July 1. Whitehall. |
864. Journal of Council of Trade and Plantations. Mr. Penn
attending, his proposals were read. Their Lordships thereupon
observing to him that his reserving to himself (in the 5th article)
the right of nominating two or more persons to the Queen out
of which H.M. might chuse a Governor, was in effect reserving
stil the Government in his own power, under the pretence of
resigning it, he answered that the peculiar circumstances of the
people of that country made it necessary for him to insist upon
such special savings to secure their civil as well as religious rights,
against the hardships that may be put upon them by a future
Governor; but desired some time to consider of it, and promised
to draw up a scheme of such other proposals, as may serve in lieu
of this for the nomination of a Governor. It was also observed
to him, that his second article, for confirming Laws, was rather a
taking away from H.M. the power she has already than granting
anything that she had not before. The generality also of the
7th article, relating to rights, priviledges etc., was taken notice
of, as requiring more particular explanation, divers other
objections were likewise made, that he might consider thereof,
before the Board enter into the consideration of the sum demanded
by him for this surrender. |
July 2. |
Letter from Mr. Penn, [July 2], read. Ordered that the Secretary
do acquaint him that it is requisite he make his first application
in this matter to H.M., as he did formerly for her approbation
of Col. Hamilton. |
Letter from Mr. Thurston read. |
Draught of Instructions for Lt. Gov. Handasyd approved.
[C.O. 391, 16. pp. 170–173; and 391, 97. pp. 481–485.] |
July 1. |
865. Journal of Assembly of Jamaica. Bill for regulating
Elections of Assemblymen read the second time. |
Bill for repairing the Highways read and recommitted. |
July 2. |
Capt. Thos. Freeman, not attending the service of the House,
was sent for in custody of the Messenger. |
Bill for encouragement of privateers read the first and second
times. |
William Vassall granted leave to repair home on extraordinary
occasions. |
July 3. |
The House attending, the Governor communicated to them
the Queen's Letter about Governor's presents (April 20), and an
extract of a Letter from the Council of Trade and Plantations
relating to the resetling of Port Royal. |
Bill for the better collecting H.M. Quit-rents read and committed. |
And see Minutes of Council in Assembly under date. |
Capt. Long not attending was censured. [C.O. 140, 7.
pp. 43–45.] |
July 2. |
866. Attorney General to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. In reply to Mr. Popple's letter of June 1st, I am
of opinion that H.M. may by her royall proclamation make
foreign coynes currant money at such rates as she shall think
fitt in any of her Plantations in America as well under Proprieties
as under H.M. immediate Government, so far as doth not
contradict any Law confirmed by the Crown, and for that purpose
it will be necessary to revoke the Act passed in Pensilvania
mentioned in the letter, that being a perpetual Law. Signed,
Edw. Northey. Endorsed, Recd. July 3, Read 6 July, 1703.
¾ p. Enclosed, |
866. i. Copy of letter referred to in preceding. 1½ pp.
[C.O. 323, 5. Nos. 17, 17.i.; and 324, 8. pp. 256, 257.] |
July 2. |
867. J. Thurston to William Popple. The money and packet
entrusted to H.M.S. Adventure for the Centurion for Newfoundland was not delivered to her. The Admiralty sent last night for
their Commissioner at Plymouth to make good the money when
the Centurion calls there, etc. Signed, J. Thurston. Endorsed,
Recd. Read July 2, 1703. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 194, 2. No. 128.] |
July 2. |
868. Sir E. Northey to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Recommends Stephens Thompson, eldest son of Sir William
Thomson, Serjeant at Law, as a fitt person to serve H.M. as
Attorney General in Virginia. He was educated first at the
University and after in the study of the Law in the Middle Temple,
where he is fifteen years standing. Signed, E. Northey. ¾ p.
Enclosed, |
868. i. Certificate of character of Stephens Thomson. Ten
signatures. Endorsed, Recd. 3rd, Read July 6, 1703.
¾ p. [C.O. 5, 1313. Nos. 22, 22.i.; and 5, 1360.
pp. 397, 398.] |
July 2. 2d m/5 (July). |
869. William Penn to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Honble. Friends. Being informed by a letter from New York,
of the 3rd of the month called May, of the Death of Coll. Hamilton,
and well knowing the importance of it to the Publick, that his
place be supplyed forthwith, I humbly propose to the Bord to
recommend to the Queen's approbation, Col. Wm. Markham or
Capt. John Finney—tho' it were but for the same time, that no
obstruction to business of any sort may be suffered by the
Inhabitants of ye Province of Pennsylvania and Territorys for
want of a quallifyed Person to officiate in that station for the
Queen's service. I begg wt. dispatch possible, because we have
an opertunity just now by a Newenglander bound away wth. ye
first opertunity. Signed, Wm. Penn. Endorsed, Recd Read
July 2, 1703. Holograph. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1262. No. 35.] |
July 2. St. Jago de la Vega. |
870. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. Letter from H.M.
relating to Governors' presents, April 20, read and entered in
the Council Book. The Governor likewise communicated to the
Council two letters from the Council of Trade and Plantations.
The Council advised him to communicate that part of one of them
relating to the Port Royal Act to the Assembly, as also H.M.
letter. [C.O. 140, 6. pp. 148–150.] |
July 2. |
871. Minutes of Council in Assembly of the Massachusetts
Bay. His Honour sent a message to the Representatives to
know if that House had anything to offer to the Council, who
returned answer they had nothing ready. [C.O. 5, 789. p. 835.] |
July 3. Spithead. |
872. Mr. Usher to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
I thought it my duty to acquaint your Lordships, the summer
being soe far advanced, Nffoundland coaste being more dangerous
then all the restt of the voiage, and our Comadore being bound
thither, by reason of which a question whether may gett to
N. Engld. this year etc. I humbly beg leave to offer that the
province of N. Hampshire is the Queen's immediate Government,
the onely place for suplying with Navall Stores the frontier strong
place agtt. the French and Indian enemy; that any of H.M.
ships whose station may be apointed for New Engld. the place
of her station may be N. Hampshire by itt may be a damp to
our Indian enemy and security to ytt. place etc. Signed, John Usher.
Endorsed, Recd. 5th, Read July 6, 1703. Addressed. Sealed.
Postmark. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 863. No. 41.] |
July 3. |
873. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Jamaica. [See
Minutes of Council, July 2.] |
Acts, for dividing the parish of St. Elizabeth with two distinct
parishes, for the ease of the inhabitants; and to prevent the
incursions of the enemy on the sea coast, were read the second
time, and committed. |
Acts, for making valid the will of Antho. Wood; and confirming
an agreement between Olivia Read, and Nathaniel Browne, and
Anna Petronella, read the second time. |
Joint-Committee appointed to consider the best manner of
dating the Acts to be past for the future. [C.O. 140, 6. pp.
497, 498.] |
July 5. St. Jago de la Vega. |
874. Lt. Governor Handasyd to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. I received your letter of April 20 touching complaints made of great delays and undue proceedings in the Courts
of Justice in the Plantations, which I have communicated to
the Council here, who being Gentlemen of the best knowledge
and experience in the affairs of this Island unanimously assure me
that they have never heard that any occasion hath been given
for such complaints in any of the Courts of Judicature in this
Island, soe that the occasion of your Lordships' Circular Letter
hath been given in some other of them. For that here by the
Acts of the Island that regulate proceedings in Law Suites etc.
(which have been always duly observed) the course and proceedings
in causes to issue and judgement are much more expeditious
and less chargeable (even) then in England. For actions of
debt, contract, etc. are usually determined the first Court; those
of account must stay two for return of Auditors, and those in
ejectment most commonly are ended the first Court, but rarely
exceed two Courts, for their determination. As to a Special
Court for determining small causes, there is noe want of that
here. for besides the Supreme Court, every parrish or precinct
has a Court which has jurisdiction in all causes not exceeding
20l., and in all causes not exceeding 40s. a Justice of the Peace
has power to hear and immediately to determine, as likewise in
all cases between Masters and their servants. And for the
encouragement of importers of servants, a J.P. has power to
order to the importer (on his disposal of his servants) immediate
payment be the summe what it will. And as to the account
required by your Lordships (with submission) wee apprehend
'tis hardly practicable. For to send an account of every cause
at length, with all the proces and pleadings incident to them,
would be a thing of great charge, difficulty and trouble, more
then the officers of the Courts can bear, their gains being small,
most espetially in the petty Courts, where they cannot subsist
without other dependencies, and to send the names of plaintiffs
and defendants and sort of action only, would be of little or no use.
But if any complaints have been or shall be made of any failure
in any the Courts of Judicature here, and the same be signifyed
hither, it is most fitt, and all due care shall be taken to give your
Lordships from time to time, as there shall be occasion, a full and
just account thereof. Signed, Tho. Handasyd. Endorsed, Recd.
Aug. 21, Read Sept. 9, 1703. 2½ pp. [C.O. 137, 5. No. 108;
and 138, 11. pp. 12–14.] |
July 5. |
875. Minutes of Council in Assembly of the Massachusetts
Bay. Adjourned till July 8. [C.O. 5, 789. p. 835.] |
July 6. Williamsburgh. |
876. Mr. Jenings to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
My last of June 7 was by the Richard and James. The 11th of that
month H.E. returned in health from New York. H.M.S. Falmouth
and York arrived here of the past month from Jamaica,
and hath now under their convoy between 50 and 60 loaden
merchant ships, by whom your Lordships I hope will safely
receive the Journalls of Assembly and Councill since the sayling
of the Southampton to this time, which are all the stay of the convoy
will permit to send. H.E. was pleased to give me directions to
revise the Laws and prepare a transcript of such of them as are
in force to be layd before your Lordships, tho' it might have been
much better performed by such to whose province it more
properly belongs, yet hope it will answer your Lordships' commands and the intended use. The Laws agreed on by the
Committee appointed by the Assembly were reported, and the
Burgesses pressing to proceed, but being not to be perswaded
that New York is a barrier or of such consequence or in so great
necessity to want the assistance of this country, H.E. thought
not reasonable to let them proceed on any other business and
prorogued them to Oct. 15. The Burgesses have addressed H.M.
and laid down their reasons, which they vow to be their real
sentiments and not out of prejudice to H.E., as some few have
suggested, they prayed H.E.'s assistance that it might receive
a favourable acceptance, they were promised to have it presented
but not any furtherance, believing it not gratefull to H.M. to
have so reasonable commands denyed. I was not wanting to use
my interest with the Burgesses, and question not but H.E. will
do me the right to vouch my endeavours upon that occasion in
the Councill. The Address of the Councill was resolved and
agreed on, when I was very much indisposed, and tho' dayly
attended (as incumbent) yet was not able to have any further
share or part in it then joyning to address H.M. on the success of
H.M. Arms and humbly to assure H.M. of the constancy of my
services for a complyance with H.M. command, if anything is
incerted or worded that may give the least shadow of undutifullness or disrespect, it passed me thro' inadvertency and contrary
to my intention, occasioned by my indisposition, and hope will
be thought pardonable. My former acquainted your Lordships
the great progress that was made in building the Capitoll. The
last General Court was held in it and before the next the major
part will be compleatly finished, the other part appropriated
for the Assembly will be ready that they may there meet,
it will contain offices for all publick affairs and believe it to
be the most convenient and commendable building in H.M.
Dominion in America, a perticular account of which and the
charges of building are preparing for your Lordships. The
accounts of the Revenue will demonstrate the well management
of it, and that the present amount will discharge all to this time
which was not expected. I shall not inlarge on this, believing
Mr. Auditor will be perticular in it. H.M.S. Guernsey, commanded by Captain Simmons, arrived here the 6th instant.
On the 16th H.M. Letters Pattents continuing H.E. Governour
was published, and H.E. took the oaths appointed and
administred them to the Councill then present. H.E. hath
given directions for renewing all Commissions, civill and military,
and that the late injoyned oaths be administred as the Act of
Parliament provides, and lists to be made of them for your Lordships'
particular satisfaction. The Justices are likewise required to
observe H.M. commands that speedy justice be done to all persons,
and the clerks ordered to transmit an abstract of the respective
Courts proceedings, to be put in a method proper to lay before
your Lordships. All dilligence and dispatch possible shall be
used for providing all ready by the return of the Guernsey. The
Laws prepared by the Committee and those now in force will
both be sent your Lordships, which being of moment to H.M.
and country, H.E. was pleased to propose sending me to attend
H.M. and your Lordships with them, to give your Lordships
satisfaction in any particular that may occur to your Lordships
on them and the state of the country. I am sensible there are
many others more capable to serve H.M. on such an employment,
and hope H.E. will cast his thoughts on one more versed in the
affairs of the country and maturity of judgement. Signed, E.
Jennings. Endorsed, Recd. Oct. 5, 1703. 5 pp. Enclosed, |
876. i. Abstract of preceding. 1¾ pp. |
876. ii. Mr. Jenings to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
Williamsburgh, March 16. My last letter was by
H.M.S. Centurion; this is by the Southampton, with
the journals and proceedings of Assembly and Council.
H.E. and Council with great difficulty convinced Capt.
Moody of H.M. service and subjects' interest in staying
to convoy the merchants ships home, and is hoped
will be well approved of by your Lordships, since hee
declared hee could not comply with the Orders of the
Lord High Admiral. The Assembly is to meet tomorrow, and am very glad can acquaint your Lordships
they are of ye Church of England, and hope will prove
well affected for H.M. service. Signed, E. Jenings.
1 p. [C.O. 5, 1313. Nos. 24, 24. i., ii.; and (without
enclosure) 5, 1360. pp. 429–434.] |
[July 6.] |
877. An anonymous Letter, sent by the Penny-Post,
containing various charges against Capt. Moody for his conduct
in Virginia. Endorsed, Recd. Read July 6, 1703. Addressed.
Penny-post-mark. 2¾ pp. [C.O. 5, 1313. No. 23.] |
July 6. |
878. William Penn to the Queen. Andrew Hamilton, my
Deputy Governor lately approved of, is since deceased, and
apprehending it to be as well for the Queen's service as the
Publick Peace and safety, that another should, as speedily as
may be, succeed him, and an opportunity to those parts now
presenting, Her Petitioner humbly presents John Evans,
Gentleman, and prays the Queen's Royal Approbation of him.
Signed, Wm. Penn. Subscribed, |
878. i. Whitehall, July 6, 1703. H.M. is graciously pleased
to referr this petition to the Council of Trade and
Plantations for their opinion thereon. Signed, Nottingham. The whole endorsed, Recd. Read July 7, 1703.
1 p. [C.O. 5, 1262. Nos. 36, 36. i.; and 5, 1290.
pp. 343, 344.] |
July 6. Whitehall. |
879. Journal of Council of Trade and Plantations. Letter
from Mr. Attorney General read, recommending Mr. Thomson.
Directions given for preparing a Representation thereupon. |
Mr. Attorney General's letter relating to currency read.
Directions given for preparing a Representation thereon. |
Anonymous letter, relating to Capt. Moody, ordered to be
kept till it may be of any use. |
Representation ordered to be prepared wherewith to lay before
H.M. the Instructions of the Lt. Gov. of Jamaica. |
Order of Council, May 1, read. |
Order of Council, June 10, read. |
Letter from Mr. Usher of the 5th [? 3rd] inst. read. |
Directions given for a Report upon the Order of the Committee
of Council, May 27, relating to the method of Appeal. |
July 7. |
Petition from Mr. Penn etc. read. Directions given to the
Secretary for writing to him. |
Representations ordered yesterday signed. [C.O. 391, 16.
pp. 173–177; and 391, 97. pp. 489–494.] |
July 6. |
880. Minutes of Council of Barbados. Col. Tobias Frere
granted leave to go to Bermuda for his health. |
200l. paid towards the wages of the crew of the Larke. |
H.E. and this Board having been informed that severall persons
have lately upon the arrival of some provision ships ingrossed
and bought up the greatest part of the provision imported,
contrary to an Act of this Island, to the great damage and
prejudice of the inhabitants, Ordered that the Attorney General
prosecute such offenders. |
H.E. communicated to the Board the Letter from the Council
of Trade and Plantations, Dec. 8, 1702, relating to the admission
of appeals here, with enclosed petitions and H.M. Order in Council
etc., in order to consider the same with them and thereupon to
signify to their Lordships what might be the consequence of any
such alteration as has been proposed, and what is the general
sense of the Island. |
Bill for encouragement of white servants and to ascertain their
allowance of provision and cloaths was read the second time
and committed. |
Supplemental Act to an Act concerning the General Sessions
was read a second time and committed. |
Petition of Thomas Loftes, John Rogers and all others who
keep wherryes was read, praying that they may not be impressed
to serve on board any vessel, and that noe negroes might be
suffered to ply in wherries, read and dismist, being provided for
by an Act of this Island. |
Petition of Robt. Egerton, merchant, for a drawback on
13 pipes of Maderia wine turned sower, granted. [C.O. 31, 8.
pp. 52–54.] |
July 6. |
881. Journal of Assembly of Barbados. Adjourned till
this day sevennight, there being no quorum. [C.O. 31, 7.
pp. 81, 82.] |
July 6. |
882. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Jamaica. Message
sent up, that the House has agreed to the method of dating
Bills agreed upon at the Conference, July 3, and desiring to know
what is become of the Port Royall Bill and other the Bills sent up. |
Message sent down, in answer to above, that the Council having
had no answer to the last message in relation to the Port Royal
Bill and the Conferance thereupon desired on June 5, cannot
proceed therein without a conference, which they still desire on
the subject matter of that Bill, and also upon the Bill for dividing
the parish of St. Elizabeth. |
Bill to prevent incursions of the enemy on the sea-coast passed
with amendments and sent up. |
Bill to confirm the agreement of Olivia Reid etc. was read a
third time and passed. |
Bill for making good the will of Anthony Wood was read a
third time and passed. |
Message sent up: In answer to your Honour's message of
June 5, wee can't but insist on the justification of our former
proceedings not to admit of any Conferances where the publick
funds are to be called to an account and examined, and that
which further confirms our opinion is a paragraph in H.M. most
gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament, Oct. 21, 1702,
when H.M. applyes herself particularly to the House of Commons, |
"And that my subjects may the more chearfully bear the
necessary taxes, I desire you to inspect the accounts of all the
publick receipts and payments. And if there be any abuses or
mismanagements, I hope you will detect them, that the offenders
may be punisht and others be deterr'd by such examples from
the like practices." |
As to the Bill for dividing the parish of St. Elizabeth, we are
willing to confer with your Honours on the same." Conference
appointed accordingly. But, the St. Elizabeth's members being
both absent, deferred till their coming to town. [C.O. 140, 6.
pp. 499–501.] |
July 6. |
883. Journal of Assembly of Jamaica. See preceding
abstract. |
John Peeke complained that himself, Capt. Charles Long,
and other members of this House being yesterday at Kingston
and under a necessity to attend the service of this House, could
not get any wherrrymen to bring 'em, and were forced to take
a wherry and row themselves. Resolved that the owner of the
wherry, as he stands registered in the Naval Office, be sent for
in custody of the Messenger by the Speaker's warrant. |
Capt. Thomas Freeman attending in custody, offered some
excuse for his non-attendance, which was voted insufficient.
The Speaker informed him that for his not complying with the
former order of the House by paying his fees, he might remain
in custody till he does, and then his present matter to be
considered by the House. |
Hugh Totterdell, a Member of this House, complained that the
Governor sent for him this afternoon to the Queen's House, where
after intimating some matters relating to the Provost Marshall's
Patent and place, he was pleased to tell him that he, Totterdell, had
said some things of him in this House at the reading of the Queen's
Letter Saturday last, and that he was a common disturber of the
people, and that he, the Governor, would be nosed by no impudent
fellow, and that he would come up with him. Totterdell denied
that he said anything to the disadvantage of His Honour, and
desired to know who had informed him. The Governor replied
that it was spoken publicly enough, and that Totterdell might
remember the Gentleman that answered him. |
Message to H.E. ordered. [See Minutes of Council in Assembly,
July 8.] |
Ordered that Joseph Quelch be sent for in custody of the
Messenger for reflecting on the late Act for setling Kingston. |
July 7. |
The House met and adjourned. |
July 8. |
See Minutes of Council in Assembly under date. |
Bill for encouraging privateers read the third time. |
Thomas Bennett said that he sold his wherry [see July 6] to
Edwd. Taylor three months ago, who acknowledged the buying
thereof and neglect of having the mark altered. They were
reprimanded and discharged on payment of fees. |
The Messenger said that he could not execute the warrant
upon Mr. Quelch, because he had absconded. A letter from
Mr. Quelch to the Speaker was read and rejected, and the messenger
was ordered to execute his warrant. [C.O. 140, 7. pp. 55–61.] |
July 7. Whitehall. |
884. William Popple to William Penn. The Council of
Trade and Plantations, upon the perusal of your Petition that
H.M. would be pleased to approve Mr. John Evans as Deputy
Governor of Pennsylvania, and your letter to them upon the
same subject, have ordered me to acquaint you that the said
Evans being wholly unknown to them, they desire you to inform
them who he is, of what country, of what profession, whether
soldier, merchant, lawyer, etc., what substance, with whatever
else you think proper for their information, and more particularly,
what security will be given for him, as likewise where he is at
present, that they may make such further enquiries concerning
him, as they shall find convenient. [C.O. 5, 1290. p. 345.] |
July 7. St. Jago de la Vega. |
885. Governor Handasyd to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Acknowledges letters of March 23 and April 29.
As to the Act of Port Royal, if your Lordships are pleased to
look over the Minutes of the Council and Assembly, you'l find
what reasons has been given for and against it, and for my own
part I do not pretend to be such a statesman as to be able to
diswade both the Council and Assembly from what you find they
were so positively bent upon, but to give you my opinion, which
your Lordships have had in a former letter, is that Portroyall
was a spot of ground too precarious to be the seat of Trade, being
subject to so many accidents, first as from the Enemy as not
tenable if prest, 2ndly to fire, for the buildings being so very
close, the ground not permitting it otherwise, that the least
spark endangers the whole, wch. to our misfortune we have
had a wofull demonstration of, 3rdly as to Earthquakes, which
wee are too subject to, that one hearty shake would put 3 parts
of it, if not the whole, under water, a great part of it being by
industry gained from the sea by piles ramm'd down, and so
fill'd up with stones, gravel etc., but I thought none so proper
to give your Lordships these reasons as H.M. Ingeneer, whom
I not only ordered to view the ground and fortifications, but
also to give your Lordships a particular account of it, and to
show me first his letter before he sent it, which he actually did,
and I enclosed in my packet, and nothing can be so great a trouble
to me as to receive a check from my Superiors for neglect of
duty, when at the same time I labout, and to the utmost use all
my endeavours both for the good of H.M. service and the welfare
of the Island, and ever since I have been in the Government, I
have had nothing but confusion of business, which proceeds wholly
from the perverse tempers and disunion of the people, which
has and shall be my utmost endeavours to unite and heal, although
some of them, who have pretended to be my greatest friends in
adviseing me, etc., have I doubt not misrepresented me to your
Lordships basely and unge[ne]rously, for findeing they had not
interest enough at home to gett a power to Bashaw it over their
fellow subjects here, and that I am not the man to be led by
the nose by them as my predecessors have been, they use their
utmost endeavours to make me as uneasy as may be. However,
I having no other end but H.M. service and their welfare (if
they would see it), I hope will protect me against all such
ungenerous practices. I have also communicated to the Council
the copies of the merchants' opinions pro and con, and such a part
of it to the Assembly as related to them, as you will see by the
Minutes of the Council. As to what you are pleased to mention
in relation to severall Acts that you believe were passed at the
same time, I desire you will please to look into the Minutes of
both Council and Assembly, and you'l find there was none passed
but Kingstown Act, and as to severall other things of moment
transacted here that your Lordships say you have not had an
account of from me, I beg your Lordships' information of them,
for I do declare I am a stranger to them; if 'tis in relation to
to my own particular, I do assure your Lordships I am one that
never recd. a bribe here nor no where else, and have not recd.
one penny of salary or anything else since I have been in the
Government but 11l. 5s. 0d., altho' I have been 8 months Lt. Gov.,
by wch. your Lordships may conclude that this Government is not
the mighty matter represented, and that I have enemys somewhere who make it their business to misrepresent all my actions
to your Lordships. I have expended 800l. of my own money,
wch. if I had not brought over with me, I might have starved,
as several Gentlemen are like to do, that came along with me in
H.M. service here, through the ungrateful and penurious temper
of this people, as the petition from the officers of both Regiments
here to H.M., and the Act for quartering the soldiers now sent
over will demonstrate, in wch. we beg your Lordships' assistance.
I here enclosed give your Lordships a particular Answer to yours
of April 20, in relation to the Courts of Judicature, by wch. you'l
find that the complaints are groundless, for I am satisfied none of
H.M. Colonies is better provided with Civil Officers then Jamaica.
H.M. Fleet under the command of Vice-Admiral Graydon arrived
here on June 5, and sailed 25th ditto. I did all that was in my
power to persuade the Assembly now sitting to send them fresh
provisions for their sick and wounded men, but could not prevail,
however some Gentlemen of the Council with myself sent the
Admirall 12 head of cattell with fowles and other fresh provisions
to be distributed among them, but could get no more by reason
of the dryness of the season that was estable. Brigadier Colenbine
died June 3 in sight of this Island, and had the waves for his last
lodging. They have delivered me here 400 men, 120 whereof
were of the recruits designed first, the rest being knocked on the
head at Guadalupe or lost in the passage, and to compleat the
400, they made a draft of the five Regiments, but such poor,
sorry, sick scrubs I never see, most of them haveing neither shoe,
stockin, shirt or cravat, and about 200 pieces of iron that had
been firelocks, wch. can never be made so again; a great many
of these men having Irish names, and I'm afraid Papists, may
be of ill consequence in these parts in case of any attempt from
the enemy. The night before the Admiral sailed most of the
men of warr's boats and crews went ashoare at Portroyall
and Kingstown, and under pretence of searching for sailers
that had deserted, carried off several of the inhabitants of
the Point and Kingstown. A list of those at Point I here
send you, wch. has been attested upon oath before 2 Justices of
Peace. |
'Tis a great discouragement to the inhabitants, and may be the
occasion for ought I know of many leaving the Island, when
things of this nature are done so contrary to H.M. Instructions.
I sent a letter immediately after him to Blewfields where I knew
he was to water, in hopes to recover them, but I having had
no answer from him makes me believe he was sailed before it
reached so far. I here send you a list of the men of warr left
here for the defence of the Island, and the Instructions I have
given the Commadore as to his stations, wch. I hope will be to
your Lordships' satisfaction, but God knows 'tis a sorry force
in these parts if our enemys pay us a visit. I send your Lordships
also the Minutes of the Council. As to the Minutes of Assembly,
I cannot obtain them, they pretending they have not time, but
shall send them as soon as I receive them. [? Here i]s arrived
one Mr. Hoskins with H.M. letters Patent as Attorney General,
(and) I hope will prove a very good man, as also one Mr. Winter
as Clarke of the Chancery and Register of the Patents, who I'm
well assured is very well qualified, and likewise one Rowlandson
with a Deputation (which I have not as yet seen) for being Provost
Marshall. I also have received H.M. Privy Seal, April 20, for
the establishment of the salary of the Governor and Lt. Governor
of this Island, in which I assure myself your Lordships have
been instrumental in advancing my salary, and for which I give
your Lordships my hearty thanks, and only shall beg leave to
acquaint you that I am more capable of keeping a table suitable
to my post in England for 300l. per annum than here for 1,200l.
Signed, Tho. Handasyd. P.S.—The Island is at present sickly,
but not attended with mortality. Endorsed, Recd. Aug. 21,
Read Sept. 9, 1703. 4 pp. Enclosed, |
885. i. Abstract of preceding. 2½ pp. |
885. ii. Copy of letter sent to Admiral Graydon, referred to
in preceding. 1¼ pp. See below iii. |
885. iii. List of the Inhabitants impressed from Port Royal,
referred to above:—William Cornish, Saml. New (n)ham,
James Kelly, Nathaniel Harwood, James Pit (t)man,
Edward Wood, Isaac Wray, William Rowe, Thomas
Knowls, Samuel Mills, Jno. Bill, David Richards, James
White, Edward Hilson, Archibald Holmes, Richard
Wood. Endorsed, Recd. Aug. 31, 1703. 1 p. |
885. iv. Duplicate of preceding. |
885. v. List of ships left by Admiral Graydon to guard
Jamaica, with the stations assigned to them. 2 sixthrates, one fourth-rate, one fifth-rate. Endorsed, Recd.
Aug. 31, 1703. 1 p. |
885. vi. Duplicate of preceding. [C.O. 137, 5. Nos. 109,
109.i.–vi.; and (without enclosures) 138, 11. pp. 16–24.] |
July 7. |
886. Governor Handasyd to the Council of Trade and
Plantations. Since the sealing of my letters, the Assembly
have vouchsafed to send me the Minutes of their House, after a
great deal of bustle, which I here enclose. Signed. Tho. Handasyd.
Endorsed, Recd. Aug. 21, Read Sept. 9, 1703. Holograph.
½ p. Enclosed, |
886. i. Memorandum of Minutes of Assembly of Jamaica,
May 31—July 3, 1703. ¼ p. |
886. ii. Memorandum of Minutes of Council in Assembly of
Jamaica, June 3—July 3, 1703. ¼ p. |
886. iii. Memorandum of Minutes of Council of Jamaica,
June 5—July 2, 1703. ¼ p. |
886. iv. Memorandum of an Act for raising money for providing
an addition to the subsistence of H.M. officers and
soldiers and for other uses, past June 16, 1703. ¼ p.
[C.O. 137, 5. Nos. 110, 110.i.–iv.; and (without
enclosures) 138, 11. p. 25; and (abstract only) 137, 41.
pp. 12–14.] |
July 7. Jamaica. |
887. Governor Handasyd to William Popple. Acknowledges
letter of March 2. etc. The Assembly is now sitting, and has
been this three and twenty weeks, and to little purpose. etc. See
preceding. Signed, Tho. Handasyd. Endorsed, Recd. Aug. 21,
Read Sept. 9, 1703. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 5. No. 111; and 138, 11.
p. 15.] |
July 7. St. Jago de la Vega. |
888. Lt. Gov. Handasyd to the Earl of Nottingham. I had
the honour of your Lordship's of Oct. 20 and Jan. 18 by the
fleet commanded by Vice-Admiral Graydon. As to the first,
I acquainted the Admiral that I would take care to get them
credit or anything else that the Island could afford, to which
he answered that he should have no occasion. As to the second,
in relation to provide them fresh provisions for their sick and
wounded men, I proposed it to the Assembly, who is still sitting,
but found they would do nothing in the matter, so that I was
forced, with 3 or 4 Gentlemen of the Council, to buy up 12 of
the best beefs and some fowl and other fresh provisions, and
sent them on board the Flag to be disposed of as he thought
fitt, and we should very readily have been att the expense, if we
could have got more, but the seasons having been for some time
very dry, there was scarcely any fresh provision to be got that
was fit to eat. I have likewise received for the 2 regiments
400 men, 120 of these that were sent from England or Ireland as
recruits, the rest of the 400 being killed or destroyed at Guadalupe,
the number was made up with draughts out of the 5 Regiments,
but as indifferent men as I have seen, most of them Irish names,
and I am afraid a great many of them Papists; they were left
us in a miserable condition, many of them being very sickly,
and most of them without either shoe, stocking, shirts or cravats.
Admiral Graydon arrived at this Island, with the Fleet under
his command, June 5, and sailed again June 23; the night before
he sailed, several of his officers with their boats' crews came
ashore att Kingstown and Port Royall, under pretence of searching
for saylors deserted from the Fleet, and took of many of the
inhabitants to the great discontent of the inhabitants of the
Island in generall, wch. I fear will occasion many of them to leave
this place, it being positively against the Instructions of H.M. and
H.R.H. I enclose list of the names of the inhabitants taken off,
as also a copy of the letter I sent to Adml. Graydon, to a place
where I heard he staid to water his Fleet, in hopes to have had
the people sent back, but have had no answer to my letter, wch.
makes me beleive the Fleet is sailed from thence before my letter
reached them. I received H.M. letter of April 20, relating to
Governors' salaries, etc., wch. I have communicated to the Council
and Assembly. As to my own particular part, I can say I never
had the value of 6d. from any of the Island since my comeing
to the Government, and although H.M. is graciously pleased
to make an addition to the pay to keep up the character of the
post I am in, any one may keep a better table in England for
300l. per annum then here for 1,200l. However, I shall always
make it my study faithfully to endeavour to deserve H.M. favours
whilst a drop of blood in my veins, etc. As to the muster-rolls
for May and June, as soon as the detachments come in who are
now at sea on board H.M. ships cruiseing off this Island, H.M.
orders shall be duely observed. Signed, Tho. Handasyd.
Endorsed, R. Aug. 21, 1703. 1¾ pp. Enclosed, |
888. i. Weekly list of ships at Jamaica, and their condition.
June 28, 1703. 1 large p. |
888. ii. Names of the Inhabitants impressed from Port Royal
and carried away by H.M. ships under command of
Admiral Graydon. Duplicate of above 885. iii. |
888. iii. Lt. Gov. Handasyd to Admiral Graydon. June 29.
Upon the great outcry and consternation of the people
of this island, especially those useing the sea, and
complaint made to us that on Sunday morning last by
your Order severall, both seafareing men and landmen,
inhabitants of this Island, were imprest and carryed
on board H.M. ships under your command, we being
sensible what H.M. Instructions are in that case, were
much surprized, and appointed two of the Members of
this Board and other the Justices att Kingston to
inquire into the matter upon oath, who have returned
to us the inclosed list of persons imprest belonging to
this island, all wch. wee hope you will order to be
immediately discharged. You may alledge ('tis true)
that severall of them are seafaring men, but how
can an Island of soe great extent as this subsist, hold
correspondence with the severall parts; or the planters'
goods be carryed to markett without such men, and
besides they are the most necessary and usefull men
for the safety and defence of an Island. H.M. has been
graciously pleased to send us two Regiments of soldiers
to assist in our defence to her great charge and expence.
But if the inhabitants are liable to be imprest and
hurryed away by the shipps of war, a greate many others
for feare of the like treatment will leave us, so H.M.
care of and bounty and favour towards us will be
rendred ineffectual, and the great expence thereby
accrueing wholly lost, and this H.M. Island rendered
uncapable to make any effectual opposition to an
invadeing enemy (which wee may expect), for the best
men in the world may be overpowered by multitudes.
We therefore hope you will return the men named, as
also those imprest from Liguanea and Kingston, of whom
we heare there was a considerable number, but not
haveing any account thereof yet from the Justices,
wee cannot send you a particular account, but fearing
you may sayle before we can get it, wee in the interim
send you this. And it is certaine 'tis more for H.M.
service they should stay here, both for the service
themselves may doe, as also for the settling of the
minds of others, who otherwise will remove and leave
us, unlesse they find H.M. Instructions that none be
imprest from off this Island be better observed. Signed,
Tho. Handasyd. 1¼ pp.
[C.O. 137, 45. Nos. 49,
49. i.–iii.] |
July 7. Whitehall. |
Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen. Having
received several letters from Governor Nicholson signifying to
us that there is great want of an able Attorney General for your
Majesties service in Virginia, that it is requisite such Attorney
General be obliged to reside at Williamsburgh, the seat of that
Government; that the business of that office is of late years
much increased, that the antient salary is but 40l.
per annum,
and the perquisites few, which are not sufficient incouragements
for a person fitly qualified to supply that place; and your Majesties
said Governor desiring that some proper person may be sent
from hence, and that his salary payable out of your Majesties'
revenue there may be augmented to 100l. per annum out of the
said revenue; we have thereupon referr'd to your Majestie's
Attorney General here, the naming of a person fit for that employment. And having received his answer, together with a certificate
signed by the Lords Cheif Justices of your Majesties Courts of
Queens Bench and Common Pleas, and other emienent persons
of the Law, in favour of Stephens Thomson, Esq., we humbly
take leave to offer that in case your Majesty shall be graciously
pleased to appoint the said Thomson for that service, he may
be obliged to make his ordinary residence at Williamsbourgh,
where your Majesties service will cheifly require his presence,
and that the Governour of Virginia be accordingly authorised
to constitute him Attorney Generall in that Province, in like
manner as the late Earl of Bellomont was authorized to constitute
Mr. Broughton, the present Attorney General of New York.
And as to the salary for the said officer, we are humbly of opinion
that 40l. per annum cannot suffice, and humbly submitt the
augmentation thereof to your Majesties pleasure. Signed,
Dartmouth, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt, Mat. Prior. [C.O. 5,
1360. pp. 399, 400.] |
July 7. Whitehall. |
890. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Committee of
Council for hearing Appeals from the Plantations. In obedience
to your Lordships' order of May 27, relating to the authority
by which the Admiralty Courts in the Plantations are constituted,
and the methods of appealing from thence; we humbly report
that upon considering the several answers received from H.M.
Governours in these parts and otherwise we find that the said
Courts are constituted by virtue of Commissions from the Crown,
under the Seal of the High Court of Admiralty, for the tryal
of Marine Causes, and Causes relating to breaches of the Acts
of Trade, pursuant to the late Act for preventing frauds and
regulating abuses in the Plantations. We likewise find that all
Appeals without distinction, as well in Causes Marine as others,
did always lye before the King in Councill, as the most easy,
expeditious, and less expensive method for the inhabitants of
the Plantations concerned in Appeals. Signed, Dartmouth,
Robt. Cecill, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt, Matt. Prior.
[C.O. 324, 8. pp. 257, 258.] |
July 7. Whitehall. |
891. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen.
Enclosing draft of new Instructions for Lt. Governor Handasyd.
Signed, Dartmouth, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt, Mat. Prior.
[C.O. 138, 10. pp. 479, 480.] |
July 7. Whitehall. |
892. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen. Having
had under consideration the great inconveniences arising from
the different rates at which forreign coins do pass in your Majesties
Plantations in America, and particularly upon a complaint
that the advancing the rates in Pennsylvania much higher than
in other places has drawn away the money from Maryland,
and does tend greatly to the prejudice of that Province; and
finding accordingly that there is an Act in Pennsylvania appointing
the rate of money or coin within that Province, whereby peices of
eight and dollars of 15 dwt. are made currant at 7s. per peice,
and that for every penny weight under or over, there is to be
abated or advanced 4d. p. peice, so that a peice of eight of
17½ dwt. (which is the due weight) is made currant at 7s. 10d.,
tho' the same be not intrinsically worth more than 4s. 6d.; and
having also advised with your Majesties Attorney General, in
order to a further report for the remedying this mischeif in all
your Majesties Plantations, we humbly offer in the mean time,
that your Majesty be pleased to declare your disallowance of
the foresaid Act in Pennsylvania, and to direct that neither
the Assembly, the Proprietor nor Councill of that Province doe
repass the said Act nor make any other Act or Order for the
regulating of coin, untill your Majesty shall give further directions
therein. Signed, Dartmouth, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt,
Mat. Prior. [C.O. 5, 1290. pp. 346, 347.] |
July 8. [8th 5m July, 1703.] |
893. William Penn to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
The gentleman named in my petition to the Queen and letter
to you, is a person that has had a liberal education, been abroad
and knows the world very well, is sober, discreet and of a good
understanding. No merct., and so no temptation that way.
No souldier, but hath been in Flanders and observed the discipline
of the troops frequently, and penetrates more than I presume
our poor Colony wants. He will give unquestionable security
as Coll. Hamilton did, and has more than enough to secure them
that are his, and is not in debt, but lives like a gentleman upon
his estate here. He is a single man, neither voracious nor
extravagant, and is a known zealous member of the Church of
England, and I presume will be recommended by Gentlemen of
undoubted reputation. I am in hopes this may satisfy your
inquiry, and the Gent. that gives this for me, being his
acquaintance, Chas. Lawton, Esq., may be more perticular if
you think it necessary. Signed, Wm. Penn. Endorsed, Recd.
Read July 9, 1703. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 5, 1262. No. 37; and 5, 1290.
pp. 348, 349.] |
July 8. Hampton Court. |
894. Order of Queen in Council. Approving Representation
of June 16, and ordering the Earl of Nottingham to cause the
said Instructions for Governor Dudley to be prepared for H.M.
signature and transmitted to him and Mr. Usher accordingly.
Signed, John Povey. Endorsed, Recd. Read July 22, 1703. ¾ p.
[C.O. 5, 863. No. 42; and 5, 911. p. 96.] |
July 8. Hampton Court. |
895. Order of Queen in Council. Approving Representation
of July 7 upon Lieut.—Governor Handasyd's Instruction, and
ordering the Earl of Nottingham to prepare them for H.M.
signature. Signed, John Povey. Endorsed, Recd. Read July 22,
1703. ¾ p. [C.O. 137, 5. No. 112; and 138, 11. p. 1.] |
July 8. |
896. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. The Governor
acquainted the Board that Capt. Forrester, Commander of the
Barbadoes privateer, had importuned him very much for leave
to passe the Forts, but that without giveing security, pretending
that he is utterly a stranger here, and can get none. Ordered that
he give his own bond not to carry any person off, and thereupon
have a special permit; and it was desired by the Board that
(in regard of the Law that requires all ships to give security in
in the Secretary's Office and the intent thereof to prevent indebted
persons from being carried away, and that this Capt. Forrester
has, as some of the Board are informed, a design when past the
Forts to take in several men from some of the open bays in this
Island) the Governor would order one of the men of war to
accompany him beyond the Island, to prevent his taking any person
off. [C.O. 140, 6. pp. 151, 152.] |
July 8. |
897. Minutes of Council in Assembly of Jamaica. Message
sent up, desiring a Joint—Committee to be appointed to consider
the best method for passing a Body of Laws, persuant to H.M.
late Instructions, which was done. |
Message sent up to the Governor:—Hugh Totterdell, a Member
of our House, complains that your Honour hath laid several
things to his charge, and that he had so behaved himself on
reading the Queen's Letter, that your Honour was pleased to tell
him that he was a common disturber of the people, and that
your Honour would not be soe used by any impudent fellow;
all which heavy imputations wee are altogether ignorant of,
and our House extreamly concerned at, and humbly desire that
if Mr. Totterdell has expressed himself any way by words or
action reflecting on the Government, your Honour will be pleased
to disclose the same to the House, and the person who gave
the information, that the House may take such measures as may
fully satisfy your Honour and doe ourselves justice. |
The Governor sent a message in reply, that to the best of his
knowledge he never made any complaint against Mr. Totterdell
to your House; when he does he shall not doubt your justice.
As to his behaviour in relation to the Government, the most
part of it having happened before he was a Member of this House,
he will take an opportunity when time serves, to do H.M. and
himself justice. |
Bill for encouraging privateers and other seafaring men and to
prevent impressing sent up. |
Col. Beckford reported from the Conference upon the Body of
Laws. |
July 9. |
Bill for encouraging privateers and other seafaring men and
to prevent impressing read the first time. |
July 10. |
Message sent up from the House, giving their opinion that it
will be best to make a new body of Laws, and desiring a free
Conference on the same, which was granted. The Council was
unanimously of opinion that, being the Island has had about
20 years' experience of the body of Laws without finding any
considerable inconvenience in any of them for soe long time,
and for other reasons, such things as may want amendment
may be best done by a supplemental explanatory Law.
[C.O. 140, 6. pp. 501–504.] |
July 8. |
898. Minutes of Council in Assembly of the Massachusetts
Bay. Isaac Winslow, elected of the Council for the year ensuing,
took the oaths appointed. |
H.E. summoned the Representatives to attend and gave them
an accompt of his late interview with the Sachems and Eastern
Indians in a greater number than had heretofore been seen
together at that place; and the success of his Conference with
them, probable to continue a present peace and quiet, notwithstanding the unwearied endeavours of the Priests and Jesuits to
debauch and instigate them to a breach. And directed that the
present necessary business of the Court be brought forward with
all application, the occasions of the husbandry being urgent at
this season. |
The House sent up a message of thanks to H.E. for his care
and pains in his late Conference with the Sachems and Eastern
Indians, and prayed that the House might have the sight of the
Journal of the particulars thereof. |
Ordered, that all causes in civil actions tried in the Inferior
Court of Common Pleas within the County of Hampshire in
1701, 1702, hanging by appeal to the Superior Court of Judicature,
and not yet heard by reason of the said Superior Court's not
sitting in the same County, be revived and continued to be heard
and tryed at the next Superior Court of Judicature to sit within
the County. |
Ordered that the late Committee for directing the settlement
of the Plantation Quaboag, alias Brookfield, be continued. |
The above two Orders were sent down for the concurrence of
the Representatives. |
July 9. |
H.E. communicated to the Council several letters from Casco
Bay, Saco and Piscataqua brought this morning by Bomazeen
and another Eastern Indian, importing the intelligence expressed
by Moxis, one of the Sachems, of the arrival of a great French
ship at Mount Desart, and that he met several Frenchmen from
the said ship with some Cape Sable Indians coming Westward
with intent to commit hostilitys upon the English, and incited
the Eastern Indians to join them therein. They were sent down
to the Representatives. |
H.E. communicated his intention to set forth one of the best
sailing shallops of Marblehead under the command of the
Lieutenant of H.M.S. Gosport and 20 or 30 of her men, with the
consent of Capt. Thomas Smith, to discover and report what
they should see, and to have H.E.'s Instructions, and that
Bomazeen and the other Messinger be rewarded for their duty
with a good coat, shirt, neckcloth and hat each of them, and be
returned by the said shallop to their place. Andrew Belcher to
provide therefor. All which is approved. |
Address of sundry of the Ministers of the County of Essex
relating to several persons within the same County that lye
under sentence of condemnation for witchcraft, read and sent
down. |
Petition of Joseph Howard of Bridgewater relating to a
controversy betwixt the petitioners and the Town of Taunton
as to right of lands lying at or near Titticut, read and sent down. |
Committee of both Houses appointed to report on the works
at the Castle. |
The Commissioners of Excise complaining that Bristol pleads
a priviledge of exemption, ordered that the Sheriff of the County
do notify the Selectmen of Bristol to attend H.E. and Council
to shew forth their claim on July 20. |
July 10. |
Order of July 8, relating to appeals of New Hampshire, sent
up with the concurrence of the House. |
Bill for continuing several Acts was sent up with an amendment. |
The Rule agreed to by the Representatives for the apportioning
of a tax of 2,229l. 8s. upon the several towns and districts was
sent up for concurrence and read, and exception being taken to
that article including some familys to Framingham that at
present by order of the Board are laid to Sherborne, a message
thereupon was sent down. [C.O. 5, 789. pp. 835–839.] |
July 9. Clovally in the county Devon, near Lundy. |
899. Robt. Livingston to the Council of Trade and Plantations.
This is to accompany your Lordships' packet from my
Lord Cornbury, which we with much difficulty sav'd from being
taken by the French, who took the sloop I came in, the Thœtis,
in sight of the Island Lundy yesterday. We sailed from New York
June 2, and on July 8 made the Island of Lundye, but happened
to see a sail to winderd as soon as we spyed the land, who chas'd
and came up with us about 9 a clock in the morning, we being a
small vessel and but 11 hands gave the privateer severall gunns,
but he having 6 guns, 4 pattereros and 50 men soon mastered
us with his small shott, being one Capt. Francois la Marque
belonging to Rochecaux in France, and after he had taken us,
us'd us very barbarously, for we redeem'd ye sloop for 450l. sterl.,
and gave a pledge, and after that he had pass'd his word of
honour not to meddle with us, not only plundered the sloop and
took everything he could carry away, but searched our pockets
and took all from us, and turned us adrift, there being a sail in
sight, wch. proved to be the Rye fregat, who is gone after him.
I wish he may be so fortunate to take him, for he is a great plague
to these parts, and besides all I have lost, he has got severall
books and accounts in my chest that trouble me much. My
Lords, I have been a servant to ye Crown 28 years in that Province,
and have launch'd out all the small fortune I have, and ran
myself deeply in debt for victualling H.M. forces and other
Publick services, and was now constrain'd to leave my family
and concerns to come for England to gett those debts due to me
from the Crown, and have unfortunatly met wth. this dissaster,
but I hope your Lordships will, after you are throuly inform'd
of my circumstances, be my Intercessors to H.M. for releeffe.
We lye here for a winde to goe to Bristol, from whence I make
haste to wait upon yr. Lordps. to give an account of the affairs
of our Province, we have had no disturbance from ye French of
Canada yet, they having had a great mortality amongst them,
both Christians and Indians, our Indians of ye 5 Nations proove
true hitherto, but are much tampered withall by ye French,
wch. causes many to waver. Signed, Robt. Livingston.
Endorsed, Recd. 19, Read July 20, 1703. Holograph. 1 p.
[C.O. 5, 1048. No. 62.] |
July 9. Whitehall. |
900. Journal of Council of Trade and Plantations. Letter
from Mr. Penn read; and Mr. Charlewood Lawton and some other
Gentlemen giving a good character of Mr. Evans, a report was
signed and sent to the Earl of Nottingham. [C.O. 391, 16.
pp. 177, 178; and 391, 97. p. 497.] |
July 9. |
901. Journal of Assembly of Jamaica. Resolved that
the Governor's message relating to Mr. Totterdell was not a
satisfactory answer. The following Address was sent up to the
Governor:—"Wee the Assembly of this H.M. Island do humbly
crave leave to lay before your Honour the many hardshipps and
inconveniencies wee lie under in having one of our Members
charged with crimes of so high a nature as Mr. Totterdell has
been. Wee therefore doe humbly desire your Honour will detect
the person who gave the information of his misbehaviour [July 8],
that if such person be guilty of misrepresenting anything which
may cause misunderstanding between your Honour and this
House, he may suffer according to his demerritt, which if your
Honour please to grant, it will give us new life to proceed on
the publick affaires with all chearfulness and alacrity. Whereas
at present wee are deterred from freedom of debate lest it should
be construed to sinnister ends and misrepresented to your Honour
by ill disposed persons, so that wee cannot proceed according
to our duty and good intentions." |
Upon delivery of this Address, the Governor went into his
chamber and brought out several papers, one of which he said the
Committee, who presented it, should read, but he would not part with
it, the which was signed by Mr. Nicholls and Capt. Bickerstaffe,
intimating that they were present when the Governor sent
for Mr. Totterdell about his concealing the Deputation for the
Provost Marshall's place, at which the Governor was very angry,
and told the said Totterdell that he should not be protected
by the mob as he was in Sir. Wm. Beeston's time, and some other
thing's relating to what he had formerly done, but that there
was nothing about reading the Queen's Letter, relating to words
spoke in the Assembly, and were not sure whether the words
"Impudent fellow" were spoke by the Govourner or no. He
also produced and read another paper signed by Samll. Lovell
relating to some proceedings and pleading in the Grand Court
contrary to his duty and H.M. intrest. He likewise acquainted
the Committee of the hardships Mr. Hickman laboured under
in accepting the Provost Marshall's place, which was so soone
taken from him, which Mr. Totterdell knew very well of, and did
not declare it either to the Governor or Hickman, which was in
effect taking away the poor Gentleman's bread; that he had a
great respect for the major part of the Gentlemen of the Assembly
and desired that they might go forwards with the country's
business, and not loose time about such frivilous matters. |
And see Minutes of Council in Assembly under date. |
[July 10.] |
John Peake and Robert Meakins were granted leave of absence.
And see Minutes of Council in Assembly under date. [C.O. 140, 7.
pp. 61–64.] |
July 9. Council Chamber, Boston. |
902. Minutes of Council of the Massachusetts Bay. An
accompt of the expenses of H.E.'s journey to Casco Bay in June
last, amounting to 71l. 3s. 2d., examined, and that amount paid
to Capt. Benjamin Alford. |
9l. 11s. 8d. paid to John Honywell for 1,150lb. of fresh beef at
the time of H.E. late Conference with the Indians at Casco Bay. |
July 10. |
4l. 10s., in addition to 30s. lately advanced to him, paid to
John Graves, one of the garrison at H.M. Fort at Casco Bay,
for riding post three times to Boston and twice to Piscataqua. |
26l. paid to Samuel Hunt, Chaplain to H.M. Garrison at Casco
Bay, for 26 weeks service there. [C.O. 5, 789. p. 516.] |
July 9. Whitehall. |
903. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of
Nottingham. Enclosing following Report to be laid before H.M.
Signed, Robt. Cecill, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt. Annexed, |
903. i. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Queen. July 9,
Whitehall. Having upon enquiry received a good
character of John Evans (July 7, 9), we have no objection
against your Majesties approbation of him accordingly,
security being first given for his observing the Acts of
Trade, and otherwise, as in the like cases; and that
Mr. Penn do renew the Declaration made by him relating
to your Majesties right to the Three Lower Counties.
Signed, Robt. Cecill, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt.
[C.O. 5, 1233. Nos. 49, 49.i.; and 5, 1290. pp. 349, 350.] |