Oct. 11. New York. |
1132. Captain Nanfan to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I have twice made my application to your Lordships
praying redress by way of letter, the one dated October 5, 1702,
the other May 27, 1703, wherein with all brevity I have
endeavoured to lay before your Lordships the difficulties imposed
on me, by and thro' the means of my Lord Cornbury, my last
told your Lordships I was clapt in goal for the protested Bills
of Exchange returned hither, and occasioned so protested thro'
my Lord Cornbury's means by his Lordship's taking up the
money and misapplying it by and appropriation of it to his own
use instead of paying the Bills drawn, when the Officers and soldiers
by that money taken up here were weekly subsisted, but this
your Lordships having been so long and well apprized of I will
forbear to proceed on that subject and avoid repetition but I
must humbly lay before your Lordships that I am yet in prison
for that moneys, and God knows when shall be discharged without
positive orders from England. My Lord, the separating me and
my family, has, is, and will be very destructive, with the vast
expence I have been at already and must be put to, the loss of
my time to improve my own small fortune (since what I had
from the Crown is taken from me), the blasting my reputation
abroad, the confinement of my person in prison here, just so
soon as my bread by my Company was taken from me without
any reason assigned, confirms me in the said opinion I was of
in my last to your Lordships, that I am intended a sacrifice,
therefore I most humbly pray your Lordships that such care
may be taken for my redemption, as a free born Englishman
ought to have, and that I may by a mandamus be commanded
for England, there to defend my administration, or whatever
may be objected against me, or that such positive orders may
be sent, to permit me to go on my lawfull occasions, saving
harmless myself and all my securitys for the above mentioned
debts contracted for the payment of the soldiers, and that my
Lord Cornbury may be obliged, as he has misapplyed that very
money, to make it good to the creditor, with the charges that his
Lordship has occasioned to accrew on that account, and which
his Lordship, as I am given to understand, intends to throw on
me as drawer, his Lordship being at present in a station above
the law, or any other means for me to procure satisfaction from
him. Signed, John Nanfan. |
P.S. —My accounts are allowed right with a great ballance
to me, and yet I am kept on them bills in goal altho' my Lord
Cornbury publickly owns to have received the moneys in England.
Endorsed, Recd. Dec. 23, 1703, Read March 10, 170¾. Holograph.
3 pp. Annexed, |
1132. i. Abstract of preceding. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1048. Nos.
68, 68.i.; and (without abstract) 5, 1120. pp. 85–87.] |
Oct. 11. Whitehall. |
1133. Journal of Council of Trade and Plantations. Ordered
that a copy of Col. Nicholson's letter relating to the death of
Mr. Randolph be sent to Mr. Sansom. |
Ordered that Sir B. Gracedieu and Sir Gilbert Heathcote be
invited to attend on Wednesday on the affairs of Jamaica. |
Oct. 12. |
Letter from Mr. Dummer, Oct. 12, read. |
Their Lordships took into consideration the Act of Jamaica
relating to Kingston. Ordered that a copy of it, and of
petitions for and against be sent to Mr. Burchet for the information
of H.R.H. |
Case of the Officers at Jamaica considered and directions given
for a Representation upon it. |
Oct. 13. |
The merchants and planters concerned for and against the
Kingston Act attending, Sir Gilbert Heathcote and those for the
Act further explained as follows: In relation to the Leeward
or Westward Channel into Kingston Bay, it is not indeed
ordinarily used, but may be made use of upon occasion and lies
out of the reach of the guns at Port Royal. Port Royal is of so
little defence to H.M. ships in those parts, that when Admiral
Benbow was there, and under some apprehension of being attacked
by M. Chateau-Renaut, it was agreed at a Council of War to
retire for safety into Kingston Harbour. Port Royal is no defence
to the Islands, which in truth can only be defended by strength
of shipping superior to that of an enemy. In case of an attack,
it was always the opinion of the Council that the houses must
be pulled downe; and that even without an attack it might
be easy for an enemy, with a very smal force, to intercept their
water, and force them to surrender. For which reasons these
Gentlemen declared their opinion (and more especially Col. Lawes
his) that the fortifications there ought to be demolished. If
Port Royal is made the seat of Trade, the place is so very little
that the charge of lodgings must be intollerable to seamen and
other labouring people that must inhabit there, and so make
all charges excessively dear and burdensom. Kingston Harbour
is capable to contain the greatest Fleet that can be sent thither,
and a little Block-house with 20 guns, at a place called the Middle
Ground, and a platform of 10 or 12 guns at the Salt Pond
would make it very secure. They asked that the Act be confirmed. |
The Gentlemen on the other side communicated to the Board
another petition which they had received from Jamaica last
night, and would lay before H.M., and observed that it is signed
by 7 of the Council and 13 of the Assembly, adding that there
were great complaints in the Island of the heat wherewith that
Act was carried on and obtained, and that divers, who had first
been for it, were now convinced of their error, and desired it
might not pass. They added to their former petition, that the
Act is injurious to the property of great numbers of people;
that the pretended hazard that Port Royal might be in of having
their water intercepted may easily be prevented by a few guns
on a platform, which may command the ordinary channel that
leads thither; that it is true the maintaining of the Fort there
will necessarily require the keeping up of ye town; that the
notion of destroying that Fort is new here in London, and never
thought of in Jamaica; that the seafaring men are all desirous
that Port Royal may be resetled; that the ground is capacious
enough to contain habitations for them, and may be further
enlarged by gaining with piles (as in Holland) upon the sea;
that one great reason of their averseness to Kingston is its
unhealthy air, which has always occasioned much sickness in
that place; that 400 people have died there since the burning of
Port Royal; that in effect a great many of their seamen, partly
upon this occasion, and partly upon the alarm they took upon
Admiral Graydon's pressing men at his departure, have already
left the Island; that the Western Channel to Kingston is very
hazardous, and that they have newly received advice of 4 ships
being lost in that Harbour. They added divers other things,
and concluded with their desire that the Acts may be rejected
and the people left in the same circumstances as formerly, to
build and settle as they think fit. |
Capt. Gardner, Agent for the soldiers at Jamaica, together
with Capt. Howard, and officer lately come from thence, were
called in, and the case of the Officers read and compared with
the late Act for their additional subsistence. Whereupon it
being observed to the forementioned concerned in the affairs of
Jamaica, that tho' there be provision made for lodging or paying
the common soldiers 5s. per week for one year, yet it being at
the choice of the inhabitants either to lodge or pay that mony,
there ought to be some more direct and positive provision made
for their lodging lest some should not be able to procure lodging
with their 5s. And that as for the officers, it seemed a hardship
to those of superior degree, that no consideration should be had
of them more than of an Ensign. Whereupon those Gentlemen
replyed that the town of Port Royal having formerly born ¼ part
of the charge of this service, the Island could not now contribute
so much as was done before the burning of that place; and that
they had lately recd. letters from thence expressing that ye
Assembly had done as much as was possible for them in this
occasion; nevertheless they all concurred that the shortness of
this Act, in reference to the common soldiers, ought to be
amended, and that the officers ought to be made easy, and
thereupon promised to write to their correspondents to dispose
the Assembly to make some further provision in this matter.
Their Lordships then gave further directions for preparing a
Report upon the case of the Officers wherein to set forth the
abstract of that case and of the Act and to propose that barracks
be built for the officers and soldiers to lodge in, under the discipline
established in Ireland, and to offer that H.M. would be pleased
to direct the Lieut. Govr. to recommend to the Assembly to make
further provision for the soldiery. [C.O. 391, 16. pp. 213–222;
and 391, 97. pp. 585–598.] |
Oct. 11. |
1134. Journal of Assembly of Jamaica. Bill for settling
and continuing H.M. Revenue read the first time. |
On debate concerning Capt. Thomas Freeman's continuing to
absent himself from the service of the country in the House,
resolved that he be sent for in custody of the Messenger by the
Speaker's warrant. |
Bill for making the Cay whereon H.M. Forts Charles and William
stand a Port of Entry read and past the first time. |
Oct. 12. |
Revenue Bill read the second time. Resolved, that the title
be "An Act for raising a Revenue to H.M., her heirs and successors,
for the support of the Government of this Island, and for
maintaining and repairing H.M. Forts and Fortifications." |
Bill for the better collecting H.M. Quit-rents read the first
and second times and ordered to be engrosst. |
Bill for making the Cay etc. a Port of Entry read a second time
and ordered to be engrossed. |
Oct. 13. |
The above Bill was read a third time. |
Thomas Braggs and Thomas Cox not attending the service of
this House, resolved that they lie under the censure of the House. |
Bill for raising an Additional duty and impost read a first time.
[C.O. 140, 7. pp. 126–130.] |
Oct. 12. Whitehall. |
1135. William Popple to Josiah Burchett. The Lieutenant
Governour, Councill and Assembly of Jamaica having past an
Act "to invest H.M. in land in Kingston" etc., whereby it is
enacted that Port Royal, which was before the late fire the cheif
town of trade, be no more a town or parish, that its priviledges
be taken away, that all ships shall load and unload hereafter
at Passage Fort, and that Kingston be the seat of trade (which
Act is referred by H.M. to the Council of Trade and Plantations,
in order to her Royal assent or dissent), their Lordships in
consideration that Jamaica is the cheif resort of H.M. ships of
warr in the West Indies; and that the resolutions taken in this
matter will very much concern the navigation of England; have
ordered me to send you the enclosed copies of the said Act, and
of the papers relating thereunto to be laid before the Prince as
Lord High Admiral for H.R.H. information. And doe pray
H.R.H. opinion therein, for their better guidance in the Report,
which they are required forthwith to make unto H.M. [C.O. 138,
11. pp. 39–41.] |
Oct. 12. Whitehall. |
1136. William Popple to John Sansom. The Council of
Trade and Plantations have ordered me to send you the inclosed
copy of a letter wch. they have lately received from Governor
Nicholson relating to the death of Mr. Randolph, that the same
may be laid before the Commissioners of H.M. Customs. [C.O. 5,
1360. p. 434.] |
Oct. 12. Coleman Street. |
1137. E. Dummer to Mr. Popple. The King William arived
in Mounts Bay the 8th, bringing the Letters in two mails. She
was chased in there by two large ships. The following is the
account of time out and home:— |
Sail'd from Falmouth 30th June, 1703; came to Barbadoes
1st Aug. |
Sail'd from Barbadoes 3 Augt., 1703; came to Antegoa 7 Aug. |
Sail'd from Antegoa 8 Augt., 1703; came to Mountseratt. |
Sail'd from Mountseratt 11 Augt., 1703; came to Nevis 11.8 a.m. |
Sail'd from Nevis 12 Augt., 1703; came to St. Xtopher's 12. |
Sail'd from St. Xtopher's 13 Augt., 1703; came to Jamaica. |
Sail'd from Jamaica 27 Augt., 1703; came to Mounts Bay. |
This time amounts to 99 days just. |
All the advice of moment I have is that the Barbadoes Fleet
(and those from the Charibbee Islands which are a considerable
number coming under convoy of the Coventry, Kingsale and
Maidstone) were designed to come away from Barbadoes about
Aug. 7th or 8th. That Island is sickly and it is said hardly one
in three ships escape the French Privateers. |
From Jamaica they say the saylors are all gone to Curacoa,
but they have made an order of Government to encourage them
to come back. Signed, E. Dummer. Endorsed, Recd. Read
Oct. 12, 1703. Addressed. 1 p. [C.O. 323, 5. No. 18; and
324, 8. p. 259.] |
Oct. 12. |
1138. Minutes of Council of Barbados. 18l. 15s. paid to
Alexander Skene for administering 300 oaths to masters of vessels. |
Petition of John Goby Attorney to Lewis Middleton, master
of a sloop, to be reimbursed for importing 55 English prisoners
whom he found in miserable condition at Martinique, in exchange
for French, referred to a Committee. |
48l. 14s. 6d. paid to Thomas Hollard for work done to the
fortifications. |
25l. sterl. paid to Geo. Wilshire for a negro woman executed for
robbing him. [C.O. 31, 8. pp. 122, 123.] |
Oct. 12. |
1139. Journal of Assembly of Barbados. Petitions of Robert
Yeomans (Oct. 5) considered with evidence and dismissed. |
Resolved that when H.E. pleases to rent any Plantation, this
House will become security for the payment of the rent. |
600l. voted to reimburse H.E. several sums of money for
intelligence in relation to the security of the Island and receiving
the Flaggs of Truce, and also his servants being sick and not
having a house provided to place and maintain them, towards
this expence. |
Resolved that the duty of liquors for H.E. be remitted to him.
These votes sent up. [C.O. 31, 7. pp. 115–118.] |
Oct. 14. Custome house, London. |
1140. Mr. Sansom to Mr. Popple. I have communicated
to the Commissioners your letter 12th inst., and am directed
to acquaint you that this Board has had long experience of the
ability and desert of Col. Quarry, and had so good an esteem
of his services relating to this Revenue, that before the receipt
of your letter, they had resolved to present him to that imployment, and accordingly a presentment is lodged at the Treasury
Chambers against my Lord Treasurer comes to towne. Signed,
Jno. Sansom. Endorsed, Recd. 18, Read Oct. 20, 1703.
Addressed. ½ p. [C.O. 5, 1313. No. 32; and 5, 1360. p. 435.] |
Oct. 14. Whitehall. |
1141. Journal of Council of Trade and Plantations. Upon
further consideration of the Kingston Act, ordered that the
Secretary write to Sir Gilbert Heathcote and to Sir Bar. Gracedieu. |
Representation upon the Act for subsistence of soldiers at
Jamaica read. |
Oct. 15. |
Sir Bartho. Gracedieu, with Mr. Way, Mr. Mason, Capt.
Burrowes, Commander of a ship using the Jamaica trade, and
Mr. Egon [Egans], who left that Island May 26, attending, the latter
declared that when he came from thence there were about 40 or
50 houses built at Port Royal, but not above 2 or 3 at Kingston,
since the passing of the Act for the setling the seat of trade
there. Capt. Burrows said that there is no good anchorage
about Kingston, and that the sea-breezes there are very injurious
to the health of the seamen, and also hinder them from working
a great part of the time in wch. they may work at Port Royal.
Mr. Way laid before the Board extracts of 3 letters from Jamaica,
from Col. Beckford, Col. Knights and John Rayner, complaining
of the said Act, and particularly of the unhealthyness of Kingston.
He also said that they had account that the ground on which
the town of Port Royal lately stood, including the Fort, has
been lately measured to contain 43 acres. Sir Bartho. Gracedieu
promised to bring a more perfect account in writing of what
has been done in execution of the late Act, according was desired
[sic] by the foresaid letter. Their Lordships acquainted him
that what relates to the sea and ships of war has been laid before
H.R.H. for his consideration, and ordered that Sir Gilbert
Heathcote be also acquainted with the same, that both sides
may attend the Admiralty therein, as they think fit. |
Representation upon the case of the forces at Jamaica, signed
and enclosed to Lord Nottingham. |
Ordered that copy of the Kingston Act be sent to Mr. Lowndes.
[C.O. 391, 16. pp. 223–226; and 391, 97. pp. 601–607.] |
Oct. 14. |
1142. Minutes of Council [in Assembly] of Bermuda. The
Assembly sent up their reply to the letter of the Council of Trade
referred to Oct. 4. As to the Liquor Tax made in Col. Day's
Government, they pray that the members of that Assembly,
with such others as shall be thought necessary, may be examined
on oath of their knowledge by this Board, and such examinations
be annexed to a copy of the said Liquor Act now on Record
with the votes of that Assembly preceding that Act. As to an
indefinite Act for raising of money for support of these Islands,
the Assembly cannot make an indefinite Act for raising of money
without great prejudice to H.M. subjects in these Islands. |
The Board approved of the proposed examination, and desired
the same may be expeditiously done. As to the Indefinite Act,
this Board have deliberately considered H.M. Instructions to
H.E. in that matter, and the letter of the Lords Commissioners
of June 18, (and) are unanimously of opinion that H.E. cannot
vary from or dispense with them, but must inviolably observe
and pursue the same. |
Oct. 15. |
Upon reading the several petitions this day exhibited by
Capt. Matthew Newnam on behalf of Thomas Gibbes and Anthony
Peniston, jr., praying to be relieved in the several suits by
Col. Samuel Day now depending by way of Appeal in this Court,
and upon reading H.M. Order for permitting Col. Day to return
to England etc., it is the unanimous opinion of this Board that
no suit ought to be prosecuted against the administrators of
Col. Day in these Islands, they being only in trust for Sir Thomas
Day; and that the persons aggrieved in the matters above
may redress themselves by stating their cases and transmitting
them to England, this Board being willing to assist in recommending the same for H.M. directions therein. |
Capt. Brooks' Bill for 5l. 11s. 4d. was passed. [C.O. 40, 2.
pp. 56, 57.] |
Oct. 14. |
1143. Journal of Assembly of Jamaica. Bill for raising
an additional duty read a second time and ordered to be
engrosst. |
Committee appointed to examine the Receiver General's
accompts. |
A motion that a Bill may be brought in to encourage the
importation of white men, was negatived. |
Revenue Bill read the third time. |
Quit-Rent Bill read the third time. |
Additional Duty Bill read the third time. |
Oct. 15. |
See Minutes of Council in Assembly under date. |
Robert Nedham had leave to be absent upon extraordinary
occasions of his. |
Committee appointed to bring in a Bill to encourage the
importation of white men. The Bill was brought in and read
a first and second time and ordered to be engrosst. |
The House obtained the Governor's leave to adjourn till
Tuesday. [C.O. 140, 7. pp. 130–133.] |
Oct. 14. Boston. |
1144. Minutes of Council of the Massachusetts Bay. H.E.
being returned this week from Piscataqua, intimated his having
sent forth 360 souldiers under Lieut. Col. March to visit the
settlement of the Indian rebels at Pigwockett, but that by reason
of the troubles with the Indians for about 15 years past, the
way thither had been discused, and for want of burning the woods,
they were so much overgrown and had so altered the forme of
the land, that the Guides were bewildred and could not find the
Path, and the forces were obliged to return, their provisions being
expended. He had formed a second expedition to that place
by another way, more easy to be found, tho' somewhat further
about, who were ordered to set forth yesterday. He had armed
two sloops to cruise along the coast as far as St. Croix, to make
what spoyle they could upon the enemy, the rest of the forces
being posted at Casco Bay, and on the frontiers. |
8l. 15s. paid to Jonathan Barnes of Plymouth for billeting of
souldiers, Aug. and Sept. last. [C.O. 5, 789. p. 538.] |
Oct. 14. New York. |
1145. Journal of Assembly of New York. Andrew Dow
took the oaths and signed the Test. |
The Governor summoned the Assembly to attend him at
Fort Anne, and addressed them:—I am sorry the season of
the year is so far advanced that you cannot have so much time
for your deliberations as I would wish, because there are many
things that will in due time require your consideration, the
providing a sufficient fund for the paying such a number of men
as may be necessary to be sent to Albany for the defence of
the frontiers this winter: the number I think necessary 130,
with their officers, including the outscouts. I should have desired
a greater number, but that I consider the condition of the
Province at this time, therefore I am willing to make the charge
as little as possible, but I must recommend it to your care to
provide such a coertion in your Bill as may be effectual for the
bringing in the money, by the time you shall think fit to appoint,
else I am afraid people will be as backward in their payments
as they have been in the 1,800l. tax, which is not yet all paid,
though the time appointed was March 25 last. If anything
occurs to your thoughts for the good of this Colony, you shall
always find us ready to concur, etc. The Great Queen of England,
my Mistress, has been pleased to ease this Province of a burthen
which by custome has long lain upon it, that of presents to the
Governors, etc. I desire you to give all possible dispatch to
matters before you, for I am obliged upon the Queen's service
to be at Amboy at the very beginning of next month." H.M.
Letter of April 20 was entered in the Journal of the House. |
Oct. 15. |
Resolved that 1,300l. be raised for paying 130 men, etc., to be
sent to Albany for the defence of the frontiers. |
Address to H.E. agreed upon. |
Oct. 16. |
Bill to raise 1,300l. read a first time. [C.O. 5, 1185.
pp. 100–103.] |
Oct. 15. Whitehall. |
1146. William Popple to William Lowndes. The Council of
Trade and Plantations desire the opinion of the Commissioners
of Customs, as to the Act of Jamaica for transferring the seat
of trade to Kingston, so far as may relate to H.M. Revenue of
the Customes. Copy of the Act enclosed. [C.O. 138, 11.
pp. 41, 42.] |
Oct. 15. |
1147. Ja. Egans to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
In answer to your Lordships' commands how far the Laws at
Jamaica for settling the seat of Trade etc. have been put in
execution, I say that many persons settled at Kingston and
began to build houses there, and at the end of May there were
9 or 10 houses almost finished, but that in expectation of the
resetling Port Royall most people desisted. Mr. Chaplin,
Hutchinson, Puckle and many other merchants and others
resided on Port Royall, and had and were building houses and
warehouses there, about forty whereof were finished and four
or five taverns kept, and wine sold, and one Johnson, a butcher,
and others killed and sold meat there. Before the fire, Port
Royal and Kingston were both Ports of Entry, but since the
fire the offices for entring and clearing ships being kept at
Kingston only, all ships have entered and cleared there. Signed,
Ja. Egans. ¾ p. Annexed, |
1147. i. Sir Bartho. Gracedieu and others to the Council of
Trade and Plantations. After the Earthquake in
1692 Kingston was made a Port of Entry with equal
advantages as port Royal, since which a very few
ships of small burthen depending on Messrs. Heathcotes
(and we veryly believe these only) have gone up to
and entred at Kingston only, but almost all ships
have entered, discharged, loaded and cleared at Port
Royal only, and never went to Kingston, but when
compelled by utmost force and necessity. The ships of
war always have and (tho' the Forts should be demolished
as the sticklers for these unreasonable Laws desire) always
must ride in Port Royal harbour, Kingston being unsafe
to goe to, and ride in, and so seated that they can't come
thence but at great hazard, much charge and the
expence of several days' time. Since the fire many
very considerable persons for trade and estate do still
live on Port Royal, and have laid out great sums of
money and built many good houses for their accommodation and health. The unjust means made use of to
procure these violent and oppressive Laws, and to deprive
so many poor widdows and orphans of their naturall
property to so great vallue as above 13,000l. an year
ground rents, hath forced many seafareing men to
leave the Island, and raised such heats and animositys
as will (we fear, if not prevented) produce dismall effects.
We are humbly of opinion that nothing can quiet the
minds of the people there, or secure H.M. Island but
the rejecting of those violent Laws, and suffering Port
Royal to be a place of entry, as well as Kingston, as it
hath always been, to the health, safety and satisfaction
of trade thither. Pray the Board to advise H.M. that
these Laws may be rejected. Signed, Bartho. Gracedieu,
Benj. Way, Ste. Mason. 1 p. The whole endorsed,
Recd. Read Oct. 18, 1703. [C.O. 137, 6. Nos. 10,
10.i.] |
[Oct. 15.] |
1148. Extracts of Letters from Jamaica complaining of the
Kingston Act. |
(a) Col. Charles Knight to Benjamin Way. Aug. 26, 1703.
The rents of Port Royal was worth the day of the fire 27,000l.
per annum. Instead of a brief that is customary amongst
Christians for the relief of their brethren, they endeavour to
destroy what the fire left, notwithstanding moneyed men would
have rebuilt the town one half for the other, so that the poor
inhabitants would have had in a year or two 13,500l. per annum
coming in and living in health in all probability, but now are
starving and great numbers of them in their graves at Kingston,
where they are forced by the Law, altho' that place heretofore
was almost deserted for its unhealthyness, and will in a little
time swallow up the greater part of the remainder, if they cannot
remove to Port Royal, etc. Copy. ¾ p. |
(b) Col. Peter Beckford to Sir B. Gracedieu, July 7, 1703.
We are now in such a condition that I cannot think it advisable
to discover how many men and the best of them has left us,
since those violent hasty Laws past, that takes away the freeholds of so many able men that supported Port Royal and
manned H.M. fortifications there. The owners of sloops etc.
that were manned out against our enemies were inhabitants
and freeholders of Port Royal, and rather than be forced from
their freeholds to that place of Kingston, which they have already
experienced to be unhealthy, inconvenient, tedious and very
chargeable, most of them have left and the rest will follow.
Copy. ¾ p. |
(c) John Rayner to Jos. Paice. Port Royal, Aug. 28, 1703.
We have had two judgments on us, and believe ye latter has
been the worst, that of Port Royal's being burnt and the great
sickness that has been at their free Port Towne, Kingston. 'Tis
so sickly that when I have went their of a morning, have heard
the bell toule six times before I put a peice of bread in my mouth;
people are taken sick one day and buried the next. If Port
Royal be not a free port, we'll all come off and leave ye Kingstown
men to defend it. There has been no less then three vessels sunk
and overset in ye Harbour by gust of wind, ships going and
coming from thence continually running aground, the channel
being so narrow. Copy. ½ p. The whole endorsed, Presented
to the Board by Mr. Way. Recd. Read Oct. 15, 1703.
[C.O. 137, 6. Nos. 10.a., 10.b., 10.c.] |
Oct. 15. Whitehall. |
1149. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of
Nottingham. Enclosing following Report to be laid before H.M.
As to the Act relating to Port Royal and Kingston, we have
several times heard the most eminent merchants and planters
of Jamaica now here upon that subject, and have laid before
H.R.H. the Lord High Admiral the consideration of what may
relate to H.M. Fleet and the sea for H.R.H. opinion, upon
receiving whereof we shall be ready to lay before H.M. our humble
Representation therein. Signed, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt,
Jno. Pollexfen, Mat. Prior. 1 p. Annexed, |
1149. i. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen.
In obedience to your Majesty's Order in Councill of
Sept. 19 last, we have considered the petition of the
officers of Col. John Livesay's and Col. Thomas
Handasyd's Regiments, now quartered in Jamaica.
We have likewise considered the Act of Assembly therein
mentioned, whereby it appears that 17,000l. had been
raised for payment of publick debts and subsistence of
soldiers; and by the said Act provision is further made
for allowing quarters to all officers and soldiers for one
year, or in lieu thereof for paying unto each officer 10s.
and to each private soldier 5s. per week, which allowance
to Officers we humbly conceive to be too small in those
parts, and that they may deserve a better provision.
And whereas by the said Act it is left to the choice of
the inhabitants either to receive the soldiers into their
houses, or pay them 5s. per week for quarters; by
which means the soldiers receiving this money mispend
it to the ruine of their health, and are frequently left
without quarters; we humbly offer that letters be
writ by your Majesty to the Lieutenant Governour and
Councill of Jamaica that they recommend to the
Assembly in your Majesty's name the case of the said
Officers; and that a clause be inserted in a future Act
by which quarters may be better secured to the soldiers,
and the forementioned inconvenience prevented. We
being further informed by several Planters and
Merchants lately arrived from Jamaica, that considering the destruction of the town of Port Royal by
the fire, which town alone did formerly bear ¼ part
of that charge; and being otherwise sensible of the
inconveniences your Majesty's Forces in those parts
lye under for want of a due care taken of them, which
occasions a great mortality amongst them, and renders
them in a great manner unfit for service, we humbly
take leave to propose to your Majesty, that barracks
be built there in proper places, wherein (as in your
Majesty's kingdome of England), the Officers and
soldiers may be lodged, under the like, or such other
regulations as may be proposed, which will not only
be a great ease to the inhabitants of that Island, but keep
those Forces, which are now too much dispersed, in a
greater readiness for service. And whereas the
provisions which the Officers and soldiers are now
forced to purchase at dear rates, by the exactions
made upon them, may be more easily supplied from
Carolina, and your Majesty's more Northern Plantations,
in case an Agent be appointed for victualling of them
at the best rates, whilst they shall be thus lodged in
the barracks, we humbly propose that such an Officer
be appointed for purchasing such provisions, keeping
them in stores, and delivering them out to the Officers
and soldiers at the cheapest rates, for which so much
of their English subsistence as is necessary may be
retained, and deducted, as also so much of the allowance
made them by the inhabitants as shall not be applied
towards the building and maintaining of barracks,
the perfecting of which good work we humbly offer
that your Majesty be pleased to recommend to the
Assembly of that Island; and by this method we
humbly conceive that your Majesty's Forces will be no
longer burdensom to the Island, their discipline and
health will be preserved, the service better carryed on,
and the cheif occasion of the soldiers' unwillingness to
serve in the Plantations in a great measure removed;
and how far your Majesty may please to encourage and
promote the work by your royal assistance is most
humbly submitted. Signed, Robt. Cecill, Ph. Meadows,
William Blathwayt, Jno. Pollexfen, Mat. Prior.
[C.O. 138, 11. pp. 42–48; and (without enclosure) 137,
45. No. 53.] |
Oct. 15. Virginia. |
1150. Col. Quary to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Inclosed is a copy of my last, since which I have gone through
Maryland, and visitted the severall Officers of H.M. Customs,
in persuance of the Commissioners' Instructions. I came into
this Province Sept. 16 in order to discharge the like duty, which
I have effectually done. The 29th I was sworn one of H.M.
Council for this Province, and since your Lordships were pleased
to think me fitt for yt. honour, I will endeavour to maintain your
good esteem etc. This Government. was never under better or
happyer circumstances, H.M. Revenue never managed wth.
more justice, care and judgemt. than at this present, nor ever
augmented and improved to yt. hight as now it is, and yet ye
publick taxes was never easyer or lighter than now, and consequently ye Inhabitants never better pleased or satisfyed. The
Governor hath taken so good care in the disposing of the arms lately
sent by H.M. yt. ye money they cost will be repayed to H.M.
in a little time with interest, wch. I hope will incourage your
Lordships to propose yt. there may be a further supply of arms,
ammunition and other necessaries sent, according to the acct.
which you will receive from H.E. There is now in Bank 1,936l.
of ye Revenue arising to H.M. from ye 2s. per. hhd. and 4,111l.
of H.M. Quit-Rents, after having paid for the arms and ammunition. The Publick Building called the Capitoll, is quite finished,
except some inside work. I never saw a better structure for ye
bigness of it in my life, both in respect of ye materials, ye beauty,
and prospect of it, the design and contrivance of it, which will
efectually answer all the ends proposed by it, the Courts of
Judicature, the setting of the Council and Assembly, and all
the public offices of the Govmt. The people are extreamly
pleased with it as being an ornament and honour to ye country;
and now yt. this great work is finished, I beleive the Assembly
will continue ye same fund to be employed in some further benefit
to the country. |
The Militia of this Province is under far better regulation
than any other Govermt. on the Main; it is put into the hands
of very good officers, and H.E. doth by himself exercise ye men
very frequently, when time can be best spared without ye least
injury to ye Planters, so yt. in a little time I hope to see them
well disciplined (and when supplied with more arms and
ammunition) fitt to serve H.M., and under H.E.'s conduct be
able to defend this Province from all H.M. enemys. I could say
a great deal more, but can't better demonstrate ye great quiet,
tranquility and satisfaction of all this Govermt. than by referring
your Lordsps. to the severall Addresses from all ye parts of it,
the Assembly, the Grand Jury, the Militia and the whole Clergy.
There are some uneasy, factious and turbulent spirits (tho'
few in numbers) yt. do envy this happiness and endeavour to
distract and disturb ye peace and quiet of this Govmt. They
are in their very nature uneasy under all Govermt.; they played
ye same game under my Lord Howard of Effingham's Govermt.,
they never left clamouring and complaining against his Lordp's.
administration till they had gain'd their point in having him
removed; nor were they anything better satisfied under
Sir Edmund Andross, but continued their old game, clamors and
complaints till they got him also removed, to whom Gov. Nicholson
succeeded, and now they seemed satisfyed and contented in ye
highest degree imaginable; they expected yt. the Governor
would be governed by them, yt. all places of honours and profitts
should be in their hands and disposing, and yt. now they should
be able to crush and ruin ye other party; but they quickly found
themselves mistaken, for H.E. by long experience knew the
mischiefs of encouraging factions in a Govermt., and therefore
would not gratify them by making himself ye head of a party, but
govern'd ye whole without partiality or distinction, and
accordingly he did distribute justice and his favours without ye
least regard to party or factions, and took occasion to let all
persons in places of trust and profitt know yt. he expected they
shoud discharge their duty. This conduct of the Govr.'s
surprized them at first, but when they found him stedy and
resolved, it quickly sowered their tempers, and from pretended
friends they became ye worst of enemys; they united all their
forces, and some yt. were ready to cut each others' throats became
fast friends to oppose ye Govr.; those of them that were in the
Council did all they could to perplex matters there, tho' contrary
to their oath and duty, and those few that were chosen into the
Assembly did their part to oppose ye Queen's interest and commands; but all their endeavours failed, unless in ye case of
supplying ye Quota for ye support of Albany, and in that they
run in with ye genll. humr. of ye whole contrey, which humr.
was first improved by those very men by telling ye people yt.
they should be all inslaved by being forced to maintain other
Govermts. and be drawn out of their own country from their
wifes and families, which would be left exposed to enemys whilst
they were forced to fight for strangers, with abundance of these
malicious notions, on purpose to distract and make ye People
uneasy; but this impression lasted not long, for ye country quickly
saw through ye malicious designs of these men, and do now
generally abhor them. Some of ye very chiefest of these malecontents are ye men yt. have been preferred to what they are,
and obliged in a very extraordinary manner by ye Govr.; but
no tyes of gratitude can secure some men, or oblige them to be
just. I have been very conversant with some of ye Principall
Leaders of this faction, and as an indifferent person have asked
them these reasonable questions, What was ye reason of so
great a change in them from ye greatest pretens of friendship
and encomiums on ye Govr, to ye highest degree of prejudice
and malice against him ? Hath ye Govr. violated any of ye
Queen's commands, or Instructions ? Hath he omitted any
oppertunity of serving H.M. or ye interest of ye country ? Hath
he embezel'd any of H.M. Revenue, or misapplied it ? Or hath
he omitted any occasion of improving it ? Hath he neglected to
regulate and settle ye Militia in good hands, or omitted any
proper occasion of putting ye Country into ye best method and
posture for defence in time of war ? Hath he denyed or delayed
justice to any man contrary to Law and ye Rules of ye Courts
of Justice ? Hath he neglected to put ye Act of Trade etc. in
execution ? Hath he anyways wincked at or encouraged illegall
Trade ? Or hath he omitted any oppertunity of encouraging
ye honest and fair Trade of this Province ? Hath he in ye least
discouraged ye honest Industry either of ye Mercht. or Planter ?
No, not any of all these can ye very worst of his enemies so much
as pretend to lay to his charge. But that I may do them all
the right and justice they have any pretence too, I will acquaint
your Lordships with what they charge against ye Govr. The
most material thing is his passion, the effects whereof they say
is, that he treats them with hard language, and threatens them
and gives them sometimes hard names; this perhaps is a great
truth, but then these Gent. forget that they themselves give ye
occasion, and provoke him to this passion by their under-hand
designes in Council and Assembly against H.M. commands, interest
and service, by their false misrepresentations of him to others,
by their malicious and scandalous letters against him to severall
persons in London, an acct. of which ye Govr. hath received
from very good hands, by their endeavours to blacken and
traduce him, even his best actions; all which have been fully
made appear to their confusion, and yet they will not allow
H.E. to resent such barbarous usage so far as a few hard words.
The next thing is yt. he hurrys and fateagues ye Country by
ordering them to be mustered and exercised in arms; this they
pretend is a charge and trouble to ye Country, not considering
that it is H.M. positive commands, and yt ye safety and security
of ye Country depends on it; but neither consideration can
stop ye mouth of prejudice and malice. The next thing they
charge as a crime is yt. he spent so much of his own mony in
solemnizing H.M. Coronation and happy accession to ye Crown;
this was ye occasion of making a great number of men drunk,
as they say, and therefore do charge ye sin and abuse on ye
Govr.'s acct., but with what justice I know not. If they are
allowed to be Judges, they do say yt. a bowl of punch wou'd
have answered this solemn occasion as well as ye expence of
500l., which it cost H.E. It is very hard that these gentlemen
will not allow him to spend his own money without being censured
and made accountable to them for it: I could acquaint your
Lordships with a heavy, long charge which they bring against
the Governor for being in love with a hansome young lady of
this country, wch. they are pleased to agravate as a hainous
crime; this they endeavour to prove by many arguments and
circumstances to[o] many and rediculous to trouble your Lordships with. As a further confirmation of all I have said, I refer
Col. Jenings, H.M. Secretary of this Province, who is thought
by all parties to be an indifferent person and unconcerned on
either side. If such factious-spirited men are not taken notice of
and discouraged, t'will be impossible to preserve ye peace and
quiet of the country, nor shall it be in the power of any Governor
which H.M. shall send hither to do H.M. yt. service that may be
expected from him. Now is the time to put a stop to this growing
evill. The chief head of this few factious party went to Engld.
in the last fleet in order to do all the mischief he is capable of.
His person and caracter is very well known to some of the
Honble. Members of your Board, and therefore there is ye less
to be feared from his cuning and malice. |
In my last I gave an account that I had acquainted the
President and Council of Pensilvania with H.M. Order relating
to the Courts of Judicature. They would not give me any
positive answer then, but deferred it for some few days, and
notwithstanding their promise I never heard further from them
till ye last Court, wch. happened whilst I was here. I left orders
with Mr. Jno. Moore to press them for a positive answer, which
accordingly he did. By his enclosed letter your Lordships may
see yt. ye Quaker Justices do positively refuse to take ye
Abjuration Oath, tho' H.M. hath been pleased by her Order in
Council to allow their taking ye severall oaths required by Law
in their own form appointed by ye late Act made in favour of
them; and notwithstanding they refuse to qualify themselves
by taking ye Abjuration which is ye most essential of all ye
oaths required by Law, yet in contempt of H.M. Authority they
proceed to act in all respects as Judges, Justices, Councillrs. and
Govrs., by which your Lordsps. may see ye true temper of these
people, who have no reguard to the Queen's Orders, or ye Law,
but conclude themselves above all, and do wholly depend on
Mr. Penn's great interest to protect them in whatsoever
extravagancies they commit, so that there is no hopes of any
obedience or regulation in the Govmt. till under H.M. imidiate
directions. |
In my last I did propose a most efectual way to secure ye
Trade of America from the Main to the West Indies and to
distress the French Islands for provisions; since which I have
fully discoursed my Lord Cornbury, who very well approves
of my proposal in all its parts, and believes yt. it will effectually
answer ye ends proposed, and therefore resolves to second it to
your Lordships. I have also since had ye oppertunity of speaking
to most of ye Merchants all along ye Main concerned in yt. Trade,
who do all very highly approve of ye design, and Governor
Nicholson is pleased also to approve of it in all its branches,
and doth further propose yt. ye man of war, which shall be
appointed for ye service of this Province may be joyned to ye
convoy especially of yt. fleet which goes towards the winter,
since she can be of no service to H.M. here during yt. season,
but may be of great use in ye West Indies. Therefore I again
renew my proposal, that twice a year will efectually answer all
ye ends of trade from all ye Govermts. on ye Main with provisions
and their other produce to ye severll. Islands and from thence
with ye growth of ye Islands to ye Main; that no ships be suffered
to go from ye Main to the Islands and from thence back but in
fleets and under good convoy; that ye Spring Fleet be made up
at New York at a day fixed by ye sevll. Govrs., yt. ye convoys
be ready to sail at ye day appointed; yt. as soon as ye ships arrive
in Barbados, one of ye convoys shall go with ye vessels yt. shall
be bound to ye Leeward Islands, and yt. as soon as they are
loaden in Barbados, they shall make up ye home fleet at Antego
or Nevis, and from thence hasten back to North America, and
that the proper method be agreed for ye Jamaica Trade; that ye
winter fleet be made up in Virginia, where there is no danger to be
shut up with the ice so soon as to ye Northward; yt. ye man of
war appointed for the service of yt. Province do also go with
ye other convoy; that during all ye winter season ye sevll. men
of war do stay and cruise about the Islands, where they may
do H.M. great service against ye French and Spaniard, and can
be of no use at yt. season in any of H.M. Govermts. in North
America. This winter fleet may return homewards about ye
middle of March, which will bring them in very good time on
ye Northern Coasts. This proposal duely persued will efectually
secure all ye Trade of America, without putting H.M. to any
expence; besides ye constancy of these fleets going and coming
with good convoy will be of great service and security to other
Trades. But ye main thing I propose this for is ye disappointing
and distressing ye French for provisions. I am sure they will
not be able to subsist in their Islands, much less be able to fitt
out their shiping and privateers for want of our flower, bread,
beef, pork, rice and other provisions. They are not furnished
with these from France, nor can they be furnished from any
other place in case this proposal be duely put in execution. But
at ye loose rate yt. this Trade is now managed, they are farr
better furnished with our provisions than any of H.M. Islands
are. No time ought to be lost on this occasion, nor will anything
be wanting to put this noble design in execution, but an Order
to H.M. sevll. Govrs. etc. |
Inclosed is an acct. which was sent me by one of H.M. Collectors
who is settled at Lewis Town near Cape Henlopen in ye Lower
County, by which your Lordships may see yt. ye sd. Trade of
encouraging Pyrates is still carryed on as formerly. It is
impossible for them to leave their old practice and kindness
for yt. sort of men. H.M.S. Oxford, Capt. Moore, in her way hither
took a French ship loaden with sugar and brought her into
Maryland, where she was condemned in a Court of Vice-Admiralty.
There being no person commissioned in yt. Govermt. from ye
present Commissioners of the Prize Office, to take care of ye
Queen's share, Mr. George Plater, H.M. Receiver, hath taken
it into his custody; I have given him the best directions I could
in that case, which was, yt. ye goods be sorted, divided and
appraised by men of ye best charecter and circumstances on
their oaths; yt. ye Queen's share, which is one half of ye whole,
should be divided into small lotts and sold by inch of candle, or
how else he should find most for H.M. advantage. The ship and
loading is worth above 6,000l. |
The Post before I came from Philadelphia brought an acct.
yt. a body of ye Eastern Indians headed by about 30 Frenchmen
from Canada had fallen on ye out-ports and settlements of New
Engld., had taken and destroyed sevll. of ye places, and had
killed and taken prisoners above 150 English Inhabitants; the
enemy were not gone when this acct. came. This obliges me to
renew my former memorial to your Lordships about Canada.
The French do dayly improve their interest in securing those great
Nations of inland Indians, and I am very sure yt. the methods
they take will never fail to answer yt. end. It is generally believed
yt. ye Five Nations will not long prove stedy or just to ye English
interest, and when ever they fall of to ye French, it will prove
of fatal consequence to all ye Govermts. on ye Main. Virga. yt.
will not see their danger now, may see their error in fatal effects
(which I pray God prevent). The state of this case is brought to
this narrow compass, yt. either H.M. must resolve to remove ye
French from Canada, or else they will in a little time ruin all ye
Govermts. on North America. From ye best intelligence yt. can
be gotten, the French are not above 3,000 effective men in all
ye parts of Canada, so yt. ye taking yt. place is not so difficult and
hazardous as is imagined. I am sure ye consequence of gaining
yt. point is of a vast concern to H.M. interest. In case this great
design is persued, a great number of ye inhabitants on ye Main
will heartily engage in it; I am sure H.E. Govr. Nicholson will
gladly joyn my Lord Cornbury in this action, and will be able
by his great interest in those parts to raise a very considerable
force to carry with him to this service. I presume my
Lord Cornbury and Govr. Nicholson did at their last meeting
fully discourse this affair and have sent a Representation of it
to your Lordships. By a vessel lately come from Jamaica we
have this account yt. ye Inhabitants of yt. place had contrary
to ye direction of ye Govermt. rebuilt sevll. houses on ye Point;
that a gunner of one of H.M. ships had stolen ashore 16 barrells
of powder, which was lodged in one of ye houses, and was by some
accident fired, which blew up all ye new built Houses. There
seems to be a chain of fatallity attending yt. place, and yet nothing
can divert ye People from their endeavours of rebuilding it
again. I am obliged to hasten away from hence much sooner
than I would, purposely to attend my Lord Cornbury at Amboy,
in East Jersey, where the first Assembly for yt. Govermt. meets
about the latter end of this month. I will be just to the promise
I made H.E., being very sensible that his Lordship is but very
indifferently yoked with a Council for yt. Govermt. I purpose
to return hither again early in ye spring, and then shall have an
opportunity of writing to your Lorps. by the fleet. Signed, Robt.
Quary. P.S.—Prays to be recommended to succeed Mr. Randolph
as Surveyor General of North America, "the duty of which place
I have discharged ever since I returned last to America, by virtue
of a power from ye Commissioners of Customs, tho' I have not
had ye sallery belonging to it" etc. Since my writing this by
a vessell just arrived we have ye certain acct. yt. ye French and
Spaniards from ye Havana have fallen on Providence Islands,
taken and plundered it, dismounted all their guns, and have
carried away ye Lieut. Gov. prisoner; tis to be feared they
design to return again and settle it with more force; to be sure
the English will never venture to settle it again unless H.M. be
pleased to send some force to defend and secure them. By this
your Lordships may see ye effects of Proprietary Govermts.,
who will take no care to defend ye Queen's subjects, but leave
them exposed to the enemys; nor are they willing to deliver
ye Provinces up to be defended by H.M. The next step will be
ye taking of Carolina; they are in no condition to defend themselves. Signed, Robt. Quary. P.P.S.—I humbly request your
Lordships will please to order me a supply of Paper, Pens, Ink,
Wax etc. I am often distrest for want of them in these parts.
Endorsed, Recd. Dec. 9, 1703, Read Feb. 16, 170¾. 7 closely
written pp. Enclosed, |
1150. i. Memorandum of Minutes of Council of New Jersey,
Aug. 14–21, 1703. ¼ p. |
1150. ii. Robert Quary to the Commissioners of Customs.
Virginia, Oct. 15, 1703. Since my last of Aug. 4 I have
travelled through Maryland and visitted all the officers
in ye severall Rivers on the Western Shore. I found
some of them guilty of severall mistakes, neglects and
omissions, wch. they have rectified, and promise to be
more diligent and careful for ye future. David Kennedy,
Collector of Potomock District, went from thence to
Engld. in July, 1701. I can't find yt. he had either your
Honours' leave for his going or from ye Govermt., but
this is the least part of what he is chargeable with, for
the crime laid to his charge is no less than forgery and
cheat; one Mrs. Allchorne is come hither from Barbados on
purpose to prosecute him; she charges him with forging
her hand, and since she has mist him here, she goes for
Engld. this fleet to prosecute him there. Repeats case
of the Oxford's prize given in preceding. |
As soon as I had dispatched what my duty required
in Maryland, I hastened to Virginia to advice with
H.E. Gov. Nicholson about ye best ways and means
to persue your Honours' Instructions about preventing
abuses in ye package of tobacco. He is of opinion
yt. it is impossible efectually to prevent yt. and other
mischiefs in trade but by having fix'd ports in each
River, which will never be done by the Assembly here
for the reasons which I have given your Honours in my
last, but is of opinion yt. it may be easyest and best
done by a short Act in England, which he believes will
meet with no opposition. H.E. is so zealous in having
these abuses remedyed yt. he assures me yt. if your
Honours will procure H.M. positive orders to him, to
appoint such proper ports in each River for ye loading
Tobacco as he and the Council shall think most convenient, he doth not in ye least doubt but to secure
yt. good design and gain ye point without opposition,
ye generallity of ye country beginning now to see yt.
the appointing of Ports in each River would be very
much for ye publick good of ye Country, as well as for
ye good of Trade, tho' severall of ye great loading men
do oppose it merely for their own private ends, and I
do therefore most humbly recommend to your Honours
to procure such an order and to dispatch it away as
soon as possible. H.E. was pleased to honour me
with his company in visiting ye severall Officers of
this Province, which he did purposely to satisfy himself
of their behaviour in the discharge of their respective
offices. Generally the Collectors and Naval Officers
are gentlemen of very good characters both for honesty
and ability etc. I have given them perticular charge
about your Honours' Instructions concerning ye false
cases, and have ordered yt. upon ye Master of ships
entry and report yt. they be very particular in that
part of ye oath relating to ye respective package, that
they shew each Master your Honours' Instructions,
and what is meant by cases. I am obliged to except
one officer in this Government, Luke, Collector of the
Lower District in James River; he is now in Engld.,
but hath left a very scandalous carecter behind him,
here he marryed a very infamous woman, who was
tryed for her life and very narrowly escaped hanging;
they lived so scandalously here that Mr. Luke hath
made himself ye scorn and contempt of ye meanest in
this country. He left his books and papers with one
yt. keeps a punch house in Kiquotan; he went for
Engld. without the Governor's order, and left ye office
in this confusion without giving H.E. any account of it.
I examined the books etc., and never saw anything
more irregular and confused etc. |
I did purpose to have gone to North Carolina in order
to a nice inspection into what concerns H.M. Revenue
there. I am very sensible that there is a necessity of a
regulation in yt. country. I do much fear yt. most
of ye tobacco wch. grows in yt. country is carryed
to a wrong market, for such obscure places, especially
under Proprietary Govermts., are ye most dangerous;
most of ye Trade of that place is carryed on by New
Engld. men, where they take in pork and other provisions
for Curesawe and other places in ye West Indies, and
by way of conveniency do take in tobacco, wch. may
be done without much difficulty considering ye scituation
of ye country; no man knows every part of it better
then myself, but ye doing this service efectually will
require more time than is possible for me now to spare,
since I must goe to Curatucke, another small hole where
much mischief is yearly done, when I visit those places
I resolve to return Northwards by croosing the Bay in
a sloop and so travel home all along ye Eastern shore
of both Provinces and inspect the several officers there
settled, wch. will be a work of some time, and therefore
I do resolve God willing to begin this work very early
in ye spring. I have in my former laid before your
Honours ye state of H.M. Revenue in Pensilvania for
about 9 or 10 years past. I shewed what part of it hath
been received by Mr. Randolph, and what remains still
in the hands of the former Collectors and others, of
which I have full proofe. Nothing hinders ye recovering
ye money, which is considerable, but your Honours'
orders and a person impowered as H.M. Attorney General
to discharge ye party, ye want of which is ye only
pretence they have to keep H.M. money so long in
their hands. Mr. Penn's Naval Officers refuse to deliver
me ye forfeited bonds yt. I might put them in suit for
ye Queen, under pretence yt. they want an order from
your Honours. I think myself sufficiently qualified
to demand them ex officio as Surveyor General, but
they are pleased to make use of this shuffle to delay
time, knowing yt. some of their friends are concerned
and will be brought on ye stage when some of those
bonds are put in suit. I do most humbly beg your
Honours' spedy orders in those and other matters of
moment wch. I have laid before your Honble. Board.
Repeats part of preceding. I have fully discoursed
H.E. Governor Nicholson concerning ye most proper
and best ways and means of securing ye Trade of these
Provinces, and prevent all illegal practices, and to do it
at ye least expense to H.M., which we conclude must be
by a small briganteen wth. an active man Master and
about 20 brisk men, who may be wholy at ye command
of ye Govrnor. to turn out ye Master in case he should
be negligent or remiss in his duty, this vessel to be
always in motion from one River to another and from
one Province to another, as ye Govr. or ye Surveyor
Generall shall see cause; this briganteen thus constantly
imployed will be sufficient to secure ye trade of Virginia,
Maryland, Pensilvania, North Carolina, and may once
a year go to South Carolina and Providence Islands,
which will be of great service; this vessell will save
ye Queen ye charge of sending a small man of war for
yt. purpose, which hitherto hath been done and hath
put H.M. to three times the charge without any ways
answering ye end; ye Capts. are above all command and
do find one pretence or other always to be at anchor;
when she should be cruising, she is out of order, her
men wanting, ye Capt. sick etc. H.E. proposes my
residing in Virginia and Maryland ye winter half yeare,
wch. is the chief time for ye Trade in those Provinces,
and to reside in Pensilvania, New York and the Northern
Govermts. ye summer halfe year, wch. will best answer
ye Trade of those parts, so that I shall always be in
motion with ye briganteen and thereby effectually
answer ye end proposed, besides in case of any extrodinary occasion in time of war this vessell may be
sent with an express to H.M. Refers to Custom House
details. Mr. Randolph since his last coming over seized
two ships without ye least ground yt. I could find, one
in Maryland, which was cleared, and ye owners sued
him for damage, the other a little before his death on
ye Eastern Shore in Virga. I have examined into
the matter and can't find the least culler for it, the
pretence was a parcell of Irish linnen, for which there
is a true and full certificate yt. ye duty was paid in
England. Signed, Robt. Quary. Endorsed, Recd.
Dec. 9, 1703, Read Feb. 16, 1703(4). 3 pp. Copy. |
1150. iii. John Moore to Col. Quary. Philadelphia, Sept. 7,
at 6 at night. I just now came from our Court. After
opening it, Mr. Ashton ye Clerke, by virtue of a dedimus
potestatem, much with ye stamp with ye other of
Chester, proceeded to give Mr. Guest, Capt. Finney,
Andrew Bankson, and Edward Farmer (justices), who
they had picked up to serve a turn, and myself and ye
new Sheriff, ye severall oaths required by Act of
Parliament, ye last of which was that of Abjuration of
ye pretended Prince of Wales, sevll. of the Quaker
Magistrates sitting by; which done Ashton applied
applied himself to them to qualify themselves by an
affirmation, whereat a heat arose, and they were very
warm against ye taking ye Abjuration, alleadging
'twas not required of them, nor reached ye Plantacons
etc., and amongst ye rest ye Mayor and Mr. Griffith Jones
begun to be hot and called it an imposition; they were
told that ye Queen's order required them to qualify
themselves for ye offices of Judges or Justices, and
one of ye oaths requisite was in ye said Act; and yt.
H.M. had been gracious to them in extending ye
Affirmation Act hither. One of them replyed, 'twas
true ye Queen (he believed) designed them a favour,
but ye Penman of yt. Order was no Friend of theirs,
or to yt. effect; in short they took till ye afternoon
to consider of it; and after dinner Samuel Richardson,
Nathan Stanbury, Jno. Jones, Roland Ellis and Griffith
Jones came to Court (but we saw no more of ye Mayor
and President, Mr. Edward Shipen). Then Ashton
proposed ye Affirmation to them again, one of them
said, they would comply with ye other attests, but that
containing ye Abjuration of ye Prince of Wales, they
would not. Mr. Ashton bid them go on till they would
stop, so they digested two Acts and the Declaration,
but when they came to the aforementioned Abjuration
Oath, it stuck, and would not goe down, upon which a
whispering began how far it was safe to joyn with
them in holding a Court, but the occasion was soon
removed, for calling ye Grand Jury, ye Bible was
preferred to ye Foreman (being no Quaker) to take
ye oath of a Grand Jury man, which he readily complied
with; but before he was sworn, Griffith Jones stands
up and acquaints ye rest how serviceable he had been,
and how ready he was still to serve his country according
to ye long practiced custom of Attestations, but that
he conscientiously scrupled ye taking any oath himself,
and by ye same rule durst not administer any oath to
another, and so could not concede to yt. part of ye
directions in ye abovesaid order of ye Queen, to admitt
oaths, and therefore for his part he must withdraw and
leave them; to the same tune danced all ye other
Quakers and left ye swearing Magistrates to themselves to do yt. work, but are resolved to continue their
acting as Councillors and Governors of the Province
without qualifying themselves: the Court proceeded
to impannell a Grand Inquest halfe mild, halfe stale,
Jurors and Affirmants, and after a long winded charge
out of ye Judges' Common Place adjourned for to-night;
thus I have tyred you and myself with this day's history,
and you may guess how ye rest will be managed. No
news of ye Collectors swearing yet. Signed, Jo. Moore.
Endorsed as preceding. Copy. 2 pp. |
1150. iv. Henry Brooke to Col. Quary. Port Lewis, Nov. 12,
1703. On Aug. 11th, coming back to Lewis from a
Gentleman's house where I had diverted a day or two,
I was told the night before yt. a vessel of flyboate make
came to an anchor under the Cape. It happened that some
of H.M. Company were att that time ashoar (vizt.) one
who called himself purser, a volunteer and two other
handes; of the former I demanded from whence they
were, wither bound and how quallify'd for sayling;
they answered yt. they belonged to one Capt. Henrey
Pullen, Commander of the Fame, a privateer fitted out
for the South Seas by Commission from the Prince;
that as they were on their way thither as far as the
Canaries, they came up with a Frenchman, close on
board Tennereiff, whom they fought, boarded and took,
but the whole crewe escaped in their boats. Pullen
altered his design to the South Seas, and committing
the prize ship to Samuell Burgess, his first Lieutenant,
with 15 other hands (of which number they were) ordered
him to make sail to Rhoad Island; that scarcity of
water had forced them to bear in with the first lande
they were able to make, wch. was the Capes of Delaware,
and that their whole business ashore was to fill their
casks. To give coulour to this story, they shewed a
copy of Pullen's Commission to Burgess. Having this
information and finding by the premisses that she could
not be condemned as lawful prize, and it not appearing
that the instruments abovementioned were genuine
I thought it might be good service to stop them till they
were able to make good their allegations, and in order
thereto opened my designe to Samuell Rowland a
neighbour, who had then a good sloop in the Port; he
advised that the prize, laying in the open bay having
a fair wind and being in all probability better manned
then had been represented, was not in our power, but,
says he, there now offers something yt. may be improved
to a discovery of their force, for two of the hands
ashoar mutiny and refuse to goe aboard, the other two
want help aboard. I'le offer myself to that service,
take notice of their strength and report it at my return
to you. I liked his designe, he pursued it, and the next
morning (or about midnight) came back bringing with
him the commanding officer, Burgess, sayd purser and
two other handes. He reported that the number of
men was as related, yt. they had good small arms and
12 guns. Soon after their landing the mutineers were
said to be runn away, the Capt. charged Rowland
with having a hand in it. Rowland denyed it with
much passion, and thereupon followed a very angry
contest betwixt them wch. lasted all day without any
show of reconcilement. In the meantime, having
considered that 6 of the prize crew were ashoar, and
if those were once secured, their number would be so
much weakened yt. in all likelihood I might procure
hands enough to take ye rest, I went down to the
Sherreif's house, wch. is about a mile from the Town
and dealte with him to take ye men into custody wth.
such arguments as I thought might best show ye
advantage of yt. service. He objected an uncertainty
in the knowledge of their numbers, the backwardness of
the countrey people to give him due assistance (wch.
he sayd he had proved in a like case) and the madness
of making an enemy of one that offered no injury. I
answered that were their numbers more or less, I was
well informed that they had only one boat belonging
to them, wch. was now in ye Creeke and might be either
sunk or dragged with oxen into the woodes, and so
all communication cut off betwixt those ashoar and
those on board; that if ye people deny'd assistance,
I would joyne with him to report their contumacy to
the Govermt.; that a pyratt was a common enemy,
and that he now had him in his power, he and his men
lying drunke and asleep in the towne streets, but there
was no reasoning him into action. Whilst this was
doing, trusty Rowland was letting Burgess into the
secret, as I am since informed from ye Sherreif. I
went to Mr. Thomas Fenwick, a J.P., and exhorted him
to grant his warrant to the Constable for the same
service; he said to the same effect, adding that they did
not appear to him to be pyratts, and yt. the Constable
was not at home. To obviate the first, I desired to
be written Informer in the warrant, and for the second
I sent a man and canoe for ye Constable att my own
charge, and agreed to pay the Constable for half a day's
lost labour. He came, and sometime after the Justice
had prepared a forme of warrant, wch. he carryed
to the Constable, but at the same time told me the men
were escaped. I enquired into it att their Inn, and
had the story confirmed. I was now at a loss wt. to
do, when I heard a murmuring amongst the people yt. if
I woulde but demande their assistance, they were
ready to run all hazards wth. me. I immediately
agreed with the Sherreif for the use of a small yatch of
his, promising to stand to all damages, yt. done, I went
about to find aid. There were some 8 men to be mett
wth. only, the rest were elsewhere in their hay harvest etc.
Of these 8 one when he heard my business slunke out
of the way, two, John Miers and John Steward,
repulsed me with threats, the other five consented to
goe with me, if I could make them up a competent
number for the service, wch. not being to be done, and
only one of this number having arms, I dismissed them.
I was now a second time at a stand, when behold to
my great surprize, Rowland's sloop appeared under
sayle and standing out of the creek. The quarrel that
had all day long been managed betwixt him and Burgess
made me suspect Burgess had taken him in revenge.
To be better informed, I went down a second time to
the Sherreif's house, wch. stands near the Creekes mouth,
and there found Burgesses purser and men ashore buying
cider and filling their water casks. I asked them
severally after Rowland's motions, but they all pleaded
ignorance, whereupon I made what haste I could back
to town to give fresh notice where the men were, and in
my way observed Rowland bearing down full sayle upon
the prize ship. Accordingly I gave notice to the Justice
and Constable, who in some half-hour's time had
gathered 5 or 6 men, and went some half way to the
Sherreif's; being there, upon a thought they were not
number enough to act securely, they turned back for
fresh forces. After another half hour, the Constable
with a larger number went down again, but by yt. time
ye men were gott into their boat. It was now evening,
when I and several other persons observed Rowland
first alongside and then to fall astern of the prize ship
and a boat to come and go betwixt them. I had at my
last return from the Sherreif's (upon hopes ye men
ashoar would not escape us) procured two horses and a
guide to be in a reddyness to ride post to Philadelphia to
begg aid against ye vessel. But ye next morning ye
prize ship was seen to stande out of the Capes and
Rowland was runne up the River. I have since heard
that Rowland was seene to take a hhd. of Tobacco on
board his sloop, of wch. I am now procuring affidavits.
Signed, Hen. Brooke, Collr. Endorsed as preceding.
2¾ pp. [C.O. 323, 5. Nos. 19, 19.i.–iv.; and (without
enclosures) 324, 8. pp. 349–371; and (No. 1 only) 5, 970.
No. 13.; and (memoranda only) 5, 1262. Nos. 52.i, ii.] |
[Oct. 15.] |
1151. Copy of a Dedimus from the President and Council of
Pennsylvania. "In pursuance of an Order of the Queen in
Council for the more ample qualification of Judges, Justices and
other officers in the said Province and Territories, we do nominate
and appoint Walter Martin to administer unto John Blunston,
Caleb Pusey, Jonathan Hayes, Philip Roman, Robert Pope,
and Ralph Fishbourne, Justices of the Court of Common Pleas
and of the Peace for the County of Chester, all and every such
matters and things as in pursuance of the Queen's said Order
are necessary and requisite for the said Justices' qualification
and enabling them to act, etc. Council Chamber, Philadelphia,
26th day of the 8 mo. in the second year of the reigne of our
Sovereigne Queen Anne over England." Signed, Wm. Clarke,
Griffith Owen, Caleb Pusey, Edward Shippen, Sam. Carpenter.
Endorsed, Recd. Dec. 9, Read Feb. 16, 1703. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1262.
No. 52.] |
Oct. 15. |
1152. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Jamaica. The
Governor and the five members of the Council present, the Clerk
and Provost Marshall took and subscribed the Oath of
Abjuration. |
The Governor acquainted the Board that Major Houldsworth
and Capt. Nedham came to him from the House last night to
know when there would be a Council, to which he answered
he believed in the morning. |
Message from the House desiring to know if there was a Council,
which the Governor told them there was. |
Four Acts, for raising a Revenue; an Additional Duty; H.M.
Quit-Rents; and for making the Cay whereon Fort Charles and
Fort William stand a port of entry, sent up. Whereupon the
Board unanimously advised the Governor that in regard several
Members elected into the House are kept out by them, that the
Bills be not read, but that it be referred to the consideration of
a full Council, which the Clerk of the Council was ordered to
summon to be here on Tuesday next. [C.O. 140, 6. pp. 540;
and 557, 558.] |