. |
1335. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of
Sunderland. Enclose opinion of Solicitor General (Feb. 2) and
Jamaica Merchants (Feb. 10) touching Mr. Percival (Jan. 23).
We have no objection to his being Attorney Generall of Jamaica,
upon the resignation or death of Mr. Hodgskin. [C.O. 138, 12.
pp. 220, 221.] |
Feb. 13. Whitehall. |
1336. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of
Sunderland. Enclose following, to be laid before H.M. |
1336. i. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen.
Repeat Governor Seymour's statement as to the Council
of Maryland. Recommend that John Contee, Samuel
Young, Thomas Greenfield and Seth Biggs be appointed
Members in the places of John Addison, Robert Smith
and James Sanders, decd., and of Thomas Brook, to be
dismissed for not attending. [C.O. 5, 727. pp. 23–25.] |
Feb. 13. Whitehall. |
1337. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor Seymour.
Refer to petition of Sir T. Laurence, Jan. 22, Feb. 10, etc.
We cannot lay the truth before H.M. untill we are satisfy'd in
some particulars, and therefore desire you to return us by the
first opportunity an account of what persons kept ordinaries
from Oct., 1703 to Oct., 1707, what quantities of tobacco have
been paid by them, and how that tobacco has been dispos'd
of by your Assembly. Repeat directions as to correspondence
Dec. 13, 1706, March 13, 1707. We are the rather obliged to
remind you of this matter, for that notwithstanding the above
direction, we find that you constantly send your letters for
Mr. Blathwayt inclosed to our Secretary which is a charge we
will no longer bear; and therefore we expect that you send no
letters to our Office for the future, but what are for the service
of our Board. [C.O. 5, 727. pp. 20–22.] |
Feb. 14. Kensington. |
1338. The Queen to Governor Parke. Instruction as to
House-Rent as ordered Jan. 8. Countersigned, Sunderland.
[C.O. 5, 210. pp. 85–87.] |
Feb. 14. Jamaica. |
1339. Governor Handasyd to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. I take this opportunity by the Kingston Gally,
since H.M. packett boat is not yet arrived, etc. Monsr. Du Cass
with nine men of war and one large merchant ship went from
Port Lewis about two months ago directly to the Havanna,
where he is to stay, as it is supposed, betwixt three and four
months from this time. I understand from the Spaniards' report
that the mony is come from Lima to Porto Bell in order to be
put on board the Galleons. Seven Galleons with one French
man of war, severall privateers and other vessells sailed from
Carthagene for Porto Bell the fifth of the last month, the other
nine they say will not be in a condition to sail till the next year.
Mr. Wager has been out and is now going again with all the fforce
he can make to endeavour to prevent the Galleons going from
Porto Bell to the Havanna: I have been obliged to put on board
the men of war 130 men of H.M. Regiment to help to man them,
which are all I can possibly spare from doing duty, and I assure
myselfe, if the men of war lie undiscovered off the Isle of Pines,
and the Galleons come out, they must either take or destroy
them. I daily expect recruits for the regiment, in which I hope
your Lops. have given your assistance, to put them on board
men of war. Our Assembly is now sitting, and I believe will
soon have done, they having passed the Quartering Act, the
Additionall Duty Bill, and a Bill for the maintenance of prisoners
of war: They have made some small alterations in the Quartering
Act upon H.M. letter, the particulars I shall be able to send you
by the next with the Minutes of the Councill and Assembly.
There is now a Bill prepareing, which I am of opinion can never
be passed. It intrenches on H.M. Royall prerogative and gives
people a right title to Lands they never had any pretentions
to; I shall endeavour to send it home by the next packett, tho
I intend not to pass it, till I have H.M. or your Lops.' commands.
Five or six sloops are returned from the coast with 70 or 80,000l.
sterl., the advantages are not very great, but it is putting us
into the way of trade again, in making returns again for our
manufactures. Nine trading sloops will go out within this day
or two to the Spanish coast, but I am very apprehensive, so many
will spoil one another's trade. One of our privateers has brought
in a small prize, but of very little value, etc. Signed, Tho.
Handasyd. Endorsed, Recd. May 27, Read June 21, 1708.
2¼ pp. [C.O. 137, 8. No. 8; and 138, 12. pp. 273–276.] |
Feb. 15. Kensington. |
1340. Order of Queen in Council. Tho. Brook is removed
from the Councill in Maryland, and Messrs. Contee, Young,
Greenfeild and Seth Biggs are appointed to it. [See Feb. 13.]
Signed, John Povey. Endorsed, Recd. 4th, Read 5th March,
1707/8. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 716. No. 46; and 5, 727. pp. 31, 32.] |