Aug. 21. Maryland. |
470. Governor Seymour to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The oppurtunitys of paying my duty to your honourable
Board during this warrtime are so seldom, that I hope your
Lordships' just consideration thereof will excuse what, were it
otherwise, would seem remiss in me. The last occasion I was
able to embrace was by the Elizabeth of Leverpool, Capt. Edward
Ratchdale, Commander, by whom I wrote to your Lordships of
March 8, and being a shipp of very good countenance, hope may
be well arrived. Encloses duplicates, and proceedings relating
to two prizes, brought into this Province since my arrivall,
L'Ortolant and Francois of Rochell. Since which, on Aprill 2, have
had a Meeting of the Generall Assembly, and laid before them H.M.
Royal Commands for the Advancement and Security of Trade, by
erecting Ports; of the necessity and advantage whereof they
being thoroughly convinc'd, have enacted a Law for that purpose,
herewith transmitted for your Lordships' approbation and H.M.
Royall Assent. I am sorry the Law does not oblige all goods
and merchandizes to be landed, as well as the shipps to lye, at
the ports only, and there take in the Tobacco under the eyes of the
Officers of the Customs, the only effectual way to secure Trade.
Yett am glad they have oblig'd the shipping to lye at Towns,
and there unliver and loade; not doubting but their lying in such
publick places will in some measure prevent clandestine Trade,
and am not without hopes that a very little time will convince
the Planters 'tis their Interest to bring Tobacco to Towns, against
which their present objection was the want of store-houses and
nailes to build. H.M. gracious ffavour in admitting Navall Stores
to be imported from these her American Plantations, is received
very thankfully by the Inhabitants of this Province, many of
whom have large old ffields, which have been Tobacco Plantations,
and tho' the ground be very rich, yet its jaded with Tobacco,
but expected may be very proper for Hemp; the sowing and
reaping whereof, being about the last of March and October,
will be little hindrance to the Tobacco Manufacture, so that so
soone as the Planters can gett into a stock of seed, I hope some
considerable quantitys may be sent for England, and the further
to encourage it, the Assembly have enacted a Law for Hemp
and Flax to be currant in part-payment of debts in the country.
Masts, yards and bowspritts will at present, while the ffreight
of Tobacco goes so high, (tho' enough to be had here) be only
supply'd from New England and the usuall places where the
shipps go to ffetch them; Many people are aiming at rozin,
pitch, tarr and turpentine, and believe will send home some
pitch this shipping. But tho' we have in many places great
quantitys of pines that will afford all these, yet for want of skill
in the tapping, drawing off, and otherwise burning the tarr-kilns,
it is complain'd of to be too hott for the ropes, which might be
easily corrected by art. There is another Law the Assembly
were pressing to have enacted, prohibitting the exportation of
European commoditys hence to the neighbouring Plantations
for some small time; 'Tis true it bears but a very indifferent
countenance, as seeming to lay a restriction on Trade, but hope
it will plead its excuse by informing your Lordships how pressing
the extreme want of cloths and bedding is at present in this
Province, tho' our labour and industry are equally as great as
when the merchants were willing to supply us with goods at
the prime cost, for which the most moderate now exact one,
and the generalty two cents. And our diligent neighbours,
the New Englandmen, against which this Law is levell'd, for
ffish, rumm and wooden ware, take the oppurtunitys of purchasing
considerable quantitys of our Tobacco, and leave the same ready
against the out-port vessells come in (being the only Trade that
supply us with goods now, the London shipps generally coming
empty) to purchase whole shipps' loadings, which they imediately
export to New England, to the great disappointment and dissatisfaction of our gaping Planters; the merchants being willing
to deale where they can purchase their full cargoe, rather than
straggling hogsheads. Many licentious persons here presuming
to marry againe, their former husbands and wives living, on
whom the Statute of Bigamy, primo Jacobi primi, by the very
words expresly confin'd to H.M. Kingdom of England, seem'd
not to take hold, the Assembly have declar'd the pains and
fforfeitures thereof to be in force with us, which was most
absolutely necessary, in regard there is no Ecclesiastical Judge
here. In the same Law they have also declared the Penall Laws
of England, with respect to the Tolleration granted H.M. protestant
subjects, to be in fforce; which last was a blind jump in some of the
Assembly, who were a well-wishing party to the interest of the
Roman Catholiques here. And this will more plainly appear to your
Lordships upon perusall of the Journalls of the House of Delegates,
wherein may be seen how readily their Petition was granted
when preferr'd to the House, tho' in a most undecent dress, and such
as H.M. Councill here could not approve, tho' through the mediation of the Delegates we were induc'd further to expect H.M.
good pleasure for one twelve months. |
Your Lordships will observe a Representation relating to Irish
servants, who are generally papists; great numbers of which
have of late years been imported here, and some hundreds upon
a specious tho' false encouragement given them in Ireland by
Mr. Charles Carroll (one principally concern'd here for the Lord
Baltemore) or his Agents, who in that H.M. kingdom, printed
and dispers'd papers, assuring them of good tracts of land at the
head of the Bay, and free Tolleration and exercise of their
superstitious worship: And it having been in this Province
complain'd of and also represented to the House of Delegates
how busy those of the Roman Comunion were to make proselytes
of poor protestant servants, gotten into their hands by any
sinister means whatever; They immediately resolved that a
Bill should be prepar'd to forbid the sale of any Protestant servants
to any of the Romish Church; Which was presently understood
by the Roman Catholicks. They used such means by their friends
and partys to have the Bill clogg'd with another clause to inhibitt
all white servant women from working in the Tobacco cropps,
which I was advis'd would be of diminution to H.M. Revenue,
therefore could not consent to it. Upon my first arrivall in this
Province, I had no sooner met H.M. Councill, but severall
complaints were brought me, of the audacious misbehaviour
of the Romish Clergy in this Province, and particularly two
presentments from St. Mary's County Courts against two Priests,
William Hunter and Robert Brooke, for saying publick Mass in
the City of St. Mary's, the County Court then sitting there. And
well knowing my Instructions to be no ways in favour of them,
but that they were particularly exempted out of H.M. gracious
Tolleration, H.M. then Attorney Generall, Mr. William Dent,
since deceased, seeming to be uncertaine what the Courts and
Juries might do in this respect, I sent for them before myself
and H.M. Councill, where I check'd them for their insolence,
and very fairly caution'd them to take care of comitting any
further irregularitys, assuring them that they should not go
unpunish'd, if proved, and so dismiss'd them for that time. The
whole Country were so sensible of the indirect practices used
by those Gentlemen, that this Generall Assembly, upon their
first meeting, prepar'd and sent up a bill to curb their
extravagancy, which H.M. Councill and myself thought but
reasonable, and notwithstanding the mediation of a great part
of the House of Delegates (whose interests in lands are considerable) to procure a suspension of that Law, yet it is evident the
Jesuites and Roman Catholicks are so farr from amending their
behaviour, that they rather value themselves upon their being
able to make partys in the House of Delegates; their superstitious
zeale on all occasions pouring itself forth agt. the Government,
with most bitter and invective railings, the very quintessence
of their Religion: Nay the very common sort and children are
so degenerate and seduc'd by the Jesuites, that they rather wish
and pray for, than H.M. success, that of the greatest of Tyrants.
I put the Assembly in mind to inspect the Receiver's accounts,
upon perusall whereof they find that 260l. of the 3d. per hhd.
given by his late Majesty, for purchasing arms and ammunition
for the defence of this Province, had been misapply'd (as your
Lordships will perceive by the copy of the Address to the
Rt. Hon. the Lord High Treasurer, at the end of the Journall
of the House of Delegates). I humbly offer the same to your
Lordships' consideration, and that you will please to take notice
thereof, ffor tho' there may have seem'd to have been a necessity
for expending the money, yett without doubt it is not according
to the Royal Instruction. Wee have also presum'd to preferr
our most humble Address to H.M., to grant us some small species
of base copper coine (copy of which Address, together with the
proposall your Lordships will see in the Journalls of the Councill,
and of the House of Delegates), and at this time, now we are
unanimously bent on Towns and Ports, such a small summ as
we propose seems most absolutely necessary to be currant here,
in order to defray the petty charges of boatage and bringing
our Tobaccoes to Towns, for the more ready dispatching of the
shipping; and in regard it is not propos'd to be anywhere else
currant, or for any great summ, we humbly hope your Lordships
will approve and recommend it to H.M. ffavour, ffor unless we
have small ready cash, we can never pretend to ports or Towns,
and now especially, seeing the French and Spaniards are so potent
and industrious to annoy these American parts. I doubt not
your Lordships will judge it convenient H.M. subjects of Virginia
and Maryland, as well as other Countrys, should live in such a
community, that they may have some place to resort to, and
be able to defend each other, should they be insulted by their
Enemys. According to your Lordships' directions, I laid Sir
Thomas Laurence, H.M. Secretary of this Province, his Representation before the House of Delegates, for them to make answer
thereto, and upon their Journall they say they have fully answered
the same, which is transmitted to your honourable Board. At
present there is a considerable ffleet of merchants' shipps in Virginia
and Maryland, and perhaps the greatest that ever has been known
these many years. The additionall convoys expected, being
so long detain'd, lays the Trade under great disappointments,
which might very well have sail'd hence in May, and now will be
forc'd to summer in the country, and perhaps undergo a winter
passage, which may be of great detriment and hazard. The
Inhabitants of this Province have suffer'd more this warr than
any other of H.M. Plantations, by the marketts in Spain and
Flanders being shutt up; so that many considerable Planters that
have good stocks of Negroes, and live within bounds, complaine
they are scarce able to bring the years about and cloth their
Servants and Negroes. H.M. and her Allies' success in Spaine, I
hope, will advance our staple, otherwise we have no better prospect
than starving, for want of cloths; for it's very inconsiderable
what is supply'd by the London merchants, neither have they
any great encouragement so to do, considering how much the
Country is already indebted to them, very many plantations
being mortgaged to them, of which there seems little probability
of redemption, considering the growing interest, tho' to men
in trade not equivalent to the use of their moneys. We were
lately alarm'd by the French squadron and privateers that have
infested the West Indies, whereupon by the advice of H.M.
Councill, on May 20, I issu'd a Proclamation, and tooke care
to putt the Country into the best posture of defence I could;
having gotten the shipping into the ffreshes, where it would be
very difficult to annoy them, and where the greatest fforce of
the Country might be easily drawne downe to their assistance.
But God be thank'd, we have heard nothing of the enemy, and
now are supply'd with a considerable reinforcement of arms
and ammunition, Col. Blakiston, our Agent, has lately purchas'd,
and sent us from England. Encloses copies of two French letters
intercepted in the prize La François, being all the letters that
were found in her of any publick concerne, the one from the
Governour of St. Domingo to one of the French King's Councill,
and the other from M. Depaty to M. Du Cas, having sent the
originalls to the Secretary of State. I have sent the old Seale
of the Province to Col. Blakiston, etc. Signed, Jo. Seymour.
Endorsed, Recd. Dec.3, 1706, Read Feb. 20, 1706/7. 8 pp. Enclosed, |
470. i. M. de Paty, one of the Chief Officers in building the
Fort at St. Louis, St. Domingo, to M. Du Cas, at Paris.
Leogane, Sept. 6, 1705. Compliments and account of
trading on his behalf. Six months ago we expected
a King's ship called the François, who is to bring the
ammunitions needful. The Fort of St. Louis will be
finished in Feb. Within this month our cruisers have
brought in a great Bristol ship. The English squadron
that was this way, and did cruise a long time before
Cartagene, did take Capt. Gusin coming from Guinea.
We have letters from M. Leneaux that they are gone
back, etc. etc. Signed, Depaty. Endorsed, Recd.
Dec.3, 1706. Copy. 2 pp. |
470. ii. Governor of St. Domingo to M. De La Boulay, Commissary General of the Marine at Paris. Leogane, Sept. 18,
1705. Refers to Fort St. Louis as in preceding. The
Garison lacks the complement of men. Provisions
are extremely scarce, so that M. Depaty fears work
on the Fort will have to be laid aside, etc., etc. Signed,
Auger. Endorsed as preceding. 1¾ pp. |
470. iii. Journal of Committee of Accounts in the Assembly
of Maryland, April, 1706. Same endorsement. 16¼ pp.
[C.O. 5, 716. Nos. 20, 20.i.–iii.; and (without enclosures)
5, 726. pp. 401–415.] |
Aug. 24. Whitehall. |
471. Mr. Secretary Hedges to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Encloses following. I desire your opinion what
ordnance and stores may be necessary to supply them withall.
Signed, C. Hedges. Endorsed, Recd. Read Aug. 29, 1706. ¾ p.
Enclosed, |
471. i. R. Cary to Sir C. Hedges. Prays for cannon and
ammunition for Antigua as Lt. Gov. Johnson in letter
of July [No. 450]. Signed, Richd. Cary. [C.O. 152, 6.
Nos. 59, 59.i.; and 153, 9. pp. 387, 388.] |
Aug. 26. Nevis. |
472. Tho. Cottgrave and Jeffery Meriwether to Richard
Meriwether. Mrs. Mary Helms hath her house, mills, coppers,
boyling house etc., which was left by the French, taken away
by our Governor, Col. Johnson, saying M. D'Abervill left it
standing for him, and that 'tis now his, and dares any person
to meddle with it etc. Subscribed, |
472. i. Mr. Meriwether to Col. Jory. Prays him to lay
preceding before Sir C. Hedges "in favour of a young
gentlewoman to whom I am guardian" etc. Signed,
Rich. Meriwether. Endorsed, Nov. 1706. Extr. sent
to Col. Parke. 1 p. [C.O. 184, 1. No. 23.] |
Aug. 28. St. Christophers. |
473. Governor Parke to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I have now visited all the four Islands, and have seen
out all the Militia of each Island; at Antegua there is abt. 700;
at Montserratt there appeared but 400, and not 10 swords amongst
them; the Lieut. Governor told me there were in the Island 600,
but the greatest part of them are Irish Catholicks; at Nevis
there did not appear above 150, there is on the Island about 250;
on this Island there are just 450, but 30 of them are inhabitants
of Nevis; the Queen's Regiment is 328 men, this is all the force
I have to defend these Islands with, and what is worse, if the Queen
will send us more men we cant keep them; the country allows
12d. a day to each soldier, and in proportion to the officers, wch. is a
burthen they complain of very much; all wee propose by troopes
is to have enough to releive the severall guards; and one Island
cant assist the other; 'tis true Antegua being to windward may
assist the rest, if they had timely notice, but the French can
make a detachment of 2,000 men, and in one night's time be with
us. Oct. 4 is the day for the Nevis men to pay the 1,400 negroes;
what I shall do I know not; they cannot comply with it, and if
they could I think they ought not, for after ye forced capitulation
the French burnt and destroyed all they could not carry off;
I will take all the soldiers and be wth. them myselfe; I will
run the same fate wth. them; if I have my brains knokt out the
the Queen must send some other unfortunate Divel here to be
roasted in the sun, without the prospect of getting anything;
if I am taken prisoner I hope your Lopps. will gett me exchanged;
In short, these Islands are so small, they will not maintane
inhabitants enough to defend them; the only way to help us is
to distroy Martineco; it leys to windward of us, and is large
and populus; if the Queen will send forces to distroy that, we
may be secure, or if she wou'd take Porto Rico (wch. is a large
healthy Island) the Inhabitants would remove and settle there;
I hope if there comes any forces, your Lopps. will gett me the
second command, if not the first; and one of the Regiments;
wch. will make me some amends for the fateague I have undergone
and must undergo. I think I have the good Fortune to please
the people, except Col. Codrington; yr. Lopps. gave me an Order
of the Queen in Councill to serve on him, I was allso ordered by
my Lord Treasurer to demand the prizes of the last warr; and
'tis in my Instructions. Since I told him of these, he has opposed
everything, and is just as troublesom as I told you he would be;
I hope to deel wth. him well enough for his arbitraryness when
Genll., and his covetuousness ever since had made him generally
hated; I desire yr. Lopps. to send me a coppy of the Order of
Councill for limiting the grants of St. Christophers, yt. is the
French ground; for Col. Codrington has granted all without
any lemitation. I hope yr. Lopps. will gett us some great gunns
and stores. Wee want 40 or 50 large whole culverins to protect
our Harbours; our merchant ships are forced to keep watch
and their gunns loaded for fear of being taken away by privateers;
the armes Sir W. Mathews brought, the French broake them,
not thinking them worth carrying away. I hope what are sent
may be good; lett them send byonetts wth. the musketts, and
to screw on uppon the mussells, and slings to them, all London
made and tryed. I desire yr: Lopps. to give me leave to give
you my case. When I brought the news, the Queen promised
to provide for me; I had this post given me, was a year before
I could gett a transportation; I was carryed to Barbados where
I fell sick, I found my Government plunder'd; I have had the
plague, have four distinct Governments, I must be a continuall
vagabond goeing from one to the other, Nevis being 18 leagues from
Antegua, 1,200l. the year in a dear country; I hope yr. Lopps. will
not envy yr. Lopps.' obedient humble servant, Daniel Parke.
I would have allowed yr. Lopps. more paper if I had had it;
I had much ado to gett this [a different sheet of paper] being found
by the pacqt. in a poor plunder'd Island; had the paper held
out, to the rest of my afflictions I would have added Col. Codrington.
I hope I shall do my duty and please the people till the Queen
will provide for me better; I hope yr. Lopps., will excuse what's
amiss, for I am almost crased wth. the fateague, the hott weather,
and my feaver, wch. I have been quit of but three dayes. I
compair my post to yt. of a Serjeant wth. 12 men uppon an
advanced post; allwaies allarmed; wee are so frightned, every
two or three slupes wee believe is another French Fleet, and I
must mount tho' at midnight; I am deservedly punished for
desiring to be a Governor. Endorsed, Recd. Oct. 31, Read
Nov. 12, 1706. Addressed. Postmark. Holograph. 5 pp.
Enclosed, |
473. i. Account of H.M. Regiment of Foot in the Leeward
Islands. St. Kitts, Aug. 27, 1706. Total, 328.
Endorsed, Recd. Oct. 31, 1706. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 6.
Nos. 63, 63.i.; and (without enclosure) 153, 9. pp. 400–405.] |
Aug. 28. St. Christophers. |
474. Governor Parke to Mr. Secretary Hedges. Acknowledges letter. I will send accounts of H.M. successes to the French
Islands and the Spanish West Indies. The people of this Island
and Nevis are obliged to H.M. for her care to send them provisions
and stores etc. Repeats parts of preceding. These Islands are a
vast advantage to England, the export of their sugars brings
great sums from Europe to England, besides the peices of eight
that are sent thither. If the Queen thinks it worth her while
to preserve them, she must send a force to take or destroy
Martinico, Marygallant, Gaurdilupa, and Grand-Terre. 6,000 men
would doe it, etc. Proposes details and offers to command. As
bad a soldier and ingineer as I am, I dare undertake to take all
the French Islands or be content to be hanged. … Or if
H.M. will send us 3,000 men and siege materials, we will take
Porto Rico, etc. The people would be glad to remove thither,
and by one of the Articles in the Grand Alliance, whatever we
take in the Spanish West Indies, we are to keep. By either
of these projects, England would be the staple for sugar. For
if the French Islands were taken, that would give it us. If we
had Porto Rico, the land is soe good, the Island soe large, timber
enough for building and caske, in 7 years we could make sugar
soe cheap as to be able to undersell the French: we could doe
it for half the charge we are at here. There we should have
everything of our own. On these Islands we buy all our timber
and provisions. Porto Rico is a much better Island than Jamaica,
for it is the most healthy Island in America; if we had that
Island, we should draw numbers of people from the barren land
of New England, who are there of noe service to England, but
the contrary, and in Porto Rico every man would be worth to
England at least 20l. per annum etc. I hope the Queen, when
she releives Whetham's Regiment (which is five times better
to him than my Government) will let me have the command
of the next that comes. It would be much better to break this
Regiment (and give Whetham another), and put it upon the
same foot as last warr, 5 companies of 100 each; the General
to command as Collonel, and each company to have a Captain
and two Lieutenants. For 'tis a great burthen to the people to
provide quarters for soe many officers, and they can't well keep
above 500 men, for the Islands allow[s] to every soldier 12d. the
day, wch. is a vast charge, and without it the soldiers can't live,
everything here is soe very dear; if the Queen would send them,
wee can't keep men enough to defend us. We onely desire
500 men, which are enough to relieve our severall guards. |
Col. Whetham has not been here 4 months in the 5 years.
This will save the Queen a great summe of money, and be more
agreable to the Islands; for if you relieve this Regiment with
another, the Colonel and Lieut.-Col. and perhaps the Major
and great part of the officers will make interest enough to stay
at home, or if they doe come, they will stay but 2 or 3 months,
therefore the Queen might as well save the charges of those officers,
etc., etc. Signed, Daniel Parke. Endorsed, R. Oct. 30. 7¼ pp.
[C.O. 239, 1. No. 12.] |
Aug. 29. St. Christophers. |
475. Governor Parke to Mr. Secretary Hedges. This being
the Day of Thanksgiving for the glorious success of my Patron
the Duke of Marlborough, we did as heartily rejoice as any other
H.M. subjects, tho' at present under great calamity. After
the Queen, Prince and the Duke's healths were drank and eat
as good dinner as we could gett, the Lt. Gov., Councill and Assembly
brought me the enclosed address to the Queen, which please
to present to Her and put into the Gazette etc. We are very
loyall, tho' poor, and indifferent honest tho' at present in great
want of arms, stores and everything that is fitt for the use of
man. Signed, Daniel Parke. Endorsed, R. Oct. 30. 2 pp.
[C.O. 239, 1. No. 13.] |
Aug. 29. Virginia. |
476. President and Council of Virginia to the Council of
Trade and Plantations. It is with unaffected grief we give your
Lordsps. the trouble of a few lines on this sad occasion, to acquaint
you with the death of H.E. Edward Nott, who after 9 days sickness dyed of a Fever, Aug. 23. He was a Gentleman of a very
happy temper to cure our Divisions; and managed whatever
was proposed for H.M. service in Council and Assembly with
great satisfaction and success. The Government, devolving
on the Council, we assure your Lordships of our utmost endeavours
to manage it to the best advantage of H.M. service, and the
quiet and peace of this Colony, which we doubt not we shal be
able to preserve till H.M. shal think fitt otherwise to dispose
of that trust. Our great Concern for the good of the Country
in the present circumstances makes us heartily wish that H.M.
may be so happy as to find a person of the same ability and good
temper to succeed Col. Nott, to perfect the work of our Union,
and the other good designs he had successfully begun, and would
undoubtedly have finished, had it pleased God to have allowed
him a longer continuance amongst us. Signed, E. Jenings,
Presidt., Dudley Digges, Benja. Harrison, Robert Carter, James
Blair, Philip Ludwell, Wm. Bassett, Hen. Duke. Endorsed,
Recd. 20th, Read 26th Nov. 1706. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1315. No. 33;
and 5, 1362. pp. 66, 67.] |
Aug. 29. Virginia. |
477. President and Council of Virginia to the Council of
Trade and Plantations. The price of tobacco being of late so
strangely sunk in many places of this Country, that the Planters,
not being able to live by it, have betaken themselves to the
manufactures of flax and cotton and wool, which we apprehend
will prove very detrimental to H.M. in her Revenues, and to the
trade of England, Upon mature deliberation, we have judged
it necessary humbly to offer to your Lordps. our thoughts for
the preservation and improvement of both, for H.M. and the
Country's service. The great fall of that commodity here is
occasioned by the bad returns the Adventurer has for it when he
sends it for England, and the lowness of the market there is
occasioned partly by the necessitys of the war, which stop up
many of the usual markets and Ports, and partly by the divisions
amongst the English merchants trading in tobacco, who by their
disunited councels and interests cannot contribute so effectually
to the support and management of it as if there were a better
understanding amongst themselves, and a more unanimous
concurrence for the general good. As to the war, we are sensible
that we must patiently wait for the blessing of peace to open
the trade in the several ports and markets where it is at present
shut up. But for the other no less dangerous inconveniency
we are humbly of opinion that if, instead of the many Runners
and Letters of marq-men, and little scattering Fleets with weak
convoys continually disturbing the market at home with unseasonable new supplyes before the old are half spent, and
starving the Planter here with small quantitys of goods, sold at
exorbitant and excessive rates, there were but one good Fleet
in a year with an able Convoy ordered to sail from England
yearly about the moneth of September, and to return from
Virginia before the last of April following (at which time the
latest tobacco may be ready) and before the sickness seizes their
men, and the worm eats their ships, this method would be
attended with abundance of good consequences for the benefite
of the Trade. Time would be allowed for the consumption
of one year's crop before the markets were troubled with another,
and the plenty of ships and goods in this country at one time
would make tobacco to be more in demand and goods more
plenteous and vendible at more reasonable rates, and the carriage
more safe and secure before the winter, which season proves
commonly fatal to the Fleets, and impossible to keep Convoy
in. All which we humbly conceive, and in great measure know
from experience would have a good influence on the Trade and
H.M. Revenues arising thereby. And therefore we humbly
pray your Lordships' assistance etc. Signed and endorsed as
preceding. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1315. No. 34; and 5, 1362. pp. 67–69.] |
Aug. 30. |
478. President and Council of Virginia to the Council of
Trade and Plantations. Refer to letter of Aug 29. We now
lay before your Lordps. an account of such material transactions
as we conceive necessary, together with the public papers and
Journals of Council and Assembly. Your Lorps. will herewith
receive the whole body of Laws passed in this Assembly. This
has been a work of much labour and charge, and we hope is now
brought to a good effect. We shall not here trouble your Lordps.
with particular observations on them, since we have in the Council
Journal made Remarks upon the most material, and given our
reasons to his late Excellency why we thought them fitt to receive
his assent. There were some other laws intended by the Assembly
to have made a part of this Body, which your Lordps. will
perceive by the Journal H.E. did not think fitt to pass, as namely,
the Bill for establishing the County Courts. The reason H.E. was
pleased to signify to us for refusing of this Bill was, that your
Lordps. had struck out these words (by advice and consent of
at least 5 of the Council) which the Assembly had altered into
(the advice of the Council or 5 of them at the least) but would not
altogether depart from, and therefore he designed to wait for
your Lordps.' further directions whether he should pass it or
not, if offered in another Session of Assembly, being a Bill of
great consequence to the Country. The next is a Bill repealing
a clause in the Act of Indemnity made after Bacon's rebellion,
on which H.E. was pleased to acquaint us, that if your Lordps.
thought it convenient for H.M. service, he had no particular
objection agt. it on his own part. There was a third Bill for
the liberty of the subject, upon which your Lordps. having noted
that it was not to be passed, the Council were of opinion it was
not safe for H.E. to pass it, tho' as Upper House of Assembly
they had concurred to the Bill. Upon this head of the laws,
we beg leave to answer a paragraph of your Lordps.' letter, March 1
last, in relation to the diminishing the allowance to the Masters
of ships out of the 2s. per hogshead, which came to hand since
the prorogation of the Assembly. When H.E. gave your Lordps.
an account of that abatement, the House of Burgesses had
reduced it to 5 p.c., wch. we thought was indeed too small, and
would willingly have had it continued as formerly, had we not
plainly perceived that our endeavors for it with the Burgesses
was like to prove unsuccessful, wch. made us propose 1 p.c. more,
and accordingly obtained it to be passed as it now is, at the
allowance of 6 p.c. We never apprehended that the augmentation or diminution of this allowance would be any greater or
less encouragement for making due entries, tho' that be one reason
expressed in the Law; for the Masters being to give account
of their lading upon oath, and also lyable to a penalty if they
make a false entry, that obligation will have greater influence
on their honesty, than any encouragement, since they will always
gain more by making a false entry if they can escape with it,
than the encouragement of 10 p.c. out of the duty. And as
for the other service for which the allowance of 10 p.c. was given,
viz. the paying the dutys of the ship in one entire sum by their
own bills of Exchange, we are humbly of opinion that the present
allowance of 6 p.c. is enough, for it is not now so difficult to procure
bills of Exchange in the Country as it was formerly, and Masters
of ships do at this time very rarely give their own bills for the
dutys, and have very little trouble in the payment thereof. There
is another clause in the bill concerning the measuring of ships,
in order to the payment of the tunnage, wch. we apprehend
will meet with opposition from the Merchants at home, and
therefore to obviate anything which may be alledged to your
Lordps. on their behalf, we humbly take leave to acquaint your
Lordps. that besides the direction the Assembly had in this
matter from an Act of Parliament (Wm. III) (which they have
literally followed as to ye manner of measuring ships) and the
like practice in Barbados, we are well assured that several ships
are registred at a much less burthen than they really contain,
and some lately have received new Registers for less than their
former Registers expressed, which gave great occasion for this
manner of ascertaining that Duty. Another thing there is in
this Bill which we should not have troubled your Lordps. with,
as being really a trifle, had not Coll. Quary told us in Council
that he intended to complain of it. The Burgesses observing
that the ascertaining the Council's sallary, wch. had formerly
been provided for in a particular Law, was ommitted in the
Revisal, did add a clause to that purpose in this Bill, but restrained
the payment of this sallary only to such Councelors as now are
or hereafter shal be resident within this Colony for the space
of 3 years. Coll. Quary alledges that this was particularly pointed
at him, in derogation of H.M. prerogative, who had appointed
him of her Council here. Whatever might be the design of
the Burgesses in adding this clause, we do assure your Lordps.
that we had not the least thoughts of any prejudice to Coll. Quary,
nor do we take the meaning of that restriction to be any other
than that the office of one of H.M. Council, which is of the greatest
trust in the Government, both as a Judge in the General Court,
and as a Member of the Assembly, should be committed to such
persons whose residence in the Country for the above-mentioned
time hath made them sufficiently acquainted with our Laws,
and the small sallary allowed for the usual and constant attenders
of that service. Your Lordps. will amongst the other Laws
receive that for building a house for the Governor, and a fund
of 3,000l. is appropriated for that use. We hope this testimony
of duty and obedience wch. the country have shown to H.M.
Royal Commands will be graciously accepted. In the Council
Journal your Lordps. will see the proceedings on the disputes
that had arizen in relation to the Blackwater land, and the final
determination of the last and greatest controversys about that
land, so that long before ye arrival of your Lordps.' letter of
March 1, directing the continuance of the restriction on that
land, all the disputable entrys were finally adjusted and some
few patents signed. The House of Burgesses having addressed
the late Governor for laying open that, and the land in Pamunky
Neck, H.E. was pleased to promise them that he would lay it
open accordingly, and had recommended to us to consider of
a proper method for the more regular taking entrys, but your
Lordps.' letter determined him otherwise, and accordingly we
shall not permitt any lands to be taken up or surveyed there,
or any more patents to be issued for lands already surveyed
on the Blackwater, until your Lordps. shal signify your further
directions therein. And now that we have occasion to mention
this of the Blackwater land, we humbly offer to your Lordps.'
consideration the inclosed account of the manner of taking up
and patenting land in this Colony, wch. was the result of a reference
made at the last Council before H.E. death, and reported to
us at our Meeting yesterday by the Gentlemen to whom it was
referred; wherein are offered several reasons for taking off the
restriction on the out-lands, as tending to H.M. service, the
advancement of the Revenue, and the benefite of this Country.
The latter part of your reference to patenting of land, was
communicated to us by his late Excellency at the Council before
his death. The Governor, after having inspected his Instructions,
did declare to us that he did not find among them any other to
wch. your Lordps.' letter seemed to refer, but one which contains a
proposal of a new method of granting land. We were then, as now,
doubtful whether your Lordps.' letter did refer to that Instruction,
which was only a proposal of what H.M. judged proper for her
services if the circumstances of the Country would admitt it,
but was never put in practice, as being inconsistant with our
Charter and Laws, and the conditions so impracticable that no
man would ever take up lands on those terms, while there is
land to be had in the Propriety Governments much more easily.
H.E. then declared that he would not sign patents for any lands
until your Lordps. should further explain the meaning of that
paragraph, and we shall also continue the same resolution, and
humbly pray speedy directions in this matter, because the delaying the signing of patents may create uneasiness among the
people. It is the misfortune of this country to be bounded to
the Southward with a Propriety Government, and those concerned therein are always watching opportunitys of extending
their bounds, to the prejudice of this H.M. Colony. The bounds
of Carolina has for a long time been contested, and some
endeavours used from time to time to bring that matter to an
accomodation, but no progress has yet been made therein. The
fresh encroachments made by that Government obliged the
Burgesses of the last Assembly to address the late Governor to
have the bounds laid out, wch., had he lived, we believe he would
have endeavoured to oblige the Governmt. of Carolina to agree
to, and to bear their proportion of that charge that must
necessarily accure thereon. All that could be done in the mean
time was to write to the Governor of Carolina to prohibite the
like encroachments for the future, untill the bounds be settled,
Refer to Council Journal. We shall only observe that while a
restriction continues on H.M. land, and at ye same time the
Proprietors have land so near to be taken up on easier terms,
they will draw to them many of the Inhabitants of this Colony,
who would otherwise be rather desirous to take land of H.M.
This Country was under a very great consternation upon the
news of the French Fleet, and the ravages committed by them
in the West Indies. We do not think an enemy would ever
attempt this Country for any benefite that might be hop'd from
the spoil of it, but our Fleet of mercht. ships having at that time
so considerable a concern to the Crown and the trade of England,
and so much of the estates of the Inhabitants on board, we could
not but be under very great apprehensions, when we considered
how much they were exposed to danger. H.E. took ye best
methods he could to prevent surprize, but your Lordps. will
perceive by the Representations of the Masters of ships (Council
Journal), how little he was able to prevail with them; and the
case will still be ye same while they are at liberty to ride where
they please. We shal not presume to offer our opinion upon
the Fortifications proposed by H.E. for the defence of the ships,
because we are assured of the sincerity of his intentions and
that he was a much better judge than we of the expediency and
use of them; and shall only acquaint your Lordps. that the
House of Burgesses, having given their opinion of the inhability of
the Country to build such Forts, and concluded that they hoped
H.M. who had been so gracious to her other Plantations as to apply
to that use her whole Revenue of Quit-rents, would also consider
this country in that particular, H.E. thereupon promised that
he would represent it to H.M. (Assembly Journal). We therefore
humbly submit it to your Lordps.' consideration. In the Council
Journal your Lordps. will observe that there is a dispute depending with the Proprietors of the Northern Neck, who pretend
to a neck of land lying in the fforks of Rappahannock, their
grant giving them a tittle to ye utmost banks of that River. A
survey is to be made of the two branches thereof in order to
discover wch. may be properly called the Main River, and as
soon as a report thereof is made, we shal humbly offer to your
Lordps. what we conceive necessary for H.M. service thereupon.
We send a copy of the examinations of several witnesses upon
oath in relation to one Capt. Pitton, Master of the Factor of
Biddiford, who being accused and seized by Capt. Lowin of
H.M.S. Advice for piracy, in taking out of a vessel belonging
to Dantzick some casks of wine, these examinations were taken
in order to have brought him to tryal pursuant to the Act for
suppression of Piracy, but nothing being made out to ground the
said trial, he was discharged. This Pitton has a letter of marque
and is under bond in England to answer what he shal act by
vertue thereof, and is in all other respects a fair and legal Trader,
his owner being a considerable merchant in Biddiford. If on
this occasion we have committed any mistakes or omitted any
thing wch. we ought to have communicated, we humbly hope
your Lordps. will impute it to our trouble and concern on this
sad and unexpected accident and the hurry we are in upon the
departure of this Fleet so suddenly thereafter, etc. Signed and
endorsed as preceding. 7 pp. Enclosed, |
478. i. An account of the method of taking up and patenting
land in Virginia, with reasons for the continuance
thereof. Quote Charter of Charles II etc. 50 acres
of land to be granted to every settler etc. Thus the
method continued till 1699, and then several persons
having rights to lands in Pamunky-Neck and on
ye South side of the Blackwater Swamp, who could
not well procure legal rights for patenting thereof,
and the Treasury of the Country for support of the
Government being very low, a method was established
of selling those rights at a certain rate for money
to be paid to the Receiver of the Revenues for the use
of the Crown, to witt, that whosoever would pay 5s.,
should have the same right to take up 50 acres that
he might otherwise have had for the importation of
any person into this Colony. But the method of granting
lands for importation was never pretended to be taken
away but still continues. And at the last session of
Assembly, it being observed that that addition to the
Revenue of selling rights had been a good help to it,
it was thought convenient to limit the taking up land for
importation as much as well could be, and to establish
the aforementioned method of selling of Rights by Act
of Assembly, and thereupon in the Act for settling
the titles of lands etc., that matter is settled in such
a manner as will be considerably beneficial to ye Crown.
When any person had a right to take up and patent
any land, the usual way was for him to make the discovery
of some ungranted lands, and then to go to ye Surveyor
of the County where it lay and make an entry thereof
and of his rights for it, and thereupon ye Surveyor
laid it out for him, and returned a survey of it with
the rights to ye Secretary's Office, upon which a patent
was prepared, and signed by the Governor with the
advice and consent of the Council, and ye seal of the
Colony was then put to it, wch. made the Grant perfect.
And if several persons made entrys for lands in ye same
place, the first entry (being legally made) was preferred
according to ye number of rights, and if there was any
more land, the other entrys in order, according to their
number of rights respectively were satisfyed as far as
the land would go, so that the bigness of the entry
was limited by the number of rights entred. It has
been objected (1) that the people are already too much
disperst, and it would be better if they were collected
within a narrower compass; (2) that it may administer
occasion of disputes with the Indians; (3) that entrys
have been made by some persons for very great quantitys
of land, wch. they cannot possibly seat and plant as
they ought (in reason) to do. But the answers will
be obvious. (1) It is a matter of the greatest difficulty
to restrain and collect our people into a narrower
compass of ground, or even to contain them where
they are, for as the country grows more numerous
the poorer sort of people will always be desirous to
settle further out for the conveniencys of new settlements, as great plenty of game, good range for their
stocks, and ye choice of the best of the land to work
upon, and daily experience tells us, that if they are
restrained here, they will leave the country and go to
other places, where they may be indulged in all the
priviledges of this nature they can desire. (2) There
can be no disputes or controversys with the Indians,
for we have no Indians near us but our Tributarys,
and they have lands laid out and assured to them by
Law, according to ye Articles of Peace made with them.
(3) The late Law for settling ye Titles to lands doth lay
sufficient restraints to prevent any persons taking up
too great quantitys for the future; and for the entrys
already made by persons who have not obtained
patents, there are not any of them extraordinary. It
has indeed been said that on ye South side of the Blackwater and upon Nottoway River, there are very
extravagant entrys made, and the lands in those parts
not being very well discovered at ye time of making
these entrys, it is likely that ye bounds of some of these
lands entered for, may be so imperfectly sett down as to
give colour for this objection: but if enquiry be made into
ye number of rights entered, wch. must always limit
ye quantity, it cannot be made appear that there is
any one entry in those parts for 3,000 acres in any one
tract, or that any of the entrys that have been made
for land in those parts since 1700 have amounted to
more that that quantity (except one tract of about
4,500 acres, wch. is already patented and seated), tho'
it cannot be denied that some few greater entrys were
made before that time. Nor is the patenting of great
quantitys of land so great a prejudice to ye Crown
or the Country as it has been represented, for it is evident
that no great tracts can be taken up, but that a
considerable quantity of very bad and useless ground
will be within that bounds: and if ye taking up of
land were solely restrained to small quantitys, people
would pick out the best, and leave the interjacent poor
land altogether wast, wch. now yields ye same Quit-rents
to H.M., tho' perhaps it affords no other benefite to the
possessor, or ever will, except only a larger range for
his stock. |
For the continuance of the established method, it is
humbly offerred (1) That several people have rights
to land by the importation of persons into ye Country
according to Law and the Charter. (2) Since the
establishment of the method of selling rights for money,
several people have expended their moneys to purchase
such rights, and now the Government hath received
their moneys, to deny them their proportion of land
would be to defraud them etc. (3) If people cannot
have land here upon reasonable terms, they can easily
remove into other Countrys where their labour is not
so beneficial to ye Crown, and where all possible encouragement is given them in this particular. This we see
verifyed by daily experience in the great numbers
of people that have removed lately and are now just
upon ye remove into Carolina. (4) H.M. Revenues
will be considerably improved both by the money
arising upon ye sale of rights, and by the Quitt-rents
for the lands after they are patented. (5) Entrys
have been made for several parcels of land on ye South
side of the Blackwater and upon Nottoway River,
and some persons have had their lands surveyed and
obtained patents for them, but others that had ye
same equitable pretensions have not yet had such
surveys and patents, and it seems unequal not to grant
ye same liberty to those persons that had ye same
right. (6) As to ye lands on ye South side of Nattoway
River and on Maherin River, where the bounds of the
Countrys are not settled, we see that ye Government
of Carolina have already taken upon them to dispose
of those lands as their own, and people are now seating
there by vertue of those rights, the necessary consequence
whereof seems to be that it will create a controversy
with that Government and at last perhaps it will be
found expedient rather to confirme those lands to the
possessors than to drive so many familys as will be
seated there from their habitations, and thereby H.M.
will lose the money that would arise by ye sale of the
rights for taking up those lands, and by the quitt-rents
that would be due for them in ye meantime: and in
ye end it will (most probably) be ye occasion of much
trouble and charge in settling the bounds between
these Countrys. All which inconveniencys may now
be happily prevented by permitting these lands to be
taken up according to ye legal establishment, for people
would willingly take grants under this Government,
if they might have them. A true copy, Signed, Wil.
Robertson, Cl. Con. Endorsed, Recd. Nov. 20, 1706.
3¾ large pp. |
478. ii. Depositions of Saml. Selden, gent., Henry Linton,
tobacconist, and several of the crew, taken before the
Commissioners for tryal of Pirates upon a complaint
against Thomas Pitton, Master of ye Factor of Biddiford,
exhibited by Capt. John Lowin, H.M.S. Advice. The
Captain overhauled a hoy from Danzic on his voyage
out, and took therefrom several casks of wine, for which
some say he paid. Endorsed as preceding. 71/8 pp. |
478. iii. Copy of an Act of Virginia for establishing County
Courts, etc. 1705. Endorsed as preceding. 18½ large
pp. |
478. iv. Copy of an Act of Virginia repealing part of an Act
of 1680, of free and general pardon, etc. Endorsed as
preceding. 1¾ pp. |
478. v. List of Patents for lands signed in April, 1706:— |
County. |
Acres. |
Granted to |
Surrey |
1,000 |
Francis Clements. |
" |
50 |
Joseph Proctor. |
" |
580 |
Wm. Cocke. |
" |
150 |
Tho. Bentley. |
" |
1,000 |
Benja. Harrison. |
" |
180 |
Tho. King. |
" |
150 |
Wm. Rhodes. |
" |
200 |
Nicho. Smith. |
Prince George |
16 |
Richd. Bland. |
" |
43 |
Richd. Bland. |
Essex |
171 |
Edwd. Barrow. |
" |
1,234 |
Gavin Corbin. |
" |
65 |
Tho. Merriweather. |
" |
103½ |
John Harper. |
" |
100 |
John Harper. |
Eliza. City |
1½ |
Robert Taylor. |
" |
274 |
Wm. Mallory. |
New Kent |
1,900 |
Dudley Digges. |
" |
850 |
Roger Thomson. |
Henrico |
1,468 |
Charles Evans. |
" |
570 |
Richard Cocke, jr. |
Princess Anne |
447 |
John Carraway, senr. |
" |
176 |
Thomas Wiles. |
Norfolk |
150 |
William Maund. |
" |
45 |
Thomas Cherry. |
King and Queen |
211 |
Jane King. |
" |
1,245 |
John Major. |
Accomack |
500 |
Tully Robinson. |
Gloucester |
335 |
George Billops. |
Nanzemond |
250 |
Wm. Parker. |
Isle of Wight |
380 |
Nicho. Fulgham [Foljambe ?] |
Northampton |
330 |
Tho. Smith. |
King and Queen |
546 |
John Hurt. |
James City |
130 |
Nazth. Whitehead. |
King William |
107 |
Orlando Jones. |
Prince Geo. |
351 |
Robert Munford. |
" |
405 |
John Anderson and Robt.
Munford. |
" |
1,973 |
Col. Robt. Bolling, senr. |
Esher |
145 |
Thomas Corbin. |
King William |
1,091 |
John Kimbro. |
Henrico |
190 |
John Worsham. |
Eliza. City. |
120 |
Robt. Beverly. |
King and Queen |
2,763 |
Col. James Taylor. |
Henrico |
5,644 |
Richd. Bland. |
New Kent |
300 |
David Holt, minor. |
Prince Geo. |
4,583 |
Benj. Harrison, jr. |
These lands were surveyed by,—Arthur Allen, Robt.
Bolling, Cha. Smith, Wm. Lowrey, Lemll. Newton,
Edwd. Scarburgh, Richd. Whitehead, Robt. Bolling, jr.,
Harry Beverly, Richd. Liggon. Dates given. Endorsed
as preceding. 2 pp. |
478. vi.–xii. Proclamations by Governor Nott. (1) Continuing officers, Aug. 15, 1705; (2) dissolving the Assembly,
Aug. 16, 1705; (3, 4) publishing the Acts of Parliament
prohibiting trade and to prevent traitorous correspondence with France, and for encouraging Naval
Stores, Nov. 28, 1705; (5) for the better securing of
shipping, upon news of the attack upon Nevis etc.,
May 10, 1706; (6) for a Generall Thanksgiving on
April 23, for Marlborough's victory in the Spanish
Netherlands, Feb. 27, 1705/6 (7) proroguing the
Assembly till April 23, Aug. 8, 1706. Signed, Edwd.
Nott. Copies. 9 pp. |
478. xiii. Proclamation by the President and Council of
Virginia. Continuing officers and magistrates, upon
the death of Governor Nott, Aug. 27, 1706. Signed,
E. Jenings, President, and by 7 other Councillors.
Endorsed, Recd. Nov. 20, 1706. Copy. Torn. 1 p.
[C.O. 5, 1315. Nos. 35, 35.i.-xiii.; and (without
enclosures) 5, 1362. pp. 70–81.] |
Aug. 30. Whitehall. |
479. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor Sir B.
Granville. Acknowledge letters of April 7, and June 28. We
observe what you write in relation to the attempt of the French
upon the Leeward Islands, and have laid the same before H.M.,
and also the petition of the Councill and Assembly to yourself
enclosed in your last letter, and shall immediately inform you
of H.M. gracious directions thereon. We observe what you
write about Mr. Allen etc. We find that there are at present
11 Counsellors in Barbadoes; and that we may have a more
perfect account, we send you a copy of the said List, as also
the names of those that stand upon our List for filling up of
vacancies, that you may let us have your particular observations
as to their age, abilities and estates. [C.O. 29, 10. pp. 86, 87.] |
Aug. 30. Whitehall. |
480. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lt. Governor
Bennett. Since our letter of May 30 last, we have received
yours of Oct. 31, March 9 and 11. As to the sending home of
Lieut. Henley, we suppose the meaning of Mr. Secretary Hedges'
order was that you send him by the first convenient opportunity.
The three persons you recommended to us have, upon our representation, been constituted Counsellors accordingly, and we
doubt not but the order has already been sent you by your Agent;
however, we transmit to you a copy. No application hath been
made to us in the behalf of Dr. Star, and if any do come we shal
not fail to give you notice thereof; in the meantime we send you,
according to your desire, the copies of two letters we have received
from Mr. Jones and Mr. Nelson, unto which we desire your
answer. [C.O. 38, 6. pp. 220, 221.] |
Aug. 30. Whitehall. |
481. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Hedges. In reply to Aug. 24. We have discoursed with Mr. Cary,
and do think it fit for H.M. service that the Principal Officers of
the Ordnance, as being best acquainted with those matters, do
confer with him, and settle what may be fit for H.M. service
upon this occasion. [C.O. 153, 9. p. 389.] Autograph signatures. 1 p. Enclosed, |
481. i. Duplicate of No. 471.i. [C.O. 7, 1. Nos. 13, 13.i.;
and (without enclosure) 153, 9. p. 389.] |
Aug. 30. Whitehall. |
482. Council of Trade and Plantations to Mr. Secretary
Hedges. Enclose copy of petition from the Councill and Assembly
of Barbadoes, which you will please to lay before H.M., with
our observations for H.M. Directions thereupon. As to the
first particular relating to the sugar made by the Dutch in
the East Indies; We have reason to hope that this new trade
cannot long subsist, the Dutch being upon ye whole looser
thereby, who tho' they have lately made some proffit by
this sugar from Java, do however neglect a more certain
and profitable trade, which will oblige them to desist from that
of the sugar. And whereas the Petitioners desire upon this
consideration that they may have an abatement of the duties
upon their sugar here; We humbly take notice that such an
abatemt. would, if necessary, be a matter proper only for the
Parliament. As to the number of the Regular Forces desired
by the Petitioners; We cannot determine how far H.M. may at
present gratify them therein, with regard to the further attempts
that the French may make upon H.M. Islands in those parts.
And as to the application of the 4½ p.c., we likewise observe
that from H.M. first accession to the Crown, H.M. has been
pleased upon the Address of the House of Commons, consistantly
to apply the whole Duty of 4½ p.c. arising in the Charibbee Islands
to the use of Barbadoes and the Leeward Islands in a due
proportion. Autograph Signatures. 2 pp. Enclosed, |
482. i. Address of the Council and Assembly of Barbados
to Governor Sir B. Granville. Duplicate of No. 383.ii.
4 pp. [C.O. 28, 38. Nos. 51, 51.i.; and (without
enclosure) 29, 10. pp. 88, 89.] |