Aug. 21. |
The Messenger reported that Capt. Tho. Freeman had talkt to
him out of the window of his house and would not open the door,
but promised to come to town and surrender to him at his house,
or that he would be at Mr. Norton's, and accordingly came as
far as Kingston in order thereunto, but returned home again.
And see Minutes of Council in Assembly under date. |
Thomas Bryan not attending the service of the House was
sent for in custody. |
The Speaker acquainted the House that, in response to their
address, the Governor said he thought Capt. Freeman had no
excuse, if he were well; that he would take the Address into
serious consideration in Councill, and recommended to the House
the laying aside all animosities, and wisht there might be some
method found out to do it, that so our enemies neither within
nor without might take any advantage of us; and seeing the
House had not passed the Additional Duty Bill so soon as he
expected, he further earnestly recommended it to their
consideration, and was concerned that when that Bill was in
debate doubts should arise in the House, and that any Gentlemen
should say, that if it past, the Queen would pass perpetuity,
and lay the House under an adjournment, but he having given
his word to the contrary, he hoped the House would have believed
him to be a man of more honour than not to keep his word. [C.O.
140, 7. pp. 94–96.] |
Aug. 21. London. |
1041. E. Dummer to the Earl of Nottingham. The
Mansbridge sloop arrived Falmouth the 17th inst. Sailed from
Falmouth May 9, arr. Barbados June 14, Antegoa 21, Montserat
23, Nevis 24, St. Xophers 25, Jamaica July 2. Left Jamaica
July 6. Total days =99. |
This Master hath also been foule of a French vessel loaden
with salt for Newfoundland and taken her, but left her in the
sea; however 'tis a positive breach of his Instructions and I
shall remove him. Refers to an enclosed letter from Nevis. Signed,
E. Dummer. Endorsed, R. Aug. 22, 1703. Addressed. Sealed.
1 p. [C.O. 318, 3. No. 17.] |
Aug. 21. |
1042. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. 47l. 8s. paid to Capt.
William Jones, H.M.S. Sea-horse, for 948 days victualling for
French and Spanish prisoners on board the Serpent Bomb-ketch.
The Council desired the Governor to transmit the said account,
as also similar accounts of other Pursers of H.M. ships to the
Council of Trade and Plantations, to the end the same may be
laid before the Commissioners for Victualling H.M. Navy, that
H.M. accounts may not be twice charged for the same; and
humbly to request the Lords that they will be pleased to
recommend it to the said Commissioners to take some care that
the Treasury of this Island be reimbursed the said sums,
amounting to 223l. 15s. [C.O. 140, 6. pp. 171, 172.] |
Aug. 21. St. Jago de la Vega. |
1043. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Jamaica. Bill for
dividing the Parish of Elizabeth read the second and third time.
The Assembly attending, the Governor passed this and six other
Acts: confirming the agreement of Olivia Reid; for the better
recovery of the money raised for providing an addition to the
subsistance of H.M. Officers and Soldiers and for other uses;
for confirming the will of Anthony Wood; empowering the
Justices of St. George's to raise and pay in their taxes by a former
Act, and indempnifie the Justices and Vestry of St. Thomas in
the East and St. David's for not raising their taxes in the time
limitted; to prevent the incursions of the enemy; and, to
encourage privateers and other seafaring men and to prevent
impressing. |
The Assembly addressed H.E., desiring his aid in arresting
Thomas Freeman, one of their members, who had escaped from
the custody of their Messenger. [C.O. 140, 6. pp. 517, 518.] |
Aug. 23. |
1044. Minutes of Council of the Massachusetts Bay. Ordered
that a warrant be made out to impress six or eight shoe-makers
to be employed by direction of Mr. Joseph Bridgham forthwith
to make shoes for the supply of the forces. |
H.E. communicated a letter from Governor Winthrop of
Connecticot, importing that he had sent a company of 50 dragoons
under the command of Capt. Cooke, into the county of Hampshire
for their assistance; also a letter from Governor Cranston of
Rhode Island, in answer to H.E.'s appeal for 50 soldiers, Aug. 12,
replying that they could not spare any. |
Commission from H.R.H. Prince George, Lord High Admiral,
constituting Roger Mompesson to be Judge of the Admiralty
within the Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire, Connecticott,
Rhode Island and the Jerseys, New Yorke and Pensilvania,
read. Mr. Mompesson tooke the Oaths appointed and subscribed
the Test. |
Licence granted to Robert Calef, jr., to erect a dwelling-house
of timber on his land, situate on the southerly side of the house
and land of Hannah Kent, widow, at the South end of Boston;
also another building for a shop to stand about 12ft. distant
to the southward of the house, and a shed or workhouse about
30ft. distant from the easterly end of the dwelling-house. [C.O.
5, 789. p. 533.] |
Aug. 24. Philadelphia. |
1045. J. Moore to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Prays for a salary out of the Customs in return for his 5 years
service to the Crown, "which has soe far irritated Mr. Pen and
his friends that he has sent orders to take what office(r)s I held
in his Government out of my hands, the Queen's service and
his being inconsistent and hetrogeneall," etc. Signed, J. Moore.
Endorsed, Recd. Dec. 11, 1703. Read March 23, 170¾. 1 p.
[C.O. 5, 1262. No. 50; and 5, 1290. pp. 476, 477.] |
Aug. 24. |
1046. Journal of Assembly of Jamaica. Col. Sutton being in
custody of the Messenger desired by some of the Members of the
House to be admitted to a hearing. He was sent for, and
pretended indisposition was the occasion of his non-attendance;
but the House, being of opinion it was rather out of disrespect
to the House, resolved that he be repremanded by the Speaker
and admitted to take his place, paying his fees, 5l. to the Clerk,
and 15s. to the Messenger. He said he would pay nothing at
all, and was ordered to be confined at the Messenger's house. |
Thomas Brayne [? Bryan] attending in custody of the
Messenger, offered such matters in excuse for his absence from
the service of the House, that the House unanimously approved
and accepted of, and was ordered to take his place. |
There being now a House to proceed upon business, Mr. Brabant's
letter to the Speaker and Assembly, Aug. 13, was read:—"Since
at present we are made uncapable of serving her most gracious
Majestie and this Island by the pernitious contrivance and
practices of Col. Andrew Langley, our Speaker, we hope that
you will take this our Remonstrance into your serious consideration
and come to such resolutions as may tend to the honour of H.M.
and the good and welfare of Jamaica. Gentlemen, you very
well know that on Aug. 4, a Bill for continuing the Additional
Duty and Impost was read the third time in a full House and
past the votes of all but Mr. Bragge, who stept out upon some
occasion, and when the majority of the House desired the Speaker
to send for him, in opposition to our request, the Speaker abruptly
adjourned, contrary to all former usage and custom, and the
known and settled rules of the House, and the next morning
told Mr. Brabant that if he had sent for Mr. Bragge to come in,
when the votes were passing the third time about the Additional
Duty Bill, that he believed there would have been an equality
of voices, that then the determination had layn on his casting
voice, which he avoided; having no mind to be concerned on
either side. Likewise, Gentlemen, you know very well that
Mr. Ayscough did openly in the House accuse the Speaker when
sitting in the Chair of muttering to himself, "If the House pass
the Bill, I won't sign it," by which proceedings the Speaker did
in effect assume upon himself a negative voice when a majority
was against him. Which great presumption does not only
aime at the Prerogative of the Crown, but absolutely takes away
the rights and liberties of the people. Likewise, Gentlemen,
you very well know that when the House mett on the morning
after that hasty adjournment, the House being ashamed of the
Speaker's proceedings the night before, consented and ordered
the minuit relating to that action should not be entered in the
Journal, and came to a resolution that the Bill for continuing
the Additional Duty Impost should be read a third time in the
afternoon. When the House mett accordingly, severall Members
reminded the Speaker of the resolution in the morning and moved
that the Bill should be read a third time according to order, but
instead of obeying that order, the Speaker contemptuously was
pleased to admit of other debates, which wee were sencible was
to the great disservice of the Queen and Country and the
hindrance of the public good, contrary to his known duty and
the settled rules of the House, for which irregular proceedings
we went out of the House, having no hopes left that the Speaker
would do his duty or conforme to any rules. Wee do declare
that the country and ourselves having received so many hardships
from the Speaker by his ill practices and breaking through all
rules, that unless the House will acknowledge satisfaction upon
their minuits for the injuries wee have received, and resolve to
proceed on the choice of a new Speaker, we cannot in justice to
those Gentlemen that sent us, and ourselves, sit with you, but
must protest against your proceedings." Signed, H. Brabant,
Cha. Long, James Archbould, Jo. Bonner, Aldw. Elbridge, J.
Blair, Jno. Ayscough. |
Upon full debate, resolved nem. con. that the letter is false,
scandalous, malitious and seditious, tending to the subversion
of the Constitution of the Government and ruine of the Island.
Resolved that the above signatories of the letter be expelled
the House during this Assembly and remain in custody of the
Messenger; as well for signing the same false scandalous and
seditious paper as for other their great contempts of the authority
of the House here in the minuits before sett forth. |
The Messenger was ordered to bring Mr. Brabant to the barr
of the House. The Speaker acquainted him with the Resolution
of the House, and he thereupon withdrew and the Messenger
was ordered to keep him in custody. |
And see Minutes of Council in Assembly, Aug. 25. |
Resolved, that every Member of this House have leave to
waive his priviledge the next Grand Court, if he shall think fitt. |
Aug. 25. |
It being moved by severall Members that Col. Tho. Sutton
was ready to obey the orders of the House in paying the fees,
ordered that he be admitted to take his place in the House which
he did accordingly. |
Ordered that the Messenger bring Dr. John Blair to the Barr of
the House. The Speaker reading to him the order of the House for
his expulsion and for his confinement to the Messenger's house,
he thereupon askt if that was all and withdrew. The Messenger
was ordered to keep him in his custody. |
And See Minutes of Council in Assembly under date. |
Resolved that the Messenger bring to the bar of the House on
Friday John Peeke, Charles Long, Jno. Ayscough, Aldworth
Elbridge, James Archbold and John Bonner. |
Revenue Bill read a second time and ordered to be engrossed. |
Tho. Hudson granted leave to repair home on extraordinary
occasions promising to attend on the first notice given him. |
Aug. 26. |
Message sent up to H.E. to desire that his Honour will be
pleased to order the Act for encouraging Privateers and other
seafaring men, and to prevent impressing, to be publickly read
at such places as his Honour shall think fitt for the satisfaction
of H.M. subjects. H.E. was pleased to say it should be done.
[C.O. 140, 7. pp. 96–105.] |
Aug. 25. |
1047. Lieut. Governor Handasyd to the Council of Trade
and Plantations. Duplicate of letter of July 5, q.v. Signed,
Tho. Handasyd. Endrosed, Recd. Oct. 12, 1703. 2¼ pp.
[C.O. 137, 5. No. 113.] |
Aug. 25. |
1048. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Jamaica. The
Governor replied to the Address of the Assembly, Aug. 21, that
he would use his utmost endeavours to bring the absent Member
there complained of to his duty. |
The Governor requires to have the minutes of this House
from the time of the last that was delivered in to this day
inclusive to be delivered to him this night, for that he must send
them by the packett-boat, which he expects to sayle to-morrow. |
The Governor communicated to the Board an Address which
he received from the House yesterday, desiring him to issue
out writs of Election for two Members to serve in this Assembly
for the parish of Westmorland, as also a writ of Election for
the parish of St. Catherine's for a Representative in the room
of Henry Brabant, expelled the House; another writ of election
for the parish of St. Dorothy's for a Representative in the room
of John Bonner, expelled the House; another for the parish of
Kingston, in the room of Aldworth Ellbridge, expelled the
Assembly; another for the parish of St. Andrew's, in the room
of James Archold, expelled the Assembly; another for the parish
of St. John's, in the room of John Ayscough, expelled the
Assembly; another for the parish of Clarenden, in the room
of Charles Long, expelled the Assembly; another for the parish
of St. Thomas to Windward, in the room of John Blaire, likewise
expelled this Assembly. "And that your Honour would be
pleased to order the expediting the said writs, the House being
so thin at present that they cannot make a quorum of 25,
according to the rules of the House, to pass any Bill a third time."
[C.O. 140, 6. pp. 518–520; and (duplicate of Address) 521, 522.] |
Aug. 25. Amboy. |
1049. Minutes of Council of New Jersey. Capt. Andrew
Bown was sworn of the Council. [C.O. 5, 1019. p. 5.] |
Aug. 26. Whitehall. |
1050. Mr. Popple to Governor Sir B. Granville. H.M. absence
at the Bath occasioning a little recess in the sitting of the Council
of Trade and Plantations, and this being the day appointed for
sending letters by the Packet-boat for the West Indies, I find
myself obliged to acknowledge the receipt of your letter to their
Lordships of June 16 last, which is now come to hand, and shall
be laid before them at their next meeting, so that they may
give such directions thereupon and returne such answer as they
shall think fit by the next opportunity. In the meantime I
send you here inclosed a duplicate of their last. [C.O. 29, 8.
p. 325.] |
Aug. 26. Whitehall. |
1051. William Popple to Lt. Gov. Handasyd. Upon occasion
of H.M. being now at the Bath, and some of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations attending her there, it happens
that there are but few in town, and they not making a quorum
upon the day appointed for sending letters by the West India
Packet Boat, I find myself obliged to give you some account of
the letters received from you since their last of July 28, etc.
Refers to past correspondence. With regard to your letter of
July 7, I observe in none of the minutes enclosed there is any
mention made of any deliberation, either by the Council or
Assembly, upon the reasons wch. had been sent you for and
against the Act relating to the settling of Kingston and to prevent
the resettling of Port Royal, as was directed by their Lordships,
April 29, but only an Order is entered about dating Acts hereafter,
and no proceedings at all were made either by the Council or
Assembly upon what their Lordships desired in relation to the
settling of the seat of Trade, so that they will be disappointed
in what they did expect to receive from you upon that matter, etc.
[C.O. 138, 11. pp. 26–28.] |
Aug. 26. |
1052. Minutes of Council of the Massachusetts Bay. H.E.
acquainted the Council that he had ordered the taking up of a
sloop, Phillip Pendexter, master, to send to Port Royal with
Mr. Allen the messinger that came from thence about the exchange
of prisoners, and therein to send the French prisoners that are
here, and to bring home ours that are there, and proposed she
should be victualled for 14 men, by the space of 40 days, and
that he would instruct the Master to endeavour to speak with
Capt. Southack or Major March by the way; and to have the
assistance of Mr. Allin for the recovery of our captives from the
Indians. |
20s. each for a fortnight's service paid to Elisha Doubledee,
Thomas Cutler, senr. and jr., and Daniel Evermore, four troopers
that waited upon the Hon. Thomas Povey in his journey to
Piscataqua for the ordering of the forces lately sent into the
Eastern parts. [C.O. 5, 789. p. 534.] |
Aug. 26. H.M. Royal College of William and Mary. |
1053. Minutes of Council of Virginia. This Board taking
into consideration that the time limited by Order of Council,
July 13, for clearing of such ships as intend to sail under convoy
of Commodore Symonds being so nigh to the time fixt for the
said ships' sailing, it will be very difficult for the Collectors and
Naval Officers to perfect their lists, etc. in time to be sent for
England, ordered that such ships clear on or before Sept. 8, and
that Collectors and Naval Officers transmit to H.E. with all
convenient speed thereafter three fair copies of entries and
clearings and invoices of loadings of ships since their last lists. |
Resolved, that 12½ percent. be laid upon the prime cost of
the arms and ammunition sent in for the use of the Militia, to
defray the incident charges in connection therewith. Directions
given for the disposal of said arms etc. Salary of Edward Ross,
Gunner at James City, advanced to 15l. sterl. per annum, in
consideration of the trouble he must undergo in taking care of
the arms etc. now in the magazine. 50l. allowed him to keep
them in good order for 12 months. |
Ordered that notice be given to the Colonels and Commanders
in Chief of every County that after the General Muster appointed
by law in October next, the private musters formerly appointed
to be had every week be discontinued till next Spring. |
Richard Morris, Surveyor of Henrico County, was suspended
from his office for surveying a tract of land in that county for
John Woodson, contrary to the orders he received from Col.
Wm. Byrd in pursuance of the Act for Cohabitations. Ordered
that he appear before H.E. and Council on the fourth day of
next October General Court to answer what further shall be
objected against him, according to the Order of Council,
July 14. |
Upon a complaint from the Court of Essex County,
representing that Mr. Tho. Merriweather, late Sheriff of the
County, hath refused to produce his levy book, that the Court
might have been enabled to order payment to the County Creditors
according to the Order of Council, March 25, it is the opinion of
the Council that Thomas Merriweather ought to be prosecuted
on his bond as Sheriff, and recommend to the Justices of the
said Court to take care therein, they being the persons to whom
the Bond is granted. |
H.E. laid before the Council a letter dated July 20, and sent
him by Mr. Commissary Blair before his departure for England,
together with his answer thereto, and also read two letters to H.E.
from the Bishop of London, and three from his Lordship to
Mr. Blair relating to the differences between H.E. and the said
Commissary, which letters came to H.E.'s hands since Mr. Blair
went for England. H.E. said that it appeared Mr. Blair had
misrepresented him in England, and insinuated as if this country
was dissatisfied with H.E. Government, with several other
aspersions, and desired the Council to speak, if they knew that
the Country was dissatisfied or uneasie. |
Mrs. Mary Whaley by her petition praying that the Trustees
of the City of Williamsburgh may be directed to pay her for so
much of her land as was taken up for the said City, and because
the certain quantity is not yet known, that a survey be made,
Ordered that it be referred to the said Trustees. |
Aug. 27. |
Robert Carter was sworn a member of Council. |
Ordered that the Naval Officers make up their accounts with
the Treasurer on the 3rd day of next October General Court, only
Col. Richard Lee in respect of the distance of his habitation hath
leave to make up his accounts at such convenient time before
the General Court as Mr. Treasurer shall appoint. |
The Oaths appointed by Act of Parliament were read and
approved in Council. Whereas by one of H.M. Royal Instructions
to H.E. this day communicated to the Council, H.E. is directed
to permit a liberty of conscience to all persons (except Papists)
so they be contented with a quiet and peacerable enjoyment of
the same, not giving offence or scandal to the Government: it
is therefore ordered that the Court of each respective County
within this Colony transmit to H.E. an account of all separate
congregations or religious meetings of any persons dissenting
from the Church of England, and of what number of persons
the said meetings and every of them consist; and that they also
certifie to His Excellency whether the said congregations or
meetings be conformable to the Act of Parliament, 1 William
and Mary, for exempting their Majesties' Protestant subjects
dissenting from the Church of England from the penaltys of
certain laws. |
Whereas it is very necessary that all County Courts be provided
with the Acts of Parliament and Statutes of England, ordered
that the Justices of the Peace of the several Countries take care
to send for such a collection of the said Acts, as are now wanting
in their Courts, and that they continue the like care for the future
that the Courts be duly provided with the Laws and Statutes of
England as from time to time they come out. |
H.E. read part of a letter written by him to Lord Nottingham,
July 28, and to the Council of Trade, relating to the reports
spread through this county of a new Governor being appointed
here, and that H.E. was turned out for maleadministration. |
Address from the Clergy to the Bishop of London read,
complaining against Mr. Commissary Blair. |
Whereas Capt. Jno. Symonds, H.M.S. Guernsey, hath signified
to H.E. that upon the petition of several Masters of ships in
Virginia and Maryland, he doth condescend to stay for the said
ships until Oct. 1, Ordered that the time for clearing them be
enlarged till Sept. 22, etc. |
Ordered that Naval Officers account with Mr. Auditor Bird
for the 2s. per hhd. etc. on Sept. 24.[C.O. 5, 1412. pp. 97–102.] |
Aug. 27. Whitehall. |
1054. Earl of Nottingham to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Col. Laws and Col. Edlyn being lately come from
Jamaica, and having attended the Lords of the Committee with
an account of some matters relating to Port Royall and Kingston,
their Lordships ordered them to wait on you, and do desire that
you will consider of the matters, which those two gentlemen
will lay before you, and report your opinion thereon etc. Signed,
Nottingham. Endorsed, Recd. Aug. 30, Read Sept. 9, 1703.
1 p. [C.O. 137, 5. No. 114; and 138, 11. p. 29.] |
Aug. 27. Jamaica. |
1055. Lt. Gov. Handasyd to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. I had the Honor to receive your Lordships' of
May 27 and June 18 with duplicates of Aprill 20 and 29 as also
the merchants' reasons pro and con about reselting Port Royall
with a duplicate and H.M. Orders for the preventing of presents
to Governours and encreasing the Governour and Lieutenant
Governour's salary here, and H.M. Order in Councill of May 17,
confirming some Acts of this Island, all which I have
communicated to the Councill, but find they have no other reasons
to give about Port Royal then what has been already given by
the merchants at home. As to the accounts of the publick
revenue I have spoke to the Receiver General about them, who
tells me they are stated to March 1, 1702, and are now lying
before the Assembly, and will give me the copy of them with all
possible expedition, which shall be remitted to your Lordships
per first opportunity, and I presume he has acquainted your
Lordships with the same. The Assembly has done as much
in what relates to the publick accounts which have lain before
them since March 1, as they have done in any other thing relating
to the Queen and country, vizt. litle or nothing, as your Lordships
will find by their Minutes herewith sent you, in which your
Lordships will perceive that the great part of their time is spent
in heats and divisions. They being this Sessions most of them
Creolians are at as great variance with those born in England
as if they themselves were not descended from English parents,
and are so obstinate in their humours that they will neither
lead nor drive; and if they go on in the methods they are now
in, they will teach me what I n'ere expected to learn, that is,
either to be a Conjurer or a Philosopher, but I shall use my utmost
endeavours by fair means to make them sensible of their errours
and bring them to reason. Captain Wyvill, Commander of the
Colchester and another Man of War, with a Fleet of 24 or 25
merchantmen under his convoy, sailed from hence the 17th
instant, but such an unpolisht humorist or rather mad gentleman
I have not mett withall, as your Lordships will find by the copy
of his answer to a letter of mine which I likewise send a copy
of, with those of papers relating to that gentleman, which if
your Lordships approve of may be sent to the Admiralty Office,
I being wholly a stranger to the Office and their proceedings.
Since my last there has been a smart feaver in the Island which
has carried off a great many of the inhabitants, and on the 19th
instant, twixt 4 and 5 in the afternoon we had a great shake
by an earthquake, but has done no farther harm that I hear of
then putting the people in a fright. I also send your Lordships
a duplicate of my last letter of July 7 according to your Lordships'
instructions, as likewise 4 publick and 2 private Acts that have
passed me and the Councill, together with the Minutes of the
Councill. The ships left here for the defence of the Island are
so very thinly mann'd that tho' we spare what soldiers we can,
unless they are supplyed with sailers from home they cannot
be kept on float, which I hope your Lordships will represent to
the Lord High Admiral. I shall now only begg the continuance
of your Lordships' favour and patronage in honouring me with
your instructions and advice (for tho' an old soldier I'm but a
young politician) which shall to the utmost of my power be
punctually observed. I have wrote a letter to the Bishop of
London about supplying the vacancies here which I have left
open for your Lordships' perusall, which if you approve of, I
humbly desire you would order it to be sealed and sent. I have
nothing else to add. Signed, Tho. Handasyd. Endorsed, Recd.
12th, Read Oct. 19, 1703. Holograph. Addressed. 1 p.
Enclosed, |
1055. i. Abstract of preceding. 2 pp. |
1055. ii. Commodore Douglass to Lt. Gov. Handasyd, Aug. 25,
1703. Norwich, att Port Royal. Desires to be supplied
with 20 or 30 soldiers for a month's cruise round the
Island, and an order "that I may know how to govern
myself and the rest of the squadron for pressing of
men." Signed, Andrew Douglas. Endorsed, Recd. Oct.
12. 1¾ pp. |
1055. iii. Lt. Gov. Handasyd to Capt. Wavell, July 28, 1703.
See Minutes of Council. Endorsed as preceding. Copy.
2 pp. |
1055. iv. Capt. Wavell to Lt. Gov. Handasyd, July 30, 1703.
See Minutes of Council. Endorsed as preceding. Copy.
1½ pp. |
1055. v. Governor and Council of Jamaica to Comodore Douglass.
July 31, 1703. See Minutes of Council. Endorsed as
preceding. Copy. 1 p. |
1055. vi. Commodore Douglass to the Governor and Council of
Jamaica. Aug. 3, 1703. See Minutes of Council.
Endorsed as preceding. 2 pp. |
1055. vii. Lt. Gov. Handasyd to the Bishop of London. Jamaica,
Aug. 27. I think it my duty to acquaint you of the
great want there is in this Island of Divines, and if
there is not some speedy care taken to supply this defect,
I'm afraid great inconveniencys may ensue by giving
an inlett to prophaness and immorality. I here enclosed
send your Lordship a list of the parishes provided and
unprovided of this Island, with an account of their
respective salarys, and altho' they are but small, yet
men of good lives and conversations have always mett
with very kind parishioners, and as long as I am in the
Government I shall contribute what lyes in my power
to make such men easy. The best parish formerly
was Port Royall, but now that is gone. Signed, Tho.
Handasyd. Endorsed as preceding. Copy. 1 p.
[C.O. 137, 6. Nos. 1, 1.i.-vii; and (without enclosures)
138, 11. pp. 50–55; and (abstract of letter only) 137, 41.
pp. 15, 16.] |
Aug. 27. Jamaica. |
1056. Lt. Gov. Handasyd to the Earl of Nottingham. Repeats
part of preceding. Signed, Tho. Handasyd. Endorsed, R. Oct. 8,
1703. Addressed. Sealed. Post-mark. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 45.
No. 50.] |
Aug. 27. Jamaica. |
1057. Lt. Gov. Handasyd to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Since the closeing of my letters to your Lordships,
I have received a letter from Commodore Douglass, which I here
inclose to your Lordships, by which you will perceive the
necessity of supplying these ships with men from home, for tho'
I have already out of the two Regiments help'd to man two
ships and a sloop, yet he writes for soldiers for two Men of Warr
more, which are all the ships of warr here excepting the two
fireships fitted out by the country; which very much fatigues
the soldiers; and hope your Lordships will take it into your
consideration. Signed, Tho. Handasyd. Endorsed, Recd. 12,
Read 19 Oct., 1703. Addressed. Sealed. Holograph. ½ p.
[C.O. 137, 6. No. 2; and 138, 11. p. 49.] |
Aug. 27. |
1058. Journal of Assembly of Jamaica. Resolved that the
scandalous paper signed by Henry Brabant etc. (Aug. 24) be
sealed into the Journal of the House. |
Dr. John Bonner, Capt. James Archbold, John Ayscough and
Aldworth Elbridge were severally brought to the barr of the
House, and the Speaker read to them the resolution of the House
for their expulsion and confinement at the Messenger's. |
The Speaker having acquainted the House that John Peeke
had informed the Governor on Aug. 5 that he, the Speaker,
intruded on the prerogative and assumed upon himself the power
of the Governor, Councill and Assembly, he was summoned to
appear and answer to it at the barr of the House. He answered
"I did say it, and you did do it" and withdrew. He was recalled,
and the Speaker, according to the resolution of the House,
demanded how, when and where did the Speaker intrude on
the Prerogative etc. Mr. Peeke answered he desired a coppy
of the charge and he would give an answer, for he could not
recollect his thoughts immediately, and withdrew. Ordered that
the Clerk give him a copy of his charge, and that he give in his
answer to-morrow morning. |
Col. Matthew Crew and Capt. Thomas Hudson complained of
a breach of Priviledge by Robert Thurgar, Attorney at Law,
who had taken out an execution against them. Thurgar was
sent for in custody of the Messenger. |
Aug. 28. |
See Minutes of Council in Assembly under date. |
Resolved that there shall be a warrant sent for John Samuells
on the breach of privilege complained of by Mr. Vassall. |
Petition of Robert Thurgar read and ordered to lie on the
Clerk's Table. |
Mr. Peeke being called in, gave his answer, that the words
entered for his answer yesterday were mistaken, for what he said
was, hee did say the words 'tis true, and therefore if the House
pleased that the words might be altered in the minuits, which
he left to the Consideration of the House, and then read a paper,
which was his answer, and withdrew. |
Resolved, that the words as they are entered in the minuites
yesterday are the very words he spake in the House for his answer. |
Resolved, that the paper read by him lie on the Clerk's table
for consideration. |
The Messenger informed the House that all the gentlemen
ordered into his custody were in his custody except Capt. Long,
who had promised to come. [C.O. 140, 7. pp. 105–107.] |
Aug. 28. |
1059. Sir Gilbert Heathcote to the [? Council of Trade and
Plantations]. It might be worthy your Lordships' consideration
about ye conniving at a Trade betwixt our people at Jamaica
and the Spaniards; for we exchange our goods with 'em for
nothing but gold and silver, and ye goods we traffick with are
onely wearing apparell and negroes for their mines. This might
also help to cultivate a good understanding, in order to promote
H.M. glorious designe of reading [? rending] ye Spanish Monarchy
out of ye hands of ye House of Bourbon, without which we are
undone. This might be done by intimating to ye Governor to
wink or looke through his fingers, and when they bring silver etc.
to ask noe questions at their returne. This is done by the
Hollanders from Curasoa, and we have as good an appetite for
gold and silver as they have, and much better conveniencys
from Jamaica to gratifye it. Signed, Gilbert Heathcote. Aug.
28, 1703. 2 pp. [C.O. 137, 45. No. 51.] |
Aug. 28. |
1060. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Jamaica. Message
sent up to H.E. from the House. |
"The Bill of Revenue, Quitt-rents and some other Bills have
had the second reading, and till we have some more Members
returned, cannot make a full House to proceed any further."
The Grand Court approaching, they desired to be adjourned.
H.E. adjourned them accordingly until Sept. 13, 1703. [C.O. 140,
6. p. 522.] |
Aug. 28. West River, Ann Arundell County. |
1061. Minutes of Council of Maryland. Letter from George
Plater, H.M. Receiver and Naval Officer at Puttuxent, read,
acquainting the President that Capt. Josiah Moore, H.M.S.
Oxford, who was one of the convoys to the Virginia fleet, had
brought into Puttuxent River a sugar prize, and that Mr. Plater
on behalf of Capt. Moore desired, in case Col. John Hammond,
the Judge, and William Bladen, Registrar of H.M. Court of
Vice-Admiralty, could not conveniently come down to Puttuxent
in order to condemn the said prize, that a special Commission
might be granted appointing some other persons at Puttuxent
thereunto, in regard Capt. Moore was indisposed, and his stay
very short in this Province. His Honour had replied, Aug. 24,
that Col. Hammond thought it reasonable that Capt. Moore
or his procurator should exhibit his libel to the Court here, in
order to the condemnation of the prize, which will be expedited
as soon as desired, if he thinks fit, the said Judge not thinking
himself obliged to go down to Puttuxent, no application being
made to him or sufficient reason offered by the Commander
therefore. "Besides I find that the Commander upon his arrival
with his prize by the Act of the 4th and 5th William and Mary
is directed to put the prize into the hands of the Governor in
plain English words, which you must needs know to be the present
Government, the President and Council, till the same be
condemned or discharged. Therefore you would do well to advise
him to conform himself to that law or any other later of her
present Majesty, if you know any such." Signed, Tho. Tench. |
Letter from Tho. Tench to Capt. Josiah Moore read. To
same effect as above. Concludes "This previous requisite of
delivering the prize into the possession of the Governor I have
taken care to make easy to you by ordering your friend Mr. Plater,
H.M. Receiver, to take the same into his custody on behalf of
H.M., unless you think fit to bring her up hither, where to your
speedy dispatch in her condemnation my best endeavour shall
be contributed," etc. |
After which was read Capt. Moore's letters to the President
and the Judge of the Court of Vice-Admiralty, desiring that a
Court might be appointed for the condemnation of the said prize
at Puttuxent, which was answered by a letter in the same sense
as above by the President and Council. [C.O. 5, 745. pp. 37–40.] |
Aug. 28. |
1062. Minutes of Council of the Massachusetts Bay. 5l. paid
to Eliakim Hutchinson for his expence towards the recovery of
the English prisoners out of the hands of the Indians. |
413l. 13s. 7d. paid to Mr. Treasurer for provisions supplied to
H.M. Castle, the Forts at Saco and Casco Bay, the Province
galley, etc. [C.O. 5, 789. pp. 534, 535.] |
Aug. 31. |
1063. Journal of Assembly of Barbados. The new Assembly
met and re-elected William Holder Speaker. Members returned; |
St. Michael's Parish |
George Peers. |
Charles Thomas |
St. Peter's |
Alexander Walker. |
Samuel Maynard. |
St. Thomas' |
William Allumby. |
George Harper. |
St. John's |
John Leslye. |
Christopher Estwick. |
Christchurch |
Phillip Kirton. |
Thomas Maxwell. |
St. Lucy's |
Col. Thomas Maycock. |
William Terrill. |
St. James' |
William Holder. |
Robert Waite. |
St. Phillip's |
Thomas Ince. |
Enoch Gretton. |
St. Andrew's |
Robert Morris. |
Reynold Alleyne. |
St. George's |
Henry Harding. |
Paul Lyte. |
St. Joseph's |
Col. John Holder. |
William Grant. |
[C.O. 31, 7. pp. 92, 93.] |
Aug 31. |
1064. Minutes of Council [in Assembly] of Barbados. The
Representatives took the oath, except Col. Maycock, who was
ill:— |
After they had withdrawn, H.E. sent to summon them to
attend him at the Council Chamber again, but they were not
to be found at their usual place of meeting. [C.O. 31, 8. pp.
62–64.] |