Sept. 21. |
The Speaker informed the House that the Governor had commanded him to send up the last writts of Elections, which he
had accordingly sent. |
Sept. 22. |
See Minutes of Council in Assembly under date. [C.O. 140, 7.
pp. 118, 119.] |
Sept. 21. |
1102. Journal of Assembly of Barbados. Petition of Col.
James Colleton read and dismissed, Darby Hannis and Peter
Jones being decided to be qualified voters and Major Christopher
Estwick therefore duly elected. |
Resolved that this House will reply to the Governour's excellent
speech the first thing in the morning. |
And see Minutes of Council Sept. 14. |
Sept. 22. |
Resolved that an Address of thanks be drawn up to H.E. for
his weighty consideration of the good of this Island in his
speech. |
Resolved that the brigantine Larke be forthwith fitted out
according to H.E. order and appointment, and that Capt.
Townsend do provide all things necessary for her immediate
sayleing. |
Col. William Allumby appointed to the Committee of Accounts
in place of William Heysham; ordered that the Committee forthwith sitt in order to settle the accounts of the Larke and all other
the accounts of this Island. |
Committee appointed to inspect into the Act of the Militia
and provide remedies against the mischiefs thereof, and report
in a month's time. |
Committee appointed to prepare an Act to prevent the running
away with boats, and report within a month, and also to consider
the Act for preventing negroes rowing in wherrys and report
within a month's time. |
Bill ordered to be prepared against forestallers and regrators. |
Act for providing for Christian servants formerly brought into
this House ordered to be new engrossed and brought in de novo. |
Act for detinue of negroes referred to a Committee, to consider
the inconveniencys thereof and provide proper remedys for
settling the right of negroes, and bring in a Bill for that purpose
in six weeks' time. |
Resolved that the Treasurer allow a rebate of 10 p.c. per annum
for prompt payment to any persons as shall pay in money that
shall become due on the duty of excise not exceeding 300l. sterl.,
which is to be paid for workmen and materials in fitting up
Mr. Pilgrim's house for H.E. reception. |
Ordered that Lt. Coll. George Peers be continued Keeper of
the Stores of the Magazine for the ensuing year under his former
salary. |
Committee appointed to inspect Thomas Reynoldson's accounts
for keeping the French prisoners. |
Leave granted to Col. Holder to bring in a Bill for regulating
elections. |
Ordered that the Act for the solemn affirmation by Quakers
be brought into this House by the Clerk. [C.O. 31, 7. pp.
95–104.] |
Sept. 21. |
1103. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Jamaica. The
Governor communicated to the Board the Messages between
him and the House Sept. 14–18. The Board unanimously
approved of the Governor's answer Sept. 16, and gave their
opinion that ought to be satisfactory to the House. |
The Provost Marshall brought in the writt and returne for the
parish of Westmoreland, whereby it appears that Michael
Houldsworth and John Lewis were chosen Representatives. |
The business of the Assembly's Address (Sept. 18) and the
matter of new writs was debated and adjourned. |
Sept. 22. |
The Board unanimously advised the Governor to return an answer
to the Address of the House (Sept. 18) as follows:—That the
freedom of elections is an inherent right in the people of England,
none will deny, and the Parliaments (justly called the bullworks
of the people's libertyes) have allways insisted upon it, where
it hath been infringed, as the primary and most conducive meanes
for securing the liberty of the subject, and as a thing without
which they themselves could not be free from faction or corruption, of which late times will shew sufficient instances. The
people of this Island, by the bounty and favour of H.M. and
her predecessors, claime and have the same rights; they have
again elected some of those Gentlemen mentioned in your Address
to have been expelled, and there are frequent instances of such
elections allow'd of. If those Gentlemen, or any of them, have
used undue meanes to be elected, that is perticularly cognizable
before you, and none doubts (on proof thereof) you may punish
them. But it cannot be conceived, if due regard be had to the
writ of election, that these Gentlemen were elected contrary
thereto, for that part of the writ which mentions a Member to be
chosen in the roome of such a one expelled is only a recital of the
request of the House. The requireing part of the writ follows
in these words, "These are therefore to require you to make
publication of this our will and pleasure in the said parish, to
proceed there to an election of one of the fittest and discreetest
freeholders to be chosen by the major part of the freeholders etc.,"
and accordingly the parishes pursuant to their wonted freedom
in elections have again chosen some of those Gentlemen.
Therefore the Governor hopes and once more earnestly and
heartily recommends it to you that, laying aside all former
animosities for the good of this Island and your posterity which
may be therein, you will amicably and unanimously agree in
carrying on the weighty matters before you, and that for the
future noe contest be among you, but who shall be most hearty
and diligent in promoting the honour of H.M. and general good
of the country; in which you shall always find the Governor's
ready concurrence. You may always rest assured of the
Governor's utmost favour and assistance in maintaining your
just rights, nor will he be wanting, as far as in him lyes, to redress
your real grievances. In relation to your messages about Capt.
Freeman, if the House had desired the Governor to issue out a
proclamation or warrant to reduce him, he would have immediately
done accordingly, and is still ready to doe it, but he cannot submit
the Queen's authority intrusted to him to be subservient to the
execution of the Speaker's warrant. |
Writ of Election and return for Westmoreland sent down. |
The Governor sent the Clerk of the Council to require the
Minutes of the Assembly to be brought to him by to-morrow noon
at farthest in order to send them by the packett. [C.O. 140, 6.
pp. 527–530.] |
Sept. 22. |
1104. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. Ordered that Col.
Knight and Mr. Chaplin immediately hire a sloop and 20 men
to go on the coast of Carthagena to take a prisoner for intelligence,
and that they give them such instructions as they shall think
proper. [C.O. 140, 6. pp. 177 and 190, 191.] |
Sept. 23. |
1105. Journal of Assembly of Jamaica. Resolved, that the
Body of the Laws be continued by a clause in the Revenue Bill. |
Message sent up to the Governor desiring the Provost Marshall
as Provost Marshall may attend this House when sent for. The
Governor replied 'twas very well. |
Sept. 24. |
The House met and adjourned. |
Sept. 25. |
The Committee of Elections and Privileges having heard Mr.
Thurgar, Mr. Fitzhew and the Provost Marshal relating to the
serving of the execution against Col. Crew and Capt. Hudson,
Members of this House, at Fitzhew's suite, are of the opinion
that Thurgar may be discharged paying his fees. Ordered
accordingly—the fees to be 3l. to the Clerk and 2l. to the
Messenger. Ordered that the paper read in the House by Col.
Crew lie on the Clerk's Table for consideration. |
Ordered that the Chairman proceed on his reports of the
amendments of the Quitrent Bill. [C.O. 140, 7. pp. 119–121.] |
Sept. 24. |
1106. Minutes of Council in Assembly of New Hampshire.
There not being a full Council the Lieut. Governor adjourned
the Representatives till Sept. 28. [C.O. 5, 789. p. 335.] |
Sept. 27. |
1107. Journal of Assembly of Jamaica. The House met
and adjourned. |
Sept. 28. |
The House met and adjourned. |
Sept. 29. |
Message sent down that the Governor required a copy of the
Minutes from the last time he had them to this day inclusive
by to-morrow noone. |
Ordered that the Speaker's warrant against Thomas Freeman,
dated Sept. 15, be delivered to the Messenger, which was done.
It being moved that Capt. John King, Commander of the parties
against the rebellious negroes, having behaved himself extraordinary well and thereby been very serviceable to the country
in killing and taking many of those negroes and burning and
destroying their towns and houses, and by his great marches and
lying out in the woods has much impaired his health, wherefore
the House for his further encouragement and as a gratuity do make
him a present of 100l., to be paid out of the additional duty. |
Ordered that a Bill be brought in to make the Cay, whereon
H.M. Forts Charles and William stand, a port of entry of landing
and shipping off goods. |
Ordered that the 100l. paid to Mr. Gay as Clerk of the Assembly
be reimbursed to the Commissioners out of the money which
shall arise by the additional duty Act. [C.O. 140, 7. pp. 121, 122.] |
Sept. 28. Jamaica. |
1108. Capt. Lilly to Mr. Popple. Yours of March 23 last
I received; I do assure you that there is nothing lyes in my
power but what I shall endeavour to oblige their Lordships in.
I have for the good of H.M. service now taken a very exact
survey of the channell and avenues between Kingston and Port
Royall, a true plan of which with the exact soundings I have
by this post sent to the Master Generall of H.M. Ordnance; and
this I have thought fitt to acquaint you with to the end that the
Lords Commissioners may know where to have it in case they
shall think fitt to look upon it. I shall only add this as to the
channel that leads from Port Royall to Kingston, that there is
room enough for ships to goe through being it is at least half a
quarter of a mile broad in the narrowest place. There is also
water enough for any ship, being there is at least seven fathom
all along the mid-channell, and five or six near the sides of the
shoals, and it is alltogether free from rocks or anything that can
hurt a ship. Lastly it might be very easily secured by fortification against the attempt of an ennemy, for which the ground
is very good and firm on both sides, and not above twenty inches
or two foot water at most upon the shoal to the Eastward of it.
Signed, Chr. Lilly. Endorsed, Recd. 23, Read Nov. 24, 1703.
Addressed. Sealed. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 6. No. 6; and 138, 11.
pp. 77, 78.] |
Sept. 28. |
1109. Minutes of Council [in Assembly] of Barbados. 80l.
sterl. paid to James Garsett, armorer at the Magazine, for two
years' salary. |
15l. paid to Edward Lyte, a mattross at St. James' Fort in St.
Michael's Town, for one year's salary ending Jan. 14. |
15l. paid to Henry Taylor, a mattross at St. James Fort in the
Hole Towne, for one year's salary ending Jan. 17. |
27l. 18s. 4d. paid to Isabella Sertaine, widow of Thomas
Sertaine, for salary as mattross in the Hole Division for one year
10 months and 11 days. |
15l. sterl. paid to Thomas Morgan at the Hole Fort for one year's
salary ending Dec. 27, 1702. |
30l. sterl. paid to John Chilcott, Mattross at the Hole Fort,
for two years salary ending Feb. 6. |
John Owen, formerly mattross at St. James Fort in the Hole
Town, was ordered to receive another certificate for payment of
his salary, having lost his previous order; and was paid 15l. for
one year's salary, ending July 25, 1703, as a mattross at Queen's
Fort. |
On the petition of Capt. Phillip Kirton, Capt. Joseph Browne,
and Capt. Thomas Maxwell, on behalf of the Vestry of Christ
Church, complaining that considerable arrears are due from Col.
Tobias Frere for parish dues, ordered that the parties be heard
at the next sitting of Council. Petition of Capt. Manuel Gilligan
read, setting forth it do's not appear that he was accused (of the
crimes he stands committed) upon oath, and therefore praying
to be discharged from his commitment, or that he may be sent
a prisoner to England per the first opportunity. Ordered that
the petition lie upon the table, and that Charles Buckworth,
Judge of the Court of Vice-Admiralty, attend at the next sitting of
Council with all papers and proceedings that anywise relate to it. |
Petitions of Samuel Cox for money expended by him in the
country's service etc. read. Mr. Cox was ordered to lay them
before the Assembly. The Assembly attending, presented H.E.
with an Address in answer to his Speech. The Speaker
acquainted H.E. that their House had made choice of Col. George
Peers to be store-keeper in the Magazine for the ensuing year,
and prayed his allowance and approbation thereof. H.E. replied
he would consider of that matter. |
William Sharpe and Samuel Cox, Members of this Board, were
added to the Committee of Publick Accounts. [C.O. 31, 8.
pp. 74–77.] |
Sept. 28. |
1110. Journal of Assembly of Barbados. The House presented an Address to H.E.;—Under a most grateful sense of H.M.
gracious Favour in sending a person of your Excellency's birth,
education and general good character to govern this Island, doe give
your Excellency our hearty thanks for your prudent and most
kind speech. We acknowledge the seasonable observation you
made to us of the warr etc., and confess dispatch and vigour in
our resolutions, peace and union amongst ourselves are most
indispensibly necessary, and declare our inclinations are zealous
and promise wee will doe all that in us lyes to answer your
Excellency's expectation in those points that are so essential to
our well-being and preservation, and that all obstructions thereto
may be quite removed, wee earnestly intreat you will not give
any ear, much less adhere to the Councils of ill-disposed men,
if any are offered to you, for in all ages and in all countrys there
are generally such who, disregarding the welfare of their country
and the honour of the Chief Magistrate, and only in consideration
of their own private ends or being stirred up the enemys of the
place they live in interpose their wicked advice, calumniating
and maliciously defameing those men who both for disposition
and capacity are intirely in the interest of their country, and
wee have reason to suspect that there have been some indiscreet
attempts of this nature upon your Excellency, and doubt not
when you have made a narrow scrutiny into their drift, and have
every way examined their ability, you will easily perceive the ill
consequences of relying upon Councils of this nature, and wee do
sincerely promise your Excellency that wee will to the utmost
of our power concurr with and support your Excellency in the
maintenance of the honour and dignity of H.M., the prosperity
and welfare of this Island etc., and do everything that in us lyes
to make this Government both easy, pleasing and comfortable
to you, and therefore question not but that you'll put confidence
in us who by the Constitution of this Island have a legal call for
such purpose, and are resolved to meet as often and sit as long as
the public business requires and especially to consider the state
of the fortification, militia and magazine. We do nost heartily
acknowledge H.M. strict justice and gracious condescension in
granting that the duty of 4½ p.c. should be applied to the uses
for which it was raised, which wee are very sensible could never
be obtained from any of H.M. predecessors, the want of which
was the reason that the Assemblys of this Island have not hitherto
provided a residence for the Governour, fit places for the Courts
of Justice, the meetings of the Council and General Assembly, and a
publick prison. And to remove this reproach for the future, we
shall readily fall upon such proper measures as may be necessary
thereto, and in the meantime we have taken care to order that
Pilgrim's may be putt in condition to receive your Excellency
speedily, by which means, until some better provision can be
made, the inhabitants of this Island may have access to you
without being troublesome to private men, which inconveniency
might have been avoided had it not been for the unfortunate
animosities amongst us both at the time of your arrivall and
before, which wee hope for the future will be remedied by your
Excellency, the inconveniency you have thereby mett with
being a specimen of the events which generally follows such
differences. To this end we are ready to extinguish both private
and publick piques, that with open arms we may embrace one
another, and all concur like one man for the publick good,
especially at so dangerous a juncture as this seems to be. And
we are highly sensible of your Excellency's preferring the conveniency of the people by your choosing to be near the Town to
your own private advantage and ease, which with that justice
that is due to our Constituents wee shall as gratefully consider
as any that have preceded us. Wee are also perfectly sensible
the great benefitt a dock and harbour would be in hurrycane
seasons and at other times both for H.M. and merchants ships,
and shall readily encourage any proposition that can be made
to effect the same. Wee shall also fall on suddain measures for
clearing the streets of Bridge Town and prevent inundations
there, the first of which being likely to increase the contagion,
and the last a good security for the town and the trade thereof.
We have also taken care that the country brigantine shall be
speedily set to sea, and shall concur with any measures your
Excellency shall propose to prevent any delay as hitherto have
been for the future that the Island may reap some benefit from
so great an expense, which two last are all that at the last session
we could effect. We have had under our consideration the
mischeivous consequences of the running off of boats and hope to
bring that to an end the next session. The Negro Act as soon as
may be shall be digested, that the difficultys and inconveniencys
thereof may be removed. There have been several attempts
made to prevent ingrossing and forestalling, but the difficultys
that have intervened are still unremoved. Wee shall as soon as
possible consider the same that all oppression of the poorer sort
may be timely removed, and wee doe most heartily agree with
your Excellency in the indispensible necessity not only in
encouraging people to stay in this Island, and effectually
discouraging the ill-usage of Christian servants, but that 'tis a
matter of the last consequence to prevent their going off to the
Leeward Islands and Northern Colonys, but also to make an Act
to encourage merchants and others to import servants from
Europe, and for this purpose wee are resolved to maintain the
publick creditt and to discharge all lawful demands that the loss
thereof may be suddenly retreived, and to this end we shall be very
circumspect in our funds, and as we shall be always ready to
raise such taxes as the people are able to bear, so we doubt not
your Excellency will not endure any misapplication of them unless
in cases of great extremity for the publick good, and as we shall
never offer at the least thoughts that may encroach upon H.M.
prerogative, so we hope the rights of the people will be kept in
their proper bounds and intirely preserved, both which are
absolutely necessary for the security of our Constitution. We
doe unanimously concurr that a Government cannot expect to
prosper where Virtue and Religion are not encouraged and
propagated, and the vices of the people both corrected and
restrained, and hope your Excellency will take care the Laws be
putt in execution for such purposes, and we earnestly wish that
the Clergy may be circumspect in their lives, their examples
having generally more influence than their precepts, and we shall
readily make the necessary steps that can be required from us
in this our Province for the conversion of negroes and Indians. |
H.E. replied that he would consider the above Address, and
recommended the amendment of the Fortifications at Stanton's
Bay, the Yatcht and Fontabell, which he believed was necessary
to be immediately putt in good order. |
625l. 18s. 3d. paid to Capt. Kingston Townsend. |
Capt. Thomas acquainted this House that H.E. ordered him to
inform this House that he desired their consideration of placing
the French prisoners in secure places and providing for their
maintenance. This House recommended the Alms-house in
St. Georges. Capt. Thomas generously proffered to provide
for the French prisoners till the next sessions of this House with
such provisions as this House shall order, on an order for his
payment. Ordered accordingly, 6lb. of beef or fish per week
and 4lb. of bisket to each prisoner. |
Act for encouragement of white servants and to assert their
allowance of cloaths and provisions read and ordered to be
engrossed. |
Mr. Reynoldson's accounts were passed. |
Sept. 29. |
It was moved by a Member that, the Fortifications being out
of repair and the Bill laying a duty on strong liquors near
expiring, that the Assembly would consider of continuing the
Excise by a new Bill to that purpose. |
Charles Thomas was appointed Treasurer, and Robert Stillingfleet, Comptroller of Excise, and an Act for laying an imposition
on wines and other strong liquors read the first time. |
Several members, who appeared this day, being now absent
without any sufficient reasons given for such their absence, the
Members being 13 in number fined the absent members. [C.O.
31, 7. pp. 104–113.] |
Sept. 28. Portsmouth. |
1111. Minutes of Council in Assembly of New Hampshire.
H.E. Governor Dudley summoned the Representatives to attend,
and acquainted them of the just and necessary war, and that care
should be taken the people may not be oppressed in their service
against the enemy; that Col. Romer was at the Fort ready to
repair the same, having men sufficient sent thither to attend
his orders, and that the species raised towards the payment should
be immediately converted into mony to the best advantage;
that the Treasurer's accounts be speedily adjusted in order to be
sent to England; that they would consider of H.M. most gracious
letter referring to sallarys for the Governor and Lieut. Governor;
that H.M. had been gratiously pleased to send this Province
50 barrels of powder, stores, guns. |
Sept. 29. |
The Governor informed the Board that he had lately received
commands from the Council of Trade that no infringement be
made upon the former orders referring to the dimention of timber
saved for the service of the Crown, but that the Surveyors severally
doe strictly pursue their Instructions in that matter, and that
the Secretary give notice thereof accordingly. |
The Council being sensible that the 500l. raised for the
fortifying the Fort at Newcastle being paid into the Treasury in
corne and graine of all sorts at high prices, if kept for sale will
prove great loss to the Province, ordered that the Treasurer have
the same at his own disposal and to his proper use, he paying
the full value of 450l. according to the orders of Col. Romer or the
Board in such species, provisions, materials and payments
for the fortifying H.M. Fort at Newcastle at money price, or pay
for the same where they shall be bought. [C.O. 5, 789.
pp. 337, 338.] |