[? 1704.] |
756. Planters and others interested in Barbados to the
Queen. The inhabitants depend upon this Kingdom for the
greatest part of the necessaries of life, and there is yearly sent
to them from hence to the value of several hundred thousand
pounds in corn, cloth and other manufactory of the nation, which
does greatly contribute to the encouragement of navigation and
keeping up the value of lands and rents. And from the said
Island there is imported annually to the vallue of several hundred
thousand pounds more in sugar, cotton, ginger, etc., which in
times past were made and sold cheaper here than elsewhere
and therefore the greatest part of them are sent abroad and
sold in forraign places, and bring in a considerable annuall gain
to the nation, more valluable than mines of gold and silver in
respect of navigation and breeding seamen, employing our own
people etc., as well as making the ballance of trade in our favour,
etc. This so valluable and important an Island is in a languishing
and decaying condition and unable to defend itself either against
insurrections of the slaves or the invasions of an enemy, the
planters and inhabitants are diminished, impoverished and
burthened that they are not able to help themselves; within 20
years the Christian people there are lessened two thirds, and the
Planters that remain do not make fower per cent. one with another
of their Plantations. By reason of the late importation of great
quantities of sugar from the East Indies by the Dutch, the
impossibility of getting servants to go over, the danger and
dearnes of navigation, negroes and other necessaries, the heavy
duties that are on sugars, and particularly that which is refined
in Barbados, the daily increas of forraign sugar Plantations etc.,
the Planters have just reason to beleive their condition will still
be worse, if some timely remedy be not applied. The same is not
unknown to our enemies, who being very near at hand and sensible
of the vallue of the Island and its present weakness, have an
eye upon us. And therefore in time of war, to prevent them
making descents and carrying away of nigroes and ships, and to
hinder the slaves and other ill-disposed persons from running of
to the enemy, it is of absolute necessity that the forts and batteries,
which are 28 in number, shall be continually guarded with a
competent number of soldiers, which has been usually done by
regular troops sent from England, but now there are none of H.M.
forces there. And therefore the Christian inhabitants (who are
every one that can bear arms listed in the Militia) have been
forced during this present war to do that dutie, and therefore
being by turns night and day employed in services they have
not been enured unto, they are put to great trouble and charges,
many of the poor inhabitants' wives and families being robbed
in the night by slaves, while the men have been upon that duty,
many others have dyed, and the meaner sort for fear of the danger
and expence daily leave the Island to go to the Northern
Plantations, and there are not now servants to be got from
England or Scotland upon any terms to supply that deficiency,
by means whereof, and the late war and sicknes the Island is
greatly depopulated and in danger to be totally ruined. If the
inhabitants that are destroyed and deserted by reason of the fatigue
and expense of the Militia and the duty of guarding the
forts had been preserved and employed with their families in
making sugar, ginger and cotton, this nation had been thereby
annually enriched much more than the expense of 500 regular
troops. Pray for an effectual remedy. Signed, Robert Davers,
J. Kendall, Wm. Bridges, Rd. Scott, Mel. Holder, Jno. Walter,
Rowld. Tryon, John Hill, Wm. Griffith, Tho. Foulerton,
Saml. Herbert, W. Andrews, John Gray, Tho. Gibbs, Thom.
Waite, Tho. Forster, Wm. Tryon. 1½ large pp. [C.O. 28, 38.
No. 34.] |
[? 1704.] |
757. Agents of Barbados and other Gentlemen of estates in
and merchants trading to Barbados to the Queen. On Oct. 17,
and 3 other times, petitioners applied in vain to be heard by the
Council of Trade and Plantations before they reported upon the
matter of George Lillington, not doubting to have fully satisfied
their Lordships that the complaints of Lillington were false and
groundless. Pray that the Order of Council [Nov. 16] may be
suspended and the matter further examined into. Signed,
Pat. Mein, Robt. Steward, Tho. Foulerton, Saml. Childe, J.
Kendall, Jno. Walter, Wm. Walker, Raynes Bate, Robt. Davers,
Jno. Bromley, Richard Scot, Richd. Bate, Robt. Chester, J.
Stanley, Wm. Bridges, Mel. Holder, Wm. Clealand. [C.O. 28,
38. No. 33.] |
[? 1704.] |
758. Agents of Barbados to Sir Charles Hedges. Pray
H.M. confirmation of Col. Alleyn, Col. Clealand, and Col. James
Colliton, appointed by the Governor to the Council of Barbados,
they being Gentlemen of known loyalty and well qualified to
serve H.M. No date, signature or endorsement. [C.O. 28, 38.
No. 32.] |
[? 1704 or 1705 ?] |
759. Merchants trading to Newfoundland to the Queen.
Praise Capt. Lloyd, and propose that he command an expedition
of 500 men to surprise Placentia in the winter when the French
ships are returned to Europe. Mr. Jackson, the Minister, has
been the occasion of all the disturbances that have hapned of
late in Newfoundland. 20 signatures. [C.O. 194, 22. No. 10.] |
1704. |
760. Acts of Antigua. [C.O. 8, 3. pp. 148ff.; and 8, 1.
pp. 201ff.] |
761. Acts of Barbados. Printed. [C.O. 30, 4. pp. 206ff.;
and 30 1. pp. 159ff.; and 30, 3. pp. 380ff.; and (MS.) 30, 6;
and 319, 1. pp. 222ff.] |
762. List of Acts of Barbados, Bermuda, Jamaica. [C.O. 5,
274.] |
763. Acts of Bermuda. Printed. [C.O. 39, 2. pp. 65ff.;
and (MS.) 39, 4.] |
764. Acts of South Carolina. Printed. [C.O. 5, 411.
pp. 105ff.] |
765. Acts of Jamaica. Printed. [C.O. 139, 8. pp. 107ff.;
and (MS.) 139, 9.] |
766. Acts of the Leeward Islands. [C.O. 154, 6. passim.] |
767. Acts of Maryland. Printed. [C.O. 5, 730; and 5, 732;
and 5, 729.] |
768. Acts of the Massachusetts Bay. Printed. [C.O. 5,
772. pp. 227ff.; and 5, 773. p. 147.] |
769. Acts of New Hampshire. Printed. [C.O. 5, 948.
pp. 25ff.; and (MS.) 5, 951. pp. 9ff.] |
[? 1704.] |
770. Copy of an Act of New Jersey for settling and ascertaining
the current rates of foreign coyns, in pursuance of H.M.
Proclamation of June 18, 1704, and the letter of the Council of
Trade, June 29, 1¼ pp. [C.O. 5, 980. No. 34.] |
1704. |
771. Acts of New Jersey. Printed. [C.O. 5, 1005. pp. 3ff.;
and 5, 1004.] |
772. Acts of New York. Printed. [C.O. 5, 1145. pp. 57ff.;
and 5, 1146.] |
773. Acts of St. Christophers. [C.O. 240, 1. pp. 5ff.] |
774. Acts of Virginia. Printed. [C.O. 5, 1380, 1381, 1382.] |
775. Abstract of Letter from the Governor of New York.
[C.O. 5, 1133. pp. 155ff.] |
776. Abstracts of letters from Governor Handasyd.
[C.O. 137, 41.] |
777. Abstracts of letters from Governor Sir Wm. Mathew
and Lt. Governor John Johnson. [C.O. 152, 36. pp. 1ff.] |
778. Abstracts of letters from New Hampshire. [C.O. 5,
944. pp. 1–3.] |
779. Abstracts of letters from Col. Quary. [C.O. 5, 922.
pp. 1ff.] |
780. Abstract of Grants of Land, New York. [C.O. 5, 1134.
p. 75.] |
1704. |
781. List of Grants of Lands in South Carolina, with quit
rents. [C.O. 5, 398. pp. 20–27.] |
[? 1704.] |
782. Extract of Lord Cornbury's Commission for the
Government of New York, relating to grants of lands. 1 p.
[C.O. 5, 3. No. 20.] |
1704ff. |
783. MS. Index of documents relating to Plantations General,
[C.O. 326, 49.]; to Jamaica [C.O. 326, 39]; Virginia [C.O. 326.
31]; Maryland [C.O. 326, 20]. |