Nov. 17. |
1199. Jamaica Merchants to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. On encouragement of the countenance and
protection from H.M. we did the last year cause very great
quantitys of woollen manufactures to be ship't for Jamaica,
thence to be exported to the Spanish West Indies to a much
greater value then ever was before exported in one year for that
trade. Pursuant to that encouragement we received here, we
advised our Agents abroad to make proper application there
for ships of warr to cruize on ye Spanish coast, and more
perticularly for one to convoy our sloops thither, but Commodore
William Kerr, after many trifling promises, at last refused to
send any, tho 600l. was offered as a gratuity, but 1,500l. was
demanded, wch. the traders not being able to give, four sloops
richly loaden with woollen and other valuable goods went out
without any protection, tho the ships of warr there lay uselesse
at anchor, of which four sloops three were taken by the enemy,
and ye fourth after having traded and gott aboard 176,000 peices
of eight was engaged and chased by two privateers, and his yards
being chained, was oversett in a gust of wind and thereby
53 men and all that treasure lost. These and ye like losses
occasioned by the want of our promised and expected protection
have rendred us unable to make the like exports for that trade
this year, wch. if had meet with due encouragemt. would doubtlesse
have bin doubled. We confesse on delivery of a letter to
Commodore Wm. Kerr from H.R.H. he did afterwards send
out the Experiment man of warr to convoy three sloops, but this
not without the reward of 800l. which was paid him, too heavy
a charge for that trade to bear under soe many other discouragements, to the encreasing all those Commodore Kerr has much
contributed by seizing a sloop newly returned from that trade
on frivilous pretences, and keeping her in custody above 20 days,
and then redelivered her, to the great damage of the concerned,
as well as fright'ning others from the same trade. These are
some few of the many hardships wee have laboured under in
endeavouring to retrive that valuable trade, which if duly taken
care of had before now brought a vast treasure to this nation,
and is capable of being very much enlarged every year. Signed,
Benj. Way, Wm. Wood, and 6 others. Endorsed, Recd. Read
Nov. 17, 1707. 2 pp. [C.O. 137, 7. No. 64; and 138, 12.
pp. 167–169.] |
Nov. 18. St. Xtophers. |
1200. Mr. Estwick to Mr. Popple. After a very dangerous
as well as long passage I got safe here the 17th inst. and waited
on Lt. Gov. Lambert. The necessary orders are given for the
Commissioners to meet at the Old Road Town on Monday
next etc. It is with great concern I am to mention to you the
extreem misery of the inhabitants of the Leeward Islands, by
the French invasion, and since by a terrible Hurricane, that has
not left any fruit, or hardly a green leaf on the Island, not a house
or a mill is standing without great damage; besides wch. H.M.S.
Winchelsea and Child's Play were at the same time both lost,
the last lies now off Palmetto Point, near this place, her men
and gunns sav'd, but the hull torn in pieces; The Governour
is saving the gunns for to mount on some batteries wch. want
them here; This sad hurricane was on Aug. 29, and is indeed
a greater calamity than the invasion by the French, etc. The
Islands in generall are tollerably healthy having only a small
aguish distemper among them, since the hurricane, of wch. few
or none die; the most considerable persons lately dead are
President Burt of Nevis, and Jno. Hackshaw, one of the Gentlemen nam'd in the Commission for this Island; Col. Burt is not
much lamented, his indifferent behaviour when the French
visited that Island being still remembred against him; there
being no minister on that Island nor has been for some time,
he was buried as all others there are, wthout. any ceremony
over their grave, etc. P.S.—St. Thomas's has, if possible,
suffer'd more by the Hurricane than these Islands, Saba and
Statia (Dutch Islands) equall with these; Curacao has felt a
little; Guardalupa has likewise suffer'd; Martinique not at
all; what other Islands have done, as yet I've not learn'd, but
where it has come, it has destroy'd everything to that degree
that many good Familyes have not had bread, other than potatoes
and cassadoe to eat for many days; all sorts of provisions are
upon this occasion at greater rates than ever. I left Mr. Rhodes
well at Nevis. Signed, N. Estwick. Endorsed, Recd. Jan. 23,
Read Feb. 12, 1707/8. 4 pp. [C.O. 152, 7. No. 36; and 153, 10.
pp. 120–123.] |
Nov. 18. Antigua. |
1201. Governor Parke to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Since the pacquet sayled I had occasion to send up a
Flagg of Truce to Martinique with some prisoners taken by a
privateer (for I have noe man of warr attending my Government).
Before the Gentleman I sent up could gett his dispatch and the
prisoners they were to send me, arrived Monsieur Du Cass, which
was on the 11th inst. with 10 men of warr (8 of which are from
70 to 86 gunns), and severall large privateers. They were all
very full of men. They have boates that rowe with 36 oares;
and at Martinique they have fitted up severall large flatt bottom
boates for landing men. The Gentleman and those that belonged
to my Flagg of Truce were ordered to go on board their sloop,
which they did and in the night came away, and brought me
the news, but meeting with calms it was the 16th at night before
I had the news. The Gentleman tells me, he saw M. Du Cass,
and knows him. And was told (before he was ordered off) there
was 18 men of warr more expected, and that they designed to
attack Barbadoes. Monsieur Collet, then Intendant at Martinique,
went on board a fourty gun ship, and sayled, as he believes, to
Tobago to give an account of the 18 men of warr that are to
renvour there. Since I had the news, our privateer took four
more French prisoners that came out of Martinique before the
arrivall of Du Cass. They told us (without being told of Du Cass's
arrivall) they expected M. Du Cass with 30 men of warr and
forces to attack Barbadoes. I presently hired a sloop to give
them notice at Barbadoes, but as she was going out the Greenwich
appeared, that belongs to Barbadoes, which made me stopp
the sloop, and sent my letters to the Captain of the Greenwich,
who has promised to carry them directly to Barbadoes. I have
hired another sloop (for which I am to pay myself 100l. sterl.
except the Assembly of Jamaica, or the Queen will pay it), to
carry the same to Jamaica, by whom I have sent this, in hopes
to find the pacquett not sayled. I have ordered the Master
to putt a letter on shoare at Curassaw, to informe the Governor.
I have sent to each Island in my Government to putt themselves
in the best posture they are able. This being the windermost,
best and richest Island, 'tis most likely they will attack this
first. I am very busy in preparing to receive them. God send
us well ridd of them, for wee are but in an ill condition to receive
them. The Regiment sent me wants near 200 men of its
complement, the men new raised, and not disciplined, great
part wants armes. They expected, it seems, to find them here
to receive them from those of Col. Wetham's, but the officers
of that Regiment tooke care they should be mistaken. So that
if the Queen had not sent armes for the inhabitants, great part
of which I was forced to distribute to the soldiers, or they must
have been without armes. Col. Lillingston and severall of his
officers are taking their pleasure in London. I have but one
Captain here that has ever seen any service, and very few of the
Lieutenants or Ensignes. The recruits sent over are either
old men or boyes fitt for nothing. Some so bad, the officers
were so ashamed of as to discharge, and being not fitt for labour,
are actually begging. The greatest service I expect is from
the planters, they are good men, but there are but few of them.
I am riteing up the walls at Monk's Hill thrown down by the
Hurricane. The good news of the Duke of Savoy's being in
France made the Islanders believe they should hear of noe more
French Fleets in this part of the world. All my Rhetorick could
not perswade them to be at the charge untill this allarme. I
am allso fortifying a Camp, and running a line about our Towne.
I will do what I can, and though I cannot work miracles, I hope
I shall do my duty. I have noebody to assist me, noe ingineer.
All my hopes is, they will attack Barbadoes first, and that they
will loose so many men there, and their men so disheartened
by their being beaten from thence, that I may deal with them
when they come here. P.S.—I begg leave to putt your Lordships
in mind of my request in my two last letters. I hope your
Lordships will get me some consolation for all my fatigue, and
loss by the Hurricane. Signed, Daniel Parke. Endorsed, Recd.
23rd, Read 26th Jan., 1707/8. 8 pp. [C.O. 152, 7. No. 33;
and 153, 10. pp. 105–109.] |
Nov. 19. Whitehall. |
1202. Council of Trade and Plantations to the House of
Commons. Report upon the State and Trade of the Plantations,
as ordered Nov. 14. [C.O. 389, 19. pp. 181–298.] |
Nov. 20. Kensington. |
1203. Circular letter to H.M. Governors of Plantations.
Members of Council persisting in absenting themselves are to be
suspended till H.M. further pleasure be known etc. (as Oct. 23).
Countersigned, Sunderland. [C.O. 5, 210. pp. 70–72; and
319, 1. pp. 169, 170.] |
Nov. 20. |
1204. Order of House of Lords. The Council of Trade
and Plantations are to lay before the Committee appointed
to consider the petition of Jamaica merchants, the account given
them by Mr. Wood [see Nov. 17]. Signed, Math. Johnson,
Cler. Parliament. Endorsed, Recd. Read Nov. 21, 1707. ½ p.
[C.O. 137, 7. No. 65; and 138, 12. p. 170.] |
Nov. 21. Whitehall. |
1205. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Committee
of the House of Lords. Reply to preceding. Quote Governor
Handasyd, Aug. 29, and Mr. Burchett, Oct. 27, and interview
with Jamaica Merchants as given B. of T. Journal, Nov. 7, 1707,
q.v., and their Memorial, Nov. 17. Concludes::—The said
Merchants added in discourse that they were in dayly expectation
of a Representation from the whole Island, which would be more
particular in relation to the said Commodore Kerr's behaviour
than anything yet offered on that subject. [C.O. 138, 12.
pp. 171–179.] |
Nov. 21. Custome-house, London. |
1206. Mr. Savage to Mr. Popple, jr. Desires copies of
Report to House of Commons (Nov. 19.) and report to the Council
Board about a year since, touching Newfoundland Trade. [C.O.
389, 19. pp. 310, 311.] |
Nov. 24. Whitehall. |
1207. Mr. Popple to Mr. Savage. Reply to preceding. The
Report referred to is very large and the Clerks in this Office wholy
taken up with business that requires dispatch. Proposes that
he send a clerk to copy etc. [C.O. 389, 19. pp. 311, 312.] |
Nov. 25. |
1208. Sir Tho. Day to Mr. Popple. Encloses following to
be forwarded to the Governor of Bermuda etc. Signed, Tho.
Day. Endorsed, Recd. Read Nov. 28, 1707. Holograph.
Addressed. Sealed. ¼ p. Enclosed, |
1208. i. Lord High Treasurer to Lt. Governor Bennett. You
are to inform me of the whole business concerning
the house said to have been built by Samuel Day on
a piece of waste ground in Bermudas, while Lt. Governor
there, and whether you have any objection to H.M.
granting to his father, Sir Tho. Day, her title to that
ground. In the meantime, all proceedings are to be
stayed etc. Whitehall, July 31st. Signed, Godolphin.
Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 37, 8. Nos. 42, 42.i.] |
Nov. 27. Whitehall. |
1209. Council of Trade and Plantations to the House of
Lords. Report upon Trade, as ordered Nov. 12. [C.O. 389, 19.
pp. 319–528.] |
Nov. 28. Whitehall. |
1210. W. Popple, Jr., to Lt. Governor Bennett. Encloses
letter from the Lord High Treasurer [Nov. 25], and requests
a copy of his reply etc. [C.O. 38, 6. pp. 316, 317.] |
Nov. 28. Falkland, in Plymouth. |
1211. Commodore Underdown to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. We this day arriv'd [from Newfoundland] wth.
21 sayle of ye Trade, have been wanting from ye land 36 days.
Signed, Jon. Underdown. Endorsed, Recd. 1st, Read 30th Dec.,
1707. Addressed. "On Her Maj. Service." 1 p. Enclosed, |
1211. i. Reply to Enquiries relating to the trade and fishery of
Newfoundland, 1707. [See No. 771.i] (iii) There remain
this winter masters 176, women 164, children 284,
servants 990, which is considerable less than was last
winter; several of ye principal inhabitants being come
over this fall to England. Their manner of liveing
and trade is wholly by ye Fishery, they having no other
employment, except at Bonavist, where in the winter
they go a furring; they catch there fish in shallops
of 3 men to a boat, wch. they build in ye spring, and
in ye winter employ themselves in fetching of wood.
(iv) It is, and has always been ye practice of fishingships and the inhabitants, to rind ye trees for covering
of their stages, cook-rooms, and dwelling-houses, and
to cut down wood for the same, nor have I observ'd
this year that any trees have been rinded, or woods
cut down, more than for their necessary uses. (v) Upon
my arrival this year, the Inhabitants made several
complaints to me of ye fishing-ships takeing from them
their roomes, which were theirs before 1685, whereupon
I appointed ye Admirall of the Harbour and several
Masters of ships and ancient Inhabitants to survey
the Harbour, and found ye Planters' complaint to be
frivolous, and that themselves had engrossed several
roomes, wch. were made plainly appear to belong to
fishing-ships, whom I put in possession of ye same.
(vi) It has appear'd to me this year that ye Inhabitants
kept possession of some stages built upon fishing ships'
roomes, wch. ye fishing ships upon their arrival were
put in possession of. (vii) The fishing ships and byboatkeepers do (by the best inquiry I could make) bring
with them their due proportion of fresh or green men;
and what men the inhabitants keep are generally such,
but few or no fishing ships produce any such certificates
as required. (viii) I have had no complaint of this
kind, nor do hear that such abuse has at any time been
commited. (ix) I do not find that there has been any
abuse in this particular, but that on the contrary they
are very careful not to give any annoyance or hindrance
to each other. (x) I do not find that the ships frequenting Newfoundland do, during their stay there, or at
their departure, comitt any spoil upon the stages, cook
rooms, etc., but the inhabitants are guilty of burning
the flakes in the winter for firewood, for upon my arrival
this spring, there was not a flake of last year's standing,
and a great many of the stages were destroy'd, wch.
upon enquiry the inhabitants did aleadge were, upon
the breaking up the ice thrown down, and carry'd
away, wch. I am well inform'd is often done, tho they
are frequently guilty of destroying and pulling them
down themselves, but not so much as formerly, having
been frequently check't for the same, so that the fishing
ships upon their arrival are wholly taken up in building
their stages, flakes, etc., to their great hindrance and
loss of time, which I take to be a great detriment to
the fishery, and ought by some means to be restrained.
(xi) There has been no complaint to me, nor did I hear
of any abuse relateing to this head. (xii) The Admirals,
Vice Admirals etc., of the Harbours are very negligent
in putting in execution the rules and orders of the Act,
and I am of the opinion that few or none of them do
keep any journal or account of the number of ships,
boats, etc., except when called upon to give in the said
accounts to the Commander in Chief. (xiii) The
Admirals of the Harbours do determine such differences
as are brought before them, and the parties when aggreived
by their determination, do appeal to ye Commanders of
H.M. ships of warr for a finall determination. (xiv)
No abuse of this kind has been committed in any Harbour
this year, haveing taken care to give the necessary directions for preventing the same. (xv) The Lord's Day is
strictly and decently observed, haveing upon my first
arrival this year given directions to all ye Publick Houses
not to entertain any seamen or fishermen on that day,
and constantly sending an officer about the Harbour,
to see ye same observed. (xvi) None in the places
belonging to Great Britain. (xviii) No abuse of this
kind has come to my knowledge, their interest obligeing
them to the well salting, cureing and ordering their
fish, for the better sale thereof. (xix) There is no
complaint of this kind, but all possible care is taken
to lay their offal in such places in or near the water,
as to give no annoyance. (xx) The sustenance they
receive from the country is very inconsiderable, nor do
I learn that the furring trade is carried on anywhere
but by the inhabitants at Bonavist, who I beleive are
now much discouraged, being met with last winter
by ye enemy, who distroy'd and cary'd most of them
off to Placentia. (xxi) They have their provissions
from England and Ireland, but mostly from New
England, their salt from Portugal, and all other
necessarys, as cloath, netts, tackle, etc., relateing to
their fishery, from Great Britain and Ireland. (xxii)
No wine, nor brandy, is brought thither from New
England, but great quantity of rum, with which ye
Fishermen who are servants do debauch themselves,
they buying it from their masters at high rates, especially
in the winter; whereby they generally run out the
greatest part of their yeare's wages, wch. is considerable,
from 20l. to 25l. a year, which in a great measure is
the reason that they still remain servants. (xxiii) The
ships from Portugal generally bring wine, oyle, linnen
cloath, and great quantitys of salt, which is all the
European comodities brought thither except from
Great Britain and Ireland. (xxiv) Those comodities
this year have been wholly dispos'd of to the fishermen,
seamen and inhabitants, I haveing taken all possible
care that no trade should be driven by selling any of
those comodities to the ships belonging to New England,
or any other Plantations. (xxv) There is rum, molosses
and sugar in great quantitys, and tobaccoe brought
thither from the West Indies, and New England this
year, which I beleive is wholly expended in the Country,
for I could not learn that any was ship'd off for Spain,
Portugall or any other Forreign parts. (xxvi) The
number of inhabitants' boats are 217, the men employ'd
in the boats and fishery, 1170, the fish taken by them
this year is 60,712 quintals of dry fish, the rates of fish
both of the inhabitants and those from England, is
generally the same. (xxvii) The number of fishing
ships in the country this year is 70, the boats employ'd
by them is 196, there burthen from 60 to 300 tuns,
mann'd from 12 to 40 men; the fish taken by them
this year is 49,570 quintals of dry fish; they catch their
fish in the same manner as the inhabitants; the charge
of catching and curing their fish is as follows:—the
charge of one boat, sails, masts, etc., fishing tackle,
six men's wages, and victuals, and all other charges,
salt excepted, is 176l. 0s., one hhd. of salt will cure
10 quintalls of fish, and is generally sold from 1 to 2
quintales per hhd. (xxviii) The value of fish this
year has been from 29 to 32 ryals per quintal, and oyle
at 16l. per tunn, the fish is carayed generally to Portugall,
Leghorne and to those parts of Spain with whom we
have commerce, and ye refuse which is always sold
at half price to the West Indies, the oyle for Great
Britain. (xxix) There has been in the Country this
year 30 sack-ships, laden wth. dry fish, and bound
to the marketts aforesaid. (xxx) I do not find that
any men are encouraged to stay behind by the Masters
of the ships, nor have I had any complaint this year
that any do stay behind. (xxxi) There has been no
inhabitants of New England fishing upon the Newfoundland coast this year, except two boats kept by a
brigantine at Ferryland, as to ye Fishery on their own
coast I have not been inform'd of. (xxxii) The French
about Placentia have great plenty of furrs, but (as I
am informed) are not so industrious as the English,
in catching them. The management of their fishery
at Placentia and the neighbouring harbours is carry'd
on by fishing-ships, sack-ships, by boats and Planters,
as ours is. The number of the ships there, according to
ye best information I could gain this year was about 60,
from 6 to 24 guns; who kept 540 boats. The manner
of their fishing the same with our own; their boats
they bring from France with them. But their fishery
to ye No'ward is very great, their harbours many and
very comodious for the fishing trade; myself having
been this year on an expedition in those parts, and in
several of their harbours, of wch. I have already
acquainted your Lordships at large. Their fishery
there is carry'd on by fishing-ships and sack-ships;
their being no inhabitants. State of the French fishery
in those parts annexed, by Masters of ships, whom
I took prisoners. (xxxiii) The number of inhabitants
at Great and Little Placentia, residing last winter
was about 400, and as for the other parts thereabouts,
I could get no information. They have no dependance
upon ye produce of the country, nor follow any
husbandry, but they rely wholly upon what is brought
them from Europe. (xxxiv) I cannot inform myself
that they are of any other use than for the better
security of their fishery; they imploy themselves in the
winter in disturbing of our settlements. (xxxv) I cannot
get any true account of what fish is taken by them,
nor of the price at Placentia, but as to the charge of
catching and curing tis something less than ours,
ye men's wages being less and living harder; but as to
their fishery to the No'ward you will observe the quantity
of fish that they have taken by the foregoing scheme;
and their wages in general about 200 livres a man for
the voyage. (xxxvi) They come to Placentia and ye
adjacent parts sooner than we, and depart sooner;
but to the No'ward they seldome arrive till the latter
end of May, and compleat their fishing there in six
weeks or two months' time, and consequently get a
great deal sooner to their marketts, as France, Spain
and Italy. (xxxvii) The French fishery does to all
appearance yearly encrease, which I can impute to
nothing but the good and comodious places they have
for fishing, especially to the No'ward, where they never
have been disturbed before this year, but in what
proportion can give no account. (xxxviii) They have
no places of strength except at Placentia, where they
have two forts, one at the entrance of the harbour
close by the waterside, of 36 guns, another on the
top of ye hill, of 15 guns; they have three
companies of foot soldiers of 50 in a Company; their
ammunition and victuals yearly from France in store
ships and sometimes victuals from Canada. (xxxix)
By reduceing the country, which in time will prove
difficult, they being this summer building a wall round
the lower fort, 11 ft. thick. (xl) There are no foreigners
fish on the coast. (xli) A great many French ships
yearly fish upon the Banks, mann'd from 18 to 30 men,
but of no force; of their trade from ye coast of Canada
I can get no account. (xlii) None, besides the French,
and a few Biscayers. Answer to Additional Instructions.
The inhabitants in general have not that due regard
to the several regulations, more particularly that of
pulling down and destroying their stages, flakes, etc.,
which are generally destroyed after the ships are sail'd
out of the country, nor can I conceive how the same
may be prevented, there being no penalty by ye Act
on the ofenders, nor any person appointed to take
cognizance of ye same. They are not guilty of rinding
ye trees as formerly, making use of no more than for
their necessary uses as stages, cook-rooms etc. The
Admirals are remiss in keeping their Journals, etc. as
above, and Masters of ships very negligent in bringing
their certificates, as directed, from England. And
my opinion is that to oblige them to a due performance
of the same, ye former should be excluded the priviledges
they enjoy by the Act for their encouragement, and
the latter to be excluded ye fishery. The vessels from
New England do bring provissions to the country and
quantitys of live cattle early in the spring, wch. is all
the supply of that nature they receive, and I humbly
conceive that it is rather an encouragement than an
abuse to the trade, they being sometimes in ye spring
in great want. I do not find now that ye New England
traders do make it their bussiness (as I have been
inform'd they have formerly done) to remain in the
country after the men of warr are sail'd, except
such as arrive late in the fall, whose bussiness obliges
them to stay longer. I caused them to make oath
before me, that they should carry with them no handicraftmen or seamen, which they brought not into the
country; wch. has in a great measure put a stopp
to that abuse. Nor do I find that Masters of ships
have left any of their men behind this year. European
comodities are brought thither from Portugal, as wines,
oyle, brandy and linnen cloth. But I have not observed
this year that any great quantitys have been brought
to create any considerable illegal trade, nor can I
conceive how the same may be restrained except by
a proper officer appointed to inspect and regulate the
same. And under this head lyes the greatest abuse
of the trade of this land, as I informed your Lordships
last year. 40 pp. |
1211. ii. State of the French Fishery in the North parts of
Newfoundland, 1707. 21 ships. Details of catch and
tunnage; bound chiefly to Marseilles. 1 p. |
1211. iii. Account of the Trade and Fishery of Newfoundland,
1707. |
Totals. |
Fishing ships |
70 |
116 |
Ships from America |
16 |
Sack ships |
30 |
Men belonging to the ships |
2052 |
Fishing ships' boats |
196 |
453 |
Inhabitants' boats |
217 |
By-boats |
40 |
Men belonging to the boats |
2513 |
Fish made by fishing ships' boats |
49570 |
quintals 120682 |
Fish made by inhabitants' boats |
60712 |
Fish made by by-boats |
10400 |
Salmon taken |
163 |
Fish carried to market |
120682 |
Train made by fishing ships |
827 |
hogheads 1970 |
Train made by inhabitants' boats |
946 |
Train made by by-boats |
197 |
Stages |
212 |
1 p. The whole endorsed as letter. |
1211. iv. Survey of the provisions at St. Johns, June 28,
1707. Endorsed as preceding. 1½ pp. |
1211. v. Survey of the Stores of War at St. Johns, Oct. 7,
1707. Same endorsement. 2 pp. |
1211. vi. Muster–Roll of the Garrison at St. Johns, July 25,
1707. Same endorsement. 1 p. [C.O. 194, 4. Nos.
35, 35.i.–vi.; and (enclosures i.–iii. only) 195, 4. pp.
395–424.] |
Nov. 28. Whitehall. |
1212. W. Popple, jr., to Mr. Savage. The merchants agree
with the proposed admeasurement of ships in Virginia [Nov. 12],
onely that they insist upon having the ships measured from
inside to inside. I am therefore to desire of you, why the
Commissioners of Customs propose that they be measured from
out to out. The sooner I have your answer, the greater will
be the obligation, etc. [C.O. 5, 1362. p. 268.] |
Nov. 29. New York. |
1213. Governor Lord Cornbury to the Council of Trade
and Plantations. By my letter of Oct. 14, I gave your Lordshipps an account of my voyage to Albany, from whence I
returned to this place on the 12th, on the 16th I went to Amboy
to meet the Assembly, which stood adjourned to that [day],
the next day after, severall of the Members of the Assembly
and some of the Gentlemen of the Councill came to towne, but
there was not a sufficient number to make a House till the 23rd,
at which time I sent for them and acquainted them what I thought
was proper for them to proceed upon at that time, withall
[telling] them that if anything else occurr'd to their thoughts
fit to be provided for by a Law, they should always find me ready
to receive anything that might be for the service of the Queen,
and the good and welfare of the country, and I carefully avoided
taking notice to them of their irregularitys the Sessions before,
because I would not give them the least pretence to be illhumour'd, but it seems they were resolved upon that beforehand,
for Mr. Morris, and Samuel Jenings, the Speaker, had been very
busy during the recesse, which was from May to [Oct.], to
perswade severall of the Members of the House not to grant
any Revenue, wh[at] effect their indeavours have had, your
Lordshipps will perceive by their votes of Oct. 27. Copy
enclosed. I did intend to have sent your Lordshipps a copy
of their Journall, but the Clerk could not get them ready yet,
but I shall certainly send it by the mast fleet, which is to sail
from Boston about the middle of January; I don't know that
they pretend to complain of any grievances but those contained
in a Remonstrance, which they thought fit to give me at their
first Sessions at Burlington, to which I made an answer, both
which I sent to your Lordshipps, and which I had communicated
to the Gentlemen of H.M. Councill, who approved of it, before
I gave it to the Assembly, when I put an end to the Sessions
in May last, before I dismissed the Councill I desired those
Gentlemen to inquire in the severall countys where they dwell,
what grievanc[es] (if any) the people complained of, and to let
me know them, that if in my power they might be redressed,
at our meeting at Amboy in Oct., I asked them if they had
inquired according to my desire, they told me they had, and
that the only complaint they met with in the Country was, that
some Laws were wanting which would [be] of use to the Country,
that I have at the begining of every Sessions recomended to
the Assembly the passing such Laws will appear by their own
Journall, therefore I ho[pe] I shall not be blamed for what is
not in my power to remedy. Upon this occasion give me leave
to observe, that their refusing to settle a Revenue upon H.M.,
does not proceed from the want of redresse of grievances soe
much as from their own ill natures, for it appears by their own
vote, that if all their immaginary grievances were redressed,
they would raise a Revenue but for one year, though I had by
your Lordshipps' commands demanded it for 21 years. It is
very plain to me that as long as H.M. is pleased to allow the
Quakers to sit in the Assembly of that Province, noe Revenue
will be setled, I can prove by severall good witnesses that severall
of the topping Quakers, and perticularly Samuell Jennings,
have frequently said that [since] the Queen would have the
Gouvernment, she might send a Gouvernor when she pleased,
they would keep him poor enough, and indeed they will make
their words good, for I have now made three journeys into New
Jersey since the Act which granted a Revenue for two y[ears]
is expired, and those journeys are generally pretty chargeable.
Your Lordshipps were pleased to direct me not to intermedle
with the quallifications of the Members of the [Assembly, which]
Orders I have punctually observed, but now I am obliged to
acquaint your Lordshipps that unlesse some method is prescribed
to inquire into the quallifications of Members returned to serve
in Generall Assembly, the Queen's Additional Instruction to me
will be of noe effect, because as this House is quallified, the
Ringleaders among them dont inquire if the other Members
are quallified according to the Queen's Instructions, but whether
they will join with them in refusing to give a Revenue, if so,
then noe matter whether they are quallified according to the Queen's
Instructions or not, the Queen is pleased to direct that noe person
shall be capable of being chosen and afterwards of sitting as a
Member of the Assembly of New Jersey, but such as have
1,000 acres of land in their own right, or are worth 500l.; now
to my certain knowledge some have sat these last two Sessions's,
who have noe land in New Jersey in their own right, and are not
worth near 500l., but because they were zealous in opposing
the setling a Revenue. were very good Members, therefore I
humbly conceive that it will be necessary that some method
may be appointed to inquire into the quallifications of Members
to be returned to serve in Generall Assembly in the Province
of New Jersey, but this and the method of doing it I humbly
submit to your Lordshipps' better judgments. There is one
thing more which I beg your directions in, which is this,
Mr. Byerley in this Province of New York, and Mr. Moore, a
Minister in the Province of New Jersey, have lately set up a
notion, that if I send any order from New York into New Jersey
relating to the affairs of New Jersey, it is of noe force and ought
not to be obeyed because it is given at New York, and soe the
like of any order given at New Jersey relating to New York,
now if it be H.M. pleasure that it should be soe, I am well satisfied,
but give me leave to say it will sometimes interupt businesse;
for if I am at Burlington, and the Gentlemen of the Councill
of New York sent to me for any directions upon any accident
that may happen, I must return into the Province of New York
(which is between 50 and 60 miles) to return an answer that may
be of force, on the other side if I am at Albany and the Lieut.
Gouvernor sends to me upon any occasion in which he has a
mind to have directions from me, I must come 150 miles into
New Jersey to give an answer that may be of force, and indeed
I cannot see what inconveniency can attend the giving orders
in one Province, and sending them into another, however I
intreat I may have your Lordshipps' directions in this matter,
that I may conform myself to them; I have adjourned the
Assembly of New Jersey to April 2 next, I will farther adjourn
them, unlesse I have the happinesse to hear from your Lordshipps
before that time. I have not received one letter from your
Lordshipps now near twelve months, I could wish I had directions
concerning the Union, which I hear is proclaimed in the West
Indies, but I have noe orders yet, which makes me a little uneasy
for fear any Scotch vessell should come in, as soon as I receive
them they shall be punctually obey'd. P.S.—Just as I was
going to seale up this letter, a Gentleman just come from
Connecticut informs me that Col. Winthrope is dead, and that
the people have chosen Mr. Saltonstall, who was Minister at
New London, to be their Gouvernor. Signed, Cornbury.
Endorsed, Recd. May 26, Read June 2, 1708. Holograph. Edges
rubbed. 2 pp. Enclosed, |
1213. i. Resolution of the Assembly of New Jersey, Oct. 27,
1707. This House will not raise any money until
H.E. consents to redress ye grievances of ye Country,
wch. if he does, then this House has resolved to raise
1,500l. for the support of the Government for one year.
Resolved nemine contradicente. Endorsed as preceding.
1 p. [C.O. 5, 970. Nos. 52, 52.i.; and (without
enclosure) 5, 994A. pp. 407–412.] |