March 21. Newcastle. |
966. Lt. Governor Usher to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. As to state of this H.M. Province, humbly referr
to H.E. Col. Romer hath repaired the Fort, it is in a condition
to receive an enemy. H.E. has put Major Walton Commander of
the Fort, a person well qualified; there is great want of stores
and men for the Fort. This winter H.E. sent about 300 soldiers
above 200 miles in the countrey, to make discoverye of the enemy
at their headquarters, many dayes marched in the snow, above
4ft. deep, when came to said place found it deserted, mett with
a very large fort and very good Church, 60ft. long, all which they
demolished; meeting with noe enemy they returned; the thing
of great advantage to the country; the many repulses which the
Enemy hath mett with by H.E. so discouraged them that all this
winter have had no account of them, when formerly the greatest
mischiefe they did was in the winter. H.E. designed now to be
in the Province, but going by water met with a great storme;
to save their lives forced to cutt all their masts, was six dayes
on the sea before did gett a harbour; meeting with such a fateague
and being ill, returned again to Boston. I hope H.E. by this
conveyance will represent to your Lordships the hardshipps I have
mett with in being these 15 years out [of] my estate, 1,038l. 18s. 1d.
H.E. with much difficultye did gett my accounts referred to a
Committee appointed by both Houses, who made their report,
haveing considered objections by former Committees and my
answer, reported above-said summe due for ballance, onely
desireing may be explained how the mony paid for Sir Edmund
Andrews [sic] sallary did arise, my answer gave in writeing to both
Houses, when read, H.E. demanded of both Houses if they had
any further to ask for satisfaction as to the accounts. Answered
no; I then withdrew. Notwithstanding my accounts hath been
strictly examin'd by several Committees and reportes made, I cannott obtaine an Order from the Government for payment thereof.
Sir Edmund Andrews being the King's Governor, his sallary
appointed by the King, hope my estate must not pay his sallary. I
herewith send my answer to former Committee's exceptions to the
accounts, and my answer to their report, onely wants your allowance
and positive orders to Government for payment of ballance, which
will be complyed with, a deare Treasureshipp. I have desired one
Mr. Newton to represent the matter to your Lordships. By
reason of H.E. absence (weighty matters in other Government)
I have been here summer and winter, hath been moved to Assembly
to raise mony, for support of the Lt. Governour, they refused,
seeing noe provision will be made for my support, shall returne to
Boston, and there stay, untill I receive your Lordships' or
Excellency's orders, any which shall be obeyed; when Mr.
Partridge was in the Government he had 800l. etc. Formerly
[I] was four years in Government, never had one penny; now
above one year and one half, and cannot obtain any thing. Hope
H.M. will take care to support her officers, if Province be not able;
add but Boston, Rhode Island and Connecticut to this H.M.
Government, by it better able to support and defend the same. The
Council hath desired me to lay before your Lordships the Province,
according to their uttermost abillitye, repaired H.M. Fort, do
humbly pray your favour to lay before H.M. she would be pleased
to grant 100 barrells of powder, and 100 small arms, with
ammunition, and to send 40 men for the Fort, to be in H.M. pay.
Signed, John Usher. Endorsed, Recd. June 25, 1706. Read
28 March, 1707. Addressed. 1¼ pp. Enclosed, |
966. i. Lt. Governor and Council of New Hampshire to the
Council of Trade and Plantations. Having considered
H.M. commands about reforming H.M. Fort William
and Mary at Newcastle, we humbly represent that wee
have exerted the utmost of our power in erecting and
maintaining a fortification upon the Great Island (alias
Newcastle) at the mouth of Piscataqua River, which
at this juncture of time is in a very good posture of
defence, etc., but wee are very much wanting of powder
and ammunition, and by reason of our poverty and the
Indian warr, rendered very uncapable of supplying
ourselves; we are in great need of 40 souldjers to be
kept constantly at said Fort, but not capable of maintaining them at our own charge, being reduced to the
depth of poverty, and by the loss of our men with the
salvages extremely weakned, which we humbly pray
your Lordps. to represent to H.M. etc. Endorsed as
preceding. 1 p. |
966. ii. Minutes of Council and Assembly of the Massachusetts
Bay, June 28, Nov. 3 and 9, 1704. Report upon
Mr. Usher's Accounts. Same endorsement. 2½ pp. |
966. iii.–v. Mr. Usher's Answers to exceptions made against
the Accounts of John Usher, late Treasurer. June 28,
1704. Same endorsement. 4½ pp. [C.O. 5, 864.
Nos. 166–171; and (without enclosures) 5, 912. pp. 330–334.] |
March 21. Crotchett Fryers, London. |
967. S. Merrett to [? Mr. Secretary Hedges]. In obedience
to H.M. commands, I humbly lay before your Honour my oppinion
for reducing the Fort of Placentia, the only Fort the French have
in Newfoundland, the consequence of which will be the total
ruin of their fishery. I humbly offer that 3 to 500 souldiers
may be sent thither about the middle of July next under
Capt. Lloyd, and that in case not above 300 souldiers be sent,
he may have a power to take some of the inhabitants or their
servants in the winter-time, when the fishery is over with them,
and that during the time they are in service, they may be subsisted
as the soldiers, for as that country admitts of no horse or water
carriage, being full of woods and lakes, the men must carry the
ammunition and provisions. When that place is reduced,
proposes that a garrison and settlement be made there. Proposes
that the souldiers, who are to relieve the garrison now [at St. Johns],
may sail by May 20, whereby the enemy may have no umbrage
of a greater force comeing this year; and that the pretence of
their design may be for Quebec etc. Signed, Solomon Merrett.
Endorsed with memoranda of contents and queries for estimates
[by ? Sir Charles Hedges]. 1½ pp. [C.O. 194, 22. Nos. 15, and
(duplicate) 15.i.] |
March 22. Boston. |
968. Governor Dudley to W. Popple. Refers to plans as
March 10, and to enclosure, wherein Col. Romer "sets down
59 pieces of Ordnance of several sorts necessary. With which,
if it were H.M. pleasure to send two able master gunners upon
the English establishment, one for the Castle at this place, and
the other for Piscataqua, it would be a very great favour." Signed,
J. Dudley. P.S.—The 300 men (mentioned March 10) are returned
from Noridgewock, the headquarters of the Eastern Indians;
found the place deserted ever since Harvest last and their corne
standing; they destroyed the fort, in which they found a large
Church and School-house, and lodgeing for a couple of fryers,
besides the houses for the inhabitants. Endorsed, Recd. June 25,
Read Dec. 11, 1705. 1 p. Enclosed, |
968. i. Col. Romer's Account of the Ordnance in the Forts
of New England and what is wanting there. April 29,
1704. (Castle Island: North and South batteries of
Boston: Salem Fort: Marblehead: Fort Wm. and
Mary, on Pisquataqua River: and Cascobay). Signed,
Wolfgang Romer. 1 large p. Endorsed as preceding.
[C.O. 5, 863. Nos. 133, 133.i.; and (without enclosure)
5, 912. pp. 16, 17.] |
March 22. Nevis. |
969. Lt. Governor Johnson to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. After the death of Sir W. Matthew, I believe by
the carelessness of his servants several papers were lost, but
what papers I have received I shall in all particulars observe etc.
I shall by the next packet send the books of Acts from the several
Islands, as well generall as particular, having taken all care
immaginable in getting them ready, goeing from Island to Island
to forward them, and have them transcribed for your Lordships
as also the accompts of importation and exportation, with the
lists as to the encrease and decrease of the inhabitants, and how
many are able to bear arms. I shall likewise send the transcripts
of all Journalls and other proceedings of all the Assemblies of
these Islands with a duplicate of the Agreement with the French
Governour of Martinique. They had of the English 200 or 300
prisoners, severall of them gentlemen of these Islands, and wee
had of the French 49. I am credibly informed that there is at
least 36 privateers to the windward of these Islands and Barbados,
insomuch that it is morally impossible for any ship to escape
them comming this way. I doe desire your Lordships would
lay before H.M. the conveniency of a light vessell to attend
the men of warr, the French vessells, when chased by the men
of war, get into some creek being so neare theire owne Island
that there is danger in looseing H.M. ships, if we persue them to
near. Whereas if such a light vessell might be sent out, wee
should soe annoye the enemie, that none of them would appear
and wee could in 24 hours clean so small a vessell, and a man
of warr cannot be claned under 4 or 5 weeks, which is a great
charge, and they are soone foul. As concerning the cause of
Mr. Vanbell, I cannot as yet find any minute or proceedings in
any record here, but shall make further search to send your
Lordships an accompt per next. The Courts of Queen's Bench,
Common Pleas, and Exchequer are all open, and that the true
currency of justice may take place, Sir W. Matthew in his life
having taken that especiall care to chuse such able and sufficient
gentlemen to act in every the respective stations as Cheife Justice
and Justices Assistance, which I shall continue still, and in consideration of the loss of time in theire owne Plantations, and the
expences in attending in the said Courts, the Councill and
Assembly of this Island have drawn a small docquett of fees to
deffray the charges into an Act, which will come to your Lordships
per next. I return your Lordships my most hearty thanks for
your care in having the Lieut. Government of Nevis confirmed
upon me, etc. Endorsed, Recd. July 17, Read Aug. 10, 1705.
1¾ pp. [C.O. 152, 6. No. 16; and 153, 9. pp. 243–246.] |
March 22. Nevis. |
970. Lt. Governor Johnson to [? Mr. Secretary Hedges].
Repeats part of preceding. Orders regarding the Admiralty
Courts, prizes and Spanish trade shall be strictly observed etc.
I have erected and repaired several forts and platforms, but we
have a very small quantity of guns to mount in them, and they
are such as wee are forced to burn in merchant ships, for in all
these Islands there is but three 24 pounders and 5 or 6 18 pounders;
all the rest not above 6 or 9. Prays that H.M. may send a
sufficient number of 24, 18 and 12 pounders. 40 to each Island
I believe would be sufficient, and two mortars, bombs, balls and
carriages with all other utensils suitable to such a quantity.
At the request of the Lt. Gov., Council and Assembly of Antigua,
I am going up to finish several works that have been a doing a
long time, and I have obliged myselfe to have them finished in
6 months, etc. Signed, Jon. Johnson. Endorsed, R. Aug. 6, 1705.
2½ pp. [C.O. 184, 1. Nos. 2, and (duplicate) 3.] |
March 22. |
971. (1) Deposition of T. Foulerton, as to the high character
of Col. Abel Alleyn, Col. James Colleton and Col. Joseph
Pickering in Barbados. Signed, Tho. Foulerton. |
(2) Similar Deposition of R. Bate. Signed, Rich. Bate.
The whole endorsed, Recd. Read March 23, 1704/5. 2 pp.
[C.O. 28, 7. Nos. 140, 141.] |
[March 23.] |
972. Affidavits, signed by William Terrill, Jno. Kirton,
Roger Webb, Wm. Griffith, E. Bedingfield, and Tho. Maycock,
and a testimonial by R. Grey (Lord Grey) as to the integrity of
the Four Suspended Councillors of Barbados, George Lillington
etc. The whole endorsed, Recd. Read March 23, 1704/5. 7 pp.
[C.O. 28, 7. Nos. 142–148.] |
March 24. Office of Ordnance. |
973. Board of Ordnance to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Mr. Bell, H.M. Engineer at Jamaica, died in
Dec. Enquire whether it is absolutely necessary to send another
Engineer. Signed, Granville, Wm. Bridges, C. Musgrave, Ja.
Craggs. Endorsed, Recd. Read March 26, 1705. 1 p. [C.O. 137,
7. No. 5; and 138, 11. pp. 386, 387.] |